#I would totally treat him better than Riley and Maya ever would
daphnebowen · 9 months
forget lucaya or rucas. I just want that hot, sweet, lovable, adorable, huckleberry, huhurrrgh hurrrghh, ranger rick, Bucky mcboingboing, totally secure western hero for myself 🥰🥰🥰🥰🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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silver-inked · 2 years
What is a ship you hate that most people like?
Josh and Maya from girl meets world. And now, yes I am a lucaya shipper, but this is totally separate to that.
I don’t think Josh and Maya had good chemistry, it always felt forced and the whole “for the long run” thing never sat right to me because Maya is a character with trust issues and at that point in her development the last thing she needed as a freshmen in high-school, was a promise from a guy entering college. Maya deserves better than that, because she would have waited (or at least for a while) and she deserves to find good relationships out of that.
I personally hate that arch in GMW, I think the whole “Maya has become Riley” is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. (Excuse my language but it’s true).
I love GMW and have rewatched it more than I’d like to admit, and that arch was a mistake because of how it handled the love triangle but most importantly how it treated Maya’s character.
Maya from the very beginning is a very confident person when it comes to her friends and who she portrays herself to be because she uses it to hide her insecurities. She learns to open up, to trust herself and to trust others throughout the show. Riley is her rock just like she is Riley’s rock. And yea, Maya starts to use different clothing and stops going off the railings after a good while, but isn’t that the point of her development? Maya uses clothing that literally everyone in her class uses, everyone in her age group, it’s also not extremely weird of her to use it. And yea Maya calms down, and yes starts to ignore her feelings and suppress them, which is bad, but the way the show handled it was horrible.
Yea, the arch with Maya having to think back on who she was to connect to who she is and wants to be is a good arch in concept. I would have loved to see it done better. The mural scene is iconic and fits perfectly with her development. The potencial of this love triangle / identity arch is so big, and it was waisted.
But comparing both girls by braking them into stereotypes only pushed back Maya’s development. Because up until now Maya has been learning to open up (about everything but her crush), but then she is not only being told her feelings aren’t valid, but also that she’s become her best friend and that’s infuriating to me. Because that cuts the growth in her figuring herself out, it creates a wall between both girls and also makes Maya question herself more than she needs to. Because a lot of what she was doing wasn’t odd, maybe a bit out of character and that should (and was addressed), which I think is important, but the method was so bad.
There is room for Maya development in the area they were aiming but telling Maya her feelings are just a replica of Riley’s is so messed up.
I am not convinced she was more into Josh than Lucas. Joshaya never seemed like an endgame it always seemed like a childhood crush, and the fact that they treated it like an endgame made me so sad because Maya deserves better than that.
Maya doesn’t need to end up with Lucas, I’d be fine with that, as long as Joshaya wasn’t end game.
Because Joshaya being end game means that Maya will have to “wait for him” which is messed up in itself. But also she would never address her feelings (or previous feelings if your not a lucaya shipper) for Lucas and instead deny them for the sake of all her friends. It’s a big miscommunication issue bound to explode later in life and it would be angry and destructive by then:
Because Riley should not have said Maya was Riley. Even if it’s true that Maya wanted what Riley had, it’s so out of character for Maya to become her, and in my opinion she didn’t, instead Maya lost her own motives and goals because she was trying to make Riley happy. Maya hid her feelings for years, and then when they came to light she did everything to try to minimize them, and by the point she was accused for being Riley, the lines were to blurred and messed up for both Riley and Maya. Maya always does everything to make Riley happy, and this was just a sad example of that.
Plus, and most importantly I hate so so so much that Lucas had no say in who he liked. Both girls sacrificed their feelings for each other. Then Riley decided Maya’s feelings were a confusion and then Maya decided to back off and “wait for the long run” and Lucas never got a say in the very end.
So I hate Joshaya because it does Maya so dirty and that final arch had so much potencial but instead in my opinion it was an emotional disaster.
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licenselesswriter · 5 years
From November to June CH2
December 24, 2017
- You sounded worried on the phone, what happened? - Maya asks her best friend.
Riley looks at her, trying to find something different, but fails after a few minutes.
- Honey? You're being weirder than other days - Maya says and Riley just move her knee to the side poses her arms on her leg.
- Are you dating Lucas? - Riley asks out of nowhere.
- This again? - Maya asks back, tired of the same question.
- Well, it's my right to ask about my best friend private life - Riley defends herself.
- No - Maya corrects her - That's your way to tell me that you saw Lucas being friendly with me, and since you're both not dating, you immediately assume that I'm dating him - Maya explains.
- Which is? - Riley asks.
- False - Maya says and blocks any thought that her best friend mind was playing in her mind.
- Then why? - Riley asks this time.
- I don't have time for this - Maya says and runs from Riley to her kitchen.
- Why not?! - Riley asks, raising her voice from her room while she follows Maya to the kitchen.
- Because we are 17, we have something called, I don't know, college to worry about - Maya lies, avoiding the real reason why she didn't have the time to deal with her best friend drama.
- What are you talking about, we are in the age of living and being worried about this kind of drama - Riley tries to argue.
- Yeah, you might be right, but we've been discussing the same guy since we were 13 - Maya argues back - Don't you think it's exhausting? I think it's exhausting - Maya finally says, trying to get Riley off her back with all the "Lucas thing".
- Ok, one question and I will stop - Riley says.
Maya finally gives her proper attention and put down her spoon and the pint of ice cream - Ok, what's your question? - she asks.
- If I didn't go to the UK, why Lucas doesn't want to continue our relationship? - Riley asks nervous, like the 13-year-old Riley that she assure she left behind.
- My poor sad deer - Maya says and hugs her best friend - The answer for that is probably time and timing - she answers.
- Explain - Riley says laying her head on her best friend shoulder.
- You had two break-ups, and for almost a year you both decide to be only friends, maybe what you both had stopped making sense, if not for you, at least for him - Maya explains and Riley look at her surprised.
- When did you turn into Gandalf? - Riley asks.
- You said one question - Maya remembers her with a soft smile - Also, it was when Galadriel sends Gwaihir looking for me when I became The White - Maya says, surprising Riley - And you can't ever tell Farkle that I read the stupid books he recommended to me or people will never find your body - she adds.
- You are the best Christmas present I can ever ask for - Riley says and hugs her tightly.
- Stick with me kiddo, I'm the best you could ever get - Maya replies opening the chocolate pint and starting to eat.
After a few minutes of eating ice cream, they moved back to Riley's room and Riley put Clueless on Netflix.
After 50 minutes of the movie, Riley was snoring hard. Maya looks at her and giggle. She pulls her phone from her back pocket and records Riley snore - This is gonna be money someday - she softly says to herself. She grabs the remote and turns off the TV. She looks at her friend sleep and covers her with the quilt she gave her last Christmas - Merry Christmas Honey - Maya softly says and put a kiss on her best friend hair.
She closes the door of Riley's room from the outside and walks down, where she finds Topanga cooking.
- Should I expect you tonight? - Topanga asks Maya.
The blonde beauty just hugs her - Even when I'm in Love with your food, Shawn is already cooking for us tonight - she says, surprising the matriarch of the Matthews.
- Shawn Hunter? Cooking? - she asks. and Maya only nods - Wow, he really Loves you and your mother - she jokes and Maya laughs at it - But I know him, so just in case, I will make a bit more for you three - she says and Maya hugs her again.
- Have I ever told you how much I appreciate having you in my life? - Maya asks her and Topanga kiss her forehead in the most maternal ways she had.
- A lot of times sweetie, but I will never get bored to hear it - she answers with a smile on her face before softly and playfully slaps Maya ass - Now go, by now, Shawn must already burn your kitchen - she adds making herself and Maya laugh.
Maya walks to the coat hanger and grabs her coat, she waves goodbye to Topanga and walks out the Matthews residence.
She takes her time with her way home, enjoying the city, still free from any responsibility, still being able to hide her pregnancy, and sadly, the pressure takes the best of her, forcing her to stop for a second to cry in silence. For 7 exact minutes, she cried in silence and alone while the snow keeps covering New York until she felt how someone sits next to her.
- To be honest, I totally suggest to cry under better weather - Cory says and puts his hand on Maya's back, making her cry harder and hide her face on his chest. After several minutes, they both were silent, until Cory finally breaks it - Care to tell me what happened? If you don’t, I'm gonna worry, like way too much for Christmas - she says and Maya get away from him, cleaning the tears on her cheeks.
- Nothing really important Matthews, just a really bad case of a broken heart - she partially lies to him.
- Josh, right? - he says and Maya vaguely nods - Trust me, I would love to have you as my sister in law, but he made his choice - Cory says keep caressing Maya's back.
- Didn't say he can't choose, I'm just mad that I wasn't the one he chooses - she replies.
Cory smiled, recognizing the growth in his student - Correct answer Miss Hunter - he says and Maya just let a blurt of laughter escape her mouth.
- Yeah? What did I win? - she asks.
Cory just put his hand on her head and mess with her hair - Well, if I'm not soon with this at home, you're probably not gonna have me as a teacher when the break ends, so I can treat you a cup of tea in the coffee shop around the corner - he says getting up.
- The one you and your wife own? That's cheap, even for you Matthews - Maya says with a smirk on her face.
- That's the Maya I usually see - Cory replies with a smile on his face. They walk for a bit and get inside Topanga's - Let me guess, Cappuccino with lots of whipped cream? - Cory asks, Maya softly nods, and unconsciously put her hand on her belly - Nah, today I'm in the mood for some chamomile tea - Maya answers and Cory take the whipped cream and attempt to put it back in the fridge - Leave the cream Matthews - she says without even look at him.
Cory just obeys her.
15 minutes later, they both leave Topanga's, they didn't say anything to each other while they enjoy the hot beverages they had, and for some reason, Maya found it comforting.
Maya walks back to her place, and unlike popular belief, his house didn't smell like a burnt dinner.
She opens the front door and takes off her coat.
- Hey Kiddo - Shawn greets her while she cleans his hands with an oven towel.
- Hey Shawn - Maya greets back and put a kiss on his cheek - Mom? -she asks him.
- Went for the dessert - Shawn answers walking back into the kitchen - What did Riley want? - he asks, starting to smash the potatoes he had in a pot.
- Another Lucas Crisis - Maya replies walking into the kitchen - Anything I can do to help? - she asks.
Shawn smile - Yeah, can you pass me the butter, cream cheese and the half and half please - he says while he keeps mashing the potatoes.
Maya pick the ingredients from the fridge and surprised by his cooking skills can't avoid the obvious question - Remember the day I met you? - she asks.
Shawn nods and giggles a bit - Yeah, yeah, Christmas 2014, right? - he says and Maya smile for him remembering that day.
- That day you said you didn't get a lot of home cook meals - she says feeling how her mouth starts to water from the smell of the turkey.
- Yeah, what's with that? - Shawn asks and takes the cream cheese and the butter and start to mix them on low heat with the mashed potatoes.
- Seriously? - Maya says - How can you cook like this and not getting home cook meals every day? - she asks.
- You mistake my cooking skills with my laziness - Shawn explained - Why take all this time to cook for one person when you can survive on Quesadillas and Pepsi? - he asks back.
Maya looked at him a bit in shock - Sometimes it scares me how much alike we are - she answers.
They both stop for a second when they hear a set of keys unlock the door. Maya went to help her mother with the dessert when she was stopped by her voice.
- Thank you, Lucas - she says to the Texan boy.
- It's nothing, Mrs. Hunter - Lucas replies walking into the kitchen.
- “Back to you”? - Maya greets him surprised to see him there.
- “Back to you”? – Shawn asks her.
- It’s our thing now – Maya fastly answers, before putting her attention back on her Mother and Lucas.
- Hey Maya, Mr. Hunter - Lucas greets her and Shawn, putting the bags on the counter.
- What you're doing here “Back to you”? - Maya asks while her mother gives Lucas something wrapped and walks next to Shawn.
- Hey baby girl - Katy says and put a kiss on her daughter's hair and then walks to Shawn and put a kiss on his lips - That smells delicious Mr. Hunter - she says and Shawn smile.
- Anything fo' ma' wife - Shawn replies while Maya takes Lucas to the living room.
- So, what you're doing here? - she asks him again.
- Relax, just came to deliver something before my flight to Texas - he defends himself and gives Maya the gift that Katy previously give back to him.
- You don't need to do this - Maya says and pulls him from his shirt collar to get him really close - I get it, you care about me and what's inside me, but you don't need to do charity work with me - she adds.
Lucas let a long sigh, he was really tired of Maya being unable to trust anyone besides Riley - This is not charity, this is Patrick - he jokes. Maya just punch his shoulder with half of her strength, surprising him - Ok, bad moment to make a joke - he says putting a few feet between them - Anyways, not charity Maya, just friendship, if you don't believe me, ask Farkle, Riley, and Smackle - he listed their friends - They get presents too - he says and get close to her again - Also, this has nothing to be with that situation - he adds and takes a quick look at her belly.
