#I wrote this for you sama because you had to break my heart with that last bit of writing
keruimi · 4 months
Your Dream
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Pairing: Obanai Iguro x reader
Warnings: Mention of Sexual Abuse, Death, Total Angst
Note: It has a similar plot with my other Obanai Oneshot but why do I feel like this hurts more? Anyways, I am back to writing Kny especially when it's angst. And yes, it's Obanai Iguro again, my favorite character. The only reason I wrote this is because of the Obamitsu Angst in my fyp like stop reminding me, it really hurts. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it because I don't want to suffer alone.
It was a normal life I live, working as an average kakushi who is mostly assigned in the kitchen.
When an odd request from Oyakata-sama changes my routine. When he assigned me to deliver meals to the new pillar, the Snake Hashira, Obanai Iguro.
At the age of eighteen, I finally experienced the anger of a Hashira with just my presence.
Knowing I was silent my whole life, I never found the reason why the Hashira glared at me on our first meeting.
I can't even count how many meals have been ignored or thrown whenever I deliver it to him.
Feeding the Snake Hashira became part of my routine that I completely memorize the route of his manor since he doesn't want anyone to be with him.
"Y/n, please take care of Obanai Iguro's health for me"
Those are the words I hold onto as I tolerated the cold treatment of the Hashira.
I lost track of the times I stay outside the freezing cold when he doesn't want to open his door for me.
It became more torturing when my heart suddenly beat faster when he started treating me differently after a year.
When he finally started to accept the food I cooked and delivered to his manor. Even if he can't finish it, I am thankful that it wouldn't become a waste anymore.
I knew our simple interaction progressed more when he allowed me to come closer to his space. Even a job that I shouldn't be doing, I'm doing it for him.
Like cleaning his manor, grinding ink for him, and helping him sort different poetry he has written.
Those simple moments introduce me to the new side of him that I slowly fell in love with.
It made me want to try harder until the walls he built around him completely fall down.
Until he can finally open his heart to me.
But that friendship I tried to stabilize, brick by brick, became nothing when he met her in the Ubuyashiki mansion.
My effort is almost nothing with how easy she manages to make him soften to her.
And I started to look for the reasons why.
The friendship I tried so hard to build is ruined and I felt like I went back to the first time we met.
The cautious aura that made it difficult for me to connect to him.
And I knew those thoughts are really happening when the food I brought is left untouched.
"I have already eaten with Mitsuri"
It was the sentence I kept hearing but I didn't stop doing my duty of making his food for him.
Because I learned to love taking care of him.
Those tasty delicacies I used to love cooking, change when I noticed he was disgusted just by the smell of it.
I adjusted so many things that I completely forgot what I really love.
Just to serve him right.
I prevent the cough that is threatening to leave my mouth as I grind ink for the Hashira I am serving.
As he wrote the letter he always sent to her.
It was breaking me. But I have no right to feel anything for him.
I already knew ever since, that a high-ranking warrior like him is not meant to love me.
But the weak side of me silently yearn that he can return it.
But seeing how in love he is with another woman. I knew I never had a place in his heart.
But just a mere presence that accompanies him in the garden.
I was just a shadow he would never notice. A person that serves him, and he would not change his perspective on me.
I was beside him so I could serve him, not to love him.
I wipe the single tear and escape my eyes before he notices as I force my body to move according to what he wishes.
While he remained clueless of my emotion that I tried so hard to get rid of.
The emotion that broke my heart when I saw the ring in his room while I was cleaning.
I could never look at the mirror just to see how my eyes portrayed the pain I felt when I saw it.
"Obanai-san really liked Mitsuri, don't you?" I mustered up the courage to speak my thoughts with a slight teasing tone as my back faced him.
I bit my lip to stop the sob that is threatening to be heard as I heard shuffling behind me.
"Obanai-san must treat Mitsuri-san right. Marriage is a dream for every woman. Especially when they will have a good man to love" I turned to him with a smile as I slowly opened my eyes and saw how soft his eyes turned because of embarrassment.
I don't know his past. I don't know what he loves.
I don't know Obanai Iguro.
But I know he has a hard time trusting others.
"I hope you both live a happy life" I managed to let out but it came out as a whisper as I took my things and left the room.
I froze the moment I left his manor as the tears I managed to subside finally escaped my eyes as I found myself crying on the way back to the village I live in.
I knew it was coming but my heart won't stop aching. My eyes can't stop crying. My mouth can't stop sobbing.
I really love him.
But he is not mine.
I lost track of the years when the female kakushi started to serve me.
The only woman I allow to enter my manor with the excuse of serving me.
Because I thought of changing myself even a little no matter how much I feel fear or disgusted by a female approaching me.
Because she gave effort to providing me with the most comfortable thing I needed. Especially during my meal time.
Starting with a simple window being opened, creating less flavorful food that I can tolerate.
I knew she was adjusting for me so I let her presence in my everyday life. Until that became like a friendship I was thankful for.
I can talk to someone about things without including battles.
I love her like a family.
That explained how my body felt frozen when I heard the news of what happened to her on the way to my manor.
The news of her being taken advantage of by a man who manages to memorize her route to my manor due to her everyday routine of walking her way there.
The anger I felt was unexplainable that I can find myself hurting a fellow human.
I knew humans can be evil, but I didn't know I could hate them more than I hate demons.
But I thought I made a mistake too.
If I just let her stay in my manor so she wouldn't exert too much energy just for my food, I could protect her better.
I know I'm slowly losing control when my self-restraint almost fell apart when I visited her quarters and I found her silently sitting at the corner of her room, hugging her knees.
As the spark in her eyes completely vanishes.
"She refused to eat nor let another woman near her. When the others approach her, she flinches. We don't know how to approach her anymore" the Kakushi who led me to her room stuttered out as I felt my hand grip the wooden door in anger.
Yet my eyes badly wanted to cry for her.
"Shinobu tried to check on her but she started to cry whether she was near. We just confirm the situation when the evidence of the sexual abuse was present in her body when we found her unconscious in the forest"
"Stop talking" I snap at him who immediately keeps his mouth shut as my snake hiss at him who scurried away.
"Y/n, it's me" I knocked on the door even though it was already open to make her aware of my presence in the room.
I don't know how I control my voice who I thought will be expressed in a trembled tone.
I am a man.
That is the first thought that came to my mind that made me decide to sit at the floor near the door.
"Obanai Iguro, you know me, right?" I spoke again and she kept her silence making my hands tighten its hold on my pants.
I'm not used to this side of her.
"Are you scared of me?" I asked slowly as silence occupied the entire room before she shook her head a little.
"May I come closer?"
With that question, I notice how her hands tighten on the blanket surrounding her making me release a shaky breath.
I never knew I was willing to hurt a fellow human just for her.
It made me want to make the man suffer badly. Worse than what he did to her.
"I'm sorry" I was left speechless when those were left on her lips and I immediately shook my head.
"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. It was them that wronged you" I am not good at words but I wanted to completely express my concern and pain for her.
I badly wanted to avenge her.
"It was me who should apologize because I was not there for you"
"I am not your responsibility..." She whispered and I shook my head once again, wishing for her to look at me even once so she can see how badly I am hurt for what she has experience.
How desperate I am to show she was not alone during this time.
"You are. Because you are important to me" I felt tears in my eyes as Kaburamaru slithered his way to her and slowly circled around her shoulder in a protective manner.
"I am tainted..."
"You're not" I firmly stated. "I am the tainted one between the two of us" those words quickly left my lips without any hesitations and she finally had the courage to look in my direction.
"So don't look at yourself that way. For me, you are still the same Y/n that accompanied me" I stuttered out as I tried to stabilize my breathing.
"I will seek justice for you. That's a promise"
I saw how a tear left her eyes as she looked outside the window. Removing her gaze on me.
"In our generation, marriage is every woman's dreams. Is a symbol of acceptance. Is where you will really feel you are loved and chosen by someone" she whispered.
"But in order to be chosen, you need to be pure, compliant, and well-mannered. That's what it takes to be a good wife" she stated as Kaburamaru nuzzled his head on her cheek when he noticed her difficulty in breathing.
I badly want to lend her my shoulder to lean on, an advice to make her mind clear. But in this situation, we both knew she just needed an ear to listen to her.
Someone to comfort her with just presence.
"But if you don't meet those requirements, you will be shunned by society. You will lose the qualification that a wife has."
"Right now, I will not be the wife of someone. I will not be married to a man I will dedicate my life to. Because I don't have my purity that only my husband should have." She whispered.
It was a painful word to state out loud. But right now, I can't read her.
Because she completely closed off her emotions.
"I don't fit the standard that a wife should have." She whispered as she buried herself in her blanket that hid herself from me.
"And it hurted so badly"
I closed my eyes when she spoke those words.
And I hate myself because I can't do anything for her but just torture her attacker.
"What else is your dream other than marriage?" I ask her as she closes her eyes to rest it for a little while.
"I want to meet the one that is willing to spend their entire life with me" it was a hopeful wish.
Silence occupy the room and I thought she fall asleep until she whispered the words I never expected to hear from her.
"I love you..." It was barely heard but I knew it was the words she hide for so long.
That made it known to me that I could grant that dream to her.
But I decide to give her the time she needs to heal from that painful experience.
She needs to heal.
Those are the thoughts I could only think of as I laid her down in her bed in a more comfortable position when I noticed she had finally fallen asleep.
But I never expected that it would be the last time I would see her with her eyes open.
Because when I came back the next day, the news of her death was the one that greeted me.
It was a nocturnal death because her heart failed during her sleep.
It finally felt like my whole world collapsed and my mind completely shut down.
If it weren't for Sanemi being beside me, I would have completely fallen on the floor as I kneel in front of her room.
It hurts.
I wanted it to stop.
But I know that nothing could make her happy anymore.
Because that nightmare would continue living within her for the rest of her life.
I never manage to cherish her smiles more. I only shrugged the moments I have with her because I thought we would stay that way.
That I never knew I was running out of time.
It took every cell in my body to approach her cold body that is covered with white cloth as I kneeled beside her.
I silently slid the ring that she found on my mansion in her finger as tears continued escaping from my eyes as Sanemi just stood behind me.
I lost someone who made me feel like I have the family I never have.
In this life, we were parted to heal.
But I will make sure that her wish will be granted.
"In this life" I started to whisper as my lips lean on her fingers where the ring stays.
"As God as my witness, I promise to take you as my bride. Give myself as your other half" I keep mumbling as I squeeze her cold hand as tears continue to fall from my eyes.
"That even death can never separate us. Because in our next life, I'll make sure, that I will utter this words to you again"
And in that life, you will be alive to hear it
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nisuna · 8 months
This is a very old request I wrote, but it has probably been deleted, so I had to write it again. This is honestly just pure angst and manipulation. Quite horrible and heart-wrenching, so:
⚠️ Heavy Trigger Warning on this one -forced s*x and other mature themes- proceed at your own risk⚠️
Sukuna x protective!big sister!reader
TW: forced s*x, mating press, name calling, manipulation, big sister!reader protecting Yuji, mature
-------------------Strictly 18+ MDNI------------------
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"Let's make a binding vow."
"What?", you must've misheard. "Why in the hell should I?", you scoffed at the curse currently using your little brother's body.
"Chill out, sweetheart, that's not a good look on you. You should smile more.", he dared to grin at you.
"Just spit it out already."
"Alright, alright, geez. You always talk about wanting to help the brat. I'm giving you an opportunity of a lifetime."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Let me have some fun with you."
"What the hell? Definitely not. How would that even help my brother?!"
"Let me finish. Let me have my way with you and in exchange, I'll leave the brat alone whenever you're around."
You felt insane that you were even considering such a ridiculous offer, but you were getting desperate. This has been going on for way too long.
"Why do you even want that? And why should I trust you?"
"Because I'm dying of boredom sitting in that brat's head all day every day. And as I said, it's a binding vow, I'm just as fucked fucked as you will be if I dare break it.", he put his hands up in the air.
"Okay, let's say I trust you. What if he wakes up in the middle of it? You always watch everything that happens. I do not want him to see me like that."
"I will wipe his memory, no problem."
Shit, he always has an answer for everything.
"Just say the word and we can start, doll.", he pressed on when he saw you chewing on your bottom lip, deep in thought.
"Fuck off", you really didn't want to do this, but it was for your brother. If there was a way for you to linder his pain, no matter how humiliating, you were willing to do it. So you swallowed your pride and started to lift your shirt over your head. "Don't just stand there, let's get this over with."
"Atta girl.", he grinned and rid himself of your brother's clothes. You felt sick to your stomach.
He's been pounding away at you for what felt like forever and you cursed yourself that it was starting to feel good. He had your legs swung over his broad shoulders and you were folded in half in a tight mating press. You were trying to keep it down, but all of your pent-up feelings were begging to be released.
"Best pussy I've had in centuries, curses don't compare to real humans. Goddamn if you keep squeezing me like that I will bust in no time."
"Oho, the mighty King of Curses Ryomen Sukuna-sama brought to his knees by a mortal pussy how laughable, ah-" your meager attempt at mocking him only earned you a harsh slap to your thigh.
"Shut it or I'll wake the brat up."
"You said you wouldn't! You can't!!", you tried to resist only to have your knees pressed tighter to your chest.
"I said I would wipe his memory after, if anything happened. I can wake him up right now and let him experience the whole thing if you don't shut up. Just look pretty and take it like the whore you are."
Once again, you swallowed your pride and gave him a nod. You're doing this for him. It's going to be worth it in the end. He's suffered far worse than you.
"Good girl."
With the last ounce of mercy he actually had left in his body, he made you cum as well before filling you up.
As soon as he was done he got up and was decent enough to get Yuji dressed while you were trying your best to neaten up your dishevelled self. It was revolting feeling the sticky substance trickle down your legs as you pulled up your pants.
"You definitely made it worth my while. Alright, see you never, sweetheart.", he snarled the nickname before finally leaving your brother's body.
What you weren't prepared for was having to catch Yuji before he fell down face first on the floor.
"Fucking asshole", you mumbled while wiping your nose and trying to gently wake your brother up. You ever subconsciously holding your breath until you saw his eyelids flutter open. He looked so confused, but he wasn't in any pain as he looked up at your soft smile. His calm state didn't last long as soon as he saw your dishevelled hair and crooked clothes.
"Oh my god he was out wasn't he goddamn it! Are you okay?? What did he do to you? I swear I'm going to kill him, I'm going to fucking kill him if he hurt you-"
"Shh, it's alright he didn't do anything. We.. we just talked. Nee-chan talked to him and he will leave you alone from now on whenever I'm around. Isn't this great? We can always be together now. Nee-chan will never leave you alone ever again. It's going to be alright, everything will be alright now, Yuji! So please don't ask any more questions, I handled everything. Don't you worry your pretty little head, I got this.", you smiled and pulled his stiff body in a tight embrace, strategically hiding your face.
"Okay, I trust you, Nee-chan. You would never lie to me, right?", he finally relaxed in your hold and hugged you back just as tightly.
"Right. Never.", you felt your heart sink in your chest as you choked up the words and your eyes stung with tears that were threatening to spill. So you just hugged him tighter and prayed he wouldn't notice anything else.
You are a good older sister and you love your younger brother Yuji more than anything. And that is exactly why you will be taking this secret to the grave.
I apologise 🥲
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lilacgaby · 24 days
operation: start!
chapter select
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"hey? flower freak. you okay?"
"no." damn this stupid quirk. [name] thought.
she was currently sprawled out on the floor, laid right in front of the dorms. in hindsight, yes it was stupid to lay right there. she should've just walked in, but she wasn't thinking straight.
"oh. sucks to be you."
"yes it does." she was currently face to face with one of her closest friends, and crush, katsuki. for some reason she was adopted by mina at the start of the year, who for some other odd reason, loved to hang with katsuki and his friends.
this led to katsuki and her hanging out one on one occasionally because of their shared affection for romance manga. and because quote on quote, "she's cool for an extra." whatever that meant. it still, embarrassingly, made her heart flutter though.
"are you gonna get up or sit outside like a dumbass?" katsuki quipped, eyeing her off attitude.
"i'm gonna get up, uh-- just don't wait on me!"
with that, bakugo turned and walked back inside. he noted her odd behavior, but shrugged it off. he knew she had just finished a mission.
"oh by the way, i took another volume of maid-sama from your room."
"don't break it!"
he closed the door behind him, leaving her there on the floor.
after an awkward encounter with aizawa, who looked at her as if she grew another head for breaking curfew just to lay on the floor, she got up and walked inside.
mina immediately ran over to her.
"hey girl! how was your patrol?"
"bad." [name] was becoming unsurprised at the way her mouth answered for her.
"what? really what happened?"
don't say it. "i got hit by a truth quirk, i told mirko about my crush on bakugo, and im scared im going to accidentally confess." damn it.
mina's eyes widened at her sudden confession.
"i knew it! sero and denki owe me a thousand yen!"
"wait, you knew?" [name] asked, shocked at the revelation.
"yes girl, duh! your eyes literally sparkle when you see him! and don't think that i missed that flowers start blooming whenever you and him are together! i thought you were dating for a while." mina confessed.
[name] felt her face get hot.
"it's really that obvious?"
"aw man. well.. then you have to help me!"
mina tilted her head in confusion. "with what?"
"i-- okay just... let me go shower and meet me in my room."
"ooh! is this gonna be a mission? should i call the girls or the squad?" mina looked a little too enthusiastic for [name]'s taste.
but she trusted mina. she was basically her best friend. so, she relented.
"whoever you think'd be better for this."
mina looked thoughtful. "okay, got it! i'll be in your room in an hour!"
[name] sighed and walked up to the showers.
please mina.. pull through for me.
ʚ ✩ ɞ.
[name] hoped the shower would wash away her anxiety, and it did for a short time. but she was reminded of her impending doom when she saw her entire friend group on her bed.
denki, kirishima, sero, and mina all eyed her as she entered her room. odd how she felt like she wasn't supposed to be in her own room.
"uh.. hey guys."
"hey, heard about the quirk you got hit with." denki commented.
"and about your crush. thanks [name] i won three-thousand yen!" kirishima remarked.
[name] deadpanned.
"anyways, we're all here for operation: save [name] from being embarrassed by her feelings of true love!" mina exclaimed, pulling a chalkboard out of no where.
"we couldn't have come up with a shorter name? how about.. operation: save [name]." sero added.
"yeah but that's too.. ambiguous. we need to know what we're saving her from." kirishima said.
"huh.. how about.. save [name] from bakugo. o:s_fb for short." sero said.
"ooh cool name! makes it feel all professional and stuff!" mina said excitedly as she added it to the board.
meanwhile, [name] just stood there, wishing to be anywhere else. she had so many questions in her mind, but she was broken out of her thoughts as mina wrote:
'keep [name] away from katsuki alone: aka third wheel strategy.'
"huh?" [name] muttered.
"okay guys, we have to third wheel them!
in order to keep our darling [n/name] safe,
we have to make sure he never makes a joke that could make her accidentally confess." mina proposed.
"we will come back here everyday after bakugo goes to sleep at 8, and talk about any changes we have to make to our strategy. got it?"
"got it!" they, minus [name], said in unison.
"oh by the way [name], for how long does the quirk last?"
"a week." she sighed.
the group seemed to fall apart at that.
"third wheeling for an entire week?! that's insane!" denki exclaimed.
"yeah, i don't know about this [name], maybe you should give it up and confess willingly."
"yeah let's start a new operation! operation: perfect confes--"
"no way." [name]'s voice cut through. "i-i can't guys. and i really need your help so.. please? it's just til next sunday. i'll take you guys out to eat as soon as the quirk goes off."
the group all collectively looked over eachother, while mina stood strong. "i was always going to help you with your plan, dumb or not."
"yeah, it wouldn't be manly to force a confession."
they all agreed, and set off to their rooms for the night. they would've broke curfew again, but denki and sero were one strike away from house arrest.
"operation starts tomorrow [name]! don't forget it!" mina said, before leaving with the big ass chalkboard left behind in her room.
[name] sighed and huffed into her pillow.
seven days to go.
i got this.
o:s_fb start!
prev | next!
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ironwoman18 · 3 months
Have you ever
Disclaimer: Spy x Family doesn’t belong to me but it belongs to Endo-Sama. And Have you ever belonged to the English group S-Club 7.
I decided to do this song fic using the song in universe having Damian and Anya dancing it. If you wish, you can hear it while reading and imagine it.
Enjoy it.
Breaking news! 
We have new information for you about the Chairman of the National Unity Party who was arrested by the secret police after they discovered he was planning a new war against Westalia. More of that after the break.
Damian Desmond was devastated, his father meant everything to him but the worst thing was watching how all his so-called friends at Eden stopped talking to him.
The only people that were still talking to him were Emile and Ewen, but also Becky and Anya. 
He was surprised how Anya and Becky were sitting in front of him and his best friends.
“Why are you here?” Asked Emile, a little too aggressive.
“I came to show my support to the Sy-on Boy” said Anya making Damian blushing.
“Emile and Ewen relax, Anya and Becky are friends” he said locking his eyes with Anya and thought knowing she will read it “Thank you” 
She smiled slightly and they ate in silence.
They were sixteen and Damian and Anya were Imperial Students, that's how Twilight managed to get in contact with Donovan Desmond and get the Intel he needed to put him in jail.
The mission was completed so there's no need to talk to him but she couldn't do that. She feels the need to keep talking to him.
Like her father keeping the Forger family even after the end of the mission. She liked to be with him and she still defended him from bullies and she grew closer to him in the past few years and she even considered being in love with him.
One day Anya was in the room only available for the imperial students, she was taking a cup of tea and reading a book. She got better at school as she grew older and that's how she managed to get there.
Damian walked to her and she looked up when he sat in front of her.
“Hey Forger” he said looking at her “Would you tell me the truth if I ever ask you to?” She nodded, putting her book away “good... So... Did you approach me with the excuse to get closer to my father?”
“And why are you asking that?”
“You told me about your family and at first I couldn't believe it, then you showed me how you could read minds and I thought “what if she was telling the truth about that too?” So I want to know now... Was your father that spy?”
She could have told a lie but she was a terrible liar when it comes to him so she decided to tell the truth “Yes, I started to get closer to you because of his mission and yes, he was that spy that let out the information about your father” she said looking at him, she was dead serious and Damian could tell she was honest.
“Thank you” he stood up and left the room, Anya looked at him then looked down. She cursed her honestly but, again, she couldn't lie to him.
The rest of the year he didn't speak to her or anyone except for his best friends. She could tell his eyes lost that spark they had before, and she realized how much she missed him.
Even at home her parents seemed to worry about her quiet attitude, Loid even returned to the school in disguise to spy on her and noticed she and Damian weren't talking.
At the end of the year Mr. Henderson announced that the principal approved Becky's band to play at the party. All of them were excited so Anya decided to do something bold but not reckless like she used to do. It was something she had planned for quite some time. She wrote a song.
“Anya, are you sure you want me to sing it?” Asked Becky “I mean I'm a sucker for romance and drama but you should tell this yourself”
“Becky... He doesn't want to talk to me, he even asked our teacher to not put us in the same groups to work on the assignments” she gave her the puppy eyes “please?”
