#And then I did buy them asap. This is a second exception to the rule I suppose
tracle0 · 2 years
So uh if you pirate books please just… don’t follow me ?
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raine-degenerate · 10 months
Soap x reader: the beginning. One shot!
reader is gender neutral! This is based on to he drabble I did for this lil man.( He could kill me)
Tw?: slight angst?? Like the average customer service issues.
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Another long damn day at the coffee shop. Hands sore from hot coffee spills and sugar suck in your finger nails. The shop is busy, but that means money so you don't complain too much. While cleaning an older man walks in and before you can even say your hellos and how are you's the old bag of bones starts barking his order at you. Standing there in shock first, before you can kindly ask him to repeat it, he yells again
"what?! Can't remember a fuckin order! Black coffee. Strong. And don't put it in a Pansy cup."
You walk up to the cash register in a daze and start putting in his request.
"what size sir?"
You speak in a sweet tone, trying to not have the ticking time bomb blow up in front of you.
"are you dumb or something?"
Before you can respond, a taller man with brown Mohawk hair places a hand on the older man's shoulder
"just get your damn coffee and get out."
You stifle a laugh before you tell the old man his order and get him out the door asap.
You walk back to the register and see the man who saved you from hell smile wide at you. Bright blue eyes shining perfectly.
"thank you by the way."
He smiles and puts his hand on the counter.
"don't mention it. Im John, whats your favorite drink here?"
After you tell him he buys two of them and pays with cash, leaving a nice tip for you. He turns away and leaves a napkin with his number on it. Smiling to yourself you start his order.
As your back is turned making the coffee you write your number on one of the cups with your name. You hand him the cups and tell him to have a great day, but before you can even go back to cleaning he speaks up
"this one's for you"
You notice he almost hands you the one with your number in it, but John quickly hands you the other one instead and smiles.
"thanks John, see ya around?"
He turns around and walks out the door. Leaving you in an empty coffee shop, with butterflies in your stomach.
Once the shops all clean and closed you walk home with a pep in your step. Feeling almost as if your on cloud nine. You feel your phone buzz and check the text.
Hey, it's John. You free tonight?
Knowing you have nothing planned except watching TV and sleeping you agree to go. He doesn't give any hints besides 'dress nice, but not too nice'. You scrounge around your closet and room before finding something decent, slacks and a t-shirt. John tells you to meet him at a local restaurant. A cute little bar and grill with a nice half fancy dining room.
As you're walking up you see John standing outside watching the traffic go by, Wearing the exact same gets up as you. You laugh to yourself and walk up to him. The second he notices you he looks at your outfit up and down and points to his.
"one of us is gonna have to change"
hello!! I just wanted to say thank you all for liking my writing and that my requests are open!! Please look at my rules for requests and I can't wait to write more 🌺
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omaskit · 4 months
Octopath Hardcore mode log 1
So I'm doing pre-session and first session in one post bc first session was on a plane. These are just going to be somethings I was thinking about before trying the challenge.
If you don't know the rules/challenge I posted them here.
Pathing. I started out as Alfyn, not for any strategic advantage but because I like Alfion and want those two to be my main pair. I'll be parring of the party so I can Lv and manage easily. My goal is to do Tressa's and Cyrus in one go and then follow Cyrus's trail to noblecourt. This should knock out Cyrus's, H'anaat's, Primrose, and Therion's chapter 3s. Tressa leads to Olberic and Olberic matches with Therion. The only thing I'm worrried about is Ophilia and Alfyn circling eachother. it's probably something poetic with the healers but to me its annoying. This means we'll have to backtrack to Golden Shore or the river place (Can't remember name right now. Alfyn chap 3).
Provisions. Because Therion is my second main I chose the steal option, meaning I can't buy things from the shops. We're stealing everything that's not nailed down. Items are more scarce and chest will be our best friend.
Boss fights. Primrose's boss fight is supposed to be the hardest first chaps to do alone. Because of my desire to keep Alfyn and Therion together Primrose is the last character I'm grabbing, all of the chapter ones will be filled with dread.
That's all for pre-game. My first session was on a plane so unfortunantly these aren't live reactions but here are some thoughts I had.
Man is Octopath 2's writing is so much better than octo 1. Don't get me wrong I like octo 1 but the exposition doesn't flow as easily.
Alfyn's dungon is hard alone. These stupid snails are draining all my Sp.
items items items. I need items. Any piece of armor I can scrap
Didn't Alfyn's boss have adds? I was sure he had adds. Where did they go?
Side quest. Side quest are going to be hell. No guide, no mini map, no fast travel. I need to get them done asap. Meryl, we need to talk.
Nice! most borderland things die to axe!
Is the player character so insistant on helping Therion that he literally can't say no? Amazing, go Alfyn, go.
*Opens writing notes* Therion is a little bitch... Got it.
JOBS! Jobs are going to be hard. I can't teleport back so I have to be level for them. I'll probably get them all going into everyone's chapter 2s. No idea how octo 2 will work though. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
forgot to mention 1st chap dungeons in the first post, Gonna say Alfyn can't do anything in here.
Did Therion's fight always have adds?
Please be based off of people in party and not level or members collected.
I've robbed everyone in this town blind except this one STUPID CHILD that made me have to restore my reputetation! XP
I've spent 5 hours looking for this egg only to remember her fucking egg is in the riverlands. I'll get it when I circle back.
we made it.
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lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate! Harry: I’ll Make It Up To You - Part 1
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst 
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Part 2 - Part 3
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You was going to kill him. This was the last straw and you had used up every ounce of patience today.
“Harry Edward Styles! Get in here right now or I swear to fucking god you won’t ever breath again!” You shout, your hands clutching the towel wrapped around your body. Your hair styled in a bouncy blow dry with a full face of makeup, a brown smoky eye and a nude lip.
The two of you bicker and argue like enemies, laugh like the best of friends and love each other like a married couple. Although you were only flat mates and nothing had ever gone further than friends, you knew Harry would never see you in that way, however the tiniest part of you had always hoped one day you’d be proven wrong. But you knew all along you’d rather have him as a best friend than lose him all together.
You hear the footsteps round the corner and a grin like the Cheshire Cat plastered on Harrys face “Do you mind? I’m trying to write some music Y/N” he smirks.
“Where the hell are all my clothes?! And where the fuck is my guitar?!” You shout angrily. You were no stranger to practical jokes in this house, both giving and receiving them. But today was different. You had the most important audition of your lifetime, and half of your room had been emptied. 
The laughter escaping Harry’s lips was making you angrier and angrier by the second. “I told you that you’d regret stealing my jumpers!” He smirks.
“That doesn’t mean you take everything I own! Now where to hell is it all?!”
“Ah now you see…this is where it gets fun…you see we’ve made you a little scavenger hunt to find it all. All you have to do is-”
“We?! Who’s we?!” You growl through gritted teeth.
“Ok ok…I can’t take all the credit for this…Niall helped. So…here’s the rules!”
“Harry!” You cut him off “I don’t have time for a fucking scavenger hunt! I have my audition in an hour and I’m already running late! Just get me some fucking clothes and my guitar so I can leave!”
As soon as you had mentioned your audition, the smug grin fell from Harrys face and his rosy cheeks had drained to pale “oh shit. T-that’s today?! I…I thought it was Friday” he frowns “w-well all your stuff is in Niall’s car and he’s in Brighton so I can just get him to drive back asap and…” he fumbles for his phone quickly.
“Brighton?! Harry you have 3 seconds to tell me this is a joke before I rip your pretty little head off! That’s 2 hours away Harry! I’ll never make it in time!”
“Y/N I’m so sorry! I am I really am, I would never have done this today if I knew” Guilt filling his eyes.
“You knew Harry! It’s written on the fridge, on the calendar and you helped me rehearse two days ago!”
“Why don’t I just go and buy you something to wear?” He offers, although he was currently terrified to speak incase his head really did get ripped off. He hadn’t seen you this angry since you pierced holes in three of your ex-boyfriends tyres after finding out he cheated.
“Well that’s pointless because I haven’t got my guitar and you don’t even have your acoustic guitar here. Forget it Harry. Just get out.” You mutter, your head hanging low in disappointment. Even if you left now you’d be late, and that was frowned upon. Turning up anywhere late was bad enough, let alone an audition. If you’re going to turn up late, then there’s no point turning up at all because you wouldn’t even be given a chance. The entertainment business was a difficult place to be, and this was your one chance to really make something bigger for yourself and it was ruined.
“Y/N I…”
“I said get out!” You scream, releasing the built up fury “go and join Niall in Brighton for all I fucking care. Leave me alone. I’m so disappointed Harry” you felt the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
The sight of you on the verge of tears was enough to break his heart. He wanted to protest, he wanted to make it all better. But he knew you too well. He knew if he didn’t leave you alone to calm down then it would make everything worse than it already was. He had never felt so guilty. In the 4 years you had lived together, practical jokes never made either of you angry. Sure they were embarrassing at times, but you two always had the best of times. At what made it even worse this time was that he had made you cry…and you’d used the ‘D’ word on him!
Harry had left, shutting the front door quietly as he headed to the studio to get out of your hair for a few hours. Also calling Niall in the process to get him to get the fuck home asap. It may have seemed like a pretty extreme joke, but they didn’t intend it to turn out this way. The plan was that the scavenger hunt would lead you to Brighton with Harry to meet Niall there, and the three of you would spend the day and night by the beach, shopping, drinking, eating...everything that you loved to do.
As hours passed, you found yourself tucked under the mountain of blankets on the sofa, wearing a pair of Harry’s boxers, joggers and a white hoodie. Which you purposely chose because your makeup rubbed off on the collar and the sleeves as you wiped your tears. 
You felt deflated and disappointed. You should have been more prepared...no actually, Harry shouldn’t of been a dick. You knew he didn’t mean to jeopardize your audition, but these auditions didn’t come along often and part of you just wasn’t ready to let this go yet.
Harry crept in quietly, although you didn’t hear him, or at least you didn’t want to. “ Hey...Y/N” he whispers softly, walking through the living room door cautiously.
“Hm?” you mutter, not allowing yourself to speak a word to him, and especially making sure your eyes were glued to Netflix, not giving him the satisfaction of paying attention.
“I...I got you these” He whispers, placing a big bouquet of red roses and white lilies on the glass coffee table in front of you. You looked straight passed them “Oh wow...maybe I should send these over to the directors and producers to say sorry and maybe they can make an exception for little Y/N to try again!” you state sarcastically, but your facial expression staying as blank as possible.
He sighs softly and perches himself on the arm of the sofa, he gently pulls your shoulders back for you to rest your back against his thigh. “I know it doesn’t change what I did Y/N, and believe me if I could of changed anything I would, and if I could turn back time, I’d do anything”
“You really fucked up Harry” you whisper, your voice cracking gently as you wiped your tears on the sleeve of his hoodie. “You don’t get it. You’re Harry Styles and you get everything handed to you on a plate because everyone already knows who you are! You’ve done what like...three auditions in your life and you’ve succeeded every single one. It’s not like that for me. I spent hours and hours practicing. And weeks just writing these songs in hope they get heard one day and now they won’t because word spreads really quick in this industry.” You still couldn’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, because you hated people seeing you cry. 
He sighed softly, staying silent as he pulled you up gently and sitting himself underneath you as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. He was always the first to help you rehearse when you had an audition, the first to comfort you if it went wrong or you didn’t succeed, and the first to celebrate and congratulate you when you did get it. Unfortunately, this time no one will ever know how it would have gone. He knew he couldn’t say much else because he knew you were right.  
You wanted to resist, but instead you buried your face into his chest and whimpered softly. As disappointed as you were, you knew Harry was truly sorry and he’d hang onto this guilt for a while. He held you close as his gentle fingers raked through your hair.
“I’ve put everything back in your room, all folded and neat” He whispers “I’ll make it up to you. I promise” He kept his arms around you supportively, although his chest was heavy with guilt, he already had a plan conjuring in his mind. 
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Analyzing Killua Zoldyck's Character
Illumi Analysis| Hisoka Analysis| Chrollo Anaysis|
What’s up y’all?! I’ve had at least 2 cups of coffee this morning and I am ready to write my butt off! This post will be about Killua Zoldyck, my second favorite character and you will know why by the end. If you’d like me to write about your favorite character, Be sure to send me a message and I will get on it ASAP.
Here we go!
I saw Killua for the first time on Tumblr. Someone created various icons for several anime characters and edited them. They were all aesthetically pleasing but for some reason, his picture stood out. Now that I look harder, it is because he was holding a Pepsi can instead of the off-brand one they drew for him in the cartoon. I noticed everyone on TikTok and Twitter had the very same icon as their profile picture (usually those that like to troll and say racist things to others). Once I started watching Hunter x Hunter, I realized the character immediately. Thank you for your edits!
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Killua Zoldyck is the youngest child in the family and is the only child that developed a mind for his own.
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Instead of taking the pleasure of killing, he runs/avoids and achieves this by becoming friends with Gon. It’s interesting to think that no one in the Zoldyck family wants to kill for fun except for Illumi.
I remember Zeno telling Chrollo: “Do you think I enjoy killing?”.
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This makes me think that the family’s job is to destroy enemies that are a threat to society. Are the Zoldyck’s taking on the role of cops or an extension of such? If that statement is true why does Illumi take pleasure in abusing his power when his own grandfather only does it when criminals are involved? Granted, Silva and Zeno’s reasoning for brutally fighting criminals isn’t legal, and (to me) are considered to be vigilantes, at least they don’t go around doing the horrible things like how Illumi and Hisoka do.
This very reason why Killua ran away from home. He decided to rebel against his mother and implied: “Fuck you. I’m going to do what I want.” Killua and his siblings are victims of child abuse and show that they deal with that abuse in different ways. Killua masks his abilities in public and tries to keep them under control, Kalluto seems to be very quiet and obedient, Milluki is just as abusive as Illumi, and we already know about Illumi. Milluki is physically abusive; this can be seen when he is whipping Killua for running away and threatens to destroy Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio while Illumi plays mind games on Killua and uses his Nen to do the trick.
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Killua’s character is very special and in a way takes the lead as the main character instead of Gon. I don’t know if that was intentional or not. Killua is a 12-year-old boy who leaves home to escape his abusive home and see the world for his own. During phase 1 of Hunter’s Exam, he instantly clicks with Gon; probably because he’s the only 12-year-old there. They constantly challenge each other to see who will win and who will buy dinner or some other reward. Because of his abusive home, Killua often masks his feelings. This is noticeable every time Gon talks about him being his best friend and he always reacts as if he’s embarrassed by it.
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Gon is his shield from going bat-shit crazy like his family. They both have faced opponents (like Hisoka and others) where Killua could have unleashed his assassin abilities but didn’t. Yes, some of the opponents are stronger than him, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
Killua is the best friend Gon could ever have. Since he knows about aura and any supernatural abilities, this is why he stops Gon and even insults him for pushing himself too far. Killua stopped Gon from using too much aura in the past especially once Kite’s arm was cut off by Pitou. Because Killua wasn’t there to stop him when fighting Pitou, this resulted in Gon’s downfall. Did Killua believe it was his fault that Gon almost died? He isn’t responsible for Gon’s actions but he focused so much on running away from his “demons” and masking his temper by maintaining his friendship that he wasn’t paying attention to Gon’s noticeable and developing temper.
Killua Zoldyck is a child that suffered from abuse and to escape that reality, he runs away, takes Hunter’s Exam only to match with his brother, chooses defeat, and then kills an opponent, not of his own free will.
But wait, there’s more.
After being rescued from his prison of a home, he goes to Heaven’s Arena, met Zushi and his teacher, develop Nen, follows the Phantom Troupe around and somehow managed to survive that, meet Bisky, join a game to get closer to Ging, witnesses Gon disappearing, trying to form a relationship with Alluka, and then tries to heal Gon with a quickness.
Whew, chile!
At the beginning of the show, it appeared as if Killua was taking on too much and only did so to keep his mind off what he escaped from.
One thing to point out is Killua’s motivation to heal Gon no matter what. It is implied that he doesn’t care what will happen to him or anyone else as long as Gon can live again.
Isn’t that along the lines of what Gon said about getting revenge for Kite? He didn’t care about what happened to him? Hmmmm. I guess they’re very similar after all!
Killua and Gon are BFFs and will do anything for each other. Friendships in real life should be this way; let’s follow his fictional example.
Killua’s face is the typical shape for someone his age. His eyes are wide, as blue as the morning sky, and honestly, I wish he’d smile more. Even though he is 12 years old, he still has a babyface.
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Killua’s hair color is very similar to Princess Allura’s and Lotor’s. According to verywellmind.com, the color white represents innocence and purity. Ironically, Lotor and Killua are the opposite of that while Allura has maintained her innocence. Killua’s unique hair color and hairstyle are amazing! I love how it stays in shape while he is fighting or running.
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Regarding clothes, he is JUST like his brother. Again, Illumi irks me, but they both have a great taste in fashion. Through the show, Killua changes his clothes more than Gon, which is funny. I guess if Gon changed his clothes too much it would take away from his character. Killua’s default style contains a sleeveless white shirt with a purple one underneath, basketball shorts, and gym shoes. Just look at these outfit changes! This is why Killua is my 2nd favorite character in this show.
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As stated before, Killua cares more about others. This is ironic because the Zoldyck family only cares about themselves or their family while Killua feels the complete opposite. It’s almost as if he trusts strangers more than his own family. A common phrase: “She/He turned to the streets” that I’ve heard in my hometown can be applied here. Killua probably hates his family and turned to strangers to find love and comfort since they neglected that. He is also the only one that tries to develop a relationship with Alluka. At first, I thought “Wow he’s only developing a relationship with her to heal Gon” but then I realized it was bigger than that. Alluka has been separated from her family because of her dangerous abilities. She will demand something and if that person doesn’t fulfill her demands, they will suffer horribly. Killua learns that Alluka has a healing ability and while Illumi complains that Killua was hiding rules from him, he never took the chance to talk to him about it and continued to threaten Alluka. The family “banished” her to a confined room for who knows how long because, apparently, she had been possessed by a demon from the Dark Continent and they do not know when it happened. Despite knowing that Killua could parish with the rest, he still develops a relationship with her. He is the true example of excepting someone for who they are. As far as I’m concerned, running away was the best decision he made. It saved his life and in return, he’s going to save another. I do find it ironic that something considered to be so dark has the power to bring something back to life when usually it’s something bright like a light...interesting. You all know what I’m saying. Most television shows only portray angles to heal others while demons only seek to destroy. The Zoldyck family is wrong for pushing Alluka away. How could you do that to your own kid? Shit, you should be blaming yourself for not watching her and allowing the demon to posses her.