- You need to go - Maya says and starts to push Lucas to the door.
- Ok, ok - he says and stops her - Mr. Hunter Mrs. Hunter, have a merry Christmas - he says leaving the Hunter family apartment.
More than 9 hours later, when all the food was over and presents starts to show, Maya, take a short trip to her room.
She's been grateful for having Shawn on her life, and she was more than open to put her talent to show it - Hey Shawn - Maya calls her adoptive Father from her room - Care to help me a bit? - she asks when she was carrying a wrapped paint.
- Yes, sorry - Shawn apologizes for not noticing the size of what she was carrying.
Shawn finally takes it to the living room and Maya stood in front of her gift.
- Well, this is one of my happiest memories, and I hope it's one of your happiest too - she says and steps away from the gift.
- Thanks, kiddo - Shawn says and fastly unwrapped the painting - My God - he says and covers his mouth with his hand, then he moves to the side and show the painting to his wife, who had the same reaction.
- Baby girl - Katy says looking at the painting that was a vivid painting of the first dance Katy and Shawn had as Husband and Wife.
Shawn gets up and hugs Maya, visibly moved - Thank you, this is the second-best gift you ever gave me - he says and Maya looks at him a bit confused.
- Really? What did I get you last Christmas that this can't top's it? - she asks.
Shawn laughs and Katy stood next to him, fastly being hugged by him - You let me go on a date with your Mother - he answers, making both women cry.
Around 30 minutes later, Maya went to bed, happy, knowing that no matter what happened, she can always count with Shawn. She fastly changes clothes and put on her nightgown and then she notices that Lucas gift was on her bed.
- Ok “Back to you”, let's see what you get me - she says and softly sits on her bed. She takes her time and delicately unwraps the paper on Lucas gift, only to see the very professional, and very expensive, painting palette she wanted for her birthday, also with a complete set of 24 oil paints. She smiles with pure joy and opens the box of oil paints and a note fall into the floor. She picked it up and recognize his handwriting "Keep painting, will help you with the stress" she reads in silence - Sap - she says before putting the sets on her desk.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
S1 Rewatch - Maggie’s Take [ 1.06 ]
officially hitting the midpoint of the season, this episode i think focuses on some things that maybe deserve more spotlight...
Favorite scene
Lots of good options this episode!! There aren’t any that are like the obvious standout in my opinion as there are in some episodes, but I think I would have to give the point to Charlie and Zay once again with their conversation in the black box (although Isadora and Lucas on the fire escape is a close second). First of all how pure and good is it that both of them so often just have the natural instinct to hang back and help clean up -- angels, I tells ya! -- but just... the softness and vulnerability in this scene between two boys who are barely friends at this point will always get me. I love how Zay tries to brush it off and Charlie doesn’t let it go, not in an obnoxious way but just by like... continuing to look at him. Without saying anything at all. Or how Charlie completely understands what he’s going through, just in his own Experience of it (more to do with his sexuality, mayhaps?) but is able to connect with Zay on that level. Zay spends the entire episode feeling disconnected, and then for the first time we see him start to find his footing again with Charlie. Also, Charlie being like if you had asked me to hang out, I would’ve said yes... I know how to have fun since someone taught me how............ sirs.... sirs.........
Favorite performance
While I love the charm of Charlie backing Zay on piano with “Perfect Places” (and continually looking up to smile at him while doing so), there’s an unbreakable tie between “Mr. Brightside” and “Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy” for me. Like, “Mr. Brightside” is iconic just by existing, but then you have Zay sing it, and just the whole staging of it with the Manhattan visuals... I just think that one has such a cool concept to it and I’m in love with the acoustic version of it. But with “Happy Days” ... I am a sucker for a MF performance as it is. And this one really solidifies the endless potential between the two of them, and shows Maya like... coming to his rescue as he implodes lmao. It might also be because this is one of my favorite Glee duets EVER, and imagining Maya and Farkle with that same kind of warmth and playful energy... like when I imagine how Farkle must keep looking at Maya and there’s this sense of like he really actually might have a Friend in that moment................. I’m fine. It’s fine.
Favorite character (within context of the episode)
Zay Babineaux no contest. In some ways, this episode belonged to him. We went into this episode knowing we wanted to spend some time with him, and I feel like his conflict is just... so real. And relatable. And he delivers 3 iconic performances (Perfect Places, Mr. Brightside, and FourFiveSeconds) so he is just like... on fire. AND he was in Puttin On the Ritz and tap danced the hell out of it. And he went a majority of the episode WITHOUT dancing, arguably his fallback talent but still shone regardless. Like... there is no contest here. This is Zay’s episode and I love him very much.
Favorite line(s)
“I’m just saying, anyone that dedicated to a suit jacket and the career of Rachel Berry can’t be straight.” –Jada Babineaux
“I’m familiar with his work, yes.” –Riley Matthews, about Lucas James Friar
“No, really. That feeling where you know you should be living the life, everything is in place for you to reap the rewards, but you just feel… like you’re not really there. Like you’re outside of your own experience and so everything is intangible. Disjointed... like I said, I get it.” –Charlie Gardner
An underrated moment
What struck me rereading this time around was how when Shawn is meeting with the techies to tell them about the performance assignment, he’s sitting on the floor with them in a circle. It just hit me that that’s totally how they would probably all sit, and there’s something really like... homey and warm about that. Shawn treats these kids like they’re all on the same level, none of them above the other, and that’s probably a small part of the reason that the techies have so much mutual respect. The techies in general just sparkled this ep... like Asher and Dave giving Isadora a standing ovation... ugh I love them all...
Anything I would’ve changed
Would’ve done a little more description about the numbers I think, at least like “Happy Days.” Otherwise, nah.
First impression vs your reread impression
I think I’m harder on this episode in my memory than I should be. I kind of think of it as a less hype episode, but that’s not really fair considering the whole point of the episode is that it’s stripped down. And rereading it, I was relieved that it flowed way better than my memory has convinced me it does. So I came out of this reread feeling better about this one than before. But also, I’ll admit, I got so lost in the euphoria of my playlist playing “Thnks Fr Th Mmrs” when I finished I may have gotten distracted...
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theowldetective · 6 years
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The above snippet is from the audition sides for Pappy Joe. It was originally supposed to happen right before the train animation. Obviously this line didn't make it to official canon, but it's still a glimpse into Jacobs's & Nelson's intentions as writers. It's a "peek under the hood," as it were, at the ideas they were playing with as they wrote the episode. 
The primary point of the Texas Trilogy was that it was the first volley of heavy narrative artillery in terms of actually changing the status quo of the show, especially re: the romance arcs. The romantic status quo is severely threatened by the events of the Texas trilogy. Texas 1-2-3 is the first attempt to actually change the romantic status quo rather than simply hint at it, although that status quo partially reasserts itself in GMT3.  [2018 Edit: this is SO LONG. It’s kind of a compendium of stuff I said in answers to asks, but I figured I’d let y’all have it even though it kinda trails off at the end. It’s also got old audition sides as a means of trying to discern what the writers’ intent may have been despite the cuts, and at this point I’m not stressed about posting them. Just add a mental “may have” in parts where I’m talking about the sides and skipped/forgot the caveat. There’s a lot of repetition, probably more than is necessary for the emphasis I was going for, but since I’ll probably never get around to actually editing this thing it’s all kind of a moot point now anyway...enjoy under the cut.]
I’m so exhausted by people who think the suggestion that the Texans and Riley may not have been entirely in the right to encourage Lucas onto the back of a 2,000 pound bull which could have easily killed or maimed him is tantamount to “hate.” If MAYA had been the one to push Lucas onto Tombstone while Riley took the other side, I would say exactly the same things I say now about the scene, only with the girls reversed. This is not about “making Riley look bad” because of ships. That’s major over-simplification of the situation. 
Riley is not a villain by any stretch of the imagination, not in Texas, not ever. Not unlike her father when he was younger (and her mother, for that matter), Riley is simply an oft-misguided, insecure, overly-idealistic CHILD with the very best of intentions. (Yes, I consider 12-13 year-olds to be children, especially when they’re as naive as Riley.) Anyone who ascribes villainy, guile, or malice to Riley Matthews (or any of the kids) is IMO willfully misunderstanding her characterization. If you think I am ascribing any of those characteristics to her, then you are misunderstanding me. 
Riley is not a monster. She believes the best of everybody (especially of Lucas) and that’s great on a base level, but she doesn't temper that attitude with realism as much as she should...which is why she needs Maya (and Farkle). Riley is also very easily influenced by the opinions of others (despite her growth in that department), and she regresses quite a bit on that front when taken out of her usual environment and dropped into Texas. Lucas also regresses in Texas in terms of caring about what other people say. Maya, however, does not. She’s still the most secure person in the room at the rodeo. 
The Texas trilogy is nuanced as heck, and when you boil it down to Riley = bad and Maya = good (or vice versa), I think you're missing the point. But hey, most of my discussion on the matter has been limited to asks which I usually dash off pretty quickly, which means I’m not necessarily being as precise as I perhaps ought to be. If I haven’t made myself CRYSTAL clear about this, that’s on me. (Not to mention that my views on this whole thing have evolved over time and with temperance, so I know I’ve said things on the matter that I no longer stand by). So once and for all, here's my comprehensive, definitive take on Riley, Maya, and Lucas in Texas 1. 
 "When you see how other people live, it changes you." --Cory Matthews, GMT1 
The girls "switch roles" in Texas. That’s what changes. Most people probably think this happened after Riley “stepped back,” but it actually began well before that. And what are their roles? Well, let's take another peek under the hood, back in the classroom again: 
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This bit comes right after Riley was going to say she’s headed to Texas too because she’s responsible for the situation and she wants to make sure Lucas comes back okay (in case you ever wondered whose idea this whole thing was in the first place; as if there was ever any doubt). It also comes right after a bit where Pappy Joe was holding Lucas over his shoulder while Lucas tried to escape. 
(Lucas’s resistance to riding the bull is even stronger in the sides than what we got in the actual episode. There’s a slight GM Gravity callback too. Cory asks Pappy Joe, “Can we talk about this?” and then Lucas says “Mr. Matthews is right, we should talk about this.” To which Pappy Joe says, “Plenty of time for talking on the train!” It’s still pretty clear in the episode as it aired that Lucas is pretty much only doing this for Pappy Joe and not really for himself...but we’ll get to that in a minute). Here’s what we actually got though:
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This is NOT the attitude of a boy who is raring to go down to Texas and ride Tombstone the Bull. Lucas is so intimidated by his grandfather that he would rather ride a bull than defy Pappy Joe's wishes. He didn't ride Tombstone because he wanted to. He rode Tombstone because he felt like he HAD to.
Notice also in the cut parts of the sides that Cory was going to get explicit credit for helping Lucas change for the better in an trilogy where Lucas eventually singles Riley out and appears to give her all the credit for his survival in NYC...even though Lucas owes just as much gratitude to the other kids and Cory as he does to Riley, and normally he says as much. But we’ll also get to that.
Anyway, point is: in the sides Riley self-identifies to Pappy Joe as "Lucas's girl. Maya self-identifies as "I make fun of him" and with being responsible for Riley. Those are still their “official” roles, despite the higher and higher-key romantic shift that's been happening all season. "I'm his girl" and "I make fun of him" is still technically the status quo for Riley & Maya + Lucas, despite the growing high-key romantic intensity between Lucas and Maya (and Riley and Farkle, for that matter, in timeline order), and despite the near total lack of anything resembling growing romance (by Jacobsland standards) between Lucas and Riley for most of S2 in terms of how they actually treat each other. 
My best guess is that these lines were cut because they had a lot to pack into these episodes and the audience is already pretty darn aware of what the status quo was "supposed" to be when it comes to the girls and their respective relationships with Lucas. They actually cut most of the original Pappy Joe/classroom scene, probably because most of it was just set-up for all the kids getting permission to go to Texas, which we don’t really need to see to get into the heart of the story.
It's notable that Pappy Joe was going to say "Well so do I!" re: making fun of Lucas. Because the DIFFERENCE in Pappy Joe's (and the locals') taunting of Lucas versus Maya teasing Lucas is that they apparently MEAN IT and she doesn't. But she doesn't understand that until she gets to Texas and sees how these other people live. Anyway, in Texas, the girls shift and switch roles, essentially. They change when they see how other people live. (Farkle too, but this post isn’t about him). Riley becomes the person who makes fun of Lucas and who believes he’s a disgrace to the community so he HAS to ride the bull, Maya acts more like you’d expect “his girl” to act.
The shift of the girls' role reversal in terms of Lucas is more gradual than people realize, I think. It doesn't happen suddenly in the refreshment tent. It doesn't even start in Texas—it's built up in the preceding episodes too, allllll of them really, but especially SoL forward. Texas is the first major turning point for the status quo after the groundwork that’s been laid in the preceding episodes.
