#I’m gonna run banquet of the damned pretty soon and I’m so excited
dummygutsart · 1 year
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Blessings of Chauntea shine upon ye! As autumn descends on the Dessarin Valley it can only mean one thing: those two fucking assholes in Womford are baking up a storm again
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megamanx1994 · 5 years
Danny Phantom Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Ghost Training (Disclaimer!)
Danny was floating around in his room. “Man this is amazing,” said Danny. He then went through a wall accidentally leaving ghost plasma. “Oops,” he said. His right hand started to glow. “Whoa!” He exclaimed. He shot a ball of energy at a lamp. Someone knocked on the door. “Danny?” Asked Jack. “Yeah dad?” He asked. “Is everything alright?” Asked Jack. “Yeah, I’m just exercising,” said Danny. “You know I’m here if something’s bothering you, right son?” Asked Jack, “Also I’m glad to see you and your future step mom are getting along.” “Ok,” said Danny, “Thanks.” He looked back to the ghost plasma. “There’s only one guy I know that knows about stuff like this.” In a hospital room, Nicolai was laying in the bed with some kind of electric proof suit. “You got in quite the mess sir,” said a doctor. Nicolai woke up. “Where am I?” He asked. “You’re in the hospital,” said the doctor, “We managed to get you in this suit while you were knocked out.” “This suit….” Said Nicolai. “Its to protect you from electrocuting yourself or others,” said the doctor. “Take it off,” said Nicolai. “I can’t do that,” the doctor said while looking at a graph. “Why not?” Asked Nicolai. “Your body is constantly releasing a stream of bio-electricity,” she said, “We don’t know if its dangerous or not.” He looked at himself. “But I can promise you this, we are working on a cure right now,” she said. A few of his friends came to visit. Danny and Sam were at Tucker’s house. “Ok, I’m about to show you something I never showed anyone else other than Sam,” said Danny. “What is it?” Asked Tucker. He looked around to make sure nobody else was looking. “Ok,” said Danny. He focused and turned invisible. “Danny?” He asked, “Where’d you go?” “He’s still right here,” said Sam, “He just turned invisible.” “What?!” Asked Tucker, “But how?!” “Remember that invention my dad made to travel to the ghost realm?” Asked Danny. “Yea,” said Tucker. “Well apparently it gave me ghost DNA,” Danny explained, “Now I can turn invisible, walk through walls, and fly.” He started to float. “I think we should analyze everything you can do,” said Tucker, “Follow me.” Sam and Danny followed him downstairs. Tucker pushed a button revealing a lab. “Holy shit,” said Danny. “Do your parents know about this place?” Asked Sam. “No, don’t ever tell them,” Tucker answered in a serious tone, “Anyways, let’s get to it.” Danny was in the center. “Step one, superhuman strength,” said Tucker. There was a huge chunk of brick in front of Danny. Danny grabbed it and tried lifting it. He was able to pick it up with ease. “Check,” said Tucker, “Step 2, energy beams.” There were targets all around the room. Energy came through his fingertips and he fired them at each of the targets. “I think I’m gonna call them Ghost Rays,” Danny said excited. “Step 3, flight,” Tucker said. Danny started to float but he couldn’t control where he was going. “How do other superheroes do this?” Asked Danny. “Try lifting your hands and using them as steering wheels,” said Tucker. “What?” Asked Danny. “Trust me,” said Tucker. Danny did what he was instructed. He was able to control his flying better. “I think we just found a superhero,” Tucker said.
