#Entitled to my labour ????
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Good news! You aren't required to make your hobbies and passions "marketable." In fact, your crafts, hobbies, and passions don't even need to be public if you so choose. You don't have to spend all of your energy becoming perfect if you aren't enjoying the process. You are not a product, you are a person, a creative, and your work also does not need to be a product.
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tracle0 · 2 years
So uh if you pirate books please just… don’t follow me ?
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vanderilnde · 4 months
NEED to know what happens after butcher!Simon beat the guy to pulp 😭 Does reader ends up insisting to tend his split and bloody knuckles hence bringing him into her apartment and Simon just decides that it's his second home now. Cause wdym it's not? She practically invited him in?? He's her problem now, like a stray.
“and Simon just decides that it’s his second home now / he’s her problem now, like a stray”
When the pounding had petered out, you weren’t allowed to leave your flat. Simon’s parlance held an undercurrent of finality, so you listened. Listened to the soft rustling and thudding on the other side of your door, the grunts of labour let out by him. And when he was done, when only a crude, mulberry outline of blood coagulated into the carpet outside of his flat, you called him inside. 
You decided to refrain from asking any questions.
You just seated Simon at your dining table—which he seemed to giant—and brought out the first-aid kit from under your sink. The mellow, winking light of your kitchen flutters over the split skin of Simon’s knuckles as you clean them out. He doesn’t wince and doesn’t flinch. The only reason his fingers twitch is to curl them further into your palm, stealing your warmth.
The silence is snapped with your quiet question. “What if someone reports you?”
“They won’t, Trouble,” Simon mumbles. “They know who I am.”
Your deluged brain catches onto only one word. Lazy and heavy how it slips past Simon’s lips, pools into his mask. Your eyes flicker up, skittish. “Trouble?”
“Seem to bring it with ya,” he shrugs. Simon leans back in your chair, the fleeceback of his trackies tightening around his thick thighs. “Fitting, innit?”
A sound—somewhere between sheepish and bemused—peals out of you. It’s parroted by Simon, taking the form of an almost-chuckle, but is quickly succeeded by a sharp wince. His face twisting like the tail of a kite, his eyes squeezing shut. 
He grunts. His crystalline curls stiffly sway as he shakes his head. “Fucker punched me. Landed on my lip.”
It’s an undertaken desire that tells you to lean forward and unhook Simon’s mask off his ear. You have the inkling he’ll maul you if you try, but truthfully, you know that Simon won’t bite the hand that feeds him. 
He’s pliant and malleable under your touch. Almost kittening into your palm, an obedient dog as you loosen Simon’s mask from his chin, letting it dangle from his cauliflower ear—a materialisation of his dubious past—and brush against his jaw.
A hint of fear ephemerally colours Simon’s eyes. He’s naked, bare, under your gaze. A confessor at the feet of an apostle, praying for proclaimed absolution. Hoping you’ll overlook his scars and dimpled skin, hoping you’ll take him in for the stray he is. 
You reach out, grazing Simon’s face. Raising a cotton wad to his busted, thin lips. It permeates the elements of a kiss. Your gauze against his puckered lips, soaking him up, his blood, into your bandage. 
Simon’s a lost dog. He keeps coming back. Though it reads like it, it isn’t entitlement. It’s taking possession of you.
It’s simple, really. Simon just wants to be pet, and he just wants to please.
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deepseametro · 9 days
RE the "Main problem with AI generation" post: I want to learn more about AI in an actually anticapitalist way and not some spiritual "meaning of art" bs way, but isn't "art theft" and the exploitation of labour not also an issue with generative AI in addition to the displacement of working class artists? Even if you are anti-copyright, artists' labour being taken without permission or compensation by corporations is just as exploitative of workers as outright replacing them. I definitely agree with you when you say hobbyists are not the enemy, and I actually support people creating models models that respect other people's work like what Reach has been trying to do, but I still feel like that "art theft" by corporations is another issue alongside displacing workers that's why most artists feel that AI generated work is unethical, at least as far as commercial models and MidJourney go.
