#I have both sketched already too so they should be finished soon
arolesbianism · 4 months
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Blue and not fully human gang rise up
#keese draws#oc posting#eternal gales#just two more characters left! bloom and tali :D#I have both sketched already too so they should be finished soon#which is great for me because it gives me over a month to not have to worry abt refs too much for artfight#I’ll probably still make and remake some more refs but these are the ones I care abt#but yeah for those unaware fydd is half human half bird alien and dodie is mostly human but made with ~magic~ sort of#oh and fun fact that idk if I’ve ever mentioned but in the old story that fydd’s alien half comes from they were called taziens or smth#his moms are also from that old story along with two dodie’s mom and another alien guy#his name is grumps and he never actually comes up proper but he does exist in the world of eternal gales#fydd’s moms are recky and becky with Recky being the alien and also a poet and becky being an ex warriors kid#and dodie’s lame nonbinary mom is named cups and they’re just trying to not have a panic attack#there was also I believe two other characters from that story along with one one of my siblings made#but the two I didn’t bring back were ones that were added later on in that story’s development and ofc Im not stealing an old oc lol#but yeah the other two were brothers who were conjoint by the wings snd they were like lego kids or smth I think?#I rly dont remember this story was from a Long time ago and while it maintained my interest longer than most of my stories at the time#I still ended up losing interest fairly quickly after I started conceptualising eternal gales#and by that I mean a couple months later I think? idk my memory of that time period is fuzzy
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It is finally finished!! I am done and is so happy!!!
This is an AU exploring the concept of Sūn Wùkōng/Dàshèng as a Yaksha and Tu Di Gong, rather than being a Yaoguai Warlord during his later years reigning as the Monkey King.
This AU follows the beginning (with some changes here and there) up until Wùkōng's shenanigans with Ao Guang, then he went on a separate path from Wu Cheng'en's novel.
In this iteration our favourite Monkey explored the realms as he burned up time, but then he took a particular interest in the humans' ways of producing food. Since Dàshèng was so used to the grandeur and bounties of Huagoushan (being surrounded by such lush forests and mountains that never withered nor died) he sort of took pity on them before deciding to help them grow their crops much better.
But this is just the very much shortened summary of the beginning of this AU, and I have compiled some research and even more lore in my Google Documents just to expand on this idea more.
This— Westward To Tathāgatagarbha Lore Google Documents
This is the Google Document of my AU, which I highly recommend for you to read! It explains all the other details and such on this story! I did my best on making them but there would be still mistakes that I have yet to find, but it should be decent!!
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This is a more casual look for Dàshèng/Wùkōng for this AU as well as some brief pointers! I made this before the portrait so some things might have changed.
(Don't mind him holding a cup of beer it's fine.)
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Taken from the server (with some hints for the next half of the archives/docs) which instantly kickstarted this whole thing haahahjjjss, but it really was so fun talking about it to others! They gave me more inspiration that I can handle.
And what is Tathāgatagarbha you ask? (Brief)
In Buddhist philosophy, Buddha-nature is the potential for all sentient beings to become a Buddha or the fact that all beings already have a pure buddha-essence within. "Buddha-nature" is the common English translation for several related Mahayana Buddhist terms, most notably tathāgatagarbha and buddhadhātu, but also sugatagarbha, and buddhagarbha. Tathāgatagarbha can mean "the womb" or "embryo" (garbha) of the "thus-gone one" (tathāgata), and can also mean "containing a tathāgata". Buddhadhātu can mean "buddha-element," "buddha-realm" or "buddha-substrate"
The Chinese translated the term tathāgatagarbha as rúláizàng (如来藏), or "Tathāgata's (rúlái) storehouse" (zàng). According to Brown, "storehouse" may indicate both "that which enfolds or contains something", or "that which is itself enfolded, hidden or contained by another." The Tibetan translation is de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po, which cannot be translated as "womb" (mngal or lhums), but as "embryonic essence", "kernel" or "heart".
The term tathagatagarbha first appears in the Tathāgatagarbha sūtras, which date to the 2nd and third centuries CE.
There will be more to this in the future when I'm finished researching more about it.
Also, speaking of people that inspire me, I'm calling my dear friends here who I think might like this: @digitalagepulao @kaijufluffs @sketching-shark @lavaflowe @sixteenthchapel @jttw-monkeybusiness and @hcdragoncat !!
Special thanks to Pardal and Grandpa Sun for getting me to write more of this too :D I had such great fun!
I have so much more to add to the docs and here but this is all for now :) and honestly this is one of the greatest projects I've started aside from the older ones. I'll come back again soon with more additions and art! And lore (And maybe some interactions with a few West Heaven occupants??)!!!
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Jon Kent x Reader
Damian Wayne x Reader (Platonic)
You meet Jon Kent for the first time, oh and Damian is there too
A/N: This is for the question I got about writing for Jon Kent. Enjoy
Word Count:787
Warning(s): Barely proofread
You were Damian’s only friend, at least at Gotham Academy. He had told you about his “best friend”, a boy named Jon Kent who lived in Metropolis. Honestly, you thought you were his best friend. 
What was so special about Jon Kent anyways?
You found that out real soon, when you met him.
Damian had told you that Jon was in Gotham with his father, Clark Kent. You assumed it was for a story because Clark was a popular journalist for The Daily Planet. Journalists travel for stories all the time. So, he arranged for the three of you to have lunch together then hang out afterwards”?
Damian and Jon were already at the lunch spot when you arrived. Jon noticed you immediately. He didn’t know who you were, but he was captivated by you. 
He was confused when he saw you walking towards him and Damian moving towards you. 
“Hey Damian” you said, giving him a small hug. Jon wasn’t paying attention to what the Wayne boy was saying, he was just staring at you. 
Jon also got up to greet you. He was nervous so he just went for a handshake. 
“Hi I’m Kent- Kent Jon…” he started. You were confused. You thought his name was Jon Kent. “I’m sorry. Let me start over. Hi, I’m Jon Kent.”
You just smiled at him. He was cute. Why didn’t Damian introduce you to him earlier? You hadn't realized that neither of you had let go of the handshake, or you didn't introduce yourself until Damian spoke up. 
“When are you going to let go of his hand and introduce yourself?” Damian said slyly. 
“Oh right. I’m Y/N. Damian’s told me a lot about you… but never that you were this cute” you laugh. Jon blushed at your comment.
If it wasn’t for Damian ushering you two into the booth, who knows how long you and Jon would’ve stood there. 
After you all ordered, you and Jon exchanged stories about Damian, much to dismay. 
“One time in class, Damian was sketching and the teacher thought he wasn’t paying attention. So he goes ‘Mr Wayne, as you’re not paying attention I can assume you know and understand the lesson. Why don’t you come up and teach the class?’ And he was like ‘Okay’ and proceeded to teach the class about cell division.” You shared. “That’s not even the best part.”
“After class students came up to me and thanked me.” Damian added. 
Jon was amazed. He also shared how Damian came to his school one day and played his teacher. 
The three of you were having a good time. As the three of you were leaving the restaurant, both boys got a text. 
“It’s okay. Go. It wouldn’t be the first time I got stood up,” you smile at them understanding. 
After the mission the boys were at the WatchTower waiting for their fathers to finish whatever League business they had. 
Jon was pacing back and forth while Damian was seated. He was whispering to himself. Damian found it infuriating. 
“What’s on your mind Kent?” Damian asked bluntly. 
“I- Uhm,” Jon was flustered. He was contemplating how he should say it without looking like a fool. It wasn’t rocket science to figure out what was on Jon’s mind. You. 
“If Y/N is on your mind that much just ask her on a date”
How did he know? Of course he knew. He’s the son of one of the greatest detectives. 
“I don’t even have her number and-” Jon started.
“I can give it to you. I’m pretty sure Y/N wouldn’t mind.” Damian replied. 
“But what would I say?” Damian shrugged at Jon’s question. 
“Give me your phone,” Damian said, holding out his hand. After Jon reluctantly handed his phone, Damian started tapping away. He then handed it back to Jon. When Jon took his phone back, it was open to a message with you… and a message was sent. 
‘Hello Y/N. This is Jon. Damian gave me your number. I hope you don’t mind. I was curious if you’d like to spend an evening out with me??’
“YOU SENT THIS?” Jon dropped his phone on the table by Damian. He started pacing back and forth so hard, he started floating. 
Damian couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He’s never seen someone freak out like this… over a girl at least. Dick is very dramatic. 
Jon’s phone suddenly lit up; it was a text from you. 
‘Hey Jon. I figured Damian gave you my number and sent the text for you but I would love to go out with you.’
When Jon sees this, he will go crazy, but that’s going to be Clark’s problem. 
This is a short lil blurb for Jon Kent. I think I'm going to start reading more about him so I can get a better feel on him for when I write for him.
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Hi!!! I've really been enjoying your writing, especially Albedo's spicy reading one I blushed and giggled so hard 🥰 it was very sweet and cute!!!
Which leads me into my request if that's okay! Can I please request something sweet and spicy with Albedo? I adore him so much and I don't really have much of an idea so really anything with him would be great!!
I'll probably be an anon for a while cause I'm shy so you can call me 🦊 fox anon if you want!
I hope you're having a great day!!!
Can i get a muthha fuckin uhhhhhhhhh.... Albedo deluxe with extra sweet and sour sauce. 🍔🍟🥤
Lmao fr tho, thank you 🦊 anon for both your praises and your request! I hope this fills your saucy Albedo needs! 💝
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Hold Still, My Muse.
Albedo had a vision of you that must be made into reality.
Tags: GN!Reader x Albedo, Technically SFW, PG-13, Suggestive, Pining, Confessions, Everyone always writes Albedo as a dick but he is a polite boy FIGHT ME
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The first time Albedo drew you was in passing. A candid sketch that a quiet man gifted to you without reason. When your paths crossed once more, the alchemist asked so politely for a moment of your time and you found it impossible to say no. He asked to draw you again, just as you were, sitting there in the sunlight. It felt awkward having someone stare so intently at your every detail. Albedo worked silently without mentioning how stiff your stance became under his gaze. That just won’t do…
You received a letter from the blond knight only a few days later. He’d like to see you again, but to share a meal this time. It was odd to receive such an invitation from the recluse Kreideprinz, but you were no less delighted to accept.