At the house before the rodeo, we get the "you both look good" bit, which puts BOTH girls in the "Lucas's girl" slot, and then, outside the refreshment tent, Riley mocks Lucas just as much as Maya does for being afraid of a "man-cow," which puts BOTH of them in the "I make fun of him" slot. Of course the shift is already underway, a little: at the house, Maya has the ha-hurr moment with Cletus (and Lucas just lets her), and outside the tent Riley actually mocks Lucas a little harder than Maya does. 
But in effect, both girls take on both roles for these two scenes. There's a moment of near-equilibrium, as it were—with both girls filling both roles—before the full-on switch in the tent. Lucas treats them both like "his girl" at the house, and they BOTH make fun of him outside the refreshment tent. But from there? They keep going and they swap their usual roles. 
 "I just think you'll react differently when you actually see a man-cow!" --Lucas Friar, GMT1 
The tipping point for the swap happens when the danger of bull-riding becomes more apparent to Riley and Maya, who were clueless beforehand because they weren't taking the darn hint. When the danger becomes more apparent to the girls, they don't react the way they normally would in New York. By the time the rodeo comes around, both girls have changed a bit in terms of how they treat Lucas after seeing how other people live, after seeing how OTHER PEOPLE perceive and treat Lucas here in Texas. But becoming more hip to the danger catalyzes the switch even more. 
New York Riley vs Texas Riley
New York Riley, who vehemently said it was NOT OKAY for Billy to call Farkle a "nothing" over his childhood turtlenecks, who took over her father's class to run an anti-bullying workshop when someone went after Farkle, who would normally NEVER EVER stand for anyone to drag ANY of her friends down over something from their childhood, who would normally NEVER make fun of Lucas (except that one time in GM Pluto, when Lucas scolds her for it), well...that aspect of New York Riley just isn't there in Texas. Cory’s cut line, “There goes everything we’ve ever taught you” (after Riley goes all Southern for the first time ever in the sides) seems apt in light of this, because Texas Riley reacts to Lucas being bullied as a “disgrace” WAY differently than New York Riley reacted to Farkle being bullied as a “nothing.”
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Texas Riley makes fun of Lucas along with the locals. And she keeps it up even after she sees other bull riders getting flung around like rag dolls on the monitors. She’s not reacting differently now that she’s actually seen a man-cow, and she still doesn’t think Lucas is in any real danger as long as he just tells her he’s not. That’s one aspect of New York Riley which remains intact in Texas: her unrealistic idealization of Lucas. Riley basically figures there’s nothing to worry about because her “hero” can do “anything.” This is not a rational or realistic way to view a normal eighth grade boy, which is what Lucas actually is. This is idealization and naivete. I’m not bashing Riley for that. Being idealistic and naive is just who she is for the most part, especially when it comes to Lucas. And that was fine when she was pushing him to run for class president. Downright adorable, even. It’s less cute when she’s pushing him into a life-or-death stunt mostly because of what other people are (wrongly) saying about him. (Riley’s concept of healthy, emotionally substantial romantic heroism is pretty warped, tbh, but that’s another post) 
Texas Riley doesn't defend Lucas from people calling him a disgrace over something that happened TO him as a CHILD the way New York Riley defended Farkle in GM Flaws, the way she would certainly defend Lucas if anyone back in New York ever called him a “disgrace.” When Lucas tries to say that he's NOT a disgrace, Riley shoots back with "You are! I've been talking to people..." as opposed to "It's not okay that someone called you that!" (And we all know that even if she'd "talked to people" in GM Flaws, there's STILL no way she'd have said anything like "you are!" to Farkle being a “nothing” just because other people said he was). Farkle was not ACTUALLY a “nothing who didn’t deserve his friends” just because Billy said so. Lucas is not ACTUALLY a disgrace just because these yokels say so and he shouldn’t have had to pull a stupid stunt to “prove” otherwise. 
And while some people might want to play that “you are!” moment off as a pure joke, as Riley only “teasing” Lucas no-big-deal, this ignores the fact that Riley is essentially backing up the people who MEAN IT when they call Lucas a disgrace, and they’re ignoring Lucas’s seriously hurt reaction (seriously, go watch it and LOOK at him, he’s totally wounded by Riley telling him he’s a disgrace to the community. Lucas sure as hell didn’t take it as a joke). Lucas is wounded by what Riley says, and Maya is shocked (horrified, even) that Riley is basically backing up this disgrace thing. Maya stopped teasing Lucas after she realized people meant it, she didn’t want to back them up anymore; she reacted differently when she actually saw a man-cow. 
In Texas, Riley’s insecurity regarding what other people think comes back big time, despite her marked growth in that arena (confronting her bully alone, for example). She truly believes that what these complete strangers think matters enough for Lucas to risk serious injury or death just to prove a point to them. (Granted, she also thinks Lucas isn’t in any real danger because she’s not being realistic about the situation...this is more nuanced than Riley just plain not caring, okay?)
Riley reinforcing rather than dismissing what other people think contributes to bringing back Lucas’s insecurity about what other people think too. Riley calls Lucas a disgrace to the community, the waitress mocks him...and, well...I think that’s the moment when Lucas decides he HAS to ride the bull. He was only doing it for Pappy Joe before, and even then he was wavering and not happy about it. He agreed with Maya not wanting him “anywhere near that bull.” He asked the girls why they hated him. He was PISSED OFF at being forced into this situation from the very start, even though he was gonna go through with it, probably. But once Riley tells him he’s a disgrace to the community and that waitress “baa-aa-a”s at him, Lucas doesn’t think he has any choice. He HAS to do it. 
(That’s also the exact moment Maya’s appeal is officially doomed, btw, because she’s not in a position to appeal to Lucas with complete honesty about why she doesn’t want him to do this...and complete honesty is probably the only way she could’ve stopped him once the “disgrace” thing was on the table. She might have had a chance before, but not after that. The bull ride becomes absolutely inevitable when it becomes about the Riley’s perception of him & the disgrace thing for Lucas instead of just Pappy Joe alone.)
In Texas, Riley essentially sides with the Texas people in terms of what she thinks Lucas needs to do and why. And why would Riley do this? Why would she buy into these problematic Texas values about shame and honor and childhood sheep-riding after everything her New York parents have taught her? Why has Riley decided that falling off of a sheep as little boy means you should risk your neck on the back of Tombstone the Bull?
Well, again, it’s partly because she’s convinced that Lucas can do anything because she idealizes him as a “hero who can do anything he wants” even in the face of possible injury or death. It’s also possible that Riley bought into those “Texas values” because she wasn't really fitting in with the Texas crowd the way she probably wanted to, because she’s supposed to be “Lucas’s girl.” (Remember, she was originally going to bust out a Southern accent for the first time ever when Pappy Joe asked if she was “Lucas’s girl.”) It’s likely that Riley realllly wants to fit into this aspect of Lucas’s life. But she doesn’t really. Not at first, anyway. This made it to canon a little bit with the Maya + Cletus ha-hurr scene (watch Riley’s face, she’s totally baffled by Lucas and Cletus), but again, let’s take peek under the hood, this time in the refreshment tent:
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With this + the Cletus bit + what we know of Riley’s insecurity issues, it’s not exactly a stretch to conclude that perhaps Riley is buying into what the Texas people say Lucas HAS to do because shes’ feeling insecure about something...perhaps her position as “Lucas’s girl.” She’s been feeling that way on some level since at least the blonde beauty reveal, if not before (Lucas has done absolutely NOTHING to fix this, btw, and the “you both look good” bit definitely didn’t help). I’m not standing by this part 100%, but I think it’s worth mentioning as a possibility. So…why DID Riley throw in with the Texans? Why did she buy into the idea that it was rational for the locals to mock and shame and call Lucas a “disgrace” over something that happened to him as a child? Back home, Riley would NEVER stand for anyone to talk about her friends like that, but in Texas she reaffirms the locals’ ridiculous opinion rather than slamming it the way she did when Billy called Farkle a “nothing." So again…why?  Well, perhaps it’s because she REALLY wanted to fit in in Texas. And the rodeo waitress made it clear that she didn’t. I kinda wish they’d kept that bit of dialogue because I think it would be a pretty clear-cut case of Riley’s Insecurity Strikes Again. (Especially what with Maya “Annie Oakley” Hart apparently fitting right in; which kinda makes sense what with finding out in S3 that Katy’s from Arkansas.)
Maybe it’s also because the last time her idealization of Lucas pushed him into something he wasn’t sure he could do, he succeeded and wound up taking her on a princess fantasy horsey ride.
But of course, running for class president is a far cry from riding a 2,000 pound bull.
Going against Maya, Riley has taken the side of the people who mock Lucas and MEAN IT, even if her reasons for doing so have more to do with her misguided & idealistic belief that he's a "hero who can do anything" than with actually point blank AGREEING with the locals. But there’s waaaaay more to it than Riley’s idealism or her “heroic” visions of Lucas, or her possibly wanting to fit into Texas life as “Lucas’s girl.” This next bit is what I would call “the whammy.” Let's go back to the classroom, before the kids headed out to Texas, for yet another peek under the hood: 
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Now, this idea didn't make it to explicitly stated canon either, but anyone watching the show with even half their brain functioning can understand that Texas Riley has essentially bought into this particular aspect of "stereotypical cultural reductionism." Texas Riley has, to an extent, bought into the Texas values that canon somewhat implied (and the early draft confirms) gave Lucas his temper in the first place. There's definitely more than a bit of an implication here that Riley believes the bull ride and subsequently "earning" Pappy Joe's pride/love and not being a “disgrace” anymore is going to "fix" Lucas's temper, which (let's face it) is a VERY Riley thing to believe. (And from a literary standpoint, mastering a bull as a metaphor for mastering anger/temper issues is pretty on the nose even if it ultimately doesn’t work out that way...)
So, OF COURSE Riley would encourage a stunt that she quite possibly believes will "fix" those issues and officially make Lucas the "hero she ‘knows’ he is" to everyone else. Here’s his chance to show everybody that he’s not “different than [Riley] thinks.” If Lucas can ride this bull, then *poof* he’s not a “disgrace to the community” anymore and *poof* his temper is fixed! *Poof* Lucas is exactly who Riley always thought he was and all that stuff she was upset about in Secret of Life and Rileytown goes away! (Yes, she WAS upset to find out that Lucas might not be what she thought, but I don’t have time for that argument right now because this post is already a novella).
Riley doesn't want that other part of Lucas to exist. She's tried to wallpaper over it with the vet thing, she's tried to scold it away. She wants it GONE. And hey, Lucas does too, unrealistic as that may be. It’s something he struggles to control. It’s not easy for him. Riley’s intentions are nothing but good! She.is.not.a.villain. She probably thinks this bull ride is going to HELP LUCAS FIX A PROBLEM. This is CLASSIC “fixer” Riley mode! But Riley is not being realistic on this front, because you cannot simply wallpaper over major parts of your personality by overcorrecting in the other direction and pretending/trying to be "Mr. Perfect the Hero." (The "Mr. Perfect" persona is as much an overcorrection as Donnie Barnes, Morotia M. Black, and S3 Maya "becoming Riley.") Riding a bull isn’t actually going to solve a decade or so of built-up issues.  Riding a bull may help you face your fears, but Lucas wasn’t exactly a super-fearful guy in the first place...except when it comes to Maya. So of course it’s massively ironic that the bull ride is probably a huge part of what gave Lucas the confidence to push Maya to admit her feelings at the campfire even though he knows she doesn’t like to be pushed and he’s terrified of her. There’s a reason Maya was associated with Tombstone at the end of Texas 2. 
And of course (mild spoilers ahead), the bull ride does NOT ultimately "fix" Lucas's temper, as you'll see Riley discover in GMHS1...
Even though she scolded Pappy Joe for mocking Pappy McCullough, Riley (for reasons and potential reasons detailed above) totally bought into the idea that Lucas needed to risk life and limb to "make up for" falling off of Judy, to earn his grandfather’s pride, as if falling off of a sheep is something to be ashamed of in the first place, as if anyone should have to risk their life & limb for their grandfather to be proud of them. And her original line called this out explicitly rather than simply heavily implying it via subtext as happened in official canon: 
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In short, Riley changes after “seeing how other people live” by making fun of Lucas in tandem with people who mean it, and by buying into the idea that he should pull a life-threatening stunt to prove to these people that he’s not a disgrace, that he is rather the “hero” she believes he is. She reverts to “caring too much what other people think,” basically. She buys into and reinforces the problematic aspects of “Texas values” that gave Lucas his temper to begin with, possibly because she thinks fulfilling the edicts of those values will fix Lucas’s temper, among other things. What doesn’t change is her idealization of Lucas, as well as her desire to help fix things when she thinks she knows how to fix them, which are normally nowhere near as problematic as they are in this specific situation, which is a life or death (or major injury) situation. 
