#I’ll be thinking about older!alpha!eddie all day if you need me
xxbimbobunnyxx · 3 months
Good morning, it’s a lovely day to be a whore and fantasize about fictional men.
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dreamofbecoming · 8 months
ok fuck it context now on ao3
“I’m freaking out, man!”
“You’re what? Why? This is like, what you’ve been waiting for, isn’t it?”
“I mean, yeah, dude, but now it’s here, it’s happening, and tomorrow it’ll be done and I can’t take it back!”
“Do you want to take it back? Because I think that’s a terrible idea, but if it’s really what you want, I’ll sneak you out the back right now.”
Dustin deflates a little, slumping into the plush chair this weird little church greenroom was nice enough to provide. “No, I don’t want to leave. Of course I don’t.”
Steve puts his hands on Dustin’s shoulders, not massaging, just resting. He doesn’t want to smear too much of his scent onto him before the ceremony, but old habits die hard. Steve suspects he’s always going to want to scent the kids for comfort, even though they’re literally all grown and starting families of their own and don’t need their old omega babysitter anymore.
Case in point, Dustin’s wedding is meant to start in, oh, looks like about 25 minutes, so Steve has to smooth this crisis over double time.
“What’s really bothering you, Dust? You were over the moon yesterday, and the day before that, and every day since you and Susie proposed to each other. Hell, every day since you met! What’s going on now?”
There’s a pause, which is always unsettling coming from Dustin, who hasn’t shut up for more than twelve consecutive minutes in the decade plus Steve has known him, but then he sighs.
“She wants kids.”
Steve’s brow furrows. “And you…don’t?”
Dustin huffs, frustration rising in his scent. “It’s not that I don’t, it’s that I don’t know if it’s a good idea, you know?”
“And you guys haven’t talked about this before now? You’ve been together for like eleven years, dude!”
“We have, of course we have! I’m just thinking about the risks, Steve! I’m a beta, I can’t carry her pups, and pregnancies are dicey for alpha females! What if something happens?”
“First of all don’t call women females, it’s weird. Erica or Nance will definitely smack you for that, and you don’t need a black eye in your wedding photos.” Dustin nods, cringing a little.
“Second, pregnancy isn’t the only option, man, and also it’s her decision. If she wants to carry them, that’s a discussion you need to have with her, but you can’t just shut her down about it. She knew you were a beta when she decided to marry you. She picked you because she loves you, don’t go deciding for her she’s better off with someone else. And besides, if you decide it doesn’t feel right for both of you, you can talk about adoption, or surrogacy, or…I don’t know what all the options are, but I bet there’s tons! Hell, I’d carry for you guys, if you wanted.”
“You would?” Dustin’s eyes get big and shiny almost immediately, and shit, Steve’s gotta shut this down now. The groom can’t be going out there with red eyes and tear stains, Susie will murder Steve on principle.
But he can’t lie to Dustin. Swore he never would, not when it mattered. “Course I would, man, what’s family for? Aw hell, kid, don’t cry, your mate will run me over with her car if your photos are fucked up because of me.”
“I just- I can’t believe you’d do that for me! You don’t even know if I’ll be any good at it!”
Ah, so that’s what this is really about.
“Of course you’ll be good at it, Henderson. You’d be an incredible dad, any kid would be lucky to have you. I mean, your kids are gonna turn out to be nerd city, but that was always a given.”
Dustin gives him a bitchy little eye roll, which was of course Steve’s aim. He still smells anxious, though.
“How can you be sure, though? It’s not like I have any idea what a dad is supposed to be like, you know? It’s why I kept latching onto older male figures, no offense to you and Eddie.”
Little shit. “You should be so lucky, you little twerp.”
Dustin shoves him away, but he’s grinning now, and his scent is slowly returning to the lemon-bright joy that colors it so often Steve just associates it with Dustin’s base scent at this point, so he’ll take the win.
“You really wanna know how I know you’ll make a great dad, Dustybun?”
“Don’t fucking call me that, today’s supposed to be my day!”
“I’m your best man, I’ll call you whatever I want. Seriously though, I have a story for you.”
“A story, huh? I don’t know, Eddie’s more the storyteller in your relationship…”
“I’m gonna go out there and tell your bride to delay the ceremony because you shat your slacks and need new ones, you menace.”
“Okay, okay!” Dustin laughs. “Tell your story.”
“I was gonna put this in my speech later, but I think you need to hear it now, and honestly it might be more about me than you, and I don’t want to steal the spotlight or anything.”
“Not worried about that, but I’m intrigued.”
“You know how when you’re a kid, you learn how to pick out emotion scents by context clues, from like your family and stuff?”
Dustin lifts an unimpressed eyebrow. “Yes, Steve, I’m aware of one of the foundational tenets of our society, which we all personally experienced.”
“Almost fifteen years I’ve known you, and your attitude hasn’t improved one bit, you know that?”
Dustin waves imperiously for him to continue. Steve glares at him, but they really are running short on time.
“You ever know a kid who had like, a gap? Some feeling they had never run into before, so they didn’t know what the smell meant?” Dustin shakes his head, looking curious.
“There was this girl in my class when we were like, seven? Eight? Something like that. Anyway, she borrowed Tommy’s favorite eraser, one of those animal-shaped ones with the faces printed on? He loved that thing. The girl, Cassie, she broke it, by accident. Tommy lost his shit. I’d never seen him so angry. And like, you know how little kids emotions don’t really come through that strong? He smelled like, grown-up angry. Filled the whole room. Freaked the teacher out, too. Everyone’s backing the hell up out of Tommy’s way, even me. But Cassie was just confused. Because no adult in her life had ever been truly angry around her, so she hadn’t learned what it smelled like yet.”
