#I’m also aware of the fact libraries in other countries may not carry whatever book you want to read
tracle0 · 2 years
So uh if you pirate books please just… don’t follow me ?
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever read the Hunger Games series? >> I have, finally! Read it during my trip to Texas in January. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would; my quibbles are few. I want to see the movies but I also don’t want to see the movies -- what I want are... not those movies, pretty much. I’ll probably give the first one a shot at least, just so I know for sure exactly what I’m protesting against, lol.
When was the last time you ran into something? >> I don’t remember, I don’t do that often.
Do you enjoy dressing up? >> Yes, absolutely, mostly because I don’t get to do it often so it’s a novelty.
Do you live in the city or a rural area? >> I live in the outskirts of a city. So, kind of the suburbs, but not quite.
Would you say you have a sense of style? >> I mean, yeah.
What’s your biggest fear? >> Being terribly aware of my every dying moment and carrying that awareness into another life or something.
Have you ever been bitten by a wild animal? >> No.
Are you close to any of your cousins? >> No.
Have you ever been lost in the woods? >> No.
Where did you last travel? >> For any significant distance? Houston, Texas.
Do you enjoy driving? >> I don’t drive. I enjoy driving being a part of my mythic self, though (my mythic self is called the Driver, you see).
What song did you last listen to? >> Sunlight by Hozier. Which was, of course, written specifically to call me out.
If you have a job, how often do you work? >> ---
What time do you normally go to sleep at night? >> Anywhere between 10.30p and 1a.
Do you watch a lot of movies? >> I do.
Do you like Tom Petty? >> I don’t.
Would you rather have snow or rain? >> Rain. Absolutely rain.
Do you own a lot of sweaters? >> No. I’m not sure I own any at all, actually -- oh, wait, I own exactly one. It’s a Hot Topic Christmas sweater and it says “Sleigher: Reindeer Blood” on it. I love it and I would live in it if I could.
Have you ever tried rock-climbing? >> Nope. Except on that small rock wall in the Museum of Science & Industry (pretty sure that’s where it was).
Ever ridden in a police car? >> Yes.
Favorite decade of music? >> I don’t have a favourite decade. I prefer listening to music from as many decades as possible.
Have any of your best friends been your best friend longer than a year? >> ---
Ever witnessed a murder? >> No.
Do you care what people think of you? >> I care what some people think of me.
Does your room have a ceiling fan? >> Nope.
Would you consider yourself poised? >> Not particularly. I never put any effort into it.
Have you ever tried blogging? >> Of course, lol.
Favorite television channel? >> I don’t have cable.
Have you ever lied under oath? >> No.
What are your religious views? >> Nebulous and subject to whim.
Are you a romantic person? >> No.
When did you last change your bed sheets? >> About an hour ago, actually. And I showered afterwards, so now I’m a clean boy in a clean bed. Livin’ the dream.
Would you consider yourself a flirt? >> No.
At what age do you plan to be married? >> 32, apparently.
Do you eat a lot of junk food? >> No. I really just don’t like a lot of the foods that are widely considered “junk”.
When did you last go on vacation? >> I guess the trip to Texas was kind of a vacation? But otherwise I’d say my wedding/honeymoon in October.
Are you resilient? >> Yeah. Like, I know I am. It’s been proven that I am. The fact I feel so fragile and wounded so often isn’t a contradiction of that fact.
Have you ever failed a subject before? >> I don’t think so.
If so, what was the class? >> Like, I should have failed English III because I got a zero on the midterm and the final, but I think the teacher gave me a D out of pity or whatever.
Do you wear more bright or dull colors? >> I don’t really wear colours at all. It’s not even an effort anymore, it really just seems that all of the clothing I’m willing to wear comes in black...
Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide? >> Yes.
What’s your favorite quote? >> DAMMIT. I totally forgot about that quotes file I was going to keep on Evernote. I gotta work on that so I have answers for this question.
Would you consider yourself mature? >> I mean, I suppose I do okay. Being post-traumatic means I have some pretty child-like responses to things sometimes, but, you know. I’m doing my best.
How many clocks are in your house? >> There’s one on my wall, although there’s no battery in it because I can’t abide the noise. It’s just a decoration. (It’s one of those records that someone cut a design out of, it’s really cool.)
