#I’ll probably still make and remake some more refs but these are the ones I care abt
arolesbianism · 4 months
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Blue and not fully human gang rise up
#keese draws#oc posting#eternal gales#just two more characters left! bloom and tali :D#I have both sketched already too so they should be finished soon#which is great for me because it gives me over a month to not have to worry abt refs too much for artfight#I’ll probably still make and remake some more refs but these are the ones I care abt#but yeah for those unaware fydd is half human half bird alien and dodie is mostly human but made with ~magic~ sort of#oh and fun fact that idk if I’ve ever mentioned but in the old story that fydd’s alien half comes from they were called taziens or smth#his moms are also from that old story along with two dodie’s mom and another alien guy#his name is grumps and he never actually comes up proper but he does exist in the world of eternal gales#fydd’s moms are recky and becky with Recky being the alien and also a poet and becky being an ex warriors kid#and dodie’s lame nonbinary mom is named cups and they’re just trying to not have a panic attack#there was also I believe two other characters from that story along with one one of my siblings made#but the two I didn’t bring back were ones that were added later on in that story’s development and ofc Im not stealing an old oc lol#but yeah the other two were brothers who were conjoint by the wings snd they were like lego kids or smth I think?#I rly dont remember this story was from a Long time ago and while it maintained my interest longer than most of my stories at the time#I still ended up losing interest fairly quickly after I started conceptualising eternal gales#and by that I mean a couple months later I think? idk my memory of that time period is fuzzy
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yeetusweenus · 4 years
Big Brother Tumblr Tag Game
If you are tagged copy and paste the rules and all questions
Answer the questions
Tag 3-5 people to also complete the questions
Tagged by @birthdaykeesha , thanks Justine 💞
About You (feel free to not answer all of these if you aren’t comfortable doing so)
1. Name or nickname? Uly
2. Age/Age Group? 21
3. Zodiac Sign? Virgo
4. Favorite Color? Green
5. Favorite Animal? Sugar Gliders
6. First Season of BB you remember watching? BB15 (sadly)
7. Would you ever want to go on BB, if so, what type of player would you be? YES, omg I daydream every now and then though the reality would probably be much more different. In all honesty, I’d probably be a floater who tries to be in everyone’s good side and hope my social game is good. I’ll probably be evicted mid-jury if i’m lucky
8. Are there other CBS shows you’d want to go on, and if so, why? Survivor omg, another source of daydreams for me. I might end up getting medevaced if i do though
9. What other Reality shows do you watch? Just Survivor, BB, and RPDR honestly, though I used to watch some others like Masterchef, etc.
10. All time favorite houseguest? This is difficult so i’ll just say Da’vonne since she’s who I currently love rn
About the Show
1. What is your all time Favorite twist? I love the Ika shredding letters one and also the Loveita/Kelsey room from BBCAN (even though Kelsey came back instead of Godveita)
2. What is a twist that you like, but kind of flopped? The saboteur twist i thought was really interesting but it just didn’t pan out since miss Annie was evicted first
3. If you were the new Grodner and had to remake the show, what would you keep the same? Nothing LOL except like the general skeleton of the game probs (like HOH and vetos would still exist) 
4. What would you change? Casting is probably the main one, less archetypes, more BIPOC, more LGBTs, etc. Make the show last less days also.
5. What’s your all time favorite comp? Don’t clock me but I love the knockout quiz comps like i love the whole procedure and when it pans out correctly, it leads to so much drama (see BB12)
6. What’s your all time favorite competition? In terms of a specific competition, I like the majority rules comp that Jen won 
7. All time favorite punishment? Paulie’s baking punishment will never not make me LOL. Michelle’s unitard is also a classic and watching her flip out with it on was funny as well
8. If you could bring any houseguest back to be in the house (not to play the game) who would it be and why? I’m going to go with Britney or Da’vonne, they’re both really fun personalities
9. If you could bring any houseguest back to play, who would it be? Candace and Helen from BB15, as well as Dom and Kemi. All deserve a second chance in my opinion
10. What is your most memorable episode? For me, it would be the episode of Miichelle winning HOH in 10
11. If you could have any reality star from any other show on BB who would it be? I would love someone from Survivor, maybe Michaela or Abi Maria? LOL
12. What’s your favorite BB series outside of normal BBUS (normal BBUS does not include CBBUS or BBOTT) BBCAN2 for sure
13. Favorite Julie Chen sign off? I don’t remember ASNDKFNKLAF I’m seriously blanking
14. Is there anything from old BB that you would bring back, why or why not, and if yes, what would it be? Maybe the lack of twists and more genuine casting.
15. If you were in the BB house and you won HoH what album would be in your HoH basket and who would you want to receive a letter from? I would probably have Emotion by CRJ or folklore by TS. My letter would be from my sister probably <3
16. Favorite Alliance? Libra, Keesha, and April.💕Also Candace, Helen, and Elissa
17. Funniest BB moment? Paul losing twice :)
18. Favorite first boot? Annie from BB12 was iconique 
19. Least favorite houseguest? Pail. Cody is getting really close as well.
20. Favorite BB couple? Uhh, pass? Maybe Ika and Dem idk
This or That
1. Old School BB or New School BB? Old for sure
2. Julia or Liz Nolan? Neither tbh ASDBKFKJASB
3. Vaness Rousso or Jun Song? I didn’t watch Jun’s season so I have to pick Vanessa 👁️👄👁️
4. Cody Calafiore or Cody Nickson? Again, neither AKSJJAJSJSJ idk if this is cheating
5. Swaggy or Bayleigh? Bay 💯
6. Janelle or Kaysar? Kaysar!!
7. Orwell or the rubber duck? Who?AKKSJAJSJ Im dumb I don't get the ref
8. Hacker twist or Pandora’s Box? Pandora's box
9. Nicole A or Nicole F? Don't make me choose y'all I-
10. Dan or Will? Dan
11. Bathroom with Bathroom sand (BB18) or The Fidget Spinner Wall (BB20)? Bathroom sand was iconic lol
12. The Hive or The Spy Grils? Spy girls
13. PB&J or Slop? PB and J, slip looks rancid
14. Nerdy Guy archetype or Quirky Girl archetype? Quirky girl gave us Bridgette so-
15. The cursed liztin gif or the Maven (BB19) cum rag? AKJDJAJSJEJ DELETE THIS NEPHEW (I choose Maven tho 👀)
Tag Questions
1. First Season you blogged? I lurk all the time but this would be the first season I blog !!
2. Favorite season to blog? Can't answer this one since it's my first ajhejahs
3. Favorite Bloggers? I have to many AJDHJAHSH but bathroom-sand, maxdoesbb, pretty much anyone I follow tbh they're all Hilarious
4. Favorite tag cryptid (i.e. djmrod, the confession accounts, the bayler stan account, stella) that one Kaycee stan I forgot his name
5. Build an ideal alliance with people from the tag. I'd build an alliance with all the thirsty ones so we can bond over our thirst-
6. Favorite content creator (gifs, videos, posts). @ keesha 💕 she has good gifs
7. Person in the tag that you like but are too nervous to talk to? Don't make me expose myself AKJDJAJSJEJ
8. Have you played in any tag games (like bbdiscords, orgs, etc.,) if so what was your favorite experience? Nooo but I want to though I'm too shy
9. Favorite gate? Selfiegate and truth gate for sure
10. What opinions do you have that you feel would be unpopular in the tag? I dont care that Christmas broke her ankle AKSJJAJSJ There I said it
11. Have you thirst followed anyone after a selfiesgate? 👀 I plead the fifth
12. Whose someone in the tag that has stopped blogging bb that you miss? I haven't seen twerking-down-the-highway liveblog this season :(
13. Favorite holiday people have called Christmas? My Birthday made me cackle 🤣
14. If you could steal any url whose would it be? The Keesha or jaysar one 😭
15. Favorite tag meme? (i.e. Paul;s mistake, victim noises, claling chr*stmas anything but her name, etc.,) Calling Christmas felon or criminal KAJSJAJSJSJ it's what she deserves
Tag 3-5 people (or more or less)
I tag
@64560 @neeleyjakkson @glisteningwind @dc-gay but if anyone else wants to participate feel free 💕
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
Persona 5 Problems: Are the P5MC’s parents good/bad/abusive/grey?