New York Maya vs Texas Maya
On the flip side you've got Maya, who was gleefully "ba-a-a-ing" at Lucas in New York, who was grinning like a fool when Pappy Joe first showed up and started going on and on about the "mud hole," who normally mocks Lucas with aplomb...but in Texas, Maya is NOT OKAY with the fact that the locals ACTUALLY believe Lucas is a disgrace. When she sees that they MEAN IT, she is DONE with their bull feces. It changes her. She stops mocking Lucas and unconditionally supports him as a person who is worthy of people being proud of him REGARDLESS of what happened to him as a kid (which would normally be more of a Riley thing, lbr, although this is not the first time Maya has shown unconditional support for Lucas as-is, see SoL). Even though Maya makes fun of Lucas in New York, she has never really meant it—teasing Lucas is a facade for New York Maya to hide her feelings. (And this is made explicit canon by Riley's realization in GMT1&2 as well as Maya's "it's my facade" line in GMT3). 
New York Maya mocks Lucas mercilessly even though she doesn't really mean it, but Texas Maya perceives that the locals MEAN IT when they mock Lucas and she is NOT COOL with that. Maya does NOT buy into the Texas values that apparently gave Lucas his temper issues in the first place, to any extent. Rather, she wants him to buck those problematic values. She wants him to take off that stupid outfit and get out of here. 
What’s going on with Maya is a lot simpler than what’s going on with Riley. Maya sees Lucas as a normal boy who could very well get hurt, who is great as-is, who shouldn’t put himself in such serious danger just because of what other people are saying. She also doesn’t see his temper as a problem to be solved or erased, to her, it’s just a part of him that he has to keep under control and only deploy for the right reasons. (Hell, the moment Maya emotionally falls for Lucas whether she realized it or not is most likely GM Sneak Attack, when he’s a total prick to Missy, who totally deserves it, and he didn’t even get remotely violent for that one.) When you set Riley up as the plain, black & white photo negative reverse of that, without accounting for all the complex REASONS she’s on the opposite side of Maya on this...it does make Riley look pretty bad. But that’s why I took pains to spool out the NUANCES of what may have been up with Riley in Texas in this post. Riley is only misguided, insecure, and naive. She is not being maliciously cruel when she calls Lucas a disgrace to the community. She is not purposefully knocking him down to build him up, although that is in effect what she does. 
In short, Maya stops making fun of Lucas, and expresses implicit unconditional pride in who Lucas is when she “sees how other people live.” But what doesn’t change is how confident she is. Maya is absolutely secure in the idea that Lucas is great as-is and that he should not have to risk life & limb to prove anything to anyone. What she loses is her grip on hiding her feelings as much as possible (which, unlike Riley’s self-confidence, has actually been weakening prior to this episode, largely because of the stuff Lucas has been initiating with Maya, and possibly because she’s been daring to hope).
More from the GM Flaws perspective...
Lucas isn’t “better” in New York because he busted out grand gestures like princess fantasy horsey rides and asking Cory for permission to take Riley on a date. People change people, and there is simply no logical reason to believe that “New York” Lucas picked up not caring what other people think from Insecure Riley Who Cares Too Much What People Think. Riley definitely 100% inspired Lucas’ desire to change his ways: her appeal to Lucas in the cafeteria in GM Sneak Attack pulls him away from Missy and over to Riley’s side of the line, and he certainly tries his damnedest to live up to her idealized vision of him between Friendship & Secret of Life after jettisoning “the rebel” shadowing him...although it starts to fall apart after SoL because again: just like the other kids, Lucas needs balance, not overcorrection. 
But even though Riley as the inspiration for Lucas to change must be acknowledged, Maya is clearly the person from whom Lucas picked up the practical application of owning yourself and not caring what other people think. It’s not exactly a stretch to conclude that picking up Maya’s self-confidence is an important part of what helped Lucas to largely overcome the temper issues he’s had as a result of his failure with Judy and the subsequent shaming he endured at the hands of his family and the locals. Picking that confidence up from Maya is just as important to Lucas’s growth as Riley inspiring Lucas to commit to change in the first place. (Maya also changes Riley in terms of growing to care less what other people think. All four of them have changed each other, and none of them would be what they are now without all of the others.) And people who honestly believe Maya’s "No! That’s what he wants! He wants you to be like him!” didn’t have a serious effect on Lucas in GM Flaws...I don’t even know what to say to y’all anymore. Riley did absolutely NOTHING when Lucas was about to pop Billy. MAYA was the one who slowed him down and made him stop. Did he calm all the way down to being as peaceful as a lamb? Nah. He was still pissed, and rightfully so. But Maya is the one who actually physically stopped Lucas from going too far in Flaws. Granted, she’s also the one who inspired him to nearly hit Billy in the first place, but she sees the error of encouraging that behavior and then does something about it. (Just like Lucas did for her earlier in the episode).
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Riley and Lucas are a LOT alike. When Lucas goes back to his original environment in Texas, and after his go-to-ego-booster-Riley reinforces what other people are saying rather than calling bullshit...New York Lucas kinda disappears. Gone is the boy who delivers passionate, sincere speeches about not succumbing to what other people say you are. Gone is the boy who didn’t think he was actually a disgrace to the community. In his place is a very insecure boy who, because of what other people are saying, believes he MUST risk his life and limb by riding the fiercest bull around. And Riley reacts pretty much the SAME WAY to that stimuli...probably because she's a lot like Lucas. Maya, however, does not. Riley shakes Lucas’s confidence in himself, she shakes his confidence in the idea that he is NOT actually a disgrace, before she “builds him up” in terms of being able to ride the bull because he’s a “hero.” Maya wanted Lucas to be the guy she knows in New York, who doesn’t care so much what other people think in the first darn place.
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Interestingly, it was Maya who delivered the equivalent of the "You are..." line to Farkle in GM Flaws. She meant it in a good way, but she was still kinda sorta reinforcing the negative crap Billy was saying to Farkle. Maya was saying that being “weird” is okay for Farkle as long as he has self-confidence and owns it. But that doesn’t get Farkle to come back to class. Maya is not a monster or a villain for that “you are” moment any more than Riley is monster or a villain for HER "you are" moment with Lucas in Texas. Maya was trying to help Farkle. Riley was trying to help Lucas. This isn't about who's "good" and who's "bad," it's simply about the DIFFERENCES in how the girls interact with, perceive, and feel about the boys, and how all of that affects whatever situation they’re in. It's about how seeing the way people act in Texas changes the way the girls normally act. That's it. 
Lucas was essentially bullied (by the locals, Pappy McCullough, and Pappy Joe) onto the back of that bull just as much as Farkle was bullied into the janitor's closet. Pappy Joe was originally going to CARRY A PROTESTING LUCAS OUT OF THE CLASSROOM OVER HIS SHOULDER. Lucas was pissed off about being roped into the bull ride from the get-go even without the cuts to these scenes. Lucas didn't ride Tombstone because he wanted to "fulfill his dreams." Not one blessed word is spoken by ANYONE about this stunt being about Lucas’s “rodeo dreams,” which he gave up long before this episode. Lucas doesn’t even mention his “dreams” in EITHER of his grateful speeches to Riley. Lucas rode Tombstone because he felt like he had no choice but to prove he could, so people would stop calling him a "disgrace" for something that happened to him as a little boy, so he could “earn” the openly expressed love of his grandfather which OUGHT TO BE unconditional. 
Lucas doesn't even keep the trophy, which is saying something for a dude as hyper-competitive as he is. He doesn't even sit there ADMIRING the trophy the way Farkle and Zay do back at the house. And he very pointedly takes a knee to reassure Timmy that it's OKAY that he fell off Judy—it's pretty clear Lucas is trying to prevent Timmy being as negatively affected by his childhood failure as Lucas was. And, with the Timmy/Lucas moment, the writers are pretty clearly letting us know that it was WRONG for Lucas to be treated so badly over the Judy thing to begin with. Lucas does for Timmy what NO ONE did for him, aside from Maya when it was already too late. What feeling was associated with being bullied, for both Riley and Farkle? Humiliation. Here are the stage directions for Lucas’s little chat with Timmy:
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And what’s really interesting is that THIS is the moment that the Friars and the McCulloughs bury the hatchet. Pappy Joe and Pappy McCullough shake hands AFTER Lucas tries to save Timmy from a childhood full of shame just for falling off a sheep. Lucas’s bull ride didn’t end the feud, Lucas taking a knee and reassuring Timmy ended the feud. Lucas just being a GOOD GUY ended the feud. That was all Lucas ever truly needed to be to begin with, and he didn’t actually need to be bullied onto the back of a bull for that. 
Dreamers + Realists
After the danger becomes apparent to Maya in Texas, she is 100% done with the BS. Maya gets hip to the danger when she sees the bulls on the monitors. Riley idealizes Lucas the “Hero” so much that doesn’t think there’s any real danger until she sees Tombstone in person. Maya ends up delivering a version of Riley's "it's not okay" line from GM Flaws with, "You're not proud of him if he doesn't do this?" It's very clear that Maya thinks it is NOT OKAY for people to be calling Lucas a disgrace (and meaning it) to begin with, and she thinks it's absolutely NUTS for him to risk his life and/or limb to "prove" he's not. To Maya, Lucas's safety was more important than what these people (wrongly) believed about Lucas. She was more worried about his safety than what anyone thought. She doesn't have Lucas up on a pedestal in terms of her conception of him, she doesn't believe he can ride this bull safely just because he (very insecurely) says he can. She has been given EVERY REASON to believe that Lucas is going to get seriously hurt or killed by riding Tombstone. She is not being “dramatic.” The danger was real. (And it’s hammered home over and over and over again, from “Death is the difference!” until the moment of the bull ride itself.)
Maya wants Lucas to be realistic and SAFE. She wants him to NOT CARE so much about what these people are saying. She doesn't want Lucas to be so affected by what other people are saying about him. She believes those people are WRONG to call him a “disgrace” at all, and she is right about that. She wants Lucas to BUCK this objectively problematic aspect of “Texas values,” which apparently/may have gave him his temper to begin with. And she doesn't need or want Lucas to pull a life-threatening stunt or "be a hero" just because of the awful things people are saying. She doesn’t think these peoples’ problematic and wrong opinions are worth Lucas taking such a massive risk. She wants him to think realistically, not idealistically. Here’s another little snippet of what she was originally going to say:
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(I’m guessing they changed the bull’s name from Satan to Tombstone because it’d be kinda screwy to associate Maya with something named Satan. And also: Disney Channel Anyway.) Riley and Lucas, the dreamers, are NOT listening to the realist here. This is a potential life or death situation and they are not LISTENING to Maya. They’re too caught up in those crappy ideas about Southern honor, too caught up in the idea that Lucas MUST risk his life to “make up for” falling off a sheep as a kid, too caught up in the idea of Lucas as a “hero.” Riley and Lucas aren’t being realistic about this, and they’re caring WAY too much about reputation and what other people think. Perhaps it might be useful to think of this situation in terms of what Maya says about them both in GM Money (especially if you believe it’s supposed to come BEFORE Texas):
“I’m gonna dream with them, yeah. I always have. They’re the ones who taught me how. Just sometimes, I know better.”
Maya knew better in Texas. Riley and Lucas did not. (”You have these friends for a reason,” much?) There was no GOOD reason for Lucas to be risking his life, because Pappy Joe and the locals were WRONG to call Lucas a disgrace over something that happened to him as a child in the first place. 
Riley’s idealization of Lucas is what makes her blind to the VERY REAL danger until she sees Tombstone in person, at which point she acts like veterinarian dreams can tame an angry bull. Riley is not being realistic about this. The show took major pains to hammer home that the danger was real and that it was extraordinarily lucky Lucas didn’t get seriously hurt. They even go so far as to SHOW us “the best” being rolled out on a stretcher as Lucas enters the ring. Riley may believe Lucas is “hero” and all (and WHY does she think that, exactly? That’s yet another post), but if “the best” can wind up in the hospital after riding Buttercup, then Lucas could’ve easily wound up in even worse shape after riding Tombstone. They. Got. Lucky.
But the issue here is not that Riley is some monster who just plain didn’t care about Lucas. The issue is that she cared too much what other people thought (same with Lucas). The issue is that she wasn’t being realistic about the danger (same with Lucas). This is a situation where the dreamers OUGHT TO HAVE listened to the realist, and they didn’t. They got lucky this time. But how many more times do you think Riley and Lucas can get into situations like this before their luck runs out and something goes horribly wrong because they both had their heads in the clouds? Is this out-of-touch-with-reality idealistic dreamer dynamic GOOD FOR THEM in the long run? As long as we’re only talking about running for class president in seventh grade, I guess. More importantly, does this dynamic make for an effective, possibly long-term partnership with room for constant growth? According to the writers...no. See: GM Belief, the implications of STEM.
