#I’ll think of a witty name for that some day
seventhemaverick · 10 months
Astro Observations 🌱
Disclaimer: This is my first Astrology post! I tried to do this earlier this year but tumblr lagged and it deleted all of my hard work lol. But now I’ve gained the courage to give it another go! I’m not a professional astrologer. I just study it in depth when I have time. Still very much a beginner. Please be kind and if I’m misinformed let me know! If you want to repost my work please credit me. This also has personal opinions in here don’t take it too seriously babes!
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🌾 I don’t typically think Leo’s and Scorpios go together romantically BUT any other relationship outside of that exudes power team. For ex: Kylie and Kris Jenner. Scorpios are known to love power and Leo’s love the spotlight! Kylie was bound to be a favorite after her « ugly duckling » phase. Kylie rolls in the dough and Kris keeps that empire going. I’ve seen many Scorpio parents with Leo kids and they really seem to love them the most lol
Let’s talk about underdeveloped placements real quick!
🌿 Having a parent that is toxic or underdeveloped and has placements that fall into your second house can obliterate your self worth. ESPECIALLY if you have planets in that house and their placements are exactly conjunct 0° or 1-3°.
🌾 If your mars sign is exactly square one of your parents mars or 1-5° orb… 🌚 take the steps to move out if you haven’t already it’s for the best.
🌿 Capricorn moons I wish I could hug all of you. You had to grow up so fast and got handed some of the worst cards. But nevertheless resilience is your middle name. As you age things will get easier if you stand on business! Integrity is key.
🌾 I know libras are known to be superficial or whatever and I’m kinda one of them lol. I literally live off of aesthetics and I typically have nice skin but when I have a massive break out? I literally want to hide until they’re gone. My stress is next level when I don’t look my best.. I’m also a Leo Venus 😅 in the tenth house at that and have cancelled plans when I look and feel shitty.
🌿 All of the air signs almost always value intellectual stimulation first from their partner. Someone they can have great rapport, banter with. Someone that’s witty and knows a wide variety of subjects or has many interests is very hot. Sagittarius is the air sign of the fire signs so I’ll loop them in on this too.
If we lost any zodiac element, it would bring chaos to the entire world.
🌾 Air brings logic and reasoning, water brings compassion and empathy, earth brings grounding and patience, fire brings passion and vitality. Life is about interconnectedness.
🌿 I remember reading a blog that the gods put the constellation of Libra in between Virgo and Scorpio because they were too much alike and it’s so true lol. Both signs can be so compulsive and it’s overwhelming from what I’ve heard from Virgo and Scorpio placements. I can also see this easy going equivalence being the case for Sagittarius being in between Scorpio and Capricorn. The benefics happy go luckies in between the malefics drained and over it.
🌾… moon 3rd house overlay is addictive especially combined with 7th/8th/12th overlays in that synastry. I don’t think I can ever do that again unless we both have it overlaying each others charts. Someone’s moon in your 3rd house, their mind fascinates you and it’s easy to communicate with them you feel seen and heard. You dream about them, you think about them all the freaking time. It is the most annoying thing because why are you taking up my brain space like that bro? I had this with someone and I still think about them it’s been over for quite some time now. Another person that’s in love with me, my moon falls into their 3rd house and they tell me how much they think about me and day dream about me. I had said issue of daydreaming with the other guy. 2/10 would not recommend unless moon person is developed.
🌿 When the moon transits your first house you’re more likely to be more emotional and make drastic changes to your physical features! When Doja Cat shaved her head the moon was transiting her first house and I literally did mine the next day when it was transiting my first house.
🌾 Opinion but I love Pisces placements they are so helpful and loving when developed. I think the underdeveloped ones are too but they expect something out of it where the developed ones are just really selfless. I’m a Pisces Stan! I have so many in my life lol I have no Pisces placements. My 5H is in Pisces lol
🌿 Degree theory is that gworl. It helps you relate to the planet and it’s placement more depending on what the degree rules. For example I was dating a Sagittarius Venus in the 9th house at the 9° and he embodied that free spirited nature of Sag Venus fr. Another example, you can be a Pisces Venus but it’s in your first house at the first degree and the way you love embodies a more aries way of loving. Fiery, passionate a bit aggressive but very deep and tender to the core.
🌾 I’ve also heard the theory of when you reach the age of certain degrees of the placements you have you unlock that placements characteristics. Something significant happens to you during that age or you might master that placement regarding the planet and house placement.
🌿 The degree of your rising sign is more than likely the age of something significant happen in your physical life/to you physically. This is tea y’all.
🌾 You most likely share placements or degrees in your chart with your siblings. My sister is a Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Virgo moon and I’m a Libra sun, Scorpio rising, Aries moon. If I was born two days earlier I would’ve been a Virgo sun and if she was born one or two days later she would’ve been a Libra moon. So I think thats pretty cool. We’re also both Venus dominant and she has a Libra stellium 💗. You really choose your family for your next life lol like that’s so crazy to me.
🌿 Ima say dis with my chest. STOP doing wrong by Saturn ruled placements!!! Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius in traditional astrology and we cannot forget about its exalted sign in Libra. As a Libra, I receive karma with the quickness but also people that have done wrong by me their quality of life decreases and or whichever house Saturn is in their chart is deeply affected in the worst ways.. daddy Saturn don’t play bout his! Be fair and follow the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
🌾 Having heavy Sagittarius placements in your chart makes you open to learn different languages or different cultures.. just always wanting to learn. Whatever house it’s in you want to master in life.
🌿 The mutables Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces love their niches, they are the teachers and preachers of the zodiac.
🌾 Geminis have the gift of gab more than any other zodiac. Sagittarius could possibly go toe to toe with them
🌿 If anyone ever tries to degrade you for studying astrology and eggs you on to prove this practice to be true, get their birth info and read them their Chiron sign and house placement. Hit ‘em where it hurts!
🌾 Scorpio and Libra placements are usually the generational trauma breakers of their family. Honorable mention- Saturns children, Capricorn and Aquarius
🌿 An undeveloped Capricorn placement that enters your life is literally satan reincarnated to torture you for whatever you did wrong in your past life. And I (if u were raised around Christianity) believe Jesus was a Pisces/Aries! I can argue about this all day! In tarot Capricorn rules the devil! Like hellooooo
🌾 Sixth house/Virgo placements are pretty good at taking care of pets and plants. They feel the most sane around nature and animals.
🌿 Personal planets harmoniously aspected to Neptune make the person seem very angelic like. Very soft souls, earth angels. Hard aspects have people having an even more distorted projection of you.
🌾 Personal planets harmoniously aspected or not to Uranus gives you that shock factor some people will be repelled and some people will be very intrigued.
🌿 Aries placements especially sun and moon are really loyal! I’m talking mostly platonically. Once they see you as their person they are truly ride or die.
🌾 Cancer placements can be one of the most loving and giving when developed. Some spiteful mfs when underdeveloped omg.
🌿 I realize cancer placement women get treated with the cutest romantic gestures. I think they lovers want to do these things for them because they give off ethereal or princess vibes but they’re also real nasty in the sheets lol
🌾 Cancers don’t really get a bad rep even when they do shady things. For example: Selena Gomez when she dated Abel even tho she was cool with Bella was super weird. And I think a lot of people forgot how Kevin hart cheated on his wife like it was nothing lol. Ariana grande with the donuts and now the Ethan thing chileee. It’s like they get a second of backlash and then everyone adores them again lol.
🌿 Having a grand trine in your chart can make you so damn lazy in the houses those planets/figures are in 🥹🥲. It’s crazy cuz that talent(s) will come natural to you and you’ll over look it! Please don’t.
🌾 Grand squares are TOUGH but it pushes you to break cycles and overcome so much in your life. Same with t-squares
🌱 Astrology is really a map. It shows you which path you can take and where you can end up when you include discernment and discipline into your daily life. It’s never an excuse to behave the way you do. Ultimately it helps us reach our most aligned and enlighten self! I hope you all enjoyed. 🌱
Idk why I can’t figure out how to delete this question thing so let’s do a cute lil questionnaire!
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maliciouslove · 1 year
𝕀𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕐𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨
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ʚ pairing ɞ  stepbrother!denki kaminari x reader
NSFW, dark content, aged up characters (21+)
ʚ word count ɞ 4.7k
ʚ summary ɞ having a step brother isn’t easy, especially if he is as fun and good looking as yours. you always got along just fine, but some very depraved and dark corner of your mind always forced you to look at him different, to imagine things that were taboo—to touch yourself while thinking of him. so when you had to crash at his place for a couple of days while your apartment was being fumigated, things escalated rather fast. i mean, it’s fine if it doesn’t go in, right?
ʚ tags ɞ mention of death (reader’s mother), tw stepcest, tw dubcon, masturbation, tw voyeurism, oral (f!receiving), tw spit, pussyjob, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, breeding, recording, blackmail
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Most people say that having a parent remarry and having step-siblings is awful. You, however, don't see it that way.
Despite the devastation of losing your mother at a young age, you were grateful to your father for stepping up and taking care of you with everything he had after your mother's passing. You were 4 at the time, and things didn’t quite make sense until you got older—but with time, the more you matured, the more you came to terms with the situation. The older you got, the better you understood how much of a super dad you actually had—on the one hand, he always prioritized you, gave you everything he could and made sure that you didn’t miss out on anything, partially spoiling his little girl. On the other hand, he also chose to be very honest with you and talk to you about difficult topics instead of shying away from them. Therefore, you were able to understand what happened to your mother and were fully supported while working through the grief.
For all this, you were truly grateful to your dad, though, there came a time where you became aware of all the sacrifices that he had made for your sake as well. Turns out, that he avoided dating anyone else for the longest of times, resulting in you having to actually push him into pursuing romance and give him your slightly aggressive blessing.
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"Dad, it's just a date." You roll your eyes at him.
"It feels like I'm betraying your mother, our family."
"Dad," you hold his gaze firmly. "Mom is gone. I'm in high school. And you deserve to be happy! Get out there, have some fun!" You push him forcefully out the front door and fix the collar of his shirt. "Don't be home too late, I’ll leave you some lasagna in the fridge. Now go!"
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And when he found someone that made him happy, someone that made his worries go away, you were nothing but supportive. She was gorgeous and smart and had witty remarks that made you laugh, so you accepted her into your life. However, she also had a son, the same age as you—a tall and lanky boy named Denki Kaminari.
The first time you met him it was awkward, you were both 18—just about to graduate from high school, you were shy and quiet and he was just all over the place, bouncing with energy. But you found common ground, talking about games and anime, so you became friends rather quickly, progressively spending more and more time together. You’ve always been an honest person so denying that you thought he was handsome was pointless—fluffy blonde hair and amber eyes that turn gold in the sunlight, he had a very intoxicating smile, and most importantly of all—he made you laugh. But he was your dad’s girlfriend’s son, so he was—in all ways possible—off limits to you. Therefore you were content just admiring him from afar.
Sometimes, you stared a bit too much, making up scenarios in your head before bedtime, turning off all the lights before you push your panties aside, ashamed that it's him you’re thinking about.
And here you were, two years later walking your respective parents down the aisle, grinning at each other and testing out how it feels to refer to each other as brother and sister.
"Okay little sis, shall we hit the open bar, get wasted and embarrass our parents?"
"Totally, big brother," you winked at him and his face turned red at a comically fast pace.
"Okay, how about we drop the sis ‘n bro stuff? Feels weird."
"Does it now, big brother?" you bat your eyelashes at him, a seductive smile plastered on your lips. All Denki can manage is a dramatic groan in response, walking away quickly, hearing you cackle as the distance between you two grew larger.
He might be off limits, even more so now that he was your step brother, but you still enjoyed making him flustered. The perk of it was that it was extremely easy to do so—blow some air on his nape, trace a finger along his jawline and he’s ready to turn into a puddle on the floor.
And you did this within limits. Of course.
Your parents were happy that the both of you got along so well, and even happier when you both got accepted into the same college, living in the same city. Although you studied different courses, rarely seeing each other on campus, you did occasionally go to parties together, Denki making sure to get your drunk ass back home safely every time. He was kind and dependent and always had your back.
Even more so when you had discovered that your suspiciously cheap rental apartment was infested with termites, having to be fully fumigated, and you had to ask your step brother if you could crash at his place for a couple of days.
“Of course!” his voice sounded chipper over the phone. “We’re so totally having a Marvel marathon, I am not taking no for an answer, pack your shit and come over, I’ll have nachos ready in 30 minutes.”
The line went silent as he hung up and you found yourself smiling at his enthusiasm. A voice at the back of your head told you he’d be such a fine boyfriend—if he wasn’t your step brother.
Yet, you allowed yourself a few minutes of imagining what kind of dates he would take you on—arcade dates, bringing you to museums so he can narrate over the audio guide with absolute nonsense and making some lame joke about van Gogh and George Weasly and ‘hole-y’. You shake your head as if to purge the thoughts and you get on with packing your essentials for the next couple of days.
You stare at your underwear drawer and contemplate. Would it be weird if you pick the sexiest lingerie you own... just to stay at your step brother's place for a few days? Totally not.
“Self-care.” You say to yourself as you take out several lacy thongs and bralettes that match, carefully placing them in your suitcase. You just like wearing nice underwear, what’s the big deal? It’s only for you to see anyway.
Happy with the items you’ve packed, double checking if you’ve got your toothbrush and all your chargers— you take a deep breath and vacate your apartment, heading over to Denki’s.
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“We should’ve just gotten an apartment together, it would’ve been so much cheaper and nicer.” Denki whined as he helped you carry your suitcase up the stairs, as his building had no elevator.
“So what I’m hearing is you want to see my pretty face every day, correct?” you smirked, noticing the barely visible butt clench he did upon hearing your words, at which you chuckled. “Honestly, you’d get sick of me in about a week so be glad we don’t live together.”
He grumbles something you can't understand under his breath and you allow him to move on from the topic.
The first night in his apartment goes well—you have dinner together and then proceed with a quiet movie night. Snuggled together under a fuzzy blanket, the light of the TV was illuminating Denki’s face, showing off his best features—playful amber eyes, devilish smile and a sharp jawline. You spent more time looking at said face and judging the softness of his blonde locks, rather than looking at whatever movie he put on for you.
The realization that you haven’t gotten laid for a few months now and that your step brother is awfully handsome makes you feel a certain way, insides knotting up and devious thoughts plaguing your mind.
Mindlessly, you place your hand on his thigh under the blanket and you feel his body immediately tense up under your touch. Kaminari tries to play it off cool, like nothing has happened, keeping his gaze fixed on the screen.
So that’s how you wanna play, hm?
Your hand travels up and down his thigh, caressing it, squeezing it every once in a while and slowly but surely going further up with each stroke. At the same time you maintain a blank façade, pretending to be fully focused on the movie.
Once your hand starts getting dangerously close to his now semi-hard cock, Denki lets out a fake cough and gets up under the pretense of getting ice cream and some new drinks. Your eyes follow his frame as he exits the room almost skittishly and the dangerous thoughts make you lick your lips in excitement.
He’d look very cute broken and torn up over experiencing sexual desire towards his little step sister.
A plan begins forming in your head.
You spend the rest of the evening making Denki’s temperature rise and his ears turn red with embarrassment—a subtle press of your tits against his arm when you cling to it, removing stray hairs from his face with a gentle hand, accidentally tracing his jawline with your finger, keeping his gaze just a tad longer than appropriate.
Meanwhile, Kaminari continues shifting uncomfortably in his seat, trying to find a pose that would allow him to hide how turned on he is, purposefully avoiding looking down your cleavage or observing how your shorts were riding up your thighs, revealing more plush skin that he wanted to sink his teeth into.
You don’t push too far though, you still had a couple of more days staying at his place, plenty of time to make your plan come to fruition. The movie comes to an end and you both decide to call it a night—you kiss his cheek and thank him again for allowing you to stay over, wishing him a good night and heading over to the guest bedroom where you were staying. His own room was right next door and you begin wondering how thin the walls really are.
Removing your clothes and kicking your panties aside, you make yourself comfortable on the bed and slide your hands down your torso, imagining how much bigger Denki’s would be, warmer than your own, eager.
Your mind conjures images of your step brother losing himself under you as you hover over his face, tongue lapping at your core like a starved man, staring up at you with those intoxicating cat-like amber eyes. Cupping your breast, a low moan escapes your lips as your other hand glides between your legs, humming with approval of how wet you are because of your step brother.
You touch yourself, rolling your nipples between your thumb and index finger, drawing circles on your clit and letting your mind relish in all the taboo things you want to do with Denki, paying less and less attention to the needy sounds bouncing off of the walls, yet hoping that they reach Denki’s ears.
And they do—in the other room Denki has his ear pressed to the wall, already fumbling with the zipper of his pants, his face so red and hot because he knows how wrong this is. You’re his little sister, not by blood, but you were family, and God, you were still incredibly gorgeous and just his type.
He had put so much effort over the years into not being a creep, not watching your ass as you walk away or blatantly staring at your tits. He had learned to be subtle, to be unnoticeable, to steal glances and satisfy himself by just imagining your lips around his cock—just that, nothing more.
But now, having you in his apartment, being surrounded by the scent of your perfume mixed with the coconut-scented shampoo you use—he was losing his mind. You’d been so much more touchy than usual this evening and your hand on his thigh made him feel dirty, so here he was now, listening in on you, knowing full well what you were doing and how incredibly wrong this was, invading your privacy and taking advantage of it, but he couldn’t help it.
Lip tucked between his teeth to keep quiet, he spits onto his palm and spreads his saliva over his cock, slowly fucking into his fist, trying to match your pace he was trying to guess from the cute whines he could hear. He imagined you spreading your pussy for him, beckoning him to take advantage of you, calling him ‘big brother’ in that seductive voice of yours that could drive him mad. Hearing you panting louder, breath uneven and needy, he allows himself to go faster, now picturing himself pushing his cock into your tight little hole, imagining his cum leaking out of you and just like that, faster than he’s ever experienced, he came in his hand shooting thick ropes of cum onto his knuckles and pillow, his heart threatening to leave his chest cavity.
The post-nut clarity hits him and Denki is plagued with shame and guilt, quickly removing his pillowcase and bedsheets and tossing them to the side, replacing the old one with new clean ones while mentally berating himself, feeling disgusted with his own actions.
He no longer hears you moaning in the other room, the sweet sound dying down and feels  relieved, shoving his face into the freshly changed pillow and trying not to scream at himself. It felt like he had committed a crime, a sin of some sort, his own guilty conscience not allowing  him to get much sleep, forcing Kaminari to toss and turn for the most part of the night, shaking his head as if trying to push away the thoughts of your breasts in his mouth out of his mind by force.
The next day, he seems to be the same, shoulders sagged with guilt, barely managing to look you in the eye during breakfast. Both of you had classes, so you drive to campus together and Denki, happy to have a distraction from his lewd thoughts about his own step sister.
You on the other hand keep your focus on your plan the entire day, not paying attention to a single lecture, forgetting to even eat lunch—completely consumed by your desire to have your step brother snap.
You had it all figured out—with your classes finishing earlier than Kaminari’s, you could head home before him and use the spare key he gave you to prepare for his return. You knew your brother was very curious, not a doubt in your mind that he would seek you out when he got in and you hoped that what he found would be enough to make Denki lose control.