Hoooo boy I dunno if this is happening anywhere besides the confessions blog (btw leave the mods alone, they are good people that have to deal with all of our salty butts) but...... I guess we need to talk about it. I should note this isn’t my own personal “Persona Problem” it’s more of a “Persona Fandom Problem” (which I haven’t done one yet, or at least published....still working on the FeMC one 8U but that’s off topic). 
So if you don’t know things have been getting heated in relation to if P5MC’s parents are good or bad/abusive or grey, and so on. Everyone raises good points tbh! Some.....not so good (on all sides) I should note I’m completely neutral tbh (I prefer a more grey backstory, but I can swing any which way with this interpretation tbh!), as long as the interpretation is well written (by which it addresses some of the grey ares the game left), be it positive or negative, I think it’s fine. So this isn’t someone who is....like....super biased to one side (not that anyone can be unbiased but concerning this topic I’m as close as I’ll ever be to it). 
Anyway what is the answer to this question? Well I have your answer guys! It’s open and to be left up to the interpretation to the player! :D DON’T GO-! ;w; I’ll explain myself under the cut, I figured you’d at least like to know my answer going in. Even if you don’t want to believe it, it’s very much the fact that it’s left up to interpretation due to the sole fact there’s not enough info to go on (even if we nitpick the living shit out of it we don’t know the parents’ motives). Anyway, I found there’s some key info people missed out on (blame Atlus for keeping that tidbit a bonus missable quiz show thing) and also looking into the real life JAPANESE juvenile law (just....cause I’m afraid people are trying to use their own country’s law and try to apply it to Japan, and this required some research, tho I feel like I still have more to learn this is what I could find 8U)
Last thing I should note, a lot of this might come off as “defense for good/neutral” parents, but there’s something you need to remember. WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM. Not their personal reasons or mindset as to why the MC was allowed to move to Tokyo. We don’t even know if they do or don’t call him because they are unimportant to the story. Everything is left up to the player’s interpretation, and regardless of what route you wanna take, it will require SOME explanation. Good/neutral parents, you’ll need to explain why they are absent or why they chose what the did during the course of the game, but you don’t really need to explain the MC’s choice to go back to them (cause in his mind they are good). Bad/abusive parents, you won’t need to explain their lack of presence during the game (cause it’s really easy ‘they’re just bad’ see? not a whole lotta thought needed), but you’ll run into some issues as to why the MC returning home is a good ending (so you’ll need to explain that). Grey parents, you have no choice but to explain things for legit everything they do/don’t do in the game. Regardless of what you subscribe to, you’ll need to explain something that isn’t explained in the game....and guess what? Regardless of your explanation....it’s not canon. Because the game itself doesn’t explain it. You can headcanon as much as you want, it’s encouraged, all of them are valid, but unless Atlus remakes the game where they give the parents actual personality/character, nothing will be canon. And that’s ok. You can explore a lot of different things thanks to this, it’s frustrating but you have to take the good with the bad. Now, why am I explaining stuff that is inconsiquential considering nothing is canon (and everything is permitted, ...no AC fans?...ok ;w;) regarding this? Well call me a devil’s advocate, but it also shows how someone can come up with a valid reason rather than ‘just cause.’ Ex: MC’s parents don’t give him any money, what’s their financial standing? Side A: They are well off and are just assholes who don’t want to help him. Side B: They aren’t well off, I have no reason just....because. Not the best comeback right? Well what if we changed Side B’s answer to: They aren’t well off, because he’s going to a private school in the city and that might be siphoning more of their money than they originally were doing before and thus might be struggling. Gives more weight to Side B no? Both interpretations are valid, because we don’t know the MC’s parent’s financial situations of course (please remember we know nothing as I bring up things people may have missed/overlooked/didn’t know), but Side B now doesn’t sound like it’s just saying stuff ‘just cause.’ 
Anyway, all that preface out of the way, actual analysis under the cut: 
So.....let’s start off with analyzing what we do know about the game! P5MC’s court case went by faster than an episode of Law and Order (very unusual, I think even mentioned by the game, so some of the “hmm but couldn’t they have done had the MC be in a different school in his hometown under probation” is just game going to game so we won’t worry about that too much, his sentence was to Tokyo so that’s what we are going with! tho tbh the game does kinda handwave a little explanation as to why he’s in Tokyo, Principal literally says they are the only one who would take him....and well rather that’s realistic or not game gonna game so yeah moving on 8U) 
We know the MC’s parents sent him to Sojiro. We know Sojiro is a probation officer (something I noticed people seem to forget in the confessions). MC was sentenced to live in Tokyo via the courts orders, the parent’s agreed, and the parents made arrangements to stay with Sojiro due to a connection with a shared friend of their’s (also probably cause he’s also a gd probation officer but that’s not stated as a reason, just want to make sure you are aware Sojiro is a probation officer). MC is accepted to the only school (in Tokyo, or maybe the country not specified) that will take him, and will presumably be able to integrated in the school due to no one knowing about his criminal record (aka he gets a clean slate). During this time Sojiro state’s to briefing the player on the MC’s situation "*laughs (I think only in the JP ver)* In other words, they got rid of you for being a pain in the ass" (there’s a few things about this line I can mean a lot of things and I’ll get into it later). He says if MC causes any trouble he’ll throw him out......And then later saying if he problems he’ll be sent to juvie (wait....so doesn’t that mean he’ll just send him to Juvie? Not on the street? Sojiro you make no sense....just gonna bring it up here, ‘throw you out’ seems more in line with Sojiro being ‘tough love’ than actually threatening while the juvie is a legit warning to the MC, only way I can reconcile why he’s saying that, esp since he’s a lot more serious voice acting wise when talking about juvie and the two times he uses ‘throw out’ in the first two days he’s a lot lighter/flabbergasted/not as serious sounding, just a thing to note). The next day the principal states that if he’s kicked out, he’d have nowhere to go. Sojiro also states the reason he took the MC in was for money (as well as being asked and accepting, but keep in mind with the money, he kind of slides that in at a last second, this is key). 
So yeah it seems that the parents might have had to dump him there and might not be happy with him......Key words: “might” and “it seems.”
Here’s a few things the game.....doesn’t make clear, Sojiro’s attitude during this time as well as some key info you’d miss unless you’d look into it.
Let’s start with Sojiro’s attitude, he’s def taking the “tough love” approach to the MC (I think a lot of people can agree he’s being a hardass cause that’s what he thinks the MC needs right now...dunno why but yeah), and he’s also lying to the MC on at least one thing. Wait what? Lying? About what? The money. Surprised? I know this info isn’t mandatory in the story, it’s easily missable! Anyway, it’s very likely Sojiro isn’t getting paid (and this can both hurt and support the parents so don’t think this is an execution for the parents), and so he just lied to the MC. If you don’t believe me, here’s the game stating that probation officers (and with Mona’s commentary, including Sojiro) don’t get paid.  So....why lie? Well again he’s taking the tough love approach, and he’s def faltering on the 2nd day, and the way he stumbles to answer the MC and adding the money at the end might show him trying to keep up with the tough love act by showing he’s only in it for the money even if he isn’t (and thus lying). He could also be lying about the pain in the ass thing too, either cause he’s already lying about one thing so what’s stopping him from lying about another thing, or the fact that that in the original Japanese, he laughs when he says the MC was kicked out for being a pain in the ass (as well as his portrait changing to the smiling one)....meaning he’s either lying or just joking (not the best time to make a joke like that Sojiro 8U). All that being said, his words do not imply the parents said that, it could be all Sojiro. So saying “he got it from the parents” isn’t supported, not saying it’s false or you can headcanon it, but the text does not support the parents said that to Sojiro. So you can’t outright claim that as fact. I’m not saying the parents didn’t say it, but there’s nothing proving that they did nor didn’t.
