#I’m gonna write a scene where Dick and Robin aged Tim are hanging out with a few Titans and even though Tim is only half paying attention
tarucore · 6 months
Dick Grayson who is hyper aware of the types of cases the Robins take on and the subjects they are exposed to bc he knows how difficult it was to be treated as a competent adult at 11 years old
Dick Grayson who is very casual about subjects that might be inappropriate for the Robins when they are kids bc he has no frame of reference on what is appropriate bc he was exposed to those subjects at such an early age
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g-on-ef · 7 years
I'm having a bad day, can you write a DamiJon and TimKon fic where the supers are having an arm wrestling match and their Robin's are laughing and cheering them on from the sidelines? Pleasssseeeeeeee????? 😄
I hope you enjoy this sweetie and that the rest of your week is better and more enjoyable ^*^
Alfred was famous for making sweets; no matter what itwas his deserts where always the best so it was no surprise that there werehardly any leftovers since the batboys tend to finish them. Today however, wasan exception Alfred made his famous cinnamon crumb cake and there were only twoslices left.
Tim, Kon, Jon, and Damian looked at one another silentlychallenging the others for the slices of cake.
“We deserved the last two slices, we’ve solved a case andarrested four drug lords!” Tim said glaring at Damian.
“Arresting a criminal and solving a case is child’s playDrake both Jon and I were able to take down Luthor and his operations!”
“You had help from both Bruce and Clark and we didn’t!”
“You also had outside help, Grayson and Todd had a handin taking down the drug lord,”
“That’s different!”
Before either two could continue their argument, Jon and Connorstood between them and separated the two.
“Come on guys the slices are big enough for all four ofus to share,” Jon said trying to keep the peace, Connor looked at his littlebrother like he grew two heads.
“What?” the younger Kent asked.
“Are you serious? You really want a small slice of Alfred’scake, when you can have your own big piece?”
“Well yeah but,”
“But nothing Kent, it’s clear that neither Drake, the clone,nor I are going to let this matter go until we get what we want,”
“And how are we gonna settle this?” Jon had to ask,Connor smirk as he sat down at the table and stuck out his hand.
“Arm wrestling, you and me Jon winner takes both slicesof cake and the mantle of the second strongest member in the Kent family.”
Both Damian and Tim looked at each other before a slysmile spread across their faces.
“An arm wrestle contest would not only give us a victor,but it’ll finally determine which of our aliens is the far soupier one,” Damiansaid already liking this idea.
“I hate to agree with the brat but he’s right Kon, youbetter win this and not make me look someone who teams up with pansies,”
“Gee thanks Tim, your faith in me means a lot,”
Damian just rolled his eyes as he looked at Jon.
“I don’t need to give you no words of encouragement becauseyou can easily kick his ass, you are not only my partner but also my boyfriendyou could easily defeat him without even breaking a sweat,”
“Umm…thanks?” the young superhero said, a bit worriedthat he’ll let his Robin down.
Jon looked at his brother in fear, the two were alwaysrough housing and testing each other’s strength, sadly Connor always came outon top between their little games. Still beating Connor would be great for hisego also if he could slide in another deal maybe Jon can win both the cake andsomething else.
“Okay, but let’s add something else to the deal,”
“And that is?”
“If you win you’ll get both the slices of cake and Ma’s last slices of pie, also youand Tim have to do whatever me and Damian say for the rest of the weekend,”
Both Tim and Kon looked at one another before looking attheir younger brothers, Jon with a mischievous glint in his eyes and Damianwith a proud smile that was directed to Jon.
“Okay, but if I win we get both deserts and you andDamian have to do our chores for the rest of the weekend,” he said looking atTim who nodded his head in approval.
“Deal,” Jon said sitting down and grabbing his brother’sarm.
Both Connor and Jon smirked at one another before Damianstood on one side of the table and Tim stood on the opposite end.
“Okay you two, on the count of three,” Tim said lookingat both Superboys,
“Two,” Damian said,
“THREE,” both Wayne brothers said simultaneously.
Jon and Connor tried to bring the other down as they usedall their strength to bring the other down.
“Come on Kon, show this little twerp who’s boss,” Timcheered,
“Twerp?” Jon asked, for a second he was distracted for awhile, enough time for Connor to bring his hand down a little.
“Jon focus!” Damian cried afraid of Jon losing, he didnot want to do Drake’s chores for the rest of the weekend but more importantlyhe wanted that cake! {And the pie}
Jon regain his focus as he pulled his arm back upbringing it back to the center, he glared at Kon who couldn’t help but smirk atalmost winning,
“That’s it Jon kick this wanna be Super-man reject’s ass!”
“What did you say?” Kon asked all traces of humor gone,like Kon who took advantage of his distraction Jon used his slip ofconcentration to his advantage and tried to bring down his arm he was halfwaythere before Kon regain focus more like Tim hit him in the back of the head andyell,
Kon regain his focus as he brought his arm back to thetop, this time it was Jon who had a smirk on his face and a look of worried wason Connor’s.