Dustin is listening avidly, looking gratifyingly similar to how he does when Eddie DMs.
“Anyway, Tommy slapped her so hard it left a bruise, got his dumb ass suspended. But I just remember being so jealous, you know? Can you imagine? Eight years old and never knew what anger smelled like. Hell, at that point anger was just what home smelled like to me.”
Aw shit, now Dustin just smells sad.
“Do you remember when I drove you to the Snow Ball?”
Dustin’s got his thinking face on now, trying to figure out why Steve keeps jumping all over the place. Sue him, he’s no Eddie.
He nods anyway.
“Before you got out of the car, when I told you I’d come back to pick you up, you gave me this huge smile, and the car filled up with something I’d never smelled before. Not really, anyway. Maybe like, in passing, you know? Like in the hallway at school, but always faint and never towards me, so I never focused on it.”
Dustin’s eyebrows are totally scrunched up now, little genius brain whirring away. Goddamn brat never had any patience.
“I didn’t ask about it, because I wasn’t sure it was important, and also a little because I felt like enough of a caveman around you little rocket scientist dweebs I didn’t need you explaining feelings to me too, but I kept smelling it from you after that. And from El, and a little from Lucas and Max and even once from your mom, but it was just confusing, you know? I couldn’t figure out what was causing it, so I had no context clues to figure out what it meant.
“And then at Starcourt, after Robin and I went to go puke up those Russian drugs—”
“Ditched me and Erica who were very responsibly trying to wrangle you, you mean.”
“Tomato, tomahto, kid. Anyway, I told her I had a crush on her and she panicked and came out to me, so I switched to making fun of her crush so she would know I was okay with it, and suddenly there was that smell again. First time I ever smelled it coming from her. So after everything was done, I asked her.”
“Oh, so you’ll ask her, but not me? Hurtful, Steve.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, shithead, because Robbie already knew I was a moron, and she was never gonna want to go out with me, so I didn’t need to impress her. I could look stupid to Rob back then, but I still wanted you guys to think I was cool.”
“Steve, buddy, my brother, my best friend, my favorite jock please don’t tell Lucas I said that, we literally never thought you were cool.”
“Now who’s being hurtful?”
“Just the truth, Munson. I tell it like it is.”
“Ugh, whatever. The point is, I asked Bobbie what she felt for me in that bathroom, and she told me that’s when she realized she would love me forever. That we were going to be best friends.”
Dustin looks stricken.
“That’s what I was smelling all that time. Honey. That’s what I smelled in the car in the Hawkins Middle parking lot. You loved me. You were literally the first person in my whole life who ever did.”
“This isn’t—look, I know it’s kind of sad and pathetic for kid Steve, but this isn’t about that. It’s not about me, okay? It’s about how my whole life turned around the day Dustin Henderson decided he loved me, because he never stopped. Not for a single second of the last thirteen years, and because you loved me then, I have a platonic soulmate and a horde of little siblings and a mate I adore and more friends than I can count on all my fingers and toes! You’re the one who encouraged me to go to cosmetology school, you’re the one who introduced me to Eddie, you’re the one who stood by me and let me crash on your mom’s couch when my parents kicked me out. My life is full of love, and joy, and purpose, and it all started with you, Dustin. I’m here because you loved me, and because once you started loving me you never stopped. I have smelled honey on you every single day since the 1984 Snow Ball, and that’s how I know you’ll be an incredible father. Because if you have all that love for a washed up ex-jock omega nobody had ever loved before? You’ll have all that and more times a million for any kid lucky enough to call you Dad.”
They’re both crying by now. Susie is gonna kill them for sure, but as Dustin buries himself in Steve’s arms like he’s still six inches shorter, Steve decides it doesn’t matter. This is worth it.
There’s a knock at the door, just in time it seems.
“Dingus, baby Dingus, you in there? T minus 5 minutes, boys, stick those feet in the oven if you gotta!”
“Yeah, Bobs, I hear you! We’ll be out in a sec, no cold feet in sight.”
“Roger that, bubba! I’ll inform the bride!” He can hear her racing off, probably dancing with pre-wedding excitement. For a cynical lesbian who has a new girlfriend every month and swears marriage is an archaic institution built on misogyny and omegaphobia, she sure does love weddings.
“You ready, kid?”
Dustin has taken the brief interlude as an opportunity to splash his face with water from the sink in the corner, so he doesn’t look like he’s been crying to into Steve’s shoulder, but Steve makes sure to straighten his tie and finger comb his curls back into place.
“Yeah, I think I’m ready.” He looks at Steve for a long moment, then throws his arms around him one last time. “I’m really glad you’re my brother, Steve.”
Steve squeezes him tighter for a moment, breathing in the familiar scent of lemon and cut grass and honey. Of family. Of love.
“Yeah, kid. Me too.”
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goatskickin · 6 months
Not a question, more appreciation! Thank you for having so much amazing and appropriate clothes for elders! I have always struggled finding nice stuff for them!
uh I had more to say about this
When making elder cc (mostly EF but I’m looking to do much more EM stuff too, yay grandpa), I do try to highlight shapes and choose patterns, that - to me - scream: “I’ve lived a good long life. I’m not 21 anymore and I don’t want to be. But I’m no schlub.”