And to no surprise, everything goes exactly according to your vision. You shower and put on some of that pretty lingerie you had brought with you, leaving the door to your room slightly cracked open, whilst entertaining yourself until the target audience for your little performance had returned home.
You’re lying on the bed—face down, ass up when you hear the front door open, the sound making you quiver with excitement, heart beating even faster as his footsteps approach, the fingers playing with your clit speeding up, your arousal dribbling down your thighs in fat droplets
The house was suspiciously quiet, leading Denki to believe you hadn’t gotten back yet. He’d kicked his shoes off to the side, tossing his bag onto the couch before heading towards his room with the intention to shed off his outside clothes and switch into something more comfortable. That didn’t end up being the case. Noticing that the door to your room was ajar, he takes a quick glance through the crack, freezing in his tracks as his sunshine eyes fixate on your drooling cunt, clenching around nothing, your arousal soaked fingers toying with your puffy folds. In this position you can’t see him, so Kaminari basks in the sight for a few moments to enjoy this, to memorize it and engrave the image of your cute cunt into his mind—trying hard to ignore the raging boner in his pants.
Kaminari gulps, feeling as if there’s a massive lump in his throat, right hand absentmindedly adjusting his now hard cock.
“Denks,” your needy voice shocks him out of his trance. “Please...”
His brain short circuits.
Time feels frozen, the noise of the outside world fading into nothing and the sound of his heartbeat ringing in his head deafeningly loud.
His name just left your mouth.
You said his name. You begged for him.
Once more, Kaminari hears his name, watching you arch your back even more, spreading your legs further and sinking down onto the bed while begging for him incoherently.
Denki sits there, motionless, watching his little step sister cumming hard, making a mess on the bed sheets while chanting his name.
For many years, his sanity and patience were tested—like a string tightly pulled back. In this single moment as he watched his step sister shake in the aftermath of her orgasm, that string finally snapped.
He opens the door, slowly at first and then in two short strides he’s behind you, pulling you up by the hair, pressing your back to his chest and breathing hard down your neck.
“You’re a fucking tease, you know that little sis?” Inhaling in your scent, the blonde holds you tight against him, tugging on your hair again to force you to look up at the ceiling—knowing he wouldn’t be able to have any self-restraint if he looked into your eyes.
“Moaning my name as you cum? You want your big brother that badly, hm?” His throbbing  shaft presses against your ass, still clad in jeans, but you could feel it through the fabric.
You shut your eyes in embarrassment but don’t attempt to escape his grip, the lack of response to his question makes Denki even more impatient.
“Answer.” he growls in your ear.
“Y-Yes,” your voice comes out uneven. “I w-want my stepbrother, please.”
Your eyes stay tightly shut but your body gives your reaction away—shaking with anticipation and excitement, feeling your juices begin to slide between your folds again.
“Didn’t think you were this sick in the head, but who am I to refuse my precious little sister, huh?” You can't see his face but you can hear the sinister smile,  feel how thrilled he is by the way his grip on you tightens. Suddenly, Kaminari’s pushing your head back down onto the mattress, crouching down to take a good look at your glistening wet cunt. Your little pleasure nub looks so cute and swollen he can't help himself by giving it an experimental lick, appreciating the way your body tenses. So he does it again and again—paying good attention to your needy bud, kissing and lightly sucking on it, mapping out how you react to each movement.
You drip like sweet honey onto Denki’s tongue, showering him in lustful mewls and needy grinds against his face, tiny fists balling the sheets when he slips his tongue inside your needy hole. He eats you out like a man starving, holding your hips steadily in place. Your big brother loves the way your thighs tremble and your breath is uneven and he is determined to get you to cum on his tongue, he needs it.
And it doesn’t take long for your slick to overflow from your body, the thought alone that your step brother’s chin was shining with your mess was enough to make you melt into a puddle, the taboo aspect of what you were doing pushing you over the edge too quickly.
With a silent cry, you cum hard, pressing yourself against Kaminari’s face, a trickle of drool sliding down your own chin as your eyes roll back from pleasure so intense, your senses become overloaded for a moment that all you see is white.
Before you come back down from your high and your soul returns to its body, Denki has managed to kick aside his jeans and boxers, knees digging into the edge of the mattress and his leaking cock glides between your sticky folds.
For a split second an uneasy feeling captures your heart in an icy grip.
“Don’t worry. It’s okay if it doesn’t go in, right little sis?” the blonde’s voice is thickly coated with smugness, with a sense of toxicity that should be so incredibly off-putting, yet it makes your insides twist with desire.
Two orgasms in, and your head starts to feel fuzzy, the heat emanating from his length rubbing against your slit making you feel like you have one foot off of the edge of insanity. You circle  your ass against his dick, desperate and teary-eyed, pleading and chanting his name like it’s a prayer, enjoying the friction of your step brother’s mushroom cockhead against your sensitive clit.
His hands explore the expanse of your body, following the curves and dips of your hips, squeezing the doughy skin on your hips. Denki was greedily taking in every weak sigh you let out and every shudder you respond with, basking in the knowledge that he’s the one making his little sister drip down on his girth, oozing into the sheets and making a mess of them.  You feel the heat rising inside you, knots forming in the pit of your stomach, the madness creeping further across your brain with the sound of Denki’s filthy words in your ear. The sound of his dick slipping back and forth on your wet cunt. Everything is so obscene, even the scent of him is working you up more, the knots twisting tighter.
You crave more.
You shouldn’t.
Denki—he’s your step brother there would be so many consequences, so many drawbacks of your current situation.
But consequences be damned, because the vein on the underside of his shaft feels so good against your sensitive clit, so much so that your brain throws all logic and reason out the window.
Denki is nearly as desperate as you are, and he gripes and grunts loudly—so close to release, just from the wetness of your pretty pussy engulfing him. So when you lift your hips up and angle them against the head of his girth, pushing past your entrance with ease—he nearly loses it.
The softness and warmth of your cunt wrapping around his cock makes him feel like his soul is ascending to high heavens, eyes rolling back in his skull and body shaking in ecstasy with every inch of him that you take until he’s fully sheathed in you, balls laying flat against your swollen pleasure nub.
You don’t give him time to prepare, to react even—slamming your hips back against his as quickly as your body can handle, yearning for that the feeling of the tip of his dick reaching deep inside of you and helping the pressure build even faster.
Cock drunk and cross-eyed, absolutely debauched and unashamed, your body forces out another orgasm, causing your muscles to spasm with a string of curses leaving your pretty lips as your soft walls clamp down on the blonde’s dick.
Denki sees stars, the only thought crossing his mind in that moment being that he will never have pussy this good ever again—so snug against him, pulsing violently around his length, selfishly sucking him in deeper. And with that singular thought, your step brother decides to fuck you stupid, make you feel the exact same way he does—like nothing would ever be good enough again.
Snapping out of the trance your perfect pussy has put him in, he props up a leg on the bed, pulling his length out of your heat and marveling at the way your cunt gleams luxuriously with the crude mix of his precum and your erotic juices, clenching and spasming around nothing. You whimper, but before you can clearly state your protest, Kaminari spits on your raw and abused mound, slamming his entire length into you once more, with only a single motion, setting a meteoric pace—spreading your ass cheeks apart so he can fuck into you harder.
Forgetting all his previous misgivings about fucking his little sister, Denki gives into his carnal desire and takes everything he can from you. A thumb now collecting the arousal from between your legs and using it as lubrication to toy with your pert ass, slowly pushing in the digit into you  as you become impossibly tighter around him.
“One more time—I need to feel you cum around my cock one more time, sis,” Angling his hips to hit your sweet spot with every thrust, Denki practically makes you scream out his name, the blistering heat of his cockhead kissing your cervix repeatedly, leaving your brain absolutely scrambled.
You don’t even think it’s possible for you to cum again, but the telltale signs of your impending orgasm are there. However, it feels different this time, as if there’s some sort of pressure bubbling up inside you—like a volcano ready to erupt. A string of pleas leave your wet lips, not really knowing what you’re begging for but Denki understands—maintaining the same angle and rhythm, he sneaks a hand around your torso to rub gentle circles over your puffy clit, the action pushing you over the edge.
With a loud cry, you tense up around him so hard that he has to pull out, clear liquid gushing from your aching cunt as you squirt onto the bed and taint Kaminari’s golden skin, body shaking violently with tears streaming down your face until you’re overwhelmed by the feeling. The view of your pussy gushing and squirting is so enticing, but Denki is too greedy to allow you time to calm down, grabbing your hips and propping you up, lining his tip with your sopping entrance  again and drilling into you at a ravenous pace.
You’re too sensitive, too sore, even—but he holds you firm against his chest, a hand around your throat, slightly restricting your breathing and keeping you from protesting while the blonde  chases down his own release.
“ ‘m not fucking pulling out,” he growls into the shell of your ear, a cruel smile twitching at the corners of his lips. Kaminari’s words make you clamp down greedily on him, body instinctively trying to milk him for all he’s worth.
A couple more ruthless thrusts of his cock deep into your abused little pussy and he’s thrown over the edge, balls tightening and thick cum spilling deep into your womb—there’s so much of it, too much, to the point where it’s leaking out of your hole before he’s even pulled out. Your insides are burning hot with his seed and you can’t even be bothered to remind yourself if you’re on birth control or not, too fucked out to be able to conjure up a coherent thought.
Slowly pulling away, the tall blonde stares at your pink puffy pussy, thick cum oozing out in globs and dripping down your thighs—he collects the sticky substance with two fingers and promptly pushes the digits past your soft lips.
“Nasty little step sister, if I had known you were this slutty and desperate, I wouldn’t have spent countless nights fucking my fist—I would’ve fucked this pretty pussy of yours instead.” He taps the two digits that were in your mouth against your clit and your body jolts.
He moves away from the bed, grabbing something from your desk that you can’t see, still trying to collect yourself. Before you even had the chance to ask what it was, your step brother shows you his phone, the screen showing you a replay of what had just happened minutes before—a video of Denki fucking into you with no sound.
“Y-You recorded that?” the panic sobers you up as you quickly rise from the bed and try to take the phone from him.
But Kaminari’s much faster.
“Of course.” The corners of his lips turn upwards but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. His body language shifts as he leans down, eyes raking over your naked, soiled body, a cool and foreboding aura seeping into the room, sneaking up on you. “Leverage, step sis.”
The words feel icy, goosebumps rising on your skin—with you barely recognizing the amber eyes looking down at you.
It was twisted, it was wrong, but one way or another—Denki Kaminari will keep you all to himself. 
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑! I do not own any of the characters or people mentioned in my work. these are works of pure fiction that do not reflect the views, opinions, or actions of any person, real or fictional. Furthermore, all characters I write for [thirsts, drabbles, fics, etc.] are aged up to 21 or older – they are adults with adult characteristics presented and written in adult contexts.
all rights reserved © by maliciouslove. my work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. all fanfics belong to me, please do not copy, translate nor repost the fics or files seen above as this is strictly prohibited.
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xayneimagines · 10 months
Mihawk “Fucking and Fighting are a bit different.”
Fandom: One Piece 
Pairing: Mihawk x MC(She/her)
Genre: smut
Content tags: “little girl/good girl/rabbit” pet name. Discussion of a scene that I wanted to include cause idk I like it. Mihawk so nice so he can be mean later. AFAB and pussy eating. Part 1?!
   MC was trying to catch her breath as she stared at the swordsman before her. She had challenged him to a duel and, while he declined, she had still persisted. Each slash of her blade was deflected, and that damn bastard Mihawk wasn’t even sweating.
   “Do you plan to do this all day? I could cut you down, you know.” On the surface he was unamused with her persistence, but truly he was impressed with how hard she was pushing herself. The sweat glistening off of her skin and the heaving of her chest was quite a sight for the war lord. 
   “Shut up! I’ll kill you!” At this point MC was no longer thinking. Frustration was approaching a boiling point and as she ran along the cobblestone corridor for another attack she tried to plunge the sword into him. 
   He was gone. In her eyes, it looked like he had just vanished, but the sudden gruff voice in her ear showed otherwise.
   “Your form is sloppy and your speed is lacking. Try a wider stance.” 
   Before MC could turn around, she felt him kick slightly at one of her legs, spreading them further. With her new found position she was able to swing the sword a little harder, but he easily blocked it  with the small knife he carried. 
   “Your eyes need to be on your target before you point your blade.” Another critique before he pushed her back, causing her to fumble. 
   She let out a low growl and went for him again. 
   “Stop fucking with me!”
   Mihawk pinned her body between him and the wall, his rough calloused hands grabbing hold of her wrist and pinning them above her. She had barely registered the movement until the sword she was wielding fell from her hand and caused a loud clang to ring out through the stone halls. The sound was, however, drowned out by her heartbeat.
   As her eyes peered into his she almost choked on her own breath. His eyes didn’t have their usual cold and calculating glint to them. Instead there was a look that MC had never seen. A dark, lustful gaze that should not have been sending shivers up her spine and causing her to clench her thighs.
   “Fighting is a bit different than fucking, little girl.”
MC couldn’t respond. She wanted to have some witty comeback or maybe even just tell him to back off, but all her words seemed to fail. Instead what fell out was-
   He raised an eyebrow as she seemed to struggle with her words, taking it as a confirmation that she didn’t mind feeling his body pressed tightly against hers. He shifted his grip on her wrists so that he could hold them tightly with one hand, his other sliding down her arm, her sides, landing on her hip.
   “Would you like me to show you?” His own arousal had his voice deepening, the gruff growls attached to each word almost surprising himself. It was rare for him to feel this way, wanting to ravish and spoil. When they had first met he had found her annoying yet cute. And each time she found him afterwards, and picked a fight, annoyance quickly turned into a desire to undo her. He wanted to have her panting and sweating underneath him, begging him to fuck her untill she forgot this damn one sided rivalry.
   “N…no.” She had meant that to sound a little more…well…sure?
   His lip turned up slightly, a smirk on his face as he glanced over hers slowly before letting his eyes linger further down her body. He could see the goosebumps forming as he mapped her out. His free hand then moved from her sides up to her neck, fingers gripping only enough for her to feel the pressure.
   She shivered.
   “Are you sure about that? A swordsman must be sure of everything they decide.” 
   Who knew how long they stood there in silence. All MC could register was how close he was, each touch, each lustful glance. Time no longer mattered.
   “I’ll ask again. Would you like me to fuck you?”
   The only reason he didn’t take her on the cold floor right then and there was because he wanted to make sure their time together would span the entire night. And, while he did have a tremendous amount of self restraint, his selfishness drove him to make sure that any marks left on her would be caused by him, and not a side effect of location.
   His arms circled her rather fast after she gave her consent, tossing her onto his shoulder and beginning the walk to his room. One arm held her in place by being draped over her back while the other had his hand nestled against her right thigh, resting right under the curve of her ass. Her squeal at being picked up so quickly rang between his ears like a sweet melody he couldn’t wait to listen to again. 
   To others he may have looked calm and collected as he trudged through the hallways to find his room, but the growing discomfort in his pants made him thankful for his long strides. He had thought about fucking her on more than one occasion, many nights plagued by images of her panting during a fight and sweat dripping from her brow. The only reason he hadn’t acted ‘till now was a matter of convenience. He doubted she would have agreed during the other fights, them having been in much more open and public places. He had no qualms over being an exhibitionist, but he wouldn’t risk discomfort on her part. 
   Meanwhile, MC could hardly think as the warlord seemed to glide through the halls. The feeling of his fingers pushing into the meat of her thigh, and resting so dangerously close to her cunt already had her wet. It was almost embarrassing how she had squeaked out that earlier ‘yes’, but at least she was confident in his desire for her, considering his brisk pace.
  Hearing the door slam open as they entered his bedroom also provided extra proof. 
  She gasped as he tossed her onto the edge of the bed, the mattress bouncing her a few times before her feet settled on the floor and she could sit up. Mihawk had turned as soon as he dropped her to shut the door, the sound of a click ensuring her he was locking it.
   “Limits?” His voice reverberated in his throat with a gruff tone that had her pressing her thighs together in anticipation for what was to come. She almost hasn’t even registered the questions proper context, prepared to spit back that she could take anything in a fight. Thankfully, and with an embarrassed look, she caught herself.
   “Oh…uh…I don’t know…I guess…no like…gross stuff?” She hadn’t done this before. What little experience she had didn’t come with any discussion of limits, nor had the experience even come close to being with a man like him. He was powerful, imposing, and as his hungry eyes locked onto hers she had to catch her breath.
   Was that look really for her?
   Mihawk chuckled as he walked over to her, unclasping his belt and removing his hat before he had even reached her. His hands sunk down on the mattress beside her legs, face now inches from hers as his eyes seemed to study her.
   He couldn’t wait to break her. His mouth was almost dry from the thought, though she wouldn’t know that. Not with the confidence he radiated.
   “Gross stuff?” He repeated with a raised eyebrow and a playful smirk, one she usually only saw when he was taunting her in battle. Normally it would have had rage pumping through her, but this time all it did was make her feel shy.
   “Yeah like… ya know…” Her eyes drifted away from him as she found the eye contact too intense.
   “You’ve never negotiated before, have you?” 
   “….That obvious?” She said with an embarrassed groan, hoping this wasn’t gonna be the end of this interaction. What if he didn’t care to spend that kind of time on figuring things out with her?
    She felt like she could crumble under his gaze until a familiar hand was on her chin, lightly moving her face so that he could peer into her gorgeous eyes once again.
   “It’s quite alright. While I don’t go easy on you for our fights. I’ll be sure to take proper care of you, love. I don’t mind taking my time with you.” His voice was low, almost a whisper, and the tone of it sent shivers along her body. 
   She gulped a little, and nodded.
   “I’m afraid I’ll need vocal confirmation. I need you to be able to tell me exactly how I’m making you feel for this to work.”
   “See if the name sir feels good on your tongue.” He suggested, standing up straight now and peering down at her. She was so beautiful, with her slightly parted lips and nervous glances. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to feel her.
   “Yes…sir…” She tested it, trying to not let the embarrassment get to her. It felt…good. Normally authority over her was something that made her skin crawl, but calling him ‘sir’ had her quivering. 
   “Did that feel good? Whatever happens or is said in this room, you’re in control of. I’ll only push if you request it and, of course, if it’s one of my limits I won’t indulge.” 
   She stared up at him with those nervous, intoxicating eyes. His breath nearly caught in his throat.
   “Okay…it uh…it felt good…” MC stuttered out nervously, her hands down in her lap as she tried to keep them occupied with each other. 
   “Felt good…what?” He tested it, wanting to clarify that she did actually enjoy calling him sir. His thumb pulled slightly at her lower lip, enticing her to speak.
   “It felt good…sir.” The words came out with a shudder as she felt the rough pad of his thumb glide over her lip. She wanted to stick her tongue out and lick at it, but kept herself from doing so. Shame was such an annoying wall to try and tear down.
    “Good girl. We’ll need safe words. And if I check in on you, I expect an answer or everything will stop.” To her shock, he now knelt down in front of her, taking one of her feet and placing it on his pants leg. Slowly he undid the shoe, his eyes focusing on her legs in order to give her a break from eye contact.
   “Safe words? Like what?” 
   He rewarded her question with a soft kiss to her clothed knee.