A security guard was doing his job guarding the basement of an apartment. He noticed a heat signature heading where one of his buddies was. “Hey frank, you near the kitchen?” He asked. “Yeah why’s that?” Asked frank. “There’s something headed your way,” said the guard. Frank was looking around but didn’t see anything. Something was forming. “Hello dear, could you help me?” She asked, “I’m trying to find the lunch menu but I’m lost.” “Ma’am, I’m not sure what you’re talking about but you can’t be down here. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” Her eyes started to glow. “I think someone changed the menu,” she said. “Um…. I’m cool over here,” said Frank. She roared and ghost plasma spewed from her mouth. Frank dropped his flashlight and ran. “Forget this man!” He said, “FORGET THIIIIIISSSSSSS!!!!!!!” Danny was flipping channels on a Saturday Afternoon. “Man nothing exciting happens around here much,” he said. He flipped past a channel talking about a ghost attack. “Wait a minute…..” He said. He switched back to that channel. A ghost was believed to be lurking around a banquet party. “Dad you might wanna see this!” He said. Jack came into the room and was watching the entire thing. Later he was in the basement getting some ghost catching gear. “This is gonna bring my career to a rocket jump!” Said Jack, “Maddie you got everything.” “Absolutely,” said Maddie, “We should be back afterwards cause we’re professionals.” “Well I’m stayin’ outta this one,” said Jazz. As soon as they left, Tucker and Sam grinned at Danny. “What?” Asked Danny. “You can go after that ghost!” Said Tucker, “You have ghost powers.” “Actually I think our first move should be to call The Peacekeepers,” said Danny. “If there’s one thing you should know about Mr. Fenton, its the fact that he spent half his life keeping this technology and research away from a Shay, and he certainly doesn’t plan on giving it to another,” said Jazz, “Besides they’re probably busy saving a continent from becoming a city of robots.” “Looks like you’re their only hope,” said Sam. “But I’ve never had any experience fighting anything, let alone a ghost!” Said Danny. “Why do you think we took that training session for last time?” Asked Tucker, “Besides I happen to have some ghost catching technology I developed.” “Alright,” said Danny. “But first you’ll need a disguise so nobody knows its you,” sam Explained. “As long as I don’t look ridiculous,” said Danny. Later Danny was wearing a ghost catching suit and a helmet. “I look ridiculous,” said Danny. “Well at least nobody will recognize you,” said Tucker, “Now come on.” He had some king of vacuum cleaner. “The poltergeist 6000,” said Tucker, “Courtesy of Professor Elvin Gadd himself.” “Alright let’s go,” said Danny. He started flying. Sam and Tucker followed him on a motorcycle. Jack and Maddie were searching around for the ghost. Jack heard something move and threw a ghost bomb at the object. It was a worker and he ran off. “Great, we’ve got another plaintiff,” he said. He heard somebody in the kitchen. “Maddie, do the honors,” Jack said. Maddie busted the doors down and had her proton pack aimed at someone. It was the lunch lady ghost. “Someone changed the menu!” She said. They were both looking at her. “What an interesting specimen,” Jack said, “An actual ghost.” “Lunch is sacred and has rules!” She said. She had a piece of cake. “Anybody want cake?” She asked. Both of them nodded. “Well that’s too damn bad,” said the lunch lady, “Those who change the menu don’t deserve cake!” She made some ovens come to life and they breathed fire. Danny made it to the area and went inside. Tucker and Sam said they were assistants for Jack Fenton and got entrance. “Alright Tuck,” said Sam, “Put that tracker to use.” He turned it on and followed its signal. It started to beep a little faster as he got closer. “We’re almost there,” said Tucker. The lunch lady ghost kept fighting Jack and Maddie. She trapped Maddie in a pile of meat. “Maddie!” Said Jack. “Go after her, I’ll be ok!” Said Maddie, “I promise.” Jack chased after the ghost. Danny saw that Maddie was trapped and was about to be attacked by the ovens. “Hang on miss!” He said. He shot a ghost ray at one of them. Another oven breathed fire and he shielded himself and Maddie with his ghost shield. “I’m pretty good at this,” said Danny, “Is that all you got?!” One of the ovens charged at him and pushed him down. Danny dropped his mask and Maddie saw his face. “Danny?” She asked. Danny put the mask back on. “Ok that one hurt,” said Danny, “Come after me punks!” They chased after him. The lunch lady was continuing to fight Jack. “IS that all you got lunch lady?!” Asked Jack. “Oh I’ve plenty more!” Said the lunch lady. She threw some meat at them and he dodged. Someone flashed a light at her distracting her. It was Tucker. “Tucker my boy!” Said Jack, “Just in time.” “Couldn’t leave you hanging,” said Tucker. Danny was helping fight off the ghost using his ghost beams. “Phantom, can you hold that thing down?!” Asked Tucker.
