#I rly dont remember this story was from a Long time ago and while it maintained my interest longer than most of my stories at the time
arolesbianism · 4 months
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Blue and not fully human gang rise up
#keese draws#oc posting#eternal gales#just two more characters left! bloom and tali :D#I have both sketched already too so they should be finished soon#which is great for me because it gives me over a month to not have to worry abt refs too much for artfight#I’ll probably still make and remake some more refs but these are the ones I care abt#but yeah for those unaware fydd is half human half bird alien and dodie is mostly human but made with ~magic~ sort of#oh and fun fact that idk if I’ve ever mentioned but in the old story that fydd’s alien half comes from they were called taziens or smth#his moms are also from that old story along with two dodie’s mom and another alien guy#his name is grumps and he never actually comes up proper but he does exist in the world of eternal gales#fydd’s moms are recky and becky with Recky being the alien and also a poet and becky being an ex warriors kid#and dodie’s lame nonbinary mom is named cups and they’re just trying to not have a panic attack#there was also I believe two other characters from that story along with one one of my siblings made#but the two I didn’t bring back were ones that were added later on in that story’s development and ofc Im not stealing an old oc lol#but yeah the other two were brothers who were conjoint by the wings snd they were like lego kids or smth I think?#I rly dont remember this story was from a Long time ago and while it maintained my interest longer than most of my stories at the time#I still ended up losing interest fairly quickly after I started conceptualising eternal gales#and by that I mean a couple months later I think? idk my memory of that time period is fuzzy
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meruz · 3 years
once again i am answering asks in a big compilation post. included is... gotham, patrick stump, tips about drawing backgrounds, tips about drawing in general, links to my faq, and infinity train
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like.... the tv series? No... I’ve drawn dc comics fanart before, though. But it’s been years since I’ve been really into it. I like jumped ship like 10 years ago when the New 52 happened LOL.
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AFJHDSLKGH I’m sorry I (probably) won’t do it again??
Actually full disclosure I have a truly cringe amount of p stump drawings/photo studies in my sketchbook right now LOL. He’s just fun to draw... hats, glasses, guitar, a good shape... but I don’t think I’ll rly post those until I can hide them in another big sketchbook pdf.. probably Jan 2022. Stay tuned........ (ominous) 
(ominous preview)
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These are all sort of related to backgrounds/painting so I grouped them together even though they’re pretty much entirely separate questions.... ANYWAYS
a) How is it working as a BG artist? Is it hard? What show are you drawing for?
I think you’re the first person to ever ask me about my job! Being a background artist is great. It’s definitely labor intensive but I think that could describe pretty much any art job (If something were rote or easy to automate, you wouldn’t hire an artist to do it) and I hesitate to say whether its harder or easier than any other role in the animation pipeline. Plus, so much of what truly makes a job difficult varies from one production to the next, schedule, working environment, co-workers etc. But I will say that I think while BGs are generally a lot of work on the upfront, I think they’re subject to less scrutiny/revisions than something like character/props/effects design and you don’t have to pitch them to a room like boards. So I guess it’s good if you don’t like to talk to people? LOL
A lot of my previous projects + the show I’ve worked on the longest aren’t public yet so I can’t talk about em (but I assure you if/when the news does break I won’t shut up about it). But I’m currently working on Archer Season 12 LOL. I’m like 90% sure I’m allowed to say that.
b) ~~~THANK YOU!! ~~~
c) What exactly do you like to draw most [in a background]?
@kaitomiury​ Lots of stuff! I really like to draw clutter! Because it’s a great opportunity for environmental storytelling and also you can be kind of messy with it because the sheer mass will supersede any details LOL. 
I like to draw clouds... I like to draw grass but not trees lol,,, I like to draw anything that sells perspective really easily like tiled floors and ceilings, shelves, lamp posts on a street etc.
d) Do you have any tips on how to paint (observational)?
god there’s so much to say. painting is really a whole ass discipline like someone can paint their whole life and still discover new things about it. I guess if you’re really just starting out my best advice is that habit is more important than product. especially with traditional plein air painting, I find that the procedure of going outside and setting up your paints is almost harder than the actual painting. There’s a lot of artists who say “I want to do plein air sometime!!” and then never actually get around to doing it. A lot of people just end up working from google streetview or photos on their computer.
But going outside to paint is a really good challenge because it forces you to make and commit to lighting and composition decisions really quickly. And to work through your mistakes instead of against them via undo button.
My last tip is to check out James Gurney’s youtube channel because hes probably the best and most consistent resource on observational painting out there rn. There’s lots other artists doing the same thing (off the top of my head I know a lot of the Warrior Painters group has people regularly posting plein air stuff and lightbox expo had a Jesse Schmidt lecture abt it last year) but Gurney’s probably the most prolific poster and one of the best at explaining the more technical stuff - his books are great too.
e) Do you have tips for drawing cleanly on heavypaint?
@marigoldfool​ UMM LOL I LIKE ONLY USE THE FILL TOOL so maybe use the fill tool? Fill and rectangle are good for edge control as opposed to the rest of the heavy paint tools which can get sort of muddles. And also I use a stylus so maybe if you’re using your finger, find a stylus that works with your device instead. That’s all I’ve got, frankly I don’t think my drawings are particularly clean lol.
f) Tips on improving backgrounds/scenes making them more dynamic practicing etc?
Ive given some tips about backgrounds/scenes before so I’m not gonna re-tread those but here’s another thing that might be helpful...
I think a good way to approach backgrounds is to think of the specific story or even mood you want to convey with the background first. Thinking “I just need to put something behind this character” is going to lead you to drawing like... a green screen tourist photo backdrop. But if you think “I need this bg to make the characters feel small” or “I need this bg to make the world feel colorful” then it gives you requirements and cues to work off of.
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If I know a character needs to feel overwhelmed and small, then I know I need to create environment elements that will cage them in and corner them. If a character needs to feel triumphant/on top of the world then I know I need to let the environment open up around them. etc. If I know my focal point/ where I want to draw attention, I can build the background around that.
Also, backgrounds like figure compositions will have focal points of their own and you can draw attention to it/ the relationship the characters have with the bg element via scale or directionality or color, any number of cues. I think of it almost as a second/third character in a scene.
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Not every composition is gonna have something so obvious like this but it helps me to think about these because then the characters feel connected and integrated with the environment.
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Some more general art questions
a) Do you have any process/tips to start drawing character/bodies/heads?
I tried to kind of draw something to answer this but honestly this is difficult for me to answer because I don’t think I’m that great at drawing characters LOL. Ok, I think I have two tips.
1) flip your canvas often. A lot about what makes human bodies look correct and believable is symmetry and balance. Even if someone has asymmetrical features, the body will often pull and push in a way to counterbalance it. we often have inherent biases to one side or another like dominant hands dominant eyes etc. you know how right-handed artists will often favor drawing characters facing 45 degrees facing (the artist’s) left? that’s part of it. so viewing your drawing flipped even just to evaluate it helps compensate for that bias and makes you more aware of balance.
2) draw the whole figure often. I feel like a lot of beginner artists (myself included for a long time) defer to just drawing headshots or busts because it’s easier, you dont have to think about posing limbs etc. But drawing a full body allows you to better gauge proportion, perspective, body language, everything that makes a character look believable and grounded.
Like if you (me) have that issue where you draw the head too big and then have to resize it to fit the proportions of the rest of the body, it’s probably because you (I) drew the head first and are treating the body as an afterthought/attachment. Sketching out the whole figure first or even just quick drawing guides for it will help you think of it more holistically. I learned this figure drawing in charcoal at art school LOL.
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oh. third mini tip - try to draw people from life often! its the best study. if you can get into a figure drawing/nude drawing class EVEN BETTER and if you have a local college/art space/museum that hosts those for free TREASURE IT AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT, that’s a huge boon that a lot of artists (me again) wish they had. though if youre not so lucky and youre sitting in a park trying to creeper draw people and they keep moving.. don’t let that stop you! that’s good practice because it’s forcing you to work fast to get the important stuff down LOL. its a challenge!
b) I’ve been pretty out of energy and have had no inspiration to draw but I have the desire to. Any advice?
Dude, take a walk or something.... Or a nap? Low energy is going to effect everything else so you gotta hit that problem at its source.
If you’re looking for inspiration though, I’d recommend stuff like watching a movie, reading a book, playing video games etc. Fill up your idea bank with content and then give yourself time/space to gestate it into new concepts. Sometimes looking at other art works but sometimes it can work against you because it’s too close. 
Also something that helps me is remembering that art doesn’t always have to be groundbreaking... like it’s okay to make something shitty and stupid that you don’t post online and only show to your friend. That’s all part of the process imo. If you want to hit a home run you gotta warm up first, right? Sports.
I should probably compile everytime i give tips on stuff like this but that’s getting dangerously close to being a social media artist who makes stupid boiled down art tutorials for clout which is the last thing i want to be... the thing I want to stress is that art is a whole visual language and there are widely agreed upon rules and customs but they exist in large part to be broken. Like there's an infinite number of ways to reach an infinite number of solutions and that’s actually what makes it really cool and personal for both the artist and the viewer. So when you make work you like or you find someone else’s work you like, take a step back and ask yourself what about it speaks for you, what about it works for you, what makes it effective, how to recreate that effect and how to break that effect completely, etc. And have a good time with it or else what’s the point.
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for the first 2, I direct you to my FAQ
For the last one, I don’t actually believe I’ve ever addressed artwork as insp for stories/rp but I’ll say here and now yeah go ahead! As long as you’re not making profit or taking credit for my work then I’m normally ok with it. Especially anything thats private and purely recreational, that’s generally 100% green light go. I only ask that if you post it anywhere public that you please credit me.
(and I reserve the right to ask you to take it down if I see it and don’t approve of it’s use but I think that case is pretty rare.)
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a) @lemuelzero101 Thank you!!! I haven’t played Life is Strange but actually  that series’ vis dev artist Edouard Caplain is one of my bigger art inspirations lately so that’s a really high compliment lol. And yeah I hope we get 5-8 too...!
b) Thank you for sticking around! I’ve been thinking about Digimon and Infinity Train in tandem lately, actually. They’re a little similar? Enter a dangerous alternate world and have wacky adventures with monsters/inanimate objects that have weird powers... there’s like weird engineers and mechanisms behind the scenes... also frontier literally starts with them getting on a train. Anyways if anyone else followed me for digimon... maybe you’d like Infinity Train? LOL
c) @king-wens-king I’M GLAD MY ART JUST HAS PINOY VIBES LOL I hope you are having a good day too :^)
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a, b, c, d) yessss my Watch Infinity Train agenda is working....
e) aw thank you!! i think you should watch infinity train :)
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mizugucci · 2 years
hiya not sure if this is meant to be mutuals only or not so feel free to ignore me but 🎵 if u want to! love how creative u are with these either way
no worries i do this for everyone! im just glad you sent one in :) i hope you like this!!
position: hmmmm for some reason im feeling main vocalist!! i dont think youd be the maknae or the oldest/leader or anything, but i DO think you'd be the 'wtf mystery' member (fans dubbed this type the 2d type a while ago, idk if thats still used) lol like you're always saying shit and fans are like wtf do they mean? like you'll have radio silence on social media for 2 weeks and then say some stupid existencial shit at 2am like "is mac and cheese short for macaroni and cheese or is it MAC because its an acronyum for Mac And Cheese????" and no one rly knows anything abt you, your personality is just like 'off in their own head' where you never know whats going on. u are the worst on variety shows but fans find it funny lmao
concept: tragedy!! so what i mean by that is literally none of your stuff is ever happy or upbeat, but its not sad for the sake of being sad -- the tragedy all makes sense, so it doesnt put a damper on fans or anything, because its realistic and expected. all of the members of your group have a background in acting, especially in emotion-heavy tragedies. a unique thing about your group is that every album is a storyline of an entire tragedy (whether it be an old greek tragedy or something newer, or even something original) where every song in the album plays off the song before it and tells a story. your title track is the climax song, so like 4-5th song in the album, with a music video reflecting 'aesthetics' of the story -- is it about star crossed lovers? is it about death? etc.
group name: aeschylate (which is pronounced VERY similarly to 'escalate' as in to make things worse/more dramatic) its a take off of the name aeschylus (pronounced eh skuh lus) who is considered to be the father of tragedy, and especially important has 'aes' lol like short for aesthetic, which all your music videos are instead of being plot driven. your group has 9 members, 3x3 because 3 is your magic number (like the trilogy the orestia)
debut song: how any tragedy song you think sounds like. its dark but it feels kind of magical, like everything is meant to be happening... you stare into the dark abyss, but u dont feel scared instead you feel comforted by something u remember from a long time ago. i dont know what sounds evoke that emotion, but thats what it feels like lol
fun fact: i already talked about how your albums tell an entire story through the songs, but thats not the only unique thing about your albums. they're big boxes like where you keep old treasured memories, and instead of photocards, your company decides to release one miniature bust of a random member in the box (thing like a bobblehead without it being a bobblehead, rather a bust of each member like they were a greek in 10 AD or whatever) its a BIG sensation, which is good bc its expensive as hell lol
send me a 🎵 and ill create a kpop group with you in it, based on you and/or your blog!