“Ok but why dump the MC with Sojiro? He’s just some rando right? A STRANGER! THEY DON’T EVEN KNOW HIM HE COULD BE A SERIAL KILLER-!” Ok let’s take a breath guys, yes Sojiro is only a friend of a friend but.....keep in mind....he’s a probation officer (hogoshi/保護司 specifically, ref original dialogue in this jp walkthrough/guide here) He’s not just “some rando” it’s his (volunteer) job (nonetheless it’s still a job) to look after kids like the MC. And not just any old job, the dude has to go through training for 2 years on top of having to take a test that’s looked over by the Japanese Supreme court it’s not something just ANYONE can be (source, pg 8, but also the wikipedia pages have shown this as well) Like 1) he’s qualified to take care of him, 2) MC needs an officer (or at least he’s getting one whether he wants one or not) tbh it’s kind of the thing I’ve found by via reading, 3) it really helps that he’s a friend of a friend that can vouch for him AND he’s an officer. There’s really nothing wrong sending the MC to Sojiro if he’s destined to go to Tokyo, Sojiro is literally better than sending him to a legit “some rando.” (I should note, while I can’t find the exact website that stated it, this one does also mention that there aren’t really enough probation officers atm, I dunno just something I came across so like that fact could’ve also played a role in the MC moving in with Sojiro due to not having a closer officer nearby but I dunno) (edit: also remember when I brought up the tough love thing in regards to throwing the MC out up top? I stated that because throwing him out would be.....well.....against his job, and unless he’s throwing him out to sending him to juvie, it would be....kind of unethical on his part to throw the MC out on the street and counterintuitive to rehabilitation that Japan really emphasizes).
But why send him to Tokyo? Well remember the court ruled it, I guess the ruling said “go to Tokyo” (probably cause there was a school and a probation officer that would make that possible). Sure his parents agreed, but can you really say no to a ruling? I guess you can, but let’s look at what they were probably facing. The courts probably ruled that they send him to Tokyo or to Juvie. Tokyo is def the better option (at least he’s not in basically jail, and Japanese juvie isn’t something to laugh at) so I can see why they’d say yes (Tokyo means he gets schooling and a clean slate and not in jail, and juvie means he’s in kid jail and....hooo boy not good and can screw him for a number of reasons). Or they could’ve appealed to the court instead.....except that Japan isn’t really.....all that great when it comes to appealing stuff, there’s also the fact the only school “nearby” that would/could take him was Syujin. As again, stated by the Principal that he’d have nowhere to go if kicked out of Syujin:
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And considering how long the appeal process would be (like years), on top of the fact it would probably be fruitless due to how Japan is with this type of stuff (guilty until proven innocent), MC would miss out on an education. Which would be VERY BAD. So the parents probably were like, “Ok, clean slate in Tokyo, still gets to go to school and get an education, guardian seems good, and it’s only for one year.” It should be noted this was all done in a short amount of time (even mentioned in that very scene with the principal if you wanna cross reference). Regardless if they like their son or not at this point, this reasoning makes sense. They made lemons out of lemonade.
“Ok but why didn’t they contact him?” What makes you say that? It could happen off screen. “But that’s just such a bs explanation.” Yeah but they aren’t exactly super important to the story, no one really complained about the P4 MC’s parents doing that (I mean he has similar hc about neglectful parents, but not everyone subscribes to that), so does it matter? But....consider this, what if they COULDN’T call/contact him? By which I mean they legally couldn’t. This thought crossed my mind when reading about probation officers in the beginning pages of this pdf file. While it seems the probation officers will be in contact during an investigation period for a trial, we know the MC’s trial was very unique so they might’ve skipped/fast forward through it. But one of the things they do is investigate the home life situation. So consider this, what if the parents....were deemed the reason the MC got into that situation. I’m not saying they are violent, but maybe the MC got his mentality from his parents (aka, save the weak, or maybe a parent was an activist or an ex-delinquent but was a great parent) and the courts deemed that could’ve been why he got into trouble. Because from my research, Japan is about rehabilitating the youth/criminals. They want to find the source, and change it. If the courts decided he needed to get far from home and have limited contact with his family, that could be why. Not saying it is what happened, not saying it isn’t what happened. Not saying they didn’t call him, not saying they did call him. Again, this is grey area and open for interpretation. This is something that COULD happen irl, but I’m not saying it did happen in P5 (it could, you can headcanon it, there’s open room for it, but it’s a headcanon, not actual canon, and there’s not really anything that could....well.....oppose it but there’s nothing that outright supports it..... Again this thing is all grey and open 8U)
There is something else that had me wondering about something not explained in the game. It’s about the type of school the MC was going to.....and how much it costs. Because, in Japan you need to pay tuition to go to school! This is something I know from just....consuming media, it comes up, and after researching that’s kind of the norm. Why bring this up? Well...it’s because I want to explore the possibility of the MC’s financial situation (which, money is a whole freaking mess in P5, but one thing at a time). Anyway first we need to know what school the MC is going to. The Megaten Wiki (always take with a grain of salt keep in mind) states that it’s an “elite prep school.” Ok, well does that mean it’s a private school? Yes actually! It’s not going to outright say it in the speech bubble but the game does have a banner saying it:
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Hidden but I found it gosh darn it! >:D As you can see, I was also researching what the tuition differences between public and private are....and well...it’s pretty big. There’s a few articles (here’s just one, mentions how lower income people can still attend, aka Ryuji and his Single mom....btw single moms are probably one of the poorest groups in Japan, also here’s another source) but it can double to quadruple depending on where you go. So if you want to go the “why aren’t they giving the MC more money” this might be why, because they are paying for the MC’s education. And/or maybe they are just paying Sojiro directly (we dunno if he’s telling the truth about that or not). Or MAYBE the parents aren’t exactly well off and are just trying their best. (of course maybe they just don’t give a shit and are footing the whole bill onto Sojiro, again we don’t know, there’s not enough info given about them or the financial situation, so....it shouldn’t be debated 8U).
“Ok but why aren’t they feeding the MC/taking care of him?” Why them? Right now it’s not their job, it’s Sojiro’s. It annoys me that no one blames Sojiro even tho THAT’S HIS JOB right now. “Sending only a small box of his stuff?” Can explain it as basic necessities, Japan tends to have small living spaces regardless so it could be just what the MC needs. “But can you argue that?” Yeah you can, but you can also argue that it’s not enough....but it’ll get us nowhere because there’s not enough info (which is pretty much this whole issue but yet here we are). (btw this is connected to another issue with how Persona, but specifically P5, handle money in the main story....which is poorly, esp since they are thieves and are earning money just.....sigh....that’s a separate issue but throwing that out there). Basically, anything aimed at the MC’s shitty living situation or poor health while in Tokyo can easily be pointed at Sojiro, because he is neglecting his duties to take care of the MC while he is in his ward. It’s not 100% the parents fault for not knowing Sojiro isn’t as great as they thought (it’s like thinking blaming them for sending MC to Kamo’s school, they didn’t know Kamo was a shit bag, maybe they didn’t even know who Kamo was or that he’s at the MC’s school, you can’t blame people who go info that this person is great and then they turn out that they aren’t behind closed doors). THAT BEING SAID, I’m not saying Sojiro is a shitbag or bad (if he is doing a bad job, it’s not the parents’ fault for like....believing the guy will do his job, it’s like expecting someone not to trust a doctor to do his job, but yeah I just want to specify when I said above “not their fault for not know Sojiro is doing a bad job” is for argument’s sake I don’t think Sojiro is), but if we ARE going to complain about the MC’s living situation....well....he’s the one to point fingers at. And are we going to complain that Sojiro doesn’t feed him? Actually I see that’s probably the next natural step as the next discourse, “He feeds the MC breakfast so we can assume he feeds him every day!” “Well Mona states the MC doesn’t eat well enough, so maybe Sojiro isn’t really doing that!” I personally think Sojiro feeds him, the game is just dumb with out it handles money and that’s a different argument for later, also please don’t make this the next discourse. 8U
So what have we learned from this? That the situation isn’t completely black and white, and that there’s not enough info from the parents to go on to be able to characterize them.
Basically you can have abusive/neglectful parents who are making Sojiro pay for everything and basically wanted to get rid of their kid ASAP. And only take him back because it’s proven he was innocent (I mean.....the game is a little weird and he basically got out by turning himself in as the leader as the PT but sure whatever game). 
