#I’m gonna use my investigatory skills to guess….
crow-n-tell · 1 year
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Look at this cool bone I found
I LOVE BONES, that looks like a pretty funny one. Humerus, one might say…
any idea who the bone belongs to??
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jae-sch-writes · 6 years
Help Me
Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Reader, Scott McCall, Unnamed OMC, other pack members (mentioned)
Word Count: 1,626 (oh my goodness, that is a lot more than usual)
Genre: flangst (but definitely more angsty and fluffy)
Summary: When the Reader decides to run off and not tell anyone, Stiles is determined to get her back. When he finds out why she did what she did, Stiles vows to help her, no matter what it takes.
Warnings: mentions of vomit, mentions of anxiety, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, tears, feels
A/N: Once again, I managed to make Els mad at me, but my last piece was fluff, so naturally, I had to resort back to my angsty writing (regression toward the mean, ya know?) Edited by Grammarly, but any and all mistakes are my own and no one is to blame for them but me, myself, and I.
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"Dude, do you know what's going on with Y/N? This is the third morning in a row that she's texted me saying not to pick her up for school," Stiles said as he and Scott walked into the school.
"I don't know, Stiles. Isn't she your girlfriend?" 
"I mean, yeah, but couldn't you use your hormone-smelling werewolf nose or something?"
"Can't really do that if Y/N isn't here, now can I?"
"Yeah, I guess not. Hey, maybe we can go to her house after school. She told me not to come over because she's really sick, and I was stupid and listened to her. Now I just think that something’s wrong. I mean, remember last year when she came to school with a fever and then she threw up in history and then tried to convince the nurse to let her go back to class. It's just not like her to miss three days of school in a row. She didn't even ask me to get her homework and bring it to her! I mean, I know she doesn't want me to come over and see her and get sick, but I could at least drop it off and see how she's-"
"Stiles,” Scott cut him off, “you're rambling.”
"Sorry, but you get my point. Something is definitely not right with Y/N."
"Hey, we'll just swing by later and make sure everything’s okay. I'm sure Y/N's fine."
Scott's reassurances throughout the day did nothing to ease Stiles' anxiety over the situation. And he had to wait until 3:10 for the feeling to go away
After school that day, Stiles and Scott drove to Y/N's house, but instead of her, her brother answered the door.
"Hey, Stiles. What's up, man?"
"Is Y/N here? She texted me this morning saying she was sick for the third day in a row."
"No, she told me she was staying with you for the next couple of days so I never thought anything of her not being here."
"Okay, well, then we have a problem because that means that neither of us has seen her in three days..."
Stiles was beginning to panic. Y/N's brother called the Sheriff and he put out an APB for her. The Sheriff’s department was looking for her and Scott’s mind was already putting a plan together to find the pack’s friend.
"Stiles, she'll be okay. We'll find her. I've got her scent and I'm sure Liam and Malia will be more than willing to help, too."
“Yeah, yeah,” Stiles rasped between heavy breaths, “she’ll be fine. She has to be. Scott, we have to find her. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to her.”
“Stiles, we’ll find her. I promise. We’ll get her back.”
Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira, and Liam all spent the rest of the day searching for Y/N. It was clear that she didn’t want to be found, or the four supernatural teenagers and the one with great investigatory skills would have found her by the time the sun went down.
Stiles was going crazy. It was 10:43 at night and he had no clue as to where his girlfriend could possibly be. The pack had checked with Deaton at the animal clinic, the school, your favorite places, and even the hospital to see if Melissa knew anything, but no one was able to find you.
“Stiles, go home, get some rest,” Scott said eventually. “You won’t be able to help if you’re all worked up.”
“No, I have to stay. We need to find her. I need to find her,” Stiles said as walked even faster through town.
“No, Stiles. I’m telling you. Just go home for a couple of hours. Get some rest. I’ll call you if anything happens.”
“Fine,” Stiles said hesitantly, “I’ll go. But don’t think that I won’t still be trying to come up of places where Y/N could be.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
After Stiles left, Scott continued to look in town while Malia and Liam went out into the woods. Except, Scott could smell Stiles even after he left, but it wasn’t quite, full-on Stiles Stilinski. So Scott followed the scent.
