#I’ll upload pt 2 after work
moxiepoxart · 1 year
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Nalu Week! Family pt 1 (all head canons below (so you don’t have to read my handwriting))
Usually Cooks
Lucy ties his hair and they sometimes wear matching accessories.
Wears Alvarez-styled clothes nowadays
A bit more relaxed
Took to parenting the the worst (surprisingly) his kids are growing and he struggles with change
Desperately wants a closer relationship with Nashi
Still a natural with kids though
Has several successful book series
Pregnancy was terrible to her health but she endures despite her family and spirits worries.
Can now summon 5+ spirits at once
Does everything to hide her aging and can be insecure about her appearance
Took to parenting like a duck to water despite her anxiety (her spirits are a huge support)
Is currently trying out shorter hairstyles
Lucy won’t let her kids get guild tattoos until they’re 16 and she will die on this hill
Best Uncle
Started going gray and pretends to have ailments he doesn’t have to get sympathy and more fish.
Eats so much fish
Is closest to Eleanor
Nashi (the trial child)
Middle name is Iris
Has Natsu’s hair that won’t obey the hairbrush
Wants long hair but finds it too hard to maintain
Is a 4th gen dragon slayer
Is incredibly anxious about hurting loved ones with her explosive power
Inherited her anxiety from Lucy
Butts heads with Natsu cause he doesn’t understand it
She trains with Erza (Natsu tries to hide his hurt, struggles with his daughter changing)
Adores Erza
Natsu bombarded her with his hobbies at a young age (fishing, brawling and getting dirty)
Is a tomboy but still total mommy’s girl
Oblivious to Griege’s crush
Her jacket is from Alzack and Bisca
Eleanor (the black sheep) (get it? From the Beatles song?)
Middle name is Layla
Takes after her paternal grandmother, but no one knows this and draws on the obvious similarities to Zeref
She is uncomfortable with this comparison (If Natsu overhears any comments it’s on site)
Insists on carrying Happy everywhere (will get into fights with her brother over it)
Sleeps with Happy
Is friends with everyone but doesn’t have many she’s close to
Goes to Lucy with her problems (another mommy’s girl)
Loves the Strauss siblings (especially Mira and Lisanna)
Not sure what magic she wants to learn
Always asks Lucy to summon Aries to go play
Haru (the accident)
Celestial Wizard
Middle name is Igneel
Has Zeref’s cowlick
Is in a cat phase rn (used to be a dragon phase and Natsu is gutted it’s over)
“Loke is the coolest zodiac!”
Sunglasses are a gift from Loke (Natsu hates it)
Wearing cat ears (Happy loves it)
His leopard print shirt is a gift from Laxus (Lucy hates it)
Is a Natsu clone
Endless energy
Loves to read
“Did you know…”
Tries to follow Natsu on missions
Asks Happy to fly him everywhere (gets into fights with his sister about it)
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requiemforthepoets · 2 months
this time, i’ll love you much better 𖦹 FA14 (pt.3)
click here for part 2
PAIRINGS: fernando alonso x ex-wife!reader
SUMMARY: as the great peabo bryson once said, and i quote, “the best of romances deserves second chances”. and oh how fernando would love to prove that. he let you go before, but now that you’re back, he’ll take his chances.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: IT’S FINALLY DONE! this is the last part of the series. but i’ll be uploading an smau right after this last part, just a glimpse of life again with fernando right after you (reader) and him got remarried! i hope you enjoy this one and again, thank you so much for supporting my works, it’s very much appreciated! :’)
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect to the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: none :)
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The day of the camping date has finally arrived. You couldn’t even remember when was the last time you took a hike and camp, but it was a very long time ago, before you had the twins. You are all set to leave after lunch, if will be a one hour trip from the hiking and camping grounds, so leaving late from the house is not a problem. It has also been shared to you by Sofia that hiking and camping had been her and Fernando’s tradition before she goes back to school and Fernando’s race week, and it was a very cute tradition, it just made you smile when she told you.
You decided to check up on the twins in Sofia’s room. “Hey girls, are you all pack up and ready to go?” Jullianna nodded, “yes mom, we’re just about to put these four sleeping bags at the car.” You smiled and left the twins be.
Grabbing your own bag, you went down to put your things in the car. What you didn’t expect that there was a commotion going on by the front porch, and the twins were just watching the scene unfold with annoyed faces, as Fernando continued to put the sleeping bags and tents at the back of the car.
“What am I supposed to do for three days, Fernando? Sit home and knit?” Bianca removed her sunglasses, anger was evident in her eyes but Fernando paid no attention to it. You made yourself known and walked out of the front door, “uhm excuse me? What the hell is she doing here?” Pointing to you.
“You know that it had been Sofia and I’s tradition to go on hiking and camping, it just happened that their mother and Jullianna are here. It was the deal that the four of us should all go camping together.” Fernando just shrugged and Bianca was in disbelief, “what? Suddenly you all became the Brady Bunch? This is freaking redic-“she was cut off when you had greeted her.
“Hello, Bianca.” You offered her a look, “is everything okay here?” Looking at Fernando and the twins.
“Well no, as a matter of fact, this whole thing isn’t. I didn’t realize you were going on this little outing and to tell you the truth, I’m not okay with it.” You smiled at her apologetically, “I agree. The ex-wife in the next sleeping bag is a little weird…” Bianca silently thanked you. “So it would be best if you come with is, I insist!” Bianca stops cold and the twins whined at you. They certainly don’t want Bianca to come, since this is officially a family time.
“Y/N…” Fernando trailed, “Fernando, I messed up your entire weekend, it’s the least I can to pay you back for everything.” He didn’t say anything, he know damn well that he cannot resist you.
You guided Bianca into the house and let her borrow your tight black workout gear. The twins are already seated in the car, waiting for you and Bianca, but what they didn’t know is that you won’t be joining them. For you it’s a little bit intrusive if you join, it is the one time where Bianca can bond with the twins and get to know them very well, considering that their wedding is fast approaching.
Exiting the house with Bianca, you guided her to the front seat of the car and closed the door when she got settled in. “Okay, have fun everyone!” You stepped back and waved at them, “y/n, what are you doing?” Fernando immediately opened the window in Bianca’s seat. “I really think it’s best if you and Bianca get some alone time before the big day.” You smiled. Then the twins opened their window as well, “mamá come on, that’ not the plan!” Sofia shouted.
“Oh come on, honestly you’ll have much more fun without me.” Bianca was in shocked and having a second thought of joining the trip, “oh uh, if you’re not going, I might as well not go. I don’t really have to go.” There was a panic in her eyes, “trust me, I’m not really a big nature girl.”
You just chuckled at her, “nonsense, Bianca! This will be your chance to really get to know the girls. Starting next week, they’re already half yours.” You said as you smiled at her. Catching Fernando’s eyes, you softly blew him a kiss. “Have fun, okay! I’ll see you all in three days.”
As the car pulls off of the driveway, you went back inside and decide to spend some time with Lucille. It made you happy that after all these years, Lucille is still with Fernando and Sofia. Lucille is the nanny the you and Fernando hired for the twins, right before you separated.
“Pagaría una gran cantidad de dinero por ver a esa mujer escalar una montaña.” Clearly understanding her, you both laughed, “come on, let’s have some tea by the garden.”
It was already sunset, you were seated on a rocking chair by the front porch while doing some sketches for your new design on your notebook, when Fernando’s car came into the view. You didn’t expect them to be back home early, it has only been twenty four hours and they are due to come back in three days. Fernando parked the car and they all got out, setting down your notebook aside, you decided to greet them.
“Never expected that you’ll be back so soon! I could’ve cooked something.” The twins ran towards you, giving you a hug and kissing each of them in the forehead, “did you guys have fun?”
“Not exactly.” You looked at Fernando, “we’ve been punished through the end of the century.” You just gently rubbed their backs in comfort.
“Yes, starting now. Go.” Fernando commanded, he’s clearly a bit pissed off. But the twins are still hugging you, not yet letting go. “Where’s Bianca?” You questioned, the woman was missing from the group when they all got out of the car.
“We played a few harmless tricks on her, and it’s not our fault that she freaked out.” Sofia rolled her eyes. You just giggled at her and booped her nose, “you cheeky little girls.”
“It was not a harmless prank? These two chiquitíns had dragged Bianca’s air mattress right in the middle of the lake.” You held back your laughter. Not going to lie, what your daughters did was really funny, “and we also broke up, she threw the ring. Hitting me right on the head.” Fernando showed you the ring, and smiled apologetically at him.
“I’m really sorry, Fernando. This is completely all my fault, if I hadn’t suggested she comes, this wouldn’t happen at all.” Despite the turn of events, you really do feel sorry for him. This was his one chance of finding love again, but you felt disappointed that everything had been your fault. “Tricked would be the word most suited. Like mother, like daughters.”
“I’m really sorry, Fernando. I really am.” You sighed, as the twins broke from the hug and face their father, “we are really sorry too, papá.” Jullianna said. Fernando just let out a sigh, “up to your room, now!” Sofia grabbed Jullianna and they both rushed back to Sofia’s room.
“I got to remember that I need to thank them one day.” He chuckled, raising an eyebrow to what he just said. “You’re relieved?” It was weird Fernando being so relieved after his fiancé had just broken up with him. “I think I am…yeah, I am relieved. I’m also hungry, is Lucille around?”
“I sent Lucille on a day off yesterday, but she may be back soon since she told me that she’ll be back today.” He just nodded, “come on, how about I cook us something to eat?”
“You know how to cook?” Fernando just laughed at you, “yeah, I know how to cook of course. Do you still love paella?” You nodded, “then I’ll cook us some paella, come on.”
While Fernando got busy in the kitchen, you took the liberty of freshening up. You were somehow feeling a bit content and liking the dynamics of being a complete family again, but you had reminded yourself that this is only temporary, and soon, you and Jullianna will be flying back home to Singapore.
Before you go down the kitchen, you made a quick stop at Sofia’s room. You knocked gently and took a peek, they are already dressed in pajamas and playing chess on Sofia’s bed. As you sat down at the end of the bed, Sofia noticed that you are all prepped up. Not in full glam, but looking like you were just fresh out of the shower. She immediately tapped Jullianna’s sides, motioning her to check you out. She then wiggled her eyebrows at Sofia.
“Wow! You are looking so nice, mom.” Jullianna smiled, “oh nonsense, I just decided to freshen up a bit. Do you want to come down for dinner?” Sofia excused herself for a bit then came back again in the room. She saw Fernando cooking in the kitchen and smelled paella, so she took this as a mental note that their parents may or may not be having a dinner together. “No thanks, mamá, we’re good. You and papá enjoy your dinner, and if we ever get hungry, don’t worry. We can fix ourselves some meal.” She smiled.
You nodded and kissed their foreheads. “Okay then. Good night, my loves.” You smiled at them, “good night mamá!” They said in unison. You got up from the bed and made your way out of the bedroom, closing the door softly and made your way down to the kitchen.
“Wow, it smells good in here.” You smiled, “why thank you.” Fernando replied, smiling back at you and continued cooking.
“Here, let me help you set up the table.” You began setting up the table, as Fernando transfer the paella to a nice bowl and set it on the table. He also grabbed a bottle of red wine in the rack and two wine glasses. “Come on, let’s eat.” You smiled at him as he pulled out your chair for you and sat down.
There was no awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence if anything. This made you think of the what ifs if you and Fernando did not get a divorce, would you be living peacefully with him and raising the twins together? There was just so many questions running through your mind right now. But you don’t want to ruin the evening by talking about, you had already talked about it once, and it had dampened the whole mood. You’re not going to make the same mistake twice, especially not when the both of you are basking in comfortable silence.
“Did the twins really pulled out Bianca’s air mattress out of her tent and let it sail out in the lake?” You asked, giggling. “Oh yes they did. I was surprised because I heard a scream outside, and saw that Bianca’s air mattress right in the middle of the lake. I tried calming her down, but it was no use so she fell down on the lake and had to swim back on the land.” He chuckled.
“I can’t believe that the twins are capable of doing such things.” You shake your head. The twins are indeed capable of doing what they just did to Bianca, you both don’t even have a clue of what had happened back in summer camp, but what happens in summer camp, stays in summer camp. “I’m really do sorry that she broke up with you, Fernando. I can’t help but feel bad that all of this is my fault.” He grabbed your hand softly, “hey, you don’t need to apologize okay? It is what it is.”
“I know, but it just saddens me that it was your shot of finding love again, you know.” Fernando snorted, “I would exactly call it love if I’m being honest.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “What do you mean?” But he just shrugged it off.
“Come on, I want to show you something.” Fernando stood up and offered a hand to you and grabbing it as you both we out of the kitchen. He led you upstairs, towards a more secluded room where he only has an access to, “what’s this?” You asked as he guided you inside of the room.
When you had entered the room, you can see that there was a bunch of easels that were covered up in the dark. The room was very tidy as well, there was even a plush couch and a coffee table that has magazines arranged on it. Fernando turned on the light and what had grabbed your attention was a large canvas that was hung in the middle of the wall.
The painting that was hung in the middle of the wall was your oil painting of Fernando. It was when he won the World Drivers’ Championship back in 2006 with Renault. This was supposed to be your gift to him, but never got the chance to finish it. You had painted him on top of his car with his hands raised clutching the trophy. You never managed to complete the background of the painting, as it was still a blank white.
“You kept this one?” You whispered as you went near the painting, “yeah, I kept it. Even if you weren’t able to finish it, it was the only thing that physically reminds me of you.” He replied. Eyeing the bottom of the painting, where you had wrote the name for your artwork and the year you started it, “where dreams have no end.” You read off.
You never really get the hang of naming your paintings, but back when you were painting this one, it felt right to you of naming it where dreams have no end. Fernando winning the WDC title two times in a row, it was no doubt that he had always been destined for greatness. So the title of the painting was just fitting.
“I never really knew that you painted this one, I only got to find out when I began sorting through our stuff two months after the divorce.” He breathed out, “I took it with me. I don’t want to leave it in our old house, you know. I decided to turn this room into an art room, figures that there were also a few other paintings too that you didn’t get to finish.”
“Yeah. This one was my priority to finish, but you know a lot of stuff happened to us and I never got the time to resume working on it.” You let out a soft chuckle, “after all this years…I thought that this one is already lost. I might have even forgotten this one if I’m completely being honest…and seeing it again brought back so many memories that we had of each other.” You whispered.
Fernando chuckled as you just both stood in front of the painting. “Remember when we used to dream about growing old together? Raising our family?” Your smiled sadly, “yes, I do. But dreams don’t always come true, Fernando.” It was pretty much ironic that your painting was called ‘where dreams have no end’ yet, your dreams with Fernando had abruptly came to an end. Turning your attention to him, you never realized that both of your faces are an inch closer.
He took a deep breath, looking deeply in your eyes. “But what if we try again? For Sofia and Jullianna?” There was a hesitation in you, it took you a minute to reply. “There was never a day that had gone by that I didn’t think of you, and seeing you after all these years, it made me realize that I’m still love you.”
As you were about to reply, a light reflected by the window. You both hear the front door opening and closing and footsteps can be heard downstairs. “Anybody home?” A voice called out. It was Lucille, she’s already back from her day off. Fernando hesitated, looking at you, but you just gave him a shrug.