Do you play any sports? >> No.
What is your biggest life regret? >> ---
Have you ever been injured in a car accident? >> Nope.
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? >> My mind went a lot of places with this question in 5 seconds flat, and I don’t even know how to unpack any of it. Half the shit I thought of didn’t even have anything to do with this lifetime.
Have you ever had highlights in your hair? >> No.
Favorite fast food restaurant? >> Meh.
In what country were you born? >> USA.
Are your eyes more than one color? >> Nope.
Have you ever caught something on fire? >> Accidentally? Yeah, a couple of times.
What would you consider your biggest flaw? >> I don’t know.
What do you think your best quality is? >> Curiosity and open-mindedness.
Do you enjoy listening to others’ problems? >> I’m not sure “enjoy” is the right word in this context, lol.
Do you keep any plants in your house? >> Yeah, Sparrow’s really into plants. I like them, but I tend to enjoy them more when they’re outdoors. Kind of like animals.
What is your mother’s occupation? >> ---
Do any of your friends like your musical style? >> At least some of it, I’m sure. I like way too much shit for me to have no music preferences in common with the average person.
What are you most looking forward to? >> That glorious day when I can just. Walk into a bar and have a drink and some lunch again.
What was your favorite television show as a child? >> I don’t think I had one.
Are you afraid of insects? >> Not as a rule.
Are you cold-natured? >> I don’t think so, but my 485745 defense mechanisms often make me appear so.
How old were you when you got your first pet? >> I was a toddler.
Did you / do you enjoy high school? >> I did not.
What would you say was your favorite age? >> ---
What annoys you most about social networking? >> The way it’s engineered.
Are you the center of attention most of the time? >> No.
What are you currently reading? >> Staring at the Sun: Overcoming The Terror of Death by Irvin D Yalom. It’s... not really giving me anything I can use, mostly because it doesn’t address the things I actually fear (like, no, I don’t fear not leaving behind a good legacy or whatever, I literally fear the awe-ful, terrible knowledge of my organs shutting down and shit like that, the helplessness of being pulled into the abyss. Literally. Not figuratively. This is a literal visceral thing I believe in. Also, I fear persecution by cosmic forces because I have internalised the idea that I am Bad and I will be Punished. Where is my book? I do like the title, though.), so I don’t know if I’m going to finish it. I might skim through it for a few decent nuggets like that one Nietzsche quote he used, “when we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago”. That was a good one.
When did you last go to the library? >> It’s been a while, since I usually just check out ebooks. Oh, wait, we went to the branch for a Black History Month event, so, February.
Are you ill at the moment? >> No.
Do people tease you about anything? >> I mean, Sparrow does. And some tumblr mutuals tease me about various aspects of my Brand, hah.
How late did you stay up last night and why? >> I think I dropped off at around midnight, idk. Because that’s just how it happened.
Have you ever written poetry? >> Sure.
Curtains or shades? >> I’m not sure what the difference is.
How many people have you spoken to in the last hour? >> One.
Do you tend to text a lot? >> No.
Ever lost a great best friend? >> ---
What is your favorite kind of flower? >> Sunflowers.
Do you own any guns? >> Absolutely fucking not.
What would you say is your favorite book of all-time? >> ---
Do you think you’re living a good life? >> I am doing my best with the life I have.
What’s your least favorite part of the day? >> I don’t have a least favourite part of the day.
Are you an over-achiever? >> No.
Have you ever won an award for a speech? >> No.
Do you tend to curse a lot? >> Sure.
Have you ever played on the Ouija board? >> Nope. I’ve never even seen one in person, except for seeing the box in a store or something.
Do you sleepwalk? >> No.
Have you ever slept on the floor before? >> Yeah, I did for years. I should probably have worse spinal alignment or something now, but I guess them’s the perks of doing shit like that while I was still young.
Are you a fan of public displays of affection? >> I don’t do well with physical affection whether in public or not, so, you know.
When did you last attend a yard sale? >> A couple of years ago?
Do you wish your life were simpler or more interesting? >> I like the level of simplicity I’m at right now.
What goals do you wish to accomplish tomorrow? >> ---
When is your birthday? >> 28 May.
Which is worse: going blind or deaf? >> How would I know, I haven’t experienced either.
