#I’m back cause yeha
m0rim00 · 11 months
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Some Sambucky Summer Camp Au stuff
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thwackk · 1 year
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justice league beach party but i only drew halbarry. *passes away*
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takenbypeter · 1 month
Could you write about toad(x men evo) telling everyone about his hot date, but no one believes him their juts like "yeha that's neat bud" and goes back to whatever they were doing. But then toad leaves for a bit and later comes back with this mega hottie his arm around her waist and he introduces her to them. Their slack-jawd at how toad managed to pull reader. But reader is low key kinda rude and flirty, but like in a slay kinda way. Like she'll insult you and then blow you a kiss kinda slay.
Toad’s Girl
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Todd Tolansky x female reader
Words: 892
Authors note: I almost—ALMOST, deleted this request cause I got it when I said I was only writing for poindexter and anything else would be deleted but then I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and I love toad sooooo I basically had to write it
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“Oh god, if I have to hear one more story about this chick, I swear I’ll rip my own head off,” said the silver haired boy after zooming to the couch to join the others.
“Who?” Asked Lance shutting the fridge door from the other room.
“That girl Toads been talking about all week. He’s going on a date with her tonight.”
“Woah, someone actually agreed to that,” chimed in Fred.
“Does she know it’s a date?” Asked Lance again, but before Pietro could answer, down came Toad practically hopping off of the walls.
“Guys be honest is this too much?” He stood up wearing a black button down which honestly they didn’t even know how or who he got it from. “I think it’s too much, I gotta go change,” and just like that off he went back upstairs.
“Not like I love the little guy but I sort of feel bad for him,” said Fred as soon as Toad seemed out of earshot.
“I know poor guys gonna get stood up tonight,” muttered Pietro clicking his tongue against his teeth making a little clicking noise.
Lance opened the cabinets surveying his snack options, “or maybe he made the whole thing up.”
“You think?”
“Oh yeah! The way they met sounds sort of familiar.”
“Yeah from like one of those chick flicks.”
Their conversation got cut short as down Toad came again this time wearing a black shirt with a jacket and jeans.
“Do I look good? Or do I look good?” He asked doing a little spin.
The group takes one look at the boy, tilting their heads at the moderate outfit he chose.
He glanced at the clock that hung on the wall before letting out a quick gasp, “oh man, I’m gonna be late!” Passing by the others he shot them a final, “don’t wait up,” before slamming the door behind him.
“Guys gonna get his heart broken…again.”
Without any plans for the other three, they stayed at the house, practically bored out of their minds as the night progressed. In all honesty they expected, Toad to come back about forty minutes after he left. They figured if he didn’t get stood up, either the girl would wake up and realize the mistake she made, or Toad would do something to disgust her, either way they figured he was coming home soon.
But it actually ended up being three hours later when they heard voices approaching the door.
“Let me warn you, the guys are a little…” His sentence cut off as he know doubt didn’t know exactly how to describe them. Pietro grabbed the remote lowering the volume to get a better listen as Toad continued.
“But if at all you wanna bounce just let me know, we will be outta there.”
“Don’t worry about it Todd. I can handle myself.”
They watch the silhouette of the door as they see one figure lean close to the other for a second before leaning back away, “but thank you for being my knight if I need one.”
Positioned almost in the exact same places that they were when Toad had left they shared the same strange look, with raised eyebrows at each other as the door opened.
In came Toad, practically beaming while you followed behind him hand in hand.
One look at you and all their jaws dropped, because first, not only were you real, but you were stunning.
Placing one arm around your waist and holding his other out, Toad gestures around the room, “this is Lance, Pietro, and Fred.”
The group’s actually too shocked to say anything and it isn’t until Toad mutters a little, “guys?” That causes Lance snap out of it, “it’s, uh, really nice to meet you.”
“Toad’s told us so much about you,” added Fred. Toad turned to you offering to get you some water to which you accepted causing him to head off towards the kitchen.
“You’re the chick?” Pietro mumbled gaining your attention. At his question your eyebrows knit together before you compose your expression as the silver haired boy continues, “how’d Toadisnky manage someone like you? Are you visually impaired? Do you and some friends have some bet going on?”
Unable to believe the words coming out of his so called friend’s mouth you let out a single scoff before stepping a little closer to the couch where they all sat, “yeah we do have a bet going on. It’s actually about who can find the biggest douchebag of the night,” you pause raising a brow at the boy before looking him down then back up, “—oop, looks like I won.”
The silver haired boy’s face scrunched up as his surrounding friends have a one-eighty reaction, with smiles appearing on their faces as Toad returned with a bottle in hand. “We’re all out of clean cups so this is all we had, I hope that’s okay.”
Grateful you take it shooting him a thankful smile and another kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you.,” you say before turning to the group again, “now this has been so much fun meeting you all but I think it’s time for me to say goodnight. Toddy, walk me to the car?”
He nods following right after you.
As soon as he shuts the door, Pietro’s the first to speak.
“What the hell!?”
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mayrine · 5 months
Hot take but I want the eggs to have more dumb rivalries
No “learn to be more kind” bullshit
More “I’m going to drown you while my parents scream at me to stop”
I want them to fight for more bullshit reasons cause that’s what siblings do
Veryyy few siblings fights are morality neutral where you can see both sides of the argument
A lot of them are fighting just cause you want to see your sibling suffer
So yeha more Leo being mean to Sunny, more Sunny being mean back and hell make some other eggs fight too while we’re at it
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skoulsons · 1 year
you know what time it is. my scrambled thoughts. took me an hour and a half to finish the ep 🥴
people have said this ep is really good and intense so I’m excited
where are we
we going back to two days before it broke out it looks like cause the 24th
Oooh police? What did she do
I think every ep is gonna start with a flashback so that’s cool
or is she like a doctor or something and knows something about the fungus?
she looks distressed?
Ibu ratna okay. Prof of mycology so they need her to inspect the cordyceps or something
I remember seeing a pic of her floating around
my episode froze why
cant survive in humans suree
oh dear is this person gonna be a clicker already or something
oh no okay it’s just her corpse
EUGH I hate surgery stuff and cutting like that
is she gonna wake up I fear
This is so gross please
OH MY FORHDKF that’s horrifying
bro I feel sick wth
FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORY people were right
so she bit three people and they were all taken into observation
oh fourteen that’s a lot
listening carefully
“There is no vaccine” you’re damn right thank you joel
BOMB alright cool
it’s gonna be hiroshima all over again
was that too much im sorry
no she wants to be with her family before they all die :(
oh the music. gustavo I love you
I cant skip this intro it’s too good man
and the little Joel and Ellie <3
alright back to reality
look at her sleeping. she’s so tiny
they really put butterflies everywhere in this show
her bed hair 😭
did they just shove her in a room or something and tell her to go to sleep
I feel like I just experienced whiplash
oh cause she’s infected
sir that’s the second time you’ve aimed a gun at her in the last two days
im only 11 minutes in at this rate I’ll never get through this episode
“Don’t worry about that” “well I’m gonna” 😭
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here” “just you” “oh funny” STOPPP I cant wait to get moments like these where they’re smiling
Joel :((
holy crap. “You need to stop talking about this kid like she’s got some kind of life in front of her”
“Guess not you guys” 😭
joel being scared of Tess going over to Ellie bc he doesn’t want her to get hurt :( the end of this ep is gonna suck real bad
“You must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you” :(
“She told me not to tell anybody and now I’m telling the first people that i-“ this is so Ellie. it’s about the vaccine isn’t it
Joel knowing exactly what she was saying 😭
Tess having to be their mediator
I GET IT!? damn no
her making the clicks 😭
I can’t believe I get to see my little comfort character in live action whisper an “okay” and throw his hands outwards. I love you joel miller
the chirping birds :)
I hope there’s a little instinctive moment where Joel protects her this ep. IM YEARNING FOR IT (I got it :D)
man those buildings look gnarly
I love how Joel just keeps walking while Tess indulges her questions. he’s so annoyed 😭
they’re such a little family 🫶🏻
oh I’m dumb I had captions this whole time and never put them on
Joel’s just causally eavesdropping cause he won’t talk to her directly but is also still curious
Riley :/
you got some balls on you sister 💀
I know I said this last week but Joel really has the “too tired for this shit” plastered on his face all the time and it’s delightful
the scenery is phenomenal
ooh mention of spores
they’ve really got the whole “Ellie bombarding them with questions and inquiring about every little thing” down
OOH CLICKER CLICK. that was loud too
and a frog too 😭
“Have you heard of books?” 💀 he’s SO done with her
NO SMART ASS. his little jump to show her it’s not deep 😭
this whole set is so good
YOU TRY CLIMBING TEN FLOORS WITH OUR KNEES. they’re so old this is so cute
he won’t even grab her shoulder to shove her aside. mans grabbed a fist full of her hoodie and backpack 😭
“I’m gonna need a few minutes” boy I hope this joelellie convo goes well
“The circus” he’s so tired
he’s downplaying her knowledge so much I love this
“no more questions about me” :(
this direction is beautiful. neil I take back anything bad I’ve said about you
was that a hint of him smiling. was it. or is my brainrot convincing me of things. WAS IT. she said it’s a really shitty one and it cuts to him I SWEAR THE LOOK ON HIS FACE AND HIS EYES I SWEAR
“sometimes” :( he looks like he’s thinking abt sarah
their height difference bro I can’t wait til they hug
im trying to cut these into small sections so… next section I guess?
wow. that’s a lot of bodies
all the infected noises wow
wow that’s incredibly scary
ooh the fungus being like a hive mind sort of thing? Interesting
ooh he was testing it
“did Marlene pack you one of these or just sandwiches?” 😭
“I HAVE A SPARE HAND” “CONGRATULATIONS” they’re so funny. if y’all could see the grin on my face
this is so spooky
that guy is messed up
“from this point forward, we are silent” yes sir whatever you say sir <3
this building is really falling apart
Joel turning back to look a them :’)
these first two eps have a lot of trailer shots which is good
the bodies look so gnarly
why did Joel look so soft opening that door. he just looks so 🤏🏻
oh look, a rare untouched room. not for long
him helping Ellie up :’’’)
wow that’s a gorgeous shot of their lights lighting up the dust from the debris
oh my gosh dude
joel has a tear in his eye telling her to be quiet. I might just 🕳👩‍🦯
it’s right there EUGH
they look so good dude
he sees Ellie he’s going over to get her
his backpack almost hit her in the face 😭
this is a serious scene but I can’t help but look at Ellie holding the flashlight on the clicker while joel fires and immediately being reminded of all the times my dad has had to fix something and I have to hold the flashlight over his shoulder while he yells at me to hold it better
oh she was bit a second time I THOUGHT SHE WAS
“If it was gonna happen to ONE of us” mmmm not quite true
“For once, maybe we could actually win” :/she’s acting like this bc she’s bit and she doesn’t get to win
he looks sm softer looking at her :(
that ladder is so unstable
last ten mins
man she’s in such a rush to get there :/ Joel’s suspicious
EUGH was that crushing his head? sheesh
that bloods looking pretty fresh
oh here we go
oh that’s disgusting okay
Here we goooo
“That’s not my home” why does it look like that broke Joel.
on her neck still wow.
she’s shaking already :(
joel baby you gotta go
SAVE WHO YOU CAN SAVE *immediately grabs Ellie*
Tess :(
I hate that
joel :((
Tess went out like a hero tho what a champ
12/10 episode!! So freaking good
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
hi garfield!!! i was wondering if i could get 📚 library; i’ve maxed out my book limit • so ill tell you who would be your lover, best friend, and enemy/rival!! — send in a description about yourself; personality, appearance too if you'd like, gender preference & fandom.