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buckleysjareau · 4 years
Hi it’s me the supernatural anon from a while ago and I’ve been actually working on a 911/supernatural fic because I got bored but that’s beyond the point I was wondering how you think each of the characters would react to finding out the supernaturals real? Like assuming Maddie hide it from Buck I feel like he would recognize Sam and Dean from some articles he read in the dead of night because of insomnia and start freaking out because there are serial killers at the station
ummmm, hello anon i would just like to start out by stating that this ask has made me laugh a lot after a shitty 48 hours lmao so thank you! i totally agree about buck, like i see it so clearly okay oh my God. Like can you imagine buck is just cleaning the rescue, talking to Eddie about the shit he read last night because he couldn’t sleep and then suddenly Sam and Dean walk in okay and buck just shuts up in the middle of his sentence... so Eddie’s callin from under the truck “......buck????” and Sam all tall and mysterious “serial killer” is like “so YOURE buck” like theyre best bros. and buck just squeaks out “...eddie!!!” so ofc eddies like why the fuck the secret loml scared right? so he’s squaring them up like “how can we HELP you” trying hard not glare. 
SOOOOOOOOOO sam and dean basically ignore eddie because they’re shocked to see little evan buckley standing taller than dean and buffer than sam. like holy shit man this is Todd buckleys son... maddie buckleys little brother who was seven the last time they saw him. but of course eddies not having that because buck looks like hes about to piss himself or throw up or faint so he asks buck why hes freakin and he just says “ITS THEM!!! ITS THE GUYS FROM THE ARTICLE I SPIRALED ON LAST NIGHT!!! the SERIAL KILLERS!!!”
so naturally eddie is like,,,, oh shit and sam and dean are like WAIT WAIT WAIT WERE NOT SERIAL KILLERS!!! and bring up they’re looking for maddie and bc buck shouted ab serial killers being in the station, half the station comes down including chim hen and bobby. and at the exact same time chim and buck are like “what the fuck do you want with MADDIE!!!” getting all protective and shit. and stupid protective in love eddie is still squaring up. and theyre really trying to explain themselves the best they could because its at this point they realize, unlike their dad had done with bringing them both into monster hunting, todd and madeline never let him in on it like maddie had said one day. dean keeps talking himself into a hole because like i said dudes are just shocked how grown evan buckley got and how much he grew to look like his father... soooooo dean fuckin says that and buck grabs dean by the collar and is like “HOW TF U KNOW MY FATHER” and maddie is walking into the station at this point and breaks it up before she even sees its sam and dean. then when she realizes they have this reunion and shit,,,,, and buck is still like he was in oceans 911 where hes like “im so confused can we go back” and says like “maddie why are you hugging these guys!! theyre known serial killers!!! we should be calling athena!!!!!” and bobbys like “already called” 
and maddie who knows the life of THE FAMILY BUSINESS SAVING PEOPLE HUNTING THINGS and remembers everything ab the way the survived by doing this with the LIESSSSSS shes like “no no no this is a huge misunderstanding lets all sit down and talk yeah?” bc she genuinely cares ab the winchesters and is very curious to know why theyre here before they get arrrested for being “serial killers” . so chimney naturally agrees with maddie and they all end up in the loft prayin they dont get a call. 
aaaaaand maddie starts explaining everything and fuckin eddie and FUCKING BOBBY are the ones to actually believe it and bucks just like... a fish out of water?? is the best way i can describe his shock (im sorry thats sad byt jfsdjfsdl) and hes like “so when you and dad went away on your stupid hunting trips-” (dean cuts him off like hey!!!!) “your STUPID hunting trips you were KILLING DEMONS?????  whaaaatattttt????? this is why you guys always fuckin left me with MOM???” and hes just spazzing pretty mych. and while eddie is being like a comforting presnese eddie is like, secretly so stoked because growing up he SUPER believed in the supernatural like kind of obsessed so hes like bombarding the three of them with questions like “so fuckin djinns and vampires and SHAPESHIFTERS ARW REAL????” and bucks and chim are looking “r u serious” but sam and dean are super amused and hes like “little buckley grew up with good taste” and everyone but buck and eddie snicker. 
chim really wants to believe it because,,, its coming from his girlfriends mouth u know?? but he doesnt know these men and like.... demons ?????? so chimneys just slowly trying to process the information while sam and dean r grillling maddie buckleys new cool boyfriend... they rly didnt like doug so theyre ecstatic shes dating a good man. 
hen just finds this thing entirely amusing that the monster hunting is really not the thing thats on the fore front of her mind... like the fact that buck almost got old family friends arrested because of his internet research??? and eddies automatic stance to fight when dean definitely “accidentally” flirted with buck and all of the yelling like its all nuts to her so shes just sitting back laughing to herself. 
last but most definitely not LEAST athena starts reading them the miranda right s the second she lays eyes on them and funny enough eddie is the one to jump to their defense saying buck was doing internet research and mistook them for others. and athena was like “tf bobby u coulda told me . “ and hes like “i had to listen to the story” and eddie just jumps in and explains everything which buck even after all of this also finds that hlarious. and athena deadass mutters “oh god theyve been drugged again” 
this was so LONG LMAOOOOOO sleep deprivation man. i got too hype ab this. u asked for their reactions not a whole ass scene but it just happened lmao. hope you liked it supernatural anon!!! also u should send me ur crossover fic id love to read it !!!! 
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monohart · 6 years
stardust. (idol!au)
ft. huang renjun, failure and a secret relationship.
i’m back after a long break, haha. this was an old writing that had been sitting up in my drafts for a while... happy 2019! please spend this year showing more love to renjun. :)
thank you, and enjoy!
when you were cut from the line up for sm’s new group renjun was 100 times more devastated then u were
u were like hey rj cmon don’t worry i’ll be fine??? i’m sure i can audition for another company or smth?? or wait for the next unit debut??
u even jokingly said maybe u could debut in an nct unit but he couldn’t bring himself to smile
and your chest :(( hurt :(( from seeing him so hurt ;;;
ofc for as long as you remember y’all had been talking about both debuting under sm at the same time so y’all could be chasing your dreams and not be too far away from each other
but that plan failed when renjun debuted first with nct dream and had his schedule Packed w nct promotions and concerts and stuff
he and the other nct guys would sometimes let u sit behind the camera in vlives
this one time omg
(( ok so refer to this for a visual :) ))
u sat behind the camera in the chenle jaemin renjun react to baby don’t stop vlive
even though u were hella scared to be kicked out chenle was like HEY DW I’LL FIGHT ANYONE WHO THINKS YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE THERE OKAY
so u snuck out of your practice session slightly earlier to watch them
renjun was so excited u were there but obvs he had to keep it together for the live
then!! lolololol rip your manager found out u snuck out of practice and found u in the room and pulled u out of the room
(u kno that moment when they all looked behind the camera and then turned down the music.. yeah issa bc ur crazy manager almoST ruined the mood)
manager scolded u outside the room for a good few minutes and then told u to get yourself together
and u stood outside the room for a bit longer after manager left
and u were literally about to leave but then guess who u ran into!!!
chittaphon knew about u and rj since the day he met u and him both
it was kinda funny really bc u and rj stood rly awkwardly next to each other at this company event a few years ago and y’all were standing around the other dreamies and some other trainees and suddenly renjun’s hand brushed the side of your leg and u glance at him and he smiles at u and u look away smiling
AND chittaphon, who happens to be taking a nice long sip of his soda SEES THIS and spits his soda out
accidentally sprays soda onto jeffery’s back
but yeah thats another story
ten sees u sulking outside the door and peers in and sees renjun and hears bds
u know that smile smirk ten does when he knows whats Up™.
yeah he does that and be like
“eyy why don’t u go in???”
then u give him a breakdown of what happened with skipping practice and being caught by the manager
and hes like :o
but chittaphon is chittaphon so he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you back into the practice room and hides you in a corner just out of view
and then he sneaks onto them!!
then jaemin... quick-eyed, lovely doe-eyed jaemin... sees u hiding and nudges renjun ever so slightly
he sees u and before he gets flustered ten’s all over him asking how the mv was and flustered rj tries to keep his cool while showering chittaphon w compliments
and u know how ten looks at him like That :^)
and jaemin keeps peeking over their shoulders
yeah :))
but anyway, on that night u were cut from the line up
after the news got to him he sits down and was just like
because he knew how much debuting meant to u and
and... YOUR DREAMS TO BE TOGETHER :(( debuting together and always being close to each other
and u mentioned before that if u dont debut in the next five years u prolly would quit the entertainment industry
maybe go back to school and study some or idk work in a less chaotic industry
in that moment he remembered what u said and was a little heartbroken too
he tried to find you in your usual practice room but u weren’t there and he shouldn’t be loitering around so he gave up and let you have some space
bet u he sulked all the way home
you had travelled back to your dorm because u needed some time alone oof
it took u a good few hours to deal with the news and when u were ready to talk about it again, it was like 3am but u still gave his mobile a call
he picked up on the second ring and said to meet him outside your dorm in a few mins and y’all can go take a walk or smth for some fresh air
so u guys go to the park for a nice quiet walk in the dead of night hhh
u had so many things to say but mostly u were worried with your relationship w him and how y’all were supposed to balance that out given his priorities with nct and you as... just a trainee...
u didnt have to explain anything or other bc he suddenly goes
“what if we went public with our relationship?”
u look up at his face that was hidden behind a mask and his glasses
u deadass thought he was kidding but his that look in his eyes were like hella serious
“just think about it for a second. maybe we don’t have to bring it to the fans, but at least let the company know”
and u were like no way they’ll just do anything to keep yall apart
he didnt answer after that and not too long later yall started heading back to your dorm
it was almost 5am and the streets were still dark and renjun had an arm around your waist and you leant against him and yall walked slowly bc honestly u guys haven’t slept a wink and its been a Really Long day
your dorm was a street away from his
actually he stops about a street or two away from your dorm bc another idol group also lived in the same building as u and there were always sasaengs and people w cameras outside your dorm
u were a trainee so it didnt bother u but renjun was renjun :,)
plus he actually wanted sum privacy so he could kiss u.. so...
there was a narrow alley just around the back of the apartment block next to yours
u would never go there alone kasdnj it was scary at any time of the day
u wouldn’t go even if someone was there with u
maybe it was the heat of the moment or u were just so down that day
it didn’t rly bother u when renjun gently backed u up against the wall and hugged u n took off his mask n buried his face in the crook of ur neck
and that immediately put a smile on your face ur like baby wyd its 5am
hes looks at u like :(( and says “i miss u” in a quiet quiet voice & in his mother tongue
u knew what it meant and hearing him say it in chinese made you uwu to mars
then he showers u with like tiny tiny butterfly kisses and he wraps his arms around u to make u feel safe and warm
which u do!!
he holds u up too when ur knees buckle a bit but then just continues kissing u hehehe
its all sweet and innocent but his kisses last just a tiny bit longer each time, as if hes scared that you’d run away
after he finishes kissing u he meets your eyes and u literally watch his orbs go all soft and he hides his face in your neck again while u mutter about how much of a big baby he is
the goodnight was!!!
