#I’ll probs explain in comments
reminiscentreader · 10 months
*sighs* I don’t want Avery to give the money away.
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midnight-mourning · 14 hours
1000 kudos/100 Follower Special!
wow so um, there’s a LOT of you now
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THIS???? CRAZY, incredibly appreciated <3 but also wild
anyway, I think that deserves celebrating! So, here’s a couple ideas I came up with for y’all to vote on, with the option of sharing other ideas in the comments, I’ll do the top two and save the others for the next milestone :)
If the 'other' option gets the most/second most votes, I'll do another poll with ideas that people suggested and we'll go from there. You can scroll down and click the read more if you'd like more info on each option! SO, having said all that:
Letting you guys make the call with this one! I have stuff prepped for all of it, just a matter of people voting since this is ME showing my appreciation to YOU. And again, next milestone will have the opportunity for the other choices :)
Also, this isn't just for followers/the moots either! Anyone is welcome to vote and participate if they'd like to 💙💙
Please also feel free to ask questions in the comments if that helps you with voting! Can't wait to see what you guys pick :D
I will expand on each option here for clarity in your decision making:
CS one-shot: I will write a one-shot (3,000-5,000 words prob) based in the CS universe. It will be canon to the fic but will never be mentioned/referenced in the fic itself so stand alone to read. It may be a future scene, may be based somewhere in the current timeline. Open to ideas on the POV and such (though I have some floating around that I can do ;))
Q&A/Ask the Cast: a classic, I know my ask box is open but here's also a clear chance to ask something that you've been really curious about! I won't share spoilers for the story, but everything else is on the table, including stuff about me, writing etc. Just no super personal questions is all! Additionally, you can ask the cast questions and answers will be in character, perhaps with a little doodle as well ^-^
Finished refs/busts for the cast of CS: I'll post the finished versions of the rough sketches I shared a few months ago, along with the remainder of the cast! This includes the rest of the engineering team, the division heads, the glamrocks, and the DCA! I also will include little blurbs for all the characters as well. This will probably happen eventually anyway BUT if you want them sooner rather than later this is you're chance if you're curious :)
Spooky Season one-shot: something halloween-related that again I'm open to ideas for! Would also be about 3,000-5,000 words in length, could be related to CS or not
Writing Requests: similar to the requests I did for reveal day, same rules apply (no nsfw, suggestive is fine, be specific if you want specific) but a little longer in length (500-1000 words)
Doodle requests: I provide you with a little drawing I made with tender love and care (would be lined, colored, shaded, etc.)
A peek into the drafts: I do in fact have a couple other fic ideas floating around in my brain that I simply haven't started so that I don't get bogged down/focus on CS. I would share those and a little bit of concept art
Other: explained above
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aninklingof · 1 year
A Balancing Act
What’s this madness? Sean writing a fic?? Impossible
Inspired by this post, a reblog of mine on @mushiewrites fic where I explain the concept I’m writing for (Kinda a continuation of sorts). Also inspired by @covenofwives fic here.
Lee! Sapnap & Dream
Ler! George
TW: restraints, probs intense tickles ✨Playonic!✨
“George, is this really necessary..?” Dream shifted nervously on his feet as the Brit tied a lead around his large wrist.
“You said if I won your stupid challenge you’d do whatever I wanted,” George explained with a smirk, finishing the knot and admiring his work. “And I want to do this.”
George took the other end of the lead and tossed it up and over a sturdy-looking branch of an oak tree. The lead hung down too far above George’s head with Dream’s hand clutched to his chest, so he turned to the blonde with an annoyed look on his face.
“Raise your arm idiot, I need to tie Sapnap.”
“NO WAY!!”
Sapnap, who was practically hiding behind the trunk of the tree holding his ribs protectively, spoke up for the first time since George had started tying Dream’s wrist. The brunette rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Come on, don’t be such a big baby.”
“… ‘M not a baby,” The ravenette pouted.
“Then get over here, nimrod,” George smiled, before noticing the lead was still out of reach. “DREAM LIFT YOUR ARM!!”
The green clad man whines and slowly lifted his arm which the lead was attached to. The rope didn’t move, so Dream reached up on his tip-toes and got it for George.
“Stay on your tip-toes Dream, I need to be able to reach Sap’s wrist.”
As Dream complied and Sapnap allowed himself to be attached to the other end of the lead, the two both came to the same horrific conclusion simultaneously. There was no way they could both stand flat-foot on the ground: one of them had to be on tippy-toes as all times.
“There, perfect.” George stepped back and proudly admired the genius position he’d put his two friends in. Dream was standing the highest he could on his toes and Sapnap was just barely on his. The two both had one arm raised, Dream his left and Sapnap his right, and they both used the one hand they had free to protect their respective worst spots.
“Sap, I-I’m barely touching the ground over here,” Dream stuttered.
“If you stand anymore on the ground I’ll be hanging in the air!!” The other shouted.
“Alright enough of that, let’s get this party started~” the goggle-wearing man held up his hands in claws and advanced toward the larger of the two.
“Geheheorge wahait!!” Dream giggled and attempted to curl into himself. Sapnap shouted in surprise as he was yanked up and practically dangling in the air.
Despite the blonde’s desperate giggling George’s nimble fingers sneaked under his green hoodie and began to spider around his sides and stomach, sending the man into loud shrieking laughter.
“Nohohohoho Geheheorge! Stahahap!!” Dream twisted and tried in vain to bat away the offending fingers with his free hand. “SAHAahahapnahap y-yohohohou’re puhuhulling mehe ohohoff the grohohohound!!!”
He wasn’t wrong— while Dream laughed and wriggled he was fighting with Sapnap for more length on the lead. The ravenhead pulled at the rope to get his feet on the ground, but in Dream’s thrashing he was elevated in the air several times.
George took advantage of this and reached out a hand, prodding at the youngest’s upper ribs. “NOHOHO GEHEHEORGE!!! STAHAHAP THAHAHAT!!!” Sapnap cackled.
“Man, this is awesome,” George commented as if he wasn’t tormenting his two friends with tickles. “It’s so fun to watch you two flail and fight for who gets to have their feet on the ground.”
“DREHEHEHEEEAM!!! LEHEHEHET MEHEHE DOHOHOHOWN!!! GEHEHEORGE STAHAHAP IHIHIT—!” Sapnap bellowed as the older attacked his ribcage freely, as Sapnap had to hold the rope with his free hand so he didn’t injure his wrist from dangling in the air.
Dream had gone limp and in recovering hand forced himself to stand flat-footed against the ground. Due to this Sapnap hung an inch off the ground while George wrecked him.
“Dreamie, you haven’t fallen asleep have you~?” George cooed and Dream squealed as he felt fingers scratch in his armpit.
“NAHA GEHEORGE!!” He jolted and leaped into to the air, giving Sapnap (who was still having his ribs tormented by George) the leverage he needed to start the tug-of-war flailing they had been doing before.
George smiled amusedly as he tickled Dream’s armpit and Sapnap’s ribs at the same time. The two men were fighting to keep their feet on the ground while they cackled and wriggled. It was immensely hilarious to the Brit.
“GEHEHEHEORGE STAHAHAP IT!! EHEHEHENOUGH!!” Sapnap shouted through raspy laughter.
George finally took pity on his friends and stoped tickling them. They both started taking greedy breaths through residual giggles, still tugging at the lead back and forth weakly.
“Alright, hold still,” George said, pulling Sapnap down to undo his side of the lead. Once his wrist slipped from the rope Dream and Sapnap both collapsed on the ground in puddles of tickled wrecks.
George laughed and sat against the tree trunk, pulling the two younger boys to his sides. Dream hugged around George’s waist and buried his red face into his side while Sapnap rested his head on George’s shoulder and hugged his arm.
“You guys are idiots.”
“Shhh,” the blonde muttered, nuzzling into his side.
“We deserve this after what you just put us through,” Sapnap groaned and squeezed George’s arm tighter.
The brunette huffed fondly and relaxed into the holds of his two now sleeping friends, letting his eyes grow heavy and slip closed for a nap as well.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I know a lot of jikookers are absolutely certain about jikooks relationship but I just don’t see it. I don’t ship them but there are things that will always I guess reassure that they aren’t in a relationship for me personally. I wanted to state them to see your opinion on it.
I want to start with jimin calling jungkook his younger brother, I think this is very telling on why it causes me to believe they’re probs just friends. I don’t usually see jk saying he’s my brother and my older brother as much as jm and it seems as though jimin is trying to like push a point if that makes sense but it could just be me perceiving it as that. No one who’s dating someone is gonna call them their sibling unless they have some crazy incest kink lol and we see jm do that. Another thing was jungkook saying Jimins girlfriend would be lucky this was prob in relation to jimin being a giving and kind person and I was like would anyone in a relationship ever say that even if they’re trying to hide a relationship.
Another big thing for me was the physical affection the members still all show each other (especially tae and jk I’ll explain further) and that’s not a problem of course but I would’ve thought there’d be some boundaries set and enforced considering jikook are in a ‘relationship’. Like receiving the same level of physical affection from them kinda said a lot but also didn’t. Like for example in life goes on at ptd las vegas jungkook grabbed jimins butt and everyone went crazy as they should but namjoon did kinda did the same and cupped jungkooks butt so I was kinda like? But that maybe something they’re okay with within their relationship. But other moments of physical affection that stood out with me are all regarding tae and jk. For example when he sat on taes lap which could of course be platonic but why would you do that on a stage with thousands of people and your so called boyfriend right there? And another was in the soop when jk sat on taes legs/thighs while he was laying down and they were both wearing shorts (this is kinda important because I feel like presence of clothing changes the level of intimacy of this moment) it made me question a lot. And a really big one again was when tae rubbed jungkooks upper thigh while jimin was right there which was very intimate considering it was yk bare skin and it seemed kinda normal for them. There are probably more moments like this regarding them and probably even other members but these rlly stood out and said a lot. There was also a time where jk kissed Jin’s leg or I think jm kissed hobis neck in hobis bday live.
And once in a run bts episode where jk succeeded in a game and he was really happy and jm n tae were there watching and he wanted to celebrate by hugging tae and jm also tried to hug him but it was awkward bc he only hugged tae n jm was kinda just left out it could’ve been that he just didn’t see him/register it(that he left him out). Or when namjoon commented on his live that he wanted to go on a date with jungkook and jungkook was like how can u say that here n a giggly tone (I mentioned this because flirting with smn who’s in a relationship) or a time where v kept telling jm he liked him n flirted with him. Like all these moments of intimacy wouldn’t be a big deal with me and my friends but we are all straight so I kinda can’t see it from the point of view of someone who’s attracted to the same sex and has physically intimate relationships with the same sex while being in a relationship with someone of the same sex I hope that makes sense. And im not an incel if my confusion comes off as that please understand im a bit special (neurodivergent)😭 and I do flirt with my friends iknow those are jokes so it could be the same for them too and me and my friends do all the same as I’ve mentioned here.