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In conclusion, Killua is my second favorite character. He is bold, loves his friends, and isn’t afraid (anymore) to step up to people he may not win against. His character has blossomed from a young boy afraid to step up to his brother to a boy who isn’t afraid to do so. He has learned about Nen and has gone through many trials and tribulations just to say he is much stronger than before. What characters would you like to hear about next? Send me a DM!
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scattergraph · 4 years
Fluff #4:  Back Rubs
It had been five days since the invasion of the dreaded flu that had rendered Scott Tracy off rescues and detained to the couch for the foreseeable future, or until the weekend at the very least.  All in all, he had been taking it pretty well.  That was, until this morning, when a close call on a rescue had left the remaining brothers demanding more training on each other’s equipment. There were physical restrictions, of course, which prevented this to some extent.  Watching Alan trying to pad himself out enough to fit into Virgil’s Exosuit had been incredibly entertaining for all, but less than useful for rescue scenarios in the grand scheme of things.  There were some bits of kit, however, that could have easily been shared, if it weren’t for the fact that Scott just didn’t want to share them.  Thunderbird One and the jetpack, for example.  
The Commander had managed to kick up enough of a fuss to keep them all away from Thunderbird One, for the time being anyway.  His argument that One could be flown remotely by any of them if needed and that they were stressing him out while he was sick was enough to keep everyone away from his beloved ‘bird, for now.  He would have to come up with a more long-term plan asap though as he knew full well this wouldn’t be the last he was going to hear of it.  Sure, Gordon and Virgil weren’t all that fussed, but Alan was another matter.  That kid was desperate to get behind the controls and had been for a long time.
The jetpack, on the other hand, was a battle he had lost pretty quickly and to be fair to his brothers, they were right.  Each and every one of them needed to know how to operate it just in case of emergencies and despite Scott’s concerns, the training had been going well for the first hour-or-so.  Then Virgil had gone and asked the one question Scott had been dreading all along.
“What does this button do?” the brother in the green sash asked as he explored the pack that was currently strapped firmly to his torso.  It had been no problem to adjust the straps to Virgil’s frame as the jetpack was a lot more adaptable than some of their other kit and to be fair to the man, he had picked up the controls much faster than Scott had ever expected him to.  In fact, he was picking up on a lot more than he was ever supposed to.
“Nothing,” Scott replied, far too casually, “it was put in as a fallback in case we needed it but it’s not actually programmed to do anything.”
Virgil frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense.  For one thing it’s just bad engineering.”
“What can I say, Brains wanted options.”
“Errrm…Brains doesn’t operate that way.” Gordon was in the mix now, fabulous, they were all against him.  “If anything, Brains is super careful not to put in redundant stuff.  I smell a rat.”
Time to pull out the big guns.  Hugging his blanket closer and attempting to look as pathetic and sickly as possible, a move Scott Tracy would under normal circumstances absolutely never use, he weakly coughed out: “Guys, can we please call it a day.  I don’t have the energy for this and you’ve already practiced enough to be able to use the jetpack if you need it.”  That part, at least, was true.  He would never selfishly put an end to their training if he thought that wasn’t the case.  He had seen how close things had been this morning without them having use of it.
“It’s not even listed in the manual,” Virgil replied from where he was now closely scrutinising the instructions Brains had worked up for them and blindly ignoring his Commander’s pitiful attempt at a distraction.  “That’s it, I’m pushing it.”
“No!” Scott replied, suddenly forgetting his debilitating illness and springing to his feet.
“Why not?”
“I told you, it doesn’t do anything.”
“Then what does it matter if I push it?”
“Well, we don’t know if it might have been accidentally connected or something.  It’s never been tested.  Better to let Brains have a look at it first.”  Scott was clutching at straws now and he knew it.
“I call BS.  Push it Virg.”  Gordon piped in.
“Agreed, do it.” Alan joined, eyes narrowed on Scott.
“John, any input?” Virgil asked their currently holographic brother who was also watching the exchange with interest.
“I’m all for exploration.  If Brains says it’s safe, go for it.”
Ganging up on the sick one, huh?  Not cool, guys.  There would be much revenge for this later when he was back to full power, that was for sure.
“Virgil, please trust me on this,” Scott tried one last attempt, “don’t push the button.”
“Brains?” Virgil called up their resident equipment expert, “is there any safety reason why I shouldn’t push the little red button on the jetpack?”
“No reason at all, Virgil.  I can assure you my designs are all of the highest quality and one hundred percent safe.”
“That’s what I thought. Thanks Brains.”  The connection was cut.  “I’m pushing the button now.”  Virgil replied.
“Virgil, don’t.”
“Pushing the red button.”
“Do not push the red button.”
“Pushing it in Five…”
“Don’t do it.”
“Virg – “
“Come on…”
And just like that, the button was pushed…and…nothing happened.  Just like Scott had said.  Nothing that anyone other than Scott, who had requested the button, and Virgil, who was now wearing the jetpack, would know about, anyway.  Thankfully the incredulous widening of Virgil’s eyes as the button was pushed and the power kicked in was not noticed by the other brothers who were still busily watching Scott at the time, giving the second eldest time to quickly shelve any reaction he may have wanted to make.
“So, Virg, what is it? What did it do?”  Alan asked as silence filled the room.
“Nothing,” Virgil choked out, before clearing his throat and trying again a bit more convincingly.  “I guess Scott was right, it isn’t linked up to anything.  I think maybe you and I should have a bit of a chat with Brains about that later, huh Scott?  You know, to check if there are any more little buttons like this that could be hiding away in any of our other equipment.”
“Yeah, sure Virgil,” Scott agreed grumpily from where he had fallen back to the couch, nervous and exhausted.
“Wait, I don’t get it. If it really did do nothing, then why all the fuss?”  Gordon asked.
“It’s probably the flu,” Virgil replied, coming to Scott’s rescue.  “You know how the meds can make him delirious sometimes.  We should probably do what he says and end the session after all.  It’s been a long day.”
Neither John nor the younger two seemed to buy it entirely, but whatever it was the elders were hiding, they would find out in due course.  They had their ways, they always did.  All said and done, they waved their goodbyes to John and off they went. All except Virgil, who began the process of extricating himself from the jetpack, and Scott, who sat sheepishly to one side studying his own feet far too hard while refusing to look Virgil in the eye.  Even when said brother came and took a seat right beside him.
“So…” Virgil began. “A BACK MASSAGER?!”
“Would you believe me if I said it was there for therapeutic purposes?”
“Not a chance.”
“And how much will it cost me to keep this one quiet?  You know, just between you and me?”
“Well, that depends. Firstly, there’s the cost of my time to redesign this thing and hide the button better so that the others will never find out.  Then there’s the additional time and cost to have one fitted into Thunderbird Two. Oh, and the Exosuit, of course.”
“Of course,” Scott replied, with a huff.
“And I’m guessing there’s a similar system already built into Thunderbird One somewhere, which we’ll also need to hide?”
“Maybe…” Scott trailed.
“In that case, I’ll think about it and let you know.  Until then, you’re still grounded.  And if you even think about defying my rules and trying to break out again like you did yesterday, you know what’s going to happen.”
And with a smirk and a “see you later, big brother”, Virgil was gone, off to talk to Brains about a few little ‘improvement’ ideas of his own and leaving Scott to sulk all alone.
So much for Commander’s privileges.  Sometimes little brothers were the worst.  At least he could be thankful that Virgil hadn’t discovered the code to activate the heated shoulder straps for Winter flying.  If he had to build those into the Exosuit as well, they’d never get Virgil out of it.
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amethystroselilith · 4 years
I don’t know if you’ve done something like this but a head cannon or fic the brothers and mc playing a game of monopoly that gets heated I mean like, tables have been flipped, fires have been caused at some point, and yelling. Lots of yelling.
I’m not sure if this is chaotic enough for you, but I hope you’ll still like it, anon! :)
Brothers x MC Playing Monopoly
You are currently in your room, on your bed, leaning against a snacking Beel and cradling a napping Belphie to your chest.
In front of you three, are the two eldest brothers, arguing over what to put on the tv.
“Play in your fucking room, Levi! I wanna watch Harrison Porter!” Mammon growled, trying to hold Levi in a headlock.
“Take your own advice and watch it in your own room! Y/N and I need to play this asap!” Levi growled, protecting the remove to his chest.
You sighed, it’s a common occurrence and you’re just waiting for another brother to burst in the room to complain about the noises the two are making.
“Can you two stop bickering?” the door opened, revealing Lucifer, who looks tired.
“I will if Levi will just give me the fucking remote!” Mammon growled, reaching for the remote, only for Levi to push him back.
“As if! This is way more important than your show!” Levi growled, using his foot to shove Mammon away.
“What’s that?” you asked curiously at the box Lucifer was carrying.
It also caught everyone’s attention, except for Belphie who just nuzzled on your chest, sleeping peacefully.
“Diavolo had returned from the human world and bought this as a souvenir, he claimed you have talked to him about this board game?” Lucifer explained as he showed the box.
“Oh, Monopoly!” you smiled, “Yeah, it’s basically a game about money-”
“Let’s play it!” Mammon pushed Levi, who groaned in annoyance when he hit the floor, “I wonder how much money I can make.” he grinned as he snatched the board game from an irritated Lucifer.
“We use fake money.” you chuckled, “It’s basically buying properties and hope someone lands on them so you can earn money back.” 
“Eh? Can we use real money?” Mammon suggested.
“Do you even have enough on you to play?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow, “Because I just received-”
“Alright, alright, enough!” Mammon huffed with an embarrassed blush.
Lucifer smirked before turning back to the game, “Anyway, Diavolo’s begging us to play it as soon as possible. Apparently, he wants us to be familiarised with since he’ll be throwing a board game night next week or something.” he sighed, “Might as well get it over with so I can go back to my work.”
“These pieces don’t make sense,” Asmo commented as he’s trying to choose which piece to use.
“It doesn’t really matter, Asmo, just choose something,” Satan said, quickly taking the cat piece.
“Fine, I’ll get the car.” Asmo rolled his eyes about to pick the said piece.
“But I want the car,” Mammon whined, stopping Asmo.
Lucifer sighed, picking a random one, which happened to be the top hat, “Asmo, just give it to him, I don’t want to hear his annoying whines for the whole night.”
“I guess I’ll take this.” Belphie shrugged as he took the dog.
“...but I want the dog…” Beel pouted, ending up with the shoe piece.
Belphie just shrugged and exchanged pieces, smiling softly when Beel lightened up.
“I like the ship, it reminds me of the ocean.” Levi smiles as he admires the piece.
“No one asked.” Mammon rolled his eyes.
“Fuck you, thimble piece.” 
You sighed as another argument broke out.
“Pay up, Belphie!” Mammon cheered as Belphie landed on his space, “That’s $10.” 
Belphie sighed as he gave $10 out of his $1500 pile, “I don’t think I want to play anymore.” 
“You’re 3rd leading though.” Satan raised an eyebrow.
The game had been going for a bit long. Beel was out first, having spent all his money on every property he landed on, unfortunately for him, no one lands there frequently and went bankrupt on Mammon’s spaces. Asmo was out second for landing on one of Satan’s very expensive tiles filled with a hotel. You were next for landing on two consecutive expensive spaces from Belphie.
Levi, as expected, had taken it seriously, he’s the 4th leading at the moment with stable incomes from his properties. Belphie is currently on the 3rd one with only 2 properties and having collected the 4 railroads. Satan had also very well planned his properties, always checking if his spaces are landed on and collects the rent. You didn’t really expect Lucifer to be invested, he had owned all the expensive properties, filled them with houses and hotels and sitting at the top.
Mammon’s last with his $50 and 2 cheap properties, he started out pretty strong but had the bad luck of landing on Satan’s and Lucifer’s spaces he had to mortgage some of his properties.
“This is getting too long.” Belphie sighed, “Just take all my shit, Mammon.” 
“Best baby brother ever!” Mammon cheered.
“Wait, can he do that?” Levi complained, eyeing the greedy brother enviously with his new properties.
“Rules didn’t say anything about it.” Satan shrugged, it wouldn’t really push him out of his current spot, it would be a different scenario if it pushed him to 3rd spot though.
“We could’ve given it to the bank,” Levi mumbled.
“Ah stop whining, Levi!” Mammon teased as he counted his money.
Levi rolled the dice and landed on Belphie’s, now Mammon’s very expensive space. He swore in his head when he couldn’t afford it, but Mammon wasn’t looking.
No one said anything, they made it a rule to not snitch as to make it more interesting, it becomes a new mechanic where the player tries to distract whoever’s space they landed on.
However, when it comes to money, Mammon activates a new instinct.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that you thief.” his eyes darkened as he looks at Levi, “Pay the fuck up.” 
“It should’ve belonged to the bank!” Levi argued, not accepting the fact that he’s losing to the scummy brother.
“Belphie gave it to ME so, therefore, it’s MINE!” Mammon shouted.
Not wanting for another fight to break out; because Belphie is sleeping and waking Belphie this time will just cause more chaos, and you don’t really want to deal with that at this late of an hour, so grabbing your portable console you smiled at Levi.
“Levi, can you help me finish this boss?” you asked sweetly, “Been stuck with it for a while, I don’t want to play with randoms.”
The 3rd’s angry quickly faded, someone needs him! And it’s not just someone, it’s his favourite person in the whole world!
“Of course!” he smiled brightly, smirking internally when he felt Mammon’s elated mood go sour with jealousy.
“Can we go on with the game now?” Lucifer sighed, getting bored of the game as well, but refusing to stop until he’s on top.
“Whoa! I’m second leading now, Satan! Rags to riches, baby!” Mammon bragged as he counted his money, “Lucifer’s next.” he snickered with a determined glint in his eyes.
You began to worry as you felt the beginnings of Satan’s wrath. 
The blonde smiled, “Why don’t we move on yeah?” 
No one seemed to notice, but the dice had a subtle purple-ish glow.
“Yeah, yeah, peasant.” Mammon snickered before picking up the dice.
Satan’s smile widened as the dice rolls.
Mammon moved his piece, freezing when he saw where it landed.
“Oh my…” Satan tsked.
And just like that… Mammon’s out.
You never knew Monopoly could be interesting in the late game, but here you all are, watching intently as Satan and Lucifer battled on the board, even Belphie stayed awake in hopes of Satan beating Lucifer.
The turns consist of the other almost bankrupting their opponent, having been saved by having $5 leftover but gaining the empire again when the other landed on their spot. 
“Just give up, Lucifer,” Satan smirked at Lucifer and his $1, “Two of my spaces are in front of you and the chance of you landing there is pretty high.” 
“The most expensive space is a few steps ahead of you, while the chances are lower, it will push me to victory,” Lucifer smirked.
Satan eyed the space the will surely doom him, but so far throughout the game, only 2 had fallen victim from it. 
He began to calculate the possibilities of him landing there, slowly picking the dice and hoping that lady luck is on his side.
Everyone held their breath when the dice revealed the result, Satan moving his piece to the number shown.
“I…” his eyes widened at the last space he landed.
“Pay up, my dear brother,” Lucifer smirked.
“FUCK YOU, LUCIFER!!!” Satan burst into his demon board, flipping the board and jumping on Lucifer.
“Jeez, Satan, it’s just a game!” Mammon rolled his eyes, “Don’t be a sore loser, I mean even Levi didn’t flip the board when he lost to me.” he snickered.
“You only won over me because Belphie helped you! You’re as hopeless in real life!” Levi snapped.
“Awww, did I hurt you gamer otaku pride? The only thing you’re good at but still lost.” Mammon mocked before he was thrown on the other side of the room.
The sudden move accidentally bumped Beel, causing whatever he was eating to fall on Asmo.
“BEEL! THIS IS ONE OF MY EXPENSIVE SHIRTS!” Asmo shrieked in horror as the oily liquid ruined the fabric of his shirt, “You idiot! Can’t you just eat in the fucking kitchen?!” he hissed.
“Why are you wearing an expensive shirt indoors in the first place? Not his fault you’re so desperate to impress Y/N.” Belphie defended, his sharp tongue going off due to his crankiness.
“That’s so rich coming from you, Belphie, aren’t you the one who’s leeching on their side like the desperate sad little fuck you are?” Asmo hissed.
“You fucking take that back,” Beel growled before the three of them began arguing, transforming in their demon forms.
You sighed as you step a bit further from them, a text notification taking your attention from the chaos in front of you.
Diavolo: How’s game night going? 
You typed your reply,
You: The usual. 
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
If Faramir went to Rivendell, how would the whole ttt/rohan plot be different?
A good question that I have spent an unreasonable time thinking about! My first LOTR fic was going to be an attempt to answer this, but then I got so wrapped up in not having the answers that I sidelined it and wrote WC instead. So I think instead of giving you one definitive answer I’ll give you a couple scenarios I think are plausible? If that’s not too much of a cop out lmao? Apologies in advance for the inevitable spelling errors, I did this on my phone and my dyslexia is off the charts today.
I think it’s basically unavoidable that he goes via Rohan first, geographically he’s sort of left without an option there. When he’s there, we get into this issue of whether and how he and Éowyn interact. Worth noting, I think, that the Unfinished Tales has Éomer living in Aldburg by the War, but Éomer does seem to imply he’s around for Boromir passing through. Is this because he knows and already is a fan of Boromir? Maybe! Or maybe Éomer goes to Aldburg after.
