#I’m laughing bc several ppl have wanted him d**d
eddywoww · 6 months
I'm glad that you're feeling better! The newest IYM chapter is sooo good. I feel as deranged about Arwin as Steve is, I want him goooonnneeee
Thank you!!
Honestly mood, he’s a thorn in everyone’s side
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coral-melon · 7 months
Ohh could i get an obey me matchup if u have time? :D
Appearance: i’m afab, tall but skinny like a noodle, still have curves tho. i have light brown hair and dull blue eyes i’m pale af and have a slightly larger than average number of moles. i have had purple under-eyes since i was 12 they are never going away
Personality: professionally i’m doing well but every other area of my life is in shambles lmfao. still live with my parents can’t drive depressed as hell and barely any relationship experience💀i hate responsibility but i’m still responsible because i hate letting people down. i make a conscious effort to always meet deadlines and show up to meetings on time and it bothers me when other people don’t. but still i’m pretty lenient with others and give them the benefit of the doubt. i am fairly whimsical and quite unbothered by everything. not afraid to push boundaries and attempt things no one has done before, when ppl tell me my goals sound unrealistic it just motivates me more
Strengths/weaknesses: good at drawing and school, graduated college with a 4.0 gpa and a bunch of honors and stuff, and i am the creator of several viral posts and quizzes. good at taking advantage of opportunities that come my way. and i can see humor in everything i love to laugh. i’m kinda irony poisoned and struggle with sincerity, but i’m also an open book i don’t rly have anything to hide. i always talk pretty casually with people no matter who they are but i get away with it cuz i’m smart and good at my job or something. i may come across as impulsive but i do think through everything i do and say, i’m just a fast thinker. i’ve been told i’m too trusting but i haven’t been hurt yet sooo idc ^_^
Likes/dislikes: i am fan of any kind of creative hobby. i like being in nature and interacting with animals but i’m also a pwetty pwincess who hates getting dirty. i hate doing chores and paying for stuff too 💅🏻 i avoid drama and conflict like the plague, though i enjoy it as a spectator. and i hate office jobs, specifically because i work very efficiently then have to pretend to be productive for my dumbass boss when i finish everything early. i love to hang out with people even if it’s something boring like running errands. for some reason people think i don’t like hugs or texting but i do :( i constantly crave novelty i love new experiences
Other: when i really like someone i’ll take an interest in their interests and memorize every little thing i learn about them to the point where i gotta play dumb sometimes so i don’t sound overly invested. we would probably have to have a strong friendship as a foundation cuz u gotta be patient with my repressed ass. i don’t have a lot of preferences for dates so i’d be happy doing whatever they want, i’m v indecisive so it would be good for both of us if they like taking the lead
- 🦝
Hello -🦝! Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself, it a pleasure to meet you! ^^
This felt really fun for me bc I already had a few silly hc in mind for you, so I hope you enjoy!
I match you with…~
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꩜ Never a dull moment when your around him.
꩜ The two of you are a funny duo, to say the least. If it were possible, it would be like you taking care of a leash kid.
꩜ Not to worry, with this jackass over by your side, he will make you forget about your depression with his bullshit and shenanigans! That’s right, The Great Mammon himself! >;D👍✨ ((plz don’t take this too seriously..))
꩜ When it comes to you, he might as well not have any experience either. When others look at you, sometimes they think you’re the one who knows the ropes even if that’s not the case at all.
꩜ He’s supposed to keep an eye on you, but the fact of the matter is that it got twisted real quick and you ended up responsible for him instead. You keep him in check when it comes to his studies and duties he must finish. Oh what’s that? Sike! Even if you didn’t want to, he’ll beg you to help him out before Lucifer catches a whiff that he failed a test for the 1738929th time.
꩜ You’re motivated to want to improve yourself, so why would t you want the same for those you care about? No matter how hopeless someone is, surely there’s always a way!
꩜ Doesn’t matter how much he tries to hide something he did wrong though, Lucifer knows way before he himself does. So you’ll often see him upside down hanging from a ceiling. He temps you first before resorting to begging you to help him out again.
“Are ya takin’ me seriously, human?!”
— “Pfft- Yea yea of course!👌” nah, not really
꩜ As time passes by though, he starts catching your drift slowly without being told what to do. Simply wanting to get your attention and praise is enough to have him determined to want to do better. So in a way, both of you help each other out to get yourselves organized; May it be your actions or mental state. Thriving forward because of it.
꩜ He appreciates you never me giving up on him, thinking about it makes him soft and weak.. He’ll never admit it though! Not the Great Mammon himself! Not in a million years! Pretty obvious tho..
꩜ He, too, is an open book; not on purpose though. He tries to hide it but ultimately just reveals even more.
꩜ But It’s funny watching you two play dumb with each other when it comes to the other’s interests. He is just as invested in what you like — or perhaps even more — like you are with his.
“Oh, you like -insert hobby-? Ha, lame!” *Proceeds to look up everything there is to know about it*
꩜ Lovely to know you like to hang out, cuz best believe this guy is stuck to you like glue. He might try to come up with an excuse as to why he just barged into your room or sent you some random message, but it’s all bs. He just wants to be with you even if there’s no reason. He just really enjoys your company.
꩜ On days he gets paid, He’ll say he’s feeling generous and willing to spoil indulge you a bit. You better be grateful to the Great Mammon! Whenever you go shopping, he’ll keep an eye out for anything you might glance at, even if it was just for a brief moment.
꩜ And even if it’s rare coming from you, he’ll immediately sense if there’s greed coming from you. So he’ll buy you whatever it is that you want so badly! *cough* you just glanced at it.. *cough*
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I hope I was able to make you smile
Take care -🦝!✨
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akaashiclub · 4 years
girls chase boys ☇ t.k.
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☇ pairing: tsukishima kei x fem!reader
☇ genre: fluff, oc is an absolute babie who has no shame, tsukishima goes from ‘she’s annoying’ to ‘she’s aight’ to ‘i may be lowkey in love w her it’s nbd tho’, oc will literally not give up, tsukishima is still a first year (word count: 4.1k)
☇ synopsis: usually when experiencing such a soul-crushing rejection, one would give up on their feelings, right? right?
☇ a/n: i binge-read some haikyuu fanmanga and i was ~inspired~ plus like... this trope?? persistant bubbly x uninterested cold is?? literally everything?? (playlist link: here)
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“i like you!!!”
you kind of felt like the main character of a shoujo, with the wind making your hair dance in the air
standing face to face with your longtime crush
(and by longtime, you mean about two months)
that’s when it all started
no— it was earlier
the orientation ceremony
all the first years standing in neat, organized rows, listening to the principal give a welcoming speech
at least, that’s what you were supposed to be doing
in reality, your eyes were trained on the 188cm tall blonde in the row in front of you
you couldn’t see the stage— also, you didn’t care
bc ~he~ was in front of you
tsukishima kei
you learned his name later when you discovered you were in the same class
and he sat in the adjacent row, one seat forward
the absolutely perfect position to stare at his side profile the entire class
and that is exactly what you did for two months
that and gathering info on him
tsukishima kei, 188.3cm (now 190.1), born on september 27th, best friends with yamaguchi tadashi, #11 on the karasuno volleyball team
and then there you were, confessing your undying love to him
...or something like that
“no thanks. not interested.”
usually, that would soul-crushing enough to make them leave him alone
not you <3
the giggle that escapes your lips makes his eyebrow twitch on confusion for a second
“that’s okay~” you respond. 
(that’s okay ?)
(what the fuck kind of response is that being rejected ???)
you’re exhaustingly persistent, as tsukishima comes to find out
or should i say—
the hair on his neck rises when you flounce into homeroom with that sing-song tone
you plop down into the seat in front of him (key note: not yours) and rest your elbows on his desk with a little grin
“don’t call me that,” (he doesn’t look up from his book)
“what~! why not?”
“only my friends call me 'tsukki’”
you snort, scooting a little closer
“that’s mean. how many times have we walked home together, and we still aren’t friends?”
“you followed me home, i didn’t consent.”
“‘followed you’?” you pout. “we live on the same road, naturally we’d walk home together,”
he doesn’t respond, just flips to the next page in his book
“do you have volleyball club today~?”
she stays strong!! she doesn’t give up in the face of adversity!!!
“you don’t have to answer, i already know you do.” you chirp. “it’s boring walking home without you... maybe i’ll come with you today~!”
it’s like talking to a wall
(a very cute, 190cm, blonde, glasses-wearing wall.)
instead of responding, he puts his headphones on and keeps reading 
a small exhale escapes your lips, and one of the girls in the next row over leans towards you
“y/n... i think it’s a lost cause...”
“he’ll come around eventually,” you shoot her a smile, and then turn back to tsukki
you lean forward, reaching towards his head and tugging the headphones down around his neck
and when he looks up (he does within an instant), you shoot him a sly smile
several students around you gasp
after all, who would dare bother tsukishima with his headphones on??? that’s some instant death shit
“i like being this close to you though,” you tease
and he rolls his eyes, standing up and heading for the exit of the classroom
the shock in the classroom — that you’re still ALIVE — is clear
your friend from before gapes 
“y-y/n what are you playing at??”
“courtship,” you sigh dramatically, and hop to your feet to chase after the blonde monster
“tsukki~!! are you getting lunch?? wait for me~!!”
everyone on the first floor knows: it’s become the norm to see tsukishima, book in hand, headphones around neck, and followed by a chirpy pipsqueak 
even yamaguchi doesn’t stick as closely to him as ‘tsukishima’s lapdog’ (as you’ve started being called by the fellow first years) does
the nickname doesn’t really bother you
after all, it’s just a reminder of your determination and refusal to give up
which is a virtue, in your mind!!
some people feel bad for tsukishima, constantly being bothered by you for weeks on end
others admire your stubbornness
and one group of people you can always count on supporting you are the karasuno volleyball club <3
ever since you started showing up to their practices 
and all their practice matches and official games too
they all befriended you
but you grew tired of just sitting and watching tsukki on the sidelines, so you asked coach ukai if you could help out during practices!!!
there can’t rly be ... three managers... so you suggested retrieving balls or being tsukki’s personal assistant
he saw right through you <3 
but it’s ok bc he thought it would be entertaining and agreed
tsukki: angy
even when he’s annoyed he’s cute tho <33 and you make sure to tell him that <333
and so! you get tsukki’s water, towels, etc etc (ofc u help other ppl too when they need it but tht’s what the two managers r for... tsukki is ur #1)
the other players are like 0.0 she’s kinda scary... but cute at the same time doe... 
one day you’re in a particularly good mood (aka: a bad day for tsukki lol)
“don’t call me that.”
“i want to tell you something,”
the whole gym is kinda just 👁️👄👁️ waiting to see what happens
“what? i need to change, hurry it up.”
ur inner monologue: kdNNN even when he’s mean he’s cute!!!!
but anyways:
“i like you,”
hinata, kageyama, tanaka, noya, literally everyone: 😳😨 mf what—
sugawara’s like “oh god he’s just reject her and crush her heart... right in front of EVERYONE—”
“not interested.” tsukki says, and his tone isn’t any less cold than usual
u kno that anime lightning effect when the character’s body is joLtED...
tht’s everyone else in the gym
tanaka and nishinoya are highkey ready to let you cry into their jerseys when—
you laugh
you right after being mercilessly rejected: 🥰
you can’t help it !!!!! it’s not discouraging you ok??? you alr knew what he’d say!!! but you had to tell him <3 can’t let him forget tht he’s the ✨love of your life✨
entire gym: s h o o k
“did she just  l a u g h??”
“is she okay?? no srsly”
“what... just happened”
tsukki walks off, water bottle in hand
you follow after him, bouncing on the soles of your feet 
“don’t forget your towel~! want me to wipe off your sweat~?”
“no thanks.”
cue fading banter between you two as he goes to change his clothes
he has to be like hOe GeT oUT for you to not go into the locker room lmfao damn... thirsty bitch... same tho
later tanaka and noya (feat. hinata who just wants to be included) jump tsukki
“she confesses to me every week. she’ll do it again. it’s not that big of a deal.”
“not thAT BIG— can u imagine if kiyoko liked us that much.... ”
(cue tanaka sobbing)
tsukki was right tho
after the third time you randomly confessed to him in front of them they were just like
same shit different day, anyways rolling thunder
but they still highkey adopted you
so they go grr grr when tsukki rejects you all cold and shit
shockingly tho??? the more you confess the less it’s “not interested” and more just “*sigh*”
is this... PROGRESS???
but the zero braincell triad cornered him again in the locker room one day 
(it’s their trademark)
(nishinoya) “so why do you keep rejecting her??”
(hinata popping in) “yea she’s super dedicated and helpful!!!”
(tanaka lowkey shuddering) “she’d probably let herself get hit in the face w a volleyball if u asked”
(and tanaka would be: correct)
(but anyway)
“she was annoying,”
“she... ‘was’ annoying???”
“... she IS annoying”
“tsukki... do you possibly like her??? but you’ve gotten so used to rejecting her that it’s automatic now??”
tsukki’s like V.V
“you’re reading too much into it,”
sage!nishinoya is about to probe deeper but at that moment you pop your head around the corner of the locker room and shout
and they all scatter to hide themselves while shrieking
except tsukki, who is already clothed and gives zero fucks lmao
but anyways!!! a couple weeks pass and takeda got y’all set up with a practice match !!
with who?? nekoma!!!
hinata is like 🤩🤩 kENMA!!
only players and members of the club are supposed to go rly....
but you’re like “??? i’m tsukki’s personal assistant are you trying to take away my rights??? i’ll sue you” and coach ukai gives in sdjfkf
“tsukki can i sit with you~?”
yamaguchi about to sit there: 👁️👄👁️ bruh
tsukki doesn’t say yes but he also doesn’t say no :D
 “what’re you reading?”
“english book,”
you’re like: wait— mf hold up... did he actually just answer ??
tsukki simp mode: ACTIVATED
“can i see??”
“you’re failing english, you won’t be able to read it.”
“ouch,” you pout, but there’s a small smile on your lips. “but how’d you know i was failing english?”
he doesn’t respond
“i guess it is unfair that i know everything about you and you don’t know anything about me...” you sigh
“you don’t know everything about me,” he retorts, still not looking up from his book
hehe~ gotcha
“oh? test me,” you grin, scooting closer to him
“don’t wanna.”