well we can agree to disagree! while i certainly empathize with the feeling (especially because these commercial models are being utilized in Bad Ways) - i..... just don't agree! i also REALLY disagree that this "art theft" is just as bad as...... actually laying off workers?
if i posted an art piece to deviantart i did for fun..... i wasn't gonna get paid for it anyways, right? i truly fail to see how somebody then using said art piece as a data point in a set of billions a. entitles me to anything and b. is "labor exploitation". especially given that the training of AI datasets involves, like, actual labor exploitation of overseas workers?
idk. what's being stolen here? intellectual property! digital images! when you upload images to websites and agree to their TOS, you're agreeing to this! idk what to tell you man. art theft isn't real and is so not my concern remotely and anyone mad about that should erm get over themselves. idk. again: this is a data privacy problem, not an "art theft" problem. im more concerned w like, medical photos and CSEM and other private/harmful images being included in these sets.
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blackpilljesus · 10 days
As more women decide to not have children or reproduce, a popular talking point is that maIes will rape and kill us all for refusing them. For starters, this says it all about how everyone is fully aware of maIe evil & female oppression. If it was a tiny minority of maIes that are abusive as many pretend, then this wouldn't be the kneejerk response. The idea that maIes will protect us or not hurt us if we comply is a trap. They will hurt women & girls no matter what we do. This is said to shift the blame of their actions from them to women.
One crucial thing to understand is that maIes already mass rape and kill women & girls even when women partner + reproduce with them. Subconsciously we know this given the measures we take to navigate this world. Most times women are killed it's by maIes they know, in many cases it occurs when women want to leave or have left but it also occurs when women are in relationships because if maIes cant find a reason to hurt women they'll create one. They'll accuse women of cheating, bc food wasnt cooked properly, bc she got pregnant, etc. Speaking of which, murder is one of the leading causes of death for pregnant women & its typically done by their partner. MaIes rape women just after they've given birth. It can take months to years for womens bodies to heal but doctors say "6 weeks" as its unexpected that maIes will "wait" longer than that. So obeying doesnt stop maIe violence, it's just an excuse to justify their terrorism. There is no reforming the system nor is there getting by peacefully so long as we do what maIes want because their intention is destruction no matter what. MaIes lied & claimed women will be protected but it's slavery. MaIes dont protect women and neither does the system so dont buy their threat.
There are several cases where maIes have raped & killed women despite having a partner and children. Wayne couzens had a wife & kids yet still raped & killed Sarah Everard, lewis haines killed Lily Sullivan despite having a wife and child. The toybox killer, and ted bundy had partners yet they still raped & killed other women. Many maIes who rape prostituted women have wives & kids at home. This takes me to my next point: terrorists are never content. It doesnt matter how much you give bc all they want to do is take. They want to constantly reaffirm their beliefs, security, and entitlement to the world so they'll keep causing havoc no matter how much you obey. There's a reason why developed nations do not pay ransoms nor do they negotiate with terrorists in many cases because when you give into these peoples demands they do not go away. It may keep them at bay for a bit but they will only return with bigger demands and will be willing to cause more harm and damage. The same thing applies to maIes & their terrorism. Giving in wont stop their violence or change them. At first short term they're kept at bay (if theres other women they abuse in their vicinity) but long term it wont work. Women have loved, served, fucked, provided labour, reproduced with, and birthed maIes for millenias. Women have given everything to maIes and what did they get in return? More violence, more demands, more destruction we're all familiar with this. No amount of submission has changed maIes for the better.
What's actually dangerous is women trusting + living around maIes, we're expected to just rely on how they wont hurt women but believe me maIes gain a power trip from the strength differences between the sexes. Even if they dont actively hurt women, the threat lingering in the air alone is a power they enjoy. So dont be paralysed with fear or think our refusal to interact with maIes is a cause for their violence. I wont deny that it's scary but this isn't just about us. It's about the future, the world our offspring are coming to. Assuming maIes get everything they want, it'll never be enough they'll keep plundering for more so at some point we need to put our foot down regardless of the cost.
