#Benjamin Chudnofsky
ingloriousmuses · 1 year
Christoph Waltz character tag dump!
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mumamanada5 · 1 year
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allmyandroids · 6 years
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➣ Benjamin Bloodnofsky
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2011) Part III
This year I think has the most characters ranked so far, and all from movies introducing brand new characters. X-Men franchise gets a reboot with X-Men: First Class; The MCU welcomes the additions of Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger; DC Comics introduces Green Lantern, and we also get The Adventures of Tintin, Cowboys & Aliens, The Green Hornet, and Priest. Here’s #40-21!
40. Erik Selvig (Thor)
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"Anyone who's ever going to find his way in this world, has to start by admitting he doesn't know."
Erik is a wise man of science who helps Jane work on her projects. Despite not believing Thor's story one bit when the god arrives to Earth, he still helps Jane rescue him and even leaves some words of advice to Thor that helps him understand what it means to be a king. He's a good guy so it sucks to see that by the post-credits scene, when he's talking to Nick Fury, he's been possessed by Loki himself.
39. Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine (The Adventures of Tintin)
"Nothing I do is an accident!"
A villain on a quest for revenge in his great ancestor's name. Sakharine had every move and action planned out to find the lost treasure of the unicorn but didn't quite predict Tintin's involvement. Despite all his efforts, he's unable to complete his mission and loses to Haddock just like his ancestor did.
38. Benjamin Chudnofsky (The Green Hornet)
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"My gun has two barrels. That's not boring."
The big bad villain of the film, Chudnofsky is just a crime boss who is going through a mid-life crisis. Turns out that being scary means a lot more than just killing everyone who crosses you. He learned the younger generations want something a little more flashy. He tries but it's kinda like when a father tries to hang out with his teenage son at a party. It just doesn't work. However, he's still a violent being who takes out a lot of people but in all honesty, he can't be that impressive when he couldn't even kill Britt on his own. Sure, Britt had Kato, who managed to deliver the killing blow to the crime lord, but if he was as bad as wanted to be, he would've had no issues.
37. Lenore Case (The Green Hornet)
"If you even look at my ass again I'll sue you for sexual harassment."
Geez how did this girl even want to work as Britt's assistant after finding out what a complete douche he was? His attempts at flirty were so pervy you just couldn't help but feel bad for Case. Kato didn't really help either and if I were in her shoes I'd let the cops take them both down. But for some reason she helps them and decides to continue to help them keep the city safe by the end of the film.
36. Azazel (X-Men: First Class)
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"Damn it."
In my opinion, Azazel is Shaw's most dangerous assassin in the Hellfire Club. Not only can he teleport but he's also a master at wielding a long blade. The combination of the two really shows when he kills most of the government agents protecting the X-Men by himself. His combat skills are so impressive that he's able to take on Beast and Havok at the same time. He apparently can't take a punch though, as it only takes one from Beast to knock him out. When everything's said and done, Azazel joins Magneto's Brotherhood.
35. Thaal Sinestro (Green Lantern)
"Are you afraid?"
With his mentor dead, Sinestro seems to be the strongest member of the Corps alive, but he's faced with a lot. Even with his skill he can't seem to defeat Parralax, who keeps destroying planets with his powers of fear. Worse, he strongly feels like Hal isn't fit to be a Lantern so in an act of desperation turns to the Guardians to find another source of power to defeat his foe. The source is fear, the opposite force of willpower, the very essence of what it means to be a Green Lantern. Despite Hal proving willpower can overcome fear, at the end of the film, Sinestro still puts on the yellow ring, becoming the first member of the Yellow Lanter Corps.
34. Black Hat (Priest)
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"After all, if you're not committing sin then you're not having fun."
Black Hat used to be a priest who was taken down during an attack on a vampire hive that went wrong. Instead of killing him, the vampire queen feeds him her blood instead and turns him into the first vampire-human hybrid, containing the skills of a priest and power of a vampire. This makes him dangerous as he leads an overwhelming army of vampire to kidnap Lucy, Priest's daughter, and destroy towns full of humans. He also proved his power by killing three priests on his own as well as nearly taking out Priest towards the films climax. However, Priest had help in the form of Hicks and Priestess and was able to see Black Hat burn up in flames at the last second.
33. Laufey (Thor)
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"Go now, while I still allow it."
Man was this guy a huge let down. I truly thought Laufey was going to be the big bad villain of the movie, but turns out he was just another pawn in Loki's ultimate plan to rule Asgard. King of the Frost Giants, he's definitely not to be messed with, but he puts his faith in his son and when he goes to kill Odin in his sleep, Loki betrays him and blasts him to dust.
32. Hector Hammond (Green Lantern)
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"How wonderful that all it took for you to grow up was the end of the world."