“you’re just scared i do know everything,” you say smugly, trying to bait him
“bet you don’t know everything about me!!!” hinata pops up from the seat in front of you
“you’re right, i don’t,” 
(he pouts and disappears again)
“tsukki~” you whine. “tsukkiiiii~ i’m bored.”
“can i wear your headphones?”
“no thanks. i don’t wanna get headlice.”
you scowl. “mean,”
you bite your cheek, staring a hole in the side of his head but he doesn’t even blink
if tsukki could major in ignoring you people, he’d have straight A’s
fortunately, you have ways to counter this
“kei~~” you whisper a little too close to his ear, and he jolts up
you try not to let the amusement show on your face, but you can’t help it
glaring at you, he pulls his headphones off his head and puts them on yours
“now be quiet,”
“mm~” you chuckle
a couple hours later, you pull into the parking lot of nekoma
the friend groups pair off, and kuroo makes a beeline for tsukki, only to catch sight of you
“hey four-eyes— who’s this?”
tsukki glances down at you, to which you shoot him a sugary smile
“dunno,” he says, and walks off
you wave to kuroo with a sunny grin
“i’m y/n~! i’m tsukki’s personal assistant and future wife~”
his eyebrows rise, and with a quick bow, you bounce after the blonde
once the group is all in the gym, practice jerseys are handed out and you help yachi and shimizu prepare the water and towels
you’re about to make a beeline for tsukki, when someone calling your name stops you
“y/n! wanna get me some water?” kuroo calls
you only blink for a moment before hopping to it, darting across the gym
for the rest of the day, kuroo is constantly calling for you—
“y/n! can you wipe the sweat off my neck?”
“hey, y/n, get me some water~”
“y/n, over here!”
and by the time the several hours is over, you haven’t gotten to speak to tsukki once 🥺 snnff :(
when you finally get a free moment, you look around for him, but he’s nowhere to be found
sad face :(
and then !!!! turns out nekoma paid for bbq for everyone 🤩🤩 cats are so generous
and somehow??? you find yourself surrounded by nekoma players???
“here y/n, want some of my bbq?”
“no, take mine!!!”
“do you want any fruit?? i have some!!”
“you were so helpful today!! how’d you stay so energetic the whole time??”
you flash a smile, ready to charm the shit out of them, when a voice interrupts:
"hey, personal assistant.”
your eyes light up, bc you’d recognize that salty ass voice anywhere!!!
the guys around you part to reveal—
“tsukki!!!” you squeal, maybe a little too excitedly
“aren’t you supposed to be assisting me?? get me some food.”
you shove your plate into the free hand of one of the nekoma players (his name was... liam? lief... lev?) and dart to get tsukki something to eat
when you hand it to him, you flash him your most dazzling smile
“eat up! you worked hard today~”
he eyes you silently before digging in, and you smile absentmindedly while watching him
“why are you staring at me like that?”
“because i like you,” you respond without hesitation
he averts his eyes, but doesn’t say anything mean 
your stomach flips a little 
i’m coming for you, tsukishima kei.
on the ride home, you’re once again sitting next to him, and he gives up his headphones without a fight this time
you’re so tired from running around helping kuroo all day that you find your eyelids getting heavy as tsukki’s music plays in your ears
you try to subtly lean on his shoulder but he pokes you away 
you glare at him, pouting, but settle for leaning against the headrest
and then, you’re drifting off
and you’re having a strange dream
a pleasant dream, with fuzzy corners and honey-colored light streaming across the scene, but still strange
in this dream, he’s kissing you
it’s not like you haven’t had dreams like this before, it’s just that this one feels so much more vivid
and yet blurry at the same time
even when the dream ends and you blink back into consciousness you can still distinctly feel his lips against yours
his glasses brushing against your cheek
his fingers interlacing with your hair
a warm smile curls up your lips as you grasp lingering wisps of the dream, when—
“you’re drooling.”
your eyes snap open and you jolt up, furiously wiping the side of your mouth
“am not!!”
tsukishima blinks uninterestedly from the empty bus aisle, arms crossed
“dreaming about something vulgar?”
you grin, resting your chin on your palm
“would you like to hear ab—?”
he’s just “nope,” and turns towards the exit
hopping out of the seat, you follow him
“it was such a nice dream,” you sigh
“must’ve been, if you were drooling that much.”
“i was not—”
and then you notice something
everyone else is already gone from the bus
“wait a minute... did you wait for me?”
you hear a scoff
bUt hE dOEsNt DeNy iT
“you WAITED for me!!!!” you exclaim, happiness radiating off you in waves
“if i’d left you on the bus, nishinoya and tanaka would’ve killed me if i didn’t,” he says curtly
but you are, after all, the human equivalent of ‘this sign can’t stop me because i can’t read’
or that tiktok trend 
tsukishima: i don’t like you, i only waited for you because i was literally forced at gunpoint 
y/n: 🎶i waited for you🎶
the next day, it’s practice as usual at the karasuno gym
but?? sniff sniff someone is here that shouldn’t be
this rando first year has been pacing around right outside the gym entrance
and all the vbc members are like 👁️ whomst?
and when you finally arrive (right along behind tsukki)
he yells out your name
and holds out a bouquet of flowers <3 how cute
“y/n, um— i, i know you don’t know me but i’ve liked you since the orientation ceremony!!! i think you’re really pretty and cute and smart—”
cue a quiet scoff from tsukki, “if she’s his definition of smart, then how dumb is he?”
cue sugawara jabbing his side (sugamama is protective of his child y/n)   
“—and i know you like tsukishima, but i hope you’ll give me a chance!! i can make you happier than him!!”
at this point, everyone in the gym is watching like 👁️ oh?? TEA?? 
and is that... is that an aura of raging irritation coming from tsukishima?? 
you open your mouth to politely reject the guy, when
literally out of nowhere tsukki just  a p p e a r s
“hey, idiot. aren’t you supposed to be my personal assistant?? go set out the volleyballs instead of flirting,”
you dip your head and smile apologetically at the guy before heading towards the store room
and after that, you notice tsukki is a bit harsher, a bit more off his game, a little more easily irritated than usual
during a free moment, you nudge tanaka
“doesn’t he seem like he’s in a bad mood??”
zero braincell tanaka is like “??? isn’t he always like that??”
“no... something is definitely off today...”
what . could it be . i wonder .
every time you try to do your usual “tsukki~!!” he just turns away and ignores you
doesn’t sound too out of the ordinary, but you can just tell something is wrong
you still have no idea why he’s acting like this by the time practice ends
and when you go to the locker room to find him (so y’all can walk home together), he’s already gone :(
so, a little more droopy than usual, you head out
only to be surprised by a voice when you step outside
“took you long enough,”
you whip around to see tsukki leaning against the wall with crossed arms
he clicks his tongue and then sets off
and when you don’t immediately follow him, he glances over his shoulder
“are you coming or not?”
sdjfksjsdkjfsdjf smmpdfhsdf !!!!!!!
it’s just one sentence, and it doesn’t really mean anything
but hearing the words makes something incredibly warm bloom in your chest
you grin
“of course i am,”
that feeling lasts well into the next morning, but is replaced by a nauseating knot in your stomach when you arrive at school
because everyone’s whispering about one thing:
“tsukishima got called to the principal’s office!!!”
“whaaat ! why??”
“i heard he was caught with the answers for the upcoming exam!!”
your stomach . clenches
and before anybody can say another word, you’re sweeping out the door and down the hall
and in less than 30 seconds, you’re slamming open the door to the principal’s office
the principal and tsukki both look up, equally shocked at your sudden appearance
“y/n, what—”
you ignore him for the first time in your life
“sir, i need to tell you something.”
the principal is just like “... ?? can it wait??”
“no, it can’t.” you take several steps forward “the test answers, they—”
“y/n, don’t—”
you ignore him for the second time in your life again
“they’re mine,”
the principal blinks 
“then why was tsukishima found holding them before class??”
“yesterday, they must’ve fallen out of my backpack. he probably picked them up without knowing what they were, so please don’t punish him,” you bow. “punish me instead,”
.. y/n dumb bitch
yea, you’re suspended for two weeks
and ofc there’ll be a mark on your record
plus you’re automatically given a fail for the upcoming exam so you’ll have to retake it later oof....
but as much as all that sucks, you don’t regret it bc you’d rather take the fall than let tsukki be wrongly accused and suffer for it
but honestly the break from school is kinda vibes 🥴
don’t even think about the homework you’ll have to make up
your phone is blowing up with texts from your friends
including your surrogate dads and moms from the karasuno vbc 🤧 they’re so worried about you
you’re sad you have to miss practice for such a long time but... you don’t regret your decision
“y/n!!” your little sister knocks on your door “one of your classmates is here for you,”
“‘kay!!” you call back, checking the time
shidt bitch time flies when you’re watching anime alone in your bedroom
you hop up and open your bedroom door to come face to face with the one. the only. tsukishima kei
your eyes are like O.O 
“tsukki??? what are you doing here??” you grin “are you here because you’re worr—”
“no,” he cuts you off “i’m here to deliver your homework,”
“you could’ve given it to my sister, y’know,” you tease. “why’d you come all the way to my bedroom?? you missed me, hm?”
he doesn’t answer, instead surveying the room before sitting down on the edge of your bed
you blink, surprised he didn’t comeback with a cold retort
“tsukki?” you ask quietly, sliding into your desk chair
after a moment of silence, he fixes you with a stoic gaze
“why’d you lie?”
“because... because i couldn’t let you take the blame for that. i don’t know what happened, but i know you weren’t cheating. i know it.”
“neither were you. what’s the difference?”
you press your lips together in a frustrated pout
“the difference is that it’s you!!! i’m mediocre. i’m not outstanding. i’ll go to an average college either way, and it’ll be fine. but you..! you’re so smart!! and talented!!! you could do anything you want!!! you could get into an elite college!! the last thing you need is for some stupid misunderstanding to sully your transcript—”
“y/n—” he tries to cut in, but you bulldoze right over him
“— and i know you probably think what i did was useless and unhelpful, but i don’t care!!! i don’t care about a mark on my transcript, or being suspended, or failing all my exams, or even being expelled—”
“— but i absolutely refuse to let that happen to you!! you’re too special for—”
this time, it’s not him speaking that interrupts you
this time, it’s him kissing you
you nearly combust on the spot
tsukki— tsukishima kei is kissing you
he’s leaning over you, with one hand on the chair’s armrest and the other steadying your head with his fingertips
your stomach does several full somersaults 
and then, all too quickly, he pulls away and returns to his spot on your bed
you stare, eyes wide as saucers, mouth slightly agape
“w— what was— why did—”
“you wouldn’t stop talking,” he mutters, eyes focused a little too hard on the wall
for a moment, you’re too shocked to move
and then your 🥰tsukki🥰 mode activates
and you just fuckin LUNGE at him
“y/n??? what—!”
kisses!!! kisses on his cheeks!! his nose!!! his forehead!!!
and shockingly he doesn’t?? push you off??
me heart just skipped a beat wjdkfjs
he’s just like “y/n, you’re fogging up my glasses, please stop,”
“i refuse!!!! i’ve been waiting months to do this!!!!!”
once he manages to de-suction you from him, you fix him with doe eyes and a cheeky grin
“hey, tsukki??”
“.. what?”
“i like you,”
he blinks
adjusts his glasses
“make sure to finish that homework. i’m bringing tomorrow’s homework too,”
as he’s leaving, you hope he can feel your glowing smile on his back
the next day, you get a message from the school letting you know that your suspension and other punishments have been retracted
as the real culprit of the cheating was found
an unannounced locker-search discovered several exam cheatsheets almost exactly like the one tsukki found in the locker of a student, and the school realized their mistake <3 how nice of them
and that meant you were free to return to school, name cleared!!!
the volleyball club was eagerly awaiting your return
so when they saw tsukki arrive for practice, they expected you’d be following right along behind him
but instead???
you were koala-ing on his abdomen
“bro... did you carry her all the way here like that??”
“the real question is why he allowed it,”
you shoot a blinding grin at the guys 
“he can at least do this much for his girlfriend~!”
the entire gym is like WhA T !!!!! 
“hE SAID YES???”
“he... asked you out?? then??”
“also no...” 
“did he at least tell you he liked you...?”
“NISHINOYA STOP SHE’S TEARING UP,” sugamama to the rescue
you let go of tsukki and half the team goes IN on him
“dude wtf!!! she got suspended for you and you didn’t even at least tell her you like her???”
“not just suspended, almost expelled!!!”
“yeah that!!!”
“i say we kill tsukki,”
“tanaka no,”
“GUYS!!” angry!daichi makes an appearance “it’s time for practice!!!”
grumbling, the team disperses
you’re about to head to the store room to help get out the practice equipment, when—
you turn “hm?”
he’s silent for a moment
“i wouldn’t have kissed you if i didn’t like you.”
your face flushes a deep red
but then he adds, “either time.”
either...? time...?
your eyes POP OUT
“that— that wasn’t a DREAM???”
he doesn’t answer, just heads onto the court
but you think you see a slight smirk
and maybe... just maybe?? 
his ears are a little more red than usual.
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You know it's always really funny to me when mhs say that had it not been for swimming Haru and Rin would've never become friends bc I'm like, that's how relationships work???? You initially connect bc of something you have in common and go from there???? In that case you can also apply it to mh bc if Haru and Makoto had not been neighbors since they were young they probably would've never become friends either, but nobody wants to mention that bc then their argument crumbles lol
Anyways, your blog is literally the best and your rh (and general) takes are always so nice to read
I'm... same, I just do not understand what’s new about this? Like my mom and dad met while they were both working at school, if I started talking with a guy cause he told me that he liked my chibi Akashi bag and anime, is this not allowed? This in no way means that that’s all we like about each other or smth, this means this one thing brought us together.
This is the reason why I dislike mh fans so much. Because the majority of them instead of posting some canon facts and truthful arguments, they either twist some words into something unrecognizable, either try to change a rh moment into mh. I just always thought ppl ship things for what they are, not what they are not...
