#I would like to avoid that bc its expensive and the weather is bad and the wait will be very long bc this isnt really an emergency
hajihiko · 1 year
yo i saw your instagram story, you good?? if not i hope the hospital trip goes well?
Emergency line lady said I'm probably okay for the night 🤙 I might go to the hospital tomorrow we'll see
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artsychaosbean · 1 year
I'm so tired of this (Rant)
My mom is sensitive to EVERYTHING unless shes the one doing it. > I Open the windows for air BAD bc its too cold > Mom opens the windows on the same day GOOD even though its colder than before when I tried to > Mom puts on perfume in the bedroom GOOD (2 - 3 squirts of a strong perfume) > I Put on perfume in the bedroom BAD (1 squirt of a medium perfume) > I put perfume on in the bathroom with the bath fan on or window open so the smell doesnt linger STILL BAD because mom will then decide to walk right into the room to put on makeup despite my warning about the perfume. Then rages out about it. > Mom or my siblings puts nailpolish on in the house, upstairs in the living area and uses nail polish remover GOOD > I put on nail polish and use natural oils to remove nail polish downstairs with the door closed to upstairs and the door to outside open to prevent smells from lingering in the house BAD its still too strong i have to go do my nails in the pouring rain or snow instead. > Mom brings flowers into the house into a tightly closed room with poor ventilation, flowers im allergic to, every year despite knowing it effects my asthma GOOD > I bring flowers into the house after double checking she has no allergy to them and keep them in an open room that is well ventilated BAD What the heck does she want from me?! Everytime I do something SHE does its wrong Everytime I do something SHE tells me to do its not enough and I have to go to extreme lengths like do my nails in the snow in winter or put perfume on out in the snow or she goes into a screaming match with me. But she has no breathing problems or headaches when SHE does it, When my brothers do it, when GUESTS do it. (Yes we've had guests put perfume on right in our house) But when I do it and ventilate the house well, suddenly she can't breathe yet can breathe enough to stomp around the house slam doors and scream.
I'm tired of the heat being cranked up in the fall and spring as though its winter and in the summer the AC being turned off and windows opened wide when its 28C out. I get heat stroke at anything above 21C and have lung problems with it my lungs have to work harder because I can't breathe. I always have since I was a toddler. My body runs hotter im supposed to be careful. But im made to suffer the heat every single year my whole life and when I open the window suddenly its "Im freezing im going to get hypothermia" at 20 - 21C When I was a kid she would go out in -15C weather just fine and enjoy walks in cooler weather. I don't know what has happened to her. I've gone to a seperate room before on cooler days (16 -18C) and opened a window, closed the door just so I could cool down and enjoy the air because the other rooms would have heaters on in them and be 26C - 28C and I would be struggling in them. Heres another kicker: > I have asthma attack > Mom gets mad and says "WELL WE ALL HAVE ASTHMA" - despite the fact theirs doesn't need an inhaler according to the doctor it is a "very minor case". I have always needed one but mom never would get me one when I was covered by medical for minors and its too expensive to get as an adult now. I could never ever afford it. Even if I could she still would stop me or throw it out because "I don't want you reliant on medicine because then your lungs wont work on their own. DO YOU WANT TO BE ON A BREATHING MACHINE" To note im in constant pain in my lungs every single day of my life, my whole life. Im in my 20s now. I have found natural ways to manage it so its not as bad such a caffeine and try to avoid as much as I can that irritates it. But im living my life on a thin rope. > I have depression and bring it up > Mom says "We all have depression, You're not special. WHAT ABOUT YOUR SIBLINGS?" >I bring up my anxiety > Mom says "Well what about my anxiety? I have it too! or your siblings. Just learn to live with it, just force yourself through it. You don't Try hard enough. > I bring up my ptsd and ask her not to do something that triggers it from numerous cases of s*xual and physical abuse / assault and 2 cases of almost being r*ped. > Mom says "WELL WE ALL HAVE PTSD get over it"
Shes my ONLY parent. She treats my siblings so much different than me and I will never understand why. Is it because im the youngest? or is it because im the one with physical and neurological disabilities? > Mom also says "I never need to worry about you. Look at your poor siblings they need me more. I gave you enough attention as a child" > The "Attention" mom gave me being fighting a court case to protect me from my abusive almost r*pist father. Thats it, my siblings got all the hugs and care, favourite foods made for them, presents and birthday parties as kids.
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seunqs · 3 years
[ a long get to know me tag ]
tagged by: losers @woosohn @yeonjuins
what day is your birthday?
27th june! it’ll be on a monday next year
what’s your favourite colour?
blue! a rather specific shade of light sky blue but i also like dark blue! might be misleading because everyone would think beige/black since that’s the aesthetic i like + almost everything i own is black...
what’s your lucky number?
i don’t have one i think but i tend to say 7 if i’m asked?
do you have any pets?
sadly no >:( will get one in the future idc idc
how tall are you?
158cm tiny i wna be abit taller
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
off my head i think 3 pairs...? just 2 black and 1 white that i rotate depending on the outfit i’m wearing
favorite song?
asdjekw i don’t think i have one specific one but recently i’ve been listening to maniac by nct doyoung & haechan!
other honourable mentions: a book of love by ha hyunsang, wide eyed blind by saint raymond, irreplaceable by nct dream, lmly by jackson wang. that’s all i have off my head
favorite movie?
surprisingly i’m not big on movies... but i’ll always answer parent trap when someone asks! why do i sound like i always have prepared answers in my head for various questions... okay that’s bc i do.
what would be your ideal partner?
@june look away i already know you’re gna say this sounds a lot like someone..
shy... is the main characteristics lmao idky it’s not even like i’m outgoing but i tend to find myself liking shy-er boys over the outgoing ones! aaa those with very obvious leadership qualities and quietly cares and looks out for those around them :’) tsundere! i think shy may appear cold sometimes but i’m rly :’) when the shy ones become very affectionate in private or when you get to know them better :’) or shy with strangers but very goofy and silly with their closer social circle heh those that are more cat-like than dog-like, only approaches you when they’re comfy. okay also shy but willing to speak up when necessary! doesn’t let themselves get bullied for being quiet and also pls speak up for me i hate ordering food pls do it for me HAHAHHA also if they’re passionate about something they like/are good at! good listeners too heh doesn’t need to always have the best advice, just if they would sit with me silently and listen to me and give me a hug afterwards :’’’’’) i think i’m on the touchier side too so if they don’t dislike that it’ll be nice! OH someone who’s good at cooking too bc i hate cooking and the kitchen in general.. i’ll do the dishes though HAHAHAH ok that is all there is a certain idol in my head that is the embodiment of my ideal type and i hate him >:(
do you want children?
no... not so much bc i don’t find them cute or i can’t handle them but i think it’s a commitment that scares me! bringing up the child well with the right character and values ajksdbwkje i don’t know if i’m up to that HAHAHAH
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
nope @woosohn @yeonjuins pls be proud of my direct no why are the two of you......... 
bath or shower?
shower! i don’t know if i’ve actually taken a bath before... probably when i was younger HAHAH i think i’ll get bored in the bath and i much rather be relaxing in bed than in the tub
what color socks are you wearing?
barefoot at the moment! the socks i own are mostly solid colour socks / simple cartoon or animal patterns but all ankle socks that can’t be seen with my shoes
favorite type of music?
i listen to pop, r&b and indie! that’s about all and favourite depends on the mood!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
just 1! and a bolster too
what position do you sleep in?
either on my back with hand over my head lmao or turned to either sides while hugging my bolster and face buried into the bolster
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping?
when it’s too hot! canNOT sleep if the weather is too hot. also if i get woken up rudely, by screaming or someone smacking me awake LMAO just tell me nicely to get up and i’ll be out of bed in 10mins pls give me awhile my brain is turning on HAHAHA
what do you have for breakfast?
recently i haven’t woken up early enough for bfast or my family is just about to go out to buy lunch by the time i’m up hahaha but on the days that i’m alive for bfast, iced coffee and any pastry sitting in the fridge! my family is big on pastries like croissants and cakes like banana and carrot cakes! so one of those but the iced coffee is a constant in my first meal of the day
have you ever tried archery?
nope and idt i’ll be good at it tbh....
favorite fruit?
strawberries, apples, peaches! there are some seasonal favs where i rly like them for a period of time and then suddenly not anymore but these 3 are the constants
favorite swear word?
hahahaha i dont think i have a favourite one..... but i say tf a lot and mf for kpop boys who make me more flustered than they should
do you have any scars?
i don’t think so! i have a few stretch marks around my waist and tummy tho 
are you a good liar?
yes... HAHAH i used to get scolded so much for lying as a kid lmfao
what’s your personality type?
isfj-t has probably only dipped to isfp-t once but if not constant isfj!
what’s your favorite type of girl?
HAHAHAH uh.... okay with all kinds i think? except people in general who try too hard
innie or outie?
innie. was this question necessary tho AHHAHAHA
left or right-handed?
favorite food?
ramen! but i like lots of food lmfao tiramisu, pork belly, lots of noodles, also lots of rice, beef, cakes, ice cream, i think i’m more salty > sweet!
favorite foreign food?
japanese ramen, korean cuisine!, lasagne
are you clean or messy?
most used phrase?
i think alot of keyboard smashes, lmao, wtf, HAHAHAHHAHA, sigh, i’m tired LOL
how long does it take for you to get ready?
depends! fastest i think i can get out of the house 20mins after i’ve woken up. longest probably an hour where outfit is taking a while and accessories needs to be chosen
do you talk to yourself?
in my head yes.
do you sing to yourself?
not often but i sing out loud for the family to hear LOL in my head very often a song is playing up there
are you a good singer?
nop. i don’t think i’m a BAD singer but wouldn’t classify as good either HAHHAHA
biggest fear?
wow so many things but i think biggest is complete darkness, i need to see and know what is going on around me. i sleep with a night light on heh 
are you a gossip?
with closer friends yes def HAHAH my school culture tends to have lots of tea that my friends and i don’t like to get too involved in but we do talk about the gossips that goes around hahaha have also been in the center of gossip way too often
do you like long or short hair?
long! can’t imagine myself with short hair.. used to have reallllyyy long hair that goes beyond my waist and cried when i cut it to slightly below shoulder length. that’s the shortest i’ll ever go
favourite school subject?
wow nothing i don’t like school lmfao but humanities and language are way more bearable than math and sciences
extrovert or introvert?
what makes you nervous?
unpredictable situations, being alone in public (contradictory because in private i would strongly prefer to be alone but i don’t enjoy being alone in public i feel judged HAHAHA), also currently waiting on a reply for something and that’s been keeping me anxious the past 2 days :’)
who was your first real crush?
when i was 13/14, tablemate in school that was kinda shy and had very limited social circle but talked to me endlessly in class lmfao he apparently liked me too but we never dated and went to different schools at 16 y/o. we’re still kinda in touch though! we talked quite a fair bit last month just catching up but he’s more of an acquaintance now
how many piercings do you have?
2! just one normal lobe piercing on either ears, don’t think i’ll get anymore
how fast can you run?
back in school i used to be one of the fastest girls in my class LMFAO i could clock 12.5 minutes for a 2.4km run. stamina came from dancing since i had to run laps before dance class 2 times a week. but that is long in the past and now i get tired from climbing more than 4 flights of stairs pls spare me
what color is your hair?
naturally black but dyed brown! my hair has grown quite abit since i dyed it though now its black at the top and brown from above my ears onwards
what color are your eyes?
a very dark brown lmfao almost black
what makes you angry?
irresponsible people. just pushing responsibility to others or avoiding their responsibilities. don’t need you to do a good job with your responsibilities, just don’t make your issues my issues. and if its a shared responsibility like group projects, then do your part to contribute and don’t expect others to cover you
selfish people, in many ways. just being self-centred, not caring about how others feel, doing things for personal gain at the expense of others
speaking in a passive-aggressive/sarcastic manner. i say this even though i’m afraid of confrontation but i much rather someone outright tells me they’re unhappy about something or wants to get a point across. i hate when they talk about it sarcastically or tries to sugar-coat their words to make themselves look less aggressive about their words. tell me straight as it is, if you’re already gonna talk about something bad don’t piss me off with your attitude at the same time
do you like your own name?
rae is nice! has a very nice ring to it and looks pretty!
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
i don’t.. want one.. but both have their good and bad i can’t decide.. i want a puppy
what are your strengths?
is this an interview question i have had a few interviews over the past weeks i am well-prepared for this HAHAHA
i think i’m pretty resilient! i bounce back from bad times pretty quickly or i psycho myself to see the situation positively. but it is ofc coupled with a lot of complaining to the people around me first
although i hate unpredictable situations and having to quickly adapt to new settings, i think i adapt pretty quickly too. flexible? easy-going? idk what’s the right way to call it but yeah something along those lines. good at it but i still enjoy my stability and calm don’t want to have to quickly adapt to new situations.
what are your weaknesses?
very emotional HAHAH used to be much worse but i often let my emotions rule my head. i think i’ve improved A LOT though i used to be so bad but i think i’m now able to make rational decisions even if im bawling LMFAO
this sounds like a compliment but i’ve been told this too often as well. i tend to be way too nice to people who don’t deserve it. even if the person doesn’t deserve it or they’ve pushed all my buttons in the wrong way possible, i would still try to be as nice and polite as i can. really helps with me working in the f&b industry lmfao.
what’s the colour of your bedspread?
dark blue / grey! 
colour(s) of your room?
white & wood (throughout my house actually + green from the plants in the living room) @yeonjuins says i live in a muji showroom
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Undercover Mission Headcanon (Tim Drake)
Requested: Yes Request: Can I please request a head canon about a summer vacation undercover mission w/ Tim?
A/N: I had so much trouble with this bc I started it in 6 different ways and this was so vague that I had to cry. This is the first outcome that I actually liked and that wasn’t completely NSFW (I have a dirty mind, shush)
Special thanks to @sassyshoulderangel319 for inspiring me!
Warning: There is one sentence in brackets that’s NSFW but other than that it's pretty okay. Tagged: @icequeen206
[You wanna be tagged in my next piece? Just shoot me a message or ask!]
Someone should’ve warned Tim that spending two weeks on the beach on a mission with his crush would be the bane of his existence
It was of utmost importance for the mission for you to get your information discretely. Your target wasn’t allowed to know they were being observed. Once you had it, the JL would take care of the rest
Bruce send Tim, and Diana requested of you to go bc it seemed the least suspicious
Tim got a sunburn just thinking about the sun. Like Gotham is foggy and dark and his porcelain skin is safe there (from the sun. thugs and villains excepted) but not on the freaking beach in summer
Usually, Tim is very concentrated during missions. He’s a very work-driven person and he takes failure very hard and personal
He became a stuttering mess when you held his hand and how could he concentrate on anything else but your hand in his and his palms are starting to sweat and is he holding your hand too loosely? Too tight? Does he come off too strong? Is he pushing this? What are you thinking?? Do you know?? Does he even know?
“Tim, we’re supposed to act like a couple or else our cover is blown”
“Yeah, sure.”
Mind reader halfway through the globe can hear his internal screaming
Besides the fact that you have a crush on this nerd too, seeing him blush and pretend like he isn’t dying inside is honest to god fascinating, to say the least
Look at him. Mr. I-have-an-IQ-of-142 struggling to form a thought.
Its so adoringly cute that you consider breaking character just to leave and get some air
Even though you’re literally outside already
But you were dense too. You just thought he was awkward around girls in general and not bc he liked YOU
Physical contact came easily to you as Diana was your mentor and a hand on your shoulder, parental-like teasing and hugs were normal for both of you. You were naturally a very touchy person and Diana only encouraged this.
Tim was too touch-starved to survive this
He was doomed from the beginning
Months ago, you once touched his shoulder. It was skin on skin contact and he was thinking about it for three weeks, over-analyzing every single micro-second of it. How the hell was he supposed to leave this country alive with the amount of touching you two had to do?
Especially since its freakishly hot (weather wise) and you two were wearing limited clothing anyways.
Don’t get me wrong, he absolutely loves it but feels really bad for enjoying it so much bc you’re playing a role, right?
Of course he pretends like everything is cool and his soul hasn’t left already. But he can’t hide the blushing and the sweaty hands. OR the fumbling.
So he started to concentrate harder on the case just so he can at least keep his sanity and he doesn’t make you uncomfortable with his stupid thoughts.
Tim, bless his heart, tried to keep this from getting awkward. Especially for you.