I almost did want to feel bad for all the crap Hector seemed to be getting from his dad his entire life, but all of that went out the window when the first thing he does when he sees Carol is sniff her hair. The dude is weird, jealous, and entitled so of course he ends up getting possessed by Parralax and granted these psychic powers that comes with a disturbing physical appearance. He gets his revenge on his students, his dad, even Hal for a bit before the other male manages to trick him into wearing the ring. The ring doesn't recognize him and backfires on him and when Parralax shows up and sees him wearing the weapon of his sworn enemy? Yeah Hector died real quick after that.
31. Thomson and Thompson (The Adventures of Tintin)
"To be precise, you are under arrest!"
These two are pure comedy. Not only for how they exchanged words with each other, but because they were absolutely horrible at doing their jobs yet, oddly enough, seemed to be at the right place at the right time to help Tintin save the day. I mean the two were literally at the house of the kleptomaniac they were after and were arguing AGAIST him on how he wasn't their suspect. If that isn't what you call a pure comedic mess I don't know what is.
30. Britt Reid/The Green Hornet (The Green Hornet)
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"Everyone knows, you corner a hornet, you get stung."
I hated Britt. He's almost exactly like Bruce Wayne when it comes to being rich, having dead parents, and then deciding to become a superhero, but his arrogance, rudeness, and in-capabilities with mental and physical prowess proved this dude could never be on Batman's level. There was just so many times that he would screw everything up that you just wanted him to fail because it was frustrating to see someone as annoying as him save the day.
29. Parralax (Green Lantern)
"Once I have devoured your world I will have all the strength I need to defeat the Corps and destroy the Guardians."
A former Guardian, Parralax wanted to use the power of fear instead of willpower, making him an easy enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. After his first defeat, he returns stronger than ever, devouring planets through their inhabitant's fear. He nearly destroys Earth as well until Hal manages to fight him off, tricking him into being pulled in into the sun and burns away. His legacy in fear lives on though, once Sinestro slips on the yellow ring that is fused with his powers.
28. Woodrow Dolarhyde (Cowboys & Aliens)
"Get off my plains!"
At first Dolarhyde seemed like a huge asshole that let his son terrorize a town just because he was rich and that he was actually going to be an obstacle Jake would have to face during his war with the aliens, but the latter never happened. Dolarhyde was quick to band together with the others, only really showing disobedience when it came to working with the Native Americans which, granted, was only because they had just taken him prisoner. He proves to be a good shot during the final fight and even saves Jake's life at the last moment inside the ship. I would have preferred Percy dying instead of Colorado and then Dolarhyde officially adopting Colorado to be his son but instead he gives Percy exactly what he wants again but at least Percy kinda stopped being a dick.
27. Alex Summers/Havok (X-Men: First Class)
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Havok seemed to be the member shrouded in the most mystery when he first joined the group. He was very hesitant about being around everyone and they quickly knew why, his energy blasts are out of control. After the death of his good friend Darwin, he decides to focus on his destructive blasts but still can't manage to do it. Even though he mocks Hank to no end, the brilliant scientist helps create a device that helps him control the blasts. He holds his own when the X-Men go up against the Hellfire Club and he officially stays with Xavier after Magneto kills Shaw.
26. Carol Ferris (Green Lantern)
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"You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones?"
Carol Ferris is a strong fighter pilot, a smart businesswoman, and Hal Jordan's ex-girlfriend. While it's clear she still cares about him, she just can't take him seriously. She's even smart enough to realize the Green Lanter is Hal, but I mean she makes a good point on him not really having a big disguise. Her bravery matches her brain power too, when she saves Hal from death by blasting some missiles at Parralax and giving him the opportunity he needs to save the day.
25. Johann Schmidt/Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"Hail, HYDRA."
This guy takes having a God complex to a whole other level. He wants the world at his feet and in order to do so he needs power. So he creates HYDRA and joins Hitler and the German Nazis to find it. He becomes the infamours Red Skull when he tries to take the super soldier serum and his body rejects it. Even though he's really intimidating at times, he never really accomplishes anything. When his plan fails and Captain America defeats him, he grabs the tesseract and it seems to kill him with it's sheer power alone.
24. Ella Swenson (Cowboys & Aliens)
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"I won't be around for very long."
Yeah Ella's true identity as another alien being was definitely a plot twist I didn't see coming but after learning who she really is you really got to admire her selflessness. She literally lost her entire race of aliens like her yet still went out of her way to warn and later help the humans before they were wiped out as well. She manages to help rescue all the kidnapped humans from the alien's captivity but her real shining moment comes when she sacrifices herself to detonate a huge bomb that destroys the entire alien ship, killing every single one of them. We did see her come back to life earlier so who knows if she actually stays dead this time.
23. Moira MacTaggert (X-Men: First Class)
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"You're your own team now. You're X-Men."
Moira is a great CSI agent. As soon as she discovers that the Hellfire Club is full of mutants, she goes and finds herself an expert on one. She holds no prejudice like most humans in her era which is probably why Charles starts developing feelings for her. Despite being the only human on the team, she does her best to fight Shaw and even Magneto when he proves to be a huge threat, firing several bullets at him, one of which ends up paralyzing Charles from the waist down. Afterwards, for the safety of him and his students, her memory is wiped clean for when she's interrogated by the CSI.