Albedo was quite charming when he put in the effort. Over dinner he asked to learn about you and your interests. He listened patiently, like he was committing it all to memory. In turn, you learned about Albedo's endlessly fascinating experiments and even about his artwork. You became so engrossed in the man's mind that time nearly got away from you. When Albedo asked you to pose for him once again, your anxieties were easier to push away in his familiar company.
You grew fond of both the alchemist's attention and presence. It became common for Albedo to take you to view scenery around Mondstadt, sit and chat, and eventually take his sketchpad out to draw you. Your heart would skip a beat whenever he held your chin to position your face toward him. Sometimes, you would even do it on purpose. After Albedo finished his sketch, you would both carry on and enjoy the rest of your date evening together.
Curiosity got the better of you regarding how often the blond went out of his way to draw others.
"Hm.." Albedo took a moment to ponder, as if he never considered this. "Besides you, I can't say I've ever went to this extent to draw someone."
You were hid a blush when he invited you to his home for a more private session. Albedo explained how he wanted to test some paints that took longer to dry, thus the process would be quite long. For your comfort he suggested his abode as a solution. Your mind hardly processed the boy’s reasoning, still stuck on being alone together in his home.
You regretted your choice of attire as soon as you arrived. The anticipation of the evening had you feeling bold. The revealing blouse and skin tight pants under your coat felt far too forward now that Albedo was right in front of you. If it didn’t mean trekking down the snowy mountain again, you would’ve already made an excuse to leave and reschedule.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’m almost done setting up.” Albedo gestured past his lab and toward a room further back. You entered and held your breath when you saw it was a small neat bedroom. There was very little in the room, just a fireplace, a bed, a couple of chests, and an easel set up towards the room's center. You sputtered out a question, asking where you should sit.
"The bed. We may take a while and it's the most comfortable seat I can offer. Plus, the lighting would be optimal." Albedo stated simply, entering in the room with the last of his supplies. You could only nod at his oblivious logic and take a tentative seat on the edge of his bed. There was no way you could take your coat off now, you were sure you'd burst into flames. The blond didn't question your choice and proceeded to place his paints while letting you get settled.
Maybe you would burst into flames anyway. The healthy fire kept the small room toasty enough that you felt suffocated under your thick coat. It took less than five minutes for you to feel the sweat forming on your brow. You willed yourself to stand strong and hold your pose, maybe he would finish quickly if you were perfectly still.
"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" Albedo's voice cut though your thoughts like a searing knife through butter. You blinked in confusion and shock, unable to find your voice you shook your head and scooted over. Your eyes followed the man's movements as he put down his tools and drew closer. The mattress dipped beside you when he sat and you could feel his gaze on you. You could bare to look just yet.
"Did you know when I began my drawings, they were simply to illustrate my notes? I felt I could study things in far more depth when I sketched their every last detail." The alchemists spoke casually, as if the two of you were sharing over a meal. You turned to look at him, made curious by the man's words.
"I found that the process was something I also enjoyed. It became calming to just observe and create. My mind could stay clear and calm." Albedo continued, "But I have never experienced having a subject enthrall me as much as you."
Your eyes widened and your mouth hung slightly open by the sudden confession.
"My mind isn't quite clear when I draw you. I feel inspired and challenged. I have yet to capture it truly on paper or canvas. I try again and again, and although beautiful, it doesn't truly capture what you evoke." You processed each word over and over in your mind. Finally, you worked up the courage to ask why he was telling you this.
"When you get nervous, you close off from me. I wanted to make my intentions clear so that you may have no reservations about me. You're someone I cherish as an inspiration and as a companion. So please, tell me how I can make you feel as such." Albedo told you earnestly.
You recognized there was vulnerability in his expression and that he was asking for the same. There really wasn't really anything standing in your way but your own fear. For this man, you were willing to be brave and show him what he wanted, what he all but pleaded for. Your expression softened and you told him you were alright to continue now.
Albedo returned to his easel and allowed you to get comfortable again. His eyes followed intrigued while you stood and started to undo your coat. You watched the man's every move while the garment fell to the floor. He didn't bother to hide the way his gaze followed every curvature of your body, as if committing it to memory again. Albedo's features held a mild expression but his body language showed he was restless. You sat farther up the bed, posing modestly yet arching your body ever so slightly for show.
"That position, while... appealing, doesn't lend itself to the lighting. Your leg, perhaps, bend it a little." Albedo, attempting keeping his composure, guided your pose.
"Like this?" You moved slowly, bending your leg up. The position now seemed far more provocative.
"Ah, No." Albedo tried to correct himself, not wanting to insinuate he was trying to put you in a questionable position. "I meant the other way. I apologize."
"Can you show me?" You ask feeling particularly bold now that you've received a reaction. "It would help me a lot." You added when you noticed a small hesitation.
"Of course." Albedo nodded. The blond stepped away from his painting and towards you perched on the bed. His hand hovered over your leg for a moment before looking you in the eye, "May I?" he asked ever so politely. You nodded in response and felt his warm hands begin to guide you.
You asked him how else you could improve your posture and watched as Albedo became eager to teach. Each touch becoming less and less cautious than the last, until the man had you pinned under him. You held each others charged gaze while he gripping each of your wrists against the mattress.
"This isn't very chivalrous of me as a knight." He breathed, looking you over again and again as if expecting you to ask him to stop. You let him observe you and even offered a open view of your neck and chest.
"Isn't it the job of a researcher to uncover what is before you." You remarked, not moving an inch. Albedo unclasped your wrists and you feared he may have had second thoughts. Before you could say anything, arms wrapped around your waist and his face was buried into your neck. A low rumble was spoken across your heated skin.
"Then I'm going to need you in a few positions for research purposes. I'll have to sketch down a few observations for reference as well."
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<A/N: Ngl this got away from me a little. I expected this to be far shorter but it I think too hard. I hope you enjoy!
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nicolewoo · 6 days
King Roman Drabble
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King Roman Drabble
“If I were to summon master Rollins, he would surely take the time to clean up before coming here.”
“Of course, your highness” Lord Heyman answered. “Would you like me to Summon him?”’
“No. I need only to take a moment of his time. Where is Rollin’s workshop?” I looked at the faces of my privy counsel members who filled the room.
“It’s just off the west wing Sire.” Lord Dunn said.
“What say ye Charles? If we run, we should be back for my meeting with the French ambassador.”
Charles smiled, but it was obvious he wasn’t happy about it. “If your majesty wishes.” He answered.
“Timothy?” I called to my royal page “do you know where it is?”
Timmothy seemed quite proud of himself “yes Sire!”
“Can you run, young Timmothy?” I teased.
“Yes Sire!”
“And can you yell?”
“Yes sire!” Timmothy was very excited and chuckled at the question.
“But can you do both at the same time?” The young man was laughing now “I have no desire to see you fall and injure yourself.”
“I can do both at once, Your Highness.”
“I would like you to run a bit ahead of us to ensure us a clear path.”
“Yes, your majesty.” He smiled. I rose and went to the door.
“Then let’s away so we can return in ample time.”
Timothy ran before us yelling “make way for The King!” As Charles and I started running.
We went as fast as I could run; Charles panting to keep up with me. “Come now Charles. You must be in good shape to woo all of those lovely ladies I see you with.”
Charles smiled good-naturedly “Of course sire!”
The vision of The King and a Nobel man running full speed through the castle garnered quite a few laughs from the people in our path.
“Master Rollins.” I greeted the head furniture builder.
“Your Majesty!” Everyone in the workshop bowed. “I could have come to you.” He offered as he bowed.
“‘‘Twas faster this way.” I answered.
“How can I be of service to you Sire?”
“I need a chair. A special chair for my soon to be wife.”
Rollins obviously felt honored. “It would be my honor, Your Majesty. Please tell me what you need in this chair.”
“My bride cannot sit on her throne until her coronation, but I’d like her to have a seat of honor at my side in the Great Hall. Please make me a chair that is smaller and less ornate than the thrones, but is so alike in appearance that it looks as if it was made to go with my throne?”
“Certainly Sire! We can have it finished before tonight’s evening meal.”
“Do not rush this assignment Master Rollins. I would like her seat to be beautiful and special. I need it to be a masterpiece.”
Master Rollins smiled now quite pleased with the assignment. “Sire,” Rollins interjected. “Then may I suggest a second chair? One for before the marriage, a grander chair for after the wedding but before the coronation?”
“An excellent idea if ever I’ve heard one Master Rollins!”
“I should have preliminary sketches of designs for you this afternoon Sire.”
“That soon?”
“I already have ideas in my mind.” He explained.
“I repeat, please do not rush this task. I want my bride to feel adored and appreciated.” I stressed.
“Sire, I will make seats that are fit for a Queen.” He said and then thought it best to add “to-be.”
“Thank you Mr. Rollins.” I turned to Charles and Timmothy “are we ready then?” Charles was still panting from the sprint here, but he nodded. “Then back to the castle.” At my nod, Timmothy began running and yelling to make way again.
By the time we reached the hallway to my office I too was out of breath.” I knew Charles was in worse shape than me, so I teased him. “Invigorating! We should do that daily!”
He said yes, but his eyes didn’t. “Let’s get started” I said as I sat at the head of my large table my privy counsel used.
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excineribusbooks · 1 year
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we waste the same day like nobody dies by @magpieandwhale, illustrated by @cloudy-recesses
I've lovingly referred to this project as "We Waste the Same Day Like Nobody Dies: The Illustrated Edition" ever since its inception [mumblemumble] months ago (since, if you haven't seen it yet, @teleportbooks also made a beautiful binding of the same series!). magpieandwhale is another friend I've known for TWENTY FREAKIN YEARS somehow; I knew I was going to make her a copy of this as soon as she finished it, and I had the great joy of giving it to her in person last week while in her city for a family wedding ❤️
This was another design that got slammed sideways at the last minute by finding the perfect cover paper. Last month, Renegade Publishing had its first-ever retreat, which included plenty of paper for swap and sale -- and what should I find on the swap table but that incredible gold-and-black Art Deco-ish stuff? It fit so well with the titling I'd already done that I immediately switched it up from a full cloth binding to a quarter-binding, with an inset carved out of the board for the title to sit in. For contrast (and a little intentional clashing), I went with silver-and-black on the endpapers, to play with the idea of Xue Yang and Wang Haoxuan as two not-quite-separate entities with much more in common than either wanted to believe.