But I digress. We have to ask the question of whether Faramir falls in love with Éowyn because he was always going to fall in love with Éowyn, or if it’s because the things he’s gone through immediately preceding it primed him for it. I — perhaps quite cheaply — come down on the side of Faramir always having it bad for her on first sight. And contextually I think that comes from his, rather sweet, enunciation of the way his regard/love changes for her. He says that at first he pities her, and then he gets to know her and he doesn’t pity her anymore, he respects and admires her. That’s an interesting dynamic to bring into play in basically every AU, because you get this double barrel characterisation of his attitude to her changing, and his own character maturing/sharp edges softening.
I think he off the bat he sees that she’s beautiful, and immediately is drawn to her for that. Shallow? Maybe! But, to badly paraphrase my ol fav Victor Hugo quote — love always begins with a glance.
I imagine he stays for a short while, maybe a week, two at most. At this point I think that Éowyn’s basically viewing him as an official guest that she has to entertain, and I think Faramir is, in his own, slightly stilted, slightly wanky way, putting the moves on her. This can go, imo, one of two ways. She can either be receptive to it (which is a nice thought!) or she can be aware of it but mostly ignore it because, really, she’s got lots of shit on her plate.
Either way, he leaves Edoras at some point. The big question is where does his go from there?
One thing I toy around with is that, given his pre-existing relationship to Gandalf, maybe he’s willing to trust the Istari a bit more and goes straight for Isengard? Which, and I think I did the math on this once a few months ago, would have him arriving at Isengard around the time Gandalf’s getting his shit kicked in by Saruman lol. I think this could be a really compelling plot point, but I’ll be very honest with you, I 100% don’t have the imagination or writing skills to figure out how it proceeds from there, so I’m not going to try to.
If he goes the normal Boromir route, he still loses his horse at Tharbad and walks (lmao jesus???) to Rivendell. When he gets there, I think he’s immediately going to have everything he knows put to the test in quite jarring ways. First off, he’s going to be infinitely more deferential to Elrond, Aragorn &c when they’re trashing Gondor. He’ll push back a bit, no doubt on that, but he’s going to be starstruck by Aragorn in a way that Boromir just wasn’t.
No real difference I imagine between Rivendell and Lothlórien, except that he’d definitely be laser focused on palling about with Aragorn, and he’d probably spend more of his time being friendly with Frodo than with Merry and Pippin tbh (not in a douchey way, I just think he and Frodo vibe a little better. Though I bet he and Merry had some interesting chats about pipe weed history).
The underlying question here is what sort of relationship does he have to the ring? I don’t buy this idea that he’s not tempted by it, I just think that what the ring offers him is a bit shit. We don’t know what the ring tempts him with, he’s not clear on that in TTT. I can’t really see the ring being like ‘oh I’ll give you a king to follow’ because that is some intensely nerdy shit, but is somehow the one thing I could see Faramir actually being tempted by. Regardless of what it offers him in this AU, he resists it on the basis that he’s got this mythical king he’s been desperate for, and he’s not gonna risk that for anything.
Lothlórien comes next, and oh my god when I tell you this is the part I genuinely have no answer for. I stopped writing my first fic at Lothlórien because I couldn’t cope. Tbh it probably lowkey fries Faramir’s brain, and for so many reasons. The whole godmoding Númenórean stuff he’s got going on probably interests Galadriel a bit, and so that whole conversation is going to be wildly different than it was for Boromir. But what does she say to Faramir? I have no idea. I really don’t. There’s also probably a million and one things also going on psychologically for him at that point, which makes dealing with this bit difficult. Really difficult. So I’m gonna, uh, conveniently smash cut away.
Parth Galen! Again, another two potential splits here. The first, (from here on out I’ll refer to as Plot A) which I find rather endearing, is that he goes off with Frodo and Sam when Frodo makes the decision to split. I don’t know that I believe he’d do it, but it proves for a very delightful interpretation of his character.
Plot B is that when the Orcs show up, Faramir survives not by virtue of his being a ~ better warrior ~ or whatever than Boromir, but by the terrain surrounding Parth Galen being something he’s far more in the habit of dealing with, and by virtue of his having a bow at his disposal. I know there’s room for an interpretation of Faramir as not primarily an archer, but narratively I think that’s less interesting. So he’s an archer. He’s an archer and also his priority is on Aragorn first and foremost, so Merry and Pip still get taken, and Frodo and Sam use the hubbub to GTFO, which is actually slightly more in line with the movie’s chronology, funnily enough. The three hunters become four, and then go on Merry & Pippin’s trails.
In Plot A, they’re hauling ass across the Emyn Muil, bolstered in some ways by Faramir’s experience as a Ranger. The problem is the issue of getting into Mordor and whether or not they pick up Gollum. I think, in a way that frustrates me immensely, they do end up taking Gollum, not because they need a guide, but because Gollum fulfils this deep psychological need for Frodo, and I think he would have argued for keeping Gollum regardless. Faramir is going to be fucked off about this, but will ultimately, I think, be deferential to the ringbearer.
So they go across the Dead Marshes, but they do NOT attempt the Black Gate first because Faramir’s not a fool. Do they go to Henneth Annûn? I say yes, but with the caveat that in all likelihood Boromir is gonna be there, which is gonna complicate stuff tremendously.
Over to Plot B!
The four hunters go to the Mark! They meet Éomer! Hey! Éomer recognises Faramir! (And he’s probably a little fucked off that he lost his horse lol). But whatever, he knows this guy, so he’s probably gonna be like, uhhh, everything you saw before in Edoras is much worse now. Also my cousin's dead and everything is bad. Here’s some horses, sorry for maybe accidentally killing your pals, see ya! And at this point I think Faramir’s probably having a, hmmm, g e n t l e  p s y c h i c  c r i s i s, because if he’s still very 👅 for Éowyn (which he is, sorry, he has to be) then he’s going to want to go there ASAP. Obviously though that’s not gonna happen, so: Merry and Pip chasing, Gandalf finding, Edoras arriving.
Which means Éowyn. If, at this point, she and Faramir already have something of an arrangement going on (nudge nudge) then she’s really not gonna give a shit about Aragorn. You know how in TTT it’s not even clear that she actually sees Legolas and Gimli? 100% that vibe with Aragorn too. Théoden’s gonna get his house in order, they’re going to head to Helm’s Deep, and Éowyn’s gonna get named head of house. (Faramir, if he starts off just thinking she’s beautiful, is going to have quite the paradigm shift here, because he’s going to have to start reckoning with her as not just a beautiful woman, but as a very, very intense person. This is how his love for her starts to mature.)
Sometimes I dream about him being like, ‘hey! I have some first hand experience of ruling a kingdom, how about I stay and…….. lend you a hand……..’ to Éowyn while she’s keeping watch on Edoras. This is wildly unlikely, but a delightful thought nonetheless. In the more likely case, which is that he goes to the Hornburg, she’s going to start feeling some strain about this whole war shebang, and it’s going to lead to some difficult conversations. Chief among them is that Faramir, as second son, actually has basically nothing to give her, which is not exactly a great position to be in when you’re in love with the niece of a king. I’m of the opinion that Éowyn’s not fussed by that stuff (she agrees to marry him when he’s prepping to give up a shit ton of power anyways), so she’s probably like, 'no, fuck you, we’re getting married.' And then he leaves, and it starts to emotionally unsettle her more and more.
If they don’t already have a thing, then it either begins at this point OR he gets overshadowed by Aragorn. In either case, off to Helm’s Deep he goes.
Helm’s Deep happens, I think Faramir ends up extraordinarily impressed by how the Rohirrim handle the Dunlenders afterwards, which also begins to soften his harsh opinion of them more generally.
They go to Isengard, Pippin looks in the Palantír, and away Pippin and Gandalf go. Both Gandalf and Faramir here would recognise that it would be batshit insane for Faramir to go back to MT now, because Denethor would read him like a picture book and he’d have to admit to the entire mission of the Fellowship.
Over in Plot A, I think we’re going to have some real emotional complexity vis a vis Faramir showing up at Henneth Annûn with two hobbits, a ring, and Boromir in control there. God, it would just be a disaster. My incredibly generous interpretation of this is that Faramir keeps the plan vague enough that Boromir lets them pass unhindered. My less generous interpretation is… yeah I don’t wanna do it tbh. It’s not pretty. It's also, to be clear: not an indictment of Boromir as a character. His response is entirely rational for someone expected to lead a kingdom and for someone put up against the unbelievable power of the One Ring. The reason Faramir continuously gets to pass largely untempted by the ring is because he's a guy with no actual responsibilities once you take the Rangers away. His understanding of his duty to Gondor is almost entirely conceptual in nature. He can think and talk about defending Gondor as it once was because there are several people above him in the hierarchy defending Gondor for what it is. This is also not an indictment of Faramir. He and Boromir just have wildly different realities to contend with.
They are going to go through Cirith Ungol even though Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbass both speak Sindarin and don’t cotton on to what its name implies lol. This whole scene is much shorter because Faramir’s significantly more cautious, so there is no Orc capture and Sam doesn't take the Ring. This is where things get a bit complex, and where I don’t think I have the imagination to say much more. Sorry!
Back in Plot B, the lads catch up with Éowyn as they prep to go down the Paths of the Dead. If she and Faramir are a thing, this is where the real emotional distress kicks in for her. All of the men in her life have, at one point or another, functionally abandoned her, and here’s Faramir, love of her life, about to do the exact same thing. Faramir inevitably goes with the Grey Company even though she begs him not to. When she tries to convince them not to go down the Paths at all, he is in the fortunate enough position to throw up his hands and say 'not my call, actually. King’s in charge,' which lessens the emotional conflict there somewhat.
No part of me doubts that Éowyn wouldn’t then immediately go over his head to Aragorn. She would, she absolutely does not give a fuck. And she’s going to get knocked back re: joining them in exactly the same way as in the book, because Aragorn’s take here isn’t actually dependent on her personally, it’s dependent on the duty she’s been charged with, which is taking care of her people. (Also going to be an interesting narrative parallel to a later conversation between Faramir and Aragorn after the Pelennor, which I’ll explain in more detail later.)
Faramir will, perhaps somewhat less dismissively, say this to her. He learns much more obviously the way to talk to her on her own terms, and he’s not gonna fall into the trap of letting her be like ‘you just want me to wait and die after all the men are dead.’ He’s going to probably give her some line about her being the last organised line of defence, and he might even invoke Haleth! It’s not going to work, because Éowyn’s very aware of the apocalyptic nature of all of this, but it’s not going to cause such abject hatred and fury as it otherwise would.
If she and Faramir are not a thing, her emotional distress is as it is in the book, except now Faramir’s trying not to pout in the background. He might even step in to try and soften the blow.
Regardless, she ends up as Dernhelm, she rides to the Pelennor.
Boromir is the one responsible for the Osgiliath retreat, and because it’s heavily implied that Faramir only keeps his seat because he’s got this dumbass Númenor garbage going on ('master of man and beast' — king Beregond), Boromir’s going to get killed by the Witch king here.
This is going to send shockwaves through not just Denethor, but Minas Tirith more generally, because Boromir is fucking adored. Denethor’s going to go high holy crackers much quicker, mostly because Gandalf is a shit stirrer and is going to waste no time at all in announcing that Aragorn, The Rightful King, is on his way, and Denethor will — correctly — surmise that Faramir has chosen Aragorn over returning with whatever Isildur’s Bane is to Gondor. This is the end for Denethor.
Éowyn rides from Dunharrow, slays the Witch king. Faramir and Aragorn show up with the Army of Dead, Faramir does not end up injured, but does end up as the Steward (obviously) and (obviously) aware that Éowyn is in the HOH. And also that everybody else he loves is dead. Yeehaw.
Here’s where I think things get really interesting. I think, counter to the way this is portrayed a lot of the time, Faramir doesn’t go to the Black Gate at all. I think he stays in Minas Tirith, not just to organise the wider range defences (esp the Rohirrim dealing w the Druadan) but in this very grim preparation to lead the retreat from Minas Tirith if/when Frodo & Sam fail. I think he's kind of fine with this for two reasons. The first is that him being conscious to process the death of his father, and it coming hours after the death of his brother means that he's going to have a personal-political crisis, and he's going to have to take the defence of Gondor more seriously than he did before. Second, Aragorn's going to tell him to fucking stay put, and he's going to be fine with it because it means he's going to get to spend the last few days of his life with Éowyn.
He and Éowyn reunite in the HOH, there’s still a lot of deeply emotional stuff going on, but, at least now Faramir’s conscience is clear re: marrying her because, well, he’s the Steward now. Also their reunion is going to take on greater significance because she’ll have killed the thing that killed his brother. So, that’s a lot.
If they are not a thing before the Pelennor, she's still going to drag his ass over to the HOH so she can bitch about being stuck there. But this time he's not a fellow hospital-prisoner, he's having to actually do things, and he's going to use that to his advantage in terms of keeping her from doing stupid shit. I think he's going to try to involve her in some of the strategic questions re: the retreat if the Morannon feint fails. I think he's going to make a point of talking to her to get her help on dealing with the Rohir forces that are in and around the City. I think that's going to go a huge way to helping to ease her misery, and it's going to be such a significant vote of trust in her (even after she's done the unthinkable and deserted her people) that she's going to fall in love with him here, as per. And the contrast between him and Aragorn is going to be all the stronger for it.
So yes. Those are just some of the possibilities I think! Sorry for the word dump!!
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer Ch.2
The morning they were leaving had finally arrived. Alyssa was upstairs finishing packing her bags.
“Mom! Have you send my phone charger? I can’t find it anywhere!!”
“I don’t know why you are wasting you time packing. Your dad and I already said you can’t go.”
“That’s completely unfair and ridiculous. It’s not like I’ll be gone the whole summer.”
“This trip is nothing but a distraction from preparing for college. You aren’t going. End of discussion.”
Alyssa headed up stairs as she rolled her eyes.
‘How can my parents be so unfair’ Alyssa thought to herself as she started unpacking.
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Alyssa was sitting on her bed listening to sad music when Kayla busted through the door.
“What the freak?! What do you mean your parents are being unfair?? Why are your suitcases empty??”
“My parents won’t let me go. They say this trip is a distraction from college.”
“Well that’s crap. It’s not like we won’t be back before school starts.”
“That’s what I told them but they wouldn’t listen.”
After sitting in silence for a few seconds, Kayla jumps off the bed and grabs Alyssa’s suitcase.
“What the heckling are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Kayla threw a bunch of clothes in the suitcase.
“I already told you they won’t let me go.”
“I already told you we’d go no matter what our parents say” Kayla smirked. “This is our last summer together until we will literally be across the country from each other. We’ve spent every second of every summer together for the last 7 years are you really going to let your parents ruin this?”
“Freaking screw it. I’m going end of story” Alyssa quickly packed everything she would need and headed down the stairs.
As the girls headed out the front door Alyssa’s parents quickly followed.
“Where do you think your going?? We already told you you weren’t going. Get your butt back inside.”
“Sorry I can’t do that”
As the 4 of them looked up here came Harry’s RV down the driveway.
The girls started walking to their friends as Harry and Niall got out of the front of the RV.
“What’s up with your parents babe?” Niall looked at Alyssa.
“They don’t think this is a good idea.” Alyssa handed Niall her stuff.
Right as the we’re getting ready to step onto the RV Alyssa’s parents called out.
“Alyssa Forrest, if you step foot on the RV you aren’t welcome home.”
Everyone’s mouths in the vehicle fell open.
“Hey babe you should probably go back”
“ You know what if they’re going to treat me like that screw them. I’m going. I don’t freaking care anymore.”
Alyssa turned to look back at her parents and jumped in the RV.
Everyone in the RV cheered as Harry started on the road.
After it got silent, everyone started to hear sniffling.
“Woah woah woah who’s crying? We should make it a rule that there’s no crying on our trip.” Louis looked at everyone.
“Alyssa, I’m sorry. That was really crappy of us to put that much pressure on you. Harry, turn around we need to take her home.”
“No, Kayla it’s fine. It’s not you guys. I really want to go.”
“As long as your comfortable with it, babe” Niall turned around in his seat.
“Okay let’s get this road trip started. Which direction are we going? I kinda need to know which way to turn.” Harry laughed
“Hit the freaking freeway bro.” Liam yelled across the entire RV.
“Turn the tunes on. A road trip isn’t good until there’s music.”
“Oohhh I got it!!!! I have a road trip playlist.” Louis handed his phone to Niall.
“Of course you do.” Zayn rolled his eyes.
Alyssa sat next to the window processing what had just happened.
“Hey, you okay boo? You’ve been quite since we left.” Kayla sat next to Alyssa.
“Yeah I’m fine. It just kinda hit me what just happened.”
“Well even if your parents get rid of you, you always have me. I’m not going anywhere. Ever.” Kayla hugged Alyssa.
“Awwwww” The entire bus erupted.
“Shut the freak up” Alyssa laughed.
“Seriously though. No one is being left behind ever. We will always be best friends and that’s all that matters.” Liam smiled.
“Great speech Li. Really inspirational.” Louis clapped.
“Thanks for ruining the moment...”
*3 hours later*
“Hey guys is anyone else getting hungry. I’m starving” Harry said from the drivers seat.
“I could eat.”
“Niall you can always eat.” Laughs Alyssa.
“Hey don’t judge me.”
“Okay I’m going to stop at McDonald’s since it’s at the nest exit.” Harry switched lanes.
While Harry ordered all the food Zayn and Louis popped up the table while everyone else found a seat. After they got the food everyone dug in.
“Mmmmm this is so good”
“I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”
“Harry how far are we from Utah?” Louis asked with his mouth full of food.
“I don’t know maybe 2 hours” Harry said will turning the turning signal on. As Harry took the turn he turned the wheel too much which caused Louis drink to go flying everywhere. All the pop landed on Kayla and Alyssa who happened to be sitting in the booth across from him.