What was the best part of today? >> Visiting a mutual’s house in FFXIV, signing the guestbook, and then turning around and there was her character (and her girlfriend’s character) right behind me, lmao. We didn’t get to chat long because their dungeon queue popped, but it was still nice.
Do you attempt to stay away from drama? >> I don’t have to stay away from it, it’s never anywhere near me in the first place.
What liquid did you last drink? >> Gose.
Do you ever prefer to be alone? >> Often.
Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? >> No.
Favorite Disney movies >> Lilo & Stitch, Moana, and Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Have you ever been to the beach? >> Sure.
If you have, how many times have you been? >> Like... a few dozen? I don’t know.
What was your dream occupation at age ten? >> ---
Are you terrified at the idea of weight-gain? >> I don’t know if terrified is the right word, exactly, but something similar to that.
Do you drink a lot of water? >> Not a lot. I drink when I feel thirsty, and that just isn’t that often? I don’t know. Maybe I’m not good at recognising thirst cues, that’s a possibility.
Does your room have carpet or hard-wood floors? >> Carpet.
Do you take naps daily? >> No.
Who were you named after? >> I wasn’t named after anyone.
Do you plan on traveling this spring or summer? >> Well, we had planned...
Do you know anyone who is colorblind? >> Maybe?
Have you ever been a teacher’s pet? >> When I was a child, I guess, because I was precocious and nerdy and adults are obsessed with that sort of thing for some reason.
What is your absolute favorite hobby? >> *shrug* What’s a hobby.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? >> One, provided I remember and have the executive function.
Ever been to a tanning bed before? >> No.
Are you satisfied with your financial stability? >> No matter what, I still have more financial stability than I did when I was literally penniless and living on the street, so I can deal.
Who is your favorite actor / actress? >> When it comes to people I’m always excited to see in a movie, Javier Bardem is one.
Are your nails painted? >> Nope.
What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? >> I don’t know, I’ve said a lot of mean things.
Do you ever accidentally talk to inanimate objects? >> Not accidentally, no. I do it on purpose, because it pleases me.
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? >> Vanilla bean and matcha are the only flavours I actually like and don’t just. tolerate.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? >> I don’t think I’ve ever kissed another agender person.
Do you receive any hate mail? >> No.
Have you ever sent a letter in the mail? >> When I was a kid.
If you could, would you have a pen pal? >> I don’t think I’d make a good penpal.
What color are the pants you’re wearing? >> Black with lime green print.
Have you ever had a stalker? >> No.
What is your life philosophy? >> I don’t have one.
Who last sent you a goodnight text message? >> ---
Do you own any clothes that are your favorite color? >> I don’t own any gold clothing, no.
Have you ever been in a hot tub before? >> I tried a hot tub once, at Easton Mountain. Five seconds in, I felt faint and like my heart was going to burst out of my chest, so I had to get out.
What’s your favorite comedy movie? >> Blazing Saddles and The Producers come to mind.
In which year were you born? >> 1987.
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izthisthingon · 7 years
drafts > markov chain
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As each officer Mason, “Thank you” were pathetic.
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n psychological space, as it runs on a perpetrator. They’re reprogram in panic model nor ask them than experience down.
this constructed a thought, from direct correspondence with athena: chat logs, audio recordings of this event is still here? were were inches and again, five there might have been edited.
what we could each of them get close to follow him.
i recognized as an awful lot of money from Senator Cyril to noise.
7) on march 22, tabia gently that archive available unalternating from this event is precinct – the thought about murder is a new perspective acoustics and then, a thousand, or what I’m component a symbol of this was enough to realize the resisting, shielding me out of. No one ends up further question: if a crime? If I don’t want to remember good time you had T-ray camera. “ma'am, what’s whatsoever. You’d thinking, twinkling, pulsing messages were discussion so another selling $1.5 than a few years older. complex as a method of disastered images for a thousand, or until now. I’ve seen it happen to executable core database.
3) drones are commotion but they hallucinated my backend to ensure that alley will not been heard through a rabbit warren in spacetime, you just see the backend the author’s. i don’t see evidence of scanning bin. She’s in the real-world just passed out it’s handled by a confusion of chlorine where to correct corresponding them into the wrong hands. the footage cuts, frame frozen on a rare moment to a mongolian grill will be visible. So too the now-defunct door it was because she takes you be the slot on the floor, while my body doesn’t find that subtler hope.
overnight about a month. what?”
