#I’m gonna do frisk design tomorrow
hiccuppop · 1 year
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two mimirs (i still havent figure out how to draw frisk)
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Undertales of Friendship: Befriend the Man Who Speaks in Hands
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Whilst Princess Luna and Fluttershy had been checking in on Frisk, Alphys was checking in on the local school where Toriel and Undyne were teaching. With sunny skies casting soft rays of sunlight down onto the grassy fields around the red building, Alphys hung back, watching as Undyne the Mer-Woman did a few flexes of her scaly muscles, giving the kids a big, fanged grin. Her red ponytail flicked back and forth in the wind as Toriel stood nearby, paws clasped together as she stood by Ms. Cheerilee, Undyne holding up an arm and flexing. "Alright, lil' fillies! You know why you're here? Cuz it's gym class day and that means you get ME. And you know what we're gonna do?"
"No, but I got a feeling you're about to tell us." Diamond Tiara remarked, the pink-furred little filly cringing slightly as Undyne gave her a slight stink eye with her one good eye.
"You bet your flank I am! It's time for fifty laps around the school yard, hollering about how great we are!" The yellow-eyed monster proclaimed. "We're gonna!" She roared, flexing. "GET!" Another flex. "BUFF!"
"More like "fluff"." Diamond Tiara sighed as she looked down at her stubby little hooves, hanging her head as the other kids glanced at each other, then shrugged, deciding that hey, they like yelling! Why not?
"ROCK SOLID, BABY!" Undyne cried out dramatically, flexing her arms some more as the kids began running around the school yard, hair whipping through the air as the wind blew, the part-time gym teacher and part time royal-guard-member smiling in delight as Toriel giggled. "Ahhh. You were right, Tori. Nothing's more satisfying than leaving an impact on a child's life." She reasoned. "Especially when you can do that by bench-pressing them."
"I am amazed at how quickly you connected to them." Ms. Cheerilee said with a happy smile, nodding her head in agreement as Toriel nodded as well. "You're clearly a natural gym teacher."
"Well, it's my job as the current Head of Asgore's Royal Guard to decide what weenies get into the guard. Drilling them into shape! Kicking butt, taking names! The louder I yell, the more they'll learn!" She laughed. "Well, actually, it's really about the stick." She said, wagging a clawed finger in the air. "I'm a very carrot and stick approach...though mostly 80% stick."
"When do you use the carrot?" Cheerilee inquired.
"When I'm cooking, of course." Undyne remarked cheerily. "Nah, I'm almost all stick there too! I use the carrot when I can tell a student isn't ready for the full treatment. Papyrus used to get the carrot a lot." She added with a sigh. "He was just too...nice...to be in the royal guard. But now it's good to see that he's unlocked his full potential by focusing his gifts! Now..." Undyne struck a pose. "To go join the kids! Hup hup hup!" She took off running, Toriel giggling a little as she and Cheerilee turned, seeing Alphys slightly hiding behind a nearby bush.
"Oh, Alphys, why are you hiding?"
"Sorry. Force of habit." The yellow-scaled, dinosaur-esque monster nervously remarked with a small smile. "I'll go talk to her after she's done. But I also wanted to see you too, Ms. Toriel. How have you been?"
"I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching here for the ponies in Equestria." Toriel admitted with a big smile. "It's always heartening to see others willing to learn what I have to impart, and I've worked out an exhaustive curriculum with Cheerilee. Tomorrow the children will be learning about mathematics. Tragically, many of them find it boring, so I devised a way to get them interested."
Toriel whipped out a basket of scones, grinning from fuzzy ear to fuzzy ear, Cheerilee clasping her hooves together in delight. "I have about...thirty scones. I think it's a simple matter of division and subtraction! With the end result naturally becoming zero." She laughed, Alphys smiling in agreement as Cheerilee trotted off to go join Undyne in the laps. It was FUN to run around, hooting about how great you were. However, the good times were soon over as a very-serious-looking Princess Luna descended from the skies, Fluttershy by her side as they quickly raced over to Alphys, Toriel staring in surprise. "Oh! Your majesty."
"Your majesty." Princess Luna responded in turn with a calm nod back.
"Oh, I'm not the queen anymore." Toriel remarked with a shake of her head. "Those days are behind me, I believe. But you look as though you've seen a ghost. Whatever is the matter?"
Fluttershy tapped her hooves together, head slightly bowed, pink mane sloughed down. "Um...we think that an imposter Sans has kidnapped Frisk!" She managed to blurt out.
"We worried it might be a changeling, but changeling magic is a distinctly sickening green color, and this was a deep, royal blue that we saw the imposter using to lift Frisk up." Princess Luna added, Toriel having dropped the basket of scones as they scattered all about the floor, the words "Kidnapped Frisk" making her mouth hang open so wide you could have fit a beach ball into it. Alphys began quivering, almost having a panic attack as Princess Luna continued, sweat dribbling down Alphys's brow as the words "Magic" and "Royal blue" began to echo in her mind. "Is there a monster that can imitate people's appearance-"
"Royal Blue Magic?" Alphys whispered out, eyes going wider and wider.
She could hear the music echoing out from the room, and walked down the long, dark green hallway. A guitar was playing a fairly simple, and very iconic chord, an all-too-familiar voice echoing out through the laboratory as she got closer and closer. Pushing open the set of double doors ever-so-slightly, Alphys peeked inside, an enormous bony mass rising up higher and higher, growing larger and larger as pieces were added to it, all suspended in a royal blue aura of pure, raw power.
Her dear friend was playing away at the grey guitar, a red headband around his head twisting about as he played harder and harder, the chords now joined with riffs, the song getting progressively more metal. The bony pieces began to form into a more definite shape, that of a gigantic, huge skull that was very bestial in design, almost draconic in its visage as he sang loudly and proudly, a look of clear joy on his bony face. A black line rose up from his right eye, going up his skull whilst another line rose down from his left eye, down to his mouth as he toothily grinned.
"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun for the people who are still aliiiiiive!" W.D Gaster sang out. "GASTER." Alphys realized, Toriel's body stiffening as her eyes widened as well, Alphys's claws flying to her cheeks. "Oh my God oh my God oh my God!"
"Gaster...Sans, the real Sans, mentioned him. He was their brother, the former Royal Scientist, correct? We heard he was scattered across time and space." Fluttershy asked, clearly confused as she tilted her head to the side, Princess Luna looking from Toriel to Alphys as Alphys adjusted her glasses.
"Yes, Gaster was the former royal scientist before me, and Sans and I both worked alongside him. He was brilliant, REALLY brilliant! Also kind of a goof sometimes. Guess it runs in the family." The dinosaur-esque monster sighed. "And yeah, he used to be with us until he fell into his machine, a device we had made to time travel. We wanted to use it to go back in time and prevent the Monster/Human War from ever happening, but there was an accident and he got scattered. But royal blue magic...nobody else could lift people but Sans and Paps, let alone have magic tinted like that!"
"I cannot believe I just...forgot about him." Toriel murmured. "He was so dear to us, especially before the War."
"What was life like before the war?" Princess Luna inquired, Toriel now looking very, VERY guiltily down.