personality: i’m a very sarcastic person, i’m kinda mean but only if we’re friends or you’re rude to me. to strangers i’m pretty nice and stuff. i’m a very funny person even w/o meaning to and i’m very loyal. i have a lot of negative traits tho including anger issues, bottling up my feelings, and being quite judgmental even if i don’t voice my judgements.
looks: i’m 5’6-5’7, i currently have bleach blonde hair but i’m dying it orangey-brown soon, it’s very shaggy and dead :,). i’m kinda tan but not super. i have freckles and moles on my face and arms. i have hazel eyes and a heart shaped face :)
i’m agender and use they/he prns, my gender preference is male and if you could i’d like stranger things and hp (but if just one then stranger things please<3)
i hope all that’s enough!!! have a good day/night :)
okay sorry if I get any of the details of Stranger Things wrong because I’m not super into it yet ;) you never said if you wanted The fruity four or the party..  I gave you the party, it just felt right :))
mike wheeler; he’s kind of a dick so if you were a dick back to him maybe he would like that. by dick I mean sarcastic. but yeah.  but ngl he seems like he has a lot of problems, like you said you have anger issues and I feel like he has anger issues too so i feel like you would go at each other… now I feel like you and Dustin would have a lot of fun <3 just being sarcastic the whole time ;) I feel like you both would raise dart together <3 (was that his name?) same with Will, he seems like a more comforting friend so I feel like he would help with the feelings and just talking about it instead of getting mad about it. I feel like Lucas would be mean back too but would also be playing with you yk yeha
you’re nice to strangers; when eleven came to Hawkins, you most likely welcomed her in ‘cause like she was in pouring rain in a big shirt so you now have your first girl best friend and then moving onwards when Max comes to hawkins, and her and eleven became friends, it was eleven’s mission to make you two become friends!! once she introduced you two, she put her hands on both of your shoulders like in a side hug and said, “friends!” nodding her head with her beautiful big smile while you 'nd max just said, “yeah, sure.” shrugging into the side hug, then all three of you went to the mall <3
I really don’t know about the fruity for though :) i’m kind of set on the party with you.. if you want the fruity four tell me what you doing your free time? ;) i just don’t know. like I don’t know who would you love in the party so yeha. maybe you have a little crush on Steve 😭
I don’t feel like you would have a rival… except for venca but like a person that hates you.? no one could hate you. maybe what’s up bitches name in season four release she was bullying El… idfk I don’t need to know her name.. maybe she would hate you bc you fucked her up yeah!! ;DDDD
okay now hp :)) yeahhh you didn’t choose marauders or golden era 😭 i’m sorry I should’ve stated this in the post, im choosing which one I think you would be the best in <33
I feel like you would be best friends with Lily!! oh yeahhh, but then you would grow very close with Marlene once you met her, similar personalities I feel like ;) I feel like Alice & Mary are great with like feelings and so it lily, I feel like Lily would know how to deal with your anger issues or when you get mad or something. if you were to say something maybe judgmental I feel like Lily would scold you on that and also school you school you on that, like if you’re unknowing of something maybe.. I feel like she would also help you grow from your negative traits like if you were to pointed out to her or she was just seeing that you were acting different. somehow.
Remus lupin. just yes! you give me sirius vibes ngl. I feel like you and Sirius would be best friends too, and slowly build into something more. BUT. you and Remus were also close too and yeha, you were building closer with him your friendship with Sirius was becoming something else. and then you got with Remus right.. Sirius is still very flirty to both of you and he was the biggest shipper EVER!!! and then since you and Remus were already together you guys like talked and since Sirius was into both of you you then talk to him and I don’t know if you like into poly relationships but I feel like you three together would be good!! <33 
enemy um except for Voldemort I do not know…
also thank you && goodnight <33
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robertsbarbie · 3 years
sometimes i think to myself that i’m like this due to mental illness and then i remember i wrote a story in 5th grade about a girl who just straight up fucking died from a cursed book (and my teacher had the audacity to give me a B on it and i’m still bitter) and it’s like no yeah i’ve just always been like this
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
Stalky Plays: Legends Arceus Part 12
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JESUS CHRIST WHERE DID YOU COME FROM. God. What are you my stalker? Get away? It may be the early days of Sinnoh, but I’m gonna file a restraining order if you keep sneaking up on me.
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Pretty good. Got this commemorative star wars plate from goodwill and these pokemon themed jelly jar glasses-oh you mean the plates I keep getting from pokemon. ‘Eh.
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What kind of Hero collects DINNER WARE?
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Ah. Well, I have been known to throw hands with a god or two when the mood takes me. God sometimes needs to know his place.
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Cause god is a bitch ass horse.
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And then we can have dinner cause we’ll have enough dinnerware to do so. We are inviting Palina, no negotations. She is COMING to DINNER
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I have bought....literally nothing from you. All you sell is BERRIES thus far.
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Hi, it’s me, pokemon Jehovah’s Witness. You wanna witness these hands?
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I’ll wait. Get decent. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve delivered pizzas and people show up shirtless or WORSE in their bathrobes.
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M....Mr Clean?
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Uhhhh Yeha. Uhm. You have the power of fishy. I need the power of FISHY to get to that volcano. Cause this game says you can’t fucking SWIM.
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Okay you know what? MOOD. I hate having strangers knocking on my door. I like you Iscan, you’re an okay guy. Next Time I’ll shoot you a text before I swing by.
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Power of Fishy, gimme.
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YES. So I can impress the pretty lady by scooby doo solving her ghost problem.
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-a ghost pokemon.
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DUDE I love Ghost pokemon? They’re my FAVORITE. The fact this game is sorely lacking in newer ghost pokemon has been my biggest buzzkill thus far.
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We love a special interest rooted in paranoia. But I love Dusclops! They’re very dusty and bandagey.
And now for a moment of appreciation.
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Now back to our paid programming
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But you gotta SEE IT, it’s so COOl. It’s got neat texture and it’s the perfect ratio of dusty to bandage and it’s EYE is very nice and shiny, he’s a PERFECT Dusclops.
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VERY have you seen how pretty that other Warden is? She’s VERY pretty.
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OH SHIT WE MAKIN’ SOUP NOW. AND LOOK AT HOW HAPPY DUSCLOPS IS. Are you sure you don’t wanna be friends with him, Iscan? Ghost pokemon are delightful LIFE LONG companions.
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You fainted and pissed your pants. Don’t worry I won’t tell Palina.
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
The Boy with Intense Red Hair
A/N: I had no idea what I just wrote. I just... man I haven’t written a fic in so long, don’t judge me but yes... I have no clue what I just wrote. 
Request: could you write a really angsty fred weasley angst where they are at hogwarts and idk i just rlly want to cry about fred weasley
Warning: Just... mention of death... I think...yeha...
Who would have thought you would have fallen for the boy with intense red hair? A ginger? A poor blood-traitor? You, a pureblood Slytherin? Where’s the joke? 
There isn’t one. 
“Miss (y/n)?” you heard professor Slughorn, the newly retired professor, who had came back for the year due to the lack of professors at this school. 
“Yes?” you turned around in surprise, your hair flipping behind you and your eyes looking widely through the glasses. In one hand you held a flask, in another a freshly cut root. 
“Mister Weasley will be joining you with your project.”
“But I thought this was a one-person project?” you smiled politely, despite the discomfort because of the boy standing behind him. You took this project because if gave you your own power to do things correctly and perfectly, as it should be done.
“A little help didn’t hurt anybody, Miss (y/n) and I believe you can teach this young boy quite a fair share of potions variations as to he-” he turned to the boy and tried to smile at him as a frown came up instead. “-fails to remember that potions aren’t toys to experiment with.” he turned than back to you as you saw the boy behind him roll his eyes and run his hand through his hair. 
Arrogant, isn’t he? 
“I know you’re a good student, dear. Hope it isn’t a problem.”
“No, not at all.” you smiled still, thought you still weren’t decided on the fact if this really is a problem for you or not. 
“Alright, then I’ll let you two to it.” and he trotted away to his desk, leaving you and the boy with intense red hair on your own. 
He leaned on the desk with his elbows and smiled. “He’s such an old twat, that professor?” 
“And why is that?” you asked, from the corner of your eyes. 
“Because I wasn’t experimenting with the potions. He gave me the wrong ingridients to work with and when I asked him to bring me the correct ones, he took it offensively and looked at me as I was some-what below him. Total Slytherin slug.” he rolled his eyes again, before leaning on the edge of the table and crossing his arms over his chest, still looking at the old professor. 
You let out a soft laugh. “So you have something towards Slytherins?” you asked, still counting the beans but getting stuck after six because the two of you kept talking. 
“Nothing except that they are either rats, slugs or snakes, who thrive on ignorance.” 
“Is that so?” you continued to ask, not showing him your green and silver tie yet. 
“Completely ignorant, I tell you.”
“Sounds about right.”
“You’re telling me. Cheaters- they get everything with a snap of their rich daddy’s fingers and others? We toil hard and we’re kind-”
“Interesting.” you cut in, turning to him with your body and causing his eyes to move from the professor in green to the girl in green. His eyes widened immediately and you could see the tiniest bit of fear and discomfort cross his eyes. “Odd, how the hard-working, kind Gryffindor then just watches the ignorant, sluggish Slytherin do all the work.” you narrowed your eyes at him and tapped his chest before grabbing the wooden spoon from the table behind him and giving him back a teasing wink. 
“I didn’t- I thought you were a Ravenclaw-” he started to let out awkward chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “I hope-”
“Relax Weasley.” you said as you put the spoon in the cauldron and started to mix the potion in clockwise direction. You turned your head to him and gave him a soft smile, followed buy a giggle. 
“I’m so sorry if I offended you-”
“You didn’t.” you smiled again, causing him to loosen up and relax as well. “I know how reputation of my house follows around school but let me tell you that not all snakes are poisonous.” 
It was that easy. Three more days and you knew you had fallen for him and it wasn’t because he was handsome or popular but because it was how he treated you; like nobody else in the world ever did. 
He wouldn’t want to let you lift a finger when the two of you were finishing your project together and though you thought the two of you won’t speak again after it was finished, you were proved wrong. 
He opened the doors for you, like a true gentleman. He would buy you sweets and bring them to you almost every day when he knew you weren’t too busy- but he didn’t know you were never too busy for him. 
He was a constant need for you. He would walk beside you and bump his shoulder against you. You could feel the heat on your cheeks and the butterflies in your stomach that felt liberating and prisoning at the same time. 
The boy you thought that was arrogant was the boy who constantly made you laugh, happy and safe. Who did ever make you feel safe, knowing a war is coming, knowing what you had to go through in the past? - Nobody knew what you had to go through in the past, which was always a path walked alone. 
“You can’t be both!” He laughed out loud, sitting the opposite of you with his feet on the seats next to him.
“I am. I mean, I used to always work hard and then I had my fair shair of being the troublemaker of the-”
He cut you off by leaning forward and narrowing his eyes at you- eyes that lit you up like a candle, two souls burning, stamping each other, both leaving a strong imprint... 
“You’re either the good student or the bad student. There isn’t inbetween, dear.” he spoke low as he continued to gaze upon your whole soul. 