All About Style has always been a huge style inspiration for me for grandmother fashion. That site’s EF clothing was the perfect mix of quirky, fashion-conscious and matronly-cool clothes. Judie had immaculate taste! There’s a reason her cc was beloved, even after years of play.
Much of existing elder cc is on alpha meshes. Those are fine and good! But I feel like elder sims need to be dressed in ‘bulkier’ stuff. It just makes sense to me. There’s tons of older elder CC that I see and like the idea of, but it’s painted on a mesh that is little more than the base EF/EM body shape on top. Idk, skintight sweaters on grandma or grandpa just kind of give me the willies. 😵‍💫 It’s not realistic either.
Plenty of elder cc is also Maxis match. Perfectly fine! Love those shapes way more. There are lots and lots of age conversions that look great on elders. But, I feel like our elders deserve more than a copy and paste of what we already have on offer for adult sims. So, I retexture those age conversions. The clothes just need to be stuffier, with more mature colors and patterns. Just, have more of a mature “vibe”.
On a more tinfoil hat note (lol), I think some simmers do not like to play elders at all, and that has everything to do with fearing age itself. And not having a worthy selection of clothes for them, that too. 😂
But I mean, there are mods to skip elderhood entirely. And a clothing mod to make elders have the standard AF chest instead of a sagging one exists, and that has existed forever. It’s like one of the oldest mods out there! And a mod to make them not have the “elder” walk. All things to make them less “oldpersony”.
Elders are thought of as being boring or unimportant sims, something to avoid, unappealing. I think that says way more about how people feel about aging themselves. But I think it’s much more freeing to embrace and enjoy a stage of life that I’ll face myself.
TL;DR: thank you
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And let me know who I should look to next for style inspiration. I’ve already gained inspirash from: the Golden Girls, the oracle from the matrix, Eartha Kitt as madame Zeroni in Holes, probably anything Stevie Nicks has worn recently, anything Judi Dench has worn as M in the Bond movies, André Leon Talley (rip), Sag Harbor, Eddie Bauer and Squaw Valley sweaters and long skirts from the 90’s, what Diane Keaton is wearing in any movie, any era, Guinan from Star Trek: Next Gen (slay, the colors especially), thinking if it would look good on current day Jane Seymour then go for it, my friend whose mom is a high school art teacher, a sprinkle of Mrs. Doubtfire, a sprinkle of Miranda Priestly, and of course, anything Prue Leith wears.
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datleggy · 3 years
Let’s take “birth day” literally and have pregnant Buck go into labor someplace really dumb and/or inconvenient.
It's the hormones, Buck would like to say in his defense, but honestly, the omega would have done it even if he weren't nearly nine months pregnant....
The doctor's told him some light exercise will help, even with his due date being so close now, and so after picking Christopher up from school they'd decided to take a nice stroll in the park.
And it would have been nice if some asshole hadn't put his hands on his kid on the goddamn playground of all places! One minute Buck had been struggling to get up off the bench to see why it looked as though Christopher was in a seemingly heated argument over something or the other, with another little boy around his age, and the next said boy's mother was shoving Christopher away with a sharply pointed nail, poking at his shoulder and shouting obscenities.
And Buck was there in a flash, putting himself between Christopher and the woman and telling her to back off. "You don't touch someone else's kid like that, lady. If you have a problem, you come find me."
The woman looks flustered for a moment before raising her voice again, yelling about how she had barely even touched the eight year old, and about how maybe he shouldn't bring his son around other kids if he couldn't learn to play nice. "If you taught that boy some manners we wouldn't even be here right now!"
Buck knows he should have let it go, knows they were causing a huge and unnecessary scene, and this? This next part he totally blames on the hormones. "If your parents had taught you some manners and common sense we wouldn't be here right now!"
And that had only served to escalate the situation to the point where police had actually been called and arrived on the scene--and apparently the woman had been very convincing when she'd burst into tears and told the cops that Buck had threatened her with violence.
Which is how Buck ends up in a jailcell on a sunny Friday afternoon, waiting for Eddie to come and bail him out and worrying frantically about Christopher, who last he saw, as they'd cuffed him and put him into the back of their vehicle, was currently in the custody of a child services worker.
Buck puts his head in his hands and groans, beyond stressed. Not only is this humiliating as all hell, but his alpha is probably going to kill him for letting this shit happen. He should have ignored the woman and walked away with Christopher in tow. Instead, he'd made it worse and gotten arrested for an assault he hadn't even committed. "Jesus Christ."
"Buckley? Evan Buckley?" An officer calls out; he's older, maybe mid fifties, with a faint Southern drawl.
Buck raises his head. He'd only called Eddie fifteen minutes ago, was he really here that quickly? "Uh, yeah, that's me." he says.
"You're free to go; luckily a bunch of witnesses came forward with the same story--you weren't the aggressor here, son. Now c'mon, your kid's waiting for you right outside."
"Oh thank God." he breaths out, immeasurably relieved. But when he attempts to stand up Buck lets out a hiss and doubles over, face contorting in pain.
The officers eyes go wide and he rushes to open the cell, which is nearly empty, thankfully, except for Buck and a slumbering man in the corner, arrested that morning for public intoxication. "Whoa, whoa," the man's eyes go even wider, if possible, when he realizes what's happening. "Shoot, I think your water just broke, young man."