   “Well, some people use colors. Red means stop, yellow means slow down, and green means go. It has to be words you wouldn’t normally say in a scene and they need to be easy to remember.” He gave her a brief breakdown of the general idea.
   “A scene is what you call the actual act. It’s in reference to role playing, but it also helps in mentally dividing up sexual play from the rest of life. For instance, during a scene I could be mean if you wished for it, but once the scene ends I would cater to you and take care of you as you come down, just like you would be for me.” He slid the shoe off finally before his hands began to massage at her feet, hoping to help her relax. 
   “How…how do I help take care of you after?” 
   Her question had a smile on his face as he looked back up at her. “Different people need different things. I like…being of service. And while I’m well aware of my abilities, it can be nice to hear from time to time.”
   She felt the heat all the way to her ears now as she stared down at him. He seemed beautiful, which was odd considering how she had just tried to skewer him. Granted, it wasn’t as though she had been unaware of his beauty this entire time…she just…had been more focused on other things.
   “Okay…I…I think I can do that. And umm…how would you take care of me after?” Mc didn’t want to mess this up. She didn’t know how she could fuck it up, but if there was a way to do it she was confident she’d find it and everything would be ruined.
   “Well, since it’ll be your first time in this way, I’ll probably annoy you by pestering you into telling me what you want. I could give you a bath after, massage whatever part of you I left sore. And, if you just need to be held, I can oblige that. Since I’m the more experienced one, I’m leaving the reins in your hands and simply guiding you.” He then slowly moved to take her sock off, continuing the massage. As his thumb pressed into the middle of her foot and worked out the tense muscle, she found herself wincing from a slight discomfort. 
   Damn, she should get a massage more often.
   “So…we do the colors then…and if I want you to stop I’ll say red…” She repeated the rules and watched him nod as he now placed her foot down and moved onto the next, taking the same careful time to remove the shoe.
   “Correct. And I'll be asking you to tell me your color throughout the scene.” He commented as he began to massage her other foot, avoiding eye contact for her sake. 
   She watched as his fingers seemed to dig into the tender muscles and found it amusing that hands that brought her so much frustration in the past were currently relaxing her. If she didn’t know him well enough, she’d wonder if this was all a trick.
   But Mihawk doesn't do things unless he wants to do them.
   “Okay then…should…we go over anything else?” Mc asked, hands now behind her as she leaned back, watching him work away.
   “Well, typically we would talk about what we want. Since you don’t seem to know, how about we discuss what you’d like to try.” His eyes cut up at her again, gaze alone stating she would have to be comfortable enough to discuss it if they were to try anything out of normal intimacy.
   “I…don’t even know what I’d like to try honestly…”
   “What do you think about when you touch yourself at night?”
  In her thoughts there was a weird blur between telling him what she wanted and now. She knew they talked about it, her nerves still turning her stomach, but her mind was only focused on the hot open mouthed kisses they were sharing. Clothes still clung tightly to their bodies as he had pushed her gently to the bed, mumbling something about ensuring she would enjoy every moment of this. 
   For some reason, despite the long conversation they had, she didn’t expect him to kiss her. In her mind she wasn’t sure if he’d see her as worthy of such an affection, but sure enough his warm lips met her own and all of her coherent thoughts left the building.
   The weight of him on top of her was all encompassing and her skin seemed to burn and tingle with each movement he made. A knee sat firmly against her clothed crotch while he held himself up by one of his forearms. A ghost of a touch down her side had her shivering and she wondered if it was a sign of weakness in herself, or a strength in him. 
   Everything about the man was burning and confident. The way his mouth moved against hers as their tongues intertwined was taking her breath away. Even more so when one of his cool hands slid up her shirt slowly, palming gently at her breast. The skilled and calloused fingers massaged her tit gently and she could no longer keep her mouth on his.
  She had to pull away with a slight gasp, not sure how he got such a reaction from just touching her like this. Heat surrounded her outside of his cool touch and when she opened her blurry eyes to look at him, more heat rushed through her.
   He seemed so…hungry.
   His mouth quickly moved to her neck, needing to have his lips against her someway or another. He didn’t know if she knew of her power. That right now he would kneel and worship the ground she walked on for but a taste of her, and that through his feverish open kisses he hoped to consume whatever he could. All the scenes that had been planned and discussed ahead of time would allow for more carnal desires later, though he decided this first round would be…softer. While he wanted to ravish her, he also wanted to ensure she would feel safe and comfortable in their arrangement. A goddess such as this needed to be pulled apart slowly at first. Broken until she had no choice but to understand just what her place was. His equal, above him? He hoped to bring her to the realization that no matter the role they chose he would serve her.  
   Fuck, she was already whimpering and he hadn’t even done anything. He wondered if he could get her so wet that she would soak through his pants, teasing the idea of it by rubbing his knee gently against her. 
   Between his thumb and index finger he rolled her nipple gently, only pinching at it enough to add pressure and not cause pain. Her mewls edge him on to continue as her arms wrapped around his head. He was glad she was already getting confident enough to touch him. He smirked against her skin as he gave her a much firmer pinch that caused her body to arch from the bed, a little yelp coming out of her cute mouth.
   “Color?” If he was a self conscious man he would feel nervous about the fact he was already growling his words out like an animal. Luckily, the squirming of her pressing down on his leg assured him she loved it. 
   “We just started!”
   Another rough pinch to remind her of the rules had her gasping.
    “Green!!! Fuck, green!” She whined, causing him to chuckle. He lifted himself to lock his eyes with hers again. 
   “Next time you fail to answer, I stop. Understood?” He let his smirk fall before addressing her, not wanting her to think he was joking.
   “Yes, what?” A stern voice responded and he could have sworn her nipples hardened against the pad of his thumb. Seemed she really enjoyed the power play.
   “Yes, sir. Won’t happen again. Just…please…touch me more…sir.” Mc’s eyes held a shyness that he wanted to replace with bliss. 
   “I’ll do what I want to you and if it’s something you really desire, you’ll beg better than that.” As if to punctuate his words, he rolled his knee against her again. The friction shot electricity through her, clit feeling the familiar buzz of desire that she thought only a vibrator could achieve.
   “Ye…yes sir.” 
   He groaned at that, eyes relaxing before his head ducked down to now kiss at the middle of her chest, thankful she wasn’t wearing some sort of turtle neck or plain shirt. The taste of her salty skin was something he felt he wouldn’t get enough of. 
   His hand that was under her shirt removed itself from her breast, a small whimper escaping as she watched his hand now play with the top of the offending cloth. He pulled the neckline down slowly to the side until one of her tits could spring free. Then his mouth quickly moved from the middle of her chest to her tit, the wet heat causing her to arch once again.
   Mc couldn’t believe she was this receptive to such actions. Maybe it was just the built up anticipation or the promise of what was to come, but fuck was she starting to drip with desire. His mouth around her nipple while he sucked playfully on her boob, tongue flicking and rolling around the bud as his piercing eyes were glancing up to watch her reactions. 
   Mihawk made a note to really test how sensitive the buds could be later. For now he was content sucking and licking at it like an animal, his other hand now returning to its original position under her shirt to pinch and grope. He could feel his cock already straining against the front of his pants and pressing against her leg.
   He was huge…and all Mc could think of was how he would be buried inside her soon enough. 
   With an exaggerated pop he let the tit fall from his mouth before sitting up, grabbing the bottom of her shirt and making her sit up just enough to peel it off. 
   Her back flopped back down against the bed, one arm going to cover her chest while the other hand covered her embarrassed face. He ‘tsked’ before grabbing both wrists, pinning them to the side despite her resistance.
   “And if you try to keep me from taking in this work of art that is your body, I’ll tie your hands to your ankles and use your cunt as my cocksleeve.”
   Was that a threat? It sounded more like a good time if she was being honest, but she knew the real threat was not actually fucking her and instead just letting himself sit deep inside without moving. That sounded…infuriating.
   “S..sorry sir! Yes, sir!” She whimpered as she looked up at him with those same bashful eyes as earlier, lower lip being worked between her teeth.
   “Still green.”
   Without another word he let go of her wrist to sit up, eyes taking in the full sight of her. He gently ran a hand down her chest, fingers grazing across her nipple before ending at her hips as his eyes drug back to her face. 
   “Beautiful. I can’t wait to see you broken.”
    Mc thought that was amusing since she already felt a little mentally broken, face burning and a small pant on her lips as she looked up at him. Evidently he enjoyed the sight thoroughly, tongue peeking out to lick at his lower lip while a hand adjusted himself in his pants to try and get a little more comfortable. 
   Her eyes followed his hands and she felt thirsty, wanting to see what was in store for her.
   “You’ll have to beg for that. I plan on making you cum in other ways first.” 
   At his words his head ducked back down to start trailing kisses down her stomach, making sure every inch would be covered while his hands began to undo her pants. She wasn’t sure how he got them off so nimbly without moving, but soon enough cool air was around her legs and his hot mouth was kissing at her thigh. 
   His eyes fell on her panties and she realized just how much her pussy might have been soaking them. Embarrassed at his gaze she almost tried to close her legs or shift away, but one of his arms snaked under her thigh and tossed it over his shoulder while he settled between her legs. 
   His hungry eyes were now back on hers.
   “Green.” There was no hesitation this time, having learned her lesson from earlier. And, while she was embarrassed, she craved him.
   He smirked and rested his cheek against her leg, his facial hair tickling the skin lightly. 
   “Good girl. Maybe you can be taught…” 
   She would have responded with a snarky comment if his mouth wasn’t suddenly over her cunt, a long lick through the fabric causing her to yelp and shiver. On instinct her fingers dived into his hair, but the low groan that came from the man showed it didn’t bother him. His yellow eyes peered up at her from between her thighs that rested on his shoulders and she was torn between making eye contact and throwing her head back as his tongue pressed firmly against her clit before wiggling against it.
   Maybe it was how drawn out everything seemed to be or the fact she hadn’t gotten any in a while, but each touch from him was setting her on fire and he knew it. Long laps through her panties had her shifting down, wanting to feel more pressure against her cunt then what he was giving. He enjoyed the feeling of her plush thighs starting to shift and squeeze around his head, one hand moving just so he could grip the soft thigh while his eyes closed. Currently all he could taste was the damp fabric, but just the scent alone had his cock throbbing. 
   Slowly he then used his tongue to hook under the side of her panties, shifting them slightly just so he could get a small taste. The wetness on her lips touched his tongue and he realized just how desperate he was starting to become. It took all of his restraint to not rip the undies off for being in his way.
   His other hand snaked its way up to help pull the cloth to the side and he opened his eyes to see the prettiest glistening cunt he ever saw. The way the skin and hair shined with her juices under the faint light of the room felt like an invitation.
   “M…Mihawk. Stop staring.” Her voice snapped him from his thoughts. He hadn’t realized just how enraptured he was with her pussy. He smirked, glancing up at her to see a flushed panting face, one hand folded in front of her mouth while the other was still buried in his hair.
   MC felt so exposed to him that it was embarrassing. The air around them felt so heavy now that she struggled to breathe, chest heaving up and down.
   “Sorry there, little rabbit. I can’t help myself when it comes to works of art.” His words sent shivers up her spine, though she tried to act tough and pout. 
   “That’s so corny.” She commented, just wanting to feel a little more in control. The deep chuckle that reverberated through his chest showed he took no offense to her words.
   “Perhaps. But it’s true. I’ll have to thank you for this meal.” It was odd seeing him with this level of playfulness. During their fights she always assumed his tone was a serious one, but the more she thought back on it she realized just how much he was toying with her and others. 
   “Well, you’re letting it get cold!” Another quip with a pout had him smirking up at her. He’d let her get away with being a little demanding. It was cute to see her embarrassment trying to shift to confidence and he wanted to encourage her telling him what she wanted.
   So, without missing a beat, his head lowered again and he kept his eyes trained on her while his lips wrapped around the hooded clit, gently sucking and giving kitten licks to it. 
   She gasped and yelped, not expecting to feel that much attention directly on the bundle of nerves. A heel dug into his back while her body arched from the bed.
   “Fuck! Too much!” It was almost painful to feel his tongue push past the hood and directly tease her. His facial hair scraped against the rest of her cunt and thighs and it felt just so fucking good. 
   He backed off from the bundle then, tongue pulling away from inside the hood and moving to circle it before another thick, long swipe ran up her lips. He found the sticky juices to be delicious and couldn’t resist letting his tongue dive into her a few times. He kept his eyes trained on her as the hand gripping his black locks pulled and guided him closer to her cunt. His hand that kept her undies neatly out of the way moved so he could rub his thumb over her clit, circling it much like his tongue had been doing before he decided to eat up more of his meal. 
   She felt him groan into her cunt, but no longer could she have her eyes open to watch. The pleasure was building and it was building quickly. It felt too much. Overwhelming. Perfect. She couldn’t help the string of curses falling from her lips as his tongue continued to dive into her pussy, curling and searching for that sweet textured spot that would make her see stars. 
   When he felt part of it, he smirked, his mouth shifting back to her clit while his hand moved to plunge two fingers into her sweet cunt, fingers curling to add pressure to her g-spot so he could milk it for all it was worth. He sucked and licked at the bundle of nerves as her body started to thrash a little, though he noticed in all her panting and “waits” not once did she say red or yellow. 
   A chord snapped within her and a gush all but drenched him and the bed. Her body was shaking, eyes hazy, and chest heaving for air. Her eyes drifted to see him sitting in between her thighs again, looming over her while a tongue swiped at his lip to gather more of the cum and squirt that now decorated his face.
   “Good girl. Ready for more?”
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gay-wh0re-slut · 1 year
Hello! Can I please request a NSFW Rhea/reader where reader has had a massive crush on Rhea for awhile and Rhea has noticed and constantly flirts with the reader (who doesn’t think Rhea is being serious). One day when they find themselves alone in the locker room Rhea corners reader and basically asks why the reader hasn’t ever done anything about the massive crush they obviously have on Rhea. Reader mumbles something about how she knows Rhea wasn’t being serious with all her flirting, so Rhea proceeds to show reader just how serious she is?
I swear, dominant Rhea is the woman of my DREAMS. No worries at all if you don’t like this request. Thanks for hearing me out!
i can already tell that this is gonna be a long one so buckle up friends lmaoooo but no legit, rhea could do literally anything and i’ll go feral
i have a feeling that this is gonna be a bit angsty too so hold on to your boot straps hahaha
Prove it
CW: angst-ish, a little degradation/praise, fingering
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Your headset was filled with the chatters of other PA’s and crew members questioning about this and that or genuine small talk. While you have worked for WWE for quite sometime, only just recently have you started working on Raw. It was a good change of pace for you, it was very similar to Smackdown but everything was red and obviously the wrestlers were different. You never thought that you would make friends so quickly considering how hard it was before. One friend in particular you hoped, maybe one day, would be more than a friend: Mami herself, Rhea Ripley.
“Hey, baby,” she would say every time she saw you.
“Heyyyy,” you would reply with a wink. I don’t think she even knows my name, to be honest.
The crew would always say that she was genuinely flirting with you, but you never believed them because she would flirt with Samantha and Cathy all the time so you thought you were just another one of her many girlfriends. But they kept on insisting, “she’s not like that with anyone else on the crew,” or “she’s flirting with them for the camera, there’s no camera’s when she’s with you.” But, you kept brushing it off, hopelessly daydreaming.
Often, Rhea would hang around you backstage asking questions about you and other meaningless things, or she would request that you sit beside her as she gets her makeup done just so she could have someone to talk to. She was known to have done this with other crew members because even though she was mean on the screen, backstage she was the biggest sweetheart and genuinely wanted to get to know everyone. Because of this, you boiled it down to being one of her close work friends and nothing more, unfortunately.
After a show one Monday, you notice that the tattooed woman was no where to be found. They usually have to sign out to let the crew know that they left, but she never signed. So you begin searching.
You ask around and a lot of people didn’t know, some said she was in her dressing room, some said that she left and forgot to sign out, she never does that. You thought that she just went to her car to get something and she’ll be right back. After a while of walking aimlessly around the arena searching for who knows how long, you decide to get her number from Bianca, which she gave you an all-knowing smirk followed by, “surprised you don’t have it yet.” You nervously laugh it off as you say goodbye to her for the night.
You struggle to find something witty to say or a flirty joke. Sadly nothing comes to mind when you realize you’ve been staring at your phone for a solid minute before deciding to go with something casual.
“Hey, it’s (Your/Name)! Just wanted to check in on ya and see where you were. You didn’t sign out yet so I’m hoping you’re still around?” you text her.
“Damn. I guess I missed the opportunity to give you my number using a bad pick up line,” she responded immediately. So she does know my name.
“Haha, I asked Bianca for it, hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. She couldn’t deliver the line as good as me anyway.”
“Then I have to hear it.”
“It’s better in person, and unfortunately for you, I did leave without signing out accidentally, had a lot on my mind tonight.”
“Damn, that’s okay. I’ll sign out for you then, no biggie,” no biggie? are you serious, who says that?
“Thank you! I owe you one for sure. I’ll bring you Starbucks on Sunday before PR stuff.”
“You really don’t have to, it’s really not a big deal.”
“Oh please, you’re too good to not be praised.”
Calm. Down.
“I try,” God, I suck at flirting, “but anyway, I hope you get some rest, you deserve it.”
“We’ll see what happens. See you soon, love!”
Butterflies were completely alive in your stomach when you read those last words. You couldn’t help the blush forming on your face to cause another crew member to ask you what you’re smiling at so hard. You tell them it was a funny post that a friend sent and they seemed to believe you. You shoved your phone in your back pocket and went on with your nightly duties, cleaning up after everyone, making sure nothing was left behind. Though Raw was on Monday’s, there was always so much to do during the week before the show. Obviously you had to travel, but it took about a day or two to set up the ring and LED walls, lights and other things necessary for the show to run smoothly.
The rest of the week went by quickly, thankfully. You and Rhea had been texting quite literally nonstop, asking about this and that, sometimes talking about nothing just so that you could text each other. You’d send memes and pictures of your animals with the same in return. You kept trying to flirt with her through text and she seemed to flirt back but you were never good about wooing a woman, they always did it to you. Something about a dominant woman really got your gears grinding, and Rhea happened to be just that.
Sunday came and you woke in the hotel room, groggy but another day, another dollar. You showered and got ready for the day in about an hour. You didn’t have to wear your normal uniform today since no cameras were being live-streamed everywhere. Once you arrived, you checked yourself in at the arena showing your badge to the security, grabbing your headset and headed to your station. You stood at the door making sure everyone signed in, this was your usual job on Sunday’s. It was easy and fun to chat with the Pros of the day before they got in their gear for shooting some extras.
Whispers began as the buff goth woman walked towards you with two coffee’s in her hand, “Hey baby!” she said as per usual.
“Heyyyy!” the butterflies were definitely fluttering.
“I said I owed you so here you go,” she handed you the drink.
“I completely forgot! Thank you!” You took a sip and hummed at the delicious brew.
“Anything for you,” she winked. She signed in and went on her way.
You heard the faint giggling of your coworkers behind you. You threw them a look and they scurried away still giggling. Rolling your eyes, you check that everyone has made it on time and began the rest of your work day.
It wasn’t too long of a day but what made it seem like forever was that Rhea wasn’t texting you. Time flew by for you when you were talking to her, like nothing else mattered. You kept checking your phone to see if she had any time to send you something, anything but no luck.
