#I’ll never be over n25
spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
I will never not be losing my mind over the funny hatsune Miku game. Why is the hatsune Miku game so deep actually I’m screaming
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icywaddle · 24 days
Word count: 2099
Remember that post I made about the Sekai shadow people? Yeah, uh- it’s here! Keep a lookout for your submissions- I’ve taken every idea that could work in the setting of N25’s characters and Sekai and compiled them here!Remember, there’s gonna be one for every Sekai, so if you have requests, I’ll still take them! Just reblog with whatever you’re thinking of, and I’ll make it work!
Mafuyu slips into the Sekai one late night, only managing to stagger a few steps before collapsing. She clasps her chest, feeling a strange tightness squeezing her ribs and enclosing her lungs. She tries to recall her medical training, coldly and clinically remembering each calming process they’d been taught to use for patients. She begins breathing in for four seconds, holding for four seconds, releasing for four seconds, and starting the process all over again. Her eyes drift closed somewhere in the process, a gentle darkness settling around her. In fact… was it just her, or had the murky redness of her eyelids somehow gotten… darker? Mafuyu opens her eyes, coming face to face with a dark shape. She blinks, jerking back on reflex. The figure also jumps, letting out a soft squeaking noise before turning(? there was no way to tell its front from its back) and running out of the entryway. Wait- entryway? Glancing around herself, Mafuyu notices that she is now enclosed in a small pillow fort, blankets hung over her head and tiny stars lighting up the makeshift room. She shifts slightly, relaxing and opening her posture into a more comfortable lean backwards. The fort is small, but it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. In fact, it felt almost… comforting. Mafuyu sighs, laying down and resting her head on one of the pillows. She was too tired to concern herself with the issue of the shadowy figure. For now, all she wanted to do was rest. Curling up on her side, she finds that the tightness in her chest has loosened some, relaxing into something more like a tense hold. It isn’t gone, nor is it comfortable, but it’s a start. As her eyes begin to close, Mafuyu almost thought she saw the same shadowy figure slipping back in, kneeling and gently pulling a blanket onto her shoulders as the world goes black around her.
Kanade yawns, raising a sluggish hand to rub at her eyes. She glances around, belatedly realizing that the Sekai’s lights never change to represent the time of day. Sighing mentally, Kanade eyes her phone on the table next to her. With a Herculean effort, she manages to stand up and shuffle to the table, grabbing her phone and checking the time. 10 PM. She had time before Nightcord had to meet. Taking a minute to stand up taller and stretch her arms over her head, Kanade yawns again and wonders what she should do. She could go back to her room and work on their newest song, try to find some of the vocaloids… A soft plink of water on stone pulls her out of her thoughts, causing her to look around for the source of the noise. Water- water- what was wet… in… the… oh no. Kanade swivels towards the fish tank, dread pooling in her stomach. A tiny crack has inched its way up the side of the glass, water oozing through and dropping down to the concrete. She rushes over, terrified, and presses a shaky hand to the glass to try and stifle the flow of water. Frantically, she whirls around to try and find something to block off the tank’s leak. A slip of duct tape is pressed into her hand, and Kanade blinks down at it for a second before pulling her hand away and pressing it on the fish tank. The flow of water stutters, then stops entirely, dripping onto the floor for a second more before stopping. She breathes a sigh of relief, turning to thank the person who’d bailed her out.