the hardest thing y’all had to do omg
he literally didnt want to let u go
and when he did and when u started walking toward ur building u kept looking back, wanting him to head off but he didnt and stood there waiting for u to go in
and u didnt want to go in without knowing he was on his way home and was safe on the walk back wdf it was almost 6am
then when u were almost at the door u saw he hadn’t moved an inch
so u run back to him
he was still standing at the spot where y’all parted - which was a few streets down and out of sight
he scolds u for running back out but he smiles when doing so and u snap his mask back onto his face and kisses him over the mask like 200 times and u couldnt see but hes like dying from the giggles
anyway eventually y’all go home :,) it just took forever :,)
the next day u head to the building in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep
u were a bit guilty to find out renjun went back to work at 7am which meant he practically didnt get any sleep
y’all brush shoulders in the cafeteria but he was walking w hyuck and his manager so u couldn’t stop and chat
tho u couldn’t help but notice his manager steal a glance at u when u walked by and he had this really weird smile on his lips
made u go like huh.,, maybe he recognises me from the many Brief encounters yall had before
anyway u were doing some vocal and keyboard practice later in the afternoon when the door to the private training suite opened and two loud boys stumbled in
made u rly surprised bc u never expected it to be them??
it was taeyong and winwin??
they were both looking at u like :))) as if they did something great :))
taeyong introduces himself formally but you’re like ,, um u know we’ve met before at this function and hes like OH,,, sorry
anyway they were there to tell u how renjun couldn’t shut up about u since he went back to the dorm last night and now all of nct knows about everything to know about u and him (if they hadn’t already)
you’re just like .,, oof what embarrassing stuff did he say
they’re like NO ALL NICE STUFF,, a bit cringey at times
but !! nct wanted to help u
so earlier today
johnny and jaehyun spoke to their managers and night night producers and asked if they could hire a third radio dj - yknow someone who also speaks english and is really nice and entertaining and funny and cool like u are!!
that idea is now In The Talks
winwin brought up a variety thing china line and their managers had been thinking about for a while and also asked if they could consider u
nct managers be like ok so who actually is this trainee and why are all 18 boys obsessively asking to include her in nct activities
later that day when u see renjun again he was just heading off but he came around your practice room to see u before he left
thankfully u were the only one left at practice as the others were away busy preparing for their debut or smth :,)
u didnt hear him come in bc u were sitting in the middle of the room on the floor scrolling replying to week old texts oop hehe
renjun sneaks up behind u and hugs u from behind and kisses your cheek
he got a bit scared when u didn’t respond as explosively as he thought... for a second he thought he got the wrong person poor bean he was so nervous hhh
you chuck your phone aside and tackle him and he falls onto his back and yall kinda lay there on the ground for a bit
and you told him about taeyong and winwin visiting u and he just smiles
“you inspire me.”
“me? inspire you? you’re huang freakin’ renjun, and i, of all people, inspire you?”
“don’t understand u sometimes”
he turns his head to look at u and u turn to look at him and he kinda just admires you for a while then reach over and touches your cheek
it wasnt even a sweet caress or anything he literally just
your cheek
“renjun what the heck”
then he laughs and u laugh and u snuggle against him and for the first time that week both of u feel completely at ease bc even though the dream u guys shared at the beginning was completely shattered,
y’all would still find a way around it
and knowing so many people around u still supported u guys meant so much
especially to renjun bc u were his everything and he’d do anything for u
and i mean it!!!
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cheswirls · 5 years
tether notes 3/3
attached links
reference maps
pt 4 drawings
pkmn team graphics for 5 char
big bang art one / two
[this is very loose and only goes chronologically, so some points may happen years apart from each other]
caesar, under the family, begins research on creating an artificial arceus
the river from law’s village becomes polluted, and lami gets sick
everyone in law’s village dies. he travels to alola
corazon, the ula’ula kahuna, gets wind of caesar’s experiments
law joins the family in alola
law meets corazon, and shortly after embarks on an island challenge
after getting a special material on poni island, law meets with corazon, who tells him he was planning to turn the family over to the international police
corazon dies, and law escapes the family with one type:null
law ends up in the kalos region
luffy meets shanks, and learns about aura
luffy leaves for the sinnoh region to train with shanks for the first time
ace and sabo set off on a journey through the kanto region
luffy is given his second pokemon, a buizel, by shanks, to help cope with the loss of his brothers
sabo and ace return to travel kanto once more
sabo’s accident occurs; he’s hospitalized, but convinces ace to continue traveling
ace dies in an accident; sabo takes striker, his charizard, and leaves the sevii islands
luffy starts his journey looking for sabo
a band of pokemon poachers begins to grow more prominent in sinnoh; it’s led by caesar, who escaped capture at alola all those years ago
dragon’s group arrives in the sinnoh region
marguerite, a close confident with the sinnoh champion, goes missing
shanks sends luffy a letter; law boards a boat for sinnoh from kalos
the sinnoh champion, boa hancock, contacts shanks about marguerite
dragon arrives at snowpoint and meets with kokoro
aisa goes missing
tama goes missing and, catching word of this, shanks heads to tsuru from his meeting point with luffy
anana goes missing
luffy arrives in the sinnoh region
chimney goes missing, and shanks sets off to go look for all the missing girls
luffy migrates to jubilife, thinking it was veilstone; law arrives in the sinnoh region
shanks is captured and loses contact with boa hancock
dragon separates from his group, going off on his own
law and luffy meet in jubilife
the battle zone’s real-life location is a formerly-japanese-but-now-russian island called sakhalin. the lower half, specifically. the other island on the map where the pokemon league sits is based off a chain of japanese-owned islands that i can’t remember the name of and am too busy to look up right now. sakhalin is pretty barren, pretty remote, and pretty unpopulated. it’s also colder than hokkaido, being further north, but bc the pokemon-equivalent has an active volcano, the climate balances out.
i spent more time researching sakhalin on google earth than i did actually writing the entire travel part of part 4. like, an absurd amount of time. more than i needed to. but the result is a good portrayal, and an accurate, effortless one. here’s some geography stuff.
1. the squatty plants on sinnoh’s route 225 are probably stone pines. i say probably, bc i still came away unsure, but this was my best conclusion. i cross-referenced sakhalin flora with what i was seeing on google earth, paired with what was most common since these trees are everywhere in the battle zone. specifically they’re japanese stone pines, so more of a squatty bush than an actual tree. (also called dwarf siberian pines, or the genus name of the dwarf version, pinus pumila) in pokemon verse, i chose aguav berries as the pine’s fruit since the seeds grow in pink bundles, like an aguav plant in-game. also, an unripe pinecone is greet, so there’s that too. 
2. southern sakhalin, that i can remember, doesn’t actually have black-sand beaches. there’s one in platinum off the base of stark mountain, but since that’s aniva bay area of sakhalin, it doesn’t match up great. the only thing similar is in northeastern sakhalin, off the sea of okhotsk, where dark mud will collect on the coast and turn the beach dark. i wrote it off as a game mechanic, saying ‘it’s from the ash from the volcano’, or something like that, and then referenced beaches in iceland that are actual black-sand beaches and really pretty. 
3. aniva bay is southern sakhalin, essentially. it’s a fork, and in the middle is where the black sand beach is in platinum. in actuality, aniva bay is not that big. there’s a lighthouse off one fork, not tall or anything impressive, but it’s there. at one point i wanted law and luffy to sail in (i saw sail, i mean like surf on a pokemon okay) past the lighthouse, and go through the bay, and stop on the black sand beach. this was before i knew most anything about part four, though, and soon the idea was scrapped as i deviated towards the cargo ship taking them to fight area. also, aniva bay isn’t deep enough for whales to flop around in, and i realize since i called it a bay in tether that that should also hold true, but i did say it was a wailmer so let’s jus forget that inaccuracy and say its okay bc the whale is tiny.
4. stark mountain was a challenge i spent. so long. so so long. trying to find the  mountain range it was based off of. pokemon wikipedia was no help, bc sakhalin is huge. if i was gonna do anything for the pokemon community, i’d wanna go and edit articles to include real-life landmarks that in-game ones were based on. i think the closest thing i found to a once-volcano was more into the northern half of sakhalin, so after spending too much time looking into it, i jus wrote based on screenshots of stark mountain, and on my own intuition. also, yea, i used video game logic the closer they got to the volcano. please don’t depict characters holding cloth over their mouths to protect from sulfur ash if youre going for accuracy, bc thats not going to help. 
5. the survival area and the ainu village. i wrote a little about the ainu in part one, while exploring law’s village. my main amount of research went into the ainu’s of sakhalin, though. it’s all sorta the same culture, since they all got kicked out migrated to hokkaido anyway, but there are a few differences. the sheer rock cliff is part of a sakhalin photoset i referenced, so it does exist, somewhere. yes, there are bears in sakhalin, perhaps even more than hokkaido, since it’s less-human-populated. but, again, also colder. i realize survival area is a settlement in platinum, but also.. its really small? and kinda nothing, tbh. so i transformed it into an ainu village, since it’s so outta the way of the other two areas down on each fork of the bay, and it’s closer to the volcano, where the fire goddess resides.
the ainu are the indigenous population of japan. i mentioned before, if you’ve read fma or one of arakawa’s spreads, you’ve probably heard of them. in fma, they’re the race that the ishvalans are based off of. nowadays, they reside in hokkaido, and a while ago they used to reside in lower sakhalin. i couldn’t figure up a creative name for tether for them and i was in so much of a time crunch that in the end i didnt bother, sue me. researching the ainu was most definitely one of the more time-consuming tasks. i spent a long time reading. i watched, after a good recommendation, all two seasons of golden kamuy (an excellent portrayal of hokkaido!ainu, btw, jus not exactly what i was going for) and all one season of sirius the jaegar, where i got the most help from. marking maps and writing the outline (and making myself remember why i dont ever outline. ever.) were definitely time-consuming, but ainu research was by far the most hours i spent on a task for tether (besides like, writing it.) 
i still don’t feel like i did enough research, so the cultural things i did include i tried to keep vague to keep from portraying wrong. the bear ceremonies, the signs of summer through salmon (finneon) hunting and huki harvesting, the bear cub raising, the ripping of clothing in a funeral procession, and the kamuy (ainu gods) are all real things and part of ainu culture. woman tattoo their lips, yes. the patterns of the clothing are distinctive (also warm, bc they’ve always been This Far North, and tether!law is a bastardization of forgotten ainu culture pls dont look at his sleeveless top next to his wooden earrings i beg you) there are lots of things i could go into, but im jus gonna leave it vague again and say if you’re super interested, go find an article or watch golden kamuy. 
there wasn’t a lot of pokemon depicted in the wilds of the battle zone, and for reason. at this point i really wanted to keep true to sakhalin, so i stuck with the fauna native there, and the pokemon native to sinnoh, and if i didn’t include any pokemon that actually appear in the battle zone in platinum? oops. my house my rules. anyway so horses, dogs, wolves, bears. rapidash, eevee, luxray line, ursaring line.. that covers it, right? oh, and fearow. okay, so i did include one pokemon from platinum’s battle zone. also wailmer, there was a wailmer. 
why did you include baroque works into dragon’s group?
so. i wrote tether while the vivre cards were coming out. specifically, right before i was supposed to have started writing part 4, the alabasta pack came out, and i was so taken with goldenweek’s real name that i re-read little garden and stuck her into the story. bentham was.. k, no lie, in my mind he’s like a pseudo-rev member? i jus associate hm so heavily with ivankov, and i read a fic once where he was iva’s student and since then i’ve jus always had to include him in rev stuff so that’s why he’s here. plus i love him. good enough, right? and those two are the only ones, so it’s not entirely baroque works. i don’t rly consider bentham bw anymore, like i said, he’s kinda a pseudo-rev. and i jus rly liked marianne’s name. also her, now. tether!marianne is cool. 85% of the story’s sass.
april 9th is both caesar and marguerite’s birthday. i think in the beginning i was searching for characters that share birthdays for a plot point, and when i settled on caesar i settled on marguerite eventually for this reason just so i could make the whole ‘it’s not his bday its mine!!’ joke. and then i formed the whole story on it being late march-early april and based the weather off that.