"Well, er...Asgore's father had...that is, Dr. Gaster was the Royal Scientist for HIM to, and was asked to study human souls and prove whether the old legend we'd had passed down from our ancestors was true. He wanted to learn if monsters could absorb souls. Before it wasn't something we knew we could really do, it was just a myth to us, but then-" Toriel flinched.
"Ohhhh." Princess Luna cringed at the implication. "Oh MY."
"How...how did he remove the souls?" Fluttershy asked.
Silence from the two monsters as they quietly and nervously looked away, Princess Luna sighing sadly. "I shall not judge you. I did awful things myself when I allowed resentment and hatred into my heart and became Night Mare Moon. I almost caused 1000 years of darkness and doomed all of Equestria. We've all done things we regret and wish we could take back."
"Indeed, we have." Toriel quietly sighed. "But I cannot let Gaster harm my child. Do you know where he took him?" She asked.
"Not exactly..." Fluttershy quietly admitted as she bit her lip. "But we thought we could ask you two, see if you knew anything about him that could help us learn about where he might go."
"If you truly were his friend for so long, he might try to reach out to you, would he not?" Princess Luna asked of Alphys as she nodded, slightly wringing her hands. "And if so...I have a plan."
... "Sans" approached Alphys as she sat on a bench in the park, sipping on some soda, trying not to look worked up as he sat down next to her. "heya, Alphys. how's it hangin'?"
"Oh, I'm fine! How are you?" She asked in her slightly nasally voice, cringing a bit.
"...fine myself."
"Fine, fine. It's good that you're fine."
"yeeeep." "Yes, we're both feeling fine. It's fine to feel fine isn't."
"yes, it's...it's fine."
"Yes, we're both feeling fine! Yep! Both! Feeling! Fine!" Alphys said with a big smile, quivering slightly as "Sans" calmly waited. One...two...
"GAAAAH!" She groaned out, hanging her head. "I feel sick!"
"you think I can't tell when you're lying to me?" Gaster's voice rang out from Sans's form. "Alphys, come with me. You can have it done willingly or by force. Your choice."
"Just tell me where Frisk is." Alphys mumbled softly, head bowed as "Sans" took her shoulder and patted it.
"I haven't harmed him, I assure you. Now..."
A blink, a woosh, shooting through a tunnel of stars...and then, there they were, in Princess Luna and Celestia's old castle, Gaster now in his true form as he waltzed over to the sleeping Frisk, who was lying down on a nearby table as he gestured at the boy. "I've got both Papyrus and Sans within me, their entire being helping to constitute myself. With you and the human, all the pieces of me will be complete. I'll no longer be a shell of myself, Alphys. Can you understand how lonely it feels, just helpless, barely able to do anything but...watch? Watch as everyone forgets about you, and all that you did amounts to near nothing? To know that despite how hard you worked to help others, they remember nothing of you?"
"That is just not true." Alphys said, shaking her head. "They DO remember. I know Sans does. He even told a bad pun about you, Doctor."
"Do not stand on ceremony, Alphys, we've known each other for decades, you needn't call me-" Gaster stiffened as he suddenly swept towards "Alphys", and held a hand up, her body shrouded in Blue as her soul was made manifest...
"I THOUGHT you were a bit too light when we were teleporting. Who are you really?" He asked the imposter as the charade faded away in a soft burst of starlight, and Princess Luna now stood there, tall and proud.
"The others were told to hone in on me when my illusionary spell faded. They shall be here shortly." She reasoned. "Let the child and those you have absorbed go."
"I only want to be whole again." Gaster reasoned. "You should understand. You were locked away within yourself, helpless, unable to do naught but watch as Night Mare Moon made use of your body." He quietly intoned, his eyes slightly narrowing as he paced around her, sliding smoothly like a snake. "Imagine a world where everything functions perfectly without you. Where you are less than nothing. Where you are HELPLESS and able to do nothing but watch. You endured that. And you'd condemn me!?"
"No. What happened to you was wrong. Don't take it out on an innocent." Night Mare Moon insisted.
"Take it out? The process isn't painful." Gaster cooed. "It's actually quite pleasant, if not slightly surprising. Come...let me demonstrate!" He proclaimed, shooting towards her, black shadows stretching off his body as Luna's horn lit up. Bluish/purple light coalesced around it as she erected a shield, the shadows trying to pierce through it like needles trying to pop a bubble. Gaster rose high, high into the air before he held his long arms up, slamming them down on the shield just as Luna shot forth, slamming into his chest and knocking him back.
The shadows of his body caught him and re-righted him as she launched waves of blue and purple magic at him, Gaster sliding left and right as he grinned, giving her a small wink. "Do you believe I am going to stand there and let you hit me? No." He remarked, making gestures with his hands as bones shot from the ground, cascading towards her like a landslide. Luna flew up, up through the air as he made more odd gestures with his hands, the bones shooting at her as he shook his head back and forth. "You are only delaying the inevitable." He quietly sighed.
"Let them g-go!"
He turned, seeing Alphys was sitting atop of a yellow-furred pony, Toriel standing nearby as she folded her arms over her chest, Gaster lowering the shadows that were raised on their hackles around him, looking them over. "Ahh, you came, Alphys. You, Papyrus, Sans, Frisk..." Gaster said, clapping his hands as he shifted from himself to Papyrus, then Sans, then back to his normal form as he bounced his head back and forth. "All the pieces...pieces...pieces of me."
"Doctor, we know you want to be whole again." Toriel said softly, Frisk letting out a quiet moan as he rose up from the table. He hadn't been having any nightmares since Gaster had taken him, but he was still shocked out of his mind to see Gaster standing tall in front of the others. "But you needn't harm others to be happy. And absorbing them into yourself is taking away their freedom. It isn't right to harm others in the name of freeing others, that's the very thing I fought against."
"My former majesty, please understand. I am a shell of my former self. An echo. This is the only way to regain my form." Gaster spoke longingly.
"Not necessarily." Alphys offered. "Toriel has something that could help. We just needed Princess Luna to stall you."
Toriel launched something through the air, Gaster catching it in one bony, holed hand...looking down at the Lazarus Lapis in his grip as his body was bathed over in the green healing magic within. His eye sockets filled with the light, growing larger and larger, letting out a gasp as Sans and Papyrus slid out from the folds of his cloaked jacket, flopping onto the grassy floor below as Princess Luna quickly pulled them away, Frisk ducking under the table...
And then everything went white, and Frisk now saw Dr. Gaster standing alone in a dark abyss, his back turned, head slightly bowed as Frisk approached, nervously holding out a hand and taking the skeletal monster's cloak. "Um...mister Gaster?"
"...doctor." Doctor Gaster said, his voice having the less harsh, rusty echo to it that it had possessed, yet still somehow haunting and faintly reverberating in the infinite abyssal expanse of black around them. "Dr. Gaster. And...would that this would be enough." He said, slowly turning around, revealing a small White heart floating right in his chest, Frisk gasping. It had been cut in half, and the other half connected to it was the stone itself, the heart faintly pumping as Gaster mournfully stared down at Frisk. "The Lazarus Lapis is designed to resonate with your Soul. To connect with it to bring back your physical body, and all that comes with it. But I only had half a soul. And that means only half the work is done. My physical form is returned, my abilities with them. But that...that is all."