The point of the refreshment tent scene was never "can Maya talk Lucas out of this?!" but rather to HIGHLIGHT the differences in the way the girls see the world, and Lucas himself—not to mention the difference in their feelings for him. Seeing how other people live changes the way the girls would normally act. What DOESN'T change though is the way the girls SEE and CONCEIVE of Lucas. Riley's idealization of Lucas doesn't disappear in Texas just because other people are calling him a “disgrace.” She's convinced that he's a "hero who can do anything," so even though the danger is becoming more and more apparent, Riley believes Lucas can ride a raging bull just because he says so, even though he is clearly unsure himself. Maya, on the other hand, sees Lucas as a normal kid and a normal good guy. She doesn't place him on a "hero" pedestal the way Riley does. She sees "the best" get carried out on a stretcher and she is 100% DONE with the idea that Lucas should risk his life and limb just to prove a point to a bunch of people who are WRONG to be calling Lucas a disgrace in the first place. She does everything she can think of to try and stop him, while also trying to not make her feelings known. And at this point Maya is the one who is acting the way you'd expect "Lucas's girl" to act in the face of a life or death stunt (especially by BMW/GMW standards). And Riley, well...she's acting more like his family and the Texans. Riley’s acting more like like Pappy Joe, who makes fun of Lucas and believes he HAS to risk himself with a life threatening stunt.
The Inevitability of the Bull Ride
But make no mistake: Even though it didn’t become 100% inevitable in the narrative until after the “disgrace” bit, that bull ride was always going to happen plot-beat-wise. Maya didn't have an actual prayer of talking Lucas out of it because this is FICTION. The bull ride is the action climax of the episode, and it's also how Riley gets hip to Maya's feelings. If the bull ride doesn't happen, then Riley doesn't get fully hip to Maya, and Texas 2&3 don't happen. The purpose of the refreshment tent scene (even after the cuts) was probably to highlight the differences in the way the girls see/perceive Lucas wherever they are geographically, as well as to highlight the way they change in terms of how they each treat Lucas in light of seeing how he grew up in Texas. Maya's attempt to talk Lucas out of it was ALWAYS doomed, which is why she has to push so hard that she slips up and makes her feelings obvious/undeniable/apparent—and although Riley doesn't quite 100% catch on until she sees Maya frozen and shaking in fear after Lucas is flung through the air, that post-rodeo moment is really just the catalyst that makes all the moments Riley's been noticing all season snap into place. And of course Lucas has NO IDEA what's up with Maya until Riley brings it up and Maya eventually explains herself at the campfire. He seems to think that Maya just doesn't support him or believe in him while Riley does. 
I've had it just about up to here with people who aren't capable of grasping the nuance of Girl Meets Texas 1, or who think there isn’t any, especially with regard to the way the girls change once they get to Texas. Fact: Riley is naive and is often slow on the uptake when it comes to reality. Sometimes it seems like she's faking it, other times she really is just a lap behind. Riley can often be misguided when she thinks she knows what's best for everyone. The bull ride was the action climax of the episode and was going to happen NO MATTER WHAT, because of who these character are and where the story needed to go. But parsing out the _why_ of it all doesn’t mean I think there was ever a prayer of a Girl Meets Texas without a bull ride, or that it’s “Riley’s fault” there was a bull ride. Riley’s not real. There’s a bull ride because it was written that way. But the way they get to that plot point is, in my ever intense opinion, worth a closer look--especially because you don’t have to squint much to see it all as a piece of a much larger puzzle re: Riley and Maya learning to be combinations of light/dark and dreamer/realist rather than dichotomous extremes, entirely aside from the fact that in this case it’s got to do with Lucas. 
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atlafan · 7 years
The Game: Part 7
Rucas au multi-fic. Lucas and Riley have been best friends for as long as they can remember. They finally tell each other how they feel, and are able to get together, but some friction occurs when Riley’s Uncle Shawn introduces everyone to his new wife and daughter.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Riley receives a text from Maya that says “go somewhere quiet, you’re gonna want to hear this”. At first Riley rolls her eyes, but her curiosity was too much. She waited until before seventh period to go listen. She knew it would be okay to be late to her dad’s class. She goes into the bathroom, puts her headphones in, and listens to what Maya sent her.
At first, everything is okay. Lucas sounds like the perfect gentleman he always was. Then she got to the middle of the conversation, and she could feel her face getting hot from anger, and a few tears started to go down her face. She made it through all the way to the end. She didn’t know how to feel. She pulled herself together in the mirror. She wiped her tears, but she felt an unbelievable amount of rage. She didn’t know who to be more upset with. Lucas, for talking about her like that with his friend and truly revealing what he thinks of her, or Maya for sending her such a harsh truth. She walked into class after the bell, and stopped short when she came in. She felt sick seeing Lucas smile at her.
“Riley, how nice of you to join us. Any particular reason you were late?”
“I was in the bathroom.”
“Alright, please sit down, I don’t have a lot of time, and I want to go over the syllabus.”
She just stood there, feeling glued to the floor. She wanted to have a complete and total melt down. She looked at Maya, who was looking at her in amusement.
“Riley, please-”
“Do you think this is funny?” She slowly walks over to Maya’s desk. “Is my life just some game to you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Why would you send me that?”
“Because I thought you should know what your perfect boyfriend really thinks of you.”
Lucas goes wide eyed, stands up and walks over to the girls.
“Maya, what did you do?”
“She recorded your vulgar conversation with Mike, and sent it to me.”
“What? Why would you do that?”
“Because I heard the way you two were talking before, so I thought I’d capture it for evidence. You’re an asshole, and now she knows.”
“Riley, I-”
“You need to walk away from me before I say or do something I regret.”
“I’m not messing around! Get away from me Lucas.”
She was was breathing heavily, she was red in the face, and she had angry tears welling up.
“Dad, I’m sorry but I need to leave.” She rushes out the door, leaving everyone stunned.
Riley Matthews has never lost cool like that, especially not in front of her peers. Cory glared at Lucas, who wanted to chase after his girlfriend, but knew she needed some space. Everyone sat silent, waiting to see what Cory would do.
“Mr. Friar, please take your seat. I want everyone to pay attention, I don’t have a lot of time and I want to go over the syllabus.”
Cory desperately wanted to go find and comfort his daughter, but he had a class to teach. He always had some job to do.
Riley went to the nearest subway station, and got on. She got off a few blocks away from her house. She needed some air. She couldn’t believe what just happened. Riley knew that guys talked like that. It’s not even what they said that made her so angry. It was Maya. For someone to send such a harsh truth to her like that...it was awful. Riley wasn’t sure what her next move was going to be, but she knew it needed to be smart.
It was around one in the afternoon when Riley finished walking around town. She decided to go through her window into her room, she didn’t want Auggie to know she was home. When she climbed up she noticed her window was already open, and Lucas was sitting inside waiting for her. She sighed and plopped down next to him. He looked like he had been crying.
“You need stop just sitting here when you’re not sure I’m gonna be home.”
“Riley, I’m so sorry about everything I-”
“Stop. I don’t want you to explain a single thing to me. I know how guys like to talk to each other. It’s fine. I’ve calmed down. You never thought I’d hear that conversation. Honestly, it wasn’t even that bad. You just wanted to be friends that fucked, and then you realized you really did want a girlfriend, every teenage boy goes through that, right?”
“It’s not fine. I have never been this happy, and the fact that I jeopardized that is awful. Even if she hadn’t recorded it, Maya still heard me say everything.”
“She said there was a prior conversation, what was that about?”
“Mike was talking about how fine you are. I told him to stop.”
“So you were just humoring him?”
“I don’t really know what I was doing, or saying.”
“You were saying the truth.”
“Riley, I meant it when I said I loved you.”
“I know.”
“You’re not just some object to me either.”
“Are we going to be okay?”
“I’m not sure. You’re suddenly not who I thought you were. I thought you were the nicest, sweetest guy I had ever met, but you’re just like the rest of them. You’re only after one thing. That’s what pushed you to want to be in a relationship with me. And sure, I think you’re incredibly attractive, and when I’m ready you better believe I will let you do whatever you want to me. But there’s more for me than just that. We have, or at least I thought we had a really deep connection, and that’s the turn on for me. We can talk about anything with each other.”
“I hated seeing you so upset earlier. The fact that something I said made you feel like that made me feel sick. I never want to make you feel that way again.”
“What are you gonna do? Keep your mouth shut at all times.”
“Riley, the way I was talking, that was how I used to feel-”
“So you used to be a pig? You’re not anymore? You don’t think about taking me and just getting me naked and onto a bed?”
“Well, of course I think about that, but that’s not all I want from you. I want all of it, mind and body. My favorite thing is when you talk to me Riley. You’re my everything.” Tears start to slide down Lucas’ cheeks. This isn’t the first time she’s seen him cry, but it’s still a rare occurrence. “Sorry, I don’t mean to get so emotional. It’s just...the fact that I’m gonna lose you is killing me.”
“You’re not gonna lose me.” She grabs a tissue from a box near her, and hands it to him. “You could never lose me. We’re just having a little trouble in paradise.”
“So...we’re not gonna break up?”
“No it’s not that serious, but I might freeze you out until I’m a little less hurt. I’m honestly more upset with Maya. Who sends someone a harsh truth like that? I think she wants us to break up so she can pounce on you.”
“I have a class with her fourth period, I told her she wasn’t my type to her face.”
“She might like the challenge, but so do I. I’ve got some cards to play.”
“You do?”
“Sure. She doesn’t think I can be a bitch or mean, well she’s mistaken. I know exactly what I’m going to do.”
“Riley.I feel like a lot of this is turning into something it doesn’t need to. I think you should reconsider whatever it is you’re thinking of doing, and just talk to her.”
“I’m sick of talking. I’m done talking. I’m taking action, Lucas. Maybe you should do the same.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means, maybe you should be a little more self aware, be aware of your surroundings. What if one of my other friends was in that class and heard all of the things you said. I’m sure something would have gotten back to me. Save the macho, bro attitude for the locker room.”
Riley could feel her blood start to boil again, she stood up and walked away from him.
“Do you think we did too much too soon?” She asks. “I don’t know what hurts more, knowing that you love me and that you were still able to talk about me like that, or the fact that you might have just been telling me what I wanted to hear.”
“Riley, you and Maya might be playing some game”, he gets up and goes over to her, “but I’m not. What I feel for you is real, and I meant what I said. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you, you should know that.”
“Why did you never date anyone else?”
“How did we get to this topic?”
“I want to know. Lots of girls like you, but you never acted on anything, or as far as I know. Am I really your first girlfriend?”
“You know you're not. You know I dated Missy Bradford in the eighth grade.”
“Yeah for like a month.”
“Because I saw what it was doing to you. I’ll never forget the look on your face when you saw us kiss. I broke it off with her practically right then and there. There’s always been something between us. Lots of guys like you, you never dated anyone else, besides Charlie.”
“Yeah, also in the eighth grade, and it drove you up the wall. You were never nice to him.”
“He was creep who was trying to steal you away from me!” He takes a deep breath to calm down. “Look, RIley, we need to put the past behind or we’re gonna go crazy.”
“We tried doing that remember? I thought everything was all good until I heard this nonsense. I need to ask you a very serious question.”
“What is it?”
“Have you ever had sex with someone?”
“Tell me the truth.”
“Don’t you think if I had done something that serious, I would have been in a relationship with someone?”
“I don’t know. You clearly would have been fine with just being friends with benefits with me. Guess I’m not that special.”
“I didn’t know how I felt about you yet. I knew I was really attracted to you, but I didn’t want our friendship to be over. God, I don’t even know why I said that to Mike. I would never actually treat you with such little respect. I think sex is a serious thing that two people should do when they’re both ready. I’m in no rush. I’m fine with pecks on the cheek and holding hands because they’re coming from you.”
Tears start pouring down each other’s faces. He pulls her in and hold her tight while she buries her face in his chest.
“I’m gonna kill her for doing this to us.”
“Just make sure you have a solid plan together. Whatever you need me to do, I’m in.”
“Wait”, she looks up at him, “I thought you wanted me to reconsider my revenge.”
“She’s made you very upset, and that makes me upset. You don’t deserve to feel this way.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The two start kissing, and that becomes a passionate embrace. A make-up make-out session was exactly what they needed. They tugged and pulled at each other, and just made it over to the bed when there was a knock on Riley’s door. She grunted and rolled her eyes.
She opens the door and sees Auggie standing there.
“Oh thank god it’s you.”
“Who else did you think it was?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t think you were going to be home, and usually you come in from the front. I got nervous.”
“Okay”, Auggie peeps his head in and sees Lucas on Riley’s bed. “Carry on, but just remember, the walls are thin.”
Riley rolls her eyes, closes the door, makes sure it’s locked, and gets back onto her bed with Lucas. She looks at him and smiles.
“You have a plan don’t you?” He asks.
“Yup. Just thought of it.”
“Well, what is it?”
“Nothing. We’re going to do nothing.”
“You’ll see. Come here, I’m in the mood for a good snuggle.”
She lays down and opens her arms up to him. He lays on her chest, and she holds him tight while running her hands through his hair.
