#I’ll go koko nuts
lady-lauren · 5 months
love getting excited to see I have messages, only to see “find hot singles in your—” FUCK YOU porn bots
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shadamyheadcanons · 1 year
My thoughts on Sonic Frontiers
I really enjoyed it and appreciate everyone not spoiling it for me :) I meant to post about Frontiers months ago, but this took forever for some reason. Naturally, there’ll be spoilers under the cut.
(Are Frontiers details still considered spoilers? Idk. If they are, let me know!)
I like how many callbacks there were to previous characters and events. It made it feel like an actual narrative with greater stakes. There’s actual continuity now!
Tails and Knuckles were handled better than I ever could have anticipated. I haven’t loved them so much in years! I couldn’t ask for more.
Eggman and Sage are standouts. I’m interested to see how they’ll write Sage moving forward. I could see her feeling torn between supporting Sonic or Eggman.
I feel...conflicted about Amy in this game. Her compassion is there, at least, and she's not the bland cheerleader she was in Forces. She wasn’t a jerk like in Free Riders, either. Thing is, though, what I love most about Amy is how fierce she can be. It’s directly tied to her brand of kindness. She needs those strong feelings, both the good and the bad, to be her. And there was barely a glimmer of it in Frontiers. I was so excited when it finally popped up and she argued with Sonic about not doing enough to help the Kokos, but she backed off really quickly. She just got shut down.
I fear that the writers have decided a milder Amy is more “mature” than her fiery, feisty former self. I don’t want them to make her boring because they’re afraid of what she used to be. I’m scared that the Amy I grew to love is gone for good because people think she needs to be “Nice.”
She needs that energy. She needs that spark. She carries around a giant hammer, for Chaos’ sake. You can’t give her a giant hammer and then tell me she doesn’t have guts and a temper.
We already have Cream. We need Amy!
I’m hoping it’s just a side-effect of Frontiers’ somber setting. Ian Flynn *gets* her, so if they keep giving him more influence, then I have hope. And this is still an improvement in some ways.
As a side note, they really toned down her crush, huh? They emphasized how important love is to her (as they should), but none of it really seemed directed specifically at Sonic. Every time she mentioned love, she looked away from him. And if she’d decided to go on a journey to spread love around the world in literally any other game, she’d have invited him...but she didn’t in this one. And he showed no interest in joining her. Idk. I’m not saying she’s over him--I don’t think she is--but I’ve been seeing Sonic x Amy fans going nuts over this game for months now and calling them “canon,” and I don’t know why.
I saw far more chemistry between Sonic and Knuckles, no contest.
This game does a great job making use of the characters’ strengths. I love how Knuckles got to show his expertise with the ruins. I love how Amy was able to point out the freshly-recovered nature of Kronos Island, implying she goes back to the towns they’ve helped in the past and checks up on how they’re doing. In a game where Sonic’s friends can do so little, these details say a lot.
I was disappointed when Sonic’s cyber-corruption was immediately fixed by the cheesy “let’s hold hands” Power of Friendship deus ex machina moment. Cyber-corruption was built up for the entire game as something debilitating that couldn’t be easily fixed. Sonic was straight-up deteriorating, barely able to stand, and the stakes felt extremely high. Making it harder to undo all that--and bringing in his friends to do so and repay everything he’d been doing for them--would be ideal to me. This would have been the perfect place for the new story and playable characters they’ve promised! Give them their own missions! Use the corruption as a reason Sonic has to be sidelined! It’s obvious the devs were feeling the time crunch by that point in the game, so I don’t blame them too much, but it would’ve been seamless.
As it is, though, I am absolutely thrilled that I’ll get to play as Amy again!!! It’s been so long, and some leaks have been hinting at Origins Amy DLC, too!!
Give me the hammer! It’s! Her! Turn!
Finally, I’m really excited to see what they do with the time skip--or at least I’m assuming it’ll be a time skip. They’re all going on journeys and Tails literally said “You won’t even recognize me the next time you see me,” so I’d say it’s pretty cut-and-dried. New powers, designs, etc? Who knows?
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chidoroki · 7 months
Tokyo Revengers S3EP7
aka: "let's get ready to rumble"
Damn, Izana beating up every big name gang leader, even that one Ikebukuro dude who oversaw the Valhalla vs Toman fight.. up until Kazutora knocked him out anyway.
So Shion’s responsible for sending Mitsuya and Smiley to the hospital.. how rude of you sir. Also kinda bummed that happened of-fscreen, I was sorta looking forward to see Shion fight a little bit finally.
Oh I just noticed Koko standing around nearby too in his new Tenjiku coat.
Aw the poor boy, look at him all hurt still. At least he didn’t look too thrilled to be there.
Sanzu! Another one I wanna see fight so badly! Show me why the fandom adores you!
Oh I bet all the Ran fans went nuts over that close up zoom of him.
For a brief moment, I thought Toman was pulling up wearing some huge sunglasses til I realized that’s just some serious looking shadows over there eyes.
Now I understand the gang driving up to the pier was evident at the start of the OP, but was including Mikey and Draken towards the end just there for theatrics or are they really gonna show up later on after losing Emma?
Pfftt wait a damn minute, Koko has cuts and bruises on his faces a little while ago, but now when we’re taking a look at everyone lining up, his face is all healed? What witchcraft is that.
For real, Kisaski sitting back all the way high up on the containers.. c’mon down and fight ya coward!
Yo yo hold the fuck up.. there’s that many Tenjiku members?? They’re like ten times the size of Toman here. Good lord..
Oh if they’re starting one vs one with Shion, then Angry has gotta take revenge for his bro. I’d say Hakkai but he got enough attention last season.
I’ll be damned, it’s Peh who stepped up!
Ain’t no way he took out Shion with a single punch?? I mean I’m thrilled if that’s the case but the dude was talking such big smack and got knocked out so quickly?? Hilarious!
Pfftt leave it to Takemichi to headbutt a guy first before even thinking of using his fists.
Peh is basically using Tenjiku’s men as weapons the way he’s flinging them about!
Hakkai punching ‘em down head first all the way to the ground as always. Ya love to see it.
Chifuyu being best boy and coming in with a swift kick to save others.
Even Izana is acknowledging how weak Shion is. That must hurt.
Holy hell.. I should’ve expected Izana to also have fearsome kicks like Mikey. He sent Peh flying.
Damn straight Chifuyu!! I was waiting for him to come kick the shit outta Mochi!!
Oh boy, Ran vs Hakkai and Rindo vs Angry. Let’s go y’all!
Of course that leads Takemichi to face Kakucho. We saw this coming. Though I haven’t a clue on who Sanzu and Mucho will spare with. Inui and Koko are probably gonna throw hits at each other too.
Okay, yup, there he goes getting a surprise hit on Inui. And Koko’s face is shown to be all beat up again like that one scene from a while ago didn’t exist.
Wait, Akane? Who might that be? And why are they important to Koko to need so much money?
Koko has to accept that Inui isn’t Akane..? Surely we’ll get more of this backstory next ep.
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years
Love your aggressive s/o x Bonten headcanons lol
If possible can we get a version where they find out the only freaking reason she's so aggressive is because she's literally hungry and sleepy... Like all the time? Like she'd need food in her hand 24/7 and constantly eating something (or napping) in order to not go off on someone for breathing wrong for more than an hour lol (you can ignore this if you'd like idc I just think it's hilarious to see them with what's essentially the equivalent to a pissed and grouchy cat lol)
Bonten x reader with hanger issues n a food complex.
'm glad ya liked em :)
love this idea too
Warnings: swearing, blood, fighting, gun references, drug reference (sanzu ofc).
Bonten: Mikey, Sanzu, Koko, Ran, Rindo, Kaku.
finds you rummaging through your bag after a fight
after you come back with nothing from it and a sour look on your face he cant help but ask
"What's up with you now?"
notices your similar to him after he hasn't had a snack for a while
if you ignore he'll leave you to your little tantrum as usual
after a long bonten meeting you're sat drifting off in your chair when someone bursts through the door
you do one of those freaky slow look ups a glare as cold as ice on your face
"You're really gonna come shouting in here n wake me up you fucker?! I'm fucking tired and hungry af n you have the balls to do this shit. I'm gonna cave ya head in dickhead."
'oh' Mikey knows exactly what the problem is now
he grabs a dorayaki out of his stash n throws it to you
you grumble a bit before going silent and munching on the treat
promptly moving to a couch and taking a nap
from then on Mikey keeps extra snacks for the both of you and you take regular naps in his office, sometimes with him.
your aggressive little attitude seems to get a lot better which keeps the rest of the executives calm.
tbh i don't think he'll realise, he likes it when you're a bit psycho n that
takes Takeomi or Mochi telling him that you seem calmer when you have snacks for him to realise
straight up asks you
"Soooo you got like a food complex or something babe? Cos I get it I get antsy when I don't have a pill for a while, I can get those food supplement drugs if ya want love."
like boy no who tf wants ur shitty drugs
"I want snacks motherfucker not some boring ass supplements, actual food n several naps a day."
our boy only gets it when you spell it out n will buy you all the snacks n food you want
also keeps a blanket n pillow in his office so you can take a nap with him
watches you sleep like a creep can't lie
whips random snacks out when you get n attitude during meetings
loves it when you have a little anger tantrum cos you wanna nap n lets you drag him down onto the couch to use him as a pillow
probably can't sleep cos of the drugs but good effort
"Think you should take a chill pill on the drugs, love."
"Which one's that is it in my bottle? Is it a downer? They're boring baby."
sir you have a problem >_>
chances are he already clocked it after the first few times he saw you beat a bitch then walk straight into a shop n buy snacks
wont actually mention it he just makes you take scheduled naps under the pretence that he needs one
will gently massage your kneecaps during meetings when you start to get grumpy
pulls random snacks and drinks out of his pockets
tries to keep you calm all the time
practically throws a blanket at you when you get ratty
will bundle you up even in meetings n make you take a nap on his lap
human burrito
very devoted to looking after you
will let you fight when you're really angry but prefers to keep you as docile as he can
"Love, enough. C'mon come sit down wit me and have a snack leave that piece of shit there."
ur surprisingly obedient when he's waving your favourite snack at you
honestly he just thinks you're a bit nuts plus you spend too much time with sanzu according to him
most of the time he just lets you do your thing n he doesn't get involved
only realises that there's something odd when the Bonten executives plus the boss go out for a meal after a meeting
you're silent for once n you even seem calm as you practically bounce in your seat with all the food in front of you
once he realises that you're a lot calmer with food he offers you his
will send someone to buy snacks as soon as he sees a hit of aggression coming from you
you fall asleep on his shoulder later in the evening
Koko adjusts you slightly to keep you comfortable
hears your light muttering about nonsense
he ignores the conversation that all the executives are having in favour of listening to you sleep talk
he can make out your quiet words at some points which cause him to chuckle
until you mutter about how much you love him
an unusually soft smile on the both of your faces is there until late into the night
tries to make you take naps often after that just so he can listen to you sleep talk
feeds your grumpy self often he orders some expensive snacks just to see your reaction.
if you think this cocky shit would ever question your angry self you have another thing coming
he enjoys watching you beat the living daylight out of anyone
coincidentally brings you some snacks during a meeting one day
usually you'd be snapping and threatening to fight sanzu by now but you're silent for once
he stops listening to Kaku's report to observe you n notices that you're only silent cos ur stuffing snacks in you mouth
"Uh babe? Did you actually just calm down cos I brought you food? If I'd known it was that easy I woulda brought you a whole ass shop."
"Mhm buy me a whole convenience shop n I'll marry you."
the boy definitely does a Koko n buys you way too much to keep in his office and your apartment
please let him pamper you
he realises that he enjoys your happy food enjoying self more than the little psycho you usually are
comes into every meeting with food
when you sleep on his office couch n wake up even calmer than with food he encourages you to sleep more
buys an expensive ass weighted blanket for his office
bless him he heard that they keep people calm from Ran
sometimes sits at the couch reading paperwork with your head on his lap
strokes your hair to help you sleep better
"Love ya Rin..."
your sleep talk is his favourite thing
already knew
this man is very aware of everything you do
he may seem lackadaisical but he knows everything that you like and everything that keeps you calm
he plays it off as a coincidence that he started bringing snacks 3 weeks after you started
when he figures out your favourite he keeps them in his office 24/7
also like Rin he has a giant weighted blanket in a cabinet for you
has it out as soon as you come into his office
leaves it so that you can wrap yourself up in it when you're both going through paperwork
you ofc inevitably fall asleep in it
your boyfriend gets you all comfy and lays down with you for a quick nap
he wakes up wot you gently brushing his now messed up hair away from his face
you seem gentle and calm for once as you smile down at him
"Hi handsome. Did you have a nice nap?"
he's shocked ngl
falls in love with you all over again
"You look like an angel my love."
pampers you and makes you sleep a lot in his office just so you can wake up and be calm with him
he wants all your calm attention
will still cheer you on when you have a "tantrum" as Rin calls them
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snidgetwidgeon · 3 years
This work was prompted by a fic exchange between friends on Discord. It evolved into something completely different as I wrote it, becoming my first whump! Prepare for the sad.
Zelda endeavors to find purpose through her crippling grief, but sometimes all you can do is leave your world behind, when all it has done is take from you.
Link found Zelda in the greenhouse treating the hydroponic tank, hands dipped into the cool water, emitting a soft golden glow. He never ceased to be mesmerized by her birth right and the creative ways she continued finding to help people.
She had chosen a quieter path after they sealed the Calamity. Rather than reinstating the monarchy in a kingdom that had clearly survived and moved on without it, she decided to be a healer. It was noble, but he also understood it to be penance. She still blamed herself for everything even though she was better at hiding it after all these years.
“Almost finished?” he asked, playing with the leaves of a tea bush.
She looked up startled, then relaxed as she saw it was only Link in his stealth set. He’d taken quite a liking to many things Sheikah since they made their residence in Kakariko and this was his favorite.
“What have I told you about slinking up on me?” she reprimanded calmly, refocusing her attention on the water.
“Don’t get caught?”
“Very funny,” she replied. “One of these days, you’ll startle the wrong person.”
Link answered with a cheeky grin.
She rolled her eyes, “I’m coming soon, I just wanted to finish feeding the new crop before we left.”
“Alright, I’ll check the horses over, make sure we haven’t forgotten anything. The girls told me to tell you, ‘don’t you dare leave’ without seeing them first,” he mimicked Koko’s manner. “I think they have something for you at the house.”
She turned to say something but he had slipped out as quietly as he had slipped in. She blew out a slow breath, trying to retain her patience.
The glow faded as she lifted her hands out of the water. She dried them on her tunic and ensured the notes she left for Mellie were in the right place. With a final glance over, everything was as it should be. Satisfied, she went to find the girls to say goodbye.
Koko and Cottla slid the door open and threw themselves at her when she knocked. “Girls, girls! You aren’t little anymore, you’re gonna take me out one day if you keep bowling me over like a baby goron,” she chided them good naturedly.
“But we miss you already,” Cottla explained while squeezing Zelda’s waist.
“I’ll be back before you know it. Come on now, you know the drill.” Zelda pried them off. “Right, Link said you have something for me?”
Koko brightened and rushed to the table to retrieve an ornate box. “Dad made this box for you to organize your medicines in when you visit the other villages, and me and Cottie made you something too!”
Zelda took it and admired the craftsmanship. It was engraved with herbs well known as remedies for various ailments and even included a silent princess on the front between the two opening clasps. “This is so beautiful, and very practical. Please tell your father I appreciate it very much in case I don’t see him on my way out.” She then looked at the girls a little expectantly, who were fit to bursting, and asked, “And what did you two make?”
“Open it,” they both chimed, slightly out of sync.
“Oh! How silly of me, of course.” She carefully undid the clasps and raised the lid to reveal a variety of snacks. “My goodness, these look delicious.”
Cottla started pointing, “I made this one, and this one, and those ones-”
Koko interrupted, “And I made this one, and all of these ones,” she said as she lifted the top layer out of the box to reveal an extra compartment beneath.
“They look wonderful, thank you so much. I’ll make sure to stretch them out during my trip and think of you lots.”
With her free arm she hugged them both and kissed their foreheads before departing, mirroring their frantic waving.
Link and Zelda began in Akkala and made their way across central Hyrule and Tabantha. Zelda’s melancholy was always more noticeable on the road than in the village. They would go hours without speaking, and Link would hum to himself often, hoping that it offered her some comfort. About halfway through their journey, he noticed a change in her spirit.
Their next destination was Gerudo Town. It always warmed her heart to visit and was her favorite. It had been her home away from home when she was growing up and she was never able to visit as much as she wanted.
From Gerudo Stable, it took nearly a day on foot to reach Kara Kara where the pool was quite welcoming. They decided to have a refreshing dip to wash off the sweat and dust of the road. They followed this by sunning themselves on the rocks like lizards until mostly dry then went to secure a room and a meal. The following day they would rent some sand seals so as not to exhaust themselves on the remainder of the journey. Link double checked that he carried all pieces of the vai outfit so he would be able to enter. He did not fancy having to wait outside like that one year when he’d remembered everything but the all important face covering.