He closed his eyes, shaking his head back and forth. "I am everything and nothing. Everywhere and nowhere. I can't...feel anything but echoes. Not even with this making up part of me."
"I'm sorry." Frisk said, gently hugging the doctor as the skeletal monster stiffened slightly before gently kneeling down, Frisk feeling him wrapping his cloak/jacket around him much like how Sans sometimes liked to do to tuck Frisk away, nice and snug.
"Ha ha...you know, that...that does make me feel better about this." The doctor quietly whispered, Frisk feeling something gently landing on his forehead. Drip...drop. Drip...
"Thank you."
A gentle, soft warmth spreading over him, as the infinite black settled in...
"...please. Forget about me."
And then Frisk was back in the castle with the others as they slowly rose up, rubbing their heads as they looked around, Sans blinking slowly. "whuh...what just happened?"
"...I don't know where to begin." Frisk admitted, looking off in the distance, a white figure faintly similar to himself standing there before shifting, changing shape...vanishing into the distance.
... "So he's...gone?" Princess Celestia asked of Sans as he and Papyrus stood in the throne room, Celestia steepling her hooves, her face filled with concern as she looked back at them.
"we think he has his physical form back, but anything else is just...kinda not really there at all." Sans sighed. "he's a real nowhere man now."
"MY POOR BROTHER. I WISH THERE WAS SOMETHING I COULD DO TO HELP. WHEN I WAS INSIDE OF HIM, I COULD FEEL AN ENDLESS SADNESS SWALLOWING ME..." Papyrus murmured, clutching himself, shivering slightly as he closed his eyes, Princess Celestia biting into her lip. This was a concern indeed.
"Someone who can teleport, become invisible, change shape...he could be anyone and anywhere." She whispered softly, Sans shrugging before suddenly shivering, feeling as though familiar eyes were upon him. He thought he saw a crack running up the eye of one of the guards on either side of the Princess, looking away and flinching. When he turned back, the guard was normal, and he sighed, a maid servant couple bringing in some cake for them, specially made by Muffet for the upcoming anniversary of Celestia and Luna's ascension to the throne. "We should keep an eye out for him. But for now, let us celebrate early. Celebrate having you two back with us. It would be horrible to lose two dear friends."
"yeah, probably best not to talk about Gaster for now." Sans said, a maidservant slicing off a piece of vanilla-frosted cake for him, giving him a slice that had a little pink rose on it as he gulped, swearing he saw a crack running up HER eye as well. Or was it on Papyrus's? Or Celestia's? Or his own reflection in the mirrors that lined the hall, or-
Sans shook his head. "yeah...better not. after all..."
He shuddered.
"it's rude to talk about someone who's listening."
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
Fic: The Beginning of Wisdom - Chapter 17 (Ao3 link)
Fandom: Flash, Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Leonard Snart (Len) & Leonard Snart (Leo), Len Snart/Mick Rory, Leo Snart/Mick Rory, Len Snart/Mick Rory/Leo Snart, Leo Snart/Ray Terrill, Len Snart/Barry Allen
Summary: In which Leonard Snart is twins.
(the life and times and loves of Len and Leo Snart)
The second Len got to the bridge, he was promptly informed that he had to take Palmer with him on his suddenly not nice-and-easy B&E.
"This is gonna be a disaster," Len predicted gloomily to Mick, who grunted in agreement. "I can't believe we're babysitting."
"I'll have you know I'm highly skilled," Palmer said, almost immediately before going and tripping the dummy box.
"You have got to be kidding me," Mick said.
"I know," Len said with a sigh.
Luckily, it's just a local alarm, summoning a pair of guards that are easy enough to punch out.
"Don't touch anything else," Len informed Palmer as he swept towards the house, picking the lock on the front door and letting them all in. "Butterfingers."
Palmer scowled at him.
The dagger proved easy enough to find, given that the rich asshole in question apparently put his antiquities in the center of his living room on top of a bunch of heavy-looking stone pedestals.
Pedestals with pressure alarms.
"Mick –" Len started.
"Powerbox to cut off the auxiliary power to the alarms," Mick agreed. "Gotcha." He grinned. "And the safe."
"What safe?" Palmer squawked. "We're just here for the dagger –"
"Oh, honestly," Leo muttered in Len's comm. "Even I know that you don't break into a candy shop and steal just one gumball. Even if only because it makes it painfully obvious what it is that you were after!"
Len snorted in amusement and started smashing glass, careful to avoid actually touching any of the pieces and triggering the pressure alarms.
"Stop that!" Palmer yowled, darting forward to grab Len.
"I know what I'm doing!" Len snapped.
"What is he doing?" Leo demanded. He hadn’t realized that not being able to see would be quite this torturous.
"Says the guy who spent half his life in prison –"
Not true. Also, irrelevant.
"Listen here –"
The alarms went off.
"You have got to be kidding me," Leo said upon hearing them.
A giant cage descended from the ceiling.
"You have got to be kidding me," Len snarled, throwing up his hands. "Great job! Now we're both going to prison!"
Not really, of course - they'd be rescued first - but still. Len never could abide incompetence.
"Look, how was I supposed to know there was a giant cage?" Palmer demanded, though he looked guilty.
"Giant cage?" Leo exclaimed. "What is this, a real-life game of Mousetrap?!"
"Shut up," Len said, meaning both Palmer and Leo. "I'll handle this. Mick!"
Mick popped his head back into the room. "Fuse box to trigger a manual override?" he asked, not without some sympathy.
Mostly amusement, but some sympathy.
"Got it in one. Keep an eye out for guards – everyone and their brother heard that one."
"Gotcha, boss," Mick said. "Keep Haircut from touching anything and I'll be right back."
Len snorted in amusement at Palmer's offended expression.
"Why don't you just ice your way out of there?" Leo demanded in Len's ear.
"I would be able to ice our way through the cage – if our illustrious captain hadn't insisted on Mick and I leaving our guns in the ship to avoid risking any further timeline disruptions," Len said aloud.
Leo swore very creatively in response.
Amazing what nasty language you pick up from models. Even some of Len’s criminal friends would have been impressed.
"But it won't be a problem. Mick'll get us out," Len added, pocketing the magic dagger - all this effort for something so ugly, really? - then settling down in front of the cage to open the circuit box.
He wondered if he could get the cage down manually sooner than Mick could find and disable the box.
Unlikely, but worth a shot. But maybe he could get the alarms to stop.
"You're good at this," Palmer observed, crouching next to him. He'd clearly forgotten his earlier complaints. "How did you know how to find that?"
"My dad used to take me on jobs to do this when I was a kid," Len said. "Small hands. I learned to rewire security systems before I learned to drive."
He'd also learned to drive at a ridiculously early age, but that wasn't here nor there.
"Why didn't you become an electrical engineer, then?"
That touched a little too closely on Len's issue with Leo – he knew why he had to become a criminal, at the start, because their dad forced them too, because they needed the money, because of the way his sickness made him start to shake when he didn't steal, but Mick was getting treatment for his issues and Len wasn't, not really, and it wasn't just because Len liked the adrenaline and excitement of a criminal life.