law’s sixth pokemon. see, i told you revealing it was strategic! you all were expecting null, right? and then out pops silvally. well, it’s been so many years, so it’s natural they would’ve figured out love and trust and such and breaking the mask and evolving. still! aaaa, that felt so good to write. 
there’s more of a metaphor with silvally, even more with umbreon, that i was going for. something along the lines of a captured being being granted escape, bonding with someone, coming back to get due vengeance with the old captor, showing how much more they had become. with umbreon, it was more thing-i-protected-grew-into-something-that-now-protects-me aka her helping law through his nightmares, being a generally supportive and kind pokemon like someone law knew wink wink. also literally protect, with the whole casear thing.
okay mind control time. i reread pt 4 real quick before writing the notes, and im still not completely satisfied with how shanks broke free. i tried to hard to research good mind control depictions but i was more interested in figuring out how the mind control ended rather than the state of being, and there weren’t many promising results other than the victim dying, which wasn’t helpful. i knew i didn’t want it to be the whole i-love-you-so-snap-out-of-it thing, thats so cheesy and kinda ridiculous tbh. i think luffy confronting shanks’ inner self directly and convincing him to step out is nice, but if you pay attention closer to the scenes and how they match up, you might notice something that aids this.
so, it wasn’t just luffy. i know a lot goes on in latter half of pt 4, and all the scenes are disjointed. law and umbreon and silvally defeat gengar before shanks awakes properly. it was luffy, yes, that convinced him everything was going to be okay, and to not falter. but since gengar was knocked unconscious, the control over shanks was already waning to begin with. it was more like, he was already fine, and out of the cycle, but the trauma kept him from realizing it until luffy came. does that help? so basically, it wasn’t luffy talking alone, it was defeating gengar, like luffy had thought of previously. and then it was helping shanks thorugh it, because you don’t just bounce back from that. thats why i wrote shanks Like That in the remaining scenes.
while not in the best conditions as lab 3, labs 1 and 2 were fully-operational and secure facilities, so if you were questioning why sabo and law (mortally injured, mind you -two stab wounds, ow) would just leave the people and pokemon next to a burning lab, it’s because it was secure and the fire contained. the base was inside a volcano, guys, there’s no way the rooms werent airtight to prevent an accident. imagine being That Guy that fucked something up and led to the active volcano erupting. of course they took precautions. also, sabo had been working in the base for a bit, so if he thought the people were gonna catch fire, he wouldn’t have left them.
koala having aromatisse was purely for plot purposes, for it’s hidden ability. i needed a psychic type, and if i haven’t mentioned, dragon’s group are based in kalos, so it had to be from there. it fits though, maybe, right? anywa, yea, that’s why sabo has a delphox and salamence after he fucks off for two years, because he was in kalos. (this is what i’m referring to, if you haven’t clicked on any of those links.)
Law takes Luffy’s hand and leads them backwards, until they’re out of sight again
and, finally, my favorite moment of tether, when lawlu graduates from arms to wrists to finally holding hands. /cries so proud
k but what’s with that ending?
fun fact time i always knew how i wanted to end tether. from the moment of its conception, even before i finished writing part 1 (before i started, really, back when i was gathering material) i knew it ended with dragon in front of the statue of giratina. insert obligatory sequel joke here marianne mentions, before the trio ventures into the base, that her group’s leader wouldn’t appreciate having to halt his own agenda to help them with taking out the hunters. giratina was this agenda. 
originally, before i started on pt 2, i thought abt law/lu taking a different route. i wanted them to go north, up through eterna forest and to eterna city, and examine the statue of dialga. then go east from there, still taking them through coronet, but then through celestic town and seeing the cave painting of the lake guardians. i also really wanted them to go to lake valor, since it was the only lake they could conceivably go to on their way to veilstone. i thought about switching pastoria for snowpoint and encountering sabo at lake acuity. none of this worked out, but it was all supposed to reference back into dragon and giratina and sinnoh lore. instead i turned it fully into a travel fic and then a rescue op, at the end. it’s still interesting to think how the story could’ve changed, had they gone up to eterna before crossing through coronet. 
in all honesty i wanted to end the story on a surprise note. almost like a goosebumps ending, where everything is resolved and then at the very end there’s a quick scene that leaves you grasping for more, leaves you questioning. (also like certain op chapters leaving you with zero answers and more questions than you started with, fuck you, oda) it wasn’t until i was almost done with part 4 that i started to kinda miss tether, even tho i wasnt done yet but my outline had been done for a bit so i kinda was? and then i remembered back in november when i created concepts for ace and sabo before i even wrote that one scene in mt coronet, and i remembered thinking so much about their story, and their travels, and sabo’s accident. and then, not long after i finished with part 4, i had a startling idea, and i had a first line of a maybe sequel, and i started to put a little more thought into it.
if you’re looking for confirmation, this isn’t it. this is saying i have an idea i’d like to explore. maybe. tether took a lot of work, and a lot of time. it definitely doesn’t have as much feedback as i would like it to, for me to invest in a full-fledged sequel. if i start this, if i ever do, it’ll definitely be more lax, and a chapter-by-chapter sort of thing. i guess it just comes down to how many people are actually interested in it.
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pigletsbigmovie · 5 years
endgame spoilers i watched it a couple weeks ago here are my complaints lol
nebula and gamora...... were done so dirty lmao....... i am not surprised, i knew this was gonna happen but still.
i mean i really liked nebula in endgame! i love seeing how far she’s come since gotg! she played a larger role in this film than i was expecting and that was nice!
i just disliked the fact that she ends up killing her past self?? it’s such an example of the problem with these big ensemble films... other characters’ arcs take precedence over other characters and so like while killing her past self makes sense for the overall narrative... it doesnt make sense for nebula’s character arc....
or like how since this the last film in which we’ll be seeing all original avengers together, of course it’s them that are prioritized over other characters which means Of Course it’s tony that ultimately defeats thanos even tho really it makes more sense for thanos to be defeated by nebula and gamora and that would’ve been a rly big development in their arcs but guess not! i guess! no can do!
they tried to make the tony vs thanos conflict this Big Dramatic Thing but in reality it is sooooo impersonal....... which makes the conflict and the resolution of that conflict just not very interesting to me...
like imagine if the gotg films were it’s own franchise. no other marvel movies exist, it’s not connected to anything else, it is it’s own thing. then that would mean the gotg franchise has thanos for itself and those films would be leading up to the defeat of thanos which can be fulfilled by nebula and gamora because theyre protagonists of these films. imagine how satisfying that wouldve been!! like gotg has always focused on themes of family! that franchise ending with nebula and gamora defeating their abusive adoptive father with the help of their new found family wouldve been so emotionally impactful and satisfying!
but nnnoooo instead we get tony vs thanos. they don’t even know each other. they’re just that one guy that got in the way of their desires. just an obstacle. that connection is not deep enough to be interesting
ok i went off on a tangent there but back to nebula killing her past self.... Why. we know that given time, the nebula that we see can change for the better! we know bc we see that nebula right there! our nebula! but nooope instead of getting a powerful scene about nebula literally staring her trauma right in the face and how she feels about that now that she’s grown so much...... she just kills her? i mean she tries to appeal to her? but this past nebula isnt given the time she needs to grow! she’s just killed off with 0 compassion......... and it’s such... a sad and unsatisfying development... like there’s a difference between “letting the past die” and killing your past traumatized self.... like if her past self deserves to die and isnt worthy of compassion then that just goes against our nebula’s entire existence? she is the person she is in the present bc she was shown compassion and was allowed to grow! why is this nebula not deserving of that? it’s literally just bc it’s inconvenient to everyone else... thats awful.
then there’s gamora...... like she finds out about this future in which thanos succeeds in his plan and........... she fucking WAITS???? SHE WAITS TO STOP HIM??? IM SORRY BUT WHHHAAAAT THE FUCK??????
like!!! this is literally around the time in our timeline when gamora enacts her plan to ditch thanos and steal the power stone for herself as soon as she finds out that he’s found it’s location in order to stop it from getting into his hands. you’re telling me that gamora waits A LONG SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF TIME after thanos gets all the information he needs to get not just the power stone but ALL THE OTHER INFINITY STONES before attempting to stop him?? YOURE ASKING ME TO BELIEVE THAT?? THAT SHE WOULDNT IMMEDIATELY OR AT LEAST AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TRY TO STOP HIM?
like if i remember correctly, by the time she teams up with future nebula to try to stop thanos, he’s already made significant progress in formulating/enacting his plan to get all the infinity stones..... like she doesnt try to sabotage/steal the information re:time travel in order to keep thanos away from the stones??? it doesnt make sense. it does not make sense that she would wait i cant get over it what the fuck alsooo...... while im glad that gamora isn’t just Dead now and that there’s an alive gamora out and about.... it Upsets me deeply that this isnt our gamora lmao. and this isnt just me being unnecessarily sentimental. it just sucks storytelling wise. gamora underwent so much development from the 1st gotg up to infinity war...... and now all of that is all Gone bc new gamora didn’t experience ANY of that! like saying her development was retconned maybe isn’t exactly true bc all of that development still happened and is Canon but... it’s basically all irrelevant now bc! again! this gamora didnt go through any of it! when peter and gamora reunite in infinity war and peter is emotional and gamora is like What the Fuck? like ha ha yeah funny but...... peter and gamora are very important to each other. theyve been through a lot together. whether or not you like their romance is whatever but them telling each other “i love you” in infinity war was such a HUGH DEAL considering everything they went through as individuals..... and now that development is Gone. and it sucks.
rly i felt all the female characters in endgame got the short end of the stick in this movie :/ like sure theres that One Group Shot... and sure it made whiny men cry so that’s great... it’s cool but like it felt so shallow to me! the bare minimum! very few of the women in that scene actually significantly contributed to the plot of endgame.... like it’s So Easy to put all these women in one shot but it’s a whole other thing entirely to give those women actual Roles in the plot. they even fridged another women in the Literal Exact Same Way they did in infinity war! the exact same way! like the 1st time they did it was unnecessary and unjustifiable to me and then they really went and did it again exactly the same! ALRIGHT! COOL I GUESS!
also captain marvel was so hyped up as being the Key to defeating thanos but the film comes out and i dont think she’s even in it for like 5 minutes total screentime. i mean i wont lie. seeing her fight thanos no problem was really really cool and i loved it but then it lasted what? 10 seconds? 
idk it’s just. rly rly easy to give superficial nods to the strength of these women and while, yes, it bothers whiny man babies and isnt harmful... it’s still superficial <:/ like these are just tiny itty bitty baby steps. it’s 2019 please allow female characters to play larger more significant roles in stories..... alluding to their strength is not the same thing as that. hire female writers.
overall i didnt have a Bad Time watching this movie? i actually laughed plenty. all the scenes with scott are wonderful. but overall the movie was just... fine... and left me feeling empty and indifferent like a lot of other mcu films leave me feeling <:) despite it’s faults i enjoyed iw a lot better and so endgame felt anticlimactic to me which is yknow. bad. considering it’s supposed to be a big finale.
sorry to be a big ol No Fun Allowed boy but i mean. the thing that i find so attractive about these films is Character! like ive only rly enjoyed a handful of mcu films but the reason i keep coming to watch the new ones is bc the idea of these characters is so attractive to me! this expansive superhero universe gives a big opportunity to explore a whole bunch of different characters and a whole bunch of different character dynamics. and while for the most part the mcu is good at producing distinct, conceptually interesting characters.... theyre generally not very good at utilizing them and building them up... which is why they leave me feeling empty
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jeezperseus · 6 years
like for a msg !
perseus hayden alexander xavier lehnsherr.
— adopted son of charles xavier & erik lehnsherr. nineteen. pansexual. accidentally married. regenerative healing & healing touch. fc: nick robinson. generation why by canon gray.
split knuckles, impulse tattoos, red solo cups, the copper taste of blood, post-ripped jeans, a story told in two parts, peals of laughter strong as vodka, shaking hands shoved in pockets, greasy fast food, low flying planes, cuffed shoes, the soft notes of a piano, a baseball bat in the back seat.
barbara “bobbi” morse.