“Good.” you seemed to mumble out, leaning back and taking a deep breath in. You looked at him again, calmness washing over you, joy overfloding you... “I am a good student.”
“Well... there you go.” he leaned back, looking at you as well as you noticed how his mood has changed in that light mini second. 
You felt confused by it, why? All of a sudden he just stopped glowing. “Pen.” you blurted out of the blue as he looked at you, furrowing his eyebrows. 
“I got you a pen.” you said quickly as he continued to draw his eyebrows together and apart. You dug into your uniform and pulled out a pen, giving it to him. “Last time you said you wanted a pen.”
“I have a pen.”
“I know, I just- you said you didn’t have a pen...” you started to realise how stupid this must have sounded from you. Stupid and in love. “But if you don’t want it..” you laughed nervously as he gave it back to you.
“I don’t need it.” he said and you felt the rejection hit closer to your heart than it should have. 
“Yeah.” you let out a laugh. “It doesn’t matter.” you clicked the pen and pointed it to your palm. You let the silence take over and thought of what to draw on it. It was foolish to draw a heart, mostly because your mother had always told you that if you draw a heart, it means that you’re in love. 
Looking up at the red-head, you knew but you didn’t want to admit it. “I’m thinking of what I should draw on my palm.” you said as he looked up and smiled. 
You draw a heart. 
“What did you draw?”
“Take a guess.” you smiled as he rolled his eyes. “It’s simple, come on.”
“I don’t know. A triangle.”
“A triangle?” you laughed. “Why would I draw a triangle?” 
“It’s simple.”
“No, I didn’t draw a triangle.” you laughed and put the pen back in your robe. “Think of the most girly thing to draw.” 
“A heart?” he said and you nodded, smiling as he let out a scoff. “Really?”
“Well, fine! Then I’ll draw a triangle to please you.” you pulled out a pen and tried to draw it. 
“Can I draw it?” he asked and you looked up, smiling to yourself and him. 
“Sure.” you said casually, though the emotions in your were running wild. 
He took your hand and for the first time you had felt his hand so fully on yours. His skin was so much more different than you had ever felt on anybody. It was warm and extremely smooth. It wasn’t soft like your mothers, or rough as your fathers or gentle as some of your friends. It was it’s own texture, it’s own touch that you couldn’t perfectly describe. Not with words, to say the least. There were a few words though; warm, smooth... elastic a bit even.
He tried to write with your pen but he couldn’t. “Your pen is shit.”
“Well, sorry, pen professional.” you said as you took the pen away and gave him another one.
“This one is shit as well. You have so many pens but none of them work.”
“Hey! My pens are working fine! It’s my skin that’s stubborn.”
“Okay, check this out.” he leaned back and winked at you, pulling out his own pen and wearing that cheeky smile like a flower wears its petals. 
He started to draw a triangle on your hand but all you could do was watch him do it. He was so beautiful, such a pretty boy that makes you believe in beauty and love just at the sight. You could feel your heart flutter in pure innocence but it was odd because at the thought of him, sight of him, your heart would jump but with him, your heart was calm as the night. 
“There.” he smiled and showed you his tiny doodle on your hand. “Innit pretty?” he gave you a childish grin, proud of his little doodle. 
“It’s perfect.” you let out a laugh and continued to look at it.
It continued like that on and on. Him doing these little things and you falling for them as hard as a rock. He just seemed to do all the perfect things at the right time. It was a deep, close friendship and you adored every minute of it. You loved how he made you feel just by being next to him. 
Every night before bed, you fell asleep with a smile on your face. Every morning you woke up, you were excited to start your day. You woke up early, you went to sleep early, you started eating healthy, you poured your light onto other people like a waterfall and you just loved yourself because of him. 
Until one day... one day outside... 
“Hey, darls.” he jumped from behind of you, causing you to turn around and smile like crazy. 
“Hey, you. Came to save me?”
“Actually, I’m dragging you out on the cold because I need a smoke.” 
Yes, Fred Weasley did smoke on occasions. You weren’t really against it. Not because you enjoyed smokers and their cigarettes but because it was their choice to do it and Fred always made sure you were comfortable with it, not letting the smoke go to your face. He always blew to the sky or to his left, his right... anywhere but you and if he noticed it blow against you, he moved you away from it or he moved himself... or he just threw the cigarette away. 
He always made sure that you were comfortable. 
The two of you walked to the Quidditch field and talked, laughed, enjoyed every single moment of it. “No comments about the moon today?” he asked, looking up at the stars.
“It’s not up there.” you smiled, looking around.
“It’s behind you.” he walked around you, turning to face you wherever his large steps took him.
“It’s behind the clouds and it’s not even full.” you laughed, opening your arms and taking a deep breath in. “But the stars are beautiful tonight.” you opened your eyes to the night sky.
“They really are.” he looked at the sky as well, stopping at the foot of the bleachers and litting up one. 
He took a deep breath in and blew it out slowly, like a breath he continued to hold in for hours and hours of days. His fingers were thin but not too much, just enough to hold the cigar between them and make it the most attractive thing to see on a man. Looking at the sky, he jumped a bit on his spot due to the cold and started to talk again but when he did, he blew the smoke at your face.
And for the first time in your entire life, that smoke filled you up like adrenalin, like euphoria. Merlin, you didn’t know you could love that smell unless it came from his lungs. It felt so odd to say it but to feel it- that was something that caused you to feel high on it. 
“So yeah, we’re thinking of leaving.”
You felt something in your chest, letting your eyes fall on him widely. “Leave?” 
“What do you mean?”
“George and I had been thinking of just dumping school and start our own company?” 
“J- just like... like that?” you started to stutter, unable to process the hurt and the news at the same time. 
“We always wanted to. It was always a plan but since Umbridge and-”
“But what about your education?”
He looked at you for a moment than turned away. Usually, you would understand him but why not now?
“I mean... if that’s what you want to do, then I say do it.” you surprised yourself as you said it. 
“You do?” he smiled broadly, showing you his perfect white teeth, which was odd due to his addiction to nicotine. 
“If you want... why wouldn’t you?”
But he could feel that was meant half-heartly. You didn’t believe in him. 
The awkward silence filled the little space between the two of you and for you, it made you realise to step back for a bit. 
“I want to leave. This place isn’t what it used to be.” he said in a sour tone as well. 
“If that makes you happy.” you said. “When did you think of leaving?” 
“I don’t know... by the end of the week, preferably.”
“Oh...” you felt yourself let out, taking a few more steps back. “That’s soon.”
“Yeah. George and I would move out. We have the money and the-”
“Yeah.” you continued, feeling like you weighted like an elephant, drowning yourself into the ground. 
He came a step closer, throwing away the cigar and letting his eyes try and find yours. “(Y/N)?” 
“Yeah?” you looked up and met his an inch apart.
He simpered and put his hand on your cheek. “Are you happy for me?” he said as he brushed away a strand of your hair. 
And with all serenety and love, you answered truthfully. “Yes. I’m so happy for you, Fred.” 
“Alright then!” he beamed and started to back away with his arms spread, looking at the stars. He took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, just before he let his head fall back and look at you. “Should we go back?” 
“Yeah, we should.” you let out a laugh and started to walk back to the castle. 
Because those night walks, the stars, the moon, the freezing cold, the arguments about you wearing more layers instead of a shirt and a school robe, the teasing, the laughing, the punching... it was something worht remembering for and you knew that this man, the man with intense red hair, Fred Weasley, was a man who will be in your life forever. Him leaving doesn’t mean the end for the two of you. Never, right?
If only... 
The next few seconds happened so fast that you couldn’t process a single information you got. 
He left. He just left like that. Not after a week but the next day, no goodbye, no explenation... left. You in the cold, you crying in your room, you crying outside by the bleachers, you crying to yourself because he was gone and no contact was left between the two of you. He left and you heard he was dating somebody and he left... he left and you felt incredibly stupid to have fallen in love with someone who didn’t love you enough to say goodbye. 
Informations, feelings, emotions... you had to process it and you felt like you had no energy to do it. It felt so platonic. It felt one-sided as soon as you heard he left. All day, you wanted to cry, feeling the lump in your throat, the missing piece in your heart.
Didn’t he feel it?
Didn’t we have something?
What about the stars and the moon and the triangle?
What about all the deep conversations and the things the two of us planned?
What about the pens and the music the two of us exchanged?
It’s the little things that matter to you but what about him?
There were so many questions. You thought he would contact you through a letter. He knew you were at Hogwarts still, finishing your last year without him but you had no clue where he lived. You had no clue where he was or what he was doing, rather than building his own company. 
He was moving on. He was making you feel like you were just a passer-by in this but you felt like crumbling onto the floor because he came into your life so unexpectedly and he left just as such. 
You had so many expectations planned. Stupid little stories of you and him cooking and laughing at the kitchen, you meeting his mother and brothers, him meeting  your family, the two of you on the walks, you liting up your first cigarette with him because as he always used to tease you, you were too good of a student to do something like that. But he never wanted you to lit one up because he wanted to protect you from it. 
He made you feel protected. 
And now he made you feel cold. 
Now, you weren’t the same anymore. Now, you couldn’t breathe properly and you couldn’t feel joy anymore. Not as you did with him. You cry almost every night before bed and you sleep till late afternoon on the weekends. After graduation, you found yourself a proper job that pays well but it’s hard for you to keep going without him. You can’t feel what you felt when you were with him and when you were with him you felt like you were on the top of the world. You felt overjoyed and you felt so much love that you wanted to share with everybody. You felt positive and you kept singing and dancing and loving but now?
Now you were cold. All you did was argue because you couldn’t feel happy anymore. You were on edge, you were confused and you were still processing it like a slug. 
Now... everything reminds you of him. Cigarette, smoke, lighter, wooden spoon, almonds (because he adores almonds), jumpers, red colour, stars, moon, night, pens, triangles... 
Why would he do that to you? Why would he just come into your life and leave?
There were nights when you would just sit in your apartment bed, in the darkness and just talk to a wall because it was the only thing that didn’t tell you how to feel or what to do. 
You closed your eyes and you laughed, then cried, then let your heart burst into flames before drowning in your sorrow. 
“Of course, he didn’t feel it!” you laughed with tears in your eyes, sobbing into the next line. “Because why would he say goodbye! It’s not like we shared our deepest thoughts and lives with each other! It’s not like we took long walks together and looked at the moon toghether and it’s not like he left without a goodbye.” you sat up and looked around. “And it’s not like I need him with my gorgeous apartment and my amazing job that I had always wanted. It’s not like-” tears filled your eyes and the lump in your throat started to choke you. “It’s not like-” you started to cry uncontrollably. “It’s not like I wanted us to cook and have him in my life and if he didn’t want me romantically-” you sobbed, sniffing in your runny nose and wiping it to your sleeves. “- we could still be friends because he was so amazing and I just- why would he do that?”
And so you cried in your perfect apartment, knowing you have to go to your perfect job tomorrow without a perfect man in your life. He was what was missing. He did and it was so cruel for him to make you feel so good only to make you feel so much pain after. 
You had plenty to say to him. Plenty of things that were on your mind but when you saw him in the newspaper, talking to him was the last thing on your mind because he was so happy. With his brother by his side, you couldn’t have seen him more happier than this. Black and white but his hair still gave you an intense red colour.
So you had accepted it. Finally... only to be thrown back on the ground. 
“Hi!” somebody jumped behind you and you looked around to see who it was, letting the book back on its shelf. 