And the main problem in this happening and the error in their equation is Haru. Cause they’re trying so hard to sew him into that but with everything he says and do he constantly falls off and they end up with mako-haha. It’s like they say that Makoto is the reason that Haru walks into his future, which is hilarious tbh, and the next movie airs and what do you know Haru is yelling at Rin’s face how “he only walks towards the future and wants it bc of him”, they say that s2 relay teams are what they truly want which everyone knows ain’t true and boom drama airs and Haru and Rin are talking how it’s not the same if they’re not together on the team. They air all the birthday stories and oh no, Rin is special again. I remember how they were running around after that frfr! episode, where Rin tries to make Haru laugh and Makoto says he actually already heard it before and turns out it was kid Haru’s evil laugh in his sleep at school. Like what is so special about that? And how is this mh related? Haru was cutely laughing watching Rin sleep and just reading his text.. that’s yeah, that’s the reason to fuss.
Their problem is always Haru, he never fits their mh plan like ever. But do they listen to him? No. Because we have a moment IN THE ANIME, where Haru says “RIN, I WANT TO BE LIKE YOU, TOO.” meaning he wants to be as brave/daring/passionate, etc. cause Rin represents freedom for him. Okay, I’d get why some needed me to post an arguments list for “Rin doesn’t like Haru only for his swimming”, which is still hilarious to me, but okay, he does have a kink in books about Haru moving in the water and goes about it for several pages, but with Haru this is actually not the case. 
I don’t know if anyone noticed it, but swimming is not what attracts Haru the most about Rin and never was. It’s his character and state of mind and the way he makes him feel aka free. It doesn’t matter what they do, like whether they eat their rolls or draw new years fortunes. Haru said his whole body is on fire just when he looks at Rin and he doesn’t even notice how he starts smiling when Rin talks to him. It’s just the way he makes him feel. And swimming has nothing to do with that. Sorry, guys lmao.
Did they seriously just erase this moment, when Rin writes how he wants swim as fast as Haru in his letter, but Haru looks at the sky and he has this kaleidoscope of Rin’s pic in his mind and what he says next is "Rin, I want to be like you, too.” 
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And he means what he says. It’s not about the swimming truly, he admires the fact that Rin follows his dreams with such passionate determination. Mind the fact that moments of Rin that flash before his eyes in this moment a) when Rin openly gushes about Haru’s swimming in front of everyone; b) when he yells in front of the whole class that if he wants a relay with Haru, he will bloody get it; c) his swimming; d) when he tells Haru that he’s a sight he never saw before he’s gonna show him the sight he’s never seen before. It’s about how what Rin wants, Rin fights for until he gets it. Haru is in love with his passion, always was, always will be.
Haru doesn’t want to “swim like Rin” although they did compliment each other by saying “I find your strength amazing” “but I find your stamina amazing”, and Haru always drools about the power behind Rin’s strokes, but Haru swims in his own beautiful way. And while he adores the way Rin swims, that’s still not his favorite thing about Rin and never was. Every time he talks about Rin it’s always about his personality and surprisingly... it’s rarely about swimming. When he thinks about Rin it’s always stuff like... how he is so colorful and intense and full of life and passionate about his dreams and how he stands out among everyone else to him, not about his swimming skills. 
So this argument is dumb AF tbh. I’m like.. yeah, and Lan Zhan loves Wei Ying for his demonic cultivation skills. Not because of his strong character, daring heart and his incredible ability to tick him off and light his cold ass on fire.
P.S. Seriously tho this is the first shipping base I see who just always for some reason does this stupid thing with finding a crumb and actively trying to make it into a bread but then realise it’s realistically impossible so they just replace it with a plastic one and pretend it’s real. This in fact makes your ship ridiculous. You can’t try to push the line that Rin is abusive (thats still lol) and how Makoto is better for Haru, since Rin did everything to make Haru reach his dream and made him happy and he’s the only one who can help Haru, when he feels down like in s2 and then with Albert and etc. Makoto can’t. It’s the truth, just let it go. I know there are not much positives sides in mh relationships to be honest in my opinion, but there are still some (?). Why not base your arguments on truth? Like at least it’s gonna be mh, not some imaginary thing. Either love mh for mh or don’t. Like yeah, Haru doesn’t resiprocate, but maybe one-sided stuff is your kink, ok, explore this, fine, but don’t try to make Haru into somebody else. Then it’s not your ship anymore.
It’s just funny to me like that Rin here writes poems about Haru and openly flirts with him in restaurants and plans their future together and I don’t even need to exagerate anything, it’s just how it really is and meanwhile mh is like “remember how 7 years ago Utsumi said that Rin and Haru wouldn’t be friends if it wasn’t for swimming, so mh is the shit”.. like I’m sorry, but I think I’m allowed to laugh at this. Sometimes you just have to let it go, seriously. Or at least like idk think before you post (and I know that it has like 3 retweets and no one cares, but still 3 ppl agreed and it reached me somehow, so..). My policy is when I create posts about my ships is validation. Like my last Rinharu facts youtube post got 5K likes, I didn’t post my thoughts, just their moments and at the end I specifically said “I have links/translations to all of this, so name thing you want to read, I’ll link you” and I linked everyone whatever they wanted. 
This is how you tell ppl a story of why you love this ship and make them fall in love with it, too. Not by making up lies about what’s not there and twisting someone’s words (like this person wrote “thats what she really meant *adds complete nonsense*). And I know mh do not have any of this stuff that rh have, but if you really ship mh, find something real and go from there. Seriously, it’s better if you have smth small, but real, than a huge lie.
Also I still think ship is about two people, not just one. Why mh don’t want to listen to anything Haru says or wants like at all? That’s just sad. 
P.P.S. Thanks for liking my blog, this makes me so happy <3<3<3
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majorxmaggiexboy · 4 years
 Watching (one of) the Three Musketeers Musical(s) - first 30 minutes
okay if i understand correctly he just said “Good evening, sir and madame, and welcome [something something]” and then another person says “I say, are they going to do the whole [bally?] announcement in French?” and another person says “I hope not” and then the French Speaker continues, “We are here [something something...i think i caught ‘pret’...ready?] France, [something something] Premier [something something]”
There are goat noises or something happening in the background idk
Ah! “I think he’s saying something about Gascony”
i think we’re on d’Artagnan’s family’s farm then
it’s 1625, April, apparently
i can’t even pretend to be able to keep up with whatever just got said
they’re giving instructions for what to do if there’s an emergency during the show.
they just said not to record anything X’D i think this is probably a proshot tho so it’s not Super Ironic?
Les Trois...Mousqutaires- Mousk- Mousketai- however it’s spelled en Francais idk rn but they just said the title >:}
already know i will not be able to finish this thing tonight bc it’s like two and a half hours and it’s 10 pm and my wifi hates me and doesn’t want me to be happy
they’re sponsored by comcast
the other two voices just dragged the French Announcer Person and said “didn’t think much of his accent, did you?”
ppl are yelling now and it sounds like a fight is happening
this man looks like Mr. Jonas Armstrong’s Robin Hood hey
there is zero background music or anything they’re just fightin and yellin and laughing and there are people just milling about like. it’s a weird vibe ngl
oooh i’m feeling the look of that Shirt. that’s Very Nice.
the boots are So Tall they make the Trousers look Super Weird tbh
That Was Strange. We’ve got blue lighting and some Music now
i think d’Artagnan just won the fight but like, ultra delicately.
they’re all kind of passing this sword around...by the blade...with kind of awed expressions? it just took like three people, all practically up on each other, to hand this man a sword.
ooh it’s The Family Sword okay
d’Artagnan and Grinpayne are in the same category right now
oh nooooo it’s Book!d’Artagnan
the mom’s like “you’re pretty much all set to go get your ass kicked on the daily so i’m preemptively giving you some medicine for the wounds you will Inevitably receive”
“eVERY WOUND?” sir please calm down
if y’all don’t stop yanking on that poor offscreen horse
abruptly we have reached a Song and The Man Can Sing
hashtag let d’Artagnan say ‘maman’ and ‘papa’ 😔🙌
he cute
this is completely absurd dude’s just casually singing while riding on this guy’s shoulders
ohh god now he’s like fully on this dude’s back like an 8-year-old and it looks Ridiculous i’m wheezing
“what the devil is that” I KNOW
they managed to make the Insulting The Horse thing Extremely Uncomfortable negl
he gave the ‘horse’ a sword
the horse is now three people
now he’s riding...a ladder???? and looking completely unimpressed?
youre facing the wrong way dude
i’m gonna need that dog barking sound to stop immediately u-u
they’re dragging the horse again. “That horse, sir, is one of the family” “I Can Well Believe It” OOOOOH
shjdshgsjhjsk the way he just slapped that glove onto the ground. the flair. the finesse. the dazzle
i see the Rochefort situation has a little extra Something Something in this version
the height difference X’D
oh yeah it’s gonna be Like That i guess
where’d the height difference go :O
this is the calmest and most gentle beatdown i have ever witnessed. i can’t even describe what just
the tenderness of that murder that just went down
“*gasp* Could Treville Have Set This Young Idiot Against Me” X’D
oh this is super weird what the heck
slap him as you walk by, Roachfort, i dare u. do it. it’ll be funny.
just smacks d’Artagnan in the face with a rag “wELCOME TO THE PINECONE INN” iconic
d’Artagnan’s really just out here ‘simping’ for every woman he sees huh
i like that he looks thoroughly confused bc it’s v Accurate
that was the single dumbest smile i have ever seen in my life please do it all the time
this man is dopey as hell
“I’d go and have a rest if i were u” “REST????!!!!” my guy please chill
okay now this one kinda slaps
i’m only fifteen minutes in what kind of alternate time continuum is this existing in i thought it was at least the 30 minute mark
kay i am Here for this Aramis hel to the lo my good sir
treville’s so mad he got the line wrong
it’s okay Treville i love u sir
d’Artagnan is Smol and Bi and Severely Alarmed and if that aint a mood...
d’Artagnan’s fully like Hi We Haven’t Actually Met But You Will Be Forced To Adopt Me
is there no one other than Rochefort who can Height Difference. am i to be left cold and Wanting as with the Bee Bee See. u-u
is someone’s phone ringing
oop Rochefort has been sighted. yes my good sir i need you to come back and be taller than d’Artagnan.
Treville “if you want to be a musketeer i’m going to need you to be a good boy and not participate in dueling or shenanigans” d’Artagnan, immediately “brb i gotta go fight that dude over there”
Athos has him by the Wrist(tm)
the tone of this setting up of a duel is. very special.
y’all about to tango or what with this music?
i was skeptical about this d’Artagnan but he’s kinda adorable tbh good job Mr. Tveit
Oop Porthos called him a dog
“How fast one grows up in Paris! A moment ago, I was only a ‘puppy’!” DID YOU REALLY JUST
Porthos please
this Height Difference might be kinda Good
he thinks fighting Athos is going to take 30 minutes to an hour XD
He’s just a little cupcake god bless him i do love a good Absolute Moron :3
“What have I done now?” awwwwww
“I may be late, myself, by then” can’t believe this dude won my heart in 22 minutes u-u
“If I die at least it’s clear, I’ll be killed by a musketeer” 
“oh but all the girls I might have loved if only i’d been spared :(” he’s so dumb i love this guy
this is officially the one true d’Artagnan.
Athos can you please stop prowling around him as he sleeps it’s a little uncomfy my guy
awww he slept in the gardens where he expects to get Murdered
“If I kill you, Treville will accuse me of infanticide” ATHOS
ohhhhhh he’s going to diiiiiiiiie
he smol
“Monsieur Athos has the right to kill me first, which makes your claim, Monsieur Porthos, far less interesting. And yours, Monsieur Aramis, practically worthless. :D” i love him.
oh heck the jacket’s coming off
“I’d like to fight with my doublet on. My wound has begun to bleed again, and I shouldn’t like to taunt you with the sight of blood you yourself haven’t drawn” ATHOS
come on and wreck some stuff Rochefort
Athos: “three against five and i’m not at my best :(” d’Artagnan “Umm there are Four of us actually :D” les inseperables: “BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA”
“Go back to Gascony. I have no wish to kill you.” “But I have every wish to kill you” D’ARTAGNAN
height difference >:}
ooh Athos liked that
the fights in this show...could be...Better...
the fights are...the Worst...
*slides the actors a $5* pls try to kill each other for real
(to the Inseparables, after helping them fight off 5 of the Cardinal’s Men) “And now, Gentlemen, I am ready for You” oh honey 
current verdict: hate the way the fights are done.real slow start. the songs are Okay but Mr. Tveit could sing a phonebook and i’d  gladly listen. d’Artagnan is Adorably Dumb and Chaotic and a complete Disaster and i am having. A Good Time With This. 
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
aaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!! helloooo mods!!!!!!!!! SO! instead of a specific AU, I thought about an author shoutout! what are each mod's fave kaisoo authors? and maybe you could give us one of their underrated stories and/or your favorite that they wrote! Ps: you are all amazing and beautiful and I love you!
HELLOOOO~ this is a great idea annonie uwu. Here are our fav authors (both ever and at the moment) with our fav + underrated fics that we love from them.