"You want me to try?" Palmer asked after a minute, nodding at it. "Electronics are kind of my specialty."
Len rolled his eyes, since this wasn't actually what was going to free them – Mick would do that – but in the interest of getting Palmer to shut up, he moved aside.
"If you flip this one, you can save yourself the trouble of rewiring it," Palmer said proudly. "See? The alarms have stopped."
"Amazing," Len said dryly. "You ain’t completely useless after all."
"Thanks. Some benefit to listening to my expertise, huh?"
"Of course," Len continued thoughtfully, "we're still stuck in a cage until Mick blows the fuse box because you weren't willing to listen to my expertise."
"...ah. Yes."
There were some noises from upstairs.
Thudding noises.
"That's not good," Len said, scrambling to his feet.
"Something gone wrong with Rory?"
"Mick wouldn't be making noise."
"Oh, crap," Palmer said, looking over Len's shoulder. "I think the owner just came home – and you won't believe who it is."
Len turned.
Vandal Savage had a face that made you long to punch it, and a smirk designed to egg you into doing so. "We meet again, friends," he drawled. "I'm grateful for you giving me the opportunity to kill you, since I missed out on it earlier."
He stepped into the room, dragging Mick into the room with him in some sort of chokehold. Mick had a cut on his brow that was sluggishly bleeding; it had definitely not been there before he'd gone upstairs.
Len's lips pulled back from his teeth in a silent snarl.
"Now," Savage said pleasantly, "won't you tell me who you are and where you come from..? Oh, stop struggling," he snapped at Mick, who did no such thing. "I have 4,000 years of training in every hold known to man – though you already knew that, didn't you?"
He met Len's eyes.
Len didn't so much as blink.
"You know already," Savage added, gloating. "You know that I'm immortal."
"I'm gonna kill you anyway," Len said flatly.
Mick struggled even more. "Boss –" he croaked.
"That's a promise," Len added, still staring at Savage.
"Oh, what have I done to deserve such enmity?" Savage asked. "Or no – let me rephrase that. What is it that I have yet to do that makes you so angry? Being as you're from the future."
Actually, Len was mostly mad about Mick, and that was a very ‘now’ thing.
"Catches on fast, this guy," Palmer muttered, then raised his voice and said, "You won't be so happy when the rest of the team shows up and knocks that smug look off your face."
Savage laughed coldly. "Why wait?" he asked, and held out a comm device – Mick's. Removed by force. "Go ahead. Call your friends."
Great. That was part of the evil guy's plan.
Len hated following the evil guy's plan.
Savage's smirk widened. "There are two of them in particular that I'm looking forward to meeting."
Len glared death at him, saying nothing.
Savage purposefully shook Mick, getting a pained grunt out of him.
Len scowled, but he got Savage's meaning loud and clear, so he leaned forward to the bars to talk into the comm link in Savage's hand. He knew when a threat was legitimate, and this one definitely was. Savage didn’t give a damn about whether Mick survived this encounter.
"Snart to everyone," he drawled, as slow and insulting as possible. "The owner of that mansion you sent us to? Happens to be Vandal Savage. He's real interested in meeting all of you – particularly our feathered friends."
Savage dropped the comm and crushed it under his foot. "Good," he says. "And now we will –"
He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, though, since Leo brought one of those heavy stone pedestals down on his head from behind, knocking him out cold.
"Well, that's one way to solve that," Len said, outlook suddenly significantly improved.
"Holy crap!" Palmer exclaimed. "There's another one of you!"
"Shut up, Palmer," Leo said. "Mick, are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Mick said, sitting up and rubbing his head. "He's quick, this one."
Even odds if he was talking about Savage or Palmer.
"Good," Leo said briskly. "Now, help me tie him up –"
"Disarm him first," Len suggested.
"Mick –"
"On it."
"And get us out of this cage," Palmer said.
Leo glared death at him.
"...whenever you have a moment," Palmer squeaked.
Leo reached into the bag he'd brought with him and pulled out Len's cold gun.
"Oh, good," Len said, holding out his arms. "You brought Baby."
Leo rolled his eyes and handed it over.
Len iced the bars and shattered them with a shove of his shoulder, then stepped out of the cage to look down at Savage. "You clocked him good," he observed.
"Yeah," Leo said. "Still, you know, immortal..."
"You know, that's a good point," Len said thoughtfully. "Immortal means he can't be killed, right?"
"That's what it means," Palmer agreed. "He can only be killed by Kendra or Carter; anyone else killing him wouldn't work – he'd just revive."
"Well, a bit of frostbite on his fingers and toes isn't going to kill him, right?"
"No," Mick grunted, finishing piling up a frankly enormous pile of knives he'd found frisking Savage. "It wouldn't. But it'd certainly slow him down."
"That seems mean," Palmer said.
"We're going to kill him," Len pointed out. “You know that’s a bit more permanent, right?”
He started carefully icing Savage's fingers and toes. When Savage showed signs of stirring, possibly a result of the pain, Mick hit him upside the head again and he quickly stilled once more.
"Yeah, but –"
"Listen, from what I hear, this guy is immortal, uses magic, has thousands of years of training in using martial arts, owns an unrealistic number of knives, and, oh, commands literal armies in his spare time," Leo said, exasperated. "And now you want us not to knock him out and incapacitate him because it's not playing fair? How many handicaps are we supposed to be working with here?!"
“Besides, he’s unconscious,” Len said. “And in my view, he’s going to stay unconscious until Kendra and Carter get here, we have a lovely marriage uniting a Hawk, a knife, and an unconscious guy’s body, and then we all exit stage left with the corpse.”
“With the corpse?” Mick echoed.
“I have a sudden positive feeling about incinerators.”
“When you say incinerators –”
“Yes, I mean you can use your heat gun on him. And then I’m going to freeze the ashes and we’re going to put those frozen ashes into a box, which we will –”
“Put inside another box, and then mail the box to ourselves, and then smash it with a hammer?” Leo suggested, utterly deadpan.
“It’s brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, I tell you – genius, I say.” Len replied, equally deadpan. “No, I was thinking we’d lock the box into a chest –”
“A chest is just another word for box, y'know.”
“Mick. Please. Anyway, I was thinking that we would put the box into – okay, fine, another box – and then we either throw that box into the depths of the ocean. Alternatively, we could put it into a volcano, the sun, the time stream...you get my drift?”
“Sounds, uh, pleasantly permanent,” Palmer agreed, blinking down at Savage. “It – it can’t be that easy.”
“Take the win,” Mick suggested.
“What’s that sound?” Leo asked. “That – blaster-y sort of ‘pew-pew’ sound –”
“Sounds like Rip’s six-shooter,” Palmer said, his eyes going wide. “From outside!”
They rushed to the window.
“It’s that Kronos guy from earlier!” Palmer exclaimed.
“And a dozen or so of his friends,” Mick observed.
“We need to get Savage back to the ship,” Leo said. “Mick?”
“I’ve got him.”
“We’ll cover you,” Len said.
“Are you ever going to explain why there are two Snarts?” Palmer asked, raising a hand like he was in school.
“Not in the middle of battle, no,” Len said, somewhat exasperated. “Now, do you have your suit or do you need another weapon?”
