#I’d prefer for this to not be reblogged
liesyousoldme · 8 months
literally the only thing that matters to me in s5 of stranger things is that steve ends up happy. idc if that’s single or if that’s with nancy or some random new girl they decide to bring in. when it comes to actual canon material i literally just want him to have a happy ending.
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amazingmsme · 3 months
Pre-Infusion Pity Party ramble under the cut but I’m just so overwhelmed rn & just want to get it all out
But god do I hate being like this. Why do I have to get stabbed in the chest every fucking month with a big ass needle, & pumped full of chemicals every other month just so I can fucking live? Why did my life have to change so much when I was just a kid? There’s gonna come a time where I’ve been knowingly living with this disease for longer than I had without it, & I don’t know how I’ll feel when that day comes. Rare disease awareness day just happened & I completely forgot & didn’t even care. It’s coming up on the 7 year anniversary of my outbreak, & it’s always a rough time for me
& to make matters worse, for over a fucking year it feels like older family members are dropping like flies. I don’t even know how many funerals I’ve been to in the past year. & we have yet another one on Sunday. & you see the toll it takes on everyone around you & you’re just like… are they next? Are they gonna be taken away?
I don’t have any irl friends because my supposed best friends stabbed me in the back & burned our friendship to the ground over a long torturous year, & while I am genuinely so much happier without them in my life, I feel so isolated. When I try to talk & engage with people, they act like you’re a fucking freak for trying to have a human conversation. Everyone is afraid of interaction now, & it sucks because humans are supposed to be social creatures. & it hurts because I’ve missed out on so much social interaction with my peers when I was & I know that my disease played a pretty big hand in that because I was the sick kid. Other mothers said shit to my mom’s face about how healthy their kids were, & even family members implied shit, essentially blaming her for my illness/weak immune system
& then you get diagnosed & those people fucking grovel & act so sorry & sympathetic but you know their true hypocritical character. It’s honestly revealed the ugliest of humanity. True sympathy is rare I feel like, replaced with pity
& I hate to say it, but most of the time, I don’t even like what I’m writing. There’s a line in Rainbow Rowell’s book Fangirl where Cath was reflecting on herself & her writers block/fics she’s written where she contemplates how many times she’s written this line, or some version of it? & I get caught up writing things others want to see, but the writing itself feels like a chore. & it’s not the fact that I think what I’m writing is bad, but I feel nothing.
I’m writing for fandoms & characters I’m not particularly wild about, & feel obligated to fulfill the request. Tbh there were only a handful of tickletober fics that I was actually excited about writing, & I fucking hate that. It’s why I was so over the moon when all the Hatchetfield & Epic peeps started showing up. Because I felt inspired again, & I can’t remember the last time I felt a spark like that
I haven’t been truly happy in a very long time, & I’m not sure when they’ll get better. But there’s still glimmers of light through the storm… even if they’re small or fleeting
TLDR: I’m fucking sick of getting infusions for the rest of my life, people all around me are dying, my best friends betrayed me, & I’ve been in one of the biggest creative slumps
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transfemoliorionsound · 9 months
quick question for smth I’m working on- what would you guys say I’m “known for”? like characters, certain events, things like that ^_^ (and I’m very aware that I’m known for c!purpled and c!wilbur I’m trying to find other things)
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evitcani-writes · 1 year
You know a website is extremely functional when a browser extension can bypass the rate limits.
Anyway, for people who still like to use twitter, here’s a browser extension to bypass twitter’s rate limits.
That’s the link to the chrome extension, but you can find the other browser extensions pretty easily by going to the creator’s github.
Please remember to donate if you like their work. Their up to date donation info is in their Github.
The open source internet only stays open for as long as developers can dedicate their energy to it. Money stuff sucks, but even $1 is going to say “thank you” more times than a thousand demands for them to fix everything right now (which they 100% are getting).
Tumblr will suppress this post because of the links, so please link to the github in your own posts or send it to friends!
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
Tumblr media
[Gritting my teeth] Baron.
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r7iverett · 6 months
man. I am so genuinely scared to drive with my dad. He’s such a reckless driver and I hate it. I hate it when it’s icy or rainy too. He’ll swerve into the street on purpose and go really fast and it scares me. And he won’t stop. I hate it.