The black-hearted girl signed and nodded taking the paper “ok I will do it but you owe me at least a month worth of ice creams” 
“Yes!! Whatever you want” she smiled and hugged her “thank you!!” 
“I can't wait to see you dance with him” she winked at her and left Anya blushing thinking about you.
As the day was approaching, Anya was busy with exams and finding the perfect dress until she decided to use a dress like the one she used at her first grade party.
She learned how to use heels and how to dance with them, thanks to her mother. On that day she looked stunning.
Yor helped her putting on some light makeup, her long pink hair was tied in a bun.
“You look like a princess!” Said Yor with tears in her eyes and she took a couple of photos of her with and without Loid.
“Have a good night” said Loid kissing her cheek and so did Yor then she went downstairs to get in Becky’s limousine and they headed to the school.
Becky freaked out at her dress and her general look “Anya you look stunning!!! I can't wait for Damian to look at you” she blushed deeply. She never thought she could be embarrassed thinking about whether Damian or any boy liked or not her outfit but now she hoped he found her attractive.
The rest of the ride had them chatting about the party and Anya told her about a new Bondman show but with his apprentice which was ignored by Becky until Anya mentioned that his voice actor will be Jonathan Jones, her favorite actor.
When they arrived all eyes were on her. Anya and Becky became very popular, Anya because of her improvement in her grades and Becky because of her singing abilities, she didn't reach the status of an imperial student yet because she didn't like classical music.
Damian’s jaw dropped when he saw Anya and she had to admit she felt satisfied by his reaction. She learned how to control her power so now she wasn't overwhelmed by big groups of people and she can even avoid reading someone’s mind if she wanted to.
The night went by pretty smoothly, Anya and Damian danced with others but their eyes always found at some point, she even dared to read his mind and discovered he was jealous of her dance partners which made her smirked a little. 
“Now for the final set of the night, please welcome Becky Blackbell's band, Love at Midnight”
The band started to play their usual first song to open their shows. Then after a couple of songs, Becky spoke “Now a song written by my best friend, Anya Forger” she said winking at Anya.
Then a slow music started to play. A keyboard and guitar.
Sometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's over
Knowing there's so much more to say
And suddenly the moment's gone
And all your dreams are upside down
And you just want to change the way the world goes round, tell me
When Becky started to sing Damian’s eyes were wide open as he heard  the lyrics and his eyes were on Anya, making her blushing deeply.
Mr. Henderson watched this with tearing eyes, he was impressed by Anya’s capacity to write nice songs and because he noticed they weren’t as close as they used too.
Have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, baby
That made her blush harder and he was blushing as well as he thought “Is she… in love with me?” His eyes went instinctively to hers and she nodded as she read his mind.
“Mr. Desmond, if you allow me to give you a piece of advice… you should consider asking that young lady a dance. Trust me… you will regret if you don’t confess your feelings sooner”
Damian took a deep breath and walked towards her and offered his hand “will you dance with me?” She nodded and held his hand. 
Becky, who was on the stage, had teary eyes watching this.
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Looking down the road you should be taking
I should know, 'cause I loved and lost, the day I let you go
“Sy-on boy…” she said as they danced “I should have followed you that day… I realized too late my feelings for you”
“I had been in love since a long time ago and I had been dying ever since I left you that day, but my pride kept me from talking to you”
Can't help but think that this is wrong
We should be together
Back in your arms where I belong
And now I've finally realized
It was forever that I've found (forever that I've found)
I'd give it all to change the way the world goes round, tell me
They continued to dance, listening to the lyrics and he just held her closer. Her head on his chest, all the girls knew a while ago that his heart belonged to Anya but now they were kind of officially confessing their feelings out loud.
Have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Looking down the road you should be taking
I should know (I should know), 'cause I loved and lost, the day I let you go
They loved each others and she used music to do so she placed her hand on his chest “I might’ve got closer to you because of a mission but I continued to be this close because I cared for you” she looked at him “I confessed I could read minds only to you, because I trusted you”
I really want to hear you say, that you know just how it feels
To have it all and let it slip away, can't you see
Even though the moment's gone (moment's gone), I'm still holding on somehow
Wishing I could change the way the world goes round, tell me
“You know… I feel like I lost something important that day, I lost not only someone I had a crush on, I lost the second most important person in my life… being the first person…”
“Your dad” she said matter-of-factly, making him smirking.
“Exactly smarty” he laughed softly “whatever… I want to keep you in my life and I know you stayed by my side even after my father was sent to prison and I’m happy to have you next to me”
Have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Looking down the road you should be taking
I should know (I should know), 'cause I loved and lost, the day I let 
Yes I loved and lost the day I let
Yes I loved and lost the day I let you go
After the song was done, everyone clapped at the band and Anya smiled as the band played a new song and she decided to kiss him gently. 
“What about if we continue this conversation tomorrow with an ice cream?” She asked, smirking.
“I would love to,” he smirked back.
The rest of the party went better for them, dancing and having a good time.
Now everyone knows they will be a thing next year, in their last year of high school.
I hope you liked this one. It’s out of my normal Loid/ Yor themed fanfics but I felt this song fixed to these too.
Here's the link: https://youtu.be/XNnHLMdx0ko?si=QK5iU9tr0Y4AFizw
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creedslove · 1 year
fanfact: there were rumors at the time about Pedro dating Teresa’s actress (sorry but I don’t remember her name) even though they were never confirmed and there are photos of him out with her and playing with her child (the child was her husband’s (at least I hope so LMAO)). I was stalking Pedro’s ig one day and I went back to old photos and I’ve found a photo from 2014/15 with Pedro with a female friend. The first comment that came out was from Teresa’s actress and she wrote something like “who is she?”. I’m sorry but I laughed so hard at that💀 she sounded so psycho-maniac LOL. Like girl?? he is not you bf or smth like that what do you care who she is? And if Teresa’s actress was really her ex that would be so stalking vibes LMAO. Can you imagine your ex going under your post and being like “who’s that girl with you????”. Plus not gonna lie, a lot of people say that the actress who play Teresa is sooo beautiful. Honestly she scares the shit out of me with those crazy wide eyes. She gives Nicholas Cage vibes.
Tbh the only rumors about Pedro's ex girlfriends I believe are the woman from GOT and Lily Rabe because he was so close to them, like all the time and then suddenly he never interacted with them again; like Lily for example, they follow each other but they don't interact at all, so I'm guessing that if they were only friends and nothing happened to ruin their friendships they'd still be around you know?
But anyway, that's kinda cringy, however I did have an ex girlfriend who did the exactly same thing, she would see OLD pictures of me with friends or co-workers or even relatives and whatever and she would question me about it! She would get jealous of people liking or commenting my pictures (they were my friends) and omg she would get jealous of ANONS sending me ASKS!!!
And fun fact: she was the one who cheated by kissing another guy and then the guy himself went on my Facebook page and texted me because he thought it wasn't fair she had lied to me 💀😰
Like, idk, my problem is not even her eyes, I don't know how to explain because I don't think we have an expression for this in English like we do in my country, but to me she's got an expression that she seems to be constantly mocking or looking down on people you know what I mean? And omg her voice is so annoying and the way she speaks she sounds like Pedro's SNL LA way of talking like sama sama sama sama LMAO
Anyway, thanks for trash talking Teresa with me in order to give Marcus Pike justice 🤝
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kitsunebaba · 4 years
Just a Little Change
Rei stared down at the body at his feet, the butt end of his dagger still raised from the strike. Ryu stared at him in shock, gaze slowly drifting down to focus on Teepo's unconscious form. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed it but his brothers had been so focused on one another and Rei had seen the opening and before he could really think it through, he was moving.
 And now Teepo was out cold on the grass.
"Oh good thinking Rei!" Nina exclaimed, the first one to move. She went straight for the pack on Ryu's back muttering "rope, rope," to herself.
 Everyone else seemed to jump out of their stupors, with Nina breaking the silence: Momo riffling through Teepo's pockets, Garr interjecting the best way to restrain one of the brood. Rei couldn't quite follow the conversation, his ears still ringing from this whole mess of a situation. For years he'd been consumed by nothing but revenge and now to find that not just one, but both of his brothers were...
 Teepo was alive... Teepo was alive!
 A grin was slowly stretching its way across his face and when he looked down at where Ryu was fixing Nina's knots, he saw a smaller but just as bright smile on his face, too.
 Rei wasn't quite stupid enough to think this was going to be easy. Whoever this God was, they'd really done a number on Teepo's outlook. All that nonsense about the brood, his self righteous attitude. Teepo had never been particularly kind, but this just wasn't who he was meant to be.
 Well, whatever he'd thought of this pilgrimage before, it was personal now. No one did something like this to his family and got away with it. No one.
 With Teepo wrapped head to toe in rope, Rei hefted his little brother over his shoulder and on they went. On to meet God.
 Teepo didn't wake up until after God was dead and they'd escaped to the desert.
 Garr had finally found his peace and they'd lost track of Peco in all the chaos of their escape. Their victory was bittersweet at best but that was just how vengeance tasted, he'd learned. Rei wouldn't kid himself into thinking his own participation was anything but. Ryu was the selfless one in the family.
 There was a gasp to Rei's side, a groan and instantly he was kneeling to turn Teepo over. His brother squinted against the harsh desert sunlight and Rei shifted to shadow his face.
 "That was a dirty trick," Teepo murmured, voice deeper than before but cadence much closer to what Rei remembered. Then Teepo tried to move his arms and froze. Eyes narrowed and flicked intensely to his with so much venom it made Rei's heart jolt.
 "You dare-?" Teepo hissed and his teeth were already extending, his skin turning purple, scaly, face elongating.
 Before Rei could so much as move, Ryu was there, sitting down hard on Teepo's chest. It knocked the wind out of him, the shock enough to stop the transformation. They glared at one another, two obscenely powerful beings vying for dominance.
 Teepo looked away first.
 Huffing, Teepo glared at the sand instead. "So you bested me and removed me from my sanctuary. Does the safety of the world mean nothing to you? Our God Myria has-"
 "We chose freedom," Ryu murmured, interrupting.
 Those words confused Teepo more than anything and he cast his gaze around to the others, as if they had the answers, as if he'd forgotten how to read Ryu and everything he didn't say.
 "He's saying we killed your God," Rei couldn't help but clarify. It was petty and not worth the devastated way Teepo's face fell. His brother's breath caught and, alarmingly, his eyes began to well with tears.
 "Myria is...?" his words were barely sound.
 "Yes, I'm sorry," Nina replied when no one else did.
 Rei couldn't watch the clear grief on Teepo's face but nor could he hide from the sounds, all the more heartbreaking for their restraint. Small sniffles and whispered denial. Each one struck home in Rei's chest until he felt ill. He couldn't regret what he'd done but there was always a price and once again it was Teepo who had to pay it. Yet another way Rei had failed.
 There was no giving up this time, though. Rei had people to fight for again and he wasn't letting them go without one.
 They almost lost him on their way to the oasis.
 Teepo had refused to eat or drink. Occasionally they could get some water down his throat, with Ryu coaxing or Momo forcing but that hadn't stopped his lips from cracking or his cheeks hollowing out. They couldn't afford to untie him, either. When Teepo wasn't catatonic with grief, he ranted.
 Rei was ashamed to say he left Teepo to Ryu when he got like that. There was something stalwart to Ryu that Rei could never even hope to emulate, so he didn't even try. To Teepo's threats, his fanatical recitation of God's rhetoric, Ryu kept a straight face, silently stoic as he held his brother down and waited it out.
 By the time they reached the oasis, Teepo hadn't woken in at least a day and his breathing had begun to get laboured. They couldn't just leave him with the head man's wife like they had with Nina, either. That first night, they'd all been exhausted. Ryu had taken first watch regardless, making sure no one was hurt in Teepo's lucid moments as he was tended to.
 Eventually, though, even Ryu couldn't keep his eyes open.
 A shout woke them all, then a scream and they all clambered to their feet in alarm. Rei could feel his rabid side start to stir, eager for a fight, but pushed it down. The head woman had scrambled backwards, Ryu trying to hold back a struggling Teepo, free from his bonds.
 Unable to think of anything else, Rei punched Teepo in the face and his brother slumped in Ryu's arms, his form shrinking, changing until he was a tiny, purple dragon. The look of disappointment that Ryu gave him for that made him want to shrivel to the size of a mouse and hide for the rest of eternity.
 They got Teepo back into bed, tied to the posts, and Ryu went to sit back down at his side.
 Rei didn't let him. He finally had to admit to himself that he'd been avoiding this new, heartbreakingly unfamiliar Teepo. Rei had promised himself there was no giving up, yet he'd almost done so to spare himself more hurt. So Rei swept Ryu into his arms and lay him down gently along Teepo's winged side, then took up the chair himself.
 It was one of the longest nights of his life, watching his brothers sleep on that bed, one struggling, again, to hold onto life. When morning came, his eyes itched with tiredness and his muscles screamed from sitting for too long, but Teepo was once again in human form and Ryu smiled at him and that made it all worth it.
 Teepo started eating again, a few days later. It had taken many, many hours of nagging and begging and pleading (and a few guilt wrenching tears from Ryu) but they'd managed to convince him to continue to live, at the very least. While his brother's ranting had stopped, along with his attempts to escape, he hadn't started speaking normally again, either, or at all.
 Instead, Ryu talked. It was more than Rei thought he'd ever heard him say in his entire life, let alone at one time. He spoke of their journey, their lives, why he'd come to the decision he had. Ryu talked himself hoarse and then some until Rei took up the slack. There was only so much he knew, so much he'd been there for, but he could reminisce on their time together, at least.
 Rei spoke of their lives before Ryu, reminders of the people they'd been, the ways they'd changed after they'd adopted their third family member. That one, near perfect winter and early spring where they'd been accepted, well fed, happy. That one season of bliss before everything had fallen apart.
 And then Rei confessed how he'd gone off the rails in his quest for revenge. How devastated he'd been to lose his brothers to one mistake.
 Teepo listened, at least, even if he never said anything in reply. He listened and Rei hoped he was taking it all in, considering their perspectives instead of clinging to a dead god's dogma.
 Once they were all well enough to walk, about a week later, they resupplied and made their way north. They didn't need the ropes by this point. Teepo was silent and submissive, following along when asked.
 It was Momo who tried to strike up a conversation this time, as they made their way through the debris of old technology. She asked a stream of questions about Eden and the space station, though the whole thing went over Rei's head. Teepo watched her, wary, but he must have understood because once she was done with her rambling hypothesis he either nodded or shook his head. One time Rei swore he heard a response but it could have been his imagination.
 A few trips by Portal Drive later and they were emerging from the hut hear Mount Levett. Why they'd gone here, he wasn't sure. This whole place left a bad taste in his mouth, memories blurred from spending such long periods transformed but certain moments horrifically vivid.
 "I... um, don't want to go home yet," Nina offered when he asked.
 It was understandable. The prospect of possibly being confined to one place for your whole life... Rei wasn't sure he could do it. Certainly after the trick they'd played on the king and queen, she wouldn't be allowed to leave for a good long while, even if they didn't just lock her in her room.
 There were other reasons she didn't want to go home. Nina still had to work out what she would fight for now. At least Rei didn't have that problem anymore.
 Down the path towards the Yraall Region, they reached the road in good time. Across the bridge and they quickly came to the edge of the farmland that marked the area. A sense of unease passed over Rei the closer they got to the place they used to call home. The girls sensed it, too and the whole party remained subdued as they trekked. It was by far the easiest terrain they'd navigated in months but the tension in the air ruined any relief.
 It was at the junction where the Yraall Road split towards McNeil Village that it happened.
 Nina screamed as Teepo shoved her back and in an explosion of power he transformed. Momo was already aiming her weapon as he spread his wings, taking to the air. Rei jumped forwards to push the bazooka towards the ground and they were both flung backwards as it went off.
 Rei picked himself up with a groan, grumbling a few choice swear words. It took a few moments to get all his senses back in alignment and by the time he had, Ryu had transformed too, staring at him, waiting.
 The dragon tilted his head, indicating his back and Rei didn't have to be told twice. Scrambling to his feet, he didn't even consider what he was about to do until he felt muscles lurch below him and the ground began to lift away. Rei's eyes widened and he wrapped his arms in a vice lock around his brother's neck.
 They shuddered and shook as they climbed altitude and Rei had to wonder how they weren't just dropping out of the sky. At last, though, they evened out. The turbulence stopped. Wind still whipped about his ears, pulling at his clothes and tail, but slowly he pried one eye open to look down at the ground below.
 It was like a patchwork quilt he'd seen some of the women in town making; all greens and browns with the occasional patch of colour. He couldn't see any people, though with the roars he could hear in the distance, it wouldn't be a surprise if they'd all sought shelter.
 With a jolt of surprise Rei found himself able to pick out landmarks. There was the farm near town, the village itself not too far off, McNeil manner. Already they'd travelled what would have taken hours on foot. He watched as it all passed below them, turning into the forests he'd once known like the back of his hand. A glimpse of Bunyan's hut, the mountain close by, then they were descending and Rei had to bury his face in Ryu's neck again or risk being sick.
 When they landed, Ryu shrank back into his human form, collapsing to his knees, breathing rapid. Rei rested a comforting hand on his shoulder for a moment, long enough to know he was okay, then he was moving again.
 Teepo stood at the base of the burned shell of their hut. The smell of ash and smoke had long since been washed away but Rei could still remember them, phantom scents in his nose. He came to a stop three steps behind his brother, staring up at what remained of their home.
 "Sometimes I was half convinced this was just a dream... but then that would mean you had simply abandoned me."
 "What?! I would never-!" Rei cut himself off, nails cutting into his palms with the effort.
 Teepo shook his head, "no. You're petty and self severing like everyone else, but you wouldn't do something like that."
 They were quite for a while, lost in their own memories.
 "You know, Ryu said he looked for you after," Rei gestured vaguely at the burned building. "Me? I just assumed you were dead and went off to get revenge but... He went all the way to Wyndia. Would have gone further, I think, if he hadn't been caught up in all that Brood shyte."
 Teepo frowned. "Wyndia...?" The frown deepened and he crossed his arms. "I... perhaps I reached it? I remember being hungry and stone walls. It wasn't long before Myria saved me, gave me a home, clothes, food, love."
 "If you'll remember, so did I. And I didn't lock you in a damn cage and feed you self hate for ten years," Rei growled.
 "Myria has good reason to think the way she does... did..." Teepo turned his face away, swallowing thickly before he continued. "How many people died for Ryu's cause? Just defeating her you lost two of your number. Can that be justified?"
 Rei snorted, "oh, so when she kills thousands of people, it's for the good of everyone, but when a few people sacrifice their lives willingly, it's not justified? Well don't that just beat all. And here I thought we had numbers on our side."
 "We are dangerous!" Teepo spun, one fist raised threateningly but Ryu was already situating himself between them, a hand on each of their chests to keep them apart. He still looked worn out from carrying someone on his back, using muscles he wasn't used to for so long, but the colour had returned to his cheeks and he wasn't winded any longer.
 "So am I," Rei countered, sounding much calmer than he felt. "Sure I don't hold a candle to you guys but I slaughtered an entire crime syndicate in cold blood. It was easy. Should I be put under lock and key?"
 Teepo scowled, "yes."
 "Okay, so what of God's Guardians then? I know for a fact that Garr alone killed, what was it, Ryu?"
 "Two hundred and ninety nine," Ryu replied softly.
 "Two hundred and ninety nine Brood members during the war. That's way more than a measly crime syndicate, I'd say. And he only did it because he was told to, not because they killed his family or something."
 "That was God's power-"
 "So should God be locked up then? Why is her power okay but yours isn't? What gave her the right to dictate what we can and cannot do? Who lives and who dies? Since when is genocide something the good guys do?!" Rei snarled, breaking away from Ryu's restraining hand to pace, prowling the path.
 Teepo rose to his full height, clearly trying to look regal. "She saved the world."
 "Does it look destroyed to you? Has Ryu gone on some monstrous rampage and killed everyone? Blown up any mountains lately? Because let me tell you, he's had the motives. Half of this crap isn't even what he wanted, he was just dragged along because he was being hunted or someone else wanted to know the truth! He lost us, he lost friends, he lost years of his life and he's never destroyed anything that wasn't asking for it!"
 "And what if I do?!" Teepo screamed. "What if I... I hate everyone. I hate what the world did to us! I hate how petty people are, how self serving, how no one will ever share just because they... No one ever deserved what Myria did for us, not even me!"
 The silence in the clearing could have been cut with a knife.
 "What if I'm the one who destroys the world?"
 "You won't," Ryu said, clear and confident, "because we won't let you." Slowly, like he was touching a wild animal, Ryu lowered his hands to clasp one of Teepo's gently between them. "Just like you won't let me."
 For a long moment it seemed like Teepo would pull away, whole body tense. Then he slumped, head bowed. "Is it that easy? I don't want to be around people. I don't want to go back to a society that would let children, orphans just- just starve. I don't want to-"
 Rei let his hand fall heavily on Teepo's shoulder. "So we live in the woods, away from everyone else. Heck, that's pretty much what we did here before Ryu came along, just without all the stealing. Maybe we try grow our own food or something? We got friends and resources that we didn't have as kids, yeah?"
 Teepo's gaze was unreadable as he looked from Ryu to Rei.  
 "Not here," he said at last, raising his free hand to rest on top of Rei's. "Not here."
 They met Nina and Momo back in McNeil Village but didn't do more than pass through after joining back up. The frightened rumours of dragons in the sky effected both his brothers negatively and Rei had to suppress the urge to take his rage out on the villagers, too. They'd never wanted help, but they'd been children. Someone should have given it regardless.
 Nina didn't try to pry like Rei had expected. One look from Ryu and she looked more relieved than anything. It was odd, seeing someone else able to read his brother so well but slowly Rei was coming to see Nina as family, too, and well maybe they needed a little sister to balance them out.
 Reluctantly he had to admit that Momo felt like family, too, but that was dysfunctional at best. Not all family could be sunshine and roses, he'd learned. Well, one out of four wasn't so bad.
 Conversation picked up when Rei voiced their intentions some time later. Nina was eager to offer locations and Momo building advice. She'd had to fix her own equipment often enough that she was handy with a hammer or a welding torch. After all, if they built with metal and brick, they couldn't be as easily burned out of the home again.
 The process wasn't as difficult as he thought it might be. The forests surrounding Wyndia were vast, so before they parted ways with Nina and Momo they all ventured into them to find a good spot to build. Officially this would be Nina's vacation cottage, since the forests were technically royal hunting grounds. Hopefully they were deep enough that no one ever noticed they were there in the first place.
 Momo threw herself into the building with as much enthusiasm as she did new machines. Confusingly enough, after the initial distrust, Teepo and Momo ended up getting along well. She was oblivious enough she didn't notice the way he talked down to her and he was knowledgeable enough in machinery that she was endlessly pumping him for details that he was now willing to give.
 Nina, for her part, could only come by extremely occasionally. The king and queen hadn't locked her in her room but she was under strict guard whenever she argued an outing was legitimate. Slowly she was amassing a following of soldiers more loyal to her than her parents, however, and sometimes she could slip away.