The spheres in the cover design reference a scene partway through the third story, "shatter what you will not carry":
Xiao Zhan twirls his pen and digs up a fresh piece of scratch paper. “Okay. Think of a ball of some sort.” “Make it a football,” Yibo says, bone-dry. Involuntarily, Haoxuan laughs. His real legacy, right there. Xiao Zhan scoffs. “Too complicated, I’m not drawing that.” He sketches out a sphere. “A ping-pong ball. One half is black, one half is white.” He draws a vertical line down the middle, giving it dimension, shading it into a half-moon. “Do you get it? Two colors, one ball. If you rotate it so one color is facing you, the other is still there. Sound familiar?” Haoxuan glances at Yibo; his gaze is fixed on Haoxuan, stolid. It bores into him. Haoxuan swallows. He dabs his face with a napkin. Xiao Zhan keeps narrating. His pen dashes across the image. “Okay, now spin the ball on its axis. It’s still the same ball, it’s still got both colors on each side. But now that it’s in motion, the colors blend. The ball is.” He wrinkles his nose. “Gray. Should have chosen better colors. But now it’s a whole new thing, still with its component parts. Are you following?”
And the art! THE ART. cloudy-recesses, thank you so so much for letting me include so many of your incredible pieces -- whether they were made especially for the fic or just so fitting that magpieandwhale yelled "THAT ONE! I LOVE THAT ONE!" as we were hashing out what to include.
You can read the whole series at the link above, and see a whole lot more of cloudy-recesses's art on their Tumblr!
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soulkeeper801 · 1 year
New Girl - Twice Dahyun
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Requested:  Can you write dahyun x fem!reader where the reader is a new student and Dahyun has a crush on the reader and Dahyun tries to court her and after a few months, the finally start to date?
Dahyun x f!reader ft. Michaeng
Words: 2.4k
A/N: I wrote something like this a while ago, so if you think this looks familiar, it was me!
Also, first time writing for Dahyun! 
“Do you really need to do all of that?” Chaeyoung whispered, finishing some details on yet another sketch she drew in her history book. “The classes are still a month away, you’re gonna have plenty of time to prepare”.
The girl sitting across the table didn’t even raise her gaze to look at Chaeyoung. She knew her best friend wasn’t fond of studying so she made the extra effort to make summaries for the both of them. 
“I like when things look pretty,” she simply answered.
Chaeyoung smiled at such an expected reply. There wasn’t a single semester that they didn’t have pretty notes to study from.
However, on that particular Friday afternoon in the library, Chaeyoung was getting bored.
“Can’t we go take a walk? A pause for you to come back filled with creativity to keep making your study notes?”
Dahyun chuckled at the effort. “Be honest, do you really just want to go for a walk?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Chaeyoung chuckled. “Well maybe we can go for a snack too, maybe tteokbokki, maybe soju…”
“It’s 3pm, Chae!” the older girl shook her head, suppressing a smile but grabbing all of her stuff and putting it in her backpack. 
“So that’s a yes?” the other girl asked, her face lighting up at the sound of a possible dinner in her near future.
“Let’s go!” Dahyun said, getting a glare from the library lady who gestured to her to stay quiet.
“Wait,” Chaeyoung called as they were leaving the library. “I forgot my wallet”.
Dahyun rolled her eyes, “alright, I’ll treat you this time”.
“No, no!” the shorted girl replied, moving her hands fast as if she wanted to keep that idea out of Dahyun’s mind, “let me go to my dorm and get it, I’ll be here in a minute, I promise!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she was already on her way running towards the room the shared. 
Dahyun sighed at the action and leaned against the wall to wait for her friend. She didn’t have any trouble paying for the food, but Chaeyoung insisted on going back for her stuff.
She took out her phone and scrolled for a bit, focusing her attention on a couple of videos that were shared by her friends. However, when she lifted her gaze, she wasn’t sure if her eyes were okay.
Since when does the university admit angels as students?
For less than five seconds, Dahyun’s gaze followed a new girl who was hurriedly making her way towards the library.
She was the prettiest girl she had ever seen. 
The girl went into the library and Dahyun’s feet instinctively walked towards her. She wanted to know her name, but as soon as she saw her a group of new students also arrived at the place, making Dahyun lose the new girl in the crowd.
“Here,” Chaeyoung said, startling Dahyun, “let’s eat now. I’m almost dying!”
Dahyun nodded, still wondering when would be her next lucky chance to see that girl. After all, the university was big enough to see someone only once.
Looking at the calendar, Chaeyoung sighed, “Tomorrow is Tzuyu’s birthday, what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know,” Dahyun replied, “probably getting together with the girls, eating something and then drinking a lot”.
“I like that idea,” Chaeyoung grinned, “you should be our party planner from now on”.
Dahyun threw her a pillow, “good night”.
The next morning they made their way to the supermarket and bought enough food and drinks for the girls and some guests that they could bring. It was supposed to be a small gathering in the cafeteria as they used to do every birthday.
Once everything was settled, Jeongyeon was the first one to arrive.
“Hey,” Jeongyeon said, while looking at the door, as a girl made her way in, “this is my friend, she just got admitted to our department”.
“Sorry to crash, I bought beer to compensate,” you said with a shy smile, hoping your presence wouldn’t bother them.
Dahyun’s jaw dropped to the floor, what were the chances?!
“I’m Chaeyoung, nice to meet you”.
“Dahyun,” she simply said, since she couldn’t believe you were the girl she saw the day before. The girl that left her speechless and she thought would never see again.
As you were about to sit, your phone rang and you excused yourself to go out and answer.
When you were out of the cafeteria, Chaeyoung didn’t miss the chance to tease Jeongyeon about it.
“Nice!” she said, showing her thumbs up towards the older girl who just chuckled.
Dahyun’s heart ached. She wasn’t going to get in the middle if Jeongyeon had already made a move.
“No, no,” Jeongyeon said as if she could read Dahyun’s mind, “she’s just a friend”.
“Yeah, right,” Chaeyoung replied.
“I’m serious, it’s not what you think. Just a friend”. The older girl smiled since she was just stating the truth about her new friend.
Dahyun was relieved.
“Sorry,” you got into the room again, “it was my friend. She’s coming over too. No problems, right?”
“The more, the merrier,” Jeongyeon smiled as they fell into a conversation.
As people kept arriving, you and Jeongyeon took seats in front of Chaeyoung and Dahyun. An empty space next to your seat made Dahyun want to pretend to go to the bathroom just to come back and sit there.
“There she is,” you said, waving towards the new girl who just arrived. “This is Mina,” she introduced as everyone greeted her.
But Dahyun’s attention was only on you and the way you were making her heart flutter.
As Tzuyu arrived, they started opening the bottles of beer and soju that were on the table.
“Are you strong?” Mina asked in a defiant tone.
“Of course, I am!” Chaeyoung answered, ready for whatever was going to happen.
The older girl poured a glass of soju in front of her, “one shot”.
Chaeyoung grinned and obeyed, “easy”.
Dahyun rolled her eyes, she knew that at the end of the night she was going to drag her drunk roommate towards her room and tug her to bed. Not the first time something like that happened.
As she laughed about what they were doing, she noticed you grinning too.
“So…” she said, trying to catch your attention, “what department were you in before transfering?”
Finally, those mesmerizing eyes focused on Dahyun, “oh, I actually was in Performing Arts but ended up changing to Music since Mina and I have been talking about it for a while now”
“You’ll make an amazing musician,” Dahyun blurted out suddenly, making you smile at the honesty caused by the alcohol.
“How do you know that?”
“I can see the future and your future is very bright,” she replied, trying to play it cool but failing miserably.
You chuckled since you found it adorable.
Too much to Dahyun’s fluttered heart.
“Why don’t we dance?!” Mina stood up, clearly tipsy, taking Chaeyoung’s hand in hers and dragging her to the center of the room, “turn up that music!”
“Party girls,” Dahyun chuckled, making you smile.
“You don’t dance a lot?”
“I like dancing, but it isn’t like I’m always on it,” she answered, her eyes never leaving the drunk couple dancing. Some of their friends followed them.
You turned your head to look at her.
“Won’t you dance?”
Dahyun blushed, “I don’t dance…”
“Come on,” you stood up, offering your hand, “You’re not going to reject me, are you?”
As the night went on, everyone was wasted. They had a lot to drink and the music was loud. It was one of those nights that were better than expected.
“Yeorobun~,” Chaeyoung sang, clearly drunk, with a cup of soju on her hand and Mina wrapped on her other arm, “arigatou gozaimasu~,” she said in Japanese with a heavy accent.
“They are so drunk,” you chuckled as people kept laughing with them.
“Yeah, they are…”
You stood up and looked for your purse while Dahyun tried to think about a way to make you stay.
“Shouldn’t we let them be? It seems like they are having fun”.
Both girls were giggling at each other with stupid smiles on their faces, mumbling things.
“I don’t know. What if tomorrow she gets mad at me for letting her be drunk with a stranger?”
“Chaeyoung is a nice girl, nothing to worry about”.
You still seemed doubtful.
“Yah! Y/N!!” Mina yelled, walking towards you and almost falling.
“Hey, are you okay?” you asked, patting the chair next to you asking Mina to sit.
“Never been better,” your friend answered, giving a look to Dahyun and whispering in your ear, “she’s cute”.
You blushed, “are you ready to go?” she asked, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, I want to sleep already,” she said, her eyes partly open because of the alcohol.
“Told you she wanted to go,” you turned to Dahyun and smiled.
Dahyun couldn’t wish for anything but seeing your smile again.
“So are you leaving?”
“Yeah, let’s go, Minari,” you said, but got no answer. “Gosh, she’s asleep!”
Dahyun chuckled, “maybe we should carry her to your room. Can I help?”
You nodded and Dahyun wrapped her arms around the sleeping girl. Just as she was about to lift her, Chaeyoung appeared.
“Hands off my girl!” she shouted, as drunk as Mina.
“Shut up, Chae. You’re drunk”.
“I will carry her,” she said, pushing Dahyun aside and lifting Mina herself, “she’s my woman”.
Dahyun couldn’t believe it. Chaeyoung wasn’t that strong, yet she seemed comfortable carrying her.
“Are you sure you can carry her?” you asked, worried if she would let Mina fall.
You only got a nod for an answer, “can you come with us?” you asked, blushing again and speaking faster, “j-just in case she can’t take Mina upstairs”.
“Sure,” Dahyun smiled and followed both girls who were way ahead of them.
Once in their room, Chaeyoung placed Mina on the bed and left a kiss on her forehead.
“My job is done here,” she said, almost falling on her way back to the door.
“Thank you for bringing her here,” you said, but Chaeyoung had already gone.