Buck shakes his head, even though the proof is on the bench and soaking his jeans through and through. He whines as the contraction continues, huffing and puffing. "H-hospital. Please." He pleads.
There is no way he's having this baby while still technically in custody at a police station. Hell, they're in a jailcell, for shit's sake. He'd rather give birth like a total cliché and in the back of a yellow taxi!
"I'm gonna have 'em call you an ambulance, but let's get you outta here first." the officer tries to help Buck stand but another contraction hits, this one harder and more agonizing than the last and Buck cries out, his knees buckling under him.
The officer manages to hold him aloft just long enough to reposition him on the floor as Buck pants and tries not to lose it. The contractions are way too close...
The officer radios his men and calls for help. "Need help in the holding cell on floor 2B, we've got a custodial here who's gone into labor. Urgent request for help in holding cell 2B."
Buck can't help but let out a sob--it's even worse than he'd imagined--he's going to end up giving birth inside a jailcell five feet away from some guy who smells like tequila and regret. Alone.
"What the hell is going on in--Buck?!"
Buck sniffles as he turns his head towards the door, where Athena is standing, mouth agape at the chaotic scene before her. "Athena!" he cries, reaching out for her, needy as can be and not giving a damn.
Athena doesn't waste any time, dropping to her knees beside him, letting him rest his head on her lap. She sooths back his curly locks, now sweaty, and look at the officer, asking sharply, "What happened?"
"He was being released when he went into labor--must be from the stress of the situation. Tried to get him up, but that baby's comin' and soon." he informs her, grimacing when Buck whines in pain as another contraction follows his statement, as if to prove the mans words true.
"Eddie," Buck clenches his teeth, tries to stifle another groans. "Need Eddie."
"He's right outside," Athena tells him, reassuringly. She nods at the officer. "Reyes, get me Eddie Diaz, he's a medic and he should be waiting down on the first floor for us. Hurry!"
Eddie's at the grocery store picking stuff up for dinner tonight when he gets the unexpected call. He almost doesn't answer it, when he sees it's from an unfamiliar number, thinking it's spam, but something nags at him to take the call.
It's Buck. And he sounds upset.
"Buck? What's going on? Everything alright? Who's phone are you using?"
He can hear Buck gulp from the other end of the line. "I've been arrested. I need you to come bail me out and get Christopher out of police custody." he says, all in one rushed statement, like he'd ripping off a band aid.
"Wha--I'm sorry, what? Did you say you're in jail? And Christopher's with the police? What the hell is going on?" Eddie's not proud of the way he raises his voice, especially not in the fruit aisle, where a mother with her toddler gives him a dirty look on her way past, but he's so shocked and panicked he can't stop himself from blurting out, "Buck, what the fuck happened? You were picking Christopher up from school today! Where does jail fit into this?!"
"Eddie, I'm sorry." Buck sighs. "I swear I'll explain everything when you get here, but I don't have a lot of time left on this call and I'm kind of freaking out right now. Please, can you just--"
"Of course, yeah, sorry, I'm on my way, give me like twenty minutes, ok? I'm across town."
"Thank you." the line cuts off abruptly and Eddie's left to ponder what could possibly have happened to have led up to his almost nine months pregnant husband being arrested as he abandons his cart and runs out into the parking lot.
Eddie nearly gets arrested himself, with the way he's speeding down the highway before turning onto the main road and parking right in front of the station, where only police vehicles are allowed.
The alpha finds his kid with a social worker, happily munching on a donut. “Chris!?” Eddie runs over and engulfs his son in a suffocating hug. “Are you ok? What happened?” 
Christopher pulls away slightly, nodding. “I’m ok. Bucky got in trouble ‘cause the lady at the park lied. Officer Reyes said he’s gonna bring him out soon.” 
The social worker explains the whole story to Eddie, “Thankfully there were a lot of witnesses who corroborated the events. Your husband should be out in a few minutes; it was all just an awful misunderstanding. The woman at the park is in custody right now for giving the police a false accusation and wasting everybody’s time.”  
Eddie’s shoulders slump in relief and he practically falls into a chair nearby, pulling Christopher onto his lap and holding him tight around the middle. “Is he ok? Buck is pregnant. He’s due in two weeks.” 
The social worker gives him a sympathetic look. “I’m sure he’s in good hands. Officer Reyes will have him out here in a couple of minutes.” 
After a couple of minutes turns to five, turns to ten, Eddie starts to get angsty. Which is why it’s a good thing, when he happens to spot Athena rounding the corner and into the station. He calls over to her and she furrows her brows in concern before making her way across to them. 
“Eddie? Christopher? What’s going on?” 
“It’s a long story.” Eddie sighs, “But Buck is being held in a cell right now, they said an officer Reyes was supposed to bring him down here, that he was free to go, but that was forever ago,” he exaggerates. “Can you please find out what’s taking so long?” 
“Of course.” 
Buck sobs openly when his alpha enters the room, “Eddie!” he calls out desperately. 
Athena holds Buck close and looks up. “He’s in labor. Contractions are less than a minute apart. He needs to start pushing.” 
Eddie doesn’t hesitate, though his brain feels like it’s about to short circuit if even one more insane thing happens within these twenty four hours. He drops between Buck’s knees and reaches out to squeeze his hand. “Hey, I’m here, I’m here, you’ve got this, ok? Cause I’ve got you.” 