“We’ll be right down, Lucille.” Fernando called out. You made your way out of the room first as Fernando locked the door, and made your way downstairs in the kitchen. “Hey Lucille, welcome back. How was your day off? I hope you had fun.” You smiled and greeted her with a hug.
“Me divertí mucho, thank you for asking!” You smiled as you grabbed her a plate so that she can eat, “here, come and eat. I know your drive back here is exhausting.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Lucille asked, since she had noticed that both you and Fernando’s plates are still unfinished. She does not want to intrude, “no, no, it’s fine.” Fernando replied and just smiled.
The next day came by, and what happened that night was already long forgotten, you and Fernando chose not to speak about it. It was also the day where you and Jullianna are due to fly back to Singapore, the weather is gloomy and about to rain soon. The car that you called that will be driving you to the airport is already waiting outside, and all your luggage had already been loaded in the car.
You gave time for the girls to say their goodbyes and hugging each other, promising that they’ll be seeing each other soon. Then you and Fernando hugged in a distant way, letting go of each other very quickly.
“You take care of yourself.” You nodded, “and you take care of yourself too.”
Grabbing the umbrella that Lucille handed over to you, she guided you and Jullianna towards the car. When you both are already inside the car, Lucille closed the door and went back in the house. Fernando just hugged Sofia, causing Sofia to hug him back tighter. As the car pulls off the driveway, Fernando turns back and walked away, with Sofia looking at Fernando sadly.
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You are now seated on the private jet, with Jullianna being completely silent and the sadness is very evident on her face. It was hard for you to do this, to separate the twins again, but you have no choice. You assured Jullianna plenty of times that she’ll see Sofia and Fernando again once the custody has already been fixed.
“Honey, is it alright if we make a quick stop in Paris? I just need to settle some work. We’ll be going home back to Singapore right after I settle the work I’m needed for in Paris, okay?” You smiled sadly at her, “sure mom, I don’t mind.” She leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes. You did not bother her anymore, since she is not in the mood for a conversation.
You were able to go back to Singapore right after two days, the work that you needed to finish in Paris took a bit of time. You didn’t want to bore Jullianna, so you let her have her own time. She loves what you do and sometimes gets involved with your work, but you know very well that she wasn’t really feeling it, so you just let her be.
As the car pull up in Nassim Road, you got out of the car, followed by Jullianna. The driver was already helping you get the luggages out from the back of the car. You softly put an arm around Jullianna and hugged her, running a hand on her back up and down, gently comforting her. She then helped you bring the luggages inside the house and thanking the driver.
“Home sweet home again, huh?” Jullianna smiled softly at you, “do you want to go out for dinner later tonight or just call for delivery and stay home?”
“Is it okay if we just order and stay home? I’m not really in the mood to go out tonight. I’m sorry mom.” You booped her nose, “of course darling, I’m completely alright with it. You don’t need to be sorry, it’s fine.”
The house was completely silent. Over the duration of your stay in Spain with Sofia and Fernando, you had gotten so used to the twins’s noise around the house, even if it was just for a short amount of time. Now, you’ll be used again to the silence, as it was only you and Jullianna, with a few housekeepers that comes by thrice a week that lives in this big house. It has always been this way, for twelve years, being surrounded again by silence is not completely new to you.
“Hello, we’re finally home!” Yet you still greeted as you entered, just in case there was a housekeeper present and need to inform you of your presence. “You can go and fix your things, darling. Please don’t forget to sort your laundry, okay? Let’s not make the housekeeper’s job hard than it’s already is, okay?” Jullianna nodded and kissed you cheeks as she went up to her bedroom.
You decided to head towards your study to leave the files that needed to be sorted out later, when you noticed that there was someone sitting on your chair, hidden behind a newspaper from The Straits Times. You nearly screamed since you thought that it was an intruder, but it wasn’t a stranger at all. When the newpaper was put down, it was Sofia, and you let out an audible gasp.
“Sofia? What are you doing here?” You asked in shock. “Hi, mamá. It took us thirty seconds after you left to realize that papá and I never want to lose you two again.” She smiled. “When did you get here?”
“We got here two days ago. The moment you left, we packed up and decided to fly here to Singapore,” you were still in disbelief, “but apparently you weren’t home yet, and luckily I still know where you hide the spare key.”
“Mi amor…I made a mistake of not coming after you once, and I’m not going to make the same mistake again. I could not let you walk away from our life again.” You turned around quickly, to see Fernando standing by the doorway of your study. You look at him softly, you eyes filling up with tears, and a smile ok your face. “Oh Fernando…” you whispered softly.
You immediately rushed towards Fernando and hugged him tightly. He then broke the hug and looked at you intently, you softly cradled his face gently and brought your foreheads together, sighing in content.
“Welcome back home.” You softly whispered. “Thank you for giving me a second chance. This time, I’ll love you much better.” He replied.
Fernando slowly leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips as you kissed him back. You had missed this feeling, and it is the feeling that you wouldn’t trade for anything. As you and Fernando have your moment in your study, Sofia took the opportunity to sneak out and go up to Jullianna’s room.
“Knock knock!” Sofia bursted through Jullianna’s bedroom, causing her to scream, but immediately stopped when she saw that it was Sofia. “Oh my god! What are you doing here?!” She excitedly said and ran up to Sofia, tackling him in a hug.
“Well, we realize that we don’t want to live like before anymore. There was such a big change when you and mamá left, we want our family to be complete. This whole custody thingy sucks to be honest.” Jullianna nodded in agreement, “so does this mean mamá and papá are getting back together?” Sofia nodded excitedly.
The twins jumped together in happiness, they can’t believe that their plan had worked. Their little switching plan had brought their parents back together, and the thought of being a complete family made them even more excited for the future to come.
“We did it! We did it, Jullia!!” Hugging each other tightly, “we really did it, it’s so unbelievable!”
Sofia broke the hug, “oh my god, you’ll definitely love living in Spain!” Jullianna just looked at her with a brow raised, “what do you mean Spain? You and papá are going to love living here in Singapore.”
It was safe to say that right after that, it has been decided by you and Fernando to live in Monaco, since he lives there as well due to the nature of his work, but you would sometimes visit Spain and Singapore from time to time. You two had managed to purchase a property in Monaco and there, you’ll be living out your best life together with him and the twins. Also, not a month later, Fernando had proposed to you again for the second time around and got remarried.
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@pear-1206 , @iawfwm
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lilgarbitch · 26 days
Running in Circles- Two
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
CW: suggestive scenes, alcohol
Word Count: 8.5k
Author’s Note: I won’t base Y/N or her band on any specific artist or band, but I will use certain artists multiple times purely because I either want the lyrics/ genre of song to fit a theme or for particular surprises.
(Author’s Note pt 2: It’s 4:30 am and I decided I needed to stop rereading and rewriting this and just finally publish it, and as I was getting this ready, Running in Circles came on and pfft that’s a sign if I ever seen one)
Part One
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A loud groan escapes my lips as I run a hand over my face. She looks so much different than she did all those years back. Yet, the exact same. And she was going to kill me. I had to hide it, but everything she did had such a substantial impact on me. From her personality, to her tattoos, her voice, and her absolutely beating my ass in Mario Kart. She was the most perfect person I had ever met. 
Being reminded, I look down at the switch in front of me and pull out my phone to take a quick picture of our score. I open Instagram and go to post it on my story, about to tag her, before remembering I haven’t actually followed her on my main account yet. I type in her username, hit follow, and then go back to posting the picture. 
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It wasn’t until it was fully uploaded and I looked over at the boys that I felt the giant smile I had on my face. After catching some looks from them, I played it off, trying to let it falter, but a small smile still stayed. 
“Yeah… That’s her. For sure. I- I felt it again the second she introduced herself to me. I don’t know if I wanted to believe it, even after seeing those pictures. But seeing her in person again today just… sealed the deal.” I answered them, throwing my head back onto the couch and staring up at the ceiling. 
I just couldn’t help but think of all the memories I’ll get to make this tour. Don’t get me wrong, every tour was excellent, from traveling to beautiful places, trying new restaurants, and spending it with my brothers. But this tour would definitely be one to remember. I didn’t even care if she felt the same way, as long as we could become close and I could spend time with her. I’m just happy I finally found the girl that has plagued my mind for the longest time.
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The boys and I were about to play our first festival. We managed to catch a bit of Erra’s set but had to run back to our stage to finish setting everything up and doing our warmups to get ready. I was more nervous than I’d ever been, but I knew that if I just got through this set, I would feel like I could perform anywhere. Plus, we’ve had technical difficulties in the past, but everything worked out well, and none of them were our fault. I practiced enough this week that I could probably do the whole show in my sleep. So there was nothing that could go wrong, right? 
We got the signal that we were going on any moment now, and did our best to hype each other up. We all gave Folio a quick high five before he ran out on stage. Instantly, I could hear the entire crowd cheering, and that was all I needed to be ready for this show. 
Jolly and Nick ran out a few moments later, and now I just had to wait for my signal. Shaking out my hands and feet, ensuring every last drop of my nerves were gone, I heard the music start. The crowd was louder than ever, and I felt my confidence building more and more every second. With one last exhale, my cue to run on stage was now. 
I walk around the stage and get a good view of the crowd's size as I start singing Mercy. The passion I felt in this moment was unlike anything else. The crowd cheering and singing along with every word, trying to reach and carry every note as I do. The hands in the air. The range of age and style. These people all came together to hear me, or at least wanted to hear me for the first time. I felt like a fucking king in this moment. 
Over the next few songs, I really started to get into the zone. I felt connected with each of my brothers on stage with me, every person in the crowd in front of me, and especially the lyrics as I sang them. I sang the last line of Malice and let the arm that held my mic fall, letting my breathing relax. Turning to my brothers on stage with me, I gave them all a proud smile. They all returned it in their own way as they set up for our next song. Jolly gave me a laughing smile, and Nick gave me a smirk. I walked towards Folio behind me and reached out my hand, him grasping it over his drums and giving me the brightest smile. We’ve come so far and nothing was stopping us now. 
Stepping away and back towards the front of the stage, Jolly and Nick start the first notes of The Worst In Me, Folio immediately following their lead. Putting back on a more serious demeanor, I get closer to the people in front. 
Is there nothing left to keep myself awake?
To keep these walls from caving in?
When all they ever do is try to bend and break?
Is there forgiveness in the end?
I lower to a crouch as I sing the lyrics, scanning my eyes over the people at the barricade. Their faces light up as I look at each of them and try my hardest not to smile at the reaction. 
I had you in my grip, but you’re starting to slip
Bring out the worst in me
And now it’s come to end, I think I’m giving in
You set my demons free
I watch as everyone sings along with me. I hold out my hand to them, and a few reach out, but they’re all just too far to touch. I stand and move more to my left to see more faces, not wanting to prioritize the ones right in front of me. 
I need relief, a failure’s coming on
Just breathe in deep, It’s taking far too long
I need relief, this weakness carries on
Please be a dream, or was it all along?
I stand back up and let my eyes roam over the ones standing behind those before as I continue to sing along, making eye contact with everyone I can.
It’s better when you’re with me
My eyes trail across their faces.
But it’s better left unsaid
I see them all singing along.
It’s better when I’m empty
I even catch a few tears falling down some of their faces. Matching those that fell down mine as I wrote some of these songs.
But I still let you in
Then, there it was. There she was. I had never seen her before, yet something in me knew her. I tried to move my eyes past her, but they stayed glued to hers.
It’s better when you’re with me
She wasn’t moving or singing along with the others. It was like we were both locked in a trance. I felt electricity flow through my entire body. I felt like I had been transported to a different world.
But that’s better left unsaid
When she blinked, the movement reminded my brain where I was. Reminding itself what was happening
It’s better when I’m empty
But I’ll still let you in
I was thankful a part of my brain kept working, singing on complete autopilot. Because nothing else wanted to work. I couldn’t move my eyes. My legs stayed glued to the floor. I had to try to fully rip myself away from the moment to even regain control of my body. 
Blinking a few times, I finally move from my entranced state and finish the song, keeping my eyes on anyone but her. As the song ended, I turned my back to the crowd, closed my eyes, and let out the biggest exhale. I had to refocus. We still had half a setlist to get through. 
I looked up at my band, and Nick gave me a weird look, silently asking what was wrong. I completely ignored him as I turned back around and got ready for Said & Done.
With my mind almost on full autopilot, I managed to push through and finish the rest of the set. Cheers roared through the crowd. I pulled out one earpiece to listen to them, hoping they bring me back to reality. The boys and I all walked to the front of the stage, bowed, and said our thanks, to the people in the crowd and to the festival for having us before tossing random shit out to the crowd and saying our goodbyes. 
As we were heading off the stage, it was almost like I could no longer fight it as what felt like a magnet pulled my eyes back to hers. She was still looking at me, and a shiver ran through my body. I almost think I saw the same happen to her, but I forced myself to pull away and off the stage before I got completely stuck to her again. I did my best to shake off the feeling and push it to the back of my mind as we walked back to our tour bus. The boys were eerily quiet as we walked back, or maybe my brain was just so overwhelmed with emotions that I was blocking everything out. All I knew was that I needed to sit down. 
Finally reaching the bus, I sit on one of the couches in the lounge and throw my head back, shutting my eyes. I wasn’t sure if I was trying to replay the moment or force everything out of my brain. All I knew was that the only thing I could see in my head was her eyes. And I couldn’t stop wondering what the hell that was. Who was she? What was that feeling? Why did it truly feel as if my body was being pulled towards her? Wh-
My eyes shot open as I quickly sat up and looked at the boys all sitting around me.
“What?” I blandly ask, trying to play it off. I got a few odd stares in response.
“What the hell was that?” Ruffilo asked. 
Shaking my head, I replied weakly, “ I don’t know what you’re talking about,” which caused him to raise an eyebrow at me. 
“Well, first of all, something weird happened during one of the songs, and then you looked completely out of it the rest of the set, and then you ignored all of us on the walk back and for the last few minutes as we tried talking to you.” He gave me a stern look, telling me there was no lying or getting out of this. I let out a sigh and ran my hand over my face, trying to collect my thoughts. 
“I..really don’t know. I can’t even explain without sounding stupid.” Then Jolly sat beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. 
“Come on, you say stupid shit all the time; I think we’ll understand some of it,” Jolly said, causing me to give him a weak smile. 
With another sigh, I started talking. I tried my best to explain the weird trance I got put under. About how I got locked in her eyes until I literally had to rip myself away. That caused Jolly to ask if she was just really hot, to which I responded with a smack to his chest. I explained how, for the rest of the show, it was like there was a magnet I was fighting against. One that finally pulled me back in before we left the stage, and that time it felt even harder to rip away from. I did my absolute best to explain the feelings that shot through my body the entire time, but since they were nothing like I had ever felt before, I had nothing to compare them to. By the end of the venting, I had my face in my hands, trying to reground myself. 
I sat up and ran my hand through my hair as I looked back up at them all. Each more confused than the last. 
“I really don’t know how to help you here, bro. I mean, it sounds like some divine intervention shit.” Folio finally said. That caused a groan to erupt from my throat. If it really was, why now? To a person I will probably never see again? I’ll never be able to find her again. What the fuck is even happening.
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2 Years Later
The thought comes and goes. It’s more like a dull yet burning yearning in my chest that hasn’t left since that day. It’s been so long that I’m starting to get convinced that I’m just going to be stuck, thinking of those eyes, until the day I die. 