 When they were finally done, Momo and Nina had tentative permission to visit on occasion, though Rei could see Teepo only agreed with Nina doing so because Ryu always looked so sad when she left. It probably helped that she was their main source of supplies and Teepo could easily use that as an excuse if anyone ever confronted him on it. He'd always been unwilling to admit how soft he was where his brothers were concerned.
 Rei mused on Nina's situation and how he'd thought he didn't ever want to be confined. Funny, how he didn't feel like he was locked away staying here, even though technically they were. Perhaps it was the self imposed nature of it... though Rei would put more zenny on his brothers having something to do with it.
 They had to be careful with hunting in the area but they had a neat little vegetable garden going by now and a book on pickling to get them through the winter. Nina had even visited bearing some fruit tree saplings yesterday. Rei had left his brothers to plant them while he'd gone to find them some meat to celebrate.
 Coming home, Rei heard them before he could see them.
 "Ryu that's not how you dig a hole. No you have to- No use your- Oh, just give it here!"
 Holding back his mirth, Rei rounded the corner of their house to see Teepo instructing Ryu on the proper technique for digging a hole, complete with demonstration and short, sharp directions.
 Rei caught Ryu's eyes and his youngest brother flushed. Then Rei noticed there were quite a few holes already done, perfectly created, and couldn't quite hide his amused smirk as Ryu once again failed to dig a hole in the most dramatic way possible. Teepo promptly snatched the shovel back again and dug two more holes. They'd have too many at this rate.
 Dropping the rabbits he'd caught by the house, he strode forwards to clap a hand down on top of each of their heads, grinning ear to ear. "I may not be very good at math but even I can see we have eight fruit trees and seven holes." Grabbing the spade himself, he dug the last one quickly, before anything could escalate. It was a little sloppy but deep enough that Teepo only scowled a little at it. He didn't even try to fix it when Rei handed the spade back.
 Ryu moved off to start putting the saplings in the ground and Teepo only looked alarmed for a moment before he realised Ryu was doing this part right, at least.
 Turning back to Rei, he said, "I see you're getting bolder with your kills."
 "Their Royal Pains In The Butts aren't going to notice a few less rabbits in spring, Teepo."
 "Early Spring."
 Rei waved off the concern. "Whatever. I think we got enough tomatoes for a stew, at least. Momo better bring us more spices when she comes next. I got used to fancier food on the road than we ever had as kids. Who knew salt could do so much to a hunk of meat."
 "You're getting careless. If we're-"
 "Relax, Teepo."
 Teepo scowled but they lapsed into silence, watching Ryu move from plant to plant, carefully placing them in the ground. For someone with the power to literally destroy the world if he wanted to, Ryu was the gentlest soul he'd ever met. Even plants were treated tenderly.
 "Do you still think he's dangerous?" Rei asked softly.
 Teepo watched Ryu as he answered with a shake of his head. "I don't think I ever did... not really. The kid that cries at the drop of a hat? With too much empathy for his own good. That's not someone who wants power."
 Teepo sighed, "but I still don't trust myself. All I've had time to do is think and I know who I am. I don't want to leave, but I don't want to keep him here, either. If he wants to go..."
 "And what if he wants to stay?" Rei murmured.
 Ryu looked up from his work and waved, Rei waved back with Teepo reluctantly doing so too a few seconds later. The grin on their youngest brother's face was heartbreakingly bright.
 "All he ever wanted, was be with his family, and that's us, Teepo. Ain't no way you can change that." He swung an arm around Teepo's shoulder, drawing him in close. "Maybe one day we let him go, yeah? But he's gonna come back. No matter where he goes without us, he'll always wind up back here sooner or later with a new story and some new friends. Probably a few new scars the way trouble finds him."
 "Then maybe we need to go with him to protect him..."
 "If we ever do, I'm sure we can go wherever you want..." Rei replied, giving him a squeeze.
 "...Except Wyndia. We're wanted criminals there."
 "You're what?!" Teepo squawked.
 From where he was planting, Ryu looked up to watch Teepo chase Rei across the clearing and smiled.
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spooky-z · 4 years
Leaving the Mask Behind
This story contains language, OOC, Asian bamfs and moral ambiguity.
Maribat by @ozmav​
Translations for this story:
妹妹 (mèi mei) – young sister
姉貴 (aneki) – older sister
anh - elder brother / em – younger brother
混蛋 (hún dàn) – bastard
やりまん (yariman) – slu*
女武芸者 (onna-bugeisha) – female martial artist
瓢虫 (piáo chóng) – ladybug
竜 (ryū) – dragon
con khỉ - monkey
大人 (dàrén) - used for an official or a person in authority
meaning "chief" or "leader" -  رئیس (raʾīs)
さま(sama) – respectful to higher rank person
悪 霊(akuryoo) – demon / biblical type
"I don't believe that... That... Ugh!" Marinette screamed angrily at the walls of her room.
It had been almost twenty minutes since she had been walking back and forth grunting in anger and cursing Lila Rossi's existence. Marinette couldn't believe the audacity of that freaking Italian! She really did that.
“妹妹(mèi mei)! What happened this time?” Kagami invaded the nervous girl's room, without bothering to knock on the hatch door, after all, Kagami Tsurugi was part of the family.
"She did it again, 姉 貴(aneki)!" Marinette replied, throwing a paper ball into Kagami's hands. “That 混蛋(hún dàn)! If I get my hands on that Italian, I'll kill her!”
Ignoring Marinette's outbreak in the background, Kagami carefully stretched the paper, trying not to tear it. She thought it was just another bad joke that Lila had made again; like the one from the previous week, where she wrote a letter all in Italian offending Marinette and lying to the class saying it was a letter praising the girl.
Of course, not even in a million years, she expected to find the "ULTIMATE WARRIOR" in thick letters, painted in red and gold on top of the paper. Much less the words “SELECTED” and the names of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami Tsurugi and Lê Chiến Kim.
Kagami had to read and reread what was written on the paper because she was too stunned by what she was seeing. She couldn't believe that Lila had the courage to enroll them in a combat competition program.
Even more because it was no secret that the program was the extreme of the extreme. Kagami still remembered a competitor who had to be forcibly removed from the competition, for having left three teams - nine people - disabled beyond measure; one of the victims had almost lost his leg movements because he was hit hard by the guy's blade.
For God's sake! Competitors had to sign documents exempting the program from any liability in the event of a fatality.
And Lila signed them up for it. Even though she knew everything, she signed them up because she wanted to see them suffer.
“That や り ま ん(yariman)!” Kagami spat, crumpling the paper again and throwing it to the floor in anger. "Let me get my 短刀(tantō) and we can cut her throat without having to get our hands dirty with her rotten blood."
Marinette sighed in devastation.
"I knew that defending Chloe from Lila's lies would have consequences, but that?" She pointed to the paper ball on the floor. "This is sadism."
Kagami sat on the chaise, pulling the girl with her. She was still simmering with anger, but remembered that she was the oldest there, by a year, but older. So Kagami had to show maturity and comfort her younger sister.
"What she’s doing- what did she did... This is no longer about revenge, mèi mei." Kagami put her arm around the girl's shoulders in comfort. “She's doing it all just to hurt you. Even if you didn't defend Chloe, Lila would find another way to attack you.”
Marinette dropped her head on Kagami's shoulder, tired of it. Tired of Lila Rossi.
“If it were just me, that's would be fine. I would accept it because it wouldn't make a difference to me, but it involved you and anh.”
Kagami laughed. The truth and certainty in Marinette's words made her happy. Knowing that she had a person beside her like Marinette - and Kim - was a gift that she would never be able to pay her parents.
"But at least it's me and em." She answered. "Have you ever thought if she put Chloe and that girl- Rose?"
Marinette snorted, imagining that. "That would have been a colossal disaster."
The two sat on the chaise in a comfortable silence. It was normal, when the two were without Kim, for silence to be part of their day. Both Kagami and Marinette expressed their feelings better through actions.
They were both sitting for a few minutes when the sound of doors slamming and heavy footsteps running downstairs caught their attention. Both recognizing the rhino that was tap dancing around Marinette's house.
It wasn't long before a very smiling Kim's head appeared in the open hatch.
He paced the room in a familiar comfort. Kim practically lived there.
"Mèi mei, aneki!" He said excitedly. "Why do you two looks like death?"
Kagami pointed the paper ball to the floor. "Read."
The boy frowned at Kagami's tone. She hardly spoke like that when it was just the three of them, keeping her cold behavior only to people outside the family.
He picked up the crumpled paper and stretched it without care, his eyes skimming over the written words.
Kim looked up at them. His expression was unreadable.
"You who signed us up, mèi mei?"
Marinette snorted insulted, and pulled her head away from Kagami's shoulder.
“Of course not, anh. This is the work of our dear and beloved, Lila Rossi."
'Hm' came from him. The eyes going back to the paper, analytical. Probably thinking about something that Marinette and Kagami hadn't thought of yet, as they were both too angry for that.
Many believed that Kim was a silly boy. Obviously, he made a point of acting like the jester with his classmates and in a way, he was, but no one but the family knew about the real Kim.
The smart, cold, strategist and merciless Kim. Of the three, Kim was the most likely to participate in a carnage and still make it look like a trip to the mall.
"I think we should accept this opportunity, 灌(Guàn)." He said clinical.
Kagami shuddered in surprise at the boy's words. Marinette beside the girl, had the same reaction. Of the three there, Kim was the most heavily camouflaged, so for him to suggest that meant...
"... You don't intend to pretend anymore." Marinette said Kagami's thoughts aloud.
The boy sighed, looking older and more tired. The paper was still firm in his hand.
"Technically, we are not pretending, just... not being completely sincere." He pointed. "But yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.”
"But Kim-Giáp, you know that as soon as we are 'sincere', things will change." Kagami said, hope growing in her heart. She hated having to put on a mask to leave home and interact with people. "There will be no turning back."
“There is nothing else for us here. Guàn has been suffering to remain civilized in order not to attract the attention of her parents, I am tired of having to make a fool of myself for those idiots and you, Kagami, also do not like having to put on the ‘girl without friends’ mask, to keep the peace." He sat down heavily next to Marinette. "Mars, if you agree, I want to do this."
Marinette stared at the floor, lost in thought.
Kim was right, of course. None of the three could take it until they were eighteen or finished the lycée to get rid of their classmates, Bustier or Lila. But Marinette also feared, because of the three, she was the person who would have the most changes in life.
After all, the agreement was that as soon as she decided to become Cheng's head, the engagement- her engagement, would be understood as accepted. And maybe Marinette was still a little afraid to leave the comfort, because she didn't know who her promised husband was.
But then she thought about the hell that Dupont was being and how just changing schools would not solve the problems of the three. They were suffocating being something they were not.
She lifted her head and looked at the boy.
"So, you better say goodbye to that blond hair." And smiled. Kagami practically vibrated with joy beside her.
Kim rolled his eyes before shoving her with his shoulder.
"At least I won't be forced to see those awful pig tails anymore."
"He's right."
Now they just needed to finish enrolling for the program, let families know about the change in plans and what the expected consequences are.
They only had a month to settle everything and compete in the program.
For a month the trio did not appear in Dupont.
In the first week, Lila was easily the first to notice the lack of a certain girl in the classroom, internally congratulating herself for breaking another one.
Next were Max and Alix, believing that Kim was sick. They went to the boy's house only to come across a “property for sale” sign. Needless to say, they came back to school confused and sad.
The third person to notice was surprisingly, Chloe Bourgeois. The girl only realized that Dupain-Cheng and Lê Chiến were missing when Lila started spreading lies about her and Marinette was not there to act as guardian of morals.
Nino and Sabrina noticed at the same time, but neither of them paid much attention because they knew the duo and knew that sporadically, Marinette and Kim (and Kagami) would disappear for a while and then return as if nothing had happened.
The rest of the class noticed at the same time as Bustier. One Wednesday, in the middle of the third week absent, the teacher entered the classroom with heavy eyes and hunched shoulders. The word "transferred" and the names "Marinette, Kim" were all they got before Alix became a berserker.
Alya didn't even blink at the announcement. Glad that Lila was safe now that her mother managed to get rid of her daughter's bullies.
Adrien failed to maintain the perfect model expression. When he arrived at the Dupain-Cheng bakery, he was greeted with employees never seen before. No sign of Marinette or her parents.
He also realized that Kagami was strangely absent from fencing classes and that the calls went directly to voicemail. The blood ran cold in his veins.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, on a strangely sunny Monday in Gotham; a letter with a thick envelope and sealed with a ladybug coat of arms arrived at Wayne Mansion.
They were all together for breakfast when Alfred, the butler, handed the red, black wax-sealed envelope to Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne's youngest son.
His father, his brothers and his almost brothers, curious about the unusual situation.
When he opened the letter and realized its contents, a deformed smile took over the face that until then, was always frowning.
Everyone was able to hear the ‘Finally’ coming from the boy, before he disappeared upstairs without exchanging a word with the family.
“Damian Al Ghul Wayne, we would like to announce that Cheng Guàn will finally be taking over the Cheng head next month. She accepted her role as head of the family and will be announcing through her participation in Ultimate Warrior, accompanied by the heads of Tsurugi and Lê.
We would like to challenge you one last time, as a demonstration that Cheng Guàn is more than able to walk and fight alongside you.
Best regards,
Cheng Hua.”
Not very traditional, but it would do.
As he read the program rules, the only thought in the boy's mind was that he and his brothers were going to have a lot of fun ending up with anyone who wasn't even minimally decent.
Marinette was just finishing tying the laces on her boot when Kim fully armored came in with the phone to the ear.
While he was finishing talking to what was probably his ‘war assistant’ - if the Vietnamese indicated anything - she watched her brother well, now that he wasn’t trying to hide under the jester mask.
Giáp had dyed his hair back to its natural color, removing the blonde once and for all. He preferred not to cut his hair completely, leaving the sides and nape shorter than the top, combed with gel to the side. Like a businessman.
His tactical military suit was identical to that of Kagami and Guàn, only further reinforced in places of impact such as fists and knees. The face had full protection to prevent accidents, only the eyes uncovered, but only because he had taken off his glasses since they were not yet in the field.
He would fight only with fists at first.
Kagami was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, meditating. Her tactical suit was a little more mixed with her kendo suit, since she was wearing her armor over her clothes. The 胴(dō) on her chest, 小 手(kote) on her wrists, 垂 れ(tare) on her waist, and the 面(men) lying comfortably on the floor beside her, along with her twin 刀(katana) with red blades and the 十 文字 槍(jūmonji yari) that she had won for her sixteenth birthday last year.
There was also a cloth mask covering her nose and mouth, and sports glasses over her eyes to keep out dust.
Guàn wore the totally pure military tactical suit. A little more pulled into an anti-riot suit, but not as bulky, because she didn't want to impair her mobility and her mask was a totally black ballistic mask.
On the table in the tiny waiting room - a tent - there were two types of rifles: A Colt M4 and an Arctic Warfare; two Glock and a Revolver with tranquilizer ammunition ready to reload. The five were airsoft guns. In addition to two training Cold Steel. The armament just for her.
It was as soon as Giáp hung up the phone and Kagami opened her eyes, that a staff appeared at the door of their tent warning that the competition would start in five minutes, saying it was time to finish getting ready because they would soon come to pick them up.
The three looked at each other with equally bloody smiles.
ULTIMATE WARRIOR is a war-type competition program.
With each team consisting of three (3) competitors, they will have to fight against each group in order to redeem the One (1) Million Euro prize. That is, the team must defeat all other teams in order to redeem the prize. Only one team leaves UW undefeated.
The competition takes place once a year and is hosted in ghost towns around the world and recorded live for TV channels. It has no minimum duration, with the maximum reached being 5h.
UW is a very prestigious event; participants are usually military or combatants of some kind.
The minimum age for participation is sixteen (16) and the maximum is thirty (30).
Non-lethal weapons are allowed.
Competitors are eliminated by voluntary withdrawal, if they are knocked out or by serious injuries.
Any type of aggression that results in fatalities or near fatalities is completely prohibited. The punishment for breaking the rule is jail.
As the UW was something really important worldwide, almost like the Olympics or the World Cup, the day was given as a holiday by all countries in the world; then everyone would sit in front of their televisions and watch the competition cheering for their favorite or those from their country.
In Paris, the city hall set up a screen under the Eiffel Tower and the population came with their families to watch with the rest of the Parisians.
That was no different that year. Mlle. Bustier’s class all together, some accompanied by their parents or siblings and others - like Lila - alone or with their bodyguards - like Adrien -.
They were sitting on the lawn having silly conversations when Mylène's voice caught everyone's attention.
“... Isn't that Adrien's friend? Kagami? I guess." The blonde raised his head to look around, but couldn't find the girl.
"I don't see anyone like her." He replied confused.
"Oh." Rose sighed. “On the screen. It's Kim.”
And everyone turned to see that it was actually Kim, Kagami and Marinette on the screen, being announced as Team B.
"What..." Alix sighed in disbelief.
"... And in team B, we have Lê Chiến Giáp, only 16 years old." The camera focused on who Kim should be - they were not sure, as the person was completely camouflaged in tactical clothing and a mask, and the hair did not appear to be blond -, standing with a broad chest and quite intimidating.
Half the screen was divided, one that filmed Kim and the other with his info and a 3x4 photo of his face.
"He will be the fists of team B. The boy knows how to throw a punch, Will!" One of the narrators continued.
"Yeah, Smith! But have you seen his teammate, Tsurugi Kagami?" The camera started to focus on Kagami, dressed as a Japanese warrior, but also totally unrecognizable. There were two swords stuck in her back - camera showing details of the armor - and in her hand, a trident-like spear. "She is 17 years old!"
Like Kim, there was a 3x4 photo of her with the written info.
“The girl is a real 女 武 芸 者(onna-bugeisha)!” The first narrator, Will, said excitedly.
"But let's not forget about 16-year-old Cheng Guàn!" The footage changed to the third person, fully dressed as a military soldier, a plain black mask that left only her blue eyes uncovered. She, Guàn, had two rifles attached to her back, a Glock attached to each thigh, a Revolver just below the Glock on her right thigh. In addition to a black knife attached to each boot.
The 3x4 photo of Marinette Dupain-Cheng appearing on the screen with the info.
"She'll be the team's sniper!" Smith announced. "This year's contestants..." And they started talking about the rest of the participants, but Mlle. Bustier’s class stopped paying attention.
They were unresponsive.
Or at least almost everyone.
"Wow, I didn't know they were going to participate." Nino commented surprised, but not shocked like the rest of the class. "Did you know that, Chloe?"
The blonde - who for some reason had accompanied them, even without being invited - looked at the boy shaking her head. "No. I was not informed that they would participate. Only that they wouldn't be available for a while.” She sighed. “Did you hear anything, ‘Brina?”
Sabrina looked up from the tablet, shrugging. "Only they'll be back in a week." She replied softly. "Mom has been getting busier and busier, but she told me that soon they would tell us."
Nino nodded, seeming to understand what Sabrina meant and Chloe leaned back in the beach chair she had taken. The conversation dying there.
"Since when are you close to Marinette or Kim?" Ivan asked confused. He never saw any of them minimally close to each other.
"And the ice queen." Alya commented acidly, eyes narrowed on Nino.
"Ah, our parents work for them." Sabrina replied disinterestedly.
"We've known each other since diapers, dude." Nino shook his head.
"What- and why I never heard about it before?” Alix asked with their disregard. "I'm Kim's best friend and he never told me about it."
"Maybe because he didn't want to tell." Chloe murmured, not loud enough for Alix to hear, but loud enough for Adrien and Lila, who were closest to her besides Sabrina and Nino.
Adrien winced at the sharp edge of the words. He didn't like that at all.
Lila, on the other hand, was excited to watch Marinette suffer live for the whole world, but was also a little irritated by the attention she was receiving.
"But I don't understand..." She sighed in delight; they were once again focused on her. “Marinette's parents are just bakers, Kagami's mother is just a fencer and Kim's... What do Kim's parents do? I don't think I've met them before.” She frowned.
She had never seen or heard of Kim's parents.
"Now that you mention it, I also never saw Kim's parents." Max said shocked. "Every time I went to his house, he was alone."
Alya looked back at the atypical trio. Chloe, Nino and Sabrina.
"You are going to tell us right now what is happening!"
Chloe raised her eyebrow, not liking Alya's demanding tone. "Or what, Césaire?"
Alya opened her mouth to reply, but Adrien was faster.
“My bad, dude. It is not something I am allowed to tell.” The boy shrugged guiltily.
"Yet." Sabrina said out of the blue and everyone looked at the girl waiting for her to elaborate, but she kept quiet.
"-Oh, it's starting." Rose pointed to the screen and the students soon calmed down, their eyes avid on the screen.
"... 竜(ryū) there are two heading your way." Guàn said in the communicator, her voice muffled by the ballistic mask.
The trained eyes on the street below her, providing cover for Kagami and Giáp to eliminate the other competitors.
"Understood." She heard Kagami respond through the headset. “Con khỉ goes on the right and I on the left. Do any of them have weapons, 瓢虫(piáo chóng)?”
She watched Giáp hide against the stone walls of the hut across the street and Kagami disappear into the hut a little further from where she and Giáp were.
“One unarmed and one with knives. I'm trying to find the third, but no sign of him." She breathed heavily. “Con khỉ the target is fast approaching. Ryū, target at ninety degrees.”
Guàn didn't need to see to know that both Giáp and Kagami had ambushed their targets, but even so, she didn't take her eyes off them.
It was always beautiful to see how gracefully Kagami handled the jūmonji yari or how Giáp did not hesitate to reach the pressure points on the enemy's body, never using too much brute force, only skill and knowledge.
That was why she was almost a little too late to notice the presence in the ruin in which she was hiding. But it was only almost.
The competitor - Team E, she read on the stripe attached to his arm, not much older than her -, didn't have time to react. She was flexible and had the knowledge. Even though he was a combatant, he was no match for her at full capacity.
Guàn was quick to take the knife out of her boot and throw it at him as a distraction. The sniper rifle forgotten in the previous post. She ran while he fumbled with the gun in his hands; she didn't think twice about kicking the back of his knee and when he fell heavily on the clay floor, she didn't hesitate to shoot twice with the Glock.
One dart in the thigh and one in the arm. Where protection was less effective, since the Kevlar did not cover and was just the fabric of the suit covering.
"The third has been neutralized." She said as she put the Glock back in her thigh holster.
"The second too." Giáp replied a little breathlessly. That mask was probably restricting his breathing. Even more because he was a heavy fighter.
"The first one gave up." Kagami said with a mocking tone. The girl hated it when she started to cheer up in a fight and then the person just gave up, for not being able to keep up with her.
“Calm down, Ryū. There are still three- “A siren sounded; the team alert cleared.
"Team E, Team A, Team C eliminated." The announcer's voice loud enough for all the competitors in the Craco ruin - Italy - to be able to hear. “We will have a ten-minute break for competitors to hydrate and replenish their energy.”
"What were you going to say?" Kagami snorted.
It hadn't even been an hour of combat and three teams had already been eliminated. They had taken team E and team A.