He could have returned to Kara Kara to try and source another, but there was no guarantee something would be available and by the time he returned, Zelda would be just about finished anyway. So he had slummed it with the men outside. It wasn’t all bad. They had a nice campfire and a sense of camaraderie during the night, but... never again.
After arriving, Link went to organize their rooms at the Oasis while Zelda sought an audience with Chief Riju. By now she was a young woman of nearly twenty, still on the small side for a Gerudo, but her thick red braid had grown with her and was just as impressive as ever.
“Zelda,” she greeted her guest enthusiastically, “I’ve been looking forward to your visit. Please tell me you’ll be staying longer this time, poor Patricia doesn’t know what to do with herself when you blow in and out.”
“I see you remembered my request from last time. Thank you,” she nodded sincerely.
“Of course, I’d call you anything you like. Absent, late,” she started waving her hands to various examples in jest, “never here long enough-”
“Alright, I get it. I’m sorry. It’s just,” Zelda focused on her feet, “Impa is so frail now, I was wary of leaving at all this year.”
Riju rose from her throne in concern and approached Zelda, taking her hands in her own. “My sincerest apologies, I would not have teased if I knew. How is she?”
Zelda looked up surprised before staring down at Riju’s hands. They were smooth and bronzed, adorned with golden bracelets and teal painted nails that reminded her of Urbosa. “She... she was certainly still well enough to send me packing, telling me not to languish around on her account. The other people of Hyrule need me too, and this is how I have chosen to help, so... here I am,” she smiled but it did not reach her eyes.
Riju enveloped her in a hug and she found herself staring wide-eyed at Buliara whom she could have sworn wore a light smirk. Green mirrored green as Riju then held her at arms length, gazing into her eyes before looking her over. “What has Link been feeding you? Chickaloo nuts?” Before Zelda could answer, Riju took her by the hand and dragged her out of the audience chamber. “We’re going to go have a nice meal at the Canteen.”
Buliara was quick to follow. “Chief Riju, you still have-”
“Whatever it is can wait, I’m spending time with our special guest,” Riju answered over her shoulder. Zelda felt a slight exhilaration being pulled down the steps into the town square where the evening markets were beginning to ramp up. “What about Link?”
Riju grinned, “He’s resourceful, he’ll find us,” she winked.
Zelda felt a flutter.
A fortnight or so later, they had made their way through the Faron region and hired a boat to take them around the cape into Hateno Bay. Zelda counted the last of the fifty-odd packs labeled Blessed Tea and handed them over to the Mayor when she saw Symin running down the hill from the lab. It only seemed slightly curious until she also spotted a Rito flying away. Suddenly she had a bad feeling.
She quickly finished her transaction, “These should help over winter, Mayor, excuse me,” then yelled for Link and raced to meet Symin, leaving the Mayor with a confused expression.
Link was swiftly by her side and they met Symin halfway up the path, everyone out of breath.
“Zelda,” Symin started, “we just received word- Impa.”
Zelda was stricken, and grabbed his arm, “Is she gone?!”
“No,” he gasped for breath, “fading.”
“Link, pack our things. I’ll get Purah ready.”
The three of them materialized just above Kakariko and Zelda immediately started running down the winding path through the houses. She didn’t stop until she was huffing right outside the door of the Elder’s house. She tried to compose herself. She wanted to brave.
She hadn’t felt such fear since the day she stared down the maw of the calamity.
Link caught up shortly after, having kindly kept pace with an adolescent Purah. Part of her hoped that her sister might chose to stay with them, but in her heart she knew. This whole exercise was going to be futile.
Zelda took a deep breath and pushed the door open, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the lanterns. Paya was sitting next to Impa’s platform, her red tower of pillows now replaced with a futon. Zelda could see Impa’s small form as she approached, appearing as though she could disappear altogether under the covers into nothingness.
Paya stood and took Zelda’s hands, “She’s been holding out for you, I know it,” she whispered.
Zelda choked on a sob. “Is she- can she still hear me?”
“Yes, she’s just sleeping. You look like you could use some rest too. I’ll come get you if she wakes.”
“No, there’s no way I’m leaving her.” Zelda sat next to the futon and put her hands on the cover. She could just make out the faint tattoo in the wrinkled folds of Impa’s forehead and stretched her fingers out to touch it. They started to glow and Zelda connected with Impa’s fading essence, offering comfort and wishing she could do more. She could feel it, she had no power over the natural death of age.
She locked eyes with Purah who was now standing close, and raised her brow in a silent, pleading question.
“Of course I’ll stay.” Purah joined her on the floor, one hand resting on Zelda’s knee for support and the other gripped tightly around her slate to stabilize her own feelings.
They sat for some time, mostly in silence, occasionally telling stories about their favorite times with Impa. Link made himself useful and cared for them the best way he knew how, bringing food and soothing tea, Zelda’s own mixture. It was hardly touched but accepted with love.
Finally, after the sun had just set, Impa stirred. She was having trouble blinking her eyes open so Paya dabbed them with a wet cloth. When she saw them, her mouth opened in a lopsided, toothless grin, “My girls. There you are,” she said with a croaky voice.
“I’m here, Impa,” Zelda darted her hand under the covers to take one of Impa’s into her own, the return clasp was so loose.
“You should be out, dear. Helping-”
“All finished. I’m home to stay now.” Zelda shuffled over a bit. “Do you see who I brought with me? It’s Purah.”
Impa’s mouth became a surprised ‘O’ and she cooed. “Oh my, young as the days I chastised you, I see.”
Purah smiled, “Hey, sis. You always knew how to look out for me, even if I didn’t listen.” She looked between Paya and her slate hesitantly, an unspoken permission requested.
Paya nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.
“Impa, I can look after you now. Wouldn’t you like to stay longer? We need you.” Her young voice felt foreign to her in Impa’s presence and she experienced a sudden nostalgia for when they used to work at the Castle, an entire era ago.
A soft chuckle escaped the feeble woman and she squeezed Zelda’s hand a little.
“You are all quite well equipped. I’ll not be having you point that thing at me.”
Zelda leaned in, “Impa, please don’t say that. Purah knows how it works now. You could just have half again, even a quarter. I can’t lose you.” Zelda’s breath became shallow and she started to feel frantic. If Impa was gone, it was one more piece of her life ripped away without her control.
“I’m tired, dear. You have to let me go.” Impa smiled and her tattoo started to glow faintly.
Zelda looked to Purah, who appeared confused, and then to Paya, who was suppressing a panic. She knew what it was and white-knuckled her hands against her chest as tears started streaming down her cheeks.
“Paya? What’s happening?” Zelda asked fearfully.
“Gram- Gramma, no. I’m not ready,” her voice broke and she held Impa’s head gently, leaning over to touch their foreheads together.
The blue became stronger between them and Impa whispered, “You are, my child. You are...”
Zelda felt Impa’s hand go slack. “No, Impa. Impa! We can save you, please!”
The clatter of the slate felt like it could be heard across the village when Purah dropped it and lunged for her sister. Impa’s body became a blue energy that broke across the room as Purah cried, “Impa!”
Link stared in awe at a scene he was all too familiar with. A Sheikah, having fulfilled their duty to Hylia, finally being able to return to an essence.
Zelda started shrieking and he rushed to her, holding her tight and letting her sob into his chest. When the light faded, Zelda’s golden radiance remained, but it offered no warmth.
Outside, Dorian heard the screams and held his position stoically as he stared across the village she loved; the village she had welcomed him into, despite his past and his betrayal. A few tears escaped his rugged features. She was one of the greatest souls he ever knew.
The day after next, residents gathered at the graveyard and a fresh stone was added. It looked out of place next to the other well worn and moss covered ones. Impa’s had the Eye of the Sheikah carved in its face. Zelda stared at it for an age and at the same time, felt like she was staring at nothing at all.
After another two days of cultural observations and preparations, Paya was ready to be presented as the new spiritual leader of Kakariko. Zelda blessed her before the statue of Hylia and then kept to herself during the following festivities. She retired early and bade Link to follow.
Once back in the house, she said to him, “I need to leave.”
He nodded in understanding. “Ok. We’ll leave.”
“What should we tell everyone?”
“That I’m going on a pilgrimage.”
A few days later they made it to Gerudo Town. Riju couldn’t hide her pleasure from the surprise visit, but the mood quickly turned somber when she found out why. The Chieftain offered Zelda a place in her chambers and silenced Buliara’s protest. She would not have a dear friend grieving away in a hotel, protocol be damned.
As much as she tended to defy her right hand’s strict adherence to the rules, she did appreciate that Buliara was always there to remind her of what was done, and what was not done. That way, she knew when she was making an informed decision to do whatever she pleased.
Zelda accepted her offer and hid in Riju’s chambers for days, cuddling the sand seals and moping. When Riju finished her duties, which were more often pushed aside than not so she could try to offer comfort, Zelda remained flighty about discussing her pain.
Link came by occasionally to check on her but Zelda would have him turned away. It was a hard thing to do because she knew she was hurting him, but she needed to get him used to being without her. Since the moment Impa died, she knew what she wanted. And that was to leave. She needed to leave the past that was weighing in her heart like a black hole, devouring all of her present and future into its guilt ridden depths. Hyrule held nothing for her but regret.
Just as she had been doing every evening, Riju asked Zelda if she wanted to come down and join her for dinner. Until now, she’d been politely refused, but tonight, she was pleased to hear something different.
“Could we take dinner here, in your chambers?” Zelda asked from her lounging position on the sofa. She had a Gerudo text in front of her, mildly interested in learning the modern colloquialisms that had developed since she spoke the language with her mother and Urbosa.
“Well... of course, I see no reason why not.” Riju held one arm in the other and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Is there something you wish to discuss?”
Zelda gave an expression somewhere between conviction and a half smile as she appeared to work up the courage. “Yes.”
“Say no more.”
They conversed well into the night and found a familiarity that was comforting when Riju said, “You know you’re welcome to call me Makeela.” She became nervous when that caused Zelda to fall silent.
Finally she spoke, and Riju’s stomach felt weightless at hearing her name on Zelda’s lips.
“Makeela, I have been wanting to ask if you’d be willing to help me with a serious undertaking.” She placed her fork on her plate and dabbed at her mouth with the napkin, having only finished a third of her meal.
“I would help you in all endeavors. My resources are yours to command.” Riju took a sip of her wine and played with her braid.
“I wish... no.” Zelda looked at her feet because she did not want to see the hurt she knew this would cause her dear friend. “I need to leave Hyrule.”
Riju’s butterflies plummeted and she tried to keep her composure. “For- for how long?”
“I don’t know. Maybe a few years. Maybe forever.” She worried at the fabric of her sirwal but kept her resolve.
“I- well- a trip like that takes weeks to prepare. It is not the usual season that we cross the desert.” Riju stood, placing her unfinished glass on the table and left for the doorway. “I’ll have to see if we can spare the resources.” She frowned, unable to hold in her disappointment any longer. “I’ll let you know tomorrow.”
After Riju left, Zelda exhaled a low sigh and slumped in her chair. She downed the rest of her and Riju’s wine and crashed, unaware of the Chief’s return later that night.
Riju was also already up and gone the next morning. In her place was Link, glaring at her from the sofa. Zelda imagined he was trying to be intimidating but with a large stuffed seal sitting next to him she could only laugh.
His face faltered to one of pleasant surprise as he hadn’t heard her laugh in so long, but he regained his resolve and began his interrogation. “When were you planning on telling me your designs for crossing the borders?”
She wasn’t immediately forthcoming.
“Zelda, I swore an oath and by Hylia I will keep it, but... I have things- and people that I would need to see before going on a pilgrimage like this. I’d appreciate being part of such a big decision.”
Zelda’s humor had faded and she braced herself under his perfectly justified onslaught. “Well, you’re not.”
“I beg your pardon?” he stood up and crossed the room, taking on an imposing figure; quite a feat considering what he was wearing. He loomed over the edge of her trundle bed against the sandstone wall of Riju’s luxurious chambers.
She looked up at him challengingly, “You aren’t coming.”
“What does that even mean?” he spluttered.
She rose to meet his face and squared her jaw. “It means you are staying here so you can deal with the people and things you need to.”
He was about to protest having his words thrown back at him but she continued, throwing a finger in his face, “No, you should start living your own life. All I have ever done is take from you.”
His features softened to concern, “Zelda, that’s not true.”
She walked past him to the alcove of the terrace and looked out at the morning bustle. “It is, you just don’t remember. You fulfilled your destiny Link. You should be free of me.”
“I would never abandon you.”
She heaved a great sigh and closed her eyes. “Just... just promise me you’ll at least think about it?”
He hovered for a moment before acquiescing. “Fine.” He then swept down the stairs in a mood.
She imagined he would go and brood. Probably going to climb one of his mountains. “I’m sorry, Link.”
Riju had become somewhat distant since their evening meal but she assured Zelda that preparations for the caravan were underway and expected to be completed the following week. Initially, the lead Gerudo desert scout was not keen on leaving during an off season, but once she found out that Hylia’s Blessed would be with them, she agreed. As per tradition, there was a festival of worship held before a large trade journey to entreat the Goddess of the Sands and the Seven Heroine ancestors to bless their travels across the barrens.
As the sun set, the decorative lanterns strewn about the main square started glowing different colors and swaths of shimmering, patterned fabrics hung from the stalls and palm trees. Drums began to play as the party who had set out the previous day to provide offerings to the Seven Heroine monoliths returned to take part in the festivities. Once they had completed a prayer they were given the first servings of food and drink. Travelers who were fortunate to be within the town at the time were enthralled when the announcement was made in Gerudo, “You may begin!”
Zelda leaned against a palm tree, absentmindedly tracing the pattern on some of the draped fabrics when she noticed that dancing had begun. She was suddenly reminded of when she was little, watching beautiful women in vibrant colors, hips undulating and slitted skirts swirling hypnotically. Her mother had danced this way with Urbosa and she’d drawn Zelda in, twirling her between them. She was filled with an intense warmth and an incredible sadness all at once and almost left to return to her quarters when she saw Riju.
She was in the middle of the dancers, hair wild and free, draped in a teal sirwal to match her lips. She found Zelda staring and smiled dazzlingly. Riju kept her gaze steady on Zelda for the rest of the dance, only when she turned away would it be broken and then their eyes would lock once more.
Once it was finished, a new drum beat started and the denizens joined in, knowing it was now open to everyone. An overly confident Goron even jumped in, wiggling joyously and taking extra care to not knock anyone over.
Riju bounced over, breathless and elated.
Zelda smiled, “Makeela, that was amazing, I didn’t know you could dance.”
“An offering to the Goddess of the Sands. Anyone can join in now. Come join with me,” she held out her hand, bracelets jingling melodically.
Zelda hesitated for a moment, remembering the joy she felt dancing so, so long ago. She then placed her hand in Riju’s and allowed herself to be transported. If only for tonight.
The beat was energetic and the movements were such that they were mostly apart, Zelda trying humorously to get her hips swinging the same way; but when they came together, the warmth of Riju’s hand would cause a shiver of excitement to run all the way to her toes and she was thankful that her blush was hidden by the exertion.
Teal and white swirled through the crowds, long red and golden tresses whipped as they spun. They were constantly laughing, apologizing to those they bumped into because they only saw each other. For a few moments, Zelda felt happy.
The next couple of days passed by in a bit of a haze. Zelda had finally emerged from Riju’s chambers and explored Gerudo Town one last time before her trip. Her heart was heavy, now burdened with the prospect of yet even another loss, but her resolve remained.
She partook in various activities to try and distract herself from the waiting, and even indulged at the Oasis. She melted away during the treatment but the moment she was back outside shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand, she saw a familiar Hylian vai waiting for her. The weight in her stomach returned and she stole herself for what was to come.
She approached him, indicating that she was ready to have it out.
“I have done as you asked,” he said flatly.
“I’ve decided to come with you.”
She closed her eyes and inhaled through her nose before looking at him. “Let’s talk about this somewhere else.”
As they moved away, a stall holder scrunched her nose in disappointment.
When they reached a secluded space between some sandstone walls and storage crates she surprised him by outright apologizing. “Link, I’m sorry. The way I spoke to you before... made it sound like you had a choice.”
Confusion and anger crossed his features and she continued before he could speak, “I’m going and you will build your own life here like you always should have been allowed to do. I’m ordering you to.”
“But- my oath. I must keep you safe-”
“You can’t even remember taking your oath,” she spat impatiently. It was cruel. But he needed to be convinced. “If you wish to be beholden to oaths, then I, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, hereby release you of your duty and order you to live your own life.”
“You are my only life,” he said softly. “Zel, you’re all I’ve known since I woke up.”
She was caught off guard and speechless for a few moments, then reached out to his shoulders and pulled his forehead against hers, closing her eyes. “I’m so sorry. Hylia always takes everything from her Hero.”