I pull out my phone and look at the time, groaning when I see that it’s now two in the morning and I am just lying here, stuck in this endless cycle of thought once again. Then my eyes land on the date, causing an even larger groan. It’s been over two years since that show. It’s been over two years of the same ruminating thoughts. I roll over in my bed and open my phone, knowing that just sitting here in my thoughts will keep me up all night anyway, so I might as well try to distract myself. 
I open Instagram and switch over to my alternative account, one that can actually follow interesting things without fans speculating on why I follow so many people. I scroll through the timeline, liking a post here and there, seeing a few bands posting news or a few memes that actually put a smile on my face. Getting stuck in the endless doomscroll, I finally landed on a post that genuinely piqued my interest. It was one of Bryan’s photography friends who liked to travel and find new bands to help out with pictures. I always loved discovering new bands to listen to, so just seeing his username caught my attention, but then I finally looked at the pictures he posted. 
Oh, fuck. It was her. It was her. I could recognize the face anywhere. Even though I caught it for barely a minute, it was so engraved into the folds of my brain; seeing it every single time I closed my eyes, there was no way I couldn’t recognize it. I noticed she now had a neck tattoo that she hadn’t before, peeking over her crew neck shirt from the first picture. I scrolled through the photos, almost burning a hole through my phone as I eyed up each one with her in it. She looked utterly beautiful as she performed. I finally let my eyes fall on the caption. 
‘So incredibly thankful to have found this amazing band while traveling around the East Coast. Check them out at @ Praisingdeities and definitely check out their music. It was unlike anything I have ever heard.”
Praising Deities. Now, that’s something I could absolutely do now that I finally found her. I click on their username, it sending me to their page, before instantly following them. I scrolled through their pictures, not getting enough of finally seeing her again. I saw that there were people tagged in one of their posts, so I clicked on it and saw that one tag was right on her. @ PraisingY/N. Clicking on that, I got sent to her personal page. God, she was fucking beautiful. I was glued to every picture of her face. I almost had to force myself to scroll to the next post, my eyes not wanting to leave the last. 
Finally realizing I had spent way too long staring at her, I exited the picture and scrolled back up to the top of her page, ready to tell someone that I had found her, when I saw her bio. 
“Goddess’ out now!”
Fumbling with my phone, I hurriedly opened Spotify and typed in their name, instantly getting results. I clicked on the song ‘Goddess.’ Within seconds, my ears were filled with the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. 
You’re like a goddess in disguise
I’m drowning slowly in your eyes
It’s like you kill me by design
You’re all I desire.
Fucking tell me about it. I wouldn’t blame anyone if they wrote this song about her. With a surge of energy running through me, I bold up out of bed and out of my room. I peek into the hallway, seeing that both of the Nick’s doors were closed, but Jolly’s was open. Glancing into his room, seeing that he wasn’t there, I ran down the stairs, searching everywhere for him. Finally, I make it to our studio and practically burst through the door. Jolly and Folio are sitting in there, chatting, as Jolly held his guitar. They both look up at me in shock the second I come through the door, and I almost run to them, holding out my phone, Y/N’s Instagram account pulled up on it. Jolly’s hand reached out first, so I handed the phone to him as he looked at it confused. 
“IT’S HER! THAT’S HER!” I say, not trying to yell but accidentally doing so. Nick leaned over in his chair towards Jolly as Jolly pulled the phone closer to his face to get a better look. 
“Her? Like..her her? The one from the show?” Nick asked, still looking over at my phone in Jolly’s hands.
“Yes! I found her! She’s in a band. Oh my god, guys. She sings, and it’s like heaven. She’s like heaven. I can’t believe I fucking found her.” I say, practically pacing around the room. Nick pulls his phone out and pulls her band up on Spotify, hitting a random song, and instantly, her beautiful voice plays through the speakers.
I wear my scary mask 
When I’m afraid I don't belong
You can’t read my brain
Until it’s off
Not comin' off
Not comin' off
I stopped and stared at them as they stared at her profile on my phone, waiting for any reaction from them. They hear this, right? As I watch them scroll on my phone, looking over her selfies and group pictures of the band, one of them occasionally pointing out a tattoo or an instrument, suddenly, her voice changes, causing us to immediately stare at Nick’s phone as she starts screaming.
I’m alright
I’m alright
I’m alright
You ain’t gonna see me tonight
We all look at each other, Jolly with amazement, me with shock, and Nick with a smug look. 
“I think you found your perfect match, Noah,” Nick said with a chuckle. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. She was perfect, wasn’t she?
We talked about it until we all decided it was too late and should head to bed. I’m not sure whether it was finally finding her, or if the amount of energy I just let out finally wore me down, but I was able to get some sleep. The next day, Jolly mentioned that he followed the guitarist of their band and reached out, telling him that he loved their sound, which came with the response from their guitarist, Thomas, fangirling a little bit from the recognition. Jolly said that they had a lot in common and had been chatting about music and other interests, which was fucking fantastic.
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I get brought out of my daydreaming to the sound of her voice floating through the air as they do their soundcheck. I sit up and look at the boys whose attention was also caught by the noise. I stand up and go to walk towards the stage, not so far that I’m within their view, but just enough that I can watch her as she sings a few lines of a song with her eyes on the front of stage crew, looking for confirmation that everything sounds good. Each member tests out their instruments, and then they do a small run-through of a song before heading off stage. I turn around and walk back to the boys, or try to, before realizing they were all standing behind me, watching as well. 
I give Ruffilo a small smack on the arm, laughing as we hurry back so we don’t get caught. Sitting back down in random seats, trying to play off that anything suspicious happened, her band came into the room, with the stage manager trailing behind them. 
“Alright, boys, you’re up.” the stage manager commanded, making us all stand and follow her. 
“You guys sounded amazing. I can’t wait to see your full set,” I heard Folio tell the other band from behind me as we passed them. I turned and went to give them a proud smile as a way of agreeing, but I instantly caught Y/N’s gaze, getting locked in. Within a split second, I got lost in them, only being able to break out when Jolly patted my shoulder to keep me moving. With a few blinks, I finally sent them a warm smile, quickly turned my head, and returned to heading towards the stage. 
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Bad Omens does their soundcheck as my band and I plan out our set, going over if our setlist was exactly how we wanted it to be, what we wanted to add in, where the best break would be, and what surprises we should add, as it’s something we loved doing to connect with the crowd. The next hour was a bit of a rush as the crew ensured everything was perfect, and both bands checked to ensure everything was ready. The next thing we knew, we were about to head on stage. 
I peek around the side of the stage and see the massive crowd, all either chatting with each other, hyping themselves up, or singing along with the pre-show playlist. This was is. We’ve had large shows in the past, but this was our biggest yet. Bad Omens being the first well known band to let us tour with them. I jumped up and down a bit, shaking off my nerves as my band and I got ready. Suddenly, the venue's lights darken, and the stage lights turn green, our signature color. 
“You ready?” I hear in my ear. I turn and see Cam looking down at me with a huge smile, causing me to instantly return it and give him a nod. He pats my back a few times before running on stage, waving to the crowd as they all start cheering. I watch as he sits behind his drum set and spins his sticks a few times, both putting on a show and letting out some nerves. Tommy and Tony follow lead, each giving me another pat on the back as they pass me and head to their designated sides of the stage, earning more cheers and screaming from the crowd. 
All three make a little noise to get the crowd even crazier, Tony strumming loudly, followed by Tommy playing a little riff, then Cam playing a few beats. My face was starting to hurt from the smile on my face as I watched it all play out in front of me. 
They all started the beginning of our first song, causing the crowd to quiet down and signaling that it was now my turn. After a few moments, I wait until the vocals start and walk on stage. I sing the first few lines of our first song, and the crowd goes insane and starts singing along. I had to force myself to keep my composure and not smile too wide. Over the next few songs, singing along with Tony in some of them, and having a chorus of fans in front of me join in on the ones they know, I felt so connected to everyone. I occasionally glanced at my band and felt so proud of us. It felt like being on top of the world, with my best friends standing with me the whole time. 
We finished the fourth song of our set, and I mentally prepared for our next one. It was ‘Goddess.’ I wrote this one after Tommy forced me to start journalling my feelings when I wouldn’t talk to anyone about why I was always so stuck in my head. I took all the least heartbreaking feelings out of my entries and then quickly wrote down some of the things I said and tried to make them sound as good as they could as lyrics. After the band looked over it, we made some changes, making it flow better, and then Tony mentioned that maybe we could gender-bend it to make it make more sense and cause less confusion about who I could be singing about. I won’t lie; most of our newer songs were about Noah, or at least he was in mind when writing them, but this one was probably our most blunt song, the words being my exact thoughts and feelings. 
With a cue from the band, I began singing, them joining in later.
You’re like a goddess in disguise
I’m drowning slowly in your eyes
It’s like you kill me by design
You’re all I desire
Tony and Tommy join in as we sing the next few lines.
You’re like a goddess in disguise
I’m drowning slowly in your eyes
I could cross the great divide
But only you decide
Then the music finally starts, and I get a moment to breathe before continuing, knowing that the person I wrote this about was nearby, and I honestly didn’t know how to handle it. I look forward and see everyone having an amazing time, some acting as if this was their favorite song with how they even mimicked the guitar. My eyes continued to trail over the people and then towards my bandmates as they played. Then something caught my eye. On the side stage, I saw Noah and Jolly rocking out to the music. Who knows how long they’ve been there, but now I didn’t know what to do, Noah’s presence throwing me off. With a deep exhale, I began to sing the next part, trying to rip my eyes away from Noah.
Tell me you love me
He was singing along.
Tell me you need me
He knew the words. He was staring right at me, singing along, and I couldn’t help but stare back.
Tell me you’ll never ever think about wanting to leave me
It was almost like we were singing to each other. If only he knew that I genuinely was singing to him and had been since I wrote the song.
You’re Aphrodite
God I’m in love
I tried breaking away from his gaze, but between the magnetism forcing it together and my deep desire of wanting to sing this to him for the longest time, I just couldn’t.
It’s time you ascend to your rightful place perched on your throne up above
He actually knew every word. It caught me so off guard. 
Go and take your seat at Mount Olympus
I’ll do anything for you my temptress
Even if I’m innocent, I’d confess
Kill to watch you undress
Feel your body close pressed up
The dark look in his eyes sent fire straight to my core.
Against mine
He stood there, crossing his arms against his chest, staring at me with a look I couldn’t explain.
Heart beats
In Time
Feel your chest rise
You’re all I desire
A look I could explain. A look I absolutely mirrored as I continued singing the song. A look full of desire. One that could part the Red Sea just so we could meet in the middle. I knew my feelings when I wrote this song. I knew the feelings I had when I’d stare at new pictures or videos of him at night. My eyes trailed down from his eyes to his lips as he sang along, ones I needed to feel on mine, then his neck, covered in a tattoo I so desperately wanted to touch, down to his muscular arms that have caused unspeakable thoughts to cross my mind many many times, but before I let them move down further, even though I so badly wanted to, I brought my eyes go back up to his, before finally getting the power to pull them away and look back towards the crowd as I finished the song. 
Everyone cheered as the song ended, and I did everything in my power not to look back at Noah to see his reaction. I refused to falter, especially while on stage.
We played the rest of our set, even a random song that someone in the crowd requested as it was a part of our show. At one point, while looking at my bandmates, my eyes glanced at where Jolly and Noah once stood, but they were no longer there, probably getting ready to go on stage themselves. Thank god. Hopefully, I wouldn’t run into any of them until the show was over, and I could let myself cool down in the meantime. 
We said our thanks to the crowd and hyped them up for the band they were mainly here to see before leaving the stage. The boys all ran to me, and we had a small group hug as we made our way backstage. They talked about how amazing our show was and how fun it was to have such a large crowd, especially with people singing along. I laughed and agreed, letting them take my mind off everything until we finally reached the room and sat down. Jolly and Nick were still there, chatting and messing around until we joined them. They both stood up and ran to us, giving us their praise. I looked around and let out a sigh of relief when I saw that Noah wasn’t there and I just let the boys talk until Bad Omens had to head on stage. 
Eventually, Ruffilo joined us, also sending compliments before chatting with Folio and Jolly. 
“Yeah, I don’t know where he went. He was with me watching their set for a while, but after a few songs, he just left, and I haven’t seen him since,” Jolly responded after Ruffilo asked if anyone had seen Noah. 
“We go on in less than ten minutes, so whatever the hell he’s doing, he better be quick,” Folio said as he pointed the drumsticks in his hand toward the stage. 
“If he’s not here in the next few minutes, I’m sending out a search party,” Ruffilo groaned out.
I hope he’s okay. But depending on which song he left after, I have a slight idea on where he could be. I immediately shook that thought out of my head, unable to handle if it went any further, and turned to my boys and tried letting them be my distraction from my mind as we all waited to see if we had to help search for the missing boy. 
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I stood in the bathroom, washing my hands and trying to collect my thoughts. God, that fucking girl. 
Night after night, after finally finding her and hearing that exact song for the first time, not once did I have control over myself. I don’t know what I was expecting when I knew I would finally hear it live for the first time, but I wasn’t expecting her to practically serenade me in front of thousands of people as if the words were meant for me. If only she knew the effect she had on me. 
Finally feeling like my hands were clean enough,  I glanced up at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed a bright red, either from thinking of her or my previous actions. I quickly bent down and splashed my face with cold water, hoping it would help, before drying myself and leaving the bathroom. I made my way back to where everyone was and let out a few deep breaths, breathing in through my nose and out my mouth, hoping to feel a little more grounded. 
“There he is!” I hear as I step into the room, making me give Ruffilo a sheepish smile. 
“Alright, let’s head over, we start any minute now,” and with that, I get pushed towards the side stage. As I moved, I happened to glance over at the other band, who were looking back at me. I gave them a smile and a quick “You guys were amazing” before I continued to be pushed. My eyes were met with Y/N’s for a split second, but I quickly shut them and turned away. I couldn’t handle that right now. I can’t let any thoughts fill my head when I need to be completely mentally on stage. 
Somehow getting my brain working again, the band and I had a blast on stage. I let myself live in the moment, not caring about anything other than singing and having the crowd sing with me. The screams and cheering were even heard through my earpiece, which was absolutely insane. We made it through most of the set, only having our two encore songs left. But that was when I was brought back to reality. As much as I tried to play it off, the boys knew who was on my mind when I wrote ‘The Death of Peace of Mind’ and ‘Just Pretend’. One getting more shit than the other, as they knew there wasn’t anyone else on my mind when they were written. Especially when she was all I ever spoke about. Actually, many of the songs on this album were written with her in mind, just with some help, or should I say arguing, from the boys, so we didn’t make this whole album dedicated to my feelings for her. But these were the two that I had fully written out while thinking of her, and the boys liked them so much that they just went with it. But I did have to lie and tell fans that I wrote ‘Just Pretend’ as a joke to not cause any suspicion. And surprisingly, they became fan favorites, so now I had to play them every night.
I had to do everything I could to not think about her while singing. I knew this would be a problem when the talk of touring with them was simply a subject, but with the emotions I went through not even an hour ago, I absolutely could not get lost in my thoughts while in front of thousands of people. 