Kayla let out a super high pitched, “AHHHHHHH!!!! Louis look what you did. You ruined my pants. I have no sweatpants now”
“Look what I did?! It was freaking Harold who turned like a psycho!”
“Guys I’m sorry it’s so difficult to turn while holding a hamburger!!”
“Harry we have to find a laundromat. I can’t survive without sweatpants.”
“I brought a ton of sweatpants. You can just where those, love.”
“See problem solved” Louis shrugged is shoulders.
“You’re lucky Tomlinson.” Kayla eyed Louis.
After everyone finished eating it was a pretty chill afternoon. Harry and Kayla took the front seats and chatted quitely amongst themselves. Liam, Maya, Zayn, and Gigi played uno for literally hours. Niall and Louis were playing FIFA and being extremely loud. Alyssa and Eleanor were scrolling on their phones and occasionally showing each other something.
2 pm came around and they hadn’t stopped since McDonald’s. Kayla had to pee since 1, but didn’t want to make a pit stop. She has always hated to be a burden. She couldn’t hold it any longer though.
“Harry I have to pee like really really bad”
“Why didn’t you pee at McDonald’s?”
“I didn’t have to then.”
“Okay well it might be a little bit before I can stop. We are literally in the middle of nowhere.”
“Harry I don’t think you understand, I have to pee like now. It’s not my fault the stupid toilet doesn’t work in the RV. So find me a bathroom ASAP.”
“Harry it has been 10 minutes and we still haven’t stopped. I’m going to actually pee my pants.” Kayla said panicked.
“The exit is right here. You can pee in like 5 minutes.” Harry took the exit to Salt Lake City, Utah.
By this time everyone knew Kayla had to pee. I mean she had only said it twelve times.
Harry pulled in a Kwik stop while Kayla unbuckled her seatbelt.
“Kayla chill we haven’t even rolled to a stop yet.”
“Harry I can’t good it any longer. I NEED TO GO PEEEEE!!!”
“Kayla you can’t just jump out of the moving RV”
Everyone when from laughing at their bickering to dead serious as Kayla flung the door open and jumped out.
“KAYLA WHAT THE FREAK” Harry slammed into the brakes makes Gigi fly off of Zayn’s lap onto the ground.
“Alyssa run after her!! I don’t want her to go by herself and die!” Harry stately sounding freaked out.
“I got her! Kayla wait I’m coming with!!!”
“I HAVE TO PEE!” Kayla yelled across the parking lot gaining weird looks from everyone there.
Once Kayla got to the bathroom she sat down on the toilet only to find she started her period.
“Oh crap!!”
“What’s wrong?” Alyssa asked from the stall next to her.
“I started my period and I didn’t bring anything. I wasn’t supposed to start right now.”
“Oh. I would totally share some with you, but I didn’t bring any tampons. I’m sorry.” Alyssa yelled over the toilet flushing.
“It’s okay. I’ll just buy s—crap I didn’t bring my wallet with me. I new I forgot something.”
“Oh that ain’t good.” Alyssa said looking at Kayla through the mirror.
“It’s okay. I’ll just wrap toilet paper up and home it works.” Kayla looked concerned “I’m sure it will be okay.”
As the girls walked back to the RV Kayla hopped in the front seat looking at Harry. He looked ticked.
“Sorry I just couldn’t hold it.” Kayla smiled sheepishly.
Harry didn’t even respond. He just started the engine and drove off.
Everyone went back to what they were doing. Except for Harry and Kayla. He wouldn’t even speak a word to her. She knew he was mad.
“Hey Liam you haven’t had a turn to ride shotgun. You can come sit up here with Harry.”
Liam hopped up from his spot on the couch and ran up to take it.
Awhile passed and it was super awkward in the bus. Usually Harry and Kayla were talking and being all lovey dovey, but not now.
Kayla walked up to the front of the RV, “ Harry how much longer until we get to Wyoming?”
Harry didn’t answer.
“Harry, what time are we going to be in Wyoming?” Kayla asked again.
Still no answer.
Liam looked uncomfortably between Harry and Kayla, “probably an hour or so.”
“Thanks Li.” Kayla softly smiled.
As she walked back to her seat she couldn’t help but cry. Here she was, started her period with no pads and now her boyfriend wouldn’t talk to her. This trip was going so well.
As Harry drove down the highway all he could think about was the fact that the love of his life jumped out of a moving vehicle. She could have been hurt or worse. Liam was going on about some song he had recently found, but Harry couldn’t focus on anything but Kayla. He happened to look in the rierveiw mirror and saw Kayla. It broke his heart.
There she was sitting on the couch by herself, staring out the window with tears falling down her cheeks. How could he have been so mean to her? He slammed on the breaks almost sending Liam into the dash.
“Whoa what the heck Harry? What’d you do that for?” Niall said as he picked is phone up off the ground from where it flew off the table.
Harry said nothing. Just through it into park and jumped out of the drivers seat.
“He does realize he’s in the middle of the road right?!”
“We’re going to die!!”
Harry ran around the front of the RV and jumped in the back. Everyone was so confused what was happening.
“Babe I’m so sorry I was a jerk. I shouldn’t have treated you like that. It just scared me when you did that. I can’t lose you.” Harry said staring into Kayla’s year filled eyes.
Kayla didn’t say a word, just grabbed onto Harry for dear life and hugged him. Harry through the keys at Liam and told him to drive. Liam panicked a little as he had never driven anything so big before.
“Louis go sit up there with Liam and keep him company” Niall looked at Louis.
Louis ran up to the front like a giddy kid in a candy shop.
“I’m sorry I’m crying. It’s not just y-you.” Kayla sniffled. “ I started my period and didn’t bring anything and now I’m going to ruin all my pants.”
“Babe why didn’t you say anything. I have tampons in the bathroom for when you stay over.”
“I didn’t say anything because you wouldn’t talk to me.”
Harry rubbed his neck, “ I’m sorry. Do you want to go clean up and then take a nap.”
“That sounds lovely.” Kayla wiped under her eyes.
“Hey guys were going to go take a nap. Kaylas tired”
“Okay! I’ll keep driving straight” Liam stated from the drivers seat.
“You know a nap really sounds good right now. I think that’s what I’m going to do to.”
Everyone agreed with Zayn. So they all ended up taking naps.
While everyone was sound asleep Liam and Louis were actually getting along for once.
“Liam, I know I annoy you a lot and don’t say it much, but I really do love ya man.” Louis looked at Liam.
“Thanks mate I love you too” Liams eyes crinkled as he smiled.
Louis and Liam had always argued. Liam was so mature and Louis was... well like a big kid, so they always butted heads.
As they continue to drive it started raining. And by raining I mean pouring. Liam could barely see 2 feet in front of the RV. You could say he was panicking a little.
Harry awoke to the sound of rain hitting the window in his room. He quickly jumped up. You see Harry never liked people driving his RV; especially when it rained. As he passed through the kitchen he noticed it was already 5 pm. Had they really slept that long?
“Liam pull over and let me drive. It makes me nervous letting someone else drive my baby.”
“Gladly” Liam pulled over to the side of the road and let Harry jump in the front seat.
All the commotion woke everyone else up. As they continued going down the road, Harry murged onto the interstate.
“ I hate driving on the interstate”
“You could always let me drive.”
“Louis I would rather let a baby drive my RV.”
At this point everyone was back in the living area.
“Well I have to shower and I want to first. So I’m gonna go do that.” Alyssa walked towards the bathroom after grabbing her things.
All the girls ran to get their stuff so they wouldn’t be last. With that many people to shower it wasn’t until 9 that they were all showered and ready for bed. Niall and Harry were not riding in the front while Gigi and Maya were fighting over what movie to watch. They finally agreed on some random romance movie.
“We will have to figure out the sleeping arrangements. I’m obviously taking the master since it’s my RV. That leaves 2 bunks, the couch, and the floor.
“I’m not sleeping on the floor just saying” Louis said sounding like a royal pain.
“Maya and I can take the floor as long as we switch out everyday” Liam stated.
“Zayn and I can take the couch. It’s really no biggie.” Gigi offered.
“Okay that means Alyssa, Niall, Louis, and Eleanor get the beds”
As the night winded down everyone had gone to their sleeping areas except for Niall and Harry; they were still seated in the front of the RV.
“I think I’m just going to drive through the night. That way we can hit more places.”
“I’ll stay up with ya mate.”
As the night rolled on everyone was excited to see what tomorrow holds. Today may have been boring but tomorrow they were going to be stopping at quite a few places.
There is it! Ch 2 of “The Last Summer” we hope you guys liked it!! Chapter 3 will be up next Sunday night :)
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co-mixed · 5 years
TROS: Where would Rey-Kylo relationship be in a year? Pt.1
Possible super minor spoilers for TROS
When we’ve heard about the time jump in TROS, the main question we asked was not the “where a certain character ends up”, but “what would follow TLJ immediately, and where would it lead in said year”. And the answer, well… let’s take a look, because we’ve held on to these ideas for two years, and it’s as good time as any to bring it up.
Let’s take Rey, as she was last seen in TLJ.
First and foremost, we know that she’s developed a crush. Now may not be obvious to everyone, but it’s also like putting 2 and 2 together.
We could go back, and review the first encounter, the interrogation, or even the fight. All of them do drop hints, but then there’s one particular TLJ exchange:
“— You’re a monster.
— Yes I am.”
And it brilliantly displays the origins of her crush. Because she stops to think, and that means her defensive reaction to shoot or fight him on sight takes a break. And mind you, she is still very much 19, in SW it’s like our 16, which is the best age for first crushes. There is a physical reaction to this, which is touched upon later for those who didn’t take the first hint (yes, it’s exactly what you think it is). There’s a cognitive reaction too, it just arrives a little later. It was really well described by Rian Johnson, when he said that he intentionally used the most uncomfortable situations. It works, because the resulting chemistry is undeniable.
Yet the last time we see her is not when she’s closing the Falcon door on him, that’s just Rey being upset and hurt, but it’s when she is on the Falcon, probably playing the whole thing over in her head. So we know they aren’t done, even if we don’t take the Force Bond into account. Next few natural steps for Rey would be to soak in those thoughts. She’s spent most of her life alone, on Jakku, and she is probably used to thinking rather than talking. Until the next Force Bond that is.
Now to Kylo/Ben.
This one is a bit more difficult, because for that we have to go all the way back to TFA. Let’s start with the fact that he has not heard that much about her. If we don’t take the novelization into account (let’s base it solely on the movie here), it appears that his initial reaction is fear. He feels threatened by someone with equal potential. And during their first encounter (we usually call it the first date), it’s safe to assume that his reaction is more physical. After that it progresses into the “let’s get to know each other” dimension. We probably can also attribute his interest in her to the dynamics that he’s picked up from Han and Leia. Not the best one, but that’s the only proper relationship model he’s seen. Rey also attacks him right away, and shows zero interest. It plays out a bit like middle school, but since both characters are fairly inexperienced, it does work. When she calls the the saber, that’s when she’s got him. No kidding, because it was either written in there, or just portrayed well enough, but it shows.
TLJ takes his interest further, to the point of belonging. And there is a reason we use this particular word for him, not her. He knows plenty about the Force, so from a mystical point of view “Why is the Force connecting us?” would be more than enough, but also Johnson is not that simple kinda writer (ok maybe some shade here). Ben feels it first, and while Rey is acting in search of that feeling, and  because of her teenage crush, he is already sold on the idea of ruling the galaxy together. It’s his attachment to her as much as the fact that she talked to him, and was willing to understand him, and maybe accept him. Yeah pretty harsh.
Then Crait, and it’s not really about the two of them. It’s like a fight when you say things you don’t mean, it’s also very human. And what follows is them both being deeply hurt.
Again, ‘till the next Force Bond.
The only line in the middle of it all, that we get is “She really cared about him, and he disappointed her”. But it wasn’t him who disappointed her really, because seems like she was disappointed because he didn’t offer her exactly what she wanted. Rey is not much around during “Resistance Reborn”, or the road to TROS. And we really don’t know what’s going on with her, just that she has some issues with the Force. But the thing that we can’t ignore here is that If she has problems, so is he. If that happens, maybe one or both of them are subconsciously trying to severe the bond, and it can only be Rey. This is what buys you some time, but not really a year. As soon as she focuses and attunes to the Force, the Bond will be back (because come on, it’s the Force). This will take a month at best and there is another factor to count in. She has a few triggers:
— The books, because they represent the Force, the very thing that connects her and him.
— The saber, because not only the two of them broke it in half, but this is the very saber that he used to kill Snoke and save her.
— Leia, because that mighty Skywalker blood. The more time she spends with Leia, the better they get to know each other, the more chances there are that they will discuss Ben. And Rey is a girl, and what are we best at? Correct, thinking. So she would remember and analyze, do it over and over again and eventually, she will start missing him, and mentally write down all the unanswered questions that she has for him.
So the first Force Bond they get, they will have questions for each other.
His would be exactly the same line we hear in TROS “I offered you my hand, why didn’t you take it?”
Hers would be “Why didn’t you stop firing on the fleet?” But that wouldn’t stop there, she would go on ranting, because she will get emotional. “Your mother was on one of those ships”, and that would strike a chord.
And we know that the only possible reaction here is Ben choking a bit, and his thought would be exactly the same as in TROS, he can’t go back to her. He knows it, but in this case he is not ready to say it out loud. He would need time to think, and the bond would probably fade for now. What do they do?
She made him think, she would understand it, and she would find ways to manipulate. This is kind of a power shift, and as strange as it feels, it makes sense.
As for Ben, that would eat him away. All while Kylo Ren is supposed to carry out his responsibilities, that amongst adding a cool title to his name, include both military duties, and politics (in the sense of dictatorship). Do we think Kylo is a great politician? No we don’t, it’s been said again and again, that his reactions are mostly physical. So he would need someone to deal with the boring parts, let’s assume he has someone who’s scared of him enough.
Then there is Hux, who not in a million years will go from praising the First Order to hating Kylo. No, we see it clearly at the end of TLJ, that he still wants to seize the leadership, and correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t he concoct a plan? Add to that the fact, that he knows the structure of the fleet, the supply management, intelligence etc. He’s been around it all, and basically does for the First Order what Leia does for the Resistance. Kylo’s been in it for how long? Considering that he’d spent his days as Snoke’s apprentice or running around with the Knights of Ren, he’s not exactly a pro. And yes, his mother is a leader and a politician, but he was training as a Jedi. Not the same thing whatsoever.
So what do we have: Kylo is distracted enough, so that Hux has a little space to pretend to be loyal. And don’t forget for a second that Hux knows about “the Girl”, who allegedly murdered Snoke. He would watch Ben closely.
Let’s also mention our favorite band the Knights of Ren. We didn’t get to learn much about them, except for the comic book, but let’s assume that we do know some things. They follow a certain concept, they do Kylo’s bidding,  and you can call the ghouls, because it seems like they praise chaos for the sake of… well… chaos. They can’t be stronger than Ben, and there is no point in them feeling him being pulled to the Light, besides that’s something he struggles with either way. Explaining why they weren’t around for TLJ is a bit tricky, but what if they were searching for Jedi/Sith artifacts? We do know from the animated show, that Kylo dispatches a lot of mission to retrieve items. Now that’s perfect for them.
Got a little sidetracked here, trying to explain how Ben’s surroundings work and affect his daily routine.
Rey is endangering any mission she’s on, because “The Girl murdered Snoke”, and the girl needs her training too. The books, after all. And she would spend more time alone, because at this point she’d have this big secret, that she can’t share with anyone but perhaps Leia. And Rey can avoid this for as long as she can, but Leia, again, is a politician. She probably reads faces well enough to read between the lines. So they both know what’s going on (like how Rey even managed to get in the same room with Ben for him to ask her to join him (Resistance Reborn). Also, and this is pretty important, Leia knows that Kylo Ren is the Supreme Leader, she knows that Ben is the only one who likely did this, which brings us to the point that she definitely knows that this is when and why Ben offered Rey his hand. So yeah Leia knows pretty much the whole thing. But we leave it at that, because Leia won’t push, and Rey won’t cave asap.
Now back to Reylo.
The next Force Bond catches them both alone, and as this happens between them, they do move on from the previous chat. We know well that Ben’s trigger is Leia, so he is already on the right track.
If we imagine that she has some of her textbooks in her hands (since the Bond itself is progressing), and he would notice them, that could spark a conversation. She is trying to learn something new, fix the lightsaber, etc. Then it’s fair to assume, that they will have a few of those educational chats along the way (this idea is even more compelling because of “you need a teacher” thing), but guess what… the tension doesn’t go away, so eventually it does take over. We can argue war or opposing sides, but we’ve already established a conflict within the First Order. In other words, if Hux is smart enough, pretty soon Kylo would be out of a job. Besides, combined effect of Leia, Rey and Ben himself is definitely enough to land him in the middle. Not on the Light side, but right in the middle. Also logical to assume that Rey, driven by attachments, is right there with him. Now we can go ahead and skip forward, but the situation will resolve itself within a few months. It won’t even take a year.
Come to think of it, the Force connects them at least 5 times a week. That’s around 260 times a year, or a lot. We don’t have to follow this exact math, the Bond is allowed to be random, and it progresses to a point where they could if not teleport, at least be in the same space, wherever that is. This means that very likely, within a year they would be a thing, they would have talked everything over, and probably come to an understanding regarding Resistance/First Order thing. But it’s the middle of it all, where you insert a political conflict. We’ll get to this later, because let’s face it, this post is already way too long.
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amarantine-amirite · 5 years
Location, Location...Oh, There It Is
Pool-marts. Theme parks. Big-ass churches with funny signs. Trucking lots. A KFC that looks suspiciously like the Hagia Sofia. You won't believe how much stuff exists off the side of a major traffic artery.
It's probably there by design, though. More people driving past it equals more people seeing it. More people seeing it means more people going into the store and buying things. More buying equals more money. Classic first rule of business: location, location, location.
Speaking of location, location, location, I have no idea where I am. But I do know that it was a significant improvement of where I was before.