The next day in homeroom, everyone was waiting to see what was going to happen. Everyone thought Cory might have killed Lucas, and that they’d hear about some big trial. Maya walked in and sat down. Everyone stared at the girl who caused so much trouble.
Lucas and Riley walked in hand in hand, all smiles and talking like they usually did. They went right to their seats and sat down. Everyone including Maya, was speechless, and they all started at the two who were acting like nothing happened. Maya stood up and got in front of them.
“May we help you? We’re trying to have a private conversation.” Riley says.
“You’re not mad at him?”
“Why would I be mad? Oh, are you talking about that little thing that happened yesterday?”
“Little thing? You had a complete meltdown in front of the whole class.”
“I’ll admit that was embarrassing, and since most of everyone who is in our homeroom is in that class, they can see now that everything is fine.”
“But how?”
“Oh we just did what any other couple would do. We talked about it.” Lucas says.
“And it was a good talk too. So, you can sit down now.”
Maya turns, and sits back in her seat, completely confused.
“Oh, and Maya. Next time you try to help, don’t.” Riley says sharply.
The bell rings, Cory walks in, happy to see everyone before they go off to their first period classes.
When Maya has class with Lucas later that day, she uses it as an opportunity to investigate. She taps him on the shoulder.
“I’m not talking to you.”
“Why not?”
“Because you almost ruined my relationship.”
“Technically that’s not my fault. Anyone could have heard you two talking and told Riley.”
“Whatever, just leave me alone.”
“So it did cause a lot more trouble than little miss sunshine was letting on. You know, as mad as she was, I don’t think she would have broken up with you. She just got everything she’s ever wanted, she’d be stupid to give it up.”
“Riley does what makes her happy, if she wasn’t happy with me, she would have ended it.” He turns around to face her. “Look, I don’t know what game you’re trying to play, or if this is just how you are as a person, but it needs to stop. We don’t have to like you or be your friends. And by the way, trying to break two people up won’t make them like you, certainly not enough to go out with you.”
“Is that what you think this is about? You think I have some plot that ends with you and I going out? Please. You’d be a fun hook up at best, I’m not trying to be your girlfriend.”
“So then this really is about messing with Riley.”
“She was rude to me when we first met. I’m just trying to meet her expectations.”
“What expectations?”
“She has some preconceived notions about me that I don’t appreciate. She thinks I’m a certain way, well I’m gonna act that way. Anytime I’ve actually tried to be nice, she’s brushed me off.”
“Gee, I wonder why.”
“Alright class, time to start.” The teacher starts.
Lucas turns back around, and Maya glares at him. What was so great about him anyway? What could sweet little Riley Matthews see in some jock. She had to get more information about their history, but who could she ask?
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “Stripped” [ 1.06 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
NOTHING BUT THE BEAT – In Lucas’s absence, Shawn and Angela give the techies a break by declaring all numbers acoustic for the duration of the week. Farkle can’t get a grip on the assignment. Zay fights a creeping sense of isolation.
45 Minutes (7.5K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← Extra, Extra ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ Black, The Color Of Techies Scorned → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
A brand new week. ANGELA MOORE is standing in front of the seats, looking up at her stage with a certain sense of apprehension. But she claps us in anyway. Five, six, seven, eight…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Puttin’ On the Ritz” as performed by Young Frankenstein Original Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomores
FARKLE MINKUS kicks off the number performing in the Victor Frankenstein role, and MAYA HART and ZAY BABINEAUX soon joining him for the first third. It seems like a perfectly normal performance, and there’s nothing ambitious or off-putting about it. In fact, with their combined stage presence and star power, it’s a rather enjoyable little number.
That is, until the dance break.
When the dance break kicks off and all of the performers filter onto the stage (Wyatt noticeably absent, of course), the number kicks up a notch. The dancing is intense, for one, but the strain that truly begins to show is how hard the techies are working to keep up with the overzealous staging requirements.
Yes, it’s the first full week of Lucas’s suspension, and his absence is being felt throughout the entire techie brigade. ISADORA DE LA CRUZ is in Lucas’s usual seat with headset on, trying to keep everything from falling apart, but considering she had a rather difficult week herself not so long ago, she’s not in top form and seconds away from a break down. She snaps commands into the headset instead, definitely not spreading an aura of confidence.
While the tap dancing continues, the techies are running around frantically backstage in an effort to keep the production aspects of the number afloat. ASHER GARCIA gets so overwhelmed and out of breath that he faints, DYLAN ORLANDO barely managing to catch him in his arms. JADE BEAMON has had to step up and work as a stagehand, but it’s totally out of her comfort zone so she’s not much help.
NATE MARTINEZ and DAVE WILLIAMS are in charge of moving a rather large set piece at the end of the number, but several circumstances prevent the transition from being ready in time. Instead, as the tapping comes to a thrilling conclusion, Dave ends up tripping on a section of curtain rope and brings the whole back curtain tumbling down.
It startles the performers, all of them shrieking and jumping out of the way. They hadn’t even noticed how much the techies were struggling. Angela claps, reluctantly, before insisting they all disband for a break.
Angela: Davis, you’re not injured are you?
[ Nate and Jade have dug Dave out of the mountain of curtain. He’s dazed, but gives her a thumbs up. ]
Angela: Oh, good. Because our insurance definitely wouldn’t have covered that.
Cue title sequence.
Angela and SHAWN HUNTER are eating lunch together, managing a much better rapport than they’ve displayed the last few episodes. It is clear they are taking their agreement to put their feud aside seriously, and both quite willingly. If anything, they seem perfectly content to spend a lunch hour in each other’s company.
Shawn nods along as Angela describes the train wreck they just watched unfold, and he claims he’s not surprised. Given everything that happened last week and the current absences, they’re going to be a bit off-kilter.
Shawn: I know he doesn’t come off this way, but Lucas is more of a leader than you’d expect. If anything, he does a good job of keeping everybody in line. It’s not a shock to me that the train is sliding off the track without that discipline.
Angela: Even with Isadora?
Shawn: Isadora is brilliant, but she’s got her own shit to deal with after last week. Thrusting the entire operation of the crew on her shoulders maybe isn’t the best idea right now, regardless of how capable she typically is.
Angela doesn’t have any arguments against that. She accepts it, instead attempting to problem solve how they’re going to handle the next week if circumstances are going to remain out of the ordinary. Shawn states that his main goal is just to keep his kids from falling apart any more than they already have, so if the performers could cut them some slack that would be great.
This actually seems to give Angela an idea. She nods along, promising him that she thinks she can do him one better. When they exchange a look and Angela gives him a knowing, mischievous smirk, it’s evident that there’s definite romantic tension between them reignited again. Wonder if that’s gonna go anywhere…
Zay is sitting at the usual table with CHARLIE GARDNER, YINDRA AMINO, and NIGEL CHEY. Only now, Maya has joined their ranks as well. The group of them gab on and on about their afterschool plans, how they spent the weekend, etc., Zay mostly just half-listening and not exactly contributing to the conversation.
When Maya lobs the question of afterschool plans towards him, he sort of shrugs it off and doesn’t have much to offer. He claims he has a lot of rehearsing to do, and they don’t question it because after all, Zay is the most popular student in their class. Of course, he’s a busy, busy man.
Zay is like ha ha, yeah, and don’t you forget it… but as the conversation drifts to another topic, his smile sort of fades as he focuses back on his food.
Rather than sitting at the usual table, RILEY MATTHEWS is seated outside in the lunch courtyard with Isadora. It’s the same table where Lucas and Riley escaped to get fresh air in the previous episode, and apparently where the techies prefer to sit when it’s not frigid outside. In this case, it allows them some distance from the scene of the crime of last episode.
Riley attempts to get a read on how Isadora is feeling, but it’s difficult to tread without coming off like she’s treating her differently. Isadora is like could you chill, I’m fine, I will be fine, which Riley takes as her cue to tone down the concern a little bit. She also has other curiosities on her mind, so she shifts gears to that instead.
Riley: So, um… have you talked to Lucas? How is he handling the suspension?
Isadora: I don’t know. We haven’t talked much.
Riley: Is everything okay? Between you two?
Isadora: No, yeah, we’re fine. It’s just that when he’s not around, like right there in front of you… I don’t know. He can be hard to get a hold of.
Riley does not like the sound of that, but she doesn’t question it further. Isadora changes the subject, the two of them continuing to pick at their lunch.
Returning back to class, Shawn and Angela stand together on the stage and announced their weekly assignment. Performers will be choosing acoustic songs only for the duration of the week. This is to stretch their natural ability and wean them off the reliance on props and spectacle, but also to give the techies a bit of a breather.
The performers, particularly the divas, are not happy about this decision. If they’re not being flashy, what is their purpose? Farkle tries to plead for help.
Farkle: This is an outrage. It’s a joke. Ms. Moore…
Angela: I’m with Hunter on this one. [ off Farkle’s disgusted reaction ] We all could do with a little refocusing, and it’ll be easier for everyone involved.
Maya: For the whole week?
Angela: The techies are short-staffed –
Farkle, in disbelief: They’re missing one person!
Dave: It feels like more. :(
The mandate has been delivered, and despite Farkle’s greatest protests, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to change. Zay, like usual, finds all of their whining and moaning over the whole thing to be ridiculous.
Zay: You’ve all become so reliant on razzle-dazzle you’ve forgotten how to actually perform. Or maybe you just never had it in the first place.
Farkle: Oh, like you’re so much better. You’re no more prepared than the rest of us.
Zay: You think so, huh? It’s fine, I can show you the ropes.
Zay hops up onto the stage, pointing to Charlie in the audience. He beckons him up with him, directing him towards the piano as his acoustic accompaniment. Charlie’s surprised, but not opposed to the singling out, and happily jumps up to help.
Zay: [ over his shoulder, to Charlie ] You’ll keep up.
Charlie: [ bemused, but also kind of charmed ]
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Perfect Places (Acoustic)” as performed by Eden Mary || Performed by Zay Babineaux (feat. Charlie Gardner)
The performance is simplistic and stripped down, but just as engaging as ever. Zay oozes natural stage presence, and his vocals with Charlie’s piano skills aren’t a bad match. As the performance goes on, Charlie glances up numerous times from the keys to smile at him from behind.
Angela sort of dances along, evidently pleased that someone seems to be taking well to the assignment. The other performers seem to be coming around as well, save for Farkle. He’s grumpy throughout, obviously not thrilled with this new development.
Shawn is joining JACK HUNTER for dinner, keeping up with their usual monthly half-brother meal. The two of them discuss what’s going on with their respective ends of the school, Shawn explaining their acoustic mandate of the week while Jack updates him on the progress he’s making of trying to figure out who is running AAA Confessions – which is to say, little progress.
Shawn empathizes, as part of the reason the Insta is so successful is because of the anonymous and hands-off way it operates. They didn’t have anything like this when they were teenagers. Especially because regardless of who is running the account, they’re not the ones making every post – anyone who submits a post is liable in some regard.
Still, they’re not without potential suspects. After rattling off some student names they narrow down to their three prime kids with motive – Farkle, Maya, and Lucas.
Shawn rules out Farkle, stating that while he’s definitely insane, he doesn’t have the time to spare doing something like that when he’s so obsessed with being front and center all the time. He hardly sees him on his phone. They also both agree that Maya isn’t all that likely a culprit either, as she wants the opportunities at AAA more than anything and would never do something so stupid that could jeopardize everything (hence, her squeaky clean appearance).
Lucas is a little trickier to unpack. Even Shawn, his biggest defender, can’t deny that he has blatant motive just because of how much he resents being at the school. Not to mention, the techies are rarely featured. Still, Shawn points out that Lucas would never throw Isadora under the bus like with what happened last week.
Jack doesn’t take much arguing, as he doesn’t believe it’s Lucas. Shawn is admittedly a bit surprised by this, but as always, Jack has clearly thought things through.
Jack: It’s not that I don’t see the motive, believe me, I see enough of it every day. But I’ve also been reprimanding him for almost two years now, and this kind of behavior… it’s just not his mode of operation. He acts the way kids at our school did growing up, you know – reckless, hotheaded, choice actions –
Shawn: You can say you’re talking about me, dear brother of mine. It’s okay. I can take the shade.
Jack: [ ignoring him ] This Instagram stuff, it’s too methodical. Too much maintenance involved. Not to mention, there’s no way Lucas cares enough about his fellow students to orchestrate something like this.
Jack goes on to highlight the situation from the week prior, highlighting that Shawn is right – considering the reasons he started the fight with Wyatt, he has a difficult time believing he would do something so cruel to Isadora. Even if it’s a convenient cover.
Jack: I’m not saying he isn’t a troublemaker – it would be impossible to say such a bold-faced fallacy. [ off Shawn’s expression ] But I don’t know, the whole situation with Miss De La Cruz and how things have been this past year… I feel like I’m not getting the full picture. Like there might be more under the surface in this case that I haven’t considered.