“She’s so drunk,” Dahyun chuckled.
You chuckled too and your gazes met when the chuckles disappeared.
“I’m so glad I met you,” Dahyun said, not breaking eye contact.
“Me too”.
“Will I see you again?”
“Probably,” you gave her a flirty smile. “I’ll be around. I hope I can see you again”.
“We should go out some time,” Dahyun dared to say, gaining a blush from you.
“I’d love that”.
You smiled at each other in silence until Dahyun bid a goodbye.
“Geez, my head”.
Dahyun was already up and changing her clothes when Chaeyoung woke up.
“Are you okay? You were pretty drunk yesterday”.
“I know, I don’t remember a lot”.
Dahyun laughed, “Son Chaeyoung! How can you not remember?”
“Why?” the shorter girl sat up straight with a mortified look on her face, “what did I do?”
“You met this girl and called her your woman,” she answered, still laughing.
Chaeyoung threw herself back to the bed, “Ah… Mina…”
“So you remember her…” Dahyun teased.
"She was so pretty, I wanna see her again!”
Dahyun threw her a pillow, “who are you and what have you done with my Chaeyoung?!”
“Your Chaeyoung?” the still sleepy girl asked, “shouldn’t you ask your Y/N?”
“Oh, come on…” Dahyun said, a smile growing on her face unconsciously.
As both girls finished breakfast, they headed towards the lobby where the classroom numbers would be published.
“Come on,” Chaeyoung said to herself, “We have to be in the same class!”
She ran towards the board and looked for their names.
Son Chae Young – Room 304
Kim Da Hyun – Room 304
“We're together!” she said, gesturing her best friend to see it.
But her eyes went back to the board as she remembered someone.
Myoui Mina – room 304
A huge smile was plastered on her face.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Dahyun asked as she got to the board and looked for her own name, “hey we’re together!”
“That’s what I told you,” Chaeyoung answered, “Mina is in our class too”.
“Oh, that’s why you were smiling like a creep”.
She got hit on her arm by her friend, but immediately searched for a name on the lists.
Y/LN Y/N – room 304
“Now who’s the creep?” Chaeyoung asked her, smirking.
“Hey girls,” a voice called from behind, startling both girls, “are these the names list?”
“Yeah, I’m in the 304, you?” Dahyun asked, pretending not to know it.
Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.
“I’m in the 304, too!” you said, smiling, “Mina too. This is great!”
“Seems like we’re going to be classmates,” Chaeyoung said, “I’m also in the 304”.
“Oh really?” You asked, “Mina will be glad to know it”.
“Will she?” Chaeyoung asked, raising her eyebrows.
“Yeah… she told me she wanted to talk with you but she didn’t have a way to contact you. She’s in our room, you can go now if you want”.
Chaeyoung didn’t need to be told twice as she made her way towards Mina.
“It hit her hard,” Dahyun chuckled as she saw her friend disappearing.
“Yes, both of them. They would look cute together”.
“So we will see each other really often then,” Dahyun said, smiling at you.
You returned her smile, “really often”.
You both stayed in silence. Dahyun didn’t know how to let you know that she wanted to spend more time with you.
“I think I should go now,” you said, “I’ll see you later, Dahyun”.
Dahyun just nodded and saw how you walked away.
“Y/N!” she shouted without thinking.
You turned around and looked at her, “yes?”
Dahyun panicked, “I-I…” she sighed. “Can I be bold and tell you something?” she asked, getting closer to you and looking straight to your eyes.
“Go on”.
She inhaled a lot of air and sighed, “I like you”.
Your eyes never broke contact.
“Oh… well,” you said, getting closer to Dahyun, “I think we would look even cuter together,” you whispered shyly and left a kiss on Dahyun’s cheek.
Dahyun held her breath as you stepped back and gave her the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.
“I’ll see you around,” you said, walking towards the cafeteria.
“L-Let me treat you to lunch!” Dahyun shouted, feeling nervous out of nowhere.
You turned around again and offered your hand, which Dahyun gladly took, “let’s go!”
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avampyone · 20 days
Prompt 5: Letter from the Lost Days
Characters: Gabriel Devrau, mentions of Alize Miller ( @crimsonffxiv ) and Arazul De'fleur
Synopsis: As usual, Gabriel enjoys writing letters as a way to wind down from the busy day.
Setting: Sharlayan, Tranquility.
Warning- None
It was well into the evening that Gabriel made his way into the small space of his room with a heavy sigh of weariness leaving him. After he had finished all the chores after preparing their evening dinner, he had made sure his father was sleeping comfortably by the fire. It was his favorite place to sleep surrounded by the ample plush of the old brown chair he could recline back in.
A gleam of worry glinted in his eyes that typically contained nothing but his defiant mischief – But here alone now, he felt he could relax and ease himself into the quiet. His father was getting older thus it was harder for him to continue the work as a gleaner with all the physical work involved. The days were always so long – Studies, research, the new activities that he practiced well into the evening apart from what he tended to at home.
A bone deep lethargy gripped him, but it did not stop Gabriel from settling himself at his worn wooden desk littered with drawings of assorted sizes and styles of magitek guns. Alongside these, there were intricate sketches of different mechanical prosthetic limbs that were meant for those who had lost such in war or other accidents- that might be able to have the choice to replace such if they desired to, “If only I can win the title...” He thought of his new dangerous activities. Yet, the benefactor had made promises of a reward at the end that may be an end to all their present worries.
Taking out a fresh sheet of paper, Gabriel groaned to himself when there was the circular imprint of a coffee mug upon it. There was nothing he could do about it and paper was becoming expensive these days. He dipped the pointed end of the sharp writing utensil into the inky black container and began to write:
Hey Alize!
It has been about a month since you disappeared without a word. If you receive this any time soon, be sure to write back when you have the time! I know you can manage on your own well enough, but it does not mean your old friend will not worry about you.
I am writing to tell you that life is steadily improving for me! I have joined a group who are interested in assessing the limits of fighters in diverse types of environments and scenarios and their reactions to the elements of danger involved. I admit there is a certain sort of thrill to take part in such myself and have joined in for a fight or two. There was someone who injured themselves the other day, but luckily it was nothing apart from a few scratches.
There will be a tournament coming up to determine a champion and I am optimistic that I should prove to be the winner with as much as I have been practicing. This might be the chance I have to see that my father retires from his job in the gleaner business. In truth, I worry that as his sight continues to fail him that the job will become too dangerous for him to continue.
Please send me all your best luck. I’ve heard Arazul is interested in taking part in the tournament. He’s an arsehole, but even I’ll admit that he’s strong… I’ll need all the luck I can muster to stand against him. The funny thing is he asked me about you the other day...I will bet he misses scowling at the both of us from afar! Hahaha!
Be well my friend till the day we can meet again soon.
XOXO Gabriel Devrau
With the letter done, Gabriel folded the paper and placed a golden cactuar stamp to seal on the back he had bought on a family trip to the Golden Saucer. He glanced out the window, lifting the back of his gloved hand to muffle his yawn against to see the sun had already set. He would drop off the letter at the Miller’s tomorrow.
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weekend-whip · 11 months
Does Cole leave again?
I am assuming this is the same anon that sent the Aftershock Angst ask (which I accidentally deleted, oop-) sooooo here ya go I guess
(also kinda acts a semi-sequel to this in case some extra context is needed)
. . .
Cole inhales, taking in the old-new smell of the monastery one last time before his pending journey as he gathers up his things in his small pack.
It's nothing much—just some spare clothes, emergency supplies to hold him over, a few rations to last until he reaches his next major destination, and a couple newly-sketched maps of the realm gifted to Lloyd from Harleigh and now placed into Cole's hands for the venture to come. A surefire way to make sure he gets to where he's going...and then, to come home again.
He runs his fingers through his bangs, contemplating all the goodbyes he still has left to give. He wasn't sure if he should show his face at the monastery to begin with, thinking it would have been easier to take off without getting everyone's hopes up just yet...but Nya insisted. Just to show the others that yes, he was still alive. And he's never been very good at telling Nya no.
Kai had been ready in the courtyard with a warm hug, along with a few inquisitive sniffs from Riyu and Wyldfyre. Arin immediately dove into a fanboying phase while Zane's eyes literally lit up at the sight of him—and, okay, it was refreshing to be among (most) of the old gang again, and to start getting to know the new faces. It was just sad that it was going to be...well, temporarily temporary.
But, he couldn't rest. Not when they still needed answers on whatever happened to Master Wu, and Cole might have a chance to find them. And not when other members of their family were still out there somewhere. Someone had to keep up a dedicated search between training sessions and knocking around those that sought to cause trouble.
It's just...well, there's other little loose ends that Cole...is terrified to confront given his impending re-departure. ...amongst other things.
Therefore, it's best if he gets going as soon as possible. He can explain everything better when he's back for good, sooooo–
"You're not leaving without talking to him," Lloyd practically grinds the words through his gritted fangs, catching Cole before he can consider a preemptive escape through a back window. He grabs Cole by the collar and drags him single-handedly down towards the bedroom hall. He drops Cole off in front of the door with the Surprise insignia, giving him a glowing green-gold glare all the while.
Cole gulps, so not about to challenge Lloyd when he's like this...but dread sits like a rock in his stomach as he gives the door a shaky knock. There's a long, heavy beat of silence before a melodic yet melancholic voice beckons him to enter. Lloyd only slips away once Cole fully enters the room, though Cole knows he's still lurking not too far from ear's reach.
Regardless, believe it or not, Cole's got scarier things to worry about now.
The door creaks as Cole pushes it open, having to duck a bit to get through the doorway without his ponytail catching the frame. His marigold eyes snap back up to scan the room—spotlessly clean as it always was, with the only disturbance being the body sinking a dent into the bed, facing the window.
Jesse barely glances over his shoulder to acknowledge Cole.
"...Hey, Jess," Cole starts lamely, and they both know it. Cole still keeps trying to speak around the growing lump in his throat. "I...I wanted to–"
"You're leaving again, aren't you?" Jesse cuts to the chase, lacking the patience for Cole to just spit it out. Cole flinches at the abrupt acidity in the other's tone, and at how easy he is to read, but concedes.
"...yeah. I was just finishing up my round of goodbyes...saved the best for last, y'know?"
Jesse laughs with the dryness of a desert, shaking his head.
"Creation's sake; barely back for a day and already taking off again...! Wow, what a surprise. Have fun, then."