He wrapped his arms around her and they shared an embrace of kinship only known to the souls of the past who also bore the pieces of courage and wisdom. When she pulled away, her brows furrowed in pain. “If you won’t be parted from me for your own sake then I need you to do it for mine.”
“What do you mean?”
She sat on one of the crates, the rejuvenating energy she regained at the Oasis already drained, swallowed up by her distress. “I don’t think I can heal here. Everything reminds me of my failure and the losses I have sustained. With Impa gone, I just... I can’t anymore. I need to be free of this place and everyone in it. Including you.”
He knelt before her and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “At least take them with you, just in case,” he entreated.
She opened it tentatively and faltered, shaking her head. It was the photo of the two of them with the Champions. He’d kept it with him all this time.
“No,” she refused kindly, placing one hand on her heart and holding it back out for him. “I have them here. You need this more than me.”
On top of everything else she regretted, Link had never regained his memories. She had occasionally tried telling him stories of their lives, but it always became too painful and eventually he stopped asking.
He nodded and returned it to its place in a pocket against his breast. He then drew the Master Sword from his back and held it horizontally before him. They regarded each other sadly and she tilted her head forwards to acknowledge his ceremony.
“I, Link, Knight of Hyrule, renounce my sworn duty to the Crown Princess... at the behest of my dear friend, Zelda.”
She smiled through a chin wobble and nodded her thanks, unable to form words.
He stood and sheathed the blade, a fleeting thought crossing his mind that the next leg of this pilgrimage would be returning it to its resting place in the Korok Forest. He drew her up into hug and stroked her hair. “I’ll miss you.”
A tear dropped onto his shoulder and she let go to hold his face, realizing it may be the last time she looks upon it. She kissed him. “Thank you. For taking care of me.”
He nodded once and then slipped away as her hands fell back to her sides, scrunching her sirwal.
Zelda returned to Riju’s room and stood numbly for a few moments. She didn’t know what to do with herself and listlessly looked around. She nearly decided on diving into the stuffed seals but then spied the inviting pool close to the foot of her bed. She would wash. Just wash the whole day away.
She perused the shelf of bathing accoutrements as she tied up her hair and picked a few promising items. She dropped two large rubies in to heat the water and an aromafizz that smelled of lemongrass. When the bath was bubbling away, she shed her clothes, folded them neatly on her bed and stepped in, sighing with pleasure. She settled her head on a folded towel at the edge and tried to think of nothing while playing with the ruby under the water. The bubbles had come up a lovely pale yellow and she balanced some on her knees, making little wobbly peaks.
Not long after, Riju came in and exclaimed, “Oh, what a perfect idea. Mind if I join you?” She was already taking off her headdress before waiting for an answer and when Zelda managed to squeak a yes, she started leaving a trail of shoes, top and skirt all the way to the water.
Zelda knew that public bathing was common place for Gerudo but she still politely averted her eyes until Riju was under the bubbles and situating her large braid behind her neck to act as her pillow. Once she was finally settled she let out a big sigh. “Yes, this is just what I needed.”
They relaxed in a companionable silence for quite some time, before Zelda oddly felt compelled to talk about what had happened. She opened her eyes and looked over at Riju. “I sent Link away today.”
“What?” Riju jerked her head up so quickly that her braid fell into the water.
“Sorry,” Zelda exclaimed but Riju waved away her concern.
“Why did you send him away?”
“He should be living his own life, not tethered to me anymore.”
“But who will look out for you when you cross the desert? I mean, on occasion a Gerudo will stay, but usually just for one rotation-” she suddenly looked hopeful. “Does this mean you are not going?”
Zelda stared into Riju’s eager eyes and her resolve faltered. “I- I’m not sure.” The sudden and seemingly permanent departure of someone who had been by her side for seven years made her long for closeness. And Riju clearly cared for her. Did she also, in return?
She started to play with Riju’s braid under the water, removing the tie and unwinding the tresses. Riju closed her eyes in pleasure, feeling the gentle tugs like a scalp massage. She leaned forward and with a wet, soapy hand, tamed one of Zelda’s fly aways before letting her nails glide down her cheek onto her neck. Zelda shivered under her ghostly touch and her lips parted as she gazed at Riju through half-lidded eyes.
“Makeela,” she said softly.
Riju drew the small woman into her chest and kissed her tenderly, as much a comforting gesture as it was an exploration. Zelda yielded to her and caressed her shoulders and neck, deepening their connection. Her hands started to glow golden and Riju gave a start at the sensation, pulling back in surprise. “What is that?”
“I- I honestly don’t know. My power- but it has never done this before.”
Riju raised a curious eyebrow. “Have you ever done this before?”
Zelda spluttered and Riju laughed playfully. “Come here, I’ll give you something to glow about.” She winked.
They were in each other’s arms every available moment Riju had over the next two days. Things felt easy between them. So easy, that assumptions were made. And conversations that perhaps should have been started, never were.
Until the morning of the trade caravan.
Zelda untangled herself from Riju’s limbs and slipped out of bed to start packing. She had already planned what minimal items to take. Just the essentials that she would need for the road and plenty of money to be able to get herself started on the other side. She kept sparing guilty glances over at her lover’s sleeping form. She should never have allowed herself to indulge. Her moment of weakness was going to break this woman’s heart.
She sighed and went to collect some breakfast. When she returned and set her things down on the table she saw Riju was sitting up in bed, staring at her bag. Her brows were furrowed and without looking at Zelda,  stated, “You’re packing.”
Zelda stood still awkwardly before answering, “Yes.”
“But we- Zelda, we’re together now. I thought...” She trailed off, the growing pain evident in her voice.
“Come and have breakfast.”
Riju threw the covers off and approached angrily. “Nothing’s going in that won’t come straight back out. Explain!”
“Makeela, I told you that I need to leave-”
“That was before any of- of-,” she gestured between them, “this!”
Zelda reached for Riju’s hand, not knowing how to reconcile her new feelings with her truth. She knew she still needed to leave. “Why not come with me?” she suggested foolishly, knowing that it was impossible, but holding a faint hope that somehow, Riju would say yes.
Riju let her anger flare, unable to understand the selfishness. “Unlike you, I can’t just leave my people,” she spat, pulling her hand away.
Zelda appeared as if she’d been slapped and Riju immediately regretted lashing out.
“Keela,” Zelda said softly, lip trembling, “all my people are dead. I can’t... I can’t escape my past.” Her eyes began to sting with tears. “All those years, in that thing,” she heaved, suddenly looking frightened. “I don’t know who I am anymore.” The dam burst and she shuddered.
Riju enveloped her into a tight embrace from which Zelda derived no comfort, lost again in the darkness of a hundred years. Her tears fell golden and a light grew over them both, Hylia trying to heal her broken heart.
“Everyone is gone. My family, my friends. Purah is different, and Robbie is also not long for this world. And Impa, she wouldn’t stay. I begged her! I’ve lost Impa,” she wailed.
Riju was horrified that something she said caused such a visceral reaction. She lifted Zelda’s face to her own and wiped her tears, staring frantically into her eyes, “I’m sorry, Zelda, I’m so sorry. You have me.” She kissed her and a tear rolled down her cheek, emotions now taking them both. She pulled away to search Zelda’s deadened gaze. “I love you.”
Riju leaned in again, softer this time, and she felt a slight pressure of return just before Zelda put her hands over hers and lowered them from her face, ending the kiss.
“I... I wish I could say it back.”
Riju’s heart plummeted and it showed, though she tried to hide it.
Zelda squeezed her hands. “It’s not that I wouldn’t. I just... I can’t love anyone else until I learn to forgive myself. I have felt nothing but pain and regret since my escape, no matter what I try. Please-”
“It’s ok, I understand. Just promise me you’ll be safe.”
“Hylia is with me. And now you will be, too.”
For @aviatordame
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maandags · 5 years
As Long As We’re Together (Zuko x reader)
Pallies. pals. friends. it's here.
-- -- -- 
Word count: 13.3K (y i k e s)
Genre: angst (are we surprised) / fluff
Notes: masterlist - listen. this was supposed to be like 6k. why. but also,,,,, ZUKOOOOOOOOO
Five years ago
Zuko had always thought you were beautiful.
From the hair falling into your face, no matter how many times you brushed it aside, to the eyes that seemed to bear a permanent spark in them that made you look so alive, to the smirk you wore every time you caught him staring with a sheepish grin on his face.
He, unlike most people, thought the tattoo your forehead bore–the very tattoo that marked you as a combustionbender–only added to your beauty.
It was clear to anyone who so much as cast you a look at you that you were no ordinary firebender. The red mark on your forehead could be mistaken for an eye, at first glance. Upon closer inspection, however, one could see that it was an intricate pattern of tiny swirls and shapes, and Zuko could spend his days just looking at it–it made up such a huge part of who you were, and he loved discovering new patterns or shapes that he hadn't previously noticed.
You were spread out on the grass now, your head in his lap and your eyes closed, and Zuko traced his fingers along the mark on your forehead, light as a feather. You'd told him it tickled, but when he'd apologised and promised not to touch it again your eyes had widened and you'd said, "Oh, no! It's just sensitive, is all. I actually quite like it. It's relaxing."
The sun was shining above you and Zuko threw back his head, letting the sunlight caress his cheeks, burying his fingers in the soft grass beneath him. He heaved a sigh.
"What is it?" you asked after a while, cracking open one eye when you no longer felt his fingers tracing your tattoo. You looked up at him, sticking out your tongue when all Zuko did was smile.
"Nothing. Aren't I allowed to enjoy the weather?"
Scoffing, you rolled your eyes. "You never do something as simple as enjoying the weather, Koko."
The nickname had started as a joke–Azula had taken to calling Zuko Zuzu, so you thought it was only fair if you referred to him as Koko. Granted, it was just to spite Azula at first, but for some reason you'd become fond of it, and soon it was all you called him. As much as he'd tried to threaten the nickname out of you, it had stuck, and he found himself not minding it one bit. Koko it was, and Koko it stayed.
"You're mean."
"I'm honest."
You pulled a face, sitting upright and stretching as you shot him a pointed look. "What are you thinking about?"
When he chuckled, looking down, you gave his ponytail a small tug and cocked your head. "There's always so much going on in that head of yours. What is it?"
He looked at you, fighting the flush threatening to creep up his cheeks and internally debating how he should say what he wanted to say. You would laugh at him. He was still young–a twelve-year-old prince shouldn't be worrying about anything like marriage.
"When I become Firelord..." he started cautiously, fingering the hem of his shirt, trying to find the right words. In the back of his mind, he realised how absolutely crazy it was what he was doing–he would basically be proposing at twelve years of age. That was nuts. And as he looked at you, the increasing curiosity sparking in your eyes, he felt the short burst of courage crawl right back into its shell. "...nevermind. It's stupid, and a good while away anyway."
You scowled. "That's not fair! You gotta tell me now. What were you going to say?"
"I said nevermind!"
"You're no fun. Well, I guess I'll have to fill in the blanks myself, then," you said with a shrug, tapping the side of your nose and pursing your lips in thought. "When you become Firelord... you'll expand your wardrobe to be half your room. Colour-coordinating socks will be your main activity of the day."
You cast a questioning look at Zuko, who was biting back a grin at your antics. "No? Hmm. Then... you'll redesign the palace gardens. No? You'll abolish homework across the entire Fire Nation. Still no? You could do that, you know. You'd save a lot of kids so much suffering."
Zuko was full-out laughing by now, and he let himself fall back onto the grass, rubbing his forehead. You were still firing ideas at him, each one more absurd than the last, sitting cross-legged and leaning your head in your palms with the most deadpan expression on your face.
"No! No, Y/N, none of that," he said, running a hand over his hair. "This is why I'm going to be Firelord and not you. The Fire Nation would fall into chaos if you ruled it."
You sniffed, inspecting your nails. "Mean. But fair."
Zuko smirked. "I'm just being honest."
But as he looked at you, the thought formed in his head once more. On your own, you'd be no good a ruler, that much was true. But if you ruled by his side... The two of you, together. That was how it was supposed to be. That was how it would always be. You and him.
That night, he woke up drenched in cold sweat, a huge explosion rattling his room. He jumped out of the covers and ran to his window, breathing heavily and frantically searching the palace grounds for the source of the blow. He saw nothing, bar the reflection of his own pale face in the glass.
The pitter-patter of footsteps resonated in the hallway, and Zuko turned to face Azula, who stood in his doorway with wide, twinkling eyes. "What do you think happened?"
Zuko said nothing. Looking out of the window again, he tried to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. Something was terribly wrong, he could feel it. The explosion had been awfully close to his room, and if he craned his neck the right way he could just see the plume of dark smoke making its way up to the skies.
A servant knocked on his door, coercing Azula to go back to her room and assuring them that everything was being taken care of. But even she looked shaken. Azula rolled her eyes before leisurely strolling out of Zuko's room, not sparing him as much as a glance. Still rattled, he climbed back into bed, hearing the servant's calming voice with half an ear.
Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.
You jolted awake with a gasp, a forgotten name ripped from your lips.
It happened so often you should have been used to it by now. But you weren't. Every day it was a shock, every day the echoes left you shaken and breathing heavily, your heart pounding. Because that was what they were: echoes. Not exactly memories, not exactly meaningless dreams.
You were only confused and scared for a few minutes. Though you may never completely get used to them, by now you knew how to deal with the dreams. Sleeping in the streets of Ba Sing Se would do that for you, you thought bitterly.
Get over yourself, Y/N. It's just a dream. Stupid, stupid dreams. You adjusted your headband, making sure it covered everything it needed to cover as you cast yourself a look in a murky puddle.
Granted, you knew close to nothing about yourself, or where exactly you were born or where you'd grown up until your twelve years of age. Murky memories of Ba Sing Se littered your mind, but they felt off somehow. The exact same few memories seemed to surface whenever you tried to remember, no matter what exactly you were hoping to recall–the same memories, always. And even they didn't feel like real memories; it was more as if you looked at yourself through opaque glass. The main shapes were there, but details got lost in the whole.
The more time passed, the more you felt as if you didn't belong. The more you suspected you weren't from here. It was like an itch you couldn't scratch. There wasn't a lot you could do about it, though–nothing except try to survive from day to day and not starve to death.
The main reason for your suspicions was the tattoo of an eye that adorned your forehead. You'd had it for as long as you could remember and had never seen anyone else with anything that looked even remotely similar. As far as you knew, you were born with it. You didn't know where the urge to cover it–hide it–came from, but there was no use fighting it; whenever your forehead wasn't covered, you got jittery, unreasonably panicky and a bonking headache plagued you until you grabbed the closest piece of cloth available and tied it in a knot around your head.
As you did every morning, you checked your leg and arm sheaths for your knives, counting the blades under your breath until you were sure none of them had been stolen off of you while you slept. It wasn't completely necessary, you knew–you'd established a name for yourself when a guy who had tried to grab one of your knives had lost a finger in the process–but by now it had become a force of habit.
In the Lower Rings of Ba Sing Se, one learned to sleep lightly.
But you were still here, and you were still alive. That was a win in itself.
In any case, you needed food–you'd finished the last of your bread yesterday. So off you went, pulling your hood over your head as you exited your refuge for the last couple of nights.
Over time, you had gotten used to living (and staying alive) in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se. It was big, and you toured each and every alley–after five years of scouring its streets, running from many an angry shopkeep who caught you trying to steal a loaf of bread or an apple. Back when you'd been nothing but a kid, you thought bitterly, resisting the urge to kick an empty bucket across the street.
You had been a kid, terrified and desperately trying to survive on whatever you could find. Some days, that would be warm, soft bread fresh from the oven that the baker had given you with a smile, along with apple juice and maybe some grapes. You'd try to keep the food for as long as possible, not knowing when the next meal as festive as this one would be. Other days, your meal would consist of a dry biscuit and barely a cup of water.
A fruit stand caught your attention. The apples and oranges looked fresh–a lot better than what you'd been eating for the last week or so. It'd be such a nice treat...
You bent down, grabbing a rock the size of your palm and weighing it in your hand, scanning the area for the place that'd catch the most attention. A fountain trickling brown-ish water hanging from the side of a house caught your eye and you thought, It'll have to do. You closed an eye, took your aim, and threw the rock.
It struck the fountain with a sharp clank, knocking the tap askew and sending mucky brown water spraying everywhere. In the commotion of annoyed shouts that followed, you quickly grabbed two oranges and three apples before mingling with the crowd and disappearing. You acquired two loaves of bread, a bottle of milk and even a small block of cheese the same way, and even though there weren't any fountains around you found another way to create a distraction.
It was a good hunt, you concluded as you weighed your bag on your hip, feeling the roundness of the oranges and apples through the fabric. As you were about to turn and head back to your refuge, a smell wafted around the corner and made your breath hitch.