Danny grabbed the lunch lady from behind. “Ok when I give the signal you run!” Said Tucker, “1, 2, 3….. GO!” He activated the poltergust and had the ghost in a hold. Tucker was tiring her down while Jack set the trap. “Trap activated!” Said Jack. Working together, he and Tucker placed her in the trap closing it!” “We did it,” said Jack, “WE CAUGHT A GHOST!” “Glad I could be of help,” said Danny disguising his voice. “Another one?” Asked Jack. “No, this guy was helping us,” said Tucker, “He’s on our side.” Jack laid down his weapon. “Well, just be careful next time Mr. Fenton,” said Danny, you never know when something like this will happen again.” Danny flew back home. Maddie looked at him fly away. “Is that….. Danny?” Asked Maddie.
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Happier (Subaru Fanfiction)
A/N: Subaru’s birthday is September 14th so I thought I’d write a little story about my bodyguard baby to celebrate <3 it might have a part two. It might not. *shrugs*
I smoothed out my dress and adjusted my curls in the mirror for what was probably the hundredth time. Ugh, why was I so nervous? I had pretty much gotten used the fancy benefits and state dinners that I’d recently had to attend as the prime minister’s daughter by now, but this one was different. For once, it wasn’t the thought of interacting with complete strangers that was making my shoulders tense. It was the thought of interacting with him and not acting like a giddy little school girl. My fingers trembled slightly as I applied another layer of lipstick. I took a deep breath to calm myself as I stared at my reflection, unrecognizable in the floor-length gold dress and professionally-done makeup. Ever since I realized that I was developing a crush on Subaru, his mere presence put me on edge. My heart beat faster anytime he was near me and found myself tripping up on my words a lot. I just hoped to God it wasn’t noticeable. 
I hadn’t seen him today, since he had been doing security checks inside and around the perimeter of the hotel where the banquet honoring my father was being held. I knew he usually had something snarky to say about the clothes I usually picked out but lately I’d been taking his criticism constructively and I think I actually found a dress that he wouldn’t have any complaints about. The shimmery material fell effortlessly down my body and hugged each of my curves perfectly. I even went to a salon earlier and had them apply my makeup and do my hair in big curls swept over to one side. I looked like an old Hollywood starlet and I couldn’t help but smile imaging Subaru’s reaction. It would be nice to see him speechless for once.
“_______? Are you almost ready? The party is about to st-”, Kaiji’s voice rang out from the other side of the door, but he stopped talking as soon as he laid eyes on me. His gaze swept the length of my body and his mouth was slack-jawed in awe. 
“Kaiji? You okay?”, I giggled. I guess it was nice to see him speechless, too. 
“You look...amazing. That dress is incredible. You look incredible. Just...wow”, Kaiji stammered, blushing furiously as I grinned at his comments. 
“Thanks,” I said, looking back at my reflection one last time. “You look pretty good, too. You clean up nicely”, I added. The blush on Kaiji’s cheeks redden even more as he nervously adjusted his bowtie. I still couldn’t get over how much Kaiji had changed since we were younger. He wasn’t that little kid who constantly picked on me anymore. I still saw glimpses of that boy occasionally but this new mature, responsible side of Kaiji was a striking difference. Admittedly, he was a lot more handsome now but I knew I could never have feelings for him. I saw him more as a big brother, but the way he was reacting to my compliments was making me worried that he didn’t see me in the same way. I inwardly scoffed at the thought. There’s no way he liked me like that. It was probably just my current appearance that was making him so nervous. After all, I had grown up as well. I wasn’t the little girl he remembered, I was the prime minister’s daughter. 