Or you can have parents who are trying their best in a shitty situation (choosing the best option for him, while possibly being forbidden to contact him via the court), paying for his school (which either hurts them cause they are poor, or just because there’s just because school is so expensive) and assuming Sojiro is doing his job taking care of their kid. 
Either’s fine, as long as the grey area is explained it’s fine.
“But what about the roadtrip?!” Oh for the love of. Ok 1) Sojiro might’ve informed his parents (depends on if he was lying about not knowing where Futaba/Mona were at the beginning), 2) It’s probably not a roadtrip but a detour which isn’t a shocking thing by any account (reasons being a) Futaba didn’t tell Sojiro where she was going so she’d need to return at some point that day or else HE’LL be worried and are you going to argue Sojiro doesn’t care about Futaba too?, b) no one seems to be packed for anything longer than a day away from home), 3) and/or they could’ve texted them that he was going to be home a little late. 
Like train is def faster than car in Japan, but like......stopping to look at the ocean (or just drive by, or just taking the MC the long way home to spend a little more time with him).  It’s not anything scary, he’s getting to his destination. “But Ryuji said he wasn’t taking him straight home!” doesn’t mean it’s a roadtrip. Like calm down y’all. 
Also one last note, cause I feel like some people might bring it up, the anime, mangas, drama cds (at least P5′s atm), and anthologies aren’t outright canon, by canon I mean “the game is the main canon, everything else is just an outside interpretation.” In case people want to bring up P5′s one anthology chapter (that Saito made btw) where P5MC hints that the adults in his life didn’t believe him, or the P4 manga which actually goes into Souji’s backstory. Yeah those aren’t canon to the games. So don’t go using it as facts to back up your argument. Just....a warning. 
So yeah, tldr; everything is grey, it’s up to you! Don’t go around claiming your headcanon as canon, but your headcanon is valid! Also do go around shitting on other’s for having a different headcanon (esp if they aren’t going around claiming it as canon). And btw not saying I’m fool proof, if you guys have researched JJL and find something new that I missed, or just another side of the argument I didn’t address you can point it out and I’ll add it below this point! 
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sugarstitchplush · 7 years
commission updates
Hello there~! I just wanted to give you all an update on what should be happening with commissions next year~ I'll be reopening sometime in January for a regular round (probably still no humans this round, but definitely at some point in future). I'm also thinking of doing a few specific rounds, one of remakes, one of a sort of "insert character here" kind with the pattern I used for Pikachu, Raichu and Kero (obviously there'd be some limitations since not every character will fit) and a round of Mimikyu as different Pokemon (again there'd be limitations) If there's enough interest I'd be happy to do these at some point, and should be able to get them done a lot faster since it'll be cutting out most of the pattern testing stage. As for remakes, I still won't be remaking shiny Pokemon, or any OCs. If you've commissioned me in the past and don't want your commission to be remade feel free to say so. So, do these sound like good ideas? Please let me know~ Also just a gentle reminder, I'm always happy to provide quotes, just please make sure to let me know the character (with refs) and the size you want. It'll save a lot of time for both of us. Also, I have an FAQ and links to my commission info in the menu at the top left of my blog (I’m not sure about mobile though sorry ^^’) please read through them as the answer to your question may be in there. That's it from me for now, I'm done with commissions for this year so will be focusing more on some home decoration projects (I'm on a big crochet kick at the moment lol) and some random sewing projects. I don't know if I'll be able to finish any of the human characters I'm currently working on this year since my local fabric stores have no corduroy, and with the holidays coming up I'm not sure if it'll arrive any time soon if I order it online :\ Anyway, hoping you all have a lovely holiday season~ (I'm so excited to put up my tree~!)
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grizzlefur · 7 years
WWEm - Nobody Calls Dean McFly a Nerd
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Transmission date: Monday 18/Tuesday 19 September 2017
Yeah, I said this would be 'punctual' and 'up a decent amount of time before the PPV', but hey
i was ill, and also you're not the boss of me
(unless you are)
(in which case my salary hasn't been coming in and we need to talk)
so without any further ado (just kidding, this is gonna be ado city right here) i present to you SATURDAY AFTERNOON RAW!
(yeah, you thought it was gonna be sunday, didn't you?)
(daniel did)
(he was super unprepared and is currently eating lunch in his booth)
(it looks delicious)
opening on an in memoriam for bobby heenan
we're in san jose
i should be able to make some kind of sport joke there but i can't find it
anyway, here's kurt
apparenrtly we have two matches at no mercy that are mania-worthy
casual shade at the rest of the card there
kurt says that's not all, and now here's the miz
with his bros, but not his wife
oh yeah, she's pregnant
that makes sense
boo for the next year or so when i don't get to steal her style ideas
miz, meanwhile, is wearing black trousers and a white jacket and growing a shitty beard
the single look doesn't suit you, mike
he's complaining that he doesn't have a match at mercy
kurt's like dude i was just saying that
jordan/elias/hardyz in a four-way tonight for a shot at him
miz complains that kurt puts his son in the match ahead of his super-qualified and totally legit hangers-on
kurt has had enough of your tone, young man
miz gives him a lecture about responsible fatherhood
see how kurt isn't beating the shit out of him, shane?
this is called being a responsible employer
miz fucked up his words at least twice while i was writing that last sentence
get it together, dude
anyway, here's jj to step to him
and defend his dad's honour
in a new magic eye singlet
i think he's secretly dressed as a tractor
jj asks kurt to put curtis and bo in the match so miz can shut the fuck up
never gonna work, dude
miz says one more thing about his father
gets fucked on, as promised
booker gives sage words about how jj needs to control his temper
dude, did you watch your entire fucking career
for example, jason has never dropped an n-bomb on air
later tonight we have brock and braun being interviewed (bad) and roman giving an address (worse)
but next, alexa/nia
brilliant shot of them walking backstage
alexa's expression of barely-restrained terror sells it
but first have this advert for cena/reigns
because god knows we haven't talked about it enough
back to jj backstage
as kurt storms in to tell him to calm down and focus
jason responds by ranting about what everyone thinks of him
dude, this is the opposite of calm and focus
kurt talks some fatherly shit at him, boils down to #hatersgonnahate
tells him to win the match
bet he never thought of that
but actually now, here's alexa
doing her best 'ignoring the proles but also lowkey bricking it' face
and also nia
bell rings, alexa runs away
like you thought it'd go any other way
eventually gets back in the ring, gets dicked on for a while before trying to talk nia down
and running away again
heads up the ramp, headed off by sasha
and then nia flattens her
(alexa, that is)
sasha's just lurking at ringside like oh hey there
alexa totally just hit a curbstomp on nia
i thought we banned that
alexa sets up on the top rope, goes for a crossbody, gets samoan dropped to death
sasha attacks nia after the pin, gets fucked on
and oh hey, bayley's back
somewhere, emma is just like yknow what i'm good
the three of them face off against nia and take her down
oh my god, i would watch the shit out of sasha, bayley and alexa as the shield
nia leaves, bayley extravagantly hugs everyone
they both raise alexa's arm, then remember who she is and bayley suplexes her into oblivion
i really should have seen this coming what with it being san jose
+10 hometown boost
cole recommends we go to wwenetworkrightnow.com
someone needs to learn how web addresses work
and also hypes kevin/shane in a cell
and gameplay ad for 2k18
ooh, it's got billie in
i'll probably play it, but not preorder this one
destiny 2 and injustice 2 exist, along with others
ad for total bellas, which looks less good
and a package of wrestling peeps eulogising heenan
apparently we're gonna get more of those throughout the show
cole tries to do heenan banter, corey shuts him the fuck down
and now, a video package about brock
god, i hate ppv setup shows
this is all footage from 2002
transition straight into mania 30 without a AND THEN HE BROKE HIS FUCKING NECK title card
and along came a strowman
okay, i will never not giggle at the announce table sandwich spot
paul claims that was the first time in brock's life he got carted off the battlefield
this package has just reminded me of luke harper's existence
what happened to him?