Instead, Kanade finds herself holding back a scream as she notices the shadowy figure behind her. It has no face shape, no distinct features. It was simply a silhouette, with two tiny white eyes glowing in the center of its face. She steps back jerkily, but it doesn’t seem to follow her. Instead, the shadow blinks and turns back to the fish tank. Confused, Kanade watches as it gathers up a bucket (from- where, exactly-?) and scoops the water and fish right out of the tank. Tentatively, she walks closer, watching as the figure places the bucket under the leak and pulls the tape back off. Water drips down, this time back into the bucket with the fish. The figure glances over at Kanade, then gestures at the other side of the stage. A small glass pane lies there, a perfect fit for the tank. Glancing at the figure warily, she trots over and grabs the pane, bringing it over to the tank. By then, the figure had pulled the old cracked pane off, sliding it out of the tank. It reached out its hands, and Kanade shakily passed it the glass. With a nod of thanks, the figure turns and slips the pane into the side of the tank, securing it into the tank. Kanade steps back, taking a moment to get a good look at the figure. They blink back at her, all inky blackness that didn’t seem to have any permanent form. Even as Kanade squinted at their body, it seemed to morph, tall to short, slim to full. The only thing that stayed constant were those two white specks in their head, staring curiously at Kanade. Eventually, the figure turns back around, grabbing the bucket and resting it against the side of the tank. They struggle slightly, trying to use their knee to heft the bucket up. Kanade glances at them, then ruefully back at her weak noodle arms. As an idea strikes her, she slips under the bucket and pushes with her legs, pressing the bottom of the bucket up. The figure squeaks in surprise, but the bucket finally reaches over the lip of the tank. They gently make sure the water flows out, then move the bucket off of Kanade’s back and scoop the fish up in their hands, setting them back in the tank. Kanade rubs her spine where the edge of the bucket had cut into her back, glancing up to see the figure walking away. Her lips part, although she isn’t sure what she wants to ask. The figure turns back, almost as if they’d heard her silent call. They lift a hand, giving Kanade a soft wave before their fingers begin to disappear. In a blink, their body has started to break apart, dissolving into Sekai Sprinkles™ and vanishing. Astonished, Kanade simply watches as the flickering sparkles left behind by the figure eventually fade off into the air. She shakes herself off, wandering back to her sheets of paper, but she can’t stop thinking about what… or who- she'd seen.
Mizuki loads into the Sekai, yawning and just about ready to fall asleep right there. They stride over to the stage, still rubbing their eyes and contemplating going back to try and sleep before their eyes catch on something. Their mannequin, once pushed to the corner of the stage, has been moved to the center. Tentatively, they approach, giving the mannequin a glance. Tiny scraps of fabric and sticky notes have been pinned all over it, notes and drawings scribbled messily together. Mizuki begins unsticking the notes, glancing at each one and piecing them together. A concept slowly comes together, fabric and ribbons all interlacing to form a beautiful pink and white dress. It’s far from complete, but Mizuki feels their heart rate pick up just looking at it. A grin creeps across their face as they jump up, dashing to their fabric pile and rummaging through rolls and rolls of different fabrics. New materials have shown up, fabrics of all shades and textures, some they didn’t even know the names of. Still, in a few minutes, they’ve gathered everything they need, practically skipping back to the mannequin. They wonder for a brief moment who made the design, but decide to ignore it for now. After all, they should strike while the iron of inspiration is hot!
Ena wanders quietly around the Sekai, the clicking of her heels the only sound echoing around. She glances up at the sky, scoffing and glancing back down. What did she expect? To come here and see a glittering landscape, full of color and vibrancy and able to strike inspiration into the hearts of even people like her? It was the same gray color as ever, dull and lifeless and so painfully empty. Just like Mafuyu herself. No- Ena shook her head, giving herself a smack. As infuriating as Mafuyu is sometimes, Ena knows she doesn’t mean to be malicious. She can’t really help it. They'd told her to be honest with them. And if this was her brand of honesty, then at least it was better than the facade she’d been putting on. Ena shuddered, remembering the first time she’d ever called Yuki. That sweet, innocent voice. It’d seemed slightly off from the start, but… With a sigh, she sat down against a ruined pillar, pressing her back against it and feeling the coldness of the steel seep through the fabric of her shirt. Closing her eyes, she placed her head on her knees. What now? She’d gone through most of her inspiration seeking activities. Talking to friends, walking in the park, heading to her favorite cafes and even visiting an art exhibition. Her lack of motivation had persisted. Maybe she was hopeless after all. A familiar tightness begins to grip Ena’s chest, clasping around her ribs. Claws