“I’m scared.” Buck admits, tears sliding down face, and he’s shaking like a leaf, terrified that something will go wrong. “I don’t--” he groans pitifully against another contraction. “Don’t wanna have her in here.” 
“I know baby, I know, but she’s coming now, Buck. She’s not gonna wait for us to make it to a hospital. She’s impatient,” Eddie kisses his hand, squeezing again, comfortingly. “Just like you.” 
Buck huffs. “No, like you. Y-you never wait for your soup to cool down.” 
“My Tia’s sopa is worth the burnt tongue.” Eddie plays along, trying to distract him from the pain. “Baby, I need you to push, ok? I know this isn’t how we pictured any of this, but it’s time.” 
Buck nods through the tears and steels himself. 
“Good, good, now push, c’mon, you can do this. I’m right here.” 
“You look handsome in your mugshot.” Eddie tells Buck, staring at the photo he asked Athena to send him on his phone.
Buck glares at the alpha. “Funny.” 
Eddie leans down to kiss the frown off his face. “Sorry, too soon?” 
Buck turns the other way in bed with an annoyed huff. “You’re on baby night duty for the rest of the week.” he shuts the lamp light off and then the room is dim with just the moon peaking in through their blinds. 
“Hey,” Eddie sits up, tilting his head. It’s been over a month since the incident, and sure, it hadn’t been pleasant, but Buck and their baby had made it through just fine, health intact, and in the hospital Buck hadn’t seemed too phased after the ordeal, mostly content with Christopher and the baby curled up against and on him. “That was a stupid joke, I’m sorry.” 
Buck gulps. He’s being way too sensitive about this. Everything turned out alright and shortly after the whole thing had passed Chimney had even teased him that of course only Buck would have bad enough luck to end up giving birth in a holding cell. And Buck had laughed it off. 
Mostly because he’d been relieved. 
And then of course with the new baby the last month has been a whirlwind of constant activity, of making sure all her needs are met, of making sure Christopher’s not feeling neglected, of debating on when he should start thinking about going back to work and--
Eddie’s heart leaps when he hears Buck’s sharp intake of breath. “Buck?” 
Buck sits up now, too, swiping miserably at the tears that suddenly won’t stop falling. “Sorry, I--ignore me. I didn’t--” he sniffles. “I haven’t really thought about that day since--everything’s been so busy with--you know?--and--” he cuts himself off with a choked off sob. “It’s the hormones.” 
It’s been four weeks now and his hormones from the pregnancy are still driving him every which way and he feels ridiculous right now, crying over something he should have processed a month ago already. 
Eddie wraps his arms around Buck and pulls him between his legs and against his chest. “Let it out.” he says. “I’m here. I’ve got you.” 
Buck curls into Eddie and releases all emotion he hadn’t realized he’d been keeping all pent up inside. The fear, the anguish--Buck lets himself be held, coddled, loved. 
It feels good. 
After he’s cried for what feels like ages Buck rests the side of his head on Eddie’s shoulder and exhales. “You know Christopher wanted to name her Tuubee?” he murmurs. 
Eddie, who’s rubbing up and down his husbands back, pauses a moment. “’Tuubee’?” he repeats. 
Buck half smirks against his shoulder. “Two B. The cell where she was born.”
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justsomelarryfics · 5 years
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Here are the fics that I read in the month of March, 2019, that I finished and enjoyed. I will first shows fics from this month, and then older ones.
Sorted by length
New this month
Do You Wanna Ride by @phd-mama -  When Liam's attractive new business partner wins riding lessons with Harry, hilarity ensues. (one shot, 4k)
Tell Me I’m Punk by @tiniinbookland - ""How punk do I seem?"" The one were Harry wants to be a punk but Louis loves him just like he is. (one shot, 4k)
Just Go With It by @rainbowsandlovehl - “Brett, there’s something I need to tell you,” he started, inwardly cringing at his choice of words before taking in a deep breath. Brett seemed curious, raising her eyebrows expectantly. “The reason I haven’t been texting you back is that...” “Harry, they were all out of organic guacamole,” a raspy, unfamiliar male voice interrupted, startling him into silence. “So I got us the normal one. Hope that’s alright?” Harry has no idea how to escape awkward situation but luckily for him, Louis swoops in to help. (one shot, 6k)
Only One at the Finish Line by @horsegirlharry for @1dgayboficfest - “What don’t I know?!” Louis shouts, and then Harry is rounding on him, close enough that he can feel the heat of his body, the rage and the glory and the pain of it so close that it blinds him.“I want to be another alpha’s omega,” is what he says, and it comes out like something reckless, something wild. Like he doesn't care anymore if Louis hates him or not, if Louis understands, he just needs to speak his truth aloud to darkness, to the slender pines that surround them like a jury panel. (one shot, 9k)
fall in love with the moon (and everything beautiful) by @microlouis -  “It’s adorable that you think you can compromise with me on this,” Louis says. He places his hands on his hips and tries his best to look intimidating. “But I am not budging on this. Every book pun you say will result in one quarter in the jar.” “What jar?” Harry asks. He furrows his eyebrows together. Louis rolls his eyes. “Like a swear jar, but now I’m going to make yours ‘Harry’s dumbass pun jar.’ Maybe I’ll have you put a quarter in for every pun you say, not just the ones about books. Niall was right - you tell the worst jokes.” “One time Niall told me I’d never said a funny joke in my life,” Harry says casually. “Funny. He told me that too.” or, louis and harry work in a bookstore together and harry tells dumb jokes and they fall in love (one shot, 10k)