The two kept trying to bring the other down, Tim and Damianlooked at the two with both excitement and anticipation as their supers triedto beat the other,
“Come on Connor don’t let this little boy beat you,”
“If Jon wins its not because Connor was defeated by a boyit was because he lost to a far supior being,” Damian said as he watched hisboyfriend winning this match.
“Come on Kent, don’t let this clone beat you you’re waybetter than him,”
“Of course, I’m gonna win Dami, after all I’m cuter andsince I am younger that means I’m a lot stronger I mean you’re getting old Kon,that means you’re losing your edge,”
Both Tim and Connor looked at him in shock while Damianlaughed at Jon’s trash talking. He was to cute when he tried to be tough.
Connor smirk as he tried to push his arm down,
“You maybe cute little brother but I’m hotter and I maybeold but I have more experience than you, and plus I at least don’t cry duringthe Lion King or the ending to Pokémon,”
“Ooohhh,” Tim said, he found three pairs of eyes lookingat him weirdly.
“What? Isn’t that what people do after they are donetrash talking them?”
No answered him before Damian said,
“Remember clone, you are marrying that,”
“Don’t remind me,”
Jon just laughed as he kept trying to bring his brother’shand down.
“Come on Jon kick his ass!”
“Damian language,” Jon said acting scandalous.
“Yeah Dami, gosh darn it you are only six years old!” Timsaid unable to resist a jab at Damian’s age.
Damian just rolled his eyes as all three boys laughed atthe joke making Damian blush a bright red.
Jon and Connor smirk at one another as their boyfriendskept cheering them on.
“Connor you’re the strongest, bravest, sexiest, and bestman out there! Don’t let this little boy win!”
“Kent, I don’t need to boost your ego because you have meas your boyfriend and that’s enough to know you’re better than the clone so youbetter not lose,”
“Of course, I’m everything you said Tim, can’t let thelittle brats get the best of us and think they are better than us, now can I?”
For some reason this made everyone laugh as theirfriendly competition kept getting a little more heated with their trashtalking.
“Dude I know I’m better than you, and I got a hotterRobin who can kick your old ass without even trying,”
This made both Damian and Tim go,
“Tim, he just dissed you,”
“Yeah, but it was a great dissed I couldn’t resistcheering him,”
Connor turned to his little brother and couldn’t help butsmile as he said,
“You just said a bad word that means I’m telling mom,”
“Tattle tale,” both Damian and Jon said making both Timand Connor laugh.
“Then I’ll tell Tim about the time you dressed as aballerina and danced to swan lake!”
Both Tim and Damian started laughing as Connor turned abright red before he said,
“Say what you want but I look good in a tutu,”
This made all the boys laugh including Connor who couldn’tresist laughing along his friends.
“Ready to give up?”
“Nope, you?”
“Tch, you wish,”
“My superboy is gonna win Dami,”
“Not a chance Drake,”
“My money is on the clone,”
“No way man Jon is totally gonna win,”
“Wait what?” Connor asked distracted by the new voices, thedistraction was enough for Jon to bring down Connor’s hand making him thevictor.
“I did it! I won! I beat my…brother…” Jon watched in horrorat the scene before him,
Damian, Tim, and Connor turned to where Jon’s face wasstaring as their faces mirror Jon’s expression.
Sitting on the counter was Dick and Jason…eating…Alfred’scake.
“See told you little wing that Damian’s superboy wasgonna win,”
“Ah shit man, I owe you fifty bucks,” Jason said as heput his empty plate down next to him.
“Yeah you do,” Dick said as he took a final bite of thecake and placed his own plate down smiling at his brothers and theirboyfriends. He saw that all four of them were giving them a scandalous look.
“What?” Dick said.
All four continue to stare at them before Jon was thefirst to snap out of it and shouted,
A few minutes later Alfred came in the Manor with a newtray of cinnamon crumble cake and two pies from Ms. Kent, he knew his grandsonsloved his sweets which is why he decided to make another batch as well as askMs. Kent for some of her pies which she kindly gave him.
As he passed the living room and headed for the kitchenhe had to stop and walk back to the living room to make sure that what he sawwas true and not some trick from his eyes.
Upon looking at the living room he saw Master Grayson andMaster Todd tied up hanging from the ceiling while the young Masters, MasterDrake, and Master Kent were sitting in a circle watching some show.
Master Connor was sitting on the couch while Master Drakewas resting his head on Master Connor’s lap who was running his fingers throughhis hair.
Jon and Damian were resting on the other couch in thesame position as their older brothers however, Master Damian was reading a bookto Master Kent and young Master Kent was smiling as he listen to Damian’s softvoice.
Master Todd and Master Grayson were shouting-or tryingwith the gags on their mouth-to be released. All in all it was a typical Fridaynight.
He wanted to ask but at the same time was afraid to,after all if he had to guess it involved his sweets and the boys not being ableto get some. Taking a deep breath, he shakes his head as he headed for thekitchen. He’ll wait until the boys are done watching TV and released MasterGrayson and Master Todd before announcing his surprise.
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