Team A was a bunch of filthy elitist pigs, acting contemptuously with them as if they were Asian, were worth less or were easy to beat.
Guàn loved to break the jaw of the leader of the three, Kagami may have stabbed the third a little more violently than recommended and Giáp may have broken the tibia of the second. But it wasn’t like they got a reprimand for it.
Perhaps the producers have turned a blind eye to the rules, only to see the three white supremacists having their asses delivered by three Asian teenagers.
"Okay, we have two to eliminate yet."
She expected them to be a little more challenging.
In Paris, the class was at different levels of breathing difficulties, but of all, Lila was the most affected.
She didn't know that Dupain-Cheng could be so scary.
"How can she move like this, if she can barely walk straight without falling or hitting something?!" Alya seemed personally offended by Marinette's recent acquired skill.
Chloe snorted mocking the girl.
"Are you serious, Césaire?" She crossed her arms, without patience. "You said you were the girl's best friend for almost a year and you don't know that she can knock someone out with her eyes closed and her hands tied?!"
Alya opened her mouth, but nothing came out in her defense.
"Chloe!" Nino scolded the blonde and Alya felt her heart heat up for being defended by the boy. "It is not their fault that they are ignorant about Guàn's life." And Alya's heart ached with the harsh words.
"They can't talk about it, remember Chlo?" Sabrina asked sweetly, trying to calm Chloe.
The blonde turned her face in a tantrum. There was a pout there.
"I didn't know that Kim knew how to fight." Nathaniel said softly, almost without a voice.
“There is a lot that you don't know about Kim. Or Marinette.” Sabrina said enigmatically.
Adrien was starting to think that they didn't really know anything about the two classmates and the only three who did for some reason wouldn't open their mouth at all.
But he had faith that when the two returned, everything would finally come together. And he would have a very serious conversation with Kagami about hiding things from him.
Damian was growing more and more impatient. Until that moment he had not yet found his fiancée.
Sure, he had a brief glimpse of her and the other two heads, but all three were armored to the top and he couldn't even make out what color her eyes were. Only that her hair was long and so dark that when the sunlight hit, the color changed to a deep blue.
He, Dick and Jason had eliminated two teams - C and D - with only team B missing. Her team. But somehow, they couldn't find the team anywhere in the ruins of Craco. It was as if they had evaporated with the air.
"I spotted them Demon!" Jason's voice came over the communicator. “They are at the highest point on the e-ek hill! Shit I almost got hit by a dart.”
Damian didn't think twice about leaving his post and running the streets of Craco, closer and closer to the top. On the way, he spotted Dick fighting the man of Team B.
He found Jason crouched behind a rock that was supposed to be the wall of one of the houses, trying not to be hit by the tranquilizer projectiles.
"I'm going up!" He signaled to Jason. "Cover me."
He ran to the entrance to the tower, barely avoiding the projectiles being fired at him. Jason right behind him and Dick alone fighting the other guy.
Damian barely stepped on the top floor when he had to block the yari's blade with his katana. He was fighting the Team B swordswoman and Jason going head to head with Cheng Guàn, Damian's fiancée. The two of them in a shooting contest.
The Parisian population was quiet. All barely breathing with their eyes glued to the screen. The class was not much different from them. Even Nino, Chloe and Sabrina watched the final confrontation with glazed eyes.
They watched as both Marinette and the other competitor- Jason ran out of ammunition and weapons, without thinking twice about throwing themselves into a fist fight.
They held their breath when it looked like Marinette was finally running out of stamina, Jason taking more and more of the girl's escape routes. Until-
"Piáo chóng!" Kagami screamed, distracting Jason momentarily, while throwing the trident towards Marinette before blocking the sword of the other competitor- Damian, with her own sword.
The girl was not at all surprised by the call and took the trident effortlessly, looking used to the movement. And before Jason could hit her, Marinette threw herself out the window.
"IS SHE CRAZY?!" Surprisingly it was Juleka who screamed. The shy girl was paler than normal.
But no one looked away from the screen. Everyone watching the way Marinette stuck the trident in the clay wall of the house, stopping her fall and the way she landed on the shoulders of Team F’s third competitor-Dick, strangling him with her thighs.
"DO YOU SURRENDER?!" She shouted at him, squeezing his neck even tighter.
"..." Dick was still standing, slapping his hands on her legs and trying to dislodge the girl off him, but the guy had no chance.
As soon as he managed to loosen her grip and breathe properly, three projectiles hit one on the butt, and the other two on each thigh. He fell hard to the ground, Marinette barely having time to jump out of the man. Kim standing behind them with Marinette's revolver.
“Thanks, Con khỉ-“ She didn't finish speaking before running away from Dick's body, Jason arriving like a bull. "GIÁP!"
Kim threw the revolver at Marinette and she fired at the enemy without even thinking. They blinked in time to see five projectiles lodged in his neck before Jason passed out. Avoiding Dick's body for just a few inches.
"Wow, they were a lot more trained than the others." Marinette commented to Kim, neither of them looking worried about Kagami, who was still fighting Damian inside the house.
The split screen showing Kagami's fight and the street where Kim and Marinette were.
“Well, he managed to hit me five times. That means something.” Kim replied relaxed.
"Oh really? This is surprising.” Marinette whistled, impressed.
There was an awkward silence.
"Shall we help aneki?"
“Nah. Let her have fun.”
And the two sat on the floor, watching the group of rescuers on the show take Jason and Dick away.
"I wish I had brought a book." Kim sighed in disappointment and soon Kagami and Damian's fight took over the entire screen.
What the hell?!
Tsurugi and Wayne were walking in circles, analyzing the level of danger and skill.
Kagami knew who Damian was, she knew this was Guàn's fiancé, because it was her idea to send the letter inviting him to participate in the competition. Because she wanted to make sure he was able to accompany Guàn when she demanded.
Of course, Kagami knew that it was impossible for Damian to be completely useless because he was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, grandson of Ra’s Al Ghul; but she wanted to personally test how good he was, because she would accept nothing but the best for Guàn.
Then she convinced Sabine Cheng-Cheng Hua to send the letter.
"I'm glad you accepted our invitation, 悪 霊(akuryoo)." She said, the tip of the katana towards the ground.
Damian tilted his head, intrigued by the way he was called.
It was not popular knowledge the way his family called him.
"I'm grateful." He nods. "It’s always good to test my skills with experienced people."
"Let's finish this."
Damian had given up.
Damian Al Ghul Wayne had given up.
After Tsurugi declared defeat, Damian lowered the katana and said 'I give up' directly to the camera, leaving the clay house with her.
That was a shock to Damian's family. But Alfred's discreet smile said that giving up had a much deeper reason than just giving up a fight.
Guàn and Giáp got off the ground as soon as they saw movements coming from the house where Kagami was fighting with the other competitor.
Guàn had the revolver hidden behind her back, cautious. Until the fireworks went off in the sky.
"Team B is the winner of Ultimate Warrior!" The announcer shouted excitedly. “For the first time since Ultimate Warrior debuted, a group of teenagers won the contest! What a day my friends, what a day!”
The announcer was speaking something, the program staff showing up from where they were hiding, Giáp was snorting with pride as he took off his mask and glasses, but Guàn was more focused on the teenager who accompanied Kagami.
In the middle of the dispute she barely had time to analyze him while running away from his teammate's punches, but at that moment, without imminent danger, Guàn's eyes were solely focused on him.
And he was not much different from her.
Guàn barely had time to pull the ballistic mask off her face before he was standing inches from her, forcing her to lift her chin so she could look him in the eye.
"It’s a pleasure to finally be able to meet my fiancée." The boy took her hand to his mouth, placing a kiss on her knuckles without caring about the glove. "You were magnificent against my brother." He said as he lowered her hand.
Guàn raised an eyebrow, a charming smile taking over her expression.
“Oh? I am flattered." She replied, the words sliding sweet as honey. "Cheng Guàn, head of the Cheng." Inclining her head, as an informal bow, Guàn didn’t look away from him for a second.
"Damian Al Ghul Wayne, current Demon’s head."
Demon's head, huh.
She liked the sound of that.
Adrien was feeling strange.
Marinette's team had won and so she was fraternizing with the enemy in a very non-Marinette way.
"It’s a pleasure to finally be able to meet my fiancée.” And he kissed her hand, his greedy, sticky eyes on the girl.
They still had communicators, so everyone was able to hear what they were talking about.
"Fiancée? Did I hear that right?” Max murmured.
"Oh, so this is him." Chloe said disinterestedly.
"He still looks like a serial killer." Nino said, an amused tone in his voice.
"Cheng Guàn, head of the Cheng." Marinette's voice cut through the confused murmurs.
Cheng Guàn? Cheng's head? What the hell was Marinette talking about?!
Classmates seemed increasingly lost.
"Damian Al Ghul Wayne, current Demon’s head." The boy with Marinette replied.
... they were really confused.
And Adrien strangely homicidal.
After receiving the check of one million-euro, Guàn, Kagami and Giáp were in the car driven by Bai, the driver of the Cheng family.
There was a car in the front with Cheng's bodyguards and another in the back with Tsurugi and Lê's.
After her fiancé introduced themselves, they talked for a while without tactical microphones, being formally introduced to his brothers.
The warning had been given.
Cheng's head was engaged to the demon's head and anyone who tried anything against either of them should expect retaliation from Tsurugi, Lê and Wayne. In addition of Al Ghul.
It had been a week.
A week since Ultimate Warrior, since Kagami, Marinette and Kim won the competition exhibiting skills that no one knew they had.
The situation in the classroom was a little more tense than usual.
Alya having argued with Nino because he refused to say anything about what happened and ended up breaking up with the boy, thinking he would reconsider for loving her, but he hadn't even blinked twice before leaving the girl talking to herself.
Since then, he sat in the back with Chloe and Sabrina. The three of them sitting comfortably in one seat.
Adrien had tried to extract something from Chloe, using the excuse of best friend wanting to spend time together; but the girl was not fooled by the trick, dismissing Adrien as soon as the boy opened his mouth to speak.
Lila was strangely sulky and silent. Even Alya was unable to cheer up the Italian. She was constantly having to answer mysterious phone calls that only made her more and more furious. Nobody knew how to bring it up, fearing that she would fight with them for meddling in her private affairs, so they just kept their distance.
It was on a Wednesday, exactly a month and fifteen days after they disappeared from Paris, that the class got their first glimpse of Kim, inside a luxury car accompanied by three men twice as big as him. But it had been too quick for them to be sure it was really the boy, so in the end they ignored what they saw.
But it was on Friday, a month and seventeen days, that they actually saw Marinette coming out of the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
Alya didn't think twice before running up to her, dragging the entire class along - not that they didn't want to go -. She wanted answers and she was going to get it!
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you're going to tell me right now what's going on-" She shouted at first, not caring how much attention she was drawing from the people around her, but the words died in her mouth. For the first time noticing what Marinette was wearing.
The girl was wearing something that Alya had only seen in the Chinese dramas that Marinette watched with her when they were still friends. She remembers the name, hanfu, when the girl explained the different types.
The top was pearly white, the neckline crossed in a 'y' shape. The pleated skirt was a light blue with embroidery of white roses on the hem, the length reaching above the foot - maxi, she remembered Marinette saying -. At the waist, the white lace of the skirt wrapped around the waistband, holding the skirt in place; the same embroidery on the hem of the skirt was also on the ends of the white fabric. Above the hanfu, a thin transparent peach tunic.
On her feet, white kitten heels and the hair, was loose reaching the middle of her back.
She looked ethereal.
"Oh, Alya." The girl sighed as if she had barely recognized Alya. "How are you?" She asks.
Besides clothing, Marinette's way of talking had changed abruptly. There was a delicacy, but also a certain kind of power. As if she were a very important person who had cleared five minutes of her busy schedule to exchange a few words with her classmates.
"Wwhy are you dressed like that, Marinette?" Rose stammered.
It wasn't a strange outfit, not really. It was very beautiful and sophisticated, but very different from what Marinette used to wear normally. Not even the familiar pig tails were in sight.
"Family business." Marinette replied without going into details.
Suddenly, a man wearing a black suit stepped out of the BMW parked on the sidewalk and approached Marinette nimbly. Not sparing even a glance at the group of teenagers around her.
“Guàn 大人(dàrén) I was informed that Al Ghul dàrén is on his way.” The man said to the girl. He put a finger to his ear, where everyone noticed a discreet phone - like those American movies about secret agents -. "Lê and Tsurugi dàrén are accompanying him."
“Thank you, Bai. I will wait inside.” She smiled softly at the man who, after a complete bow, went back inside the black BMW.
"Who is he? And why is he calling you that strange way?” Alix asked, annoyed. She was sure the man was talking about Kim.
Marinette looked back at the class, focusing on Alix.
"This is Cheng Bai, my driver and bodyguard." She responded politely. "I wish I could stay and talk, but I really have to get in." Marinette pointed to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
The girl didn't wait for anyone to answer, before turning around so she could enter the bakery. She was totally insensitive to her classmates.
"Dàrén!" They recognized Sabrina's voice before they even saw her leaving the bakery with Chloe and Nino right behind. “I have updates from- oh! Hey guys, what are you doing here?” She changed the subject when she noticed the class frozen on the sidewalk.
"... We saw Marinette." Juleka replied blandly. She was feeling super uncomfortable with that situation.
"Oh, I understand." The redhead waved mechanically, looking just as uncomfortable.
Chloe ignored the class completely, talking quietly to Marinette and Nino just waved from a distance, showing no desire to approach, even with Adrien in the middle of his colleagues.
Alya seemed to wake up when she saw the three around Marinette. A feeling of betrayal burning in her stomach, but not knowing if it was about Marinette or Nino.
“Girl, what's going on? Why did you disappear?” She asked. "You went missing for a month with Kim, came out of nowhere on a show that I didn't even know you liked, and you were acting different!"
Marinette stopped talking to Chloe to look at Alya. The blank expression, hard as marble.
“Does this have anything to do with Lila? Is that why you are doing this?” Alya continued, not caring about anything else. “We can help you, Marinette. If you leave us, we can help you get over it!”
Chloe, Sabrina and Nino had incredulous expressions on their faces. None of the three believed in Alya's lack of awareness. The blogger seemed unable to think rationally before acting or speaking.
Perhaps that was why Lila had clawed at her so deeply.
"Why would mèi mei need your help?" Someone behind the class asked and they turned around in alarm, only to find Kim, Kagami and- was that Ultimate Warrior contestant Damian Wayne?!
There were also five men and two women in the same style as the man before, Bai, following them closely.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Adrien murmured poisonously. The look piercing Damian.
The three newcomers were wearing traditional clothing from their culture, as was Marinette.
Kim was wearing slim fit pants, probably cotton, as it didn't look rough. Over his pants, there was a - ao dai, Alix thought. Having seen Kim wear them before, but the old ones were much simpler than what he wore at that moment - which reached knee-high, with buttons on the right side of his chest - like a chef's jacket - and golden embroidery along the sleeves, hem and along the left shoulder to the end of the rib on the right side. There were two slits, one on each side of the body. Derby shined on his feet.
The entire set was black, except for the golden embroidery of ao dai.
Kagami's style was vaguely similar to Marinette's, but with very noticeable differences and a little ‘heavier’. Kimono was the name? Ivan was not sure.
The top part was made up of two layers. The first was white, visible through the collar of the second, which was black with a floral print that varied between purple, white, pink and orange. Both 'y' shaped collars. The sleeves were relatively large, with pieces falling by the side even though the girl had her arm raised between Kim's. The skirt as well as the top was in two layers. The first was a dark green, only two inches showing and the second was red. Pleated and tied right below the chest.
It was less flowing than Marinette's.
On her feet, white socks and wooden sandals.
The third- Damian Al Ghul Wayne, the demon head, was wearing a... dress? No, Nathaniel did not know the name for that outfit, but he did know that most men in the Middle East wore it.
The fabric was pure white - looking quite expensive -; in the throat there was a detail that went down to the middle of the chest, it was probably hiding a zipper or buttons; there was a discreet pocket on his right chest and long sleeves, adjusted on the wrist with the same detail that was around his neck. The hem of the garment reached to the middle of the shin, where it was possible to see centimeters of cotton trousers also white and on his feet, beige Oxford.
Finally, he had a scarf squared with red and white, wrapped around his hair.
"I’m waiting, Césaire." Kim asked again, not looking happy with the lack of response. "Why would she need help?"
Alya snorted, annoyed by the question.
"For what else, Kim?" She asked petulantly. "I'm talking about this obsession and envy that Marinette has towards Lila."
While Kim kept a blank expression, Kagami raised an eyebrow, a scornful smile opening on her lips. Damian hadn't even stopped to greet them, he just walked right past them before pulling Marinette into a tight hug.
Kagami gently tapped Kim's arm that was wrapped around hers and he let her go, while maintaining his haughty pose.
"Why would mèi mei envy Lila, when Lila is just a cockroach?" She asked, Adrien winced at the hardness of her words. “Who is Lila compared to Cheng Guàn? No one. So, I don't know why you insist on this idea of envy.”
Mlle. Bustier's students were in various degrees scandalized. They were used to Kagami's abruptness, but she was always a blunt-non-aggressive type, where words came out rude without intention.
But here she was, being rude and deliberately aggressive.
Lila was soon putting on her best victim mask. With tearful eyes and a fluttering pout.
“Wwhy would you say something like that, Kagami? I never did you any harm, so why are you being a bully?” She sniffed, her voice shrill and fake.
Alya wrapped her arms around the Italian, Rose following closely, sandwiching the girl between them.
"Kagami, don't you think you're being too harsh?" Adrien asked, a pleading gleam in his eyes. "This is just a misunderstanding, isn't it?!" He smiled hopefully, believing that Kagami, like Marinette, would let Lila through without a hitch.
"Why the hell would it be a misunderstanding?" Kagami countered, her eyes growing colder and colder. Kim beside her had a disgusted expression. "She knows pretty well that she is on a tightrope, so she shouldn't be feeding Césaire's stupidity."
And Lila stiffened between the two girls, her face going pale.
"What does that mean?" Mylène asked.
"It means that mother Rossi found out about baby Rossi's antics after she was demoted from her embassy position." Kim replied, satisfaction dripping from his words.
Alya's eyes widened, Adrien gasped in shock and the rest of the class was incredulous.
"Did you dare to conspire against Lila's mother, Marinette?!" She turned to the girl who was talking privately with Nino, Sabrina, Chloe and Damian. Alya's voice caught their attention, again. "Have you gotten so mean, to the point of destroying an honest woman's career?"
Marinette's expression hardened, her gaze sharpening in a way they had never seen before.
"Have you ever in your life stopped to think before opening your mouth?" She asked acidly. "Eventually you're going to piss off someone not as benevolent as me and the results will be disastrous for you."
"... That seemed like a threat." Ivan murmured, his eyes darting nervously over the men and women in suits and possibly armed around them.
"The Cheng don't make threats, Ivan." Marinette looked at him. The icy blue of her eyes pierced him. "They just go and do it."
"That right there! What is this about Chengs, the Demon's head? Why are you acting this way? And why did you move out?” Alix asked, already irritated by everything. Frustrated by the lack of answers.
"You were born in Paris and live here, but have never heard of the Three Families?" Damian asked skeptically. "I understand that you don't know what the Demon's Head means, but not knowing about the Three Families is at least stupid."
"Is this about that legend of France's three richest families?" Nathaniel asked confused. ‘Three Families’ was no stranger to him, but he couldn’t remember exactly where he had heard about it.
“Not exactly... The Three Families are, as the name says, three families. The three main families of the global mafia." Max replied, his eyes wide as he understood the general situation. "The Three Families are composed of Tsuruchi- or rather, Tsurugi." He looked at Kagami. "Lien-Lê," He looks at Kim. "And the Chang-Cheng." And finally, he looks at Marinette.
"Alternative names have been used to hide the real identities of families, but valid information is available to those who are really looking." Kim nodded, enjoying Max's intelligence.
"And if I'm not wrong, the Demon's Head correlates with the League of Assassins, a highly trained clan of hired assassins." The boy spoke again, his eyes flicking over Damian.
Damian smiled scarily. "This and much more." He says in response. "It’s good that there is someone with brain cells in this class."
"So, you mean you four are part of the mafia?" Rose asked shakily.
"We are not part of the mafia." Kagami replied.
"We are the mafia." Marinette completed.
"Then again, why the hell would Guàn be jealous of an Italian girl who only gets attention by lying every second she breathes?" Kim crossed his arms, demanding a response from Alya.
The girl flinched, instinctively turning away from him and Lila.
"III-" She closed her mouth, not knowing what to say. For the first time using reason before emotion.
“Well, while this little meeting has been good, Guàn, Giáp, Damian and I have a place to be. So, if you would excuse us, we’d like to go now.” Kagami said rudely, before dragging Kim and Marinette by the arms to the bakery.
Damian, Chloe, Nino and Sabrina following behind with the bodyguards.
"Ah!" Marinette stopped abruptly, turning back to the class. "Adrien?"
The model jumped, surprised to be called.
"Yes?" He asked cautiously.
"Let Gabriel know that his presence was requested at an audience with the Three Families." She said. Adrien felt like there was a glacier in his stomach. "We have some pending issues to deal with."
Marinette looked at the model waiting for confirmation that he understood what she had said and he nodded mechanically. Fear licking his bones.
She smiled at him before looking at Lila, who was strangely pale next to Rose.
"And Lila?" The girl barely looked up to face her. "Behave. You and I know that you don't want my wrath.”
The girl looked down at the floor, completely subdued and Marinette went back into the bakery without looking back. Everyone coming in soon after, just Sabrina staying behind.
“Max, you will receive an email with important documents about Mlle. Rossi.” She said to the boy. "I hope you make good use of it."
Lila saw her reign collapse like a tower of cards.
And there was no way to escape because she knew she wouldn't be safe anywhere.
"Cheng-さ ま(sama), was it really wise to expose yourself like that?" Tetsuya, one of Kagami's bodyguards, asked respectfully. "You are at risk of them opening their mouth to someone who might be really problematic."
Guàn smiled kindly at the man, finding his concern cute.
"They are not going to do that."
"How can you be so sure?"
"First because they are too scared of possible retaliation, second that they are too busy now tearing up Lila Rossi." She replied nonchalantly. "Sabrina sent a compilation of all her lies with evidence and facts to Max. They will keep themselves busy for at least until next month with this."
"The only persons we should be concerned with at the moment are Lila Rossi and Alya Césaire." Giáp said seriously. The hard line of his mouth showed how uncomfortable he was with the two girls.
"... Can't we just disappear with them?" Damian asked condescendingly. Caring nothing for the implications of his words.
"No." Kagami was succinct. "If they disappeared now, we would be the prime suspects and even if justice cannot touch us, we would be in evidence." The frown said how bitter she felt about it. "More than we already are."
Kagami would be the first person of the three to suggest getting rid of the problem, but because the three of them in evidence - for having participated in the UW -, that would not be possible.
"Why don't we leave Lila to the police to handle?" Sabrina asked uncertainly, everyone turning to look at her. "She's old enough to be judged by the justice both here and in Italy."
"Wait-" Nino looked at Sabrina in surprise. "Is Lila a criminal or are we planting evidence?"