I think I’ll stop there. And I am in no way saying that because of all this their relationship isn’t as cute and intimate and special as before but this is just in regards to them being in a romantic one which could still be true because those theories of their relationship are all plausible. But I think you can kinda understand my confusion with the topic. Please share your thoughts
(I’m watching jungkooks 30/6 live right now 😭 he’s singing and working out i love him)
You are free to think whatever you want to think. My opinion doesn't matter more than yours. Although perhaps some advice, as a straight person, don't make comments and assumptions about how queer people interact with each other 😅 I'm bi, I'm married, I went out with my best friend the other day and we called it a "date" and I'm touchy with my friends all the time. I've sat on my friends lap at the pool before too and I promise I didn't even want to sleep with her at all. Even though I am also attracted to women as well as men. Soooo.... where do we go from here? Lol not to mention how queer people often have way different kinds of boundaries than straight people do. And how PERFORMERS and people in that kinda industry as a Job or hobby ALSO have way different types of boundaries and generally are happy being touchier together.... like these are straight people and they are dancers and they are dancing together and both are married to other people and you even see the girls husband get *jokingly* upset but never actually really bothered
Also please don't send me giant essays like this where you say you want my opinion unless you've actually gone through my masterlist first. Because I've literally already made posts about everything you've brought up. And I label it all so nicely and make it so easily to find if you wanted to go find it. If you would like help finding specific posts for specific topics. DM me. I'm actually really nice, promise. I've held conversations about my posts with non shippers and even tkkrs (which you lowkey sound like btw, no one other than tkkrs are usually so focused on taekooks skinship, which isn't as high or even as "sus" as many other member duos) and those conversations have gone just fine. My DMs are open.
My masterlist. If you really want my opinions here they are. You'll find posts over your specific topics mentioned under the Important Posts topic and the Jikook Posts topic. Happy reading from one ARMY to another.
And come back if you do read it and don't want to DM me and rather be anon. I'd be interested to see if you took me seriously (I'd be nicer in my replies then) or were actually just here to troll. I have posts about "younger brother" I have posts about relationship boundaries, I have posts about skinship. I have posts for tkkrs. I have posts about taekook being cute, I have posts for why I think jikook are a couple, I have posts for lgbtqia education, I have posts for practically everything. You just need to go looking for it.
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nyazhis-jsablr · 1 year
The JSAB Story Thing - Part 4
Results from Part 3:
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"Well this sucks."
"Shh! They're getting away, shut up!"
After a minute of hiding, the angry mob of plants eventually rush off somewhere else in pursuit of our two heroes.
“Phew, thank the Tree they’re gone…”
“Yeah…. Why was that plant following you anyway?”
“Well... uh... You see-“
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Gold quickly tackles the plant to the ground, holding it by its non-existent neck.
The plant squirms around in protest, trying to wriggle away from the yellow shape. Gold isn’t letting go though.
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“Stay still you spiky turd!”
The plant has most likely passed out from lack of oxygen somehow.
“Uh…. I think you killed it.”
“No I didn’t… Maybe… Alright, let’s go. I’ll explain along the way.
Gold gets up and starts walking someplace. Cyan follows him.
“So… what was with that plant?”
“Oh, uh…. Cube sent me out to the Volcano to check on it. They seem to be worried ‘bout some corruption activities, and I’m pretty sure that their concerns are warranted.”
“Oh, so how will you find out what’s going on in there?”
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“…I have no damn clue. Ask the people reading this, they’ll prob know.”
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k1eranmich4el · 2 years
abbott elementary headcanons and theories
• ava and janine both have adhd. ava can’t focus on shit and doesn’t get/stick to routines as well as hyperfixates on certain interests. she also wasn’t good at school and from how easy she goes on the kids it seems like she doesn’t want them to feel the way she felt as a kid (pressured, misunderstood, rushed during lessons, etc) and janine doesn’t understand social cues, hyperfocuses on things that seem minor to others, and both don’t take rejection very well
• jacob and gregory are both autistic. jacob likes to info dump, also doesn’t get social cues like how he doesn’t stop talking about an interest or fun fact unless explicitly asked/told to, and it seems his special interest in the environment or ethics. gregory has talked about having safe foods, he doesn’t seem to understand sarcasm/idioms (when barbara said that color doesn’t look good on you and he thought she meant his clothing and not him being stressed), he is very deadpan and doesn’t express himself much unless he’s comfortable w someone, dedicated to routines, and has trouble interacting w new people. and im not sure who it was but someone made a good point about how we won’t see greg be diagnosed as autistic bc people of color don’t typically have their neurodivergence addressed especially at his age.
• melissa has ptsd but other people have elaborated on this better than i could, i’ll tag them later
• barbara is the only neurotypical one ie her saying she doesn’t have a weird thing about her during the pizza ep
• i think everyone all figured out jacob was gay at different moments bc he doesn’t ‘come out’ to people. like we don’t see some on camera (ava, janine) but we see barbara figure it out after his sidney poitier comment and i think melissa and gregory figured it out when they were all talking about zach together in the desking ep
•janine’s mommy issues were revealed pretty early on, she didn’t mention her mom directly but we see signs of it. she had/has kinda unhealthy one sided relationships w older women that she idolizes like one of her teachers she mentioned in the pilot ep and as she gets older so do the women she idolizes bc they match her moms age at the time
• barbara prob has some religious trauma and presumably wasn’t always so religious. when melissa asked janine about dating any women and she didn’t question mel and just piggybacked off it w the ‘that just explains so many things’ always made me think she’s at least experimented w girls or thought about it when she was younger, and she’s jamaican (to me bc of sheryl) so she must’ve had homophobic parents which led to religious barb
also astrology shit
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Donnie and Mikey
B Team’s turn! My favorite duo! PB&J! The nerds the myths the legends
They are! Best! Friends! Donnie is so attentive and protective of Mikey, especially while they’re out on missions. He rolls his eyes and makes comments like “I can’t take you anywhere” but then proceeds to give his little brother literally anything he asks for. Come on I’ll wrap your ankle, yeah I’ll laugh at your little hairbrush joke. Yah no prob we’re falling off of a building now, it’s fine we have supplies for that. Hope you had fun you little goob :) No you don’t have to help me find things in the junkyard you can play. Go play Raph will help me. Hey I know you don’t want to go into this alien bar right now but what if we think of it as playing dress up and ordering food? You like those activities, right? I’ll play dress up whenever you want it’s okay.
Like Donnie would probably complain about Splinter or Leo and Raph letting Mikey get away with everything but actually. It’s him. It’s him letting Mikey get away with everything and they all know it.
And I love so much that it goes both ways! Mikey’s the most likely to be asking questions and listening to understand when Donnie starts explaining sciencey things (he’s the one complaining about how little sense it made but that’s because he’s listening! He’s really trying to get it!), and he brags on him all the time. And this shows effort on Mikey’s part to understand the way Donnie feels love because, praise and being listened to about his interests? Those are his exact favorite things! Gah they just. Take Such Good Care of each other.
They definitely became close because of Leo and Raph. Because 1), when Leo and Raph are doing their Own Things (friendly competition, building swords together to overcome trauma, fighting gators I guess) the littler two are left to entertain each other, and 2) when Leo and Raph are fighting (sometimes serious but Leo and Raph also have this type of closeness where to them they’ll just be discussing something civilly but to everyone around them it’s a high-stress argument) they have to take care of each other. AND ALSO 3) Leo and Raph are the closest friends ever and that is the example Donnie and Mikey have had for all their lives. They don’t have the same natural closeness as Leo and Raph where they’re just in each other’s heads, but in some ways they’re also closer because their brains work so differently and they’ve had to communicate.
Remember how Donnie tries to be competitive to relate to Leo? Yeah he also relentlessly makes fun of Mikey. He’s just watching how they both connect with Raph and copying. This makes for some fun banter but also they are both sensitive. The relationships weren’t really focused on in the show but it’s logical there were real hurt feelings and crossed lines sometimes. Often, even. But they don’t seem to have any resentment towards each other. And that’s just so pure. Like, as sweet as the turtles all are with each other, there are sometimes long-standing grudges and that’s not unreasonable. That’s gonna happen with four teenagers under one roof, especially with how limited they were in any opportunities to talk to Anyone besides their brothers. Donnie yells about how loud everyone is being and it’s like, yeah, that makes sense. He can’t exactly just go to the library. Raph gets stir crazy and starts hitting things and it’s like, no kidding somebody get this boy a sports team. Or at least a walk in the sunlight. Mikey pouts and whines all through some missions, especially in earlier seasons, and yeah that tracks he’s fifteen he’s right he should be at home playing video games. But even when they are each other’s explicit problem, these two are so so gentle with one another.
The whole underground city arc is a good example. It with Mikey bothering Donnie while he’s trying to study, and you can tell he’s irritated. But he’s still gentle. Then they’re going on a whole adventure because of Donnie’s curiosity and Mikey is clearly not having a good time. He makes this known and they just do not listen. It’s very reasonable for them to be upset with each other. But they don’t seem to be, at least not ever long enough to start anything. And later on when Donnie makes them go back to keep their promise and Mikey whines the entire time, 1) Donnie doesn’t argue or respond to insults 2) at the end of it Mikey makes sure to tell him he’s proud of him. Imagine if it had been Leo or Raph who didn’t want to go. They all love each other but I think that disagreement would have been a lot more tense. I also don’t imagine either of them as likely to take the time to say that to him if they have been at odds for the entire adventure. Mikey is the most likely to take the time to make emotional conversations happen, and Donnie is eternally patient. They’re just exactly what each other needs and I think they became that way on purpose.
Favorite moment, ever of all time:
Donnie, using a pigeon puppet and a Polaroid to get around the security cameras at TCRI
Mikey: I don’t know what bothers me more, the fact that worked, or the fact that Don carries around a pigeon puppet.
Okay and a second favorite, while Donnie and April are discussing interdimensional travel
Mikey: Do you guys come with subtitles?!
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
Hi hi hi!
Reporting live and procrastinating responsibilities :). So heres my rundown, pretty much matchy matchy w yours, naturally: Generally the video vibes almost 💯 fit with the allegations 🙃. Please bear w the rambling thoughts in no particular order. Im not sure how one could possibly cohesively recap ALL THAT lol. Ok it blows my mind how much they personally had to catch up on w one another! God damn babes, you havent talked much if at all in nearly a month. Again it screams that there was more of a relationship (ending poorly).. Even friends moving apart prob wouldve had more contact over that time. Sometimes I wonder how they dont realize what they reveal by what they leave ~unsaid/not explained! Though G’s “really bad breakup” comment felt weighted given their situation. To me much of the injury discussion came across as carry over from the In The Mirror. With G making a point to say nice things (good memories of playing together;tearing up when Liz got hurt; not being wholly herself as a player w/out Kitley;the frustration at team reaction after the game following the injury; belief that Liz will recover/be drafted etc.). And G’s words still feel to me like a way of her dealing with some guilt which she cant quite yet express or process. Especially considering her adding stuff about being w the Kitley fam lately and helping move Liz’s stuff ha. If a person ever questioned something going down between L&G, I’ll say alarm bells went off when L described her night following the injury and staying over w Cayla. In such a low moment, poor girlie really couldnt manage being at her own place thats shared w one of her closest pals. Ooof. However, on the whole, they sounded more comfortable at times than I expected. In fact the convo sometimes got surprisingly open and loose - gals dont tell me that we had a bit of liquid courage before recording. ;) And it did stand out to me that L asked the “fans” on multiple occasions to just be decent and grateful for what they had + be understanding of decision making under the situation, but stopped short of telling people to leave G alone (which, given everything we’re led to believe, fair play hun). My big takeaway was that they seem to be taking this time of big adjustment as also a new beginning to possibly recover a friendship. Clearly theres still issues to work thru, but perhaps theyve reached a more settled/amicable place? Or at least were just able to deal w each other long enough to provide us all w a semi closure pod 😐. But heres hoping for more future content, as they hinted at! Oh and as someone who works w/in college athletics, I was very sympathetic to their comments throughout re change. Its a crazy industry, stuff happens in the blink of an eye and you do just have to deal with that ish. The harsh reality of the current state of things is that one rarely gets a neat, happy closure.
Happy Sunday to you bestie, hope its fantastic! -☕️
Reporting live and procrastinating is so real, like me asf fr fr.
THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. Like they seemed so out of the loop when it came to each other's life and that's just so weird to me? I mean I get it could just be regular friends drifting but that wasn't the ~vibe~ at all to me and maybe again it's the allegations bias but it was just very much giving exes.