It's been said that the road ahead is paved with uncertainty, hope, despair, and yet to be realized expectations. In my experience, the road ahead is also full of low hanging fog, glowing orange lights, and holes in the pavement. And that fog and those lights were the last things I saw before I fell through one of those holes in the pavement.
When I landed, I found myself in a hub for a network of underground tunnels. With roots protruding from the walls, pebbles of assorted sizes on the floors, and side-to-side clearance narrow enough that I had to walk through them sideways, they reminded me of an oversized version of those tunnels that wild hamsters dig to put their nuts away for the winter.
Except, I didn't find any nuts. I found something far more interesting: a basement-like room with a single light bulb, decaying wallpaper, a closet door propped open with one of those humble figurine thingies, and a wicker basket. Inside the wicker basket lay a file folder marked "IMPORTANT INFO - FOR T.J."
I opened the folder and noticed a typewritten sheet of paper with the following written on it:
0. Denise Ashenhurst can very frequently be found 
1. hard at work at her desk. Denise works quietly, without 
2. disturbing her classmates. Never have we seen Denise 
3. think twice about prioritizing learning, and she always 
4. finishes given assignments on time. Denise consistently takes time to 
5. help others, such as intervening when two girls attempted to 
6. steal her friend's boyfriends. We duly recommend that Denise be 
7. nominated for the Silver Circle Award, and such arrangements 
8. executed ASAP.
I also found this note and a polaroid image of a girl with long brown hair and a visible gap tooth clipped to the paper: Isn't it always the way, you write shit down and that bitch looks over your shoulder. Read every other line (0, 2, 4, etc..) for my true impression of her.
I laughed. It reminded me for all the world of that joke about the coworker who is reading over the guy shoulder as he wrote the memo.
I put the folder back and walked up the flight of stairs that I saw on the right hand side of the room. When I got to the top of the stairs, I found myself in what looked like some kind of basement. I saw another flight of stairs at the end of the room.
I came up at either a house party or an open house. I think it was a house party, it didn’t really look like an open house for anything. Open houses usually have like information sheets about who you guys are and what you guys do, but I didn’t see anything like that in here. I saw a bunch of people chatting over glasses of white wine, a bunch of kids outside on the pool deck using the tarp over the pool is some kind of impromptu bouncy castle (which, I’m surprise didn’t give away), and an orange tree in the corner of the room.
What caught my attention was what was behind the orange tree: a girl with long brown hair. As I got closer, I saw it. The visible gap tooth. Denise Ashenhurst.
I had no idea how small Denise is. Until now, I couldn’t believe that she could hide behind the planter in the corner of the room. If I do the same, my legs stick out the sides, and it looks like the planter fell on its ass.
Sshe looked pretty upset about something. "Hey" I asked, "you OK?"
Panting heavily, she looked up at me. "Elizabeth?" she asked, her voice breaking.
"No," I said softly, "not even close." My name’s actually Khaleesi, not Elizabeth
She just sat there and stared at me. "Are you OK?" I asked her again.
“Nope,” she whimpered. After that, she completely broke down. She curled up into a ball and bawled.
Again, I couldn't believe she could squeeze into the tiny, tiny space between the planter and the wall. I mean, I'm surprised she could even breathe back there let alone maneuver around enough to dig her handkerchief out of her fanny pack.
"What's wrong?" I asked. I don't think she heard me.
"I'm sorry," I said, "I don't think I got that."
When she did speak, she could barely form a coherent sentence. Before she could finish her thought, she began to gag. Audibly.
Uh oh. That doesn't sound good.
"That wasn't a good sound." I said, but I don't think she heard me, "sounds like you're going to throw up."
Denise shook her head. "Nope," she said (desperately trying not to gag, I might add), "I'm not going to throw up."
I didn't believe her for a minute. "Are you sure?" I asked her.
Denise took a deep breath. "Look, Kathleen," she said as she dried her eyes, "I'm positive. I won't throw up."
"Getting warmer" I replied calmly.
I still didn't believe her, because right after she told me that she wasn't going to throw up, she gagged again. Twice.
And then, out of nowhere, Denise started to frantically dig a hole in the dirt in the planter.
"Is that for what I think it's for?" I asked her, side-eyeing the hole.
She didn't even look at me when she spoke. "I'm gonna throw up!"
Denise missed the hole entirely. The stream of vomit went right into some fancy woman's handbag. She hit the hole the second time she hurled. And the third.
"Now that you're empty, do you want to talk about it?" I asked respectfully.
Denise shook her head. She slowly retreated towards the corner of the room. I backed off after that. I figured that she needed some space.
Almost immediately after I walked away, I heard a squish noise, followed by a woman screaming, "Someone threw up in my purse! Someone threw up in my purse!"
I clearly heard Denise say "Uh-oh." Apparently, so did the woman with the handbag full of throw up, because she walked right up to Denise and started chewing her out. "You ruined my handbag! It was a very expensive Hermès bag!”
Denise say down and blew her nose. "It's alright" she said, "it was a fake." She was right. The purse didn’t say “Hermès”, it said “Herpes”.
The woman stood there, taken aback. “What do you mean it’s fake!?”
“It’s a knockoff.“ I said, “it says herpes on it.“
I have expected the woman to say, “don’t try to tell me I have a head bag full of herpes!“ She didn’t say anything. She rolled her eyes, walked away, and probably went home.
Denise left shortly afterward. About 20 minutes or so after she left, it dawned on me why she was so upset. I remember the file that had the document about her and the picture of her. It was almost definitely something related to that.
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kotofvi · 3 years
Okay so, story time about why I tried to quit yesterday: 
I’m going to talk to my store manager tomorrow about all this shit, dead ass early in the morning he is not escaping. Anyways, so I’m cross trained. I was hired on as a driver but I do literally everything in the store now. Keep that in mind. I get there an hour early to help set up, clean, stock, etc. I don’t take my lunch break ‘cause we’re short handed, so I basically eat on the go (no prob, I’m still eating) and cover everyone else’s lunch breaks, I make sure to answer every phone if the ISS (the manager of the drivers) is on the line already and help where they’ll let me or otherwise put them on hold for her, I cover her lunch break (we have two ISS but two has never been enough so I help), I make sure to take everything I can off the table and never take anything going in the opposite direction because it would take too long, I pull everyone’s parts that I can, I make sure everything’s in order, I work up front every morning because we’re short handed there too so I open, I mix the paint when our specialist is out or busy, I go and get everyone else food too (get mine too most of the time) and finally: I make sure everything is covered in the hub. 
These are the things I do every day. Well, yesterday, one of my customers (since I work up front every morning) needed some brake pads asap because they already had the truck apart. They’re a commercial customer but they don’t go through ISS, Idk why they just prefer going thru the front counter. Anyhow, they got the wrong ones the first time because they thought it was a 3500 and not a 2500 Sprinter. They called and the ISS got the call-- she thought it was a Silverado, not a Sprinter when they said 2500 and sent them to a different store. It’s okay, it happens. However, when I told her it was a Spinter she went oh no and they don’t have a number on file that really works aside from contacting their actual establishment and not the guys. Except, I have three or four of their tech’s and mechanic’s numbers in my phone because I deal with them so often. 
So I call the guy who had just come in, who was on his way to a different store, and explain the situation and apologize. Now they are some of the SWEETEST fellas you’ll know, super kind and wonderful even if mistakes are made. Patient as heck. Well, I’m helping sort all this mess out and I’m trying to ask my Store manager if I was allowed to warranty return the first set so they could just keep the hardware they needed and be on their way. (Would’ve taken ten seconds to answer me.) Instead, the store manager is hounding me about taking a delivery because the ISS is hounding him about it being on the table (for thirty minutes.) So instead of just answering me and letting me finish everything asap and be on my way, he storms off with a “Guess I’ll drive instead.” In front of my customer. Anyhow, when I try to explain that to the ISS her immediate response was “Well it’s not like they make me any money so why do I care about them? You’re just a driver anyways.” 
..... Enter my fucking PETTINESS. So what if they’re not her customer? They’re a fucking LOVELY bunch of folks who deserved WAY better treatment than what they got. They had to keep a part they didn’t need just because they needed the hardware, had to buy the parts they did need, got run everywhere and they still didn’t treat me like shit because of it. All of this could have been avoided had my manager just answered me. It also could have been avoided if the delivery hadn’t been for a specific commercial account that makes the ISS a fuck ton of money. Whenever there’s a delivery for them, she pushes it to the front of the table and makes anyone who’s there take it first, understandable to an extent but lately she has been absolutely fucking feral about it being done right that second even though their techs don’t actually get the part for thirty minutes because it needs to be checked in and everything else. (Should I mention her husband works there too? Yeah.) 
Now, keep in mind what I said I do every day. That includes helping her and covering her ass all the time. So if I’m just a driver then I don’t need to be doing all of that, right? The drivers stand around doing nothing if there’s not a delivery if the back stock is all put up. They don’t answer phones, cover lunches, make sure everything’s pulled, help the hub, prioritize making sure everything is running smoothly, encourage everyone who’s having a bad day that it’ll be okay and they’ll help them out to lessen the struggle, etc. They just stand there. And this is the second time I’ve been told such things at their convenience. I’m “just” a driver whenever it’s convenient for them. But otherwise they expect me to continue doing everything I’ve been doing. When I say I spent the rest of that day looking for my manager to quit, I did. I looked for him everywhere but he was always out of the store doing something. (making deliveries because we’re short handed or at the bank.) A few people already know what the fuck is going on because they asked me what was wrong and I straight up told them. 
And it’s not like I can have an adult conversation with the ISS either. The way she responded was rude and childish the first time I tried. This isn’t the first thing to happen lately either. Like brotato I am fucking tired. So I went petty mode. I knew the schedule posted on the wall would say I was supposed to work-- but the 3rd and 16th are days I straight up said I couldn’t work from the start, so I made sure miss Sunday took me off yesterday ‘cause she didn’t know. (She’s new to doing the schedule.) But it still says I’m on the schedule on the posted one. So I waited until my manager called me in a panic to say “nope, I’m off on the 3rd and 16th every month, you know that. Why? Do you need something?” And made him consciously aware that at that point, he’d be calling me in to cover everything like I do every day, and waited for him to tell me they had it. So tomorrow, I can see the entire table full of deliveries, the stock that needs to be put away, etc. Just to prove a fucking point of how much I fucking do. 
I am the pettiest fucking bitch when I want to be, I straight up watched our second ISS flounder for a whole ass hour when she told me it was my responsibility to cut cost for the company and take all my breaks (not that I needed to take my breaks for myself but that I needed to cut costs and watch payroll) on the day I had to leave early. So I took my lunch break, watched her flounder and when she asked me if I was going to clock back in (like I normally would’ve if I ever take a lunch break, I just eat and clock back in) and I showed her the timer showing I still had 36 minutes left with a smile on my face. 
Don’t try to fucking use me at your own convenience and don’t fucking mistreat me or otherwise be rude as shit. I will find the best fucking ways to make your day a living hell without breaking any rules and prioritizing my job so I won’t get into trouble. I’m not like my other coworker who would quit and walk out, I’m the bitch who will just make your job that much fucking harder while still doing mine because I won’t help you anymore to cover your shit. 
5 notes · View notes
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
"Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can i sue my car insurance?
Can I sue my car insurance if they refuse to pay for my car damages
I got a ticket which doesn't put points on my license. Could it affect my insurance rates?
I was a passenger in my friend's car when he was ticketed for having an open container of alcohol in the backseat. This occurred in Illinois, and the text of the relevant law is at the bottom. He was ticketed for violating section A; I was ticketed for section B. I confirmed with the very nice lady at the DMV that no points will be placed on my license since I was the passenger, but she was unsure as to what kind of report will be sent to the Secretary of State's office to be added to my driving record. So, here's my question: since I'm not getting any points for this, is it likely to affect my insurance rates? I can see both possibilities - on the non-affect side, it's a non-moving violation, but on the yes-affect side, it involves alcohol (albeit peripherally in my specific situation). If the consensus is that it will make my rates go up, I am going to try to get court supervision. If not, I'll try to save the extra money that would cost. Sec. 11-502. Transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor in a motor vehicle. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no driver may transport, carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within the passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c), no passenger may carry, possess or have any alcoholic liquor within any passenger area of any motor vehicle upon a highway in this State except in the original container and with the seal unbroken.""
Cheapest car insurance for you a young driver?
What are the cheapest cars for a young driver to insure? I'm 17 and looking at buying soon so any help would be great!
My car insurance company is screwing me over?
I was just recently in a car accident. my front end recieved some harsh damage. The hood was folded towards the windshield, transmitiion was busted, the front lights were busted and the front frame was pushed back to where i could not get my front doors open. My insurance company is saying that it is a complete loss. However the garage where i took it to said that it was fixable. My car is a 2001 neon. They want to take the car and probably give me 2000 dollars for it, and they wll fix it and sell it for more. My question is should i just hand it over to my insurance company and take the 2000 dollars? or does anyone have any suggestions?""
How much home insurance should I get?
I just bought a house for about $180,000. I am looking for homeowners' insurance, but I am confused as to how much I should get. Should I insure for just the replacement cost of rebuilding the structure, or for the % of the mortgage I am financing. I got 3 different quotes, and they were for $396, $502, and $858. The lowest one was for $396 b/c it was with my car insurance company, but they will only insure the cost of rebuilding the structure, which they estimate as $110,000 (the house is small and in a decent neighborhood.) The second company wanted to insure me for that, but I got them to quote me on $140,000. That amount, when you add in the 25% overflow they allow you, meets the 90% of the mortgage amount I am financing. The 1st company would not do that for me. The 3rd quote was for $140,000, and was with the people w/whom I have had renter's insurance for 12 years. The only difference was that there was not a wind damage deductible of 2% on the 3rd quote. My loan officer says to just get enough insurance to rebuild the structure. How much insurance should I get?""
Car insurance policy and rates question?
My girlfriend is on my car insurance policy. Recently she got in an accident and now I believe our car insurance rates will be raised. Can I drop her off my car insurance policy and have her transfer her car in my name that way both cars can be insured in my name. If I do this can she still drive her car?
""Have SR-22 insurance, can I switch insurance companies?""
Hi, I've had sr-22 insurance through geico for a little over a year now, however due to recently moving to florida my monthly payments have gone through the roof. Do I have the option of switching to a cheaper insurance company without having to restart the 3 year mandatory holding of the sr-22?""
Why does anyone not complain to insurance companies ?
people have auto insurance because of the fear of accidents. but when accidents occur, why does insurance companies increase their prices ridiculously? insurance are for the case of accidents. when accidents happen, we already have given them so much money. why do they need double the money from us after accidents ? were we just giving them money in free before ? i understand that auto insurance must be required but there should be some rules set by government so that they could not rob people so easily. it is like it is legal for them to rob people. i feel we should complain against it. any supporters ????""
How long does it take insurance companies to create your insurance?
My father just bought a mercedez sl 500 convertible. Its a 2000. We got it on saturday. Call the insurance to transfer myself onto the car on monday. todays wednesday and still no word. How long will it take for them to rate the car and post me on the insurance?
What is a good cheap online insurance?
I have Allstate at the moment but I want to swith to something that is way cheaper but that is still good coverage any ideas? thanks. is there aperson i can go to that will help me find the cheapest insurance based on my information?
What is a rather cheap but reliable car insurance company?
So I need to buy insurance for the 2002 Kia Optima. I used to have The General, but that is REALLY cheap insurance and I don't know that they would pay out. Now it is winter and if it snows there is more chance of an accident so I want to make sure the car is covered. What is a good insurance company? And NOT State Farm. Our family has had horrible luck with them. Also, please no ads or spam, I will report you. I want real peoples opinions. Thanks.""
Where can i find a cheap car insurance?
i live in UK from 2011 and i am self employed. i have a very cheap vauxhall and i pay nearly 2000 a year on car insurance. i want to have a second car to be clean and for social use only but i will need to pay an extra 1000 per year. i am 27 years old and have 5 years EU driven licence. can you advise me in any way?
Who has the best health insurance in California for college students?
I am a full time college student, and I am looking for health care insurance, but I'm not for sure which to go for. I was looking up Blue Shield of California, Health net, and Kaiser, but I'm new to this.""
Is insurance cheaper with driving school or learning at home?
i want to learn at home.
Homeowners and health insurance?
We have Nationwide homeowners insurance, which is just added to our mortgage. If we get health insurance through them too, do you think they can just add it to our mortgage also?""
Do you have to have insurance for...?
I was wondering, when renting an apartment are you suppose to have insurance?""
Car insurance 1st driver uk cheapest & best one to go with.. thanks?
thats all i want to know cheers :)
How will a speeding ticket going 9 over affect me personally and insurance wise?
Hi, i just got my first speeding ticket going 9 over 40, the cop said usually it would not effect my insurance but if not how will it affect me? If i pay the ticket and not call my insurance will that be that and it will be over? Please help""
""Attention young driver's, where did you get insurance from?""
My 17th is coming up soon and I really want to be able to drive however every time I look for insurance the cheapest ones I can get are in excess of 2500 at least! Also are there any cars or small hatchbacks that are best to insure, keep and drive in your opinion???? Is it best to get my own car and have my parents as named drivers or the other way round? Thanks! :)""
How much should a teen pay for car insurance (10 pts in 24 hrs!)?
I'm 17 years old, female and will be driving a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I live in New Jersey and I'm wondering how much it will cost. When I looked for quotes online it said 450 a month. Will this be accurate? I passed my permit test with a 82. Can anyone give me numbers and not 50-500 stuff? And i need to know ASAP Will be picking best answer by the end of today!! thank you. or atleast answer: how much did you pay at 17 info and stuff. Thanks!""
Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance?
Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?""
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
CAR INSURANCE FOR 20 year old with G2?
I live in scarborough toronto and I'm paying my auto insurance $450/month for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. You guys know any better and cheaper insurance companies? Additional info: I'm 20 male Scarborough Have G2 and certificate insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. PLEASE HELP!!