The target you’re following around liked to eat at expensive restaurants at the beach while doing their business and/or waiting for whoever they were always waiting for, which meant one thing – DELICIOUS FOOD!
Tim was honestly so fascinated of how excited you got over trying new food that he made a mental note of taking you out to a restaurant he really liked once this was over
He avoided looking into your eyes for the rest of the day once he realized what he was thinking.
Also, did someone say BIKINI and ICED TEA ON THE BEACH?!
You would be laying on a towel, pretending to enjoy the sun while tanning as you listened to the target on the phone next to you, arguing with someone.
Tim would hide in the shadows, sitting and pretending to read a book while secretly trying to decipher the codewords the target is using. These numbers were obviously coordinated, right?
(The real reason why Tim wanted to be the one in the shadows was bc the moment he saw you in your bikini he popped a boner then and there, and he needed some time to gather himself)
Overnight you two would have to alternate between one person being awake while the other got some sleep just so you wouldn’t miss it if the target woke up during the night
Tim wouldn’t get much sleep during this anyways. Not only bc of the high stress and pressure that was on you two to get results but also bc he couldn’t stop thinking about you and your presence.
Did someone say whipped?
Also: Lots of talking while observing.
It can be a very boring job to sit around, pretend to be something you’re not while waiting for the target to speak so you two started to talk about the most random topics.
You even started to play some little games like looking at people talk and lip-synching ridiculous conversations. Tim once lost it so hard when the man's lips perfectly synched with your words that he was close to crying with laughter.
I also have this mental image of you two being so engrossed in talking one time during a stakeout that you two got over-excited and talked a little too loud and the target got a little suspicious as to what two teenagers were doing at the beach after sunset?
You didn’t even turn around. You noticed in the way Tim tensed up that you two have been spotted.
You flung yourself at Tim, kissing him, only to hide the device in his hand between your bodies.
It took him 48 seconds to understand what was happening before he played along.
48 awful seconds where your lips were against his and he just… didn’t move
You thought he had a stroke
He did too
When he finally deepened the kiss you mentally sighed in relief
You two forgot about the target until you heard their voice through your comms. The mic you had placed on the target registered them talking to someone in a whole other location. They had left and you hadn’t even noticed.
You were too busy making out
Finally, after 8 whole days, you finally had the information you needed
The target dropped it under their breath while Tim pretended to be a barkeeper, mixing their cocktail.
You immediately passed the information to Bruce, who then told you that you two should immediately return. Diana complimented you two via the comms like a proud mother-hen while Bruce just ended the call.
You and Tim looked at each other once the call ended.
It was obvious that you two wanted to go home but you just wanted to scream out that you didn’t want to go back to the awkward distancing thing you two were doing before that.
Surprisingly it was Tim who broke the silence
“Now that this is done… Would you mind if I take you to a real date? I mean- Not that this wasn’t real- I mean it was part of the mission and you know. If you don’t want to, that’s totally okay it’s just that I like you and I should’ve probably waited to ask you that once we’re back in Gotham because it’s easier to say no then and the journey back is going to be super awkward now and I didn’t mean to put you on the spot but-“
“I would love to go on a date with you.” You interrupted him with a smile before he would short-circuit.
Anyone who claims this nerd isn’t also one of the bravest people on this earth deserved to be slapped
When you two returned, absentmindedly holding hands while talking about something, Diana smiled at Bruce like she had just won the lottery.
Bruce has been seen passing Dick ten bucks in the background.
Like Bruce, how could you lose that one?
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harristops · 3 years
I plan on visiting Canada next year but obviously can’t see everything should I stick mostly to the west or east? I’ve heard British Columbia is the best province but it would be nice to visit the capitol of your country. Any recommendations? Also why is your country so big Tf...takes forever to get anywhere it seems.
AHAHA Girl it takes 6+ hours to fly from one end to the other end of our country it's wild af but also hella expensive. Vancouver -> Toronto is like $900 for a round trip so I definitely agree, narrow down what you want to see by what you are most interested in seeing.
It's truly a beautiful coutnry, but the highlights of each province:
Nature, nature, nature. The mountains are to die for, there's the Pacific Ocean right next door, fresh fish, beautiful lakes and forests. I would come around Late April to May because the summers can get annoyingly hot (not as bad as the east coast in terms of humidity, but the dry heat has gotten worse).
If you're into fish/sushi, Vancouver/Granville is the best place to get it. Richmond has some nifty little places too for good food.
Downside is that it is SUPER expensive so if you're pinching pennies, you can still get some great stuff done but if you want the full west-coast experience, you might need to save up a bit.
If you're coming to do skiiing or snowboarding, our mountains are incredible - but avoid Whistler Blackcomb or Grouse because they're tourist traps and way more expensive than Sun Peaks or Big White (though this one is a bit of a tourist trap, too).
Home to probably the greatest park in the country - Banff. If you go to BC, you can actually make the drive over and it's a two-in-one. The waters here are gorgeous and so serene. Though it's a tourist trap so I would try to go in off-peak seasons.
There's some stuff in Edmonton and Calgary, but honestly if you're gonna shell out for a trip to Canada, there's not much there.
Not gonna lie, aside from Toronto, there's not much to see here. You could go to Niagara, but it's also somewhat overrated.
If you love big city life like New York with marginally less aggressive people, Toronto is the Canadian version of New York. People are bustling, and the public transport also known as the TTC (as much as people shit on it) is actually really decent to get all over the city.
Downtown Toronto is amazing, great food, decent nightlife activities, and great university campuses to hang out on (St. George Campus at UofT and Ryerson is gorgeous). The districts within the city offer something unique - for example, you can find excellent brews, bars, and gastro pubs in the Distillery District.
If you want to come for a Pride parade (should COVID cease to exist) honestly I thought Toronto Pride was the best Pride parade/festival I've ever been to in my life. It's massive.
Honestly, if you're looking for a cheap, fun, all-round trip, Quebec - specifically Quebec City and Montreal, is your best bet.
I last lived in Montreal a few years ago and it was really cheap for food, and Montreal itself has a lot to offer in terms of nightlife, great foods, and great architecture on historic buildings and parks.
Montreal itself is a really small city, so I would recommend heading out to Quebec City (again during off season) to visit because it's truly an incredible, historic little city tucked away in the province.
The downside is that people can be a bit rude and a bit picky if you don't speak French (especially if you are venturing outside of Montreal) so you might want to consider that in your plans.
The Maritimes (Nova Scotia, NF&L, PEI, etc.):
Really amazing nature again - it's actually more European than Canadian with the cliffs, countryside, and old architecture.
Less frequented by tourists and way more cheaper because it's this hidden gem of Canada and honestly so worth visiting. I haven't been but I really want to go because I love the greenlands!
I've lived/currently live in BC, Ontario, and Quebec (I'm not telling which province I currently live in) - and honestly, BC has always been my favourite. The weather is great, the food is good, it's laidback and easygoing, and the nature is truly a sight to behold, especially the mountains. You really can't get any better than BC if that's what you're looking for. I'm not a party person or a drinker so BC will always hold a special place in my heart for its' natural beauty.
Also I didn't mean to skip over Saskatchewan, Manitoba, NWT, Yukon, or Nunavut, I just don't really know much about those provinces. If anyone wants to add anything about them, feel free.
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nuald · 4 years
Living in Calgary
I've been living in Calgary for 2 years already, and I think it's time to recap few things about living here, pros/cons and possible remedies to the issues you might face here.
Please note that life now is different compared with what you could have even 10 years ago. I guess both Vancouver and Calgary (as those are the only cities I've lived in long enough) were nice for newcomers (by newcomers I've meant people who just moved there and didn't have a lot of money to settle in). Right now, both cities have changed and introduced more obstructions to residents.
That's why despite a lot of cons of Calgary below, it doesn't mean that this city shouldn't be considered for living. It's all about tolerance and life choices. If you have proper expectations, it will be easier to adapt. There are definitely people who love Calgary (esp. if they are mortgage-free and/or love winter activities), and who hate it (e.g. who got their houses ruined by hail or flood).
I'm not going to provide a simple list of pros/cons (as cons for me could be pros for you, for example, long winter season), but rather take the most important areas and describe them.
Calgary is definitely a family-friendly city, much more friendlier than Vancouver. Schools and kindergartens are not so busy and expensive. If you want some particular school, you still need to be in the wait-list though, but if you’re not picky, there are definitely some options available. All levels of education, including universities, are presented.
It’s not a problem to get the family doctor too. Walk-in clinics are not so busy too, and emergency wait times are bearable.
Entertainment options are quite good: museums, libraries, one of biggest YMCA in Canada, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Alberta Ballet, Calgary Zoo etc
However, I have to note the prices of the dental services. Alberta has the highest prices for dental. Historically, oil and gas companies provided full dental coverage and didn’t care much about prices. It’s all changed, but the prices are still high. I hope it’s going to change, but right now please be careful about it.
I can’t say much about public transit, I guess it's ok-ish in downtown and not so good in the outskirts, but that's applicable for all cities in general. For reference, in 2020 the single fare for adults is $3.50 for 90 minutes (there are no zones in Calgary). There is CTrain too (light rail transit), but it's not as extensive as in Vancouver. There are some plans to improve it (e.g. add Green Line), but it has been delayed many times already, and it's difficult to predict when they will finish it.
Calgary is a private car city - it has 2 major highways (100 km/h limit) through the city, plus there some long streets and avenues which could be considered minor highways (the speed limit up to 80 km/h). Essentially, you can get to any location in Calgary in 30 minutes on average. I guess the only real traffic jams I’ve seen was during Stampede, and it’s just a week in a year. In general, it’s a real pleasure to drive here, especially if you leave Calgary core and takes any of the scenic routes it has on the outskirts and further in the numerous parks.
Despite that there are few obstacles for being a happy driver here:
 a lot of speed cameras. Speed tickets are a source of income for the city, and sometimes they abuse it. Radars are legal, including hidden mobile radars, and the abuses include sudden speed sign changes and school zones limits which disregard the school days, and enforced from 7am to 9pm everyday including weekends and holidays.
gravel on the road. They use sharp-edged gravel in the winter, and considering speeds on highways and lots of semi, you may forget about having a nice non-cracked windshield and sunroof (I've got huge cracks on both). Glass insurance is not included in the basic packages, and should be bought separately.
a note about insurance. It's not cheaper than ICBC, it's actually more expensive and has more restrictions (at least for immigrants).
a lot of construction. Mostly closer to downtown, but major highways are affected too. Fortunately, there are not many two-lane highways like in BC (mostly 4 or 6 lanes), so the delays are not so huge, but could easily take 20-30 minutes.
My recommendations: don’t buy luxury cars (not only winter tires and windshields are expensive, it’s difficult to maintain the low speed), get glass insurance ASAP, use apps like Waze to check the road condition ahead.
Calgary has more sun than Vancouver, however I can't say it's a sunny city (I guess Canada just in general doesn't have a lot of sun). Moreover, the sun doesn't matter so much as it doesn't mean that the city is getting a lot of its heat - it has snow for at least 6 months a year (first snow could fall in Sep, but usually it doesn’t stay for long, and the last snow is melted in Apr/May).
Sun is very bright (due to altitude), and the humidity is low. Nice green grass requires either irrigation or rainy days. There is no dedicated line for irrigation, so you would need to use the “drinking” water, and a lot of it.
A note about “drinking” water - its quality definitely worse than in Vancouver (it's quite hard and has other chemicals). While they allow us to drink it from the tap, we don't risk it, plus we don't like having stains on every glass surface we have in the house. Fortunately, it's possible to avoid it with softener (plus we have a reverse osmosis system for actual drinking). It’s not cheap though, but it’s a long term investment that could be worth thinking about (we’ve installed the systems from https://www.jugfree.com/ and they have prices there for reference).
Short summers don't always bring warmth and sun only, but also heavy rains, hail and tornado. Hail damages houses and cars, and the last storm in Calgary (June 2020) has the estimation in damages nearly $1 billion: https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/cost-of-damage-from-weekend-storm-could-total-1-billion-nenshi 
Winter is not so harsh though due to Chinook. Visually it looks like huge dark clouds cover the city and the temperature is rising. Even without it, the winter is mild enough, but it's not always good. As the day/night temperature could differ in 20C, the ice (usual or black) is the real issue here, and winter tires are strongly recommended.
My recommendations: South Calgary has a better climate and usually hail is not so bad here (we live in South East). It’s better to avoid the north (besides that, North East has a high crime rate).
Real Estate
The houses are cheaper in Vancouver, definitely. Medium income families can afford decent living conditions here. Surely, nothing fancy, the same overpriced wood frame houses as in North America overall, as the construction lobby is very strong here, and having sound-proof, properly thermal insulated houses, preferably from bricks, is a luxury.
Please note though that the taxes are increasing. As Calgary (and Alberta overall) in a financial crisis (they put in motion a lot of expensive projects when the oil/gas industry boomed, and still couldn’t recover after its collapse), so they burden their problems on residents.
Also, they have tons of other cash grabs there (carbon tax, some administrative fees nobody can explain), so the utilities are not cheap either. Insurance is also one of the highest in Canada (the official excuse is they are losing money because of hail storms and other disasters).
My recommendations: Towns near Calgary could be worth researching (like Okotoks or Chestermere). Surely, there are some disadvantages living there (for example, I’m literally 5 minutes drive from both major highways, so don’t have to deal with the slow traffic), but it’s definitely cheaper. https://www.realtor.ca/ is a Canada-wide database, you can look up the property ahead.
Calgary has quite a good location if you like nature. It has the unique position to provide access to several big natural areas at once, so if you have bad weather in one region, you can drive to the opposite direction and still find something nice. Please note that Calgary has the international airport with the decent choice of direct flights too.
On the west:
Banff National Park. It's a two hour drive (depending on traffic jams, usually they have some esp. on weekends). Please note that you don’t necessarily need to visit Banff and the park, and can find nice places near Canmore and Kananaskis (K-country).
East K-country, has several provincial parks. More accessible, shorter (1+ hour) drive (not necessary Hwy 1, but also Hwy 22), almost no traffic jams. A lot of ATV options, lakes and mountain hikes.
On the east:
Badlands. Surely, the most famous is Drumheller region (1.5+ hour drive), but they have much more than that as the badlands are presented in many places in Southeast Alberta, like Dinosaur Provincial Park (2h drive).
A lot of lakes with kayaking, fishing and jet skis options. The examples are Lake McGregor (a little over an hour drive) and Lake Newell (2 hours drive).
On the south:
Waterton Lakes National Park, 2.5 hours drive, a lot of activities there, but due to recent forest fires not everything is open.
US border (the traffic is much lighter compared with Vancouver, almost no waits). The prominent examples are Glacier National Park, Montana (3 hours drive) and Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (10 hours drive).
On the north:
Shortcut to Jasper. While driving through Banff in theory faster (5 hours), in reality due to constructions, traffic jams and two-lane Icefield Parkway it could be faster to drive through Rocky Mountain House (6 hours).
There are a lot of parks there too, we just never got a chance to explore them yet. I guess Big Hill Springs Provincial Park could be an example of those (1 hour drive).
It’s easier to shop here due to easy commuting and close availability of the big stores: Costco, Walmart, Superstore, Save-on-Foods, Home Depot, Lowes etc. Definitely, there are big malls (i.e. Chinook Center, CF Market Mall), outlets (i.e. CrossIron Mills) and big specialized stores (i.e. Cabela’s) too.
Diversity is not so good though - mostly North America merchandise. We found only one decent store for Asian products: T&T Supermarket. There are some small Asian stores too (mostly in the North), but they usually don’t have anything extra special compared with T&T.
Seafood options are not so great too (both in restaurants and in stores). Oysters and lobsters are quite uncommon for Calgary. I guess T&T has the best selection, but still less than in Vancouver.