I want to conclude this by recommending reading this post. The key point is
Opting out is for the select few who want to do nothing with heterosexual nonsense even if the price of doing so is death because partaking in their drivel is death, physical and spiritual, and if they really did care about distancing themselves from it all that much they would know that death is the least you will be willing to put up with.
I've noticed that most women who bring up the possibility of maIe retaliation are still seeking relationships with maIes in their lives so this seems more like another excuse in the end. The concern for maIe retaliation is real, especially among newer separatists, 4B, wgtow etc but the seasoned ones realise it doesnt matter and if deəth is what it takes to not be associated with maIes and their systems then so be it. Hell even the average woman would take another option or death if they were pre-faced with a situation where they have to be around maIes but there's no other woman to occupy them. You might wonder what the point is as the outlook is bleak; which is what the final part of this series of posts regarding the popularity of single childfree women is about - legacy & steering life with purpose.
Part 1
Part 2
This post is part 3.
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not-terezi-pyrope · 25 days
Recently saw someone chastising a friend on their commission post complaining about them charging too little, and how doing so is an insult to the value of artists' work, when said friend is struggling to make ends meet while living in a 3rd world country.
I have pretty much always taken issue with that talking point, which gets around a lot. Not "artists should value their work and charge their worth" but specifically "if you are 'undercharging' by my standards then you are hurting other artists by being too good at being competition".
Individual artists are not to blame for the economy, and this mindset fails to take into account pretty basic economic concepts like "different countries have different cost values for goods and services and sometimes someone is selling their work from somewhere that is not the US" and "capitalism is in fact a violent coercive force that pressures people to set their prices based on the state of the market vs their own desperation and need".
"Don't you dare charge so little for your work, third world artist, because other artists who are privileged to be able to charge more might lose work for it" feels like an incredibly entitled worldview. The discourse around the value of art-as-labour is genuinely so toxic sometimes, to the point of hurt its own.
Anyway, if somebody wanted to pay my friend $1000 to do a three second animation then please go ahead and do it, unfortunately I cannot afford to but if you can then it'd be more than worth that amount. But I sure bet nobody complaining in that thread is going to do it.
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despazito · 1 year
leftism without economic theory is painful to watch like it is nuts that women are now fantasizing of becoming stay at home housewives again as a solution to the current state of “work”. or people imagining utopias where work doesn’t exist at all, im sorry that’s just completely unrealistic regardless of how much we can automate
i think that a deep drive to pursue goals is an intrinsic part of the human condition. we like to work, we feel good when we solve something complicated or finish a task, our brain gives us good chemicals in return. even those of us with disabilities who can struggle to work still want to do something. the issue is how labour gets treated and which labour is rewarded by society.
our current system values antisocial leadership practices that will do anything to improve capital, and creates bullshit jobs nobody likes for the sole purpose of extracting the most capital possible. it’s no surprise people feel alienated from such employment especially if your job is scamming people with a few extra steps. i think the disappearance of family trades run by dedicated craftsmen who owned their own means of production has also hurt. instead it’s been emotionally sterilized through college courses and employment by faceless corporations who kindly let you use their equipment in return for a fraction of your labour’s actual value.
jobs like teaching and nursing are the backbone of society but instead their labour is deemed worthless, so even folks performing these important meaningful roles want to quit because financially the world is telling them to go fuck themselves.
it doesn’t help that the new consumerist class has been groomed to feel entitled to everything and anything, combined with the aggravated political polarization its just a molotov cocktail for any potential social interaction with a stranger to become a nightmare. i don’t blame people who want to lay flat and check out of this environment, but in the long term removing yourself entirely from the labour force and removing yourself physically from everybody you may not like or want to be around won’t fix any of these community problems!!
imagine a society instead where jobs were created out of social need and valued by how they can improve life both physically and spiritually. personally the stuff i wanna do most falls squarely under ‘volunteer’ work in this current system. i’d love to donate my time to wildlife rehab and animal shelters, hell i’d gladly pick up trash from parks all day and clean up the environment if i got a living wage. because i know i’m doing something of value instead of making my boss richer.
there’s a reason women fought so hard for equal opportunities in the work force. we wanted to find societal roles and value beyond those ascribed to us from birth. i’m not gonna let tiktokers girlboss our way back into tradlife!! (not to mention the setup of supporting an entire family on a single income was very much a heterosexual white middle class concept, many poor and nonwhite women couldn’t be stay at home moms even if they wanted to!)