What is the average cost for small business health insurance with less then 15 employee ?
What is the average cost for small business health insurance with less then 15 employee ?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for California?
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
SR-22 insurance for a 2002 VW Jetta?
I'm at around $150 a month right now for my 1993 Mitsubishi Galant, which seems a little rediculous to me, I may be switching companies. Any idea how much more it would cost?""
""Im 16 and i want to get a R6, i want to know how much it would cost for insurance?""
I live in the U.S, Florida and i am taking the MSF course.""
Motorcycle insurance?
hi, im 16, and plan on getting a motorcycle in about 4 years when im 20. im also planning on starting on a 600 and i know so far that if ur about 20 years old (really young) and you have a 600cc bike that your insurance will be around $1500-$2000 a year. so my questions are at what age does the price get lower and if those numbers are true then i will most likely start on a 250 and wat is the insurance for a 250 a year. when the time comes ill see if im able to pay 2000k a year thanks""
Why Health Insurance?
Health insurance companies can't cure anyone, prevent any disease, develop new treatments or create better medicines. Yet they take a cut of your health care dollar, create endless paper, interfere with doctors and enrich shareholders. They can all be replaced by software. BESIDES, hospital care and physician services are not random risks, they are a certainty for everyone at some point of their life. They are also preventable or can be protected against. It doesnt make sense to insure against a non-risk. You may as well have PhD insurance just in case your kid decides to get a PhD! Tell me why heath care is an insurable risk. Tell me why it's not an essential social service like K-12 education.""
Insurance help please?
When buying car insurance, I'm looking at fully comprehensive what is volentary and compulary excess? Hwta do these amounts mean. Also, my car got broken into twice this year and my partner was in an accident so we have a LOT of claims... Any tips for keeping my insurance down? Im trying all of the search engines, but this is busting my brain!!""
Who offers the cheapest life insurance?
Who offers the cheapest life insurance?
""I am in the militarty and moved to another state, can I have my car insurance from my home state?
I am a resident of and my vehicle is registered in South Carolina and I am stationed in California. California's insurance is way higher than SCs. I would like to carry insurance from SC on my vehicle.
Car rental insurance? do i need it?
I will be paying with my credit card. I have insurance on my car, but only the basic liability nothing else. Should i buy the insurance the rental agency offers? what happens if i have an accident. Thanks for your response""
Insurance website says differnt car?
Ive been looking at cars on eBay and looking how much insurance would be for them and I found one car, but when I put the number plate in the insurance website it says that the car is a different make all together. Is this just a glitch in the system or something illegal and I should stear clear of?""
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
Car insurance won't cover accident?
Ok, so I live here in phoenix arizona. I haven't had insurance on my car for a while up until Friday November 2, 2012 when I got paid from work. (Don't harass me for this it was a stupid decision. I live five minutes away from my work and that is all I do is work and home). Now, was heading into work and I thought I was parked. I was on private property, I was at Arrowhead Mall here in az. There are no camera's. etc. I thought I put my car in park when I had it in reverse and I started fiddling around for my purse in the passenger seat. I lifted my foot off the break and the car started rolling backwards and before I knew it I hit the other car that was parked. There was no one in the car and we swapped insurance information but because I had just gotten insurance that day it didn't process til November 3rd. So my insurance wouldn't cover the claim. Now I'm screwed and the guy is telling me that he is out of state and would like to get this fixed before he leaves. He was told that the claim has to be settled between us now. I want to make this right. It was my fault. But there was no police report. So, the guy is looking around for estimates on fixing his bumper. If I can't pay in the time frame he needs me too pay, what can I do? I don't think i can even get a loan because I don't know about my credit history and I'm not having family or friends help in this. I just don't know what actions I can even though I want to help him and make my mistake right.""
What used vehicle has the lowest insurance costs?
What used vehicle has the lowest insurance costs?
Does 1500 seem ok insurance?
ive got multiple quotes for 1st car 1st year driving. its going to be a 1.1 pug 106 independence and have been quoted 1500 is that reasonable? how much did your 1st car insurance year cost you? im 23.
How do I sue my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident in March 2008 in a parking lot. The insurance companies BOTH decided that we were 50/50 at fault for the accident. During this process I kept getting phone calls asking me to verify WHY a person not on my policy was driving my car at the time of the accident. I repeatedly corrected the insurance companies...yes BOTH of them...saying that I AM AN INSURED DRIVER and I was driving my car. I had no passengers. I was in an accident with another single driver with no passengers. Eventually it seemed like everything was fine. The claim closed on May 2 and I thought it was all over. BUT today, May 29, I received a letter in the mail telling me that policy is being cancelled because WE HAD REQUESTED INFORMATION REGARDING --------- AS THE DRIVER OF THE 03/27/2008 CLAIM. TO DATE, THIS HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED. I have NO IDEA what they are talking about. He is the OTHER driver. However, they are pretty much ignoring my calls and emails. What can I do???""
""First time car buyer, whats the best kind of insurance?
Im 23 years old and im buying my 1st car from somebody. What would be the best kind of car insurance to get and how much a month would i be paying because i heard the younger you are the higher your insurance will be. By the way i live in virginia
What is the average cost of insurance for a teenage driver per year?
I'm 17, and I'm going to get my provisional license in about a month. Mg r y parents are going to have me pay for my own insurance. I just wanted to get a look at roughly how much my insurance will cost before I get a quote. Thanks!""
I need affordable health insurance! I need your advice.?
I'm a 23 year old male married to a 22 year old female. Both are struggling to make ends meet in school although we have been frugal in our savings. Lately I have felt impressed to purchase health insurance yet I haven't the slightest idea to begin. We both attend a University that offers a insurance policy - I'm not sure how reliable it is though - here is the link - http://www.usu.edu/health/insurance/ (click brochure). 4 and 1/2 years ago I began suffering from the effects of OCD. It's been a complected process for me and I have had to depend heavily on prescription medications. I also have concerns for my wife in the case that we conceive - we need to be able to afford bills that would come as a result of hospitalization. This is one of the limited options I have researched and I realize there are many people out there with vast experience in this field. Your professional experience or even experience you've gained from going through the same things would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
Motorcycle insurance?
I just bought a new 2013 triumph thruxton and I was wondering how much insurance would cost me I got a quote from progressive and it ended up being 3744 every six months can anyone shed some light on why its so expensive by the way I'm 18 and I paid the bike in full no loans it's paid for completely
Question for everyone...when universal healthcare is instituted?
what is the first thing you'll have done? How will universal healthcare benefit those you love? I know I will go to the chiropractor first, I have insurance now but the copays for the visits are just not affordable. The headaches, neck pain and tendonitis in my wrists are painful and some days unbearable. I know that I will be able to get all the medication that my child needs without worrying about how I'm going to afford it. I know several people with mental health issues who do not take medication that would help them function in society because they can't afford it. I know several elderly people who will be able to get the testing that they need and the correct medication. I also know one elderly person who is only working for health insurance who will be able to afford to retire. How about you? I'm sure a lot of you know people who are struggling who could use help with their medical care.""
""What is the cheapest automatic car, for a new driver?
also cheap for insurance
Would car insurance on a?
2006 dodge ram 1500 short bed single cab or 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost more?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What would be the average cost of car insurance for a 17 year old female? Im trying to work out a payment plan with my dad for my truck. but i need to know the figures for insurance ...show more
Cheap car to insure?
Let's work on a budget for a car of 10,000. I'd like a car newer than 2004, so I'm more than happy to have a second hand /used car. I'm looking for something a little bit more on the luxurious side of things, rather than the stereotypical first car (Clio, Corsa, Fiesta etc). UK models only! What cars are fitting my brief, and have cheap insurance for a 17 year old male. I know insurance is far from cheap nowadays, but I'm asking for the cheapest.""
Does anyone know of cheap car insurances for new drivers i am 17 years old.?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurances for new drivers i am 17 years old.?
Suggestions for health insurance.?
I'm an owner operator truck driver which a means I need to get my own health insurance. I'm seeking the best coverage for the money.
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
What are affordable health insurance plans in mass?
private insurances, available to full time college students""
In regards to life insurance policies?
When a person is the primary beneficiary & the deceased left debt, does the money for the unpaid debt come out first or is the beneficiary responsible for paying the debt?""
Whats the cheapest car with cheap insurance?
im looking for when i pass my driving test a cheap car for about 1000 that will have cheap insurance i just want like a make and model
Car insurance advice needed?
What would be a good car insurance for me to get? I'm 18, if that helps. I'm looking for affordable and full coverage. So yeah. Thanks. :)""
Auto Insurance average for me?
I've had my temps for about 8mos now, and I'm going Togo to driving school for my license. I'm 17 years old. How much do you think average coverage should be?""
Ford focus insurance?
any one know which type of ford focus has a low insurance group, i am looking to buy one soon but want one that has a cheap insurance policy, i am thinking of a focus ghia 1600 or 1800cc around 03 reg, any help please
My niece has a sr22 bond and insurance can she drive a car with that?
i need to know cause she is driving is hat legal?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
Insurance for 1975 stingray?
What would you estimate the insurance would be for a 16 year old boy with a 1975 stingray?
First time drivers auto insurance?
Ok so I'm 17 and I'm a first time driver can you please name some of the cheapest insurance for me. The most a 100/ month thanks I live in California
Teen driving auto insurance.?
I am a 16 year old man and i am a week away from being eligible from getting my licence. If I were to get my licence would I need to obtain auto insurance? I would drive my parents car not my own so would I need Insurance or would my rates be deductable explain please thanks for answering.
Can someone give me an aproxiamate estimate on how much my car insurance will be?
I am 22 and I will be getting my first car soon. It is used and in good condition. I am wanting to put my mother on the insurance as well so we can both drive the car and be covered.
Car insurance?
i am a student, 20 years old, that cannot afford car insurance. Is there a state (ca) program or something for people with really low income?""
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
Question about wi and sr22 insurance?
i got in a car accident and i reported it to my regular insurance co. should i report it to my sr22? will that do anything?
My son is driving his grandmother's car without insurance?
My son's grandmother allows him to take her car whenever he would like. He has no insurance and drives the car all over the place. I have told him to stop driving it but I have no control over her car or the keys. I have warned them both several times that this will get them both in trouble. How can I stop them from doing this and is there a way I can turn him in to learn his lesson? If he gets in an accident or gets caught for this, who will have to pay for this? Me or him and his granmother? I do not want to be responsible for his ignorant behavior""
Insurance cost...v6 vs v8?
Does it make difference? Is the insurance going to be higher?
Is life insurance a good ivnestment?
Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife?
How much is Auto Insurance in Italy?
Hi, im going to be moving to italy with my wife and child to stay there for four years so i will be purchasing a vehicle to get around with, im planning on a car but i want to find out a little more of how much it can cost for insurance on autos over there, both for cars and motorcycles, if its cheaper for motorcycle i will probably just get one car for my wife and get a motorcycle for myself. Any information will be helpful and thanks ahead of time""
What UK car insurance companies will consider my Canadian driving experience?
I recently exchanged my Canadian driving license for a full UK license but insurance quotes are so high because most companies only consider that I haven't had my full license for more than a year (in fact I have had a full Canadian license for 8 years). The insurance companies also don't seem to consider that I have had no claims on my Canadian insurance for 8 years. Does anyone know of a UK car insurance provider that will consider foreign driving experience in their quotes?
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Auto insurance rates in USA?
Young driver insurance quote?
Hi guys I was checking insurance for myself for when I passed my test in December and I have been quoted 3500. Now that was with my mum on insurance as a second driver. On my own it was 3600 on an Reno Clio 2000 1.2L. I'm 18 and only live with my mom. We're not made from money so I won't be able to pay that much for insurance. Is it this'd high because I'm from Poland (been in UK for 7 years) or is it because I got it from one of the comparison websites (compare the market, go compare). All answers are appreciated and thanks for reading. Jake""
How come Obama will now allow the same insurance coverage that he was against before?
If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period""
How long does it take insurance companies to create your insurance?
My father just bought a mercedez sl 500 convertible. Its a 2000. We got it on saturday. Call the insurance to transfer myself onto the car on monday. todays wednesday and still no word. How long will it take for them to rate the car and post me on the insurance?
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
2 door sports car insurance costs?
I've been seriously looking into purchasing a 06 Hyundai Tiburon or an 04 Nissan 350z. I'm 18, and everytime I mention it to my parents, they ALWAYS bring up the fact that we ...show more""
How do i get cheap car insurance?
im 19 and sont want 2 pay loads 4 car insurance
Car insurance for someone driving my car? lil bit complicated =)?
My boyfriend drives my car occasionally and my full-coverage insurance will cover him and my car if he were to get in an accident. However, since I am still a student in college I'm on my parents' car insurance (have to pay them back once I graduate =P ) and they say that they don't want anyone who's not on the insurance policy to get in an accident and raise the family's rates, e.g. he's not allowed to drive the car. Understandable, however they won't add him onto our policy even if he pays his share himself. Now it's their prerogative, I'm not questioning that, but is there ANY way to purchase him automobile insurance that get's tapped FIRST in the event of an accident? ...To backtrack a little I've just researched non-owners policies, but they seem to work only after the initial insurance of the car (in my case my family's insurance) get's used up and the non-owner's insurance is used as a last resort; this still raises my family's insurance rates if there was an accident with him as the driver even if he had his own insurance. Does anybody know of any types of insurance that covers him driving my car without raising my parent's rates in the event of an accident? Thank you in advance! =) Oh and please don't say that he shouldn't be driving my car, etc. It's more of a hypothetical question as he rarely does but I'm getting tired of my parents getting on me when things happen, like getting the stomach flu when we're out and about and having him drive home, telling my mom later when im miserable, and her saying i don't care that you had the stomach flu he can't drive your car without his own insurance. Yay. Thanks, Mom.""
Health insurance help?
usually, how much does it cost monthly for health insurance in california, marin county?""
How to bring car insurance premium down for a young driver?
I passed my test june of this year and have been a named driver on my mothers policy for short periods of time, its a 1.4 S Reg corsa. Now i am looking at buying my own car and building up my own NCB. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good cheap car to insure? an insurance company that doesn't wish to rob young drivers? and whether its cheaper being a named driver myself or having a parent as a named driver? or any other tips you might know of to keep the premium down. Any help would be appreciated.""
Why are insurance companies such bastards?
I could never figure out why people screw their insurance companies when they can. Well now I know. They are a bunch of ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So go for it, screw them when you can for all you can. You can be assured they will do it to you first wether you are honest or not.""
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license?
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license in the state of Texas? My husband has been trying to get quotes for insurance but keeps being told I, his wife, need to have a license. At the time that I was living in Florida, you did not need a vehicle license to drive a vespa (moped, scooter, etc.), just a permit. After moving here to Texas and getting married, the DMV denied me a license even though it had been a year of having both a drivers permit and permit to drive my moped, saying I needed to take the Texas Adult Drivers Course, then pass the driving test to receive my Drivers License. Upon finishing the Adult Drivers Course I went into preterm labor and put on bed rest for two months, which is why i haven't done the driving test yet. Is there any way my husband can get his vehicle insured? (if you could please support with websites that would be greatly appreciated)""
What kind of car insurance can i obtain?
I am 20 years old and i live in California. I have a driver's license but no car. I have heard that there is a type of insurance policy that can cover any car that I drive that is not of my own. Does anyone know which policy that is and from which agency is it from. Also if its an expensive one.
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
18 Year Old car Insurance?
I'm 18 turning 19 this April. Passed my test last November and of course looking for a cheap car insurance. I've been quoted for around 3-600!! I know I shouldn't be shocked. Researching, I've read that some 18yr old girl got a car insurance worth around 995 a year. Driving a Peugeot 106 1124 cc. Both parents drive. This is really cheap and I'm wondering how she got the quote?? DO U THINK SHE USED HER PARENTS NAMES?? like fronting perhaps?? Thanks""
What companies are still insuring unoccupied and or second homes?
This seems to be a new trend. It seems that insurance companies are canceling Homeowner's policies of their customers who are selling their homes! Once the client has to move out to their new home the insurance company cancels the policy on the home that's still for sale. This is being done even if the customer has been a client for over 30 years and is using that company for the new home! Sellers are having a rough enough time with the real estate market these days! What can be done about this? Also suppose the seller decides not to sell but keep the home as a vacation spot? Are second homes being uninsured also?
""What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
What is a good insurance company that will insure a just bought, used cell phone?""
How much does it cost to insure an RV?
i have to do a project for drivers ed.. and i need to figure out how much it cost to insure an rv and i guess the insurance company would be aarp.
Can you cancel your car insurance?
I will be selling my car, and still have 4months left on a 6 month insurance..they have my bank account""
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
When do car insurance rates drop?
At what age do car insurance rates drop? Currently I am a 20 year old male living in Kansas. Also what else will cause insurance to go down. If you get married, have kids, etc....? Thanks.""
What's the best car insurance company? Your experience?
I just purchased a new car and my family and I have about 4 cars currently under farmers insurance and pays way over $200 on car insurance...the dealer at the agency mentioned that he bought the same car and has 4 other cars with Nationwide and pays under $200 full coverage. In your experience and in your opinion from what you know or have experienced which insurance companys over the best service for your buck or offer great options. I think we are paying a lot and the options aren't that great. Thanks
Ford Focus Insurance for a just passed Driver?
How much would insurance cost roughly for a 25yo female who's just past her test?? I haven't yet passed but when i do I want to get a Ford Focus and was wondering how much roughly insurace would cost!
Insurance Fraud?
Is it considered insurance fraud if someone files a car insurance claim and uses the money for something other than fixing the car?
Coordination of Insurance Benefits?
Our health insurance company thinks we have more than one insurance and they are denying our claims. We only have insurance through my husband's company and don't understand how they thought we are trying to pull a fast one. How do we prove that we only have ONE insurance? Thanks!
""Hit by car, no health insurance?""
I was hit by a car, no major damage, just pain in right leg, but nothing broken. My health insurance just expired, can I bill the person who hit me Health's Insurance? I dunno? Help?""