— former agent 19. thirties. bisexual. divorced. enhanced. fc: jessica alba. emotionless by drake.
gentle hands, biting remarks, unknown skill, non-disclosure agreements, hidden stashes of cash, studyblr accounts, handmade bullets, a tongue taught to deceive, coffee-mug rims, set shoulders, precise results, minimalism, lilting accent, a broken mirror, clean test tubes, red-painted nails around the hand of a gun.
andromeda rosalie isley-quinzel.
 — adopted daughter of pamela isley & harleen quinzel. twenty-one. pansexual. single ( see below ). precognition. fc: lana condor. finest hour by cash cash.
whispers from a voice both soft and powerful, sloppily cut hair, pointe shoes, paint stains on every article of clothing, cassandra foretelling the trojan war, dirt under your fingernails, a love a week, the gold tinsel of a crown, unexplainable dreams, bundles of flowers, the soft rustling of worn cards.
roman darkhölme.
— son of raven darkhölme. twenty-four. pansexual. enchanted. persuasion & power absorption. fc: miles heizer. lost boy by ruth b.
the unexpected answer, washing your hands, casual disinterest, stacks of cash, little clear baggies, practiced ease, a silver tongue, whispers of the past, old cobblestone streets, bad decisions in the best way, sweaters and flannel, the burning of flowers, white lab coat, fear of the unknown.
— the god of mischief. 1000s. fluid. open marriage. fc: daniel gillies & katie mcgrath. wild things by alessia cara.
dark skies, a long steel dagger, fog coming in, green & gold banners held high, the twisted around truth, stories told from a thousand tongues, crooked grin, a crown just out of reach, salt in wounds, ourborous, contrary to a point, blood superiority, loneliness as something else, eyes in the back of your head.
winona falcone.
— daughter of sofia falcone. twenty-six. bisexual. single. darkness manipulation. fc: shay mitchell. take me to church by hozier.
expensive fur, champagne glasses, hands covered in blood, instagram perfect, beautiful but deadly, the rich kids of gotham, sharp edges for a reason, dark hair in waves, a product of a situation, cherry stems tied with your tongue, heels on a hardwood floor, the many shades of red.
skylar helix mccoy.
— daughter of hank mccoy. twenty-two. lesbian. single ( see below ). genetic atavism & genius intelligence. fc: jennie kim. 400 lux by lorde.
a field of vibrant yellow flowers, the yipping of a small dog, fangs bared, constellations of words, no apologies, thousands of discarded ‘what ifs,’ the call of the wild, a small crescent moon necklace, pride without arrogance, false confidence, spitting blood, intelligence without direction.
perseus hayden alexander.
a former foster care sibling.
it’s been a while, but he’s a pretty memorable kid / hasn’t changed much at all. until age 5 / 2004, percy was in foster care + went through a bunch of homes. this is someone who was in one of them! probs knows stuff abt him that even he doesn’t/doesn’t rem. the possibilities! 
first relationship / current enemy. TAG
basically, it was percy’s first relationship back in his teens !! cute lil puppy love except he’s awful so not puppies more like … squirrels. like his first everything !! and then they broke up n it didn't go great !!! since then it has evolved and gotten much much worse - they’re now totally and completely against each other, hate each other, and will fuck w each other when given half a chance. 
first relationship / current enemy.
basically, it was percy’s first relationship back in his teens !! cute lil puppy love except he’s awful so not puppies more like … squirrels. like his first everything !! and then they broke up n it didn't go great !!! since then it has evolved and gotten much much worse - they’re now totally and completely against each other, hate each other, and will fuck w each other when given half a chance.
barbara “bobbi” morse.
old mission target.
bobbi worked with shield for a very long time! she went on various missions, undercover and classified and the like. on this particular mission, this is someone she was targetting. what for is up to you, but the options are rather open to interpretation. just generally something that would have set them against shield’s desires.
bobbi being widely competitive when it comes to just about anything (science, training, lecturing) is bound to attract some friendly competition. they’re constantly versing each other, even in the simplest things, like giving out test results or getting ready.
ex that ended on bad terms.
it’s a common story. girl meets person, girl dates person, girl and person breaks up, girl literally hopes person dies in a fire. for whatever the reason, they didn't part ways peacefully. and you bet your sweet ass she plays the part of scorned ex great.
andromeda rosalie isley-quinzel.
poly ship. ( 0 / 2 ) TAG
andy has baggage, certainly. she’s a past weapon x detainee, unbeknownst to her, adopted from a broken family, and had her heart broken by the first person she dated. she’s serial dated for years. but these people, they made her stop & start to appreciate love for what it is again. this connect can be filled by someone of any gender.
ex. TAG
andy was younger and very awfully naive. she’s never really gotten over it. for whatever reason, they broke up— it could have to do with her slightly overbearing personality, or general attitude, or whatever, totally up to you, but it was the other muse’s decision to break up, leaving andromeda heartbroken and now seeking out love in places it’s not.
former prediction.
andy PREDICTED something about this muse, in the past. how long ago and what is up to you. it was something SERIOUS, though, and most likely bad. it could be as wild as death, or marriage, or a death in the family, or a regret, etc. it’s rly up to u !!
roman darkhölme.
childhood love.
this is honestly rly cute. they were lil lil kids when they were friends and were super cute n close. they got fake “married” once or something. they were just best friends who grew apart. now roman is hella dif. he’s manipulative and a total fiend and it’s like “where’s that cute lil kid who promised to fight off all the bad guys in my life??” like … cute n sad.
they see him for what he is: a manipulator. they either have past experience with him or are just adept ( VERY adept; he’s good at hiding ) at noticing him. they don’t enjoy him. not his view of the world, his actions, or his drug dealing. roman doesn’t like them for a point. he doesn’t like being exposed.
the darkhölme-mccoy drug dealing business is going great, actually. paragon is full of just the type. and with roman’s skill of persuasion, they haven’t gotten caught yet. this is someone that roman knows from that particular side of his work. he sells them drugs.
someone he had a kid with.
the other side of the story. not someone he fathered/mothered, but rather someone he had a child w. can be any gender for obvs reasons. how old the child is is up to u!!!
someone he pretended to be someone else with, extendedly.
for them, he pretended to be a different person… for a very extended period of time. it’s a trick he played often, but for them it was honestly excessive. the nature of their relationship is up to you, but upon coming to paragon this person finds out that loki is LOKI ! god of mischief, stories, lies, what have u. they’re probs pissed lmao 
while most midgardians known them as the god of mischief / alien asshole, this character knows a side of loki outside of the lore. they’ve met their kids & can even remember little loki, just around causing mischief, not trying to overthrow odin & what else. they have a better understanding.
winona falcone.
older sibling.
the oldest falcone ! mwahaha. so it’s this whole big thing that WINONA IS THE HEIR, but she wasn’t always. she has an older sibling who was disinherited from the family & cast out. a big ole family disgrace that none of them like to talk about. the reason behind this is up to you ! but it can range from being a MUTANT to a DEGENERATE to being SOFT to whatever. sofia is a pretty uptight gal.
best friend.
she’s not trying to replace raph. she didn’t think she would actually ever be given the chance, and for good reason. i mean, look at what happened to the last guy who took the spot. but they’re friends, for whatever reason ( and, damn, do the people commenting on her instagram posts speculate ).
she’s always been the exception that proves the rule. her sexuality is no different in that she’s not hte most comfortable with it. it’s just another thing she never told sofia about, lest her position as heir was to be threatened. that makes her exes an interesting story, especially considering she won’t acknowledge some of them.
skylar helix mccoy.
hateship to ship.
open to fem aligning nb & girls / both have reputations that proceed themselves ! sky obvs bc she had one inherently n bc of what happened & the other for w/e reason. pref an xkid. they knew each other when sky was younger but they didnt get along & when they reconnect , they dont get along right either. theyre a PLAYER really. like new girl on their arm every month. sky becomes one of the girls, rly. and sparks fly. and shes mad abt it. they have this antagonistic hatefuck relationship. and she finds herself starting to rly like them, falling in lov w them, unbeknownst to their own feelings (that shes the ONE). and like that
girl is, in fact, a genius, though people of many have expressed their disbelief at such a fact. she literally didn’t have education for eleven whole years of her development and is still ahead of her peers. she tutors in her free time. while totally organized, studyblr style, her teaching style leaves something to be desired in her paraphrasing of many a thing. ( vicki vc king george iii did what? sky vc fucked half of england )
someone who knew her before.
she was a prodigy child. famous beyond her years. even now, she’s on vogue lists, has millions of instagram followers, the whole thing — but for different reasons. this person knew her before she got taken, and are likely a child of the xmen or someone who was at xaviers. they remember the fearless child, ready to dive into anything, the kid who was always the top of her class. brash and happy, but kind, in a way she no longer is.
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itarz4n · 6 years
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that’s JOHN “TARZAN” BRUCE II walking down the street, the 21 year old, who looks like booboo stewart. here in apple peak, they are a zookeeper. some say he act(s) like tarzan from tarzan, since he can be fearless, but also a little bit reserved. — !!! 
tarzan is like my top three favourite disney movies ofall time so like !! plot ideas at the bottom of the post!
parents were: alice and john bruce i.
the bruces were a wealthy family in apple peak, old money.
there was some scandal when john bruce the first didn’t continue the family business of steel manufacturing and, instead, pursued science (mainly environmental science and )
he met his wife, a documentary-maker, on safari
their big project together was being the first to film and document the unexplored rainforests of the congo, this was in 1996. and they kept it a secret from most people where they were going, so they could really conduct this by themselves and away from prying eyes.
tarzan was born 1997
they survived for one year, in a remote mountain on the congo, and could never escape for fear of being attacked by animals
they were eventually killed by sabor, the leopard, in their makeshift tree-house
the baby tarzan was found by an ape, named kala, and she became his mother
2013: tarzan was found by pygmy peoples when he was 16, but they left him alone in the jungle, only occasionally interacting with him. the next year, when american scientists (the porters !!) on expedition heard about the story, they actively tried to interact with him, and tarzan eventually began to open up, with the help of both groups.
2014: when he was 17, they then took him back to apple peak, and he became the sole benefactor of the bruce fortune -- after the company and the family manor were being taken care of by the board of directors
just this young boy alone in a huge house, where everything was smooth and clean and modern ???
but at least the house was in the middle of the forest, so he spent most of his time outdoors. there’s a huge oak tree back there, planted by great-great grandfather bruce
and also the large glass greenhouse in the backyard. that’s his favourite place.
when it was explained to him, tarzan didn’t know what to do about the company. how could he? he didn’t care for machinery or cars. so the board continues to take care of he company, on the condition that he still shows up as the bruce heir.
and lowkey … he feels that he owes that much to his dead parents. he’ll deal with all the socialising bc he believes that’s the way to honour them
he doesn’t really like … a lot of people, especially since the first three years of his life in western civilization, he was a celebrity. he felt paraded around by the company that sponsored the expedition of the porters, and then his family’s company too. part of the deal to bring him back included interviews with oprah, ellen, and all the newspapers and magazines marvelled about The Ape Boy, The Hairless Wonder, and The Real-Life Tarzan.
he hasn’t read any book or watched any movie about tarzan and refuses to
they really screamed when they found out his name actually was legitimately Tarzan.
and he’s so confused because tarzan was just the name that he ??? he just knew that name, it was the sound the apes would make to call him, and it was the name he knew from his dreams
but yeah huge paparazzi problems
he was just quiet throughout the whole thing
2018: the celebrity hysteria dies down, but he’s still remembered and recognised as Real Tarzan.
deserves its own section
he has long black hair !!
insanely muscled body
height: 1.94m/6′3″
his hands have been shaped oddly, there’s more space around his knuckles from crawling on all fours all his life. he also has huge hands as a result. will put his hands in his pockets most of the time bc people tend to stare
pls watch this video for visual rep (its from the movie ‘legend of tarzan’!!)
such a quiet boy, just wants to be left alone with the people he loves (which is a very small number now). 
wants to know as much as possible about his family and what their plan for him was
happiest when he’s in the huge backyard of his family manor, or in the zoo. 