Naked Attraction - Naked Attraction: a gameshow where the contestant views 6 naked possible partners and narrows them down based off of pure attraction. Harry was not a fan of the shallow gameshow, so he decided to mix it up a little. Louis Tomlinson was the only gay and unfortunate staff member chosen to step in for one of the six possible partners when someone drops out. He hated working there, and he definitely didn't want to agree, but it was too good of an offer to be turned down. Nothing would come out of it, surely, and they even agreed to keep his identity a secret.That all changed when famous singer Harry Styles walked out. Louis had no idea who he was, and Harry liked that about him.. . .Or the one based off a British TV show called Naked Attraction that I found hilarious. (one shot, 12k)
All I Want Is To Fall With You by @2tiedships2 - The pair looked at each other for a few moments before Harry moved forward and gathered Louis in an unexpected hug. It was nice, but why the fuck was an unknown alpha hugging him? Maybe an even better question would be why did Louis feel so secure in this stranger's arms? Harry quickly let go and Louis felt something pull at him."Sorry," Harry said, holding his hands up in surrender. "Shit, um, that just seemed a natural response for some reason. I’m so sorry." Louis smiled up at the alpha. "It's okay. Thanks again, Harry." "You're welcome. I know it's horrible weather, and less than optimal circumstances, but this was a brilliant meet-cute." What the fuck was a meet-cute? Or the weekend ski trip where omega Louis discovers that he can’t change a tire and his skiing skills are debatable but still manages to find the alpha who will change his life. (one shot, 16k)
the act of making noise by @suspendrs - “Oh,” Harry frowns, waving him off. “No, I could never. I respect myself too much to sing for a living.”It feels like a slap across the face, but Louis does his best not to stiffen, blinking once and then frowning. “What?” “Those people are always so miserable, you know?” Harry says, hopping down off his stool and straightening his sweater. “There’s so much pressure on them, and they have to work so hard to keep up appearances, I can’t even imagine how difficult that is. I can’t even stand to listen to pop music today, let alone watch TV or read the magazines. It makes me so sad, thinking that those people, you know, the ones who actually went into it with heart, they only ever just wanted to make music and instead they got turned into things on leashes being paraded around to make money for other people,” he says. “Anyway, you can have the stool.” Or, Louis's famous, Harry has no idea who he is, and they get snowed in together at a ski lodge in Vermont. (chaptered, may be continued, 22k)
Take Me Down Slow (Don’t Let Me Go) by @jacaranda-bloom for @1dgayboficfest - Louis has always felt different. Not necessarily on the outer realm of societal norms, but pretty damn close to the edge. As an Omega, he’s supposed to want certain things; to want to raise a family, to want to build a life with a partner, and to want that partner to be an Alpha.Well, two out of three ain’t bad.OR the one where Louis wants to find the right kind of partner to love, Niall hates snowboarding, Liam wants to settle down, Harry is really good with his hands, and mother nature could be the thing that changes everything. (chaptered, complete, 26k)
Steady Eddie - “We’re bringing in a guy.” Ben said. Eddie stared at him.“You’re what?” Ben shrugged. “Apparently the gay market is grossly untapped,” he commented. “We stand to make a fortune. We have it on good authority that the gays love you. Of course,” he added with a dirty smirk. “Your size and all…” “Of course,” Eddie replied drily; something smarting in his chest. “I’ve been asking for a guy for the last two years…” “Well, now you’re getting one,” Ben smiled. (chaptered, complete, 84k, locked, read tags for a better understanding of what this fic is about)
Older fics
sweet, sweet fate by @bottomlinsons for @1dshortficfest -  Harry’s lived with a NSFW soulmark for almost twenty-five years now. When he finally meets the man responsible, he gives him a little piece of his mind. (one shot, 1k, feb. 2019)
Say It With Flowers by @reminiscingintherain - From the prompt: Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” (one shot, 2k, jan. 2019)
Got Me an Appetite by @flamboyantdaddy for @1dgayboficfest -  So it's something, and Louis isn't sure how to approach it. She doesn't want to sound ungrateful. The past few months have been heaven, and she doesn't want to make Harry feel like Louis doesn't worship the ground she walks on (ok, a bit over dramatic, but sometimes it feels like that). She just wants to make her girlfriend come. (one shot, 8k, feb. 2019)
All Hearts Come Home For Christmas by @itsprobablylarry - Gemma, who the fuck is that?” Louis hisses as he watches her wave back with a big smile. Her brows furrow for a second as she looks at Louis. “What? That’s my brother, you dork. Told you he’d pick us up, didn’t I?” Well fuck. Apparently, Mr. Handsome over there is Gemma’s brother. And Louis is spending a week with him. Pretending to be his sister’s boyfriend. Shit. (Basically: Gemma brings ‘her boyfriend’, Louis, home for Christmas and her brother is really hot.) (one shot, 8k, 2015, I also recommend the sequel)
You’re home now kitten by @thesedumbboys - “But, I'm just a stray” Louis looks so broken, sad, disappointed almost. Not even daring to look up from the floor, fumbling with his hands, ears down submissively. The sight almost makes Harry, known to everyone for his soft heart, tear up. “Nope, followed me here, this is your home now.” Harry smiles, speaking confidently, surprised himself that his voice didn’t come out shaky with emotion. “That’s the rule” He shrugs.... Louis is a stray and he follows Harry home. Harry likes him too much and makes him stay and Louis ends up quite liking it. (one shot, 9k, feb. 2019)