0 notes
painfog · 7 years
autistic in a heatwave tips!
we're having a heatwave !! which is lovely because i love hot weather, but im bad at temperature adjustment and regulation which can be bad. i also know that lots of other autistics find hot weather sensory hell, so here r a few things that i find help:
- you dont Have to be in the sun all day. lots of people will say stuff tht makes u feel guilty about "wasting the good weather", but they dont know how it affects u personally, so do whats best for u. if u wanna stay inside all day or never leave the shade, do it!! its better to b comfortable than anything else - this goes doubly if u live in a place where u actually get aircon in non commercial buildings - wear as few clothes as possible. sounds obvious, but youd be surprised at how much difference not having even one layer makes. if youre self conscious abt ur body, invest in some mesh or sheer clothing - its stylish, v thin and light, and will obscure ur form - if u r wearing clothes, wet them !! this helps So Much its my fav tip. wetting a hat or pouring water down ur shirt cools u down a load, and can help u stay cool until it all evaporates. last year i managed to be the only one to mostly avoid heatstroke when hiking by doing this. having wet trousers/shorts is sensory hell for me, so i stick to just my shirt. if u cant cope w that, keep a damp cloth on u and put it on ur skin whenever u can - drink A Lot. if ur thirsty, ur probably already dehydrated. dehydration can lead to feeling sick, headachy, and exasperates sensory issues (i usually burn out twice as often if im dehydrated). to avoid this, drink lots of water. do u hate drinking water? yeah, me too. keeping a bottle full on u is good because its just There so u end up drinking it because its smth to do. alternately, drink lots of juice/iced tea/soda (fizzy drinks dehydrate u a bit, but theyre better than nothing!) if u wanna rehydrate quickly, sports drinks r the way to go bc they replace electrolytes (cheap alternative: dissolve salt n sugar into water) - crunch on ice !! it cools u down, it hydrates u, and u can Lov The Cronch - dont get burnt: it leads to sunburn which is Sensory Hell, can give u heat stroke, and long term skin damage. do u hate sun cream? Me Too, but its better than sunburn. instead of the gross lotiony suncreams, u can get oil based ones (p20 is the brand here, idk if its international) which tend to b more expensive, but last a full 24hrs, feel non gloopy, and dont smell as strong - sleep w just a bed sheet as covers bc its much cooler, but u still have the feeling of smth covering u - ur feet r the most important for temp regulation , so keep them cool most importantly - cold showers r great but also painful so a softer alternative is room temp showers bc theyll still cool u down without freezing ur various body parts off - mope on the floor like 24/7 it doesnt exactly cool u down but it doesnt use much energy n its perfect for that summery sluggishness. fav activity 10/10 would recommend
anyone else pls add on suggestions!!
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coquuin · 6 years
really LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog  !  good  luck  !
TAGGED. i stole it from Kiki!! TAGGING. whoever wants to do it!!
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FULL NAME: Ezekiel Axel Ruiz Rosario
AGE: (Verse dependent) anywhere from 19 to 25! most often tho, i usually make him 25.
BIRTHDAY: November 15 (self given bc he doesnt know his real birthday)
ETHNIC GROUP: Puerto Rican / Latino
NATIONALITY: British-American
LANGUAGE(S): English, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Latin, Romanian, some Russian, and some Chinese! he likes to study languages a lot....
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Hes multiship boiiii
CLASS: Upper class, though he really doesnt have very expensive tastes or anything. Seems like he’d be lower class, but. yknow, he is a celebrity so.
HOMETOWN / AREA: London, England
CURRENT HOME: A very small and shitty apartment. Yeah, he could get a much better home bc he does have the money, but... hes weird and likes a more slightly cramped space. dont question Ezekiel, he has weird preferences.
PROFESSION: Guitarist of the rock band Rogue! also used to work at a music shop when he was like 17, but that was back in London.
HAIR: Very curly and messy black hair! He hardly bothers to take care of it. its prolly greasy bc hes a fucking gremlin pls make him take a shower. stinky boye
EYES: BIG OL FUCKIN EYES. they’re brown! a little sunken, and has massive bags under them--rather than the bags being from lack of sleep, though, theyre actually a result of too much sleep! Ezekiel can and WILL fall asleep wherever and whenever he wants. you cant stop him. his eyes are pretty big actually, and very expressive!
NOSE: the bitch looks like its been broken like ten times. he got a weird ass nose. its a little big, but not terribly so!
FACE: scrawny as FUCK. motherfucker’s head shape looks like a fuckin crescent moon. you know that one tiktok meme with the girl who has the weird ass moon lookin head? bitch looks like that a little bit. croissant lookin ass head.
LIPS: very thin! pls get him some chapstick
COMPLEXION: bitch looks like he hasnt gone out in the sun in over 20 years! which, actually, isnt entirely wrong bc he pretty much hasn’t. pale as fuck! his skin looks gray, like a fucking corpse. he looks like a zombie, but i swear to god hes a plain ass human i think
BLEMISHES: a lot! mostly on his body tho, especially on his back.
SCARS: A  L O T!!! his back is literally covered in a shit ton of scars in the shape of upside down crosses, and he has a lot on the rest of his body as well, and several on his left wrist. yeah he, uh... he aint okay
TATTOOS: None! hes way too terrified to get one and hates the idea of one being stuck on his body for like the rest of his life rip
HEIGHT: 6′ 3″ / 190.05cm
ALLERGIES: Dandelions! He’ll just sneeze a lot around them
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: The bangs are kiiiinda kept to the side sorta just so its not falling in his eyes, but other than that, he doesnt really bother to like, style it or anything. its just curly and messy. although! when he was a child all the way to his teens, he did have a stupid ass bowlcut! but that wasnt his own choice, so he cant really be blamed for it :(
USUAL FACE LOOK: motherfucker has the WORST case of resting bitch face you will ever fucking see. even when hes happy he still looks angery sometimes!!! but thats literally just his fucking face!!!!
USUAL CLOTHING: a looot of slightly baggy clothing. lots of hoodies! especially wears a lot of black and red, mostly black. also wears mostly boots or sneakers, usually the ladder. he just doesnt really give two shits about fashion, as he’s more concerned with just sorta.. hiding his body. hes very insecure! save him
FEAR(S): "the devil”, getting close to anyone, performing in front of people, people in general, cats, knives & other sharp objects, the sight of his own blood
ASPIRATION(S): "to escape the Devil’s wrath,” as he phrases it. of course, the whole ‘THE DEVIL IS OUT TO KILL EVERYONE I LOVE AND THEN HE’LL KILL ME NEXT’ thing is obviously just in Ezekiel’s head, but it feels very real to him! he basically just wants to be free of the “demons” in his head. aside from that, he also really really reeaaally wants to own an orphanage someday! basically take in orphan kids and help give them a much better life than he had. but as for right now, he fully realizes he’s not ready for that at all, so he’s currently more focused on his music career and getting better mentally, though the ladder is a slow process.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Patient, simple, humble
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Rude, temperamental, paranoid
ZODIAC: Scorpio!
TEMPERAMENT: uhhhh fuck idk i just took a quiz for this and ezekiel got like a tie between phlegmatic and melancholic--but if i had to guess, i’d say melancholic!
SOUL TYPE(S): Spiritualist!
ANIMALS: i always associate Ezekiel with dogs bc. he literally just acts like a fuckin angery dog. and an angery snake or something. bUT MOSTLY DOGS. he will literally bark at people, because he’s a fucking weirdo who doesnt know how to behave like a normal fucking human being
VICE  HABIT(S): uhhh drugs and alcohol are a big thing he does!! and generally pushing everyone away so he doesnt get close to anyone! and also acting like a gotdam ANIMAL. SOMEONE PLS MAKE EZEKIEL STOP FUCKING BARKING AND HISSING AT PEOPLE!!!
FAITH: Christian! his religion is very important to him too!
REINCARNATION?: He isn’t really sure about reincarnation, but wants to believe it exists.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: fuck if he knows. ezekiel could not give less of a shit about politics and hardly knows anything about it bc he really doesnt keep up with anything.
SOCIO POLITICAL POSITION: he doesnt give a fuck
EDUCATION LEVEL: None. he never even went to school, fun fact!
NAME MEANING(S): Ezekiel means “God will strengthen”! I have no idea what Rosario means sadly bc i cant find anything good on it on google :(
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: None that he knows of.
BOOK: He couldn’t possibly pick a single favorite book--he loves a lot! but he loves mostly romance genres! which is so fucking ironic considering he’s fucking terrified of getting into relationships. and even more ironically? he doesnt read any horror genres bc it scares him too much!
MOVIE: he doesn’t know.
5 SONGS: While My Guitar Gently Weeps - the Beatles; Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd; Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin; Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen; Don’t Fear the Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult.
DEITY: God, Jesus
HOLIDAY: Christmas! everyone expects Ezekiel to be like the grinch or something and hate Christmas, but nope! He surprisingly loves it!
MONTH: March
PLACE: His bed
WEATHER: Preferably a little cold, but not too much, bc he just cant stand being hot--and completely dark outside!
SOUND: Gentle guitar strums.
SCENT(S): Ivory
TASTE(S): Anything thats like. Meat. hes very picky tho
FEEL(S): Skin. As in, like, being affectionate with someone else! He’s just very touch starved rip
ANIMAL(S): Yknow, oddly enough, despite acting like a fuckin wild animal a lot, he doesnt like animals much. but definitely dogs are his favorite!
COLORS: Red and black--though he likes blue as well, especially dark blue.
TALENTS: Music--especially with guitar! And painting, writing, literature.
BAD AT: Anything to do with math or science and stuff like that; anything that requires physical work. hes p much bad at like.. most things tbh.
TURN ONS: Just like.. be soft and gentle with him... also probably has a lowkey praise kink--if you could call it much of a kink i guess? hes pretty vanilla tbh. hes just soft.....
TURN OFFS: If you go rough on him at all he WILL cry. Also anything that, like, restricts him like ropes or some shit will literally make him panic so fucking bad. basically hes just vanilla as fuck, just be gentle with him pls
HOBBIES: Writing / playing music, writing in general, painting, watching random ass movies on TV until he falls asleep, sleeping, avoiding his problems like the fuckin wind
TROPES: man fuck if i know
AESTHETIC TAGS: literally all of Aurelio Voltaire’s songs; shit you’d see in Halloween (which is funny bc Ezekiel fucking hates Halloween); vampires; satanic symbolism. which is all ironic, bc Ezekiel doesnt actually like spooky shit! but it all sure does give big Ezekiel vibes anyway
MAIN  FC(S): Jack the ripper from, well, Oyasumi Jack the Ripper!
ALT FC(S): None!
OLDER FC(S): None!
YOUNGER  FC(S): None rip
VOICE CLAIM(S): Murdoc Niccals from Gorillaz
GENDERBENT FC(S): iiiiii dont really do genderbends pretty much so none
Honestly probably something like the movie Sybil??? like basically just delving deep into his whole psychology and mindset and whatnot and why he acts the way he acts. those are always like my FAVORITE type of movies, and Ezekiel would honestly be fucking perfect for something like that bc literally every single aspect of his entire personality has been molded in some way shape or form by some event in his life, especially to do with the cult he was raised in, and it hONESTLY IS SO INTERESTING TO JUST LIKE.. STUDY WHAT EZEKIELS BRAIN IS LIKE BASICALLY. AT LEAST FOR ME ANYWAY BC I AM HIS MUN AND ALL BUT.
for some reason i always kinda associate him with like edgy violin and piano music?? i mean hey rock stars can be classy too fuck u
WELL ORIGINALLY WHEN I FIRST CREATED HIM HE WAS JUST BASED OFF MURDOC NICCALS BC, YALL ALREADY KNOW DAMN WELL IM OBSESSED WITH THAT PICKLE MAN, BUT. Now, however, he’s WAAAAAAAAY different and i just love writing him so much bc like. basically like what i said in the movie question!! he is SO fucking interesting to delve into psychology wise. like, yeah he has an edgy ass tragic backstory, but whats neat about that is you can absolutely see how said edgy backstory ties into his mindset and individual habits and how the memories of it still affects his everyday life despite the fact that he’s escaped it a long time ago now. even in the small things he does, chances are is that every single thing that he does is either something he does to soothe and comfort himself for his own safety, or something that has just been fucking drilled into his mind by the cult members and whatnot, if any of that makes sense? LIKE YALL DONT UNDERSTAND I HAVE LITERALLY WATCHED LIKE HOURS LONG DOCUMENTARIES ON ORPHANAGES AND SATANIC CULTS AND PSYCHOLOGY AND HOW TRAUMA LIKE WHAT EZEKIEL EXPERIENCED CAN FUCK SOMEONE UP, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF WRITING HIM CORRECTLY AND REALISTICALLY. LIKE HE STARTED OFF AS SOME MURDOC NICCALS REJECT WHEN I MADE HIM IN LIKE?? 2015 MAYBE??? BUT NOW, MY MAIN INTEREST IN HIM IS LIKE, HOW FASCINATING HIS FUCKING MIND IS IN A WAY. idk im a big psychology nerd but.
him pushing everyone away! like its one thing to have a self-defense mechanism like where you just generally act kinda mean to drive people off, but Ezekiel can really take it to a whole new level and he really can be like.. a hUGE ASSHOLE BC OF IT. its mostly when he realizes that he may be starting to become close with anyone that it really gets to a bad point and he becomes all the more self-destructive. THIS IS GONNA BE VERY UNSANITARY SO WARNING BUT hes literally told someone in an rp once like “YOURE GOING TO FORCE ME TO EAT YOUR SHIT OR DRINK YOUR FUCKING URINE JUST LIKE THOSE FUCKING PEOPLE IN THE ORPHANAGE DID, ARENT YOU???? IS THAT WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME?? TO USE ME, HURT ME, CUT ME, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT??? WE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE FUCKING FRIENDS YOU GODDAMN IDIOT!!! WHAT THE HELL MADE YOU THINK WE HAD ANYTHING IN COMMON??” AND ITS JUST KINDA.. YIKES SCOOB! but basically hes willing to say just about anything to push people away so he can avoid getting close to anyone
WE BOTH FEAR AND AVOID ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS LIKE THE FUCKIN WIND. also when i was younger i definitely had a tendency to try and make people hate me just to push people away like Ezekiel does but im not like that anymore thankfully!!
oh hed probably try to fucking kill me lol
HONESTLY LIKE.. P MUCH EVERY INTERACTION EZEKIEL HAS IS SO GOOD. Ezekiel is one of those characters where its very hard to have a boring rp bc he just does so much shit, so like no matter who i rp him with, its bound to be amazing. ALTHOUGH I DO NEED TO MAKE HIM INTERACT WITH MORE PEOPLE TBH!!! the only problem i have when writing him sometimes is actually making him talk to new people, bc of his extreme shut-in attitude and whatnot, so he literally just never starts conversations with anyone he barely knows.
listening to any music that reminds me of him! but otherwise, it usually just comes pretty naturally to me tbh. just some days ill be in the mood for him all day--same with a lot of my characters actually.
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Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
"Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am taking a survey. I need to know how much you pay for car insurance, how old you are, and what gender you are. Thanks.""
Car insurance payout question?
Good insurance companies for renters insurance in Florida?
I live near Jacksonville in Florida where State Farm does not provide renter's insurance. 1. What companies are good for renter's insurance in Florida? I will need coverage for Hurricanes also since I am in Florida. Geico gave me a rate of 131/year or about 11$ per month with a deductible of 100$. 2. Should I take an inventory of all my personal valuable items(bed, computer, chair/table), send copy of receipts/photos to the insurance company for their records as evidence that I have N items whose total value is M$ before I buy renters insurance from them or I should take an inventory and keep it in a safe place for my records in case i have to submit any claims later on? 3. By replacement cost coverage used in insurance policy ,does it mean if a laptop purchased worth 900 before five years had a config of 1.7GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk and a claim is filed now(five years after its purchase) with a purchase receipt of a laptop for the same/similar config(but, whose cost would be 650 as tech products come down in price typically after five years and more so for an outdated config/model), that will be honored? Or, I could get any laptop worth 900(cost of original laptop) today and claim reimbursement for it from the insurance company? I am guessing it is the first scenario, but can someone please clarify? 4. Since my total assets are less than 5K and I don't have a car, is choosing a low deductible of 100$ a good idea? Or, I should hike to bring my premium down? 5. For items, like clothes, utensils I don't have any receipt since they are old(more than three years). Will that be OK in case I have to file a claim? The clothes are mainly 15-20$ pant/shirts I got from Walmart. Thanks""
Will my insurance provider penalise me for doing this...?
If i have a policy for my motorcycle and a policy for my car, (both policies are form the same insurance provider) and over the summer i decide to drop the policy for my car, only to activate it again in the fall, will that be considered a lapse in coverage? Will my rates be higher because of this action when i reinstate the policy in the fall?""
Teenage insurance?
Id there any way how you can avoid paying for teen insurance? (Because the family insurer usually raises price as soon as the teen in the family gets license) If not, how to get cheap insurance?""
""I need short term auto insurance, since i will be on vacation for 45 days in southern california,?
Now my insurance company doesn't cover me in the states
How to find affordable medical insurance (Family) in San Diego?