Pushing through, I managed to get through The Death of Peace of Mind with a straight face and complete composure, pushing her face out of my mind every time it popped up, no matter how much the look in her eyes as she sang to me flashed through my head. But now, the one that held all of my emotions would be the hardest to perform without cracking. 
The song began, and as I sang, I tried my hardest to think of anything but her. I put on the best performance I could, knowing I had to show a little emotion while singing it but doing everything I could not to feel it too much, knowing the one I wanted so desperately was just backstage. I did the best I could, but the second I hit the chorus, emotion came crashing through my body. 
I can wait for you at the bottom
My eyes started to get drawn to the side of the stage, not wanting to do what she did, I only looked through my peripheral.
I can stay away if you want me to
She was there, watching.
I can wait for years if I gotta
And I have. God, I’ve waited years and years to even see her again. And I’ll wait more if it means I could get closer to her.
Heaven knows I ain’t getting over you
As much as I didn’t want to, I sang that line to her. My eyes locked on hers as I did. I hope it wasn’t as obvious to her as it was to me, but those words were for her 110%. I moved as far from her as I could, pretending like I wanted to get closer to the crowd, but it was so that I could break away from her as I continued the song. 
Finally, the song ended, and as much as I wanted to run off stage, the boys and I said our thanks and goodbyes like we always did. We tossed some memorabilia to the crowd before we could finally leave. We filed off the stage, and I let out a long sigh as the boys all high-fived each other. All I could think was how I hope these shows would get easier. 
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I honestly don’t know why I decided to watch their show with all the thoughts running through my head. Noah looked utterly mesmerizing up there in front of everyone. He was meant to be on stage. He put on the most amazing performance and sounded absolutely beautiful. The problem was that this was the first time I had seen him perform since that day. Thankfully, I was paying attention this time, but that didn’t change the tension I created when I sang to him earlier. 
Everyone was now back together after the boys stepped off stage. Once again, all chatted as Noah and I just kept to ourselves, paying attention to their conversation but not really adding anything. At one point, Nick mentioned that we should do something together to celebrate our first night, which got a mix of replies, from a few people saying that we had to head out soon for our next show tomorrow, to some being more than happy to party a little to start off the tour. Cam checked the time on his phone and said that we had a few hours to do something. We just probably shouldn’t go anywhere and just hang out here before we had to hit the road, which got a lot of good reactions, so I guess that’s what we’ll be doing. 
I started walking towards the door, letting the boys know that I was going to change quickly and just meet them out there, and headed towards the bus.
Stepping on, I walked to the back and opened up my bags, trying to find something comfy to wear, hoping I had something that wasn’t embarrassing since most of my sleep shirts weren’t the most appealing. Rummaging around, even through the other boys’ clothes, the best thing I could find was leggings and a tank top, only wearing pants because it was still a little chilly out. Tossing them on, then throwing on my slippers, I took a look in the mirror to make sure I didn’t look insane.
I wiped under my eyes to get any mascara that had smudged over the day, fixing a few of my piercings, making sure my septum wasn’t crooked, and none of the others had anything on them, and glanced over my outfit one last time. Many of my tattoos were showing because of the tank top, and I couldn’t wait to see what the other band had to say about them, knowing they were covered all day with my now dirty sweater. After one final once-over, I figured I looked good enough and walked off the bus to see the boys talking outside.  
Tommy, Tony, Jolly, and Ruffilo were all standing outside the Bad Omens’ tour bus chatting, and I assume Cam, Nick, and Noah were inside doing who the hell knows. I walk towards the group of boys outside, standing between Tommy and Ruffilo, and give Tommy’s arm a squeeze to let him know I was there, to which he turned slightly to see me and smiled as he continued to talk to Jolly about a guitar shop in one of the places we toured. I smiled at the rest of the boys, earning some back before Ruffilo’s eyes trailed to my arms. He made an exaggerated face, creating an ‘O’ with his mouth. 
“Dude, those are sick,” he said as he reached a hand out to grab my right forearm and slowly twisted my arm to check out the sleeve I had. I laughed as he looked at it in amazement. I stepped closer to him and held out both arms so he could get a better look. He eyed up the black ink sleeve I had on my right arm, the one that had cybersigilism print flowing throughout some of the pieces, connecting them all into a full sleeve. Then he looked at my left arm, which made him gasp, catching Jolly’s attention. My left was full of American Traditional pieces that all collectively came together. Jolly came closer to me to look at them all before his eyes caught my chest piece, a large bat with flowers around it. Tommy and Tony laughed at their reactions, knowing this was a common thing when men into tattoos saw me. I just smiled at them as they moved my arms. All of a sudden, Jolly pulled away and walked towards the door of the tour bus. 
“Yo, guys! You have to check this out!” he shouted in, causing the three boys to eventually trickle their way out, confused. I looked over and laughed when my eyes met Cam’s, who was also laughing when he saw them inspect me like I was some crazy art piece they found. Nick and Noah came closer, not understanding, until they got close enough to see what their friends were freaking out about. Folio joined the rest of them as Noah just stood back and watched as they pointed out specific artworks. 
“You guys wanna see something cool?” Tony asked them while laughing, making them all look over at him. That’s when he grabbed me and turned me around, which I immediately understood so I pulled my hair off my back and onto my shoulder, showing off my upper back tattoo of Baphomet that I got a few years back. It was one that was usually hidden because of my hair, but I did love showing it off. 
The second I turned away from the boys to show them, I heard a soft groan in the distance, which caused a snicker from a few of the other guys. I didn’t understand what was so funny, so I kept showing off the tattoo. 
“Dude, your tattoos are crazy.” I heard Folio say as I fixed my hair and turned back around.
“Thank you. I honestly just wanted to get covered as fast as I could, so I only have a few meaningful ones, but most are either in areas always covered or on my legs,” I replied with a smile. I earned a few more compliments before they all returned to talking about their own thing. I noticed Noah glancing at me occasionally, so I shot him a smile, trying to play off the tension I know he also felt. He gave me one back, just not a full one, almost like he was too distracted in his own head. That’s when Cam chose to get our attention. 
“So, we drinking, or what?” he asked us, clapping his hands together, causing a groan from the boys in my band, knowing how hard Cam wants us to go, and cheers from the other band. Cam jogged to our bus as the rest of us piled into the other since we were going to be hanging out there.
“Don’t touch my Fireball!” I shouted at him with a teasing smile, knowing he hated drinking Fireball; well, all the boys did, which is why it was mine. He, and multiple other buys, made a chorus of disgusted noises in response. Making me laugh. 
“Of course you like Fireball, you’re the most insane girl I’ve met,” Ruffilo said to me teasingly as I walked on the bus, causing me to laugh harder. 
“I’m honored,” I replied with a sweet smile before taking my seat next to Tony. Cam came in a minute later holding three bottles that he packed the day before when we got on the bus, and even though I gave him a little shit for it, I’m beginning to think he had the right idea as Jolly set an equal amount of bottles on the table next to his.
Tommy asked where the cups were, and Jolly started looking at the bottles, thinking about which would be the best to start off with. Tommy set some solo cups down, understandably the only option we had, as Jolly started pouring us all shots of tequila. Great. Well, let’s hope I don’t embarrass myself. 
We all toast to the tour and take our shot, the liquid fire going down painfully. I exhale as I feel the fumes in my throat, and honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I breathed fire, not having tequila in at least a year. Thankfully, it settled in my stomach fine, even though I hadn’t eaten anything since the drive here. 
We all chat about anything and everything as a few more shots get poured. We all sat cramped in the lounge of their bus, The Bad Omens boys sitting behind the driver's seat, Jolly the closest to it and Noah the farthest, and me and my boys sat on the other side, Cam across from Noah and me across from Jolly. So I was the closest to the door, that was still open, and even though my body was heating up from the alcohol, the occasional breeze still caused goosebumps. I rubbed my arms a little bit, hoping that the alcohol would heat me some more.
 I held my cup out to Jolly across from me, signaling that I wanted a refill, and he took it, asking if I wanted anything in particular, to which I responded by shaking my head no. He poured a little vodka into my cup and handed it back, which I accepted with a smile. I guess that’s when my goosebump-covered arms caught his attention. 
“You cold?” 
“No, just a small chill from the breeze; I’m okay,” I replied
“Hun, let me run to our bus and grab you a hoodie,” Tommy offered, giving me a slightly concerned look. 
“Guys, I’m okay. I’ll warm up after I take this,” I said with a giggle, lifting my refilled cup. Suddenly, Noah stood up and reached his long arms around into one of the bunks and grabbed a hoodie, handing it out to me.
“Just wear this until you warm up.” He said. I was about to protest again, but he almost seemed annoyed, or maybe that was my drunk ears playing tricks on me, so I didn’t want to argue. I reached out and took it, giving him a smile and a small ‘thank you’ to which he responded with a slight nod and returned to talking with the boys. I put my arms through the hoodie, pulled it over my head, and slid it down, the bottom being a tighter fit, so I had to put a little extra effort into getting it over my chest, but once it was on, it was the most comfortable thing ever. It was definitely the alcohol affecting it, but going from chilly to warm with a soft hoodie felt like heaven. 
I turn my attention back to the multiple conversations happening at once. My eyes caught with Noah’s, as he was staring right at me. He cleared his throat and tried to turn away like he hadn’t been caught staring, but I just flashed him a bright drunken smile. He did a small double-take before looking back at me and laughing a little as he gave me one back. 
I mouthed the words ‘it’s so comfy’ at him as I hugged the hoodie closer to my body, and he responded with a small chuckle and mouthed a ‘good’ back. I giggled as I reached into my pocket, wanting to be on my phone for a while as I wasn’t as interested in the boy’s conversations. I clicked on the power button to turn on my phone and saw that I had a bunch of notifications, a lot more than usual, which confused me. Thinking maybe it was just me being tagged in photos from tonight’s show, I clicked on them and got taken straight to Instagram. I click on my notifications and see that they're all comments on my last post, talking about Noah once again, but this time saying how it was either cute that I kicked his ass at Mario Kart or how he went easy on me, which made me laugh, knowing how it actually played out. But I was still confused on how they knew, before I scrolled enough and saw that I was tagged in a story.
I let out a loud laugh as I clicked on it, catching a few of the boy's attention, but I waved them off as I tried silencing my giggles. I liked Noah’s story before replying to it.
“That’s what cheaters deserve ;)”
I saw Noah shift as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, and I watched as he clicked on the notification and chuckle to himself before looking up at me with a smirk and then typing on his phone.
Noah- Me? The cheater? Who was the one who smacked the controller out of my hand?
I giggled before replying.
Y/N- Says the one who picked the hardest map of the whole game!
Noah- You literally got first place. you didn’t struggle that bad. 
Y/N- You’re still an ass
I heard him let out a huff which made me giggle more.
Noah- Whatever you say, sweetheart
My heart skipped a beat, but I did my best to play it off. I look over at my cup I had forgotten about and take my shot, it going down a lot easier than before, but I still made a face while shaking my head. I heard a laugh and looked up to see Noah watching me. I give him a scrunched up face to exaggerate the disgust, which he continued to laugh at.
“What are you two giggle-fucks laughing about?” Cam asked us, making me us laugh harder. “Come on, we still have a while to party, let’s get some more rounds going!” he suggested, resulting in some groans and chuckles. This tour is gonna be the death of me. 
After a few more rounds of shots, me trying to deny most of them, it was finally 3 A.M. and we had to hit the road. We said our goodbyes and headed to our bus, Tommy having to hold me as I walked up the stairs. I really should wash my face, but that’s a problem for tomorrow. 
I fell into my bunk, ready for sleep to take over as I was utterly exhausted from our first night. I pull my arm up under my head and face the wall of the bunk, closing my eyes. That’s when the smell of a citrussy amber and musk filled my nose. I lifted my head and looked down at my arm, and realized I was still wearing Noah’s hoodie. I let out a soft giggle before burying my head into the sleeve and letting sleep take over me. I fell asleep before I could see a new notification coming from my chat with Noah.
Noah- Here’s my number incase you need it ***-***-****
Noah- or to let me know when you wanna give that hoodie back ;) See you tomorrow
Part Three
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 12
Well, this story is complete. I finished it on Friday and will be fully uploaded in two weeks. With chapters 14/15 next week on the 31st and 16/17 on April 7th.
This has been one hell of a ride. I never thought I would ever do omegaverse. But this one just demanded to be written.
Eddie takes Steve shopping and they go the Grammy's.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Steve loved shopping. It was his favorite thing in the world. He especially loved it when he went with Chrissy or Robin or sometimes even both. But he was finding out that shopping with Eddie was special.
“I’m going to rock your world, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured when they entered the shop.
It was all high end, naturally. But it was the type of stuff Steve would have bought for himself back in high school.
“Eddie...” he whined a little.
It was sweet, it really was. But he couldn’t wear the ‘uniform’ of a omega housewife. Not anymore.
“Just wait, darlin’,” Eddie whispered, “it’s gonna be good.”
Just then a man came over. He was short, barely 5’5”. He had warm brown skin and silver hair.
“Hello, loves,” he said, voice as warm as his skin tone. His accent was the vaguely British of someone who had lived in the United States for a long time.
“Hello,” Eddie greeted, kissing him on each cheek. “Steve, this is Raj. Raj, this is Steve Harrington, he’s a Starcourt omega.”
Raj clasped his hands together. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Steve.”
Eddie turned to Steve. “Raj is a professional stylist. He’s dressed me for many an event and he’s going to help you find your style.”
Steve smiled at him. Because of course Eddie was only trying to help and not make him feel inferior about liking a style that he couldn’t wear.
“Come on, love,” Raj said, “tell me what you like.”
And so Steve did just that.
They spent the afternoon trying on several different combinations and styles that Steve felt like he was a runway model to the crowd of one.
Eddie sat on a big, white, overstuffed armchair and made comments on everything Steve tried on.
Three hours later, Steve was walking out of the store in a navy blue striped polo and tight fitted jeans and several bags filled with clothes of a similar style.
Steve laughed when he exited the shop, twirling around with his bags. Just so happy.
Xander took the bags from Steve and put them in the trunk of the car to keep the bags from going flying.
Eddie pulled him in for a kiss.
“God, you are so gorgeous when you’re happy,” he murmured into Steve’s neck.
Steve hummed. “Well, it’s a good thing that the thing that makes me happiest is you, huh?”
Eddie looked up at him with a tender smile. “Back attcha, big boy.”
Steve wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.
“Will I get to see you before the Grammy’s on Sunday?” he asked, softly.
Eddie sighed. “Unfortunately not. I have so many interviews and shit that I just won’t have time.”
“That’s okay. I still have other work I’ve got scheduled this week.”
Eddie kissed him deeply. “You have fun, babe and I’ll see you on Sunday.”
Eddie watched as the car pulled away from the curb. He had gotten to meet both Robin and Xander, the two people tasked with keeping Steve safe and he found that he loved them both.
And that fact settled one of the worries in his chest about Steve, knowing that his boy was being looked after properly when he wasn’t around.
“Troy’s coming,” Robin said, “I’m not asking, I’m telling you.”
Steve glared at her. “He’s creepy.”
“He’s really not,” she defended. “He’s very protective of the omegas in his care and I need a second pair of eyes on you tonight.”
“I don’t see why,” Steve said rolling his eyes. “I’ve done hundreds of events with only one handler in the past. What makes tonight so special?”
“The press.”