When Scott reached the place where “Stiles’” scent was originating from, he was confused. It was the school. They had already checked the school and they didn’t find her there.
Scott continued to follow the scent and it led him to the lacrosse field where he found Y/N huddled under the bleachers.
“Y/N!” Scott exclaimed when he caught sight of the missing girl wearing one of Stiles’ sweatshirts. “Oh my god, you’re okay. We’ve been worried sick about you!”
“Why would you be worried about me?” Her voice was hoarse like she had been crying for hours.
“Because you’re our friend, family even. Of course, we would be worried about you.”
“But you have bigger and better things to worry about than where I am.”
“No, we don’t. You’re our first priority. Now come on, Stiles’ been freaking out since he found out you ran off without telling anyone.”
“Y/N?” Stiles asked when she and Scott reached the front door of the Stilinski household. “Thank God you’re okay!”
Stiles pulled Y/N into a bone-crushing hug. She was shaking from the brisk air and clinging to Stiles like he was her life-support. Like he was her only reason to keep breathing.
“Come on, let’s get you inside. You’re shivering,” Stiles said as he pulled her inside the house. He never wanted to let go of her, he was afraid that if he did, something even worse would happen to her.
Stiles sat on the couch and pulled Y/N to sit next to him and he held her to his side.
“Why did you run away, Y/N? We were all scared something happened to you.” Scott crouched in front of Y/N and spoke in a soft voice. Not one that would you speak in if you were speaking to a little kid, but one full of concern for his friend.
“You guys don’t need me. I’m not part of the supernatural and I’m not good at solving things like Stiles is. I’m just kinda…” Y/N paused like she was looking for the right word. “... useless.”
“Hey, no, don’t say that,” Stiles said as he held her closer and tighter. “You are not useless. You never were, and you never will be. I don’t want to hear those words come from anyone, especially from you.”
“But it’s true, okay? Sometimes, I lie awake at night and wonder why I’m even still here. I ran because I felt like I needed to, for your guys’ sake. I took Stiles’ sweatshirt to make it harder to find me. I kept moving around to try to throw you off the trail. You guys are smart, and I’m just… me.”
Y/N started to cry and she curled herself into Stiles’ side. Neither Scott nor Stiles and ever seen anyone feel more broken than she did right now.
“Hey, look at me,” Scott said, which made Y/N look up at him and he grabbed her hand. “You may not be a part of the supernatural, but neither is Stiles, but both of you are still a part of the pack, and it’s a pack’s job to take care of its members. You’re family, Y/N, and nothing can or ever will change that.” Scott gave Y/N a small smile before saying, “Stay here with Stiles and get some rest, okay? I’ll let everyone else know where you are and that you’re safe.”
“Thanks, Scott. I’ll make sure she sleeps. See ya, tomorrow,” Stiles said and Y/N nodded her head to Scott to let him know that she would be okay before he left.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
Stiles helped Y/N up off the couch and put his arm around her and laced his fingers with her own. He didn’t want to let her go, not after what just happened.
He gave Y/N a pair of his sweatpants and another one of his sweatshirts to change into before getting ready for bed himself. Then the couple crawled climbed into Stiles’ bed before he wrapped his arms around her.
The two of them lied there in silence until Stiles spoke up. “Did you really mean what you said? That sometimes you wonder why you’re still in Beacon Hills?”
“It’s not just here as in a location, Stiles,” she whispered. “Sometimes I wonder why I’m even still alive. Why I’m even bothering to continue breathing. And I can’t take it anymore, Stiles. I just can’t!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Stiles said softly. “I’ll help you, okay? We all will. I promise. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
“Stiles, you can’t save me from me.”
“I can and I will. Even if it means staying with you 24/7. I will help you, no matter what it takes. I swear on my life…” Stiles had tears running down his face. “... I will help you. I can’t have anything happen to you, Y/N. I love you too much to let anything bad happen to you.”
“Okay, Stiles. I want you- no, need you to help me. Please, Stiles. Help me get better.”
“I will, but for now, let’s just get some sleep. It’s been a long day and I just want to keep you near me.”
“And you can. I love you, Stiles.”
“I love you, too, Y/N,” Stiles said before pressing a kiss to her head and the two of them drifted off to sleep, each in the other's arms.
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