I am moving to San Diego on a contract that has no benefit package. I'd like to buy a good benefit package for a family of four. I need medical, dental .... etc. with reasonable deductible. Any help in pointing me to the right direction is appreciated. Thanks
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my licence any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
How much will my liberty insurance go up?
i'm 17, have had my ma junior operators license for 10 months. i was driving home, when in a thickly settled area i saw a motorcycle getting ready to pull off the sidewalk, i was keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasnt going to pull out into my lane, when i looked up and saw that the car in front of me had come to a dead stop, at a greenlight, bc a pedestrian had taken a step into the crosswalk. my vehicle hit the one in front of me, which pushed into the one in front of him. Pretty bad damage, speed was around 25-30mph. Right now i'm listed as an occasional operator on my dad's insurance (clean record). Its liberty mutual, just curious how much itll increase per year since im young. i wasn't cited, no injuries.""
Is it legal for me to drive my friends car with my own insurance?
So my friend and I bought a car, however he does not have insurance yet, and I have comprehensive, liability and theft insurance for my own vehicle which is a Honda, now while I use his car, would it be legal for me to drive the car using my own insurance card? I have a notarized letter from my friend that I am allowed to use the car.""
""First car! help with car insurance,tax&other stuff please ?? uk owner?
smart car 2 seater white and silver 2010 reg how much would it cost to tax and insure female driver at 17 year old? best place for insurance ?? is it worth getting a black box installed into the smart car ?? if so how much do the cost on average? where is cheapest place to get break down cover ?? what over things do i need to consider on my first car? how much does a smart car cost to fill with fuel in uk?? would love some help if possible kind regards mia xxx :D
Whats the consequence for driving without car insurance?
I recently bought my son a car and hes been driving it without car insurance. What will happen if he gets pulled over by the police department?
Is there such thing as Bicycle Insurance?
When I say Bicycle Insurance, I mean that the insurance company will pay for repairs.""
Where can I find disability insurance?
I am deaf and looking for special disability insurance for auto. I have state farms with my parent name but I am trying to get my own insurance that work with disability part.
Which is the best medical insurance policy?
which is the best medical insurance policy in india..? i need a mediclaim policy for my Family(3 members). lic ,star health, icici or any other else..? please suggest me.""
I can't afford to get Health insurance will I be penalized under the Affordable healthcare act?
I am literally living paycheck to paycheck this year so far has gone from bad to worse for me and now I have to have health coverage and I wasn't able to make the March 31st deadline
Car insurance quote reduction?
My quote for this year was 1200 as I'm a 18 yr old, male student but I was just wondering how much cheaper it should be with a years no claims under my belt as I'm just a month away from it.""
Car insurance quotes?
im just snooping around through car insurance websites figuring out which 1 is the cheapest for my ride...so imade a quote or did a quote at a car insurance website which it said how much ima pay each month but ididnt want car insurance yet..so my question is when imade that quote do ihave to each month which the website said NOW? or is it just telling when isign up for that company thats how much ima pay?...(iwant car insurance but looking for the cheapest so imade that quote in accident)
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
""If I start working, will my insurance get taken away?""
I'm currently a junior in high school and recently got hired for a opening job position. I receive free health care and my mom is unemployed and is receiving disability benefits. If I take this job, will my health care and my mom's benefits get taken away? Will it affect me or just my mom or both of us? My parents said that if I make money, it will have to be included in the family income and if we exceed a certain amount, then all of our benefits will be taken away. Does anyone have any insight on this? I'm not sure how many hours I will be assigned to work if i take this job, but it is minimum wage and they do limit high school students to work a limited number of hours.""
What is average car insurance for 19 year old boy and girl?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
Does anyone know where to get affordable auto (liability) insurance for teenagers?
I am 19, & I live in Charlotte, NC & I have not been able to find car insurance for less than $800 for 6 months. I can afford to pay $600 (100 a month) but I have not been able to find an insurance company to give me such a quote. Do you know any? P.S. I drive a 2002 kia optima & I've only had my licence for a year""
Can I drive my car with full insurance on a provisional licence?
I have bought full uk licence insurance on my car. I pay fully comp price's (500 a month), But, Im still on provisional licence.. Can I keep my full insurance and drive with my L plates on with a driver with a full UK licence who's held it over 3 years in with me still? They are also named drivers. Thanks!""
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
Cadillac Insurance Plan Question?
What would b a good example of the deductible , copays, coinsurance, lifetime max for a Cadillac Insurance Plans""
""Online Auto Insurance Quotes, are they really safe and accurate?""
I know several people who have submitted their information into one of the many online auto insurance quotes and now they have solicitors all over them, on their phone, emails, junk mail and even one case of Social Security Identity theft. So my question is: Are these online auto insurance quotes really safe? Doesn't it make sense to stay with a local auto insurance agent you can do business with either on the phone or in person.""
How high does insurance go up for a speeding ticket in MN?
I recently got a speeding ticket going 60 on a 45. How high does my insurance go up I'm 16 and drive a '05 300C
Should I really get insurance for my car?
I am thinking about getting a cheaper and older car just for going to and from work. Should I really get insurance for it?
What does auto insurance deductible mean?
I just bought a new car but the bank that financed the loan is asking for proof of auto insurance on the car with a comprehensive and collision deductible of $1000 maximum. I put AAA insurance on the vehicle and they gave me a $500 deductible on both comprehensive and collision. Do i need the $1000 deductible or am i good with the $500 deductible?
Do insurance companies really have access to driving & traffic records if one's getting a new quote?
I don't have the best driving & traffic record, and have been driving without insurance for about 5 months now. However, when I called Progressive to a get a quote from them I lied about it all, they gave me an amazing quote!! I still haven't enrolled with them -plan to if all my pathetic lying goes through- but my concern is that my premiums will go up if they do have access to my driving, traffic and my previous insurance's records. Does anybody know if they are just bluffing about their access to these records? PLEASE HELP!""
Car insurance?
is it possible to have two inurance policies on one car?im wanting to get insured to drive my brothers car so do i have to be a named driver on his insurance policy or can i have my own?thanks!
What does an approved provider mean to health insurance company?
I want to list myself as an approved provider for speech therapy but I am not a proferred provider for any health insurance plan.
How should I calculate when to change from full coverage auto insurance to liability only?
Currently driving 2004 F-150 with 110,000 miles, carrying full coverage insurance. When should I switch to a liability only policy?""
How much will her insurance likely go up?
my grandma pays about 65/month for her car insurance, she is 59 today she didnt see my car and backed into the passenger side leaving a dent. I have full coverage for my car. she has liability on hers. I dont just not want to do anything. i want it fixed. but i dont know if i want to call my insurance company. cuz if i say it was her fault, which is was, idk how much her insurance will go up. if its ten dollars a month its no big deal i wouldnt think. but i dont want it to be a lot. if i say it is my fault, then i have a 500 dollar deductable and my insurance goes up. and i cant afford that. im 17. she also said she would try to pay for it to be fixed. but idk if it is cheaper for her to pay for it or for her insurance to go up.""
I need a life insurance policy that is affordable for my mom who has cancer?
I do not have alot of money and I am trying to find a life insurance policy that I can afford for my mom. Sha has cancer in her throat and I can not find an insurance company that will give her insurance under $100 a month. Ant ideas?
How do insurance companies verify the adress you use for your car insurance is your actual adress?
I want to get my car insurance in a different state see how do car insurance companies know that the address and provide is where I live. And if I get caught what is the penalty
How much do insurance rates go up after a minor claim?
Someone backed into my bumper, and I'm wondering if I should make a claim for it. I don't mind a $10-20 dollar increase, but anything more & I'd rather just pay for it myself.""
Where can I get private health insurance?
I need health insurance, like I know many people do. I have cancer, but I guess that's not considered a disabilty because I was turned down. My job does not pay for medical. I know several married couples where they have two different insurance policies through each of their employers, and they get to pick and choose which one to use. I don't have a spouse. I know several people who are alcoholics who have an HMO through their retirement and they are in the hospital every other month, simply because they have over drank. They run to the doctor every two months for very trivial things/ I know of several who abuse the veterans hospital from runny noses to a simple headache, plus they are paid monthly for a disabilty they don't have. They just don't want to work. I think married couples should only be able to use one insurance policy, and these others should be only allowed to go to the doctor a few times a year. If they are an alcoholic send them to AA.""
Buying insurance online?
If I buy a Progressive insurance plan online, would I be able to print out the proof of insurance online as soon as paid for it with my credit card?""
Insurance on a stolen ATV?
I just recently had my ATV stolen which I still owe $5,300 on.It does have full coverage insurance through state farm.I still don't know if they are going to pay it off but my question is if they do pay it off and its recovered will I get the ATV back and get to keep it or will the insurance take it or will they do like a totaled car and give me the option to buy it back?""
Home loan insurance plan v/s life insurance plan?
how the home loan insurance plan is better/worse than the life insurance plan ? I am to buy a house in india, and can't decide which insurance to go for.. a home loan insurance or a life insurance..""
What is the best place to get car insurance?
I'm I'm high school and I have a job making minimum wage. Where is the absolute cheapest place where I can get car insurance? VERY CHEAP PLEASE
Does high mileage cars have lower or higger car insurance?
Does high mileage cars have lower or higger car insurance?
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
Do insurance companies still ask for written no claim proof when you insure your car online?
How much should i settle my auto injury claim for? please someone help me out!?
Question Details: i had an acccident about a year and half ago and i was a passenger. i have no health insurance and have been footing all medical bills thus far. i am writing a demand letter right now but am wondering how much should be my compensation request. here's a brief summary. the other driver is at complete fault. i have all soap notes from doctors,bills and reports. we were hit head on while on our way to my root canal surgery, i was having my permanent put in. i had to go in 2 weeks later wearing a cervical collar. i have choronditis, back sprains and horrible knee contusions still left on my foot. my doctor has recommended physical therapy for up to 3 months but i can't afford to go anymore thus why i am trying to settle. total medical bills is about 12,000 not including other misc like pills. i just don't want to ask too high or be taken for a fool,so please help. thanks. also the insurance company has never made an offer they said it was a hard hit. both cars in""
Insurance on a 1987 Z28 Camaro ?
How much would insurance on a 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro for a 16 year old ? just need an estimate, thanks""
How do I know which insurance is primary?
I'm a full time student and I'm nineteen. I have insurance through my mother, empire blue cross blue shield. But I also work part-time at a hospital and receive local 1199 health insurance from them. Which one is primary?""
Is Car Insurance paid Monthly or Yearly?
I was reading an article about the Toyota Prius and it said insurance is about $1400. Is that $1400 a month or a year?
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm saving up for a car and I wanna see how much I will be spending. I know it'll be a lot so I don't want any advice that I should really think about it and stuff I just want answers please. I'm 18 and I'm barley gonna get my lisence. I wanna get atleast a 2011 scion tc. How much will insurance cost? I know it'll be a lot cause of the car and cause I'm a new driver and stuff. And if anyone knows how much a 2011 tc will cost and how much I would have to pay a month for it that would help too. Can someone give me an estimate please. Thanks a lot.
Are annuities good for young people?
Does anyone know if annuiites are good for young people, like in their late 20's. Starting a family and reading about many investment options. It seems like we've only heard about annuities for older or almost retired people, but with new prods that guarantee 7% yearly if your investments don't make that much...seems it's not a bad thing to add to a portfolio.""
Can someone tell me what the cheapest car insurance is for college students?
Can someone tell me what the cheapest car insurance is for college students?
""Sad Love Story, Car Insurance question for a 19 year old. Please Help. Will reward 10 points?""
I have been seeing this boy for a while now and I have completely fallen for him. My entire life fell apart in high school last year and he's the only thing that has gone right. He is the one person who makes my heart race all fast and stomach do flips with those butterflies. I'm absolutely crazy about him. I have my license but I'm just not ensured. My grandfather found a receipt I left by accident in the car and looked at the miles and I got the car taken away. I can't stop crying, if any of you are in love you know how I must feel. I can't stop crying. I know exactly how Juliet must have felt :'( Now on the the insurance question. My 70 year old grandfather won't let me drive anymore until I'm insured. He has esurance and I am 19 and want to get added onto it. Does anyone have any idea of the cost? It would help me out so much so I know how much I need to save. I guess till then I will have to take the bus to see him :( thank you! I will reward best answer.""
Insurance money or insurance fraud?
My dad told me a story about his boss a long time ago about how his wife survived cancer, and incurred 1million dollars in bills. the company has a health insurance that covers his entire family, but he also was covered by another health insurer...be it his or possibly his wifes. After the whole ordeal he paid off all the bills and had received an extra 1Million from insurance.... Was this legal? ( He was paying for both insurances ..knowingly or possibly not )""
17 year old car insurance?
Ive got a car and should (hopefully!) be passing my test soon but for reasons to complicated to list here lol I will only be able to drive it 2 weeks in easter time, 2 weeks in christmas time, 5 weeks around august and 4 days every 5 weeks, so by my bad maths thats just over 100 days. Are there any insurance companies for a 17 year old that you can get a fixed amount of days insurance, it seems such a waste to pay for 365 days if im only going to be able to use it for just under a third of the time. I read about some companies doing 60 or 90 days for young drivers but that might have been me mis-reading it, anyone hear about anything like that? Ive tried lowering the amount of miles on quotes but that hasnt reduced the price by much at all. I was hoping for quite a substantial saving. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.""
Should i gain my CBT license to lower insurance on a 125cc scooter?
I currently have a full driving license and interested in buying a scooter. To lower insurance even further should I gain my CBT license or any other awareness courses?
I'm 17 my car is in the garage how much would I be looking at on insurance for a weeks cover on a 106 1.4?
I need to get to work and back so I need to use a car, how much would this roughly cost? THANKS""
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
Typically how much does it cost to have renters insurance?
""I have a new baby, will I get a auto insurance discount or increase if I tell them?""
My little girl is 10 weeks old, I'm not sure if I have to tell my auto insurance company (AAA). Would it be better to insure that she's covered? Or will it just cost me more?""
What are insurance considerations after child gets employed?
What changes does one need to consider after a child finishes college and gets employed (in a different state)? eg. I removed him from auto insurance since he has his own policy; do I need to do anything to ensure he can drive one of our cars when he visits us? My medical insurance at work covers children till 26, but they indicated for him the policy will be secondary to his insurance through his employer. How does this work given his insurance has more out-of-pocket expenses - copay/coins/deductible, etc?""
Why did my car insurance double from last period?
Does it make sense that your auto insurance can double for 1 at fault accident? I just got my renewal documents for my car insurance and my premium doubled from what it was last period. I did have one at fault accident so i knew there would be an increase but I didn't know it could double like that...
How much insurance for a Mustang?
i'm 16 years old, female, and am wanting to get a 2000 year GT Mustang. My insurance company is Farmers with full coverage and they do discount for good grades.. I live in California. How much is a monthly payment for insurance on this car?""
Can someone give me advice on good health insurance that offers maternity coverage??
I am looking into individual health insurance because my hubby and I are trying to conceive and I don't have any. I know I need to have it BEFORE i become pregnant. I don't know a thing about insurance and can't seem to find any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage.......I work for a temp agency and have worked for them for a year and a half and their insurance is astronomical so I'm looking on my own. My hubby doesn't have insurance where he works as a mechanic so i can't get it through his insurance. Any advice would help!!!!
Car and insurance problem.?
If I was in the process of getting a driving lesson from my instructor, I crashed his car. Am I suppose to be in charge of this, but I don't have a license yet. So, am I going to be the one who pays for the insurance or the instructor?""
Can you get a car insurance quote If you can't drive at first?
I am only currently doing driving lesson's and don't own a car but am I able to get a quote if I can provide the detail's on what car I want roughly?
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
18 years old.. Fast car low insurance?
In fact I don't want a fast car lol cause i will not get insured.. Or not insured cheap... Just something that looks sporty and can go quick 0-30.. Away from the lights.. Red...amber.. Green... My budget is 1000 for the car
I recently bought a packet of tea-light candles off of eBay and was wondering if I should purchase shipping insurance. I mean its candles do I really need it?
What the best life insurance for a 23 year old female?
i want what best so when something happen to me my girls has the money to buried me nice. I want something that don't go away in 30 years and i half to get another policy. ...show more
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 20, ill be on the car by myself.the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition.""
Can I use my parents name to buy insurance for my car?
Is there? The insurance would be under my moms name but the car would be mine. It would be alot cheaper since my mom has no violations and is older than 25.