You turned around to see only to get your heart cut in half.”Bloody hell- I mean hi!”
“Wow.” he let out a laugh. “I didn’t know you said bloody hell, perfect good student.” he wiggled his eyebrows but you were still too stuck to process anything... to say anything because all the nights you spent crying over him, begging to let him back into your life but as much as he had made you feel in the distance, he made you so darn calm when he was close.
“Hi.” you said again, not knowing what to say.
“Hi.” he smiled again, hearing his name being called from the other side. “Well, just came to say hello. Bye.” and he was gone, just like that... again...
In. Out. Never again. 
Until again. 
You were in your pijama, thinking over and over again about what had happened a week ago. Him just saying hi, you wanting and planning to say so many things to that man to actually not say it ever again because you had the opportunity... you just never had the courage. 
“Blimey! This apartment is enormous!” he apparated right in front of you as you ate your instant noodles. 
Your left eye twitched. You wanted to be angry but you couldn’t. However, when you started to speak, something, that thread, that wound you sewed togehter after he left you... twice- that ripped open right in front of him.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Weasley? Get out!” you pointed your finger at the door as he let out a laugh and walked around the living room, making you only more frustrated.
“Darls, this is bloody amazing. Is that-”
“Fred what the hell are you doing here?” you said sharply but nothing came out of him. “Cut the crap and get to the point, Weasley. I don’t have time for your sudden appereances and disappeareacnes. 
You could see his shoulders fall into a slump and his mouth leave out a large breath. “I knew this wouldn’t be easy.” he turned around, smiling forcefully. “We need as much people as we can get- at the Order I mean and I thought-”
“But it’s against.”
“I don’t care.” you shook your head nad crossed your arms over your chest.
“If it’s because of me or whatever I had done.”
And then you saw it. You saw it so clear in front of you that it made you want to throw yourself off a cliff at how dense you were for not seeing it before.
“You knew.” you let out a scoff of laughter. “You bloody knew.” you turned away and ran your hand through your hair, putting the noodles back down. “You bloody knew I was in love with you and you still left me like that- I can’t-”
“Can we set aside this for now? We need-”
“NO WE CANNOT SET ASIDE THIS FRED! YOU KNEW!” you exploded, tears in your eyes as his brought you calmness, you felt the storm that had to be unleashed, despite the resistance.
“I did. That’s why I had to leave as soon as possible.”
Your mouth fell open and you couldn’t believe the words that came out. “Because the thought of me disgusts you, doesn’t it?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it-”
“You know what I do know? I know that I trusted you and I confided in you and YOU KNOW- YOU BLOODY WELL KNOW THAT YOU GAVE ME ATTENTION-”
“I wasn’t asking for it! I don’t care about what you couldn’t give me! I was happy for you! I was happy but I was hurt because you LEFT ME! YOU LEFT ME BEHIND YOU LEFT ME TO DEAL WITH EVERYTHING BY MYSELF AND YOU KNOW HOW HARD- AND YOU KNOW THAT I- AND - YOU FELT IT- TELL ME THAT YOU FELT IT BECAUSE NOW IT’S NOT A GOOD TIME TO- I CAN’T-” you felt tears rush down your cheeks as you couldn’t construct a proper sentence with him standing right in front of you and still making you feel like the happiest and saddest woman alive. And you sat on the sofa with your head in your hands. “And you knew what you did to me and you knew how much you affected me and you knew how much I was in love with you and you still left like it was no big deal to you.” you cried as he stood there watching you... heartbroken in his own way. 
“You deserve somebody better.”
“Bullshit!” you stood up fiercely. “I deserved you! I DESERVED YOU! But you just left! We could have been friends! I would have been pleased with that!”
“I don’t know what to say-”
“Of course, you don’t! You don’t know what to say because you never stuck long enough to figure out what this even was-”
“I just knew I couldn’t with you because you had too much power over me.”
“What?!” you shouted frustratedly. “I had too much power over you? How?! How could I have had-”
He stood there, frozen, unable to say anything.
“I don’t know what I felt.”
“So you ran?” 
“I did.” he started to back away, feeling his throat go sore and his eyes water themselves by the salty tears. 
“You ran as far away from me, knowing my feelings, knowing you hurt me?”
“Yes... I did.” he stared into your eyes, admitting it. “Because you scare me. Because you had your whole life planned out. You were the good student, the one that had priorities and responsibilities.”
“And you were the guy who smoked and dropped out of school impulsively. You scared me too but I risked it with you. I wanted to risk it with you.”
“I couldn’t risk it with you.” he admitted and you felt your knees give in. 
You let out a laugh and then looked up at him. “You were afraid of me?”
“I was afraid of what you might do to me?”
“You were afraid you’d become one of me. The rat, the snake or the slugh, right?” you continued to laugh hysterically as he shut his eyes. “Let me tell you what you are.” you stood up, gritting your teeth and glaring at him. “A weasel. You weasel your way into my life and ruin it, you twat.” you pushed his chest. “And I hadn’t said or done to you- ANYTHING but you knew it and you left because you were SCARED!” you pushed him again, harder. “OF ME!?!”
“Do you know what it’s like!” He pushed you back by the shoulders, almost knocking you off your feet. “To be a poor blood-traitor and having you fall in love with me- you as a friend!”
“So you didn’t fall in love with me? I was that bad of a friend?!”
“No, you were perfect but proving that to others was not easy.”
“Why would you have to prove this to other people?”
“Because I care what they think! You don’t understand but all my life I had been put down-”
“So, you’re saying you had been put down because of me-”
“I’m saying that I didn’t want to be the poor blood-traitor who had you as a friend. I didn’t want people to say that a rich, Slytherin girl asked her mommie and daddie for help to bring me up in society. I would be a traitor to my own kind-”
“YOUR OWN KIND?!” you scoffed. “What is this, Fred? 14th century? You think my parents didn’t know about you!? You think I wasn’t asked what I was hanging out with you? You think I didn’t lose friends because of you? I LOST PEOPLE BECAUSE OF YOU!”
“You’re so selfish!”
“There was nothing there!”
“THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE IF I WASN’T ENOUGH!” you shouted and the silence shouted back. The two of you stood there, in front of each other and not knowing what the hell was going on.
“I don’t know...” he said, turning away. 
“You’re a coward, Fred Weasley and I wish you had never entered my life because you ruined it.”
“You ruined mine too, princess.”
“Get out you pathethic fool. Don’t ever come back, don’t ever even look at me just-”
He was gone. Disapparted before you could even finish anything you wanted to say. 
“-leave..” you finished silently. 
He left. Again. Like that and he couldn’t have left you more empty. He just left and the two of you haven’t resolved anything. 
So you cried... again because of him... again. 
You had no idea who he was to you anymore. Once he was the boy that made you laugh constantly and now he was the boy who constantly made you cry. 
But you know what was worse than that day?
The day you found out that he left you forever. The day you were sitting in your chair in  your living room, dozing off because you had a horrible day at work and just before you dozed off the radio spoke his name. And his name was spoken through that radio with sorrow and grief. The battle of Hogwarts was over and he was dead. 
Fred constantly left you but now you knew that he had left you forever and you had never told him that he made you so happy.  He had made you sad but that was because he didn’t love you the way you loved him. Or he did... the two of you never found that out but the moment you heard his name was the moment you felt your soul snap into two pieces and it was as if one piece just disappeared into thin air. 
Your heart was stabbing you- stabbing your lungs and you couldn’t breathe. You fell from your chair and onto your knees, holding yourself by your heard and trying to breathe as tears fell down your cheeks. 
His eyes, brown as coffee, sweet as sugar apperead in front of you. Him and his intense red hair- the boy, you fell in love with. The boy who constantly left you but also the boy that made you feel safe and secure, the boy that made you feel forever was nothing. The boy that made you taste heaven, by joy because that was all he brought.
Yes, he had hurt you but that was not what was important. Not to you. Not when he made you happy, not when he came to you when he needed you and you rejected him, not when the last thing he heard from you was that he is a pathetic fool, to never look at you or contact you- the fool who just left and you were the fool who didn’t fight enough to made him stay.
Regrets filled you up like a fountain and you couldn’t help yourself but to crunch into a fetal position as if your whole body was cramping until you couldn’t breathe anymore and see anymore. The world turned grey and your eyes lost their light with him. 
The boy who made you laugh and the boy who made you cry. The boy who made you live and the boy who made you die. The boy with intense red hair. 