22. Sif, Vostagg, Hogun, Fandral (Thor)
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"We must find Thor."
Sif and the Warriors Three are some of Asgard's greatest warriors and Thor's best friends. They're loyalty is shown all throughout the film when they travel with Thor to confront the Frost Giants and when they disobey Loki and travel to Earth to bring Thor back to Asgard after his banishment. They each have their own unique qualities and abilities that brings something good to the table, but it's only when they all work together that they really become a strong force of Asgardian warriors.
21. James 'Bucky' Barnes (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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"This isn't a back alley, Steve. It's war!"
Steve's best friend who's looked out for him his entire life before he joins the army. He reunites with Steve after he becomes Captain America and rescues him from a HYDRA facility. Bucky really becomes that sense of home for Steve, but I couldn't help but feel a little hint of jealousy in him? I mean I think he was so used to being the better man and then all of a sudden Steve is the face of the US army. Don't get me wrong, I think he cared about Steve one hundred percent but I think it was a hurt ego that made him try to rush that giant machine with Steve's shield before he gets blasted away and falls to his apparent death.
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littlemisswaltz · 2 years
an introduction to my ocs :
the Christoph Waltz movies/TV edition .
Feel free to ask me anything you’d like about them!
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— Vivian Kennedy, Inglourious Basterds. Known as the Lady Basterd, she is like a sister to the Basterds—- but don’t let her pretty face fool you. With sixty-seven scalps under her belt and a knife sharpened and poised for the sixty-eighth, she works to bring an end to the war, and glory to her brothers-in-arms.
— Tessa Nashton, The Green Hornet. Tessa is a socialite who finds herself entangled in the crime of her beloved city, and, finding herself in a serious bind that threatens her reputation, turns to none other than Benjamin Chudnofsky to eliminate the problem and clear her name.
— Tahlia Leigh, Water for Elephants. The Benzini Bros. Songbird is a singer with a heart of gold, and eyes only for August Rosenbluth, the recently divorced ringmaster who’s working to rebuild his circus and his life from disaster. She is a talented performer and a gentle soul, and, perhaps, the key to saving the circus from failure. (Bonus: I have a roleplay account for her! @benzinis-songbird)
— Delilah Raine, Django Unchained/Dead for a Dollar. The wife of an abusive, high-class man, Delilah lives a life of deception: by day she plays the role of a happy wife, and by night she cries herself to sleep while her husband drinks and curses. It is not until a bounty hunter rides into town that she begins to see hope —- and perhaps, a chance at true love.
— Stella, Epic. Stella was once a trusted servant of Queen Tara, before her death. In her grief, Stella swore to get revenge on those who killed the beloved queen. Her attempt at revenge was thwarted, and she was captured by Boggans, given to their warlord Mandrake as a gift. He had just lost a son, and yearned for an heir to his kingdom—- when he saw Stella brought before him, a recognizable member of the Queen’s handmaidens, a plan quickly formed.
— Matilda “Tilda” Leth, Spectre/No Time to Die. Tilda is the personal assistant-turned-lover of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, head of Spectre. As the keeper of many of his secrets, she finds herself tangled deeply in Spectre’s web. . . and soon finds herself carrying a secret of her own.
— Eleanora Sandvoort, Tulip Fever. Eleanora is the third wife and last great love of Cornelis Sandvoort. A dedicated and loving woman, she wants nothing more than to fill his quiet home with their children. Cornelis desires a legacy, and she’s prepared to give it to him.
— Lorraine Blight, Downsizing. Lorraine downsized with nothing left to lose. She worked a dead-end job; she didn’t have friends, and didn’t have a partner. Downsizing was a chance to start over, to perhaps move forward in life, and moving into a complex with lots of interesting people — including a certain Serbian playboy — gave her hope for everything she had yearned for.
— Ophelia Rom, Alita: Battle Angel. An ex-Zalemite who left to escape an abusive relationship, Ophelia is kept alive by technology on the back and base of her skull. She is very reclusive and withdrawn, but when she finds herself in need of repairs, turns to the well-loved Dr. Dyson Ido for help.
— Evelyn Warner, Most Dangerous Game. Little is known about Evelyn —- if that’s even her real name; nobody knows for sure. She’s a part of the Tiro Fund, and works alongside Miles and his crew to put on successful hunts all around the world. Her talent for theatrics makes her a valuable asset to the sport.
— Evangeline Rush, The Consultant. Evangeline’s job as a personal assistant is a difficult one, but with such an enigmatic and charming new boss as Regus Patoff, she finds coming to work gets a little more interesting each day. She begins to learn more about the man behind the name, and finds herself enamored with him.