Your Touch Is The Only Thing I Feel by @2tiedships2 - Liam. Liam was finally here. Louis kept his eyes closed and cuddled farther into Liam’s side, revelling in the pheromones Louis’ body desperately needed. He wasn’t sure how long Liam had been holding him, but Louis figured it had to have been at least an hour by the way his body had loosened. The need of an alpha’s touch seemed to have been temporarily lifted from his mind. Louis listened to the sounds of the pub around him. It was louder than before he had fallen asleep and he briefly wondered why Liam hadn’t just woken him to go back to their flat.“Who the fuck are you?” Louis’ eyes flew open at the sound of Niall’s voice, and the arm that had been around Louis shoulders lifted in the same instant. He missed the warmth immediately. Louis looked from Niall’s stormy face over to the person who was definitely not Liam. The alpha Liam impersonator, who smelled a lot better than the actual Liam now that Louis was alert, looked back at Louis with wide eyes and familiar furrowed brows. Or the one where Louis refuses to settle for just any alpha despite intense touch deprivation. Fortunately Harry isn't just any alpha. (one shot, 15k, 2018)
bring out feelings in me i never show by @tomorrows - “I really think you should stop reading,” Liam says, having moved to hover behind Louis’ back at some point. “I can already see the cogs turning in your head, Louis, and I don’t like this.” “Shut up,” Louis waves him off and continues reading. I can do these things, at your request: openly hit on other female guests while you act like you don’t notice; start instigative discussions about politics and/or religion; propose to you in front of everyone; pretend to be really drunk as the evening goes on (sorry I don’t drink, but I used to); start an actual, physical fight with a family member, either inside or on the front lawn for all the neighbors to see. [Louis accidentally hires a felon to be his fake boyfriend for Thanksgiving. Or, the fake boyfriends au no one asked for, inspired by this.] (chaptered, complete, 24k, locked)
don’t tell the gods (we left a mess) by @bottomlinsons - After a misunderstanding with Liam’s mother, Louis agrees to accompany his best friend to a family wedding and pretend to be the world’s best boyfriend. But their simple plan goes awry when he learns that Harry, ex-boyfriend/ex-love of Louis’ life, will also be in attendance. (aka: fake!boyfriends with a twist ft. bromance, romance and cake.) (chaptered, complete, 71k, (I know, I also can’t believe I only just read this fic, as you can tell I was just really into fake relationships this month))
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sleepysirenprincess · 6 years
The unnatural pack 2018 chapter 1
Before we get started I want you guys to go ahead and get to know the characters a little bit, (you will get to know the backstory of the new characters soon!) Richie and Bill are werewolves, Eddie, Mike and Ben are vampires, Stans a warlock, Selah and Kiaha are banshees, Niklyn and Malia are fairies, Bev is a mix between a witch and a banshee and a secret character who is coming soon is a wendigo but don’t worry about him just yet. ALSO this is my first time writing a fanfiction sooo!! Couples: Eddie and Richie Stan and Beverly Bill and Malia Selah and Ben Niklyn and Mike Kiaha is single “Help me with these boxes!” Mike demands “ugh why do I have to be the one to help?” Ben complains, “because you're the strongest assbag, now stop complaining and grab a box” Mike chuckles, they place the boxes into the small pale colored empty living room where eddie and beverly were sitting on pillows, Eddie sat up when he heard the raspy voice of his boyfriend, jumping into his arms before planting a kiss right on his lips, “I love you but gosh rich, you smell like a dog” Eddie says jumping off his boyfriend with a fake disgusted look on his face , “oh shut up, you should be used to it considering you’ve been dating a werewolf for almost 2 years, and I love you too” Richie says playfully picking Eddie up and throwing him back onto Bev. “What's our plans for today?” Richie says while grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinet and sitting down beside his boyfriend, “nothing that I know of, just unpacking and moving stuff into place” Bev says “we’ve been doing that for the past 4 days, can’t we do something fun today? I mean c’mon Bev, Kia just turned 21 lets go to the bar! Please!?” richie begs with a mouth full of food “Are you sure you want to be taking your boyfriend to a bar where there are horny, filthy creatures? Ya really want that richard” Bev smirks Richie rolls his eyes at the word “Richard” he's always hated his name. “If anyone even thinks about touching him, they won't have a throat or hand to do anything!” Richie says with a protective growl. “Calm down alpha boy” Eddie wrapped his arms around his tense boyfriends neck, “l-lets go guys, its c-could be fun.” Bill says trying not to stutter “yes, we haven't been anywhere since we got here and it's kinda getting boring around here” Malia says while standing over Bills shoulder and kissing behind his ear. Bev annoyance subsides and finally gives in, “whatever bitches, lets go” earning a “yay” from everyone. They get to a pretty big bar in the middle of town well you could call it a club due to its size, the person at the front lets Beverly, Richie, Saleh, and Mike through, stopping at Kiaha “ID princess!” he says firmly, Eddie being her closest best friend pulls her close, “call her princess one more time and…” he gets cut off by Kia shushing him handing the buff guy her ID, he gives his head a quick flinch and lets her and Eddie in. asking for the others ID’s. they all sit in a booth type thing, before Richie even gets a chance to whistle at the bartender, Kiaha whistles “ hey hottie” at the extremely attractive waiter with dark brown hair, grey eyes, and olive skin, he comes to the table and seductively winks at her and says “what can I get for ya cutie?” Kiaha looks down and back up before speaking “ go ahead and get