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello to all :)
Its time to continue the story. I’ll post 2 parts today, since next one is a bit short, but the second one a bit longer, so bear with me :D
Anyway, wish you all a nice evening :)
The sun was shyly peeking through clouds when i woke up. I felt a bit woozy,  the events of last night coming back to me. My stomach ached, tears forming in my eyes as the image of Jake leaving flashed before my eyes. „Good morning, hun.“ It was Doris, worry still written all over her face. „You gave me quite a scare last night. Are you allright,hun?“ she asked. „Yeha, I will be, thanks Doris.“ I said, whiping those tears away. „Oh, dont you worry, hun, he'll come arround.“ She smiled, and winked at me. „Sorry?“ i said. „The guy that was here yeserday. A girl can only cry like that because of something like it.“ She said, gazing at the wall, like remembering something similar herself. I gave her the best forced smile i could make „I hope your right, Doris, i really do.“ „Oh, trust me, hun. I can bet you he will.“ She smiled at me so warmly, gave me my breakfast, and left me to to it. I didnt really have much of an apetite, but i forced myself to eat, and i drank some tea. I took my phone, texting Jessy, asking if she might come arround today. She replied quickly that she's actualy on her way here already, and i was glad for it. I could really use her company right now.  It wasnt long till her cheerful voice echoed through my room „Hey, hey, miss Reckless“ she teased. „I bring coffee and icecream.“ She waved the bags at me, but imediatly stoped seeing my face. „Oh, Maya, what happened?“ she asked, her face taking on the sadden look. That sadness came back to me, and i started crying. Jessy left the bags on the chair, quickly sitting next to me, hugging me tightly. „Let me guess“ she sarted „He texted you, didnt he?“ I shook my head, wich made her ask again. „He called?“ Again, i shook my head. She pulled away from me, a bit of curiosity on her face. „He was here?!?“ I finaly nooded. „Nice.“ She said, and i looked at her a bit confused, saying through tears „Nice? Jessy, i would not cry like a little bitch if it was nice!“. „Oh, shush, you silly, and listen!“ she stared, taking a hankerchief from the stand, handing it to me. „You said it yourself, its gonna be a tough conversation. And lets be honest, he has EVERY right to be pissed at you.“ I growled at her, but she shushed me and continued. „Wait, wait, im not done. He probably heard all the information from Lily about what happened, and im sure he 'interrogated' her for every little detail. She definatly didnt sugarcoat any of it, so he got the good picture.“ That word 'interogated' got me smiling a bit, i could totaly picture Jake naging Lily to tell him every little bit of events that happened. „Ok, you following me. So tell me this then: if he already knew all that happened, and if he knew how you wer doing, would he come here himself, if he was that much pissed? Or if he doesnt care anymore?“ she asked, looking at me, with a cheerfull grin on her face. She got me some hope back with her words, but it quckly got replaced with despair again. „But you should have seen him, Jessy. He looked so dissapointed and betrayed by me...like i drowned that little spark of hope he had in him. I dont think he will ever want to see me again, let alone talk to me.“ She looked at me smiling. „Dont worry, Maya, im sure you're wrong about it, if i can judge by other men.“ „You and Doris both.“ I said, mumling it more to myself then to her. Jessy didnt seem to notice. „Give him some time to cool off. Maybe then you two can talk again about everything..without all this drama.“ She nudged at me, getting up and grabing one of the bags from the chair. „This needs some serious icecream overdose, like right now! „Thanks, Jessy..for being here for me.“ I said, as she handed me the spoon. „No need to thank me. You know i'm here for you, Maya, for anything.“ „I know, Jessy, right back at ya'.“ We ate some icecream in silence for a while, and i could see on Jessy's face that there was something that occupied her toughts. I poked her leg with my finger, wich made her look at me. „Whats on your mind, Jessy? I can see something is bothering you.“ i asked. She hesitated for a moment, before saying „Are you really sure you want to know?“  That got me a bit confused „Ofcourse, Jessy, you know you can talk to me about anything.“  She looked through the window, wich was now full of rain drops, and her face took on the same gloomy features as the weather outside. „They burried him yesterday.“ She said finaly, and i didnt have to ask who she refered to. „Oh..i see.“ I didnt know what more to say. „Thats why i didnt come yesterday.“ She continued. „I dont know why, but i wanted to go. I guess i wanted to be sure it was really over, you know?“ she said, her eyes getting a bit sad. „I cant belive what i'm about to say, but it was sad. Seing his dad like that, alone.“ She turned her gaze back to the window. „Jessy..its all right. Its understandable you have mixed feelings about it.“ I said. „Is it?“ she asked, turning back to me. „Isnt it crazy to care for someone, even tho he caused us so much pain, and almost ruined our lives? After all thats happened?“ now her eyes wer full of tears. I got out of bed, crouching next to her, taking her by the hand „Your not crazy, Jessy. You wer friends for so long, all of you. You all shared so much together, I saw how close all of you wer. And for that bond to be cut so suddenly and cruely..Especialy for you, since you two wer the closest...No, Jessy, its not crazy you feel this way.“ I hoped my words would make some sense to her. I could see it really bothered her so much. „Maybe you shoul talk to others about it.“ I advised. She looked at me, a bit sceptical, but i continued. „Hey, dont dismiss it so fast. And beside, eventually you guys will have to discuss those events.“  „Later sounds better to me.“ She replied, some of her cheerfullness coming back. „Whenever you guys feel up to it.“ I told her, getting up and sitting back on the bed. She got up, went to the bathroom, and when she came back she looked at me „We have to stop crying everytime im here, its almost all we ever do.!“ She grinned, and i returned her a grin of my own. „Well, lets make a pact then, shall we? From now on no more crying! Agreed?“ i asked, extendig my hand towards her, wich she took instantly, laughing „Agreed!“ She stayed with me for a while more. At some point a doctor came in informing me that if all would look ok, next week i could get discharged from hospital. That made Jessy even more happier, since she couldnt wait for me to get out of here. „Oh, dont get so excited just jet“ i grined at her, and she looked puzzled at me. „Dan cant wait it also, he said you forbid him from drinking, but when i get out you wont be able to say no to him!“ „Ohh, that hooligan! He will hear from me about that!“ she said fierce, but couldnt hide the smile. „Go easy on him, i think we all deserve one 'crazy night out', considering all.“ I told her,and she agreed, but added „Just not too crazy, please! Dan thinks he can sing when drunk, and unfortunatly we can barely keep him away from the karaoke machine at Aurora.“ „Ahh, you shouldn't have told me this, now you have to let Dan loose, i have to hear that amazing vocie of his!“ We both laughed at it. Doris entered the room „Oh, its nice to see you laugh, hun, thats the best medicine there is.“ She siad, winking at me. „Sure is, Doris.“ I said, winking back.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
I love your sw chats! If you need prompts: something centered around Remus!
Thank you - I’m sorry in advance. This turned a little angsty. But we get happy again. Remus to the rescue - this team would not survive without him.
Characters and universe by @lumosinlove ❤️
My ever shining and supportive ra(e)s of sunshine @wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer. This one is for you guysss.
Sweater weather chat #6
Kuny is hurt. Nado is scared. Kasey and Sergei plans a murder. Sirius is angry. Walker makes a burrito blanket. Remus is the best. Kris is a mom. Remus calls Nado Jackie. He’s the only one allowed to do that. Crouch Jr. is Russian (sue me). We all hate the 🐍
Wednesday 1.22 pm
Eliascookie: why are Nado and Kuny yelling again? They’ve been fighting all day.
Timmyforrealz: they’ve been arguing for TWO days about who’d be the wife in their weird bromance. Also - They’re both totally the wife. It’s weird.. 🤨🤨
Ollibear: well apparently some shop clerk thought they were a couple and nado is mortally offended that Kuny said they weren’t
Nadotheman: IT WAS THE WAY HE SAID IT. Like he wouldn’t be the luckiest fucker alive to land me.
KrisVolley: but you are both into women?
Nadotheman: I know. Still offensive to know you’re not your best mates first pick.
Blizzard: Well we all know that eventually, Kuny is going to marry some Russian model and nado is their live-in, grown-ass man child 😏
Prongstar: He’s probably going on the honeymoon too. It’s weird
Siriusly: are you ladies reaDy to get back home and have your pre game naps... We have a game tonight and I want to beat those snakes
Sergei_81: 💪🏻🤛🏼🦷😡
Blizzard: aye aye captain 😴🥱
RussianGod: hehe we kick ass today!!!
Prongstar: whoooop!!! Let’s end the snakes 🐍
Dumodad: go sleep my babies. We need to be on tonight.
Wednesday 8.33 pm
7 missed calls from Nado
Nado: Remus where are you? Can I come to the hospital
Nado: Remus please can I talk to him?
Nado: Remussss
Nado: Is he ok?
Nado: He was down re, for a long time.
Wednesday 9.02 pm
Remus: hey Jackie, he’s okay. It’s not a concussion. Please stop calling - I promise to keep you updated. They might let him come home tonight. He’ll be okay. Are you home? Is someone with you?
Nado: remus he was on the ice for a long time. Are you sure he’s okey? Why can’t I see him he needs me. He’s scared of needles and I know his ab negative!! Do they even have the right blood? I’m ab too I can help! Is someone talking to him? When they do the needle stuff just rub between his shoulders that calms him down and if he’s scared call him zhenya. That’s his Russian baby name!! It calms him. Remus please fix him.
Remus: these are some of the best sports doctors in the world, they know what they’re doing and they’re taking good care of Evgeni. Sergei is here, and he’s explaining everything to him in Russian ok? I’ll keep you updated! But I need to know if you’re alone? I think you should not be. Please take care of yourself ok?
Wednesday 9.13 pm
Kris: hey remus, I’m here. Nado is really freaking out. I drove him home but Olli and walker had to help me wrestle him into the car and into his house. Timmy is making us some food and Olli and Cap are trying to keep him from pulling out his hair. Is Kuny alright?
Remus: keep an eye on his hands, one of his ticks is scratching at his palms. They’ve scanned twice and it’s not a concussion. He’s got stitches both on his eyebrow and on his neck and he’s got to be out for a few days. I still don’t understand how he skated off. Tell Sirius to use his captain voice if needed.
Kris: yeah I’ve wrapped his hand up, they froze his knuckles at the rink but he’s kept fiddling with it. Walker rolled him into a burrito blanket and he’s quieted down a bit. But he’s not okay. Do you think Kuny can come home tonight?
Remus: I have to wait and hear, they said it’s depending on his x-ray - if it’s just a sprain in his hand he can come home so we’re just waiting. I’m glad no one here but Sergei understands Russian. I don’t think it’s very nice what he’s sayin.
Kris: fuck man. It was a bad hit. We’re rewatching. He was nowhere near the puck. Crouch and Nott fucking just came at him on purpose and if they don’t get a disciplinary I’m quitting the league. Cap crushed the remote... dirty snakes
Remus: I saw. It was a bad hit. I tried to get him on a stretcher but he insisted.
Wednesday 9.20 pm
Nado: he didn’t recognize me re... after he went down. He just looked at me and didn’t recognize me and I heard his head connect. His helmet was off before Nott threw him. How is he supposed to fight back when crouch swiped his leg?
Remus: I know. But even “just” hitting your head can cause some confusion and I promise you they scanned three times and he’s not got any concussion or bleeding. He’s tough ok? He’s asking if he can go home. Not very nicely might I add. And he flirted with a nurse. He’ll be ok.
Nado: but I heard it crunch. He was bleeding a lot. Is she cute?
Remus: I know, face cuts bleed a lot but he’s got quite a few stitches and he did well. He even got a lollipop and I’m pretty sure at least one phone number. Also Tall blonde with a nice smile.
Nado: is he coming home? Leave the nurse
Remus: I’ll let you know ok? Try and sleep! You’ll need it.
Wednesday 9.25 pm
Remus: hey kris. It sounds like they’re letting him come home. Sergei is going to drive us. Did you get Nado to go to bed? Also, I can stay over night. I think they both need a babysitter
Kris: I think we’re staying. Ava is with Anya and the kids and Olli is already crashed on the couch. Walker actually had to threaten Nado to stay in bed and he’s camped up next to him now. He’s not going anywhere. Timmy and I will crash in the guest room. Can Kuny sleep alone?
Remus: he’s on a lot of painkillers and he’s not entirely coherent. Sergei offered to stay with him to translate but I honestly think his English will come back once he’s slept and recovered a bit
Kris: their beds are like extra king size anyways. We can just make a sleep over in nado’s room. He’s gone and pulled down every blind and the house is dark. I’ve never seen him this stressed out.
Remus: yeha that might be best. Sergei says Kuny is asking for his brother. So I think it’s best for everyone. We’re leaving once Kuny gets his stuff back.
Wednesday 9.55 pm
Sirius <3: is he okay love? I drove here / do you need to stay or come home?
Remus ❤️: hey! He’ll be fine, not a concussion but he still hit his head prettt bad. I think they’ve set up a sleepover and he’s in good hands. I’ll be okay to go home.
Sirius <3: it was such a dirty hit. He was down for a long time. And that Pussy ref didn’t even call a major.
Remus ❤️: coach said he’s contesting it and demanding an inquiry. But it was bad. I wanted to punch his face in. Did you see crouch after? He was laughing.
Sirius <3: I know. I’ve never seen blizzard react like that. He actually tore Nott’s Jersey with his hands.
Remus ❤️: I know, let’s get Kuny to bed and we can go home. I need cuddles.
Sirius <3: me too. Re. Me too. It hurts every time. We would not function without you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wednesday 10.33 pm
Siriusly: boys, Kuny is home. It’s not a concussion. He’s got a bad hit and stitches and he’s out for three days and a new scan. But he’s back home and sleeping now. I’m not sure how Walker or Nado can sleep with his snores. But he’s ok.
Prongstar: they made a sandwich?
Siriusly: I think kris called it a sleepover but yeah. I don’t think Nado would able to sleep otherwise and Kuny kept trashing until someone was on either side of him. It’s cute. I’ve got pictures.
Blizzard: open fucking season on Nott. Why the fuck did you pull me off @eliascookie? I wanted to punch his fucking disgusting face in. He deserved it!!! Kuny’s helmet was offf before they swiped his legs
DumoDad: kasey, you were right to fight him and he was over the line. But getting you suspended won’t help. We need to beat them through our game
Timmyforrealz: but it was a bullshit call?! I agree to open season on Nott and crouch. Fuck it all of those creeps. They could’ve ended his career ffs
Sunnysideup: I haven’t had a line brawl like that in years. Broke carrow’s nose. Felt good. I’m glad Kuny is ok.