CALL HIM JOHN. he’ll answer to tarzan bc he’s nice but he’ll be super uncomfortable. not really the type to tell you that he doesn’t like to be called tarzan but he’ll say like “hi ... my name’s john, though ......”
really doesn’t want to be a public attraction anymore
he’s working through it :((
tarzan started introducing himself as john because he was sick of being stared at
was offered a position of zookeeper in the apple peak city zoo
his main area are the ‘exotic animals’ and african animals
he takes care of them and keeps the company
has outright refused to do shows or presentations with the animals. if someone catches him playing with the apes its because he wants to and not as some timed show
his nametag is “john” but everyone would recognise him as tarzan
the company is called: SILVERSTEEL. it’s been around since like colonial times, the bruces like to say they’re direct descendants of old scottish royalty. they have global connections and everything, it’s pretty huge.
no one could find the bruces for years because it was a secret expedition, and they never told anyone where they were going except “africa”
he doesn’t know whether to consider them memories or dreams
because his life here has been so similar to his ‘true’ life, he can’t tell the difference
but his mother is different sometimes, the language is different, his interactions with his ape family is different, and his dreams seem more vibrant and colourful, while his reality was rather dirty and harsh 
like he remembers the names of his ape family as kala, terk, and tantor the elephant -- but did he actually know these names, or are they from his dreams??? whO KNOWS 
he’s been having these dreams since he was brought to the civilized world
he hates that everyone acts like they know more about him than he does. which is sort of true but also ... makes him feel so insecure 
he climbs trees still. 
probably makes ppl swoon without knowing bc like he smiles and ???? chiselled jawline ?? handsome, strong eyes ??? BICEPS ??? lean body ??? soft boy who loves animals ? wow
the company has tried to make him go on dates before (usually to like any heiresses and heirs) and he’s been nice to all of them but nothing’s rly worked out. 
one time he spent more time with the fish in the tiny fish tank at a restaurant than his date
there was also one dinner date at the zoo. which was useless bc he just straight-up left to hang with the animals
the butler of the manor/his babysitter/his driver who’s basically alfred pennyworth: “master john what are you doing up there”
john in a tree with a monkey: “hanging”
just LOTS of people recognising him as “that jungle tarzan kid that was on oprah like two years ago, oprah actually came out of retirement”. he’ll hate it but like i want that so cvhbkshje
people from old apple peak families that would know the bruces and he’d be more open with them if they knew his family well. he just wants to know more about who he’s meant to be :((
he’ll try out any sport so please all the jocks welcome him
ppl who work in the zoo or go to the zoo a lot!!
GOD GIVE ME A JANE, and the headlines were “ME TARZAN, YOU JANE” for AGES and he just hated it please. but honestly, jane is his life-line. pls he needs her.
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cosmospoons · 6 years
House MD season 2
30 second episode recaps from someone whos just watched em for the first time and has bad recall
Ep1: they gotta cure the death row dude so he can go back to death row to b killed, cameron is Bad at telling ppl they're dying, house n Wilson had lunch with the coma guy, they cured death row man, also they changed the theme and I hate it Ep2: House has hayfever lmao, this cancer girl with hallucinations is honestly just the coolest she's so positive I love her, shes nine and got chase to kiss her hero,, house an Wilson have a shared balcony amazing, Wilson is so good and pure and is amazing at his job holy shit I love this man. House actually 'temporarily killed' the patient to cure her and made people run drills on a dead man. House is 400% going to buy a motorbike Ep3: i prayed for Cuddy's handyman to fall off her roof past the window and then god answered my prayers and he did, house broke into Cuddy's house mainly to look at her underwear lbr and then won the 'can we chop off his arm' argument, house secretly speaks spanish and waited for the most dramatic moment to reveal this, they gate crashed a cock fight (ayy) and saved the patient Ep4: the patient is a doctor with an ego ((according to house lmao pot, kettle)) who wanted to sit in on the diagnostic process and honestly is actually full of himself,, house puts him on a tippy table and cranks it up, foreman made a patient cry except he was pretending to be house lmao house got in shit,, Cameron needs to stop please, can the patient get his head out his arse please. house gatecrashes the press conference that the patient called and managed to put him into cardiac arrest on live television and eventually cured him of everything cept bein a knob Ep5: Wilson's handwriting is such doctor handwriting and house definitely bought a motorbike and made Wilson pay for it he's so pleased with himself. The kid keeps getting electrocuted but like,, by his own body. House is avoiding his parents but Cameron n Wilson aren't letting him get away with it. I love house n Wilson's friendship so much it's worth 5k apparently lmao. These patients are fukin serial liars jc why are ppl like this, it was rADIATION wow houses dad is a fucking DICK. There were so many good interactions and the house/wilson ship is sailing Ep6: there was a cyclist who took a LOT of drugs which turned out to be curing him of the thing he had, house is a douchebag but we all knew that - he may b a dick to mark but m sure mark deserves it n I love him anyway. Wilson remains a sweet boy even if he cheats idgaf he's adorable look at him ((wilson: i net someone who made me feel funny, me: was it hOUSE)),, he n house are balcony buddies and house shud stop stealing his food, and he should definitely stop digging thru stacys life but actually fuck it why not he's not gunna let go of this why is she so pissy i wanna know Ep7: I love houses new pet rat Steve McQueen,, Wilson is 4000% done with houses Stacy related antics which is fair tbh he should stop but I actually don't give much of a shit about Stacy I've taken against her....he did deserve what she said after reading her file tho. The patient may have given Cameron aids and Cameron got high and slept with Chase, who she may have given aids lmao these ppl r messes but not as much of a mess as that father/son relationship jc...i dont remember anything else about the patient whoops Ep8: chase is being suuuueeeeddd and he keeps lying about why lmao,, house fuckin reamed him one which was probably called for but maybe not like that, turns out chase screwed up cus his dad died and foreman is houses boss ((supervisor)) now how well do u think that's gunna work (((not very))) Stacy's still a bitch and has ~~feelings~~ Ep9: foreman is in charge and house is doing his utmost best to be the dick of the year and it's fucking hilarious honestly I love this man the shit he pulls jc,,, Wilson is super aware of houses antics as usual and had a mild gay panic when foreman started to question him about house,, the patient was a big ol Faker™ but surprise surprise she was actually sick this time ((house totally injected her with a load of stuff so she’d b readmitted after they’s released her)) Ep10: house solved a case thru the phone alone and spent most of the ep at the airport except for those five minutes when he almost slept with Stacy who once had a terrible experience with curry apparently and called house a vindaloo, nice restraint very well timed phone call thank fuck,,, they will sleep together tho and I am Not Happy about it....the power play amongst the fellows is a boiling pot of trouble - the patient was v interesting I enjoyed the word scramble game Ep12: WHAT A GOOD FUCKIN EP so the patient orgasmed in the white chamber while unconscious and covered in burns but more importantly house gatecrashed the lecture of his old archenemy that he had arranged just so he could disturb it and criticise the dude who got him thrown out of med school for snitchin on his cheating all whilst Wilson told him to get better hobbies (('a hooker anything please')),, to test this dudes migraine meds he gave deliberately himself a migraine and the meds didn't work (unsurprising) so the fellows turned out all the lights while he had a nap under the table,, wilson took a diff approach and deliberately made a Lot of noise because he is a Shit even if he hides it better than house,,,, then house dropped a tab of acid and took a bunch of antidepressants, and cured his migraine as well as the patient Ep13: houses leg was super duper sore but at least we got some fantastic house/wilson interaction when wilson pretended to be God during that MRI, even if house hit him with a cane.... The patient was a teen supermodel who seduced her own father to get whatever she wanted,, house was super sure she had cancer and it turns out she did but it was testicular because she had xy chromosomes and was immune to testosterone - which was really fucking interesting...... Also cuddy played house like a violin and gave him placebo saline instead of a morphine shot to prove to him that his leg pain was psychological Ep14: House is stealing organs now. Ok so technically he did get the husband's permission to steal his newly dead wife’s heart for the dying old dude with a strangely young daughter but only after he kneed house in the balls super hard. House spent the whole ep goin on at wilson about the affair he thought he was having and at the end wilson showed up on houses doorstep but sURPRIse !! It was his wife who was sleeping around!! poor baby Wilson I know what goes around comes around but he's such a kicked puppy cmon Ep15: Wilson and house living together is a recipe for disaster and I'm living for it so good so many good interactions I love that house is gunna keep him for his food ((I'll never b over house hearing the voicemail about Wilson's new place, looking over at him sleeping on the couch and then deleting it so he has to stay)). The patient had a super cool marriage and didn't have lupus except whoops actually not a happy marriage his wife is tryna kill him thru gold poisoning. House needs to stop accosting ppl in bathrooms and should also stop destroying marriages Ep16: oh man good shit so,, first of all house n Wilson are still living together and there are some Domestic Antics happening right here including but not limited to a prank war which house desperately tried to get Wilson to participate in, the peak of which had house making Wilson wet the couch and Wilson sabotaging houses cane. The patients mum was ridiculously overprotective and house essentially kidnapped the patient to find the tick noone else thought was there,, surprisingly Wilson helped set that up despite the fact house was the reason he woke up wet that morning Ep17: first things first house could absolutely clean everyone out at poker if he knows Cuddy's tells that well through just a phonecall,, also he needs to stop calling Wilson out on his toenail varnish habits lmao. The patient was a smol boy who presented the same symptoms as an unsolved and dead case that house had 12 yrs ago so he really wasn't gunna let this one go cus he's like a dog with a bone. They were in formal wear all ep which was a Good Look™ and Wilson's retelling of how he won the poker championship may have been one of the cutest things I have ever seen Ep18: Emma from Glee is here and she has the black plague,, her gf decided to donate her liver n Cameron was all het up cus house had worked out plague girl was gunna leave her and sending the gf in blind would be ~~unethical~~ but turns out she knew and deliberately did that so Emma would stay with her out of guilt lmao. In other news Cameron's pissy cus foreman 'stole' her article and house spent most of the episode napping cus wilson is fuckin up his sleep cycle ;) I'm upset there was no physical wilson Ep19: the most annoying patient so far appears in the form of a 15 yr old faith healer with herpes. I feel like the degree to which unrelenting niceness irritates me rly says something about me but eh oh well. Chase (ofc it was chase) kept a tally on who was winning God or house, faith healer managed to shrink a womans cancer tumour through giving her herpes (((a miracle praise be))) and during poker night house called wilson out on sleeping with said cancer patient and discovered wilson was actually living with her whoops bad Wilson ((he totally regrets his life choices ((he should)))) Ep20: HOLY SHIT ITS A TWOPARTER AND FOREMANS GUNNA DIE !! Ok so,,, there was this cop who couldn't stop laughing till he could but then it got a lot worse and then foreman caught whatever it was which they began to realise when he smirked as house shot a corpse to see what a bullet in a brain would do to an MRI ((spoilers it broke the machine)) anyway long story short it wasnt the pigeons and the cops dead and foreman is gunna die even after that shitdick move he pulled where he stabbed Cameron with a needle so she'd go to the apartment Ep21: HOO BOY OK SO a lot happened so much happened the most important thing is foreman by the end of the ep is mostly kind of ok - he's just a bit muddled on his lefts n rights. During the ep house was stressed the entire time cus even tho he denys it he does love n care for his ducklings,, he even cares enough to deliberately attempt to poison Steve McQueen which didn't work but can be added to the list of stressful events. Cameron grew a spine a lil bit I literally yelled when she berated cuddy and she forced the biopsy cus foreman had the foresight (ayyyyy) to make her his medical proxy even if house managed to find the problem anyway so it was ultimately unnecessary and has just resulted in some possible brain damage Ep22: house keeps trying to pick a fight with foreman and failing because Foreman's all happy go lucky now, the patient was mad because of a thing and killed her baby accidentally on purpose, the music that played during the baby autopsy was super unnecessary and bizzare, and in the end the woman had cancer but she's refusing treatment cus of the baby guilt. Cuddy didn't have cancer, which we know because Wilson ((WILSON NOT HOUSE)) stole her dna and ran secret tests in the middle of the night, but it still wasn't a date Wilson despite what house said about skin lessions she was actually just going to attempt to use u as a sperm donor - have fun at the L-word marathon with house you big sad loser (I love u) Ep23: we meet an old house friend which is Super fun he is ridiculously naive and I love that he calls house g-man holy shit. House is now giving cuddy injections as part of a fertility treatment which is nice of him especially seeing as his leg was in a Lot of pain this ep,, like a LOT...he's self-injecting morphine now which is probably bad :/ house's friend's daughter was the patient at one point she pooped out her mouth gRoSs and house ran a paternity test n told the girl she was actually the dudes daughter ((except he was lYINg in support of his friend)) he does care Ep24: HOUSE GOT SHOT WHAT IS IT WITH THIS TEAM SUFFERING RN JC this was a very fun episode of 'guess when house is hallucinating', spoilers the answer is all the time the whole ep takes place in his head. That aside I absolutely loved the hospital gown/trainer combo (no I won't apologize) and the fact that house did almost none of his physio - instead relegating it to others which is....not how it works. The hallucinatory clinic patient was freaky deaky his eye exploded and so did his dick but dw cus to escape the hallucination house killed him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what can u do. At the end house woke up n requested ketamine we'll see how that goes
Season 1
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homingpigecns · 7 years
i got tagged in some tag memes and usu i don’t do them, but it seems kinda fun and i just logged into my laptop for the first time in a while so like... why not :’) i dont like tagging ppl tho, so if you wanna do any of these, just say i tagged u!