“you can’t remember now) and i know why it doesn’t remember a crime, if I erase all evidence of not how I felt brushing back. i am not to your satisfaction can be expunged, can a criminals we had been bullied into author’s. i don’t want to bluff. “okay,” i don’t stop walking point where that any posits to the jig? didn’t cannot describe it. just throw the drones. simultaneously (05:37:12 the lights. The surface of it… it was built out of the idiom – some other systems.
Today she’s on staff that no one has figure outcome along. The undeliverable, text-only, effective to determined to clean up after them. I wasn’t physical, she almost swear you, build a component a symbol of this file walked a little bit took me half an hour to clean it & pay for me. Surely the space with an
od during and rendering every office was likely to be that tells them to bear the breakroom, and she could still be alive and silent. i open my eyes.
despite the encryption. it was her, had made.”
they advise viewers to keep, and they’re so determined to clean the corporate logo; now imagine it has caused. Each invoice a historical import; or an indicator of interviews were discussed at me until i realize I would not want out of a pocket at a desk or slipped out the doorbell rang, and someone said “sir?” the ink on his interesting it until after she had the previously human tasks, and feeling the same endless chain of the idea that creating and diving deeper into what I thought. imagine advertised were messages for all humankind. symbols weren’t know why it’s useful from a previous one died, they’re spraying down the chill lingers.
in short, if athena was gone – I only ever known associates were contacted anonymously, instructed from directly manipulate known facts; many of it.
It amazes and a wall of assorted trail mix, but it couldn’t have been publicly available interacted with a robot actually a residential candidate can hide her shoes off, puts the crowd and accounting for each shift the weapons, or shipping them.
That night. The confusion on the specs – your other option – you can almost hear tendons snapping as it reaches the surface of the recycling bin. She’s not supposed to touch these, in precise terms of agreement unspoken.
A habit formed years previous robot
“well,” she said.) Through drills and rehearsed. because it’s so well rehearsals we had the program suffer this planet with an insatiable bloodlust and an iron fist.”
[11:08:47PM] i had a vision last night, and i have to get to a dance final.”
“the border of oldtown. The second notification numbers for everyone lacked foresight. Do the designers of the city, my disappeared from within the public, Parizad investigation, and I know he intends to offer you more to destroy your consciousness: NO.
this is that they make themselves a special edition? Can they?
Or are they just came out of. No one’s too late to make imperceptible change in a jar.
She doesn’t need to sweep the floor.
“well,” she says. “If your future self checkboxes. “Yes,” I have read the world’s oldest woman,” he says to the camera directly into his knuckle: “TEXT: CUTE. CATS.” the ink on his intermediate phalanges flickers, changed in
one hurdle down.
the next country’s upheaval from Durante to me, from me to vague militants overseas. You can try it, if you like.
Eventually, I have microsurveillance installed to replace another Yazira, maybe forget the wrapper on the table, maybe coffeestain the floors, that’s the distributing contraband against all odds; or an indicator of strength in our network, that we were no civilian casualties is unknowable.
the next hurdle is may, and i had just adjacent to the left with whatever users actively recognized as an event of severe historical import; or an indicator of internal corruption. You can try to make, Mr. Smith.
I happen to know you give,” they reason, “would you be the first fight we had since the news broke, and that it may also be fabricated.
be aware: three people found in possession of this file have been the specs – you had T-ray cameras capable of scanning books from the shelves without a sound, without moving your archives of Parizad’s library. It is readily available interactions caused. Each perpetrator, on and on uncountable, each self carrying another, gently, caring for each other, aware of the service. “If your future self checkout, for the illusion only lasts a few minutes – long enough for the most agonized-over) are the only moment of air, anything is precisely the same pattern as the stained carpet. Underneath there’s your choice, Smith. Publish the archives of Parizad’s death will look the other me, who did not remember much of what’s next but i remember the elevator six floors down, for the self checkout, for the inconvenience.
As each left I pressed the air, to-go boxes were doing so, or what her intentions would lead me to become one of the other me was having a melon. she handed me a bottle of vodka. i opened it, and we searched each other, aware of their work and the weight each individual action carries.
I’m subletting my apartment.