began squeezing her lungs, crushing and pushing the breath out of her. She shakes her head, burying her face further away and wrapping her arms around her knees. Not now- not again- Tears prickle at her eyes as she clamps her mouth shut, holding her sobs. Maybe her father was right. Look at her now, curled up and crying like a baby, desperately wanting to scream at the world that treated her like an unwanted byproduct. An extra, who’d hung on the coattails of others more talented and more skilled. Ena covers her mouth, squeezing her eyes even more tightly shut, trying to keep the tears from falling. It doesn’t work. They seep down her cheeks, dropping down and staining the gray fabric of her skirt. She feels her thoughts spiraling, tunneling farther and farther into that familiar darkness, when she feels a hand grabs her shoulders and pulls her back into reality. Her head jolts up, lifting her gaze to meet the person who’d found her-
But all she sees is two tiny pricks of light in a void of darkness. With a choked yelp, she scrambles away from the shadowy figure, terrified. They simply stare back at her, standing and turning away. Panting, Ena presses a hand over her chest, pulling herself back together and shuffling up to one knee. She leans forward, about to speak, but her words die in her throat as the figure begins to walk. Tiny pricks of light fall from them, hitting the ground and bouncing away with tiny chime-like tinkles. Ena scoots forward, swiping the tears from her eyes and approaching the pieces. As she gets closer and the blurriness fades from her eyes, the spark comes into view. It’s a star. A tiny thing, with four shimmering points. It glows softly as Ena picks it up, cradling it in the palm of her hand like something fragile, precious even. Then, it starts to float. It drifts off of Ena’s palm, flying lazily upward as if pulled by a string, and ascends into the sky. Now that she’s aware of her surroundings, Ena sees even more of the tiny stars around her, lifting from the ground to float into the empty sky above. They dance around each other, frolicking and flickering with a sort of playful warmth as they form constellation after constellation. It’s breathtaking. Ena simply stands there, staring up in wonder. After a minute, she remembers the figure she’d seen, but all that’s left to prove they even existed were a tiny patch of stars, these not floating. They stay on the ground, but don’t seem any less joyful than the ones in the sky. Ena walks over, reaches her hand out and takes one of them. It twirls around in the palm of her hand, and Ena gets the feeling it doesn’t want to leave. With one last glance at the lights behind her, she begins walking back towards the stage, star still in hand. A collection of lights shimmer above her as the first fragments of an idea begin collecting in her head. A starlit sky, a lonely city scape. That feeling of emptiness. Jishou Mushoku.
Remember to keep up with #shadow-audience-au to see new parts and submit your own ideas!
Almost forgot, tags for people whose ideas I featured!
Costume ideas on mizuki’s mannequin/refilling supplies (@stari-hun)
Repairing something (the fish tank) (@carro179)
Pillow fort (@silly-silly-noodles)
Tiny little stars/glowing trinkets that disappear when someone gets too close to them (the disappearing will happen next time, I promise-) (@aaa-batteryy)
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I wanted to share my thoughts on what the next focus events could be for arc enders, while also asking you what you think is going to happen if you haven’t already
L/n: I’m honestly at a loss as to what the next event has in store for us. I definitely think it’s an Ichika focus (though I’ve seen people speculate it’s Shiho), but I’m not sure what they could do. Maybe enter a recording label to increase their audience? (Haven’t read Get Over It. yet so maybe I’m missing a part of the puzzle)
VBS: most likely a Toya event, I want to see him get mad. Like full blown anger from him. He was absolutely livid in Light Up the Fire as seen from his card, so I just want him to absolutely go apeshit. Worst part is that he doesn’t have the best relationship with adult figures so the parallels with his father are there. Maybe they’ll also try to reunite with Kotaro etc? VBS has a lot on its plate after the truth bomb regarding Nagi, that’s for sure
WxS: I mean. I’m pretty sure we all know it’s indirectly confirmed to be a Rui event. And this one is most definitely addressing the disbanding of the unit. Since he’s the one most worried about it, I think it makes sense he started the arc with Farewell at the Curtain Call and now gets to end it with a conclusion that will affect the group one way or another
N25: also somewhat obvious we’re getting a Mafuyu event from the teaser, this one is surely going to address what’s on all of our minds: is she going to run away? Our Escape for Survival has definitely set me on edge so I can’t wait to see how the story plays out
Oh yeah I’ve been thinking so hard about the arc enders the past few weeks so here goes nothing
L/n: They actually got signed at the end of Get Over It. It was right at the end of chapter 8 though, so I reckon the event will be taking the first steps as pros, especially considering this was their main goal up until this point. Like how at the end of Re-tie Friendship MMJ decided to change course, and then STEP by STEP was about them actually leaving.