Steve huffed. “I literally when to an event for the press with Nancy, how is this any different?”
“Because these aren’t the civilized press, Steve,” Robin said menacingly. “These are the vultures. The bottom of the barrel. Sleazy, gasping, horrible people who will judge you, seek to tear you down, and humiliate you.”
Steve let out a long sigh. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” She kissed his cheek. “Eddie has his own security, but they’ve been coordinating with Troy and me all week. What’s your signal for needing to get out quick?”
“Moving my clutch from my left hand to my right,” he said.
She nodded. That was a good signal. Steve liked his right hand free to shake hands with people.
“What’s your signal if you need to get away from the alpha?” she asked next.
“I take out my earrings,” he dutifully replied.
Again, not something Steve would normally do, so she nodded.
“The code word to get both of you away from someone who is harassing one or both of you is ‘caveat’.”
“As in ‘one of the caveats for dating an escort is to be understanding when something work related comes up’?”
Robin grinned. “Perfect. All right, we’re good to go.”
Steve grabbed his black clutch and matching shawl. It was February in California, but it was still February.
He draped the shawl over his shoulders and walked out to the car.
Troy and Robin got into a white SUV with Troy at the wheel.
Steve slid into his car to find a waiting Eddie.
“Well this is a surprise,” he cooed, sliding up to press himself against his boyfriend’s side.
Eddie chuckled, lifting his arm to wrap around his shoulders. “Benefits of properly courting you, darlin’. Management is letting me know where you live. Ish.”
“Ish?” Steve asked, scenting along Eddie’s jaw.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “The windows were tinted so I don’t know exactly where we are, but I know enough.”
Yeah, that made sense.
“You look so pretty, baby,” Eddie said, changing the topic. “You look good enough to eat.”
Steve chuckled. “So do you.”
And he did. He was wearing a black suit coat with black rhinestones embroidered into the lapels, with a white button up shirt that decidedly not, tucked into a pair of black slacks. On his neck were several necklaces and chains and his wrists were covered in bangles and more chains.
He had a single earring in his left ear which was an upside down cross.
Steve was enraptured.
“This is all for you, baby doll,” Eddie murmured into Steve’s ear. “I rarely dress up for these things, but I wanted to look good for you.” His hand reached around to cup Steve’s ass. “Especially with you looking like sex on legs in that short dress.”
Steve chuckled. “You keep this up and we’re going end up torturing poor Xander’s ears by having sex back here.”
Eddie’s eyes blew wide. “Shit Stevie, if we didn’t have to be there at a specific time, I would absolutely hold you to that.” And he pulled Steve even closer to him so that the omega could feel the reaction to his words.
Steve couldn’t stop himself from scenting Eddie again.
“Did I tell you that thing the attracted me to you second to you being the sweetest thing,” he murmured, “was your scent?”
Eddie licked his lips. “Right back ya. Together we smell of Christmas.”
Steve giggled. “A little bit, yeah.”
Xander caught Steve’s eye in the rearview mirror and raised his eyebrow causing the omega to blush, ducking his head shyly.
Xander knew something that Robin didn’t as she couldn’t be in the car with him for things like this.
Despite a Starcourt escorts’ reputation for being sex pots, sex wasn’t allowed in the back of the car. Mainly because of the driver, but also because what they did was meant to be higher than just make outs in the back of a car.
It wasn’t a rule, like not giving out their personal number was a rule, but it was a guideline that Steve had adhered to almost religiously. So for him to even suggest jumping Eddie was completely out of character for him.
Eddie raised Steve’s head gently with his forefinger. “You look so pretty when you blush, baby, but there is nothing going on here that you need to be ashamed of, okay?”
Steve nodded.
Just then the car rolled to a stop, signaling that they had arrived at the red carpet.
Behind them Troy and Robin stepped out with Eddie’s two security members. All of them dressed in black suits and ties with pristine white button up shirts.
All of them pulled out their sunglasses and slid them on. Troy walked up to the door and opened it.
Eddie slid out first, waving to the crowd. Then he turned around and helped Steve get out of the car. Steve waved, too, then slipped his hand around Eddie’s arm.
“The first interview is with Vanity Fair, Kayla Brosnahan,” Troy murmured to them. “She’s very fashion orientated so she’ll ask about your clothes first.”
Steve nodded. He glanced at Eddie, who nodded.
They walked up to the beautiful alpha reporter in a long, slinky, red dress.
“Kayla, Vanity Fair,” she said to the cameraman, “here with Eddie Munson, frontman of Corroded Coffin who is up for three awards tonight, and Starcourt escort, Steve Harrington.”
She turned to them. “Wow! You two look absolutely stunning together. Who designed your clothes tonight?”
Steve smiled. “Omega designer, Lola Martinez and the jewelry is by St Giovanni.”
“Wow,” she breathed. “Those are some pretty big names. And how about you, Eddie? Who are you wearing tonight?”
“Jimmy Pantera.”
Jimmy was a known alternative style fashion designer. Chains, leather, denim, studs; basically the metal and grunge scene. What Eddie as wearing would have been very conservative for his collection.
“Very nice,” Kayla said. “I can see it now. Wow.” She turned to Steve. “Have you had any clients cancel on you because you’re being courted?”
Eddie bristled and was about to lay into her when Steve touched his elbow.
Steve batted his eyelashes with a simpering pout. “Oh, Kayla, you know all client information is confidential.” Kayla opened her mouth to say something snide, but Steve beat her to it. “Plus, I don’t kiss and tell. Not like a certain omega who’s been warming your bed.”
Suddenly she was sputtering and back tracking. “Eddie, you’re up for three awards tonight, what are your hopes for tonight?”
“Corroded Coffin and I are very happy to have been nominated for Best Metal Album, Album of the Year, and Single of the Year for ‘Hell’s Lookin’ Better Than Heaven’, but we were disappointed we weren’t nominated for more. Best Metal Performance is a prime example. Even though we made more money then any other touring band last year, we weren’t even considered.”
Again Kayla was forced to back track and try to start over but they had chosen that moment to move on. Kayla turned to her camera and made a slicing motion across her throat to tell him to stop taping.
All the interviews kept in the same vein. They would be chatty, ask about what they were wearing or who they were most excited to see perform and then drop shit like:
“Are you going to make Steve stop escorting once finish your courtship?”
To which Eddie replied, “I’m not so fragile that I need constant validation that my dick is big enough. Stevie is his own person and if he wants to keep working, why would I stop him?”
Followed by back pedaling and Steve and Eddie moving on.
Next asshole:
“Steve, are you angling for a bond to get out of being an escort?”
Steve and Eddie just blinked at him like he was too stupid for words. They just walked off.
Once Troy just moved them past an interviewer calling their name.
Steve looked down and a little behind him. “What was wrong with that one?”
“He’s been sexually harassing omegas that come through,” Troy muttered back. “Making lewd comments, making passes at them, touching them without their consent.”
Steve nodded and Eddie put a protective hand on his lower back. They made it through the gauntlet and into the Radio Music Hall.
They sat down at the table that already had the rest of the band and their plus ones and settled into enjoy the show.
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369
​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi
@val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
@justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten
@vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @y4r3luv @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow
@yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian
@rememberthatiloveyou @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @alyelf @melodymeddler
@mogami13 @annabanannabeth @disrespectedgoatman @manda-panda-monium @maya-custodios-dionach
147 notes · View notes
gunilslaugh · 5 months
The One I Like Pt.2
Han Hyeongjun Summary: The aftermath of Seungmin outing your crush on Hyeongjun. WC: ~1.1k Warning:none
DISCLAIMER: This is not my work. It was written by one of my friends. They used to run a blog here on tumblr called odesonnets. This is a collab we did together. They have since deleted their blog so I got their permission to upload their part of the collab on my account.
part 1
Tumblr media
photo not mine credits to owner.
The 4 boys sat in silence for a couple seconds before Hyeongjun cleared his throat and spoke up, “Are you…being serious?” 
Seungmin sighed and ran a hand over his face. “Yes, I’m serious. But I wasn’t supposed to tell you. You have to act like you don’t know or they will kill me. They really don’t want you to think we’re dating. Just in case, I guess. But if you don’t like them, don’t bring it up. I’ll kill you if you hurt them.”
“Hyeongjun,” Gunil called out, a teasing tone in his voice. “Your cheeks are red. Is there something you need to tell us?” The other two members were too caught up in the fact that Seungmin had impulsively revealed your secret to notice the blush rising up to Hyeongjun’s ears. 
“You like them!” Jungsu accused, pointing a finger in the poor boy’s face. “Why didn’t you tell us?” 
It was Hyeongjun’s turn to sigh. “I didn’t want to say anything just in case the two of you really were dating. I never thought you were lying when you told us you were dating, but I was just being cautious.” 
Seungmin nodded in understanding before ruffling the younger boy’s hair. “Well, now’s your chance. You know things will end up going the way you want them to.”
Seungmin was back in your bedroom, sitting at your desk. “I talked to Hyeongjun yesterday.” 
You sat up slightly from your position on the bed, eyes widened, and butterflies filling your stomach. “About what?” You questioned, before furrowing your eyebrows and scowling at your best friend. “You didn’t tell him that I like him, did you?”
Seungmin brought a hand over his heart, like he was offended. “I would never,” He lied. “I just told him that we really aren’t dating, and he said he believed me.” He felt a little bit bad for lying to you, but he knew that you would be happy in the end. He hoped if you ever found out that he had told Hyeongjun about your feelings that you wouldn’t be too upset. 
You smiled and laid your head back down. “That’s a relief.” 
There was a moment of silence until Seungmin spoke up. “Well?” He questioned in slight annoyance, “Are you going to do anything about it?” 
You hummed, thinking about his question. “I’ll think about it. Just because he believes you doesn’t mean he likes me.”
The boy rolled his eyes at you, but you didn't notice due to your position on your bed. “You know, nothing will ever come of this if you don't say anything to him. What's there to lose?”
“For starters, he could reject me and things would become super awkward. I would hate to have to stop hanging out with everyone.” You frowned at the thought. “Secondly–”
“It was a hypothetical question.” He cut you off before you could continue to fill yourself with self doubt. He knew he had to get Hyeongjun to do something since he knew for a fact that you liked him. But knowing how shy Hyeongjun could be, he also knew this wouldn't be easy.
After a few days of deliberation with the members–minus Hyeongjun–they had come up with a plan. Seungmin had invited you to get coffee with him and the guys, and had also told Hyeongjun. He agreed to be there, and so did you, as you both assumed everyone would be present. However, none of the other members intended to be there. It was a setup; a way to get you and Hyeongjun alone. 
When the day finally came, you made sure to dress nicely, as you knew Hyeongjun would be there. You walked into the cafe the group had planned to meet at and surveyed the area, trying to see if the guys had already arrived. Upon your search, you found Hyeongjun sitting at a booth by himself. You walked up to him after giving him a shy wave. 
“Hey,” You smiled softly at him. “Can I sit here?” You gestured to the seat across from him.
“Y-yeah! Of course!” Hyeongjun felt his cheeks starting to heat up slightly and he prayed you didn't notice. “The other members said they would meet us here soon. I guess I finished my practice before they did.”
“Oh! Okay!” You sat down and the two of you sat in awkward silence for a few minutes until you decided to break it. You were starting to get the feeling that the other members weren't going to show up. “What were you practicing today?”
He looked up from his lap, where he was fidgeting with his fingers nervously. “Currently I've been practicing a song that I wrote. I'm still working on it, but I'm hoping I get the chance to show it to the members soon.” 
“I really admire your musical ability. I would love to hear it sometime too! If that's okay with you, of course.” 
“I would love to play it for you sometime.” A shy smile crept across his lips and he opened his mouth to speak again when both of your phones chimed with a notification. You both pulled out your devices and what you saw made your cheeks turn red. A text from Seungmin:
have fun ;) 
You looked up at Hyeongjun and he was already looking at you. “I believe we were set up.” He chuckled lightly, and you laughed awkwardly along with him. 
“I guess so,” You felt embarrassed, and were almost positive that Seungmin had told Hyeongjun about your feelings. “I'm sorry. I didn't know he was going to do this.”
“Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong. Actually, I'm really glad he came up with this. I never would have been brave enough to ask you out on my own.” Hyeongjun replied sheepishly, looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.
Your eyes widened at his words. “You wanted to ask me out?”
“Yeah, I've actually liked you for a while. I was too afraid to make things weird between us.” 
“You wouldn't have made things weird! I…I like you too, Hyeongjun.” You smiled at him with pink cheeks and he smiled back. “Do you want to…go out with me?” You asked tentatively.
“I would love to.” He grinned. “Let's get lunch, on me. There's a really good restaurant down the street. A lot better than just having a coffee.” He stood up from the table and held out his hand for you to take. 
You hesitantly placed your hand in his and stood up with him. “That sounds good to me.” You were still certain Seungmin had told Hyeongjun your secret, but you were too happy, and the butterflies in your stomach were too intense for you to care. You could deal with your best friend later; your new beginning with Hyeongjun seemed far more important. 
part 1
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simsphonysims · 2 years
Simsphony’s CC LIST - complete
Hi everybody!
The list of CC LINKS from all the creators and packs that I have in my game is something that I wanted to do for the longest time but I've never quite had the time to do it.
So I finally decided to do it for you no matter what and here it is! 
From now on you'll be able to find all of my cc here on this list. If I add something to my game I'm going to upload the list, and if I'm using something just once, I'll include the link from that cc in a regular post separately.
Anyways! I'm hoping your life is going to be much easier now!
If you like my work please be so kind and support me on Ko-fi ♡
Love you all and happy simming!  