internet says him and rowan are still signed, but little else
anyway, package is over, here comes cesaro
and also his best bro
i will never get over their fusion dance pose
actual fact
they're up against the good brothers, who are still jobbing wherever possible because we saw the shit that happens when they get to main even
ad for smackdown, which i am super unhyped for
the aftermath of vince 'blading is awful unless it's me' mcmahon
let's see how that trash fire goes later
sheamus wants to talk to us about nostalgia
and also about how he clearly doesn't understand the difference between sequels and remakes
conclusion: fuck nostalgia
and here come the kkb to fuck it for us
apparentliy seth and dean are both exploiting each other
cesaro responds to what chants by repeating the same phrase half a dozen times
which is kind of great
wait, sheamus has mtn dew and liverpool fc patches
now i need to study the rest of both of their jackets
anyway, they finish their usual proclamations, and now here are seth and dean
seth describes them as like if taxi driver and braveheart had a really ugly baby
seems legit
although i don't love the 'yeah but you look dumb' retort
they talk about brothers a bunch, gives anderson and gallows a perfect chance to cut in
and call seth and dean nerds
seth's like oh no dude you shouldn't have said that
dean is not happy
nobody calls dean mcfly a nerd
cue brawl
ending with seth and dean in the ring and everybody else outside like bwaaaaaahhhhh next time gadget
but fuck that shit, here's an ad for asuka
meanwhile, kurt has once again taken the path of least resistance and made this into a triple threat
expect spots, shenanigans, and a champion win
cesaro and sheamus 100% just kicked gallows in the dick
ref like whatevs i'll allow it
book talks about the good brothers not finding their footing in wwe, cole's like ummmmm dude they were tag champs
this match is primarily seth and dean and the kkb doing rapid tags and good wrestling and anderson and gallows being like yessir we are also here
oh hey, anderson tagged in
had to happen evetually, i guess
cole almost calls gallows 'the big dog', catches himself in time
accidental double hot tag takes us to seth/cesaro, and frankly the other four can go home
weird spot where seth goes for his turnbuckle bomb then has to redirect halfway through to not throw cesaro into anderson and gallows' corner
seth eats a magic killer, dean breaks the pin only to get thrown into a barricade by the kkb
someone in the ring just shouted "sports entertainment!" and i don't know in what context
sheamus and cesaro do their flapjack cutter, then both forget who's legal and roll out of the ring, then both run back in and go for the tag at the same time
with cesaro doing the pin and sheamus just holding seth's right calf
is this a fucking laurel and hardy movie
and then anderson forgets how to set up a superplex
-checks the headlines for an epidemic of fail ravaging san jose-
double double suicide dives from seth and dean
next up in 'spots that make not a single fucking lick of sense when you think about them'...
whatever the good brothers are good at, it's not selling when they take a suicide dive
sheamus blind tags off dean, dean hits dirty deeds on anderson, sheamus steals the pin
would you look at that, a champion victory on a ppv setup show
cole started a sentence with "The Bar claims...", i totally hear the barsgays
cesaro poses on the ramp, sheamus hobbles off backstage, seth and dean don't give a shit
but nowthe miz rallies his troops in the locker room
(if you know what i mean)
bo interrupts like dude i used to do motivational speeches can i criticise your technique
bo and curtis give their cvs, throw some casual shade on their boss
realistically, why is matt hardy in that match?
the others have at least been winning a bunch lately or have had their boss shouting at the gm
has kurt been hassled by seven deities
this video from mania 21 brought to you by pizza hut
ok, but...why?
yes, edge won the first mitb
why are you telling us this now
okay, nobody knows
cole does an awkward segue into cena/reigns
corey forgets how to speak english
don't worry dude, attempting to hype roman reigns matches does that to me too
and now enjoy this video package of the parallel histories of john cena and roman reigns
i remember when there was live wrestling on this show, not like 80% clip shows
(yup, turns out i still hate ppv setup shows)
(however much of a tire fire smackdown is, at least it won't be a ppv setup show)
i really don't get why they can say bitch on the live shows but then censor it out of the video packages
okay, even in retrospect this cena promo was fire
and straight from that into an advert for vince's totally legit head injury
back in the real world (ha), kurt is on the phone
he certainly spends a lot of time on that phone
which is...an accurate representation of management, i guess
kudos, dubby dubby wee
+0.01 reality points
(current score: -89887452.99)
pan over to goldust standing inches from a poster with his back to the room
and then he turns round without paint on
and the bodysuit undone partly as well
he wants another shot against bray in his real face
which raises the question: if he wins, why was the paint there in the first place
some kind of anime power limiter?
leaves, then pops back in to snap in kurt's face as usual
but in the ring, it's curt hawkins
he's closed the star factory
and replaced it with the curt hawkins history machine
he's going to make history by ending his 114-match loss streak
well, that makes sense i guess
at least he's aware of his failings
and here comes apollo crews
the apathy is just rolling in off the crowd in waves
titus is here too
corey is either listing the current roster of titus worldwide or naming random celebrities
hard to tell
apollo shows off all the athleticism and none of the charisma, as ever
curt actually gets a nearfall, which is good for him
ticker advertises raw next week for 'ontario, CA'
ok, a) CA is a real state abbreviation, and b) ontario is big
unless it's going to be on the road through ontario in some kind of epic monday night raw travelling roadshow
i'd watch it
anyway, while i was distracted by the ticker, apollo won
i love how his 115-match streak gets an onscreen graphic
up next, brock and braun talk
after a small dancing child with cancer
it's an ad, ftr
not dolph trying another new gimmick
great, here they are
complete with paul growing out of brock's left shoulder
long beat before paul remembers his client can't talk until at least halfway through the segment
got to pace himself
braun: "My actions speak for my words!"
...i got nothin
some next-level uplit glower coming from braun though
which i just read back as 'quilt glamour'
next big aesthetic of 2017
this lighting makes braun's tattoos look like absolute shit
i'd provide a pic, but then i'd have to keep looking at them as i tracked one down
just trust me
i think it's the combination of veins and scar tissue
the way this shot is arranged, brock looks like an uncomfortable child as his parents argue over his head
paul decides cole's interview displeases him, so he's writing his own
tbf, cole is entirely unnecessary in this situation
yay, brock's warmed up
leans into camera, and the scale difference makes him and paul look like an 80s album cover
oh hey, brock got to do a mild swear
quick, let's censor it out of all future broadcasts
and the segment's over
thank god
and next...roman delivers a message
after these recaps of the women's title happenings
yeah, primarily making me double down on the fact that a women's trios competiton would be rad
and they've added bayley to the no mercy match?
for reasons
emma complains on twitter, and she's kind of right
but now (sigh) roman reigns
the presence of roman has made cole forget what time of year it is
he is just a well of negative thought
standard loooooooong-ass beat before he talks
opens by bigging up cena's talking skills
maybe a bad start
and then probably swears? the tape delay caught it
namechecks alex riley as the boring white version of himself
which is...fair, tbh
calls cena a bitch again, take a shot as you despair for the writers' lack of better material
rolls a vt from 20fucking12
of cena basically having the same problem with the rock as roman has with cena
the main difference being i don't want to punch past cena in the face rn
the real angle we want to see is cena v past cena
get on it, r&d
roman calls cena out for not being here today
is smug af
halfway decent promo, but tbh most of the good bits were shamelessly ripped from cena material
which, hey, steal from the best
in any case, he's gone
but now, renee interviews the hardyz
asks them how they're going to deal with fighting each other in the 6-pack
they're both like welp, it's kind of what we do
matt does the broken accent for one line, everyone pops
and wyatt cut
i like to think matt is still in full flow and just hasn't realised the cameras are off
but yeah, here's bray
and here's a total bellas ad
strong juxtaposition
and also an asuka ad
led with a quote from fucking sun tzu
excuse me while i sigh so hard my lungs collapse
they're on a big push in china
so someone must have realised it isn't the same country as japan
and yet
this summerslam recap slideshow is mostly a chance for bray's music to keep playing so we can here the full track
which is fucking great
and here's
dustin rhodes
the dramatic renaming is slightly let down by the fact that both his tron and the fucking clothes he's wearing say GOLDUST in big letters
could they not have just put him in some generic gear for this match
cole has clearly just ctrl+f'd his internal monologue, and now he's awkwardly calling dustin rhodes by his full name at every opportunity
but yeah, if you were trying to be the man behind the gimmick, why would you still be wearing the hey-look-at-my-junk bodysuit?