"Oh, please!" Chloe rolled her eyes. “Rossi doesn't need us to do the dirty work. Her file is dirtier than the sewers in Paris.”
“So, we have a solution for Lila. Thanks Sabrina.” Guàn smiled at the redhead and the girl screeched, before hiding her red face behind the tablet.
Kagami and Guàn were two frighteningly charming young women and Sabrina's gay heart was too weak to withstand such direct attacks.
"Now we need something about Césaire and her gossip blog." Giáp said.
They all sat in silence pondering possible routes.
"Oh!" Nino sighed, an idea forming in his head.
"What is it, Nino?" Kagami asked.
"What is the best way to destroy a journalist?"
Everyone looked at each other in confusion until Damian smiled badly. "A journalist is destroyed by his reputation." He replied. "Spreading fake news, being a tabloid writer and things like that."
"Exactly." Nino nodded his head.
"If Alya tried to expose us, her blog would be enough for all credibility to fall apart." Damian continued. "I've seen one of my dad's associates use this to stifle any news about our... Activities, that escaped to the media."
"Not to mention that she is just a teenager." Qadira, one of Damian's bodyguards, said it out loud. She opened her eyes wide when she noticed everyone looking at her and then she lowered her head to Damian, her expression chastened. "I'm sorry for my boldness, رئیس(raʾīs)."
The sharp edges on Damian's mouth softened.
“Relax Qadira. We are among friends.” He replies and the woman straightens up, slowly nodding at him. "Now elaborate what you said to us."
She hesitated for a few seconds before speaking again.
“I meant that she is just a teenager. No adult will take her seriously, even if her blog is not brought as evidence of her inability to judge or check the facts.”
"Not to mention that she seemed to be a very troubled teenager." Oma, Damian's second bodyguard, pointed. “I don't think she is an immediate risk here. She’s too volatile to be taken seriously.” She shrugged.
"Well, it looks like everything is settled." Giáp raised his arm to check the time on his wristwatch. "Just in time for us to kick Gabriel Agreste's ass."
Marinette turned to Kagami's bodyguard, a sweet smile on her face.
"See, Tetsuya?" She said. "Nothing to worry about."
"So mèi mei is engaged to the Demon's head." Giáp said suddenly. "That means we have to find our own, aneki."
He and Kagami were sitting on the leather couch, reading some important documents about companies belonging to the Three Families.
The girl looked up from the paper in her hands, no reaction beyond that.
"... I call dibs on Sabrina and Chloe." She responded quickly.
Giáp smiled conspiratorially.
"Great, because Nino is mine."
And then the two went back to reading the documents lying on the table.
... Totally ignoring the people around them, including the three mentioned, who were at different levels of embarrassment.
[tag list]
@justafanwarrior​ @ash-amg​ @neakco​ @g-arya​ @loveswifi​ @actual-disaster-human​ @wannajointhecrabcult​ @lozzybowe​  @iamablinkmarvelarmy​ @saays-bitch @xxmdsxx​ @nicknnie​ @damianette-is-life​ @thegirlwhosawdeath
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I'm surprised people see Tadashi as the victim in his relationship with Ainosuke, when it's Tadashi the one who time and time again takes away Ainosuke's agency, without being able to see that he is throwing him unto unhappiness. I can't help but think that if Tadashi was not working at Shindo's house, Ainosuke would have maybe left or broke with the family. But he can't do that if he wants the relationship with Tadashi going on, seing how Tadashi is set on enforcing the family rules...
Hmm.. I def agree with the fact that Tadashi is not what most fandom makes out of him, my man (I mean, Adam’s man) is a 100% Slytherin. But I disagree with blaming him for this, after all the revealed info. The environment they were both raised in made their situation complicated.
I like Tadashi a lot, he’s probably my fav thing about this anime, bc he’s a dark horse, and I’m once again surprised, that so little ppl see him for who he really is, portraying him as an innocent puppy, which he is definitely not.
Now to why I think both Tadashi and Adam are victims of the dad and aunties in this situation. 
We can of course say “if only they told each other how they really feel...”, but like we can say it about any love story really. Every author knows it’s no fun. The truth is that yes, they both hurt each other, and yes, if they were honest about their feelings things would’ve been different, but as I’ve already wrote under that “toxic” commentary on YT, lets look at the whole situation from both of their point of views:
We know that Adam when he was little always treated Tadashi as an equal, he never ever thought of him as someone lower than him and after their fall out, the only reason for this “harsh” treatment (well, besides their confirmed kink) was that Adam tried to get a reaction out of him, so Tadashi would stand up for himself, bc Ainosuke got mad about Tadashi caving to his dad’s wishes and abandoning him, when he needed him the most. 
But now, knowing the fact that Tadashi was his dad’s secretary and was under his control, let’s see it from his perspective: Tadashi wanted to stay by Adam’s side, Adam’s dad implied that if Tadashi did say smth, he’s gonna be.. well, dismissed and they won’t see each other ever again. That’s what caused Tadashi to stay silent in that moment. Ainosuke instead saw this as a “he’s not on my side” thing, well, because. Tadashi won’t tell him his problem, bc dad and aunties control everything, so even if he does tell him, what a teen would do really? He didn’t have any powers back then to make his dad do anything. 
And that’s when it all gone to shit, since they both were hurt for their own reasons. It’s easy to say leave the family, but 1stly nobody explained to Adam still that he’s physically and psychologically abused by his family, he sees it as them “loving him” and sadly also loves them, bc nobody told him, that love wasn’t supposed to be like that really. He definitely feels that smth is not right and feels emotionally exhausted there bc of this treatment, but did he ever consider leaving? I really don’t think so. He feels obligated to be worthy of a family, who “loves” him.
Do you think, for example, that Akashi Seijuro hates his dad for what he did to him? No. Does he understand that he wasn’t at fault for what happened to him and that his dad instead of comforting his child after his mother’s death, who was his only safe haven, made everything worse? I don’t think he does. Like his mom gave him basketball, an escape from all that family’s obligations and strictness. After her death, it was the only thing left that brought him joy, but his dad ruined even that, saying that if he’s gonna be bad at it/lose, he’d take it away from him too. Does Akashi see this as emotional abuse? No, he sees it like “well, I have to be the best bc I was born in such powerful family, so if my dad says that I must be best at everything, then I must.”
I personally hate such parents a lot. To me it doesn’t matter if Adam’s dad didn’t know about aunties hitting his child. Like if he was too busy to notice this and have no time for his kid and made his childhood miserable, it doesn’t make it any better really. 
Same as with Akashi’s dad. Some are like “he was probably also grieving about his wife”. Emm? He was like this from the beginning, bc he treated Akashi not as his son, but as his heir. And yes, that’s different things. Same with Endeavor and Todoroki. Your child is not your post production thing.
2ndly they were too young, even if they knew about each others feelings and he didn’t feel obligated and told everyone to fuck off, they’d be on the streets now, but also Adam’s dad doesn’t seem like a guy who’d leave them alone really. Also eloping seems very romantic, but I don’t think it is, esp when you’re teens. Did you want him to sell some expensive watch and go live on Hawaii or smth? Bc finding a decent job there would be difficult at this age, esp with everyone knowing who your dad is. Chen Ke from “Antidote” survived bc he was 27 and had connections and some great friends. Adam was in high school, where would he go exactly?
Now let’s go back to now. Obviously all this time it didn’t even cross Tadashi’s mind that for Ainosuke he comes first and that he would throw everyone under the bus to make Tadashi stay with him. As we see at the end, he legit believed that Adam was planning to send him to jail and didn’t get that he said it just to shaken he up and that he knew who he’d set up for this from the beginning. 
To Adam obviously it doesn’t matter whether they’re in a quarrel or not, he would never him go. Yes, he’s mad at him, he’s angry and hurt, but Tadashi’s still the person he needs the most, he’s still the person who brightens his days, even tho he deliberately behaves like he annoys him. He always looks at him and looks at him and looks at him, but then hisses smth to hurt him. Bc he knows that he needs him, but he also hates that he needs him, bc he thinks it’s unrequited.
And that’s how their classic romance goes in hellish circles. No one wants to talk as usual. Adam is mad Tadashi is like that bc his dad turned him into a slave with no opinion, while Tadashi is scared that Adam would be taken away from him bc of his ugly family. 
Now I still think that no one and I mean no one can take Tadashi from Adam now, he is his precious. So my plan is... if Tadashi made aunties do smth against him or to get rid of him, aunties will go for sure. The problem is Tadashi still doesn’t get that he comes first, so we’re stuck in this hell still.
So anyways, my point is Adam’s heart basically sings “you got a hold of me, don’t even know your power” to Tadashi, but he doesn’t hear it, bc of his insecurities, the way he was raised and his status. But yes, he holds all the power. He’s both Adam’s sanity and insanity. No matter how cheesy it sounds he was basically his only ray of sunshine in the darkness, if you take it away, that’s what it leads to, that’s why Ainosuke-sama needs more ppl who care for him. I don’t want anyone to die next time, just cause Tadashi and Adam fought about where to put their new couch lmao. I’m kidding, but you know what I mean. And kill the aunties, pls seriously, we need to be free.
Also ppl need to remember that like lots of animes/characters are parcially inspired by some other animes/characters, also the chosen seiyuus are also very important, there are lots of stuff like jokes and references, that creators use, from characters being fully inspired by smth like “Assassination classroom” characters based on KNB, to little stuff like Levi dressed in Akashi’s uniform in chibi AOT bc Hiroshi Kamiya. Utsumi already said before stuff like she sometimes think of a perfect voice for the character and then fully forms him, we also know her clear love for sports animes. So yes, I doubt Tadashi/Kuroko thing is a coincidence and even tho someone was like “zone? is this knb or smth?” I was like no, zone is actually a common thing in sports, even tho most associate it with KNB including me, it’s not like its their invention, but there were things inspired by this for sure, and from other sports animes too and no, I don’t mean the basic sports anime tropes, I mean, like way too specific things, some character designes, too. And yes, Langa appearence and personality wise is a rinharu child for real, I can literally split his scenes in “that’s Haru”, “that’s Rin”.
That’s why I’ve said that this situation in fandom reminds me of Kuroko/Akashi situation a lot, bc same as here in KNB ppl for some reason automatically thought that Kuroko is this innocent sheep and Akashi is the wolf (but also like it was Akashi who chose to dress as red riding hood, while Kuroko was a wolf lmao), not even seeing who is in reality more dangerous and who can easily control who. It just buffles me bc it’s not some deep analisys really. I mean once again there’s a reason for the saying that the sub holds all the power over the dom. 
And like just bc someone yells or threatens ppl constantly doesn’t necessarily mean he is a psycopatic killer, and just bc someone is quiet and doe-eyed, doesn’t mean he isn’t. I didn’t think we needed to explain this to someone, but aparently we do?
And it honestly kills me just how superficially ppl are watching things these days. It really gives me war flashbacks to stuff like the last mdzs s1 episode, where ppl started to comment things like “how LZ can be so heartless” lmao. Or that anonymous ask “do you think haru misses rin?”. Like you don’t see thing at all? Grey substance no needed, while watching things?
P.S. I also would die to see Adam vs Tadashi race just bc I for some reason can bet all my money, that it’s the same situation as with Akashi refusing to ankle break Kuroko, no matter how mad he is. I just can’t imagine Ainosuke hitting Tadashi in the face with a board. Like 100% sure he wouldn’t even try tbh.
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AN: So I wrote this cause I realized I never wrote for a villain before and I got tired of riding the SFW train so here I am.
Warning: DUBCON with rough sex, unhealthy toxic relationships, choking, and coerced sex. Don’t read if these are your triggers.
He wasn’t here again, she thought morosely while sweeping the bar. Her beloved hadn’t required her again. Her heart was weeping yet no tears had surfaced. 
It made him so excited to see her beg and cry while on top of her. Shigaraki would threaten with all his fingers except his pinkie around her neck as he thrusted from below mercilessly. Oh, how she loved it. He exuded danger and the maniacal obsession as he looked upon her. No one else would care and love her as he would.
She remembered how they had met as kids, two prodigies brought into the fold to fulfill the legacy of All for One. Shigaraki hated her as she shied away from everyone. Back then she wanted to go home, back to her parents, and she would cry silently for hours in her grief. He would scowl with disgust each time he saw her weakness and when she wouldn’t stop, he would pull her long hair and leave bruises on her body. Y/N didn’t know when her fear turned into love for that horrible, horrible boy. Just that she was happy to sit by him while he played for hours on his DS.
Then one day that contempt of Shigaraki turned into something else as her beloved finally took what was always meant to be his. She cried that day the first time and he only laughed in her face, telling her to cry more because it excited him so much. But it wasn’t so bad when he took care of her the next morning. Or how he was careful to let her adjust instead of ramming it in with inexperience the next time and for every time he took her. She even loved it when he refused to leave her alone with the male members of the League of Villains. But her favorite without a doubt was when he would allow her to dress up in pretty pastel summer dresses and go on dates. They were far and few between, only rewarding her when she excelled in her missions. But she loved it still because his attention was all on her.
But now, she thought as her heart splintered into pieces. He hadn’t called for her in weeks, instead choosing to indulge in that whore of his. Shigaraki would come sit by the bar as she and Kurogiri-san prepared to close it for the night. He would watch jealously as she exchanged a few words with Dabi and Toga before eventually tugging her back into his room. Shigaraki would make her strip her clothes and demand her to get on her knees or depending on his fancy get on all four.
But now that awful excuse of a man was spending his time and effort on a cam girl of all things! She didn’t love and care for him as Y/N did. He hadn’t spared her a glance in weeks and when she finally lost control over her emotions, begging, and pleading, he just glared at her and threatened to kill her!
Her of all people! She who never asked for anything in return except for his time. She even dressed in those awful Lolita dresses he kept buying for her and put her hair up in two pigtails just like he wanted. She even changed her speech patterns to match his new anime obsession. But now she was done! Y/N knew that if she wanted him back where he belonged, she needed to take action. Shigaraki wouldn’t respond to emotions but he would respond this time. To her.
Y/N first started taking out those dreadful, tight pigtails that gave her nothing but a headache, then she took all those cutesy, Lolita dresses and piled them on all in one trash bag. She had finally done it. And it was for herself.
The next morning Y/N left for the nearest mall, informing Kurogiri-san she would be back in a couple of hours. She finally bought all the cute clothes she wanted, bought as many pairs of jeans as she wanted. He hated to see her in jeans and wouldn’t let her wear them unless they were tiny shorts. And finally, she cut off her long hair into a short bob. Y/N was afraid at first, thinking it might have turned off the love of her life. But she was determined to make sacrifices if it meant she could win him back. It was nighttime by the time she came back, and she profusely apologized to Kurogiri-san before hurrying to her room.
Y/N wore a black crop top with ripped jeans and combined with her short hair, her confidence was off the charts. She was finally not wearing those gaudy dresses and was acting like herself for once. When Y/N stepped out for her shift, she immediately caught the attention of the lingering members.
Dabi smirked as he eyed her from top to bottom.
“Looking nice, babe. Did you finally ditch that incel boyfriend of yours?”
Y/N frowned instantly; she never did like him. He never respected Shigaraki as he should and always made a pass at her whenever her love wasn’t looking. Dabi was hardly a man, more like charred remains. She would never accept his flirtations.
Toga came up behind her and hugged her midsection.
“You look so cute, Y/N-chan! I told you, you should have ditched those tasteless dresses a long time ago!” she cooed in her ear.  
Unfortunately for her, Shigaraki didn’t make an appearance like she’d hoped, but rather a week later. He stepped out, hoping to grab a bite rather than check up on her. But when he did notice her in her black cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline, she could feel the daggers digging into her back.
Y/N pretended not to notice Dabi watching her cleavage with interest as she bent over trying to wipe the tables. Then she heard the sound of his footsteps approaching her and she stiffened before turning around to face him.
“Y/N, what are you wearing? Didn’t I tell you that you look better with what I buy you and not whatever this is,” he said with disgust palpable in his voice.
“I’m sorry do we know each other?” she asked before turning back to finish cleaning the table.
“That table’s clean enough, you need to stop putting on a show for the rest of them,” he hissed out before snatching her hand with three of his fingers and pulling her along.
Y/N didn’t put up a fight lest his pinkie accidentally touched her hand and disintegrated it.
Shigaraki started viciously scratching his neck when they entered his darkened room. Only the glare of his T.V. highlighted his dry skin and features.
“What’s going on? Why are you dressed like that and what happened to your hair? And why are you not talking like Mimi-chan?”
Y/N stared at the man she loved, she still did even now. Oh, how she wanted to beg for forgiveness and flinch away from his red furious eyes. But she couldn’t, not now. Y/N was not a disposable thing that he could treat however he liked. All for One chose her just like Shigaraki. There was no difference between the two, only she was too meek to take control like he did. But now she knew if she continued down this path, he would abandon her without a second glance unless he truly respected her.
“See those are the things I do for someone that loves me and is committed to me. Someone who I’m dating and am in a relationship with. You, Shigaraki, are not my boyfriend. We are not dating.”
His hands paused on his neck, revealing his nails caked in his blood. His glare that she so feared earlier became even more hostile and he started breathing erratically.
“And when exactly did we break up, Y/N?” he asked with a gleam in his eye.
Y/N steadied herself and ignored his attempt to frighten and break her. She replied with fake confidence, “when you decided to ignore me for weeks for a girl that whores herself to dozens of men at the same time. When you threatened to kill me for asking you to pay attention to me.”
Shigaraki’s hands dropped from his neck and his face became hidden by his azure hair.
“I see. Such a shame…” He looked up with a gruesome smirk. “Such a shame you’re going to die now!”
He lunged towards her with all of his fingers posed to touch her, but Y/N reacted just in time, flaring her quirk and creating a solid, energy shield before he could even touch her.
“Don’t you dare lay a finger on me. You don’t get to touch me, and you don’t get to threaten me. All for One-sama has always made us equals and it’s time you start treating me like one,” she hissed out from her clenched teeth.
Shigaraki just chewed his bottom lip before letting out a hysterical laugh.
“Is the side character tired of sharing her spotlight? Too bad, Y/N. You have always been mine and you know exactly where you belong, underneath me. And on your back with your legs around me.”
She looked at him firmly. “No, not anymore. I won’t be your second player until you stop treating me like your cannon fodder instead of your partner.”
Y/N could see the moment it hit him, and he stared at her like he had never seen her before. She squashed the bit of hope that arose and turned her back to him. She left that room without a second glance.
The next couple of weeks included Shigaraki glowering from afar at her and he barely spoke to her unless it was to issue orders. But what made it all worth it was when even All for One-sama acknowledged her newfound attitude.
“I see you have stepped out of the shadows, Y/N. Good. You will finally live up to the potential I envisioned for you.”
Shigaraki after the conversation proceeded to throw a huge tantrum and disintegrated much of the furniture within the bar.  
When the next plan for the League of Villains became aware. Y/N had been chosen to accompany Dabi and to eventually kidnap a hero in training by the name of Bakugou Katsuki. She hadn’t been allowed to accompany everyone when they attacked the USJ, but now she going to show her worth.
Dabi slung his arm around her shoulders and touched her short hair.
“Hmm, alone at last huh, Y/N. What do you think of me and you afterwards?”
Y/N scowled and shook his arm off her. “We aren’t alone, and we’ll be fighting plenty of heroes. And I have no need for you.”
He hardly seemed concerned at her rejection and just shrugged.
“Well, you know where to find me if you changed your mind.”
Dabi gave a shit-eating grin as the staples around his face strained. “Later, Y/N.” He winked and left with his hands in his pockets.
She was perplexed at his reaction before turning around to see Shigaraki standing a few feet away. Now Dabi’s reaction made sense as the blue-haired villain once again seemed incensed.
“Y/N, come with me. I need to talk to you for a minute.”
She shuffled after him, no doubt another argument waiting to happen even though she hadn’t even encouraged Dabi’s attentions.
His room was again dark with only his T.V’s light accentuating the creepy bare room.
“You…. You’re really done with me. You haven’t looked twice at me for weeks.”
Y/N looked at him, unable to believe that’s the conversation they were having instead of Shigaraki engaging in another jealous fit.
“You did the same thing to me. We might be villains, but I thought it was understood that we would be loyal to each other.”
He came closer to her until his three fingers clutched her shirt and pulled her closer. His head rested against her shoulder causing Y/N to become rigid for a second before relaxing.
“She was a pastime nothing more and nothing less. You and I were always meant to be together. You were mine since I laid eyes on you.”
He tugged her face and smashed their lips together. Y/N tried to resist and push him off her, but when she felt his tongue brush up against hers. She let out a moan and responded eagerly, her tongue entangled with his and her hands clutched his shoulders desperately.
How long had it been since he last touched her? How long had it been since he kissed her? It felt like an eternity and she was gasping reverently for him. Maybe she should have been more aware that by allowing him to have her she would regress to old habits. But Y/N finally had him in her arms again and she always craved him like how Sensei yearned to rewrite the rules of this world. Her plight matched that of Toga when she found someone new to obsess over and drink their blood. It resonated with Twice who so hopelessly wanted someone to connect with and instead chose to cling to Toga.
But now, she knew better. Y/N knew how to have her cake and eat it too. Because she realized that Tomura and her were one and the same. Two lonely individuals trying to overturn the inequality of the world, overshadowed by the heroic mirage of Pro Heroes. But most of all she knew that he couldn’t be alone just like her. And he would always come back just as she did. His erratic behavior throughout the weeks just confirmed it.
Y/N slowly dragged her hands from his shoulders to his head where she tugged his hair back to reveal his alabaster neck that probably never saw the sun. Tomura let out a grunt when he felt her teeth leaving sharp bites wherever she could.
“Tell me you need me. Tell me you love me,” she urged when she left a particularly large bruise just above his clavicle.
Y/N felt his thump and pointer fingers dig into her hips.
“As soon as you stop playing these games with me,” he growled out. She pushed him down on the sole mattress on the floor that served as his futon.
“Is that so?” she murmured as she set about the task of his removing dark faded pants.
It didn’t take long for his half-hard member to reveal itself, Tomura never wore any underwear unless he was going about in his quest to destroy Pro Heroes. Thankfully, it appeared he at least kept up with his hygiene, she demanded (more like requested) him to do so unless he never wanted her mouth anywhere near his cock.
She let out a pleased hum when she tasted salty precum leaking out from his member. His body tensed and she could see him biting his chapped lips to keep his howls under control. Well, that wouldn’t do at all. She immediately took his entire size inside her mouth, feeling him at the back of her throat and causing tears to build in her eyes. Tomura let out a loud groan that echoed in his empty room and his hips bucked at the sensations of her hot, wet mouth. She began a fast rhythm and he couldn’t bear to hold in his reactions, so he got louder and louder. Her mouth and tongue were swirling around the tip while the rest of him was being stimulated by both of her hands. And just as his leg started shaking, his cock twitched in her mouth, and his precum started getting more and more sticky and viscous; she immediately pulled away. Tomura let out a mix between a growl and a miserable groan.
He pushed up with his hands and glared at her. “You bitch- “
“Tell me you love me, Tomura,” she demanded.