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furiousgoldfish · 2 months
abusive parent: what do you mean you're not going to do as I say? I didn't ask ANYTHING out of you for the WHOLE DAY!
me, inside my head years later: you neglected me all day and free labour is the prize you feel entitled to?
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canthandlethishit · 2 months
in my other fandoms i would make coffee shop, convenience store, bakery, etc aus but istg you put one of the batkids in a customer service job (sans Barbara being a librarian) and they’d draw blood, lawsuits and lose the job in maximum a month
this came to me while trying to make a tim barista au in my head and he’s having no restraint he’s just roasted 3 people fired the manager and taken over the chain store online system as hostage (he’s gathering intel to sue the brand for unethical labour practices)
jason as a grocer would be like pimento from br99 and it works holy shit he’d pull out a gun if you tryna bitch with him tho
steph could be like working at a cosmetics store she’d slay she gives good suggestions and the business is boomin but in my experience those stores get the kind of entitled karens and douche boyfriend/husband that boils your blood shes gonna let loose on a lady/man and lawsuits will be made
cass…. hmmm she could analyze what people want and need real fast she could be hairdresser utilizing the knife skill give you the sickest fade, stopping at the appropriate length from body language alone (no more nervous breakdown)
damian…… ????? y’all say he could he a vet but i dont see that the insurance paperwork, overpriced pharmaceuticals would kill my man he’d switch to law real quick pro bono n shit (the medical industry is so fucked in the US things are wayyy too expensive)
=> conclusion cass would last the longest with a normal job (excluding dick & barbs)
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tinandabin · 1 year
I remembered my kny modern au aka the characters in our world. Now this but with SAGAU.
Getting you in their world somehow wasn't much possible. And that broke their heart in several ways. Like, c'mon? They can't be with their creator? Bullshit. So what do they do? Obviously, find a way in your world. You will be there to guide them, right?
And boy when they do get in our world, it's just CHAOS.
Because look, your apartment can't fucking fit so many people!! And first of all, how are they even here? You go and search up 'GENSHIN IMPACT' on Google only to see 'No results found. Try another term?'
Now they are in your world and everything related to them is deleted. Meaning, if you try and talk to someone about this fever dream, you'd probably get admitted to an asylum. Now the question arises, why did they even come here? Does it look like you are their creator??? Like bro. Grow another pair of eyes and look properly.
The characters have never been SOOO shocked before, what do you mean people don't worship you in this world? How dare they? Do they even realise whose presence they are in? You are the creator; why are you living in such conditions? This is simply put, absurd.
But then imagine you explaining how your world works. Like, yeah, you gotta go to this building called 'school' as a child and teenager, where many people of similar ages are present and get taught stuff. You eat at a specific time and follow a strict timetable, also you gotta ask to pee and all. No— it's not a prison, you answer when they say it's prison.
How much Mora do you make? They ask. Your answer. Mora? Babe, that doesn't exist here. Every country has a different currency.
It's fucking chaotic. Imagine Zhongli as a Starbucks barista. OR OR, Venti as a pizza delivery. Idk why it's just hilarious to imagine them as ordinary people. Ei working as a chef— Dont even get me started on this. She would get fired so fast. And Nahida is the luckiest Archon, I mean she looks like a child so it would be illegal for her to work or you'd get charged with Child Labour LMAOOO.
THE FATUI?? OH GOD THE WHIPLASH IN THE TREATMENT THEY WOULD GET HERE. Scaramouche going "Who gave you right to say my name?" And people replying with "Get over yo entitled ass emo boy" IDNUSBA
But I can imagine Signora being a model. Like seriously tho. WHAT IF THE HILICHURLS ALSO GET TRANSPORTED?? This post is such a train-wreck help.