Gardening table  American diner 
Boho living stuff pack  Blooming rooms kit  Apartment therapy 
BRAZEN LOTUS (https://www.brazenlotus.com/)
Greenhouse  Jaipur rugs  Selene's & Mind's Eye bed set  Cozy crafter bed set  Separated beds - original  Incantation & apothecary clutter  Spellbound clutter  Baskets & Ironing board table  Bridal closet  Vampire objects separated  Glimerbrook terrains  Archaeology table clutter  Princess Cordelia's clutter  Cats & Dogs clutter  Bulb string lights 
Separated Art - Base game 
BREEZE MOTORS - always direct links
All her cc in one folder  The lighthouse collection  The strandkorb  Maple & S. constractions Pt.1
Maple & S. constractions Pt. 2  Precious promises  Selection one  Lavish  Soak  Slouch  Miscellanea  Smol  Munch Pt. 1  
Munch Pt. 2 
Dinna  Modish  Insomnia  Twist of fate The candle 
COWBUILDS (https://www.patreon.com/cowbuild)
Free kid's clutter 
FELIXANDRE patreon - Early access
Fayun 2
Fayun 1
Grove Pt. 1  
Grove Pt.2
Grove Pt.3
Grove Pt.4
Berlin Pt.1  
Berlin Pt.2
Berlin Pt.3
Shop the look 1  Shop the look 2  Colonial Pt.1
Colonial Pt.2  
Colonial Pt.3  Paris Pt.1 
Paris Pt.2  
Paris Pt.3  Florence Pt.1 
Florence Pt.2 
Florence Pt.3 
Florence Pt.4 
Kyoto Pt.1  
Kyoto Pt.2  
Kyoto Pt.3  London Interior 
London Exterior  Gothic Revival Interior 
Gothic Revival Exterior Gatsby/Art Deco set  Georgian September 2017 - Schwerin + Petit trianon  October 2017 - Schwerin + Gothic  November 2017 - Petit Trianon  December 2017/ July 2018  January 2018 February 2018 April 2018 - Schwerin  May 2018 - old Paris objects  September 2018 - Louis VX  July 2019 - Canopy Marie Antoinette  Greece  Egypt La Galerie des Glaces - Versailles 
HANRAJA - always direct links
Mini set 13  Mini set 14  Mini set 35  Mini set 20  Tray 02  Bayong Rattan bags
Kwatei 2  (Early access)
Kwatei 1 
Shop the look 1 Shop the look 2 Octave Pt.1 
Octave Pt.2 
Octave Pt.3 
Octave Pt.4  Spoons Pt.1 
Spoons Pt.2 
Spoons Pt.3 Brutalist Brownstone Pt.1 
Brownstone Pt.2 
Brownstone Pt.3 Country Pt.1 
Country Pt.2 
Country Pt.3 Halcyon Stockholm Porto  Quilted dreams  Heritage Pt.1 
Heritage Pt.2 5k Follower gift Jungle Adventure Overrides
Baysic Harluxe  Orjanic Pt.1 
Orjanic Pt.2 Livin' rum  The kichen  The bafroom  Tiny twavellers  Jardane 
Fuvwara 1 
Fuvwara 2  Stone railing set Vol.1 
Stone railing set Vol.2 
Piha living  Blockhouse Kichen  Blockhouse Outdoor  Blockhouse Hallway  Blockhouse Study  Blockhouse Bathroom  Blockhouse Kids  Blockhouse Bedroom  Blockhouse Dining  Onehunga Living 
Intarsia  Wainscot wonderland Folklore  Budapest Neoclassical set  Pumpkin carving table  Jungendstil tiles  Portraits in copper  Zsolnay ceramic roof tiles 
1920 Bedroom set  Chrome Co.  Sea princess secretary desk  Drainboard sinks  Vintage gas cooker  Frontier items  Antique radio  Country furniture  Rocking horse 
Travel trunk 
Pinecone decor
Samantha’s collection
Poor bunny  Flowers and things  Rustic elements  Vintage clutter set 
Victorian house exterior set  Antique Victorian wallpaper 
Antique stacks
MAX 20
Poolside Lounge  Picasso Retro TV  Master bedroom  Cozy backyard  Holiday mini-pack Child dream pack  Classic kitchen  Happy ever after  Bathroom pack  Dining room  Fireplace  Christmas gift  Ikea chair  Autumn clutter 
Pufferhead  Tall bookcases  Simple clothes racks 
Cool pools
Moonwood garden  Simmify music nook  Midsummer eve  Lottie bedroom  Freja nursery  Nora living 
Luna bedroom
Austere building set  Atwood living  Bowed living  Cats and Dogs Siding  Caine living  Coba collection  Cozy knits  Derelict delights  Elsie bedroom  Graciously Georgian  Hamptons Hideaway  Hamptons Getaway  Hamptons Retreat  Hamptons Builtin  Hinterlands living  Hinterlands dining  Hinterlands bedroom  Hudson bathroom  Kitayama living Kitayama Bedroom  Kitayama dining  Lofte living  Mesh dump Nifty Knitting Buymode expanded  Paranormal Buymode Expanded  Romantic garden expanded  Rock'n Rockers  Roarsome kids bedroom  Splashback Glass Tiles  StrangerVille Buildmode Expanded  Vintage glamour  Volta  Whilloh kitchen 
Domaine du Clos 3  (Early access)
Domaine du Clos 2 
Domaine du Clos 1 MCM Pt.1  MCM Pt.2  MCM Pt.3  MCM Pt.4  MCM Pt.5  Winter garden Pt.1  Winter garden Pt.2  Maison Maulière  Coldbrew pt.1  Coldbrew pt.2  The livingroom mini kit  The office  Calderone bedroom  Rold Skov kitchen  Oak House Pt.6 + ADD ON Oak House Pt.5  Oak House Pt.4  Oak House Pt.3  Oak House Pt.2  Oak House Pt.1  Tidying up 
Liberated get together fence
Careyes liv & din  Sayulita bathroom Gift  Sayulita bedroom  Talavera pop  Colonial Mexic set  Navajo  The painting of Bly Manor  Lofi 
Little Chef's toy kitchen  Body form displays  Anybody's dress bridal shop  Uplifting elevators Clothes minded accessories
Cottage kitchen  Nota Living Room  Oak&Concrete Patio 
SIMPLISTIC - I'll always give you the exact link because I'm using her wallpapers and there are millions of them on the site
Bunk bed  Charming Chalet 
Sectional library  Parquet flooring  Crystal chandeliers  Baroque art  Aubusson rugs  Art set part 1  Christmas set 
The Tespa 
The kichen of tommorow
9021 Hoes Hotline 
Perfect party stuff 
Office space 
Joliebean High Society Pumps as Deco Shoes 
Atomic TV 
Fallout baby 
Retro refresh 
Scooby Doo! Where Are You? - Movie Poster 
Spiral stairs 
Mellow moods mini  (patreons only)
Mellow moods
Flower power (patreons only)
Busy Bee 
Japan Juice 
Cozy cocina 
Mamma mia 
Petits pirates 
Kawaii kidz 
Winterfest wonders 
Mermaid Mansion Pt.1 (patreons only)
Mermaid Mansion Pt.2  (patreons only)
Farm friends (patreons only)
Spring spirits Pt.1 (patreons only)
Spring spirits Pt.2 (patreons only)
Spring Spirits + Mermaid mansion free
Fountain edge set  Versailes Treillage
Wave living  Base game curved windows  SHKR kitchen  Casa Caipira  Tiles  Ind Pt.1  Ind Pt.2  Ind Pt.3  Cross  Turn Living  Rope Lounge  Mirr kitchen  Vime closet MadeinBrazil collection - Clay water filters  Beam kitchen  Beam living Pt.1  Beam living Pt.2  Emma Collection 
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Paint the Night Sky
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Paint the Night Sky
Bang Chan x member!reader (more like the love he gives all his members)
Idea: Based off of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/zQg00zBAK30?feature=share 
Member!reader and maybe felix takes bang chan shopping and gets him some colorful clothes and stay asks who designed it and he's cute about saying it was her 
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know no one asked for anything Stray Kids related, but I wanted to do something short for Bang Chan’s birthday!  (me face palming and picking this up a year later the day after his birthday, but on my birthday) I am working on some other ideas, including a pt 2 to Late Night Talking, a couple Spencer Reids, and Bucky Barnes one but I am trying to make those longer and more like an episode, so they’re taking a bit longer to write.  Also, if anyone is a STAY and wants to talk Stray Kids, message me because I would like some STAY friends pls.  Last thing, I couldn’t tell you what their dorm looks like now, so just imagine that they still all live together. I also couldn’t find Chan in a pink hoodie, but I feel like the pink dolfin one would be a hoodie he’d like.  The title also sucks. lol.
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff.
Word Count: 570
You walked into the dorm with Lee Know after a bit of personal dance practice.  It’s nice to practice with everyone, but it’s also nice to do some one-on-one practice to really help with your improvement.  And who better than Lee Know to guide you.
“Do you want to help me make some food?”  Lee Know asks you as he heads toward the kitchen.
“Yeah.  I’ll put on something for us to listen to in the background.”  You pull out your phone and see that the recent episode of two kids in a room came out, so you put that on as the background noise.  
You start by cutting the cabbage to put in the tteokbokki.  While Lee Know searched the freezer for something to fry.  You both continue to make food for the boys as the episode plays in the background.  There’s one particular bit of audio that catches your attention though.  
Chan: "I need someone to go together. I can't shop at all."
Felix: “You Always Buy Black Clothes. You look like a Reaper.”
This got you thinking and you had to ask Lee Know to be sure.  “Lee Know-hung?”
“Does Channie-hung wear anything colorful?”
It took a second of silence for Lee Know to come up with an answer.  
“I don’t keep track of what he wears.”  That was the most Lee Know answer he could come up with.  “But if he does, then usually the stylist put him in it.”
“Yeah, he wears a lot of black.” That got you thinking and your mind set on what to do tomorrow.
You two continued preparing food as the rest of the boys came in from doing their various activities throughout the day.  When you saw Chan come into the kitchen, you enact your plan. 
“Channie-hung, you doing anything tomorrow?” 
“I was going to be in the studio then do Channie’s room, but I got nothing planned for the morning.”
“Good we’re going shopping.”  
“Ok.”  No an argument or anything, but Channie would honestly do anything for us.  
“Be ready to leave at 8.”
*Time skip to next morning*
You and Channie head down to the shopping district in Seoul.  Could you have done this online? Yes. But it’s like Christmas shopping.  It’s better when you get out there and get the full experience.  
You had to pull Chan away from anything black and white because he has a million of those already.  You had to do that more times than you can count.  You ended up going with a baby pink hoodie and baby blue shirts just to ease him into color more.  
“You sure you like…” Before you could even finish, you were captured in one of Chan’s hugs.  One of the ones that is fruitless to attempt to escape.  
“It’s cute! I love it Y/N.” 
Chan wore that hoodie all the way back to the dorms.  You parted ways when Chan went to the studios and you went up to the dorms.  A few minutes later, you see the notification of Chan doing Chan’s Room for Stay.  
Transcript from the live.
“Hi Stay. Hi. Hellooooooooooo.  Welcome to Channie’s Room.”  
“Chan you look so lovely. No, Stays look more lovely.  Chan you look so cute.  Yeah, um… Y/N picked the sweater because I’m told I need more colorful clothes *stands up so Stay can see his sweater* it has dolphins on it. I like it.”   
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xbabybajix · 2 years
𝓥𝓪𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮’𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝔀/ 𝓣𝓸𝓴𝔂𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓿 𝓑𝓸𝔂𝓼~
A/n: per requested from you lovelies, hope everyone has a great V-Day and even if you don’t have a valentine I’LL BE YOUR VALENTINE >:) along w these boys! Pt. 2 will be uploaded tmrw! (this is f!reader btw) hope yall enjoy & pls excuse the typos n all
Hanma isn’t one for celebrating big on holidays. Though he will make the exception if it’s with you. And if you’re really big on valentine’s, Hanma will make sure that you get whatever you want! He’ll make sure that the night you spend is an unforgettable one! So he kinda hints to you that you’ll be doing something together that day. But Hanma himself isn’t sure, he kinda just wings it tbh bc he’s a “spur” in the moment kinda guy. Hanma comes to your doorstep with cute little necklaces that have rings w/ engravings in it that are either super cheesy or an inside joke yall have. Hanma takes you for a ride on his motorcycle and you both end up at a secluded area that’s got a nice view of hills or a lake. But on the way over, he had placed rose petal trails which then leads to a small picnic with a tent bc he wants to camp there with you that night. 
Baji. Baji. Baji. He isn’t one who LOVES v-day, but he does look forward to the way your eyes light up whenever you both pass by all the cute decor, flowers, cards etc at stores. Baji never fails to give you the world on v-day. Though he does it on any other day, but on the 14th he makes sure to remind you that he loves you immensely in his own way. Valentine’s Day with Baji consists of a breakfast date, with him handing you a bouquet of (whatever your favorite thing is) along with a little shadow box he made with little photos and trinkets of things you did together. Baji likes to shower you extra with compliments and will not hesitate to be your personal photographer that day bc you look so cute dressed up all for him. You guys both alternate with activities so in the afternoon, you’ll spoil Baji a bit and take him shopping for some clothes that he’s been wanting for a while. After, you’ll share an ice cream and feed him bc he lowkey loves it when you pamper him. Baji enjoys your company out all the things you can do for him, so taking him to the movies or maybe even a fight club?? When he receives your gift, which is a cd with an album cover of you two that contains a playlist of songs you both like he is swooning! The night would end with you both taking a night walk somewhere and just cuddling up on a bench and maybe having a nice makeout session and listening to the cd together >:) Baji loves being covered in your lipstick!
MIKEY loves valentine’s day because of all the snacks and treats that come with it. He isn’t one to love the aesthetic of it but he’ll be happy if it’s something that involves pastries. And that’s what it’s alllllll about lmao. Every year you mix it up and like to surprise him with foreign pastries but also will handmake him some because you want it to have some meaning to it. And Mikey is a sucker for it. Especially if it comes out wonky. It makes his heart swell because he knows that you worked super hard on it and he’ll devour it and leave no crumbs. “That was so delicious love! You should make these again some day!” Mikey is extra sweet on V-day and is very clingly and will snuggle you and smother you with kisses. “I just love you so much baby, you’re the cutest I wish I could keep you in my pocket forever.” Mikey also loves giving you cheesy love cards (like the meme formatted ones) and will leave some hidden around the house. Maybe like a couple weeks before the actual day he’ll find time and hide them and will act clueless about them. “Oh I wonder who put that there... seems he really wants you to be his valentine haha...” Mikey sees how hard you work on the pastries you make him and he decides to return the favor by making you something too. So he goes to those stores where he picks out a stuffed animal and customizes it in a way that reminds him of you. (The way you dress, accessories, etc) and will have a little recorded message inside that is him reminding you that he loves you a ton!
Chifuyu is always a nervous wreck the first week and a half of Feb. And that’s because he always tries to make this valentine’s better than the last. And he’s very keen on making each one extraordinary because he believes that his princess deserves the entire universe and all the good it has to offer. He’s so romantic, it makes Baji and Kazutora gag a little bit, but they’re always willing to help him with his endeavors. Chifuyu likes to gift you small meaningful gifts but also loves to go along with traditional gifts too. He will definitely gift you one of his hoodies that you love wearing and will spray it with cologne. He also will write you love letters about your first date, kiss, sex, etc. And he waits until you’re together to read it to you and it’s so cute because he’s literally shaking and sweating and stuttering bc it’s you and you’re looking all cute there just looking at him with heart eyes and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. Though after reassuring him with some kisses, Chifuyu is so happy to know that you loved every bit of his gifts. The day is spent with you going somewhere you haven’t been to and so yall decide to try rollerskating together! The entire time you’re both losing balance and falling over each other but it’s worth it because Chifuyu will always take the fall first so he’s your personal pillow <3 after you both start to get the hang of it, you’ll skate around while holding each others hands. Sometimes Chifuyu will glance at you and blush after realizing that you’ve been staring at his beautiful face first! Afterwards the night ends with you and him watching movies together with his mom because you both love her and want her to have a special valentines day too <3
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yeonjuns-beanie · 1 year
We need more of your dalton lambert smut pretty pleaseee 🙏
i’m working on a pt.2 to licentious affairs rn, it’ll most likely be uploaded tmrw! and then after that’s uploaded i’ll probably pump out some headcanons, and some other one shots!
thank you so much for reading!! <3
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becauseimanicequeen · 7 months
My Two Cents on White Being Non Pt. 2
I’ve previously written a post about my thoughts on White being Non and I have some additional thoughts to add to that (mainly because I’ve been thinking about Tee’s interaction with Non and White respectively throughout my day and I can’t seem to stop…).
In that post, I wrote that White’s hallucination of the boils/rash on his skin could indicate his fear of something being off-putting about his appearance and how that could be linked back to Non being called “greasy”.