Instead of lying back down like she expected, he instead moved closer to her face and kissed her slowly.
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips and then suddenly switched their positions. Carefully he touched her clothes with all his five fingers allowing her attire to dissipate and reveal her naked body to him.
“Now, that you got what you wanted. It’s my turn and trust me you’ve got weeks’ worth of frustration to deal with.”
Like always he slowly inserted himself in her, allowing time and the slick walls to accommodate his length in her body. Tomura pushed in and out a few times allowing the fluid from her wet cunt to smear over his length. When he was finally ready, Tomura folded Y/N in half and pushed her knees against her chest. He began a fast-rhythmic pace that needled vulnerable moans out of her. With a hysterical giggle, he leaned over to fiercely chomp down on her shoulder which she responded with a guttural shriek and tried to uselessly shake his grip off her.
Tomura licked the blood off her wounds and continued his pace until he felt the familiar flutters of her cunt around his length.
“Look at you. You’ve been starving for my cum, haven’t you?” A feral grin blossomed on his face when he stopped his plunging cock and instead started to slide it in between the needy slit. Grinding against her clit particularly got her shuddering and begging for him to continue. Tomura wrapped his hand around her throat with his pinkie up, protecting her from his quirk. He steadily resumed his pace and fucked with a single-minded focus while the pressure of his grip got heavier and tighter. Her breathing slowed. Unable to get a fresh supply of air her vision started getting blurry. The sharpness of his thrusts only amped her pleasure and her body’s reaction could no longer be contained. The orgasm overwhelmed her mind so much she closed her eyes and the rush of hormones exploded in a plethora of color.
“Fuck!” Tomura gasped out unable to stop his pleasure and he spilled into her welcoming embrace. He finally let go of Y/N’s pretty throat that preserved the red bruises he gifted her so well.
The two of them stayed on that mattress for hours, trying and failing to get some sleep. The next day as the mission finally went underway, Tomura only smirked with satisfaction seeing the marks on Y/N as she left to continue the will of their esteemed sensei.
Disclaimer: Reader slut shames sex work in this fic. It doesn't reflect my personal feelings, but rather it's a reflection of the reader's feelings (AKA Jealousy) I was trying to portray. Please treat sex workers and sex work with respect and dignity in real life.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
* Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
No student was more enthusiastic than Kuroh Yatogami in learning by watching. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, he continued to learn everything that his teacher, Miwa, did. Sometimes looking to the side of housework and work, and sometimes grasping the hem of the hakama between the dojo boards and intently watching every move.
At first glance it seemed too much.
"Ichigen-san, isn't it a bit difficult for Kuro?"
The old man who lived in the neighborhood was a little scared and worried. On the other hand, Miwa...
"No, I didn't specifically teach him to do that. Rather, I've always told him that it's better to take things a little more calmly, but... well, maybe it's his innate nature."
At first, he thought that he might have been suffering from such harsh upbringing, so he argued with Miwa and tried to induce him to relax in various ways, but he soon realized.
That would be like a form of detention.
It can be a burden on the heart to command a child whose shoulders are natural to relax more. After realizing that, he preferred to let him do whatever he wanted.
As a result, Kuro had become able to observe Miwa and learn everything he wanted. And he absorbed various things from Miwa with his concentration.
Japanese cooking technology that transforms simple ingredients into a feast with skilled cooking.
A swordsman who judges the opponent's attack like running water and hits it like a cloth.
How to grow some vegetables and how to read classical literature. In the end, how to operate a helicopter, etc.
As Kuro grew older, the variety of things he could do increased, and the quality had steadily improved.
There was only one thing that he did not imitate about his beloved master. Miwa who had noticed it for a long time, and one day asked casually.
"Kuro. Would you like to try making a haiku yourself?"
At the time, Kuro was fascinated by rereading the notebook in which he wrote Miwa's haikus. He had a habit of hastily pulling out his notebook and pencil and writing shorthand when he began to write a sentence in an informal setting of everyday life.
Kuro closed his ramshackle notebook and choked. Miwa said hurriedly...
"Oh, don't get me wrong, okay? I don't blame you for anything. Haiku isn't something you're forced to do because it doesn't affect everyday life. But all you do is imitate me. It's a bit strange."
Said that…
"Yes, Ichigen-sama."
Kuro shook his head slightly sadly.
"I have tried several times, but I have not been able to think of a worthy haiku like Ichigen-sama."
Miwa scratched his cheek with his finger as if he was in trouble.
"No, my haikus just pop up without following any rules, right? If a decent teacher listened to me, they would scold me. You shouldn't get too attached to that."
Kuro looked a bit angry.
"If I want to do a haiku, I would like it to be like Ichigen-sama's, but it's difficult."
Miwa adopted a thoughtful look.
"I am sure the legs will find incompetent freedom in the troubles that govern them. It certainly seems difficult."
"Oh, it's nothing. It's just a story."
Miwa had a bland expression.
"Kuro. Then maybe it's better not to try haiku by force. It's more inconvenient. I'm sure that when that time comes, you will naturally be able to recite your own haiku."
"Will I be able to do such a thing?"
Miwa smiled at Kuro, who looked uneasy.
"That's right. This is not a prophecy, but a premonition like your master."
Kuro laughed too.
"I'm happy then!"
"On New Year's Day of the following year, Ichigen-sama gave me this voice recorder, saying that it was a substitute for New Year's gifts."
In a corner of Gakuenjima, Kuro was showing Shiro his favorite voice recorder. The students exercised on the floor.
The two met during a break and had lunch together.
From the report that Shiro dealt with haiku in class, came the story of a memory of Ichigen Miwa.
"I guess he couldn't see the notebook about to break. Since then, I've been able to store Ichigen-sama's haikus without losing them. Of course, it's also stored in the cloud, right? However, Ichigen-sama's haikus you hear on this tape recorder is the best."
Shiro, who was a bit drawn to power and enthusiasm, had a warm expression,
"Well, Ichigen Miwa was a good person."
He commented on that without any problem. Kuro was serious. Shiro suddenly had a gentle look,
"What about you? Haven't you done your haiku yet?"
Kuro had an expression like remembering something.
"That's how it is."
At the time of the final battle with Mishakuji Yukari, he involuntarily uttered words like Miwa.
Perhaps the moment Miwa was saying had already arrived at that point.
"It may be a good idea to study everything I can from now on. To remember those days."
He suddenly said that with a simple feeling.
Shiro kindly said...
"I will support you, Kuro."
"Thanks, Shiro."
Kuro replied like this. From now on, he wanted to live with Shiro and Neko and infuse his own haiku into the voice recorder in the same amount as the haiku left by Ichigen Miwa.
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hello everyone~ Ik that someone requested this awhile back, but some of my earlier request have been lost so I sort of wrote what I remember from the request. I’m sorry if its not exactly what you were looking for, but enjoy~Amanda
“Apology Accepted”
Your place in the Demon Slayer Corps was to not exist; better said, you were part of an elite team that specialized in staying hidden, stealthy executing missions given directly from the mouth of your superior. Most members in the corps thought you all to be a myth and it was intended to stay that way. Aside from Oyakata-sama, the only others who knew of your lethal team were the Hashira’s and another select few.
When you met Sanemi, you feared for your life; literally. Your uniform required you have half your face hidden, but you slipped up, exposing yourself to others who weren’t supposed to know of your identity. By the time you and Sanemi successfully finished the mission, you’d grimmly accepted that the only appropriate form of punishment was execution. Alas, Oyakata-sama graciously saw past your mistake and pardoned your ‘crimes’. You and Sanemi continued seeing each other, eventually falling into a secret love. 
You were never one to try and argue with Sanemi; in your entire relationship, you could count on one hand how many times you’ve had to so much as raise your voice with him (that didn’t mean that man didn’t bring you close many, many times).You watched in utter horror and fury at the ruthless scene that was unfortunately unfolding before you. Sanemi could sometimes be a little too rough, too blunt, too brash, but this was another level.
Your ears rung as you watched you boyfriend viciously pry the poor, sweet young girl from the battered box on the ground, her blood spilling onto the ground at his expense. “That idiot! He couldn’t just stand in line like the rest of the Hashira!” you fumed. You had been standing there on the sideline during the whole meeting, hidden from the view of others, watching helplessly as the whole spectacle unravelled, unable to intervene. “It isn’t your place” you reminded yourself every time you involuntarily took a step out of the shadows to stop Saenmi’s wild sword from striking once more.
“C’mere demon, take a piece of my arm and prove to everyone that you're no different than the others” Sanemi taunted, waving his bloody arm in front of the salivating girl, her eyes welling with tears. “Don’t” You silently pleaded the girl, her brother struggling, watching with wide eyes under the heavy force of Obanai’s elbow. You couldn’t help smiling as the demon girl pulled away refusing to even look at Sanemi.
The meeting came to a quick end soon after; your intense glare never once leaving Sanemi’s head.“Just you wait, once Oyakata-sama leaves there will be no reason for me to just stand here”. From a few feet away, Sanemi shivered “Something’s not right here” he looked around warily, bowing to Oyakata-sama’s receding form.
You walked calmly with your head held high, your sights set on a certain white-haired male. To everyone else, you looked like any other peron, but to your hot-headed boyfriend, you looked terrifying. Your eyes locked with his, “that's it” he concluded, “she’s what's not right”. The woman coming towards him was not the usual calm girl he was used to, this was another monster in itself. 
He stilled, unable to look away from your fierce eyes, instantly noticing the way your hands uncharastically balled at your side. “What are you-” he started, silenced by your clenched jaw and flared nostrils. For the first time, Sanemi felt small in your presence.
Your hands suddenly wrapped around the back of clothing, forcing him into some semblance of a bow. He was completely thrown off guard, he didn’t even have the will to resist. Your gaze softened as you watched the reunited Kamado siblings. “I’m sorry for all the trouble he’s caused you, nothing can excuse his behavior but please accept my apology” you voiced clearly, joining your boyfriend in a bow.
“Nezuko wait-” a small hand pat your head, your eyes rising to meet those of the demon girls' pink ones. “I’m rooting for you” you whispered, smiling at the girl's obvious kind, innocent heart. You were pulled back to reality when you felt Sanemi’s questioning gaze from beside you. His form rigid as you pulled him upright, wordlessly excusing yourself, marching away to a secluded area far from here.
The Hashira’s stood dumbfounded, unmoving from the spots they’d just witnessed the whole ordeal from. “Who the hell was that?” Obanai was the first to break the silence. “Hmm seems as though that rock head has found himself a pretty lady to call his own” Uzui announced loudly, his large hands resting on his hips. Mitsuri sputtered next to him, “Excuse me” she muttered covering her face. “I wouldn't want to be Sanemi-san right now, she was terrifying” Rengoku stated, gaining a chorus of “yea” from the others.
Finally resting in a private area, you released your hold on Sanemi. His tough exterior was slowly cracking, never had he managed to make you so upset, he was unsure of how to fix it. “What the fuck is your problem Y/n?! You can’t just walk around here and you fucking know it”- that was not the way to fix it. Taking a deep breath you started steadily, “You just attacked a CHILD Sanemi! Injured her and forced her brother to watch. She’s in a situation she never asked for and here you are making it harder and you expect me to not have a problem?” you seethed.
“Oh please, you know those wounds healed right after my sword left her body. Plus, if it weren’t for me she’d have been killed” he fought back with just as much force, but it didn’t matter to you. “She still feels pain, Sanemi!” your voice dropped to an eerie quiet, “You’re so quick to forget that the only reason I’m alive, that we could even be together is because Oyakata-sama pardoned me. If not for that, my head would have rolled off a wooden block. So please, don’t think for one second you saved her”
Silence engulfed you both, neither of you sure what to say next. “Fine. I’m sorry I didn’t think it through, I fucked up” he finally spoke his eyes searching yours for forgiveness. “ I couldn’t help it, you know she’s a risky chance we're all taking by allowing her to live, but I was out of line” he admitted honestly. You softened at his honesty, Sanemi was a walking wall built to exclude others from his life, you were grateful to be let in during moments like this.
You gently stepped closer to the scarred man, taking his cheek in your palm “I understand that Sanemi but we need to trust her. I see something in her and clearly the others do too, I know that your hesitance comes from your past but we need to trust this decision”
Sanemi thought for a long moment, his anger and fears fizzling away slowly at your kind touch. “I trust you and for right now, that's enough” he concluded. “Thank you” you embraced the man in forgiveness, his arm finding their way to your waist. Sanemi was grateful you weren’t furious any more, he’d never admit it but without you he’d be miserable.
Thank you all for reading, stay safe~Amanda
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noirlevity · 3 years
Scent Chapter 4.5
Pairing: TadaAi
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Synopsis: Ainosuke once loved Tadashi, but ever since he broke his heart, he decided to never have anything to do with him. But what happens if he meets him again after so many years and finds out a secret that will change both of their lives forever?
Chapter summary: Mutual pining is never at the same intensity.
Tags: Omegaverse, forced bonding, forced marriage, sorta angst, slow burn
A/N:  Just a little treat. I reached a milestone while working on this fanfic. I think I'm truly back. This isn't part of the original chapters I wrote so it's more like an extra but I really wanted this. The fanfic is serious so I just wanted to write more fluff. The next two chapters are extras as well. 
Read: AO3 || 1 2 3 4
Footfalls fall heavy on the carpeted floor. Ainosuke slumps on the couch and crosses his legs. Tadashi feels his stare on his back as he ties the curtains. 
"How do you find the room Ainosuke-sama? We didn't change anything but maybe you'd like to change some things?"
"It's fine."
Tadashi walks back to him.
"Then I'll leave you to rest. Natsuno will wake you when dinner is ready. For your luggage, which do you prefer, for the maids to unpack them for you or you'd rather do it yourself?"
"I'll unpack them myself."
"If there isn’t anything else then I’ll excuse myself."
Ainosuke walks towards Tadashi. He stands and stares at the older man. Too conscious of himself, Tadashi looks away and tightens his lip in a grave line. 
"Let me see your room," Ainosuke says after a long silence. Tadashi looks up, a bit surprised. 
"It's on the other wing. It's better if you rest now. You’re tired aren’t you?"
"The one you used when we were young?"
Tadashi shifts his eyes conscious of Ainosuke's heavy stares. 
"Heh~ then I'll rest. But the clothes will wrinkle at this rate." Ainosuke dips his head to look at his clothes and then raises his eyes to leer at Tadashi. 
"Undress me." 
Tadashi blinks. He didn’t want to but what can he do? Hesitantly he walks closer to him; eyes locked on his master’s pink necktie. Swiftly, Tadashi pulls on the cool fabric of Ainosukue’s tie and unbuckles the knot silently. The rustling sound of the fabric filled the quiet room. Heavy stares felt as if his skin is burned by an iron rod. The warmth of Ainosuke’s breath on his hand and the sound of his own heart blasts in his ears. Tadashi feels cold. Almost too cold that he could feel himself about to grind his teeth because of it. 
Truthfully, he didn’t want to be Ainosuke’s secretary. Eleven years have gone by since they last saw each other. They separated badly so he knew for sure that working under him won’t be good for the both of them. He said bad things; hateful things; unforgivable things. But he thought he would grant himself the opportunity to be with him again, for a little while. He thinks it's a little consolation after everything.
A pleasant sweet smell hangs heavy in the air. Tadashi secretly basks in the scent. Memories flash in his mind. Memories of him and Ainosuke. For the first time, Tadashi feels completely safe. He feels satisfied. Yet he is afraid this scent will hold him back from walking away. He hopes with all his heart that it won’t. 
Lost in thought, Tadashi is brought back to reality when he feels the heavy stares again. Ainosuke moves his body forward making Tadashi feel pressed against the younger man’s chest. Being too close to his master is suffocating.  
"Sir," Tadashi steps back in a half step, his voice trembling as he gasps. Words are stuck in his throat. He didn’t have the courage to tell Ainosuke to stop staring.
"What?" Ainosuke perches a hand on Tadashi's waist. 
"You don’t want to take my clothes off? Everyone wants to, you know. It's a privilege I’m giving you as my secretary."
At this Tadashi turns red. 
"It’s not as if you’ve never undressed my father right? You don't need to be shy."
Tadashi is silent. He swallows a lump in his throat at Ainosuke's comment.
The tie comes off. Tadashi walks to the side to take off his jacket but Ainosuke’s hand on his waist doesn't let go. Tadashi was at a loss. He couldn't move. He swallows hard and tried to wrench away Ainosuke's grip by moving fast. Ainosuke only licks his bottom lip when Tadashi manages to break away.
Tadashi figured that the awkwardness that looms between them was because he couldn't think of anything to say. After 11 years of not seeing Ainosuke, he was rendered speechless by how the other has grown. He's no longer the cute kid that used to cling to him innocently. And he's even talking about adult matters now without care. A warm feeling envelops Tadashi’s chest. He doesn’t regret that he became Ainosuke’s secretary. Even if it’s just for a little bit, he wants to be close to him again. For him, it is enough that they’re just inside a room together without speaking as long as he is with him. Smoothly, Tadashi unbuttoned Ainosuke's vest and decided to make conversation. 
"You've become so beautiful now," Tadashi began. Ainosuke's eyes widened at the comment.
"Of course they would want to… to undress you to see for themselves how beautiful you are. Perhaps it's normal. You are at the ripe age to find a partner after all."
It was what Tadashi honestly thought. Ainosuke had always been good-looking. It's no surprise to him that the younger man had many suitors. He had it all. Tadashi was proud of this. He was proud of Ainosuke. The younger man is silent. Tadashi didn’t notice the way he looked at him with eyes colored by a mix of contemplation and expectation. 
"For sure you've played with others yourself."
Tadashi furrows his brow. It takes a while before he answers.
"Not really. I didn't have the time."
The vest is taken off. Now Ainosuke is down to his inside shirt. 
At Ainosuke’s question, Tadashi feels cornered. He didn't want to be asked personal questions. The silence that hung felt like chains chaffing his wrist. He feels his master shift. He feels him pull him in for a whisper and it activates his flight response.
"Then," Ainosuke's tone was dangerous, thick with the juice of the forbidden apple. 
"Why don't you play now?" Tadashi unconsciously looks at him and meets his eyes. The look makes him feel as though he was challenging him to do something. Tadashi is confused. Play with whom?
Ainosuke leans in but Tadashi's fist on his chest tightens, stopping him from leaning forward. Ainosuke smirks. The look of confusion on Tadashi's face pisses him off. So he really hadn't had experience? Impossible. Ainosuke couldn't believe it. 
As Ainosuke leers at Tadashi, he is angry with himself. Why was he trying to seduce this man? What good would that do to him? There is a thrill in having this man a prisoner to pleasure begging him to take him. There is a thrill in seeing his cold impassive face break into orgasmic rapture as Ainosuke toy's with him. That is the reason why.
Tadashi unbuttons the white shirt revealing Ainosuke's taut well defined pectoral muscles. If it was another person, they'd probably be fucking now. Usually, people can't resist seeing his naked self. But Tadashi is unmoved. He didn't even look at him twice. 
The sound of rustling fabric and his heartbeat are like a ticking clock. Ainosuke stares at Tadashi’s  downcast eyes hoping for him to make a mistake. Hoping for him to give him a sign that he wants to be intimate with him. This was always the course of events with others. To his utter disappointment, Tadashi only touches him as what his job requires. It almost feels like rejection. The corner of his mouth twitches. The bed is just meters away, why doesn't Tadashi get a clue?
Warm fingers brushed his chest. Ainosuke feels  Tadashi finally take off his shirt. It folds on the juncture of his arm and then Tadashi finally pulls it off of him. He feels Tadashi's breath on his chest. He heaves. He wonders if this is how it would feel like if Tadashi roams his mouth on his body. He wonders  if this is how it would be if Tadashi ghosts his mouth on the ridges of his collar bone. Ainosuke feels his member stiffen at the thought. Sweat sluices down his jaw as he stares at Tadashi with eyes full of want. The anger that he felt was dispersed by the throes of desire that roped his insides ever since he breathe in his scent. He didn’t even try fighting back. He chooses to be poisoned and doesn’t even realize it. 
"What do you like?" Ainosuke drawls as he played with the hem of Tadashi’s suit. He feels hotter than before. He wants to know Tadashi’s type. He wants to know if he could fit as his ideal type. 
"I haven't thought about it." Comes Tadashi’s bland reply. His reticence about the topic is obvious. 
Ainosuke is silent. He remembers how Tadashi used to say he loves him.
"Liar." Ainosuke’s cool voice came in a whisper. 
Tadashi looks up but immediately looks away. 
"Maybe someone who has a great smile."
Ainosuke smiles at that. Again, what a useless answer. 
"I'll get your clothes." 
Ainosuke grabs his wrist.
"It's fine… I’ll get it. Stay put."
Ainosuke takes a shirt and long cotton pants. He takes off his trousers exposing his hard-on without shame. He slips inside the pants and walks to the bed. 
"Tadashi, don't leave. Wait until I fall asleep."
Tadashi nods. He stays with Ainosuke even after hearing his master pleasure himself under the sheets. He stays with him even after he falls asleep.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @willowcrowned ​
Tagging: @squirenonny @sergeant-angels-trashcan @the-roadkill-cafe @brawltogethernow​
Remember to make a new post!
How many works do you have on AO3?
160, but that number’s going to go up as soon as I transfer some tumblr fics over
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Girl Genius, Naruto, Marvel (MCU and comics), Voltron: Legendary Defender, Miraculous Ladybug, Harry Potter, Star Wars Prequels, Hamilton, Doctor Who, Twilight, Attack on Titan, The Good Place, Beauty and the Beast (1991), Enchanted (2007), Hunger Games, Firefly
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Capsaicin, Rattlesnake of the Day, The Universe's Newest Puppet, I Don't Believe You, and Just a Little Death
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to most comments of substance (e.g. I recently had someone commenting with a line of emoji hearts on every chapter of JaLD, which was sweet but not something I can actually respond to), but I have a few sitting in my inbox from months ago, including one that’s currently aged 221 days that I keep MEANING to reply to but just... can’t dig up the energy to, because it’s a really nice, really thought-provoking comment, and my brain is mush.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I’ve got a few but let’s go with The Colors on our Metal Skin.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
So many, the craziest is probably... depends on your definition of crazy?
- That's Science! (minor fandom and minor subsection of a giant fandom)
- Your Exit is in Another Castle(many fandoms)
- Storms, Sincline, and a Single Drop of Sincerity (crack ship treated very seriously)
- To Build a Queendom (main character appeared for all of like five issues of the actual canon)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got suicide-baited a LOT for SasuKarin fic. So. Yes.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Not very often but sometimes! I have a lot of headcanons and general musings about how characters have sex, but I rarely have a brainstate to write actual smut. If I write smut, it’s usually queer dom/sub stuff with a heavy emphasis on consent in situations that make said consent complicated.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sort of but I think it was just a really weird search engine access thing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I remember! I think someone asked for permission once and then didn’t follow through.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A few times, but most of them petered out. The most recent attempt at such was Sowing Discord with @purronronner​.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I think I come back to SasuKarin regularly enough that it counts.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
So many but let’s say Turn Back the Clock. I had so many plans! I finished the cosplay for an AU version of a character that never made it on page!