How do I cancel Primerica life insurance policy?
I was briefly a Primerica rep about 2 years ago. While I was a rep, I purchased a Primerica Life Insurance policy at their suggestion. About 6 months later I quit. I still have the policy. Now it seems like a complete waste of money. It is $37 per month, and I really have no need for life insurance. I am a bachelor, and nobody depends on my income. I called the Primerica number, and the recording said to cancel a policy, send them a letter in the mail requesting cancellation with the policy number. That seems awfully vague. Is there anything else I need to put on the letter? Do I need to send the letter certified mail so they can't say, We never received it, and keep charging me every month? Dumb questions. Sorry.""
Lamborghini insurance for 16 year old?
I know it sounds farfetched but as of right now I'm 14 and have been saving up for a Lamborghini for around 7 years now. I have much more money than I ever expected I would have to be honest and I still have 2 more years of saving before I can get my liscence. So anyway... on to the actual question. I need to know about insurance. How much would it be? I know it's gonna be near impossible for me to get insured but let's just say by chance a company decides to do it. Anyone have any estimates? Or would I be better off waiting till I'm older to purchase the car?
How much would my car insurance cost?
im 16 years old and i have a job i have 2 grand saved up in the bank and my gpa is about 2,6 would it really be expensive or not the car i am drving is a 93 honda acorrd""
Insurance after 1st DUI?
I recently received my first and last dui. I currently have USAA and pay about 60 a month for coverage. I am 31 years old and have a clean driving record. I had a tint violation when I moved to another state.There was no accident involved with the dui. Will USAA drop me? I do know I will need SR22 once my work permit gets approved.
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
Houston Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 77224
0 notes
vanderpump rules, season six, episode twenty: kristen on crutches is my entire aesthetic
We’re back on the couch where Brittany has left Jax, and considering we know they’re still together in the off-season, this is all arbitrary bullshit. We’re supposed to pretend like Jax is really upset that Brittany left, which is hilarious. He keeps saying he sucks at relationships but he just plain old sucks, in my humble opinion. He heads down to Tom and Katie’s to try to get some sympathy. He calls himself a “decent human being”, and Katie pulls a face.
Y’all know that’s really rich, like Scrooge McDuck rich.
Jax tells the Maloney-Schwartzes that he broke up with Brittany, and they’re both slackjawed and shocked. Jax tried to break up with someone without being a dick or a douche, which is literally impossible. He had sex with her and and then broke up with her. Even if she did initiate it, Jax, if that was on your list of things to do today, you shouldn’t have had sex with her. He’s like, “hey, sometimes you just need to get off,” and the fact that this man calls himself a decent human being makes me want to crumble inside. We have no human standard for decency when Jax Taylor, who basically lead MK Ultra, thinks he’s a decent person.
Katie is disgusted by him, and welcome to the club.
Schwartz thinks Jax is going to change his mind after a few days, and he’s correct. Jax claims that no, he’s felt like this for a while and there’s no way he’s changing his mind. He’s got to work on himself before he can even consider being in a relationship with someone else.
As someone who literally ended a relationship on this very concept, it’s admirable. Except in Jax’s case, in which it’s entirely an excuse and wholeheartedly performative. We’ve seen Jax blame his behavior on other people for years - hell, we saw it not even a few minutes ago - and it’ll be a cold day in hell when Jax admits fault for his actions. My last relationship deteriorated simply because we were two people on very different wavelengths, and I felt I couldn’t move forward with us until I worked on myself. And guess what?
I’m doing the work. I’m being creative. I’m producing content. I’m learning who I want to be going forward in my life, what kind of person I want to be for the person I settle down with. I don’t see anything wrong with that. What Jax is doing, is basically saying he wants to end things with Brittany for her own benefit because she deserves better than who he is now. As if he’s doing all of this changing for her, otherwise it wouldn’t be happening, because she just makes him feel bad about the shit he pulls. He’s breaking up with her for her own benefit, not his personal growth.
He ain’t gonna do shit.
We’re at Sexy Unique Restaurant! Lisa Vanderpump continues to pretend like she does anytihng more than stand and point at things with a critical eye by talking to the chef about that evening’s specials.
It’s either “Chilean Sea Bass”, which is the standard special at Sexy Unique Restaurant, or “cheese and sea bass”, to which I wonder: who is running this restaurant and how can I have them taken out?
Lala arrives in the least professional outfit ever, but Lisa wants to give her something! It’s a gift, a part of stiletto knee-high lace-up boots, and if you have that many hyphens in a single item of clothing you should just take it off ASAP. Lala loves them, and they’re a good luck gift from Lisa. Lisa is far too generous. Lala gets emotional at putting herself out there and presenting herself to the universe. Rightfully so, this is absolutely terrifying.
What can go wrong in those boots, Vanderpump asks. A lot, Lisa.
A lot.
We’re at Tom and Ariana’s with Jeremy and Billie Lee. Sandoval is mixing cocktails, and Billie Lee just moved into her new apartment. They all get the unfortunate displeasure of being Sandoval’s guinea pigs for cocktails for TomTom, and Ariana wants to make sure that yes, he has cocktails for this restaurant, but also cocktails for their own book, too. Ariana will never let Tom forget this. Tom and Ariana are shockingly going to look at their first apartment that isn’t the trash apartment they’ve been living in for what seems like a thousand years. They’re obsessed with houses and looking at hous-
Oh, we heard from Schwartz. Jax broke up with Brittany, so Sandoval and Schwartz are legally required to run to Jax’s side within 12 hours or they will be dealt a heavy penalty1. Ariana immediately is like “Buuuuull shit, dude, you’re not running to hold Jax’s hand while he pukes this time.” Ariana and Tom were having a perfectly fine night alone at home, and here he is, about to abandon her because Jax fucks up. Ariana has been abandoned by Tom for Jax several times before, and she’s fed up. Tom really doesn’t understand this. He says he’s not babysitting, but Ariana is entirely justified in being annoyed with Tom. No one wants to be second best in their relationship.
Kristen’s at her apartment hanging out with Carter, the human embodiment of that custom-made dildo Abbi ruined on Broad City, and resting her fractured foot. Brittany has done lost her mind clearly because after breaking up with Jax, she’s heading directly to Kristen’s place. No one can believe Jax is fully committed to this breakup, he’s just caught in his feels. Carter’s somewhat over the entire drama with James, Schwartz, Sandoval, and Jax. Kristen is very upset with the fact that Carter doesn’t believe her. She promises not to put herself in situatons that can lead to shit like that again.
Do Carter and Kristen have the most functional relationship on this show?
At Jax’s hotel room, he’s drinking vodka straight by himself with Sandoval and Schwartz come by with “reinforcements” in the form of beer. Schwartz admits that Jax and Brittany probably should call it quits, it’s been over for a while. They all tell him he made the wrong move by having sex with Brittany before breaking up with her, and Jax admits he didn’t even consider Brittany in his decision to take his Fake Florida Job.
At least he has the decency to know where he doesn’t belong and he’s not going to go to Lala’s showcase, because Jax is definitely not welcome there. Both Sandoval and Schwartz are right in telling Jax he shouldn’t be around Brittany at all right now, and Jax DEFINITELY should not go back to their apartment. How long until Jax goes over to their apartment, though?
Brittany arrives at Kristen’s apartment2 with Zach, one of Brittany’s friends from home. She’s been staying in a hotel while she deals with the whole Jax situation and really doesn’t want to be around anyone who works at Sexy Unique Restaurant.
Oh, that’s why she’s hanging out with Kristen.
Brittany’s at her breaking point and doesn’t want to put herself through any of Jax’s shit anymore. Everyone, including me, is relieved. Unfortunately, we all know this is short-lived as hell, but it’s nice to hear Brittany at least say she’s tired of this shit. She’s been strong, not engaging, and she’s horrified by Jax’s behavior. I mean, I’ve been watching this show for nearing on six years, and Brittany’s resilience could end wars, I swear. I’ve been done with Jax for as long as I’ve been out of college.
Kristen brings up Daddy Bae Adam and how he’s a Daddy Bae who is interested in Brittany. And guess what? Brittany slid it to Daddy Bae’s DaddyDMs and gave him her number. Get it, Brittany. I’ve made my feelings on Daddy Bae clear.
He’s a Daddy Bae.
Tom and Ariana are looking at houses? I completely forgot about all of this. There’s a two bedroom, two bathroom house, and they’re totally a couple that should be buying a house together considering they’re on very different pages regarding their future. Namely, children. I mean, Tom wants to have three or four, Ariana wants to have none.
That’s a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE, and are y’all really willing to put up the expense of this when there’s a likelihood it’s not permanent? Just saying3.
They’re both excited to be taking steps forward, and Ariana just wants to make sure that she’s made a priority in their relationship. She doesn’t want to control him or who he hangs out with, but it’s also not acceptable for him to be dropping everything to run to Jax’s side every time Jax fucks up. If he continues to do that, he’s literally going to have no free time.
Over at Sexy Unique Restaurant, the musical cue tells us not to get in their way because they have a game plan. Peter’s getting the dining room set up and Brittany is actually wearing a jacket on her shoulders instead of dramatically draping it on her arms. Stassi is going through a drawer and opens a mysterious package, and Lisa Vanderpump sneaks up beside her and holds a dog up that I swear is stuffed. That dog does not move like it’s alive. Stassi came by to steal candles for Lala’s party, and I cackled at the entire notion. She has balls, I’m not mad at it.
Lisa’s come from Tom Tom and doesn’t think it’s ready for anyone to see it, but Tom and Tom really want people to come over, so she’s just giving in because sometimes it’s easier to do that than to fight about it. Stassi thinks she’s learned that, and Lisa flat out says no, she hasn’t. Lisa asks about Patrick, and Stassi admits to being frustrated by him. She doesn’t know if just loving someone is enough…. She doesn’t even know if she’s happy with him anymore. Lisa tells her it’s not that complicated. I mean, Lisa’s been married since 1874 to a man who waits on her hand and foot. I don’t know if she’s going to be the right person to be giving advice about this. It’s best if she sticks to what she knows best… selling goat cheese balls. Stassi’s there for one reason, and one reason alone. She’s not coming to Sexy Unique Restaurant and NOT getting her goat cheese balls.
Lisa and Stassi the purple room and head into the main area where Brittany is still in her denim jacket and folding napkins. They both approach her like she’s a fragile child who’s has a debhilitating illness4 and talk to her in really high, quiet voices. Brittany’s not going to let Jax’s shit slow her down or stop her from going to work. Stassi tells Brittany not to feel embarrassed, because Jax ain’t shit. Peter literally brings the goat cheese balls to Stassi at the table, and Peter had fulfilled his contractual obligations of the season.
Toms Sandoval and Schwartz are going to a shop to look at uniform options for TomTom. Their options are very bland and a ton of denim shirts that all look the same. They talk about Jax fucking up and then poorly handling it in the aftermath. They don’t buy into the entire idea of their breakup and won’t until it’s at least two months out. Neither of them has any sympathy for Brittany in the slightest because, well, Jax really should just have a shirt that says “Google Me” because that’ll be the perfect deterrent. His reputation is known and clear, and if you really had any questions...
He’s a 75 year old man who goes by the name Jax. What more do you need? Of course he’s going to give you HPV and then blame you for it.
Also, this is super rich coming from Tom Schwartz, who has cheated on his wife... how many times? I rest my case.
Stassi is setting up the area for Lala’s showcase, and she actually did a gorgeous job. She’s shocked to be planning Lala’s performance considering it’s been a road to get there. Lala comes in with James5 and is clearly anxious about what’s to come in their performance. James isn’t going to take all the credit for Lala, but he’s going to take part of the credit for Lala. Her showcase is going to be 13 minutes, which is doesn’t sound like a long time, but can feel like for-fucking-ever. Even one song on stage can feel like fifteen years.
Lisa Vanderpump calls mainly to ask Lala if her 45-year-old boyfriend is coming to her showcase, and Lala is mum on the entire topic. I mean, it is weird for your significant other not to be there, but it’s also weird for one’s boss to call and ask about things like this. It all evens out.
It’s time for Lala’s gig! The gang’s all here - Ariana, Tom, Tom, Scheana, Daddy Bae Adam, Raquel even came out of her box at the toy store to show support. Brittany heads directly to Daddy Bae Adam and she has a Freakum dress on. Like, Brittany is DTF. Lala arrves with her squad, which is basically made up of black guys and the white guys who use them as a reason they can say the n-word. Lala’s wearing those hideous pink velvet lace-up boots Lisa gave her and Katie does a decent job of pretending they’re cute.
They’re hideous. Not even Rihanna could wear those.
I also have an admission: I like Lala’s music. Shoot me. It’s not the worst pop music I’ve heard, and she looks good doing it. I really admire the fact that she somehow doesn’t have a camel toe in that leotard, either.6 I would be insecure about that shit all night on stage. James Kennedy comes out and lipsyncs and Lala, who actually sings against her backing track at least, sounds decent. I love that we get a call back to Scheana’s “showcase” in her tutu and her off-tune auto-tune, because Lala literally looks like she’s an opera singer compared to that.
Lala sits with the girls and thanks them for giving her a second chance and for finally finding her place and her grounding in this group of girls. You the HBIC, Lala. You always have been. Tom&Tom are sitting drunkenly talking about Jax, of course. Jax is falling apart and not in the good “It’s Quiet Uptown” kind of way. They FaceTime with Jax and tell him that Lala crushed it. Jax doesn’t know what’s going on with Brittany or where she’s spending the night, and it’s none of Jax’s business. Jax asks how she is, but that’s also none of Jax’s business anymore. Jax feels worse since he broke up with Brittany, and I’m shocked you can feel worse when your body decayed to the point of disrepair. They’re all having Too Much Fun without Jax at Lala’s showcase, and it’s great.
Lala takes James aside and thanks him for giving her a voice (literally) for making her feel special. She finally has the confidence to start singing, and now she has it. I think their relationship is still very transactional, but it works for them. I’m not mad about it.
Jax is going to see the therapist he saw a few years ago, and he’s hungover. He got drunk by himself the night before and he’s hungover talking about his breakup. Kelsey’s away, so we’re seeing Lindsay this week. Jax takes credit for his relationship’s failure, and admits to having a lack of respect for women or really being willing to work at it. He’s crying, apparently? Brittany’s the first girlfriend he’s had he truly, truly loved. Oh, sorry, Stassi. That must hurt. He’s not sure if he did the right thing by doing the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts, Jax.
Britttany and Ariana are going over to Brittany’s apartment so she can change. Ariana’s essentially there to protect Brittany from Jax in case he was there. Scheana arrives, and apparently Jax has been blowing up Brittany’s phone with “I love you” and “my life is hard” texts.
Thanks for the boob job, asshole.
Next Week: It’s the season finale! TomTom is a real bar, shockingly. Lisa Vanderpump wants to fire Jax, finally. Patrick talks about Lisa Vanderpump’s ass to her face. Jax wants to keep an apartment in the same building down the hall, and Brittany’s not having it. Oh, Lisa’s not going to fire Jax, she’s just going to hope and pray he resigns. Classic Lisa!
Random Assessments from the Desk of Amanda: * I am obsessed with Tom and Ariana’s cat. * All the women on this show hate Jax so much. * Is Peter growing out his hair again?!?!?! * Oh god, James brought his DAD to Lala’s gig? * I love when Scheana pretends her music career was real. I LOVE IT. * Def gonna be singing “lemme know if I can fuck with you boy,” all week. * This episode was so great becuase there was so little Jax, right?
Sure, it sounds obnoxious, but isn’t that also something these guys would totally do? ↩︎
Kristen’s entire apartment is dark and grey and it really scares me. ↩︎
Ariana is horrified by all of the entire concept of having children, like the actual growth and gestation period and ejection part, much like I am. But I just use that as an excuse. ↩︎
I mean, Jax is pretty damn close. ↩︎
Lala in this scene with no makeup, extensions, none of the gig - looks the most gorgeous she’s been all season. She really is a beautiful girl. ↩︎
I secretly live for how much James is in love with Lala. He would drop Raquel in a second if Lala gave him a chance. ↩︎
0 notes
ronnykblair · 7 years
Private Equity Interviews 101: How to Win Offers
NOTE: This is a revamped version of a much older article about private equity interviews. The older version had some good information, but missed important points and didn’t reflect changes in the market over the past 10 years (2008 – 2018).
Ah, private equity.
The promised land.
The only reason most bankers want to go into investment banking.
Too bad the exceptionally difficult interviews keep them out!
Or do they?
Private equity interviews can be challenging, but for most candidates, winning interviews is much tougher than succeeding in those interviews.
You do not need to be a math genius or a gifted speaker; you just need to understand the recruiting process and basic arithmetic.
Still, there is more to PE interviews than “2 + 2 = 4,” so let’s take a detailed look at the process:
How to Network and Win Private Equity Interviews
The PE recruiting process differs dramatically depending on your current job and location.
Here are the two extremes:
Investment Banking Analyst at a Bulge Bracket or Elite Boutique in New York: The process will be highly structured, and interviews will finish at warp speed. In some ways, your bank, group, and academic background matter more than your skill set or deal experience. This one is known as the “on-cycle” process.
Non-Banker in Another Part of the U.S. or World: The process will be far less structured, it may extend over many months, and your skill set and deal/client experience will matter a lot more. This one is known as the “off-cycle” process.
If you’re in between these categories, the process will also be in between these extremes.
For example, if you’re at a smaller bank in NY, you may complete some on-cycle interviews, but you will almost certainly also go through the off-cycle process at smaller firms.
If you’re in London, there will also be a mix of on-cycle and off-cycle processes, but they tend to start later and move more slowly than the ones in NY.
We have covered PE recruiting previously (overall process and what to expect in the on-cycle process), so I am not going to repeat everything here.
Interviews in both on-cycle and off-cycle processes test similar topics, but the importance of each topic varies.
The timing of interviews and start dates, assuming you win offers, also differs.