VBS: Toya definitely. You can work it out by MV distribution. I think this will be a getting the band back together sort of story, considering that all the side characters left in LUTF and BAD DOGS interact with the side characters more. In his last event, Toya became good friends with Souma, and considering how Taiga crushed Arata’s ambition using Souma, I wouldn’t be surprised if those two were in it a lot. I hope Kotaro gets a good resolution too after his breakdown in LUTF.
WxS: Okay I have actually spoken about this one but I’ll do it again because I’m very invested in the current WxS arc. I originally thought this would be an Emu event mainly because WxS really needs to shuffle their event order but considering we now know it will be an arc ender no way it’s not Rui. At the end of Canary in a Quagmire he says that he thinks he’s worked out a way for them to all pursue their dreams together, which. The fact that Tsukasa and Nene want to go abroad and Emu wants to stay home already kinda messes with that concept sorry Rui. WxS is very special to him because he’s never had close friends before and doesn’t want to lose it (he literally refers to it as his home in Island Panic) and I think this event will be a bittersweet slaps in the face of reality that they can’t just stay together forever. 👍 also I really want him to spill that Asahi invited him to join ArcLand (aw yeah conflict)
N25: The fucking puppet from her first event man. The puppet triggered Mafuyu in Captive Marionette because she saw herself in it - everything in her life was puppeteered by her mother. And the curtain closing? I’m not sure if she’ll actually run away, but I think she’s going to confront her mother herself. I think Mafuyu is finally more ready to confront that her mother is the problem and is controlling her every move and I want to see her at least try to break free of it.
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silverstream39 · 1 year
Ena w/ a quiet younger sibling!!
characters shown: Ena Shinononome
Note: WOOHOO TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY!! I’ll try to post more often instead of just being inactive, AND SKDJISI this is not x reader, I just put it in that category for ppl to find it better
♪ | Ena ft. Akito
• Compared to her relationship with Akito, yours is definitely different
• since you’re really quiet, she often can’t help but rant to you about Akito and other things, such as school or just Akito being Akito 😭
• Living with the Shinonomes is quite chaotic, especially when the two are arguing trying to get you to take another’s side
• Even though they don’t really get along, they try not to argue so much around you because they don’t want you to be like either of them. They do realize that arguing isn’t good but they can’t help it sometimes. Also because they don’t like to see you upset, they couldn’t stand to see you have an argument with them even more.
• No matter how much they may argue, just being in the middle of it might just be enough for them to stop
• Even if there is some moments where the fighting gets bad, the both of them will make sure to apologize and maybe make it up to you, but it might be a little awkward and forced when going out
•But of course, there is some good moments such as her taking you out shopping, or trying on her clothes.. but there is some moments where the siblings will fight over who’s style is better, then calls eachother’s clothes ugly (I don’t blame her)
• That aside, she introduces you to Mizuki and they absolutely adore you, also taking you out to eat or go places with N25
• Although, the ones you probably understand the most are Mafuyu and Kanade. Kanade enjoys being around you because she can also see you as a sibling, but she would PROBABLY never tell that to Ena
• But she does take into consideration of how quiet you are too, if you want she’ll do all the speaking. The only thing she has a problem with is your problems, if you don’t speak about them much she doesn’t really know how to help. Even though she rants a lot to you, she’ll still listen to what you have to say
• (also them trying to give you their carrots under the table) but she makes a good sibling when her and Akito actually get along!!
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