I’m scared to get into his damned truck and drive somewhere with him because of it. I went to a Wendy’s earlier and he swerved into the street and it made and still makes me so fucking scared. Even if he goes slightly faster than normal it makes me paranoid.
luckily, I haven’t ever been in a car crash. But I feel like I will considering my dad’s driving habits.
I really don’t like my dad. I hate him more than I love him.
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castelled-away · 1 year
Prince boyfriends with big egos who compete with each other for the throne/place as leader (Peter was the High King before Caspian’s family ruled Narnia in present times, so the question is: which 1 of them should be king now?) and have to get along for the sake of winning a war while simultaneously trying not to kill one another but in the end manage to see that there’s enough room for both of them on the battle field/castle & they can actually learn a lot from each other.
Also the fact that they’re both princes (or kings in Peter’s case) is nice bc I think in period dramas it’s always like a commoner x a royal person. Just look at BBC Merlin with Merthur, Argwen or Bridgerton with Eloise/Theo, Anthony/Siena or Benedict/Sophie. & I get the appeal of those forbidden/risky love ships bc they ARE pretty cool & bring diversity into the dynamic. BUT BUT BUT. Princes/Princesses who can relate to each other about the pressure of always being in the eye of the pubic, having to be perfect for your subjects & allies, constantly preparing for that 1 day when you’ll have to take up the mantle of the ruler & how you always have to put the peoples’ needs before your own as if you yourself weren’t a person with hopes & fears & emotions too🥺
ALSO the RIVALRY!!!! These 2 are both leaders & think they each know what’s best for their subjects. So, yeah, while they do relate to the expectations of the other’s position & so should by all means be fast friends from the start, they fight one another. Bc in order to get back on the throne they both have to prove how one of them deserves to be king over the other & also try to get the competition out of the way. Plus the whole thing with Miraz’ reign of shit over Narnia makes Peter think of Caspian as the big bad enemy bc he’s Miraz’ nephew.
And this right here is REALLY interesting. 2 characters from the same background & shouldn’t have any problems with each other possess a valid reason to actually have conflict. HECK YES ENEMIES TO LOVERS
Anyways, no thoughts (except for that whole essay, oops) just prince boyfriends with their man egos & underlying fear of replacement that they have to work through
Just Caspeter <3
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faithdragon36 · 9 months
Mmmmm yumm time loop angst my favorite. Does anyone have any recs for me btw
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kicktwine · 2 years
the past three or four media ive engaged with have all had posts made about them saying well the writers probably arent smart enough for ______ or the writers didnt do this on purpose but ______ or dont get your hopes up the writers wouldnt make these connections and i think thats enough!!! i have had enough bashing of well-meaning writers i have had enough of it from now on every writer is so so smart and everything they do is intentional and flawless and if i think a writing decision is stupid or the direction they went is bad no i dont and im gonna kiss each and every one of them on the mouth
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diffenbachiae · 1 year
i love kids so much. i love how they love, when they’re too little to really appreciate how i pack their lunches or bandaid their scratches but they bring me flowers or rocks or acorns or slip their hand into mine. i love that the nine year old i babysit is ‘too old’ now to hug me goodbye but he gave me a pokémon card he traded a friend at school for because he knows it’s my favorite. i’m so lucky to watch these kids grow up i s2g
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I love a post that “does numbers” and all but it does get a tad annoying when you get a notification and it’s like “oh it’s just that banger” like HAVE YOU NOT SEEN ANY OF MY OTHER BANGERS?!!?
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mikuheritageposts · 2 years
stop reblogging the version of that post without my epic line
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Put in the tags which songs off of Midnights you would like to hear on tour with a full production, stripped/acoustic and in a medley/mashup.
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bamfblueboy · 1 year
Who are some of ur guys favorite nightcrawler artists on here?
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and-i-said-fewer · 2 years
au where burn butcher burn and whoreson prison blues are switched
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Anon who messaged me about the op of those Rowena gifs, thank you for letting me know, that sounds awful. I’ve blocked that user and I’ll see about getting a few more of their posts out of my queue. I also wish I could explode those people with my mind
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