""Had one car accident ,went to the e.r.Primary health insurance wont pay visit.wants car insurance to pay.?
Pirimary health ins.wants me to file claim with car ins.I did not have medical ins on car policy.They just took care of vehicle totaled.Now what?
Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas?
Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas?
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
What is the initial cost and monthly cost would it be for an auto and home insurance policy?
The vehicle is a 2006 Ford Explorer XL and the square footage of the home is 22,548""
Car insurance in another state?
i was wondering if your car is register in one state can you get insurance on it in another state w/o registering it in that state?
Car insurance please help !?
I am currently taking my driving lessons. When I pass I would like to get a car but carnt afford the insurance but I need a car for August as I work alot in the summer can I get car insurance and cancel it after a couple of months or is it like a 12 month contract am new to this please help.
Do i need to have insurance if i don't use a car?
Please tell me - do i need to have insurance when i don't use a car? I'm buying car next week but after that i'm going abroad for a month and nobody will use this car. I would like to know if i can keep car in garage for this time without insurance and buy when i go back? Maybe its comuplsory to have insurance for all time when i'm cars owner?
How many times can you change your car on an insurance policy?
I buy and sell cars privately but I'm too young for trade insurance. Someone told me I'm not allowed to change cars on one insurance policy too many times as they will cancel my policy. Is this true? And how many times can I change cars on my insurance? Thanks in advance!
How does a wrecked car loan payoff (by insurance company) affect credit score?
I have a car that I have a loan on that has been wrecked. Since the bank owns the car, I have full coverage & insurance is writing it off. They are going to cut a check to the bank for the balance due on the car. I have so far paid this loan on time; it has been rebuilding my credit. When the loan is paid off by insurance, will I get more points to my score since the loan was technically paid off early? Or will I only gain based on my status as paid ontime at this point?""
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
What should i do about car insurance?
Basically in 2009 i got caught speeding without insurance. Biggest Mistake of my life. Lost my licence and had to start from provisional again. Now i have passed my test and it is a few years on i dont know what to do about getting insurance. I refuse to drive without it now. The thing i need to know is do i tell my insurance company about the claims that were less than 5 years ago or don't i? the reason is because my licence was taken away without a ban put back to provisional and now re-started fresh so do i still have to put them or not? Also if i do what would happen if i don't? Just out of curiosity as it would be a lot cheaper but if i have to i will obviously. Thanks
Michigan Auto Insurance Premium almost twice as much as quote!?
I'll do my best to summarize my situation, and am using estimates for days and amounts... I received a quote for auto insurance for $590 for a 6 month period from an independent auto agent. When I received my insurance policy and premium price it way nearly double (over $1,100). I cancelled the policy within a week after receiving the huge increase in premiums. Because of the time it took for me to receive my new premium and the 5-7 days for me to cancel, I received a bill for an amount due of roughly $40.00. I previously had auto insurance through the company/agent but it was for a different vehicle and paid a month in advance. My question is, why am I responsible, and how am I responsible for the premium that is so much higher than what I was quoted? I didn't sign any paperwork, I called over the phone and had the agent switch the policy based on the new quote. Auto insurance played a huge factor in budgeting for the vehicle and I feel that I was ripped off. I should be getting a credit for the 10 days that I did not use, not having to pay more for the days I did use. Thanks for any advice you're able to provide!""
""If you have Amica car insurance, how much does 1 speeding ticket cost you?""
I live in Massachusetts. Have a perfect driving record but now I'm charged with 1 speeding ticket. How much more in insurance premiums will it cost me if I plead guilty? It's a regular speeding ticket, not DUI or wreckless driving. THanks""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
What is the difference between renters insurance vs. homeowners insurance?
I've consulted my insurance company about insuring my personal property and said I need a renters insurance, but I own my home. I am confused. Isn't it what I need is a homeowners insurance? or renters insurance applies with owning a home too?""
So i got my estimate for my auto insurance?
And i don't know how to read most of it.... like... what does R&I mean? under Op. is there a legend i can look at?
Buying motorcycle(street bike) and insurance?
Okay im going to be buying a new yamaha r6 in a couple of weeks. Before I bring the bike home I heard that Im going to need insurance before I bring it home. So should i start looking for an insurance now and get quotes or can i bring the bike home and then look for insurance. Im 19 years old.
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
Whats the best agency to call to get homeowners insurance? single family cape cod style.?
Looking for good home insurance rates
What is a cheap affordable coupe for a teen?
i understand the insurance issue. im 17 . I absolutely love the 03 g35 coupe, but im starting to realize i cant afford to maintain, insure and repair it :( what else similar is a little more affordable. please help im losing my mind!""
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old new driver?
The car would be a Range Rover. The cover would either be comprehensive or on parents insurance. Thanks
Does full coverage auto insurance cover vandalism?
recently someone has threw a bottle of nail polish to my car, not a big deal no dents or anything, but what if they come back and smash my windows and tire does my insurance cover that?""
Do Insurance Quotes Check Your Credit Score?
Hi everyone. When you get and insurance quote from an auto insurance company(I'm thinking of trying 21 century) do they check your credit score? If so then is that a problem? Thanks to those who help!
Insurance Cost for Bike?
Hello I'm deciding on either a CBR 125 or a Boulevard S40. The only thing is I want to know around how much insurance each will cost(I live in Canada) And any other reason you think one bike is better than the other would be great. This is my first bike.
How much would my Car insurance cost?
Im 16 years old, i have my class 5 liscense, and i have completed a drivers ed course that supports safer driving. I want to buy a 1999 Acura integra, it doesnt have a vtec engine, and everything is pretty much stock, except sound system and rims. how much would i pay for insurance monthly?""
Can I cancel my car insurance?
I took out car insurance with Direct Line in July paying in monthly instalment by direct debit. I am now getting rid of my car so want to cancel. Will there be a cancellation fee? Will they make me pay what is left for the year?
""My car was stolen and now I'm being investigated for insurance fraud. I'm only 18, help!!?""
My car was stolen on Saturday. I was driving in the car with someone I thought I could trust and when I went inside a subway terminal to meet another friend I left the keys in the car and the person who was in the car with me took off with the car, my phone, my purse, and about $1500 worth of shopping bags and boxed furniture that I had just bought from Ikea. I called the police and they aren't doing much help. I've had to investigate a lot of this myself. The person who took my car doesn't have permanent housing so its been hard to track him down. I found out from the cops he has 4 other warrants out for his arrest for crimes relating to cars. Obviously, I didn't know that when I left him alone with mine. After my dad filed a claim to our insurance company, they said they were going to begin an investigation and sent us a letter saying it was within their rights not to give us any money for the car. They think me and the person who stole the car are working together to get money off of them. Their going to interview me and I'm really scared. The last time I broke the law was when I was five and tried to steal a barbie from Walgreens. I'm only 18 now and I don't even know how insurance or fraud work, never mind insurance fraud. They're going to accuse me. They only thing I'm really guilty of is being stupid/ naive/ gullible. I trusted a person who I should not have trusted. My questions are: 1) How can I track down this person? I sent a messege on Facebook to all of our mutual friends telling them to keep an eye out. 2) How can I move the investigation from the police (who are on my side) along, when they aren't really doing anything? 3) What am I supposed to tell the insurance guy? What should I say? I just want my car back. I feel so helpless, please help.""
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
Dewar Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74431
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Which car would you prefer? 2006 Volkswagen rabbit, 2006 toyota corolla, or a 2006 honda civic?
which do u think would be a suitable car for a university student and cheap on insurance and gas.
My auto insurance raised twice as much for not being insured for more then 30-days?
I had auto insurance with state farm and my policy was $180 (just liablilty)per month for 12 months. I ran into some issues with money and could not pay so I cancelled the policy and avoided driving for a little over a month. I recently went to another agency to find a cheaper insurance and they said since i had a registered vehicle that was uninsured for more than 30 days, there is a penalty. Now I pay $340 for 8 months (just liablilty). 3 agency's told me the same thing. My question is will this ever change? How long will I have this penalty ? I have a clean driving record besides this and feel this is unfair and cannot afford it. Is there anything I can do to go back to paying $180p month? When did insurance companies start doing this? I have not found anything similiar through my research. Thanks""
$600 Fine For Expired Car Insurance? BC Canada?
Today I got a $600 fine for a week expired car insurance and my car got taken away to an impound . Is that the right price for British Columbia, Canada?? Because I've heard that its supposed to be 100-200 first time, 300-400 second time, 500-600 third time? This is the first time I've ever had a ticket because of expired car insurance so why is it so dam expensive? Can I get some of my money back at least? Seriously $600 is way too much""
Autistic child and health insurance in california?
My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue..""
Cheapest car for a 17 year old girl?
What's the cheapest car to buy and on insurance for a new driver of 17? I've been told an old car with small engine but that's coming out 4,000 on insurance surely that isn't right?""
New Jersey Car Insurance Question.?
Knowledgeable Jersey Residents only please! I have recently moved to Jersey, and I am having heart feailure over the cost of car insurance. It is almost DOUBLE the cost in any other state where I have lived. (CT, FL, NY, SC) (I have NO tickets, NO accidents) Also, I was told today that there is yet ANOTHER rule/law in Jersey that states that any family member who lives with you (whether they are under YOUR insurance, or their own insurance) makes you liable in case of an accident. In other words, if my adult daughter (who has a poor driving history) gets in an accident--I COULD BE SUED.....EVEN if she has her own car, and her own insurance. CAN THIS BE TRUE???? It is very important that I get a straight answer, as it will drastically affect my ability and desire to stay as a resident in New Jersey.""
How much is the insurance for having an average motorcycle?
I'm 19 years old and living in Santa Monica, CA. I have driver's license and sometimes I drive my parents' car but i don't have an insurance and car yet. I just want to know how much it will be payed for a year for like Harley Davidson or something.""
Can i switch car insurance from one car to another?
i have a car with car insurance on it, but i am going to buy another car, and i want to take the car insurance off my old car and put it on my new one. is it possible and if so how do i go about doing it?""
Grace period on car insurance in nyc?
Do car insurance policies follow the car or the driver?
I have a car insurance policy for my honda civic with both liability and collision. I am going to buy a motorcycle soon, and want to know if I need to get extra insurance. The value of the motorcycle won't be a lot, so I'm not crazy about getting collision on the bike. But will my liability insurance from my car policy follow me when I drive the motorcycle (or anyone else's car for that matter)? I guess the real question is: do I need to inform my insurance company that I'm getting a motorcycle?""
Good auto insurance?
i have quite a complicated issue with insurance 1. im CANADIAN andi go to school in the states but do not hold a Michigan drivers license -however i CAN get one 2. i have no document history in michigan so this puts me at a high premuim so is it possible for the insurance companies to insure me in michigan and use my canadian driving history....im 21 years old female...also i was thinking if it is possible to put it under my parents plan who are canadians but if they could purchase an american insurance plan and use there canadian driving history to get a quote...thanks!!
Why are some people so adamant that having ONLY private medical insurance is best?
What do you think? This is a quote from the following article: In addition, under the settlement, Health Net agreed to halt employee bonuses that were based in part on how many rescissions they performed. And here's the article, with other reputable links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross Announces Settlements With California Insurance Department Over Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; Health Net Announces Settlement""
How much wll i pay for insurance if im 16??
aint got a fast car or anything but how much if my parent adds me on or how much would it be if i pay(if i could do that at 16)
2nd car insurance by Geico?
Hi, I have a 2005 Toyota corolla and have comprehensive collision damage waiver from Geico (My policy covers collision damage waiver for my rental cars,too). I'm planning to buy a new car this week. Can I drive that vehicle off the lot without adding the VIN# to my insurance? How much time I have before adding them to my insurance? I live in California.""
How much will it cost me to register my motorcycle its a ninja 250 i live in florida ?
i am 17. please do not judge me on my age. also how much am i looking at for insurance ? who do you recommend ? allstate, progressive, geico, statefarm ? how about insurance providers that are big known companies? i dont know the word im looking for.""
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
How much is the average car insurance payment for a teenage?
I'm 16 & I know I'll be on my moms insurance since I'm not 18. would I be better off getting a 2011 or 2012 year car? I've heard it's pretty costly
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
Whos the cheapest car insurance companys for first time drivers?
How much money off my insurance will driving school save me?
I live in calgary alberta and my dad just put me into driving school. I was wondering, by how much money would my parents monthly insurance costs be raised with out driving school if i were an occasional driver. How much money is it going to go up by after i take the driving school? im a 17 year old male. i dont have my licence yet but im taking the road test on friday, the day of my final driving course.""
Cheap car insurance for young driversw?
Cheap car insurance for young driversw?
Car insurance that covers young people driving other cars?
I'm looking to buy car insurance as my renewal is due on the 30th of Nov, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that will let you drive other people's cars with the owners permission? I'm 20 at the moment and I'm aware that most insurers will only cover 25+ for this benefit but I want to know if there are any companies that offer this to younger people under 21, also if anyone knows of any companies that cover over 21 year olds this will also be helpful as I'm turning 21 during the course of the policy can anyone help me with this?""
Cheap car/insurance for a young lad?
18 year old son has just passed his test. Looked at a Fiat siacento(I know thats wrong but you know what car I mean)1999/1100cc/65000miles/good nick/500,I thought bargain. Until I checked the insurance.... 3000!!! Before I start ranting about the cost of insuring a young lad(and the cost of my own insurance) can anyone tell me a cheap car that is also cheap to insure. Thanks.""
Advice on teen car insurance ?
I'm 18, from Ontario and have had my G2 for over a year now. I was in a deathly car accident in january on the highway because of really bad weather conditions, I'm lucky to be okay. The cop didn't charge me because the weather was so bad and there were a number of car accidents that week. However the insurance company faulted me because I spun out first. Its been 2 months and my dad has done nothing but complain about his car being wrecked. He blames me 100% for the accident even though I hit black ice and there was nothing I could do, and he wasn't even there... For my 18th birthday my grandad (his dad) is giving me $10,000 for a car. My dad is making him wait to give it to me and he won't take me car shopping ! And when I do get one he's not putting me under his insurance ! I have to insure my own car at 18 with only a part time job. Is this unfair? Not being able to drive has been a huge hassel. What are the cheapest cars to insure ? I can drive standard so there's no limitations. What's the best insurance companies ? How much do you think it would be ? Also I'm going to college in Florida next year on an athletic scholarship so what is insurance like down there ?""
How much does a chest X-Ray cost with no health insurance?
i've been experiencing pain in my chest, and i think i need a chest X-Ray. the only problem is, my insurance papers haven't gone through yet, and they won't for about a ...show more""
affordable health insurance phoenix
affordable health insurance phoenix
How much is the insurance for a ford mustang?
for a teen girl driver thats 15 with a permit
Do you need to show proof of insurance for title transfer?
When you buy a used car and go to DMV to transfer title, do you need to provide proof of insurance? Or is that only for registration renewals. This is for California""
How much would insurance be?
About how much would auto insurance cost for a 16 year old female for a $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger?""
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it""
What good is affordable health care when more...?
people are out of work then there are people without health insurance?
""Is it cheaper to buy a BMW and/ Mercedes in Europe taking into account all costs including shipping, insurance""
Is it cheaper to buy a BMW and/ Mercedes in Europe taking into account all costs including shipping, insurance""
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
What is usps $100 insurance included mean? Do i have to pay for it?
i order something from a third party amazon seller and today when i track my order it said: Features: $100 insurance included...what does this mean? do i have to pay extra?
""How much would it be if got allstate insurance for a new 2009 nissan altima. im 20yrs old, live with my parets?
my parents have allstate. this is my first car under my name.
About how much do you think my car insurance will cost?
my parents just switched to liberty mutual, I have a car, a blue 99 manual chevy cavalier and I'm 18. I'm trying to figure out how much money from my job I need to save up before I get my license, because I have to pay my own insurance and I've had my permit for a year and a half because I couldn't find a job until last month. I just want a guesstimate please!""
""What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?""
How much will it cost to insure a Subaru Impreza WRX?
It'd of course be under my parents insurance, which is either Travco, or Liberty Mutual. Not sure which one it is, I'm 17 got my license at 16 and a half. I live in Eastern PA near Allentown. The car year will be 2004-2008 and will have a value ~10k. I also have a 3.6 GPA, and I heard there is some good student discount. Thank you""
Car insurance cost for 17 year old?
Im 17 and ill be needing to pay for car insurence the car and th insurance compnay is in my parents name righ tnow they pay 150. my parents are putting me on the insurance policy and they are making me pay whatever is above 150, how much will i be paying. I live in virginia if that helps""
""Ok Insurance battle, old and new insurances?""