“We better get downstairs,” Kaiji said, clearing his throat and doing his best to compose himself. I smiled at him and gave him a nod. Kaiji offered me his arm and led me out of my hotel room. I tried my best to keep my thoughts from wandering back to Subaru to no avail. For the first time since I’d met him, I was actually excited to see him. I smiled slightly at the thought as Kaiji and I entered the elevator. 
We reached the main lobby and joined the long line of politicians, dignitaries, and businessmen who were entering the hotel ballroom. As soon as we entered the ornately decorated space, Sora’s voice cut over the orchestra that was playing. 
“Whoa! ______ looks like a princess!” I heard Sora’s frantic footsteps running toward me before I actually spotted him, but just then Katsuragi’s booming voice echoed in both Sora and Kaiji’s earpieces, sending their hands flying to their heads in protest to their boss’s shouting. 
“SORA! Do not hug the prime minister’s daughter!”
“Aw, man!”, Sora pouted as he came to an abrupt halt in front of me. 
“I wish there were different channels on these things, so we all didn’t have to get yelled at”, Kaiji grumbled by my side.
“I can always come yell at you in person if you’d prefer”, Katsuragi said sternly behind us, making both of the bodyguards jump. Sora and Kaiji murmured their apologies to Katsuragi and I laughed quietly at the scene before me.
“Miss ________, you look absolutely beautiful”, Katsuragi said after he finished berating the boys. I blushed slightly at his unexpected comment and I smiled politely in return.
“Thank you, Katsuragi. When is my father making his speech?”, I asked him. 
“In about 10 minutes. Mizuki is with him now and they’ll be coming down shortly. I’m going to make some last minute perimeter checks”, Katsuragi said, walking away.
“I expect you two troublemakers to be doing the same!”, he added, into their earpieces this time. Sora and Kaiji whined at the sudden noise, both of them grumbling their complaints at once.
“Why do I always get put in the same category with you?” Kaiji muttered as Sora whispered defeatedly, “Just one hug and all my dreams would come true. I don’t ask for much.” 
I smiled at both of them and rolled my eyes. They’re totally the opposite of professional when my life isn’t in danger, I swear.
“Are you gonna be okay?”, Kaiji asked me as he and Sora started to leave to do their security checks. My eyes absently swept over the crowded ballroom and immediately locked gazes with Subaru. He was dressed in an all-black tuxedo, looking so handsome that I had to remind myself to breathe. I saw him draw in a sharp intake of breath and the shock was evident on his face, and the two champagne flutes he held in his hands trembled slightly. Yes, that was definitely the reaction I was hoping for. 
“Y-Yeah, I’ll be okay”, I said, reluctantly looking away from Subaru to answer Kaiji’s question. He smiled and patted me lightly on the back, then joined Sora out in the lobby. 
I turned back around to look at Subaru and to my surprise, he was still rooted in place with his mouth open and eyes wide. I slowly made my way over to him, careful not to trip over my long gown and trying to take as many deep breaths as possible to stop my heart from hammering inside my chest. My eyes never left his as I walked over and as I neared him, his grip on one of the flutes loosened slightly and it began to slip out of his hand. Subaru quickly exhibited his ridiculously fast reflexes and caught the glass effortlessly.
“Nice catch”, I giggled. I don’t think I’d ever seen him so distracted before. He smiled, dare I say shyly at me, and his eyes traveled slowly down my body as he fully took in my appearance. 
“Nice dress”, he murmured appreciatively. “Looks like you’ve been paying attention to my notes”.
“They’re more like lectures, but sure.” I said, earning a chuckle from Subaru. 
“Fair enough.” His eyes refused to leave my body and I felt a blush rising to my cheeks. I don’t know if it was his perfectly tailored suit or his cologne or just him in general, but it was like I was entranced just looking at his face. He looked up to meet my eyes once more and my breath caught in my throat. 
The look he was giving me right now...holy shit. I’d never seen his gaze so intense before and against my better judgement, I felt myself leaning into his body. He looked so unbelievably hot right now and I wanted nothing more than to just grab his face and kiss him. As if on cue, his gaze moved down to my lips. Was he thinking the same thing? In that moment, I forgot that I was standing in a huge ballroom full of important people. All I could see was Subaru and all he could see was me, and for a brief moment that was all that mattered to me in the entire world. 