I’m excited because this is my first time talking about my fav authors so here it goes~
My favorites: Something I Gotta Say (Tom and Jerry) (enemies to lovers au clair de lune (wolf au, royalty au + topsoo, iconic) and Anti-Climax (just read it it’s real hot)
Underrated: What’s Good, Princess? (hs au, crack, please im still laughing), Who You Gonna Call? (ghost busters au, TRULY UNDERRATED GO READ IT)
My favorites: Amid Shadows (hitmen + mafia au, one of the first fics i read and still so good), there are no wrong mistakes (college au, puppy love nini and nerdy soo, so cute and amazing)
My favorites: run batted in (college + sports au, baldsoo will forever be legendary), deep tissue (i am drooling jongin is soo’s new massage therapist :-))
Underrated: pause, rewind (this baeksoo but its soooo good and sexy)
My favorites: Love Me Right (hs + sports au, if you haven’t read this yet… where have you been?), Kiss and Cry (figure skater au, one of the most beautiful fics i’ve ever read), and of course The Devil Wears Gucci (fashion au, the devil wears prada inspired and a masterpiece)
Underrated: Break a Leg (college au + drama club au, this is SO good i love it so much), Carpe Diem (salem witch trials inspired, so unique and so good Bite Me (vampire au, we are so blessed this exists)
My favorites: lately all i want is you on top of me (college au, ~discovering their sexuality~, this is already one of my fav fics ever), spreading inside of me (college professors au but like, really sexy and beautifully written)
Underrated: by my side (love this, see admin w’s commentary. go read it
My favorites: Campaigning for Your Heart (college au + enemies to lovers, politics, but like it’s too good i’m in love ALSO THE SEQUEL), A Slice of Summer Love (college au, pizza delivery guy au, so cute and the pining i love love love), Lawyer Up (My Ass) (you were all expecting this one and here it is bc im still shook and amazed by this lawyer au), What the Nightingale Spies (spy au, legendary)
Underrated: Push the Pedal Down (hs au where bffs kaisoo escape the school to go on a small road trip Birthday Roulette (this so cute and funny i love it, go read it)
My favorites: Pay Me Some Mind (pretty sure this is the first fic i read from her and i’m still in love! college au, fwb to lovers Dark Shadows (Are Woken Inside of Me) (oof wolf au and jong discovers he’s an alpha and soo is in heat and jong is obsessed), Puppy Love (bartender nini is hot asf and soo thinks so too) and finally! Yes, Alpha (wolf au again with soo being nini’s personal in-house chef, fucking love this fic i can’t get enough even after every update)
Underrated: Romantic In Theory (im crying i love this so much jongin is so cheesy and its like crack but the smut is good and they’re just goals)
I have to add parkourdeer because he was one of the first authors I loved and I still love his fics very much.
- Admin Macaroon
t_dragon - is on a roll, so many kaisoo fics and still counting!
SM Origins: Kai - x-men au. it’s slightly more jongin-centric but i personally love the bestfriends-to-love dynamic he has with kyungsoo here :’)
Perfection - hurt comfort but also fluff, jongin is training so hard to become the best dancer but he only hurts himself in the process and kyungsoo is having none of it
coppertears - one of the classic authors (been around since 2012/13 yet!!) and all their kd fics are perfect, I defo recommend reading them all! 
landfall - stripper!kai + office worker!soo fall in love with each other (the push and pull rls ufgh)  
maybe in hell, there is a heaven - umm this is not for the faint-hearted :’) it’s a war au with some graphic scenes, jongin is a prisoner, kyungsoo is one of the commanders, but he always is there to protect jongin much to jongin’s surprise
mercuryretrograte/brujadelmar - amazing amazing amazing, i hope they’ll write more
fav: begging you to keep on haunting me - hybrid au, bodyguard au. jongin is a famous dancer but he’s also a swan hybrid and one evening, he receives a death threat. feared for his life, he hires the best bodyguards also hybrids to protect him day in day out
underrated: Ursae Minoris - game of thrones inspo. i dont watch GoT but i’m sure this fics is only loosely inspired by it. and it’s bomb! jongin got married into a new family and he learns about their different culture (ongoing)
xingnini- angst is good but comedy is the real mvp!
underrated: Itaidōshin (Army of Two) - zombie au + comedy au aka when they try to escape the zombies and fight as one but they AREN’T IN SYNC AT ALL also farmboy!jongin bless and chanhun are so fUNNY
Jjeut Jjeut (Tsk, Tsk) - college/enemies to lovers nerd/straight A’s jongin pisses kyungsoo with his unnecessary questions in class so much he wants to fight him but jongin just made him accidentally agree to go on a date instead HAHA freshman jongin is sooo qt
tinylittlepaws - cute, will they write more? ;_;
Say Hi! - omegle!au and the whole shebang :D in which Jongin is bored and alone on a sunday night and decides to try something new with a Random Stranger on the internet.
Tonight is The Night - het is not many ppl’s fav, but this one is really nice OTL girl!nini is feeling brave one night with soo and makes him go down on her :))
ladyLiliah - they only have a few kaisoo fics but they slap!
Dunes - non au, smut, exo visits dubai again but this time with kyungsoo and jongin is ecstatic c:
Afloat - slice of life non au, smut, both train together and de-stress together yup
kaichocosoo - sooo many great kd fics idek what to rec first tbh! their spn au is gold!
Golden - vampire/werewolf au, kyungsoo is a vampire who has dated many times before but now baek convinces him to go this one with someone he thinks could be ‘the one’ for kyungsoo c: 
Hunt Me Not - jongin is determined to be a good vampire hunter but he’s very much into his mentor hunter prodigy kyungsoo (shy!jongin  hehe)
AbsoluteZXING - has a number of kaisoo fics and theyre qt :’)
Afterlight - first fic i read, this is celebrity au/ bestfriends au…the ending just reminded me of Trees of Heaven drama, i love this :(
No Promises - jongin is not happy he had to leave kyungsoo (he is now an angel), but fate has a different plan for them
potslooshi - a few but very nice kd fics uwu
Chances: The blind side - blind!soo is recovering from an accident and kai, who is junmyeon’s brother and soo’s doctor promises jun to pretend to be soo’s husband to help him heal 
Videre - non au smut with some cute moments of them travelling overseas (hj, dirty talk)
lovelyairi - from fluff to angst to smut this author can do it all c:
Make Me Love You - jongin seeks pleasure in a club but he gets more than expected - a pureblood vampire royalty ;) kyungsoo’s shaved head + purple eyes is a wonderful concept
Gentleman - kyungsoo goes to watch Hyung (yeees the movie he’s starring in) in theatres but there’s a person who’s sobbing loudly next to him which is quite annoying! 
Minty_Pixie - the queen of Garnet Hearts! but also of many other incredible fics *u*
Read Me Right - superpowers/abilities, kyungsoo can read people’s minds by a simple touch and he respects jongin’s boundaries (until one day he touches him in an attempt to wake him up from a nightmare)
Through Fire and Ashes - 84k zombie/post-apocalypse au oh em gee!!!! if you are into zombie au and survival theme w lots of heartbreak and action and kd being in love so much they withstand literally everything, what are u waiting for!
life_not_knife - people stop sleeping on this author!!
Hybrid Hyperbole - wolf au, the history of wolves has been always been full of violence, and mistreatment. it is a challenge for both to defy even if it means they’ll have to deal with repercussions
So Damn Hot! - d/s elements, sub!ks and dom!jongin well done uwu
kxdlola120 - nearly 40 kaisoo fics of various genres and aus? thank you for your service :’)
Crimson pink - vampire au, jongin sacrificed by his town to save them from extinction but the vampire he was sold to has seet his eyes on him long before. ongoing!!
Blue - hello angst :’(( jongin is always by kyungsoo’s side and would follow him everywhere, but he doesn’t get to follow him home… (w for terminal illness)
I’ve listed my favourites several times before and that pretty much still stands, these authors are my faves but also who I feel aren’t talked about much! I’ll make sure to rec more authors when I rmb ^^ - Admin J
Faves: The Loneliest Place to Be, Through the Midnight Streets, A Heart at Peace
Underrated: Somewhere Only We Know (it’s SeKai but it’s underrated AND IT’S FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL)
Faves: Do Overs and Second Chances, Something Lost, Something Borrowed.
Underrated: Tahanan, (Watch me make them bow) One by, one by one
Faves: Kiss From a Rose, The Devil Wears Gucci
Underrated: Peace of Mind
Fave: spreading inside of me
Have to put these in cuz they’ll always be my faves: changdictator, uponinfinity, rainbowtoxicity, w_anderingheart, curryramyeon, and of course arosoo
- Admin W
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getallemeralds · 5 years
So, I have a character who is a system, and I wanted to know before I develop them further, how does DID work, from a personal account? I really really really don't want to accidentally create yet another TOXIC misinterpretation of a real condition (because I know how horrible that can feel), and I hope I'm not saying anything wrong even now. (P.S. I love your blog, but I'm too shy to come off anon.)
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hey anon!! it means a LOT to me that you sent this message :D theres a lot of really messy-bad potrayals of DID in the media so seeing people actually going to the effort of asking systems abt their experiences is really heartwarming for us. (plus the fact that ppl keep asking us in specific abt system stuff omg,,)
im gonna preface this by saying that, in the end, i can only really talk about my own experiences with full confidence. systems can work pretty differently from each other, but this is how we function and also some details ive noticed from system friends + general discussion over the years
so, to start off: Dissociative Identity Disorder is, at its core, your brain trying to respond to trauma in a pretty severe way. that being said there ARE systems that didnt experience severe trauma and still developed, and im not really sure about the mechanics behind that but i find it really cool and it totally exists. im gonna focus on trauma-based systems bc that’s our ~tragic backstory~ and also tends to be what most people opt for when creating system characters anyway, but the only real difference from what i can tell is, uh, a lack of trauma.
(system friends are welcome to reblog with corrections or added info!!)
anyway. the way your brain responds to things is really weird. if something happens where you’re just, like, completely unable to handle it, like you dissociate yourself so hard because there’s no way you can manage this, your brain has a chance of going “uh… well, fuck, uh” and generating somebody who can manage it. or it might decide to be a dick and take all of the fucky internalized garbage and turn it into a person whose sole existence is to be an asshole. (they have the potential to get better, i think… ours didnt.) honestly theres a bunch of reasons and a bunch of “roles” that could lead to an alter/headmate* forming.
* we use the terms interchangeably depending on mood and whos fronting. i think its supposed to be “alter” is DID, “headmate” is implication that theyre non-traumatic? we like using “headmate” because it brings this fun mental image of us being a bunch of roommates constantly starting shit with each other and goofing off which is pretty accurate about 75% of the time
i keep getting distracted bc my cat is here. this is gonna be fun to go back and edit.
whatever the original situation is, you’re suddenly not alone in your own brain. and it’s REALLY WEIRD. communication was VERY hard. Icarus, our system original, used to do a very “cliche” thing of sharing a journal with their early headmates, where theyd write a sentence and then theyd write a reply (although back then they didnt realize that was a system-related thing and just thought they were having a fun conversation with their ocs. which… they were, just. Actually Talking.) they didnt have any inward perception of themself or their headmates either, so that kinda built up over time (with some help) along with the appearance of our headspace so that there was… actually a location for people to interact in. once they had a better awareness of things, mental communication got a bit easier– its sort of like background chatter really, when everybody’s awake. sometimes i get weird out of context things from Mae yelling at somebody, or sometimes ill be talking to a friend and someone’ll butt in.
when talking out loud, this usually leads to us suddenly stopping and then laughing or going “no!!!”. when on discord and around people who know who we are… well.
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speaking of Mae, she’s pretty much my sister. not like… biologically? because i don’t think thats possible for me, but shes kinda literally my “other half” which ill get into later. headmates can have strong attachments to other alters! friends, best friends, family, dating, whatever. they can also do that with people outside the system, and itll be different for each headmate. there’s like 4 people dating Jorb but i just see him as one of my best friends. we’re people and we have complex social interactions that can get to be kind of a nightmare when you’re around a bunch of people who don’t know that you’re Not Leo and that youre suddenly not super up to existing around people in general.
plus even if like… so Jorb’s dating 4 of us like i said, but his relationship w/ each of them is different? Ica is very clingy and likes rambling to him, Summer’s pretty much just always happy to hang out, Mae makes fun of him a lot but in a loving way, and Leo is… kinda “all of the above” because that’s his gimmick. plus even tho a few other alters have a sibling-ish relationship with Mae like i do, usually its just me and Mae that do the “chaos siblings” bit.
the basic system.. thing… is that there’s “front”, which is being in control of the body– so, like, i’m currently fronting/in front, because im the one currently active and using our computer and staring at our cat.– and then theres the headspace, where everybody hangs out when theyre not in front. the headspace itself can differ in style & functionality for each system, and i think theres some systems that dont really have a location at all? but for us its like a full on location where we have individual rooms, places to visit if we get bored while away from front, etc.
theres also like, being at/near/away from front? so currently im in front, but Leo is pretty much always lurking nearby if he’s awake (we have individual sleep schedules that dont always sync up to the “irl” one, Trust is almost always sleeping), Ica’s somewhat in the back talking to Rookie so i cant really make out what theyre saying (its probably about either a youtube thing they both like or about a comic they want to do), and everyone else is either asleep (in which case they could be nearby but i cant currently “ping” them, so id have to actually take a sec to ground myself in headspace more) or in a different room. communication is easier if im in front and somebody is nearby, or it can be like with Ica rn where im like “well, theyre talking, but i have no idea what theyre saying and am making a guess based off their usual interactions”, or i could pass off front to go talk to Ica and come back (in which case my memory would be kind of vague and weird because information doesnt always properly translate), oooor i could actually go bug them while still in front. which.. im not gonna do rn bc then id get super distracted.
switching front differs between systems a lot! and even varies from day to day. like there are days where we wake up and we have absolutely no idea who we are bc we went to bed as one person and woke up as another. or we could be talking to somebody and then realize “wait, i stopped being Leo a bit ago, who am i”. or we could pass off front to somebody, like if Summer really wanted to front sie’d run up to me and let me know and we’d swap. or if something critical happens (usually a breakdown), Leo or one of the other headmates that’re more built to handle stressful situations will literally drag somebody out of front to make sure they dont hurt themself. or sometimes we throw front at people unexpectedly, like either mid-breakdown where we go “okay i dont wanna be here anymore, tag youre it” or sometimes because we think its funny because its the metaphysical equivalent of getting clonked in the head with a dodgeball, except the dodgeball is “being in control of our shared physical form”. usually mae’s the one that does that lmao
there’s a couple major categories of how alters come about. there’s “walk-ins”, where they kinda just… appear externally? like they just show up. sometimes we get a feeling of “huh. i think somebody might be here? or somebody might be showing up soon.” and have to rummage around for a while until they approach us or we find them. our walk-ins aren’t like, inherently aware of system stuff at first, so they usually get a crash course before they first front (if they choose to front at all) and it can be kinda entertaining. Rookie’s a walk-in! also Hiro, from a couple years ago. most of our walk-ins are fictives (fictional characters, usually appearing in response to us getting extremely attached to something or somebody) but a couple of our trauma splits are also fictives so that’s not like, a Rule or anything. i think these are mostly associated with non-traumatic systems but we get em fairly often so man idk
theres also… uh, i dunno what theyre actually called? we used to call them “constructs” but that sounds kind of mean. these alters exist to fill a specific role! and we usually dont talk about them on here with the exception of one major one, they just kinda hang out. Dhe exists to keep the system stable and manages the “backend” so to speak. Imp is kind of a mix of our intrusive & impulsive thoughts that came about from us trying to separate ourself from them so that we had an imaginary entity to go “nope!” at, which… stopped being imaginary, and is now a gremlin that lives in my brain. they can show up in response to trauma but arent split off of somebody, they kinda just pop into existence to help manage things.
the more… well-known, i guess? alter origin is “trauma splits”. rather than “just showing up one day with no real connection to the system origins”, trauma splits are formed when somebody in-system, uh, splits. it could be in response to a single situation or something built up over a long time, but somebody just kinda breaks and somebody new that has a bit of the original alter’s identity (if kinda influenced by the situation) shows up.
this can vary. All is a trauma split off of Leo himself, who got saddled with all of our brain hell about our ex and their insystem appearance is influenced more by eir than by leo which is… something they struggle with. Mae has a trauma split from a similar situation that is “Mae but from 2 years ago”, so basically her old identity before she reworked herself after getting put through total hell. and then uh… then there’s me and Mae! Icarus quite literally exploded into several people, with Pat (me) and Mae being the most distinct ones. we’re STILL finding out alters used to originally be a part of them that later evolved into their own people, like Summer and Toby. my identity is shaped pretty heavily not just by who Ica was at time of splitting, but also what they wanted to be jumbled together with trying to rationalize what was happening to them (they’re a pretty big fan of megaman star force, which has a media-typical system in it, so they leaned into hard “its like pat and rey from mmsf! i like pat, i wouldnt mind being like pat, its scary but im like one of my current favourite characters” and so i ended up being like, half-weird shapeshifter, half-green-haired prettyboy. and yeah thats where my name comes from!)