Shawn isn’t going to argue with that – he’s been there himself. And while they both feel pretty confident ruling him out as an AAAC suspect, that just puts Jack back at square one and empty-handed.
Jack switches gears instead, turning the conversation to Angela. He’s definitely noticed the new tension that has blossomed between them. Shawn claims that things are better as far as work, but Jack isn’t asking about work. He questions whether Shawn wants to go down this road again with someone as talented (and flighty) as Moore, but he deflects and claims nothing is going to happen anyway. She’s a star, and he’s a deadbeat. That’s all there is to it.
Jack doesn’t look convinced, taking a pointed bite of his food.
Speaking of Instagram, that’s what Zay is focusing on as he lazes around at home. He scrolls through his feed, looking at all the photos of his classmates being social and seemingly having the time of their lives as Instagram is wont to put forth. And there he is, sprawled on his living room couch and hanging out with his family.
He’s evidently just finished lamenting the situation to his mother, DONNA BABINEAUX. His sister JADA BABINEAUX (20), sophomore at the Fashion Institute of Technology, is also there to chime in with sarcasm and jaded twenty-year-old wisdom.
Aside from Zay’s isolation, Donna comments on one of the other factors that might be contributing to his feelings of isolation with disbelief.
Donna: I have a hard time believing that there is not one other boy at that school who deviated from the straight and narrow path of sexuality.
Zay: Unfortunately, the ones that have are either taken or idiots. Or both.
Jada: What about that kid with the weird name? The obnoxious Jewish one who wears blazers even on casual Friday.
Zay: Farkle? You want me to befriend Farkle?
Jada: I’m just saying, anyone that dedicated to a suit jacket and the career of Rachel Berry can’t be straight.
Her wisdom doesn’t stop there.
Jada: Don’t worry. Once you get to college, everyone is so concerned with labeling themselves and exploring their identities that you won’t even be able to keep up with all the eligible men suddenly in your reach.
Zay: Charming.
But all that isn’t really what Zay is stuck on anyway. The romance stuff, he can wait on – but it’s getting real isolating up at the top. Considering he’s the most popular student in his grade, in theory, he should be blowing up with requests to hang out. And yet.
Donna suggests that Zay reach out to some of his friends outside of AAA. Limiting himself to the same artistic crop of people might be doing more harm than good – maybe he’s just got a little cabin fever. He shrugs the suggestion off, but there might be merit to the idea. He contemplates as he continues to scroll through that daunting, isolating Insta feed…
The Matthews family doesn’t operate with nearly the same comfort as the Babineaux clan. Their family dinner is quiet, heavy with a weird kind of tension. CORY MATTHEWS and TOPANGA MATTHEWS won’t even look at each other, which AUGGIE MATTHEWS doesn’t notice but Riley clocks immediately.
She tentatively explains that she probably won’t be around much this week, as she’s going to be hanging out with friends from school. Cory seems concerned by this, wondering who the friend is and when she thinks she will be home – operating with more protectiveness than maybe necessary. Topanga, on the other hand, abruptly cuts him off and tells Riley to have fun.
The look Cory shoots her is yet another red flag. Riley is dying of curiosity (and dread), but she opts to avoid whatever may be coming around the bend for her and just follow Topanga’s directive. She focuses back on her food. As the ukulele of “Riptide” floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Riptide” as performed by Vance Joy || Performed by Charlie Gardner (feat. Nick Yogi & Dave Williams)
Charlie performs an upbeat and energetic rendition of the chart topper as his assignment, Dave providing the ukulele backing and Yogi backing him on harmonies. It’s a nice upturn compared to the heavy acoustic that permeates most of the episode. As he dances around with the microphone stand, a montage launches us through the rest of the students attempting to figure out what their performances are going to be.
Farkle is struggling the most with the assignment. He runs through dozens of concepts, creating mood boards for each of them – all too complicated or flashy to qualify for a stripped down week. Angela continuously vetoes them. He’s going to lose his mind.
Shawn meets with the techies on the stage while the performers are in the black box, seated with them on the floor. He explains that given the nature of this week and the absence of their usual work, it has been requested that each of them perform a number as well. This earns a predictable uproar, but Shawn attempts to placate their panic by assuring them that they will only have to perform for one another, not the performers.
When they’re still not convinced, Shawn points out that the stakes are subterranean levels of low and they just need to get it out of the way. As they’re dismissed, Dave shakes his head.
Dave: You all are damn lucky Lucas isn’t here. That man would never stand for this.
A fair point, but then Lucas is not there is he? So the assignment stands.
Isadora gives this update to Riley, who is far more enthused by the possibilities than she is. She immediately offers to help her practice, guaranteeing her they’ll find the perfect number for her to perform. She basically clears her entire schedule. It’s obvious that Isadora appreciates the help, but is pointedly uncertain over how she feels about this new challenge.
The bell rings, releasing students for the day. Angela spots Shawn through the exiting crowds and jogs to catch up to him, snagging him by the arm and pulling him into a conversation. She suggests that the two of them get together to discuss what the rest of the semester is going to look like, considering if they’re going to be working together and bridging their divides it’s going to take a lot more collaborating.
Shawn is surprised, but agrees and offers to come to her place that evening. Angela enthusiastically confirms, allowing him to walk away from her. The expression on her face as she watches him go says it all – she’s very excited about this academic get-together. Oh, Miss Moore…
Isadora leads the way up the steps of her elegant and well-kept foster home. Riley is stunned as she follows her, obviously not expecting such a nice place in Brooklyn to be the home of Isadora De La Cruz. What she was expecting, she wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t this.
As Riley comments on the beauty of the place, Isadora shrugs it off. She clearly holds limited warmth towards the mini-mansion.
Riley is distracted by the other foster kids coming and going as Isadora gets the both of them a snack. While they’re there, KAREN VAN HERSCHING (50s) enters with one of the babies, ADRIEN WOODS (3) in tow. She’s shocked to see Isadora with a new friend, more than happy to greet Riley who seems like a sweet and normal girl.
Karen: It’s so nice to meet you. Isadora doesn’t bring many of her friends around. The one we’ve met, he’s… [ searching for the polite phrasing ] well, he’s interesting.
Riley: I’m familiar with his work, yes.
After Karen asks them a dozen times if they need anything and not to hesitate to ask, Isadora escapes the conversation and leads Riley upstairs.
Riley again tries to discuss the foster situation now that she’s seen it for herself, but Isadora is an expert at deflection on this particular topic. She continues to sidestep and refocus on the assignment until Riley relents, allowing them to shift the conversation. She jumps on the mention of Lucas, obviously following up on a subject they were chatting about earlier.
Riley: Oh yeah, did Lucas respond about us stopping by?
Isadora: [ nonchalantly ] Oh, yeah. He said no.
Riley: … oh. Okay. Cool.
It’s okay, Riley. Chin up. It’s not you, it’s him. Believe me.
Zay is finishing his commute home, walking down his street with his headphones on. Outside his house, he hesitates on an older text message with one of his friends from middle school. It’s been a couple weeks since they last texted.
After a moment, he types out a text asking if they want to hang out. He almost hits send, but can’t bring himself to do it. He locks his phone, walking up the rest of the steps to his front door.
Then, he changes his mind. He huffs, pulling up the message again and hitting send in a beat of frenzy. Within moments the friend responds, happily agreeing and beginning to make plans.
Zay exhales in relief, already feeling a little bit less alone. He smiles, stepping into his house.
Maya enters the old-fashioned diner, a familiar haunt for the students of AAA. At a nearby table, KATY HART finishes up gabbing with a regular customer. As she heads back, she exchanges a smile with Maya who hops up onto a stool at the counter.
She doesn’t waste a second to update her mother on their current assignment, asking for advice considering Katy was the one who pointed out to her that not every performance has to be a flashy showstopper. How would she go about tackling this assignment? Katy thinks on it, humming to herself as she wipes down the counter.
Katy: To be honest, I’ve always preferred singing duets. Sharing a song with a friend is always better than singing alone, especially if you can’t hide behind smoke and mirrors.
Maya absorbs this, allowing Katy the affectionate gesture of pushing some hair from her face. Then she offers her a smile.
Shawn shows up to Angela’s as promised, a bit awkward as she eagerly leads him inside and shows him around but not all that opposed to being there. Although there is lingering hesitation with one another, both of them are putting forth their best efforts to meet in the middle and find common ground. So the gathering is friendly above all else.
Perhaps, in some ways, a little more friendly than colleagues would allow for. Although they’re there to work, Angela does pull out a bottle of wine about halfway through the evening, so it’s pretty clear that this meeting isn’t going to maintain a sense of professionalism. After a couple of drinks they’re laughing and joking around, gossiping about their students and fellow employees and ruminating on how wild their jobs seem to be for a couple of educators.
Shawn claims that he’s hardly an educator, and Angela vehemently disagrees with him. A pitch too passionately, with the alcohol talking. She points out how far he’s come in cleaning up his act, how he’s able to strike a great balance of stern yet supportive, and more than anything how much those geeky tech kids look up to him. It’s clear he cares about them, is more dedicated to them than maybe anything he’s ever known in his life.
The passion drifts into a moment, the two of them holding eye contact as Angela loses her train of thought. Thankfully, the music player switching songs provides them a distraction.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dreams” as performed by Lissie || Performed by Angela Moore
The Fleetwood Mac classic prompts Angela to get up from her seat, proclaiming how much she loves the song. Shawn states that he remembers, as they listened to it all the time when they were dating back in college. Angela begins an impromptu sing-along, essentially taking over the number. She dances around the living room, Shawn watching in amusement and lowkey mesmerized.
About halfway through, she pulls Shawn into the dance, too. It’s a sloppy, loose pas de deux, harkening back to the simplicity of being young and in love and dancing around drunk in college like the future was theirs to control.
As the song begins to fade, Shawn and Angela descend into laughter… which then turns into a kiss. Then, somehow, another one. And another. Clearly, Shawn was wrong about the two of them never happening again.
As they conduct their business…
Zay hangs out with his friends from middle school, the group of them out to eat. While there’s a clear rapport between all of them and it’s evident they’re pals, Zay continues to struggle to feel seen. He doesn’t really fit in with his former friends anymore – they all like him, of course, but they don’t really get him. There’s not many spaces for him to add to the conversation.
He’s not dramatic enough for the divas at AAA, but he’s not grounded enough in the mundane for his former friends. He’s a nowhere man, and it’s starting to get to him.
Riley and Isadora are hidden away in her room, practicing scales on her keyboard. She is eager to help Isadora find confidence in her voice, but Isadora is still reluctant. Although they’re growing a solid friendship, she’s not comfortable enough around her to take the assignment seriously. She may have a piqued interest in performing, but it’s not strong enough to override her self-consciousness.
Isadora messes up another scale and grows frustrated, giving up. Riley tries to encourage her but she’s not having it, instead going into a mini-rant about how she might actually fail. She might fail something for the first time in her life, as if nothing else could go wrong this month.
Before Riley can put a positive spin on things, their conversation is interrupted by Cory and Topanga reentering the apartment. Their voices are raised and the discussion is obviously an argument. Cory sounds particularly distressed. Riley’s eyes widen, glancing towards the door.
They wait for the argument to dull to intense whispers, disappearing behind the closed door across the hall. Isadora watches Riley, realizing that her life might be far from rainbows and optimistic spins. Embarrassed, Riley agrees that maybe it’s time to call it a night and states that Isadora should probably get ready to go.
The group of friends heads out, still gabbing and planning their next move. Zay sort of lingers behind, a bit zoned out. When one of his friends catches his attention and asks if he wants to come along to the movies with them, he sort of shrugs it off and makes up a lie that he needs to head home. Early morning tomorrow with rehearsals. A couple of others try to convince him to come, but he’s just not feeling it. They all bid him goodnight, stating they should do this again.
Zay watches them go, just as easy going as before. Unmoved, with or without him. Zay exhales, stuffing his hands in his pockets and heading in the opposite direction.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Mr. Brightside” as performed by Run River North || Performed by Zay Babineaux (feat. AAA Sophomores)
A soft guitar rift floats us into the number, Zay singing quietly as he meanders his way back home through the city. The performance is truly stripped, the visuals of the city at night acting more as the star as Zay walks through them. The shots pan through twinkling lights, street art in splashes of color on the brick behind him muted in the night, passing amongst groups of friends and couples enjoying each other’s company and feeling much like the subject of the song – an observer, yet pointedly removed.
As the song continues on, the voices of the rest of the cast ease in although they may or may not be pictured. Drifting away from Zay…
Isadora is in her room, headphones on and listening to scales and the notes from the song she’s thinking about performing. She’s trying her hardest to block out everything else and focus, but her foster siblings are being distracting enough. It’s clear she’s growing more and more nervous about the assignment.
Farkle is in a frenzy, brainstorming more ideas for the assignment but scrapping all of them. He crumples up another page of sheet music and tosses it to the side of the bed, flopping backwards onto his bed and hiding his head in his arms.