I had High Mark blue cross blue shield with my mom and i got married to my husband and got tricare. Tricare is saying they wont pay anything when i had another Insurance. If my old insurance wont pay does tricare have too? My old insurance is now gone, also""
How much do you pay for home insurance?
So we are paying like $132 for car insurance on two vehicles with American Family Insurance and we both have clean records although we are young 22 (f) and 24 (m). We just got a quote from Wawanesa they said we could do full coverage through them for half the price 80 a month! Although they don't do home insurance and I know you can save a lot by combining the two. So now through AFI we pay about $40 a month for home insurance is that a good price with the combined home and auto?? How much do you think it will go up if we cancel the car insurance and go with wawanesa?? Is there cheaper insurance agencies that will cover only home? In the end I am just looking for how much you pay and if you combine your auto with the same company. Thanks!!
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Hi, i was just wondering if it is illegal to drive without car insurance in Ontario, Canada.""
Auto insurance?
what is the best auto insurance out there and why
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
Suspended liscense and car insurance?
So in two more months my license suspension will be over from a dui. First of all the type of dui that I got from what I've been told isn't as bad as the real one seeing as I got a dui for blowing a 0.3 but being under 21 makes it illegal at any alcohol level. My dui is considered and infraction so no criminal record but still not sure if this goes in my driving record. When I get my license back and look for car insurance will I have to pay extra for insurance for having a dui infraction?
How much is your car insurance?
around how much would it be for a teen lets say?
If I live with my mother and my father is buying me a car will his insurance cover me?
My parents are divorced and my mother has custody of me. My mom's boyfriend bought my older brother's car. So my dad said he'll buy mine. Will his insurance cover me since I live with my mother? Or will I have to pay the insurance to my dad and pay insurance to my mom since I live with her? So basically I would be paying them both for insurance according to my mother. The car will be in my dad's name.
Does anyone know about 'Gap Insurance' to cover the cost between ?
the amount owed on an almost new car and the amount the insurance company is willing to settle for (book value).
What if insurance wants to change my sons counselor?
He has been seen by an out of network provider for over 6 years and approved...now at the age of 13 they want to force me to get a in network provider. My son has flourished with this counselor and trusts him...why should he have to change? Haven't the insurance company set a presidence? Any good web sights I can look this up on? Any help would be appreciated...I plan on fighting this.
How's health insurance in london?pls help?
i was diagnosed with some major illness in the US and have no insurance cant afford paying for it.i heard the health insurance is free in london, is it possible to move there for recovery? if so how long would it take me to get accepted as immigrant and fully recovered?""
affordable health insurance phoenix
affordable health insurance phoenix
Car insurance n registration?
i had just bought a used car n i was wonderin to get the car registered do u need the insurance first or is the other way around??? help i dont want to go into the dmv not knowin
Does anyone know if State Auto Insurance Agency is a good insurance?
I am looking for auto/home owners insurance was quoted a great premium with State Auto, but wasn't sure how good of insurance they are.""
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old with a Ninja 600?
I am looking to get a Ninja 600 and wondering how much insurance on it would be, I have years of dirt biking experience and have taken a cycle safety course. I have had a Suzuki 650S until i had an accident (was night riding in the country hit thick patch of gravel and downed the bike sending it into a ditch) which is considered an at-fault accident. Other than that i have never been pulled over/ gotten a ticket. Approx how much would insurance be monthly for me to insure a Ninja 600?""
Will police know if your car insurance policy has been cancelled?
Paying my car insurance is my number one priority but after being unemployed for 2 months and finally starting a job, I can't pay my next bill. I called my insurance company and got a 15 day extension but I start my new job on Monday so I might not be able to pay the bill. If my proof of Insurance says it ends in August and I missed July's payment and the insurance is cancelled, can a police officer find out? Again, I am not asking because I want to skip out on my insurance. I have run out of funds and I am starting a new job on Monday. Also, if it matters, I live in Michigan.""
How do I get insurance for a car with that on the title?
How do I get insurance for a car with that on the title?
How high will my insurance be?
im 17 and want a 77 camaro, will insurance be high, can i have an estimate?""
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance?
Can someone use a P.O. Box when applying for auto insurance? I live in New Orleans, and the insurance for new and used vehicles is REALLY expensive. I have a clean record, and am applying for insurance on a non sporty vehicle (Honda Accord or Civic sedan). I was wondering if I can get a P.O. Box in another Parish (County) where the insurance is significantly cheaper. This way I can apply with that address rather than my residential. Thanks for your help!""
Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada?
Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!""
A question about car insurance?
I currently live in Minnesota, where the price for my auto insurance is around $910/6 months for the most basic insurance required by law, which is 30/60/10. In August, I am moving to North Dakota. I wanted to change my insurance to my North Dakota address, since their requirements are 25/50/25, and will cost me only half of what I am paying now. So my question is, do I have to change anything? Do I have to change my legal home address to North Dakota and get a North Dakota address, or can I keep my Minnesota address and license? I'll honestly do anything it takes, since I will be living in ND for four years and will probably end up making that my legal home eventually anyways, I just need to know if there is anything I need to do immediately so my car insurance is legal.""
Proof of insurance issue (Houston)?
I received a ticket while visiting in Houston for not having a valid TX license and for a traffic violation. The ticket costs over $300, but I would like to take a driving class to lower the cost and avoid a points penalty. I was driving my friend's car when I got pulled over. She has insurance for her car and she was with me, but since I was driving, I got the ticket. I am currently not an any insurance policy and I need to send in the defensive driving course request with proof of insurance. Is it okay to send the insurance of her car? Please help. PS. I already took care of the license part. Thank you.""
Insurances for starting a small business?
What are all the difference insurances for starting up a business? Please include a source or proof of your numbers
What would insurance be for me with this car?
2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week. I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident.""
Car insurance first time owner?
Hi, I'm an international student with USA drivings license in Fl. I'm covered by my boyfriends car insurance company in order to drive his car but that's everything what I have as insurance. I'm on my way on buying a new car and I don't know what to do. Because I have my driving's license for an less than year the rates are pretty high. Almost 500$ for a month. Does anybody know any cheap insurance company that will help me to overcome this obstacle and moreover is there any other trick that I can use in order to reduce the rates. Thank you in advance.""
What qualifies you for Medicaid in California?
Im 19years old. im in school but didnt get enough classes to stay on my parents insurance. now i dont have any and i only make like 600 dollars a month. i also dont get any financial aid for school. IM not pregnant or anything, i just need insurance. How much would it cost me per month to have Medicaid? Do i even Qualify? What does it cover if i do? How long would it take to get on it? PLease help im stressing so much about this.""
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit?
I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?""
Cheaper insurance? bmw 3 series or volkswagen jetta?
What would be cheaper on insurance? A 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta gli or gls (manual v6 around 200 horse). Or a 1999-2002 BMW 3 series? (also v6, manual, and around the same horsepower). Both would be sedans. Im a 18 year old student with a perfectly clean driving record. What would be cheaper? Why? how much cheaper?""
How much would insurance be on a corvette?
I'm looking at corvettes in the 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 miles on it. I will be 18 when I buy it and I'm hoping I keep my perfect driving record. If it's affordable ...show more""
How much would it cost to insure a cheap motorcycle for a teen?
I found a good bike for two thousand dollars it's nothing fancy but it's enough to get around so I was wondering how much would it cost to insure a bike like this. I have very good grades my parents have a good driving record so I think that will help
Looking for a site for Affordable Individual Health Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for affordable individual health insurance online web company.Can you suggest me where can I find cheap and good site for my insurance?I'll be very thankful.""
Permanent Life Insurance - Why?
I am 32 (married, 1 daughter) and am looking to have about 700,000 in life insurance. I can get most of this insurance in a 30 yr Term Insurance at a good rate. My question is: within 30 yrs, my kids will have finished college and moved out. If so, would my Term Insurance suffice or should I look at getting some Permanent Life Insurance? Why would I need permanent life insurance? I read on the internet that Permanent Life Insurance is used for burial costs and to pass money on to my heirs. What if I can accomplish both of those through just my personal finances? So my question is: why would one ever consider permanent life insurance""
What is the health insurance like in Vermont?
Some people are saying that it's like Canada's health insurance, where anyone can have it for free. Some others are saying that it's restricted to only certain incomes, ...show more""
Canceling car insurance?
im 19 and have had car insurance for 4 months or so. i had a bunch of money from working with my parents.( own their business). well there business is bad due to the economy. plus a month ago i injured my ankle bad and it still gets a little swollen if im on it for long periods of time. so i cant get a job unless its one where im sitting and there isn't much with just sitting. so i have been thinking of canceling my insurance till my ankle is better and get a job then. my question is how much will my insurance go up when i get it again? my parents are saying its bad too do but i don't see any other option. if i don't cancel it the insurance and gas will drain my bank account in a couple months and i wont have a choice but to cancel it...
Can I cancel my car insurance?
I took out car insurance with Direct Line in July paying in monthly instalment by direct debit. I am now getting rid of my car so want to cancel. Will there be a cancellation fee? Will they make me pay what is left for the year?
What is a good and cheep health insurance?
i only need it for a month i'm 19 years old and in good health. oh i live in florid
affordable health insurance phoenix
affordable health insurance phoenix
Will my insurance go up after a carpool violation?
I was driving on the carpool lane today(I wasn't suppose to because carpool says 3 or more persons and it was me and my sister only), and a CHP saw me, so he pulled me and asked for my license, registration and insurance. Then he asked me why I was in the carpool lane, and I said that a car cut me off so I had to avoid coalition and so I went into the carpool lane...not sure if this was a smart answer, but anyway he gave me the ticket and said that I will receive something in the mail. My question is, I know i'm going to get a point for this violation, but will me insurance rate go up? how will this affect me?""
What would the range of insurance be if i get a cruiser (motorcycle)?
I am 20 years old, living in Mississauga, Ontario. I am planning on going for my M1 and M2 licenses this summer. At the moment, I am undecided between a vulcan500 and a rebel250. If anything, it will be the insurance costs that will have the final say in which one I end up getting. I realize that different insurance companies have different insurance costs; but I just want to know what the average range for a beginner drive with these bikes would be.""
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
Is the insurance is cheaper if the car is fully paid?
so i checked the esurance company site's quote, i was checking out the subaru wrx 05, when its on lease.. the insurance is $500/month, but if fully paid $170/month both of them are in minimum coverage. im just getting insurance just for the heck of it. is this just a glitch or real?""
What to do when health insurance company won't cover surgery?
We just recently got health insurance a few weeks ago. My husband was diagnosed with a double inguinal hernia yesterday and is scheduled for surgery Friday. Our insurance company will not cover the surgery., They said that hernia surgery has a 6 month waiting period and he can not wait another week let alone 6 months. They will only cover it if it is a life or death situation.I could take him back out to the ER, but who's to say that they will say that it is an emergency and do it within 24 hours? I put a call in to the financial aid counselor to see about getting help with the surgery bill, although we are most likely going to be unable to pay big amounts of money. Is there any insurance companies we can sign up for in order to have health insurance and be able to have him get the surgery by Friday? Or is there anything else we can do? We are not eligible for MDCD, already tried that!! Please help with any suggestions.""
Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?
I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more""
What are the cheapest auto insurance companies in eastern Pennsylvania that cover grey market automobiles?
I recently bought a 1984 Mercedes 500SEL and my insurace company says they will only cover my car for 30 more days until I find a company that will cover a grey market car. The guy I bought it from had it insured so I know its possible, but could you give me some ideas of cheap companies to start off at? I'm a newly licensed driver and am only 16, so please only give me companies that sell policies to 16 year olds (some only sell to 18 and above). Thanks.""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
How can I find out the cheapest rate?
how much a year would a 1998 chevrolet camaro base, not z28, be for a new driver. any ideas? and also a 2002 dodge intrepreped es 4 door cost? please.""
Can i put my parents on my medical insurance at work .?
what would i have to do to qualify them to be added to my insurance.
Why do car insurance companies do credit checks?
I have just renewed my car insurance and made a massive saving from 162 per month to 79 per month. But the first few wouldnt let me pay monthly because of my credit history. Why ...show more
When does car insurance go down for teenagers?
i heard recently that now you can start driving as soon as you hit 17 1/2, instead of 18. does this work for insurance too - as in, will the insurance be cheaper if you start driving at 17 1/2, instead of 18? i can't afford the high insurance rates, so that's why i haven't started driving yet, although im 17 1/2 now. This is according to California DMV rules, btw thanks""
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
What is the price range for insurance on a 07 mustang premium v6?
I am 20, I live in AL. no accidents or violations. I want prices or estimates please, not what I should consider n etc... Thank u""
How much will insurance be on a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse?
Hi im 24 years old and I'm going to get a black 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse automatic v6. And just wanted to know how much the insurance will cost, i haven't been in any car crashes with my current car and have a good driving record.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Wisconsin?
It seems to me that every insurance company out there is claiming to have the lowest rates, etc. In your experience, who has had the cheapest prices? I'm referring to basic car insurance...no frills, just the minimum coverage that is now required in WI? Thanks (and please dont try to sell me something...I just want some ideas here)""
Proof of insurance issue (Houston)?
I received a ticket while visiting in Houston for not having a valid TX license and for a traffic violation. The ticket costs over $300, but I would like to take a driving class to lower the cost and avoid a points penalty. I was driving my friend's car when I got pulled over. She has insurance for her car and she was with me, but since I was driving, I got the ticket. I am currently not an any insurance policy and I need to send in the defensive driving course request with proof of insurance. Is it okay to send the insurance of her car? Please help. PS. I already took care of the license part. Thank you.""
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
i just want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure as i am going to get my first car soon.
How to join car insurances?
HI I have one car at the moment. Which insurance is due in november 1st. Now if i buy another car this month or next i will have to get that insured aswell. The question i want to ask is that how can i have both cars insured under one company e-g LV. As they will have different starting dates of insurance and different ending dates? Also is it cheaper to have two cars with same company or different companies?? Can i have both with same company but different main drivers?? Many Thanks
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
Can still drive with my parents in the car even if I don't have car insurance and they do?
I'm 16 and I don't have insurance listed under my name yet. I have my license already. Me and my parents were wondering if I could still drive without insurance if they're in the car with me. We live in Arizona btw, if that helps. Thanks!""
Auto Insurance help?
My parents have 3 cars, and I'm getting my drivers license soon. when I called the insurance company, they said that I must be registered as a primary driver instead of occasional driver on one of the 3 cars (which makes the insurance cost a lot more). Is that true or are they bsing?""
How good is tonik health insurance?
active college student who needs a supplement to our generic university health care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc.""
17 Year Old Motorbike Insurance?
What would you estimate the insurance costs are for a 17 year old riding a C.P.I Sprint 125CC?
Why is car insurance so messed up?
i just got a quote for 1200 to insure a 1.4 focus, costing 600. but i also have a quote of 1000 to insure a 2004 mazda rx8 costing 5000. how the hell do they work this rubbish out""
affordable health insurance phoenix
affordable health insurance phoenix
0 notes
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
"Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
How much is home insurance per year in South Florida ?
Were purchasing a home around 300,000 how much is insurance yearly ? Anyone pay around this much ?""
Is life insurance a good ivnestment?
Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife?
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Will my car insurance rates go up?
A year ago, I got into an accident that was my fault. My insurance rates went up. Recently they dropped but at school, I was pulling out of a parking space and I ran into another girl's car. Will my insurance rates go up if she put in a claim? If so, how much. Any thoughts? What should I do?""
""In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?""
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.""
Mass insurance?
why is it that in massachustts that if you have a deductable of $500 on your car insurance policy and put in a claim for $900 dollars you are charged a surcharge of $360 for 6 years why do we have insurance and pay a high premium to start with. they should pay the claim for the $400 difference without a surcharge. i have 3 cars insured and it seems that i pay for the insurance but have no benefit from it.
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Quick question about RENTERS INSURANCE?
My fiance and i are renting out a house starting Feb. 1st. After a year we have an option to buy the house. Anyways, when we were looking at the house she said her dad wants us to get renters insurance before we move in. I'm guessing because of the fireplace, attic, etc. Do i need to get any info from her before i sign up for insurance? Where do i go to get this? ANY sort of info would be great. We're new to renters insurance. We live in an apartment complex right now with NO insurance.""
How much would it cost to get the implanon removed at planned parenthood but with no insurance?