(Ica got put back together w/o anybody needing to integrate, which we were all very scared about, and it’s still kind of surreal to me because… me and Mae used to be able to stick ourself back together and thats how we found out about what happened to Ica in the first place? and we havent tried that since bc we have no idea what would happen. Ica 2: Ica Harder?)
despite their origins, trauma splits can be way more than… being a split. :V;; Toby’s not just a tiny splinter of Ica, he’s a quiet guy that gets stressed out and isn’t totally sure how to interact with people. i’ve existed for like 7 years at minimum and im a totally different person than i was when i thought i was still Ica, ‘cause ive had time to grow and change (and a problem Ica keeps running into now that theyre back is… they kinda Didn’t change because they were MIA for 6 years.) like everything else though this is variable– there can be “temporary” splits that dont develop properly and might get integrated back in, which has only happened to us when we were at the lowest point in our life where we were stuck constantly splitting to try and cope with whatever the hell was going on.
so Ica was gone for 6 years, which meant our system was without an original or main– there wasn’t anybody to be head of the system, basically. for a while i was operating under the assumption that i was Ica, so i filled in that role for a few years before i made the realization. eventually i kinda… stopped being able to, though, bc of stability issues, and then we were back to not really having a proper main anymore. to make up for it, we started going by Leo collectively and kinda… trying to pretend to be a single person? and so that ended up creating a construct to fill the role of “system main and the person we pretend to be when passing as singlet/not a system”: Leo himself! he’s kinda the most prominent traits we all have in common rolled into a single guy, which means that not only is he a pretty good system representative but we can also pretend to be him pretty easily (unless it’s someone like Toby who acts totally different). i dont know how common this situation is, i think normally it’s just “if system original is gone, another alter steps up” like originally happened to us before i had a severe case of problems disorder.
uhhh this is very rambley bc there’s a Lot to cover and now im trying to figure out how much of it i HAVE covered. systems are complicated and weird! OH WAIT okay i have one last bit.
so like, for us, first realizing we were a system was total hell. we fought a lot. as more alters showed up through various means, there were times where Ica felt like they were completely out of control of their own life bc of having to manage everything. there were a lot of panic attacks of people fronting and not being sure they were even REAL, despite… being in front. but we still felt like we were deluding ourself. this was in, like, late 2011, so systems weren’t a THING. they were a very fringe community that everyone hated. we got constantly harassed, which only fed into Ica’s panic hell and our identity issues. interpersonal relationships became a nightmare, especially because we have BPD as well which varies in severity for each of us but… for me it’s pretty bad! there were times early on where every day was another fun new breakdown from us arguing with each other or our friends or not being understood or… etc.
so… how are we holding up ~7 and a half years later? pretty well, actually! we talk to each other. we do things for each other, like buy food or games we know specific headmates like. Ica is back and way happier than they were in 2011, and is thrilled to get to hang out with everybody that’s showed up since. we help each other through problems, because at the end of the day our system ended up being a support network. Ica couldnt function on their own, so we’re like… 10+ people working together to try and be a single functional person. and we feel pretty okay with that! we still fight, and we still start shit, but we’re not in constant crisis anymore. we’re still working through all of our trauma, especially the more “recent” stuff that kinda broke our system for a while until we were able to start rebuilding, but we’re doing it together. :D
so… yeah, it can start out as a stereotypical “nightmare system”, with constant infighting and toxicity and self-sabotage and etc. but we worked through it! it took a while, but we’re overall more stable than we were before. we got out of the bad environment that was fucking us up, we got mental help for our other brain hell (we havent been able to bring up the system to our therapists bc its literally a non-issue now and we focus more on other things like our depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc), we found people that support us for being us, and we were able to like… figure things out. and it was a mess! i still have issues about my own identity because of literally thinking i was someone else for two years. Ica’s still trying to figure out how to adjust to things, especially bc they missed our entire “cringe culture” phase so they came back to find that i’d dismantled a lot of their middle-school settings. and, uh, some of their friendships as well.
systems are fuckin weird
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wildchildfreecs · 7 years
Me and some friends came up with a Really Awful (GREAT) au, where things hurt and Gon turns dark side. I’m posting the partially edited chat log instead of summarizing ‘cause I’m lazy af, but this will be added to my Verse’s list. I just have to think of a tag
If you’re interested in RPing something from this sorta AU, please hit me up, I’d absolutely love to.
gabriel the gondad - gon is the PERFECT example of someone who could have ended up REally, REAALLLY dark but didnt, out of sheer luck of his upbringing 
can -  yeah, and if he went to hisoka for training oh my gosh
Café con Leche -  ^^ OMG i'd love to read that
can - the poor boy would do a 180
gabriel the gondad -  c h r i s t please? ? ? henckin??? ohhh man fucknign please i LOVE hisoka corrupting gons morals i love gons morals being corrupted but i love hisoka doing it even more chefs kiss and Poor Killua watching his light turn black and ugly
Café con Leche - omg yes it would corrupt him so much cain what if he tries to kill Hisoka
can - and that would make killua go back to his family
gabriel the gondad -  O h h h h
can -  omg
gabriel the gondad -  oh this is good
Café con Leche -  OH MY GOS
gabriel the gondad - DFDF
Café con Leche - WHAT IF
gabriel the gondad -  GUCK
Café con Leche -  YES BUT ALSO lISTEN what if Hisoka completely fucks killua up And Gon walks in and just looks at him
gabriel the gondad - and doesnt care
Café con Leche -  all bloody on the ground YES
can -  YESSS
gabriel the gondad -  "You did this to yourself, Killua."
Café con Leche -  And Killua weeps and reaches out for him
gabriel the gondad - and gon Leaves
can -  And then cue illumi like "see this is why i said assassins dont have friends"
Café con Leche -  Illumi saves him
gabriel the gondad -  C H RI ST
Café con Leche -  and Killua goes back home clad in darkness AND OMG WHAT IF FUCKING ALLUKA TRIES TO PERSUADE GON
gabriel the gondad -  C H R I S T ALLUKA NO oh o h n o what if killua makes a wish
Café con Leche -  OOOH oh my god what if his wish brings Gon back but gon realizes what he's done
gabriel the gondad -  gon still REmembers and he wont forgive himself
Café con Leche -  and he can bear to live with himself BUT he has to save killua
gabriel the gondad -  ooooooooo c hrist c h r i s t the Drama the Pain I Love It
Café con Leche -  and hisoka and illu just keeps trying to keep tem corrupted them* and gon sees killua again and killua is just ice cold, dead in the eyes
gabriel the gondad -  WHAT IF.... KILLUA.. yes Y E S
Café con Leche -  and gon knows its all his fault it's like kite all over again f uck
can -  and hisoka is like, "this is why you shouldn't put your faith in other people~ only live for yourself and your own pleasures"
Café con Leche -  Hisoka whispering in Gon's ear how it's all his fault and he should just accept it
gabriel the gondad - this is,, So Good im eating my own fist OK BUT LISTEN CONSIDER hisoka telling gon "this is your fault. this is why you should live for only yourself" and gon turns around and punches hisoka in the face with as much nen as he can muster and says "if i live for myself, I'm killing you first." bc hisokas the one. that did this to him
can -  hisoka would be LIVID And all hisoka has to say once Gon is dead is "Pity~ He wasn't nearly as ripe as I'd hoped. Such a waste."    
Café con Leche - Imagine if killua just watches Gon and Hisoka    slowly but surely once he sees Gon near death he's returning to some of his consciousness and he cant live without his light and Illumi fucking loses it
gabriel the gondad -  c h r i s t ohhh my god
Café con Leche -  illumi tries to kill hisoka gabriel the gondad - im Suffering ok but illumi would win b/c hisoka would already be injured from his fight w gon
can -  Hisoka would retreat after that he aint dumb
Café con Leche -  illumi would chase after him
gabriel the gondad -  illumi wouldnt fuckn Let Him
Café con Leche -  make it his life mission to kill him jesus this got dark
gabriel the gondad -  YOU DONT SAY
Café con Leche -  imagine Ging seeing his son so messed up
gabriel the gondad -  o h IMAGINE MITO
Café con Leche -  mito would blame ging it's his fault he wanted to be a hunter his fault he wasnt there for him
gabriel the gondad -  ffffffffuuuuuck ok but, where gon doesnt die he beats hisoka in his fight
can -  "Kill me, and you'll be just like me~"
gabriel the gondad -  and he takes killua with him, and they leave, and they go to ging, and gon says "please help me, i dont know what to do any more" gon doesnt kill him hes Very Particuar about that breaks both his legs, rips an arm off, whatever it takes but doesnt Kill him illumi can have that right, if he wants it
Boopi -  oh
gabriel the gondad -  HI BOOPI WEVE BEEN. PLOTTING
Boopi -  plotting about wut- e.e
gabriel the gondad -  plotting about corruption
Boopi -  corruption- i- see- exiTS
gabriel the gondad -  BOOPI NO COME B A C K
Boopi -  corruption and alluka can not be within the same conversatioN-
gabriel the gondad -  listen alluka is the one who fixes everything shes still pure and wholesome
Boopi -  okay so what i understand is gon is all dark and moody and killua is suffering more gon x hisoka new evil double duo illumi and killua bonding and alluka flies down from the heavens as an angel to fix everything and re-create killugon
gabriel the gondad - she tries to recreate killugon but you cant erase the past so its still all fucked up and moody
Boopi -  does trying make it w orse cause what a twist
gabriel the gondad -  i meannnn,,,, define worse
Boopi -  dang is this au that dark
gabriel the gondad -  :^)
Boopi -  if everyone is gonna be dark/angst/whatever this is i am perfectly okey with this sad/wise alluka ftw
gabriel the gondad -  if by worse you mean it hurts, because one of the possibilies is gon and killua die but also the possibilty they win the fight against hisoka and have to deal with the fallout of all their decisions and wrongdoings or would worse be they never speak again, and both continue along their paths of killing and being perfect imitations of hisoka and illumi
Boopi -  omg allu's stuck in-between
gabriel the gondad -  :^) i, personally, think that killua would make a wish to fix everything but nanikas power isnt omnipotent all she can do is get gon to realize where he fucked up and from there, its up to him to try and fix it (whether or not he can is a completely different story.)
Boopi -  okay so how would alluka act with everything's different? shouldn't she be affected by it too
can -  i mean
Boopi -  maybe not nanika, but allu
can -  she probably will lose her brother and get locked up again
gabriel the gondad -  yeah, unless she escapes she'll prob get locked up again
Boopi -  if killua doesn't care then illumi is free to do whatever
gabriel the gondad -  id say its possible that,, killua does what he can to free her so he can still have one light in the world like, before he goes back to the family, he hides alluka away  
can -  if killua calls her something bad like
Boopi -  "it"
can -  "that thing isnt apart of the family"
Café con Leche -  Illumi: So Killua, what do we do with "it"? Killua: .. Do whatever u want jesus but yes i hear u gabe¨
Boopi -  can you even imagine a dark alluka
gabriel the gondad -  n o
Café con Leche -  ALLUKA
gabriel the gondad -  not my gentle sweet sunshine
can -  y es
gabriel the gondad -  n o N   O
Café con Leche -  gets corrupted cuz she loses HER light
can -  she will giggle when she kills ppl
Boopi -  just an alluka that's lost hope and enjoys the killing
Café con Leche -  omg omg boopi what if Alluka get's corrupted and starts killing because she wants to be useful to Killua
Boopi -  alluka or nanika? or both
Café con Leche -  both
Boopi -  bOTH
Café con Leche -  Alluka tells Nanika to kill people and then asks Killua to pat her head aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Boopi -  just imagine Alluka's holding [insert character name]'s head here "Killua... Pat my head and tell me I'm a good girl..." and she just creepily smiles while walking towards him with the head casually omg i srry
Café con Leche -  omg what if one day she's like "Killua... Want Gon to die?"
gabriel the gondad -  O H
Boopi -  cHILL wi dark alluka refers to herself like she's an object t h o
can -  O H M Y GOD
Café con Leche -  ......... oh my go d
can -  "I'm an object that you can use, big brother~"
gabriel the gondad -  this got a w f u l l y dark
Boopi -  "Do not worry over my feelings, big brother. I feel nothing. It feels nothing." geebus christ
Café con Leche -  imagine kurapika's roll in this
gabriel the gondad -  O H pika watching gon turn into the exact type of person he despises just like the troupe trained by an ex-troupe member killing for sport, just to get stronger, just to prove he can kill them
Café con Leche -  oMG
gabriel the gondad -  OH WHAT IF.... HISOKA..... TELLS.... GON.... TO... kill his old friends
Café con Leche -  kp is a maffia boss right.... What if Killua get's a mission to assassinate him..