us as many shots as you can...and a side of you if that’s possible” he blushes but says “that can definitely be arranged” Kiaha was one to be seductive since she was the girl version of richie, besides having bright red hair and piercing yellow eyes which was rare due to her being a banshee. Everyone looked in shock with mouths wide open especially her sister Bev, “umm okay, damn Kia!” Eddie grins “seems like you've been hanging around Richie too much” Stan blurts out they all start laughing “and she isn't even drunk yet” Richie eyes her but its welcoming, “Kiaha next time why don't you go ahead and jump on the poor man” Malia cooes, “you should probably take it down a notch” Bev says with an annoyed face “why should I, i’m 21 now and single I don't see a problem in it” Kiaha defends “yea, c’mon Bevvy just let her be free for once.” before Beverly can say another word the two huge tray of shots were put in front of their faces. “There ya go sweets” the waitress smirks handing her a napkin that says “meet me in the back @8:45 I go on break then” and walking away. She looks at the group then the napkin then back up to the group eyes turning a glowing white lighting up the table and cheeks blushing a bright shade of red, “Kiaha your eyes, your eyes!” Eddie says concerned at someone seeing her, “fuck, sorry” Kiaha says nervously, they drink the shots and most are already pretty messed from so many shots but they order another round, once they finished that, the rest of the group are on the dance floor, and Kiaha sitting at the table alone looking anxiously at the clock, it strikes 8:44 and she sees the guy turn around the corner picking her up kissing her hard and sloppy, “GET IT, SLUT” Eddie yells from across the room whos dancing practically on top of Richie she just waves her hand at the comment. Bev looks at her with disapproval until bursting out laughing and resting her head on her sweet Stans shoulder, The two are completely indulged into each other, sweaty, slobber, moaning, thrashing, knocking things over, it was terrible honestly, Kiaha wasn't a virgin, and she hasn't been since the age of 16, her sister Beverly did NOT know about this even though they can't change the past she knew her older sister would be so disappointed in her and she couldn't bare the thought of that, lucky Richie was a good teacher and taught her how to lie straight to her sisters face she begin lying like it was her religion. Back out on the dance floor they were all over each other, not just Richie and Eddie but all of them while Kiaha was gone they got 2 more rounds of shots and were completely drunk out of their minds, Beverly casted a spell on the vampires allowing them to get drunk because without it they would only get a tiny bit tipsy due to their bodies healing so fast. Beverly was on Mike and Stan was on Richie, Eddie was on Selah and they were all huddled into a group alternating every so often, but when they go back to the couples it was like a sex club, kissing, grinding, moaning, touching it was worse than what was going on in the back. Once they all got to hot and needed a small break they go back to the boothe ordering yet another round of shots and glasses of water, being wasted at this point none of them knew where they were, or even who they were Kiaha had finally come back after almost an hour and half, her hair was mess, lips swollen and red, hickeys all over her neck and down her chest, “did you get into a fight with a wendigo?!” Richie asks smirking yet proud of who he had created,”you should see the other guy” she winks and slides in beside Niklyn. “wanna grab a smoke?” Nik asks and Bev nodded then asking Richie to join them he says “yes” moving Eddie off his lap, Eddie groans and pulls Richie back down, “baby, i’ll be right back stay there” Richie says softly kissing his boyfriend innocently on his soft brown locks, they move through the crowd and push the door open. Richie grabs the pack of menthol cigarettes from his pocket and offers one to each of the girls, Bev takes one and Niklyn immediately shakes her head and pulls out her own pack, “dont like menthols?” Beverly asks “nah, they hurt my lungs.” Nik says with the cig between her teeth, they stay smoking outside for a good 5-10 minutes just talking, Richie finishes last taking one more drag before flicking it into the concrete, “you’re gonna start a fire dickhead” Nik chuckles “I have a dickhead” Richie says winking at her “Ew gross Rich” they open the door and Richie notices someone trying to dance with his boy who is obviously pushing him away. Richie's blood boils at the sight, Bev notices immediately and takes Richie by the hand “hey don't freak out hun, its a bar everyone's all over everyone” Bev says with a stern yet comforting voice, Richie yanks his hand out of Bevs quickly as he sees the guy kiss Eddies neck, and Eddie moving forward back into Stan, Richies charging forward “EDDIE, GET RICHIE NOW!” Bevs screams since being a banshee the whole bar looks at her she's so loud it shakes the bar causing Richie to pause for a short moment. Eddie looks forward noticing his alphas anger from where he's standing, he tries running to him but Bill pulls him to the side saying “no Eddie, he’ll hurt you, he's not himself right now, his protective especially right before a change is coming up” Eddie tries to escape but there's no use Bill is stronger than Eddie and he knows this “I CAN'T JUST WATCH HIM BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF THAT GUY BILL! LET GO!” Eddie growls, Richie already on top of the guy, Bill finally lets go, Eddies running over to Richie but as soon as he touches him Richie throws his hand back knocking Eddie out cold on the floor, RICHIE, NOW DAMNIT, LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!” Bev screech's causing Richie's ears to ring, stopping suddenly…there's a pause before Kiaha begins to cry saying ”Richie he wont wake up…” noticing the huge scratch on his arm.
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