“You look really beautiful, _______” he said, his voice deep and sexy. I bit my lip in response, not even realizing I had done so, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Subaru. His gaze darkened slightly at the sight of it, and a thought popped unexpectedly into my head.
Was he...attracted to me? 
“Thank you”, I said quietly. “You look really handsome yourself”. I took a risk then, reaching out slowly and gently running my hand down the lapel of his tuxedo, not breaking eye contact with him. He raised an eyebrow for a split-second at my boldness but a wide, sexy grin slowly formed on his face. I couldn’t tell what his exact thoughts were but I knew they couldn’t have been far off from my own.
“So, is one of those for me?”, I asked, leaning in closer to him and lightly tapping one of the champagne flutes. Suddenly the flirtatious look on his face completely disappeared and he furrowed his brow. I was about to ask him what was wrong, but then a voice called his name from behind me and my heart dropped straight through the floor. 
“There you are, honey. I was getting thirsty”. 
I turned around to see a gorgeous woman dressed in a slinky black gown with a plunging neckline, dark brown hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail, and a shiny diamond ring on her finger. 
“______, this is my fiancee Jessica”, Subaru said and his voice was twinged with a hint of disappointment. Jessica eyed me haughtily as she strolled past me to take one of the champagne flutes and place herself territorially into Subaru’s arms. I don’t ever think I’d felt so embarrassed before. I hadn’t realized he would bring his fiancee tonight, or that she’d be so god damn attractive. I knew I was an idiot for falling for an engaged man but for a fleeting moment, I let myself indulge in a fantasy, a beautiful dream that would never come true. 
“It’s nice to meet you”, I managed to say to her, desperately fighting back the tears that were threatening to ruin my makeup. Jessica smirked at me, probably because she had witnessed our exchange and knew that Subaru was hers and not mine. She had every right to gloat in her position. 
Subaru’s eyes met mine and he opened his mouth to say something, but the beep from his earpiece brought him back to bodyguard mode.
“______, your father is about to make his speech. I’ll walk you over to the stage”, Subaru said, his professional tone holding no trace of his earlier flirtation. He stepped out of Jessica’s embrace to lead me forward, placing a hand on the small on my back and his touch felt like an electric shock. My stomach was twisting in knots and I knew I just needed to be far, far away from here. Far, far away from him. 
“No, it’s okay. I can make it up there on my own”, I said quickly, jerking away from his touch. Subaru’s expression looked pained but I had to look away. I couldn’t handle his handsome face looking at me like that.
“It’s my job to protect you”, he murmured to me. 
“Yeah, you and 4 other people”, I laughed bitterly. I spotted Kaiji across the room then and silently begged him to come save me. He seemed to understand my face immediately as he hastily made his way across the ballroom towards me. 
“______,” Subaru whispered and I forced myself to look at him. His beautiful brown eyes looked conflicted as he stepped closer to me. My earlier urge to kiss him returned strong and unbidden and I felt myself getting caught under his spell again. I bit my lip once more, this time to stop my tears that were starting to blur my vision and Subaru’s hand reached up to caress my cheek.
I closed my eyes but felt no contact. I opened them up again and found Jessica back in Subaru’s embrace. She had intercepted his arm and placed it around her waist instead, much to Subaru’s displeasure. The sight was nauseating, but Kaiji arrived at my side just in the nick of time. He assessed the situation, looking at all of our faces in turn, before he linked arms with me. 
“Let’s go, ______. Your father is waiting.” I nodded at his blunt tone, gathering all the strength I had left in my body.
“Excuse us”, I muttered politely. I caught a glimpse of Subaru’s face for a brief moment but I quickly turned away from the couple and walked away with Kaiji in tow, not looking back once. 
A/N: I miss MSB. Like, a lot. Subaru was the first one of my Voltage guys that I got to marry so he holds a special place in my heart. So, happy early birthday to my first husband! *giggles at my own lame joke*
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