What are your writing strengths?
I want to say banter. I love writing banter, and I’ve been told I’m good at it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I have a hard time keeping character voices consistent with canon and within a work, and I'm really bad at juggling really large, complex political machinations even as a reader, let alone as a writer, especially when canon's already giving me trouble. This could be just a thing, and not a weakness, except the fandoms I tend to dabble in are fandoms where complex, large-scale political machinations are A Major Thing.
Also I can't stick to plans, which is probably why I'm so prone to abandoning things.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Really hard to balance in a way that adds to the story instead of taking someone out. I started out with anime fandom, where it’s an ongoing struggle to balance where you keep the Japanese and where you don’t, especially when half the fandom is reading one translation that keeps things, and half the fandom is reading another translation that doesn’t.
- You (probably) want to keep the names of people, but do you keep the names of towns? - How do you choose to translate this title to keep the correct rank in implication as well as direct translation? - Everyone knows the name of this attack, so it shouldn’t cause a hiccup in reading to keep it, but what about the less well-known attacks? - This acronym is widely known by the fandom but only works in Japanese, do you use it anyway? - English doesn’t have the same element of including age and politeness when referring to family members, do you want to work out the correct way to represent aneue and nii-chan and sofu-sama as anglophone slang variants, or do you work with the actual Japanese as shorthand and include an author’s note addressing why characters use the words they do?
More recently, I’ve been in Star Wars fandom, where you’ve got both a bunch of sort-of English made-up words (jizz music, transparisteel, flimsi, kriff) and semi-developed conlangs (most notably Mando’a and Huttese), and there’s that element of 'when is it a good idea to use the words you can find on Wookiepedia, and when is it overkill?'
Characters do switch from one to the other, and there are good, in-character reasons for doing so that revolve around culture and childhood traumas and personhood, but where a tv show can include subtitles to translate for the viewer in time with the spoken words, something like that can break up the flow of the narrative in fanfic. So you have to balance where you include dialogue tags to differentiate, or when it would make sense from a character perspective to include nicknames in another language that can be dropped in among the English (e.g. clones using Mando’a nicknames for Jedi could be a matter of the clones claiming a culture that was refused to them, and it’s something you can build a lot of character development into as a choice), when it makes more sense to just write “and then they said something in X language that the POV character didn’t understand,” when it's best to just italicize the parts in not-POV-language, and so on.
Basically, it’s a hard thing to balance and you always risk alienating readers with it, but sometimes it makes more sense for the characters or setting.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter (I know, not surprising).
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I have a few that I'm always going to be fond of, but Red and Gold is one of the ones I'm most proud of.
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momocicerone · 3 years
we never had a shotgun shot in the dark
also on ffnet | AO3  |
Fandom: Detective Conan / Case Closed
Pairing: Kuroba Kaito | Kaito KID / Miyano Shiho | Haibara Ai
Genre and Rating:  Humor/Romance; K+
Summary:  KID flinches, then sighs with resignation. His lips turn downwards into a frown as he gently starts pulling the tie to undo his cape, "You know, you would usually have to buy me at least three dinners to make that kind of request—"
A/N: So you might suspect by now that i actually ship Shiho with everyone under the goddamn sun... Kaito ranking very high on that list. If you know me from other fandoms, well... this is exactly my type of ship dynamic. Also, wrote this in like half an hour because it wouldn't leave me alone. I don't know what this is gonna be... misc drabbles? a fic told in parts? a one shot? go figure!
“I’m afraid that ‘borrowing’ without former consent or approval still qualifies as stealing, thief-san.” 
He doesn’t reply right away. Instead, the corner of his lips tilt upwards in a condescending smirk, just a second before he swiftly brings his brows together into an innocent, hurt expression. 
“You're right, ojou-sama. I am but a lowly thief." KID laments, hands slipping inside his pocket as he feigns nonchalance. The jewel he was holding a second earlier is now nowhere to be seen, but Shiho has a good guess of its whereabouts. Dramatically, he places one hand against his chest, "So what business has the likes of you breaking up the heart of someone like me?"
Shiho represses the urge to roll her eyes, and opts to ignore the comment altogether.
"I saw that," She cocks her gun, opening the palm of her free hand towards him. "Give it back."
There's a brief twitch in the corner of the thief's lips— either of amusement or frustration, Shiho can't tell,— but it doesn't last longer than a split of a second, so she forgoes delving in it. He turns on his heels to face her, both hands up in the air in a surrendering gesture. The fake innocent expression never leaves his face.
"I can't." Kaito explains, "I don't have it."
“Liar," Shiho hisses, an exasperated scowl on her face, "I saw you."
"You can search if you want, ojou-sama!” The thief has the galls to laugh, turning his empty pockets inside out to prove his point. "I really don't have it."
Shiho is silent for a couple of seconds in which she honest to God considers pulling the trigger to prove her point. 
She decides against it.
"Take off your clothes." She says instead, her tone as impassive as ever.
And this effectively throws the magician into disarray, to her utter satisfaction. He blurts a disgruntled "Ehhhhhhhhh!?" as his face flushes the brightest shade of red she's ever seen, and that fake innocent expression is finally replaced by one of sheer bemusement. 
It's Shiho's turn to smirk, unfazed as she releases the security pin of her gun, "I'm not repeating myself."
KID flinches, then sighs with resignation. His lips turn downwards into a frown as he gently starts pulling the tie to undo his cape, "You know, you would usually have to buy me at least three dinners to make that kind of request—"
Shiho's gun moves to aim at his head.
"We'll start with the stupid hat."
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spield · 4 years
journey to i - kakasaku
Author’s Notes: This has been in my google docs for so long, I’ve forgotten all about it. I low-key panicked when I couldn’t find it my files hahaha. But here it is. Not much romance, but more of... hmm, you tell me what you think it is in your comments! ;) 
Disclaimer: As I’ve said before, sometimes I just write to get things out THEN edit it after. This is the case for this one. Will probably edit this soon though! 
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In the end, when Sasuke asks, Sakura says no. 
She takes his lone hand, kisses his palm and whispers why she can’t. 
Sasuke doesn’t understand but he sees the longing in her green eyes, and ah, that he understands. So he pokes her forehead, just above her seal, and hopes they meet on the road and promises a cup of tea. 
She doesn’t linger to watch him leave. Instead, the moment he turns his back, she turns hers too. One feet in front of the other, she walks through the paths of her village, through the market and takes a few turns and goes inside the Hokage tower. 
In less than an hour, Sakura files her indefinite leave with a promise to assist, help and support members of the Shinobi Alliance on her way but with no promise when she’ll come back.
Kakashi is outside when she steps out, no signs of his hat and coat but with his trademark slouch present. He must’ve jumped through the window, Sakura thinks amusedly. Somehow, even through everything, under the fading light, he still looks untouchable. Perhaps, especially now. “You going somewhere?” 
“You just approved my papers.” Sakura smiles, waving the scroll in front of him. “You know where I’m going.” 
Kakashi’s dark eyes - eyes, how odd - are unreadable as he says, “No. No, I don’t.” 
There’s much left to say, but years of cowardice and hiding are not easy habits to break. So Sakura heads home, and is gone before the sunrise. 
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At the end of it all, Sakura goes on a journey to retrace her own family’s history. Beyond Konoha, beyond the Land of Fire and beyond the world of the shinobi. 
Because before Sakura was the Fifth’s Apprentice, before she was The Scorpion Killer and way before she was the leftovers of an old genin team, Sakura was a Haruno. 
And all Haruno go back to the sea. 
She left Konoha with just one bag filled with colorful clothes that she never got to wear. Clothes that her mother and father gifted her year after year, holiday after holiday, even when she couldn’t wear them. Not in the village of leaves, not when they smell of the sea even if they’ve never touched it. 
So, Haruno Sakura goes home. 
This is what Sakura tells the Godaime, the Rokudaime and anyone who asks. 
(This is what she tells herself, however, in the end, it’s still heartbreak that leads her away from Konoha. When she meets Sasuke for tea, she hopes they could talk about how Konoha broke their hearts in the way it never did to Naruto.)
All questions are quelled by a calling, by the vast distance, beyond the greens of different trees and blues of different seas tug at her heartstrings, whispering, “Darling, our darling, let us hold you.” 
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Sakura circumnavigates the world and through her journey, she meets a monk, a lover and a heathen.
Suna is not known for their religious beliefs. From what she’d gathered throughout her years of friendship with Kankuro, they were pretty lenient to whatever gods their shinobi choose to worship. 
“Maybe, you know, except for another Rabbit Goddess,” Kankuro backtracked, fingers uncoordinated and stiff from fighting, trying to balance a sake cup. It was the first time they’ve seen each other after the war, on the tails still of victory and defeat. High off it. “Yup, maybe not another Rabbit Goddess, maybe not Jashin either - everything else, fair game.”
“Faith is an interesting reprieve from the terrors of life.” Gaara said, righting his brother up with his sand. His teal eyes are fond and warm, and new. His gourd is nowhere to be seen and he looks so young for a man who led their army.  “We let people have their gods.” 
Suna is not known for their religious beliefs, or rather, they’re known for not being known for it but still, it’s where Sakura meets the monk. 
Suna welcomes her with open arms because the sands may be forever shifting, but it never forgets. It remembers her as that 15 year old prodigy who saved their Kazekage’s brother, that 19, 20 and 21 year old who performed miracles in the battlefield with eyes fierce and elbows deep in people’s guts. Suna loves her for what she represents - grit, dirt and kindness honed by the cruelty of the world. 
(Abandoned. That’s what Suna and Sakura had in common.)
Sometimes, Sakura wishes she could see what they see too. 
Now, she’s 23 years old. Two years after the war and she’s still so tired. 
In Suna, she’s given free reign of the hospital. Overseeing their developments in prosthesis, their puppet corps turned into experts of the field. She supposes Sasori would be rolling in his grave at the thought of how his notes revolutionized the entire field of artificial limbs - if he had a grave that is. 
(Sasori was a brilliant man. Mad, yes, but brilliant - and aren’t the brilliant ones always are?)
When Sakura lessens her healing and caseload citing more hands-on training for the Suna medics, Gaara doesn’t ask. She’s still brilliant with her lectures and demonstration and nobody dares to question the greatest healer of the nations. 
It is on the first day of her sixth month when she sees the monk. There’s some sort of blessing ceremony to be done to the new ward of the hospital. The Kazekage’s invited the religious leaders of Suna to bless the place. 
Several came, all with different garments and different rituals. One came with water from a blessed oasis, all barefooted and with hair reaching up to the backs of their knees. They spoke a language she’s never heard, words running over like water over rocks in a bubbling stream. Another came in traditional Suna garments, and sprinkled sand over the white tiles of the new ward - under the setting sun, it looked like fairy dust and gold. 
Many came and went, but one remained still at the outskirts of the crowd, quiet and familiar.
“It’s the first time he’s gone out in public since Chiyo-baa-sama’s death,” Kankuro shrugged when Sakura asked. “He’s kind of particular and all that.” 
It isn’t until the sun dips down the horizon that the monk steps forward. At this point there aren’t anyone left but Gaara and Sakura but nevertheless, they receive no acknowledgement from the stooping man. 
He’s quiet, as he bleeds his chakra to the floor and down every grain of sand in the ward. It always amazes Sakura how chakra lives in non-combatants - a proof that it exists beyond duty. And proof that it can, perhaps, one day exist only for beauty. 
“Do you think he takes confessions?” Sakura whispers. Gaara’s lips quirk upwards, knowing that she knows the difference between a priest and a monk and yet indulges her. “Perhaps. If he does, let me know.”  They’ve all got sins to unload, Sakura muses. And yet, despite being weighed down by all the choices she’s made and been forced to make, it’s not what spills from her mouth when she finds the monk a week after. 
Or rather, he finds her. Coughing, old and sitting on her table. 
There’s something about him, lungs barely holding on and yet still at peace, old age running lines on his face that had her saying, confessing - “I believe I am lost.” 
The monk pauses, eyes torn away from the window and gravitating towards her face. Sakura doesn’t expect a response, after all, he hasn’t said a word to anyone for years. But, he shakes his naked head and offers her a smile, “Nothing is ever really lost.”
That night, she receives a missive from Konoha, like she’s been receiving for the past eleven months but this time, there are two of them. One is a response to the report she wrote about the progress of her study in prosthetics and the other, the other smelling of home and written in a piece of old weathered paper. It almost makes her smile.  Mr. Ukki misses you. 
Sakura doesn’t stay long after that. She fears that if she stays so near to home, its voice will overpower her roots’, and the sea has been waiting for her since she was born. 
She bids Suna goodbye after a year of staying within its walls. She hugs Kankuro tightly, hold Temari’s hand and kisses Gaara’s cheek. 
The Kazekage blushes underneath his hat and Kankuro jibes, “Well, if this is what farewell feels like, then you should say goodbye more often.” 
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For months, Sakura moves from town to town, village to village. Occasionally receiving scrolls from Konoha, asking her to lend assistance to a new ally or an old enemy.
It’s funny, how a great military power apologizes for its sins. Never acknowledging it, never calling it reparations, preferring the term “aid” when it only ever is leverage. 
How odd. 
How hypocritical. 
(Sometimes, Sakura wonders if Uchiha Itachi was truly a loyal ninja of Konoha or if he was yet just another blinded soldier searching for idealism in a corrupted system. Was he a victim, truly? A hero? A martyr? To what end? For whom?) 
In her bones, Sakura feels time slipping faster and faster, and despite these emerging thoughts, she wonders if spring has begun in Konoha. 
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She claims her free tea from Sasuke at a small town on the border of Iwakagure and Takigakure, almost half a year after she left Suna - two years into her journey. 
“You need a haircut, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura greets and watches in satisfaction as the hobo-looking man looks up to her as she sits in front of him. His hair has grown longer, covering part of his face, finally succumbing to gravity and bidding the duck-butt style goodbye. 
There’s something in the way Sasuke speaks her name. When they were kids, it’s always with dismissal and when they went on, it’s with a tone of chained fondness. During the war, it’s with disdain turned acknowledgement. 
When they were in Konoha, Sakura could swear that she could hear pride in Sasuke’s voice, hidden behind the syllables of her name. 
Here, he calls her with surprise melting into relief. Perhaps, being alone has taken a toll to her wayward teammate. 
(Here’s the difference between the two: Sasuke is looking and running from something, Sakura knows where she’s going. Whether or not she’s running or looking too is irrelevant.) (Kind of.)
“Hey, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura smiles and waves a waitress down, “Fancy a cup of tea with me?” 
Sasuke nods, his lips tugging upward. His dark eyes linger on the spider silk strands of her hair against the orange setting sun.  Her hair’s grown longer, almost as long as when they were genin. 
For a short moment, he’s filled with dread, struggling to remember what young Sakura looked like. He’s starting to forget, perhaps, and it is both a blessing and a punishment. 
The shadows shift and stretch under the guidance of the setting sun, and they exchange stories of the road until the moon nudges the sun to rest. 
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It’s funny how easy they fall into bed together, right after tea. 
Sakura’s childhood dreams featured more of a courtship, a promise and a marriage. Teenage Sakura’s fantasy featured more heated kisses, a fight and a leveling of a forest in rage turned lust. 
But this, this is so much better. 
Sasuke touches her with surprising gentleness and want, after they trip their way to his accommodations. There’s a softness in the firm kisses of his mouth, a tremble playing at the edge of his fingertips. It’s not a battle, or a dance but rather an introduction. A hello followed by oh... gods, yes, there -- 
Sasuke makes it good, despite only having one arm, it must be an Uchiha thing to be so good at everything, Sakura thinks as she lay beside her former team mate. 
In a different life, perhaps, she would’ve married Sasuke, she thinks as she watches his lashes flutter as he sleeps. Perhaps, she would’ve give him a child, a girl with his eyes and her hair. A pink-haired Uchiha. But this is not that lifetime. 
Instead, Sakura meets Sasuke again - or perhaps for the very first time - as a lover. Washed anew by his journey, Sakura gets to know her former teammate as a man who can reel out moans and gasps from her, who can, after they decided to travel together for a while, and will start a fire to keep her warm and will tease her about her love affair when he reads Kakashi’s letter over her shoulder.  “Was he the reason why you didn’t come with me?” Sasuke asks. They’re in the Land of Snow, farther from where Sakura really aims to go, but she’s got time to spare and Sasuke might actually be killed by the Raikage if he’s found shuffling around near their country without an escort.  Sakura glances at the words written on the wrinkled parchment (Naruto’s taking classes with Shikamaru. Lots of reading for him to do. He tried using Kage Bunshin to study and knocked himself out. Time is of the essence, he said, and I agree.) and pinches that flicker of hope budding in her chest. 
She shrugs at Sasuke’s question, “I think... I think I wouldn’t have gone with you even without him in the picture.”  Something sad flickers in Sasuke’s eyes before it’s gone, “And yet, here we are.”
“Here we are.” 
In the frigid cold of the snow, Sasuke moves against Sakura as an apology and a goodbye. It’s more than comrades sharing warmth but less than lovers making love. At the back of Sakura’s mind, she wonders if Kakashi knows - if he’s angry or if, like always, he understands.  (She misses him, even when they’ve never had each other like this. But the intimacy of sex is trumped by the intimacy in battle, in handling each other with precious care, scars and blood be damned. It is an intimacy borne of desperation, fostered by respect, watered with fondness -- and killed out of love. She misses him, but time is of the essence.) 
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Sasuke and Sakura split up at the outskirts of the Land of Stone at the start of her third year of travelling. He went East, she went West and that was that. A few days in, Sakura enters Asakura.  Asakura is the city of heathens - prostitutions, gambling, and underground dealing. It’s the city of sin, which means, it’s also the land of base instincts and humanity stripped to its bare bones. 
It seems like a city just right up her shishou’s alley. Sakura only had to follow the sounds of bellowing, of bodies of men flying out of tavern, and murmurs about a (beautiful but) crazy bitch burning through her own money to find Tsunade. 
News of another jinchuuriki kage reaches her ears too, but she brushes it away.  It’s been three years since she last saw her shishou and in the dim lights of the tavern, she’s glad to see her as youthful as ever, and tries to erase the image of her wan, old, and dying. 
It is only after Tsunade wins that Sakura approaches with a bottle of sake on hand. 
Glancing down at the large money of pot she just won, Tsunade’s heart pounds hard looking at the girl she broke and trained and broke again until she remade herself - her daughter in all but name - and chokes, joking, “Are you dying?”
When her girl smiles, all calm and accepting, and raises a bottle of the most expensive sake Tsunade ever tasted, something inside the old Senju crumbles.
“Aren’t we all?”
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“Oh Sakura, what have you done?”
Tsunade’s hands are shaking, the fading glow of her uselessness mocking her in the darkness of Sakura’s rented room. 
“Everything, shishou. I’ve done everything. I’ve read every book, prayed to every god--”
“God? What good is a god?”  
Initially, Tsunade refuses to let her go. Forces Sakura to stay put with the same glint in her eyes when she taught the kid how to dodge, but it seemed the Slug Princess taught her too well. 
Because after the barbs, sarcasm and nights of getting way too drunk off the pots of money Tsunade continues to win, Sakura says goodbye. 
And Tsunade, not as bitter as she would’ve been, lets her go, and curses the gods for not taking her instead - because hasn’t she witnessed to many deaths already? 
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It’s at the fourth year of her journey does Sakura finally lays her eyes on the blue of seas at the border of the old Whirlpool lands. The calling is silent now that she’s come. 
She sheds her old life -  her headband, her gloves and her boots and brings out the vibrantly colored fabrics from her parents. It’s silk against her pinkened skin, and the sand is warm against her feet. 
It feels like a hug and a song of - “Darling, our darling, let us hold you.”
Kakashi writes to her and Sakura doesn’t answer with a letter of her own. 
Instead, she sends Kakashi eel that she herself smoked, a small vial of pink sand and a kiss on a card.
That night, she dances under the moonlight like a flickering moth around the pyre she built. 
The oceans sings for her and she is home. 
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After that, there’s no more letters from Konoha. 
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In the middle of the fourth year of her journey and the year mark of her semi-permanent residence by the seas at the border of the old Whirlpool lands, Ino visits her. Ino, with her platinum blond hair arrives, still beautiful even with sweat dripping off her.
It takes three days of sunbathing, flower weaving and rebuilding of an old friendship before Ino asks her to come home.
“Haven’t you been away for far too long?” Ino asks, quiet and grown. The days of high-pitch screams and name-calling seems so far away from this little shack by the sea, in this little life her best friend built for herself. 
They’ve spoken of their friends - Naruto’s marriage, Shikamaru’s courtship fo Temari, Ino’s love with Sai and they laughed like bells but Ino didn’t find an ounce of longing in her friend’s eyes, and she already knew she has lost. 
Sakura looks to the shore, there’s a storm coming and hums, “Perhaps.” 
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The last letter she receives from Konoha is not a letter at all.
It’s a missive, an invitation - for the Rokudaime’s retirement and the Nanadaime’s ascension.
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“God? What good is a god?” 
Who knows? For believers, gods are good for much but--
Because Sakura is not a reincarnation of a god, when she touched Kaguya with her fist glowing green and blue, Sakura touched something not human.
And it touched her back. 
A year into the peace, it rooted deep inside her bones, a poison of the gods against humans brave and stupid enough to lay hands on them. 
It doesn’t take long for Sakura to understand her predicament. She was rotting inside out. Her chakra is poisoning her organs, taking bits off her little by little and so she left Konoha. In leaving, she left what was blossoming between her and Kakashi too in hopes that perhaps she could spare him from this pain.  
But also, she left for this: the sea, the calling and the sand under her feet, and the presence drawing near. 
On the last day of her journey, five years after she left, with her life force draining and yet stretching still - holding on, waiting, the Rokudaime, Kakashi, the man of a thousand jutsu, her lover, her love - arrives on the shores of this little island west of Whirlpool. 
He is older, of course he is. But still, Sakura runs towards him and he, mask pulled down, feet bare and eyes warm - finally free-, takes the last step and meets her halfway. (There’s still much left to say, but they’ve had years of dealing with cowardice and hiding that they’re laughingly easy habits to break.) 
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alitheakorogane · 4 years
Assassination Classroom - Over The Moon AU
I have watched "Over The Moon" on Netflix recently and have the amazing idea. What if we wrote an Over The Moon AU for Assassination Classroom?
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Here is my concept of the Over the Moon AU. Please bear with my long ramblings.
Thousand years ago, Koro became fatally ill due to an incurable disease. His beloved wife, Aguri, loved her husband very much and decided to find a way to heal her dying husband.
So she travelled far and wide to search the legendary Tree of Life, a magical tree that bears a legendary magic peach that only blooms and grows once in a thousand years, which could heal all diseases, no matter how incurable it is. After weeks of searching, she found the tree, and saw the magic peach, glowing with power. Desperate enough to heal her dying husband, she plucked the peach, went home, and made a healing elixir that could heal Koro.
She made Koro to drink the potion and feel the healing power of the elixir, so Koro will be healed. As expected, Koro had recovered from the disease and they lived happily.