Tea. It was tea, you were sure of it, and you sniffed a few more times, revelling in the scent that seemed to course through your entire body and warm you to the very bone. It was so different from the smells that usually hung in the air in the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se that for a second, you worried that you were dreaming again, maybe you were just hallucinating– but then you sniffed again and the scent came back, stronger than ever. You needed to get back to your hideout, a voice whispered. It would be discovered by other street rats and you'd lose what little shelter you had.
But it was still early, another voice argued, and if you could just get a look... maybe you could get your hands on a teabag. Just one. For the smell.
So your body took the decision for you, and the next thing you knew you were tiptoeing around the corner and chasing the delicious smell.
Voices accompanied the smell and as you pressed your body flush against the wall–out of habit, you guessed–you closed your eyes and inhaled the scent once more. For some reason, the smell made you think of home. It was strange–you were born in Ba Sing Se, weren't you?
Confusion muddled your mind when you realized that you weren't sure anymore. Even though everyone had always assured you that you had been part of the family since birth, there were still so many questions unanswered. Why were the first clear memories you had of the city at all only dated a few years back? The nice baker you saw sometimes had dismissed your questions with a wave of her hand, saying that it wasn't all that uncommon for young kids to lose their memories when they were forced to live on the streets. After a while, memories could get muddy.
It was still strange, you thought. There were so many memories you vividly remembered of your life in Ba Sing Se; but as soon as you tried to recall anything that dated back more than a couple of years... all you came up with were the same muddy, murky images.
Then a door behind you slammed open and you were harshly pulled from your thoughts. Your eyes widened and you just managed to jump aside before the person dumped a bucket of filthy water on the stones, drenching your shoes in the process. A yelp of surprise and anger tore itself from your lips, along with a string of curses and you jumped up and down, cringing at the wetness of your shoes and socks and waving your arms around.
"Can you not watch what you're doing?" you shouted, hopping from one foot on the other.
The guy in the doorway froze, clenching the handle of the bucket until his knuckles turned white. You sent him a furious look, trying to ignore the soppy soles your feet rested on. The first thing you noticed about him was the scar that stretched across the entire left side of his face, permanently closing his eye halfway. His eyes were widened and startled. A mop of shaggy black hair rested atop his head, and he wore a slightly worn green outfit and apron. The kitchen boy, you assumed.
"I'm sorry."
And that was that, and he turned around and disappeared into the kitchen and you stood by the door, your ankles and feet still sopping wet and baffled by the guy's cut off reaction. Before the door could completely close, though, your hand zipped out and you slipped through the opening, planting a hand on your hip.
"That's it? Just 'I'm sorry?'"
He turned around, annoyance now clear on his face and he threw up his hands. "What more do you want me to say? We don't know each other!"
"'Sorry' isn't going to dry my clothes, asshat."
"Zuko, what's going on?"
Another voice–male, you registered immediately–sounded, and not two seconds later an elderly man appeared in the doorway from the shop to the kitchen. His eyes widened when he saw you standing in the kitchen among the pots and pans, and his gaze shot from you to the guy– he'd called him Zuko.
Why did the name sound familiar?
You weren't given any time to think about it, as the older man smiled and clapped his hands together, even though his eyes were still a little wary. "Well, who is it you dragged in here?" You folded your arms, pointedly shifting your weight from one hip to another.
"I didn't drag anyone here. They followed me."
"Because you drenched my shoes and socks!"
"Then go home and change into a new pair!" he yelled, the amount of exasperation in his voice rising with every passing second.
You pursed your lips, clenching your fingers around your arms until your knuckles turned white. "I would. If I had a home. Or another pair of shoes and socks."
It was funny, you thought as you watched Zuko's expression fall and the widening of his eyes, even though it only lasted a fraction of a second–the time he needed to regain his composure. He wasn't from here, you decided. Definitely not used to the way some people lived in the Lower Rings.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" the older man piped up, whacking the boy on the back of the head with a towel, ignoring his startled "Hey!" and pointing your way. "Get them to a table, and make it quick!" He cast you a friendly smile, clapping his hands. "I will make you a most delicious cup of tea to warm you up. Now, get!"
Zuko sighed, but extended an arm towards the door, which you took as an invitation to slip past him, casting him another scrutinous look. There was an unusual kind of fire in his eyes–you didn't see that often, not here. It made your stomach churn, but also spiked up interest.
"That your grandfather?" you asked, following him to a table in the far corner of the shop, manoeuvring through the numerous stools and plopping down on the one he yanked back with a force that told you his boss had probably drilled the manners in his head, even though he probably found them stupid.
"Uncle," he said through gritted teeth. You raised an eyebrow; what a temper. Not something you found often in Lower Ring citizens. Your suspicion that he wasn't from here only grew by the second.
"All right. All I did was ask."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. You were liking him less and less. But irritation was rising in your own throat as well, and you leant back in your chair, folding your arms again and sending him a glare of your own. Tension seemed to crackle in the air as you held each other's gaze, both of you determined to win the staring contest. The irritating thought that you should know him from somewhere scratched at the back of your mind, getting increasingly annoying. He looked so familiar. His eyes looked so familiar.
"Here you go, child. Courtesy of Mushi." The uncle in question set a steaming cup of tea on the table before you and shot you a wink, and for a second you forgot all about Zuko and his familiar eyes, the scent reaching your nose and you instinctively inhaled deeply, closing your eyes and curling your fingers around the cup, taking a small sip and blinking against the tears springing to your eyes.
"Oh, Spirits, that's hot," you choked out before promptly taking another sip. "Ow."
"Slow down, slow down," Mushi said with a chuckle as he took the chair opposite you. Then he turned to his nephew. "Sit."
He did, albeit with a scowl and he sank back in his seat as far as possible. The weird image of a pouting kid popped up in your mind, and you shook your head with a start. The kid had also looked familiar. Almost like... like a memory. But that was impossible.
Wasn't it?
"Thanks for the tea," you said, securing your bag around your hips with shaking fingers and downing the last of the tea, revelling in the taste and resisting the urge to smack your lips. "But I gotta–I've gotta go."
"Oh, but your shoes surely aren't dry yet! You should stay a bit, maybe enjoy another cup of tea? On the house, I promise." Mushi frowned up at you, and you bit your lip, fingers fiddling with the cord holding your bag closed.
It was warm here. Warm and cosy and though the company maybe wasn't great–though Mushi was a sweet man, you had to admit–it already felt more like home than the streets ever would. But you were afraid that if you took his offer, you wouldn't have the courage to leave. So you shook your head, heart filling with regret.
"Sorry. I need to get back to my friends," you lied–you didn't have friends–and held up the bag. "Thank you. Again."
Mushi smiled and nodded. "It was our pleasure. If you ever find yourself around again, you are welcome to pop in anytime. Just ask for Mushi or Lee."
You frowned. "Lee?" Your eyes flitted to Zuko–or Lee, apparently. "I thought your name was Zuko?"
There was a stutter in Mushi's easy demeanour, his smile faltering for just a split second. "You're very observant. It's his nickname. He's had it since he was little."
You nodded slowly, gaze travelling from Mushi to Zuko–Lee–and taking a step backwards. Why did you have the feeling he was lying? "All right then. Until next time? I guess?"
Zuko raised a hand, not-so-subtly signing for you to leave. You narrowed your eyes at him. "I'll be calling you Zuko, by the way." You didn't have time to see his reaction as you spun around and zipped out the shop, squinting against the sunlight hitting you from above and making your way back to your hideout.
It had started to rain, and soon your shoes and socks were drenched again, except this time, every article of clothing you sported was drenched too. Your hair stuck to your face, and you muttered a string of curses as you pointlessly secured your cloak around your shoulders and tugged on the hood. You'd be sick tomorrow, you reckoned, and might even get a fever if you didn't find somewhere to stay right now. Somewhere warm you could spend the night.
Shivering, you turned the last corner to your hideout, tucking back a strand of stringy hair that had fallen in your face and stopping short when you opened the door. You had been right: the hideout you had spent just over a week in because it was your only shelter had been found by others. Other homeless people. A fire crackled, a ring of street rats surrounding it. It was a bigger group than you would see usually–close to fifteen of them. They all looked at you now, and you felt your muscles tense up. You had your knives, you reminded yourself firmly, no one would be harming you.
Unless one of them was a bender. It was possible, though rare for homeless people to be benders. You'd find out, you guessed and you sucked in a breath when one of them stood up and turned to face you. Out of reflex, you slid two of your knives out of their sheaths, holding them close to your body and shifting into a fighting stance, critically sizing up the man who was stepping towards you. His eyes widened at the sight of the blades and he raised his hands.
"Slow down, pal. We don't wanna hurt you."
Your teeth chattered. Outside was so cold and wet, and there was a fire crackling just a couple of feet away and it would be so nice to just... rest, if only for a little while. "How do I know that?"
"You don't," the man said simply and you narrowed your eyes, the grip you had on your weapons tightening.
"That's not helping."
"I'm just saying that you'll have to trust that we don't have bad intentions."
You scoffed. "I don't do 'trust' very well."
The man shrugged. "Then don't trust us. But we have a warm place here and we'll let you spend the night, if you want." He sized you up. "You don't look like you have anywhere else to go."
That made you stiffen. He was right, of course. So you straightened, shoving your knives back into their sheaths with more force than was absolutely necessary and taking a cautious step forward.
"Fine. I'll stay, but only because I don't want to wind up with a lung infection tomorrow."
"Of course," the man said lightly. "You don't trust us, we won't even think about trusting you."
You plopped down next to a small girl who sat cross-legged, slightly rocking back and forth and staring at the fire in front of her, her fingers curled around her upper arms. Her hair hung in stringy locks in front of her face. Her eyes were remarkably piercing. They reflected the flames in front of her and you could almost feel the warmth radiating from them.
"That's Hana," said the man who'd taken his own place in the ring. "We found her scouring the streets a few days ago. She zones out sometimes, when she's really tired, but she's usually quite the chatterbox."
So these rats–they'd sacrificed food and water for one little girl they didn't know. Your gaze flitted back to the man, but now you felt more curiosity than mistrust. "Why would you take her? You're already quite a big group. That would mean more mouths to feed."
"It also means we saved a girl who otherwise would probably have died–we may be rats, but we're not terrible people," said the man. "We gotta stick together."
You hummed, casting another look at Hana. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and closed her eyes, drawing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on top. "She's part of the family now."
A shiver ran down your spine, making you cringe and you suddenly are very aware of the heavy, damp cloak weighing down on your shoulders, the clasp in front digging into your skin. The man–you had named him Rat in your head–shot you a look and said, "You can put it to dry by the fire. I'll make sure everyone's grabby hands stay where they are." He cast a semi-threatening look around the circle.
Rolling your eyes at his antics, you unclasped the cloak and as you spread it out on the floor, you yawned. Fatigue and the feeling of safety the group radiated was finally getting to you, making your limbs heavy and beckoning your eyes to close. You weren't in the mood to argue with it, so you curled into a ball and closed your eyes. You were gone within seconds.
You woke from the whispering filling the air. Cracking open one eye, you stayed silent and felt your muscles tense up, your thoughts racing before relaxing as you remembered where you were and with whom. It was strange how quickly you felt comfortable around Rat and his crew–you weren't the trusting type.
Your cloak had dried overnight, and as you whipped it around your shoulders you cast a look at Hana, who was still curled up beside you and lightly snoring. She endeared you, and you hadn't even properly met her yet.
Standing up, you heard a voice ring out behind you. "Leaving so soon?"
Sure enough, as you turned, Rat had sidled up to you and looked at you with his hands in his pockets, an eyebrow raised. You pursed your lips. "Yeah. I..."
But Rat waved any words that would have come away. "You don't have to explain. It was nice to have you here, even if you threatened to stab us multiple times."
You grinned. "Yeah. Well, thanks for having me." You cast Hana a glance. "And watch out for her, will you?"
"I will."
You gave him a mock salute, pressing two fingers to the side of your head before whipping your cloak around you and making your way out of the door and into the gloomy day.
The wind howled in the alleys, rattling shutters and rippling through clothes. You wandered aimlessly, raking your brain for somewhere to go, something to do, some way to spend your time until the evening. Rummaging around in the bag around your waist you grabbed one of the apples and took a bite out of it, munching quietly while wandering the streets.
Little kids ran across the streets, their laughter echoing off the cobbles and clashing with the grey skies and dark clouds above the city announcing rain, and you followed them with your gaze as you chewed your apple, savouring every sweet bite. Their eyes were so bright, you noticed; they shone like stars in the gloomy day and brought a smile to your lips. One little girl–her hair was stringy and the colour of hay, tied in two braids down her shoulders waved at you, a grin plastered upon her face. You couldn't do anything but wave back.
An afternoon passed, and your feet started hurting from how much you'd walked today. For the first time, your stomach was full–you'd mindlessly been picking at the food in the bag, and you'd finished every crumb there. Stupid, you knew. That food had been supposed to last you at least a few days more.
Then a familiar scent wafted around the corner, and you groaned.
Your feet had led you right back to the tea shop.
You didn't have any money. You couldn't buy them anything, and asking for a single teabag would probably result in you getting whisked out of the shop for attempted theft. Sighing, you prepared to turn away–what else were you supposed to do, stand by the back door and wait for Zuko to throw out his dirty water? Maybe you'd get another cup on the house. Mushi certainly wouldn't mind, you reckoned.
As you shook your head, tapping your foot against a cobble sticking out from the ground, your eyes landed on a poster slapped crookedly to the wall opposite you. Your heartbeat sped up as you carefully and slowly read the words–the nice baker had taught you to read, and though you weren't an expert, you got by–and you lowered your hood, fiddling with the hem of your cloak.
You were homeless. A street rat. A thief, a dirty beggar, a savage child. Those were the names you'd gotten slung to your head before, each of them deserved and true enough.
But if you could get a job...
Biting your lip, you entered the tea shop, your head ducked down and your hands balled to fists at your side. The shop owner–he looked quite a bit cleaner than most of the people milling about in his shop, and he wore no apron, so you assumed he was the shop owner–scuttled up to you, and with a disapproving glance to your dirty attire he said, "Can I help you?"
You cleared your throat. "I'm–uh–I'm actually... looking for Mushi? And–and Lee?" Nerves built up in your throat, and in the back of your mind you punched yourself–these people would be crazy to hire you. Thief. Street rat. But you'd be damned if you didn't at least try.
The owner pursed his lips, folding his arms and looking you up and down, gaze sharp. "Whaddaya you want from Mushi? You tryin' to steal him away from me?"
Your eyes widened and you quickly shook your head. "What? No! I'm–I saw your poster, outside. You're looking for waiters?"
His eyes seemed to narrow further with every passing second. "Ah. So you're here for the job, eh?"
"Hm. Why didn't you say so before?" He gave you one more good look before turning and marching towards the kitchen, looking at you over his shoulder and saying, "Stay."
You were frozen, your hands still bunched in your cloak, your mind struggling to process what exactly had just happened.
You were about to get your first job. The first shop owner who would have you. You'd tried to get jobs before, but got rejected more times than you'd like to admit. Because you were untrustworthy. A thief. A non-cultured kid living on the streets. Sorry, try somewhere else. At some point, you'd given up on finding someone who'd give you a chance.
Now, though, it seemed like you had found the place to be.
Mushi made his way out of the kitchen, his eyes widening when they landed on you before he grinned wide. "Look who it is! Child, I'm happy you're back."
You smiled in return, eyes briefly flitting to Zuko who stood behind him, frowning and with his arms crossed. "Glad to be back. It's Y/N, by the way," you added, because if you were going to work with these people it seemed only fair for them to know your name. You missed the way Zuko's scowl deepened and his face paled.
Friendly salutations didn't last long, though; the owner's shrill voice cut through the air and he snapped his fingers in front of Mushi. "Well? Get the kid an apron, and put them to work!"
You sighed, plopping down onto a chair and massaging your feet with a flinch after the last customer left the shop and Zuko made to close up. You were wistful–where would you stay tonight? Surely Rat and his group would have moved on, but the shack was too far away from the shop for you to make the journey twice a day anyway. You'd have to find somewhere else to sleep. You pulled the apron over your head and folded into a neat square, resting it on your knees and biting your lip as you stared into the void, racking your brain for a spot you could set up camp nearby.
"How was your first day, Y/N?"
You looked up and right into Mushi's weary face, the crinkles around his eyes deepening with the smile he wore. You shrugged.
"Fine, I guess. I'm tired, but at least I'm doing something with my time, you know? It's a nice change."
"I'm sure," he said, leaning back in his seat and scanning the cleaned up tearoom with something like pride shimmering in his eyes. You studied his profile. He looked so nice, so sincerely good...
So why did you feel uncomfortable–itchy, almost–whenever you were around him? As if there was something not exactly right about him, and you couldn't figure out what. It was the same feeling you had around Zuko, and it bothered you. You bit your lip, debating on whether to speak up about it, but finally decided against it. You barely knew him; for all you knew, the feeling would fade after a while. Besides, you didn't want to come over as rude to the man who had essentially got you a job.