The first time we see Non, walking into a classroom three years earlier, Top (being his usually charming assholish self…) exclaims that there’s no shampoo there and that Non should go home and shower instead (or something like that).
While I was thinking about this earlier today (as I was creating drips on a current abstract wip of mine), Tee and White’s shower scene in the first episode just popped into my head.
(Yes, this is how my mind works when I’m in right-brain-land.)
I feel like there’s something more to their shower scene than just a sensual rendezvous in the steam (yes, their dynamic is definitely more sensual than, for example, Phee and Jin’s, but I’ll get back to this in a sec). And I believe it has something to do with White and his insecurities.
(Btw, considering Tee’s reaction to protect White when they all watch the footage from the security camera is another indication that White is feeling vulnerable in a situation like that, and Tee knows it.)
Considering that Por suggests that Non should take a shower because he’s “greasy”, and the fact that Non’s been called “greasy” by almost everyone in that group (including Tee), I don’t think it’s very far-fetched that White (Non) don’t want to have sex with Tee with the risk of being dirty (greasy) or off-putting hanging over him. And so, they have their rendezvous in a shower.
But I also feel like there’s another aspect of this since (as I’ve read many point out) the boils/rash White sees in his hallucination show up on the area of his neck and shoulder that Tee kisses in that scene in the 1st episode. This could indicate that sex, or even touching and kissing, makes him feel dirty.
And, since I’m writing this from the perspective that White is Non, there’s a perfect explanation for this…
The video of him and Keng.
That video being filmed and uploaded onto the internet was the thing that destroyed everything for Non. It was a public humiliation. He was in a compromising and vulnerable position for the world to see and criticize. Anyone could’ve started associating sex with being dirty in a situation like that (especially after reading people’s comments on the video).
There’s also the fact that he was groomed and coerced into having sex with Keng, which could’ve also made Non feel dirty. But having it on display for the world to see, that’s on a whole other level.
In other words, White’s (Non’s) hallucination of the boils/rash makes sense based on this.
But, let’s get to another point by going back to Tee and White's shower scene.
This scene is really beautiful and you can sense the vulnerability (especially since White is often shown having his arms and hands close to his own chest, which can be an indication of wanting to protect oneself). This scene is also very much in contrast to Phee and Jin’s scene in the same episode. Phee and Jin’s dynamic is more sexual while Tee and White’s dynamic is more sensual.
What’s interesting about the topic of sensuality, though, is that there’s another relationship that has a sensual dynamic. The relationship between Phee and Non. The short montage (in episode 7) showing the start of their relationship and their interactions throughout that episode definitely show a sensual dynamic between the two.
(Sure, Non doesn’t show any sign of feeling insecure or vulnerable in Phee’s company, but Phee doesn’t know Non as “greasy” like Tee does, so this could explain that difference. But if we’re just looking at the sensual vibe, it’s definitely there in both relationships.)
And what’s the common denominator: Non.
(Also, let’s not forget that little moment of Jin being absolutely captivated by Non when they’re editing the movie. There’s definitely something about Non that’s very captivating to all these bitches, which I’m planning on further developing in another post. But, I digress…)
If what I’ve already written isn’t enough, there’s also the fact that both are intelligent.
Non was the one who answered Keng (with a correct answer) when Keng asked them to solve the equation he’d written on the board. Non also had all the correct answers on the test he got back from Keng.
And what does White offer Tee in the backstory they showed us in the 11th episode? He offers to tutor Tee because White’s a smart little bee. He might play two years younger, but his intellect is not (not that it’s a feat being smarter than Tee, but I digress…).
Not to forget that we have, time and time again, seen White find the clues and information at the house. He’s, at the very least, as smart as Non. And, no wonder (since he is Non).
Are all these similarities between Non and White a mere coincidence? It’s possible.
Am I reading too much into this? Most likely.
Am I delulu? Yes. But I choose to be. At least when it comes to certain things (like DFF theories).
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Two items of note:
First, I finally finished the cover to MariPav Arc 2! (After already uploading Ch.5 Pt.1) I only redesigned Gryll’s costume, oh, about six times. I’ll probably redesign it a seventh but this’ll work for now...
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And secondly... Marionettes’ Pavane is now up on AO3! 
I thought it would be useful to have a backup location for it / a place to read the whole thing in one go. I’ve also added fresh chapter notes to the end of each chapter, as that’s a thing you can do there!
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nutal · 4 months
C, E, and J from the fanfic asks:)
oooo alright alright so!
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic?]
You didn’t insert any fic name haha so I’ll just do all of the ones I’ve uploaded.
-Hurt Like Hell, Heal Like Heaven: This one was actually originally the title of a South Park fic I never finished like years ago with a very different storyline and one day while I was scrolling through my notes app, I saw it, saw the title and thought that it’d make a great title for the fic I was currently working on instead! So, I took that title, and ended up using it for that! Like repurposing it kinda lmfao
-Stupid, Beautiful Cause: Describing Lute’s feelings towards Adam in the title. Like he was the cause for all the weird ways she started feeling and acting, and it was so stupid but… damn beautiful at the same time
-Vermillion: This was based off of the title of a Slipknot song I listened to A LOT while writing this. The actual title of that one was “Vermillion Pt. 2” but I simplified it, haha. I listened to a lotta Slipknot in general in the process of this, but I feel like this one fit the most due to the title itself describing the color of Adam’s demon wings and also the lyrics remind me of how Adam probably looks at Lute after he realizes he’s a demon. Thinking he’s not gonna be accepted but still holds her so dear to his heart!!
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
In general, I identify with a lot of different characters for various reasons. Like Nicole from Co09, Olive Penderghast from Easy A, Kim Pine from SPVTW, and Max from ST. (There’s prob more) In terms of the ones I’ve actually written fanfiction about though, I lowkey relate to both Lute and Adam at the same time LMFAO. In general, I think I’m pretty sarcastic/snarky for the most part, just getting a kick out of messing with people (not in a bad way i promise its all in good fun unless theyre a legitimate asshole) though at the same time it also seems like I’m very done with everything some days. Other days though, I can be off my sht if you get me pumped, and I fucking love metal dude. I think pretty much all my fics are somewhat self-indulgent in ways, like essentially describing my ideal dynamics/processing certain situations and stuff. So there’s that!
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
CLASSIC HURT/COMFORT! And yes, all of my fics posted as of now are exactly that. But at the same time, I dig a solid band AU or just two characters having the absolute times of their lives together, acting like idiot assholes just doing dumb shit they know they’re gonna regret the next morning, but, eh! To hell with it! Oh and I’m also a sucker for some level of intimacy in all fics. That just hits!
Thank you for the ask :)
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
Going to School with Ranboo!|| 📌
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[i was going to answer this but i was a big dummy dum dum and accidentally deleted the ask bUT I REMEMBERED YOU DEAR ANON]
irl / in-game
Genre| fluff and (minor) angst
h e a d-c a n n o n s||
You and Ranboo go to school together, so have some scenarios and thoughts about it!!
Artist| grapeichie on twitter!!
warnings| bullying, stress, swearing
Note: you are a streamer in this!! You are also in the SMP!
optional platonic or romantic!!
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- so going to school with Ranboo is both amazing and weird. You two have tons of stories of the dumb shit that happened there.
- Nobody will ever find Y/N and Ranboo far apart, even if you guys dont share classes one of you will randomly appear and at this point no one questions it
- Both of you meeting up at eachothers classroom/locker to walk together to your next destination
- Both of you helping eachother with schoolwork, Ranboo would totally tutor you in any subject you struggle with. Both of you go to his house but you two end up getting bored, so he does a Facecam stream with you in the background vibing. (It was so much fun)
- You guys are both the teacher’s favorites and least favorites. You both add so much life to the school but thats the exact problem.
- Y/N: haha look at that high waisted man he got feminine hips!!
That Poor Teacher:
- I can totally imagine some kids in your school being invested in the SMP and both of you just nervously sweat in the background. Bonus points if ya’ll’s friends are into it so its just absolute panic
- You trying to help him not be awkward, especially when it comes to talking to new people. I can totally see like a new girl trying to talk to him and he just panics, so you have to step in and explain and help the poor boy out.
- You two are like,, inseparable. Like literally rarely does anyone see you guys apart. So this kinda urks some people who have crushes on him, or literally just your stereotypical bully.
- So one day while you we’re grabbing things for your next class, someone slammed against the locker next to yours, slamming yours shut in the process.
“Well well well, if it isnt the clingy one. Im surprised your not with that dork, you two practically don’t function without the other.” The guy snickered, leaning forward directly in Y/N’s face.
“And how is that any of your concern? And why does it matter?” Y/N said, standing straight up staring at the guy. “Because your fucking pathetic, thats why. Your useless without him and both of us know it.” He spat, pushing Y/N to the floor with a thud, they’re books crashing to the ground around them. Snickers could be heard from around them, as well as gasps and ‘oh-no’s’.
“Awww whatcha gonna do now, freak? You gonna go cry to that loser? Because i have a better idea. Your gonna shut up, and if not, he gets hurt.” The boy said, picking Y/N up by the collar of they’re shirt, and soon slamming them back into the lockers. All he did was laugh and walk away, muttering “pathetic, good for nothing freak.”
- You went home by yourself that day, usually Ranboo walks you home so you two can hangout, but you were nowhere to be seen. This went on for 2 weeks, and you practically avoided him at all costs, not wanting him to get hurt.
- But when he walked into school one day and saw Y/N being harassed by a group of people, he surely wasn’t the one hurt.
“Awww, cant move?” One said, twisting Y/N’s wrist even more, bruising they’re arm as they whimpered in pain. “Awww i think they’re gonna cry!!” Someone else chimmed in, one girl quickly said “better take a picture of this before the moments gone.” As she giggled, snapping a photo of you in the middle of being bullied.
“Delete it, and leave.” Ranboo said, looking down at the three who were currently tormenting you. You looked so sad yet happy, but you knew what was about to happen. “I thought i fucking told you not to tell him, guess your getting it.” The guy said, kicking your stomach and slamming you against the lockers.
You never in your wildest dreams expected Ranboo to punch someone, he was so sweet and charismatic, very passive and neutral. But now, your bully laid on the floor, a bloody nose, and Ranboo towering over him. “Dont. Touch. Them.” Ranboo snarled, leaning down and looking at the bully directly in the eyes.
- A fight soon broke out, leaving one guy with a black eye, bloody nose and a bruised arm and shoulder. Ranboo got suspended, but you left with him, not wanting to be at school and instead with him.
- While walking home he stopped, pulled off his white and black hoodie, put it on you, and soon enveloped you in a hug. Y/N return the favor, and all he said shakily was ‘i love you’
- God no one ever fucked with Y/N again everyone was scared spineless
- The entire SMP had a ‘bruh’ moment when you two told them. Of course Techno was very happy about Ranboo beating some kids up.
- But like back to happy stuff,,
- Kahoot? Idk if you guys play it in school but i do, and both you and Ranboo are such a power duo in Kahoot games
- Trading each others lunch because thats what duo’s like you two do, share with the homies
- Both of you being referees in sports because if other wise someone is going to accidentally get hurt
- You having to walk Ranboo to the nurses office after he got hit in the face with a basketball.
- The librarian does not like the fact you two cannot be quiet. You both are constantly cracking up and can never keep it down
- I know for a FACT one of you got your hands on the teacher’s computer, and i know one of you are playing memes during class while your Teacher is screeching
- All your teachers think both of you are cheating because you have synced brains and get every single answer the exact. same.
- Pulling some kind of huge end of the year prank
- Both of you speaking in zoomer language and not even your classmates have any idea what your saying
- I can see both of you accidentally writing/typing ‘pog’ into a essay/class assignment and your teacher being VERY confused
- Blasting fan-made songs about both of your guys characters and everyone liking them, and both of you are just giggling and smiling because they dont know
- Your friend group see you two doing something and they’re just like “ah shit, here we go again”
- Both of you going to school events only to ensue chaos and be idiots
- On the first day one of you getting lost and the other having to go fetch the other one
- Both of you crashing at the others house to study but it probably didnt go well
- You two are honestly just encased in your own little shared bubble, just vibing and being yourselves
- i feel like this is going on forever and most of it was just angst so I’ll go ahead and cut this off lol
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Okay but in all seriousness i hope this was not total shit and actually pleasant to read. Idk i just feel like this bad
Anyways I promise I’ll get to working on pt. 2 of dad wilbur but i have some other requests i need to work on. But in the meantime simp for Ranboo and Wilbur okay bye
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dany-is-my-queen · 3 years
Born To Be Yours | Part Xl
Sansa Stark x Fem! Baratheon! Reader (Daenerys Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader eventually) 
Season 1-8
Word Count: 1,375
Note: Hey guys!! It’s been a year since I started this series and I was really excited to continue, I really was. But months flew by and my life began to take a different course, now, I can’t make promises that I’ll be uploading soon again, though I will try if I have time to spare and my imagination cooperates :) Hope you enjoy this chapter! And thank you all for your patience, it’ll be rewarded!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9 Pt.10
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Months have flew by way too fast. And now you were feeling more confident around the northern lady and your family. You’d keep her from any harm they would try to inflict on her no matter the consequences, yet you were cautions cause Joffrey was still so damn annoying. Though since Margaery arrived to the capital she has been keeping him rather distracted.
“Because the truth is always either terrible or boring.”
“Am I boring?” You approached Sansa from behind, daintily kissing her cheek.
“Not at all.” She answered with a broad simper.
“You shouldn’t be too obvious in plain sight.” Shae subtly advised.
“You are right. We should be more careful.” You peered up to see if the guards were staring your way, when you confirmed they were not you stole a kiss on her silky lips. She giggled.
“Have a lovely day. I’ll meet you later. My grandfather requested my presence.” It was true... Tywin wanted to speak privately with you, and you sort of imagined why.
“I’ll be waiting for you.”
“My ladies.” You winked playfully at Sansa before walking away.
“You really like her, don’t you?” Shae asked Sansa well knowing the answer to her own question.
“She is perfect.” She let out a love sigh.
“You trust her?”
“The princess has always treated me with respect. I always dreamed with a handsome knight or a sweet prince, then I met her and she is far more better than any of that.” Sansa confessed.
“She seems to be a good girl.” Lord Baelish approached the two women.
“Lovely day for it. May I speak with lady Sansa alone for a moment?” Shae stood up and walked back to Ros.
“I saw your mother not long ago. She’s very eager to see you. And your sister.” He commented.
“Arya’s alive?”
“Oh yes. Indeed she is. But... I’ve noticed you’ve grown quite attached to princess Y/N.” He chose carefully his words.
“I have. She is and extraordinary friend.” Sansa added. “I’m very lucky to be her friend.”
“You are. I’m waiting for word on an assignment that will take me far away from the capital. When I set sail, I might be able to bring you with me. But you’d need to be ready to leave on a moment’s notice.” Sansa widen her eyes. She didn’t really want to leave now... did she? After all she knew she’ll never be truly free here.
“I... I’m not sure if that’s a wise idea, Lord Baelish.” She conflicted admitted.
“And why’s that? Other than the risks it involves of course.”
“Well, as I said before, King’s Landing is my home now. It has good things despite the corruption.” Only Y/N, she thought.
“All right then. The offer stands, my lady. Keep it in mind.” He turned around to leave Sansa wondering if she’d abandon you to return home or staying here by your side.
“You are glowing, granddaughter of mine.”