Boopi -  nO not the friends pls
gabriel the gondad -  LSTIEN GON KILLING LEORIO
Boopi -  NU
Café con Leche -  yas
gabriel the gondad - walks Right Up to leorio, nen out and boiling like it was with pitou and oreo, poor oreo, laughing, trying to understand whats wrong
Café con Leche -  Gabe gabe gabe even worse he crushes his hands, makes him unable to ever become a doctor
gabriel the gondad -  hmmm good angst, but also, i feel like, gons goal would be to Remove leorio as a tie
Café con Leche - Sasuke style
gabriel the gondad -  i never watched shippuden :0
Boopi - sasuke tried to sever all his old bonds i think
gabriel the gondad -  yeah basically that kill everyone who was important to you,  so they cant be used against you gon, punching a hole through leorios ribcage, becase he doesnt have killuas technique of ripping the heart out so he just obliterates it instead leorio dying and looking up at gon and saying "i forgive you”
Boopi - stop you're hurting me
gabriel the gondad -  leorio WOULD forgive him tho this got really out of hand, really fast
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jungnoir · 7 years
babysitter!monsta x;
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a/n: hello!! so if you’re new to this little babysitter!kpop group series, you can read the first “installment”, babysitter!got7, here and the second, babysitter!bts, here! for this request~ also, it’s been a while since it happened but i hit 1200 followers, so thank you so much and i hope i can keep writing for you lovelies :D
so!! the general gist of this whole series is several kpop groups all kinda find themselves broke af in high school and split up into different groups as a part of this huge babysitting conglomerate
initially, hoseok is the first one to find out about this cool group of fourteen other teenage guys who literally just go around town babysitting for dough
and hoseok knows no sane person would give them a serious job at this age so he’s like!!! hey guys let’s do babysitting for money!
which sounds like a pretty good idea to the guy cause i mean he likes kids and... hey.... it’s money. what could go wrong?
everything, hoseok. so many things 
at first, hoseok is kinda shy with the kiddos he first meets, but once he gets a nice idea of their personalities, he’s “all in” (pls laugh)
50% meme 50% jungle gym 100% all man
hoseok is so strong and flexible like??? the kids love hanging off him and using him to climb around on
he once asked kihyun if it was appropriate to benchpress the kids
kihyun hit him
kids love hoseok bc he’s very energetic
hoseok usually gets the energetic kids anyway when they work, because he’s got so much energy and excitement and he’s so fun that the kids with even the worst amounts of stamina pretty much wear themselves out at some point with him
kids also love him because he always lets them win
like most of the kids he babysits have older siblings who think their siblings are annoying bc of all the energy they have and usually won’t play with them at all
so hoseok is like??? why give them more grief when they barely get to work those chubby legs elsewhere
it’s almost kinda ridiculous the lengths he goes to to put a smile on a kid’s face
like they’ll be playing hide and seek or something and he’ll hide behind a water bottle or something
if it makes the kid proud they found him, then he doesn’t care :)
hoseok has to beware sitting down on the ground bc like,,, flocks of children will just come at him at once and pummel him to the ground
the last time that happened he got kicked in the head like four times
kids love getting picked up by babysitter hoseok ok
since he’s so strong and can basically juggle tons of kids at once
like a lil kiddo will hold their hands out to him bc they want to get picked up and he’ll just scoop em up in one arm without much thought and the other kids are like :O 
kid: you’re really strong!
hoseok: yeah? i’m strong like superman?
kid: *nodding enthusiastically*
hoseok: *leans in like he’s telling them a secret* that’s because... i am
kid: !!!!
he has this little inside “secret” among some of the kids that he’s superman so sometimes the kid will be talking to their friends at the park while hoseok is there and the kid will almost let slip that they know superman
and hoseok will make eye contact with them and put his finger up to his lips with a grin and the kid will wink at hoseok and turn back to their friend and be like anyway!! let’s go play on the slides 
it gets so bad that he gets a call from a parent one day like “hey uh... my son keeps saying he wants superman to fly up to his window and read him dr. seuss???”
and hoseok is like “tell him superman has to enter by the front door today, i’m on my way”
he’s always on call and always dependable like that bc these kids steadily become his pride and joy and he really just wants them to have that big brother figure that they can look back on as a happy memory
and in most people’s opinion, he’s doing a pretty great job
this child is... help him
changkyun is very apprehensive when hoseok brings up the idea of them babysitting
it’s not that he doesn’t like children per se, it’s just that they tend to scare him... kind of
he finds their opinion of him reflects what kind of person he really is so if a kid is cold to him he’ll think “oh my god... i’m a terrible person... did i kill someone in my past life? i must have killed someone, the child knows”
but he’s also the youngest out of them all so most people think he might be better with kids?? lmao like that makes a difference
but when changkyun first babysits, the kids are kind of in their own world so he thinks he’ll just do the minimum and then stay out of their way
until he’s like watching the avengers on tv (bc that’s the highest movie rating he can watch around the children) and one of the kids just. climbs. into his lap.?.
and changkyun is like um
and the kid curls up against his chest and lays their head on him and wraps their little hands around his arm and is all comfortable
and changkyun awkwardly lays his arm across their lap and the kid snuggles into him and actually falls asleep on him!!!
and changkyun is literally ded like this is the cutest thing that has ever happened to him ever
he’s thinking the child trusts me!! they’re snuggling into me!! they’re drooling on- hey wait a minute
then the other shows up and curls against his other arm and falls asleep and he’s just :DDD
the three of them end up falling asleep like that and when the parents come home, changkyun is passed out on the couch with the kiddos laying every which way all over him and snoring into the atmosphere but it’s the cutest thing
from that day on, changkyun just gets so cute around kids
he practices their names before he babysits, he sets out special games in case they wanna play, and he even brings snacks for them too like he’s so serious about being prepared
bc his voice is naturally deep, he always has to make it sound softer so the kiddos don’t get disturbed by it
he can really only talk the way he usually does around the kids he’s known longer
but one time a kid he had babysat for a while had surprised him and when he yelled his voice was so much lower than the kid remembered and they were like UHHHH
but after that, the kids make him speak in a really low voice like darth vader bc they think it’s pretty cool
somehow always ends up with hair accessories in the weirdest places when he gets home
there’s like a pile on his desk and whenever people come over they’re like changkyun do you have something to say
and since changkyun is the youngest he can’t blame it on a sibling so he’s like,,, i can explain
tbh if any of the boys sit in on one of changkyun’s babysitting dates they’d have so much blackmail fodder it’s not even funny
but changkyun would pretty much do anything for his kids
if it means dressing up like harley quinn and getting his hair died with kool-aid, he’ll live
bc at the end of the day, he’s happy and the kids are happy and it’s probably the most fulfilling job to him so he can never really complain
hello here is lee “i want to have my own kids soon” minhyuk
this boy has been ready for fatherhood since he was born
but no really he was probably the happiest to start babysitting
he doesn’t even really care about the money like he’s just happy to be here
he just has this nice warm aura that makes kids so comfortable instantly 
minhyuk: hello!! i’m minhyuk, but you can call me minnie :)
kid: like minnie mouse?
minhyuk: i don’t know... *pulls out a pink polka dot clip on bow out of nowhere* you tell me
kid: :O
he has this v special voice for talking to kiddos and it literally just shocks ppl over the age of twenty when they hear him use it???
like he’s just hanging with hoseok and then he gets a call from the parents of one of the kids and they’re like “can you babysit this friday?? we’re having date night” and the kid jumps on the phone like “minnie!!”
and minhyuk immediately changes to Cute Voice Mode and hoseok is so like.... whoa... who is this man
minhyuk is the best with kids that are super young bc they literally just flock to this sweet childish man??? like older kids kind of roll their eyes at him but the babies see him as like an idol
when minhyuk can’t avoid babysitting the older kids, he tries his damn hardest to relate to them
“how do you do, fellow kids”
no but jokes aside, it’s not necessarily that it’s hard to relate, it’s just that the older kids kinda hate that they have a babysitter
especially this goofy dude who’s supposed not that much older than their older sibling??
but oh... they haven’t realized the power they have at their fingertips
if they ask if their friends can come over, he plays the cool older brother card
every one of their friends is always like!!! who’s this hot dude chilling in your living room???
minhyuk just laughs and is like “a friend of (insert sibling/relative that lives in the house that would seem the least suspicious), don’t mind me. do you guys wanna order a pizza or something?”
and no matter who, almost always those friends never find out minhyuk’s the babysitter
so the older kids end up opening up to minhyuk bc they realize that he’s actually pretty cool and he’s not just great with lil kids
and that minhyuk has a lot of cool, random talents
so he grows the title of cool older brother from most of the kids he regularly babysits and it warms his heart soooooo much he loves being a big brother figure to them
and he’s always there to give advice or even go the extra mile as to take them places if he’s free
like “you wanna go to the arcade and your mom said it was cool?? i’m on the way prepare to get your butt kicked in table hockey”
or “you need someone cool to drop you off at prom cause you didn’t get a date this year?? should i wear the blue tie or the red one”
i believe minhyuk doesn’t have siblings so being something of one to all these kiddos is really refreshing for him and it really just makes him feel like he’s needed which is what he loves
and a lot of people are pretty much certain he’ll be the best dad when the time comes because he’s literally great with kids of all shapes, sizes, and personalities and he can never not brighten up even the saddest child
also this!!!
someone help him
was about as apprehensive as changkyun, but unlike changkyun, didn’t warm as fast to the idea of babysitting as changkyun
i mean he wanted to do it and he’s pretty much a dad to the boys already but like...... what if they don’t like him
that’s literally all he cares about
he frets about it every time he gets assigned a kid no matter how long he’s been babysitting because he just!!! wants to be liked by the children and he doesn’t want it to be awkward but he still makes it awkward 
but he can get away with it sometimes because he’s cute so
and minhyuk and hoseok are always like hyunwoo!! stop being tense! it makes the children tense
and hyunwoo is like “I WOULD IF I COULD I SWEAR TO GOD”
he literally has to start off suuuuuper small like he has to assist kihyun while he babysits bc he’s that bad
kihyun gives him one (1) task and it’s to put a diaper on the baby and like not even a minute after kihyun leaves him to it hyunwoo walks into the living room with the naked baby with this helpless look on his face
and kihyun is so done
while the other kids are laughing their asses off at this grown man who looks like he’s putting together a rubix cube when it’s just a baby’s diaper. hyunwoo. please
but he ends up finally learning all the basics at some point, so he’s allowed to start work with the first kid
but the kid is like?? crying??? not two seconds into meeting hyunwoo for the first time
so he just stands there all awkward and kinda heartbroken bc he really wanted to make a good impression and yet he already made the baby cry
even tho the mother assures him that the baby is just nervous bc it’s his first time being away from his parents hyunwoo is just like beating himself up over it and blaming himself and regretting everything
but eventually, the parents leave, and the kid quiets down
hyunwoo sets him down and the kid just kinda walks away and hyunwoo thinks he’s trying to run away from him but everywhere hyunwoo goes, the child is just quietly following behind
when hyunwoo goes to make lunch, the kid is just peeking around the corner at him with wide eyes, like he’s trying to figure out if hyunwoo is a threat
and at first hyunwoo is really confused abt it bc whenever he would walk up to the kid he’d sprint off in another direction, but if he just kept his distance and “ignored” him, the kid would follow him around, even chancing to stand or sit right next to hyunwoo if he did a particularly good job of ignoring him
so hyunwoo feels bad but he also knows that trying to initiate things on his own would probably result in a mess and maybe more crying so he just keeps to himself, watching tv on the couch and pretending he doesn’t even notice the child
and he tries his best not to grin in triumph when the kid clumsily climbs onto the couch and cuddles into hyunwoo’s side, laying up against him as they watch cartoons together
hyunwoo isn’t even really sure if he’s done a good job by the time his job is over??? like he’s utterly lost on what to say to the kid’s parents when they come back and ask how it was bc tbh he felt more like he was taking care of a cat instead of a child
but once they pay him and hyunwoo is about to take his leave, he feels something thud against his calf and he freezes, looking down to see what had just smacked into him
and it’s the kid, arms linked tight around hyunwoo’s leg with tears in his eyes and a pout on his lips “don’t go, please :(” 
hyunwoo can’t even hear the mother coo over her son because hyunwoo is on cloud nine now
and he’s so endeared when he crouches down to be face to face with the kid bc the kid doesn’t run off or cower under hyunwoo’s steady gaze like usual
“i can babysit again, if you want! but next time, you’re going to have to talk to me, you can’t just run away every time i look at you, okay?”
and the kid shyly nods and shocks hyunwoo even more when he throws his tiny arms around hyunwoo’s neck and yanks him into a tight hug. so tight that the mom actually has to pry him off so hyunwoo can get home before it gets too dark out, and the whole way home hyunwoo is just so proud of himself like “who said son hyunwoo couldn’t babysit? well, everyone, but i proved myself wrong so it doesn’t matter”
after that he just becomes a whiz with the quieter kids bc they find him to be just like him and they feel much more comfortable around him than the more intrusive babysitters and hyunwoo ends up finding his calling :”)
made for this
initially awkward like hyunwoo but not as bad as hyunwoo
the nervousness is just bc he’s never really taken care of other people’s kids before so he just needs to find his way
but it surprisingly comes very easy to him??