pins bray in the corner ropes, kicks him twice in the inner thigh (honestly officer), and then eats a sister abigail for the pin anyway
cue finn on the tron
dustin can't even have this loss to himself
finn is here to tell a story about his youth
in the form of the next big YA novel
i would totally read a novel series anbout a fictionalised finn bálor
finn points out that even the man behind the demon is a man who made himself a demon
so not exactly harmless
reason 1745 i love finn bálor: understanding of symbology
after this bobby heenan memorial, enzo will be here
so i kind of hope it lasts half an hour
and now the announce team awkwardly eulogise some more
and cut to a video package of his greatest moments
this is about 409000% better than enzo turning up
oh fuck, here he is
i am loving the number of boos he's getting
oh thank fuck here comes braun our lord and saviour to bodycheck him into the underworld
casually chucks him into the ring over the top rope from the floor
san jose loves him
spinebuster to death, then powerslam out the other side
walks off, neville turns up while he's halfway up the ramp
gives the angry giant a wide berth
and red arrows enzo for shits
demands a mic, does enzo's shuffle and how you doin', leaves
and san jose fucking loves him
beating up enzo is not good for your heel heat
oh wait, apparently he's sticking around for a fight
after this ad for smackdown
and this recap vt of enzo getting dunked on
cut to charly interviewing enzo in the trainer's room
he's like woe is me i am dead
but btw i'm still gonna win on sunday
but in any case, now it's neville v gran metalik
rip el rey de las cuerdas
neville tears his mask open
-shocked silence-
metalik responds with a lovely step-up tope
neville intercepts a moonsault into the rings of saturn, successfully stands up to lucha rage
and now after beating enzo, he's painted a huge target on his back for every luchador in the company
but now a hispanic heritage month thing about jennifer lopez
for whatever reason
it's worth noting that we're halfway through september, and wwe hasn't mentioned it until they have time to fill on a ppv setup show
one ad for 205 later, here's elias to open the main event reunion tour
he is disappointed in san jose
but also in all his opponents, so there's that
threatens a child in the audience that he'll get them and their mother kicked out of san jose
do...do wrestlers have that power?
and here's a diss track about his opponents and also btw san jose
interrupted by the hardyz before he can get to their verse
ooh, jeff's gone back to his old pre-mermaid arms sleeves
in all their improbable glory
and curtis and bo don't even have their own entrance any more
oh, and they get their boss to come with them
well, i guess he'd be coming on announce or w/e anyway
ok, no, he's just gonna lurk
and commence huge brawl
someone's brought miz his studio chair for ringside
brief moment where it looks like the heels are all going to work together, then elias is like ohhhh wait i'm a huge dick -kicks bo in the kidneys-
incredibly slow tower of doom setup for the hardyz to suplex the miztourage superplexing jj
elias goes for the cheap pin, jeff breaks it
and then elias eats a poetry in motion for good measure
matt then immediately turns on his brother, side effect for a nearfall
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jj deploys approximately 63% of the world's suplexes, miz throws him into the audience because no rules motherfuckers
matt twist of fates bo for a nearfall, broken by elias
who then hits drift away on matt, pin broken by jeff
crotch drops elias, swantons axel, miz breaks the pin
and jj hits kind of a meh neckbreaker for the cheap pin
insistent crowd member with an I PAID TO SEE DANA BROOKE sign
oh, honey
miz comes into the ring to sarcastically applaud jj
and then tries to punch him and gets suplexed to death
until curtis and bo come in to kick some shit out of him
and finale
and some post-beatdown smacktalk from the miz
calls him a bastard, which we can get away with when it's used in its technical sense
and fade on the twat triumphant
(my new feminist porn site)
that's the worst joke i've ever made on here
i am sorry
right, this is normally where i would roll on to smackdown
but, while i do have a weekly quota of sweaty men falling over, it's about to be filled by the new season of strictly
i have diverse interests
so until i get back, here's a line to tide you over
damn, that was a good line
and if anyone was expecting another kind, you are seriously overestimating our budget here
so failing that, how about some SUNDAY AFTERNOON SMACKDOWN?
(yeah, no mercy starts in like nine and a half hours)
(this whole punctuality thing was never going to take)
so yes
do the show
oh god this is going to be the vince mcmahon drama hour, isn't it
now lasting two hours
raw was mostly bullshit, expect this to be bullshit for other reasons
oh hey, let's kick off with a recap of the whole angle
if you can't remember what happened, read this blog more carefully?
really can't help you with that
oh hey, i want to punch vince in the throat again
funny how quickly that comes back
they've put so much reverb and filters on this audio that kevin is basically unrecognisable
his name is legion
ok, yeah, i'll never not pop for vince getting the shit kicked out of him really
we're in oakland today, so [topical joke about the a's]
and opening with some shane
commence the dramening
whoever designed the graphics for hiac this year needs to calm the fuck down
apparently vince had three fractured ribs
and shane is now here to sing his praises and how much he loves him
one day they'll work out what they want the image of the mcmahon family to be
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shane condemns kevin to hell in the cell [sic]
work out the name of your show, dude
okay, now i need to calm down
but later tonight in other angles, corbin/styles for the concept of an open challenge
but next, randy
come back shane, all is forgiven
most is forgiven
but first, have this ad for cena/reigns
i miss creepy cheerleader cult alexa
oh, and here's aiden english
guess we know what randy's here for
sweet lennon shades, dude
aiden provides his own dubiously-scanning version of randy's music
calls him a tool, gets a massive pop
keep the faith, oakland
shot of the announce table reminds me once more of the a+ announce team on here
and here's randy
oh look, still a tool
"this could be a well-laid plan by aiden english...or it could be a crucifixion"
byron saying what we're all thinking
my money's in column b
guy at the front of the round with a kane sign is either slightly ahead of events or significantly behind
we will see tonight
aiden takes a backbreaker on the barricade, then slams randy into the announce table anyway
nice to see him get some solid offence
still gonna lose, but
gets a thumb to randy's eye while he argues with the ref
adding randy to the calm the fuck down list
and then counters a top rope crossbody into a shoddy-ass rko
handy slowmo replay of the shittiness of that finisher
oh hey, here's rusev to defend the honour of musical theatre
or possibly to recover his honour in the eyes of the noble people of bulgaria
or to...rip randy's teeth out?
esoteric threat there
randy agrees to the match, then immediately gets momentarily distracted by aiden and kicked in the face for the pin
rusev then runs off up the ramp instead of getting down to tooth-ripping
i'm simultaneously disappointed and thankful
stands on the stage, rejoices at his reclaimed honour
oh, but tom has news
kevin will be here via satellite
from the next room
seems inefficient, but hey
also tonight, charlotte's back to talk about her dad
but now, here's jinder
walking backstage sharing smug stories with his crew
and he'll be here after this ad for kids with cancer
what's the opposite of an ad?
an avert?
but then it'd just be an a
appropriately for oakland i guess
damn, i'm good
ad for total bellas, and now rusev is freaking out backstage
renee comes to interview him, has to immediately explain the word 'elated'
rusev is off back to bulgaria to be a hero again
but now, here are the singhs and their amazing alveolar trills
and also their boss
in a possibly ill-advised spotted shirt
or maybe i just spend too much time critiquing wrestlers' fashion choices
jinder is doubling down on mocking shinsuke's face
this is the most incisive and well-written angle
the singhs are continuing to find jinder's jokes more hilarious than is healthy
and now jinder's getting at the crowd for being racist against japanese people?
sure, dude
they've spun a really long mic spot out of one pic of shinsuke and a bunch of racism
oh, and there's the japanese people can't say /l/ joke
credit to oakland for all just going oooooooooh there
this is genuinely breathtakingly racist
crowd start a that's too far chant
p sure he crossed that line weeks back, but welcome to the party
we have whisky and non-discriminatory humour
does some ranting in punjabi to 3% of the people of his alleged country, end segment
the announcers are all like yeah, that was a bit much
let's move on and try to forget that
up next, corbin/styles
in the allegedly open title challenge
after this repeat of the video about j-lo off raw
remember last year when they did the whole month of different latinx people?