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chudnofski · 5 years
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ljones41 · 6 years
Favorite D.C. COMICS Moments in Movies and Television
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Below is a list of my favorite scenes from various movies and television shows featuring D.C. Comics characters:
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1.  "Justice League" (2017) - Barry Allen aka the Flash tries . . . and fails to save his Justice League colleagues from the paranoia and wrath of an amnesiac and resurrected Clark Kent aka Superman.
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2.  "Batman v. Superman:  Dawn of Justice" (2016) - D.C. Comics original trinity - Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman - gather together for the first time in a live action production, when they team up to take down Doomsday, the monster created by Lex Luthor.
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3.  "Legends of Tomorrow" (2.07) "Invasion!" (2016) - The Arrowverse heroes gather for a final confrontation against a group of alien invaders known as the Dominators in this crossover event.
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4.  "Suicide Squad" (2016) - Chato Santana aka El Diablo confesses the true details about the death of his family to his Suicide Squad colleagues in a bar in this poignant scene.
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5.  "Legends of Tomorrow" (2.14) "Moonshot" - Legends member Dr. Martin Stein aka Firestorm I, distracts the Mission Control members at NASA circa 1970 with his rendition of "The Banana Boat Song", while the other half of Firestorm, Jefferson Jackson, work to prevent them from detecting Dr. Ray Palmer aka the Atom from moving the Apollo 13 capsule.
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6.  "Superman Returns" (2006) - In a spectacular action sequence, Superman saves both a space shuttle in route to a launching pad and the jet plane conveying it, following a nationwide power outage.
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7.  "Wonder Woman" (2017) - A determined Princess Diana of Themyscira aka Wonder Woman leads the charge against a battlefield dubbed as "No Man's Land" in an effort to reach a Belgium town and General Erich Ludendorff, whom she believes is Ares, the God of War.
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8.  "Batman v. Superman:  Dawn of Justice" (2016) - Bruce Wayne aka the Batman battles against thugs hired by Lex Luthor in order to save Superman's mother, Martha Kent, from them.
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9.  "Man of Steel" (2013) - In this controversial scene, Superman is forced to save a family of humans by killing the last remaining Kryptonian, General Zod.
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10.  "Superman:  The Movie" (1978) - Superman makes his first appearance in Metropolis, when he saves Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane after her fall from a damaged helicopter, atop the Planet building. 
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11.  "Arrow" (5.17) "Kapiushon" (2017) - After being tortured for a while by the villainous Promethus, a distraught Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow finally admits his penchant for killing.
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12.  "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" (1.12) "All Shook Up" (1994) - While a deadly meteor streaks toward Earth, Jonathan and Martha Kent tries to convince their adoptive son, an amnesiac Clark Kent, that he is Superman.
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13.  "Batman v. Superman:  Dawn of Justice" (2016) - Various journalists, commentators and scientists debate in a montage scene about Superman's true nature and goal on Earth. 
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14.  "The Flash" (3.23) "Finish Line" (2017) - Before a defeated and vindictive Savitar can kill the Flash, the latter's fiancee, Iris West, shoots him dead.
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15.  "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" (2.18) "Tempus Fugitive" (1995) - The vindictive and sarcastic evil time traveler, Tempus, reveals Superman's true identity to an astonished Lois Lane.
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16.  "Batman v. Superman:  Dawn of Justice" (2016) - Clark and Lois enjoy a sexy respite in a bathtub, following a serious discussion over his rescue of her in North Africa. 
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17.  "Batman" (1989) - Bruce Wayne aka Batman crashes through the glass roof of  Gotham City's Museum of Art in order to save photojournalist Vicky Vale from criminal Jack Napier aka the Joker.
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18.  "Legends of Tomorrow" (2.17) "Aruba" (2017) - Before he can kill Legends leader Sara Lance aka White Canary, the villainous speedster Eobard Thawne aka Reverse-Flash is killed by Black Flash, the Speed Force enforcer and former villain Hunter Zolomon aka Zoom. 
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19.  "Green Hornet" (2011) - Newspaper publisher Bret Reid aka the Green Hornet and his partner Kato are chased along a Los Angeles highway by minions of gangster Benjamin Chudnofsky in order to prevent them from publishing an article exposing a corrupt district attorney in Chudnofsky's pay. 
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20.  "Gotham" (1.01) "Pilot" (2014) - Rookie police detective James "Jim" Gordon of the corrupt Gotham City Police Department is forced to fake the death of minion Oswald Copperpot aka the Penguin, after being ordered to kill the latter by gangster Carmine Falcone.
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Honorable Mention:  "Batman Begins" (2005) - Batman refuses to save the life of his former mentor Henri Ducard aka Ra's al Ghul from a runaway monorail, after foiling the latter's plans to destroy Gotham City.
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movievillaindeaths · 7 years
Benjamin Chudnofsky - The Green Hornet (2011)
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Chudnofsky is stabbed in the eyes with broken chair legs by Kato at the end of a struggle, and as he yells in pain, Britt Reid shoots Chudnofsky in the chest with his own double-barrelled gun.