Riley has finished getting ready for bed, passing by the door to her parents’ bedroom. She thinks about knocking, but ultimately decides against it. She’s not sure she wants to know what has conferred on the other side.
She walks away, avoiding the problem for another day.
Shawn is getting ready to head out, pulling his shirt back on over his head and reaching for his jacket. Angela comes up from behind him, in her robe, pulling him around to face her. In the serenity of the night, something allows them to be softer than usual.
She takes his face in her hands, pulling him into a soft kiss. Both of them smile lightly, exchanging another one before Shawn starts to leave.
Zay has made it to his subway stop, rounding out the song. It’s soft, melancholy, permeating the New York evening. Then, he descends the stairs to the tracks below, disappearing in the crowd.
Isadora approaches an unfamiliar doorstep the next afternoon after school, stepping up and hitting the buzzer pointedly. It’s not the greatest neighborhood, and she looks a couple of times over her shoulder. Somewhere in the building above, a baby cries. A TV runs. A cramped, overcrowded apartment building with residents who can barely afford to live there.
After a long moment, the door swings open. LUCAS FRIAR is standing there, frowning at Isadora. She doesn’t say anything, the two of them having a tacit exchange. It’s clear he doesn’t want her there, and yet she’s there anyway. She’s Dora, and he’s not going to turn her away.
After a moment he rolls his eyes, stepping back and nodding for her to come in. She does so, marching past him. He shuts the door behind her.
Lucas and Isadora are cooped up on his tiny fire escape, just big enough for the two of them to sit in if she stays cross-legged and he stretches his feet into the window. Through the pane, a cramped and uncomfortable bedroom is visible. It’s a mess as typical of any teenage boy, but also because there’s simply so much stuffed into a tiny space, and clearly not all of it is his. His bed is a mattress stacked on unshelved books and crammed into the corner.
It’s a paradox, feeling overused yet distinctly abandoned. The small refuge of a person who hates to be there.
His parents are nowhere in sight. Isadora asks him how suspension is treating him, which he shrugs off and doesn’t really answer. She gets a good look at him – aside from the bruises still healing from the fight at school, he doesn’t look much different. Not in any noticeable way.
For some reason, this prompts the question of his parents and how they took the punishment.
Lucas: Mama didn’t really care. She didn’t ask a lot of questions. Just double-checked that I could still go back, eventually.
Isadora: … and your dad?
Lucas: In Texas on business. So he doesn’t know. Think mama wants to keep it that way. So nothing. [ A beat. Then, matter-of-factly. ] For now.
Isadora searches for a change of subject. She explains what he’s missed since he’s been gone, which he seems unimpressed with. He doesn’t react much until she notes the assignment for the week and the fact that the techies have to perform too.
Lucas: What? They can’t do that, they can’t make you perform.
Isadora: Somehow, everyone knew that’s exactly what you would say.
Lucas hesitates then huffs, slouching back against the bars of the fire escape and crossing his arms. Sucks to be so predictable.
Isadora claims that’s the main reason that she’s there. She’s running out of time to figure out the assignment, but she’s totally stuck and can’t concentrate. She thinks that he can help her, to which Lucas is wholly skeptical. But Isadora knows exactly how, getting to her feet and stepping back in through his window.
Lucas: What – what are you doing?
Isadora: [ digging through the chaos, on a mission ] I know it’s in here somewhere…
Isadora exhales an exclamation of victory, retrieving an acoustic guitar from the depths of the storage closet / bedroom. No, our eyes are not deceiving us – it’s old, a little banged up, but definitely a working guitar. In Lucas James Friar’s bedroom.
Lucas groans in disdain and Isadora heads back out towards him, already refusing and reminding her that he hasn’t touched that thing in years. He probably doesn’t even know how to use it anymore. She should put it back. Actually, she should smash it and burn the remains. He’s not playing it. He’s not going to do it.
Isadora ignores him, coming back to stand in front of him. She holds it out to him, raising her eyebrows pointedly. Another tacit exchange, holding each other’s glares.
She wins, as she always does. Lucas grunts out a “fine,” taking the axe from her and adjusting his position so he can situate with it.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Breathin’” as performed by Adam Christopher || Performed by Isadora De La Cruz (feat. Lucas Friar)
Lucas launches into the rough opening notes of “Breathin’,” simplistic on guitar. It’s clear he’s rusty, but he definitely did once know how to play the guitar and still retains some of that ability. Boy, if the gent isn’t an enigma…
Finally in a setting where she focus, Isadora starts the first verse of the Ariana ode to conquering anxiety. It’s a little breathy at first, a little nervous, but Isadora was correct in her instinct that being with someone she trusts without question would help her push through her hesitancy. When she gets to the first chorus, she locks eyes with Lucas and the two of them exchange smiles. Not a bad way to spend a suspended afternoon.
Dylan takes over the guitar as the performance transitions to the auditorium, Isadora giving her required rendition in front of the techies. Riley is also present, as an invited guest of the singer. The group watches, soft and proud, as Isadora gives a great performance. It’s clear now that this girl can sing, even if she opts not to. What potential that has…
The techies give her resounding applause, Asher and Dave giving a standing ovation. Shawn thanks her and then dismisses the group. Riley gets up and approaches her, congratulating her on a job well done and stating she’s glad she was able to work through the hesitation she was having. Isadora notes offhandedly that she had Lucas help her.
After a moment, Riley ventures gently if Isadora was thinking about him while performing it. Isadora confirms the notion, not thinking much of it. While Riley can certainly empathize, it’s evident that her curiosity as to what exactly the relationship is between Lucas and Isadora is becoming insatiable. She’s always been a little nosy, and for some reason she just continues to find herself more invested in the stakes of what this dynamic might be… just, for some unidentifiable reason…
The performers are dismissing from their class, everyone gathering their things and heading out. As Farkle stresses to Angela in the background, Charlie and Zay start to reassemble the desks and help clean up. After Farkle storms out, Angela thanks them for tidying up before heading out herself.
Charlie observes how solemn Zay is, pointing out that he sure started out the week with a lot of confidence to look so deflated now. He brushes him off, but when Charlie doesn’t budge and continues to eye him expectantly, Zay finds himself wanting to talk about it. It’s nice for someone to actually be paying him attention.
It’s surprisingly easy to discuss with Charlie. He essentially explains his weird sense of isolation, how even though he is purportedly the most popular student in their grade he feels like everyone is at arm’s length. Riley enters mid-conversation, hanging back as to not interrupt but clearly listening on how it unfolds.
Charlie expresses sympathy and claims he knows the sensation. Zay sort of scoffs, but Charlie really accurately paints a picture of what he’s talking about.
Charlie: No, really. That feeling where you know you should be living the life, everything is in place for you to reap the rewards, but you just feel… like you’re not really there. Like you’re outside of your own experience and so everything is intangible. Disjointed.
Zay: … yeah. Yeah, I guess that’s it.
Charlie: Like I said, I get it.
Case in point, Charlie doesn’t have any solutions that will easily fix the problem. But he does state that Zay could’ve asked him to hang out, and he would’ve said yes.
Charlie: I know I’m not as cool as you or Maya, but I think on a good day I can be fun. Especially if you’re desperate. [ off Zay’s chuckle ] You know, since someone taught me how.
Charlie gives him a playful nudge on the shoulder, patting him on the back before heading out. He locks eyes with Riley as they pass one another, exchanging a smile and nod with her. As she steps in, Zay asks her how much she overheard to which she admits most of it. He’s like eavesdrop much, to which she shrugs sheepishly but doesn’t refute. This is just Riley, you gotta get used to it Zayby.
She asks why Zay didn’t tell her he was feeling all of those things, to which he claims he didn’t want to inconvenience her or anyone else. She argues that they’re friends, so his discomfort or loneliness is never going to be an inconvenience to her, especially if she’s in a position to help.
Riley: You were the first person to show me kindness in this hellscape. You were my first actual friend.
Zay: I hope that’s not first actual friend ever.
Riley: I know I’ve been sort of… I’ve been distracted by some other things lately. I’m sorry if I left you behind in the process. I’m going to try and be a better friend, but you have to promise me that you’re going to help me do that. Total honesty.
Zay is charmed, so he agrees. The two of them exchange a hug, Riley brightening and claiming that she already needs his help if he’s willing to give it. She hasn’t completed her assignment yet this week, after all, and she sure could use a duet partner for the song she’s thinking of…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “FourFiveSeconds” as performed by Rihanna, Kanye West, and Paul McCartney || Performed by Zay Babineaux & Riley Matthews
Riley and Zay perform a fun and loose rendition of the pop hit, Riley on guitar while the two of them harmonize. They’re up on stools in the front of the classroom, the rest of the performers seated amongst the desks and jamming along. It’s sweet, and watching the two of them sing together and make each other lowkey laugh while performing is the most endearing. Now there is a friendship worth stanning.
Class is wrapping up for the day, only one more day in the week for the assignment. Farkle still hasn’t figured it out, running one more frantic idea by Angela who is growing frustrated with how he seems unable to grasp the assignment. She points out that he knows he’s talented, they both do, so why can’t that be enough? Why can’t he let go of the spectacle?
Farkle can’t seem to articulate the reason either, but it’s something deep-seated in that spastic brain of his. So he snaps instead, mouthing off in typical diva fashion. Angela essentially warns him that he better get it together because he’s only got a day left, to which Farkle stomps off yet again. Shawn approaches.
Shawn: Does he realize that each time he tornadoes out of here like that, it loses its impact?
Angela gives him a look. The rapport between them is sharp as usual but a bit awkward, uncertain given how they reconnected and where they stand now. Are they back together? Was it just a one-time thing? It was good for both of them, they both confirm, but going down this rabbit hole again… they don’t know what to think.
And who has time to think, with Lucas and Wyatt both coming back to school next week which is guaranteed to create a whole new host of issues. Who knows what could happen… but still, neither of them purport to regret the choice they made the other night. So it seems they will see what the future holds.
Tentatively, Shawn leans forward and gives her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles, turning away from him as he saunters off. Whatever the future holds, please let it be good…
Riley returns home, entering the apartment tentatively and not certain what she might find. She’s been out and avoiding it all day, but she had to come home eventually.
Topanga isn’t home, however. Cory is, sitting at the table and nursing a hot chocolate. He looks totally drained, and it’s clear from a glance that something has changed. All that charged up tension that has permeated their home for so long has shifted, but not necessarily in a good way.
Riley approaches, broaching the topic of what happened with caution. After beating around the bush and apologizing for likely embarrassing her in front of her friends (which she brushes off), Cory drops the bomb – Topanga officially filed the papers for a divorce.
Riley is completely floored. Much like Cory, she figured that even if things were uneven or rocky, they would be able to work them out. They always had in the past, after all. They’re Cory and Topanga. And yet, this is the reality they live in.
It’s difficult for Riley to wrap her head around. She shakes her head wordlessly, too stunned to cry or lash out or do much of anything. Although Cory continues to ramble in an effort to make sense of it all, Riley has zoned out, totally lost in her own head. Her whole world was just thrown out of whack. And boy, if the control freak isn’t going to leap out in compensation…
Speaking of control freaks, Farkle is frazzled as he attempts to piece together an assignment last minute. He’s been cooped up in there most of the day, skipping half his classes and spiraling himself into a corner.
Maya enters, watching as he makes a mess of another moodboard that is inherently too flashy to get approved. She pokes fun at him which he’s decidedly not in the mood for, almost downright manic. His hair is practically flying off his forehead from how many times he’s run his hands through it in frustration.
Instead, Maya changes tact and claims she can help him. When he asks what bright ideas she could possibly deliver in this final hour, Maya knocks over his mood board and lets it hit the ground. He’s overthinking everything, she states, and that is what is going to make him fail. Zay was right at the beginning of the week when he said that performing should be about just letting go and freeing themselves, at least at the core. The more pizazz he puts on it, the more he’s just trying to control something that maybe just needs to be.
Farkle is defensive, exclaiming in a huff that when you’re in a house with five other siblings and two tycoon parents you have to be flashy to get your fair share of attention, or even just the scraps. Maya grants him that truth, empathizing although her own experience is different. She points out that in this case, he’s not doing this for anyone else though (well, except Angela). And in this case, they can help each other out.
Maya: Look, let me handle the arrangement, alright? All you have to do is sit there, use that golden albeit screechy tenor of yours, and look pretty. Although you’ll probably need a comb first…
[ She reaches up to ruffle his hair. He swats her hand away, eyeing her suspiciously. ]
Farkle: Why are you helping me? We don’t do that.
Maya: Well, I still owe you for the tutoring. And I don’t know… I’ve been told performing is more fun with a friend.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Maya Hart & Farkle Minkus
So, are they friends? Their cozy and endearing closing rendition of the Glee mash-up says maybe so… it’s a warm ending to an episode that certainly set up lots to unpack as we venture into the second half of the season. Your cares and troubles are gone, there’ll be no more from now on…
Yeah, right.
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