Hardcore agree with the Georgia stuff because I thought some of what she was saying felt a bit like an overcompensation, an apology of sorts to make up in a way for anything else that *might* have happened. Honestly Georgia being so nice, no shade, doesn't really fit the dynamic from before where sometimes Georgia's snark was just mean to me really.
Every new bit of info/content, I just continue to feel terrible for Liz. And I think her staying at Cayla's really gave away the depth of how much has happened between her and Georgia. And again yeah it could be a friend breakup but it just feel a little too serious for that.
Obviously I don't know a timeline, if there even is one, but this podcast gave me the vibes that if they were together, it's actually been a decent while since they broke up and are now in a place where they can co-exist in an amicable manner. I don't know if we'll ever get another podcast or if they'll actually be able to be in a genuine friendship again but I think they're in a good enough place and I do love that for them.
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This is what I’m doing on this blog.
You want me to be more specific? Why? Okay, okay! Fine. I’ll explain it in more detail.
This blog is for an Undertale multiverse I call: Re-envisionedverse. Why’d I make it? Because I could and I wanted to. What’ll I be doing? For a while I think I’ll just be posting character designs and character sheets until I figure out a plot for a (possible) comic.
Currently, I’ve got some of the bigger, more known, AU’s in the process of being re-envisioned like; Inktale, Errortale, Dreamtale (this one was probs my fav to re-envision), Underfell, the og, Something New (is that what Killer’s AU is called?), Dusttale, and Horrortale.
I plan on doing a lot more AU’s, like Aftertale, Underswap, and Reapertale. But if anyone has any suggestions for other AU’s I should re-envision, please tell me. I love receiving comments (might be because it makes me feel less invisible- I dunno) and questions about my works!
Here are some of my current books/comics:
The Night Out (Genin x reader)
Wattpad (KatLover893, in case the link doesn’t work)
Ao3 (KatLover_14)
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listen i'm really sorry that you are being targeted for your weight. you are right! bmi is bm-bullshit. in the friendliest way, though, your last post is giving racist. "very chinese"? i'm not sure what you mean, or if you are actually chinese and feel you have the right to say that. if that's the case, i can sort of understand.
just wanted to kindly let you know that the way it appeared to me... it didn't read great. i doubt you intended it to sound that way, which is why i thought i should let you know how it came across.
Oh nooo I’m so sorry, I should have clarified!!! Yes I am Chinese lol, I’ll prob delete just so others don’t get the same vibe because I’m too autistic to tell what communities I should and should not make these comments to lakdkskfkskfj
tldr; I am Chinese with parents and in-laws from mainland China that I challenge on these topics, considering ethnocentricity and how social justice can be intricate in that context, husband and I follow content creators (x and x) that embrace our stereotypes through comedy, I’m a dumbass and didn’t realize that it wouldn’t translate well onto a text-only blog where my face and background is not apparent, this is actually a very micro aggressive ask and triggered me a lot so i ranted at the end and you can read at your own risk
To explain, this is a personal gripe that my husband and I have a lot with traditional Asian cultures in that sizeism isn’t really recognized and we challenge both my parents and his parents on those worldviews to limited degrees of success. Both his parents and my parents are from mainland China and while my parents have been in the US for a while, his haven’t (he’s an international student), although they are much more willing to listen to me when I challenge them
On the other hand there’s the whole thing about not forcing Western views onto non-Western cultures, which is why this is a delicate balance to walk and I rarely bring it up to them directly because I don’t wanna seem like I’m shitting on them too much, but I’ve been trying to push it a bit more recently because he’s struggling with a lot of body dysphoria and I’m trying to nip it in the bud
Anyway, I’ll prob delete the post and I’m so sorry it came off that way!!! My husband and I and our lil Chinese community joke a lot about our own stereotypes a lot (see Steven He and Uncle Roger for more well-known examples), and I completely forgot that it won’t seem that way to people outside of the community or on the internet where race/ethnicity isn’t as apparent. 🥹
EDIT: okay y’know what, I’m gonna be a bitch for a second and just lyk that approaching it in this way is incredibly rude and condescending and I can kinda get it because you didn’t know I was Chinese, but I am incredibly triggered right now so I’m gonna rant and ramble in that this message, even if it’s “nice”, is incredibly self-righteous and all of this could have been avoided had you just DM’d me or even said “yo that post might not sit well with people jlyk”
and I get it. Not everyone knows about how those type of callouts can be harmful, but to say that I’m not allowed to talk about my own community in a way that IS used as a valid form of coping just pisses me the fuck off and is triggering all the invalidation issues. I'd like to clarify that this ask itself is not what is racist and triggering but your comment as an outsider about how i "might" think i have the right to say that is very much gaslighting-type behavior because y'know what, I DO have a right and i can't really get myself to care about you understanding why i have that right. google exists. chatgpt exists. do your research.
Just like how cishet folks will never know what it’s like to be queer, or how people that aren’t BIPOC will never know what it’s like to be BIPOC, *my* experience as a obviously Chinese person in a very white society that is literally trying to exile us due to a virus that isn’t even our fault is not something that any outsider can ever truly understand. So yes, taking my voice away is furthering that oppression and I encourage you to educate yourself.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Gene... My baby mama... I need... More alt!dream... Whatever you got fr. I just need more I'm.. I love him (probs not as much as you) but I love him
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𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃. ♘ 𝐚𝐥𝐭!𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝟏𝟖+)
pairing: alt!Dreamwastaken x fm!reader
warnings: smut (18+), language, semi-public sex, light mentions of needles, domination
previous part ♘ fanart that i can't stop crying over
recommended listening: Hi Frequency by Vague002
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The bus swayed slightly, your grip on the cool bar tightening to keep you from knocking into Clay as it turned. The dark city outside the windows bustled with sparkling lights, catching your eye every few seconds. As more people filed into the cramped space, Clay grabbed your hand, looping your arms around his waist and smugly grinning as you fought not to blush. He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Will this be your first time in a parlor?” He asked, voice low and raspy as he whispered to you, not wanting to disturb the other members of society who just wanted to get home after a long day of work.
You nodded your head, making him chuckle. You knew it would be a different experience, mainly because it was taking place during the tattoo shops “after hours,” which Clay had only briefly explained the benefits of attending. “What are you getting done again?” You asked, moving so your hands were holding onto his arm instead, fingers brushing against the exposed skin peeking from beneath the cut-up shirt under his dark jacket.
He shrugged. “I couldn’t decide. Why don’t you pick?” He joshed, smirking at the way your eyebrows raised.
“I don’t want to be responsible for a mark on you,” you murmured, making him snort.
He hooked his fingers into the neckline of his shirt, stretching it down enough to reveal the litter of hickeys peppering his skin that you had left the night before. Your eyes widened as you swatted away his hand, looking around carefully in hopes that no one had seen them. He looped an arm around your shoulders, loving the fact that you were so worried about the crowd when all he wanted to do was fluster you.
He pressed his lips to your cheek, the warmth of his body encompassing you. “I love it when you get all blushy,” he teased. “Seriously though, you should pick. I won’t look at it if I don’t like it,” he snarked.
You groaned lightly. “Clay, come on.” He brushed his lips against yours.
“I trust you, sweetheart,” he cooed almost mockingly, his nose moving to press into your hair.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, trying your best to remember what was already on his body. You thought about the impending reality that whenever he saw the new tattoo, his mind would linger on you, and for some reason, heat traveled to your ears at that thought. “Um… what about a bird?” You asked, voice uneasy as if on eggshells.
His face twisted into a pleased smile. “A bird?” He repeated. You shrugged beneath his arm, making him chuckle. “I like that. George likes doing bird tattoos too, so you might just make his night,” he added, his praise and approval making your stomach fill with confidence. He pulled you closer, his lips brushing against your shoulder. Your mind began to forget what the two of you probably looked like to the other people as his scent invaded your senses. “Will you hold my hand while I’m in the chair?” He joked.
You scoffed. “Are you gonna cry?” You teased, making him chuckle.
“No, I’m just clingy,” he answered without skipping a beat. Your grin was hidden in the soft corduroy of his jacket.
The tattoo parlor was nothing like you had expected. The door was locked behind you after a bouncer let the two of you in, the man leading you two up a staircase and into a dimly lit room. The sound of heavy metal music and the buzz of tattoo guns swirled together, echoing off the dark brick walls. You slipped your hand into Clay’s as he talked to the receptionist, your eyes attempting to focus on one detail instead of letting the atmosphere overwhelm you.
The thick layer of smoke above your heads made you scoff, realizing it was coming from the opposite corner of the shop, a hookah lamp sitting on a coffee table like an outstretched octopus. The people around it seemed to be discussing something rather intense, their haircuts sharp and defining almost as if they stepped out of some kind of alternative fashion magazine. There were three tattoo artists, each with a white lamp focusing on their work as they carried on to the beat of the music.
Clay’s description of the place flashed into your mind, making you realize just how off the cards the parlor actually was. Clay took a toothpick from the receptionist’s desk, taking it between his white teeth before being waved down by a shorter man with dark hair across the floor. You followed closely behind him as Clay greeted the man; you quickly realizing that this was the famous George.
As Clay shrugged out of his jacket, George pulled out a binder, standing beside you as he flipped to a page with scattered drawings of different flight poses of birds. Your eyes drifted away from the page as Clay’s arms came into view. His old t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off was doing wonders for his biceps. Before you knew it, the two of you agreed on a mix of a few designs resembling a crow and Clay was laying on his back with his hand tucked behind his head. The spot he was filling was in the dead center of the flesh of his upper arm; a spot that George had grumbled about being awkward to reach, especially on someone as large as Clay.
You watched closely with curious eyes as George began to tattoo the design on Clay’s arm. Clay’s other hand was wrapped around the back of your elbow as you leaned on the chair at Clay’s side. His finger pads drew circles into your skin as you asked George about how he got into tattooing, making small talk here and there.
You liked George, mainly because he was quiet until he conjured up some kind of relentless backhanded comment. His tattoos revolved around a giant tree stretching from his back and down his arms. You wondered how long he had to sit for it and what the healing process was like. As he worked, his teeth played at his snake bite piercings, his dark eyes focused intently on the work in front of him.
Clay switched his toothpick to the other side of his mouth, his hand tightening around your arm with a small groan as George reached a sensitive spot. “Don’t be such a pussy,” he grumbled, continuing his work. He stopped, cleaning off some of the sprayed ink and filling a new cap with grey. “You have any work, pretty girl?” He asked you, voice low and charming.
You shook your head, earning a small tsk from him. “This is the closest she’s been to a tattoo gun,” Clay prided, making George sarcastically raise his eyes.
“A total virgin, huh?” He joked, winking at you. “Dream’s not corrupting you, is he?”
You chewed the inside of your cheek trying not to blush. “I’m trying,” Clay leered, smirking at you with his smug ego hinting at his lips.
George bit back a laugh. “Don’t get horny in my chair,” he muttered, eyes trained on the lines he was scaring into Clay. “Speaking of, I heard you got busted up by Punz, and by the looks of it… seems right,” he commented, gesturing to Clay’s eye that seemed to have started fading finally.
Clay let out a dry laugh. “His ribs are still healing,” you added, making George smirk with a shake of his head.
“You know what all that’s about right?” George asked you, taking his foot off the pedal to grab more paper towels from his desk. You looked up at Clay whose jaw tense as he chewed on the toothpick. After you shook your head, George continued. “Punz’s sister is stupidly in love with Dream,” he plopped back in his seat, swiveling his chair, and drawing a hand through his locks, revealing the bleached undersection. You had the fleeting mental image of him tying his hair back to reveal it.