Jesse dismisses him with a half-hearted wave; the lump in Cole's throat thickens. Wilting, Cole pushes the door shut behind him, taking a few steps closer to Jesse.
"You don't have anything else to say besides that?"
"...what does it matter what I say? You're still going to leave anyway." Jesse balls his fists in his lap, knuckles turning white. "Just like you always do. On purpose or otherwise."
"It's not like I made this decision lightly," Cole protests. "Jay and Pixal are still missing, and we still don't have any clues about Master Wu except the voice we've been hearing...whether or not he's out here still...if there's a chance I can learn something...I've gotta take it. You know how much Wu means to me; you know how much Jay and Pixal mean to everybody...!"
Jesse turns enough to give Cole a sideways, partially disbelieving look.
"...Hmph. None of that seemed to matter or be urgent when you were perfectly fine wiling away the years with an entirely different family. Certainly took you long enough to start worrying about anyone else."
That hits Cole like a punch to the stomach. He suddenly feels sick, too nauseous to even defend himself in the moment. Jesse deflates, still not fully looking at Cole as he absently fiddles with one of his Blue Crystal earrings.
"Must've been nice, to be with somebody actually strong like you...decently artistic like you...good with children like you are...and someone that still has Elemental Powers..."
"J-Jess, it's not like—I wasn't—I didn't—but I couldn't just leave them! They couldn't leave! And I didn't know if you were—or Cam—and it's—you raised her all by yourself when you shouldn't have had to, and—you did amazing—and I—I was the one that–I should've—I...I'm just...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Jesse half-turns, taking some pity on how desperately repentant Cole sounds. He speaks so rapidly and thick with emotion, like he can't get out all that he wants to say fast enough and starts somewhat slurring his words together, all choked by guilt. It's not enough repentance to make him not want to leave again, but...at least Jesse recognizes that there is a little regret for not making attempts to return sooner.
"...surprisingly, I'm not that upset about it," Jesse confesses. Which...definitely throws Cole for a loop; it's not really a secret that Jesse runs along the jealous type, especially when he was younger. And he obviously isn't happy about the turn of events, but...it's not to the extent Cole had been utterly dreading either. "Not that I really wanna make excuses for you, but...given the circumstances, and how well I know you...I can understand."
Jesse sees Cole's blatant confusion—and somewhat bewildered relief—and responds with a shrug.
"You wake up in a strange land you don't recognize, you find comfort in the first friendly faces you see, and you, being the kind-hearted person you are...couldn't bear to leave them behind, let alone defenseless. And then five years pass, and you don't know if everyone else you ever knew is even still alive...and even just the idea of having lost them all upset you."
Each passing word hits the nail on the head. Cole's body feels heavy, and his palms start getting tremors just thinking about the turmoil he was wracked with each passing year, and had it not been for Geo, then—
Cole gasps, feeling Jesse reach for his quivering hand. Their fingers pitifully mingle together, with Cole standing just a touch too far for them to fully connect. Jesse locks his gaze on their partial connection with a sad smile.
"I know how you get when you're upset...your hands start to shake...and you need something to ground yourself...so I can't blame you for seeking that source of strength where you could. I can't say I wouldn't have done something similar, if I were in your place, I guess."
Cole finally maneuvers himself around the bed, sitting himself beside his husband. He fully links their hands together—it feels like coming home—and presses his face against Jesse's hair, taking comfort in the familiar scent.
"Listen, I ended up in a Land of Lost Things. A place where the stuff that nobody remembers winds up...could you have blamed me for thinking there was no one left to remember me after The Merge, in that case? It's not like...it hasn't happened before...and I'd somehow managed to convince myself that I was better off staying in place than taking a gamble on a fragile hope. I was scared...that the truth was going to something too terrible to handle."
Cole presses a quick kiss into Jesse's hair, heaving a sigh afterwards.
"And, of course, turns out I had little reason to worry at all."
Jesse leans himself against Cole's chest, trying to re-memorize how nice his support feels. How nice having him back is...fleeting though it is.
"You were safe, and you were happy, with people who cared about you...everything I could've hoped for the whole time..." Jesse shrinks, his shoulders hunching and making himself very small. "But it just...wasn't with me and Cam. And now I don't know what this means for us going forward...especially if you're leaving again. And at this point...I'm kinda just numb to it."
Cole feels his heart snap in his chest as he frees his hands to tug Jesse closer, pulling him into an embrace. Jesse slumps bonelessly into it, doing his best to swallow down the sniffles he hadn't realized he'd been holding back.
"...you know, you could always come with me," Cole offers, a thin layer of humor trimming the edge of his words. "Been a while since we've gone traveling with one another. There's definitely some new sights to see, ahaha...?"
"And what?! Drag our eight-year-old daughter into potential unforseen other-worldly perils?! No thank you."
"You cooooould leave her with your sister for a while?"
"...that's an even worse idea." Jesse makes a face, and Cole genuinely laughs for what seems like the first time all day. "...Can't you at least just stay a little bit longer first? A night and a day with you after five years isn't nearly enough."
"I know, I know." Cole coddles Jesse tighter, fully wrapping his arms around him. "But the faster I leave, the faster I get to come back and stay, right? I hate that I have to do this...but, I have to do this."
Jesse frowns, forlornly shaking his head. "What am I supposed to tell Cam when you're gone? You promised her—"
"I will tell her that I'm going off to find the rest of our family, so none of us have to be apart like this ever again," Cole declares. "And I will tell her that I will love her and miss her every second I'm away from her, as I have for the last five years. ...just as I have with you."
A sob breaks free from Jesse, just as he tilts his head up to showcase the glitter and tears speckled upon his cheeks. Their presence makes him laugh hollowly.
"...huh, maybe I'm not as immune as I thought."
Cole bites his lip, always hating to see Jesse cry—especially when he's the cause—
...but, even then, Jesse's still the prettiest person in the room to Cole.
Cole inhales, his breath shuddering, overwhelmed by it all, as he adjusts to fully look at Jesse straight on.
"I know...I have a horrible habit of constantly causing you to worry, of making you think I've died somehow, or convincing you that I don't love you, and that might just be the worst thing about me...but, do you know what is consistently good about me?"
Jesse takes the bait, glancing up to meet his glittering gaze with Cole's. "And what would that be?"
Cole reaches up to Jesse's head in his hands, using his thumbs to flick away the sparkling tears before pulling him in for a kiss. And wordlessly, breathlessly, hopelessly, Jesse melts into it. And eventually, Cole parts just enough to deliver his real point against Jesse's lips.
"Come what may for us, in one way or another...I always come back to you, Jesse Marvell."
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pencildragon11 · 2 months
sexcapade (explicit)
god i am just. floating. that scene was the most depraved shit i've ever done and it felt so fucking good.
we hashed out most of the negotiation over text, sketching out several scene options but also a whole spectrum of intriguing shit we could explore down the road.
so then when we met up, we'd already talked about how we wanted it to go
I told her where to meet me. I got to the bar first. I was still dressed from work: blue jeans and a white oxford button-down. Nice leather shoes. I ordered a fruity, girly cocktail for her and a bourbon on the rocks for me.
(I do not recommend mixing alcohol and kink, especially on first dates, especially when indulging in edgeplay! However, we'd already discussed our individual alcohol tolerances and explicitly opted-in to a small amount of booze. This is not Safe and Sane but it was Risk Aware.)
[Content notes for below the cut: my sex life, misogyny kink, edgeplay, mixing alcohol and kink, being an absolute shit to this girl]
She arrived. We smiled at each other. Blushed. Fell easily into small talk, all the first-date questions we'd skipped about our jobs and ages and home lives. She finished her drink and got another, even fruitier. I hit the perfect level of buzz halfway through my first drink and switched to water.
I kept watching the level in her glass, until finally there was maybe a quarter of her second drink left and I was impatient. "As soon as you finish your drink, I'll take you home," I said, and sluuuurp down the rest went.
I dropped cash on the bar (she tried to chip in and I laughed at her and told her to shut up) and led her out to her car. "I think I should drive," I told her, and slid into the driver's seat of her sleek, fancy car.
There was a such a thrill to it. All those little power plays. Knowing that she didn't know where I was taking her. The incredible trust of handing her keys to someone she'd just met. Being behind the wheel of a nice car with a pretty girl's hand on my leg.
I took her home. We kissed a little. I got lost in her tits for awhile, pulling her dress up and her bra down in that way that feels more exposed than being actually naked. Pinched and twisted her nipples until she was writhing and whimpering, until I could tell it was almost more than she could handle, then let her catch her breath and did some more.
I played with her clit, too, more roughly than I usually do. Usually I go for the soft gentle lovemaking, because so many girls eat that shit up. I kiss my way up their thighs, mouth softly between their legs, and eat them out all the way from butterfly to bulldog eating oatmeal.
Nah, this time I indulged my fantasies of just groping and touching and tugging, teasing her for how wet she was.
Then, after just a minute or two, I gestured at my crotch and told her it was time to do something about that.
I struggle so hard to let partners get me off. To relax into actually taking as long as it takes. To not get in my head about being too much. I have a bad habit of getting impatient and reaching down to just finish myself off.
Not this time.
She'd told me ahead of time, multiple times, that she truly wanted me to use her. We'd talked out this exact scenario and she'd been enthusiastic and excited.
So I just. Seized the power trip with both hands and went for it.
The whole time I was crooning the filthiest things to her, in the smarmiest most condescending voice.
Like, See? this is what your mouth is for. Remember, I took you out and paid for our drinks. You know what you have to do now. Go on, suck. Harder!
At one point I pulled her off me by the hair, slapped her across the face, shoved her back down, and told her to do better. Then praised her all backhandedly and condescending, like, see, there you go, I knew you could get it, you're a smart girl when you put your mind to it.
Apparently I have an inexhaustible well of that kind of dirty talk in me, which is ... interesting.
Internally, I worried about whether it was too much or whether I was taking too long. But we got there, and it was glorious.
I did go down on her properly, then.
Afterward, I held her for a long time. Dressed us both again, to provide a tangible endpoint for the scene, a clear line between roleplay and debrief. Brought her water and chocolate. Got her talking about unsexy things until the mental functions pieced themselves back together.
Debriefed. She loved it all?? She adored the slap??? She reassured me that I can take as long as I want when I'm worried about taking too long.
She might have told me I'm the nicest guy she's ever met? or maybe it was the handsomest?
All I know is I've had a reasonable share of good sex, but as far as kink scenes go? That's the first one I've had that's .... really worked. Most fun I've ever had domming.