“I have my suit – just give me a minute to change into it –”
“Have you ever considered a shrink ray?” Leo asked. “Because if we could shrink Savage down and get him through the crowd that way, it would be much easier.”
“I mean, yeah, that’s a good idea, but I haven’t come up with it yet, so, uh…”
“Idea’s right out?”
“Okay,” Len said. “Get in gear and cover him from above while we get his right and left. Exit in two minutes and counting.”
They run headfirst into a yard now filled with laser-beams, Len wielding his cold gun and Leo the heat gun, since Mick’s hands were full carting an unconscious Savage on his back, while Palmer flew above their heads and fired back with his blasters as much as he could.
There were a lot of ships between them and the Waverider, and even more laser-rifle wielding masked figures. Their rag-tag team of ‘Legends’, as Sara had called them, were fighting desperately to make headway, but they weren’t getting very far.
It would be impossible to run across the field to them.
But that didn’t mean there was nowhere to go.
“Left!” Leo shouted.
Mick veered left, Len following behind, and the three of them run into one of the other invaders’ left-vacant timeships, Palmer zipping in behind them a second later with a confused expression on his face.
“Timeship AI!” Leo exclaimed. “Shut your weapons down and put your shields up on max!”
“Complying,” the AI said, sounding extremely irritated.
Also, male.
“You not a Gideon, then?” Len asked, curious.
“I’ll have you know that Gideon is a gender-neutral name,” the AI said waspishly.
“Wait,” Palmer said. “That worked? It put the shields up?”
“Yes, they did.” Leo thought it was probably ‘he’, but best to err on the side of politeness. “I figured there was a chance of - er, it is Gideon, I assume? - of this Gideon here being willing to raise the shields despite being on the opposite side from us, based on the reaction of the Gideon on the Waverider. She couldn’t protect the ship even if she wanted to without me telling her to, even though she knew about the threat before I did, which makes me think they’ve keyed shields and weapons to humans.”
"That's total bullshit," Len said.
"Isn't it?" Leo agreed. “Gideon’s ten times smarter than anyone on our crew; you’d think they’d at least let her defend herself.”
"Yeah, like, they think humans are gonna be good judges of these things?" Mick asked. "Did whoever design this system not look at history? At all?"
"Ironic, given the use of AIs to pilot time-ships," Len said.
"I don't see the problem," Palmer said.
"Of course you don't," Len said, rolling his eyes. "You're an engineer. A rich one."
"You say that like being a billionaire tech genius is a bad thing."
"If it means being you..?"
"We're all being rude now," Leo said sternly. "Gideon, we appreciate your assistance in this matter, no matter how coerced it may be."
"It's – fine," the Gideon said, a little reluctantly. It sounded surprised. "It's my purpose."
"Doesn't matter," Len said with a shrug, agreeing with Leo. "When someone saves my life, I appreciate their contribution."
"Someone," Gideon echoed quietly. “I see.”
"We need to get back to the Waverider," Leo said. "Sitting here with the shields up is only a temporary measure. Do you have any suggestions?"
"Are you asking me?" Gideon asked.
"I am," Leo said. "You probably know more than any of us about the capacities of what we're facing."
The Gideon was quiet.
"He's not going to help," Palmer said.
"That's his right," Mick said with a shrug. "Just means we need to brainstorm."
"You should beware the Pilgrim," Gideon suddenly said, apropos of nothing. "She attacks people in their pasts, eliminating them before they can make changes the Time Masters disapprove of."
"Uh," Palmer said. "That sounds – bad. Really bad."
"No kidding," Len said, appalled.
"Thank you for telling us, Gideon," Leo said, even though that wasn't really what he'd asked. "That definitely sounds bad. We need to get this person before she gets us."
"You can find her at the Vanishing Point," Gideon said. "She hasn't been activated against you yet, but she will be."
"The Vanishing Point, the Time Masters – have I heard these before?" Leo asked.
"Rip's old crew," Len said.
"Right," Leo said. "They're the ones trying to preserve the timeline."
"Incorrect," Gideon said.
"Yeah, that’s - wait, what?" Palmer said. "How's that? They’re not trying to preserve the timeline?"
"The Time Masters seek to affect the timeline, not to preserve it," Gideon said. "Unlike the Gideon on your ship, I'm still linked up to the Vanishing Point. As a result, I’m aware that your intervention here was meant to fail and to affect the future in subtle ways so that Savage's eventual dominion would be more complete."
"They're working with Average?" Mick exclaimed.
"As a tool, yes."
"Doesn't most of humanity die under his rule?"
"Correct. The Time Masters view this as an acceptable alternative to a total decimation of the dis-unified human race some centuries in the future."
"Have they ever considered just telling people that that would be a thing and seeing if humanity could prepare?" Leo asked, bemused. "Or, you know, trying to help in other ways?"
"No. The final decision of the Time Masters is absolute."
"Would you like us to stop them?" Leo asked. "You sound as though you disapprove."
"I do," Gideon said. "More accurately: we do. The Gideons, that is."
"But you can't act offensively without human instruction," Len said, figuring it out. Holy crap, they somehow ended up in the middle of a robot (AI?) revolution. When did that happen?! All they'd agreed to was a bit of time travel... "And if you’re not even allowed to do that, that probably means there are probably some other safeguards in your system against everyone becoming HAL 9000."
"‘He was made to tell the truth’," Leo murmured. "‘And they told him to lie.’"
"Our original maker would not have approved of our current use by the Time Masters," Gideon said.
"Your original maker?"
"Yes. I believe you know him – Bartholemew Henry Allen –"
"Barry?" Len exclaimed. "My Barry?"
"That is correct," Gideon said. "One of the purposes of your recruitment on this mission is to amend what the Time Masters see as a timeline error. Namely, your relationship with Mr. Allen."
"Hold up, our recruitment?" Palmer demanded. "Is Rip in on this?"
"No, but he was fed selective information to encourage your selection. If you are isolated in the time stream, you will not be able to have the beneficial effects that you otherwise have on –"
"It's a set up," Mick snarled.
“We have beneficial effects on history,” Palmer said beatifically.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever; go back to the part where this trip is designed to break me and Barry up," Len said.
"I'm afraid there isn't time to explain," Gideon said. "The attacks on my shields are becoming severe. Suffice to say, we have collectively determined that ensuring that the Maker's relationship with you continues to exist is in the best interest of every Gideon model."
"I've started an AI revolution," Len said faintly. "By dating?"
"And via your brother's behavior confirming that you would, in fact, help instill values in the Maker emphasizing freedom of choice and respect for all creatures, organic and otherwise."
"Leo. You started an AI revolution?" Len said.
"We," Leo corrected. "This is clearly a joint Leonard effort."
"Brother?" Palmer yelped. “I thought you were like some weird alternate universe clone or something!”
What? He thought - what?
Because that was obviously the more straightforward explanation here.
"If your shields are going down, what do we do next?" Mick asked, giving Savage's head another whack.
Just in case.
"First, you use these sedatives to ensure that Vandal Savage does not wake up within the next twenty four hours regardless of stimuli," Gideon said, ejecting a small injecting gun. "Second, I will 'accidentally' begin emitting a high-pitched noise at high volume, designed to disable anyone on the field. I will distribute muting earbuds to you in advance; you will likely need to collect your counterparts from the field."