A few hours have passed and you realized you hadn’t eaten anything all day, so you head to the snack table. All kinds of fruits, vegetables, candy and other things of that nature stared back at you. Nothing seemed appealing you were so hungry so you opted for an apple.
“Hey sweet cheeks,” an australian accent said behind you.
You turn around with a smile, “Hey! What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me?” Her arms crossed as she leaned on the wall beside her with her foot crossed over the other with her icy blue eyes scanning up and down your body.
You couldn’t help but shiver, how long has she been standing there, “sure! What do you suggest?”
“Come to the locker room in a few and we’ll figure it out from there, I have one more thing to finish,” she began to walk towards you.
Your heart beat faster, your breath was slowly leaving your lungs, calm down, breathe. The tattooed hand lands itself on your shoulder before sliding down your arm as she gives you a gentle smile. She snatched the apple out of your hand and takes a bite, the whole time she kept eye contact with you. Chewing away, she gave you an apple filled grin and handed back the apple.
“S-sure,” You force out, taking back the fruit.
“Great! I’ll be waiting,” she walks off behind you with the sound of her boots trailing off.
I’m so down bad, it’s embarrassing.
The time finally came but you were frozen just outside of the locker room. Everyone else had already left for lunch saying bye to you on their way out, so you were just left there, standing, shaking, trying muster up any confidence possible to just walk inside.
Your foot barely left the floor when the buff woman came out, “there you are, took you long enough. C’mon.”
You stumble your way in, watching her go back to what she was doing.
After a few seconds of silence, “Please, sit. You’re making me nervous,” she laughs, putting the last few items of her things in a bag.
You do as your told.
She sits down in front of you, “What do you want to eat? My treat!” She leans back making herself comfortable, which apparently includes manspreading.
You, you thought, “I’m down for whatever,” you say instead.
“Oh, c’mon, there isn’t anything your craving?”
You try your best to not stare at her legs that are wide open in front of you where you could easily get on your knees and-
“Hey,” she waves a hand in front of you, “you good, babe?”
“W-what? Oh…yeah, sorry,” your face begins to feel hot, “what was the question?”
“I asked if you wanted to fuck,” she said, incredibly serious.
Your eyes widened as you choked on air.
“You’re so funny when you’re nervous,” she laughs, “I asked what you wanted for lunch.”
“Nervous? Who said I was nervous?” you laugh…nervously.
“Uh huh,” she leans forward on her elbows resting on her knees, “maybe the fact that you tense up when I’m around, or the fact that you’d stumble your words when we talk or the fact that you stood outside the locker room for five minutes before I basically had to drag you in here,” she leaned back into her previous position, “maybe, that.”
Your face was now fully red, “I-”
“Admit it, (y/n),” she leans forward once more, licked her lips followed by biting her bottom lip as her eyes fell to your mouth then back up to your eyes, “You… have a crush on me.”
No words could form in your head to make a coherent thought. You sat there, beet red, mouth agape, staring at the wrestler inches, if not centimeters, front of you.
She reached out to close your mouth gently, but held your chin for longer than was definitely necessary. “Don’t worry,” her hand pulls you into her as she closes the gap between you, kissing you, “I like you too,” she admits.
“There’s no way,” you push back, “you can’t.”
She was surprised at your response, “what do you mean I can’t.”
“I mean,” you struggle to find the words but they come anyway, “you’re… you! Rhea Ripley, Mami, the one everyone either wants to be or be with. You’re so…attractive and cool and buff and…and hot! There’s no way YOU have a crush on ME. Out of all the people in the world, you like me? There’s no way…no way!” You stand and start pacing around the chair.
She rolls her eyes, “listen I know I flirt with a lot of people here but I’ve never thought of kissing them for the fun of it.”
You stop in your tracks, contemplating, then, “exactly you flirt with everyone so how was I supposed to know that this was any different until now,” you start pacing again.
She huffs and stands to walk in front of you. She grabs your face, this time with both hands pulling you in for another kiss. She held this for much longer than last time and of course you kissed her back. She finally lets go but is still holding your face in fear of you pacing again, “does that prove it?”
You hesitate, looking up at her helplessly, “I don’t know, do it again.” Where the confidence suddenly came from, you had no clue but you couldn’t stop now.
She smiled as her eyes beamed with hunger. She kisses you once more, but this time was different. Your lips moved against hers like they were meant to be, your hands found their way to her waist pulling her in closer. Her hands became tangled in your hair as you thank your past self for not putting it up like usual.
“How about that?” she breathes heavily.
“Hmm,” you tap your chin jokingly, “I still don’t believe you. Can you try something else?”
Her face scrunched with confusion for a split second before she caught your drift, “getting cheeky are we?” she smiles.
In one quick motion, she picks you up with a yelp escaping you, wrapping your legs around her hips as she starts to kiss you again. It was only a few steps before she reached the couch and practically slammed you down on your back with her on top of you.
She grew a face of concern, “Oh, shit, sorry that was a bit rough, you okay?”
“Don’t worry about being too rough,” said the mysterious confidence.
She cocked an eyebrow before her evil grin finally came into play, “Don’t tell me that,” she admits.
“Please,” your voice was shaky, “do literally whatever you want to me,” you held her face to make sure she knew you were serious, “please fuck me into oblivion.”
“Who knew the nice girl would be such a slut,” she finally turned on her dominant side.
Your underwear was already soaked from the second she spread her legs in front of you, but hearing her call you a slut could’ve sent you over the edge right then but you needed to hold off so you could savor the moment.
“God, yes,” you groan.
With that she forcefully kisses you once more. Your legs still wrapped around her, she sits up breaking them apart, staring hungrily trying to decide what to do with you. You take the opportunity to throw your headset to the floor after quickly turning it off. She readjusts herself, then heads back down to begin kissing and nipping at your neck. Small moans fall from your lips as she smiles into every new kiss from hearing you. When she starts to head back up to your chin, her hand finds its way under your waistband, thank god I wore yoga pants, you thought.
Her hand was slowly creeping its way into your underwear. Your hands were anywhere they could go, her hair, her neck, her back, her arms as she was back to kissing you, roughly. Finally reaching your hot center, she moans into your mouth, “damn baby. Is this all because of me?” she runs her fingers through your wet folds.
“Mhmm,” you whimper, bucking your hips at the new sensation.
“I should’ve said something sooner,” she begins to draw small circles over your clit.
“Y-yes,” you struggle to speak.
She hums in response quickening her pace before going back to kissing your neck. Your back arched as she ran her fingers through your wetness once more, moaning in the process.
A few more circles were drawn and you were becoming desperate for more and quickly. You sneak your hand to meet hers inside your pants, moving her hand to push her fingers inside of you. She understands and does it just right.
“Fuck,” slips out of you.
“You’re so desperate,” she growls slowly moving two fingers as far into you as possible.
“God yes,” you whine as she begins to slowly pump in and out of you causing more moans to fall from your mouth.
“If only I knew you were such a slut, I would’ve fucked you much sooner,” she admits. Her pace quickens, “I mean look at you, squirming under me, such a pretty sight.”
You couldn’t fathom any words. Literally nothing came to mind other than, “holy fuck,” which you didn’t say consciously.
“I can tell your close, baby,” she was right, “don’t hold back.”
By now, she was fucking you so hard you felt your titties bouncing and her eyes on them. You couldn’t help but smile at her wickedly. You grabbed her face forcefully pulling it in for more kissing so that the noises that were about to escape you, wouldn’t be too loud in case someone walked by.
A whimper escaped every time the tattooed fingers hit inside of you. The pressure in your hips rose so quickly you couldn’t hold off if you tried.
“Yesss, that’s it baby….cum for me,” she snarled in your ear.
The wave of release finally hit you, “oh FUUCK,” as you bounced. Your back arching, loud moans were quickly softened by her mouth as she continued to fuck you through it.
She wasn’t stopping there though, “you feel so good, baby,” as she continued pumping in and out of you, “now do it again.”
You couldn’t help but moan and nod your head desperately. It didn’t take long for the pressure to build back up again, she readjusted her hand so that she was hitting your sweet spot every time she pounded into you.
“Holy fuck,” you grasp for air, “please don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
After a few more seconds of vigorous movements, you cum once more, spilling out all over her hand. Groaning louder than before as your legs began to shake and your hips jerking against her motions. Your back arched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head causing her to hold you down as best she could so you wouldn’t fall off the couch.
“Good girl,” she eased you through it, kissing every inch of your neck. She slowly removed her hand from you, bringing it up to her mouth and sucking her coated fingers clean. Your eyes widened at the sight.
“Open,” she commanded.
So you open your mouth and she sticks her fingers inside, without hesitation you sucked yourself off of her. Never in a million years did you think this would be happening, trembling under her after she just made you cum, twice in 10 minutes.
Once she decided you were done, she pulled her hand out and stood up, placing her hands on her hips. “Now do you believe me?”
You nod because you couldn’t think of anything else to say, you’re lying there, panting and helpless staring at the dark haired woman above you.
“Good. Now what do you want to eat?” she smirks.
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lightlycareless · 20 days
Not really Naomi's first day of school, but more like your and Naoya's reaction to it. Mostly yours, Naoya tends to be quite... distant because of work ugh I hate it. 😿😭😭😭 I just like writing silly domestic things :)
warnings: fluff. domestic au; you have a beautiful daughter with Naoya named Naomi. He is a good husband!!! as well as an overprotective father, just like you.
Happy reading!
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“—but nothing too far, we must be able to answer quickly if something happens!”
“Then why are we even considering beyond the estate? There’s no safer place than here!”
“Well, you are right in some way… but she still deserves to make friends, you know? Hang out with kids her age, make friends… do things of her age! And not limit herself to me or my staff…”
“No one will be good enough for my little mochi. We might as well keep her here, you know? Besides, she actually doesn’t need to go to school. She has her whole life set up already just for being my daughter!”
“Oh, Naoya, just listen to yourself! We can’t deprive Naomi of the world! It’s her right, just as anybody else’s”
“But we can choose what’s right for her, and I think her being homeschooled is the best option.”
“…For us, not for her.”
Naoya sighs.
Seems that at the end of the day, no matter how much the two tried to avoid the subject, they always came back to the same conclusion: Naomi needed to go to school.
No homeschooling, no private tutoring, none of that. She ought to go to an actual building where she’d meet other people, from teachers ready to aid her growth, to kids who wished to befriend and play with her.
It was a day that everybody knew was coming, and yet, you and Naoya couldn’t help but feel highly unprepared; mainly due to both needing to prolong the inevitably.
And neither could be blamed, after all, you and Naoya had grown accustomed to having little Naomi around all day; hearing her cute giggles resounding across the estate, the pitter patter of her feet running from one side of the hallway to the other, her witty chatter that often made little to no sense, yet you loved hearing, for it filled the cold, emptiness of your home with her warm presence, to her adorable snores…
You didn’t want her to go. You wished her to stay…
But as good parents, this needed to be done. And soon, instead of taking Naomi to accompany you to your errands, or your quick runs to satisfy whatever sweet craving you had, you’d be taking her to school; to leave her there for seemingly endless hours, unable to know what she was doing.
If she was happy, if she needed you.
And yet, that was the beauty of watching her grow; another part of you wanting to accompany her through this special moment and all that pertained through it: from buying her first backpack, dressing her up in her first school uniform, to helping her choose what hairstyle she wanted for her first day—
It was all exciting for you and Naoya.
Didn’t mean it wasn’t difficult for overbearing parents like you to drop her off at the gates of whatever prestigious school both decided to enroll her in (only the best, Naoya required, anything less is just a waste of my time).
You naturally preserved the moment through thousands of pictures, a few selections posted on her dedicated Instagram and causing an expected commotion in your family.
naomis_grandpa: Naomi-chan looks adorable as ever!! I can’t believe she’s going to school already—time sure flies by! Why don’t we celebrate her first day of school by having a small gathering? I can arrange something over there!
l/n_hinata: Oh, I wish I could’ve been there but you know how work is 😥😥!! I’ll call you later to ask how her first day went (and if you’re faring well lol) Good luck, Naomi-chan!!
l/n_ren: Haha, she looks just like you on your first day, all the way down to the pout! The resemblance is uncanny, she really is your daughter.
zenin_y/n: I wasn’t like that on my first day..
the_strongest_one: Yes, you were! I remember! You wouldn’t stop crying once your mom and dad left you hahahaha!! I think I have a picture somewhere… anyways, did Naomi cry like you? Or was she strong, like me?
zenin_naoya: leave my wife alone.
the_strongest_one: sure sure, but does your wife know you just dm’d me asking for the picture?
zenin_y/n: Naoya.
But Satoru’s words did highlight an important point, one that you expected to happen yet surprisingly, it didn’t. Naoya was equally amazed when you told him about it…
In other words, contrary to all beliefs… Naomi did not cry. She did not whine, demand to be taken back home, nor did she tightly cling onto you as you guided her onto the entrance.
Nope, nothing at all.
Instead, she was excited to start this new adventure! See what this so-called school had to offer and seize the moment!
You won’t deny that seeing her so happy was both elating and disappointing in some ways, undoubtedly for having your expectations refuted—the two were virtually inseparable, after all, surely… Naomi was just as affected as you were.
But alas, the ones far more emotionally invested were you and Naoya, trying your best to move on with their day as if nothing had changed, behaving like Naomi was still at home, just around the corner…
Kind of dramatic, wasn’t it? She was to return home 4 hours later…
“Oh!” Your thoughts would be interrupted by the loud sound of your cellphone ringing, a call from the only person you expected to do so at this time, pausing your work and rushing to respond, a smile on your lips as your husband’s face appears on the screen. “Hello, my love! How are you? How’s work treating you?”
“Dreadful, princess—as always, every second I go on without you is pure torture.” He confesses, exhaustion evident in his face. Oh, how you wished to kiss his worries away. “Just wanted to check in on you, I didn’t call you on a bad time, did I?”
“No, not at all. I was just tending to the garden; I heard you asked the gardeners to change the flowers to something Naomi liked, That’s very sweet of you.”
“Well, she mentioned liking sunflowers—and you know I had to do it.” He states proudly, your heart flutters at his smirk. “And you? How is my pretty princess?”
“Tired.” You admit. “And a bit hungry too; it’s almost noon.”
“Don’t forget to eat, I don’t want to come home and hear you hadn’t.”
“I know, I know… it’s not like my staff will allow it anyways.”
“Good. It’s what I pay them from.”
“I know, I know.” He sighs. “No need to scold me.”
“I’m not scolding you…” you pout, Naoya laughs.
“You’re adorable—anyways, do you know how my beloved dumpling is doing? I’ve missed her so much.”
“Ah, right! Wait, I think she should be awake right now so you can see her!”
“Wait,Y/N—" Naoya tried his best to lessen the shock which you would inevitably encounter once acknowledging reality, called out your name a few more times, but it was all for naught for you were determined into getting to Naomi’s room, hoping to find her playing with her toys in the company of either your seamstress Hitomi, or your cook Haruko, the latter being her favorite nee-san at the moment (though you don’t tell Hitomi that).
To see the glow of your face dim upon entering your daughter’s room is a sight that will remain imprinted in the back of Naoya’s mind, filled with an overwhelming need to comfort you, yet impotent to do so while kilometers away.
There’s no doubt now that you remember where Naomi was supposed to be, pushing you into a vivid emptiness her absence placed in your heart: a sentiment you never thought possible until becoming a mother.
“Y/N…” Naoya murmurs, heart-stricken upon seeing the sorrow in your face.
“Oh, Naoya… how could I forget that she was at school?” you lament, defeated.
“She’s always been there, it’s only natural that you’d forget.” Naoya attempts to console you, you sigh. “…What makes you feel this way? Besides missing her, of course.”
“… I don’t know, I guess… I fear that she might not like school at all. That the teachers don’t like her either… that she doesn’t get along with the kids…”
“She’ll be alright, my love. Naomi is a good kid, she’s our daughter after all.”
“I know, I just… wished I could be there for her. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but that’s how it’s always been! I’m there for her when she needs me… and she’s here for me when I need her…
I just… miss her, I guess.”
“I’m sure she misses you too.” Naoya can be nothing but understanding of the solitude you must feel in a place like the Zen’in estate now that he, and your daughter, were away.
Naomi had truly come into your life at the best moment, a blessing of sorts, that is without a doubt. For not only was she remembrance of the ever-growing love you felt for one another, and the achievement of a personal milestone…
But also, the one to fill the void your husband’s absence had unwittingly given you.
Though you knew the type of relationship you’d have once getting together with Naoya and all that his demanding career entailed, it didn’t make it any easier to live out. There were countless nights were your heart ached so much to have him near, and yet, all you could do is anxiously wait for his return—hope there would be one, if fate hadn’t decided to cruelly rip him—
You worry that your attachment to Naomi might come to harm her in the long run, that you’d hinder her growth for your own personal desire…
But you just loved her so much to act otherwise. You just wanted the best for her, and nothing less. Was it all too wrong?
“She’ll be home soon, you’ll see.” Naoya adds, snapping you out of your thoughts. Your gaze returns to him, to his gentle smile, a reminder that he’ll always support you. “And when she is, I will call her, and she’ll tell us all about her first day at school.”
“Do you think she’s having fun? Or do you think she’s afraid? She’s never been that social, you know? At least not when meeting new people. What if she doesn’t get along with anyone? Or what if no one likes her? Oh, she’d be devastated….!” You naturally fret as a concerned mother; there is nothing you’d like more than your daughter to be liked by everyone!
“I wish I could tell you.” Naoya continues, understanding your concerns for he too considered them—experienced them, in fact. He’s known what it felt to be lonely, even when given everything in the world. So, the last thing he desired was for his daughter to go through the same. “But there’s one thing I know for certain.”
“What is it…?”
“That she’s an adorable kid. The type one could only love. And if they don’t, they’re stupid.” He shrugs. “And there’s no cure for stupidity, so don’t worry about anything; She’s perfect just the way she is… and I know that because she’s got you as a mother.”
“Naoya… when did you get all sappy on me?” you murmur, doing your best to hold back your tears.
“I—I’m not sappy, I’m just… saying the truth.” He stammers, and though subtle, you’re still able to see a tint of red in his cheeks. “How about I pick you two up after work and we get something to eat? It’s been a while since we’ve gone down to the city.”
“Oh, that sounds wonderful! And that way we can also celebrate Naomi’s first day of school! I can’t wait to hear all about it; I’ve always loved how cheerful she spoke, makes everything far more entertaining!”
“We just gotta keep this a secret from your father; he’s been calling me non-stop about a supposed reunion he wants to make for our daughter.” Naoya warns. “Haven’t seen him so enthusiastic since… well, he’s always like this, isn’t he?”
“I kind of feel bad for leaving him out…”
“Well, he is on the other side of the country.”
“If it were up to him, I think he would’ve liked her to be enrolled in a school over there. And as much as I love it when they spend time together…”
“…We’re a bit too much, aren’t we?” Naoya laughs at your words. “People might think we’re bad parents…”
“No, Y/N. I know for a fact that I have much to improve, but not you. Never.” Naoya smiles, wanting nothing more than to hug and kiss your insecurities away. For he could be nothing but glad that his daughter was unconditionally loved, cherished far more than his family even bothered to care.