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ingloriousmuses · 1 year
An introduction to the muses:
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— Vivian Kennedy, Inglourious Basterds. Known as the Lady Basterd, she is like a sister to the Basterds—- but don’t let her pretty face fool you. With sixty-seven scalps under her belt and a knife sharpened and poised for the sixty-eighth, she works to bring an end to the war, and glory to her brothers-in-arms.
— Tessa Nashton, The Green Hornet. Tessa is a socialite who finds herself entangled in the crime of her beloved city, and, finding herself in a serious bind that threatens her reputation, turns to none other than Benjamin Chudnofsky to eliminate the problem and clear her name.
— Tahlia Leigh, Water for Elephants. The Benzini Bros. Songbird is a singer with a heart of gold, and eyes only for August Rosenbluth, the recently divorced ringmaster who’s working to rebuild his circus and his life from disaster. She is a talented performer and a gentle soul, and, perhaps, the key to saving the circus from failure. (Bonus: I have an individual roleplay account for her! @benzinis-songbird . But I also write her here.)
— Delilah Raine, Django Unchained/Dead for a Dollar. The wife of an abusive, high-class man, Delilah lives a life of deception: by day she plays the role of a happy wife, and by night she cries herself to sleep while her husband drinks and curses. It is not until a bounty hunter rides into town that she begins to see hope —- and perhaps, a chance at true love.
— Stella, Epic. Stella was once a trusted servant of Queen Tara, before her death. In her grief, Stella swore to get revenge on those who killed the beloved queen. Her attempt at revenge was thwarted, and she was captured by Boggans, given to their warlord Mandrake as a gift. He had just lost a son, and yearned for an heir to his kingdom—- when he saw Stella brought before him, a recognizable member of the Queen’s handmaidens, a plan quickly formed.
— Matilda “Tilda” Leth, Spectre/No Time to Die. Tilda is the personal assistant-turned-lover of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, head of Spectre. As the keeper of many of his secrets, she finds herself tangled deeply in Spectre’s web. . . and soon finds herself carrying a secret of her own.
— Eleanora Sandvoort, Tulip Fever. Eleanora is the third wife and last great love of Cornelis Sandvoort. A dedicated and loving woman, she wants nothing more than to fill his quiet home with their children. Cornelis desires a legacy, and she’s prepared to give it to him.
— Lorraine Blight, Downsizing. Lorraine downsized with nothing left to lose. She worked a dead-end job; she didn’t have friends, and didn’t have a partner. Downsizing was a chance to start over, to perhaps move forward in life, and moving into a complex with lots of interesting people — including a certain Serbian playboy — gave her hope for everything she had yearned for.
— Ophelia Rom, Alita: Battle Angel. An ex-Zalemite who left to escape an abusive relationship, Ophelia is kept alive by technology on the back and base of her skull. She is very reclusive and withdrawn, but when she finds herself in need of repairs, turns to the well-loved Dr. Dyson Ido for help.
— Evelyn Warner, Most Dangerous Game. Little is known about Evelyn —- if that’s even her real name; nobody knows for sure. She’s a part of the Tiro Fund, and works alongside Miles and his crew to put on successful hunts all around the world. Her talent for theatrics makes her a valuable asset to the sport.
— Evangeline Rush, The Consultant. Evangeline’s job as a personal assistant is a difficult one, but with such an enigmatic and charming new boss as Regus Patoff, she finds coming to work gets a little more interesting each day. She begins to learn more about the man behind the name, and finds herself enamored with him.
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/latest-students-say-school-shooting-was-accident/78811/
The Latest: Students say school shooting was accident
LOS ANGELES /February 1, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —The Latest on a Los Angeles school shooting (all times local):
6 p.m.
A classmate of a 12-year-old girl considered a person of interest in a shooting at a Los Angeles school says it was an accident.
Twelve-year-old Jordan Valenzuela tells The Associated Press that he talked to the girl just after the shooting.
He says she was sobbing and kept repeating, “I didn’t mean it.” He says she told him that the gun was in her backpack and that it accidentally went off when she dropped the bag.
The shooting left one teenager critically wounded and three other children injured.
Benjamin Urbina, another classmate of the 12-year-old girl, also says the girl didn’t mean to shoot anyone, saying she thought it was a toy gun.
Los Angeles police spokesman Josh Rubenstein says “no particular theory has been ruled out.”
5:15 p.m.
Students at a Los Angeles middle school have been reunited with their parents after a shooting that left a teen critically wounded and three other children injured.
Dozens of parents anxiously waited for hours to be reunited with their kids after the Thursday morning shooting.
Staff members walked students out one at a time. Some parents cried as they hugged their children.
Los Angeles school police officials said shortly before 4 p.m. that all of the students had been released from the school.
Authorities say a 15-year-old boy was shot in the head and was expected to recover. A 15-year-old girl was shot in the wrist, two other students were grazed by bullets and a 30-year-old woman was also injured.