"So, where will you be spending the night?" His kind voice startled you out of your daze. "Not on the streets, I hope. You'll get ill at this rate–it's raining again."
Again, you shrugged, pulling your knees up to your chest, nodding to Zuko who pulled up a chair next to his uncle and returned your nod, albeit somewhat stiffly. His lips were pursed and he avoided your gaze and you wondered why–he'd never had an issue with you before, or at least not as much as he seemed to do now. You had to admit it upset you a bit. If you were going to be co-workers, you wanted to at least get along.
"I don't know yet," you answered Mushi, your voice muffled by your knees and staring straight ahead. "I'll–I'll figure it out."
He stared at you for a while, rubbing his chin, before he said, "No, I'm having none of that. What if you spent the night with us? At least until we find you a proper place to stay."
Your eyes widened and you let go of your knees. "No, I can't ask that of you. You've already done so much for me–"
But he shushed you with a wave of his hand, ignoring the furious look Zuko sent him. "You'll stay with us and that's that."
"I don't want to be any trouble–"
"See? They said themselves they–"
"Zuko!" The look he sent Zuko was one laced with multiple warnings--it was a sharper look than you'd ever seen Mushi wear.
"Fine," he ended up hissing after a vicious staring contest between him and his uncle. he scraped the chair back, casting you an almost disgusting look and storming off, leaving you wide-eyed and clenching the underside of your chair, following his retreating form with your gaze and flinching when he slammed the door behind him.
"I really don't want to be a burden," you said once more to Mushi, who pursed his lips and cast the door a sad look.
"You won't be," he said with a small smile, then heaving a sigh.
"Lee doesn't seem to like me that much," you said cautiously, shifting in your seat.
Mushi's smile turned sad. "It's nothing against you, child. You remind him of a friend he once had, a long time ago. You share their name."
Oh. "Do I remind you of them?" you asked after a minute of silence.
Mushi smiled again, and for a second he seemed like he travelled back in time as he thought back to your namesake--at least, that was what you assumed--his eyes distant. "So much."
"They can't stay here, and you know that just as well as I do."
You stared up at the ceiling, pretending to be asleep when in reality nothing could be further from the truth–while the sofa you lay on was infinitely more comfortable and warmer than cobblestones on a cold winter night, you couldn't get to sleep as easily as you'd hoped. You were wide awake.
"We owe them a place to stay. Because we're not terrible people."
"We don't owe them anything, uncle!"
"Keep your voice down."
Zuko grunted, and you could hear how he tried to steady his heavy breathing--he sounded close to panic and it worried you. "This is not going to end well. They're bound to find out somehow."
"At the moment, I think all they worry about is surviving to see the next day."
"You know what I mean. We're fugitives for a reason, uncle."
"And we both took the decision to leave those identities behind the second we steppe foot in this city. It is no longer enemy territory, Zuko. Here we are no longer Prince Zuko or General Iroh."
"Oh, spirits help us–don't say that out loud!"
"I'm trying to make you understand–Y/N knows us as Mushi and Lee. There's no reason to think we can't keep it that way."
There was a moment of silence and you heard the floorboards creak where Zuko paced. The creaking stopped--he'd taken a seat. "They're--they're so much like them, uncle."
Mushi–or should you say Iroh?–sighed. "Go back to sleep, Zuko. We'll talk about it later."
Silence, again. "Right."
He tiptoed past you and you quickly closed your eyes and evened out your breathing, pretending to be fast asleep until you heard the door shut behind him, and even after that, until you heard Iroh stand up himself and entering his own bedroom. When you were sure they were both out of sight, you opened your eyes again.
A tornado of thoughts zipped through your mind as you stared up into nothingness, a feeling of betrayal clawing at your heart, which was stupid in itself–Iroh and Zuko never owed you anything. Still, being lied to like that stung.
You bit your lip, wondering if that was your cue to leave. Did you want to live under the same roof as these people who'd lied to you ever since you'd met them? Iroh had called him Prince Zuko. What did that mean?
But then you realized that you didn't care as much as you probably should have. Weighing the pros and cons: you had a roof over your head. A place to sleep, a place to eat, a job. Besides, you knew the truth now anyway! What did it matter if they wanted to keep secrets from you? They had just as much right to do so as anyone else.
Still, it gnawed at you. The feeling that you should know them–really, actually know them–got stronger with each passing second, every time Zuko's voice reached your ears. It was so familiar and yet so foreign it made you want to scream. You turned on the couch, curling up into a ball, the names echoing through your mind; Iroh, Zuko, Mushi, Lee. After a while, you own mingled with it too. Y/N, Zuko, Iroh, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N...
"Hey, Zuko. Look."
He turned, an eyebrow raised and scoffed when his eyes landed on you, putting his hands on his hips and trying--and failing--to keep a straight face. His eyes twinkled.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you viciously tried to keep the platter balanced on your head, the plate of pastries perched on top wobbling dangerously. In both your hands rested another platter, those adorned with steaming cups of tea and you straightened your back, taking a cautious step forward and testing the balance of the platter on your head. Satisfied, you stepped towards the door and clicked your tongue at Zuko.
"Shoo. Make way, kitchen boy."
He raised his hands and let you pass, your steps still agonisingly slow and moving with an immense amount of control. The tip of your tongue peeked past your lips. You just had to get to the table by the window, you repeated to yourself over and over like a mantra. Halfway through, you realized that it would be an impossible task–the clatter of the pastries on the platter gave away that your control was slipping.
You were aware of the looks you were getting, and you stood up straight, collecting your bearings and fixating on a point right in front of you, sticking up your chin slightly and pacing the last few metres over to the table, where you set down one platter and swiftly sliding the pastry platter off the top of your head, throwing a wink over your shoulder to where Zuko stood, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen with his arms crossed and he stuck his tongue out as a response.
With a smile you slid back over to the next customer, a bubble of pride bursting in your chest. You and Zuko had steadily grown closer over the last four weeks–the time you had spent working in the teashop and spending your nights with him and Iroh–or Mushi, as you still called him.
It was nice to finally have him be a bit more relaxed around you, you thought–he actually smiled at you now. You could hold a decent conversation with him before he turned away. It was an accomplishment.
But with every second you spent in his presence, the feeling in your chest–that feeling of vague familiarity that you'd had ever since you'd met him–grew stronger. You wanted to know more than anything who this other Y/N character was. All you had to do was find the right moment to ask. Even though you got along better now, it didn't mean he suddenly would open up and tell you all about his childhood.
But the right moment didn't seem to come, and you were getting impatient.
"Congrats. I seriously didn't think you'd make it."
"So little faith in me."
"It was wobbling," he laughed.
You shrugged, pressing past him and putting up a new kettle. "Listen. A bit of danger makes it fun."
"Then you and I have different definitions of fun."
You turned, crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes at him, gears turning in your head. Fun. It was time you had a bit of fun.
"What if I took you to have some fun tonight?" you blurted.
His eyebrows shot up. "Meaning?" he said cautiously.
You grinned as the kettle behind you began to whistle. "You'll see."
"Y/N, is this necessary?" Zuko said, tugging at the black cloak you'd dug up and draped over his shoulders, and you nodded, pulling the hood over his eyes and ignoring his indignant squawk. Your knives jingled against your belt, their weight familiar, and you were glad for them. They'd been lying untouched wrapped up in your own cloak for weeks, and having them back gave you a strange sense of nostalgia.
You turned, planting a hand on your hip and casting him a grin. "Ready?"
He nodded impatiently. "Where are we going?"
Suppressing a smile, you said, "Just try to keep up." And then you were gone.
In five seconds you'd climbed to the roof of the nearest building, ignoring Zuko's hushed "Y/N!" and stood, your arms crossed, waiting for him to join you, your eyebrows raised. He sighed, and you could see him internally debate if he should do it or not–but then he was at your side, having clambered up surprisingly quickly. He cast you a weak glare. "If we're caught..."
You flicked his nose. "If I didn't know what I was doing, I wouldn't be here right now."
"Hm. Fair."
So you took off again.
You sprinted your heart out on the Ba Sing Se rooftops, The tap tap tap of your feet the only sound in the still night. You felt like you were flying, and you had the urge to push forward, push, push, push to your limits and see just how fast you could truly go. Your hood got blown off. You didn't care.
Zuko wasn't far behind you, and as you leapt through the air to get to the other side of the street you cast a glance back at him–his eyes shone in the moonlight, his face lit up by the grin stretching his lips. He was enjoying this just as much as you were, and he didn't seem to have a problem with your speed, so you accelerated, grinning at the surprised grunt he let out.
You wouldn't know for exactly how long you ran, but you ran until your lungs burned and every breath was torture, and even then you kept running, the cold caress of the wind on your cheeks enough to give you energy for another step, and another, and another. It was only when you couldn't feel Zuko's presence beside you anymore that you skidded to a halt, panting and pressing a hand to your side.
He caught up to you just a few moments later, his breathing just as heavy as yours and no longer running but jogging, hopping from one roof to the other. His amber eyes sparkled. You never paid much attention to how pretty his eyes truly were. Now you did, drinking in every detail of them.
You shook your head with a laugh, plopping down on the edge of the roof and looking up at the stars. How many evenings had you not spent stargazing? Those warm summer nights where temperatures hovered around a comfortable chill, perfect for a street rat such as yourself to sleep outside. You'd set up camp on a rooftop and stare at the stars, making up constellations until you felt like you'd studied every single one of them.
"Tell me about Y/N," you whispered to Zuko, who'd taken a seat beside you, unable to tear your gaze away from the sparkling night sky. "Your Y/N."
He sighed, leaning back on his hands. For a while, neither of you said anything, and you wondered if you'd overstepped the boundaries, but then he sighed again and began to talk.
"Y/N was... they were my best friend. We grew up together, back... back where I'm from. It's strange how I can still remember everything about them, even though the last time I saw them was around five years ago," he chuckled, but there was no humour to his laugh. "They always knew what to say and what to do, always had to be the wittiest person in the room, always observing, always thinking. They never stopped thinking.
"They'd tell me the most baffling stories, just making them up as they went, looking at passersby and then proceeding to recount me their whole lives as if they'd been there. I could spend hours just listening to them." Zuko smiled, fiddling with the hem of his cloak as he thought back to his time with them. There was an ache in your chest that you couldn't quite explain.
"They sound great."
"They were."
A few minutes of silence, and you pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. You pressed one cheek to your knees, looking up at him. "Did you love them?"
He looked back, conflict clear in his expression, hurt and anger and sadness all swirling around and fighting for dominance in his eyes. He shook his head, sighed. "I did."
A bolt of white-hot pain seemed to split open your skull, and you just managed to bite down on the cloth of your cloak to smother a scream. Your heartbeat sped up and you screwed your eyes shut, gripping the edge of the with a strength that turned your knuckles white, your whole body tense. But before you could draw a shaky breath, it happened again, this time ten times more intense and you couldn't stop the scream ripping from your lips. Dark spots cloud your vision, your head suddenly five times as heavy and you're struggling to breathe, feeling yourself slip in and out of consciousness.
Beside you, you vaguely registered Zuko grabbing your shoulders and turning you towards him, panic clear in his expression but you couldn't hear anything he said, it was like he was shouting at you from the other side of a cliff, and it scared you because you have no idea what's going on but then it happened again and you doubled over and Zuko's arms were around you–to keep you from toppling over the roof–and you couldn't see, and you couldn't breathe, and you didn't know what was going on.
Your forehead grew a thousand degrees hotter and it's like someone pressed a burning iron into your flesh, and you were still wearing your headband and you need to get it off, get it off, get it off get it off get it off
You ripped off the piece of cloth covering your forehead and the wind was deliciously cool on your skin, soothing the burning sensation and you sucked in a huge breath before bursting into a coughing fit, doubling over again and your eyes tearing up but at least you can breathe again. You tried to focus on your heartbeat, drawing deep breaths to slow it down–it was like you'd just run a marathon, and you were shaking and your skin felt feverish. A chill ran down your spine.
You finally scraped up the courage to cast a sideways look to Zuko, and you flinched at the absolute terror on his face, his hands hovering just a couple centimetres over your skin, and then his eyes landed on your forehead–where your mark was–and he scrambled back, the colour draining from his face.
"It's okay, Zuko, I'm fine," you said weakly, tucking rebellious strands of hair behind your ears before carefully brushing over the tattoo, every touch fire on the skin. It scared you–it had never acted up this way. But no matter how you tried to calm him down, Zuko's eyes stayed fixated on your forehead and his lips moved quietly, the words lost in silence.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered.
You blinked. "I'm–what?"
Scrambling up, he cast you a look that sent you cringing back. "I can't believe this. You lied to me. To both of us."
Nothing he said made any sense and you frowned, scared to say anything lest you upset him even more. "Zuko, I don't know what you're talking about."
He scoffed.
You stood up, your hands bunched in your cloak. "I don't know what you think I did, but–"
"Don't! You have–you can't say anything right now."
"If you just talked to me–"
"You lied! For weeks and weeks you lied to me and my uncle when you knew how much you'd hurt me!"
You just stood there, your hands clasped in front of you, confused beyond words. How could you possibly convince him that you had no idea what he was going on about?
Turned out, you didn't have to.
"Y/N's right, you know." A voice rang out behind you and you almost toppled off the rooftop in surprise.
A man stood there, his hands joined behind his back and his robes blowing in the wind. For a while, no one said anything, then Zuko stepped forward and glared at him, his fists balled. "This isn't your business."
The man smiled. That's when a vague memory flashed through your mind: you knew him. You definitely knew him.
"See, that's where you're wrong." The man cast you another chilly smile. "Long time no see, Y/N."
Zuko turned to you. "You know this guy?"
All you could do was shake your head. Your voice had given up on you. But Zuko must have seen the terror on your face and shoved his own anger towards you aside because he scowled and took a protective step in front of you. The man rolled his glinting eyes.
"Oh, please."
And then you felt hands curl around your arms and wrists and you were forced to your knees with a scream, before another hand clamped down on your mouth and cut off your voice. Memories flashed through your mind in quick succession, everything coming back to you at once, and your heartbeat quickened, your breathing following. You looked at Zuko, wanting nothing more than to shout at him to watch out because you remembered, you remembered everything and–
Everything went black.
Five years earlier
A crash woke you with a start. Your hair hung in your face and you brushed it aside, squinting into the dark night. "Who's there?"
No one answered.
You just started to think that maybe you'd only imagined that sound, lying down and half closing your eyes again when footsteps sounded outside your door. A lot of footsteps. Okay, so something was definitely up.
You called out again, balling your small fists in your bedsheets and scanning the room, your gaze constantly coming back to the door. Charging up with energy, you got ready to blow up anyone coming through that door.
The doorknob turned, agonisingly slowly. Azula poked her head around the door. "Y/N?"
You exhaled, letting go of the tension in your muscles. It was just Azula, you scolded yourself. It was only Azula, you'd probably imagined the other footsteps. It might have been the echoing from the hall that turned the pitter-patter of little feet into an army of angry firebenders.
"What's wrong, Azula? Can't sleep?"
She sniffled. "No. I keep having these nightmares."
"Oh," you said, stifling a yawn. "Do you want to come in?"
She looked up at you then, and there was a glint in her amber eyes–the very eyes that so resembled Zuko's, and yet were completely different–and that was when you knew that something was horribly, terribly wrong.
Because Azula didn't get nightmares.
You tore out of your bed, dropping to the floor just as dark projectiles came flying at you and rammed into the wall behind your bed. It cracked.
Jumping upright again you brought your hands up and shifted into a fighting stance. Your eyes furiously scanned the slight opening of the door–Azula had disappeared–your fists balled. C'mon, you growled, give me a target. And a target you got.
The first man rounded your bedroom door and immediately dropped to the ground as you exploded a piece of the ceiling on top of him. But more of them were coming; these footsteps weren't just echoes.
So you jumped out of the window, rolled on the ground and came up standing, and tore across the courtyard to the main Palace.
All you could think of was Zuko. You had to warn him–if they came after you, surely they would come after the Fire Lord's son too. On your own, you weren't much interesting. But before you could do anything of the sort, a wall of men appeared in front of you and you skidded to a halt, breathing hard. Your gaze swept along the barrier of soldiers and you realized that this was it. A couple of soldiers you could handle. Actual dozens, not so much.
So you did the only logical thing your terrified brain could come up with at the moment and turned towards the Palace. Warn Zuko. And you screwed your eyes shut and aimed for the overhanging piece of roof, right above the entrance to the courtyard.
You heard the satisfying crash, and the next moment you were being held on the ground by men, a cold and heavy thing clamped on your forehead. And everything went black.
You gasped for air, your head clanging against something hard and cold. Screwing your eyes shut against the sickly greenish light that shimmered around the room, you registered the cold metal bands around your upper arms, wrists, waist, calves. They kept you secured to a wooden chair–a chair you knew all too well. Your knives were gone, too--of course they were.
"Ah, there you are. We were beginning to think we'd overdosed on you."