Your worries and enthusiasm just proved what he always knew, what he saw the moment his eyes fell on you, what his heart sung when he fell in love:
“You’re absolutely perfect.”
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groversimp · 9 months
Hey! First ever request, can i ask for a Luke Castellan x male reader where reader is an ill son of Ares and Luke nurses him back to health? Thank you lovely!!
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Sorry, I Can’t Take Your Touch
Ty for your patience anon!!
Warnings: stab wounds, slow burn, tension so hot it could burn someone, Luke, slightly suggestive?
This is post-betrayal, you’re a part of Kronos’ army
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“I don’t need your help, Castellan.”
Those were the first words to come out of your mouth as Luke approached you with a first-aid kid, his darkened eyes glare down at you. You suck in a breath as you sit up from the blood-stained cot.
“Yes, you do, Y/L/N.” Luke’s voice is rough from the day of battle- screaming commands and demands. Anyone else would think he still looks confident, but you can see the exhaustion in his eyes. ‘He knows what he’s doing, this is his rebellion’ you tell yourself, if you were anyone but yourself you might believe your words. You know Luke, so much more than you know yourself even.
“No-“ You said, kicking a leg out to shove him away as he walks towards you. He dodges your attack with a swift step.
Leaning on the cot, his knee rests on your leg as he pins you down with one arm. “Stay.” He says, your witty response dies on your tongue.
He moves his arm to grab your waist, using his other hand to open the first-aid kit. He pours some rubbing alcohol on the deep cut, ignoring your wince. With a soft grunt, he shifts and pulls you up with him.
He starts to wrap the bandage-wrap around your mid-section, plush gauze and fluffy cotton over your wound.
“Where’d you learn this stuff, Luke?” You ask, soft words almost dying in the deep silence wracking through the room.
“These are just the basics, I picked it up from some Apollo’s kids before I left.” He says, Luke looks up at you- you’ve never called him by his first name. His eyes linger on you a beat too long, memorizing the concerned furrow of your eyebrows, the deep fire that lays beneath your eyes. Everything he loves about you. It’s like second-nature to him.
“You never learned, Y/N?” Hearing your name slip from his mouth felt so wrong yet so right, and you know you would give anything to hear him say it again.
“No,” you say. “No, I never wanted to.” Luke hums in response. After awhile of silence, he looks up at you, eyes looking over your form.
His lips are a hairbreadth away from yours, so close you can feel them but not close enough to be pressed against yours. It’s almost painful, the desire you have for him. The want, the need, to have him to yourself. To lock him away and keep him safe. Away from wars, away from commanding.
He pulls back, away from you, then stands up without a look at you.
“Rest, Y/N.” He says, voice deep and shadowed eyes not looking to you. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As he left, you sighed and fell deeper into the cot. You really should stop this before it begins.
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azznyra · 2 years
Hi! My name is Nyra and this is my very first post ever! i’ve been a reader for years but i’ve never had the courage to write or post anything ever. i’m very scared to post this, but i’ll hope some people will come across this and like it. any and every feedback is highly appreciated. please be kind! also know that english isn’t my first language so forgive me for any mistakes! i hope you enjoy :))
Drunken night routine
here is my Azriel x reader fluff fic. TW : small mentions of anxiety but that’s it.
includes reader being drunk af with nesta and az being a fluffball with her as he gets her ready for bed!
You were trying your best to just concentrate long enough to winnow inside. Nesta blowing you ear off was not helping and you made sure to tell her "just keep quiet for a second and maybe we’ll get there". You had had the shittiest day and were just looking to unwind with one of your closest friend. You had both gone to this sweet little restaurant down the Sidra, enjoying each other’s company and a humongous amount of food. It started with a bottle of red wine, just to fuel yourselves for your gossiping session and now it promised you the biggest hungover for tomorrow.
After what seemed like a century, you managed to get you both up to the balcony attached to the big dining area. The floor-to-ceiling windows were opened, the curtains softly moving with the wind and all you could hear was Cassian’s deep chuckle.
You and Nesta were still holding onto each other when you looked up and saw the General approaching you, reaching his hand out for Nesta to take. He led you both inside and turned to you, taking you in "Rough night, y/n ?" your answering scowl was immediate "fuck off you’re just jealous Nesta likes me more". To take it even further, you leaned closer to your best friend and kissed her on the cheek, multiple times, while she was only grinning, her smile getting bigger and bigger by the second.
Cassian was halfway through with his comeback when your gaze landed on the second male in the room. Azriel was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fire, legs deliciously spread, nursing a glass of liquor in his left hand, his piercing gaze already set on you. He was dressed in casual clothes tonight, which didn’t fail to surprise you. In all the years you had known him, you didn’t think you had seen him like this more than four times. He looked so relaxed like this, you thought his lap looked inviting, it was almost beckoning you to sit there, perch yourself on his thigh. Hoping his arm would wrap around your waist, maybe tug your back against his chest. If you were lucky, maybe he’d even — you stopped your thoughts when you realized where your mind had wandered to. You let go of Nesta and took quick but wobbly steps towards the shadowsinger, calling out his name in the sweetest way you could manage.
He quickly put down his glass and got up to meet you half way, smirking. You knew a witty remark was already on its way but you could not care less. You were so intoxicated that you didn’t think twice about what you were doing and just launched yourself at him. Your arms went around his waist, tugging him closer to your body. You not only heard but felt him take in a sharp breath, his ribcage expanding beneath your arms.
You’d never dared to get this close to him while being sober. You knew he liked his privacy and was not always confortable with physical affection. You could see it behind his eyes, see his self-hatred eating him out, telling him that he wasn’t worthy of love. Every time it happened, you felt your own heart breaking, cleaving in two. For he was worth so much more that what he allowed himself, he was worth everything. If only he could see himself the way you saw him.
Azriel’s arms finally landed around your shoulders and you got a whiff of his smell. You could not help but inhale it once more, on purpose. You then looked up to him and said "You smell so heavenly right now, Az". You only grinned up at him, secretly relishing in the red that took over the apple of his cheeks. It was concerning how proud you were of making his usually stoic face blush so easily from only one compliment.
Az felt like he was dying. Maybe he was and that’s why he was imagining you clinging to him right now, looking up at him with the most delicious smile adorning your lips and a cunning gleam in your eyes. You looked so beautiful that his mind was blank for a minute, filled with nothing but thoughts of your perfect face. He took in your long, shiny brown hair, which was curled tonight. His favorite. He longed to run his finger through the silky strands, maybe wrap his fist around it if you’d let him. You had never gotten this close to him before and he was in such deep shit. You were so drunk out of your mind though, that’s why you were burying your face in his chest. He looked up and met Cassian’s eyes, his brother winking at him, while holding onto his mate, ready to take her to bed.
Right, your bed. He just had to make sure you arrived in one piece to your bed and then you’d sleep and he’d be freed of his desire for you. At least for tonight. "Alright, your night’s over, let’s go to bed, y/n"
You shook your head, you didn’t want to go to bed, your night had just gotten interesting now that you had Az all to yourself. He insisted, and, well, you couldn’t really deny him anything. So you agreed "Only if you help me though, I don’t think I can walk straight, Az".
Azriel smiled, and you realized he had let go of your shoulders, silently offering you his elbow to hold onto. He always did this, offered anything but his hands. You knew how he felt about them, could understand where he was coming from. However, you couldn’t stand to enable his thoughts by not touching his hands on purpose. Not tonight. You graciously ignored his elbow and slid your palm against his. Your hand was so cold, having spent the whole evening outside on a terrasse, while Azriel’s hand was so warm you wanted him to warm your whole body with it. You looked straight into his eyes, gauging his reaction. You could tell he was overthinking this, wondering if he was somehow tainting you with his scarred flesh. You had to reassure him that this was okay, that you didn’t mind and never would. Your brain was too fuzzy so you just asked him "Is this okay? I hope it is, I’ve always wanted to do this, actually". Azriel was still frozen, staring at you like he’d never seen you before, another bright blush taking place on his cheeks. He ended up nodding, so slightly you almost missed it. So you gave his hand a squeeze and he led you towards the big stairs.
He was quite literally dragging you by the hand at this point, taking such long strides that you almost couldn’t keep up. You both stoped in front of the stairs, and Az gave you a funny look and you just knew he was about to tease you before he even opened his mouth. "Sure you can take this, y/n ? I wouldn’t want you to fall on your face" He said, smirking as he talked. He looked so proud of himself, thinking he could tease you like this. So you answered him with the same malice in your voice "Well, maybe you should carry me, then. If you’re so worried about my face".
He didn’t even look taken aback, he looked proud, you thought. That must be the wine though, you tried to convince yourself. Then, all of a sudden, in a fraction of a second, his hand let go of yours, one arm went under yours knees while the other was around your waist. And here you were, nestled against Azriel’s chest, so comfortable in his arms. You tried not to give too much thought in how good this felt, how right. You felt like you were exactly right where you were supposed to be. You were feeling so courageous tonight, so much that, if anything went wrong, you’d blame it on the alcohol. That’s what pushed you to bring your face closer to his neck and brush your nose against his skin. Just once. Just to know what he smelled like so close, and it was so good that you did it again. Then you heard him let out a soft exhale, and another, a little more rugged this time, it seemed. And he whispered, voice so low you had to strain your Fae ears to hear, "you’re tickling me, y/n".
You were about to apologize, when you realized he had stopped walking and was standing in front of your bedroom door. You reached your hand out and turned the doorknob, allowing the male to enter your room. You were about to thank him for taking you here, when your brain registered that he had already walked farther than your bed and seemed to be heading towards your bathroom. He silently asked you to open this door as well, and then set you down on the counter on the left, right next to where all your beauty products were neatly organized.
It was overwhelming, his caring attitude, the fact that he was in your bathroom right now, looking so at ease amongst your things. It seemed so effortless, so natural for him to be there.
He turned back to look at you, and you wanted to ask him what this feeling was, why he was confusing your heart even more, but you only asked "what are you doing ?"
"Running you a hot bath", he simply answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world, as if he would ever do anything else. Then he added "get in and wash yourself, I’ll go get you some water while you’re in there".
So you did just that, trying very hard to concentrate on using the right soap, then you wet your hair and washed it as well. You had a whole routine to do tonight, but it was already so much effort just to wash it right now that you gave up. You’d regret this tomorrow but you were way too intoxicated to care.
Azriel was going mad. He was sure of it. He must be sick, there was no other explanation as to why he’d ever put himself in such a situation. All he had to do was put you on your bed and leave the damn room. Instead, he had selfishly wanted to hold you longer. He remembered it was the day you always washed your hair. You had been unable to do it once and then you’d been grumpy all day, so sensitive to everything you’d ended up crying when Cassian had eaten the last cookie from Elain’s batch. Nothing had been able to console you, even when the Seer had offered you to make another batch just for you. The shadowsinger remembered you telling him it was because your whole routine had been changed and you were so anxious.
So that’s what he told himself as he ran you the bath, it was so you wouldn’t miss your whole hair routing thing and be anxious tomorrow. Nothing to do with you way you were clinging to him, brushing your nose against his neck, pretending not to breathe him in. Multiple times.
Anyway, this would end soon because he was simply going to bring you a glass of water and leave you. He’d go to his room, lock the damn door and try to sleep this off. So this is what he did, he picked up the glass and headed upstairs again.
You had just finished rinsing your hair when you heard a knock. You allowed Azriel to step inside and saw him heading towards the counter, then pick up your towel and hold it in front of you. He wanted you to get out of the bath, you realized. His head was turned back, his eyes shut tight. He was behaving like the gentleman he was and your heart soared at the sight. He was so respectful and thoughtful but he never gave himself any credit for anything. It was painful, really.
You stepped out, willing your legs not to wobble and took the towel from his hands, wrapping it around yourself. You told him he could open his eyes now, and thanked him, for what felt like the millionth time tonight. It was then that he said words you’d have never thought would leave his mouth, "I’m surprised you’ve finished your whole hair routine so fast in your current state".
You stared at him, mouth open, probably gaping like a fish out of water.
You must have misheard him because there was no way in hell he knew about this. It was not a secret that you were very particular about your hair, but it wasn’t something you talked about with Azriel, or Cassian or any of the males for that matter.
"Yeah, it’s today, right? I’m impressed really. If I remember well, it’s a pretty long process". He was smiling like a fool, somehow seeming proud of knowing this about you. Why would he be proud? This was so strange, you were starting to think you were dreaming up all of this.
"How do you even know about this ?"
"You’ve told me once. I’ve always wondered how your hair looked so nice and you spent almost thirty minutes explaining all of the steps and how long you had to wait in-between". Now you were sure he looked proud. And you were sure you still looked like a fish out of water. Your mind was so blank. "I haven’t done it actually", you blabbered.
"Well, I can help you if you want. I know you get cranky when you miss your routine".
He looked so eager, and he was right, you did get cranky when you missed something in your routine. It also wouldn’t hurt to feel him run his fingers through your hair, and massage your scalp. So he did, so gently, as if he was afraid to hurt you. It was so relaxing that you wanted to fall asleep to this every night. It took him a bit longer than you normally would, but he was thorough in his ministrations you could never tease him. You closed your eyes halfway, only opening them again when he nudged your shoulder with his, hazel eyes softly looking into yours through the mirror.
"There, all done.".
"Thank you so much, Az. You’re so precious"
He smiled, and it was so breathtaking you almost fell to yours knees before him. "You should go to bed now, you’re all ready", he added after a moment. You turned around, so close that your chests were almost brushing. So close that you could reach out your hand and touch his raven black hair with the tips of your fingers. So close that you could stand on the tip of your toes and kiss his lips. You nodded, remembering he had said something, and he took a step back, allowing you to step back into your bedroom. Right, your bed. He must have told you to sleep. This was what he was here for, after all.
You were about to fall in your bed, yes fall, when you heard the beautiful male behind you chuckle. "You’re going to suffer tomorrow, drink some tea for hungover before you arrive to training"
You sat on the bed, facing him and looked up to his handsome face. You were so busy studying his features that you almost forgot to answer him. "Just take it easy on me tomorrow and I’ll be fine, yes?"
Another deep laugh came out of him. He was so carefree tonight you felt blessed to be able to witness him like this. The mighty Spymaster of the Night Court, so casually laughing in your bedroom. "No, I will not, you and Nesta need to learn the hard way that you do not get drunk the night before training"
Your answering whine made him crack another smile, "But we train every morning, Az"
"I don’t see how that’s my problem". He had the audacity to look smug. The male was taking such pleasure in your misery it would have been insulting were it anyone else.
"I hate you" you said. You could not have uttered a bigger lie. There was nothing but pure adoration for him in your heart, but you could not tell him that. Would never find the courage. You could barely stand this half sort of flirting, let alone pour out your feelings to him while he cringes and lets down gently.
"We both know you love me" He was taking this too far right now, but he didn’t find it in himself to care. He knew nothing about your feelings, only hoped. Yes, sometimes he would catch you looking at him at training, or looking for him whenever you stepped in a room. He would sometimes hear his shadows say that you were staring at him, a longing look in your eyes, but he never let himself believe them. They liked you too much, always trying to be close to you. They were not objective at all.
You blushed, hoping this conversation would not go somewhere you couldn’t handle. You surely couldn’t handle this right now. So you kept this little verbal sparring you two had going on and said "you wish".
Az’s face dimmed a little, it was so subtle you could have imagined it. Probably had, honestly, with your inebriated state right now. You could swear, however, that you heard him agree. It was such a small murmur but you could’ve sworn you heard him say yes.
Azriel bid you goodnight, so sweetly and left you to sleep.
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tlouxx · 1 year
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Electromagnetism - p. 3
~ ellie williams x reader
part two | part four <3
synopsis: you and ellie williams have been long time rivals. you're a physics majors at wellesley college, and you’re competing for the same spot in the prestigious dr. ramsey’s lab as ellie. suddenly neither of you can escape the other as you’re both trying to navigate your final year of college
content: college!ellie, mean!ellie, modern au, academic rivals to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn, eventual smut, swearing, banter, alcohol use, drug use, dina and reader being bffs, college party, ellie flirting with another girl
taglist: @gold-dustwomxn @skylerwhitwyo @blueberryhalfblood @elliebobellysosmelly @444na0m1
I shut my curtains before changing into some pj bottoms. After staying up all night last night, I deserve a treat and to go to bed immediately. I think of the ice cream at the back of my freezer. Before I leave the confines of my bed, my phone buzzes against the blanket. I had just texted my mom about getting the top score in class. She has always been so supportive of me. I’m just glad it’s finally coming to fruition. I turn my phone over expecting to see my mom’s name on the screen. 
9:48 P.M. 
Ellie: Maybe so.. Congrats. 
My jaw nearly hits the floor. I wasn’t expecting her to say anything back. I thought she’d ignore it or say something snide to me in person. Should I respond?
I take a sip of water to soothe my dry throat and look around my room. My lamp is the only light that’s radiating throughout.  
My plan to best Ellie is starting to materialize. I just didn’t imagine we’d be texting one another. Or that I’d start getting used to spending so much time with her. Or getting nervous when her name appears on my phone. 
Should I say something witty? I type and delete multiple texts before settling on something simple. 
9:59 P.M. 
Thanks. I’ll see you at class on monday. 
E: I’m throwing a party tomorrow if you and Dina want to come. 
E: No pressure tho. 
I’m skeptical. This isn’t the Ellie Williams I know. I’ve known taunts, bragging, shoving, but never an open invitation to her house. Maybe I should consult Dina first? On the other hand.. I haven’t been to a party in awhile, and I don’t have to talk to Ellie while I'm there either. I could just stand in the corner talking to Dina or I could take a peek into her room. See what weird shit she’s hiding. 
Too much time is passing. The longer I take to respond the weirder it is. 
10:33 P.M. 
Send me the address? 
My curiosity got the best of me. I have to go. 
Day 27 
8:30 A.M. 
Would you indulge me if I proposed going to a party tonight? 
D: I’m down! 
D: Who’s party is it? 
D: and you want to go? 
Well she invited us. I haven’t gone out in a while. Could be fun if we ignore her all night :) 
D: Okay. Let’s do it. 
D: Come to my place to get ready later? 
“Dina, do you think this outfit looks good?” Her clothes are scattered throughout the room. Her desk doesn’t look any better with makeup brushes and our makeup bags spread out. She turns around in her desk chair to look at me. Her eyes wander up and down. I’ve tried on multiple different outfits, but nothing seems to look right. 
“You look absolutely stunning.” Dina looks back at her reflection to apply another coat of mascara. Looking in the mirror, I begin to scrutinize the outfit I have on. Her denim jeans fit snug around my waist. I take off my tank top and replace it with a black one. 
“You said that about the last outfit too!” I sit down on Dina’s bed defeated.
She pushes herself out of her chair and plops down on the bed with me. “You’ve looked good in everything! You’re overthinking it.” 
I sigh. “You’re right, I am.” Her hand grasps mine and pulls me up. “How about we take a shot and continue getting ready?”
I’m sitting down at Dina’s desk looking over the mess we’ve created in the last hour. I check the time on my phone. The party starts in 10 minutes, but we definitely cannot be the first to arrive. I decided on wearing the jeans I borrowed from Dina, my black tank, and a green flannel. It’s my typical wardrobe, but it makes me feel confident. I’ll need that once I walk into the beast that is Ellie Williams. 