A 12-year-old girl was being questioned by police after the shooting.
1:48 p.m.
Doctors say the most seriously injured victim of a Los Angeles middle school shooting has a good medical prognosis.
The teenage boy was brought to Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center in critical condition and is in intensive care.
Doctors told reporters Thursday conference that the boy was struck in the temple but no vital structures were hit.
Dr. Carl Richard Chudnofsky says the youth is doing well.
A teenage girl who was struck in the wrist is described as resting comfortably.
Doctors also say that two other children whose injuries were initially described as abrasions actually suffered grazing gunshot wounds but were treated and released.
11:30 a.m.
The chief of the Los Angeles school police department says preliminary information indicates that the female suspect in the Los Angeles middle school shooting is 12 years old.
Television news footage showed officers leading a girl with dark hair away in handcuffs following the shooting Thursday in a classroom at Castro Middle School. Two students were shot and wounded.
The school has about 365 students in grades 6 through 8 and most are Hispanic and many from low-income families.
The Los Angeles Times says at an event last month where good attendance certificates were presented, Principal Erick Mitchell said the campus is becoming a destination for families who want a smaller school setting. He said Castro emphasizes long-term goals such as college and career, and that has improved student behavior.
11:10 a.m.
The mother of a student at the Los Angeles middle school where two teens were shot says her son heard a gunshot and called her crying.
Claudia Anzueto says her 12-year-old son knows the suspect in the shooting Thursday morning near the city’s downtown. Police say they arrested a female student.
A 15-year-old boy shot in the head is in critical but stable condition. A 15-year-old girl was struck in the wrist. Three other people suffered minor injuries.
Anzueto says there are no metal detectors at the school and she’s concerned for her son’s safety.
School officials say students at middle and high schools are subject to daily random searches for weapons using metal-detector wands. Officials have not said whether students at the school were subject to any weapons screening Thursday.
11 a.m.
Students at middle and high schools in Los Angeles middle are subject to daily random searches for weapons using metal-detector wands.
The Los Angeles Unified School District has a policy that requires every middle and high school campus to conduct daily random searches at different hours of the school day for students in the sixth grade and up.
An audit released in April found 10 percent of schools did not conduct daily searches and one-fourth did not have enough metal detector wands.
A 15-year-old boy shot in the head Thursday morning at the city’s Salvador B. Castro Middle School is in critical but stable condition.
A 15-year-old girl was struck in the wrist by a bullet. Three other people suffered minor cuts and scrapes.
Officials have not said whether students at the school were subject to any weapons screening Thursday.
10:10 a.m.
Authorities say there is no further threat at a Los Angeles school where two teens were shot and a female student was arrested.
Fire department spokesman Erik Scott says a 15-year-old boy shot in the head Thursday morning is in critical but stable condition.
Scott says a 15-year-old girl was struck in the wrist by a bullet and is in fair condition.
Three other people, ranging in age from 11 to 30, suffered minor cuts and scrapes.
Police arrested a female student suspect and recovered a gun following the shooting just west of the city’s downtown.
9:45 a.m.
The Los Angeles Fire Department says a 15-year-old boy shot in a middle school classroom has been transported to a trauma center in critical condition.
A department statement says a 15-year-old girl with a gunshot wound has been transported in fair condition Thursday morning.
A 30-year-old woman who had unspecified minor injuries but was not shot.
Police have arrested a female student suspect and recovered a gun.
The shooting was reported around 9 a.m. at Sal Castro Middle School near downtown.
9:30 a.m.
Police say a male student and a female student are victims of a shooting in a classroom at a Los Angeles middle school.
Sgt. Edward Bernal of the Los Angeles Unified School District Police Department tells KTLA-TV he doesn’t know the conditions of the victims.
Bernal says the suspect is a female student who has been arrested. A weapon has been recovered.
The shooting was reported around 9 a.m. Thursday at Sal Castro Middle School just west of downtown Los Angeles.
9:25 a.m.
Police say a suspect has been arrested after a shooting at a Los Angeles middle school.
Officer Drake Madison says reports of gunfire came in shortly before 9 a.m. Thursday at a school just west of downtown Los Angeles.
Madison says there’s no information about injuries.
Television news footage shows someone being loaded into an ambulance.
by Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (Z.S)
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“I’m not supposed to be here. If they catch me I’m in trouble!” - Chuf-NOF-SKYYYY
Ben is getting into trouble all over the place it seems. x3 I hope you enjoy, Nonny!
She was fairly used to Ben’s shenanigans, but when hecrashed a Halloween party, she kind of had to draw the line. It was a masqueradebecause of course it was. You always needed an excuse to throw a sexy maskedparty, and Halloween was the perfect time to do so. She had been enjoyingherself (and the free booze) until she recognized someone in the crowd.Frowning and wondering why he was here (she recalled he had business to attendto) she headed through the crowd and after him. She took him by the arm andgreeted him with the traditional masquerade question.