Tywin was jotting down something with a quill. “Is there a boy already?” It sounded more like a statement rather than a question. You tried not blush as Sansa’s picture coming to your mind.
“Mmm... no. There is not a... boy.” You concluded kinda nervous.
“If there is not then you should be looking for a suitable swain. I reckon you have many admirers waiting to receive your attention.” He said with a serious tone. Does he really mind? Of course he does. He wants to get a hold of another loyalty for House Lannister. “Many lords would give their whole lands to marry you. And we might need that.”
“But that’s not what I need.” You responded nonchalantly. It was true. All you truly needed and longed for was the love of someone who valued you. And you already found that in a northern lass. You knew he disapprove entirely your “reckless” choices, same as your mother. You’d fight back and won’t allow them to throw you into some random man’s arms.
You stepped inside Joffrey’s dining table. You always enjoyed to hang with the Tyrell siblings, but now that she’s engaged to your brother... you wonder how she’s been managing to handle him. After all, she’s one of the cleverest persons you know.
“Margaery does a great deal of work with the poor back in Hightgarden. I’ve heard Y/N do charity for the poor here as well.” Loras commented. You nodded. The soon to be queen smiled softly your way.
“The lowest among us are no different from the highest if you give them a chance and approach them with an open heart.” You mirrored her act.
“An open heart is what you’ll get in Flee Bottom if you’re not careful, my dear. Not long ago, we were attached by a mob there. We had a full complement of guards that didn’t stop them. The king barely escaped his life.” You hid your smirk.
“My mother’s always had a penchant for drama. Facts become less and less important to her as she grows older. Our lives were never truly in danger.” You rolled your eyes at his lies.
“Oh but they were. You didn’t even care about sending the guards to get lady Sansa back to the Keep. A king is supposed to ensure the safety of all the ones that are in need. You seem to keep failing on that, big brother.” You sensed his furious glare upon you.
“Who cares about her anyway.” You clenched your jaw tightly. Loras and Margaery keep their eyes on their dinner.
There was an awkward pause as the main course was brought to the table. The rest of the evening was all about the same. Joffrey flaunting about his “bravery” and Cersei flattering him all along. Margaery showing off a wide smile at his non sense.
You strolled to your room exhausted after training with the bow and horse-riding with little Tommen. Before that you decided to pay a visit to Sansa’s chambers. You knocked the door twice and she beamed with delight.
“I hope it isn’t too late to stop by.”
“No, I was about to get under the sheets. Perhaps you can join me?” She suggested with a gaily grin. You chuckled. Seeing Sansa being so... awfully bold was so nice and pure. Being around you made her forget about the fact she’s a prisoner. It didn’t matter as much when you were together.
“I’d love that.” You entered the room, holding her by the waist and leading both of you to the bed.
“How was your day then?” You smoothly asked. She tossed to be face to face with you.
“Actually, it was wonderful! Ser Loras escorted me to the gardens with Lady Margaery and Lady Olenna. They were very kind to me. We had lunch together and chatted for a while.”
“That sounds lovely, my lady. I’ve always consider Lady Olenna as the grandmother I never had. She knows me since I was a baby. Now that they are here I’ve been reminiscing about the good old days when we wouldn’t stop joshing Loras about me beating him on a single duel. We were so young back then... I’ll always hold dear those moments. He may be moody and brash at times, still, he is complete gentleman. Water’s sometimes thicker than blood. That’s for sure.” The Tyrells were your second family, they welcomed you with open arms and never once judge you. Unlike your own blood, with exceptions of course.
“Back in Winterfell I was so focused on learning how to properly be a lady and all that, that I missed many things... I should’ve been closer to Robb, Arya, even Jon. I was mean.” Sansa’s voice cracked.
“Don’t lose faith, Sansa. I know it’s too much to ask for but life takes unexpected turns.” You brushed one of her ginger locks with your right hand.
“I found a new home.” She whispered lightly. “Not Kings Landing. Not this castle. You.” She unhurriedly closed her crystal eyes. Your heart was at her mercy, that was a fact. You caressed gently her cheek and sealed the night with the most tender kiss anyone could dream of.
“You are my home too, my love.” You breathed against her lips.
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Love is all you need
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Love is all you need (Caring BAU!Reader pt 1)
Idea: Being the youngest in the bau but the caring concerned one of the team. Getting Reid to drink water throughout the day. Giving Hotch your noise cancelling headphones when you first notice his ears bugging him after the explosion. Staying with Penelope after she gets hurt, etc.
Requested: Nope.  @halloween-is-my-nationality​ This was not the spencer idea I had that I said I would write.  I have three more already in my drafts, but I thought you would appreciate this.  
Author’s Note:  I’m working my first 12 hr night shift tomorrow.  Please give me strength.  I’m not the best at making titles. I really want to make a pt 2 for the rest of the members, but these were the ideas I had initially.  Tell me if you want a pt 2/what scenes I could use.  Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new.
Warning: Spoilers based on episodes (I think through mid season 3.  The spoilers are in Hotch and Penelope’s part).  Mentions of shooting, being shot, and injuries. 
Word Count: 1,605
It may have been your previous job as a psychiatric nurse and your love for sherlock and crime stuff that led you to your current job in the BAU, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.  However, the nurse in you still has learned to always be prepared for any situation. Carry extra bandages, ibuprofen, a jacket, pants, extra anything in case something happens or you can't find what you need when you need it. If you didn't have what you needed, you made it work with what you had. You were no different when you joined the BAU. You most likely had whatever anyone on the team needed at any time. You only did this kind of behavior for those you cared about and the BAU became your extended family very quickly.  Since you all delt with psychotic killers, there needed some support system that could truly help keep your heads above water during the times when you’re not working.   The BAU family was very good at looking out for their own.  Therefore, this was your way of paying them back.  
Of course you had your to-go duffel bag for cases, but you kept anything extra that may be needed in a backpack you kept with you most of the time (well, anything except sensitive documentation that anyone can steal at any time and weapons, but extra knives and other things you still had on you). You always made sure to have your bag either in the SUV, at the police station, or on your back.  It was something you never went anywhere without.  Some could call it possessive, but you liked being prepared to care for those who took care of you.  
How you would help the team was a little challenging.  You were all profilers, you were ment to look for behaviors and interpret them into results. You knew of the unspoken rule profilers is to not profile eachother, however, they can forget that they have their own obvious behaviors that you've picked up, if something is going on. 
For instance, caffeine was a necessity to you all, with the crazy hours and multiple time zone flights that you all worked, how could it not be. However, you saw that Spencer would drown himself in coffee and get frequent headaches when he tried to focus on the case throughout the day. That's when you decided to intervene. When you saw his coffee cup empty at one point you offered to get a refill for the both of you. But instead of coming back with coffee, you came back with two ice waters in those tall cups.  You thought it may make him feel better and less secluded if you followed the habit you were trying to get him into.
"Y/n, this is not coffee." God he is so cute when he not trying to be.
"I know. You don't get anymore coffee until you drink two of those." You could hear Emily snicker from her desk as you sat back at yours across from Spencer. It was the middle of the day, you were both awake enough to not need anymore caffeine for a while.
"You know I can give you facts and statistics of how caffeine helps performance?" He's trying to get out of this one with logic. Not today pretty boy.  You leaned in as not to yell and looked in his caramel chocolate eyes.  Derek may be a hunk of dark chocolate, but I prefer those caramel chocolate eyes that you could swim in for hours endlessly.  Focus. 
"You know I can see the symptoms of your headaches as evidence by your frequent eye squints and head holding related to your dehydration from the diuretic effects of the caffeine." He stares at me mouth open, lost for words for once.  I broke the eye contact with him trying to be nice about the situation.  "I'm just trying to take care of you and make sure your okay." Even if I did whisper that part, I'm pretty sure he could hear me. 
"You're right. I need to drink more water." Spender said as he took a sip of the water I just gave him and then went back to doing his paperwork. Never would I thought I'd live to the day where Dr. Spencer Reid said I was right.
The next time it happened, you've fully realized you've become the prepared mom of the team. It was the case after the almost terrorist attack where Hotch was really close to that car explosion. I honestly didn't know how he didn't become deaf Hawkeye being that close to it.  You saw that he kept putting his head in his hands like he had a headache, but you knew Hotch drank water and was very on top of his health, so it wasn't that.  The moment where it clicked in your mind that his ears were bothering him, was when a gun was fired next to his head toward the end of that case.  He covered his ears and buried his head into your body in pain as the rest of the team took care of the unsub.  
"Spence. Go to the car and get me my backpack."
Having a trust that you knew what to do in these situations, Spencer didn't question you. He went and got your backpack from the car and brought it back to where you were on the ground with Hotch curled in your arms crying in pain. You looked at the rest of the team handling the sceen so you can stop being in FBI-agent-mode. You unzipped your backpack with one arm and pulled out your construction headphones that you use when you need to focus or block out the world. However, Hotch needs it more than you right now.
You put them on over his ears and you sat there for 10 minutes at least with his head in your shoulder and you stroking his hair to keep his mind off of the pain he must be feeling.
You shooed everyone else off to finish up at the crime scene and so Aaron wouldn't have to lift his head to see his whole team/family staring at him. You knew he wouldn't like the attention. 
He raised his head and gave you a nod saying 'thank you' and that the pain was starting to subside. 
“Fuck that dude!”  That basically summarized it all.  Fuck the dude who dared to shoot the ray of sunshine that was Penelope Garcia.  Like I understand that he shot her because she was going to expose the dirty work he was doing, but still fuck him.  You were with Penelope and Spencer watching the cameras of the BAU when that idiot of a guy thought he could hold up the FBI with a pistol.  This is literally the place where everyone is trained in guns, fighting, and reading the mind and body language of a person.  Like, how bad of an idiot could you be.  To be fair, the only thing I admired about him was willing to go down with his ship.  He deserved the bullets JJ put in him.  The fact that he is dead is the only good thing that happened for Penelope.  That way she wouldn’t have to worry about him getting out on parole or anything, even if there was plenty of evidence that would probably get him life behind bars.  
For the next few weeks you refused to be anywhere else besides next to Penelope.  She even suggested you go home or to work, so did Hotch.  You still refused.  You stayed at her house because you know how going back to the scene where something tragic happened could trigger bad memories in someone.  You stayed at the BAU in the Batcave while the rest of the team did the field work on cases and you slept at Penelope’s appartment.  “Y/n I’m fine.  You don’t have to be by my side anymore.  As much as you know I love you, you don’t have to be here.”   
“This is my last case I will be sitting back from.  From here out I will be going with the team for the field work.  I just wanted to stick around and make sure you are doing ok.  There’s only so much work you can bury yourself in, and only so many sparkly inanimate objects you can talk to.”  I looked up at her while her body still faced her screens, and she was crying silently.  Tears streaked down and dragged the purple eyeshadow she had on with it.  She tucked her head into the crook of my shoulder and hugged me with everything she had.  God you never want anything bad to happen to her.  She is too pure for this world.  
“Thank you for staying here with me, for staying at my place.  I don’t think I would be this comfortable existing again so soon after it happened without you being here for all the breakdowns, scared moments, flashbacks, and adjustments.”  You ran your fingers through her hair getting out all the tangles as well as calming her.  
“Don’t let your opinion of men who will be with you stoop to that level.  Your man will treat you like the queen you are.  Keep on believing that.” You both stayed like that the rest of the evening until you packed up for Penelope’s apartment.  
Something no criminal or incident could ever take away from you.  Your love and care you have for your team members as you navigate the craziness that is your lives.  
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lilchibi-chan · 3 years
Kenma x Black Fem! Reader Pt 2
Pt 1 (this part does contain NSFW so 18+ please)
Genre: Fluff
Content: cuddles, video game fun, flirty/cute Kenma
It’s the next morning and you wake up at Kenma’s. You and him ended up having a sleep over last night after the events.
You decide to make some breakfast and you take out ingredients to make waffles. You look in Kenma’s fridge to see if there’s any fruit and he just so happens to have strawberries.
You take the strawberries out and clean them in the sink. You cut them up and then place them in a bowl. Once finished, you put them back in the fridge and get started on mixing your waffle ingredients.
You plug in the waffle iron, so that it can heat up while you mix the ingredients together.
You pour the batter onto the iron and wait for it to cook. You decide to turn on the tv and watch some Netflix while you wait for the waffles that are currently cooking.
As your back is turned to take the waffles off the iron, you feel arms wrap around your waist.
“Good morning beautiful,” he says in a soft, low voice
“Good morning,” you say in response
Kenma kisses you on the cheek and rests his head on your shoulders, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
“You’re very cuddly this morning,” you say
“I missed waking up to you this morning, so now I’m getting all the cuddles I missed this morning,” he says
You let out a small laugh and softly scratch his head
“I’ll let you finish up in here,” he says, then goes to sit in the living room
You finally finish making the waffles and take the strawberries out of the fridge, along with some whip cream. You head to the pantry and take out some syrup.
“Breakfast is ready,” you say in a beckoning tone
Kenma gets up from the couch and joins you in the kitchen. He helps you set the table and pulls your chair out for you to sit.
He takes his and serves you your waffles before taking his.
“What do you wanna do today, kitten,” he asks you, mouth slightly full
“I don’t know….I kinda wanted to play some Genshin impact today and maybe we can watch some anime as well,” you say
“Sounds like a plan. After breakfast, we can do whatever you want to,” he says
“Ken, you’re so sweet,” you say, gushing over his words
“I just want to give you my undivided attention today,” he says, taking your hand into his and caressing your knuckles
After you finished, Kenma cleared the table and did the dishes.
You went to sit in the living room, on the couch and brought a blanket with you just in case you got cold.
Kenma turned on his PS4 and handed you the remote, then joined you on the couch.
You decide to lay down in his lap and he starts caressing your forehead.
You look up at him, giving him a content smile.
“Beautiful,” he says, giving you a small smile
He leans down and kisses you on the lips.
You turn your attention back towards the tv and wait the game to load up.
Kenma starts massaging your scalp, causing you to feel super relaxed as you play.
It’s a couple of hours later and you feel yourself start to drift off to sleep.
“Kenma,” you say sleepily
“Yes, kitten,” he says, still massaging your scalp
“Let’s go take a nap,” you say, causing a small laugh to escape from him
“Of course,” he says
You sit up, allowing him to get up from the couch.
You stand on the couch and tell Kenma to carry you to his room.
He gladly obliges an carries you down the hall, to his room.
He lays you down in bed and goes over to his side to lay down with you.
You both get comfortable, Kenma cuddling you as he always does when you sleep together.
“Thank you Kenma,” you say
“For what, baby,” he asks inquisitively
“Just for being a great boyfriend. You’re the best and I don’t feel like I tell you enough. I appreciate you so much,” you say, before yawning
“Kitten, you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to have you in my life. You make me so happy and the least I can do is give you the same feeling in return,” he says honestly
You turn to face him and kiss him passionately.
He pulls you close and rests his head on top of yours.
His heart beat, combined with his body heat and the warmth of the blanket, caused you to fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispers, as your light breaths fill the room
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Art by Arca_Vyn on Twitter
I have been working in this part two for a while! I hope y’all enjoyed it and I can’t wait to upload my next post!! I’m deciding between a Bakugou and Dabi post, but I’m not sure. I’ll probably whichever I finish first tbh 😂
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