but sure
but now, renee interviews shinsuke
who's like yeah that jinder's a funny guy -lowkey furious-
and then leaves
and here's aj
and a replay of styles/dillinger last week
that was a good match
aj has thoughts about kevin/shane
he thinks kevin shouldn't be messing with the man who brought aj to the wwe and started smackdown live
remember mania?
but now to talk shit about "shortcut king" baron
and list his recent failures
(which are hilarious)
and here comes the dick himself
with his new intro i still don't quite get
corey is talking shit about baron for seeing the us belt as a trophy
which...it is?
gregg mentions aj's weight, and i get briefly distracted by the fact that he'd only need to cut a few pounds to be a cruiserweight and how good aj/cedric would be
anyway, while i thought about that, baron attacked aj before the bell, leading tye to run in and take the fight to him
refs have removed tye, but baron's selling a fucked leg
so aj puts him in the calf crusher as well, cos why wouldn't you
hit aj's music, guess the thing's over
with baron rolling around at ringside going OW MY LEG
we get it, dude
but up next, charlotte
after pizza hut gives us a random clip of the past
this time, it's mitb 2011
i have no fucking clue what rationale they pick these clips on
but hey, it's nice to watch bryan win things
and here's baron hobbling around backstage
renee comes to interview him, he screams about feeling violated
not sure that was where you wanted to go with that, dude
swears vengeance, end thing
and here's charlotte
in street clothes
and oh look, she and her dad have written a book and it's out today
such coincidence
remember when charlotte was meant to be her own thing distinct from her family?
she's here to thank everyone for their tweets and positive energy
or possibly thoughts and prayers
the former seems more likely these days
but ric is apparently going to be ok, so i can resume talking shit about him without feeling bad about it
one day he'll die and i'll feel momentarily bad for all the crap i've said about him before going on with my life
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charlotte has learnt an important lesson about the fragility of life and shit
and here's nattie to be insensitive
she's like cool your dad's ok but let's talk about the important shit
nattie is hosting wwe's first ever celebration of women?
it's totally a thing they should do
but we have a heel doing it, so this is going to be shitty
okay, yeah, it's going to be celebrating all women by looking at nattie in particular
because we're all basically her
charlotte's just like yeah whatever i want a title shot
good shutdown
and here's becky to be sarcastic
in a really nice waistcoat
and also challenge for the title
oh, and here's naomi
who can imagine why
in an enormous white pimp robe
i take it back
an enormous multicoloured pulsing pimp robe
she doesn't even get to say she wants a shot before tamina and lana cut in
lana's here to talk about how bitches ain't shit and her client deserves a shot
so nattie has a tantrum outside the ring about all these women overshadowing her celebration of women
here's noted non-woman daniel bryan to weigh in
making the main event a four-way for a title shot
remember when there was more than one angle in the division?
of course you don't
never happened
and up next, new day/hype bros
the building may explode with enthusiasm
after this ad for brock/braun, at least
back in the room, the bros are already here
and the usos are on announce
lovely shot of someone in the crowd joining in with the new day intro but forgetting how many times they've been champs
loving all the match card graphics, where big e is totally doing his best broken matt hardy
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meanwhile in the match, mojo steals e's ab stretch spank thing
but yeah, they've announced new day/usos rematch at hiac
like anyone didn't know that was coming
e takes a broski boot, kofi shows he can fuck a team up on his own
zack tries for a rollup, eats a midnight hour for the pin
usos front, new day party, end thing
but now let's go back to the mcmahon drama
leading with a recap of vince getting beat on
and now here's kevin via satellite from what looks like a high school theatre supplies room
still life with canadian, spotlight and big red square, 2017
kevin is sorry for what he did, but it's all shane's fault for making him want to do it
claims to have nothing but respect for vince
he's also apologising in advance for the carnage at hiac
and maintaining that he's the good guy here
end thing
have a graphic for the women's four-way
and an ad for john cena's superhero body spray
which you should not attempt
and now here are the hype bros backstage
mojo is tired of losing all the time
proposes drastic action
but now here's dolph
presumably to complain about gimmicks
which he's made into its own gimmick, so it's only a matter of time before wrestling collapses in on itself
and then i'll have to watch scandinavian crime dramas for this blog or something
daniel's ears pricked up at that
i told you, no cable knit jumpers in my studio
in any case, dolph is now being hhh
"Was that fun? Can I run NXT now?"
and now he has more things
corey is filled with rage and despair
and now he's hbk
except modern hbk
hat and flares, no shades or weird bondage vest
oakland is united in wanting him to do cm punk
dolph ziggler, celebrity impressionist
dolph rants some more, goes back out
and now he's in dx
remember when we had cumbersome overlays as part of entrances
i kind of love it
the dx music is still great, too
dolph rails against dx trying to stay relevant, despite the fact that they haven't been since the late 90s
shouts at the crowd for not appreciating the craft
and he doesn't care about the crowd
cares enough to choreograph numerous elaborate entrances with costumes and props and shit, but hey
and then wanders off
is this going anywhere in particular, or is it just that we had some time to fill?
announce team move swiftly on to hyping no mercy
but next, main event
i'm not optimistic for the chances of the one heel in this match
especially because it's tamina, and she doesn't get to win things
after this ad for 2k18, in any case
back in the ring, becky's already here
but fuck that, let's have an ad for 205
oh, and tamina's already here too
becky at least got music
and here's naomi
showing us that enormous fur robes are actually really hard to dance in
i do like her mismatched eyeshadow though
charlotte's back in one of her dad's robes, which makes a certain amount of sense
i still miss peacock queen charlotte
oh, and lana's lurking at ringside
hadn't noticed
match starts, immediately go to a roman/cena ad
because why bother actually watching the main event
all three faces briefly team up to dunk on tamina, because why wouldn't you
naomi springboard crossbodies charlotte and becky simultaneously, cos she's great
pan out to nattie watching the match and looking smug
naomi gets her submission on charlotte, becky breaks it up so she can disarmher naomi
because submission wrestling goes so well in a four-way
charlotte spears tamina, it's pretty great
and then moonsaults her and naomi simultaneously
i talk a lot of shit about charlotte, but it's good to have her back
becky breaks a figure eight with a leg drop, which seems dangerous as fuck
everyone is dead
becky takes a samoan drop and then a splash from tamina, naomi breaks up the pin in a really cool way, lana pulls her out and gets fucked on, and then something i didn't quite catch put tamina down for a pin by charlotte
oh right
superkicked naomi, then took a big boot from charlotte
she does do a very big boot indeed
so yeah, charlotte/nattie at hiac
feel like we've seen this before
but hey, who am i to expect variation and originality in wrestling
and we fade on charlotte being like fuck yeah my dad isn't dead also something about a match
right, hopefully this'll get posted before no mercy
if it does, hmu on twitter @waruce if you don't already
but for now, i'm off to watch the rest of the week's wrestling before i run out of week
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joshmspicer · 6 years
Ask me! I’ll answer honestly
Nabbed from @nachosforfree​
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m okay where I am, maybe a smidge taller. 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not) A Charizard, but one that’s lovable and thinks it’s a dog while aware of its tail. 3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Not really 4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Pokemon Crystal 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: Wrestling stuff, what I’m gonna do going forward in life, and how much of a liar I am. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? “Be aware of being unable to hear him. It’s okay, you’re not the only one. If he gets mad, stay calm about it.” 7: What is your opinion on Disney remakes? Fuck it, I already sold my soul to them long ago. 8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] Dunno, don’t feel like looking those up. Sorry. 9: Are you ticklish? [Oh god, I don’t wanna say yes, then I’ll get tickled, but if I say no then they might get suspicious and tickle me anyway so I don’t know.] 10: Are you allergic to anything? Failure...but not really 11: What’s your sexuality? A human 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Cocoa 13: Are you a cat or dog person? Cat, but still love dogs 14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Elf 15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? Right now it’s probably Everglow 16: How tall are you? 5′ 9″ 17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Officially to Joshua Meredith Spicer, but probably something like Joshua Meredith Crumpton-Spicer to keep the Crumpton name going 18: How much do you weigh? 220 lbs.-ish 19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yes 20: Do you like space or the ocean more? Space 21: Are you religious? Yes 22: Pet peeves? What does my pet peeve? 23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? Noc 24: Favorite constellation? Stars 25: Favorite star? Brian Blessed 26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? I like vagina-jointed dolls 27: Any phobias or fears? Advanced darkness, being completely alone, the undying pressure of living my goals but settling and giving up and making my mom disappointed. I don’t know why, my mom means nothing to me beyond a base level of love and care, but she just won’t shut the fuck up. 28: Do you think global warming is real? Of fucking course. If you don’t you’re well and truly an idiot. 29: Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes 30: Favorite movie? Christopher Robin 31: Do you get scared easily? Jumpscared usually 32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? 6 orange cats, one was officially ours named Festus. Keeshound named Hunter. Calico cat named Callie that we saved from the vet. Black cat named Borus. Husky named Rory/Aurora that we red to get eight puppies. We kept three of them named Stitches (mom tried to eat her at birth but my mum saved her), Tiki/Tikitus (dumb as fuck, and I do mean dumb as fuck, the guy was a literal moose), and Brutus (most loving dog ever but will force his love on you god dammit.) Two terriers named Sophie and Charlie that my mom kind of adopted from her current husband. 33: Blog rate? $75 a night for a double 34: What is a color that calms you? Couldn’t say 35: Where would you like to travel and/or live? California, Vancouver, Toronto 36: Where were you born? Mason City, Iowa