Your eyes snapped open, though you didn't even need to look at his trademark smirk to recognise the owner of the voice. "Long Feng," you growled through gritted teeth.
"So you do remember. Eh, I should have seen it coming, really. That you'd get your memories back, I mean." He started pacing around the room, his hands eternally clasped behind his back and hidden in the wide sleeves of his robes. "Time for an update, I reckon."
No, no, no no no no no
"I'll have to put you somewhere else, too," he muttered to himself as if deep in thought, "maybe in the Upper Ring? Scum like you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Upper Ring, but with a few small changes... Or the Middle Ring. Yes, we’ll go with the Middle Ring. At least your friend won't be able to get to you and trigger your memories again."
He swept towards you, robes billowing around his ankles. "Let's begin, shall we?"
Your mind was working a thousand miles an hour. Now that you had got your memories back, you were not planning to lose them again–never seeing Zuko again or remembering everything you'd gone through together sounded no less like torture than the brainwashing you were about to experience. Your breathing quickened.
You knew that nothing you could say would change his mind. Long Feng wasn't someone who could be convinced with a few sweet words and pleading looks. But you were also tied to a chair, and a heavy metal lock was bound to your forehead: if you tried to get it off by using your bending, it would explode on you and you would die. Simple as that.
But Long Feng would die too. And that was a plus.
The only thing that kept you from blowing the room to dust was the fact that you still didn't know where Zuko was. And you were determined to at least get him to safety.
"What did you do to him?" you spat, red flashing in front of your eyes.
Long Feng cocked his head, stopping his pacing. "You know what, I almost forgot about him. Almost. Thanks for reminding me."
And he snapped his fingers and Zuko entered the room–was shoved into the room–flanked by four Dai Lee agents, a bruise blossoming across his jaw and cuts all over his arms and face. You whined low in your throat–you'd selfishly hoped that the Dai Lee had let him go to roam the streets of Lower Ba Sing Se. Street rats usually weren't worth the trouble of brainwashing. That meant only one thing, you realized: Long Feng knew who Zuko really was.
Your suspicions were confirmed.
"Prince Zuko," Long Feng murmured, sliding across the room and stopping short in front of him. Zuko's eyes flitted to you and they widened for a fraction of a second before glaring daggers at Long Feng.
"Let them go."
Long Feng didn't miss a beat. "No." He spun around again, stalking back your way and you instinctively pressed against the back of the chair, as if you were hoping to sink into it. "I brought you here not to negotiate, disgraced Prince, but for you to watch as all memories of you drain from their being. Again. And then it'll be your turn."
Zuko paled. Balled his fists. Cast you one more desperate look, one that you returned, because you didn't see how either of you would make it out of there alive. You closed your eyes again, biting back a scream of frustration. Being reunited with your best friend–the only boy you had ever truly loved–after five years only to be robbed of your memories yet again. It was sad, really.
But there was no time for you to lament over lost time. If you wanted to at least make sure of Zuko's safety, you'd have to be quick. How? screamed a voice inside your head, one which became progressively more difficult to ignore as your situation worsened. You were running out of ideas.
"I just want to know one thing," you said–at this point, you were purely stalling for time, hoping against better knowledge for Zuko to come up with a plan. "Who ordered my kidnapping, five years ago?"
Long Feng froze, raising his sharp eyebrows. He seemed to be debating whether to answer, and you rolled your eyes in response.
"Dude, you're going to brainwash me anyway. I have the right to know who ruined my life."
"No, I know, I'm just surprised that you haven't figured it out yet, is all." He lazily ran a finger along his moustache. "It was Firelord Ozai, of course. You posed too much of a threat."
From the corner of your eye, you saw Zuko's eyes going wide and his knuckles go white. "No. My father–he wouldn't do that."
"Your father banished you, his own son, for speaking up. You don't know what he is capable of."
That knocked the air right from your lungs. You knew Ozai had never liked you much, but for him to have ordered the hit on you... that was a bit much. What you had really not expected was what Long Feng had said afterwards–about Zuko being banished. One look his way, though, confirmed Long Feng's words. A pang of irrational guilt pierced your gut and you gritted your teeth.
For a while, no one said anything. Neither you nor Zuko wanted to give Long Feng the satisfaction of begging for your lives back, begging to be released. It would be no good–you were desperate, yes, but not that desperate.
One thing he'd said still bugged you.
"You said I was a threat to Ozai. How, exactly?" You tried keeping your voice level, which was hard, considering you were tied to a chair.
Long Feng sighed. "You're stalling for time. Let's just get this over with." And he started to advance towards you, giving the lantern a nudge and sending it flying over the metal ring.
No, no, no, not again not again not again
But it was no use. He started talking to you, his words strangely soothing and you felt the combination of his voice and the lantern glowing its soft yellow light work its magic, relaxing your muscles and making your mind groggy.
Everything slowed down. The fear that had been coursing through your veins only minutes before seemed to dissipate, your thoughts cloudy and you released a little sigh, your eyes stuck to Long Feng's face as he talked.
Maybe it wasn't so bad after all, you thought. Maybe it was for the best, maybe you were a threat, maybe everyone was better off if you were safely confined, your memories stored in a little airtight pocket in your brain.
It'd be so easy to just let go.
But Zuko.
And as you locked eyes with him across the room, your mind sluggish as ever, you couldn't help the smile from creeping up on your face because he was here and so were you and five years, for five years he had been stolen from you, and there was no way you'd let him go again.
You deserved a happy ending together.
The fog retreated from your mind. Your thoughts cleared. And you didn't have a plan, didn't have anything that could have prepared you for what would happen next: all you wanted was to get out of that chair and out of the room, and you had no idea how--
But Long Feng was still talking, and now that you had your mind back and you could actually hear what he was saying.
"You were born in Ba Sing Se. You lived on the streets until you were fifteen, when you were taken in by a merchant of the Middle Ring where you have lived for three years now. The tattoo on your head is just that--a normal tattoo--"
"But you and I both know that's not true," you muttered, and Long Feng's voice faltered.
"Well, none of what you said is true. My tattoo's anything but a normal one."
You risked a look over at Zuko, whose face lit up when he saw you--still tied to a chair, but with all of your memories intact. His shoulders slumped in relief, and in that split second of locked eyes, you could see that both of you thought the same thing: if you were going down anyway, you'd give them a hell of a fight.
So you gave him a faint smile and started shouting.
The point wasn't for Long Feng to actually listen to what you were saying--which were variations of the most horrible insults you could possibly think of--but for you to confuse him, and preferably also the soldiers holding Zuko captive, just long enough to break free, sprint across the room, vault over the metal ring and yank the heavy lock from your forehead.
Whilst Zuko worked at the straps tying you to the chair, you squinted, focusing your energy on a spot above the dazed Dai Lee agents' head and took a deep breath. Something unfurled in your chest, a feeling so foreign yet familiar, and reaching for it, you gave it a tiny nudge.
The piece of ceiling you'd been targeting rumbled and exploded, shards of rock and debris crashing on the agents--the only reason why they weren't immediately on their feet and fighting back was that all of this happened in the span of two and a half seconds. But your victory wouldn't last long--Long Feng had only stumbled back from the blast and now whipped around, his mouth twisted in a snarl.
He got cut off by a wall of flames soaring up. He grunted as he immediately erected an earthen shield. You craned your neck to look behind you: sure enough, Zuko stood with his hands outstretched and his own fire reflecting in his eyes.
Meanwhile, the bonds around both your arms had been loosened enough for you to wriggle out of them, albeit with some struggling. You scraped your hand against its sharp edge and you hissed in pain, immediately blocking it off again. There was no time. Zuko fussed with the straps around your legs but you shooed him away.
"I'll do this. You buy me time."
He set his jaw. Nodded. Then stood up and shifted into a fighting stance, the ring of fire around you climbing higher and higher. You bent over, fiddling with the clasps, muttering a string of very creative curses under your breath and blowing strands of hair out of your face.
The last of the straps became undone. You wriggled out of the chair, leaping up and with one swift kick sending it flying back against the wall. It shattered. It felt good. Your fists balled you joined Zuko's side and tapped him on the shoulder.
"I'm ready to go."
He nodded. "All right. How are we getting out? Long Feng's called for backup already–we're about to be surrounded."
Yeah, we'll see about that.
"Which way's the way out?" you asked above the roaring of the flames. Zuko nodded towards a wall to your right.
"There's the corridor we need to take."
"All right. On three, you push the flames that way." You pointed in the opposite direction.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself and focusing on the wall. "One."
There was loud shouting on the other side of Zuko's fire. A crash. "Two."
"Wait, wait. Wait." Zuko's voice cracked and his eyes were wild as he looked at you. You mouthed What? because right now was not the best time–but you froze at the words that came out of his mouth. "I love you."
His hair was stuck to his forehead, his face red, but his eyes were determined and you knew he'd meant it. Probably waited a long time to say it, too. You wanted nothing more than to fling your arms around his neck and kiss him right there–but you were still fighting for your lives, and maybe now was not the best time.
And then all hell broke loose.
Zuko's wall of flames soared towards the Dai Lee agents that had gathered on its other side, and you heard them yelling. You could have sworn you saw some of them catch fire and forget what they were doing, frantically trying to put out the flames. At the same time, you blew a hole in the wall to your right, barely waiting for the dust to clear before hurling yourself through it and screaming for Zuko to follow you.
You had expected the corridors to be packed with agents ready to fight, but the lack of any was almost unsettling. The few soldiers you did encounter were easily beaten with your combined bending powers. You tore down different halls, following Zuko's directions and skidding around corners and exploding walls and ceilings around you to make it harder to follow you–while you had been unconscious whenever you'd been brought in, Zuko had been fully awake and had memorized the route. Finally, there was a hatch.
"Wait–wait, wait, wait, Y/N, don't–"
You ignored him, focusing your energy on the hatch and blowing the hinges.
Water spurted from the leak you'd created, spraying around and startling you with a yelp.
Then there was creaking, and a moment later the whole hatch came crashing down, water roaring inside and drowning all other sounds out. You stumbled back, having stood too close to the exit, now soaked. Zuko didn't fare much better, his own hair drenched and sputtering.
"I was going to say. We're under a lake."
As soon as he said it, you remembered–Lake Laogai. Of course. You wanted to slam your head into the wall. Looking down, you noticed your feet had gotten wet: the water had already reached your ankles. And then you turned, and you saw something even worse.
The wall you'd blown up was blocking your path, keeping the water and both of you in. You were trapped, and the water was rising fast. You cursed.
"Okay. Okay, this is fine. This is okay, we can handle this," you mumbled, rubbing your hands together and screwing your eyes shut. You waded to the blockade of debris, trying to find an opening, a loose rock, anything that could mean a way out–but you were tired. You were tired and the battle and shock of getting your memories back were starting to take their toll on you, and your hands were trembling as they ran across the rocks.
It would be impossible to try and swim up from the hatch: the water was pouring in and the pressure would never let you leave. You were fully and utterly trapped, at least until the whole room had been filled, and even after that–the lake was dark. You'd never find your way out.
The water nipped at your knees.
Another hand came to rest on yours and you closed your eyes again, taking a deep breath and squeezing Zuko's fingers. Then you whipped around and threw your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder and sending him staggering back slightly, splashing through the water, muttering "Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry," over and over, breathing shakily.
He said nothing, only hugged you back, because there wasn't anything left to say. Your hips slowly disappeared underwater, your clothes floating in the darkness and you shivered, goosebumps littering your bare arms.
"I love you, Zuko."
It was barely a whisper, but it was something you had to say before you'd inevitably drown. He had to know exactly what you felt for him, except you didn't think you could ever really put it into words. So you just muttered it again, louder now, balling your fists on his chest and looking up at him, lips trembling from the cold. "I love you."
He pressed his forehead against yours. "We really do have the worst of luck," he muttered after a few agonizing seconds of silence. The water had reached your chests.
You sniffled, breathing a laugh. "Yeah, we do."
And then you were kissing, and you kissed until the water nipped at your chins and even then you only held each other closer and kissed again, because if you were going to die you wanted to spend your last moments as close to the other as you could.
The water crept up above your cheeks, and you drew one last breath before closing your eyes.
When a light appeared in front of you, you thought you were dead. You thought you'd died– but why did your lungs hurt and ache for breath, and why did you still feel the sting of water in your eyes and the bite of the cold on your skin? And then you felt Zuko's warm body pressed flush to yours and you realized that you were still very much alive.
You squinted, trying to make out a shape of the light. It was red-orange, and strangely resembled... a hand?
Your eyes widened and you squeezed Zuko's arms, frantically pointing towards the hand. He spun around, swimming to it and following whatever the hand was attached to with his gaze, and then he turned back to you and beckoned for you to come, as excitedly and forcefully as he could. You joined his side and he pushed you up and through the hatch.
There was Iroh, floating above the hatch and extending his glowing red hand to you, waving you over and pointing up. Above, you vaguely distinguished a small oval shape bobbing on the water–a boat. You made a swim for it.
Your lungs were aching and you needed air, but you pushed and pushed until you broke the surface, sucking in relieved breath after breath and blinking against the sudden change, letting the air prickle your skin. With the last of your strength you grabbed the side of the boat and let yourself hang of the side of it, taking deep breaths until the black spots had disappeared from your vision and the world had stopped spinning.
Zuko came up a few seconds after you, followed by Iroh, and latched onto the boat next to you, drawing shaky breaths. You let your head loll onto his shoulder, pressing a small kiss to his skin. We made it.
Iroh helped you climb into the boat, and he accepted your bear hugs with a laugh, saying that he was just extremely glad to have the two of you back, safe and sound. He barely looked up when you told him, curled up in a blanket and shivering, who you really were, a small smile gracing his lips and a twinkle in his eyes, and then it hit you that he had probably known all along.
When asked about how he knew where to find you, he explained about how he'd woken up and found the two of you missing, and after some asking around had finally stumbled across someone who had seen you on the rooftops that night–before disappearing. He'd connected the dots to the Dai Lee pretty quickly, and when he'd gotten to the lake he'd seen your explosions shake the ground–the base wasn't that deeply underwater, after all–and had swum to your rescue.
He'd saved both of your lives, and you would forever be thankful for that.
As you sat there, next to Zuko, in that small boat floating on Lake Laogai, anyone casting a look on it would never have guessed the carnage that had taken place just below it. You naively hoped that the Dai Lee base had been damaged beyond repair. They probably had survived–after all, these were a couple hundred of the most skilled earthbenders Ba Sing Se had ever known.
But you hoped that in the near future, at least you and Zuko would be safe.
You couldn't stay in Ba Sing Se. That much was sure. But where you would go...
You looked over at him, his face strangely shadowed in the moonless night, and found you cared very little about your destination.
As long as you were together.
The sun shone through the curtains and you groaned, burying your face in Zuko's chest.
He was already awake–of course he was. Today was his coronation day. He must have been bursting with excitement, fear, happiness, all at the same time. "Koko, what time is it?" you mumbled with a yawn.
Zuko shrugged. He took a deep breath before sitting up, leaving you pouting and curling up in the now empty bed and blankets. "Come back! The coronation's only this afternoon!"
He was too silent for your liking. Granted, he'd never been a morning person, but you had expected him to at least wish you a good morning, as he made sure to do every other morning. But he was–quite literally–shaking with nerves.
"Hey." Slipping out from beneath the covers, you perched on the side of the mattress next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder. You could feel him relax beneath your touch. "You'll do great. You'll be the best Firelord to ever rule this nation."
He looked back at you, returning our kiss with a peck on the cheek. "Hm. We'll see about the best." But there was a small smile on his lips. You grinned cheekily.
"Besides, I'll be ruling at your side! What could possibly go wrong?"
"Oh, so much. Let me remind you that you're the one who insisted on delivering pastries and tea from a platter balancing on top of your head."
"And that went well! I never dropped it!"
"Yeah, not in front of the customers. I, on the other hand, have seen some stuff," Zuko said as he slipped on his bathrobes, you still sat on the bed and hugging a pillow.
"Hm. Well then, if you can handle my shenanigans, you surely can handle being Firelord."
There was a twinkle in his eyes. "I guess."
You jumped up, planting a kiss on his lips and smoothing the collar of his robes. "I couldn't be more sure."
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nigelspookerjee · 5 years
GTH 👻🔥⚰️ Thoughts:
Nancy should have her phone on Do Not Disturb to avoid phone calls in the middle of the night like this
Clara: “Jessalyn would never put her family through this. Ever.” Narrator: Yes, yes she would indeed.
Nancy to Wade: “Why are you wearing those boots?” Says the girl wearing the fucking horse shirt and mom jeans
Addison: “FIND JESS!” How bout u get ur scaredy-cat ass back here and find her yourself, bossypants
Addison is Jessalyn’s Bess.