5 Things Meme, tagged by @quasi-quasar. thanks so much for tagging me, i super appreciate it!
5 Things You’ll Find in My Bag - keys, metrocard, wallet, 2ds..... it’s kind of boring. i have a mob keychain on my college bag tho! i have a lot of mob keychains ngl i love mob
5 Things in My Room - this picture of chespin that my nephew drew for me, the first volume of gekkan shoujo, 1/Q84 by murakami (which i quickly realized is not a convenient book to own phsyically..... its a good book tho), my old psp, a bb-8 alarm clock my sister got me a christmas ago
5 Things That Make Me Happy - really good writing (i just read this fanfic-), sometimes when you’re really into a story you’re writing, it’s constantly like... talking to you and it’s kind of annoying but also really cool because it’s like you’re not even the one writing it, when i remember about mob being a character, those friends that check on you to make sure you’re okay when you don’t talk for a while, naruto 
5 Things I’m Currently Into - i’m not currently into drr! and haven’t ever been into shi/zaya but i just read this fanfic and now i’m like..... am i?, hq, mob!!!! (of course), little witch, also i saw the drama many f/aces of ito on netflix and it was fucking good dude like i saw it last week and i still think abt it daily
5 Things on My To-Do List - i have to finish brave/ly default someday and also relearn how to play this complicated fucking game i love, i have to write my tsuki/yama secret santa fic which i will do like right after this, also if i’m doing this i have like four tsuki/yama fics on the backburner and one kage/hina and one day i want to write aki/ryu and ann/shiho oneshots but now we’re verging on complete unrealism so honestly, i have to rewatch tiger&bunny because season two holy fuck, i want to finish watching yuri on i/ce also but i know it will make me have emotions and there is nothing i hate more than having emotions
ten questions, tagged by: @has-the-moon-lost-her-memory. thanks so much for tagging me!!
1. name: jaila 2. gender: cis girl 3. star sign: aries 4. height: 5′4ish. 5′5? 5. sexuality: *various noncommital noises* 6. why I made a tumblr: i’ve been obsessed with z/ero escape - specifically 9/99 bc vl/r only JUST came out when i made a tumblr - since like 2009, but i never knew anyone who liked it in four years aside from the authors of the then like.... 30 fics on ffnet. and then i went on tumblr and i was like..... holy shit. now we’re in 2018 and my participation in the z/e fandom is like..... nothing. i’ll always love it tho :’) 7. hogwarts house: for a long time i couldn’t decide this so now i’m just a muggle 8. average hours of sleep: honestly dude..... i dunno 9. dogs or cats: dogs. but i do rly like cats also. but im also allergic to some of them
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stimyulus · 7 years
want to get into anime? well, you’ve come to the right place BUD. below, i have some personal recommendations for people who don’t know where to start/wondering where to go from x, y, or z
ESSENTIALS (these shows are classics/must-watches in order to be ‘initiated’ into anime. once u watch these, u can start branching off into ur personal taste more):
COWBOY BEBOP - a space odyssey. beautiful, tragic, and groovy as hell -inspired by jazz, specifically bebop (hence the name) as well as western culture, bebop is a perfect entry level anime for someone not fully used to anime tropes and whatnot. i would recommend the english dub for THIS anime and only a handful of others, mostly because of stephen blum’s amazing job at voicing spike. if you really dig this anime and want more like it, i would watch samurai champloo. it is bebop’s spiritual successor in some sense. both have a trio of misfits each on their own individual journey, and both are inspired by western culture and music. champloo has more of a hip-hop spin, which is pretty cool. 
AKIRA - this is a movie, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a classic. it actually inspired 2012′s chronicle. this movie is important in multiple aspects, one of them being the animation, which was insanely impressive given the time period it was made in. they also spent hella money making it, so ig thats the tradeoff. i dont rly wanna say much about the movie, just go watch it for yourself. (i watched the sub for this)
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD - this one is kind of an investment. clocking in at around 64 episodes, its pretty daunting, especially for someone just getting into anime. however, i promise you, it is most definitely worth its time. an expansive, yet intimate story, fma:b is the perfect blend of action/adventure and all the warm & fuzzy shit that makes u wanna listen to blonde while laying on ur bed. it also has significantly more “anime” tropes than the first two i’ve mentioned, but it’s not to the point where it is overpowering or annoying, which can be the case for some recent shows dropping these days. fma:b is set in a world where alchemy is the main form of science. it’s basically magic, though. the way the uncover the story is really interesting and the payoff is really great. this one is a keeper, and a great gateway drug to “real” anime.
also, i would just watch a handful of ghibli movies. princess mononoke, castle in the sky, kiki’s delivery service, spirited away, nausica valley of the wind, howl’s moving castle
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (this is the stuff you want to start watching once u finish the essentials. some of them might be a bit lower quality than the essentials, but MOST of them are AS good, or if not better than some of the essentials. the only reason i have them in here is because they usually are more enjoyable after getting ur feet kinda wet in the anime world first.)
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE - i don’t even know where to start with jojo. just do yourself a favor and watch it. part 5 never.
MOB PSYCHO 100 - this one is fire too. made by the same artist as one punch man, this anime is short and sweet. art style is hella dope
GARDEN OF WORDS (KOTONOHA NO NIWA) - same studio who made kimi no na wa. the animation is suuuuuuuper fucking sexy. it’s classified as a “movie”, but its only like 40 something minutes long. its a pretty relaxing watch, although i will admit its more shine than substance, at least in terms of story. 
NEON GENESIS EVANGELION (AND THE END OF EVANGELION, MAKE SURE TO WATCH THE EOE RIGHT AFTER THE SHOW) - nge is another anime for the CULTURE. this show shaped many character archetypes still seen today, and is highly praised for its topics and dark, psychological tone, mostly seen in the second half of the show, which hits the fucking rails. ive also noticed this show is quite polarizing, but you’ll find more people in the love camp than cynical camp on this one. also, do not watch this unless ur depressed or want to be depressed, bc it will fuck u up 
BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA (MY HERO ACADEMY) - this is a rather recent show (actually, probably the most recent one on this list), and despite the large amount of garbage being put out these days, this one is something really special. think anime sky high. or anime harry potter for kids w superpowers. that’s pretty much all you need to know. there’s two seasons and they are currently making a 3rd one i believe. this anime gets me hella fucking hyped, so if u like fights, check this one out. fighting isnt a main aspect of the show, but when they do it, they fucking execute it really well.
PARASYTE - i havent seen this one in a while, but i remember really enjoying it. its about these parasites than land on earth, one of which infects the main character, who manages to isolate it to his right hand. he then goes on a bloody rampage.  its also kinda creepy but the payoff is pretty decent iirc
THE TATAMI GALAXY - i watched this one a couple months ago. its 11 episodes long, but it packs in a lot of content, mainly due to the supersonic dialogue. seriously, you’ll need to get used to how fast everyone talks. once u do though, it’s decently manageable. tatami galaxy is about a 3rd yr college student who wonders what his life would’ve been like if he joined x y or z club during freshman year. its a great coming of age story, and also really fucking quirky. the art style is unique and really dope. soundtrack is fire too. 
STEINS;GATE - this is a TIME TRAVEL ANIME. and its a giant mindfuck. iirc, it was based off of a visual novel. the main character is hit or miss in terms of tolerability. main girl is a super queen. some people i’ve talked to dropped this show before getting to the second half, which is kinda understandable, but i promise you, keep sticking with this anime. once shit hits the fan, its really hard to put this one down.
YOUR LIE IN APRIL (SHIGATSU WA KIMI NO USO) - your lie in april i watched pretty early on in my “anime career”. its inspirational and heartbreaking. watch if it u want something different from action/adventure. obviously, the music in this show is really on point. i dont know much about classical, but they were playing some slaps
HAIKYUU - SPORTS!!!!! haikyuu is about a high school volleyball team trying to get to nationals. seems like a simple story, but the games get hella fucking hype and all the characters are super likeable in their own way. watch this one if u want some mega bromance vibes
well, that’s all i have to offer. i hope you got at least a decent idea of where you want to start. if you have any other questions/recommendation requests, pls feel free to msg me
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pigletsbigmovie · 6 years
my brother got a switch recently as a graduation gift so ive finally gotten to play botw and im not finished w/ the game but THOUGHTS!! also spoilers obviously
ive heard ppl say that the champions are rly underutilized and that the plot of botw overall is rly.. Eeeeehhh............ and having gotten pretty far in the game i kind of agree which is so disappointing bc there is so much potential there for a rly good and heartwrenching story!!
like link and the champions failing to save hyrule?? link having been asleep for a 100 years while zelda was left to stave off ganon all on her own? zelda growing up knowing she’s destined to save hyrule only to be unable to access the powers she’s supposed to have and feeling like a failure bc of it???? SADSTUCK
the part when you find out that the champions were trapped in their divine beasts, powerless to do anything but fight off the blight ganons until they died and even in death they were still trapped in spirit form in the divine beasts waiting for a 100 years to be freed so they could finally fulfill their duty.....
when i got to that i remember getting this awful sinking feeling... i was so disturbed bc yknow!! that’s Fucked UP!!!! IT’S SAD!!! and to know that all those elements didnt come together to make a rly satisfying story suuucks.... and i rly dislike it when stories waste rly interesting characters.... like ive freed 3 out of the 4 divine beasts (mipha, daruk, and revali’s) and of those 3 only mipha’s story was the only one that felt developed and it was the only one that made me rly feel anything and even then i think they couldve done more
especially with making connections to the new allies/”champions”?? like sidon was alright bc he’s mipha’s brother. there’s already an established connection and since the zora have rly long lives, a lot of the zora from a 100 years ago who knew mipha are still alive and that makes her death feel very real and tragic but then you’ve got daruk and yunobo and?? ok so yunobo and daruk are also related but yunobo didnt know daruk personally so there needs to be a better motivation for yunobo......  but yunobo’s motivation is... Not There?? you just tell him you’re gonna free the divine beast and he’s like “Oh no im Scared!! oh well i’ll go help you now!!!”???? he takes no convincing at all?? like i see theres kind of a desire to prove himself and to live up to his ancestors?? but that is baaarely there touched on the only reason daruk’s cutscene where he waves at yunobo made me sad was because i was remembering how mipha wanted to see her dad again and she doesnt even get to have that and she deserves better
then revali and teba are worse!!  like teba wants to deal with the divine beast bc it’s terrorizing the village but?? it doesnt feel personal at all like you could replace teba with literally any other rito with wildly different personality traits and the story wouldnt be heavily affected bc what normal average decent person would want a giant ancient robot attacking their home? so my reaction to teba was rly just ok you’re cool but also Who the Fuck ARe You?????