37: What is your eye color? Blue 38: Introvert or extrovert? Intro by design, extro when needed 39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Yes 40: Hugs or kisses? Sure 41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? My sister 42: Who is someone you love deeply? My sister who is the only relative I trust wholeheartedly 43: Any piercings you want?  No 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings? I can 45: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? No and no 46: Talk about your crush, if you have one! God she’s so amazing. Big dork but a hell of a smile. So shy when she does’t need to be. 47: What is a sound you really hate? When a tree falls in the woods. 48: A sound you really love? I dunno 49: Can you do a backflip? No 50: Can you do the splits? Poorly 51: Favorite actor and/or actress? Ryan Reynolds and Emily Blunt 52: Favorite movie? Christopher Robin, didn’t we already--yeah, #30 53: How are you feeling right now? Alright 54: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I’m okay 55: When did you feel happiest? Couldn’t tell ya 56: Something that calms you down? Can’t think of anything right now 57: Have any mental disorders? None that are diagnosed 58: What does your URL mean? Name I came up with when I first joined the internet. An OC brother of Jack Spicer from Xiaolin Showdown that I used on an old XS RP board. 59: What three words describe you the most? Kind, empathetic, stubborn 60: Do you believe in evolution? In some ways yes 61: What makes you unfollow a blog? If they’re too hamfisted in their belief/opinion to the point that it contradicts something so blatantly that they don’t realize it OR if they blatantly post a cheating/NTR fic/art with no remorse or with enjoyment. 62: What makes you follow a blog? Fun opinions, great art 63: Favorite kind of person: Someone who appreciates you for who you are and won’t judge you for your interests or dislikes. Kind and sweet, trustworthy, able to talk to. 64: Favorite animal(s): Cats, dogs, foxes 65: Name three of your favorite blogs. Nah 66: Favorite emoticon: Nah 67: Favorite meme: Right now it’s still surprised Pikachu. All time it’s probably the flagging ref 68: What is your MBTI personality type? Dunno 69: What is your star sign? Cancer 70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? No 71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? T-shirt, jeans, converse rip-offs, white socks, and my blue Menards jacket 72: Post a selfie or two? Yeah sure, see down at the bottom. 73: Do you have platform shoes? No 74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? This question is always asked and I never know what the fuck to post. 75: Can you do a front flip? No 76: Do you like birds? All but geese and Pidgey 77: Do you like to swim? Not particulary 78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? Swimming 79: Something you wish didn’t exist: Teeth diseases 80: Some thing you wish did exist: All my hopes and dreams 81: Piercings you have? None 82: Something you really enjoy doing: Sitting here at the computer and coming up with film plots and characters that will probably never be made. 83: Favorite person to talk to: My sister or Dawn 84: What was your first impression of Tumblr? Good site in concept with a nice structure that holds up when it works but shit-tier communication from the top down and a tendency to break 85: How many followers do you have? 200+ 86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? Maybe if I actually gave a shit about a mile I would but the mile was the stupidest fucking thing in gym class 87: Do your socks always match? Yes 88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? No 89: What are your birthstones? Ruby 90: If you were an animal, which one would you be? A house cat 91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Dunno 92: A store you hate? Salvation Army 93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? None 94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly 95: Do you like to wear camo? Not really 96: Winter or summer? Summer 97: How long can you hold your breath for? Dunno 98: Least favorite person? My mom’s husband 99: Someone you look up to: Dunno 100: A store you love? Hot Topic or Video Games Etc. 101: Favorite type of shoes Tennis shoes, converse 102: Where do you live? Denver, CO 103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No 104: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Not particularly 105: Do you drink milk? Yes, I’m grown up 106: Do you like bugs? Eh 107: Do you like spiders? No 108: Something you get paranoid about? The weight of pressure ever expanding on me 109: Can you draw: Not well. I can doodle decently. 110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Nothing I can think of 111: A question you hate being asked? “What was that? Why can’t you slow down? Why can’t you speak up” 112: Ever been bitten by a spider? Maybe once 113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? Yes 114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy 115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: Couldn’t tell ya 116: Favorite cloud type: Blonde, long-ass sword 117: What color do you wish the sky was? Warm orange/yellow 118: Do you have freckles? Yes 119: Favorite thing about a person: Their laugh (usually), their voice 120: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits 121: Something you want to do right now: Nothing forever 122: Is the ocean or sky prettier? Ocean 123: Sweet or sour foods? Sweet 124: Bright or dim lights? Bright 125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Maybe 126: Something you hate about Tumblr: @staff​ 127: Something you love about Tumblr: Everything else 128: What do you think about the least? All the friends I’ve left behind 129: What would you want written on your tombstone? “This bitch empty. I’m ash so let the world turn to me.” 130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Myself 131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? I can give advice and feel emotion for anybody but lack the ability to practice what I preach. 132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? No 133: Computer or TV? Computer 134: Do you like roller coasters? Yeah sure 135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? Only when I’m cramped and already have a headache 136: Are your ears lobed or attached? Lobed 137: Do you believe in karma? Yes 138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? I’ve been told I’m a 7 by a gay guy when I was in high school and wasn’t fat or hairy. I’d say maybe a 5 now-a-days. 139: What nicknames do you have/have had? McLovin, Toad/Toadman, Crumpton 140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? Yes 141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Yes 142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Good with what they know of me 143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Receiving gifts, giving help 144: What makes you angry When people can’t hear me despite speaking clear as possible. When people go through my shit without my express permission. When people disobey people’s trust and relationships. 145: How many languages do you speak fluently? English. Really wanna learn Japanese. 146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Females for the most part but I’m coming around to males 147: Are you androgynous? No 148: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My hair when it’s not bed-ridden 149: Favorite thing about your personality: Empathy boiiii 150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. Dawn, my sister, Caroline 151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? Post-WW2 152: Do you like BuzzFeed? Neutral 153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? I time warped to the future and decided I’m good. 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Not really 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Never tried 156: What embarrasses you? My stutter. My internet past, much to my chagrin. My likes and interests to somebody new. 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: Introducing my likes and interests to somebody new. 158: Biggest lie you have ever told: “Yes I’ve totally been going to football practice for the last two months.” “Yes I’ve totally been going to school for the last two months.” 159: How many people are you following? A lot 160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? A lot 161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? None on purpose 162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? Not a lot 163: Last time you cried and why: Infinity War on its third rewatch because Peter 164: Do you have long or short hair? Longer 165: Longest your hair has ever been: Probably now 166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon? It gives me hope that everything will be okay when I die. It also gives me hope that people can be good. There are bad people within this sect, yes, but there are good people out there. Genuinely good people. I’ve met them. 167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Not really 168: Do you like to wear makeup? No 169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? No 170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?  Mostly
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