He pulled on a new glove. “Madly in love, huh?” You pried, twisting your chair closer to Clay’s shoulder. Clay rolled his eyes at the fact as if he had been bugged about it for years. “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend, Clay,” you teased, and he looked up at you with a tired expression, making you bite back a giggle.
After George finished, you followed Clay through the door, breathing in the fresh air; or as fresh as it could be in the midst of the city’s industrial square. Clay’s fingers knitted together with yours as he led you down an alleyway, flicking aside the toothpick. You chewed on your lip in anticipation before he pinned you against one of the walls. His devious grin sent shivers down your spine as you looked up at him.
You swallowed. “Shouldn’t you take it easy? Let your arm heal a bit?” You asked, voice coming out in a soft whisper as his lips pressed against your neck. “Won’t it hurt a bit with your ribs, too?” Your heart hammered in your chest at the fact that someone could turn the corner and catch the two of you.
He chuckled against your skin, slipping his hands beneath your skirt to grip your ass. “I like the pain,” he mused, tongue grazing against your skin as he pulled your hips against his. He kissed you hungrily as if not being able to press his body against yours for that hour was too much for him. His hand dropped to wrap around the back of your knee, moving his own leg to prop your thigh up against his hip as your hands dug into his hair.
The friction from his jeans made you moan into his mouth as his hand moved beneath your shirt, fingers fitting beneath your bra to palm your breast. He mumbled praises against your lips at how good you made him feel and how beautiful you were.
He turned you, your hands planting against the coarse brick as he ground his hips against you. You bit your lip, trying not to be loud enough to draw attention to the two of you, which seemed to be the last thing on Clay’s mind as you heard him unbuckle his belt behind you. You could practically picture his cocky grin, controlling eyes set as his hand gripped onto your hips, shoving your underwear to the side. “You were so much fun to show off tonight,” he chided darkly, lips brushing against your shoulder. “Such a good girl.”
As he pushed into you, one of his hands moved to knot into your hair. He moaned at the feeling of you clenching around him, tugging on your hair as he pulled your hips back against his. A low grunt tumbled from his lips as he set his rhythm, basking in the fact that you were secretly ready for him to ruin you as soon as you stepped into the parlor.
His fingers moved to wrap around your neck, the thought of his tattooed hand tightening around your pristine skin sent shivers through your body and heat flushing your cheeks, the tension in your body tightening. As he pressed you closer against the wall, you thought about the power he had over you; his height and build would make it easy for him to break you if he wanted, yet even as he pounded into you like he wanted you to forget your own name, the restraint he showed was enough to send you over the edge if you let yourself divulge in the thought.
Clay pulled out of you, only to turn you, your shoulders hitting the wall again with a soft thump as he hoisted you up ever so slightly, thrusting up into you as his hand dig into your thigh, the other resting against the brick beside your head. Your arms looped beneath his jacket, raking down his skin as you held onto him.
He groaned as your thighs tightened around him, making his hips stutter as if he were trying not to let himself finish too early. He dug is face into the crook of your neck, burying his teeth in your neck to stifle his grunts of your name. Your head tilted back against the brick, hand moving to tighten around the wrist that was beside your head for some kind of anchor.
His hand wrapped around your waist, driving himself deeper into you, brushing the part of you that needed him the most. You moaned, carding your fingers into his hair as he pressed his lips to yours roughly, wanting to taste your pleasure as it washed over you from his movements.
You tugged on his hair, making his cock throb inside of you, him finishing inside you with a low groan, his hips snapping against yours to stimulate a reaction from you. The feeling of his sloppy pleasure as his movements lost their rhythm sent your hips grinding against his, his teeth marking your shoulders as a reminder of his work on you.
Your toes curled, finally reaching your orgasm as he murmured dirty expressions of him ruining your pretty clothes against the wall. As he pulled out of you, your knees felt weak, threatening to buckle beneath you. You tried not to give off how much he had trashed you, but the warmth snaking down your thighs and your bliss-ridden mind proved otherwise.
Long story short, the bus ride home was rather interesting.
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Dream Taglist: (follow this link to be added :))
@karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @more-like-reyna @honk-izzie-was-taken @marrymetheonott @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @savingpluto @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake @unstableye @tinyegg @behzzyboo @darphobic @twist3dtinkerbell @sparkletash @lindsayhunz @shroomieissmall @mintmochiii @clubfairy @aroyaldarknessblr @camerondiaz48104 @madsbbg @victory-is-here @rat-poisin
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owaowabetch · 4 years
Minecraft Part 2 (Sykkuno x F!Reader)
Oneshot (maybe part of a series??? at this point probs): Chaos in the server, Will a deal entice you to become part of the comfy cartel? Or will you resist the temptation of the deal and side with the resistance? Friendship and a lil romance (oohhh things are starting to heat up)
Warning:Non beta (cuz we baddies purr); part of Uh-oh & Impasta
You had been streaming Minecraft for about 4 hours when you decided to end it for a small meal break. Though ending stream didn’t stop you from continuing playing with your friends. Unfortunately, Sykkuno had not been on while you were streaming, since you did so quite earlier than usual, but you wanted to remodel your minecraft home; turning the once pink wooden home to a white quartz block using the obscene amount of quartz that Jae gifted you as to entice you to join his faction in the sever. It was a nice bribe gift, but you have yet to align yourself with the ressistance or the comfy cartel. 
So, while gettin gifted quartz blocks was nice, hearing that Toast gave Lily a gun enticed you more.But you doubt Toast’s whole character arc will entrust you with one. You maybe be living with his ‘right-hand’ man, but he seems to be slowly on a downward spiral. Kind of like a crazy wacky scientist- he’s doofenshmirtz. 
Anyways you had completed the finishing touches on your remodeled, when you saw in the little chat that Sykkuno was on. “ OH!OH!OH! SYKKUNO!”
You were excited to show him the newly made house. The house was three levels to your house, but you’re mostly wanna show him the basement area.
You saw the iconic teal shirt paired with the green stripped scarf boxy figure making their way towards you. You emoted the cheering pose and happily called out to him “Hi Sykkuno!” 
“Hey, Y/n!” He cheered back coming closer “I have something for you!” 
You start jumping up and down “Present!” You like getting free things, especially if it comes from someone you like....as a friend of course. Yup yup, just as a friend. As, he stood in front of you he laughed “What are you doing?” watching your character wave their arms around
You laughed back at him “Just happy to see you!”
“Well, I’m always happy to see you!” Sykkuno chirps out and adds on with a slight stutter “C-cause we’re friends! I’m always happy to see such a great friend!”
Feeling the high of him telling you how he was always happy to see you was crushed by him reminding you that friends is all that you both may only ever be. So with the disappointment lingering and the excitement wearing off, you just mutter a reply back. “Yes! The bestest of friends!”
“Yup, yup. Anyways have some water mills” He throws some black blocks with blue markings on them “Follow me!” You both ran near your home “Claim this bit of land” and you did so. “Now, dig like a 3 by 6 hole and place two water mills close to each corner and one in the middle bottom”(1). You followed his instructions “Ok, so im just gunna place the water” You watched him do so “Ok! I think it’s all good and ready to go!”
You crouch and inch around the hole “What is it?”
“Ok well you know how I got you that green lasso that has you swinging and jumping all over the place with the slime boots?” Sykkuno asks crounching up right beside you 
“Yea yea!” You crouch and uncrouch in circles around him
“Well I have something even better!” He cheers “Eh” he grunts and throws a ring on the floor. You awe and oh as you put the ring in your hot bar “How cute! It has little wings on it!” 
“Yea! It’s a special ring” Sykkuno tells you 
“Special ring?...Are you proposing to me! OMG Sykkuno” You joke 
“Wah?” Spluttering out in confusion but deciding to play along “I mean are you accepting?”
You laugh “Woah, Sy! How bold of you sir”
He giggles back to you before teaching you how and where to put the ring. “OK do you have it on?”
You jump up and down in response allowing the slime boots to spring you up higher. “Yup Yup”
“Ok so, why don’t you take off your slime boots and then press the space bar” He jumps up and down, which you do. You gasp as you are lifted into the air “Sy! Look! Im flying!!” He is in the air next to you “I can see! Cause I am also flying!”
“How are we doing this! This is so fucking cool!” You laugh as you start moving around in the air “WAIT! Are you streaming? I’m so sorry!”
He laughs as he starts following you around in the air “It’s fine, but the ring I gave you is an angel ring. As long as your wearing it, then you can just fly around”
“Wow! Thanks Sykkuno!” You cheer and you walk around in the air “Clean! Clean!” 
“Yea, Of Course! It’ll be alot easier for you to get to places faster” He explains once more “Now, my chat has been going crazy and telling me that you redid our house?”
Excitement lit through you as you were ready to show him the remodeling works that you’ve done “Yes! I did! I’m so excited to show you” You move your camera out of first person and notice your character wearing a pair of white wings on your back “Oh my god! Sykkuno! I didn’t know that there was actual wings that appear on your lil person!”
“uh yea! I didn’t know if you wanted to have or not, cause mine are invisible” Sykkuno says flying next to you as you make the short distance back to your home “but i remembered you saying that you wanted to buy fairy wings. I could’ve made them pink to look like them, but i thought the white ones would suit you better”
“Cause i’m such an angel?” You tease as you reached your front door
“Well uh you are um a nice person” Hearing the shyness in his tone made you think that he was being sincere and it made you blush “Thank you Sykkuno, you’re one of the best people i know!”
He clears his throat “uh well um, look we made it!” trying to divert the conversation away from the compliments. You made a mental note to yourself to compliment him more, so that his confidence rises up and he no longer shies away from them.
“Yup!” You open the door “come on in!” He oh’ed as he came in, seeing the kitchen area first “As you can see Sy and chat, I have created a kitchen with actual fucking oven and fridge! How crazy is that! These mods are cool!”
“So, yeah! Kitchen area, though I doubt we’ll use it” You comment
“Wow! a fridge! Neat!” He opened the fridge and looked at the decor of other kitchen appliances 
You laugh at his wording “ Yup! and this is our living room slash library” leading him further into the house and showing him the sitting area with a bunch of bookcases surrounding the fake chairs “and right next to this is the ‘dining room’ where more seats were placed with a table and a cute flower in a pot atop the table. “So, yea this is the first floor!” 
“This is cool! Oh! it’s [y/f/flower] on the table” He notes and you nod feeling your cheeks flush a bit before admitting “of course! It’s actually the flower you gave me on our first day...”
“thats, thats really cool that you kept it” Sykkuno replies and there is a bit of silence between the two of you. Not awkward but almost in a content kind of way. Peaceful if you will. 
“Ok! Now lets head upstairs! It’s where we sleep!” You say walking up the stairs showing him the green beds placed next to each other “I didn’t know if you wanted to sleep next to each other again, but i did it anyways lol” 
He walked around the room and admired the little decor spread around the walls and opened chests in the room. He laughed awkwardly “it’s fine, it’s just a respawn point so its no biggie!”
“Yea to sleepovers!” You cheer 
Clearing his throat he noted how much he liked the room, causing you to smile and thank him “But i know what you’ve been wanting to see the most!”
“What do you mean?” He questioned and looked at you 
“The basement! Dun Dun DUN!” You jump at him scooting him down the stairs
He laughed in disbelief “What was that? Did you just hit me?”
“Nope” Emphasizing the p “ I just jumped at you which caused you to go down the stairs! I could never hurt you Sy!”
“Well I could never hurt you too” He mutters back and you pouted at how cute his response was
“Oh! You could just make your way down there! I forgot that Jae wanted me to give him some quartz back!” You gasp remembering what Jae had told you
“What do you mean?” His character looks back at you
And you look back at his and think “hmmm I don’t know if I should snitch or not, but Jae gave me an obsence amount of quartz blocks to build the house! I knew it was a little hard for you to get some, so he offered to give me some”
He hummed back “I see....” 