Prongstar: I heard his head hit the ice. It was terrifying.
Bradygunz: how’s Nado handling this? I had to sit on him to hold him back from going after the ref.
KrisVolley: he’s asleep, I think. But it was a long evening. I know they’re not actually related but I swear they’re brothers somehow still.
Sergei_81: I want to kill crouch. He’s hurting on purpose
Sunnysideup: @sergei_81 did he actually say that or did I hear it wrong?
Sergei_81: he did. It was revenge
Siriusly: what??
Sergei_81: crouch was take off Olympic team for too much fight. Kuny got his a and this was revenge. He said so. He want Kuny out on purpose. He not like younger player get a.
Wednesday 10.55 pm
Remus: hi sergei, did you call Kuny’s parents? Did you get home okay?
Sergei: yes I call them. Tell what happneed. And I stay at house. Kuny needs me if he speak. I’m worried about Nado. He thinks his fault. He only pretend to sleep. Can u talk to him?
Remus: I’ll try. Thanks Sergei!
Wednesday 11.33 pm
Remus: hey Jackie, I know you’re not sleeping. I don’t want to call and disturb you but you can always talk to me, ok? It’s confidential as always and I’ve got your back alright. What happened today was not your fault.
Nado: I should’ve been out there with him. I could’ve helped him. Instead I was off somewhere in the other end he’s my line buddy and i failed him.
Remus: Nado you didn’t fail him. Did you see what sergei said? It was a planned hit. They wanted to take him out. It’s not your fault. Please promise me that you understand it’s not your fault.
Nado: he just looked at me. What if he doesn’t recognize me when he wakes up. Re he’s my best friend and I watched his head get smashed on the ice.
Remus: I know it’s hard. And it’s heartbreaking. But the doctor’s checked him ok? He asked for you - or well according to sergei he demanded to be sent home to his brother and cat. Alright, he knows you. Just let his head rest and recover and then you’ll be back to your antics in no time.
Nado: he’s snoring now. Guess something never changes.
Remus: get some sleep and tomorrow I’m gonna have a look at your hands ok?
Nado: thanks rem. Not sure what we’d do without you. ❤️
Remus: always, Jackie. You guys are my family as much as my actual family!
Nado: still gonna kill crouch and Nott. Not care about getting suspension.
Remus: I get it. I think you should see heather tomorrow.
Nado: can I just talk to you?
Remus: yeah, call me when you wake up ok? I don’t care how early. I’m not a professional though, Jackie.
Thursday 8.22 am
Nado; he’s awake. Re. He remembers me. Thanks for fixing my best friend.
Remus: I’m glad to hear it, I’m coming over to check him ok? I’ll bring breakfast.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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Day 13!!! Fairytale!!!
Today i went for a storybook style since instead of a fairy tale au instead the two are discussing Fairy tales and why a certain wolf doesn’t seem to ‘fall’ for the Prince like in the books and she points out she’s a wolf not a princess
Plus a Bonus doodle from post discussion
Ficletttt timeeeee it’s a lil long sooo read more
“Hrm.” the ghost frowned as he set the book back on the shelf.
“Something bothering you?” Eclipse tilted her head as she leaned around the shelf startling him.
He gasped with her sudden appearance and gripped his chest with a heavy sigh, “Don’t do that! I could have… well no but. Don’t spook me.”
She giggled as she hopped down from the ledge and looked at the book he put back, “Ah!” she lit up with excitement, “Fairy tales!”
He turned a light yellow, “yeah. I was reading to the minions again.” he rubbed his ‘neck’ with a huff, “Just was thinking about some things while I did.”
“Oh?” she flipped through it with a small smile, fangs peeking from her lips.
He stared at her and shook his head as he felt himself almost shift to human form as he stared. He chuckled, “yeha just. Um. Prince has been rather… confused lately. So I thought fairy tales may have answers because they often have a Prince.” he scowled, “and just. You know a Prince with a prince problem and all that.. Stupid stuff.”
“Fiction and reality rarely correlate like that.” she pointed out as she looked up from the book, “What’s wrong, if you can talk about it? He doesn’t talk to me much about things he’s worried about, just gives me flowery words and is s-u-p-e-r touchy.” she laughed. She paused in thought, “Well no we do talk sometimes but. Most of the time he’s just trying so hard to be that stereotypical prince…”
He turned yellow and looked away, “To be honest… it’s you.” he mumbled.
She frowned and pointed to herself, “me? What’s the matter? How should I change? Did I make him upset?” she sighed, “sorry.”
“N-No you shouldn’t change! You’re… adequate as you are. Best assistant I’ve ever had. You didn’t make HIM upset. Far from it.. Just. Confusion.” he huffed, “Just. I guess he’s so confused about the fact you don’t fall for those words. Or the whole… Prince thing.” 
The ghost sighed as he thought about it, “In books and his past, normally people just.. Fell for the prince for being a prince. With his flowery poems and kindness. He likes you. A lot. And last time he was with someone she loved the Prince thing...”
“And look where that got them...I told him when we met I like someone else.” she hummed as she went back to the book and sat on the wall as she did. She brushed her hair from her face as she read the worn pages, “I’m not going to simply fall for someone else when I’ve liked the same person for a few years. Prince or not. I’m not a princess.” she gave him a small smirk but he was looking away.
She sighed and laid back on the stone, holding the book to her chest, “If he thinks a fairy tale is what I’m after he’s wrong.” she waved a hand, “I don’t care about that. I CAN’T care about that.”
“Y-You don’t?” he frowned slithering over to stand above her, “Then what is it you care about….ah…” he turned yellow as she reached up,  rubbing her hands over his ‘cheeks’ with a soft smile. He smiled back and put his hands over hers.
“I just like who I like for who he is and the time we’ve spent. That’s all. Nothing fancy. No flowery words, no false pretenses. Just a little snarky, a little mean, a lot kind.” she snickered before gasping as she was scooped up. 
“Snatcher!” she laughed as she was held in his arms and he picked the book up and sat in her spot.
She gave a heavy sigh as she leaned against him, “Besides…”
“Besides?” he repeated.
“I’m not a princess like the books.” she pointed out, “In fairy tales. The prince always falls for a princess…”
“Ah… Not always. Sometimes she came from a poorer birth but…” he ran over the fairy tales he knew by heart, “Ah…”
“Exactly. I’m not a princess, I’m far from it.” she played with a curl of his fur.
“I could argue but I won’t.” he teased making her chuckle.
“I’m a wolf Snatcher. I’m not a princess. So you can tell Prince that. I… I am as far from a princess as he’ll ever get…” she gripped at her scarf with a sad smile, “So a fairy tale… it’s not possible… the wolf always loses. So if he thinks I want a fairy tale. He’s dead wrong. I don’t.. I’d love to be a princess but I will never be. I’m the wolf with claws and fangs. Who dances with the dead.”
He frowned and shifted, nuzzling her face, “You’re talking to an undead law school drop out who eats souls. I don’t think that’s an issue he’s got.”
“Indeed!” she gave a smile as she rested in his fur, “I don’t want a fairy tale and I won’t fall for a prince just because of his title. Titles don’t mean much to me.” she teased looking at him as he turned yellow, “And know I’m the big bad wolf of Subcon Woods.” she bared her fangs making him laugh loudly. 
“Eclipse. Thank you.” he smiled softly and nuzzled against her, “I’ll… let prince know if that’s fine. I’m sure that will help his confusion.” he chuckled, “A big idiotic, kind-hearted wolf.”
She watched his face glow and felt her cheeks go warm. She laid against him with a small smile, eyes drifting to the fairy tale book. She gripped at her scarf, “Anytime…”
“SNATCHER!” Hat laughed as the ghost jumped in his chair. 
He gave a sharp scowl, “What?”
“What’s up with Eclipse?” She crawled on the arm, tumbling into his lap as he caught her.
“Ah… I don’t know. Why? What’s she doing?” He looked at her worried.
“She just seems… down? Like she’s smiling but…” hat frowned, “Did you do something weird as ‘Prince’ again?” she narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t. I haven’t even taken my human look today.” he leaned on his arm and gasped, “ah… our conversation earlier… I wonder if it...upset her….”
“What did you do.” Hat sneered as he sighed.
“We were talking about… Fairy tales and princes and stuff…”
“Wow. Subtle.” She snickered as he shoved against her face.
“Keep it up I have more death wishes if you want brat.”
“Bring it old man!” she cackled and wrapped her arms around his hand, “So why’d she get sad?”
He lifted the kid up as he thought about it. Running over her words he gasped, “She’s being negative again! Dammit I didn’t catch her this time!” he fumed, “She hid it so well with the conversation and I was so wrapped up in myself!”
“Shocker.” Hat kid frowned, “So what happened?”
“Well i was… to be blunt reading fairy tale books to see if I was doing something wrong making her fall for Prince instead of…” he gestured at himself.
“Riiiighhhtt. You could just. Tell her the truth.” She leaned on her hands as she laid on his head.
“That defeats the purpose of this...act…” he turned light yellow, “She SHOULDN’T love a dead soul stealer…”
“You realize you’re still a dead soul stealer even as prince right?” She pointed out.
“That’s not important, she doesn’t know that!” he argued, “But point is we were talking and she.. Got hung up on she’s not a princess… She’s a wolf. And the wolf always loses…” he recalled her phrasing with a scowl.
“She could be a wolf princess. I watched a movie like that! She was wicked strong and pretty! Like Eclipse!” Hat beamed, “I have an idea! I need scissors, glue, paper, glitter and crayons!”
He moved her down as he slithered to get her craft supplies from the shelf, “I’ll do the scissor work kiddo. I don’t need you bleeding in my house.”
“Righhhttt says the guy who keeps killing me.” She rolled her eyes as she went to sit at the table and began her master plan.
“What are you doing?” He watched as she colored and slathered glitter down, “Ah!” He saw the shape and gave a small smirk.
“You’ll need to take your prince noodle form. I think it’ll work.” She grinned handing it to him, “Cut please!”
“Alright.” he shifted down as he held the scissors humming as he cut the crown out and taped it in a circle, “Good work. Looks decent. Sloppy but you’re what 6?”
“I’m 8 but go on.” She snickered as she raised her arms, “Carry me! I wanna help give her it!”
He chuckled, “Fine only because you made it. Where did you see her last?”
“Putting up spider lures in the west area.” She snickered as he flew out of the treehouse.
It didn’t take long for them to find Eclipse as she stood high up on the nearly invisible branches, the gentle chiming noise heard with each step.
“Eclipse!” Hat kid shouted up causing her to look down. She waved and jumped, landing in front of them.
“Hey Kiddo! Prince.” She nodded to the man who gave a soft smile, “What’s up?” she clapped some dust off her gloves.
“We made you something!” Hat grinned, “Snatcher helped us!”
“Oh?” she looked between them confused as the man set the paper crown on her head. She turned bright red, “W-what are you D-Doing?!” She gasped as he kissed her cheek.
“Sometimes. Fairy tales can be rewritten.” he admitted, “And the wolf can be the princess.”
She felt her whole face grow hot as she stammered, unable to get any words out.
Snatcher grinned, it was the first time he was able to get that sort of reaction from her while he was Prince. He set the little girl down to catch Eclipse as she started to trip backwards in her red faced stupor. She stared up at him as he held her back and smiled at her. She covered her face with her hands ashamed.