And the wild thing is, it felt so rough around the edges. I can already see how with practice we could refine the shit out of this dynamic. Find all the little knobs and switches and ratchet up the hotness to absurd levels.
We're already talking about all the things we want to try next.
Hot damn.
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destefaniart · 1 year
I've been debating what to discuss here for a while and I think I'll talk about one of the aus I should probably start sketching soon because I'll lose track of it when school begins again.
The first big au I have is batfam related, I think I made a post about it some months ago, and the premise is about how the joker is found death one day and the police and the batfam start to investigate about it.
Gotham citizens are fairly happy about jokers demise, but they're worried about who ended with his life, since the joker had not had anyone able to end him before, despite all the terror and misery he constantly put people through.
This leads to a whole debate about what should be done to the person who killed him, and that puts a lot of pressure in the GCPD, who had been investigating the case already, but now needs to get some results soon to keep operating relatively normally.
The batfam on the other hand, is the nuclear pov on this, obvly, and all of them are handling the news a bit differently.
Jason is by fat the most vocal about it, he is very very happy with the development of events at first, but his curiosity for who actually managed to finish his enemy starts to get the best of him, and he slowly starts to question if The batfam, a family of the greatest detectives is actually doing enough to uncover the truth.
On top of that, Bruce starts sulking more and more on the investigation as per usual, and he can't help but go back to his old resentments to the situation of his own death and later resurrection, which starts to wear them both down progressively, making the both of them snap at each other.
Jason ends up being pulled apart from the case because he is starting to take it too personally,and not taking well the situations and clues. So he starts his own investigation.
I can't help but think that there are some joker apologists in Gotham, or outside of it, for whatever reason. so, after the investigation is brought to the public by the media, there's a lot of scrutiny regarding batman and his way of investigating stuff and the public start to speculate about the batfam's involvement in Jokers death.
This prompts the previous apologists to try to uncover the truth, and some videos of the batfam and the jokers old fight are revealed. Jason witnesses the footage of Bruce's fights with the joker just after his death, and he is suddenly confronted by what Bruce tried to tell him back then, about how he did Grieve Jason.
And Jason... Doesn't know how to deal with that, he knew Bruce did Grieve him, but he had always felt that he didn't do it how Jason would have liked him to. He wanted to be avenged, he wanted the joker to die and to not hurt anyone. He wanted Bruce to put Him over his mission. He wanted Batman to make Justice, by killing the joker. And he Knows , he does, that he wasn't entirely wrong, about the joker just. Continuously hurting people but seeing Bruce take actions so brutal and directly makes the prospect real and different from what he expected.
It doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel how he wanted it to feel. And he is suddenly unable to know how to feel about Bruce acting like that because of him. It was just what he wanted, why... Why does it feel like this now? It's just so... Unlike Bruce, the Bruce he learned to accept now, the Bruce he loved since he was a child... And the caring figure he saw is hard to reconcile with the brutal batman he envisions now.
That's when suddenly, a video of Dick killing the joker, before, comes to light, and all the standards that jason had to adapt to himself to be welcome back in to the family seems to shatter before his eyes. Dick, who has always been able to redeem villains, to give second chances, who is know as the most trustworthy person in the cape community, maybe second person, just behind superman... Dick did that because of Tim... But also. Because of the memory of what happened to Jason.
And, Jason
So he goes to talk to the batfam about it. And that's the basic of the au lol
I just want them to actually confront a lot of the stuff they constantly argue about and yeah I'm focusing more on Jason's pov but I think a lot of characters need to discuss Jason's death and how they confronted that reality and the subsequent reveal of Jason's resurrection so YEAAAAH have a half baked au
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Hi, how about a short bit about Nobukatsu maybe drawing/sketching something (like an environment drawing study of sorts?) and getting really focused on getting it right, only to be surprised by Archer Nobu coming up from behind and complimenting his work?
Nobukatsu would be totally embarrassed/shy about the quality, but Nobu wouldn't be having it at all and insist it's good lol
Hello, thank you for the awesome request idea, it is very unique and fun. Thank you as well for waiting so long. I hope that you will enjoy this (it is my first time writing both Nobukatsu and Nobunaga).
I wish you all the very best and hope you have a great day!
Archer Nobunaga Catching Nobukatsu Drawing (And She LOVES it!)
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ꕥ Ah, nature. With the fresh, crisp air and clear blue sky; Nobukatsu's mind was free to drift away... not that it'd stop him from thinking about his sister, of course.
ꕥ However, this time, he wanted to try something new, to bolster his skills. Despite currently viewing himself as a good-for-nothing, it'd be good to do something new, something a bit different than his regular negotiation, political strategy and goods acquirement skills. Something more fun, maybe more spontaneous. Seeing as his sister was always up for trying new things, wouldn't it be nice if he could as well?
ꕥ '...But I'm not sure if I'm talented enough...' No matter what, he wouldn't let such thoughts stop him this time. Whipping out an ink brush and some washi paper from the GUDAGUDA Boiler Room (thank the gods for its vast resources), Nobukatsu awkwardly sticks out his tongue, as he tries to work out what to draw for his very first study piece.
ꕥ Now...all that was left was to think on a topic. What should he draw? Flames? Nope, there were none to be seen. Someone in Chaldea? Nope, for he'd likely pick his sister or her other forms as a muse. Himself? Nope, he didn't quite have the confidence to sketch himself as of yet. Scouring his eyes across the surrounding planes, narrowing into any and all forms of nature; Nobukatsu eventually yields and decides to stick to inking the grass and flowers (or weeds) laying before him.
ꕥ He could relate to these facets of nature, viewing them as tiny little things that would be overshadowed by the greatness of a much bigger flower than themselves. Slightly amused by that thought, he finally absorbs himself into his work; as all extraneous thoughts fade away, with only the sound of twittering birds and the billowing breeze providing the accompaniment to his deeds on such a beautiful day.
ꕥ By the time he's finished, the sun is already settling into the horizon, the world around him dappled within a pulsating reddish-gold shade. The view before him was beautiful.
ꕥ "So this is how it feels to try something different-" For the first time in a while, Nobukatsu felt a bit of pride regarding his work today.
ꕥ But before he could fully congratulate himself for his accomplishments, a smug yet appreciative "Hm, so this is what has been occupying your attention this eve? It's a fine work, if I do say so myself!" catches him entirely off guard, Nobukatsu's body leaping into the air in horror, as he slowly turns to face the intruding voice that had caught him in such a vulnerable state.
ꕥ It was none other than Nobunaga. His dear sister. His precious sister. Hand perched upon his shoulder, looking over at his messy yet incredibly detailed and intricate ink painting, her red eyes sparkling with glee. His sister was showing direct interest in the works of a nobody like himself!!!!!
ꕥ Squawking with embarrassment, Nobukatsu immediately tries to hide his artwork from her sharp gaze, but alas it is too late! A crimson blush envelopes his features as he stutters out a small, "S-sister....your lofty gaze need not witness such pathetic art as mines..." If only he could burn into flames right now!!!
ꕥ However, Nobunaga is less than impressed by such a humble response, placing her hands on her hips as she frowns at her younger brother. "You shouldn't give up on yourself so soon! I can tell that you've put great effort into this piece. I cannot help but praise such devotion to your natural surroundings!!!" Patting him on the shoulder, Nobunaga declares her pride in his art, and states that it is the ultimate cumulation of hard work and effort.
ꕥ Overwhelmed by such praise, Nobukatsu is reduced to a stuttering mess, unsure on how to handle such praise, especially from the sister that he admires so greatly. "....I-is that so...?" Finally giving his art another peek, he too begins to realise just how amazing he was to produce something of his own.
ꕥ Gleeful, Nobunaga grins so wide that her teeth glimmer omniously. "That's exactly so! To create something with your own hands, and see it through to the very end... that is a feat worthy of pride and joy! I hope to see more works from you in the future. I wonder what you'll make next!"
ꕥ As an enquiring mind that loves all sorts of creations (especially the new and unusual), Nobunaga sensed a certain potential within her younger brother's art.