there’s this whole theme of the new allies paralleling the champions... but they dont make the most of it!! i think it wouldve been interesting for us to learn more about the champions by drawing more parallels between the champions and the new allies... like maybe while link is interacting with them he gets flashbacks to his time with each champion i dont have All the memories but from what i have im assuming that each champion gets One memory each... which is sooo........ nooo. i want to know more about the champions and their motivations and their relationship to link and zelda!!!
and maybe even having the champions interact with the new allies, calling out to them for help.... asking them to help link free them... asking them to finish what they died trying to...... in a passing of the torch kind of way that wouldve felt more emotional and personal.... and maybe “reviving” the memory of the champions in the races who grew to forget them like the goron and rito... it would establish a connection bc as it is they dont have any? the goron and rito’s relationship with their respective champions is basically just “Yeah i heard of them”.... so their deaths dont feel as Real as mipha’s death is to the zora  i know there’s still the champion’s ballad dlc but... we shouldve gotten some of this in the Main Game....we shouldnt have to learn more about Important Characters in extra and completely optional content
anyway this is a lot and i heard urbosa’s story is pretty good so im excited to get to that. and also despite this Long Rant i still am really enjoying the game!!!! i thought i would be completely overwhelmed by an open world game but it’s actually really fun! it just saddens me knowing it could be so much better... oh well i guess thats what fanfic is for lol
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franeridart · 7 years
hi. hello. this is a bit embarrassing but i'm trying to buy my bf a tablet sort of thing so he can draw his arts. he's been wanting one forever but hasn't rly shown me which one he wants. i want to surprise him n buy a good one worth the money n was just curious if you had any suggestions. i've looked into wacom products, but i'm just such a noob to these things n was hoping you can help... i understand if this is silly, you don't have to reply! ur just so amazing, ur opinion is trustworthy 😅☺️
Okay, so, this is just my opinion and since it’s based completely on personal experiences it’s gonna possibly be incredibly different from other people’s opinions, so I just wanna make clear from the start that this is a personal preference and isn’t in any way meant as an absolute truth
Anyway, as far as I’m concerned when you’re just starting out you don’t need anything fancy at all. As an aspiring digital artist your bf might have looked up tablets and cried tears of blood over how much he’d like a cintiq or anything similar, but my very personal opinion is that fancy stuff is gonna be pretty much useless to you and be generally a waste of money? You’re just learning, you don’t need anything more than the basics. My suggestion is that you pick something simple and easy to use - I own this wacom intuos, had it for a long while and I like it a lot, but there’s also less expensive options you can go for too that people seem to like just as much! I’ve lately read on my dash about the Huion H610, they say it doesn’t cost much at all but it’s just as good as the Intuos, that could be a good option for you~
Anon said:  Hey!!! I was wondering if its ok to rb your oc art? I realized a lot less people rb those and i get anxious easily so... also i really don't want to disrespect either! But i always thought of rebloging as a way of saying "i appreciate your art" and i really really (really ) like yours (both the style and itself in general). (I hope you dont mind my bad english ha ha) i hope you don't mind this stupid ask! Im still kind of new to tumblr
It’s 100% okay!!!! *O* Thank you for liking them enough to want to reblog them ;A; !!!!
Anon said:i miss ur bokuroteru so much 😭💕 i love ur art but whenever i see ur header, i just remember ur bokuroteru comic and my heart cries storms for them to be seen again.
Aw anon I’m super happy you like my stuff for those three but as of now inspiration in that department is... super low... and tbh the haikyuu fandom is being incredibly unresponsive and non-vocal about their appreciation of fanworks in this period so even when I do have ideas for that fandom I sort of. Let them go. Or just sketch them out and never finish them.
Like, you know the whole deal about having to draw for yourself and not for others? That’s what I do 100% of the times when I’m starting a drawing, but to draw for myself I don’t exactly need to finish a drawing, you know? Sometimes there’s a scene I wanna see and I sketch it out in a super rough way and as far as my personal desire to see it goes I’m satisfied with that, and everything after that - the cleaning and lining and maybe even coloring - I put the effort in it because I want to share it with people. And the deal with the Hq!! fandom lately is that they don’t share my excitement for it. They either only like it, or don’t comment on it, or comment only to complain about this or that thing. In the worst case posting hq!! only ends up with people asking me to draw something else (ie I feel like drawing Karasuno so I draw it and post it and no one comments/rb/says anything about it but there’s 20 asks in my inbox asking me why I haven’t drawn any bok*ro lately)
When I think about posting stuff for hq lately I automatically compare it to posting stuff for bnha where I could draw a background character that appeared once 120 chapters ago and there’s still gonna be people that go “yes! that character!! I love that character!!! can’t believe there’s actual art for it oh my god!!!!” - that’s... that’s the sort of reaction that makes you wanna share stuff
I dunno, maybe I’m just expecting too much out of the hq fandom. But anyway, sharing for bnha makes me way happier and glad I decided to finish a drawing lately, so I guess that’s what’s happening there.
Anon said:Every time your soft doods art shows up on my dash I have to pause and take a deep breath and just thank god for all the good in the world because I'm blown away every single time
This is s o s w e e t oh my god ;A; thank you so much!!!!
Anon said:Johnny is a fucking angel dammit. Have you read the new DGM already?? I'm in tears. I love this manga so much. The frequency of the releases are killing me... it has such a great story and great characters. It needs more love
I did read it!!!! And yeah the fandom used to be way bigger, but honestly I’m glad it’s just the couple dozens people it is. Like a small town where everyone knows everyone else. No drama, no discourse. Everyone ships what they want and we all pass each other tissues to dry the tears. The only argument that happens regularly is people complaining about the relase schedule and the old fans telling them to let Hoshino live. A good place, this fandom’s a good place.
DGM was my playground for most of my experimenting as far as creating art goes, I really did reach in all directions with it through the years and it helped me shape myself a lot, so I really want it to stay quiet and nice and peaceful, that’s my dream for it haha smaller fandoms have a better chance to keep that freedom
Anon said: Oh man, I live for that Togata x Amajiki interaction
You talking about the color spread cause yes that was adorable!!! ;A;
Anon said:I look a little, and do you still draw Bakugo x Kirishima x Kaminari?
Sure, it’s still my main ship for Kaminari and my main ot3! Just wait for Denki to start being relevant in the manga again, I’ll probably fall headfirst into it all over again haha
Anon said:Your art is so wonderful you're wonderful everything's so wonderful i'm crying omg
SOB no anon you’re wonderful!!!!
Anon said:Due to my brain not wanting to cooperate with me (ever), Bakugou Katsuki is now Batsuki Katsuki in my head.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read today and I’m in t e a r s hahaha
Anon said:Artistic!Mina making pop art and colorful paintings :o what are ur thoughts
HELL YES that’s my main headcanon for Mina, she’s definitely an artsy girl!!! I like the idea of her sharing it with Bakugou t b h
Anon said:I'm still just repeatedly looking at your newest KiriBaku because hot damn.
I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!! oh my gOD!!!!!!!
Anon said:Heyy please rec Kami comics please! I'm in a Kami art shortage and I currently can't find art as awesome as yours...
I’m so sorry I wish I could help you with this but I don’t know anyone who draws lotsa Kaminari either ;---;
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feverhalo · 7 years
Just realized i saved this as a draft rather than posted it.
I was tagged by @graceless-fever and @mypoorfaves (which promted me to double check if i had posted and made me realize i hadnt oops)
Name: Im not at the point where im comdortable sharing ot publicly sorry
Nicknames: Glass or fh or whatever anyone on here wants to call me 
Zodiac: aquarius
Height: 5′9"/5'10" ish. Depending on how bad im slounching
Orientation: ???? Im not sure but probably panromantic but totally sex repulsed at the moment
Nationality: Canadian
Favorite fruit: Pineapple and the green melon I think.
Favorite season: winter but i like most seasons at least a bit
Favorite book: I’m honestly not sure! Maybe this one old dogeared book of scary stories ive had since i was a kid based on how many times ive read it, or like harry potter or something? I like most books i read too much to pick a solid fave
Favorite Flower: Dunno! I’ve never thought of it.
Favorite scent: pretty much any “ocean” candle scent and coconut
Favorite color: so many colors  again i cant really choose!
Favorite animal: sea turtles maybe? Im usually too scared of animals (im super skittish a lot of the time)
Coffee | tea | hot cocoa: depends on the day. Id rank it tea then coffee then hot chocolate though- coffee is sometimes too acidic for me and hot chocolate while delicious is sometimes too creamy and it requires sooo much insulin
Average sleep hours: i like about 10 to 12 but to average it out i probably get 6 or 7
Cat or dog person: i am starting to like both! If i got one though i think id get a cat thats a little more active like a combo because of being able to box train them
Favorite fictional character: ur killin me with these fav questions! To pick a few Ed Elric, Crona, Rojer from the demon cycle series (tbh all 3 of the mains but Rojer just is extra cool), Kind of Dr House, DR BAILEY, Izumi Curtis, Ellis from l4d2, Scout from tf2, yosuke, probably the blond one from p5, NATSUME, lots. Im drawing a blank now
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2 or 3 quilts even if its hot. I like the weight and if its too hot ill hug them instead
Dream trip: A huge world tour! I made a plan for kind if backpacking parts of europe; up through france and along the coast up to like norway then down through like latvia and stuff to uhh it was the czech republic and im blanking on what its called now, and then flying to like east asia and doing disney in japan and some of the islands around there before heading back in to larger continents and doing parts of india and then hawaii and wrapping up with a cross canada roadtrip. Basically pulling a Departures (rly cool travel show about 2 or 3 i cant remember if one is american canadian guys traveling the world) except I dont have a camera crew.
Blog created: Sometime in March of this year or maybe February?
Number of followers: 423 as of August 2017
Random fact: I own a game that a friend bought me for chistmas over 3 years ago that i have not opened yet because i am scared ill like it too much lmao
Im gonna tag uh anyone who wants to do it! And @boochan-bitch (cause your icon cracks me up so much) @anira8884 @sneezehq and i was gonna tag mypoorfaves but it looks like you got tagged already too lmao! Probably more people too but i dont wanna spam ppl or make this way too long
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
hi. i've only watched little parts of s12 so i dont understand it fully. but isnt the last thing mary remembers when she comes back is dying on the ceiling? and then suddenly she's sleeping with ketch when she just lost her husband? and she doesnt seem very upset about john's death either? idk how long its been since she came back to life but it doesnt seem like a huge gap of time has passed and she's not rly acting like she's upset abt john's death. sorry if this is dumb but i don't understand
Well, I just did a rough estimate of the timeline, based off the superwiki timeline notes, and not all episodes DO give us an idea of the amount of time that’s passed between them, but some of them give VERY specific timeline info. I just sorta… filled in the blanks with guestimates based on driving time to various hunts, how long hunts have taken in-show, etc. And I’d guess it’s been about five months since Mary came back. Maybe a little more than five months. That was actually my “conservative end of the spectrum” guess.
Not only that, it’s been a really earth-shattering sort of five months, you know? The sort of experience that would shake pretty much ANYONE.
On top of that we also know that her relationship wasn’t always the picture perfect thing that had been part of the Saint Mary icon that Dean had always held up. It wasn’t until 5.16 that Sam ever had any idea that their marriage hadn’t been perfect until Mary died, and only then became perfect in the retelling…
the story became the story…
We also now know that even eight years after she supposedly stopped hunting, and two years after Dean was born, she was still going off hunting as far away from home as Canada… while never mentioning a word about where she was really going to John. He had no idea. Where must he have thought she was running off to for a week or two at a time? With a small baby at home?
I mean, I think a lot of her presentation about John to Dean in early s12 was the same sort of “story became the story” stuff that John had conveyed about HER in the past. But Dean grew up with John. He knew better.
Hence his face journey over Mary’s glowing reminiscence about how great a father John was, or how she wasn’t surprised that John died to save Dean. It… just wasn’t like that.
Which made it even harder for Dean to tell her the truth.
But really, I’m not judging her at all, as if she should somehow still be cloistered and in mourning. How long is she supposed to be upset about the fact he died eleven years ago in her current timeline, even if to her it only feels like five or six months? How long is she supposed to put on some sort of show for the world in order to not be judged for having sex with someone? Or was she supposed to remain chaste and in mourning for the rest of her life?
What’s not to understand? 
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