Ladies, if a boy ever throws a rock at your face, regardless of his age - do not, I repeat, DO NOT marry him. Make like Jessalyn and gtfo. That is not a love story, it’s a red flag
I fucking LOVE Harper. She is just the right amount of crazy and I am obsessed
*Nancy finding the KoKo Kringle in Jessalyn’s backpack*: “Hmmm, well if she dead, she won’t be needing this UMNUMNUMNUM” *licks lips*
What a fucking pretentious menu Clara prepared for her daughter’s wedding. Who the hell would want quail eggs and “chilled strawberry soup”? What even is that?? Can’t we just have steak and chili cheese fries...and maybe a cake made entirely of pizza? GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT, CLARA.
But seriously, why didn’t Nancy at least tell them about Jessalyn’s backpack when she told them about Harper being in the basement??? Was she afraid they’d be pissed she ate the candy bar???
Harper: “Then one day I was older than my older sister, and older still to this day.” This story really does break my heart.
I LOVE playing this game at night. I literally waited until I had a day off from work so I could play this at midnight. SCARE ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT YES PLZ SIGN ME THE FUCK UP
Colton is not at his usual spot. Must have snuck off to get Taco Bell since there’s not a damn thing to eat in this house. Unless you’re a ghost, then there’s a smorgasbord of souls to feed off of from the living wandering around
Nancy suffers from CaRbOn MoNoXiDe PoIsOnInG: Take 1
Clara: “Harper blamed me for what happened to Charlotte.” BECAUSE U DID KILL HER???? SO SHE WAS RIGHT?¿
Take a shot for every time Nancy says, “I should listen in.”
Ah, Colton and Lexie. The Romeo and Juliet of this story
*Nancy giving Wade Savannah’s number* Nancy Drew: Mystery solver full time, match maker as a side gig
Wade: “Something dark is whispering in your ear.” Actually, I just hear Enrico Tazza yelling “SCOPA!” in my ear every now and then but ok.
Nancy to Savannah, after asking about her and Wade’s relationship: “I better get going.” Savannah: “See you later, hun!” Nancy: “See you Wader- I mean later!”
Nancy suffers from CaRbOn MoNoXiDe PoIsOnInG: Take 2
Harper: “I don’t function well in reality.” I have never related to something more in my entire life. Harper gets me.
This game has my favorite Easter egg hunt quest ever. The spooky note we get when we put all the eggs in the box in Charlotte’s room, I AM LIVING FOR IT. GIVE ME ALL THE GOOSEBUMPS.
Nancy suffers from CaRbOn MoNoXiDe PoIsOnInG: Take 3
Harper: “Secrets don’t make friends.” Well, Someone has been listening to From First to Last
Jessalyn: “Colton and I were never in love, we were in a mess.” I FELT THAT
Colton to Nancy basically: “I feel extremely guilty because I was there the night the fire killed Charlotte and I think I saw someone else there and I don’t believe it was an accident. I never told anyone what I saw and I carry this guilt with me every single minute of every day.” Nancy: “Goodbye!!! :)))”
I forgot about this goddamn sadistic safe puzzle. I’ll hand it to Charlotte tho, she was one crafty mf
I, with my heart of gold, decided to put myself in perilous danger and save everyone. Even Clara, the suicidal murderer
I genuinely love this game. I love how there’s alternate endings and I love all of the characters, even cold hearted Clara. Definitely some plot holes, like who Clara’s father is (we all suspect what happened) and how it was alluded the factory had slaves. I understand why HeR wouldn’t delve deeper into that though because it is DARK. But I really wish they would have it left up to our own interpretation of what caused the hallucinations, carbon monoxide poisoning or not.
Sorry for the long post and if you read it all, you are an angel xoxo
ANYWAYS - another one of my favorites, SPY, is up next ♥️
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Extremely Large Pile of Halloween Music Recs!
Many of these are retro-futuristic (or just retro), but I figured there’d be at least a few appreciators of electronica among my followers as well. All of these links go to YouTube to make them easy to add to your playlists, but it’s not difficult to find them on pretty much any other streaming or purchasing platform. Enjoy!
Come Little Children - Erutan (ethereal classical)
Transylvanian Lullaby - Erutan (ethereal classical)
Transylvanian Lullaby - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (orchestral classical)
A History of Horror (album) - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Double Trouble - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (classical)
Carnival of the Animals: Aquarium - Camille Saint-Saens (eerie classical)
Danse Macabre - Camille Saint Saens (dark classical ballet)
Uranus, the Magician - Gustav Holst (orchestral classical)
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - Paul Dukas (orchestral classical)
Night on Bald Mountain - Modest Mussorgsky (orchestral classical about witches)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Edvard Grieg (classical)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Apocalyptica (Metal cellos. Cello metal?)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Duke Ellington (jazz)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Portsmouth Sinfonia (experimental orchestra from the ‘70s - google them, you absolutely will not regret it)
Dies Irae - Mozart (threatening choral/orchestral classical)
Don Giovanni, a cenar teco - Mozart (growly baritone/bass opera - the bit where Don Giovanni gets dragged to hell, both in the supernatural religious sense and in the modern internet slang sense)
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Bach (classical pipe organ)
Flowering Vines - Unwoman (ominous cello waltz)
The Carny of Mr Dark - Deathwatch Beetle Repairman (goth pipe organ)
This Is Halloween - Vitamin String Quartet (classical string quartet)
Vitamin String Quartet Performs The Nightmare Before Christmas (album)
The Vampire Masquerade - Peter Gundry (classical)
Waltz of the Bone King - Peter Gundry (classical)
Masquerade Suite: Waltz - Aram Khatchaturian (dark classical waltz)
The Comedians, Op. 26: Waltz - Kabalevsky (uneasy waltz)
Rock, alternative, rockabilly
 Haunted - Ashcan Orchid (folk rock)
The Last Steampunk Waltz - Ghostfire (rock waltz)
Shoot The Zombies - Andrew Huang / Songs To Wear Pants To (sing-along folk)
Shoot The Zombies (Pink Fluffy Unicorns Remix) - Andrew Huang (happy pop)
Something Wicked That Way Went - Vernian Process (circus rock)
Dark Carnivale - Frenchy and the Punk (indie rock)
Come Alive (War Of The Roses) - Janelle Monae (rock)
Gallows - Coco Rosie (goth indie/alternative)
The Devil Wears a Suit - Kate Miller-Heidke (alternative)
Toxic - Yael Naim (neo-folk)
Crazy For You - Venus de Vilo (indie rock)
Haunted - Frantic Flintstones (rockabilly)
Freaked Out and Psyched Out - Frantic Flintstones (album)
Zombie Riot - Batmobile (rockabilly)
Alice in psycholand - Nekromantix (rockabilly)
She's My Witch - The Radiacs (rockabilly)
Werewolf - Southern Culture on the Skids (rockabilly)
Circus punk, dark cabaret
Charmed, I'm Sure - Circus Contraption (dark circus cabaret)
We're All Mad - Circus Contraption (dark circus cabaret)
The Last Waltz - The Magnificent Seven (dark cabaret waltz)
Tango de la Muerte - The Magnificent Seven (rock tango)
Bloody Bones - Beats Antique (dark circus waltz)
Monster Tango - Mucca Pazza (circus punk marching band)
Rumanian Dance No. 1 - Mucca Pazza (circus punk marching band)
Mr. Spider Goes Home to Spiderland - Mucca Pazza (circus punk marching band)
The Trouble - Birdeatsbaby (dark cabaret)
Theatre Noir - Robyn Cage (dark cabaret) (music video)
Jekyll and Hyde - Theoretics (hip-hop)
Lament for a Toy Factory - Dr. Steel (circus rock)
Bogeyman Boogie - Dr. Steel (circus rock)
Circus Apocalypse - Vermillion Lies (dark cabaret)
When You're Evil - Voltaire (dark cabaret)
BRAINS! - Voltaire (dark cabaret)
Americana, bluegrass, blues, soul, funk
In Hell I'll Be In Good Company - The Dead South (Americana)
Stranger - The Devil Makes Three (Americana)
Ghosts of Mississippi - The Steeldrivers (bluegrass)
7 Devils - The Goddamn Gallows (bluegrass, rock)
Old devils - William Elliot Whitmore (bluegrass)
Death Come Creeping - Stefan Grossman (bluegrass)
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - Colter Wall (Americana)
Voodoo Woman - Koko Taylor (blues)
Your Hoodoo Man - Studebaker John & The Hawks (blues)
Voodoo - The Neville Brothers (New Orleans soul)
Voodoo - Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons (soul, funk)
The Witch Queen of New Orleans - Redbone (funk)
I Put a Spell on You - Screamin' Jay Hawkins (rock 'n roll)
I Put a Spell on You - Nina Simone (slow jazz)
I Put a Spell on You - Morgan James (slow jazz)
I Put a Spell on You (no movie dialogue) - Winifred Sanderson (pop musical)
Jazz, swing
Old Devil Moon - Frank Sinatra (jazz)
Black Magic Woman - Janice Hagan and Kenny Vehkavaara (jazz)
I'd Rather Be Burned As A Witch - Eartha Kitt (jazz)
Thriller (1930s Jazz Cover) ft. Wayne Brady - Postmodern Jukebox (swing) (alternate link)
The Devil With The Devil - Larry Clinton Orchestra (swing)
Swingin' at the Seance - Glenn Miller (big band swing)
Spooks - Louis Armstrong (swing)
The Headless Horseman - Bing Crosby (swing)
Skeleton Jangle - Dan Levinson's Roof Garden Jass Band (swing)
Resurrection Waltz - Lee Presson and the Nails (big band waltz)
Spooky - Puppini Sisters (Andrews Sisters-style swing)
Headless Horseman - Kay Starr (swing)
Hell (Remastered 2016) - Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing)
Ghost of Stephen Foster - Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing)
Memphis Exorcism (Remastered 2016) - Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing)
Boogie Man - Lee Presson and the Nails (swing)
Rattlin' Bones - Preservation Hall Jazz Band (New Orleans swing)
Save My Soul - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (New Orleans swing)
Skeletons in the Closet - Louis Armstrong
Skeletons in the Closet - The Moon-Rays (swing)
The Mack - Beat Circus (swing - doesn’t seem very Halloween at first, until the tuba player gets murdered in the middle of the song)
Balrog Boogie - Diablo Swing Orchestra (swing)
Voodoo Mon Amour - Diablo Swing Orchestra (swing)
Fear & Delight - The Correspondents (electro-swing)
Midnight - Caravan Palace (electro-swing) (alternate link)
Midnight - Swingrowers (different electro-swing)
Old House - Dirty Honkers (electro-swing)
Devil’s Samba - Sim Gretina (Latin-flavored electro-swing)
Cuphead: Railroad Wrath (Electro-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (electro-swing)
Cuphead: One Hell of a Time (Electro-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (electro-swing)
Bendy and the Ink Machine: The Devil's Swing - Fandroid (electro-swing)
Bendy and the Ink Machine: The Devil's Swing (Glitch-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (glitch-swing)
Undertale: Spider Dance (Glitch-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (glitch-swing)
Undertale: Spider Dance (Sim Gretina Remix) - Sim Gretina (funk/glitch/chiptune)
Luigi's Mansion (Remix) - Qumu Music (chiptune, electro-swing)
Undertale: Ghost Fight & Dummy (Peggy Suave Swing Remix) - Sim Gretina (electro-swing)
Electronica, EDM
Backstreet Bones: Everycorpse - Sim Gretina (uhhh...spoopy Halloween EDM remix of Backstreet Boys? If you click on nothing else, click on this one. It's very worth it, I promise.)
Macabre Rotting Girl Feat. Kathy-chan - Sim Gretina (adorable electro)
Sim Gretina feat. Kathy chan: Let The Monsters Free (µThunder Remix) - µThunder (EDM)
Grim Grinning Ghost (Remix) - The Living Tombstone (EDM)
Undertale: Megalovania (Sim Gretina Remix) - Sim Gretina (EDM)
Undertale: Spooktune (Sim Gretina Remix) - Sim Gretina (EDM)
Spooky Scary Skeletons (Remix) - The Living Tombstone (EDM)
Warren Zevon: Werewolves of London (Daheen Rmx) - Daheen (psytrance)
Interlude: Limbo - Yoshimasu Kamiya (ambient horror)
Halloween Funtime REMIXMONSTRousMASHup - Pretty Lights (EDM)
HALLOWEEN Theme Song (DJ Deville Trap Remix) - DJ Deville (trap)
The Oogie Boogie (Man) - Duke Skellington (glitch-hop)
Stranger Things Theme Song (Michael Jobity & The Foreign Machine Remix) - Michael Jobity, The Foreign Machine (synthwave - my personal favorite remix of this theme)
Stranger Things Theme Song (C418 REMIX) - C418 (synthwave)
Stranger Things (Louis Futon Flip) - Louis Futon (chillstep)
Stranger Things Theme (Slicey Remix) - Slicey (trap)
Ghostbusters (Kill Paris Remix) - Kill Paris (EDM, future funk - by far my favorite remix of the Ghostbusters theme)
The Ghostbusters Theme (Remix) - The Living Tombstone (EDM)
Ghostbusters Remix - Matheo (EDM)
Gangnam Busters - FAROFF (Ghostbusters/Gangnam Style mashup - annoyingly, it works far better than you think it will)
Lady Gaga: Monster (Starfuckers Remix) - Starfuckers (EDM)
Lady Gaga: Monster (Chew Fu Remix) - Chew Fu (electro-house)
Michael Jackson: Thriller (James Egbert Remix) - James Egbert (electro-house)
Michael Jackson - Thriller [The Reflex Halloween Disco Edit] - The Reflex (moody, indescribable IDM(?))
Beetlejuice (Dubstep Mix) - Figure (dubstep)
The Addams Family (Figure Remix) - Figure (dubstep)
Hedwig's Theme (KE KRA's Trap Remix) - KE KRA (trap)
Things I thought were funny
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah - 30 Rock (parody novelty record)
A Hard Days Night of the Living Dead - The Zombeatles (zombie rock)
766 notes · View notes
dgraymanimagine · 6 years
Drabble: #35 - Allen, Lavi and Kanda
Allen Walker
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Having a fever sucked, but what sucked even more was that this happened to just come out of no where when you were suppose to have the whole day off and spending it with your lovable boyfriend Allen.
And this was how he found you, breathing heavy on your bed with a fever, frowning he decided to take care of you and not care if he were to get the next day.
“Allen...I’m sorry you have to take care of me like this...” You frown. “Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind taking care of you.” Allen smiled, placing a cold cloth on your forehead. “But we were suppose to have breakfast together...” You sighed. “How about this? I’ll go get our food and then tell the head nurse your sick so she can give something to help you get better?” Allen suggested. “You’d do all that for me?” You asked. “Of course.” Allen chuckled.
Nodding even though it was still bothering you that you got sick Allen went and did as promised, he pretty much had to bring a cart of food due to his HUGE apatite and your favorite soup was also there.
“Thanks, Allen.” You smiled. “Not a problem.” Allen smiled back.
As you ate your food slowly and spoke with Allen one of the nurses within the order arrived and handed Allen your medicine in which you flinched away from.
“(Y/N), please just take your medicine.” Allen sighed. “No! It’s gross!” You refused. “There’s a glass of water to get rid of the taste, and yeah it tastes bad but it will help you.” Allen explains.
It took a bit longer for you to give in but you soon did and carefully took the small glass filled with it, groaning you quickly drank it all down and made a funny face, Allen couldn’t help but laugh as he handed you the glass of water quickly.
“Ugh...gross...” You shivered. “Relax you’ll get better soon.” Allen chuckled a bit more.
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Lavi woke up with a headache, so he did what he always did when he didn’t feel so good, went to his girlfriends room - yours. One hand was holding his head as he walked to your room and knocked on the door.
Once you opened it you noticed Lavi wasn’t looking to good.
“What’s wrong Lavi?” You asked. “I got a head ache...” Lavi sighed.
Bringing him inside your room you told him to lay down on your bed while you went to the infirmary to get something, Lavi groaned not only from the pain but the fact you’d be forcing him to take some medicine for it.
When you returned you found your boyfriend hiding his face on your pillows, with a sigh you closed the door gently and shook him a bit. When he turned around you held out the cup with his medicine in it.
“Here take your medicine for that head ache of yours.” You said. “No....” Lavi whined. “Lavi if you don’t I won’t help you make it out alive from any of Kanda’s attacks...I may always do so now but I can stop.” You quickly say.
Not liking that Lavi pouted at the fact his girlfriend blackmailed him with that, but never the less he took it and sighed, smiling at him you laid down and brought Lavi into your arms letting him lay on you with his head resting under your chin.
Sure you laid in his arms like this before but it was odd times like these that when he laid in your arms it was nice, gently stroking his hair with your hand you soon realized Lavi fell asleep.
Kanda Yuu
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Sighing you knew you were about to get in shit, your always grumpy boyfriend just returned from his recent mission and was informed that you had gotten injured on your own that you had arrived back to HQ an hour earlier then he did.
What was worse was that you refused to take an medicine from the nurses within the order so that it would be able to help your wounds heal better.