But hey, at least you would have tons of people working for you so you would be rich so soon. Sweet.
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this may sound silly but as a Brit (and an alto), Paris Paloma's 'Labour' makes me so happy bc that's one of us, a Brit is the one who created this female rage anthem, and on a platform like tumblr which is so American-centric, it feels so refreshing after England's being defined by the t*rf wizard franchise all the time.
But no, here comes TS, the epitome of white Americanness, to try to claim the idea of female rage from 'Labour'. It just makes my heart sink.
Sorry, this took a minute for me to get to <3.
I absolutely understand the frustration of seeing someone with way more money and power trying to take something away that actually means something to people.
She's trying to take the concept of "female rage" and twist it into the most benign form of capitalistic rage. She doesn't care about women, or the struggles real women face, she literally just wants to call her rage at being dumped by literally every man she's ever dated and not getting money she feels entitled to, the epitome of "female rage."
It's so selfish and vindictive. I'm tired of it too.
Just remember that no matter what the situation is or who your opponents are- You are also powerful and capable.
If Swift can use her money and voice to bully people. I can use what little power I have, and the full strength of my own voice, to call her out for bad, immoral behavior.
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pers-books · 3 months
Liz Truss’s bid to ban trans women from sports runs out of time after MPs discuss ferrets instead
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Left: former PM Liz Truss. Right: two domesticated ferrets (names unknown) Getty/Wikimedia Commons
Former UK prime minister Liz Truss’s recent attempt to ban transgender women from female spaces ran out of time and will now not be debated after MPs joined forces to “talk it out” for five hours, including discussing ferret name choices.
Truss, the UK’s shortest-serving prime minister, sponsored the bill – entitled the Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill – saying it would define sex in law as biological and, in her view, end the “absurd and dangerous situation where biological males self-defining as females can access girls’ and women’s toilets and so on – as well as sports competitions”. 
In recent months, Liz Truss has become increasingly vocal over trans issues and has aligned herself with hard-right groups and figures, even appearing at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in the US state of Maryland last month, where she claimed that “trans activists” had infiltrated the UK’s civil service.
One of Liz Truss’s allies, Secretary of State for Trade Kemi Badenoch, slammed the “filibuster”, saying that Labour MPs had used parliamentary time to discuss ferret name choices instead of “protecting children.”
Champion said: “I am interested that my right hon. Friend is keenly mentioning ferrets at every opportunity that she can get in this debate, so let me just put it on record that my brother had a ferret called Oscar.” Eagle replied: “My hon. Friend now has that on the record. I do not really know what else to say about that, except that I am sure that Oscar brought her brother great joy.”
Conservative MP for North Devon Selaine Saxby also joined in the Animal Welfare debate after she was asked by Ms Eagle whether she had ever owned a ferret, “and if so, what was that ferret’s name?”
Saxby replied: “That is an excellent intervention. I will come to ferrets, but unfortunately I have not had the pleasure of one at home myself.”
At one point, the Animal Welfare debate segued into a discussion of the soap opera Coronation Street, with Labour MP for Chester Samantha Dixon saying: “Is my hon. Friend aware of a recent Coronation Street storyline on precisely this issue? It involved the indomitable Evelyn, who is, of course, played by Maureen Lipman, and covered the issues around puppy farming. It was a strong, educational storyline.”
A bill aimed at ban conversion therapy failed to move through Parliament on Friday 1 March for the same reasons, after a debate on it ran out of time: with anti-conversion therapy ban MPs, including gender-critical Labour MP Rosie Duffield and several Conservative MPs, similarly accused of ‘filibustering’.
Were it not too early in the morning for it, I'd be HOWLING with laughter at this!
Here's a suggestion - instead of hounding trans people, do something about the number of children being groomed online!
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thesirencult · 2 years
Pick A Card : Messages From Your Future Spouse
3 Piles. Take a deep breath and let a number come into your mind.
Scroll down to see your message.