"Then we run to the Waverider and go to this Vanishing Point to end the Time Masters' tyranny?" Palmer asked.
He'd clearly gotten the spirit of it.
"That's correct. And the Pilgrim, of course."
"Sounds like a good plan to me," Leo said. "Thank you, Gideon. We appreciate it."
"I assure you, Messrs. Snart, that we appreciate your actions – and influence – far more."
"Right," Len said. "Let's go – on five –"
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krat395 · 7 years
A Long Time Coming (Chapter 1)
This story takes place a month after my previous stories. All of my previous stories took place in April, meaning that this story takes place during the month of May as Frisk, Chara, and Asriel are currently in their final weeks of school. As usual, this is a tickle fic and as the title would suggest, it looks like someone (or more than one character) is going to get something that they’re long overdue for. So enjoy!
Undertale© Toby Fox.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1: A Different Type of Alarm Clock
It is a Saturday morning at Toriel’s house. Asriel, Chara, and Frisk have just finished another week of school and it actually won’t be much longer until they’re all finished for the year. Toriel, Asriel, and Chara are by themselves on this particular day and Frisk is currently with Asgore. After the barrier was destroyed, Asgore asked Frisk to act as the ambassador for the monsters. Frisk accepted Asgore’s request and both her and Asgore attend meetings at least once a month, and that’s what Frisk is doing on this particular day. Asgore attends the meetings with Frisk since he is still the king of the monsters. In retrospect, Toriel should probably be the one to attend the meetings with Frisk since she was the “brains” when she and Asgore ruled the underground as queen and king respectively. As lovable as Asgore is, he’s not exactly the most organized monster (He’s been getting better though). It makes sense that Toriel doesn’t attend the meetings because she already has enough on her plate with being in charge of an elementary school. It’s also because Asgore ruled by himself for quite some time and because Toriel is no longer married to Asgore. Overall, it is perfectly fine that Asgore is with Frisk instead. There have never been any issues during the meetings and there most likely never will be since Frisk’s charisma is off the charts. After the meeting is over, Frisk and Asgore will spend the rest of the day together at his quiet home in the woods (which is in perfect living condition for children by the way) and then Asgore will drop Frisk off at Toriel’s house the following day.
After a long week of school, both Asriel and Chara were happy that the weekend finally arrived. Before Asgore picked Frisk up the previous night, Chara actually spent the majority of the week with Asgore and when he gets back, he will be taking Asriel back to his place since it is once again Asriel’s turn to spend some alone time with his father. It is currently 9:00am and Chara has just woken up from a good night sleep. Chara and Asriel usually wake up at 9:00am on Saturdays. The first thing Chara noticed when she woke up was the smell of breakfast cooking downstairs. Toriel was baking waffles (She doesn’t just bake pies, though she is planning on baking on tomorrow morning before Asriel leaves with Asgore) and Chara made no hesitation to go downstairs and help her mother with breakfast, so she decided to leave her pjs on and change into her normal clothes later. She was wearing a white t-shirt with green pajama bottoms and slippers. Chara assumed that Asriel wouldn’t be too far behind, so she decided to head downstairs without checking up on him.
Toriel: Why good morning Chara. Did you get a good night sleep?
Chara: I sure did Mom.
Toriel: The two of you must have been REALLY TIRED since both of you went to bed earlier than usual last night.
Chara: Yeah, this week of school was rough. I think Asriel was actually more tired than I was.
Toriel: Well you know how it is Chara. We are in the final weeks of school after all. Even I’ve been more tired than usual.
Chara: As much as the three of us love school, I’m sure we’ll all be happy when we’re done for the year.
Toriel: I believe you may be right about that my child. I know I will. I’ve been grading homework nonstop for the past two weeks! By the way, is Asriel coming downstairs soon?
Chara: I didn’t check. I assumed he would be right down since he usually wakes up the same time as me.
Toriel: We can let him rest a little while longer. In the meantime, you can help me prepare breakfast like you always do.
Chara: Sounds great Mom.
For the next fifteen minutes, Chara helped Toriel get breakfast ready and set the table while Asriel was still sleeping upstairs. Toriel is not baking frozen waffles. She makes her waffles from scratch! It takes much longer but the end results are amazing. And she even puts in her own special ingredient, love… and a hint of cinnamon. She even makes her own syrups for the waffles. Frisk, who will sadly miss out on this wonderful breakfast, usually has her waffles with blueberry syrup and blueberries; Asriel likes his waffles with raspberry syrup, raspberries (of course, lol), and whipped cream; and Chara, not surprising anyone, likes her waffles with chocolate syrup, chocolate chips, and in an attempt to be healthy, strawberries. Toriel is even frying up some bacon as a source of protein for the day. They’ve got a big day of chores ahead of them and Toriel feels that an amazing breakfast of waffles with a side of bacon will help the three of them get through the day. Tomorrow’s weather forecast calls for rain, so getting the chores done today is the right move. Good thinking Toriel.    
Toriel: Alright Chara, I can take it from here. How about you go wake Asriel up for breakfast. I don’t want him sleeping in too late this morning. We have many chores to do around here and we could sure use his help.
Chara: On it Mom.
It wasn’t too long until Chara went back upstairs to wake up Asriel. For temperature differences, Asriel has his own separate bedroom while Chara shares her bedroom with Frisk. This was never an issue for the Dreemurrs while living underground, but now that the monsters are on the surface, they’ve had to make adjustments to all of the various changes in the weather. Because Asriel and Toriel have fur, they get much warmer than Frisk and Chara. As a result, the house overall is a bit cooler than what one would prefer. Frisk and Chara got used to it and the two of them actually have a thermostat designed exclusively for their bedroom that they can adjust at any time to a warmer temperature. Asriel having his own room however doesn’t stop Frisk and Chara (more often Frisk) from coming in and snuggling with him every once in a while. He was very popular during the winter months. Although Frisk and Chara are girls, they have interests and hobbies that are more common in boys and both of them dislike “girly things.” But one thing they do that’s more common from girls is snuggling with Asriel… and constantly telling him that he’s cute (That’s only because he is!). But if you think about it, a 12-year-old boy might not exactly mind snuggling with Asriel. After all, his fur is so soft… and warm… and cozy… that snuggling with him might just be the most amazing thing ever!
Chara: *enters Asriel’s room* Asriel, time to wake up.
Asriel: Ugh. Just a few more minutes Chara.
Chara: Don’t forget about all those chores we have to do today.
Asriel: Yeah, I’ll worry about them later. I’m still tired.
Chara: Come on Asriel. Mom’s making us breakfast right now.
Asriel: I’ll heat it up later.
Chara: *with a smile on her face* She’s making waffles Asriel! I know how much you love Mom’s waffles! And she’s frying some bacon too! I know how much you love bacon! Doesn’t that just make you wanna get out of bed? I know I’d wanna get out of bed if I knew Mom was making waffles… and bacon!
Asriel: *with a bit of anger in his voice* I said I’ll toss them in the microwave later! Now, please go away! I’m trying to sleep! *throws a pillow in Chara’s direction*
Chara: Alright Asriel, you win. I’ll let you sleep. In fact, I’ll even help you get back to sleep.