like he already kind of takes on the motherly role in his group of friends bc he’s literally the only one with any common sense (don’t get him started on last year’s impromptu boy’s trip to the skiing mountains. hyungwon got left behind at the bus stop, minhyuk lost his phone in the taxi to kihyun’s house, hoseok only brought earphones and a bottle of water, hyunwoo forgot to pack underwear, jooheon ended up getting there safely but left to go back home and sleep as soon as he saw the state of the other boys, and changkyun didn’t even bother bringing more than two sets of clothes because “it weighed too much”)
kihyun swore he’d never let that disaster repeat itself
so from then on he’s been kind of the one that takes care of everyone else, even if he does it with a snarky attitude and a scowl on his face (jooheon said his scowl is cute but kihyun almost drop kicked him for it)
when kihyun first gets assigned kids, he tends to fold up in on himself at first, liking to observe and see exactly what he was working with before he made any hasty moves
which usually works for kihyun bc he can really just look at a kid for three minutes and he instantly knows what he needs to tame and what he can work with
he also tends to adopt a very distinct stern tone that minhyuk affectionately calls the “mom voice”
which is startlingly nostalgic when you hear it bc it’s like shit. when did my mom get here?? oh wait nevermind it’s just kihyun yelling at hoseok again
it usually works on kihyun’s regular set of kids quite well so even though he’s more of a warden than a babysitter to them, he’s fine with that
until he meets his match, of course
he doesn’t even get a chance to check out this new kid bc she’s already checking him out
like instantly when she sees him she goes to her mom and is like “he looks like a killjoy”
and right off the bat kihyun is like “i’d take offense to that but i don’t accept insults from people 1/4 my size”
and the kid’s mom is almost appalled at kihyun but then the little girl is smirking to herself, telling her mom to head to work and that she and kihyun would get along just fine
which is a Lie
kihyun has never in his life met someone so stubborn in such a small body like does this kid eat anger for breakfast
no matter what he says to her, she insists on doing the exact opposite and his mom voice does not work on her at all
the kid probably threatens to call the police every time he tells her to finish her veggies
like it literally feels like god created this child just to test kihyun?? he’s almost convinced that maybe she’s being promised a later bedtime or a trip to disneyland with the way she sticks to her role of the ultimate brat
like kihyun is absolutely exhausted after the first time he babysits her, but he’s completely lost when the little girl’s mother tells kihyun that she wants him to babysit again, bc the kid “liked him a lot”
so the second time kihyun babysits, he’s a little more wary of the child and thinks to himself that maybe the kid actually had something up her sleeve bc why would she request him again when last time all they did was bicker?
she still remains a practically untamable brat but she does tend to chill at times, which kihyun is eteranlly grateful for bc he swears if he didn’t have that pastel pink hair, he’d be able to see a whole patch of grey strands on his head by now
yet she still keeps asking him to babysit
so one day he’s managed to get her to sit still for a movie, kihyun on his phone texting hyungwon about how much trouble the lil girl is when he gets an urge to pee so he leaves his phone on the couch and rushes off to the bathroom
and the lil girl is obv curious as heck so she reaches over and reads his texts
by the time kihyun comes back, he’s wide-eyed, looking at this kid whose only emotions seemed to be rage and slightly calmer rage, crying on the couch with his phone clutched in her tiny hands
immediately kihyun clicks into protective mode and rushes over to kneel before her, looking around her to see if maybe she had hurt herself or if she was feeling sick, but then she speaks through sniffles “do you... really hate me?”
and kihyun freezes, looking at the open conversation on his phone before looking back to the little girl who looks so heartbroken by what he said
and he isn’t really sure why she would care with the way she treats him, so he’s just like “well, don’t you hate me? I thought this was a mutual thing” and he tries to awkwardly laugh it off, but she shakes her head stubbornly as always, pouting down at him
“you’re the only babysitter that’s ever come back”
kihyun swore he might’ve burst into tears right then and there but instead he just pulled her into his arms and held her as she cried into him, patting her back and whispering “it’s alright, kiddo. i don’t actually hate you. i could never. who else could be as witty as you are with me?”
and she’s just like “really?” in a really vulnerable voice
and it becomes apparent to kihyun that her acting out was a call for attention, as she was an only child and her mom was always working so she rarely ever got to see anyone except the front door pouring in babysitter after babysitter that didn’t care about her, just the money they got for the job
so when her mom comes home late that night, she’s worried that maybe kihyun might’ve been mad for staying longer than he intended and would probably demand more money
but instead she sees kihyun passed out on the couch with the little girl curled up on his chest, snoring and drooling on kihyun’s hoodie
and the mom just sighs, her heart swelling and smile turning peaceful for the first time in a while
oh my god, he never knew this was his calling
usually when ppl would see him, they would never assume that he did babysitting on the side
i mean, maybe for money but not for fun?? or bc he actually likes it???
but like, contrary to how he appears, he actually loves being in the presence of kids bc they make everything so fun and exciting!! like you have no idea how refreshing it is to hang with a kid excited about stars after you’ve spent the better half of your week around angry and hormonal teenagers
like jooheon literally looks forward to just letting out his dorky and fun side with a bunch of kids who aren’t complaining about finals or upcoming college apps
because even tho he relates and all, sometimes it just puts a huge damper on his spirit and he needs to recharge around some tiny humans who just wanna play video games and get a stomach ache off pizza rolls
and sure it’s cute when the kids call him hyung or oppa but you know what he really loves? being called honey
that’s the name he gives the kids to call him so they’re literally just running around yelling “honey!!” all the time and it’s the sweetest thing
and sometimes the parents get confused cause the kids are like “i wanna see honey!” and the parents are like ??? whom
he always takes the kids to the park too bc he tends to have the more energetic kids, so they’re usually hanging off monkey bars or sliding down slides on their bellies and sometimes he’s running with them, having the time of his life on the playground like he’s a child as well
sometimes parents and nannies and older siblings at the park will see him in all black and with his resting bitch face while he sits on the bench or something and they’ll be kind of put off by it
but then one of his kids runs up to him yelling “honey!! i got a cut!” and his expression will morph into this cute sad look and he’ll pull the kid into his lap and pull his handy first aid kid out of his backpack while he’s like “ahh, it’s not that bad, kid. honey’ll fix it up in no time, you just gotta promise to be careful running around, alright?” and the kid nods really fast after he bandages up their cut and they run off and literally everyone around them is swooning
he’s also the cool babysitter bc he always gets the kids to do chores or whatever, but he promises to get them something cool in return
“if you sweep and mop the kitchen like your mom’s been telling you for the last three days, i’ll take you out for ice cream cones” “extra sprinkles too???” “you’re gonna have to make that kitchen sparkle if you want extra sprinkles, kid”
and parents love him bc he always somehow gets the kids to do things the parents can never get him to do?? bc jooheon knows how to make it fun
suddenly eating veggies is now the only way to keep monsters out of the closet or from under the bed at night bc “monsters love kids who eat lots of candy, but they hate a kid who eats veggies at dinner time. they think it’s yucky”
some people wonder if maybe jooheon encouraging wild imaginations is a good idea in the long run but he swears by it, bc he knows orking the imagination is a good sign of mental development and will really encourage them to do what they love in the future
and, okay, one of his kids found out he likes to rap in his spare time
so she was like “!! teach me how to rap for my talent show” 
and at first jooheon was rlly reluctant bc he didn’t know how that would go down, but the little girl looked so passionate about it so he helped her write a (v clean and appropriate) rap about why homework sucks
and she invited him to come to the talent show to watch
so he ditches his last class of the day to make it to her school, and when he arrives the girl’s parents are shuffling him to a seat and he’s nervously chatting with them, his nerves getting the best of him bc he knows this lil girl in particular is pretty shy
but then she comes out on stage dressed almost exactly like jooheon and he just 💘 he’s ded
and she starts doing her rap and even tho she stumbles over the pronunciation a bit, she sounds so cool and jooheon is so proud and as soon as she’s done and does a little bow and mic drop he shoots out of his seat clapping like crazy before her parents can even fathom what they’ve just witnessed
and even tho she only wins second place, you bet your ass jooheon is treating her like a superstar the whole time, so much so that she might as well have won first place after all
(she won first place in jooheon’s heart and that’s all that matters)
if kihyun wasn’t already completely worried about hyunwoo, he is about hyungwon
hyungwon kind of?? is sort of responsible??? but just barely?
he usually keeps to himself around new people and around kids it’s really the same
like he doesn’t know if he should approach them or if they should approach him
he’d much rather be at home catching z’s tbh
“hyungwon you have to talk to the children” “i’m fine” “hyungwon you’re babysitting you have to talk to them” “no thanks” “hyungwo-” “i’m good”
kihyun is completely convinced that they should just leave hyungwon out of the babysitting idea altogether but hoseok is like no!!! we do this as friends or we don’t do it at all!!!
hyungwon: if that’s the case, i don’t mind breaking off this friendship here and now
but then hoseok threatens that hyungwon was gonna make him cry and hyungwon gave in (not until after some pouting on his part tho)
hyungwon has to be eased into babysitting so he ends up going with jooheon to do it, but he stays in his own little world and only moves to get new diapers or something
never to make snacks bc jooheon does not want to get sued for hyungwon accidentally poisoning the children with his terrible cooking
in fact, it takes hyungwon a long time to warm up to the idea of babysitting, so much so that the others are starting to wonder if hyungwon is even really paying attention when he helps babysit with the others
but then jooheon unexpectedly gets sick and has to cancel on a babysitting job and the parents are pulling out their hair over the phone with kihyun bc it’s so last minute and they really have no other options
and the other boys are completely booked so hyungwon is just like *raises hand* “i’ll do it...?”
and all the boys are completely stunned into silence (that is until the parents on the other line are like “hey anybody home!!”)
so, they send hyungwon to do the job
and at first, hyungwon is really nervous bc, sure, he’s watched jooheon work with all kinds of kids plenty of times (save for the times he’d disappear into some remote part of the house and nap) but he’s never been left alone as the sole Adult over all the children so he’s just kind of
freaking out
so when he gets there, he’s expecting like a bunch of crazy high-energy kids bc kihyun was shoving hyungwon out of the door with the parents’ address before he even explained exactly who hyungwon was babysitting
but then the dad is handing over this sleepy kid on his shoulder and he’s like “he mainly sleeps and eats so hopefully you can handle that” and then they’re gone
and hyungwon is super surprised bc the kid instantly curls into him with zero complaints
he’s just quietly snoring in hyungwon’s ear and hyungwon is like.... wow... same
so for a few hours he’s just letting this kid cuddle him while hyungwon watches tv on low volume and he nearly clocks out himself but he also knows that if he actually falls asleep he might not wake up for hours so it’s best he just stays awake
and when the kid has finally finished drooling on hyungwon he rubs his eyes all cutely and the first words out of his mouth are “what’s for lunch”
hyungwon, internally: SAMEEEEEEEE
bc hyungwon cannot cook to save his life he takes the kid out to get pizza and hyungwon manages to get the kid to play some arcade games with him but overall the kid is just super quiet and laid back and hyungwon could almost kiss jooheon for picking this job, over all other jobs, to miss out on
hyungwon is actually shocked at himself for how easily he falls into the big brother role, but of course he’s used to having a younger brother so it just clicks with him after a while
and nearing the end of the babysitting job when the parents come back home, the kid is just chilling on hyungwon while they watch tv and the parents are like “we’re really sorry honey oppa couldn’t babysit you this time, buddy”
and the kid is super nonchalant and just goes “i like this babysitter better, anyway”
and hyungwon is !!!! ecstatic, happy, elated, wow who knew babysitting was this rewarding and nice
hyungwon is practically on cloud nine, all smug when he goes back home and calls kihyun telling him the babysitting job was over and he’s just bragging about how easy it was and how much of a piece of cake it ended up being and kihyun is just like “yeah that’s great and all, now i’ve got you booked for four kids next week. one of the kids likes to claw on things and the other is a loud newborn baby”
hyungwon:... uh bad connection gotta go
hyungwon is a work in progress but he’ll get there
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flickerbit · 7 years
tagged by: @lord-seapancake​ (omg thank you abby!!)
1. always repost the rules 2. answer 11 random questions posted for you 3. create 11 new ones 4. tag 11 ppl
1. What is the oldest memory you have?
Oh man uhh,, well this is kinda weird and idk if it counts as a legit memory but when my mom was pregnant with me she was o b s e s s e d with law and order so every time i hear it i get a very weird sense of nostalgia. Like the first time i brought that up to her she explained why and i was like ...oh damn
2. What coffee/tea/soda do you typically order at a cafe or shop?
I really like orange soda owo I get water too sometimes
3. Would you ever consider going abroad? Why or why not?
Well if it was studying abroad, idk, maaaybe? I guess it really depends on where it is and how passionate i am about what i want to do (which, as of right now, is sorta kinda maybe passionate enough. it’s animation and junk). It’d be really hard to leave everything behind but it’d be an amazing experience. Now if it was just traveling then FUCK YEAH because i wanna see everythiiiing
4. List your top three favorite songs right now:
(in no particular order)
1. Miku by anamanaguchi
2. Ninja re bang bang by kyary pamyu pamyu
3. Literally any porter/hugo song blease don’t make me choose
5. What talent/hobby do you really want to take up?
Ah well I really want to get good at piano!! I started in like fifth grade but I kinda stopped after learning some of the basics and the finger positions. So right now I’m just kinda floating along teaching myself using synthesia videos on youtube lmao. I really should start to learn sight reading (i only know a little) and im sure some of the finger positions are still wrong but eh I’m doing what works for me yknow. Since it’s not a priority I’m not like, pouring my soul into it, but it’s something that I’ve taken up casually
6. Which is your favorite Olympic sport? (winter and summer)
Lmao i dunno. Really anything with cute girls and guys,,
7. Favorite video game of all time?
O h n o i dont want to choooooose BUT pokemon pearl will always have a very special place in my heart. Sinnoh is basically my home man I could go into a huge ramble about how important it is to me but I think that answers the question enough lmao. The pokemon mystery dungeon series is really good too... (namely blue rescue team and explorers of time) even though they’re associated with people that are kinda “ehh” to me now they’re really wonderful and beautiful as games
8. Tell a funny story (about you or a friend) that will stay in your mind forever.
Omg oh man...my memory is so bad...I swear lots of funny things have happened in my life and I laugh a lot with my friends but I just can’t remember anything specific ;w;
9. What’s the worst movie based on a book you’ve seen?
Oh gosh the only movie i remember seeing based on a book was guardians of ga’hoole, I was probably too young to judge whether it was bad or not tho lmao. I remember being just infatuated with the constant flying animations in the scenes with open skies, it was like I was flying ovo
10. What are your must-haves when going on a trip?
Light blue weighted blanket, floppy stuffed dolphin, old white floppy stuffed dog named rudo (when i named him i was too young to pronounce pluto from mickey) “jingle pup” (small stuffed dog with santa hat i got for christmas when i was three) plushes i made of my first two ocs, pillows, phone, 3ds, laptop and respective chargers
11. What’s your greatest achievement so far in life?
Probably the recovery progress I’ve made so far 💙 A year or two ago over the course of several months I was admitted to four inpatient places for lots of bad mental shit. Stuff was reaallly bad but I’ve gotten way better, it’s almost uncomfortable bc i feel like if i have all this mental bs going on i *should* be suffering lmao. But yeah, it’s good, and it’s making me better at helping my friends when they need it owo crazy stuff man
My questions: 
1. What are your hobbies, and how long have you had them?
2. Where do you live (if you’re comfortable sharing)?
3. If you were given ten thousand dollars/whatever currency you have, what would you spend it on?
4. Do you have a crush? Tell me about them, if you want :3c
5. What do you do when it’s raining outside?
6. What objects do you have that hold a lot of sentimental value?
7. Do you have any plants or pets? What are their names?
8. What’s the first thing you thought of this morning?
9. What’s your favorite accessory or article of clothing?
10. What have you created, whether for school or a personal project or what, are you most proud of? 
11. What makes you happy?
Tagging: @ubelkeit @ixometric @coffeerise @kawaiimau5 @komiiko and anyone else who wants to!! Yes, that means you too!