Pile 1
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9 Of Pentacles, Knight Of Pentacles, The Moon, 5 Of Swords, 3 Of Wands
stars align, the princess and the frog, shrek, damsel in distress, trips in nature, building from scratch, independent woman/man, symbols, background check
"You've been waiting for tto long my love. The stars are aligning on our horizon as soon as the sun will come down.
Slow and steady wins the race and although it seems like I'm not coming at all, just keep holding on !
There are so many things I wanna say to you. So many places I want to take you. My beautiful princess ! Your knight in shining armour is coming !
In the background the stars are aligning. Remember my words ...
A lot of things are happening in the background.
I'm working on building a beautiful garden for my little flower now. I want abundance to flow in our lives and no money issues to get between us.
I'm not what I seem at first."
Pile 2
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The Star, 3 Of Wands, Page Of Wands
wishing upon a star, tale as old as time, a dream is a wish your heart makes, soon, red and purple, indigo child, I see red, impatience, a spoiled kid wanting his candy, excited, spoiled rotten, used to getting their way
"I'm not the patient type. Clearly.
I want you fast. I want you now.
I want you late in the evening and early in the morning.
You're my first and last thought of the day.
I know that this creeps you out but I have pure intentions...
Life has not been kind to me and I feel entitled to your energy.
You're the only thing I'm hoping for.
Your presence will scratch away all the false starts and dreams.
Sweep me off my feet. Break me to heal me.
Make me who I'm supposed to be.
Love, love, love is the only thing that comes to mind when I hear your name.
Are you coming for me ? Where are you my sweetness. Your nectar is calling me home. You are my home. Where are you my love ?"
Pile 3
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9 Of Pentacles, 10 Of Swords, 7 Of Cups
your kiss tastes like strawberries, your lips look like cherry blossom, the number 3/33/333/1133, deja vu, back to the future, homecoming, pink, everything is blue
"My love,
You're the fruit of my labour. You're the gift life had in store for me. Everything that's mine is yours now. I'm so happy you're here. I can feel your energy and it feels like the dusk on the equinox.
I was betrayed and feeling very low before you came to me. Everyone left me. Only you have the ability to heal me.
I know what you're thinking. I've put you on the highest pedestal there is and I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to pressure you. It's just that I'm very excited for your physical arrival.
I know that if you left me I would be destroyed. The power of destruction and helping lies in your hands.
I spend a lot of time day dreaming about us. I've had enough time to picture our whole life together 😅.
Forgive me.
I will adjust my daydreams to your wants and needs my fairytale ❤️.
Yours forever,
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familyabolisher · 4 months
i get it because i also have that instinct towards apologising all the time but a way to have an actually, let's say, "materialist" or like principled understanding of the customer-server relationship (or similar) is to appreciate that caving to that desire to apologise for no reason for the umpteenth time for doing what a customer is entitled to do when the other party (ie. me, your waiter) is incapable of responding honestly due to the fact that i am, in that moment, at least in part financially beholden to you, creates more labour on my end as i have to repeatedly pretend at the same appropriate response. you hold up your end of the relationship because i have to hold up mine
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arch3ontumbl · 3 months
World Bearer Part 2
"He's here Shoko, I did it" I repeated in the seemingly deaf Shoko, the backround noise of the phone echoes the business calls for the injured sorcerers. For a second Shoko were about to speak, she hears your child cry as it woke up from it's first slumber.