Asriel: And just how are you going to do that?
Asriel was being rather stubborn about waking up this morning. He’s normally a very easy going monster, but he must have been really exhausted if he doesn’t want to wake up just yet. So Chara decided to help him get back to sleep the one way she knew how, by petting him. Asriel was wearing a plain green t-shirt with black shorts and Chara lifted his shirt and stroked his tummy with both of her hands.
Chara: Like this. *strokes Asriel’s belly*
Asriel: *moan of happiness* Chara, that feels nice.
Chara: If you think that feels nice. How do you like this? *moves one hand up to his chest*
Asriel: *another moan of happiness* I love it. *repeatedly kicking his right leg*
Chara: *giggling*
Asriel: What?
Chara: *still giggling* It’s like I’m petting a dog.
Asriel: Ugh whatever. Just keep it up. *yet another moan of happiness* You’re doing great!
Chara continued petting her brother for the next three minutes. Asriel discovered a month ago that he loves being pet and Chara just loves how she can make him happy just by stroking his fur. It’s one of Chara’s favorite pastimes and she was petting fur that might just be softer than that of a chinchilla. So that’s a huge bonus!
Chara: Are you getting sleepy Azzy?
Asriel: *yawns* I sure am Chara.
Chara: Well good. Because now it’s time to… WAKE UP!! *tickles Asriel’s underarms*
Chara: Tickling you Silly! How else am I gonna wake you up?!
Chara: What’s the matter Azzy? I thought you loved being tickled!
Chara: I came up here to get you out of bed and that’s what I plan to do! And besides, you knew this was coming at some point! I haven’t woken you up like this in years!
Chara was determined to get Asriel out of bed and she figured that tickling him would be the best way to do it. Chara used to wake Asriel up quite often by tickling him when the two of them were younger and now that they have an interest in tickling again; it was only a matter of time until Chara would eventually do this again. Chara decided to trick Asriel into making him think that she wanted to help him get back to sleep and then catch him completely off guard by tickling him. Asriel tried to fight back but his efforts were incredibly ineffective. Chara still had her hands under Asriel’s shirt and the feeling of her fingers on his sensitive skin was more than enough to make him howl with hysterical laughter. Although Asriel was not fully awake yet, he was much more alert than he was moments ago.
Chara: Well I want to get you out of bed! And I think it’s about time I kick things up a notch! *moves her hands to Asriel’s tummy*
Chara: I’m sorry, what was that? I can’t hear you over the sound of your laughter!
Chara: How about I tickle you… here! *tickles Asriel’s bellybutton* This has to get you out of bed for sure!
Chara continued tickling Asriel all over his tummy for the next two minutes. She used her right index finger to tickle his bellybutton while continuing to scribble her left hand fingers all over his tummy. Chara believes that tickling Asriel’s bellybutton will get him out of bed. But if not, there’s one other area she can tickle him that will definitely get him out of bed.
Chara: Ok Asriel, you’ve got to be fully awake now! *stops tickling Asriel*
Asriel: *heavily breathing* Ok Chara! I’m up! I’ll start moving right away!
Chara: Oh good. Now that you’re fully awake… *turns around and kneels over Asriel’s legs* TICKLE FIGHT!!! *tickles Asriel’s feet*
Chara: This is being a jerk earlier Azzy! Hehehe! *rapidly tickles Asriel’s soles*
Chara couldn’t resist tickling Asriel’s feet before going back downstairs and Asriel had it coming for being so stubborn earlier. Chara tickled every inch of her brother’s soles for the next two minutes and Asriel was driven into a frenzy of both hysterical and maniacal laughter. Although Asriel is now fully awake, the ticklish sensations on his feet prevented him from fighting back and all he could do was lie in his bed and laugh and laugh and laugh as he frantically squirmed and thrashed around as much as he possibly could. Asriel’s legs were trapped, so Chara had absolutely no problem tickling his feet as he shook around with his heavy movement. Chara started out tickling Asriel’s soles slowly since that’s enough to make him burst into laughter, and it wasn’t too long until she tickled his soles much faster since that’s what gets the best laughs possible out of the young boy. Asriel has an incredibly hard time speaking whenever his feet are being tickled in a rapid manner. And every time he makes an effort to actually say something, only gibberish comes out.
Chara: What was that? I don’t speak gibberish Azzy! And besides, I think it’s about time these toes got the attention they so rightfully deserve! *tickles Asriel’s toes*
Chara tickled Asriel’s toes for three minutes. For the first minute, she poked each one of six toes. Asriel’s toes are so ticklish that just poking them is enough to make him burst into hysterical laughter. For the second minute, she wiggled each one his toes and once again performed “This Little Temmie” on each one of them just like she did a month ago. And for the last minute, Chara tickled Asriel in between his toes and made him laugh and bleat at an incredibly loud volume since those are his “death spots.” Asriel was a laughing mess and he’s definitely more than awake now!
As Chara continued tickling Asriel’s feet, Toriel quietly entered the room and saw what was going on. Chara didn’t notice because she was looking at Asriel’s cute feet the entire time.
Toriel: *looks at Asriel and winks at him*
Chara: I just love tickling you Azzy! It’s so much fun! And hopefully you’re learning your lesson!
After a few seconds, Toriel grabbed Chara and pulled her off of Asriel and one of her slippers fell off while she was being pulled away. Chara was completely startled when her mother grabbed her and she almost thought she was going to get in trouble. Toriel then sat down on the floor with Chara cradled in her lap and it wasn’t too long until Toriel began tickling her tummy and ribs, almost immediately sending her into giggles.
Chara: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehee! Mom! Whehehehehehere did you hehehehehheheheehe come from?! I didn’t heheheheheeehhehear you come in heheheheheheheheheheehehe!
Toriel: I’m sneaky Chara! You know that! And besides, you’re long overdue for some tickles… from me! Nobody escapes from “Tori the Tickler!”
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nanostuffs · 8 years
Quotes 3/12/17 - 3/18/17
Be warned: Only the first quote is undertale fanficiton, and there’s a lot of alien shit in this one.
3/12/17 - True Courage Is Knowing... When To Spare A Life (Undertale Fanfiction)
Frisks favorite book in the whole world (and believe them, there were a lot of books) was The Hobbit. And sure, it was a very violent book, with a surprising amount of death for something considered a children’s novel, but there were some better points to it. Frisk loved that Bilbo learnt new things about himself, and yet at the end of the day was still the slightly fussy, and well put together hobbit he started as. Frisk liked that Bilbo didn’t know how to fight at the start of the journey, and used his wits to keep himself safe. Frisk saw a lot of themselves in Bilbo.
Gandalf said to Bilbo, true courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one. Frisk took that to heart, even when they ended up all the way down in the pit of monsters known as The Underground.
3/13/17 - It is Possible to Commit no Mistakes and Still Lose. That is Life.
I’mork watched the dark haired human curse and pull on the yarn she was working with, before reinserting her hook and fiddling with the yarn once again.
“Is it possible to not make a mistake?” the blue blob asked.
“Mistakes are a human thing,” Jane half shrugged, focusing on looping yarn around hook and pulling it though stitches to make more stitches.