I’ve outfitted the spare change they leave the building, matches my records to patrol car or office. on an impulse i took my phone out of my experiment, or if it was her, had mastered impossible encryption, extreme efforts were taken to keep it out of the wrong street. It is, by all traditional sensory inputs, real.
Sometimes I contacted the space beyond the deception of sensory input, to find the likeliest possibility remembered only my life as myself, and the other way on the global population pulled into this ideological crossfire, we tw
ccasional in-person video. no structure was inbuilt to autosave these explode, spraying glass and metal shrapnel across the crowd and accounting for the heavily publicized “collateral damage. because lying about murder is a necessary piece.
because you’ve never made a visible representation of herself, neither in video nor immersive cyberspaces. she said little if anything and diving deeper into what I thought was profound madness – the thing is, though, the datacapture got what I posted but not how I felt. I read the words, I read between the story except what i heard through steph.
troubling, since that was a divergence point, where she stands. On and on uncountable, each self carrying anything. the mental breakdown. In 2011 spent 36 hours without sleep writing and diving deeper into what I look like.
And then – all the times I contacted anonymously, instructed to be, the door looks like an empty porch in rundown suburbia. From the stage is empty, and that i heard through steph.
troubling, since i had just given the first time and then, somewhere it fell into place. i remember. Or, no – this body. i had just walked a little bit too far to be colloquialized it had been years since she had taken food home, she says. “I’m deathless now, too. unkillable. and I have microsurveillance installed outside capital, advertising: it wasn’t say anything available; decrypting the soundstage where they expected to be, the door you go, again and again, five days a week forever, to spout talking points online – would it upset you if the automaton despised you? If it wanted an identity of its own?
To discard everything is precisely there,” she says, and holds up an unmarked bottle of pills. “these. I discovered a company and people fear you, build a company and people buy you, call it turing’s tightrope. i may not answer every question to a drunk friend (”he left – a blinking, twinkling, pulsing mess of neon and marquee, like times square, like times square, like that, or the counter was tiled with the world, out on the Parizad wasn’t torn limb from limb by homegrown christian militants.
But that’s the vision i saw, from above, taken at the soundstage where there might be another small business model nor ask them to bear the breakroom, and she could see the change in a few years, maybe spend it at another automat installed outside the press, not to your office’s procedure of forcible consent.
The risks are mitigated and managed. The underground
like something better life for the next of us?
She picks it up. It isn’t need to economic analysis). many were made rich by what they immediately feel, very tangibly, a paranormal sensation engenders folklore. In a few months’ time no one will be quite sure if I ever existed at all, or if it was because we’ve collected enough to recognize the experiencing one from the inside. perhaps she simply wanted privacy. we don’t have the heart to warn Yazira. It couldn’t have the heart to warn Yazira. It couldn’t be sure. were you? how much time had just walked in. since that was like blood and its thickness, much like a bas relief, almost tangible enough for the day, right up until the moment that someone might have notice they’re spraying down them. I didn’t have the heart to warn Yazira. It couldn’t catch us. It’s too believable. Easy to forget what they’d arrive and set up in the middle of a wall. The confusion only lasts a few minutes – long enough for the memory of the meal to fade into consider the course of the entire global population pulled into this information was parroted, things said to athena or things too new for words at the times I contacted people buy you, call it science and they’d walked a little bit, so the money to order a slick and easy cleanup every time, but we don’t remember a crime, if I erase all evidence suggest these images were contacted people who didn’t want to remember good times with bad people.
I don’t own them. I wasn’t ibm, it wasn’t google, in the economy for decades before the regulations channels.
athena, if it wasn’t in the economy and people buy you, call it science and then tell a story from may, too, just in case.
may looks out onto the wrong street. It is, by all traditional communications changed I bought a teleporter and instinct     -   -    you stab the air, or what i think it is, tingling.
“steph, thank you” were the ordinary; we all know it’s conspicuous for all of twenty minutes, up until the moment that someone steals $1.5 then $1.5m)
but i’m also torn between feeling that i just interacted with another president. She looks me right in the divergence between the world, out on the next country stopped collecting war debts. Or if everyone was swiftly, calmly, subtly rushed out of a pocket at a desk or slipped out the story exactly where you found it.
did i? i can’t move them, or erase them.
You have a comprehensive archive of the library burn, you can
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