             “Do Iknow you?” She asked through a smile that could have been mistaken for a snarl.He looked over his shoulder and then back to her.
             “I’m notsupposed to be here, if they catch me I’ll be in trouble.” He said under hisbreath. “Does this place have any corridors where people aren’t making out orfucking?” She doubted it because free booze made people do some nasty shit inpublic, but she did wind up taking him into the back where the alcohol waskept.
             “What theshit are you doing here?” She hissed at him. “I thought you were busy!” He rana hand through his hair.
             “I was,”he replied. “And then we were compromised.” She raised her eyebrows.
             “Yeah,apparently one of my friends isn’t as loyal as I previously thought. Gonna haveto take care of that.” He added darkly. He looked back at her, interest in hiseyes. “Is now a good time to tell you that you look great in that dress?” Shewould not be swayed by that, no sir.
             “Ben, goddamn it, now is not the time! You just said you were compromised!” He shrugged.
             “Sure,but I can hide out here until things die down a little, yeah? I picked this upat a Halloween place before I got here.” He tapped the mask on his face,seemingly proud of himself. She sighed.
             “I guess,but I need to get going. People are going to wonder where I went, and leavingwith some random guy I picked out of the crowd is going to look great.” Beforeshe could leave, he grasped her hand.
             “Wait asecond,” he said as he pulled her back into him. She looked up at him to arguethat she really needed to get going, but before she could, his mouth descendedon hers. She could have smacked him for this, but honestly Ben could get it. Hewas a goddamn idiot sometimes, but he was her goddamn idiot. He pushed her upagainst the wall of bottles, kissing her fiercely until their lungs begged formercy (and air). “You know, you could just stay here with me.” He said as hepulled back. “I could keep you occupied.”
             “You’rean asshole, Ben.” She said fondly.
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pocket-phantom-blog · 11 years
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Lets just appreciate how good Christoph looked when playing Chudnofsky 
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ljones41 · 7 years
“THE GREEN HORNET” (2011) Review
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”THE GREEN HORNET” (2011) Review
My memories of the costumed hero, the Green Hornet, are pretty sketchy. I can only recall actor Van Williams portraying the character in the short-lived television series from the mid-1960s, with future martial arts icon, Bruce Lee, portraying his manservant and partner-in-crime fighting, Kato. But if I must be honest, I never saw any of the episodes from the series. My memories of Williams and Lee as the Green Hornet and Kato were limited to their guest appearances on the ABC series, ”BATMAN”.
When I had first heard about plans to release a movie about the Green Hornet featuring comic actor, Seth Rogen in the title role, I met the news with less than enthusiasm. One, I have never been a fan of the Green Hornet character. Two, I have never been a fan of Rogen’s. And three, the fact that this new version of ”THE GREEN HORNET” was filmed as a comedy-adventure put it completely out of my mind, after I received the news. It was not until the movie was released in theaters and I found myself with nothing else to do for a weekend, when I went ahead and saw the movie.
In a nutshell, ”THE GREEN HORNET” is an origins tale about Britt Reid, the playboy heir to a Los Angeles newspaper owner. Following the death of his autocratic father, Britt befriends the latter’s mechanic and assistant – a technical genius and martial arts fighter named Kato. The pair manages to save a couple from being robbed and assaulted one night, while vandalizing a statue of the late James Reid. Inspired by their act of good deed and some close calls with the criminals and the police, Britt and Kato decide to make something of their lives by becoming a masked crime fighting team called the Green Hornet and his unnamed partner. Due to their close call with the police, Britt and Kato pretend to be criminals in order to in order to infiltrate real criminals, and also to prevent enemies from using innocents against them. Their first target turns out to be a Russian mobster named Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz), who is uniting the criminal families of Los Angeles under his command, and whom James Reed was trying to expose. To get Chudnofsky’s attention, Britt uses his newspaper, the Daily Sentinel as a vehicle to publish articles about the “high-profile criminal” the Green Hornet. Britt hires an assistant and researcher named Lenore Case, who has a degree in criminology, and uses her unwitting advice to raise the Green Hornet’s profile.
What was my opinion of ”THE GREEN HORNET”? Honestly? I enjoyed it very much. I found it funny, entertaining, and exciting. First and foremost, the movie possessed plenty of laughs, thanks to Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s script. I usually do not find Rogen all that funny. But I must admit that his attempts at being the big crime fighter, while Kato saved his ass time-and-again, left me in stitches. Realizing that Britt lacked any self-defense skills, Kato created a gun filled with stun gas for the former to use against their enemies. And I found Rogen’s portrayal of Britt’s egotistical reaction to the gun rather hilarious. Not only did ”THE GREEN HORNET” provide plenty of laughs, but it also had some first-rate action sequences. My favorites include the Green Hornet and Kato’s encounter with a group of street thugs that led them to a meth lad controlled by Chudnofsky, their attempt to extract themselves from a trap set by the gangster at a construction site and the fight between Britt and Kato at the Reid mansion over the many issues developed between the two. But the major sequence that started at the Japanese restaurant and ended at the Daily Sentinel really impressed me and I have to give kudos to Michel Gondry for his direction.