You noted how the atmosphere tensed for a split moment until Sykkuno happily noted that it was nice of him to give you something he couldn’t, but it sounded a bit off to you. Though you didn’t pay much attention to that since you didn’t want to reveal the resistance, as you have yet to align yourself with any of the two factions, well soon to be three since you believe that Sydney is doing some witchy stuff.
“Well, why don’t you go do that while I check the basement and give something to toast really quick!” He tells you 
“Ok!” You reply back to him rifling through your chests to find the remaining the blocks to give to Jae “I’ll see you in a bit, maybe toast too!”
With that you made your way back to Jae to hand him the quartz back, though it was quite an ordeal since he made a whole rant on how evil the comfy cartel were and how you should join them and become a spy cause apparently Toast is planning on doing something that could affect the entire server....
So you just ignored all of that and made your way back home, to have Toast and Sykkuno greet you at the front door.
“Hey guys! Im back” You cheer at them
“What did Jae want huh?!?!” Toast immediately questions you “Did you tell him any of our business huh? Should we be trusting you huh? huh? HUH!?!”
“Whoa Toast” You back up as he was getting all up in your face
“Wow Toast, are you okay?” Sykkuno places himself between you two 
“Im doing just fine” Toast answers back and you notice his full gear armor “Just wanted to know if we have a rat here”
You tsk “wow Toast, I see how it is. I see. By the way you look like a Power Rangers villan, just sayin”
He takes out his gun and points it at you “Well you won’t be sayin much Motherfucka!”
“I won’t say anything at all if you give me a gun to join the comfy cartel” You hit Sykkuno away and hear him utter an ow “Cause I don’t have an allegiance with anyone at the moment. So I’m a free agent and I can talk to whoever whenever” Throwing his words back at him and implying that you can speak to anyone without repercussions.
“AH right you are not part of the comfy cartel yet” He nods to himself “Well I wont give you a gun to join the group cause frankly I know that you’ll just shoot me”
You sigh “Then i’-”
“Instead!” He interrupts you “I’ll give you something better!” 
You pout “but i wanna cap a bitch”
“Instead of cappin’ you’ll be rackin’ cause you’re gunna have to collect taxes from people and in exchange you get the left hand of my right hand” He moves closer to you, that statement throw you through a loop ‘left hand?right hand?’. You were confusion. “Capiche?”
“What do you mean?” You question and he evil laughs and hits sykkuno.
“Wha? What was that Toast” Sykkuno also confused as to why Toast hit him and what Toast meant.
“I’m saying that you can have Sykkuno!” He evil laughs once more 
Sykkuno splutters “Wha? What do you mean Toast?!?!”
You were shocked at what he said. Giving you Sykkuno? “What do you mean?”
“You can marry Sykkuno” He repeats himself once more “You are both important to each other, why else live together? This way I’m keeping you both in check” and once again with the evil laughter
‘I’m glad im not streaming otherwise some of the more entitled fangirls would 100% send hate comments to me’ you think to yourself
You hum “Will I still get a gun?”
“Only if you can become my number one marksmen and execute the people I tell you too” He offers you
“Deal” You nod to yourself 
“Wha? [Y/N]?” Sykkuno sputters out “You’re ok with this?” and nodding to yourself you reply with a yes and asks him if he is also “Well I- uh I” he continues to laugh awkwardly “I mean uh sure?”
“Neat!” You reply throwing a diamond at him “Here’s your dowry lol”
Though before another conversation could happen Toast butts in once more “This was a test and you both passed” and throws a gun at you “Here take this one, prove yourself and I’ll get you a better one”
You put the gun in your hot bar and place it in your hand. “Clean!” You start point it in different directions “Thanks! Toast!”
“Don’t betray me or else you gets the hose!” He starts walking backwards then comes back up to you “Oh, also your target is Leslie, be sure to collect her taxes before killing her.” Walking backwards once more before coming back “Oh Sykkuno hand me the diamond [y/n] gave you.” He does so “Ok that’ll be your last tax payment until I have you look for materials for a special project” He evil laughs as he flies away
“OK! Great talk!” You call out and emote the happy one, with your arms lifted up and shaking about “Awesome! I get a gun muahahahaha!”
You hear Sykkuno clear his throat “so uh, you were ok with marrying me?”
“Yea! so were you!” You say as you move you camera around trying to find a good angle to see it properly
“Because you were!” He replies back and that took you aback a bit as you didn’t realize how uncomfortable it may have been for him.
“Well you didn’t have too if you didn’t want to” You felt a bit embarrassed at the fact that he did it because you wanted to but not he himself personally
“Wha, well I didn’t think you were being serious” Once again laughing awkwardly “Cause you know girls aren’t in- OW”
You shot him with the gun in annoyance.
‘Bitches are into you Sykkuno’ You screamed in your head ‘I‘M BITCHES!’
 Author’s Note:
Side Note 1 - I dont know if this is correct lol
No cap but i had written half of this like 3 days after writing Part 1 but I got lazy lmao sorry! Also this is gunna be a slowburn story cuz lets be real our smol bean and all of our asses are awkward as hell and kind insecure in the romantic aspect, so realistically it would not be fast paced.
So here it is Minecraft pt.2/4
Tags: @sushiims
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totallyimagines · 4 years
Owari no Seraph reaction to your Periods
I have a whole comforting Masterlist in my drafts and I’ve still got a lot of scenarios and headcannons I want to do..and I have a lot of other Masterlists but it’s actually just to help me keep track of things because I’m super messy..I’ve been posting owari no seraph all week. Nothing is wrong — just got a lot of ideas for everyone in the anime
Warnings: Cowards, Menustration for Da vampires..of course, mostly just these men being afraid of you
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That face..is so accurate for this situation — I don’t know what else is. He’s a little lost..but he knows the basics. Seriously, don’t cry around him (I.e dropping food,) — like he would literally look at you like come on..
I can see him being like the one that points out that your on your period because of your mood change or something..like I’m just sure he can tell and then he’s immediately like “oh shit..” If your mood swings are violent or if your just super mad, he’s afraid of you. You scare this man..who knew you had so much power in that small body — seriously, he called you Hulk one time because you got mad at the wall ‘hitting your body’ and started to square up with that wall. If your emotional, *insert eye roll* “you’re such a baby.” You dropped your box of chocolates on the ground? Big deal..don’t cry about it.
If your emotions are in between — anxiety.
Ok, he understands most of your emotional outbreaks though..not emotional — “Sensitive”.. I can see him being like tired of you crying but super understanding — either way..I think he’ll keep his distance if you start crying about something like food or just something that’s really dumb to him.
When your appetite changes: he’s more scared than that then your strength. When he sees you eat foods that I’m sure he wouldn’t dare touch.. just watches in fascination. Like, how do you eat that much ice cream without stopping? Or why are you eating ice cream and peanut butter? He would probably just be so scared of that, watching you eat a full box of pizza by yourself.
Cramps? Holy shit, are you ok? Once you’re bending over in pain, he’s honestly so worried. Although, he may look so unaffected by you doing this. He’s truly concerned. He’s more of the groaner when you have cramps. Because he doesn’t want you to be in pain in the middle of cuddles. But guren holds you tights so I doubt you will be able to really feel cramps during cuddling with him.
*Coward = 1
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He’s so quiet when you’re on it..like he doesn’t want to say anything that will trigger you though but he can smell your blood though which also makes him want to avoid you..unless you want to have...No, ok.
He’s scared of your mood swings too, one second you’re crying and then the next you’re squaring up with your reflection for looking like you. If he wasn’t your boyfriend he would say you were crazy..I’m sure any normal person would right? He’s suprised by your increased strength too, you boxed a vampire for some ice cream — and you won, of course. Ice cream never fails to disappoint.
When he wakes up to you with blood in the bed, and it’s coming from you..he thinks he killed you. *violently shakes you awake* when you tell him it’s your blood — which I’m sure you’ll have to explain the whole blood process..you’ll have to change your own sheets because he’s lost. I mean all types of lost, he doesn’t even know what pads are.
Appetite Change? He didn’t notice..
Cramps? He just kinds of nuzzles into you, rubs your stomach and asks if you feel better. If he can’t help he’ll just follow your instructions. The leaning over in pain or you can’t move is really unnerving for him. He just doesn’t really want you to be in pain. Curse these Cramps. Their hurting you. He was probably convinced they were killing you at first.
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Would probably want to do Menustration too? Your blood is just super tasty to her, just let her get a taste.
Doesn’t really care about your mood swings, she’s the same way. I’m sure she’ll probably encourage the mood swings making you take it on someone near you. So amusing. The strength that you have in that tiny body is unbelievable. When you fought someone over a box of twinkies and almost broke their nose..what do you humans see in food?
*She probably won’t even care when she sees blood in the bed. Unbothered.
Appetite change, she definitely notices that. Like your so hungry all the time or your barely hungry at all. She’s actually really uncaring about what you eat though, it’s not really interesting to her. Or she just doesn’t really seem to care about how much you eat either. She watched you gobble down that whole box of twinkies with ice cream..she’s impressed.
Cramps? She’ll get some servants to treat you to whatever that you need.
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Crowley is probs(*definitely) up for menustration..your blood is tasty to all vampires. Like he’s so hungry for you know, smells your cycle before it even starts. Yes, he’s keeping track. Which is probably a bonus on your side if you have a vampire as your lover.
Mood swings? Crowley knows how to get you really upset to the point where you want to make a dent his face. The strength in that small body of yours is incredible. Crowley tried you one time, never again. If your emotional, he’s just so playful about it. Like, he’ll comfort you just by saying some sweet words and then everything is good again. Well, you stopped crying for now. Win for him. Ice cream and Chocolate and you almost killed a person for that? He fears you now. He’s learned to keep food out of the fights. You’ll go into beast mode for that.
When he wakes up to see blood in the bed..he begs for menustration. Like there’s no better way to clean it up..why not? He’ll pout but let up after like 30 mins of asking. If your comfortable with it, you’ll get the best eating out of your life. He heard sex easies up your cramps? So why not?
Appetite Change? Who’s she? Oh yeah, you eat a lot. Like seriously he really doesn’t care.. sort of just lets you eat whatever because it’s your body. Why not?
Cramps? He chuckles but helps, his laughing is sexy guys.. I think I’ll trade that out for cramps. He’ll cuddle you and rub the spot that hurts you the most. He’s actually so good at this actually. He may stay silent and it may get a little dirty. But his “massaging” is not that bad and it actually easies up intense cramps.
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Ferid definitely wants Menustration. If you want oral, this is the way to go. If he gets blood and you get oral. Win - win. So this is actually the best way to bribe him with some oral sex. Well, if that’s if he didn’t already ask.
Mood swings? Laughs the entire time, no it’s not a chuckle it’s him down right laughing. He loves them, you can be so angry and emotional in just minutes and he loves them. You scared him with the strength though. I’m sorry but who fights someone for candy, noodles or just ice cream? And just so you can binge eat it. He finds this really interesting and amusing because vampires do the same. He’s never really seen humans fight for food..like that. Emotional mood swings, nuisance to him. He’ll comfort you but like it’s just not his thing. Finds it weird when you get mad at inanimate objects — it can’t talk..
When he wakes to blood on the bed and your still asleep..yes..he’s going to eat you out. You can’t question it. He just wants to be between your legs lapping at the blood. You’ll wake up to him doing that at least once. No blood is going to go to waste with him around. And yes, he knows when your period comes and goes.. the going part sucks for him especially if you didn’t let him taste it.