But the happiness was short-lived. Aguri found the painful truth about the magical peach too late.
Shin (the Second Reaper), the young and talented village healer, told her the painful truth about the peach. The one who intakes the magic peach can be cured by any illness that plagues him or her, but there is a catch, a curse. The one who intakes the peach can't die, and will be immortal forever.
Aguri clung on her husband’s hands tightly, as she held on his fleeting embrace. He was floating upwards, a mysterious force pulling him away from Aguri's loving arms. The curse has started, and Koro was taken away from her. She cried and cried, holding Koro's hands tight, but she can't cling to him any longer. She let go him, her hands trying to reach her beloved, but Koro was now far away, floating to the glowing moon above.
Aguri was grief-stricken and feels regret over the loss of Koro, so every day and every night, she would offer mooncakes and sweets to an altar she made for her husband. She would pray and sing, so Koro could hear her voice, hoping that she would reunite with him soon.
Unfortunately, Aguri is a mortal and have a short lifespan. She never remarried, as she still loves Koro very much. The tried everything, she prayed and plead and she went to the Tree to find another peach to eat so she could be reunited with Koro, but the peach only grows once in a thousand years. She fell ill and died alone at a young age, without Koro in her embrace.
The now-immortal Koro was alone in the moon, trapped forever in rock and lunar dunes. He cried for the loss of Aguri, as his crystal tears fell to the ground, giving life to the rocks that became his faithful subjects. The rocks turned to humanoid teenagers, which will help him cope with the loneliness and longing for his beloved Aguri.
Every 13th day of the third month (March 13th), people celebrates the tale of Koro and Aguri by eating and offering mooncakes, while telling the children about their tragic tale. The moon would shine so bright at this time, forming a crescent shape as the reminder of Aguri's love for Koro.
Thousands of years after, there was a boy named Nagisa Shiota. He lived a happy childhood, his father would tell him stories, while little Nagisa and his mother, Hiromi, would listen to the tale under the moon. Their favorite story was the tale of Koro and Aguri. When Nagisa was 8, Nagisa's father gives him an old necktie with a crescent moon emblem and a golden moon pendant.
They were very happy, until Nagisa's father died due to illness, leaving his mother depressed and insane, as she started to think that Nagisa was his daughter she never had. She began to have delusions of a happy family, and became abusive to her son, punishing him if he never did her wishes.
Until the day they met the Asanos.
When Nagisa was 14, Hiromi met Gakuho Asano, a widower, and it was love at first sight. After a year, they are planning to get married, and Hiromi began to revert back to her old self, although she was a little abusive to Nagisa.
Gakuho has a son, Gakushuu. He is the same age as Nagisa, and he was very different from the meek Nagisa. He was always serious, competitive and kinda proud, and Nagisa had difficulty getting along with him.
Nagisa was tired of this life. He still wanted his father, and hated the fact that his mother easily replaced his father by Gakuho in her heart. So he wanted to meet Koro, the god of the moon, to prove to his mother that love is not replacable, and it is forever. He had a plan: to build a rocket to the moon.
With a little knowledge of Science and determination, he successfully made the rocket, but he never expected Gakushuu joining his plan to meet the moon god, let alone met Koro in personal. Nagisa lost control of the rocket due to shock, crashing it.
Nagisa was pissed when he found out Gakushuu joined him in this plan. Gakushuu argued that he silently help Nagisa solve the equations needed for the rocket, as some of the calculations Nagisa did are slightly wrong, and can cause trouble for Nagisa later on. Also, Gakushuu wanted to see if this Koro is real all along, as he was still skeptical about the story.
They were arguing when they were suddenly taken away by flying... Octopuses? Gakushuu loses his shit.
And do I have to tell you Koro was always holding concerts at his kingdom? Can you imagine that?
Gakushuu and Nagisa meets Koro, the god of the moon. Nagisa was ecstatic and took a photo with the moon god, while Gakushuu was still mumbing how this is possible. It was peaceful until Koro demanded about a gift to them. The two humans were confused about the immortal's demand. They don't know about the gift.
So Koro had stolen the picture of Nagisa and him as a ransom, as he announced to all his subjects that anyone who can find the gift before the last sliver of moonlight in the orb fades, their greatest wish will be granted. Of course, all of Koro's subjects were excited, so they rush out to find the gift. Nagisa wanted to get the picture so he ran outside, leaving Gakushuu looking at Koro with a glare, suddenly challenging the moon god, demanding about the picture. Koro agrees.
They settled the fight by doing a quiz bee. Two girls, a blonde named Rio, and a purple-haired girl named Ritsu, held the contest, while the Gakushuu and Koro were the contestants. They answered questions with precision, and even Koro was amazed of the strawberry-blond kid's intelligence. But they still continued on, Koro was starting to get annoyed by the kid's knowledge. Until the final question.
Koro mocks that a measly kid like Gakushuu can't answer the final question, as Koro was a thousand years older than Gakushuu and more knowledgeable. Gakushuu, having a sharp mouth than anyone, retorts and mocks the moon god about the past.
"You are more knowledgeable than me, you say to me... But why you never stopped Aguri from picking that magic peach, making and letting you drink that potion that made you who you are now? You're selfish, because if you are knowledgeable as you said you are, I think you know the peach can make you immortal! Aguri was fooled by you!"
Koro was aghast about the accusations and he was pissed, unable to concentrate, leaving Gakushuu to be the victor. Koro screamed angrily that Gakushuu and Nagisa would never get the picture until the gift was given to him, breaking the deal. He left the room with Rio and Ritsu (who was apologizing), locking Gakushuu inside.
Koro was in despair, his heart was desperate to find the gift. Okuda and Takebayashi, the royal chemists, were busily mixing potions that will be needed for the ritual. Irina, one of Koro's two trusted advisors, advised the moon god to calm down. Koro replied that he can't bear to calm down, as the time is nearly up, and he can't reunite with Aguri if the gift was not yet found. Irina assured that they will find it, that Koro will gonna reunite with Aguri. The moon god smiled gratefully at Irina as he looked at what the chemists do.
After a few moments, Okuda announced that the potion for the ritual was ready. The gift was the only one left needed. Koro sadly smiled as he looked at the orb.
Nagisa went with a team of bounty hunters, Terasaka, Muramatsu, Yoshida and Hazama. They fought and escaped the obstacles, as they reached the crash site, finding for the gift. Nagisa started to lose hope, praying for a sign. As he looked around, he noticed a sliver of pale light hitting the necktie. Nagisa widened his eyes as he realized that the necktie was the gift, and happily shows it to the bounty hunters. The bounty hounters, however, had interests for Koro to grant their wishes, bullies Nagisa into giving them the gift. Nagisa gives them a gift, but he was pushed by Terasaka, while his team laughed behind him. Suddenly, he was saved by a red-haired boy and a green-haired girl.
Terasaka calls the new arrivals outcasts as the redhead smiled like a demon, "You both were exiled by the great Koro-sama, why are you here?"
The redhead shrugged and threatened them in a conscending tone to give the necktie back to Nagisa, while the green-haired girl smiled menancingly, sending Terasaka's team shivers down their spine. Terasaka suddenly ran towards his bike with the necktie in his hands, and rode away, along with his team. Nagisa was shocked, before the redhead grabbed his hand and ran to a big pond where they could catch up with Terasaka. They reached the pond and rode on the huge toads's backs back to Kunugigaoka, as the toads like to feed in the lake near Kunugigaoka. Nagisa asked for their names.
"It's Karma and this is Kaede, by the way. You?"
"I’m Nagisa."
"Hi, Nagisa!"
Nagisa remembered what Terasaka said, and asked about it. Karma sighed as he reveals that Koro exiled him due to a song Karma sang to him about moving on. Before the exile, Karma was one of Koro's trusted students. Nagisa find out that Koro loved teaching, and Karma was one of the lucky Kunugigaokans who are the moon god's students.
Nagisa also found out the Kunugigaokans are born through Koro's magic tears. That means Karma practically came from the moon god's tears.
Kaede, on the other hand, was Aguri's actual younger sister. Nagisa was confused how she was with Koro when she was supposed to be mortal, while Aguri can't, Kaede revealed that she is actually a spirit, kinda like a shikigami, who died years after Koro was floated away to the moon, and her spirit remained to accompany Koro as his companion. Nagisa wondered why it was not Aguri, and Kaede explained that Aguri was the one who picked the peach, making it part of the curse Koro was suffering. The curse was not only to make Koro immortal, but it also affects Koro and Aguri's fate. They can't be together happily, even how many lifetimes they will be in. She was also exiled with Karma after telling Koro that a ritual to bring Aguri back would possibly not work.
Nagisa realized that Koro was unfair giving the two of them the punishment of exile for just saying a helpful comment. Nagisa spoke that he never expected Koro to be an arrogant and selfish prick, as his father told him before that Koro was graceful like a swan landing on a quiet lake, full of kindness and hope. Karma replied that Koro just missed Aguri, and love can make you desperate to do anything that may be impossible.
Nagisa smiled bitterly and agree. Kaede asked about Nagisa's family life and the bluenette told the entire life story. The two listened attentively to him. He even told them about his mother and Gakuho being remarried, and Gakushuu.
Karma smiled, "I hope I will experience having a sibling. Well, a sibling who could share my hobbies of pranking other people..."
Kayano nodded as she spoke with a cheerful voice, "Having a sibling is a fun experience though! Aguri was sweet, and she was a good sibling. Besides, we were alone for a thousand years, since we were exiled by Koro-niisan from the castle."
Karma smiled, "It is not bad to move on. You can remember them forever, cherish their memories, but you can't stay in the past and be stuck. Otherwise, you will feel alone forever."
Kaede had also remarked one fact about Koro.
"When he was overwhelmed by great emotions, the entire kingdom of Kunugigaoka will be affected, since he was the one who made the kingdom from scratch. In fact, when he was striken by great grief, Kunugigaoka will plagued by darkness, as Koro's happiness powers the entire kingdom's bright lights. The last time he was striken with great grief was the time he first landed on the moon, long before the kingdom of Kunugigaoka was made."
The trio catch up to the bounty hunters, after they reached the kingdom of Kunugigaoka, Nagisa seeing the orb on the castle glowing faintly, signalling they were running out of time. Terasaka and the gang tried to stop the trio from getting the tie, but the trio were persistent. They fought and fought, Kaede was jumping like a rabbit, Karma was happily punching Terasaka, with Nagisa watching at them in horror and shock, but in between their fight, the tie was accidentally destroyed. The bounty hunters stopped fighting them and proved that the tie was now useless.
Meanwhile, Gakushuu finds a way to escape the room and wanders around the place, looking for something to use for defending himself while looking for the photo. While finding, he met Isogai, a kindhearted Kunugigaokan who happily helped him find the photo. Along with Isogai is Maehara, a flirty blond haired Kunugigaokan.
Nagisa looked at the tattered tie in despair. "It was my father's gift to me, along with this pendant I am wearing."
Karma looked at the pendant and remarks that the pendant seems familiar. Nagisa looked at Karma in confusion, as Karma shrugged, thinking that he may be wrong. Nagisa looked at the pendant and saw something in it. The moon seems like it was actually part of something.
Kaede squinted at the golden pendant and commented, while smiling wistfully, "I remember that Aguri-neechan has that similar necklace thousands of years ago, a full moon necklace. Koro-niisan too have a similar pendant too, although it was a crescent moon pendant. He was still wearing it even now, after a thousand years. I remember that if you combined those two necklaces, it will become a whole moon, like a damn puzzle. It was their version of a wedding ring."
Karma laughed, "Yeah, I remembered that pendant. Koro-sensei showed it to me back when I was still his beloved student. He was so protective of it that he cried like a waterfall when I hid that pendant playfully that time. I remember that is how Itona-kun and Ritsu-chan was born."
Nagisa stood there, pondering over their tale. Being a perceptive person, all the pieces were put to place.
"Like a puzzle. The pendant is like a puzzle. The gift..."
Nagisa's blue eyes widened as he had realized that the tie was not the gift, but the pendant. The pendant that was with him all along!
Karma and Kaede smiled happily for Nagisa while Nagisa looks at the orb above the castle, there is only a sliver of moonlight left. Nagisa knew that there is little time left so he ran along, with Karma and Kaede following him.
While running inside, Gakushuu and Nagisa bumped to each other, and Nagisa hugged Gakushuu in happiness. Gakushuu was shocked as he tried to pull back (he kinda hates hugs), but Nagisa tightly gripped him.
Meanwhile, Maehara and Isogai looked at Kaede and Karma in apprehension, as all Kunugigaokans know that these two are exiled by Koro-sama due to personal reasons. Karma playfully greeted them while Kaede waved back.
Suddenly, a tall man came in, looking at the scene with a serious look. Everyone looked at him, even Nagisa who was pulling away from annoyed Gakushuu.
"Karasuma-sensei!" The four teens greeted the man, who was named Karasuma. Karasuma is Koro's second trusted adviser, along with Irina. Karasuma spoke in a serious voice, "I know you have the gift, the octopus is waiting for you in the main room."
Nagisa was confused why Koro, the god of the moon, was called octopus by Karasuma. Karma, remarked that Koro has great affinity with octopuses as Aguri loves octopuses. In fact, he was sometimes called "octoperv" by some people close to the moon god, due to his hidden pervert nature. It was a cute nickname for the immortal moon god.
Nagisa raised an eyebrow, he never knew about the fact that Koro was like some ordinary male, sometimes a perverted creep.
Koro was in the middle of the room, waiting for the gift, with the Kunugigaokans looking at the new arrivals with concern, happiness and relief. He raised his weird-looking eyebrow to Karma, who smiled like a demonic entity, and Kayano, who awkwardly waved at him. Kayano then looked at Koro with a concerned look, reminding him that it may not work and her opinion still stands, and the moon god smiled sadly, as he walked towards Nagisa.
Nagisa held the golden moon pendant to the immortal and Koro gently picked it up from the bluenette's hands. He looked at the pendant wistfully and removed his own crescent moon pendant from his neck and connected the two necklaces together. It fits like a puzzle piece. Takebayashi poured the potion over the necklaces and the necklaces glowed brightly.
"As two halves can be whole again, this necklace was now complete, like our love. Now, you can come back to me... Aguri."
The castle scenery changes, as it morphed into a clearing, with lots of trees around the place. There is a house in the middle, and Koro, in simple yukata he was wearing back when he was still mortal, was standing in front of the house. Nagisa, Gakushuu and the Kunugigaokans were looking from far away.
The door of the house opened, it revealed a short haired woman wearing a fancy yukata. She was short, with onyx eyes tinged with brown hues. Her short hair was adored with little hairclips and jewelry that was common for women in her time. Nagisa and the Kunugigaokans gasped from far away as they saw the woman. They saw the woman on the paintings of the castle, paintings where it was depicted Koro with his beloved wife. The woman was Aguri, the woman in the paintings and Koro's beloved wife.
It was a tearful reunion, with Koro looking at his love with a longing look as he spoke how he had missed her, and they were now reunited after a thousand years. Aguri smiled and held Koro's cheek with gentleness, but Aguri's hands glowed and slowly became transparent. Koro looked at Aguri in shock.
Aguri tearfully reveals that she can't stay any longer, as they can't be together, and Koro has to move on. Koro shook his head, screaming Aguri's name as he tried to hug Aguri and stop her from fading away, but the woman slowly floated away like how Koro had done a thousand years ago. Koro reached out desperately, trying to grab his beloved wife's hands, but Aguri faded away, smiling and saying, "I will always love you forever."
As Aguri faded away to the wind, the sliver of moonlight on the orb shatters, leaving into nothing. The time was up, and it was too late to bring Aguri back. She was gone forever.
Kaede looked at the scene sadly, as she saw her sister faded away to the wind, like how Koro has done before. She sadly remarked that she knew from the start that the ritual will never work in the first place. The curse will always plagued their fate. Also, if that was possible, you can't bring back the person long dead for a thousand years. Koro is an immortal, and Aguri isn't.
Upon hearing Kaede's sad truth, Koro was stricken with grief over the loss of Aguri once again, plunging Kunugigaoka into darkness. The god suddenly formed a protective barrier around him, forbidding anyone access to him. The Kunugigaokans were worried about their leader, Karasuma voicing his concerns.
"We can't enter the barrier, it is too powerful and no one can enters there. If there is someone that can enter it, they can't go out until Koro stopped the barrier. And knowing him, he will stay like that forever."
Irina continued, "He really loved Aguri very much, and did everything to make her come back. But we all know that it is impossible. Kayano-san was different from Aguri-san's case. That curse..."
Nagisa was confused, "How Aguri was different from Kayano?"
Karasuma looked at the moon good and sighed, " There is actually a story that was actually not included in the tales that you humans say about Koro and Aguri. When Aguri picked the magic peach and made a potion for Koro to drink, a powerful sorcerer named Shiro was very angry. He wanted the peach to himself, to be immortal forever. When he found out that the magic peach was gone, and hearing the news that a mere mortal became immortal after drinking a potion containing the peach, he was pissed. Of course, he can't curse Koro, as he was now immortal and now in the moon, so Shiro cursed the one who made the potion, the unfortunate Aguri. He used a forbidden spell to curse her."
Gakushuu asked, "Let me guess, the curse was not to let Aguri reunited with Koro forever??"
Irina nodded, "Yes. Aguri's spirit and Koro can't be reunited until the curse is broken. Shiro had announced that the curse should be broken before the last sliver of moonlight in the orb shatters, or Aguri be gone forever. But unfortunately, the curse was too powerful, even the gods can't easily lift it without trouble. Even Koro, who now revered as the god of the moon. But he tried everything to break the curse for a thousand years, and this is his chance to do it right. But he failed. That sliver of light was gone. Now Aguri is gone, and Koro can't bring her back forever."
Nagisa and the Kunugigaokans were worried when they heard the words. Even Gakushuu, who shows slight concern. Nagisa stepped forward and into the barrier's end, touching the barrier, expecting it to feel like a wall. They all were shocked when his hands passed through the barrier. Nagisa looked at the depressed god of the moon and determined to enter the barrier. Gakushuu stopped him, his hands touched the barrier. Unlike Nagisa, it never passed through.
"Are you crazy?! What if you will be stuck there forever? I can't go home without you, I still have a future on Earth!"
Nagisa sighed as he smiled, "The moon's guiding light will be gone if we don't do something."
He went inside, ignoring the pleas of Karma and Kaede telling him to stop. Nagisa walked towards Koro, who was curling up into a ball.
"Koro-sama? It's me, Nagisa. The effeminate boy? I want you to know the Kunugigaokans needed you..."
Nagisa went to reach Koro, but something... Or someone stopped him. It was the vision of his father. Nagisa widened his eyes in shock and sadness as he looked towards his father, reaching his hand to hold his father’s face once again. He cried, as he screamed for his father to come back. But like Aguri, the vision floated away, leaving Nagisa depressed. Nagisa curled up to a ball in sadness, as the memories of the happy times rushed over him.
Meanwhile, Gakushuu, Karma and Kaede tried hard to break the barrier, but it was no use. Gakushuu punched the barrier but it wouldn't budge. He may not admit it, but he is started to care about Nagisa. Kaede tearfully screamed as she pounded in the glass in desperation. In her desperation, she revealed a secret Gakushuu was shocked for: Nagisa was Kaede's descendant.
Kaede had apparently died in her 20s when she give birth to a baby boy, her first child. Before dying, she gave her sister's necklace to her son as a reminder of her sister's love for her husband. It became a family hairloom, and Nagisa got it from his father thousand of years later.
Karma comforted Kaede as Gakushuu looked towards the greenette and Nagisa in shock.
Meanwhile, Koro had noticed Nagisa crying towards the vision of his father before it fades away. Koro felt sadness as he looked towards the depressed bluenette, he realized that both he and Nagisa are similar. Both of them lost a loved one and grieving over their loss. He floated towards Nagisa and gently lifted the teen's head.
Nagisa looked at the moon god with a tearful gaze, as the moon god sadly smiled, speaking in a soft voice, "You don't belong here, Nagisa-kun. You have a family to come back to. Don't drown in sadness like I did, you are still young. I know it hurts to let go of them, but we had to move on and be happy with the ones we currently have. You will remember the moments with them, but we can make new ones. You have your mother who needed you, your new stepfather to support you, and a new brother to love you."
Nagisa looked down as he spoke in a soft voice, looking towards the moon god's dark eyes "It's not too late for you to move on too." Aguri may be gone, but they are still there." Nagisa pointed out to the teenagers who stood outside the barrier, "They needed you too."
Gakushuu punched the barrier, with Karma punching along with him. "Nagisa-kun, I know we are not in good terms, but we will try to work this out! Because we are now a family!" With one last punch, the barrier shattered, as Gakushuu and the Kunugigaokans rushed in to greet Koro and Nagisa.
Nagisa hugged Gakushuu tightly, as Gakushuu, still uncomfortable in hugging people, squirmed before giving up. Kaede smiled at Nagisa, while Karma patted his back.
All Kunugigaokans rushed towards the moon god, as they hugged the crying moon god. Ritsu, Okuda and Kurahashi was crying loudly, hugging Koro tightly. Karasuma and Irina stayed behind, but they were smiling at the joyful event.
Later on, Koro and the Kunugigaokans are ready to say goodbye to Nagisa and Gakushuu. Koro had apologized to Karma and Kaede for banishing them from the kingdom, as they were just trying to make him happy by moving on and focus on the ones who loved him now. Karma just laughed and said that it was fine, traveling was fun and exciting, that he gets to pick fights easily outside without Koro scolding him, making the moon god slapped Karma's head playfully. Kaede snorted as Karma hugged Nagisa and Gakushuu tightly as he admitted he was going to miss them, Kaede giving Nagisa a quick peck in the cheek. Nagisa blushed pink over the actions. Koro happily gives Nagisa the picture of Koro and Nagisa together, as proof. Nagisa clutched the photo with happiness, as Gakushuu rolled his eyes.
With the octopuses flying them away, Gakushuu and Nagisa returned to Earth. To a human observer on Earth, they are like shooting stars. Nagisa looked at the photo in his hand, and saw the photo is fading away. Nagisa realized that he didn't need proof, so he let the photo floated away in the wind as they fall towards the Earth.
Months after, Hiromi and Gakuho had married. Hiromi changed for the better, and Nagisa is happy that his mother is now happy in life. His brother, Gakushuu, started to warm up to him.
They celebrated the March 13th festival with their relatives by eating mooncakes and sweets while sharing stories of Koro and Aguri. Nagisa laughed at some of the story as he looked out at the moon. The moon was glowing bright, as if it was acknowledging Nagisa.
After the mooncake eating, Hiromi was with Nagisa, looking at the moon with a serene look in their faces. They remembered the memories of the past, but there is no heartbreak now. Hiromi apologized about how she acted towards Nagisa ever since his father died, and Nagisa smiled as he hugged his mother tightly. As they playfully chasing each other in the night sky, the moon shone brightly than ever, as a beautiful swan in a lake flew towards the moon.
So what do you think about it? I tried hard to fit the Assassination Classroom elements to Over the Moon, add some twists and new ideas, and hoping that there is not a character that is too OOC.
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