I have had it for almost 2 years and it bothers me so much! I get really bad side affects from this stupid thing and I want it out ASAP!
What happens if I'm driving someone else's car and it doesnt have insurance?
I have insurance but the car I was in doesn't. Is there a way out of this?
Approximately how much would car insurance cost for a teenager in NJ?
Approximately how much would car insurance cost for a teenager in NJ?
Health insurance part time work ?
how to get coverage?
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
Question about insurance coverage?
Okay today my car was broken into at school and they shattered the drivers side window and stole my $150 radio and my $120 graphing calculator. I have full auto insurance coverage but what coverage does this fall under? Comprehensive coverage? I saw on this website that homeowners insurance would cover this but that didn't make sense to me. Does the car have to be home when the break in happened? WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER
Can anyone recommend an insurance carrier for insuring the contents of a house move (besides the movers)?
I am moving the contents of my house from California to Colorado using the PODS mover and storage - PODS insurance is very expensive and covers virtually nothing so I would like to find a reliable insurance company that will cover my belongings during transit and storage
Most affordable insurance company is?
Looking for cheap health insurance, I have never had health insurance before. What is the least amount of money a company will want from me to have full coverage of a surgery or hospital bill?""
Can you get maternity insurance only? Without regular health insurance included?
I am not pregnant yet.
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
Cheap insurance for 18 year old?
does anyone know any cheap websites or company's because on all the comparison websites im getting 3500 pound for a 1.1 Peugeot 106, and that's third party fire and theft :( please help because this is ridiculous.""
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
Car insurance????
I am trying to find cheap car insurance..... Do you know who had the cheapest? I am a 21 year old female and the car is a 1998 Oldsmobile cutlass
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
Does car insurance cost more for old people?
I'm doing a topic in my GCSE's and i have to gather information on weather old people should be allowed to drive... so i would apreciate it if you would comment on that as well. But what i wanted to know was weather car insurance costs more for people over 65 (because thats the age you can retire and get a pension) or for people under 65.
What can I do about uninsured motorist?
I was driving at a green light and the person made a left turn into me without a turning signal. I swerved right to avoid them, but we still crashed. A car then hit me from behind because of it. Their car has no damage, but I'm pretty sure my car and car 1 is totaled. I'm worried because car 1 might not have insurance. I have a dislocated thumb, that I need surgery on and won't be able to work for a while. My job won't give me short term disability. I have liability insurance in PA. Do I find car 1? Can I go to car 2's insurance and get anything? I heard PA is a no fault state but I don't understand any of that. If anyone could explain anything to me and let me know what to do next, I would really appreciate that.""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
How much is your monthly car note and how much is your insurance? How many months do you have to pay it off?
What do you drive and do you feel its worth it? I pay $271 on my note. My insurance is $138. I had 42 months on it. I drive a 2005 chevy cobalt. So far I guess it is worth it. Driving is very expensive.
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
What is the best car insurance for a traveler?
Hi, me and my partner just bought a car in Auckland. We are traveling around New Zealand for around 9 months and was wondering which is the best vehicle insurance we can get.""
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?
Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
Can I throw away my old insurance card?
I got new insurance. do I need to keep the old card for any records?
How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?
I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..""
How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?
I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?""
CAR INSURANCE - 2nd driver?
My sister who recently passed her driving test would like to buy a car, problem is car insurance quote comes up to 3000, which is too much! So i was thinking to get the insurance in my name, and put her down as secondary driver. I already have another car, where i am also primary driver. If she crashed her car, would this get flagged up under my insurance, although she crashed it....i dont want to pay high insurance for the rest of my life for her mistake or would it come under her record??""
""What are the best cars that are cheap to insure, low on tax (highest band D), and quite fast?
This is for my first car 17 year old. Thanks
Will making two collision claims (one major/ one minor ) within a 6 month period raise my auto insurance rates
I've never made a claim before this first one, a deer ran in front of my car and caused severe damage. Now five months later someone hit my car in parking lot (I think) nothing major just a 6 black mark that pushed the body in a bit. Will they raise my rates? If so then I would just go a get it fixed and pay for it all out of pocket.""
What's the average car insurance cost in Ireland?
Hi everyone, I'm planning to move from Canada to Ireland next year and I was wondering what would be an average cost for a basic car insurance? I have had a valid Canadian G2 license for about 3 years, as well as a Romanian (EU) full license for 8 years. I'm 26. The car would be a small car, and the region either Dublin or Cork. I'm not looking for an exact quote, I'd just like to know what you are paying for your car and your experience, so to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks.""
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
Drive parents car without insurance?
hi, so i just got my license and can not afford insurance or a car. But my parents have insurance on both of their cars. Am i aloud to drive their cars on occasion, with their approval?""
Is insurance on a chevy beretta typically high?
theres this kid i work with who wants to sell his beretta and i got the money to buy it and the car looks and sounds really nice.but,i dont have enough specs even the year of the car to call for a quote on how much it will be and i only see this kid a couple times a month.i dont kno wut year it is but i kno it has a v6.does anyone kno about how much my insurance will be?(im 18 by the way).i dont have any other way of getting info of this kid.thx!""
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Help with health insurance please?
Hi there, I was wondering what are some good affordable health insurance companies that will take pre existing conditions also? What other companies are there besides blue shield and medi cal.Thank you in advance.""
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
""I am 17 years old, got my driving license 8 month ago, but i don't have insurance on my car! What would happen?""
What would happen if the cops would stop me? I have my mom's insurance, for my car , can it be helpful with the cops?""
What company offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Toronto?
I Want to buy a motorcycle around $ 5000 and wondering how much would be the insurance for the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR 125 How can I be able to get discount on my premium. I have a full M licence with no accidents for like 2 years. I live on Dufferin st close to bloor and I am 25 years old male Serious replies only please because having a car is too expensive for me.
Anyone know of a good car insurance agency in Homestead FL?
I am moving from Michigan to South Florida soon and of course I need to get car insurance down there. I go through a agency in Michigan that searched 5 different insurance companies to get me the best price.. Anyone know of a agency like this in the Homestead Florida area?
Car insurance rough estimate?
55 years old, recent drink driving conviction, Mazda sports car worth < 2K.""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?
Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn't get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know.""
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
What is the best cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
need cheap good car insurance
Umbrella insurance?
instant quotes for the stand alone umbrella insurance in california
Do you sell car insurance? PLEASE LOOK IF YOU DO! :)?
HI! I used to work at Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt county Northern California... about 5 years ago. we worked on commission only.. so if you didn't write a policy you ...show more
Will my insurance go up after a carpool violation?
I was driving on the carpool lane today(I wasn't suppose to because carpool says 3 or more persons and it was me and my sister only), and a CHP saw me, so he pulled me and asked for my license, registration and insurance. Then he asked me why I was in the carpool lane, and I said that a car cut me off so I had to avoid coalition and so I went into the carpool lane...not sure if this was a smart answer, but anyway he gave me the ticket and said that I will receive something in the mail. My question is, I know i'm going to get a point for this violation, but will me insurance rate go up? how will this affect me?""
How do unemployed get medical insurance?
March 31st is the last day for 'everyone' to sign up for medical insurance. How would it work in my situation? My fianc and I are now both unemployed, we have been searching for jobs high and low. Sad to say only 40% of 2 million jobless people will find jobs. Our uneployment ran out and have spent all our tax money on bills and rent. We are now on the verge of losing everything by next month. We have no income so how are we going to sign up and pay for insurance. Even $5 a month for each of us is a lot in our circumstance.""
Im 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance in california?
Im 6 weeks pregnant, i got my proof of preganancy at a free clinic, i applied for medical.. how long till i know im approved? I work part time, i dont make enough money at all... maybe 400 before taxes. i pay 400 rent, i split rent with my bf that i live with. he has a good job. would that effect my media-cal application? are they going to want my roomates info? and with him being my bf does that make a difference? we are not married so will they still use that?""
Whats the average cost of health insurance(+dental)?
I'm 19, female, never had any health problems, and married(dunno if any of that matters haa.) I'll be getting my own plan for the first time, I'm just wondering whats the average cost, what are some good providers to use that aren't too expensive, and does health insurance come with dental or is that a separate thing? Thanks!""
If i have liability insurance and i hit a car but the car leaves the accident will my insurance pay?
I have liability car insurance and the other day a car pulled over in my lane and just stopped i ran into the back of her smashed the front end of my car(non driveable) the police said it wasn't my fault and the other car just left right after it happened. Will my insurance pay for my car?????
What car and insurance?
hi can anyone help my daughter wants a car she likes the fiat punto td sx i think it is and the vauxhall corsa merit and the citroen saxo and the ford ka and fiesta what is the best car for a first time car and what has the most cheap insurance as it would be a provisional licsence ? and what website has the most cheap insurance? if anybody has any idears for any other cars like these please help also is auto trader any good? thanks any Question plz ask
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Cheapest car to insure?
I'm not asking for lectures of any kind, I simply want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure. The Ford Ka is a cheap one. I don't want to be told there are no cheap car insurance, just the cheapest of them all. I'm a 17 year old male in Nov. Live with parents in a good area with no crime.""
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
Piaggio ape 50cc Insurace Please HELP?
Okay I'm 17 and looking at getting a Piaggio ape 50cc to drive around i live in a town in the uk, I have looked for a number plate to get a example of cost on insurance as if its loads I wont be able to get it! I'm pretty sure I don't need full licence to drive just CBT as I don't have full licence!""
""I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I'm driving my mom's car?""
I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I'm driving my mom's car? She has allstate insurance. I won't be driving often. in California btw""
Car hit by uninsured driver - how to recover the costs?
My stationary car was hit by an uninsured driver in March 09. The insurance company made me pay 500 excess and said that this will be fully recoverable as the other driver was at fault. The car was then written off and I was paid the value of the car. In December the other driver was found guilty of driving without insurance, fined and given penalty points. Even though my policy gives me legal cover, it has now been 11 months since the incident and they do not seem to be very active. Also, my policy expires next month and as the claim is still open, the insurers assume that I lost my no claim bonus and quoted me twice as much for the renewal. I'm confused now, is there anything I can do to get my 500 back? I hope you can give me any ideas on what to do. Thanks""
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Buying a new auto insurance policy on a used car?
So im buying my first auto insurance policy (my parents dont want to add me to theirs) for my car. Will i have to pay the premium up front, or will i have to pay in 6 month installments?""
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
Car insurance question....?
Is it possible to see how much the isurance will be before I get the insurance??? I am 18, had my license since december 07 and never had a ticket or accidents... How much average is a teen insurance from a coupe to a minivan... I know its not in the high $800, but maybe $120+. I might get a mustang or something... plus is there an insurance gap between forigen and domestic cars???""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Insurance Rate comparison Between G37S Coupe 2009 and a 370z 2009 Both black for a 17 year old?
don't give me the He shouldn't have a car like that at such a young age. We have our reasons, just got back Iraq. But anyways, would the insurance be basically the same for both cars since they're both fast, expensive, and two doors?""
Airplane Insurance Cost?
How much will airplane insurance cost a student pilot? Do I need insurance to rent a plane? What if I buy my own cessna skyhawk while I am a student?
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
What's a good looking affordable car for a teen?
My budget is going to be about 15-25k and I like muscle cars like camaros and dodge challengers! Any other good lookin cars?
Insurance and mental health treatment?
I work for the state of Texas and sign up for health select insurance will it cover MHMR treatment for depression?
Where can i find cheap car insurance on a honda civic type r?
im 23 and these will be my first car im driving...i will put my dad name as the main driver his 53..jus need 2find really cheap car insurance
Insurance for a mobility scooter?
Would anyone be able to recommend a UK company who can provide insurance for a mobility scooter, preferably payable monthly via direct debit? All I can find is companies that want immediate full payment, which is not an option for my 70 year old mum.""
Insurance policy?...?
My mum n dad are insured on a car and are going away next week for 2 weeks and said I can get insured on their car. But their insurance will not insure anyone under 25. I don't think you can have 2 insurance policies on one vehicle but not sure, so can you? How can I get round this? If I got a temp insurance the police would only give me a warning, yeah? Personal Information: 19 year old male with a 2 year driving license and 1 year NCB Pass Plus obtained""
Pregnancy insurance. I might not be eligible for medicaid.?
does anyone knows about any low cost pregnancy insurance?
Getting homeowners insurance in florida?
I'm considering a move to Florida sooner or later, but I wanted to ask a quick question about insurance. I'm in Mobile, Al., and it seems the region has had some skyrocketing insurance costs, both premiums and deductables. A major factor in this is the hurricanes we've had in the past six years, give or take (Yes, i know there are more factors involving costs, the overall economy being no small part). In fact, many areas can't even get insurance in the first place, because no company will write a new policy. Does Florida have the same problem? In the past decade, the state has seen much more of its share of natural disasters than my home (my city hasn't had a direct hit from any of the major storms)""
Car insurance ? Can my girlfriend be a policy holder on one car and named driver on another?
Can my girlfriend be a policy holder and main driver on her car and a named driver on mine? Will this affect her insurance in anyway?
Want to get a life insurance policy on my sister.?
Hello everyone I know that there are policies for yourself or spouse, but am trying to get a policy on my sister. Are there policies out there for siblings and if you have any additional info it would help. Thanks
How can I lower my auto insurance?
I am 20 years old. I live in Florida which is by far the WORST states to have auto insurance. I've only been in 2 accidents, both not my fault. One was a small fender bender (which my friend decided to get a PIP claim even though he didnt get hurt so he could snag some money from the government). The other i totaled my car, but that was over 2 YEARS AGO. This is a no fault state which sucks because both of them werent my fault!!!!! Currently my auto insurance is 253 dollars! I'm a college student and i CANNOT afford that, but thats the cheapest one I found. Geico and all the popular ones wont even look at me. And it also adds on the my mom was in an accident (also not at fault) she got hit from behind at a red light and of course they penalized her for that too. Florida is a fraud state, they penalize you for everything when its no fault. Does anyone know how i can lower my auto insurance? It's been 2 years since I totaled my car and almost 2 and a half 3 years from the small fender bender. I also got a small speeding ticket from maybe september or december of last year, but thats it. no other tickets. thanks!""
""What is a good Car Insurance Company. Im in my early 20s, not the greatest driving record.?""
I have had a few speeding tickets, no insurance tickets, ect. 1 accident 6 years ago. I just need good, cheap, liability insurance for my fiance and I""
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
What would be a good insurance for a 19 year old new driver?
Ok so heres the deal, Im 19 and looking to get a car for school. I go to school in upstate ny and wanna move off campus so i need one for transportation. What would be a good insurance company to go to for cheap insurance for student drivers? Im going to buy a used car off of craigslist, my mom doesnt drive and theres no option for going on a family members insurance. Im doing this all on my own, getting a car, paying insurance and all. Im looking on getting a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or lancer just for an idea. But i dont wanna be stuck paying like 400 bucks insurance at geico or like statefarm, student driver discount my ***. Suggestions would be helpful, not a rant about how i have to think about insurance and gas and maintenence im well aware of all that, i wouldnt be getting a car if that. Thanks.""
Home and car insurance question?
I live in Michigan. Do we have to buy our car and home insurance locally, within this county? Or can we get it from any agent in the state?""
What car would cost more to insure?
A used 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 or a New Mitsubishi Lancer? im a teen and yes i kno insurance is expensive and so thats why im asking b4 i get a car.""
Would you buy rapture insurance?
If you believe in the rapture, would you purchase insurance to be paid out to your family members you have 'left behind'. I mean if you're the bread winner, and just 'vanish'. Who is going to pay the rent, who is going to buy the food. People carry life insurance, and have social security to help families, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't cover 'rapture'... --not superstitious""
Sites of the insurance quotes reliable?
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
I was wonder in how much it would be to insure a motorcycle in mass? I know there's a lot of factors to what the price will be. I just want a rough estimate. Thank you
Cheapest car insurance uk?
I know it also depends on what car you have but just a rough guess how much will it cost for me I'm 21 Iv also heard that the older you are the cheaper the insurance
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
NEED cheap car insurance for 18 year old east london!?
Please please do not say your going to have to pay 4k+ or something stupid, All my mates found car insurances for under 3k!""
""2007 Mercedes S-class fuel consumption, reliability, maintenance?""
If you're 60 years old in Canada, with a great driving record, how much should insurance cost per year more or less? Also, if you drive 20,000km annually, how much should fuel cost? And is this car reliable? How much would you expect to spend on maintenance costs over the next 5 years? It has 70,000km and costs $36,000 also, is this a good price? Lots of questions I know, but thanks so much""
How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?
i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv
Driving without car insurance?