Change in appetite? Umm...He notices but chooses not to. He’s practically the definition, I see you but I choose not to. Like, he’ll watch you eat the food but won’t comment on it. As he should. Again, you eating doesn’t really apply to them. They don’t really care what you eat, yeah they may watch you but seriously they aren’t judging you.
Cramps? He can hold you or cuddle you. He’ll run you a bath too, no he’s not getting in. It’s for you. But that’s probably all he’ll do. He’ll read to you if that makes you feel better? Gets your painkillers though he’s not going to let you go without those especially if you have really bad cramps.
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Stays....away. Well, half of the time most of the time he’s really comforting and everything. He still keeps his playful additude nothing else.
Mood Swings? He’s scared too, like you’re so powerful. You’ve become so scary, what happened to you.. to him.. you’re a nightmare that’s walking around for a few days and then right after your period you’re a bundle of joy. That’s probably why he’s scared.. you switch moods so quickly that he can’t keep up. You’re battling people for food? Are you crazy? Ok, he’ll count you as crazy if you battle someone for something so simple and small as chocolate. Yeah, but he’s there for the whole fight cheering you on. Emotional — he’ll probably cry with you and it’s probably over a scoop of ice cream you dropped.
When he wakes up with blood in the bed, he’ll go run you a shower first. And ask you to get up so he can change the sheets. He’ll probably join you later and he’ll get you a snack. But sometimes he’s not there so.. not much there.
Appetite change? You’re eating so much Ice cream without stopping. He just stares at you, awkwardly..dumbfounded. Then you’ll probably get on from him staring to much, it doesn’t break his process. In fact, he sits besides you and stares and puts his hand up to his chin. Stares, and Stares..and stares.
Cramps? Knows exactly what to do, you bending over in pain isn’t taking lightly by him. Even if you say you’re fine — he’s going to run you a bath water and make you feel better. Snacks? That he can do. He’s honestly so easy going with this and doesn’t make it such a problem.
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Smirks.. ah, it’s that time of the month again. He just corners you until you give into trying the Menustration thing at least once. He’s so tempting. Sorry Lacus but there is way more to it then just Menustration, ok?
Mood swings? He’s not scared but he’ll watch you from afar. Like, you’re not scary from back here but up close — you’re scary. You don’t know wether to take that as an insult or compliment. All that strength though — how come you aren’t fighting battles? He’ll want to battle you over some chocolate, maybe some tug of war? Let’s just say — you won..chocolate beats everything. Emotional, *sigh*.. He’ll just watch you cry like, what else is he supposed to do? Yes, he seems so uninterested in this.
Menustration: Don’t let this boy tell you any different, he loves eating you out while doing this. He’s super lazy — yeah, yeah whatever. But he’s cutting corners just so he can get a taste of you tonight.(my bad, that was cheesy)
Appetite change? Again, doesn’t care. Doesn’t even stare. He might tease you with it.. holding it above his head. Which also didn’t end well, so he stop doing that. He totally call you vicious right after that.
Cramps? Lucas doesn’t really know much on that department. Another teaching lesson. He’s a little worried at the sudden pain honestly. Watching you bend over in pain isn’t what he’ll like to see when he comes home. Other days, you probably won’t even want to get out of bed and Lucas is right there. Asking if there is anything he can do to make you feel better.
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That quick? It was just here last week.. what happened? Lost again.. just lost. He just doesn’t understand why you have this. He’s close to crying..
Mood Swings? Stays away..you’re scary. You’re always trying to box something such as the chair that you bumped into. He’s more than dumbfounded, the way that you’re talking to inanimate objects though makes him laugh. You’re seriously cursing out a stool? Emotional, he doesn’t do so good. He’ll comfort you like he’ll usually do. But he may not know how to really solve the problem so say goodbye to that delicious Oreo cookie you stepped on.
When he wakes up to blood in the bed, he’s not as lost because he already knows but he’ll stare for quite a bit before waking you up. And doing what you do when this happens. It’s either because your too embarrassed and he’s says he’ll do it or your on the verge of crying.
Appetite change? Can care less, you’re hungry then eat. He won’t even question you getting up late at night to eat. He’ll just let you leave from the cuddle session to go do whatever you want to. Late night snack sounds good to him, why not?
Cramps? He hates seeing you lean over in a pain every once in a while. He’ll do anything to try and make it feel better. He’ll get you some painkillers. And if your cramps are really bad, he’s not really good at comforting but he’ll do what you tell him. He knows you’re in pain so he won’t push your limits.
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lafox · 3 years
Hello, I've been reading I lot of your fics and fell in love with them. You writing is great♡♡
Will it be if I ask for Zenigata x Injured Reader? Like the two of them are partners on a case and they get hurt protecting . Thank You. :>
Thank you so much for this request!! i was waiting in my dark, gloomy room for this one hahah!
It’s gonna be pretty angst XO
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This is going to be pretty long cause i really got carried away! but i really hope you enjoy. Prepare you tissues and a pillow to squeeze your frustration! Please send me more Zenigata stuff i beg!
You were both on your daily mission to get Lupin in his gang over the cold, rusty metal bars. You had planed out what could possibly be the tricks and outplays that could play out throughout the day. Zenigata was a dedicated man and you learnt that throughout your journey with him. He was creative, strong and a bit clumsy but how can you not with such a strong figure walking around.  
"So we have everything ready?" you asked inpatient. He started at our notes and blue prints intensively.
"Almost." He paused and lifted his head to meet your eyes. 
"We just need to confirm everything." You groan but deep down, you enjoyed spending time with him, even if it was things that wasn't your cup of tea.
After checking once more and giving each other quizzes on the different situations, the only thing you had to wait for the radio to alarm us of any Lupin activities. You stood up out of your spot and directed yourself to the kettle siting on you right. You reached the top drawer and took two noodle cups. He formed a smile on his face and closed his eyes in approval when you showed him the cup. You were both eating when you asked a question that wasn't in the blue prints.
"What do we do if one of us gets hurt..?" You said with hesitation. His eyes widened as he raised his brows. For a split second he didn't move until he swallowed his noodles. He looked away, trying to think for an answer. 
"What are you saying, it will never happen cause I'm here!" You laughed at his response and smiled at him.
"Seriously Koichi-" You stopped your trail of words as his eyes were looking through yours. Was it a mistake that you called him by his first name? He frowned and looked away.
"Well if it happened then-" Zenigata get's cut off by the radio signals and quickly reaches for it. 
"We have located Lupin and his gang around the Louvre Inspector."
"Do not move until I command you too!" He replied. He grabbed his coat and you followed him. At the scene the both of you join Zenigata's officers and salute them. They salute you back and explain the situation. There was a high chance that they would be more gangs than Lupin's so Zenigata had to take a decision. Haft of his forces on the hunt, the others on the watch. They would take the main door to the Louvre as both of you would take the exits. Everyone were ready, like robots with their own commands.
"They are... very well disciplined." you said uneasy.
"We only have the best for these kinds of cases, that's why you are here." You said as he flashes you with a smile. You didn't budge until we started to move. You followed him, still flustered about his comment.
You were almost at the exits of The famous Louvre until you heard something from afar, Inspetor Zenigata didn't move or react to it until it was too late. 
The cop was right...
 You saw the light afar and push the inspector way. 
It happened so fast.
You never felt this kind of pain before.
The intense warms in your lower abdomen told you everything you need to know about the situation.
You fell to the ground almost unconscious. 
Zenigata grabbed his gun in a flash and shot at the right direction. There was a heavy silence. You looked at the city lights, concentrating on the beautiful Parisian lights.
Someone called a name, multiple time, until you realized it was yours. You opened your eyes a bit more and felt your body being flipped to your back. You saw the Inspector's face of worry but, it reassured you. He was a comforting presence to be with.
You saw him call the radio in panic until he ripped your shirt to see the wound. He got to work and took the ripped part of your shirt and covered the wound for it to stop bleeding but- 
"Stay with me would ya!" 
'I'll stay.. i'll stay' You said to yourself. You knew you were losing a lot of blood, 
You knew,
He knew. 
"Please don't close your eyes and look at me!" He yelled. It woke you up a bit of your thinking. 
"I-" You managed to say as you grit your teeth when his hands pressured your wound.
"What do we do." You exhaled,
"If one of us get hurt?" you finished. His eyes widened at your question.
"Tell me." You struggled. You budge him out of his shock.
"We stop the mission, we stop everything!" he answered.
"Why?" Zenigata frowned and grit his teeth. You saw his sweat slowly falling down his cheek to his chin. He took his hat off and gently put it on your chest. You help a grip on it, of all the strength you had to not fall unconscious. You felt your slowly being heavier and heavier. 
"Don't leave me like Laura did..." That was the last thing you heard. 
The next thing you knew, you felt a sheets covering your lower body. You tried opening your eyes but the room was so light. You blinked a few times before your eyes fully opened. You looked down at your arms already habited by needles in your skin. You were still holding Zenigata's hat, now it was all bloody from the event. You looked to your right and you saw the grey door, closer to you the liquid going into your body, standing there. You slowly turn you eyes to your left. You saw a big figure, sitting there with his eyes closed and crossing his arms like the men in their 40's sleeps like when they sleep on a couch. You didn't want to wake him up until you accidently knocked out the radio sitting on the left little table between the two of you. You couldn't reach it from down here, your abdomen was on fire. His eyes met yours, you felt like you were caught.
"Good morning." You said with an awkward smile. He reached for the radio and put it back on the table. He was silent in his movement. You didn't budge a centimeter, it was unlike him to be the silence type. His got closer to you with his chair. You felt yourself being wrapped up in his big arms, your head was resting on his chest. after a few seconds, he let go and you looked back at him. He looked horrible, he had dark circles under his eyes, yes, even more than usual and his eyes were red, like he cried.
"Are you okay?" you asked him. he didn't respond to you and laid his head on the bed close your waist and became silent. You understood his message and laid down as comfortably as you could be and watched him sleep. You really wanted to run your fingers on his hair but hesitated. Now isn't the time to show that kind of affection, so you put your hand on his shoulder and rested.
 Later on when a nurse came in to check up on your condition, you signaled them to be quiet as Zenigata was in a deep sleep. You talked to the nurse a bit and learnt that Zenigata had stayed all night and all day to keep a watch of you. You didn't even know how long that must've been. More detailed came out the nurse's mouth. He almost never let go of your hand, cried some nights and always pushed his work away. You looked back at Zenigata's sleeping figure and sat there, shocked. After the nurse left, you felt horrible and had many questions in mind;
-Why did he not continue and chase Lupin?
-Why did the other cops didn't come to help?
-Who is Laura?
-How many people did he lose?
You looked at Zenigata and directed your hand to his head, running your hands through his hair. It felt satisfying, it gave you some sort of serotonin boost. You stopped to concentrate on a book you request from the nurse. Suddenly you felt a hand gently grabbing yours, he directed your hand around his hair. You smiled and ran your hand in his hair again. You heard a a sighed of satisfaction from his and you continued reading your book.
Later that day, Zenigata woke up from his slumber. He opened his eyes to see you, reading your book in peace. He bolted of joy and raised himself of your hospital bed. 
“You’re awake, you’re awake!” he said. You only chuckled at his childish side and he sat back down. Last time he woke up, he was so exhausted he forgot. 
“Good afternoon Koichi.” You smiled at him. He paused his tracks and looked away all flustered. You smiled at him and put your book down. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Only some abdominal pains, nothing more.” You responded. He grabbed your hand and enfolded it with his hands. You directed your eyes to him and he closed his. 
“I won’t let this happen ever again, I was not focus, I'm sorry.”
"Koichi..." You sighed.
"I am just glad, that you are still living why did you do it!"
"Well..." You paused.