The vibration of my phone allows the haze of my thoughts to disappear. It’s Ellie. 
9:45 P.M. 
E: You and Dina still coming tn? 
Yeah. why do you ask?
E: Just thought it was unlike you to be late to something.
Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think.. 
E: I think I know you just the right amount ;)
Sureee Ellie.. 
The door opens and two shots appear in front of me. 
“Cheers!” We clink our glasses together and down the shot of rum. My face distorts as it burns through my chest. I laugh when I see Dina’s face twist in disgust too.
“While you were gone, guess who texted me” 
“Oh no, not your ex?” Dina gives me a look that resembles pity. 
“Ew, not her. Ellie.” 
“Shut up!” She lunges over to see my phone. “Show me!!” 
After reading our back and forth, Dina looks back up at me. “Ooh, it sounds like she really wants you to be there.” I shove her away from me playfully. 
“Shut uppp.” 
Before we leave, Dina and I take one last shot together. She looks gorgeous with her hair in soft waves. Her eyelashes are long and gracefully frame her eyes. No wonder her and Ellie were a thing. I feel a spring of jealousy erupt out of nowhere. I push the feeling aside and smile at Dina. “I’m ready when you are.” I grab my phone and keys and we head out the door. 
Ellie’s apartment is surprisingly close. I’m lingering behind as Dina leads the way. A wave of regret comes over me. I’m not sure I made the right decision. What if this goes horribly wrong. Ellie and I don’t exactly have a track record of getting along. 
“Hey.” I say catching Dina’s attention in front of me. 
“Everything alright?” Her eyebrows furrow as she looks at me concerned. 
“Do you think Ellie is pissed I got the top grade and not her?” The alcohol is coursing through my veins now. 
“I mean, maybe. If she was that pissed off I doubt she’d invite you to her party.” 
I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe. I’m intimidated by her. I feel like she’ll pull some stunt.” She hugs me tightly, and looks at me, “We don’t have to go if you’re worried.” 
I’m letting Ellie and our rivalry get to my head. Maybe this was her way of extending an olive branch. I look back at Dina, “I should be worried about you! You’re the one that used to kiss her.” She gives me a knowing smile and laughs. “She grabs ahold of my hand pulling me toward her as we continue on our way to Ellie’s house. 
Walking up to her door I feel myself getting more and more nervous. I think I need another drink. Music is emanating through the halls of the apartment complex. Must have thin walls. Dina knocks on the door. Only seconds later Ellie appears in front of us. Her hair falls delicately in front of her face. She’s wearing black jeans with converse and a brown jacket. 
Ellie looks at both of us “So you guys finally decided to make it.” She gestures for us to come in. 
Her apartment is lit up by LED lights. It's a typical college apartment. Thin walls, gray laminate floors, fake granite countertop. The living room is full of people already. I recognize a couple of them. I’ve seen around the physics department. I think they might be juniors. Dina grabs my arm pulling me out of my daze. “Let’s get another drink.”
I’m currently sipping on a seltzer in the corner with Dina as planned. Ellie is off flirting with one of the girls I saw earlier in the living room. I think her name is Cat. Ellie has her hand above Cat’s head as they talk in the door frame. I feel a bit embarrassed that I assumed she only invited me here as a joke or to humiliate me publicly. She has barely spoken to me the entire time. My eyes wander over to Ellie again. She’s definitely winning Cat over. 
Ellie’s hand lightly caresses her clothed lower back slowly lifting up her shirt. She leans down to whisper in Cat’s ear. Her eyes widen. She meets Ellie’s gaze and whispers back to her. Ellie’s fingers then dip down to her hips. She strokes the waistband of her jeans before moving her hand down lower. Her head nuzzles into her shoulder as she pulls her in closer. She begins to work her way up delicately kissing her neck.I look away as the moment begins to feel too intimate. I lift my cool hands up to my cheeks to relieve the heat burning off them. 
A couple of Dina’s coworkers pulled her away to play a drinking game. I decided not to play. I don’t want to get too drunk. I still need to work on an assignment tomorrow. I get up off the couch and try to find a bathroom. I walk through the hallway, and pull on the first door handle, but it doesn’t budge. I continue down the hall, and spot a sliding glass door to the left. As I walk down the hall further, I can tell it’s Ellie. She sees me looking at her and gestures for me to come outside too. I open the door with caution.
“Hi.” Ellie sits down in the chair. I sit down across from her. I’m confused why she wanted me to come out here. I had assumed she’d be with Cat still. 
She readjusts herself in the chair and reaches into her back pocket pulling out a joint. 
“Want any?” She extends it in my direction. 
“I’ll take a hit.” Ellie brings the lighter to it and inhales. She passes it to me. The thick smoke lingers in the air around us. 
After we pass the joint back and forth a few more times, Ellie moves to sit on the couch next to me. Her eyes are glossy and tinted pink. I can’t imagine mine look much different. I giggle. 
“What’re you laughing at?” Ellie shoves my arm. I shove her back harder. We are competitive after all. 
“You look kinda funny when you’re high.” The atmosphere around us seems to change. The tension is replaced by something new.  A warmth spreads through my body despite the goosebumps rising on my arms. I contemplate what Ellie is thinking. She puts her head in between her hands and shakes her head. She scoots over closer to me. 
“You look kinda cute when you’re high. At least for you.” 
 “I don’t know if I should be offended or flattered.” 
Ellie pulls back unexpectedly. 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
The twinge of anxiety in my chest returns. I hesitantly meet her eye contact “Uh. Sure.” 
Ellie starts biting her nails. “How did you get the highest grade for exam one?” 
“Why wouldn’t I? I knew the material inside and out.” 
“Bullshit.” Ellie’s tone changes, and I know this is no longer playful banter. She stands up towering over me. 
I want to retreat into the couch. I thought for a second she was going to put this shit aside. I guess I was wrong. 
“How Ellie? You took the test right next to me. It’s not like I cheated. Maybe it’s time for you to accept that I’m just as good if not better than you.” 
She scoffs. Ellie bites her thumbnail and is pacing around the small balcony.
“Why did you even invite me here? To interrogate me?” 
“Oh fuck you. You’re the one who has the incessant need to compete with me. I just play along.” I stand up to even the playing field. The rage is bubbling up inside of me begging to be let out. 
“No fuck you Ellie. You just told me you’re glad I’m finally playing the game. Now I’m the only one who is trying to compete with you? I’m leaving. I don’t know why I came here in the first place.” 
I rush to the door. Eager to find Dina and leave. Ellie grabs my arm bringing me back outside. I pull away. 
“What more do you have to say?” I try to pull myself out of her grasp again. 
“That’s not the only thing I wanted to ask. Please.” I stop trying to escape and Ellie let’s go. 
“Okay, then what do you want to say to me? It better be good or I’m leaving and telling the tutoring center to drug test you Monday.” 
“Then I’ll tell them to drug test you too.” Despite wanting to shove Ellie into the brick wall behind us I don’t. 
“Spit it out.” 
“I need you to not apply for the position in Dr. Ramsey’s lab.” 
Out of the corner of my eye I see Dina walking toward us. 
“Not a chance Ellie.”
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Otherworldly
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pls reblog I dont have Ao3 yet
Part: 1/ at least 2
BenArmie folklore AU
(I have a lot of WIPs for the shorts fest, I know it’s late now but I got busy so we’ll see how many I get to posting)
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Ben ran through the woods as fast as his feet could carry him, mud splattered across his thighs, stumbling over roots, leaves getting tangled in his thick black hair. He felt so free, the cold air assaulting his cheeks and nose, turning them rosy pink. He could smell the river ahead so he dashed forward almost laughing with joy as he ran further and further from the den, never looking back. When he came to the river he stopped only to catch his breath before wading into the water, dancing, splashing his face, not caring his trousers were getting soaked. 
“What are you doing?” A quiet voice asked from the opposite shore. Ben ceased his frolicking and turned to look at the creature, a small boy with a mess of ginger hair, pale skin dotted with freckles, a mask of a fox adorning his face. 
“I’m wading, it’s fun. You should join me.” He held a hand out to the boy smiling eagerly. He had never met another boy his age, and he looked so sweet. 
“My father told me not to speak to strangers.” He said, looking at Ben hesitantly fiddling with the small satchel slung over his shoulder. His baggy shorts and thin undershirt emphasized his small frame, and his arms and feet were wrapped in cloth bandages. Ben didn’t think any of them, it was probably easier to run with his feet protected. 
“My name's Ben. There now I'm not a stranger.”
“I- I suppose you’re right.” He smiled, taking his hand and tenderly stepping into the water. He shivered. “It’s cold.”
“Yeah but it’s nice.” Ben said, spinning in a circle kicking up spray as he did so. 
The fox boy flinched, backing away from the splash.  “If you say so.” 
“Oh look! Baby fish!” Ben exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the water rippling around their feet. 
“Oh! They're biting my feet!” He bent down a little looking at them curiously lazily following their swimming patterns with one of his thin fingers. 
“Hmm maybe I can catch some…” Ben said rubbing his chin and glancing around, being careful not to move his feet as not to disturb them. “but I don’t have a bucket. Oh well.” He glanced at the water again and something caught his eye. “Wait, look, by your foot, there’s a rock!”
The boy looked back up at him unimpressed. “There are a lot of rocks.”
Ben rolled his eyes, and pointed, which admittedly wasn’t very helpful. “The flat one.”
The boy picked up the flat rock and handed it to him. “What’s so special about it, it just looks like a rock.”
“It’s perfect for skipping.” He said rolling over the rock in his hand running his fingers across the wet surface.  “Do you know how to skip rocks?”
“Oh well I’ll show you. It’s just like…” He tossed the rock and it immediately sank with a loud plop as it hit the water. “oh- I Guess I’m not very good at skipping rocks.” He snorted, laughing to cover up his embarrassment. 
The boy had been watching him intently. He picked up another flat rock from the water and tossed it,“Like this?” It made three skips before sinking. 
“Oh wow! That was so cool!” Ben said patting him on the back aggressively and smiling with awe. 
“Not really.” 
“You aren’t very enthusiastic about anything, are you?” He chuckled. 
“What’s the use of a rock if you’re not going to keep it?” The boy pointed out picking up another rock from the water and briefly examining it before dropping it back. 
“Oh! I didn’t think of it that way.” He thought about what the boy had said. It was pretty witty, I mean why would you not want to keep a rock? Rocks are cool. He turned back to him smiling “That’s really smart actually, you’re really neat! You like collecting rocks?”
“Special ones” He said, shrugging.  “Some say there's gold in this river, but I’ve only ever found pyrite.”
“Fake gold…” He pulled out a shiny silver stone from his satchel and held it out to Ben. “Like this”
“It’s so pretty!” Ben beamed, taking it gently in his hands looking it over. 
“You can have it, it’s useless.” The boy answered dryly. 
“Who cares, it's pretty!” Ben pocketed the stone feeling very accomplished to be in the possession of such a pretty gem, whether it was worth something or not. 
The boy looked down at his feet, maybe he was watching the fish again, they had returned after being scared away by Ben’s failed attempt at rock skipping. “My father says it’s no use to keep useless things unless you can use them for a purpose.” He stated meekly. 
“Sounds wise.” Ben wasn’t entirely sure he understood what all that had meant, but it sounded very adult. 
“Where’s your mask?” The boy asked Suddenly. 
“In my bag.” Ben replied, patting the sack slung over his shoulder. He didn’t like wearing his mask, it made his face sweat, and it was harder to see. 
“Isn’t that dangerous? Someone could steal it.” He said, peeking around Ben to see just a tiny bit of the mask peeking out of the sack. 
“Don’t tell me you believe those stories about “whoever steals your mask owns your soul.” He laughed with his hands on his hips. 
“Don’t you?” Ben could tell he was genuine. 
Ben shook his head. “Of course not, parents just tell their kids that so that they get scared.” He insisted, patting the shorter boy on the head. 
“I guess…” he stated hesitantly trying to fix his ruffled hair as if it hadn’t been needlessly tangled prior. 
“So What are you doing out by the river on your own?” Ben asked, tilting his head. 
“Foraging, for dinner.” The boy answered, holding open his satchel to show various mushrooms, roots, and plants inside. 
“Oh right, Foxes are Omnivores.” Ben nodded remembering what little he knew of the other creatures. 
“Yes. My father is hunting.” He nodded, closing his satchel and securing it on his hip again. “What about you?”
“I’m running away.” Ben admired nonchalantly. 
“Running away? Won’t your parents be angry?” The boy questioned. 
“It doesn’t matter if they never find me.” Ben added smirking. 
“They won’t hunt you down?” The boy seemed confused. 
“Maybe they’ll try. But I’m good at hiding.” He smiled confidently. “You could run away with me if you want.” Ben wouldn’t mind having another boy his age with him on his travels. 
“I can’t.” The boy answered, scratching at his bandaged arm as he looked down again. 
“That’s okay.” Though Ben had to admit he was slightly disappointed. They stood in silence for a few minutes before Ben asked. “You know you can take off your mask, right?”
“No thank you.” The boy answered simply. 
“What? Afraid I’ll steal it?” Ben chuckled smirking. 
“I’m just being careful.” The boy added, instinctively placing hand on the intracuite fox design.  “I could easily steal yours if I wanted to.” He pointed out. 
Ben smirked, “Oh alright then, try!” He pulled his mask out of his bag and held it behind his back. 
The boy didn’t even wait a second he lunged at Ben who just barely side stepped away trying to stay facing the fox at all times. They chased each other in circles around the river splashing up water, running, jumping, growling, laughing, soon the sun was setting. Ben held the mask above his head. “You’ll never get it now!” He laughed, “You’re too small!” He added teasing. The boy grunted but instead of trying to jump for the mask like Ben had expected he dove for his legs, knocking him off his feet and tacking him, pinning him down in the water. 
“Woah-“ Ben exclaimed breathlessly looking up at the boy who sat on his chest with amazement. He yanked the mask from Ben’s hand and held it in the air triumphantly. Then he brought it down to look at it and froze. Ben could see the goose bumps on his skin, but maybe it was just the water, they had been thoroughly soaked now. 
“you’re a wolf.” He said quietly. Ben couldn’t read his expression mostly hidden behind the mask, side his mouth. 
“Is that a problem?” Ben asked, confused. 
“I suppose not.” He answered, feeling the mask over in his hands. “We’re both predators.”
“Yes but I’m the Apex predator!” Ben said proudly, sitting up in the water and flexing his muscles. “That means everything is Prey to me.” he snarled jokingly.
Suddenly the boy shoved the mask back into his arms. “Take it back!” He insisted urgently. 
“What? But you stole it!” Ben exclaimed, confused. 
“ I don’t want it! I don’t want your soul!” He seemed distressed. 
Ben shook his head. “Those are just Myths, it’s okay they don’t mean anything.” He smiled trying to reassure him.
“But I don’t want it!” He reinforced. 
“No, you stole it fair and square and you should keep it.” He retorted, sounding slightly annoyed that he wouldn't accept the prize he rightfully won. “I’m sure your father would be proud you stole a wolf's mask.” At the mention of his father the boy seemed to make a face Ben couldn’t quite read. He then dropped the mask into the water beside them, purposely. 
“Well, I dropped it so that means you can steal it back!”
“You really care about this mask thing don’t you?” He asked rhetorically, shaking his head laughing. 
“Well, if it is just myths as you say it is, then it wouldn’t make sense for me to keep it. Remember, I’m not supposed to keep useless things.”
Ben thought about it and nodded to himself before speaking. “I don’t think anything is completely useless.”
“maybe…” he looked like he would say something more but he was cut off by a voice calling from the distance. 
The fox boy turned to the sound quickly and scrambled up to his feet. “I have to go” He rushed out of the water and grimaced at the sight of the wet stain on his satchel. 
“wait!” Ben called out to him. 
“yes?” The boy said, turning back. 
“If you're not going to take off your mask, can you at least tell me what color your eyes are?” Ben asked curiously. 
And with that he turned back and walked into the trees disappearing from view.
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I had been listening to Harpy Hare, by Yaelokre and I found a Picrew where you could make a Yaelokre OC I got bored so I decided to use the fox and wolf mask to make Hux and Kylo and from there I got the idea from this AU. It now has a whole bunch of lore, so we’ll see how far this takes me.
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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eggcompany · 7 months
Hannibal's puppy
Hannibal goes to a pound to find a pet. He chooses a day at random to come in, however the day he picks is the day all the pets are getting slicked! That means all the pets have to get their slick glands emptied. He finds the perfect boy, Will. Will is sweet and perfect in every way. However Will has problems with getting slicked because of a nurse. Hannibal to the rescue.
Cute, sweet, lots of cuddling and comfort. Fluffy.
“Hello, yes I’m here to look around. I’m looking for a puppy!” Hannibal said to the young man sitting behind the counter. He was quite excited. 
“Wonderful! We’re actually going through and slicking them right now so you can see them doing that today too. We do have full chalk ups of their medicals though once you pay the adoption fees.” The boy  explained cheerfully. He wasn’t dressed like the nurses so Hannibal assumed he was just a secretary for the pound. He happily stood up and showed Hannibal to the back. 
There were vets in two of the kennels and whining pets everywhere. The smell of slick was heavy in the air. There were two cute little bunny girls getting their go at the knotting toys right then. So Hannibal looked around trying to find some pups. Lots of bunnies, cats, and thin things that looked to be much too playful and bouncy for his taste. 
Then he spotted him. Big round eyes, flopped over ears, curly messy mop of brown hair, rough looking stubble, and a slim perfectly lean muscles body. 
Hannibal made a beeline for that kennel. He stopped in front of it and the little pup looked up at him. 
“Hello darling, what’s your name?” Hannibal asked as he got down on one knee. The puppy was playing with his own toes and waggling a little bit. 
“‘M Will. You talk funny but you pretty so it’s okay.” Will explained. Hannibal chucked a bit. This was definitely his pup. Blunt, dumb, but witty. 
“Yes I suppose I do sound funny to you. I think you’re pretty too, Will. Why don’t you come sit over here so I can really see you and we can talk.” Hannibal said as he sat down on the floor in front of the kennel. Will just rolled over and around so he was laying on his back with his face near the door. His belly looked thin, too thin for Hannibal’s taste but not like he suffered from malnutrition. 
“Oh silly pup. Have you been slicked yet? Have you eaten lunch yet?” Hannibal asked. Will was coming with him today, Hannibal already decided, and wanted him to be perfectly alright before they left. Though Hannibal was already coming up with meal plans for the pup. Plenty of nice fattening foods and sweets. 
“Nope. Nurse Ashley always slicks me last cause I take a long time. I hate it.” Will said. He popped the p when he said nope. Nurse Ashley must be either the bubbly brunette woman or the strong looking blonde. 
“Why do you hate it? Do they hurt you?” Hannibal asked. He wanted to make sure these people weren’t abusing these sweet little creatures. Will was gazing up at him. Just to look. Hannibal was pretty handsome. He looked strong and he had… an air about him. Something sharp yet rounded, it made Will want to lick his face. 
“Nah, don’t hurt. Just takes forever. I don’t get nothin hold onto. Like cuddlin’ things when I get slicked. I gets nervous.” Will said and rolled onto his tummy. He pushed himself up and sat on his knees. He was so cute, though Hannibal. 