ꕥ What started off as a mere way for Nobukatsu to try challenging something new had now eclipsed into a newfound sense of confidence; burning softly within his heart. With a slight twinge of determination, Nobukatsu made a small vow to try creating more things from now on!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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I just wanted to show you these guys. As evident, I never finished the page, but still
So these are two characters I made around January last year, named Felix and Helix (Felix is the left, Helix the right)
They’re identical twins, if you couldn’t tell
I got the names from a book I read a long time ago, though I don’t remember much about it. What I do remember is that the main character’s name was Felix and he got transported to another world, and in this world, people kept thinking his name was Helix, I think because that’s a more common name there and “Felix” was just odd. I thought the names worked because of the twin thing, so I used them here
They’re supposed to be based on birds, I think ravens, though as is probably clear, they aren’t the most accurate depictions of bird people, such as the lack of wings. But I kind of like how they look here. The red sketch was from me afterwards trying to figure out their anatomy for future reference (also the dot eyes was a reference to the fact that I was initially planning on Felix having dot eyes, while Helix had normal, but eventually I decided against it since they’re supposed to be identical)
The expressions you see on the page were supposed to be me trying to figure out some expressions for them for practice, the top right being Felix and the bottom left being Helix. As you can see, I never got around to Helix’s. They were supposed to be more indicative of their personalities, like these were expressions they’d reasonably make
I’ll explain the weird pictures in a bit
So why don’t I talk about the characters themselves? So as listed, Felix and Helix are twin brothers, and they’re both magic users. They were from an RPG idea I had that admittedly I don’t really have other ideas for other than these two. I think the pitch was “RPG where every character was an animal” but I’m not sure. Anyways, back to them, so Felix is the main character you’d play in the game, and he’s basically the mage of the group (it’s an RPG with a party), as you can probably imagine. Felix is an absolute sweetheart with a love of magic, always wanting to learn and always willing to do the right thing, hence why he decides to help take on the evil force plaguing the land or whatever. Oh, also another thing I should mention, Felix doesn’t talk, he’s a mute protagonist, though Helix can talk perfectly fine, and technically, so can Felix, he just doesn’t for reasons. Helix on the other hand is one of the antagonists, for reasons I’ll explain in a bit. However, he does eventually become the final party member, but again, we’ll talk about that in a second. He’s not as open and a bit more socially awkward than his brother, and he’s not that great with people, his only real friend growing up being his brother. He also gets flustered easily, but he doesn’t want people knowing that. I feel like he’s your typical “edgier foil to the goofball main character” sort of guy. Though he’s not inherently a bad person, he will go to great lengths if he feels the ends justify it, something Felix doesn’t agree with. Also he can be a bit of an ass sometimes, particularly to strangers or people he inherently doesn’t like. But another thing to mention is that their brotherly bond is very strong, or at least it used to be, with both of them loving each other and doing whatever they feel it takes for the other
So we’d first meet Helix relatively early on in the game, though not at the very beginning. If this were like a 15-20 chapter game, he’d first show up around Chapter 4. Or I suppose another good comparison for time would be like, an area soon after leaving Midgar in Final Fantasy 7. Anyways so basically the party goes to a town, and there, everyone seems to already know Felix, despite him never having been here, and they may not be too fond of him. The rest of the party questions why this is, assuming perhaps it’s an impostor trying to steal Felix’s identity for selfish reasons and/or tarnish his name, though Felix already has an idea of what’s going on. Sure enough, with enough investigating, they find this “impostor”, only for them to learn that this guy isn’t pretending to be him, rather it’s Felix’s identical twin brother. There’s clearly tension between the two but neither really go into it, as Helix is kind of vague about it (since Felix already knows the details), and Felix just doesn’t want to talk about it. We fight Helix, defeat him, and then he flees, with Felix hesitant to see him go, but has to accept it nonetheless. At this point it’s not entirely clear that Helix is part of the villain group, but we learn it in later encounters, with Felix pretty appalled at this, with Helix angrily explaining he had to for Felix’s sake, again to the confusion of the party. Throughout their encounters their conflict gets more heated, up until late in the game when Felix starts to get through to Helix, and he starts having second thoughts. Either that or Helix learns what the villain promised him wasn’t what it was, or he’s starting to think that the actions they’re taking aren’t really worth it, and his sense of morality is kicking in
So the main conflict between these two has to do with Felix. When they were young, they were both just regular kids, with Felix talking perfectly normal just like his brother, but one day something happened to Felix, and afterwards he just suddenly stopped talking, to the confusion of his parents and brother. He never seemed bothered by this, but it was odd to the rest of them. As they grew older, it was clear something odd was going on with Felix, and Helix grew increasingly concerned. While I never fully fleshed out what this “thing” was, the idea I think I had was that young Felix made some sort of deal with this eldritch entity, and they now share the same body. Felix doesn’t talk because talking had something to do with the demonic being, like letting it out. Felix is the only one with all the details of what exactly went down, and he’s always seemed perfectly fine with it, but Helix is afraid of it and what it’ll do to his brother. While he’s never seen it himself, he knows that when Felix gets angry enough, he turns into this eldritch horror being and when talking to the people affected (typically they were other kids their age), they were legitimately terrified of him. Also, as you can likely guess, those sketches I haven’t elaborated on are supposed to be ideas for that form. In Helix’s eyes, Felix was most likely cursed, and is potentially being used as a host for whatever this thing is, and he wants to get rid of it for his own sake. Felix however, disagrees, implying that the deal the two made wasn’t inherently malicious, and neither was the creature/curse. Helix however, doesn’t listen, thinking the thing is manipulating him into thinking that way, and becomes increasingly determined to stop it. This all came to a head a few years before the main story starts, with a big argument that caused Helix to leave and go off on his own, having never returned since (oh I should probably mention how they argue. Basically the idea is that while yes, Felix doesn’t talk, Helix knows him well enough that he can tell what each expression he makes means, essentially letting him “talk”, at least in that sense. Felix is a very expressive person). Felix regrets the argument, but he didn’t know where Helix went and knows he can be hard to stop, so he’s just been waiting for Helix to come back on his own so they can make up. Meanwhile Helix joined the evil team because the leader promised him a way to get rid of his brother’s curse, so long as he followed their teachings and did their bidding, and Helix agreed
Oh, another thing I should mention (which I probably should have mentioned earlier but saved for here for dramatic effect), Felix is the older twin, while Helix is the younger. I know that doesn’t change much about their ages, but it does have some effect on their dynamic, at least for them
As for the curse itself, while there are some references to it and it does occasionally somewhat manifest itself, such as in that death glare Felix has, we’re not privy to what exactly it is or what it does, at least not until the final stretch of the game
Speaking of which, so at the end of the game, when getting to the final boss area (probably a castle), we see Helix having a change of heart, whether because he had come to the realization this wasn’t worth it or he learned his boss wasn’t going to help him cure his brother, but rather use his curse for their own purposes, and he decides to try and stage a coup of his own, trying to stop the villain, only to fail horribly as he gets caught, and the others refer to a punishment, but we cut away before we see what. Then later on, once the heroes show up to the castle and to a certain area with large pits with seemingly no bottom, they see Helix bloodied and beaten on the floor, and Felix, in distress, tries to go to him, only to be stopped by the main villain who reveals themselves to the heroes and probably monologues about their plans or something (as is clear, I never really thought much about the main villain). Then, in a moment where Felix is pleading for his brother’s safety, possibly even trying to strike a bargain with the villain, the villain decides against it and instead strikes Helix potentially fatally, with him letting out a scream in agony, and then tossed away into the pits, seemingly to his death. Seeing his brother presumably die in front of him invokes a rage and despair unlike any Felix has ever felt, and for the first time in game, we hear him speak, and he turns into his eldritch form, though much bigger than any he has before, going completely feral (we also later find out the reason Helix has never seen Felix’s form is because when they were younger, he was relentlessly bullied which sometimes led to him getting knocked unconscious, especially as he’s not particularly physically strong, and upon seeing this Felix would go into rage mode). As we enter a fight with the boss, “Felix” attacks with his magic (as the creature is a magical beast, not so much a physical attacker), and it now has no magic limits and does tons of damage, it also damages the other party members as well, as “Felix” has no restraint and is just going ballistic. The battle ends once the rest of the party is down, and as we see in the cutscenes, his attacks go so wild that he ends up causing the other party members to fall into the pits too, destroying the area around them
We would then follow the party as they’re in the pits, which do in fact have a bottom, even if everything is complete darkness. As they walk around, they find Helix, who is miraculously still alive, but is only barely holding on. While the rest of the party don’t really like Helix (he’s been kind of a jerk to them and was also part of the evil team), the altercation they had above told them that he had at least tried to turn over a new leaf, and they know he’s probably their best shot at getting Felix to calm down, so they have their healer heal him. He tells them all of what he knows of Felix’s curse, explaining how he had just wanted his brother to be safe, but he thinks he was a fool for trusting the villain. He’s fully aware the party doesn’t like him, and expects them to leave him down there to rot, but they (reluctantly) take him with him, and he agrees to help them stop the villain and calm down Felix, and Helix becomes the final party member. How the rest of the story goes, I’m not sure, but the two brothers do end up reconciling at the end
So that’s about it for the story of them. Oh, but maybe I should also mention how their skill systems are supposed to work, since it’s relevant to the whole “game” part and I just thought it was interesting
Okay, so Felix and Helix are magic users, and they cast spells by reading from tomes. When you start the game, Felix has your typical fire, ice and lightning spells. But throughout the game (probably by finding them in the areas and not by purchasing them), you can find other tomes, and they give you different spells. For example, Felix might find a tome with wind spells, and he can equip it. However, he can only use the spells from the tome he has equipped, so it’s not necessarily just a case of “get new tome with better stats”, it depends on what spells you want to use. I’m not sure if this applies to just him since he’s the magic user or if it should apply to the whole party, but I feel like having all the characters being able to equip weapons where each one gives you certain abilities you can use and having to figure out which one to best use in which situation could be an interesting system. Now for Helix, while he uses magic tomes like Felix, due to his dark ties, he only uses dark magic spells, though I’m not sure how much variety you’d get out of his equipment, given you get him in the final area, though admittedly that area could be long, so there might be more tomes for him. Also not sure if he should be able to use Felix’s tomes, as you’d eventually be able to use both, and I don’t just want two of the same character. I dunno
Oh yeah, another random tidbit pertaining to dark magic, but Helix now has a transformation ability of his own that he gained during his time with the evil team, namely that he can transform his cloak into a pair of wings to fly with. We see it before this part in the game, but I thought I shouldn’t mention it before his powers. It definitely shocks Felix when he sees it
But yeah, that’s Felix and Helix. I know people usually come for my Cookie Run stuff, so this probably won’t be looked at that much, but I do like these two and was reminded of them today, and I just wanted to share them with you
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Carolina's Journal Log Day 1:
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I went to visit Moorland last night and ended up staying the night. Unfortunately for me, I didn't check the weather. Rosedawn and I are headed back to Fort Pinta right now to check on the others. Jorvik hasn't seen snow like this in years unless you count The Valley. Rosedawn's adorably small in this snow. Oak isn't too pleased about the weather, so he looks like he'll just be staying in the saddlebag. Here's hoping I don't need this journal again soon, it doesn't look like he's planning on leaving that bag anytime soon. On a better note, Moorland looks ethereal in the winter snow. Silverglade Castle in the distance, and here I am, on my little Haflinger pony trudging through the snow.
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We made it to Fort Pinta without any snags, and thankfully, all of the others were alright. Nyx and Arcticwind were practically being used as equine(?) heaters by the others, and, who can blame them? I checked with Maya that everything was well and good before leaving the stable. Rosedawn and I were about to head off to Valedale to see how the Soul Riders were doing, (I bet Alex already tried to lightning-blast some logs to get some warm(er) fire), and as per usual, something odd just had to happen. We heard a bleating from behind us and stopped, turning to find a straw yule goat. And it was.. alive?! This was new. The goat seems to want us to follow it. We'll see how well this ends.
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The goat led us back to Moorland, taking us to Mrs. Holdsworth. She told us about the Jorvegian tradition of making straw yule goats, before asking the goat to lead us somewhere. Rosedawn and I followed it to find a sleigh being pulled by an Icelandic covered in snow and a Capran seated inside. The Capran asked us if we wanted to go to the 'Winter Village', and we accepted. After all, what's the worst that could happen? (Alex, you get my saxophone if I go missing)
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The Capran finally landed the sleigh. Thankfully, we're still alive and well, though I'm not exactly sure how much Rosedawn enjoyed the whole experience. We briefly talked with another Capran, and that was when I looked down the hill to see it. The Winter Village. A village that even from a distance looked like warmth in the cold surrounding it. I could clearly see a massive tree in what could have been a town square of sorts, all decorated for the holidays. As long as this doesn't turn into a 'you've seen our home and now you may never leave' situation, this should be fun!