So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
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I don't know wha to talk about right now...just gonna go write all the thoughts in my heads right now that are swimming along...
One of the biggest thing that is bugging me is that I want us to be okay and trying so hard for us to heal from everything.  I miss you tons!  My mind is constantly on you wondering what you are doing, and just dying wishing I can be next to you. Of all the people in this world I just want to spend time with you and be in your arms right now and calm you down while you have this headache. Just feel so helpless these days because I feel useless when you need me. Why does it have to be so hard and complicated??? 
Three songs are stuck in my head and I keep interchanging  
Bad Thing, Shape of You, and Rockabye 
All three are so catchy and I can’t stop listening. And I like to dance to Shape of You!!! Naan you gotta teach me the move! 
Other thing thats bugging me is driving next week to Numc! I’m scared out of my wits. I don't even know if I know the direction and changing lane on the high way is all making me nervous and knots in my stomach. And who knows if the weather will be okay?  Please pray for me that things will work out next 2 weeks. Hummus is very scared!
I got my tooth work done...finally everything is done for that wisdom tooth that was hurting. I actually love my current dentist...she seems very nice and like her humor. I think I got injected in the left hand corner so many times, that I feel like getting injection in the mouth isn't so bad....I’m not as scared going to dentist as I was before. 
Workshop was blah! I hate these workshops it doesn’t really help me learn anything when everyone is fighting to use the one drill equipment.  I mean its all great if its one on one but when you have 8 resident wanting to try it...its just a mess. I’m like fuck this!  Literally people are just there for the free food and to show the face to the boss to show you care when you could care less and just dying to get the hell out of there.  Food from chipotle was ehh they forgot all my sauces -.-.  And I was dying out of thirst because there was no drinks. LOL! Hmmm I really don't like working with some of my residents...there is no need to hold my hands while using the drill.....I was like show me how to do it...and I’ll do it....I literally let go of the drill to avoid these stupid situation. And keep asking me if I’m gonna hang out with you every month...the answer is HELL NO!
Naan is worrying me about his high blood pressure!!! THATS SO HIGH!!! I just want naan healthy! Not even sure how your arm is....! 
There suppose to be a snow storm coming...not sure tonight or tomorrow night...but I am oncall! 
I’ve been binge watching the show Degrassi which is a high school show. I know I’m an adult, but I actually like the topic discussed in the show because its relatable at times. It’s a pretty good show bc its realistic. Only 4 episodes left. Watch 3 Seasons nonstop!! 
I noticed I can sleep anytime anywhere these days. Not sure why no matter how much I sleep I am still tired...so I just have to force myself to get up! Not sure what’s really wrong with me.
Need to figure out how to spend 1800 on books! I want my 1800 dollars and have to buy expensive books and somehow return them too which is gonna cost me $100 shipping, so end up probably getting only 1700. Which is still something, but its dumb that I can’t buy a freaken laptop and call it a day. Thank god I didn’t go out yesterday to buy it because then I would have to return it for no reason. 
Fifty Shade Darker is coming out...I can't wait to watch it with you when we get a chance! I really was hoping we could watch it together in person by now and spend Valentine Day together and be lovey dovey! Muaah! Can’t wait to spend all the holidays and special days with you jaan! Just don't like missing these days.
I think these are all my thoughts for now!!! MUAAAH!
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mypetshopworld · 6 years
Shih Tzu dog a great royal companion
All you need to know about a Shih Tzu Dog
Thinking of getting a Shih Tzu puppy as a pet. Congratulation! I will share with you some essential Shih Tzu dog information what is vital for the Shih Tzu and yourself the owner. Before you buy a Shih Tzu dog please look at your local shelter or a Shih Tzu rescue centre near you. If you do not know how to look for it go on google, or bing and search for it. Yes, even those Shih Tzus are expensive they end up in a shelter either rescued or the owner gave them up. Please adopt first before you buy. Thank you.
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The Shih Tzu dog, in general, is a loyal and adorable dog breed. This cute and adorable Shih Tzu dog will become an essential part of your treasurable family. "I will walk you through the following sections to help you to better understand your Shih Tzu dog. The Shih Tzu dog breed The Characteristics of a Shih Tzu dog Shih Tzu's are one of the oldest dogs in history Size of Shih Tzu's How to care for my Shih Tzu What and how often to feed my Shih Tzu Grooming and colour of my Shih Tzu Children, pets and your Shih Tzu can they get along  The Shih Tzu dog breed If you look at a Shih Tzu dog, the first thing that comes to mind is what an adorable cute little dog. Especially the Shih Tzu puppies look like a toy. Characterised by its impressive, sturdy and miniature stature, the Shih Tzu dog is labelled as a toy dog. It is one of the most popular breeds of the smaller dogs. Do you know that initially this dog breed was meant to look like a lion? Characteristics of a Shih Tzu dog The Shih Tzu is also called the little lion, but this cutely adorable dog breed is not fierce. The Shih Tzu is a lover, not a hunter. His characteristics are friendly, loyal, outgoing, affectionate, clever, alert, spunky, playful and intelligent the list can go on. The Shih Tzu is a happy dog bred solely to be a companion. It loves to follow his people around from room to room. In general an intelligent and happy lapdog. Over the last couple of years, owners started to let their Shih Tzus participate in sports, training the Shih Tzu for agility and obedient competitions. The Shi Tzu is no longer just a lapdog. The Shih Tzu's regal attitude is a result of its distinguished and long history. Researchers suspected that the Shih Tzu is one the oldest breed of dogs. Recent DNA testing has confirmed this. Where does the name come from? The name comes from Xi Shi who is regarded as one of the most beautiful women in ancient China. The Shih Tzu breed history The origins of the Shih Tzu are ancient. A recent study reveals that the Shih Tzu is one of the 14th oldest dog breeds. Dog bones have been found in China and it has been proven that dogs were present there as early as the 8.000 BC. It is believed that the Buddhist monks bred what is now believed a cross between the Tibetan dog breed called Lhasa Apso and the Pekingese. Commonly known is that the Buddhist monks have been breeding special temple dogs and they been given as gifts to Chinese royalty. They called them "palace dogs". Various emperors used the Buddhist monks to breed their special "palace dogs" As a custom, they sent the so-called TibetanShih Tzu Kou or Tibetan Lion Dogs to the Tzu Hsi- the empress of the Manchu Dynasty. When she fell in love with her little dogs from then on they became common around the palace. Now you can understand why Shih Tzu dogs want to be pampered like a princess. For a long time, the Shih Tzu dogs were kept along with some other toy dog breeds. The Shih Tzus and the other dogs where strictly hold separate. It is believed that when the empress died the Shih Tzu's where crossbred with other smaller dogs. There was a competition going on between the different palaces to produce the best-looking dogs with the most beautiful coats and colouring. All these breeding practices were secretly guarded sadly the records of the Shi Tzu's
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What is the size and weight of Shih Tzu's Normally the females are 9 to 10 1/2 inches tall and weigh between 9 to 16 pounds. Males are the same as female Shi Tzu's. Tall between 9 to 10 1/2 inches, and weigh between 9pounds to 16 pounds. How to care for my Shih Tzu For your Shih Tzu dog it does not really worry where he lives, as long you are with your Shih Tzu dog. Small or big city it does not matter a Shih Tzu is very adaptable. A big house with a garden or a small apartment. One thing you have to understand your Shih Tzu is a housedog and is not a kennel dog for outside. It will break it's little heart if he has to be in a kennel outside. Don't get me wrong your Shih Tzu dog enjoys the backyard no question but it wants to be with you. For walking your Shih Tzu should have short walks each day. It is not overly active remember it is a lapdog. Your Shih Tzu is happy to follow you around the house and play with its toys or greets your visitors by running to the door. Your Shih Tzu is a short face breed and as all short face breeds, they are sensitive to heat. When it is hot outside your Shih Tzu dog should remain indoors where it is cool either with a fan or with airconditioning. If you ask why? because it can suffer from heat exhaustion like all short faced dogs. Be aware of one thing about your Shih Tzu they have a habit of thinking they can fly. I can tell you that your Shih Tzu can definitely not fly even if your Shih Tzu thinks so. Please be aware when carrying your Shih Tzu as it can easily jump out of your arms, onto a chair or a bed. This is not unusual for your Shih Tzu to jump fearlessly from some higher furniture. Even if it seems not too high for you, these heights are like towers to the small Shih Tzu. Unfortunately, these jumps often end up in injury for your Shih Tzu. Because the Shih Tzu breed is heavy at the front so it will crash forward causing mainly injury to the head. The Shih Tzu breed is naturally docile and friendly but it will need early socialization and training. As with any dog if you do not train and socialize them they become a problem. A Shih Tzu can become quickly timid when not properly socialized when young. A Shih Tzu and any dog, when trained and socialized early, helps to have a well-rounded dog. Some Shih Tzus are considered difficult to housebreak. It is important to avoid giving opportunities for pee or poo accidents inside to your Shih Tzu puppy. Your Shih Tzu puppy can quickly become accustomed to using the floor or the carpet. ( Teaching your Shih Tzu using a doggie litter box might be a good idea especially when it is hot outside or the weather is bad like rain.
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Smaller dogs have a smaller bladder and they will need to go more often and more frequent to the toilet than a bigger dog.  Potty training is important.  Carefully supervise your Shih Tzu puppy inside the house or apartment for at least 4 weeks to 8 weeks depends on your Shih Tzu puppy. I would always recommend crate training as it is helpful for housetraining and provides your Shih Tzu with a place that is quiet and safe and it helps him to relax and withdraw itself from time to time. Dog Crates are useful for boarding or travelling. What and how often should I feed my ShihTzu. How much your Shih Tzu eats depends on the size, age, how active it is, on the metabolism, how it is built, and how often your Shih Tzu eats. The normal recommendation is 1/2 to 1 cup of high-quality dry food ( kibbles) wet food best is high quality or homemade dog food. Make sure there is always water around so your Shih Tzu has enough water to drink. Clean the bowl of water and change it daily. Dogs are individuals and are like us we don't need all the same amount of food, and we change through the years, that is the same for dogs. Food intake depends on the activity level if it is an active dog it needs more food. If it is a couch potato it will need less food when you do not want him to become obese. Please note the better and higher quality you feed your Shih Tzu the longer it will live and the healthier your Shih Tzu is. For more information on dog food read our blog " what is the best dog food for dogs" and " homemade dog food recipes" How to groom my Shih Tzu, Coat and Colour The Shih Tzu has a beautiful gorgeous coat. It comes in different colours like white and grey, black, black and white, brownish and white or just white. Some Shih Tzu dogs have beautiful colour combinations. The highly prized ones are the white tip on the tail and a white blaze on the forehead.
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Shih Tzu dog washing concept. portrait with comb, towels and soap.  It is a must that you keep the coat of your Shih Tzu clean and shiny. It is demanding and involves work. Frequent bathing ( once a week at least), daily brushing and combing to prevent the tangles in the coat of your Shih Tzu. If you do not want to do that work you can hire a groomer or bring your Shih Tzu daily to a groomer. The groomer will also be able to cut off those long locks that will tangle easily but then some of the Shih Tzus beauty is gone. If you want to keep the coat short because you don't want to do the grooming each day than make sure that your Shih Tzu goes to the groomer at least every 6 weeks. If you decide to groom your Shih Tzu than please make it as pleasant as possible for you and your Shih Tzu. Start grooming early when your Shih Tzu is still a puppy as it will get used to it and you will be doing it a lot. When you look at groomers you can see that the groomers will brush the Shi Tzu all the way down to the skin. Experienced groomers will teach your Shih Tzu to lie on his side while brushing the coat in sections. That way it is easier to brush and more comfortable for your Shih Tzu. The coat of your Shih Tzu puppy will change around the 10th and 12th month of age, it changes from fluffy to a silky, shiny, adult coat. During that stage, you can see that the coat mats faster than you can brush. There is no need to give up, that will pass it is only temporarily. Normally it will last around 3 months. When the adult coats come in full the brushing will become so much easier. General Hygiene Trimming of the nails The Shih Tzu nails need to be trimmed regularly on a monthly base. Checking the ears Your Ears of your Shih Tzu needs to be checked once a week for redness, dirt or bad odour as this can indicate an infection. Best way to wipe them out with a dampened cotton pad sprinkled with a gentle pH-balanced ear cleaner to prevent infections and redness. One important thing is if your Shih Tzu has a lot of ear infection than look for ingrown hairs on the ear canal. You have to plug them to avoid the ear infections. If you are not able to do so than ask the groomer to do it also. Make sure your groomer is professional and know how to handle and groom Shih Tzu dogs. You also have to pay attention to your Shih Tzus face. If your Shih Tzu likes to sabre and gets dirty after his food you need to clean his face to avoid that the eyes tear up or get infected. Yes, I know what you think your Shih Tzu needs the attention like a small child. Wipe your Shih Tzus face regularly with a soft cloth damped with warm water. As the Shih Tzu is a small breed there might be problems with its teeth. All smaller breeds are prone to teeth problems. Take good care of your Shih Tzus teeth. Brush the teeth on a regular base with a soft toothbrush and a dog toothpaste. This will ensure the gums and teeth of your Shih Tzu are healthy and it will spare you the trips to the vet. Any Shih Tzu and any dog should have their regular check-ups.   A Shih Tzu dog needs toys of different kinds also the interactive ones are great to keep your Shih Tzu busy. The health of your Shih Tzu Shih Tzu’s are in general healthy dogs and they are known for their longevity. A healthy and well looked after Shih Tzu dog can live 10-16 years. Shih Tzu's are known for a few health issues. It is important to understand them so you can look out for the symptoms and keep your Shih Tzu puppy until the adult fit and healthy. Keratitis Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea which can eventually result in an ulcer. Unfortunately, your Shih Tzu will often need to undergo surgery.  Proptosis  This is another eye-related disorder, and it occurs when the eyeball actually dislodges from the socket and the eyelid shuts behind it. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) That happens when the photoreceptors in the back of the eye begin to fail. Hip Dysplasia can also occur in Shih Tzu but also appears in all kind of dogs. This is when the body of a dog grows to fast. In Shih Tzu's it can happen because as I mention before they love to jump around, particularly in their youth. When they overestimate their capabilities and land too hard, that can cause an injury that might develop into Hip Dysplasia years later.
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 purebred Shih Tzu  Allergies  Smaller dogs are more affected than bigger dogs. For the Shih Tzu, it is more common due to his short face. Infections of the ears Ears need cleaning on a weekly basis. Collapsing Trachea That is one condition that is more often found in smaller dogs. It is due to the structure of there faces. The Trachea ( windpipe is composed of cartilage.  When the cartilage gets weaker the structure will automatically flatten and the breathing for your Shih Tzu will become difficult and it is a painful process for your Shih Tzu dog. I mention here only a few most common health problems for Shih Tzus.   Children, pets and your Shih Tzu can they get along  I think the Shih Tzu is a wonderful family pet. It is like you have another small child. A Shih Tzu gets along with other dogs or cats in general. The personality of a Shih Tzu is docile and it makes it a great and pleasant companion for children. Be aware that children should sit on the floor and play with your Shih Tzu puppy to avoid carrying or dropping your Shih Tzu. Teach your kids that they should not touch the eyes of your Shih Tzu as they can be easily injured. All in all a Shih Tzu is a great family pet. Conclusion Shih Tzus are great pets, but they also need a lot of attention. If you do not have the time and care for a Shih Tzu than don't get one. A Shih Tzu is totally attached to you and will follow you everywhere you go, even to the restroom. There is no restriction as they need to be treated like a princess/ prince and pampered like a princess or prince. Today's Shih Tzu's are a popular breed which is widely loved and make a great loyal companion. You can go to the Shih Tzu rescue organisation and find out if they have a Shih Tzu to adopt. Please consider adopting a Shih Tzu before you buy one. Every Dog deserves a good home. Help an animal in need. Your kindness will go a long way. Do you have a Shih Tzu post your pictures and give us your experience with a Shih Tzu dog? Do you have some more Information about Shih Tzu dogs please share with us. Thank you with Gratitude.   All yours Melanie   Pet Plus members get exclusive access to a comprehensive array of benefits to help make managing pet care simpler and more affordable. That includes exceptional prices on pet medications, savings of 25% on vet visits and procedures through Pet Assure, 20% off food and supplies through PetCareRx, discounts on pet sitting, vaccines and more - every day.
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