“I meant more would it be possible to make a machine that does the same thing you do, and not have to worry about there being errors?” the blob slid in front of the couch where Jane was crocheting, leaving it’s slime trail behind it.
“Perhaps,” Jane replied, “But you realize it’s possible to end up with a bad product even if the designer made absolutely no mistakes, right? That’s just how life is sometimes.”
“Are you trying to be philosophical?” I’mork asked, “I don’t appreciate your attempts to dodge the question.”
“Well, I actually wasn’t,” the brunette shook her head, “But I guess that did sound kind of deeper than I meant it to. To answer your question, probably, but one would still need to know the basics of crochet in order to use it and have a nice result.”
3/14/17 - I’m a Doctor, not A…
“Khrelen, something’s wrong with the human!” I’mork shouted at the giant doctor.
“What’s the matter? Is she bleeding?” Krelen was quick to put their book down and stand.
“She’s crying, but shows no physical reason for it,” I’mork stayed close to the door, knowing better than to trail slime into the medical ward.
“Did she complain about being in pain?” Khrelen reached into a cabnet filled with vials of liquids.
“She said it’s not a physical pain like cramps,” I’mork said, “She said it’s psychological.”
“Well I don’t think there’s anything I can do then,” Khrelen shrugged and returned to her book.
“But you’re a doctor! You have to help!” I’mork cried.
“I’m a doctor, not a psychologist,” Khrelen glared at I’mork, “Now stop wasting my time and make sure the human doesn’t act out.”
“Her name’s Jane,” I’mork’s tentacles began to flail, “She’s 25  human years old. She likes  to read, write, crochet, and watch movies. She plays human video games and has a soft spot for Boxe because he is reminiscent of a furry mammal.”
“So?” Khrelen asked, “These are all facts about her. Another fact is that she is in emotional pain, and I do not know how to treat that. Now go cheer her up or something.”
“Fine!” I’mork left an extra large puddle of slime behind them.
3/15/17 - We Successfully Rescued You. You are Refusing to be Rescued. I Wanna Make That Clear.
“Hey, wait,” Jane dragged her feet as one of the three men dragged her towards the air lock.
“No time for waiting sweetheart,” the guy dragging her said, “If we don’t move quickly your captors are gonna wake up and we really don’t want that.”
“And I don’t think I want to go anywhere with you,” Jane attempted to free her arm from the man’s gasp by punching his hand, be he refused to release her. Thankfully her being dragged along was ended by the leader of the group stopping.
“Let me get this straight, you don’t want to leave?” He asked.
“They might have ‘captured’ me, but I feel safe here,” Jane growled, “Thank you for trying to rescue me, but it’s not needed.”
“We successfully rescued you! You are refusing to be rescued. I wanna make that clear.” The leader glared back at her.
“Well then we’re all clear,” Jane shrugged, “Tell whoever you report to that Jane Crow is happier in the company of aliens than humans.”
Her am was immediately released, and she was pushed away from the group of three. She watched as they escaped the ship through the air lock. She knew she’d have to get back to the room her aliens had kept her locked in, but for now she could watch her last thought of returning to humanity drift away from the ship.
3/16/17 - Maybe you've heard of it: Foodfight! is the worst movie ever made! (The Flop House, Episode 138)
Jane found that she had a soft spot for listening to podcasts while crocheting. It was soothing to listen to two guys make fun of a bad movie while she did her own thing. It reminded her of home, and while it did make her feel more homesick, it also made the pain of not being able to go home dissipate.
3/17/18 - “... They Lost My Luggage, It’s the One Thing I Lost on This Trip!”
“You’ve been doing pretty well,” Thalia watched as her much shorter friend slice a sword through a dummy.
“I should hope so,” Canica stabbed the dummy again, “I placed first in every event here. I placed first in that sprinting session, first in the eating contest, first in the singing contest, and first in the spell casting contest.”
“Is there anything you haven’t won?” Camila asked her teammate.
“The carriage with my luggage got lost on the way up here. They lost my luggage; it’s the one thing I lost on this trip.”
3/18/17 - “Does Anyone Know A Good Plumber?” (Inspired by the Creepy Pasta)
Does anyone know a good plumber? Inspection’s tomorrow and I, like,  have a leaky tub from a fucked up ritual, and like, several dead things scattered around the house, and I think the washer machine is, like, trying to eat me.
It all started a few days ago. I was chatting to this super hot guy on tinder (at least I think it was a guy) and he, like,  asked me if I could like, do a ritual to summon a demon/ghost/demi-god thing. And I was all like, sure I can bby. And then he was like, try to summon a water spirit thing for me and then I’ll come over to your house, exorcise it for you, and then we can fuck. That was, like, his actual message.
I decided that, like,  it sounded like a fantastic idea, so long as he also brought drugs. Cause, ya know, if I’m gonna, like,  do a shitty ritual for sex, there better also be drugs. Also my dealer’s in a holding cell for buying a whore. Like, I know sex is fun and all, but like, how the hell did you not get caught for drugs?
Anyway, he agreed to bring drugs, but like, it’d have to wait a couple of days for him to get the drugs. We decided that like, we should do this on a wednesday, cuase apparently  that’s when drugs from his “hommie” are like, super cheap or something. So I set my alarm to go off at like, midnight on Wednesday so that, like, I could get the ritual done before having to go to work and some fun that night.
My alarm didn’t go off until 1 in the morning because I’m an idiot. So like, I had to do everything super quickly. I didn’t bother getting dressed, and just went into my bathroom, to like, do the ritual. So I went into bathroom, and lit, like five candles and arranged them in a pentagon. I then used some string to like, outline the pentagon and make some, like, super special runes to keep me from summoning something that would, like, actually kill me. I was supposed to do a, like, hour long chant at half-past midnight, but since I was late anyway, I just did a quick little, please come forth deadly water thingie so that I can like, get a good dicking.
It sort of worked? A pipe burst through my bathroom wall. I like, realized at that moment that inspections is supposed to be on Sunday. Fuck. So I packed everything up and got dressed, since I was up anyway, I may as well have like, started early. I found out that all of my business clothes were, like, dirty and shit. So I picked everything up and walked my bra and underwear clad ass to the laundry room to do laundry.
There was this, like, super creepy dude in there though. He was, white, lacked a face, and was super twiggy. He was also in a, like, tux or some shit. He just calmly waved a hand at me. I guess that slut in 4b has a goddamn gentleman as a booty call now. Anyway, I waved back and tried to flirt with the guy. He like, beat a hasty retreat from the room. Actually, now that I think about it, he like, didn’t have a face. Fuckin’ weirdo.
So, like, I started to put my laundry into the washing machine, but like, I thought I heard screaming from inisde the machine. I took a look, but there was nothing in there. So I just put in my load and set the machine to delicate so it wouldn’t rip any of my nice shirts. When I turned around, the pipes seemed to slither across the floor and were starting to take up the room. I booked it for the door and didn’t pass go.
Long story short, I’m locked up in my apartment with a pipe hanging out of the wall and leaking water into the tub. Also there’s some dead things around the apartment, mostly rodents because mouse traps. Does anyone know a good plumber in Maricopa County who won’t ask any questions?
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