Hat pulled her camera out to snap a photo and grinned, she couldn’t wait to tell Bow their plan was working.
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dragons-socks · 3 years
Baby Bumblebee chptr 3
“Hey, Captain Lennox, Bumblebee isn’t here if that’s what you’re looking for.” Sam said as Ironhide pulled up and the captain jumped out. Mikaela waved from her spot inspecting the old engine of Sam’s replacement car when Bee is out in the field.
“I know. That’s why I’m here.” Something about the way Lennox said it had both teens dropping what they were doing and turning fully to him.
“Is he alright? Did he die. I swear if you wrecked him, I’m going to beat-” Sam began frantically threatening Lennox when Ironhide’s passenger rear door popped open and tiny light-the-night yellow sketchers popped out followed by black overall-shorts over a yellow t-shirt, but was drowned out by an overly large bee-themed jacket. The kid slipped on the last few inches out of the truck, landing smack on his bottom. Instead of crying out like most children do, he let out a series of clicks and chitters.
“I said I’d get you in a second, kid.” Lennox sighed, walking over and picking the child up to his feet. Sam looked between the kid and Lennox. He turned to Mikaela to make sure she was also seeing the kid as well.
“Uh, I didn’t know Epps had a kid?” Sam asked. “What’s his, uh, name?”
“Bumblebee.” Lennox said, face flat. Sam wanted to laugh, but the kid just looked down at his shoes, scuffing his toes in the grass.
“No way.” Sam knelt down to take a closer look at the little boy. “Like, my car? Like the 18 foot alien robot?” The kid let out a sad whine.
“Why is he a child? Shouldn’t he be older, even if he was turned into a human.” Mikaela asked, standing closer to Lennox.
“We think that is the purpose of the weapon, not to just turn the autobots into humans, but also small and defenseless.” Lennox explained the battle and how Bee saved Optimus from their weapon. Sam ruffled Bee’s fluffy blonde hair.
“He looks more like you cheated on Sarah with some cute African mama while on tour, then Epps and his girlfriend’s kid.” Mikaela cooed at Bee.
“I think my babysitter has the same idea.” Lennox groaned. “We tried to say he was a dead friend’s kid, but I’m not sure she completely bought it.”
“Sarah would have you sleeping in the dog house if that were true.” Mikaela assured.
“Oh, I’m in the doghouse either way. Apparently it’s a little traumatising to experience being a human than just observing them.” Lennox laughed as Bee let out a series of grumbles and chirps.
“So I have to stick with the crapper?” Sam bemoaned. Bee turned to him, letting out chirps and chitters. His tiny hand rested on Sam’s cheek, a determined look taking over his whole face as he promised he didn’t become a human to shake his duties to and for Sam.
“It was a joke, buddy. Don’t worry.” Sam laughed.
Judy walked out and completely went heads over heels for the kid little kid in her front yard. She snatched him up instantly, pinching his chubby cheeks and gushing about the brightest blue eyes she’s ever seen.
“Ma! Mom! MOM!” Sam shouted as Bee struggled against the matriarchy of the Witwicky family. “You’re freaking him out. Will you put him down?”
“He’s so small, you were this small once. Oh, I remember when you used to just rip your overall’s off cause you didn’t like them at all. But look how cute he is!” Judy at least set Bee down, who ran and hid behind Lennox’s legs, glaring at the woman from behind them.
“Yeah, yeah, ma. Why are you out here anyway?”
“Dinner is almost done. We have enough for you two as well, Captain Lennox.” She turned to the other adult.
“I’ll have to decline. We’re supposed to be picking up the last of the supplies for Bee and then headed back to the wife’s dinner. She’d kill me if I came with a full stomach.” Lennox gave a tight smile. Judy went on about being a good husband and yelling at her own to take notes. Ron yelled back about having been her husband for long enough to know how to handle his marriage.
“We’ll be able to see Bee at the base, right?” Sam asked.
“No. Optimus isn’t a fan of having him with the other Autobots and my superiors feel the same with having a child running around base. So he’ll be at my house until we figure out how to get him back to normal.”
“And if you can’t?” Lennox didn’t answer, not verbally, but the look on his face said enough. Bee let out a grumble, folding his arms and shaking his head. He wouldn’t rest until he could kick ass and drive fast again. “Well, I could always look after him if you need someone. I owe him for looking after me all this time anyway.”
“Thanks, kid. We’ll be around.” Lennox said. Bee wrapped his arms around Sam, who picked him up and helped him back into Ironhide, finding a kid’s car seat. Sam suppressed the need to laugh. An autobot that’s been in wars, has killed, and can take a brutal beating, has to also resort to being put into a car seat for his own safety.
“See ya later, Bee.” Sam ruffled the soft curls one last time. Bee waved goodbye.
Lennox was a little surprised that it wasn’t like pulling teeth to get Bumblebee away from Sam. He was almost positive that the autobot-turned-boy would try to stay with his ward. Maybe it was the promise of seeing Sam again that eased the separation. But Lennox wasn’t complaining. He wasn’t lying when he said he still had to get Bee a few more supplies for his room and Sarah was expecting him home at some point.
Bumblebee’s eyes went wide as they walked into yet another store. Lennox had been dragging him in and out of them all day. He’s been shoved into clothes for hours, and made to choose sleeping supplies and shelves. He was placed in front of plastic toys, but he didn’t want to look at those. Lennox held out a newer version of the yellow toy car and put it in the cart. Bumblebee didn’t want to acknowledge it’s presence so he turned away. His hand brushed against something soft, which made him stop in his tracks. Peaking to the side, he found a large box filled with fake earth animals. It was staring into his spark with beady black eyes, long drooping ears rested around its face.
“You can have the bunny if you want, Bee.” Lennox said, lifting it out of the box and placing it in Bee’s hands. Bumblebee’s fingers gripped automatically to the soft fur. He let out a stream of happy clicks.
The bunny was now in his room at the house, safe, protected. This new store was different. It was just shelves and shelves of books. Lennox wasn’t really browsing as he had done the other stores. No, he was walking straight to the counter where a girl sat, typing away at her computer. She ignored the duo until Lennox cleared his throat. She let out a sigh, turning to him with bored eyes.
“The children’s section is down the hall and to the right. The education corner is up the stairs all the way in the back.” She went back to her computer.
“I’m William Lennox. I called earlier.” He said.
“Oh, yeha, my boss said something about that. We’ve pulled some books for you.” She spun around, digging around a different shelf behind her before she pulled out a stack of large books. “These are the ones we’ve found.”
“I’ll take them all.” Lennox said. Bee went on his tiptoes and pulled down a small thin book. The cover had a cartoon child smiling, their hands in an odd position. The title was colorful and in big letters, ‘American Sign Language for Children’.
The first time Lennox got back to the autobot base wasn’t until a whole week after getting into a healthy routine with Bumblebee. The kid was picking up sign language faster than Lennox could relearn it, so communication was still rocky, but it was getting better. They also had a grid of pictures and words that Bee could point at to help let Sarah know what he needed.
“Lennox, good to see ya back.” Epps clapped him on the back. “How’s the kid?”
“10,000 years of prior knowledge really makes ‘em smart, you know.” Lennox tries to smile, but it doesn’t quite appear. He drops his facade, running a hand down his face. “He’s upset on good days, throws tantrums on bad ones. He gets stressed easily and frustration runs high every minute.”
“That doesn’t really sound like Bumblebee. He’s usually so upbeat even in tough situations.” Epps commented.
“Ironhide thinks Bee is reacting to his physical age due to the human chemicals and endorphins bumping through his body. I’m inclined to believe so as well. Also, it’s a situation none of us has ever gone through before. He’s in unknown territory without his family to help him. He’s been abandoned and outcast and everything is a constant reminder of what he’s lost. He sacrificed himself for his leader, for the one he looks up to for guidance and safety. And because of the outcome, he was pushed away by that very man.” Lennox tried to explain the feelings that have been tearing Bumblebee into pieces.
“Yeah, that does sound stressful.” Epps slouched. “How’s Annabell taking having an older brother?”
“She hates it.” Lennox groaned, sliding down to the floor.
“It can’t be that bad.” Epps laughed at his friend’s pain.
“She’s just fine sharing, as long as its in the way she wants, which Bee usually gets overwhelmed with her demands and ends up with Annabell throwing a tantrum and Bee hiding away in Ironhide.” Lennox took a deep breath.
“Do I even want to know how Sarah is taking this?” Epps helped Lennox to his feet.
“Oh, she’s loving how much room she has in the King bed without any company.” Lennox gave a dry bark of laughter.
“She loves Bee, didn’t even take a second to warm up to him. She is mad that I made this ‘life-changing’ decision without her.”
“Well, we’re wife and kid free here, man. So just come down to the hanger and see what the bots have been up to.” Epps led the way to the large warehouse where the autobots were walking around and talking with other military faciliants. Or they were trying too. Ironhide was shouting at Optimus and anyone else who tried to argue with him or try to calm him down.
“I’ve got tear stains in my leather upholster, because he thinks he’s been abandoned! And you know what, he ain’t wrong.” Ironhide folded his arms, glaring at the leader of the Autobots.
“We’ve been over this, Ironhide. He would not be safe here. I’m not going to change my decision.” Optimus huffed, getting frustrated at this endless cycle that was getting them nowhere.
“Oh, I know. But I want you to live with the guilt of that decision riding on your conscience till the All Spark has mercy.” Ironhide spins his cannons, but doesn’t engage in any violence with his commander. Lennox was surprised the weapon’s expert held back. Ironhide had been overheating with rage for the whole ride here.
“Don’t start a fight, Ironhide. Bumblebee knew the risk.” Wheeljack said. “Besides, being alone isn’t the worst. I’m by myself all the time.” Wheeljack didn’t get to continue his thoughts as Ironhide slammed his fist into the other’s face.
“Hey, hey, Ironhide! They’re not going to change their minds with senseless violence. We’re here to do a job. Just keep it civil, big guy.” Lennox said, running to break up the bots.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going to the range.” Ironhide transformed into his truck and rolled away from the others.
“Thank you for understanding, Captain.” Optimus started, but Lennox shot a glare up to the large mech.
“Don’t think I’m on your side, Prime. I just hate cleaning up the messes that happen when you guys fight.” Lennox turned away from the bot to organize his men.
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whoreshijima · 3 years
I’m gonna rant lol ignore if you wanna
I’m gonna chat about body issues and acne and stuff so Yeha :))
I’m not ugly, I’m not. I’m cute and I’ve got a nice smile and I’m blonde and blue eyed like I know I’m cute
But my skin is so so bad and it’s reallt beinginf me down at the moment, I could wash my face and 10 minutes later it could be dripping with oil and look all greasy and gross. My large acne sections on my face are coming back wnd they’re super hard to hide and I just feel so gross without makeup on 🥴 I thought I was getting better with being bare faced but apparently not when I wake up to four new spots and cysts sprouting on my face
And I know acne isn’t ugly but I just feel so gross and that people only see acne as being unclean and unsanitary and that’s not it
Plus I have really bad body acne, so even on my good body days where I’m accepting of my curves and softer bits, I don’t want to wear cute tops because my back and shoulders look gross coveted in blackheads and spots 🥴 I’m nearly 21 and I look like a 13 year old just hitting puberty. I’ve struggled with it ever since I can remember wnd it’s just making me feel so sad and ugly recently, Everytime I go to the doctors they tell me it’s just hormones and that it’ll go but it doesn’t and I’m just so so fed up of feeling ugly and unworthy of someone seeing my skin
Like I nearly had a hookup the other day but I cancelled cause he said he wanted to to do doggy and that meant looking at my back covered in spots and blackheads and it’s so unsexy and it’s so so gross on my back when it just adds to the rolls and redness of my skin anyway.