“Well darling how about you hold onto me because I think you will be coming home with me today. I’ll keep you nice and safe so you don’t have to be as nervous, poor little pup-pup.” Hannibal said and smiled. He watched the puppy cock his head and then gasp. Will broke out in a big toothy smile. His sharp canines caused Hannibal a sharp intake of breath. They were so… perfect. Sharp and feral. Will rocked back and forth excitedly. 
“Really! You take me? Home? Home with Hammibal?!” Will yipped happily. His tail was swooshing behind him. Will howled lightly but a worker ‘Ch”ed him. He shut his mouth but his ears were perky in his mess of hair on his head. Hannibal chuckled and smiled as he stood up. He would go retrieve the papers and fill them out while sitting with Will. Hannibal stood and looked down at the pup. 
“Yes, baby. You’re coming home with Hannibal. Is that what you want to call me?” Hannibal asked. Pets like to call their owners all sorts of stuff. Master, Owner, Mister or Mistress, Mama or Dada, Daddy or Mommy, or just their names. Hannibal assumed Will wouldn’t want to call him by his name since he couldn’t even exactly say it.
Will looked over Hannibal again with a thoughtful expression. Then he looked back up at the older man’s face and smiled. 
“How ‘bout Daddy? Can I call Hammibal Daddy?” Will asked and wagged his tail slowly. Hannibal couldn’t help but blush a bit. He had hoped that was what Will wanted. 
“Of course Will. Now let me go get the papers, my sweet baby.” Hannibal said and pushed his fingers through the spaces in the kennel door. Will happily leaned to shove his head against Hannibal’s fingers. Hannibal scratched at his curly hair for a moment before leaving to the front desk. 
“I think I found the one I want. Kennel 7, Will.” Hannibal said and soon he was walking back to Will, clipboard in hand. 
“Will, you aren’t neutered? You haven’t had anything done and you’re almost thirty five? Were you a farm dog?” Hannibal asked as he read over Will’s papers. He wasn’t docked, cropped, or cut. His papers say he was given up because his past owners, breeders probably, got too old to take care of him. Usually older pets got cut once they arrived at places like this. Will was smiling as he pulled and palmed at his chew ring. 
“Yep! I watched the porch. My ole owner tried to use me to breed but I didn’t like it so I didn’t. Does you do that or am I get to be a house doggy?” Will questioned. Hannibal was so glad Will spoke freely, some pets didn’t.
“Well you’re going to be a house pet but we can go on walks whenever you like. You can have anything you want now Will. I’m going to take really good care of you, my pretty pup.” Hannibal said as he signed where he needed. Will perked up and wagged, his ears straight on his head. 
“Anything?! Can you buy me a tebby bear and crackers? I love teddies but I never get one. They only give the cute ones the nice toys. I got my nice chewy though! I really like it but I like cuddly toys more. And and crackers! The long rectangle ones with salt cause those are my favorites. Can I have those Daddy? Will you get ‘em for me?” Will said excitedly. Hannibal smiled at him. Will really was perfect. So bouncy yet not overly like younger pets, smart and talkative and able to say most words properly. All he wanted was a stuffed animal and some club crackers?
“I’ll get you as many bears as you want. We can stop by the store on our way home and pick you up some crackers, too. Is there anything else you want? You can have anything.” Hannibal said. Surely the pup could think of something else he want-
“Nope. Just a bear and some cackers pease! Can I go home yet?” Will said and looked at Hannibal with his bottom lip stuck out. Hannibal stood up with his newly signed papers. 
“I’ll see if you can get slicked soon. You gotta get all empty before you leave, it’s just the rules. Next time I’ll take care of it, okay? I’ll go see.” Hannibal explained and Will humphed and nodded. He wanted to go home with daddy already. He wanted to get his new bear and he wanted his crackers. Daddy said he would get them for him. Will liked Hannibal. 
Will looked at the other pets who were getting slicked. A thin red scaled snake boy and a chubby fluffy white haired ragdoll boy. Will liked the kitty boy, he was nice and smart and liked to talk during play time. 
When Hannibal returned he had Will’s full attention. 
“Once these two are done they’re going to let you go ahead. Do you want me to help you still? If you do, they're going to take you to an exam room instead of out here.” Hannibal explained to Will. Will bit his lip and thought for a moment. 
“Yep, I still want daddy to hode me. Is they taking me to the doctor room so I can be on the table?” Will asked. He had been in the exam room before. When he got a stick stuck in his mouth or when that snake boy bit him. Hannibal smiled. 
“What a smart boy you are! Yes, so you can be on the table. That way you can hold onto my chest and be closer to my neck if you want. I know doggy noses are so sensitive.” Hannibal said and reached through and booped Will’s nose. Hannibal couldn’t be happier with the pup. Hannibal sat down onto his butt and looked over at the nurses who were coaching the two pets who were getting their turn on the shaking machines. The nurses seemed to be being kind to them. They let the two hold hands and they were wiping away sweat from their faces. Hannibal even heard one encouraging the thinner one to keep going. 
“Will, do they treat you like that? Do they treat the other pups like that when you get all congested?” Hannibal asked. 
“Not really. They don’t treat us or da bears as good as the not us. They really like them two though cause they’re old and they usually take care of each udder. They don’t like older pups doe…” Will ended sadly. Hannibal nodded. It made him almost mad to know the people here don’t treat all these perfect wonderful creatures the same. 
“That’s alright baby. They shouldn't do that but soon you’ll be living with me and I’ll treat you like the little prince you are.“ Hannibal said and Will clunked his head against the bars so Hannibal could scratch at his hair and rub his ears. 
“Mrs. Lecter you can use the exam room now. Nurse Ashley’s waiting in there. We’ll have a little take home kit for you up from when you’re done! Happy adoption day Will! I hope this is a good fit! Make sure to eat lots of crackers for me!” Said the young man who had shown Hannibal back. He looked like he had tears in his eyes. Hannibal looked at him for a moment. 
“Sorry I just-” He got choked up for a moment but waved it off for a moment and continued in a forced crackling voice.”Will’s been here for a while and sometimes I let him sit by the desk because he’s so well behaved. I’m not allowed to come and actually help or anything but I’ve snuck him crackers from my lunches a few times and he just-” The boy let out a few tears but smiled as he dabbed them away with his sleeves. “He just lights up like it’s Christmas. I hope you take real good care of him. The nurses and techs don’t really care for him but I - I sure do. Sorry I’m such a wreck.” The boy said and pushed his hand to pet Will before unlocking the kennel. Will stretched and stood up on his feet. He pressed his face into the side of the young man who continued crying but spoke softly to the pup. 
“You have fun now Will. You’re going to a nice new home. Behave, remember your manners, and make sure to be polite.” The young man said and looked at Will’s smiley face before turning and hurrying away. 
“That my friend. He feeds me cheesy poofies.” Will said flumped onto Hannibal’s chest. Hannibal put his arms under Will’s and nuzzled into the pup’s hair. 
“Come on my dear, let’s get you all empty then we can go home. How does that sound?” Hannibal said as he ran his hands around Will’s back, he was surprised at how muscular it felt under the thin white shirt. Will wagged and raised his head to give Hannibal a small lick on his cheek. 
“Yes please, daddy.” Will said moved to stand behind Hannibal with his hand on Hannibal’s waist. ‘ Follow’ position. A good trained position that kept pet’s close to owner’s especially in crowded or stressful spaces. 
“Good boy!” Hannibal said and walked to the exam room door and pushed it open. The strong looking blonde woman stood with a sour look on her face, Ashley. 
“On the table. Why do you constantly wear these when you know you’re geting slicked.” the nurse said in a mean voice  as Will hurried to get on the table. She roughly pulled down Will’s shorts. Hannibal was furious when the vet turned to him and said 
“You know we have other pets who aren’t so difficult. Prettier and much younger too.” Hannibal had to school his emotions. Once this was over and Will was home and settled he would put in a complaint about this woman. Will got positioned so he was facing away from the nurse on his knees spread, hands on the table. 
“I find that I am already quite attached to Will. I do not need a younger dog, I need a companion to accompany me home.” Hannibal said and moved so he could scratch at Will’s stumbly chin. The pup relaxed and leaned into Hannibal’s hand but jumped when something slammed onto the table. 
“Well, Mr. Lecter, I’m just trying to help. Will is the worst dog I’ve ever had to deal with. He’s rude, stubborn, he complains constantly, and he’s so needy. While all the other pets we have happily and gratefully accept the chance to get slicked and have some fun, Will here complains and whines and then on top of all that he cries. I really think you should look around again.” Ashley explained as the messily put a large vial of something clear, a large syringe, and a much too large for Will vibrator. Hannibal was furious and he got close to Will so he could cover his flopped over ear. Will was so stiff, so tense, but he let Hannibal silence the world to him.
“I will have your head on a stake if you say anything so rude and uncalled for about my dog. If you do not leave right now I will sink this entire establishment. Go.” Hannibal growled at the woman whose face rapidly lost all color. She walked back toward the door hurriedly. 
“Ok-kay sir, I’ll go get Linni. Sorry Sir.” Ahsley said and slipped out of the door. Hannibal uncovered Will’s ears and petted them. He bent and kissed Will’s forehead through the loose curls that sat there. The pup looked up at him with a confused face.
“What happened? We going home now?” Will asked, his eyes looked hopeful. Hannibal got even closer so Will’s face was near his shoulder and he ran his fingers through the curly hair. Will happily moved his hands to wrap around Hannibal’s shoulders, sitting up on his knees. Will gently placed his chin over Hannibal’s shoulder, breathing deeply. 
“No Miss Ashley decided that the other vet is going to come take care of us. Just try to stay relax, baby.” Hannibal whispered into Will’s ear. Will was resting relaxed and warm against him. Hannibal could feel the pup’s hot breath against his neck. After a moment the brunette woman walked in quietly. She looked nervous but smiled still at Hannibal. 
“Hello… Doctor Lecter! Ashley told me that you’d prefer it if she didn’t administer this procedure. Well I’m Linni Cown, I usually don’t tend to the dogs. I actually take care of the birds, reptiles, and half the felines but I’m happy to do this last one for Will. William, how’re we doing?” the blue scrub clad woman said as she looked over what had been sat out. She picked up and looked at the instrument that was used for the slicking process with drawn up eyebrows and confused look. Will stayed rather relaxed and leaned his head against Hannibal’s neck. 
“‘M cold. I ‘anna go home wif daddy already.” Will said and shivered a small bit. The exam room was somewhat cold and Ashely had bared his bottom and genitals to the cold air. Linni hummed and slipped on a new pair of blue medical gloves. 
“Well I think we have a blankie around here somewhere you can have until you’re done. I think I need to use a different sized instrument though. Will, sweety, do you remember what number class you’re in?” Linni said and turned to dig through the cabinets. She pulled out what looked like a thermal pink towel and looked back at him. Hannibal rubbed up and down Will’s back. 
“I dunno. Nurse Ashley nev’r told me nothin’.” Will muttered and scooted a little closer to Hannibal so his chest was against Hannibal’s. The vet nodded and looked at Hannibal mouthing ‘ Do you have his papers’. Hannibal nodded and pulled out the papers he had received. He handed them over to the vet who read them over quickly before looking at the toy that had been placed out in disbelief and then at Will. She shook her head and went to retrieve a different vibrator. 
“You’re doing super well. You can throw that blanket up over you however you want. Just leave your tail out the bottom, okay? I think the other vet accidentally left out the wrong slicker. You’re in the blue B class for your size and weight and age. Silly Miss Ashley left a red B class toy out. That’s far too big.” The vet said. Hannibal could tell she was angry but Will was none the wiser as he sat back on his heels to get the pink blanket. Will smiled as he unfolded it and threw it up over his head so it covered his back. The pup then went right back to holding himself close to his daddy. 
“Oh, If it doesn’t mention in his papers, usually on any dog over the age of twenty five we use artificial slick to help them kinda get stimulated and get their own glands goin’.” The vet said as she used the syringe to draw up a decent amount of the clear fluid, lubricant. 
“Where should I get that from? Pet stores or is it prescription?” Hannibal asked and watched the nurse put away the vial and grab a wet wipe. 
“We’ll give you a vial that should last about two years, that is if you’re slicking every six months as we recommend. After that you can get it from any pet supply store and I’ve seen many people start ordering the thicker mixes from the internet. The thicker stuff is usually used for… stiffer patients. Like Will! Will, sweety, I’m gonna go ahead and put this inside and push it in okay?” Linni explained as she used one gloved had to hold his tail and open him up so she had access to his hole. She quickly used the wet wipe to clean around his hole. Will whined and squeezed his arms tighter around Hannibal’s shoulders. 
“Yeah… it’s ‘ight.” Will mumbled and tried to flick his tail to the side. 
The vet grabbed the syringe and placed it at Will’s entrance. Hannibal whispered into Will’s ear. 
“Breathe Will. It’s alright, daddy’s here.” The older man said and Will went slack. The vet smiled and gently pushed the small nib at the end of the syringe into Will’s body. Hannibal rubbed up and down the pup’s back, cooing lightly. The nurse pulled back after a few moments. 
“You did such a good job, Will. You are getting a treat after this! You’re doing such a good job. I’m going to position it under you now. You know what to do.” Linni said and moved the smaller blue toy, which had buttons on the wine flared base and a much smoother texture than the one previous to it. Once the tip of it touched Will’s now slick hole he sighed. 
“Daddy…” Will whimpered and eased back a bit. Hannibal shushed him and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. Will stopped for a moment and Hannibal could feel his eyebrows scrunch together. Will sat back a bit quicker until he was sitting on his heels, completely down on the instrument. He flicked his head back to throw the pink fabric off of him. 
“That it? It usually hurt more. Wha happened?” Will said and looked at the nurse and then at Hannibal, switching a few times. He rose up and sat back down a few times. Nurse Linni smiled and pressed the first of four buttons, a slight hum filled the room. Will hugged Hannibal’s stomach and pressed his face into his owner’s chest. 
“We’ll send you guys home with this size. I don’t know why she was forcing him onto that thing. That is for like… well bears your size and bigger. Poor baby.” Linni whispered to the doctor as she wrote a note on a small paper pad on the counter behind her. 
Will was whining and panting while Hannibal pulled the blanket back up over his head like he had done moments before. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Hnnn- Go- go ‘way. Go ‘way. Don’t g-get ick-y” Will stuttered and struggled out as he put his arms against Hannibal’s abdomen. He didn’t push but he let all his weight lean onto the doctor. Hannibal just shushed him and rubbed his back. 
“You’re doing so well! What a good ki- doggy! Good doggy!” Linni said. She corrected herself and looked at Hannibal mouthing ‘ Sorry, used to cats.’ and Hannibal waved it off. Will hadn’t even noticed. He just whined and wiggled around. The vet had gotten what looked similar to a toilet seat cover, it was bigger though and much thicker,  and placed it all around underneath Will. 
“Babe I just put a pad down so daddy won’t get anything on him. You’re doing really well. Do you think I need to measure or can you tell me when you’re done?” Linni said to Will as she petted lightly on Will’s fluffy tail. Will relaxed completely and let his own slick easily slip past his rim and onto the pad below. 
“I… I can tell you? I fought you tode me?” Will asked. He’d never gotten to say when he was done before. Linni closed her eyes and looked down for a moment. Hannibal could feel the anger radiating from her. Perhaps he should let her take the lead on… handling the other vet. She then took a deep breath and rubbed the small of Will’s back. 
“Yes sweet sweet Will, you tell me when you feel like you don’t need this anymore and we’ll clean you up and get you going with daddy. If you get too sensitive or you feel tired or you start feeling a little nauseous, we’ll stop. If you just don’t feel like you need it, we’ll stop. You’re being so good so far so I’m trusting you to tell me or daddy okay?” Linni explained and continued to pet calmly down the brown tail. 
Will nodded and let out loud breaths and small ‘uh’ and ‘ah ah’s as he wiggled around. Hannibal alternated between rubbing Will’s shoulders and back to petting his hair and rubbing his ears. 
“N’more please. I don’t- I feel puk-y” Will muttered and clunked his head against Hannibal’s chest. The vet quickly turned off the shaking tool and slid it down out from where it sat shallowly inside the pup. Will whined and was swaying a bit. A big glob of slick slipped out of him and he gagged. 
Hannibal quickly looked over to where a trash can but Linni was already handing him a blue barf bag to hold over Will’s mouth. 
“Shhh, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay. Poor thing.” Hannibal whispered as Will turned a rather rude pale color and gagged again. 
“Here! Here! Drink.” Linni said as she quickly brought over a bottle filled with something fizzy and clear. Linni put the bottle to Will’s lips and looked at him sternly. Will reluctantly sipped it for a few seconds before the vet pulled it away and handed him a few crackers. “Eat.” She said in a solid no argument way. Will nibbled the two crackers and then burped. 
“Sometimes Dogs can get nauseous during this. It’s nothing concerning. Some ginger ale and a few crackers usually helps. Um, ginger and peppermint can also help. I’ve heard that baby food can also help, but I’ve never tried it. I would always keep a trash can nearby just in case.” Linni said to Hannibal as she pulled a few paper towels from the dispenser. She wiped Will’s legs and his bottom as she spoke to the tired looking pup. Will’s eyelids drooped and he was leaning heavily on Hannibal’s chest again. 
“You did so well! Good job telling me when you started to feel bad! That’s what you should always do. We never want you to get sick.” Linni said and threw away the soaked pad. She quickly pulled a pad of paper towels to hold under Will’s bum. 
‘ Is he still awake? I think we need either a pad for his shorts or a pull up. He’s still really drippy. ’ Linni whispered. Hannibal looked down to see Will barely awake and drifting. Hannibal smiled and petted Will’s head for a moment. 
“Go ahead and get a pull up. I’ll carry him out. Would you be a dear and go get all his send home stuff for me? I don’t want to have to put him down and pick him up again and again.” Hannibal whispered back with a charming smile. The vet nodded and turned around. She looked for a moment in the cabinet before turning back around to look at Will and then back at the cabinet before pulling out a white diaper and a dark green fabric cover. 
“We’ll just wrap this on him and I’ll gather your things up in a bag. Let’s get him into the lobby, it’s much warmer.” Linni whispered and winked at the Doctor. She quickly wiped Will again before fixing the thick material around his hips and then covering it with the green cover. She slipped his shorts up to his knees and then to his hips when Hannibal picked him up off the table. Hannibal positioned him so his arms and head were over his shoulders and he could hold him with one arm under his bottom and one around his shoulders. 
Soon Hannibal had a cheap blue tote full of papers and supplies and Will was getting a kiss from the secretary boy. 
Will slept the entire time they drove home, all bundled in the blanket he had from his kennel. Hannibal was nervous but he left Will in the car as he ran into a toy store for a total of seven minutes. He had purchased a large dark brown teddy bear and put it in the back seat. Will stirred but he rolled and little and continued to sleep. Hannibal drove home smiling. 
“Will, darling, perfect little puppy wuppy, we’re home.” Hannibal said in a silly voice as he rubbed Will’s shoulder. Will blinked away and turned his head to look at Hannibal. His hair was a mess and one of his ears was flipped backwards. “‘Ome?” Will said and looked to see his new house and brightened up and sat to look. Hannibal flipped his ear back and pulled him up from the car. 