"We only have the best for these kinds of cases, that's why i'm are here"
Koichi only smiled and stayed next to for the rest of your trip at the hospital. He was glad, glad to have one the best partners in the world.
Thank you so so much for this request!
You probs have seen that i'm way more active. Thats because school is almost over so i have some time off YEY! So there will be more writing from now on!
My Ask is still closed sorry..
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gerrydelano · 4 years
Do you have any tma fics with trans femme rep because I would love to read it l. You probs don't remember me but I was the (recently realized transfemme) 16 year old who wanted to play Juliet for school in the comments for tsp it was an eye opener for me, and put alot of complicated feelings to words, I've been on the hunt for more transfemme media in tma fics but I'm find so little😟 so I'd like to believe maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place??
oh goodness hi, i do remember you!!!! this is such a lovely message to receive when i’m always scared of my inbox after making serious posts. i spent the night foraging and i have a good chunk of recs right here for you! 
i’m actually going to say this for people who aren’t aware of the statistics here:
even just searching the tags, there are 474 for “trans male character” but if you search “trans female character” you get 32. out of those, only 20 of them are not explicit, and maybe 10 out of those that aren’t uncomfortable in other ways. combined with looking in the nonbinary tags, we only ended up with 19 recs total, which. is actually devastating and i really hope people realize how much that says about our priorities. we can and must do better. myself included!
for now, i’m going to start with some updates to GTCU fics first to get them out of the way, but i’ve asked my friends for other clean recs to share with you as well! they found things even outside of that tag, so hopefully this helps! i wrote little blurbs under all of them to state just how much focus there is, too.
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01. hand in hand [series, complete, by yours truly]
this is the series of oneshots i did for bi jonuary! if TSP was an eye opener for you, and you haven’t seen these yet, there is a lot of discussion of jon’s gender exploration in here and even some closure with his experience in chess! it permeates all seven of the fics as a recurring and purposeful theme.
02. Pharos By Right [series, ongoing, yours truly]
we have four transfem main characters in this series! sasha, gerry, georgie, jon. sasha is a trans woman and it comes up right in chapter 2 of the first installment, but she actively talks about it in chapter 7 when she gives her statement. jon, we already know his backstory, but he’s actually going to end up doing really different stuff in this story because the whole plot is different! georgie, i’ll explain below (so excited about this.)
and gerry, again you know what i did with him in TSP, but here? we get to see sasha is the one who helps him start transitioning, and it’s going to be a major part of things in a different way than before because of that connection. community is everything! my next chapter that i’m currently working on actually literally starts with them celebrating when he starts self-medicating estrogen right then and there in the office LOL. 🥳
03. breathing like i never did [oneshot, TBA, also yours truly]
this fic already featured GTCU-typical transfem jon, but i have a surprise announcement: i’m going to revamp it VERY soon and change it so that georgie is a transfem butch. 
this fic is over a year old, the first one i wrote for this fandom, and since then my HC has changed and i think it’s for the better! this is something you don’t see represented often, and ever since seraf (💙) brought up the HC it’s been living in my brain rent free.
i’ll edit this blurb accordingly when it’s finally changed, but rest assured it’s coming very soon! and already has transfem jon in it to start, so still counts.
04. Sail Close to the Wind [multichap, ongoing, renwhit]
this is the second major installment in ren’s series, come what may, and while you do have to read the other parts to understand the plot, i’m listing it specifically because it actually features a young trans girl, aminah! her transness is actually explored explicitly and explained to callum, the POV character, and she is the best, i love her so much.
the first installment, head in the lion’s mouth, does talk about sasha and joy (one of danny stoker’s friends) being trans women in some aside mentions, but it’s not really enough for me to say “ooh this is a fic with loud transfem rep!” either way, though, they’re included very organically and it’s nice to happen upon when reading, you know?
05. Pendulum (Road to Damascus) [part of a series, complete, renwhit]
in this installment specifically, there are multiple scenes where tim flashes back to knowing sasha in secondary school, and her being a trans girl comes up frequently! especially in relation to her parents being super supportive, him growing out his hair alongside her to help keep eyes off her while she socially transitioned in school, and meeting her again in adulthood when she’s fully come into herself and is more confident. i feel like that would resonate with you! and the whole series is a banger.
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OKAY now stuff that isn’t ours but that i trust implicitly.
06. all moments meant to pass [oneshot, complete, seraf]
this is one of seraf’s contributions to the bi jon event! it’s about trans lesbian sasha reaching out to and connecting with jon about gender and ostracization, it’s really soft and honest and beautiful. DEFINITELY give it a read!
07. secondhand nostalgia ( or: prides never attended ) [multichap, ongoing, seraf]
also for bi jonuary! includes trans butch georgie (seraf is the one who pioneered that HC!) and another girlfriend of hers, tasha, who is a trans woman. and the next chapter will include trans sasha, as well!
08. timeline of your tender heart [multichap, complete, verboseDescription]
another bi jonuary, featuring a lot of jon talking about gender! it might not be as hefty as some others listed here, but angel’s writing is soothing and beautiful, and there is gender to be explored.
09. Bailey School Kids [multichap, complete, verboseDescription]
this fic. is one of my cherished, treasured, Most Loved fics of all time about gerry surviving his cancer and living with roommates in america (the same ones mentioned in TSP!) one of gerry’s roommates, basil, is amab nonbinary (mentioned in hand in hand, too!) the other, kira, has a transfem girlfriend, and the two of them do take gerry out to buy skirts after talking about some gender dysphoria he’s been shoving down because he doesn’t think he has time for it given his lifestyle. it’s VERY sweet and i fully recommend it, i hype this fic up so much that it’s leaked into ALL my own work too. 
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small break for safe fics that angel found for me while i was asleep. he went through various nonbinary tags to try and find transfem ones! i have not touched any of these and probably wouldn’t have on my own but he vouched that some of them are cute as hell.
10. gender? isn’t that a spice? [oneshot, complete, fuckeliasbouchard]
jon and martin talking about gender!
11. Solidarity [oneshot, complete, schrijverr]
jon working up the nerve to wear a skirt to work!
12. what harm you can help [oneshot, complete, ncfan]
gerry & agnes meeting! him being nb isn’t super relevant, but i hear it’s very nice. i personally love the gerry & agnes strange friendship route, when people actually acknowledge that she’s Old. also this is the longest fic here, i think? about 11k.
13. let you look [oneshot, complete, squipport]
tim helping jon find a dress! pretty short, like most of these are, but sweet.
14. i am the fifth dimension [oneshot, complete, librarby]
jon coming out & pronoun discussion!
15. you can talk to me [oneshot, complete, celosiaa]
mostly trans martin, but does have jon doing genderly things!
16. to noise-making [multichap, complete, mercuryhatter]
gender group hangout! by another friend of mine<3 i haven’t read this but i trust michael’s depictions of gender.
17. centreing [oneshot, complete, HirilElfwraith]
this is about closeted nonbinary jon, but it’s about how he’s actually alright with that and he’s comfortable with himself; he microdosed E in uni, but kept it to himself and is reflecting happily on it! which is honestly a very worthy narrative, as well. i may not write him ever physically transitioning at all myself, but i REALLY respect this take on it and i LOVE to see it.
18. Time to think, to live [multichap, complete, Kitkire]
new addition! it does mention some experiences with transphobia and dysphoria, but this is about jon discovering some stuff with martin during safehouse time!
overall, there are a fair amount of discovery fics for jon out there, i just. don’t tend to read many because they often go with the transmasc jon route and? not my cup of tea, like, at all. but these all seem lovely, and i hope you like them!
though i will say that i. find it kind of uncomfortable that almost all of these are about jon, but there is... virtually nothing for the canon women in the podcast. at all? there’s nothing in this fandom for the girls in general, but like. i’m obviously all for nb jon, but if you’re going to write transfems... you should be thinking about the women who are already there, mate.
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this is the link to what i filtered before when searching to try and make it safe; there’s only 11 in here, and some of them are just, not heavily focused on being transfem or anything so i’m not sure what your feelings are.
but here are a few last ditch efforts dfkfhdkjh i am so sorry there are only two that i hadn’t already listed, wasn’t immediately put off by, or that weren’t more focused on someone else.
19. did it hurt (when you fell from heaven)? [multichap, ongoing, Haberdashing]
i haven’t read this one, but i asked a friend to check it out, and they said it’s sweet so far! it’s urban fantasy T4T tim/sasha, and i’m always interested in anything that also incorporates chronic pain into it tbh.
20. avatar groupchat (chapter 20) [multichap, ongoing, gayprophets]
each chapter of this is kind of a stand-alone, so you CAN skip around. it has great reviews and is certifiably hysterical. chapter 20 is like... you know how when you’re trans & talking with friends who are also trans? the chapter isn’t about that necessarily, but it does come up a few times.
also, the whole fic is rated M but it’s just for brief scattered jokes, and there are none that i can see in that chapter in particular.
the trans melanie fics in the search consist of a jonmartin baseball au that doesn’t put any focus on her (angel didn’t even remember her being trans in it, and after skimming there’s only one vague mention), and a really small wtgfs drabble that has zero mention of her being trans, so i didn’t put them here but you can always peek them anyway. not problematic, just not relevant!
sometimes i hesitate to look at people’s trans melanie content in general because it can get dicey in the sense of “why do you see her as trans” given her canon connection to violence, but! i know that it can be done beautifully (namely by transfems) but if you come at it with a focus on her arc about healing, recovery, putting up boundaries, removing herself from situations that hurt her, it has the potential to be so good and i know that max @femmedionysus is going to be writing fic about that for @melaniemonth this upcoming april! keep an eye out for that! i trust max with my life and with my wife.
ADDITION: seraf also writes transfem butch georgie and transmasc femme melanie and that may also come up during april!!!!!!!! it’s AMAZING. those are SUCH cool things to explore, especially considering the “contradictions” most people perceive in those words before really thinking about it. also keep an eye out for that!
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g-d, i’m so genuinely disheartened by the ratio here. i don’t mean to sound so defeatist, but i think acknowledging the scarcity here (to anyone else who may have clicked on this, not you, juliet, who has already gone through the search yourself) is important. i’ve contributed to it myself, even if all of my m/m content includes transfem nb guys in some capacity. i need to write more of the girls!
i hope saying this is just an encouragement to write more things you haven’t explored yet, and experience the joy in that!
but back to juliet: there is also always the possibility that people haven’t used that tag/didn’t tag it at all! that does lead me to believe it wouldn’t have been a focal point anyway, but i know i’ve forgotten before, too. maybe if you search “trans [character]” individually you might find stuff, too! that’s how i tagged sasha in mine before i realized i should put it in the broader tag, as well.
either way, i really hope that there’s at least one thing on here that you haven’t already read. i’m glad to see you’re still around, i hope you’ve been well! 🧡
if anyone has other fic recs with a focus on transfem characters that explore their experience that i missed, please link it in the replies!
but keep in mind the parameters by which i narrowed these down to begin with. if you rec proship content, i will throw rocks at you. love and light <3
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pepper-up-potion · 3 years
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The early hours of the morning (Oliver Wood x Fem!reader)
Summary: Oliver helps reader sneak out so they can spend some time together.
A/n: This was very self indulgent. I wrote it last night when I was thinking about how much I wish I could sneak out and see my boyfriend. Since I can’t because of the lockdown I wrote a fic about it instead. This was initially going to be a blurb and I just went off so I hope you like it.
Warnings: mention of strict parents but other than it’s fluff. Prob writing mistakes. Let me know if you think of any that I missed.