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Our first order of business ended up being sliding down the massive ice ramp. We're both alright, though we ended up crashing straight into a snow bank. After exploring the village itself, we took a lap around the frozen lake. As we were doing so, we passed what appeared to be a family of deer with a fawn! (Sketch below)
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We've finished our canter around the lake, and now we're just taking a walk. The lights above us are magnificent, casting everything in a magical sort of glow. It looks like Big Bonny might have a story to tell, so we'll take a quick break there.
She told us a story about the Ice Witch. Hmm... the Ice Witch kind of reminds me of Katja. Nevertheless, we headed back up the path to the ice ramp to talk with another of the Caprans. They sent us to try out a race, which, to put it mildly, was absolutely exhilarating. The final part was crazy, with a shining magic bridge appearing beneath Rosedawn's hooves. We could see the whole village as we ran! Though, it was definitely nerve-wracking, my fear of heights practically hyperventilating.
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It was getting a bit too chilly to stay in the village, so Rosedawn and I headed back to Moorland. Rosedawn liked the sleigh ride about as much as she did the first time, which wasn't very much. It turned out that maybe it would've been wiser to stay at the Winter Village, seeing as we walked right into a blizzard. We headed up to Nilmer's Highland, following a beam of light that could be messing with the weather and causing this blizzard. The snow was up to Rosedawn's chest, and it was safe to say that Oak definitely wasn't enjoying himself. We found Rowan stuck in the snow and helped them recover their supplies. The snow was dying down by that time, and Rowan was able to continue on their way. Perhaps now we finally ought to check on the Soul Riders in Valedale.
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Everything looks so serene when covered in snow. We headed through Silverglade Village, passing the castle, which had had its' towers dusted in snow. The pastures were filled with snow, though many of the horses looked, for the most part, quite unbothered with the whole situation. Next stop, the Hollow Woods!
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We traveled through the Hollow Woods, and everything but Rosedawn's hoofbeats and our breathing were nearly silent. The old, burned summer house was a dark scar on the otherwise light-colored surrounding. Though, it didn't look out of place. We didn't see anyone on our way to Valedale, though with how cold it was, it wasn't a great surprise.
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Finally, after quite a few detours, we made it to Valedale Village. There were a few horses in the stables, all with blankets on, most of them eating or sleeping. We walked to Elizabeth's old house, and sadness filled me for a brief moment. I still missed her sometimes. On a happier note, I found all four Soul Riders, Concorde, and Misty all inside, and recalled seeing the Soul Horses alongside Blondie in the stable. As we walked past, Farah offered me some herbal tea which I gratefully accepted, and volunteered to take another order of herbal tea over to Avalon's, where I was already headed. I headed inside to find Avalon's house overrun with quite a few people I knew. I should've brought more tea.
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We left a couple hours later, and just as I was thinking that this day couldn't get much crazier, I found myself talking to a penguin. He challenged Rosedawn and me to a race, which of course neither of us could refuse. Racing with/against penguins was an... interesting experience to say the least.
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The sun would be going down soon, so we headed to Redwood Point. I ensured that I didn't have anything that I needed to do today before taking Rosedawn down into the stables and heading to the cabin. They weren't going to believe the stuff I was about to drop on them.
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
*clears throat* Andi Mack Holiday AU Andi Mack Holdiday AU Andi Mack Holiday AU (or if you were already asked about it I'd love to hear about/see a snippet of your Huntlow texting piece or your Andi Mack Miraculous AU)
Hiiii thanks for asking! Gosh I started the Holiday AU quite a while ago and kinda lost steam but I definitely want to revisit it some day! It begins with Andi living in LA having just recently broken up with Walker, and TJ living in Shadyside having recently broken up with Marty (though unlike the movie both breakups were amicable). Andi of course ends up meeting Amber on her trip and TJ ends up meeting Cyrus. Here's a snippet!
At that thought, Andi sat straight up in bed. “I need a vacation!” she shouted to the empty room. She hopped out of bed and reached for her laptop, quickly typing out the url for Jumble. Bex and Bowie had used Jumble for their honeymoon and couldn't stop praising it, now this was the perfect opportunity for Andi to try it herself.
The only problem was, Andi had no idea where she wanted to go. “Universe!” Andi called out as her dad often did, “Where should I go!?”
Andi sat for a minute waiting for a sign. Nothing happened. Not very seren-dope-ity. Andi rolled her eyes as dark walls stared back at her and fetched her coin purse. She figured it would be easiest to go somewhere in the United States so she wouldn't have to renew her passport. She’d simply flip a coin to decide what half of the country to look at and keep narrowing it down from there. Andi reached into the purse and pulled out a quarter, illuminated only by the light of her computer.
“Okay. Heads I go East. Tails I stay West,” she said to herself. But before Andi could flip the coin, the tails side caught her eye. Two trains faced each other in front of a mountain range, along with the words “Crossroads of the West.” It was a 2007 Utah state quarter.
“Utah,” Andi pondered in the dark. “Okay universe,” she said with a growing smile on her face.
The sound of TJ’s phone buzzing startled him as he was just falling asleep. He grabbed it annoyance before focusing on what was on his screen.
New notification from Jumble! tjk1996 has a new message from mackandi!
Any annoyance TJ was feeling completely vanished as he read mackandi’s message. A person--a real life person--actually wanted to visit Shadyside. And she was from Los Angeles no less! TJ was practically buzzing with excitement as he and his new match, Andi, chatted.
mackandi: so is shadyside relatively quiet? i'm looking for a relaxing getaway
tjk1996: super quiet! i promise no one will bother you except maybe my sister when she comes to water the plants
tjk1996: and for fun we have a nice park, a movie theater, and a flea market every weekend
tjk1996: oh also the spoon it's the best diner in the whole state
mackandi: sounds perfect!!!
tjk1996: so, when do you want to do this?
There was a pause before Andi's reply came in. TJ held his breath in anticipation.
mackandi: is tomorrow too soon?
I'll answer the other parts below the cut!
The Andi Mack miraculous au was an idea I had a while back, I actually did end up posting my design for Andi as Ladybug here! I didn't get as far with Chat Noir TJ though. Just a rough sketch!
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Unlike the show, this would NOT be a ladybug x chat noir romance, they're friends! In this AU I would give Cyrus the turtle, Buffy the tiger, Jonah the fox, Amber the snake, and Kira the bee. If there are any love square shenanigans it would be between TJ and Cyrus (TJ likes Cyrus as a civilian. Cyrus likes Chat Noir as a hero. They don't know each other's identities.) I'm not really sure who the villain would be though.
I think I might have posted my huntlow texting sketch before but I don't remember for sure so here it is again and the meme it's based on. The show has taken their relationship a lot further than it was when I started this, so I'm not sure if I will finish it one day or not. I still think they are cute though :)
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drafthorsemath · 1 year
Author Self Promotion?
Rule: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics. Thanks for the tag @ct-9902
So, I’m breaking the rules and only including my more current fic.  The stuff from eight years ago... it doesn’t count.
Note: The first one is explicit in parts, but the others are suitable for everyone
1. A Different Kind of Family
“Tech, are you sure this is where we’re supposed to be,” Hunter asked warily as they landed on Arbra.
“I followed Rex’s directions precisely,” Tech replied. “This planet is inhabitable, and the forest should at least give us good cover to try to hide.”
“Well how will we know where to find these people?” Echo asked. “We’re just supposed to land and they show up?”
“There is not much here,” replied Tech. “I imagine they will know what to look for. If no one comes, at least we found a place to rest.”
Stepping off the Havoc Marauder, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They were hungry, low on water and other supplies, and the ship needed some repairs, but they landed.
“There should be an outpost of sorts in that direction,” Tech pointed, “but it is already late in the day. I’m also picking up a heat signature. Possibly shelter.”
“We’ll wait until tomorrow,” Hunter decided. “We don’t want to sti-”
They drew their weapons, knowing Hunter sensed something. Wrecker and Crosshair stepped between Omega and the direction Hunter was facing. Someone was out there. Hunter heard two sets of footsteps.
2. Hair Dye
“Omega! Time to eat,” Echo poked his head inside the ship trying to find his sister.
“Coming!” She put her sketch pad down next to her paints.  In a rush, she knocked over some bottles of paint, but left them once she saw they weren’t leaking.  She jumped down and headed outside where everyone was sitting around a fire.  
Tech handed her a plate. “Practicing your art again?”
She nodded.  “I’m working on getting more details right.”
“My favorite painting is the one you did of Lula and me,” Wrecker said with a grin.
She smiled.  Her art covered the walls of the ship.  Even the pieces she knew were not her best work were treasured by her brothers.  They always encouraged her.  “If you love something, you should keep at it as long as it makes you happy.”  Echo had told her that one day when she cried over a piece she tried so hard on, but just couldn’t get right in her own eyes.
3. Target Practice
Hunter’s eyes were open as soon as he heard the shot.
“I heard it too,” said Crosshair. The Marauder was open with Echo not far away, with no danger in sight. Hunter and Crosshair took a simultaneous deep breath, looked at each other, and stepped off the ship.
“Trouble sleeping?” Hunter asked, as Echo turned around.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” Echo sighed. It started to snow heavily and although it was cold outside, he couldn’t calm his mind enough to sleep. “We all learned how to shoot with both hands, but, well, I’ve always been right-handed. Going straight for a blaster with my left still takes a moment to process. I don’t want to let anyone down.”
“Your aim seemed fine on Skako Minor,” replied Crosshair, brushing away some snowflakes that tried to land on his eyelashes.
Echo smiled slightly and replied, “I think most of that was adrenaline.” He took aim at a distant rock and hit it precisely.
4. Breakfast Revelations
"What are we having today?" Omega walked in and tossed her helmet in her room.
Echo finished whistling his tune in the kitchen before replying, "Pancakes, with bantha milk butter and Jogan fruit jam."
"I will just have two," said Tech. "My stomach is still not fully recovered from Wrecker's landing job."
"Hey! I got us here without crashing, didn't I?" Wrecker replied defensively.
"Well I don't care how many you eat as long as someone else washes the dishes," came Echo's reply. "First pancake's up. Omega first."
Hunter rushed in. "Guys! AZ has some vital information..."
AZ spun through the door with a "Greetings! I am AZ- 34521189..."
Okay, so I don’t know who to tag that hasn’t been tagged.  But if you want to participate please do so! I’m always looking for more to read.
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