“Women just take your medicine!” Kanda says. “No! It tastes gross.” You refused. “Damnit just take it! You’ll heal better if you do.” Kanda growled.
Sighing in annoyance Kanda looked at the medicine then thought of an idea, looking around he noticed no one was around at the time so this would have to be quick..
Bringing the cup to his lips he let the liquid slip into his mouth then quickly kissed you as it all passed through, a heavy blush was on his cheeks as he did this and soon your cheeks were covered in a deep red blush as well.
When Kanda pulled away he covered your mouth with his hand and glared at you as if telling you silently to drink that. In which you did but you were more so speechless now and soon your whole face turned red.
“B-BaKanda!!” You shout, laying down on the bed and pulling the covers over your head.
Kanda just smirked at your reaction and soon left, heck it was embarrassing even more so for him but you were making a damn fuss to not taking the medicine that would help you heal faster.
‘Che...damn women....’ Kanda thought, still a faint blush on his cheeks.
||A/N: Haha I had so much fun writing Kanda’s part xD I know he might be ooc but all of us Kanda fan girls want to be kiss by that handsome man! Anyway this is the third request I did in one day! The last two will be written tomorrow so hope you like these and then you can wait until tomorrow for the other two cause I’ll be then taking NEW prompts as a good friend of mine @koko-nut-weeb will be helping me with that xD||
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utagoe · 6 years
MARGINAL#4: KISS Kara Tsukuru Big Bang (KISSから創造るBig Bang) Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for KISS Kara Tsukuru Big Bang (A Big Bang Created From a KISS) by MARGINAL#4, LAGRANGE POINT, and UNICORN Jr.
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(kanji source)
「Big Bang」 未だかつてない 試行錯誤[ぶつかりあい]なら お互い様 気持ちEでしょ それなりの夢で 喉元の快楽[Pleasure] 抑圧[おさえ]たまま 過ごすのかい? ZEROから (味わう) 騎乗の空論 拡げ (ふたりの間には) キワどい (Signを) 繋げて、ひとつになれる 予想図を描けば 教室[ここ]では教えてくれない“C” 変幻自在のコトバ 例えば オレの 胸に 産まれた 鼓動 掴み 世界を変革[かえ]る 愛の法則を──…… TopStar!!!! KISSから創造[つく]りあげるよ Big Bang!!!! ギア全壊で 突っ走れば? 誰もが驚愕[おどろ]く奇跡 遠い 未来 直ぐソコまで Allright!!!! キミの為に歌唱[うた]うんだ Big Bang!!!! 駆け抜けた跡 凝視[み]るだけかい? 「今は昔の物語」 目と目 融合[とか]し 感じ合えば Awaken──……!!!! 「破れかぶれ」なら 日常茶飯事[よくあること]だよ 絞り出せば、耐える重力[G]でしょ? 隠してる熱と 胸元のCryout 許諾[ゆる]し合えばいい、イマカラだよ! ママには (言えない) 至上の暴論 騰[ア]がる (目覚めた扉から) トビ散る (乱性) 信じて、周りの オトナ達をダし抜け ただでは打ち明けられない“Z” 永遠不滅のコトバ 信じて オレの 瞳 輝く 光 見つめ 未来を変革[かえ]る 夢の法則は──…… TopStar!!!! KISSから創造[つく]りあげるよ Big Bang!!!! 全震撼で ブッ飛んでいる! 誰もが羨望[うらや]む時代 空の 果てへ 向かえばいい Allright!!!! キミの為に歌唱[うた]うんだ Big Bang!!!! 知り尽くしても、未だ足りない 「遥か彼方にあるもの」を 掌[て]と掌[て] 合わ�� 信じるまま Go for it!!! ふたりを変革[かえ]るtoな台詞なら TopStar!!!! KISSから創造[つく]りあげるよ Big Bang!!!! ギア全壊で 突っ走れば? 誰もが驚愕[おどろ]く奇跡 遠い 未来 直ぐソコまで Allright!!!! キミの為に歌唱[うた]うんだ Big Bang!!!! 駆け抜けた跡 凝視[み]るだけかい? 「今は昔の物語」 目と目 融合[とか]し 感じ合えば Awaken──……!!!! 掌[て]と掌[て] 合わせ 信じるまま Go for it!!!
"Big Bang"
imada katsute nai butsukariai nara otagaisama kimochi E desho sorenari no yume de nodomoto no Pleasure osaeta mama sugosu no kai?
ZERO kara (ajiwau) kijou no kuuron hiroge (futari no aida ni wa) kiwadoi (Sign wo) tsunagete, hitotsu ni nareru yosouzu wo egakeba
koko de wa oshiete kurenai "C" hengenjizai no kotoba tatoeba ore no mune ni umareta kodou tsukami sekai wo kaeru ai no housoku wo──……
TopStar!!!! KISS kara tsukuri ageruyo Big Bang!!!! gia zenkai de tsuppashireba? daremo ga odoroku kiseki tooi mirai sugu soko made Allright!!!! kimi no tame ni utaun da Big Bang!!!! kakenuketa ato miru dake kai? "ima wa mukashi no monogatari" me to me tokashi kanjiaeba Awaken──……!!!!
"yaburekabure" nara yoku aru koto dayo shiboridaseba, kotaeru G desho? kakushiteru netsu to munamoto no Cryout yurushiaeba ii, ima kara dayo!
mama ni wa (ienai) shijou no bouron agaru (mezameta tobira kara) tobichiru (ransei) shinjite, mawari no otonatachi wo dashinuke
tada de wa uchiakerarenai "Z" eien fumetsu no kotoba shinjite ore no hitomi kagayaku hikari mitsume mirai wo kaeru yume no housoku wa──……
TopStar!!!! KISS kara tsukuri ageruyo Big Bang!!!! zenshinkan de buttondeiru! daremo ga urayamu jidai sora no hate e mukaeba ii Allright!!!! kimi no tame ni utaun da Big Bang!!!! shiritsukushitemo, mada tarinai "haruka kanata ni aru mono" wo te to te awase shinjiru mama Go for it!!!
futari wo kaeru to na serifu nara
TopStar!!!! KISS kara tsukuri ageruyo Big Bang!!!! gia zenkai de tsuppashireba? daremo ga odoroku kiseki tooi mirai sugu soko made Allright!!!! kimi no tame ni utaun da Big Bang!!!! kakenuketa ato miru dake kai? "ima wa mukashi no monogatari" me to me tokashi kanjiaeba Awaken──……!!!!
te to te awase shinjiru mama Go for it!!!
"Big Bang"
If you're still fighting more than ever, You both must be enjoying that, right? Just like a dream, a pleasure on the throat Will you live restraining yourself?
From ZERO (Tasting) Expand your mounted theories (Between the two of us) A dangerous (Sign) We can connect and become one If we draw our expectations
Here they won't teach you these phantasmagoric words For example, holding the palpitations That were born in my chest, The law of love that will change the world──……
TopStar!!!! I'll create a Big Bang for you from a KISS!!!! What if you run with your gears destroyed? A miracle that surprises everyone The distant future is right there, Allright!!!! I'll sing a Big Bang for your sake!!!! Will you only stare at the traces of running? "The present is an old tale" If we melt our eyes together and feel one another, we Awaken──……!!!!
If you're "desperate", know that is common If you squeeze out, gravity will resist, right? A Cryout from your breasts and the heat you're hiding We should just forgive each other, starting now!
I can't tell (My mother) An irrational argument of supremacy rises (From the awoken door) A scattering (Rebellious nature) Believe it, forestall those Adults around you
It won't end with simple honesty, those immortal words Believe in my eyes Gaze at the shining light The law of love that will change the world──……
TopStar!!!! I'll create a Big Bang for you from a KISS!!!! We're going nuts shaking all around! An era everyone is jealous of We should just go to the end of the sky, Allright!!!! I'll sing a Big Bang for your sake!!!! Even if you know everything, it still isn't enough "Something that exists faraway" While holding hands and believing in it, Go for it!!!
If it's a line that will change both of us
TopStar!!!! I'll create a Big Bang for you from a KISS!!!! What if you run with your gears destroyed? A miracle that surprises everyone The distant future is right there, Allright!!!! I'll sing a Big Bang for your sake!!!! Will you only stare at the traces of running? "The present is an old tale" If we melt our eyes together and feel one another, we Awaken──……!!!!
While holding hands and believing in it, Go for it!!!
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howto9jaa · 5 years
How To Start A Blog
New Post has been published on https://howto9ja.com/how-to-start-a-blog
How To Start A Blog
Original Post: Click here to read the Original Post
How To Start A Blog: Hey!! Hope you are Good, cause it appears I am, so Let me guess, you have friends who blog and maybe are earning from it and you’ll love to shift your hustle that way
or you have this passion for blogging and you’ve been wanting to launch your own blog right? Well, I’ll do my very best to explain how you can go about this ordeal.
Test Your Patience: 3 years in bloggingAs at writing this article has thought me that blogging needs a very huge amount of patience, like real patience, if blogging was the easiest method to earning, everyone would have done it
anyways it also depends on the resources you are willing to commit into blogging, I’m writing this article for my nearest locality, which happens to be Nigeria, don’t get me wrong, you can apply everything I’ll teach here in your own country
all you’ll need to do is browse a little bit extensively.
Now, back to the Patience talk, it took me a year before I could earn from my first blog, trust me I entered a very very very very very competitive area or niche, well not to discourage you even one bit, as I did it you can also, I don’t have two headsLol
How To Start A Blog For Free
Back to the koko!! Starting a blog needs patience like I said, and how I usually advise my friends is that, to avoid comitting much cash and energy into blogging then quit along the way, I suggest you start blogging with
free domains, now how this works is this, this free domains always make your url a little bit ugly, but trust me it’s worth it, have you ever come across domains or url that look like ‘yourdomain.anotherdomain.com‘ ? example ‘Howtonigeria.blogspot.com’
In fact my very first blog was ‘sososo.blog.com’ then etc etc, well the advantage about this pattern is that, you spend almost no cash off course except your data
but, the disadvantage is that, you own like 50% of the domain, i.e whoever you are hosting this domain with can actually kick you out anyday, run adverts on your site or even if they let you run adverts on it, the percentage they’ll get will be large,
the whole aim about this talk is, I want you to be really sure blogging is what you want to do, if you want to test your patience you should checkout sites like
WordPress.com (Domains will look like ‘Snake.wordpress.com)
Blogger or Blogspot  (Domains will look like Dragon.Blogspot.com)
Tumblr (Buhari.tumblr.com)
Personally I’ll recommend the first three, most especially number one, click any of the links to start the set up.
How To Start A Blog(Premium)
Now, don’t let this PREMIUM talk scare you, it’s not so expensive, with nothing more than N12,000($30) You can get your site up and running, lets proceed.
Now, I’ll give you the basics, this isn’t a full scale ‘Blogging site’ it’s a ‘How To’ site, but with the little I’ll teach you, you should be able to run a successful blog, and off course you can drop a comment which I’ll definitely reply.
A brief rundown of all you’ll do on this your blogging escapade.
What you really want to blog about (Niche)
Pick a unique blog name
Buy Your Domain
Buy Your Host
Choose A Blogging Platform
Set Up The Blog
Start Blogging
Yeah! It’s as simple as that.
What you really want to blog about
This the one I’ll call the background work, now this is the point that Mr Benneth will really decide what he wants to blog about, do you want to write a porn blog, a fun blog, a food blog, a car blog, a whatever blog. This point you need to sit down and decide what your PASSIONATE ABOUT, remember
I used the word passion, I really like emphasizing on Passion, cause that’s what you really need even if your purpose of blogging is for money, now its as simple as, this you are going to ask yourself some questions like
What Do I want To Blog About?
Are People Interested In This Topic?
Can I Earn From This Topic?
Do I really want to do this?
Firstly What Do I want To Blog About?: you ask yourself if you want to blog about this etc etc, I hope question one is self explanatory?
Secondly, Are People Interested In This Topic? The sole result of blogging is getting visitors to your site because without having visitors, the blog might be waste of time, unless you want it to be a really personal blog, so you should make research most especially in your locality, you can use tools like your newspaper, your radio stations,
your magazines, from friends and KEY WORD RESEARCH(MAKE SURE YOU BROWSE ABOUT THIS ONE, but in a nut shell, keyword research is carrying out a project to know if what you want to blog about is a hot search most especially on google), You get right?
Thirdly, Can I Earn From This Topic?: See, at some point during your blogging career, you’ll want to chop small from the blog, and boy o boy, you need to also find out if people search and place adverts on this topic, lets not talk about Google Adsense(AND ALTERNATIVE(Browse about this) Yet
So here, you need to be sure if people will love to place adverts on this topic you want to blog about, etc etc No One wants to place adverts on a blog that teaches people how to ‘Aunno’lol.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
Lastly, Do I really want to do this?: I don’t need to explain this part na?
Pick a unique blog name
Here, it has to do with you choosing a unique blog name, listen attentively I SAID UNIQUE, now there’s this pattern people use of naming their blog in an almost similar name to other TOP BLOGS, thou this trick seems to work, but it’ll one day backfire trust me, well how you go about this are
Create your unique name
Find out if it is really unique
Now, you get a pen and a paper and create a unique name or domain name for your blog, now how this unique name will appear is this ‘goat.com, pig.com, benneth.com, tony.com, etc etc now I advise you to keep it short, and easy to recall (Open another tap and browse ‘How to pick a good domain name)
Find Out If It Is Really Unique, statistics has it that a day, over 2k blogs are created!!! thats a huge number brother/sister, so you better go in search to know if your domain is as unique as your head makes you believe, how you do this is by going to google then typing the name without the domain
extension example you search ‘doggy or crappy, or snake’ don’t add, doggy.com etc etc. or better still the next option will help a little.
Buy Your Domain
Now, this involves buying the domain from a domain provider, thou the are places you can get free domains, but I will strongly advise you not to try that, now you should consider this before you choose a company to buy your domain from.
Mode of payment
Customer care service
Location Of Domain Providers
Pricing is self explanatory, here you pick a domain you want to use, search for a domain provider. For Nigerians I recommend Smartweb, their customer care is dope asf, and you can explain things to them, thou they may be expensive a little, but since its a nigerian something I’ll suggest
you use them and also if you want to buy a ‘.ng’ domain, smartweb is the real deal, but they are a host of others out there Trust me, we have the legendary NAMECHEAP which in fact does what it names says, their domains are cheap and you could browse for their ‘Cupon Codes’ online in other to get a discount.
the are many others out there, Godaddy, Hostgator etc etc I;ve used all thou!
Seen how cheap they are, In fact you might not spend up to 10k if you are smart enough.
Buy Your Host
You know one interesting thing about this part is, after buying the domain the domain host might want you to buy hosting from them, which you can not agree if you are not sure of their hosting tech, now it’s very possible for you to buy a domain from Company A and Host It On Company B
You should consider the below things when buying a domain host
Unlimited hosting (Bandwidth + Storage)
North American phone support
Bonus features
Enhanced malware protection
Secure site certification
Malware and spam protection
Free domain
Easy site builder
Online store and selling tools
Money back guarantee
Google tools for websites – including AdWords, sitemap, site search, etc.
Scalability – so you can customize your site
Dependability – your company should have a reputation built over several years for consistent service and staying power
Multiple servers to ensure that you and your site are protected Powered by Green energy (many companies are becoming more and more environmentally friendly and obtain most if not all of their power from wind and solar sources) – Source From ShoutMeLoud
Click the link above to read extensively.
Choose A Blogging Platform
Now, here you choose the platform you want to use, infact you should choose WORDPRESS.ORG listen I didn’t say WORDPRESS.COM Now, there is a difference between the two of them, now on most hosting platforms CPANEL
installations of wordpress.org is available there at the low, i.e down down 
I hope you can sight it under the SOFTACULOUS INSTALLER, so thats that about that.
Set Up The Blog
Now this option I’ll just be giving you topics for you to browse about, they are really broad, all you have to do is copy each number and paste on google and the are also links to sites that have written down this topics in its simplest form for you.
How To Choose A Fast Free WP Theme(The theme I use here is Mh Magazine Theme which you can search for in wordpress free theme directory)
How To Set Up Google Analytics And Integrate It To Your WP Blog (Click Here)
How To Appear In Google And Bing (Here you are to browse extensively, but the hacks I’ll show you here is, Install any of this plugins, YOAST, ALL IN ONE SEO Install just one of them, they have a setup wizard and please and please, make sure you click this links ‘How to setup google search console ,
Still on setting up your blog, you should create social media profiles, Facebook, Twitter, Google + etc etc,
Start Blogging
Time to start blogging!!!!! You know what to do, just click the ‘Add Post’ at the left of your wordpress dashboard screen
Before you go, make sure you browse the below topics, they are really really broad
How to optimize my site for seo
How to autopost to my social media profiles
How to earn from my blog
How to grow my traffic
How to stop spam on my blog
How to optimize my blog post
How to …….. how to everything mehn!
But with the little I have written there, you definitely can get your site up and running!!! kudos! Congrats.
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