Word count: 2620
(Y/n) paces her room, the letter from Oliver clasped tightly in her hand. She’s so nervous, her stomach is flipping upside down and then rightside up and upside down again. It’s the first week of July. (Y/n) has come back home for the summer to her muggle house in the suburbs. (Y/n)’s parents have always been strict. She was often the first to leave parties when she was little and rarely did her parents let her stay for sleepovers at friends’ houses. When old family friends her age have parties, they are very reluctant to let her go. It was then no surprise when her parents refused her request to go stay at her boyfriend’s over the summer.
(Y/N) can normally accept her fate but some might say Oliver has a bad influence on her. She would argue the opposite. Oliver brings out a side of her she’s never seen before. With him, she’s adventurous, wild, spontaneous, fun, goofy. She feels her age with Oliver. Oliver is teaching her that sometimes, most of the time, it’s okay to put yourself first.
Maybe it’s because she misses him. Maybe it’s because she’s tired of following the rules. Maybe it’s simply because she wants to, but something has taunted her to agree to disobey her parents. Oliver is on his way to see her and she’s pacing her room waiting for him. She feels excited, there’s something exhilarating about doing what she wants. She feels scared, her parents are in the room next door and they could catch her. She feels giddy, she hasn’t seen Oliver in a while and it almost feels like a first date.
The thought of seeing Oliver calms her a little. She‘s always felt safe with him. She knows that no matter what happens, he‘ll be there for her. It brings a small smile to her face. She settles on her bed and looks at Oliver‘s squished writing in his letter.
“I’ll meet you at 12:00am sharp.” She read before drifting her eyes to her alarm clock next to her bed. The clock ticks from 11:59 to 12:00. There’s a sudden knock that makes her jump. She looks to her door but it doesn’t open. She stands moving closer to the door. Her parents should be asleep by now so she assumes it’s Oliver. Her heart is quickly bumping her rib cage and she feels dizzy with nerves. There’s another knock but she realizes it isn’t coming from the door. The sound is too quiet and muffled to come from the door. She turns to her window and finds the source of the knock. It’s Oliver. Her Oliver.
She quickly walks up to the window, a wide smile on her face. She slides the window open and peaks her head out. Oliver is on a broom, hovering next to her house. He leans over and links his lips to hers. It’s a quick peck but it fills her stomach with butterflies.
“Miss me?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“More than you think.” She admits, unable to preserve her delight.
He smiles softly. “I missed you too.” He says, almost in a whisper. Lost in the moment (y/n) had not noticed Oliver was holding a second broom in his hand. Once he sees her looking at it, he puts his arm out for her to take the broom. His smile is mischievous. Maybe this is why people say he’s a bad influence. (Y/n) has a defiant look as she firmly grasps the broom and pulls herself onto her window ledge. She hops onto the broom and hovers alongside Oliver.
Oliver gives her another peck on the lips before flying off, (y/n) quickly following suit. They fly high into the sky, passing through the clouds. Oliver being Oliver makes flying a competition. He zooms through the sky and (y/n) won’t go down without a fight. She leans forward and her broom speeds up. She can hear the wind whooshing past her as she cuts through the air. The feeling of the wind is liberating. She feels invincible. Here in the sky, no one can tell her to come down. No one can tell her what to do.
She catches up to Oliver and smirks at the look of surprise on his face. They are tail to tail for the rest of the trip. One minute (y/n) has the advantage, next it’s Oliver. After many snarky comments and flirtatious tease, Oliver signals to slow down. Together they fly closer to the horizon, they’re out of the clouds and (y/n) can see a small town with little shops and houses scattered between tall trees. Oliver points to a house that she assumes he means to tell is his. They land on the outskirts of town and Oliver drops his broom and runs to pull (y/n) into a hug. He sweeps her up off the ground and twirls her as he exclaims in loud happy cheers. (Y/n) giggles and buries her head into Oliver’s neck. She smiles at the familiar feeling of his arms around her waist, his smell, his laugh. It fills her with delight. She’s convinced it’s the best night of her summer and the night has barely begun.
He links his hand with hers and guides her back to his broom. He bends down and picks it up before starting his trek towards town.
“That was a good fly. You kept me on my toes there.” He laughs happily, always up for a challenge. “I’d take you on my quidditch team any day.” He admits.
“Wow.” She exclaims. “That’s high praise coming from mister quidditch know-it-all.” It’s a playful tease, there’s nothing but adoration in the comment. Oliver bows his head sheepishly. (Y/n) giggles at his reaction, proud she could get him all flustered. He stops suddenly and turns to face (y/n). Her giggles are replaced with a look of confusion.
“What’s wrong? Why are we stopped?” She asks while scanning Oliver’s face for an indication.
“Merlin I’m so happy to see you.” He blurts, shaking his head in disbelief. “I still can’t believe you’ve agreed to see me.”
“Don’t remind me. I’ll get so angsty that I’ll want to go back.” The thought of disobeying her parents fills her with guilt. “Let’s not talk about that. Tonight it’s just you and me.”
Oliver drops his broom and nods sympathetically before taking her broom and discarding it too. He gathers both (y/n)’s hands in his and places a soft kiss on each hand. He drops them and steps forward, cupping her cheek and kissing her lips. It’s a slow kiss. They relax into each other relishing in the feeling they’ve missed so dearly. It feels like coming home after a terrible bus ride. Everything else in the world is forgotten. It’s exactly what she wanted, just her and Oliver.
They kiss for a long time. When they finally pull apart, Oliver places his forehead on hers as he gently rubs her cheek with his thumb. She dips her head into his hand deepening the caress. His eyes are soft as he looks at her admiringly.
“You’re beautiful.” He whisperers. Butterflies flutter in (y/n)’s stomach again. She thinks Oliver should add it to his list of qualities. If he were applying for a job he could write: good at quidditch and giving my girlfriend butterflies and she would most willingly confirm the statement. She smiles and chuckles awkwardly before pulling Oliver into her arms. They hold each other in silence making up for missed time.
“I missed you so much.” It's a pained whisper. She can hear the emotion in his voice as he runs his finger through her hair. She squeezes him tighter into her arms. “I missed you too.” She whispers back. The moment feels so delicate and precious. It feels as though speaking in a normal register would shatter it.
They finally separate and start walking again. Once into town, Oliver points to all the different shops and neighbours’ houses as he provides detailed explanations of each place. It’s a small wizarding town she had never heard of until she met Oliver. He’s told her about it many times but it’s even better than he described. She secretly dreams of spending more time in the town. She hopes to one day walk through it during the day, getting to put a face to all the names Oliver is sharing.
Oliver stops in front of a house and turns to (y/n). “Well, this is me.” He says rocking onto his heels. It’s hard to see the details of the house, with the dim street lights but it has a cottage-like look to it. It’s a dark wooden, three-floor house with a steep roof and navy blue window panels. It looks a little crooked, much like the other buildings in the town. There’s a chimney puffing purple smoke that smells of lavender. It’s simple, small and homey.
“I love it.” She turns her gaze back to Oliver with bright eyes. His eyes widen and he smiles wide. “Wanna see the inside?” He asks, clasping her hand. She nods enthusiastically and he leads her to the front door.
“We have to be quiet, my parents are sleeping.” He explains before stepping in. The door creaks behind them and they both freeze, shoulders tight with worry. The house remains quiet and they take it as an indication to continue. Oliver guides her through the front entrance, into the living room and kitchen area. It’s (y/n)’s first time in a wizard house. She’s slightly disappointed with how “normal” it looks. The decor is rustic and simple. The house looks well lived in, everything has a purpose. It looks like a proper home. She finds it very comforting. Oliver places a hand on her lower back and stretches his other arm in front of him. She follows his arm and sees an open door that leads into darkness. She looks at him hesitantly and he gives her an encouraging nod and a gentle push on her back.
“It’s the basement. We’ll get more privacy there than in my room.” He explains in a whisper. She nods and walks down the stairs after lighting her wand. Once in the room, she looks around as Oliver turns on the candles. It fills the room with a soft glow as she takes note of the futon couch in the middle of the room, the bookshelf in the corner, the coffee table pressed up against the wall, the broom wax kit on the table. Everything about the room screams Oliver so it evidently becomes her new favourite room. She makes herself at home and throws herself onto the couch with a happy sigh.
She pats at the spot next to her on the futon and looks at Oliver expectantly. He chuckles as he settles next to her. “You’re an absolute delight.” He states, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.
They start off the night by playing wizards chess. Oliver’s competitive side comes out as he tries to get under (y/n)’s skin. He pouts a little when he loses but she makes up for it in cuddles. They’ve moved the futon so it’s a bed rather than a couch allowing them more space to stretch out. (Y/n) is lying on top of Oliver. She’s running her hands through his hair as he rubs circles on her back. Oliver gives her all the news of the wizarding world. He talks especially about quidditch which she gladly listens to. She loves when his eyes light up and he talks fast and passionately and he occasionally emphasizes his point with hand gestures.
The rest of the night they make out on the futon, occasionally mumbling sweet nothings as they catch their breath. His hands travel all over her body as he pulls her closer to him. They get lost in the feeling of each other’s touch. It’s grounding, warm and she easily forgets everything else.
There are no windows in the room and she has no way to judge the time. She guesses they’ve been up for most of the night and it is now far into the early hours of the morning. At that moment, it’s not important, nothing matters other than him. Oliver’s strong build under her and his big arms wrapped around her make her feel safe and peaceful. She’s hit with a sudden wave of tiredness and soon she’s drifted off to sleep. Oliver continues to rub circles between her shoulder blades as she sleeps until he too, dozes off.
When she finally wakes she feels groggy and confused. They didn’t get much sleep, maybe two hours. Oliver is mumbling something but she can hardly make sense of it. A sudden wave of adrenaline hits her and she shoots up with a terrified look. Oliver props his head up to better look at her. He goes to ask her what’s wrong but she beats him to it.
“Oliver, what time is it?” She's shaking as he fiddles around her looking for his watch that he discarded somewhere. “Oli!” She whines impatiently. He finally grabs a hold of his watch and winces. “What? Oli what time?” There’s panic in her voice.
“7:00.” He states hesitantly. Before he can calm her down she’s up, gathering her shoes and jacket. He’s right behind her, stomping on a shoe after the other. They run out grabbing the brooms in the front entrance. She’s not three steps onto the street before she’s straddling her broom and pushing off the ground. Oliver mimics her, quickly catching up to her in the sky.
“Race ya.” He shouts over the howling wind.
“Oliver.” She scolds. “I am late!”
Oliver shrugs. “Can't change the time but you can make the best of it.” He states simply. (Y/n)’s eyes narrow as she darts forward. “See you there.” She shouts behind her, turning her head just in time to see Oliver’s shocked face.
Once in her neighbourhood, they carefully scan the streets to make sure they can hover down safely. It’s a Sunday morning, most people are still sleeping. They quietly fly to her bedroom window. She crawls back through it and hands Oliver the broom. “Thanks, Oli. That was the most fun I’ve had all summer.” She wonders why she hadn’t accepted to do this sooner. Oliver’s face twists into a mischievous smirk. “I‘ll see you tomorrow? Same time?” He raises a brow as if to say I dare you to say yes. She smiles widely as she pushes her upper body back out the window for one last kiss.
“Don’t be late.” She chirps. She shimmies back into her room blowing a kiss to Oliver as he flies away. She removes her shoes and jacket before curling back into her bed. There's a knock and she looks to the window. There’s no one there. She frowns slightly as her bedroom door opens.
“Everything okay?” Asks her mom. “I thought I heard something.”
(Y/n) mumbles some gibberish pretending to have been woken up by her. Her mother concludes it was just (y/n)’s owl and retreats back to her room. (Y/n) plops her head back onto her pillow as she lets the effects of the night settle. The excitement of sneaking out of her house and into his. The wind in her face as she zoomed through the sky. The feeling of her lips on his. It was all so exhilarating and she couldn’t wait to repeat it again tomorrow.
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