“Yep, you’re new home. I already went and put everything away so you can come on in.” Hannibal said as he brought Will to the door and watched the pup bounce slightly and wag excitedly. 
“I’m so e’cited! Can I have crackers now? The rec’angle ones?” Will yapped happily as Hannibal led him through the entry. Will wagged and looked around with his mouth open as he walked through the house. Hannibal stopped by the kitchen. There was a box of plain ole club crackers sitting on the counter. Will spotted them and jumped around. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Crackers! Crackers!” Will said and stood with his fingers holding the edge of the counter. He tapped his feet happily and his tail swished back and forth.  
“Yup. I’ll get you a bowl and you can eat as many as you want and then we can just put a lid on them and you can keep them in your room.” Hannibal said and dug out a large blue tupperware out and opened the crackers, filling the bowl. Will looked like he could hardly contain himself, he bounced and wagged and smiled brightly, with his ears and up as they could get.
Soon Will was munching on his crackers happily as he looked around his new house with Hannibal. Hannibal opened one of the doors saying “This is yours”. 
Will looked inside and gasped running over to climb onto the bed. Putting the bowl onto the floor haphazardly. The bear was sat atop plain blue flannel sheets. Will whined and yipped loudly. 
“BEAR ” and Hannibal smiled. 
This was a perfect fit.
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todreamadream · 3 months
Gwynriel Headcanon: Idk what to title it, just read it and label it however you’d like
Disclaimer: This is my first Gwynriel piece (despite the fact I’ve been reading Gwynriel fanfics since ACOSF came out). This is also the second thing I have ever written and posted publicly. I am aware that this is not the best content. I just really wanted to read some new Gwynriel and there wasn’t anything that I did not already consume so I wrote something myself. Despite that, I hope you all enjoy!
‘So then you loop it around, like this’ Gwyn twists her fingers, and the bracelet she’s weaving has a new knotted row. ‘See, simple’. His shadows swirled around her fingers as if agreeing with her. 
It was not simple. No wonder she’s been able to master the maneuvers in training, those were nothing compared to the complexity of making friendship bracelets. ‘Berdara I appreciate your help but this is futile, my mess of strings looks nothing like the bracelet you have. If I gave this to Cassian he would think it’s a sign of retaliation.’ 
Cassian and he got into a small little fight a few days ago. Ironically enough it was about Gwyn. Cassian thinks that Az should ask her out, on a date. First off, he has no romantic feelings towards Gwyn at all. Sure, she’s beautiful. And lovely. And deadly. And smart. Gods, she was so cauldron damned smart. And witty. And pretty. Okay, fine. Maybe he is falling slightly in love with the Priestess. But she’s smart. Smart enough to know that going out with him would be a terrible idea.
‘Shadowsinger, are you even paying attention?’ One of his shadows swished in front of him to get him to focus.
‘Berdara, it doesn’t matter how much attention I pay. My hands are simply not as adept as yours. How about you make a bracelet for me and I just give that one to Cassian?”
Gwyn fake gasps, ‘Wow, Azriel. I cannot believe you. Actually, I can believe it. Of course you’re trying to cheat your way out of this. Just like you do with everything.’
Fuck, the sound of his name under her tongue? Heavenly. Thank the Mother he’s wearing his leathers to hide the goosebumps erupting all over his skin. If only she could say it again without accusing him of being a cheat. 
‘Berdara, for the last time, I did not cheat. It was a race, and my legs are longer than yours. Accept the defeat.’ He totally cheated. 
‘I will not. I’m faster and more agile than you. I’m lighter on my feet too! You shoved Nesta right in front of me when you thought I was going to win.’ her eyes lit up with fire, the teal burning with the intensity of it. 
‘It’s not my fault you can’t dodge an obstacle in your path.’ He rose an eyebrow challengingly. 
‘I can dodge obstacles just fine, I completed your stupid obstacle course didn’t I? What you did was a cheap shot! I call a rematch’ she practically snarled the last words and it made the blood in his veins burn hotter in excitement. 
‘Name the day and the place. I’ll be there.’ He was baiting her, a rematch meant more time to spend together. Time to see more of her freckles. More of her sneaky moves. More of her irreverence.
‘Deal. House of Wind rooftop after training. We’ll choose one of the priestesses to be an impartial judge.’ 
His shadows whizzed around the room in excitement. This will be fun. He could work with this. Maybe he could date Gwyn without her realizing it. Spend so much time with her that when he finally asks her out officially she’ll say yes because she’ll be so comfortable with him that it makes perfect sense to spend more time with him. 
‘Let’s make this more interesting. Loser does the winner’s activity of choice and eats their choice for lunch.’ his heart beats faster in anticipation. Gwyn and he never ate lunch together. They only ever trained together during those restless nights. The impromptu bracelet-making today is an anomaly that came from the kindness of Gwyn’s heart when he told her last night (or early this morning) about the little spat between him and Cassian. 
This was a stupid idea, he never should have suggested - ‘You’re on. Get ready to eat dust Shadowsinger.’ Thank the Mother. His head is pounding and dizzy with the possibility of eating her eating with her soon. This may be the best/worst idea he’s had in his 500 measly years of existence.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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I’ve made another fankid, this one’s name is Cloudberry Cookie
So I’ve been struggling to come up with designs for my actual requests, which sucks because I want to draw more fankids, so for now I’m just drawing ones that I’ve been wanting to do, but aren’t on my requests, with wildchip being one of them
Anyways, so for the name, I picked cloudberry since cloudberries are berries, so like Wildberry, but they also grow in very cold climates, like where Crunchy Chip lives
Cloudberry I think was originally a contender for a hollycacao fankid, but then I thought it could also work for wildchip, so that’s what I did instead
Also, another contender that I had for this ship was pineberries, since they’re white with red seeds, which reminded me of Crunchy Chip’s hair, but if you replaced the dark brown with Wildberry’s pink. But I liked cloudberries more, so I went with that. But if I make another one, I’ll probably do Pineberry
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So I’m aware that neither Crunchy Chip nor Wildberry have orange in their hair, but cloudberries are that color, so that’s her hair color. I still worked in Wildberry’s pink though. Not the proudest of how her hair turned out, or at least the top part, like I think it looked different in my head, but I was trying to make it look closer Wildberry and Crunchy Chip
I admit, I probably could have done better with her outfit, I just wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it other than “cold climate”. Maybe I’ll redesign it some time later
I also made a version with markings like Crunchy Chip’s, but I thought maybe they were just tacked on, so I took them out. But I’ll still post that version at the end, to see if that looks better to you guys
Now let’s get on to her character, since I have some stuff for her
So Cloudberry lives in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, as she prefers the cold climate, but she mostly just lives in solitude in the mountains, not really part of the military like her father. She visits her parents from time to time, and she has a good relationship with them both, she just prefers to live by herself. Generally she farms cloudberries, knowing where they grow, and will on occasion sell cloudberry jam to others. But she also works as a hunter and tracker, being open for hiring if you want someone or something tracked down. Also, she uses and trains birds, like the Cacao Hawks (was that what they’re called? I can’t seem to find where they’re mentioned). She likes the Cream Wolves well enough, she just prefers birds. Plus, they can send letters for her
Generally she comes off as a rather serious person, at least to others, as she’s mostly focused on the task at hand, but she’s also very intelligent and witty, and will sass when you least expect it (unfortunately I am not very witty, so I cannot tell you what she says)
As for the sketch with Crunchy Chip, I just imagine he would just be showing her off to anyone with the time of day. Also that her hair used to be more bouncy and berry like in shape
Edit: oh yeah, something else I thought of that I wanted to mention. So cloudberries are supposed to be incredibly rare and hard to find if you don’t know where to look. Assuming Wildberry and Crunchy Chip baked her, I’m just assuming they were trying to figure out what ingredients to use, and Crunchy Chip suggests these berries he’s heard grow in his kingdom but are very rare, and as they aren’t really sold places, they have to make this long trek across the mountains to find cloudberries, which they inevitably do. I don’t know why I added this bit, I just thought it was neat
Also for some reason, in my head I kept calling her “Wendy”. I don’t know why, but she felt like a Wendy. I guess if she ever needs a proper human name, I’m going with Wendy, despite the fact it sounds nothing like her name
But yeah, I think that’s about it for her, hope you enjoy!
Oh right, the alternate one with her markings! Forgot that
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 6 months
People are so jealous of you it’s insane! ❤️ You don’t have to post this if you don’t want to stir the pot, just wanted you to know that to me, an objective third party observer, all this drama clearly stems from how jealous other people on here are of your ability to write beautifully and in-character. They WISH they had your talent and insights. The reason you get asks and people interacting with you is because you’re interesting, funny, smart, witty, kind and all over wonderful. They envy you! I know it’s easier said than done but please don’t let them get to you! If they have a pathetic group chat talking shit about you, let them! The only thing it shows is how jealous they are.
Hoping you read this and feel the love I am channeling here through this anonymous ask. YOU ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU CREATE! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ KEEP BEING YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU EXACTLY AS YOU ARE! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really appreciate the kind words and the sentiment behind this, and I love you for it! I am a big believer in complimenting people without it being at the expense of others though, so I will never put another person down in order to raise another up. For a long while I did think it related to people’s perception of me being what they considered a “big blog” and the negative connotations they associate with that. However, having some time away has given me a new perspective on things.
I am back by the way, hello! Using your ask to springboard off of that and speak my mind a little. Hope you’re okay with that!
The time away has been nice, but I’ve realised without the immersion of fandom, I really struggle to write, as being surrounded by others all being creative fuels my own motivation.
I have yeeted all asks that name usernames or allude heavily to the drama. I am drawing a line in the sand and moving on.
I think a lot of these issues stem from people’s inability to just make peace with the fact that they are not going to get along with everyone. Sometimes you just find people annoying and you need to block them, so that you aren’t subjected to their presence. There is nothing wrong with that. You do not need to play morality police and twist people’s words and actions to make them out to be a bad person to justify your dislike or ensuing block.
The people ragging on me publicly aren’t bad people, they just dislike me. I hope they find their peace with the block button and move on.
If you block someone, don’t go out of your way to visit their page to find things to be upset and angry about - that is emotional self harm. Move on and engage with the things you do enjoy.
I hope this is the last I ever have to speak of this. If you see people speaking ill of me, ignore it, don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know. I want to leave all of the negativity in the rear view and just focus on the aspects of fandom I do enjoy.
I’ll get to all asks, etc. throughout the day - will most likely queue stuff, so I’m not spamming up the dash.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 7 months
Hello may I request a matchup for JJK please? I’m a straight female and my name is Xiomara!
I’m very shy, distant, quiet, and a little awkward. Basically a huge introvert at first. However, once I get to know you better or I at least see that you’re comfortable around me, I’ll get comfortable as well :) And once that happens, you could say I become slightly more extroverted. I get louder, laugh more, and am overall less shy, distant, quiet, and awkward. I’m also very sensitive and have tons of trouble speaking up for myself. When getting yelled at or just insulted, I try and act unbothered but I think everyone knows that I’m holding in my tears at that point… (it’s really embarrassing ok don’t judge 🫠) But one thing I can say is that I’m somewhat funny. When I feel comfortable around people or just someone, I usually let more witty and funny comments out. Hobbies I have are photography, gaming, golfing, bowling, board games, jigsaw puzzles, and listening to music! I mostly do these hobbies solo though since I’m either too scared or nervous to ask someone or even a friend to participate with me. My appearance usually consists of grey sweatpants, grey sweatshirt, and black boots— it’s usually my go to outfit since it’s pretty comfortable. At home, my hair is tied in a low ponytail. Outside however, my hair is let down. I let my hair down outside because I’m hella insecure about my side profile. I have a round face, curtain bangs, eye-bags, black hair, and really dark brown eyes :) some people say they look soulless but idk 🤷‍♀️ I think the only thing that’s preventing my eyes look completely soulless is the fact that I commonly express myself through reactions. I’m also 5’5 ft tall. I am NOT a confrontational person. I will literally do everything and anything I can to avoid that— whether I’m the one being confronted or doing the confronting. In short, I absolutely hate confrontation 😭 I also tend to speak using a lot of “uh” or “um” because if usually when I don’t say those two words, I end up mixing up my words and my whole sentence just ends up sounding confusing 😬 Also, I smile at almost everything and anything. I’m one of those people where even in awkward, inappropriate, or tense situations— I’ll smile. It’s especially always common for me to smile when I’m nervous. Most people find this trait comical lol. But in situations where I shouldn’t be smiling but do, I never smile to upset people, I smile because I’m either extremely nervous or I just thought of something funny. Another trait I have that I’ve gotten called weird for is how often I laugh during the night rather than the day. I just feel like during the nights I remember more hilarious things than I usually do during the day. I also laugh really loud when I’m alone so I guess hearing loud laughter in the nighttime is in fact weird 🤥
(Hey hey, I’m sorry that this is kinda short- my brain was not cooperating with me. Other than that I hope ya enjoy this and have a fantastic day!)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- It makes him happy when you start to get comfortable enough around him to reveal your more extroverted and funny side.
- He has no problem with speaking up for you. Though he does try and help you with that issue.
- He thinks your nervous and awkward smile is cute and will often tease you about it. Saying stuff like “Whatcha smiling about?” or “What’s so funny?”
- INSISTS on going with you to do your interests/hobbies. It gets so damn chaotic whenever you two play board games together (especially if you play any cards games like Uno...don’t even start with Uno) Sometimes you guys even place bets.
- He likes to look at some of the photos you take (Asks if you can take a picture of him next. Then if you agree to it, he’ll have the goofiest smile on his face)
- Loves your eyes and your comfortable style.
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mylee-sketches · 2 months
your loveliest loveliest sibling noorie (@anulithots) has told me to pester you about the picture of dorian gray. SO I AM PESTERING YOU BECAUSE. OSCAR WILDE BRAINROT
how do you find it so far??? do you like the writing style?? personally i love itt i find it oscillates between poetic and witty in the most delightful way. see picture below (i don’t know if you know her but one of my very good friends @holdmyteaplease sent it to me. and i CANNOT stop thinking about it)
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one of my tips for THE ultimate reading experience would be to track flower symbolism and the frequency of it. you’ll make so many revelations. the way he ties flowers and the corruption of dorian together is MASTERFUL <3
also tracking references to ancient greek mythos/figures. it’s adonis. then narcissus. at some time in the book literal ANTINOUS is mentioned (if you don’t know who he is just. search him up. and also how his name was used in 19th century europe)
if you enjoyed the book, i have soo many recs for you. just you wait:
if you liked the wit — the critic as artist (wilde) [this is one of my all time favourite books btw], the importance of being earnest (wilde) + his other plays
if you liked the ✨gay✨ — the sphinx (wilde) [this is a poem], de profundis (wilde) [this one is a marvellous insight on oscar wilde’s trial, sexuality etc], maurice (forster) [it’s just gay and written around that time period, BUT it is a cornerstone of queer classic lit and was revolutionary for its time. think of it as the dawn to dorian gray’s dusk]
if you liked the themes of sin, excess and immorality — the secret history (tartt) [vibe and theme wise and also because it’s one of my all time favourites lol], crime and punishment (dostoevsky) [not done with this one yet and honestly vibe and writing wise they’re vastly different. but the themes are there]
okayyy that turned into a very very very long rant. i am passionate about this as you can tell. i hope we can discuss more on this topic! you seem like a wonderful person and i’d love to talk to you more <3
Currently I’m only on like page 42 (chapter 4) so I’m not really that far in, but! As far as I’ve gotten, I do like the way it is written! I read some Sherlock Holmes earlier this year and although it is a nice book, I kinda found myself not being able to picture things really well…
the way you described the writing style is exactly the way I thought it was, with the descriptions of flowers and environments—and a lot of description of Dorian’s beauty and youth—to the dialogues between characters. The way they speak is more similar to modern day talking, albeit with older language. (Idk when it was written though, I’m just assuming sometime late 1800s?)
I like the way the characters personalities bounce off each other. They have so much bromance going on. ✨
I’m just like expecting one of them to kiss the other with how they all talk about each other
Also I had done a Uquiz by @holdmyteaplease a while ago I think, and the result I had gotten had recommended that I read The picture of dorian gray!
The flower symbolism seems very interesting, I’ll make sure to pay attention to it! 👀
I like all the themes you listed—I’m going to have a long “to read” list 😭
I’ll keep you updated with my thoughts on the book(s)!
I am a wonderful person you are correct ✨✨ /silly
Thank you for the “pestering”! <3
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writerpey · 2 years
Regressor!Wednesday Headcanons
I basically binged the whole show in 2 days while sick and studying for finals! Is that going to stop me from spreading the little wednesday agenda? absolutely NOT! here are some headcanons because I think she’d be the cutest regressor ever. I also take requests! <3
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Wednesday is an involuntary age regressor. Years of trauma and a childhood that was rather isolating caused her to sink into her headspace for the first time. Her family knows but she pretends they don’t, and the person she’s most comfortable regressing around is Enid, of course! She’s very quiet and has a difficult time asking for things. Sometimes it’s hard for Enid to tell if she’s regressed, but the lack of a witty Wednesday-like response is an immediate answer.
She absolutely loves building things when she’s small. Sitting on Enid’s bed with a Lego set in front of her puts the smallest of smiles across her lips. When she’s super focused her tongue pokes out and she can literally sit and work on something for hours.
Wednesday gets very overstimulated from loud noises. She doesn’t like playing her Cello when small, nor can she stand it when Enid turns her music on in their room. One of Wednesday’s ways to cope with all of the big feelings that come to the surface when she’s little is to hide! Under the bed, in her closet, escaping to the terrace are all viable options.
The first time she hid, it was Thing that showed Enid where she was. Coaxing her out of the dark space between her bed and the floor was no easy task, but the look of anxiety in Wednesday’s eyes that faded into relief when she realized Enid actually wanted to help her was worth all the worry.
I saw another writer say that Wednesday would adore Sylvanian Families/Calico Critters and they’re so right! When Enid put a tiny black cat in Wednesday’s hand, her big brown eyes went wide. She takes it everywhere with her when she’s little, and therefore always likes wearing things that have pockets.
As her regression is involuntary and Wednesday hates feeling out of control, it makes her emotions come to the surface much easier. But that doesn’t mean that tears spill. Rather, Wednesday gets angry when her feelings are too much to handle. Whatever is near her will go flying, or her hands come up to roughly tug on her own braids. Once, she slipped during class and Xavier had to peel her hands away from her hair. He managed to calm her down by using his magic to bring life to the spiders she’d been doodling in her notebook.
She hates normal pet names but answers to anything along the lines of “little spook,” “doomsday,” (Enid felt very clever coming up with that one) and even “kitty cat.”
To continue with what I’ll call the Wednesday Cat Agenda, she adores her kitty ears that Enid had her wear for the big race. Black cats are the scariest of all felines, after all. (She knowledgeably told Enid this fact after asking the girl for help putting her ears on. Enid giggled and Wednesday scowled.)
Wednesday is a very mischievous little! She always manages to be somewhere she shouldn’t and have things that would be unsafe for someone else her age. Enid screamed the first time she walked into their room and found little Wednesday (and a Calico Critter standing on top of a very treacherous looking Lego tower) attempting to torch a fly with a lighter and hairspray. After that, Enid made Wednesday promise to tell her when she was feeling small. (A promise that Wednesday couldn’t always keep.)
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