Rant over thanks
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bozowrites · 3 years
s o .
i had a dream and your blog played a role in it. the most important one im pretty sure...
ok so! there came this new anon, i’m pretty sure they went by 👻 anon w/ he/they pronouns and sob we went along rlly well so we exchanged discord and we became great friends 😫.
we would normally send each other photos/selfies of ourselves and call until late night!! until 2 years we finally agreed to meet up.
and then whoa dream logic i met up with another ghost anon...yeah idk how but dream logic 👍. so we went to this house but then i realized he just went poof...like...for real like just poof! ANYWAYS IT ENDED UP TO BE A DREAM SO I WOKE UP FROM A DREAM IN MY DREAM AND THEN I SAW HIM— and i will never forget this. when i saw him i ran to him- gave him the biggest hug then we kissed 🤨 AND BRO I TELL YOU
oh yeha also i should have started this out saying it was scaramouche from genshin impact (the boy) and bro :,) i can never see him the same now... i wanna go back and feel the warmth and UGHHH SOB IM SO LONELY
in the end yes even tho ur blog was mentioned once at the start it played the great role of bringing us together :) - 🍃
You had me at the first half 😂
Waking up from good dreams sucks, especially when he weird or bad ones go on forever smh
I had my own dream last night! I forget most of it, but quackity and gogy met up. Quackity didn't have his beanie on and AH-
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Comfort And Death (6)(Part 1)
~After the death of Regulus Black, you take confinement in Sirius who cared for you like a sister after Reguas died, becoming each other's person, you stay at the black house, after having a hard time griefing one night, you go to the place Regulas died.
A/N- So I decided, the next couple chapters will be long because they have meaning and a turn around for the whole story, so chapter six and chapter seven will both be split up into two parts. Im super excited to be writing this.
Word Count-1875
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                                       December 24th 1994
“We’re going to be late aunt Stella,” Harry mumbled walking into my room shaking his head, waking me up in the progress.
“Late for what?” I asked unamoused and still tired, only going to sleep a hour before Harry had walked into my room, fourteen and still not knowing how to knock.
“The Weasleys are coming over for christmas don’t you remember, and Hermione too and a bunch of my other friends, they’ll be here anytime and everyone in this house is still asleep,”
“Cricket don’t panic,” I croaked remember how Remus had thought it was a good idea inviting Harry's friends over for christmas. “Sirius and Remus planned this, go bug them and I promise i’ll be ready when you come back,”
Harry walked out of my room, watching him the passed couple years growing up almost made me feel old, smiling at all his achievement, dumb pranks and detention he’s gotten himself into, and the trouble he had caused, expressly Remus and Sirius last year, pulling a whole prank on the school, almost sending the two of them to Azkaban.
I used my wand, bringing out some clothes from my closet, letting the magic pick as my clothes followed me into the bathroom across the hall. 
“I’m answering the door, someone's here!” Harry called out, I smiled knowing it was the Granger girl, she was always the first one here to any party Harry had suggested we host.
I quickly slipping on a nice apparently green dress, almost tearing up but stopping as I looked at myself in the mirror. I used my wand to put my hair up in a bun neatly, I opened a little box that sat in the corner of my section of my sink, pulling out a silver flat ring and slipping it onto my finger.
“You know i’d think Harry gets this from Lily,” Sirius croaked walking into the bathroom, only wearing boxers. “It’s nearly twelve and people are already showing up, he totally gets this from Lily,” I let out a low laugh looking at Sirius.
“Put some clothes on you monster, we have guests,” I crooked still half asleep, walking passed Sirius and out of the bathroom taking my gaze down the stairs where Harry stood talking to Hermione and a ginger boy filled with freckles top to bottom. Ron Weasley.
I waved my wand in the air, turning the lights on his the house, the red and green christmas lights turned on and decorations came to life.
“This is a lovely house Miss Black,” Hermione said watching me as I walked down the stairs, looking at the three kids.
“You can call me Stella Hermione,” I chuckled taking a glance around the room. “Come on, I’ll make you something to eat,”
“My mums already in the kitchen, my brothers and sister are around her somewhere,” Ron said shrugging his shoulders looking at me, taller than Harry and I both.
“Harry, why don’t you and your friends great the rest of your guests then gather everyone in the living room, i’ll help Ron's mother in the kitchen,” I gave Harry a pat on the back then walked passed towards the kitchen where I could already smell Mollys cooking.
“Hello dear,” Molly was turned around mixing something in a pot, she had enchanted our whole kitchen into making a feast.
“Hello Molly,” I said with a smile walking towards her, her spoon kept spinning as she let go and brought me into a hug. “How are you doing?” She whispered in my ear.
“Good, I feel old, Harry's already fourteen, Sirius and Remus I think are planning to get married, but you can’t tell anyone I told you,” I let out a low laugh letting go of Molly.
“Your telling me you feel old,” Molly laughed shaking her head. “My oldest is working at Gringotts and my other is fighting Dragons, i’m surprised my hair is still red,” 
“Good morning,” Remus cheerfully said walking into the kitchen. “Molly this smells delicious,” 
“There are so many people here,” Sirius cried out walking into the kitchen. “I didn’t know how many friends Harry’s gotten, but he’s got more then I thought,” a chair was pulled out and Sirius sat on the table, ignoring the chair.
“We’ve got more than enough room for a whole village Sirius,” I chuckled tapping his shoulder and walking out, I looked at Harry who was standing around in the living room, a bunch of teenagers sat in our living room.
“Cricket, come here,” I whispered aiming my head for the door and walking into the hallway. Harry followed me out. “Are you having fun?” 
“Yeha yeah I am auntie Stella,” Harry said smiling from ear to ear. “Come on, I wanna introduce you to all my friends,” Harry grabbed my hand and dragged my bag in the living room, I was shocked but smiled gratefully.
“This is my Aunt Stella everyone,” Harry introduce at we walked into the room, I gave a shy smile to the pile of teenagers that looked over at me. 
“Hello Stella!” The twins called out raising the hands, I let out a small laugh looking around the room.
“Aunt Stella, this is Cedric Diggory, Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom,” Harry said pointing around the room at the three boys who sat together on the couch.
“Longbottom eh?” I asked walking over to the nervous boy who looked at me as I just smiled. “Nice to meet you,” I put out my hand, shaking Nevilles then Deans then Cedrics. “Dinner is cooking by Molly, enjoy yourselves and make yourselves at home, there are more then enough rooms for whoever will be staying for the night,”
“And,” Sirius said standing at the door, I looked at him who had a smirk on his face. “Not like we have a whole firewhisky stash hidden for when Molly goes to sleep,” Sirius whispered making the twins laugh.
“Sirius,” I tapped walking towards him and shaking my head. “He’s telling the truth,” I said to the kids then pushing Sirius out of the living room.
“I’m sure they could have a few drinks, their parents obviously let them stay over, i’m sure that's enough of a confirmation,” Sirius joked shaking his head.
“Make sure the house doesn’t burn down, I have some things to do,” I said to Sirius walking away up the stairs.
“The ring,” Sirius said stopping me. “I get it,” 
I looked down at my finger, looking at my ring. “We were gonna get married I hope you know, when the war was over we were going to get married, I found it under my bed with a note,” I paused holding my tears back. “He knew what he was getting himself into Sirius,”
“Hey Uncle Sirius, Aunt Stella, I was wondering if we could watch some telly,” Harry asked walking into the hallway, I walked up the rest of the stairs, tears finally fell down my face as I passed my room, walking to the end of the hall and closing myself into a empty room.
The room Sirius and I enchanted to be soundproof. I let out a scream and fell to the ground, leaning against the door and holding the ring in my hand.
“Why did you do this Regulas,” I whispered looking down at the ring that laid in my palm. “You planned a whole future then left me!” I screamed tossing the ring across the room in anger.
“Fuck,” I choked out grabbing onto the door to help myself up, walking to where I tossed the ring in angry, picking it up.
“Are you okay Aunt Stella?” Harry asked behind me. I whipped my tears away quickly and turned around with a fake smile on my face. “You usual don’t come in here when your happy,”
“I’m fine cricket,” my voice choked up as I walked over towards him. “Just having a hard time with something right now,” I placed the ring back on my finger. “Why aren’t you downstairs with your friends, I thought you were watching telly?” I asked pushing my problems back and pushing Harry in my head forward.
“I wanted to come check up on you, were you married?” Harry asked looking down at my finger. 
“We were gonna get married, Regulas and I, but Harry I think you should go downstairs, you have guests,”
“Not without you aunt Stella,” Harry said grabbing my hand, I smiled letting out a low laugh.
“Okay,” The both of us walked downstairs, Harry letting go of my hand as we walked out of the room and downstairs, Sirius not in the hallway anymore. 
“Are you sure your okay?” Harry asked before we walked into the living room. “I know your my aunt and you should be telling me this but we can talk about stuff,”
I laughed at Harry's cheekiness. “Another night Harry dear,” I paused hearing a faint noise, the familiar noise of Sirius shouted. “I’m gonna kill your uncle,” I mumbled opening the living room, looking at Sirius who had the twins on the floor as he poured to bottles of firewhisky into each other the mouths well Ron and Ginny were keeping look out.
I closed the door and looked back at Harry who had a big smile on his face. 
“Guess someone's gotta go make sure your uncle doesn’t give anyone alcohol poisons before dinner,” I let out a belly laugh, Harry and I walked into the room and Sirius looked at us, finishing the bottle.
“Hello,” Sirius said dropping the bottles on the ground and looking at harry and I with a smile, the twins stood up without a double whipping their mouths with the firewhiskey.
“It’s not even dinner Sirius,” I laughed grabbing the bottles of empty firewhisky that laid on the ground. “The rules were after supper,”
“What fun are rules if they aren’t meant to be broken,” One of the twins winking at me, sitting down on the couch, Cedric, Dean, Neville, Hermione and now Ron and Ginny were all sat down on the couch watching telly. Harry joined them and I sat down beside Sirius, who had a flask his his hand, oddly, passing it back and forth from the twins.
“You want some?” Fred asked pushing the flask towards me, I looked around the room, then took the flask from Fred. “So hotstuff, how are you?” 
I rolled my eyes looking at Sirius who just bursted out laughing, taking the flask away from me.
“You are not my type Fred Weasley,” I laughed making Sirius laugh even more. “Besides, I haven’t dated anyone in almost nineteen years, I don’t plan on starting with a sixteen year old,”
“Nineteen years,” George pipped up behind him. “Not one man has caught your eye in those nineteen years?”
“Who wants some food,” Remus asked poking his head out of the of the kitchen, immediately getting the smell of fire whisky. “Sirius. Stella, we agreed to wait tell after supper,”
“Sorry,” I put my hand up in the air catching his attention. “It was my idea, got a little two recluse,”
“Well come on, dinners ready, you four take a breath mint and sober up in two seconds,” Remus signaled the kids to walk into the kitchen and the four of us sat on the couch longer.
“Thanks,” Sirius said putting his hand on my shoulder reaching into his pocket, pulling out four tiny breath mints. “I always got them in my pocket for these emergencies,”
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