The Overall Interview Process
Regardless of whether you recruit in on-cycle or off-cycle processes, or a combination of both, almost all PE interviews have the following characteristics in common:
Multiple Rounds: You’ll almost always go through at least 2-3 rounds of interviews (and sometimes many more!) where you speak with junior to senior professionals at the firm.
Topics Tested: You’ll have to answer fit/background questions, technical questions, deal/client experience questions, questions about the firm’s strategies and portfolio, market/industry questions, and complete case studies and modeling tests.
The differences are as follows:
Timing and Time Frame: If you’re at a BB/EB bank in NY, and you interview with mega-funds, the process starts and finishes within several months of your start date at the bank (!), and it moves up earlier each year. Interviews at the largest firms start and finish in 24-48 hours, with upper-middle-market and middle-market firms beginning after that.
By contrast, interviews start later at smaller PE firms, and the entire process may last for several weeks up to several months.
Importance of Topics Tested: At large funds and in the on-cycle process, you need to complete modeling tests quickly and accurately and spin your pitches and early-stage deals into sounding like real deals; at smaller funds and in off-cycle interviews, the reasoning behind your case studies/modeling tests and your real experience with clients and deals matter more.
Firm-specific knowledge and fitting your investment recommendations to the firm’s strategies are also more important.
Start Date: You interview far in advance if you complete the on-cycle process, and if you win an offer, you might start 1.5 – 2.0 years later. With the off-cycle process, you start right away or soon after you win the offer.
The Main Topics Tested in Interviews
There is not necessarily a correlation between the stage of interviews and the topics that will come up.
You could easily get technical questions early on, and you’ll receive fit/background and deal experience questions throughout the process.
Case studies and modeling tests tend to come up later in the process because PE firms don’t want to spend time administering them until you’ve proven yourself in previous rounds.
However, there are exceptions even to that rule: For example, many funds in London start the process with modeling tests because there’s no point interviewing if you can’t model.
Here’s what to expect on each major topic:
The usual questions about “Why private equity,” your story, your strengths/weaknesses, and ability to work in a team will come up, and you need answers for them.
We have covered these in previous articles, so I’ve linked to them above rather than repeating the tips here.
Since on-cycle recruiting takes place at warp speed, you’ll have to draw on your internship experience to come up with stories for these questions, and you’ll have to act as if PE was your goal all along.
By contrast, if you’re interviewing for off-cycle roles, you can use more of your current work experience to answer these questions.
While these questions will always come up, they tend to be less important than in IB interviews because:
In on-cycle processes, it’s tough to differentiate yourself – everyone else also did multiple finance internships and just started their IB roles.
They care more about your deal experience, whether real or exaggerated, in both types of interviews.
Technical Questions
The topics here are similar to the ones in IB interviews: Accounting, equity value/enterprise value, valuation/DCF, merger models, and LBO models.
If you’re in banking, you should know these topics like the back of your hand.
And if you’re not in banking, you need to learn these topics ASAP because firms will not be forgiving.
There are a few differences compared with banking interviews:
Technical questions tend to be framed in the context of your deal experience – instead of asking generic questions about WACC, they might ask how you calculated it in one specific deal.
More critical thinking is required. Instead of asking you to walk through the financial statements when Depreciation changes, they might describe companies with different business models and ask how the financial statements and valuation would differ.
They focus more on LBO models, quick IRR math, and your ability to judge deals quickly.
Most interviewers use technical questions to weed people out, so poor technical knowledge will hurt your chances, but exceptional knowledge won’t necessarily get you an offer.
Deal/Client Experience
This category is huge, and it presents different challenges depending on your background.
If you’re an Analyst at a large bank in New York, and you’re going through on-cycle recruiting, the key challenge will be spinning your pitches and early-stage deals into sounding like actual deals.
If you’re at a smaller bank, and you’re going through off-cycle recruiting, the key challenge will be demonstrating your ability to lead, manage, and close deals.
And if you’re not in investment banking, the key challenge will be spinning your experience into sounding like IB-style deals.
Regardless of your category, you’ll need to know the numbers for each deal or project you present, and you’ll need a strong “investor’s view” of each one.
That’s quite a bit to memorize, so you should plan to present, at most, 2-3 deals or projects.
You can create an outline for each one with these points:
The company’s industry, approximate revenue/EBITDA, and multiples (or, for non-deals, estimated costs and benefits).
Whether or not you would invest in the company’s equity/debt or acquire it (or, for non-deals, whether or not you’d pursue the project).
The qualitative and quantitative factors that support your view.
The key risk factors and how you might mitigate them.
If you just started working, pick 1-2 of your pitches and pretend that they have progressed beyond pitches into early-stage deals.
Use Capital IQ or Internet research to generate potential buyers or investors, and use the company-provided pitch materials to come up with your projections for the potential stumbling blocks in the transaction.
For your investment recommendation, imagine that each deal is a potential LBO, and build a quick, simple model to determine the rough numbers, such as the IRR in the baseline and downside cases.
For the risk factors, reverse each model assumption (such as the company’s revenue growth and margins) and explain why your numbers might be wrong.
If you’re in the second or third categories above – you need to show evidence of managing/closing deals or evidence of working on IB-style deals – you should still follow these steps.
But you need to highlight your unique contributions to each deal, such as a mistake you found, a suggestion you made that helped move the financing forward, or a buyer you thought of that ended up making an offer for the seller.
If you’re coming in with non-IB experience, such as internal consulting, still use the same framework but point out how each project you worked on was like a deal.
You had to win buy-in from different parties, get information from groups at the company, and justify your proposals by pointing to the numbers and qualitative factors and addressing the risk factors.
Firm Knowledge
Understanding the firm’s investment strategies, portfolio, and exits is very important at smaller firms and in off-cycle processes, and less important in on-cycle interviews at mega-funds.
If you have Capital IQ access, use it to look up the firm.
If not, go to the firm’s website and do extensive Google searches to find the information.
Finding this information should not be difficult, but the tricky point is that firms won’t necessarily evaluate your knowledge by directly asking about it.
Instead, if they give you a take-home case study, they might judge your responses based on how well your investment thesis lines up with theirs.
For example, if the firm makes offline retailers more efficient via cost cuts and store divestitures, you should not present an investment thesis based on overseas expansion or roll-ups of smaller stores.
If they ask for an investor’s view of one of your deals, they might judge your answer based on your ability to frame the deal from their point of view.
For example, if the firm completes roll-ups in fragmented industries, you should not look at a standard M&A deal you worked on and say that you’d acquire the company because the IRR is between XX% and YY% in all scenarios.
Instead, you should point out that with several roll-ups, the IRR would be between XX% and YY%, and even in a downside case without these roll-ups, the IRR would still be at least ZZ%, so you’d pursue the deal.
In theory, private equity firms should care about your ability to find promising markets or industries.
In practice, open-ended questions such as “Which industry would you invest in?” are unlikely to come up in traditional PE interviews.
If they do come up, they’ll be in response to your deal discussions, and the interviewer will ask you to explain the upsides and downsides of your company’s industry.
These questions are more likely in growth equity and venture capital interviews, so you shouldn’t spend too much time on them if your goal is traditional PE.
And even if you are interviewing for growth equity or VC roles, you can save time by linking your industry recommendations to your deal experience.
Case Studies and Modeling Tests
You will almost always have to complete a case study or modeling test in PE interviews, but the types of tests span a wide range.
Here are the six most common ones, ranked by rough frequency:
Type #1: “Mental” Paper LBO
This one is closer to an extended technical question than a traditional case study.
To answer these questions, you need to know how to approximate IRR, and you need practice doing the mental math.
The interviewer might ask something like, “A PE firm acquires a $150 EBITDA company for a 10x multiple using 60% Debt. The company’s EBITDA increases to $200 by Year 3, $225 by Year 4, and $250 by Year 5, and it pays off all its Debt by Year 3.
The PE firm sells its stake evenly over Years 3 – 5 at a 10x EBITDA multiple. What’s the approximate IRR?”
Here, the Purchase Enterprise Value is $1.5 billion, and the PE firm contributes 40% * $1.5 billion = $600 million of Investor Equity.
The “average” amount of proceeds is $225 * 10 = $2,250, and the “average” Exit Year is Year 4 (no need to do the full math – think about the numbers – and all the Debt is gone).
So, the PE firm earns $2,250 / $600 = 3.75x over 4 years. Earning 3x in 3 years is a ~45% IRR, so we’d expect the IRR of a 3.75x multiple in 4 years to be a bit less than that.
To approximate a 4x scenario, we could take 300%, divide by 4 years, and multiply by ~55% to account for compounding.
That’s ~41%, and the actual IRR should be a bit lower because it’s a 3.75x multiple rather than a 4.00x multiple.
In Excel, the IRR is just under 40%.
Type #2: Written Paper LBO
The idea is similar, but the numbers are more involved because you can write them down, and you might have 30 minutes to come up with an answer.
I’ve previously shared a worked-out example of a 30-minute paper LBO, so I’ll link to it once again here.
With these case studies, you need to start with the end in mind (i.e., what multiple do you need for an IRR of XX%) and round heavily so you can do the math.
Type #3: 1-3-Hour On-Site or Emailed LBO Model
These case studies are the most common in on-cycle interviews because PE firms want to finish quickly.
And the best way to do that is to give all the candidates the same partially-completed template and ask them to finish it.
You may have to build the model from scratch, but it’s not that likely because doing so defeats the purpose of this test: efficiency.
You’ll almost always receive several pages of instructions and an Excel file, and you’ll have to answer a few questions at the end.
The complexity varies; if it’s a 1-hour test, you probably won’t even build a full 3-statement model.
But if it’s a 3-hour test, a 3-statement model is more likely. If you do build all three statements, the other parts of the model will be simple.
Here’s an example of a 90-minute LBO modeling test for a European company (blank Excel file here).
There are no 3-statement projections, but there is some complexity in the returns calculations. The full solutions and several other examples are in our Interview Guide:
Type #4: Take-Home LBO Model and Presentation
These case studies are open-ended, and in most cases, you will not get a template to complete.
The most common prompts are:
Build a model and make an investment recommendation for Portfolio Company X, Former Portfolio Company Y, or Potential Portfolio Company Z.
Pick any company you’re interested in, build a model, and make an investment recommendation.
With these case studies, you must fit your recommendation to the firm’s strategy rather than building a needlessly complex model.
You might have 3-7 days to complete this type of case study and present your findings.
You might be tempted to use that time to build a complex LBO model, but that’s a mistake for three reasons:
The smaller firms that give open-ended case studies tend not to use that much financial engineering.
No one will have time to review or appreciate your work.
Your time would be better spent on industry research and coming up with a sold investment thesis, risk factors, and mitigants.
I don’t have a great example of an open-ended case study, but the Dell LBO presentation is a good example of the type of recommendation you’d make.
Your model can be far simpler, and the presentation itself can be 3-5 pages instead.
Type #5: 3-Statement/Growth Equity Model
At operationally-focused PE firms, growth equity firms, and PE firms in emerging markets such as Brazil, 3-statement projection modeling tests are more common.
The Atlassian case study is a good example of this one, but I would change a few parts of it (we ignored Equity Value vs. Enterprise Value for simplicity, but that was a poor decision).
Also, you’ll never have to answer as many detailed questions as we did in that example.
If you think about it, a 3-statement model is just an LBO model without debt repayment – and the returns are based on multiple expansion, EBITDA growth, and cash generation rather than debt paydown.
You can easily practice these case studies by picking companies you’re interested in, downloading their statements, projecting them, and calculating the IRR and multiples.
Type #6: Consulting-Style Case Study
Finally, at some operationally-focused PE firms, you could also get management consulting-style case studies, where the goal is to advise a company on an expansion strategy, a cost-cutting initiative, or pricing for a new product.
We do not teach this type of case study, so check out consulting-related sites for examples and exercises.
And keep in mind that this one is only relevant at certain types of firms; you’re highly unlikely to receive a consulting-style case study in standard PE interviews.
Whither Case Studies?
I’ve devoted a lot of space to case studies, but they are not as important as you might think.
In on-cycle processes, they tend to be a “check the checkbox” item: Interviewers use them to verify that you can model, but you won’t stand out by using fancy Excel tricks.
Arguably, they matter more in off-cycle interviews since you can present unique ideas more easily an from ronnykblair digest https://www.mergersandinquisitions.com/private-equity-interviews/
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moomeowroar · 7 years
Robosub 17
A year ago after I went for the welcome tea to join NUS Bumblebee, I went back home watching videos of Robosub 16, hoping to be there for the next year. True enough a year later, I was there, at the TRANSDEC pool in San Diego competing against the 40+ teams from across the world. At the start, as I was only a year 1 and had no background in the area of autonomous underwater vehicle I was skeptical of my contributions to the team at the start. Nevertheless I took the leap of faith and signed up for it. Luckily I made it through the interview and joined the Hornet training program. Slogging hard through the training program and eventually ended up being the only 1 from the software team to made it through I was luckily selected to join the Robosub 17 team. Looking back I am glad I pushed myself to go further than just studying for exams. “In the end you only regret the things you didn’t do.” 
Our flight journey includes a 4 hrs flight to Manilla with an 8 hrs transit and then followed by a 14 hrs flight to L.A. We spent ~3 weeks in California from 17 July to 6 Aug. The first week was mostly spent in the house where we did intensive testing of the AUV in the house pool. And wow the house was huge. 2 storeys with 4 rooms, garage, front porch for cars and a swimming pool with a waterfall at the back.
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The back view of the house with the pool
Despite having our own rooms and beds, after the first few days people started sleeping on the carpet and sofa in the living room due to fatigue. With thrusters spoiling left right center our mech and electrical team were kept busy fixing them. On 2 of the days we were also sponsored by NOAA to test our AUV at their tech tank which was huge. Like 10m deep and 10m x 8m wide. And before we know it it is competition time.
The first day of the competition arrives and our plan was to qualify asap to be able to choose a good semifinals slot. The qualifying rule was easy as the AUV just has to pass through the gate. Or at least we thought it was easy until Murphy came. Right of the bat, as soon as we lower the vehicle into the water, our vehicle could not move. Somehow a screw went loose and shorted the backplane, spoiling a lot of things, including our newer sonar. Struggling to fix the damage with our limited resources and time were the electrical team. Thankfully we managed to fix the problem and swap out the newer sonar with an older one. Kudos to them. Eventually we managed to qualify 2nd and got to choose a semi-final slot of our choice.
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Overview of the TRANSDEC pool
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The next few days were just our slots manager busy trying to get as many slots as we can for us to test the vehicle in the pool before the semi-finals. They even managed to convince people to share their slots with us as they may not utilise the entire obstacle course. Unfortunately some people got sore eyed and obstructed us from doing so. >:( Our first semi-final run did not go as well as we wanted, scoring only a minimal points. Luckily our second semi-final run did better. We almost completed the entire course that we planned for except at the end where a problem occurred and the vehicle blanked out. With this score we could have been the 2nd for the semi-finals. However, things turned sour as the judges decided that our vehicle had breached the surface halfway throughout the run. Our points were counted only till the point where it breached the surface. After the long arguing and intense discussion, we decided to keep the points and not re-run. Luckily we barely scrapped through to the finals at 5th place.
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Testing time
Being the 5th place out of 6 means we were the last 2nd to choose a slot for the finals run and ended up being the 2nd to run at 1:30pm. That day was hot with the sun shinning fiercely down the pool. In all of the days this was the brightest and I was afraid of the computer vision being heavily affected by the sunlight. For the finals given 20mins we could run as many times as we want. Our first run started off great as we passed through the gate and hit the green buoy. However as it went to the bins the vehicle got stuck on the top of the torpedo board and stopped moving. The vehicle then went to do the torpedo task but unfortunately aimed for the target that was blocked by a pool noodle. The vehicle then moved to the octagon but stayed underwater and did not surface which was required to get the points. After waiting for a while we decided to re-run. With 6 mins left on the clock there wasn’t enough time for the whole run. The vehicle then stopped above the bins and despited detecting the bins it refused to move. Then the 20 mins was up and our fate was sealed. Knowing that we could have definitely perform better made us disappointed.
Thankfully our efforts were made known and we managed to secure an overall 3rd.
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With the surprise 3rd robosub17 is now officially over. The last week is for our RnR. Without much plan we kinda just roam around wherever we like. On the first day we went to the California Science Center in the morning followed by a factory outlet in the afternoon. There was a legit space shuttle, Explorer, inside the science center but that was the only cool thing.
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Lots of stores at the factory outlet but didn’t have lots of money. The next day we went to Siggraph for free thanks to our PR lead. Lots of cool graphical technology there which really motivates me to work harder. There were freebies too. In the afternoon we then went to the IOWA and paid USD$19+ for the ticket. Not worth the price but oh well once in a lifetime. At night we then went to the Griffith Observatory. Lots of people there but really worth it to go. We parked at the bottom of the hill which was free and then climbed all the way up. Otherwise, the parking at the top cost USD$4 and there was a huge jam. Due to the large traffic we kinda missed the sunset unfortunately but the view was still outstanding. The exhibits were free but the shows weren’t. Pretty worth the effort to go.
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Desperate attempt to take a photo after sunset
On the last day we went on a Glenair factory tour to see how they manufacture cables. Not a fan of cables but wow they even provided lunch for us. Well I mean we were going to buy their cables after all which cost a bomb. We then tried to go into NASA JPL to buy stuff at their store but it was unfortunately closed. Then we went to hollywood street to look at the stars on the floor and dodge all the shady people there. Honestly didn’t really like the street. No point going. After finding Jacky Chan’s handprints we went back to eat dinner and return the car before boarding the flight back home.
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We had to walk to the airport after returning the car cause who needs a shuttle bus
Really thankful for this experience despite just being a year 1 student. Even though I had some qualms about the team and my abilities, we ended the journey in a good note. Thankful to my seniors for helping me settle everything from transport to food to money issues and for making this trip a pleasant one. Regardless of whoever that is going next year, I hope we can bring back the first place. :)
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