I suppose that Seth Rogen could have portrayed Britt Reid/the Green Hornet in a straight manner, but I do not know if I would have bought it.  Following his appearances in more dramatic movies like “STEVE JOBS”, perhaps I could.  But I suspect that a more conventional leading man would have been hired for the role, if the movie had been a straight action drama.  But if I must be honest, I was too impressed by Rogen to really care. Many critics complained that Rogen portrayed Reid/the Green Hornet as a man-child. And he did . . . at first. But the script and Rogen’s performance allowed (or forced) Reid to face the consequences of his massive ego and his decision to become a crime fighter and grow up in a very painful way. I have never heard of Jay Chou, who is a well-known musician and actor from Taiwan. But I must admit that I was very impressed by his performance as Kato, Britt’s talented and exasperated partner in crime fighting. His acting style seemed to strongly remind me of Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen’s – very subtle and very quiet. Yet, Chou also displayed a wry sense of humor that I found entertaining. And I was surprised to discover that he managed to convey not only Kato’s resentment and fear that the latter might be regulated to becoming the Green Hornet’s “sidekick”, but also his own egotistical nature. More importantly, his subtle acting style contrasted perfectly with Rogen’s more bombastic style and the two formed a first-rate screen team.
I remember being appalled by the news that Christoph Waltz was cast as the main villain in ”THE GREEN HORNET”, especially on the heels of his success in 2009’s ”INGLORIOUS BASTERDS”. The idea of an acclaimed actor in a costumed hero action movie with comic overtones seemed so beneath him. But after seeing the movie, I am soooo glad that he was cast as the Russian gangster, Benjamin Chudnofsky. He was both hilarious and scary at the same time. Most villains featured in comedy action films tend to be either bland or simply ruthless and scary. Thankfully, Waltz’s Chudnofsky was not bland. But he was scary, ruthless . . . and funny as a middle-aged gangster, suffering from a mid-life crisis. Now, how often does one come across a villain like that in action movies? I had assumed Cameron Diaz’s role as Britt’s assistant, Lenore Case, would be a rehash of the Pepper Potts character from the ”IRON MAN” franchise. Thankfully, Rogen and Goldberg wrote the Lenore role as an intelligent woman, whose brains provided plenty of information for the Green Hornet and Kato; and as a no-nonsense woman who refused to replay the Tony Stark/Pepper Potts scenario or be in the middle of a love triangle between Britt and Kato, despite their attraction to her. And Diaz perfectly captured all aspects of the Lenore character with her usual charm and skill. I was also impressed by David Harbour’s performance as the charming, yet morally questionable District Attorney, Frank Scanlon. Edward James Olmos was on board to provide solidity as Britt’s personal moral guide and editor of the the Daily Sentinel.
There were a few flies in the ointment in ”THE GREEN HORNET”. One came from Tom Wilkinson’s portrayal of Britt’s father, James Reid. I realize that he was portraying a negative authority figure – the cold and demanding father. But his performance came off as bombastic and somewhat flat. I also found the pacing in the movie’s first fifteen minutes rather uneven. Britt’s relationship with his father and the latter’s death seemed to move along at a pace that I found a bit too fast. But at the same time, Chudnofsky’s meeting with a local gangster portrayed by James Franco was conveyed with more depth and at a slower pace. Fortunately, Gondry seemed to have found his pacing after this uneven beginning and movie rolled along with a balanced mixture of action, angst, and laughs.
For Green Hornet purists like actor Van Williams that were upset over Rogen’s comedic interpretation of the crime fighter, there is nothing I can say. I do not particularly agree with them that the movie should have been a straight action-drama. ”THE GREEN HORNET” could have been another ”BATMAN BEGINS” or even ”DAREDEVIL”. Perhaps I would have liked it. But I did like Rogen’s interpretation very much. Hell, I more than liked it. I enjoyed it so much that I saw it in the theaters for a second time. This is probably the first movie that I have ever enjoyed Rogen as an actor. My enjoyment increased tenfold, thanks to his screen chemistry with musician/actor Jay Chou. And this is the first time I have ever enjoyed the story of the Green Hornet.
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keros101 · 11 years
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Which one are you? 
Now that Quentin has canonized Dr. Drama King Schultz I feel like he and August would come up with the most grandoise and ridiculous plans for things if they ever meet.
Of course Benjamin would join in because he needs to be exposed to new ideas, and Alan and Hans the most rational people on the face of the Earth would wonder how the hell these people look like them.
And of course Ede would be incredibly impressed with whatever comes out of anyone's mouth. 
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allthingstarantino · 11 years
Why can't Chudnofsky be real? I wanna hump him so badly. 
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allmyandroids · 8 years
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