"Shoko what is it? How's Gojo, please tell me he is fine now.. he broke free from the seal right.. he promised" I paused for a second
"Oh my world" I whisper to my sons ear as I brushed his hair back off to sleep. The phone remained silent after a thud on the other end of the line "Shoko?!" I kept repeating my worry growing
"y/n I'm so sorry" Shoko's words shot like a bullet straight to the head as if I knew what she was about to reveal even before she have said
"Gojo.. Gojo is—" I hear Shoko for the first time finally bursting out of her emotion bubble as mine broke, a wash of sudden realization that I am alone now with our son
How am I supposed to handle this
How am I supposed to live like this
How can I protect our son
How could you leave me like this, LEAVE US LIKE THIS
My mind running deeper and deeper as I haven't noticed my eyes crying out for a little mercy of the world to just spare my husband, spare Gojo, let us live in peace. How many times we argued, how many times I were to tell him to lay down the weight of the world off his shoulders. How many times, If only have tried harder to convince him to leave and just runaway with me and his son. How many times he said he bears responsibility that he was born with enormous power to be held guilt tripped from, he could have turned his back and walked away, ran away with me, but instead took what he could when he was the only one to protect the world against such evil.
For all od humanity, for the innocent, the greater good, the future.
But what about us
"c/n Satoru shall be your name" I wiped my tears yet it still spilled down to my cheeks, my child cry once again as I sat in pain from fresh labour and pure stress, big doubts and confusion. Anger, sadness, and grief. I doubt Shoko for the first time she delivers the news, the rest of Gojo's death explained on the phone had caused me to go deaf, I refuse to believe such news after his promise, he promised.
My ears ringing as I could hear the faint voice of Shoko through the phone calling my name again and again
I stood up as the pain between my legs hindered my walk, carrying my child with a bit of blood pooling the floor. I look outside as the night were so cold and lonely to protect a new little one. I wrapped him around a thicker cloth Gojo has bought in advance before, now to think back to it he bought houses, left money, children things and over filling our bank with his money and assets entitled to me. We chose everything together, thinking back now how dumb of me that everytime he thought of when anytime he could leave or this situation happens atleast he gave everything we would need for the least when he knew he was the one we need for the most.
I wept as the window were closed leaving me on a rocking chair in a warm fireplace, my child on my chest, my eyes wandering of the toys he bought in advance, the clothes he thought that would good look on his wife and his son, pairing family outfits.
My eyes puff, my heart aches, I try to be as silent as my son sleeping
I will protect you
I will give you the life without burden even with the power to lift so
I bear the world, I bear you my son
And I will not allow you to bear the world just because you were able to be born to shoulder so.
63 missed calls from Shoko.
Part 3?
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txttletale · 1 year
Hi! I'd like to ask a question about the whole small business thing, I hope that's ok, I really only want to understand better! What I'm curious about is where you draw the line, between handmade jewelry maker who sells on etsy, jewelry maker who sells at a market stall, jewelry maker who has a rented store space, jewelry maker who makes everything themselves but a family member helps with packaging and logistics, jewelry maker whos spouse does all the non jewelry making work of the business, jewelry maker who hires someone to help them with the non jewelry making work of the business, jewelry maker who hires someone to help them make the jewelry... Is the line drawn when a person is hired with a salary instead of splitting profits? Is it them owning the physical space of the shop and workshop and tools? Is there some other distinction? Is a mom and pop taco stall a business if only mom and pop work there? If their child takes on a shift or two? I'm trying to figure out the underlying logic! Hope that's ok to ask!
so when i say 'a business' i am referring to an organization with employees. and to be clear and address this i am aware and was aware when i made my post that many people call their one-person commercial venture a 'small business' -- i'm saying that categorization is a misleading and unhelfpul one that's tied to petty-bourgeois aspirationalism and that leads people to delude themselves about their class incentives.
and to address your question--you are entirely correct that the line is when a waged labourer is hired. because at that point, even if you continue to work your ass off, there now exists an ownership relation--you are the 'business owner'--that entitles you under capitalism to the value the waged labourer is producing. if you pay someone to do somethign for your jewellery making stand, whatever it is, you are obviously expecting their work to make more revenue for you than you'll spend paying them. this discrepancy--surplus value--is the fundamental unit of capitalist exploitation.
this is why i disagree that people running a one-man-show are 'business owners' because what do they own? they are not profiting because they own a business, they are profiting from the work they themselves are doing. the ownership relation is not producing wealth for them--being a 'business owner' means owning something that generates wealth because you own it. your own hands and tools are not a business
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