(I’m gonna try not to tag as much here so that I won’t have to worry about tagging people twice in the next one I make, but really y’all can do whatever if you wanna answer both posts, I know personally I love getting tagged excessively but I just wanna play it safe if that’s not your thing 💙)
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arsenicfrosting · 6 years
Alright sorry for taking forever but here ya go:
1. How many bruises on you right now? Not as many as usual. I always seem to have multiple bruises on my legs 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Correct 3. Have you stayed in a hospital? Too many times 4. Is trust a big issue for you? I don’t put much trust in anybody so I guess that means it’s an issue?5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Does my dog count6. What are you excited for? Turning 21 next month7. What happened tonight? I snuggled with my son and didn’t want to put him to bed bc he was being so cute and cracking us both up8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? No?? I’d be the last person to judge ppl for excessive drinking lol9. Is confidence cute? Cute is an odd word for that but sure10. What is the last beverage you had? Water with ACV11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Nobody lmfao men r trash12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Several but I can’t stand wearing anything other than sweats or leggings13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?Nothing special 14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably cigarettes 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? “Going out” lol this isn’t 7th grade but no I’m not in like a ~legit~ relationship 16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Of course. Probably not for the better tho :)17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Nobody, not even myself!18. The last time you felt broken? Shit when’s the last time I DIDNT feel fucking broken19. Have you had a soft drink today?No20. Are you starting to realize anything?I’m realizing that if shit in my life doesn’t change drastically soon, I’m not gonna make it21. Are you in a good mood? I’m sober so that would be a big NO22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Fuck yeah hopefully they would eat me as a snack that would be so cute23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes (hazel)24. What do you want right this second? I want to be in the woods with a rack of beer n some deer25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? “Nice how was it”26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yes27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? I don’t think I’d be able to date anyone in general28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? My sister told me about a podcast she was listening to about a girl who had period sex and afterwards the sheets were covered in blood so while the dude was in the bathroom she shoved them in her backpack and RAN OUT but then at the subway station some cops were doing bag searches and she ended up going back to the guys house WITH the cops to assure them she didn’t commit murder or something LMAO29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Not really30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? No31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Nope32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Idk33. Are you one of those people who never drinks water? YES lmao I only drink hella water the day after getting fucked up34. Listening to? My sister watching Jane the Virgin35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Ew no36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Yeah37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Well yeah like when my son had just popped out and we immediately looked at each other..that’s the realest love at first sight I know of38. Who did you last call? My sons dad39. Who was the last person you danced with? My kid40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Why not yo41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? A couple weeks ago I made vegan carrot cake cupcakes and they were goooood42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Noo43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? My existence is embarrassing so I mean probably 44. Do you tan? Not even a little45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Nah46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No47. Who was the last person to call you? My therapist48. Do you sing in the shower? Yes49. Do you dance in the car? No 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? My senior photos like 3 years ago52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? The cheesiest. I hate them53. Is Christmas stressful? All holidays stress me out 54. Ever eat a pierogi? Yeah55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher or veterinarian 57. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Often 59. Take a vitamin daily? Vitamin D 60. Wear slippers? No61. Wear a bath robe? No those are so weird to me62. What do you wear to bed? A T-shirt and sweats63. First concert? Lady Gaga Born This Way Ball64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target WhaT the hEck65. Nike or Adidas? Neither66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Fritos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Who?69. Ever take dance lessons? My mom tried to put me in a hip hop dance class and I panicked the first day because I didn’t want to do it and she was forcing me and she got mad haha so no70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? I will not have a future spouse71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? No73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes, when I got a Lady Gaga CD for my 14th birthday and when my son was born74. What is your favorite book? “She’s Come Undone” by Wally Lamb75. Do you study better with or without music? Without76. Regularly burn incense? No77. Ever been in love? Yes78. Who would you like to see in concert? Radiohead79. What was the last concert you saw? Kimya Dawson I think80. Hot tea or cold tea? Both81. Tea or coffee? Coffee 82. Favorite type of cookie? Any as long as they’re vegan83. Can you swim well? No84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes85. Are you patient? Depends on what it’s for86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ87. Ever won a contest? When I was like 8 I did a fundraiser and won a bike and when I was in treatment 3 years ago I whooped ass in a Rock Paper Scissors contest it was iconic88. Ever have plastic surgery? No89. Which are better black or green olives? The big green ones with garlic stuffed in them oooooo90. Opinions on marriage? Dumb. But it works for some ppl so hey91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room or basement 92. Do you want to get married? Fuck naw
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bidickgrayson · 7 years
just read the first 99 chapters of bnha today
all might made me cry. like actually full on cry. at least part of that was because it was midnight, and i had just read a lot of story in the last 12 straight hours and was pretty emotionally drained but MAN. i truly truly love him and everything he symbolizes/d to everyone
random, but some of todoroki’s comments seemed familiar to me, and then i realized that he sometimes reminds me of kageyama lmao. like, obviously they’re very different, but some of the comments they make that seem kind of...unintentionally funny? idk idt my 1:00 brain cannot make words well right now, but there’s a certain vibe about them both not caring in social situations that reminds me of each other. todoroki definitely made me laugh out loud sometimes at things he was not trying to be funny about. he has great interactions with bakugou
god man, i really love class 1-a.....it’s a good group. minus mother fucking mineta, who should be punted. but bnha is similar to hq for me in that i’ll be like “no i wanna focus on these characters, not those”, and then i’ll remember a split second later, oh wait, no, i love pretty much all these characters, and i’m engaged/invested no matter who’s involved. there’s no one in class 1-a i’m apathetic towards, and while i always hate mineta being on-page, it’s usually balanced by the other ppl i care more about
i love bakugou??? i would have bet money after watching season 1 that that would not be the case, but that was really too hasty a judgment for me. he’s just really funny, and i became a lot more okay with him when he stopped specifically targeting deku to bully
he made me feel things when he declared his admiration for all might in the face of the villains trying to recruit him, and then later when he thanked all might
why did the villains want bakugou so badly anyway? i get how they could think he would maybe agree to join them, but after he turned them down in no uncertain terms, why was he still wanted for their plans?
i continue to fcking love aizawa
i am so glad that todoroki continues to be one of the more significant members of class 1-a. i hope that’s a permanent position. i like seeing him get mixed up in the middle of most situations, because i’m always happy to see him, and always happy to see him show off his competence, and super happy he seems to have become friends with deku and iida?
tsuyu continues to be great
this whole suspected traitor deal makes me NERVOUS, because i have no idea who it could be, and pretty much everyone besides mineta would be heartbreaking to me?? also i really can’t see any of them being the traitor? like, if i go down the list, it’s like, no way, no way, no way. so.....is my heart going to be totally shattered eventually, or is there more to it?
i wonder where the story will go next. honestly i’m emotionally drained after all-might’s final show down and the clusterfuck that was the training camp. which is definitely because i read it all in one day. i just wonder where the balance will be struck between “constant life-threatening situations for class 1-a” and “you’re in a school to learn how to be a hero”. i also don’t know how the heroes’/ua’s reputation can last if the villains keep persisting lol...
i need deku to stop destroying his body and heal up. i really hope he gets the time to do so
i’m so very excited to see so many scenes animated. i liked reading the chapters that have been animated, because i understand fully what’s going on. i value the anime for interpreting/fully illustrating some of the stuff that happens, because there’s definitely scenes that haven’t been animated where i’m just like, uh, not entirely sure what’s happening in this fight
plus the music will be great i’m sure. and it’ll just look really good too. it’s a good anime
back to wondering where the story is going next, i’m wondering how long the story’s going to be? honestly, things are happening so much faster than i expected in some ways, i guess because even though i knew all-might’s time as a hero was going to end, i still didn’t really expect it to happen? i definitely also think it’s fast because i just read a whole lot in one day but the fact that all-might’s retired makes it feel like everything’s been really accelerated, so i wonder how old deku will be by the story’s end. like, will we get to see his second and third years at ua???
i really feel the blow of the loss of all-might. thank god he’s still alive, but it really does feel incredibly significant to know that all-might won’t be able to swoop in and save everything ever again. also, sucks that the number one hero is now the Actual Worst
i’m glad to know who the story’s big-bad is. but i’m surprised they locked up the original? bc idk, it’s hard to take his successor fully seriously. that’ll probably change tho. also...i probably need to reread it, but i’m a little confused about the all for one power--does that get passed down, or??
last thing before i pass out: i really really really really really love deku. he’s such a great protagonist, truly. i’m just so glad he’s the protagonist so he gets involved in everything? so i get to see him lots, and i’m invested in every scene he’s involved in. i just....love him. i’m being redundant, because i can’t think of what else to say, other than that he’s my fave character and even if i didn’t like/love the other class 1-a students as much as i do, i would still be totally invested for deku
an ancillary note regarding my love for deku: there are few things i love more than deku analyzing situations. there’s just something that gives me such satisfaction for how competent he is at it? i think maybe part of that is because so often protagonists aren’t the ones who make a plan by themselves, or at least not analytical plans like deku. at least in the forms of media i’ve consumed, i feel like protagonists tend to be more doers than thinkers, and depend on others to figure things out. deku’s such a nice mix of both of those things--doer and thinker. and i trust him in fights, even though there’s always the likely outcome that he will end up incapacitated/severely injured
even more of a side note: such a small, rather insignificant thing, but i really liked when deku sent his location to his contacts when he was fighting stain, and when todoroki shows up, he was like, i knew with you it had to mean something significant. which is basically just a demonstration of what is already known, which is that deku is a thinker and a planner and pretty clever, and his classmates know it about him. i just love solid examples of it
0 notes
Ok so I've been stalking your blog for the past couple of hrs after seeing your TadaAi posts (I'm drowning in the period drama that is this ship) and I find you ship Tododeku and rinharu (god i can't stand bakudeku and makoharu) and seems like we share a lot of our views on fandom and ships probably because we're older (I'm 22). Followed and looking forward to your input in the future!
Also you might've given me the motivation to finish watching Free! XD
Hehe yay, please, we need more ppl in our “house of oldies”, make yourself at home lol. And we share a lot of ships?! Even better <3
I knooow, I can’t believe we’ve got a gay “master who fell in love with his servant” ship in the anime, just what I needed for my idiotic collection lmao
But also these two have too much going on between them, so much wasted potential in my opinion, it’d be so interesting to explore (but sadly no xD), they were still the only interesting thing for me lolz. I love complicated morons, who became the victims of a huge unrequited requited love misunderstanding, bc they’re insecure morons lmao and they just have 2 of my fav ships vibes, so it’s probably mostly this haha. 
Oh, I’m inputting *wink wink*, can’t wait to finish the vid, I’m having too much fun with it. I’ve just literally spent several minutes trying to get whether I’ve put Tadashi’s sexy mole in the right distance from his eye in the “him moaning on the table” manip lolz. What can I say... I picked the best hobby, with all the support I’m getting with my vids, I’m living a dream xD
You know, I think I’ve said it before, but when it comes to bakudeku, I at least understand what ppl hope to see there and why, but like.. it’s just not happenning. Also imagining Bakugou lovingly hugging Midoriya is just so OOC I start laughing all the time. And whatever ppl say, in any ship whether they’re enemies or rivals or anything, if you can’t imagine them being tender with each other, smth is not right in my opinion. Also once again, who needs idiotic bleating Midoriya, idk. I’m just tired of the endless “die, deku/out of my way” yelling, I like watching Bakugou going to parties and amusement parks and doing silly stuff, too. Like I’ve said before, pride won’t ever let him change the way he behaves with Midoriya, even when they’re doing “great”. If he was the one, it wouldn’t have mattered, no matter how tough you are, and it wouldn’t take that long. I also don’t think they’re that kind of relationship, like they move each other for sure, sometimes, yeah (not always in a good way tho), but be together in a relationships? Can’t imagine that. Like not all rivals have the rivals to lovers dynamic, no matter what ppl say. But I get the shipping, bc 1stly these two are playing too huge of a role in each other’s lives, 2ndly Midoriya is obsessed with him and Bakugou obsessed with him too (just in a bad way lmao) and 3rd ppl want that “enemies to lovers” dynamic, since many love it (me included, when it done right and progresses right), so they’re trying to write that “to lovers” bridge, that just doesn’t fit here in my opinion, simply bc Bakugou won’t be soft with Midoriya, like ever in a way, you’d want, and I don’t think it’s possible for them to go there.
Tododeku on the other hand, 1stly they also play too huge of a role in each other’s lives, 2ndly Midoriya is obsessed with him too and Todoroki is lovingly obsessed with him in return, 3rdly they are also rivals to lovers, and I have no problem imagining the second part, it won’t be OOC, 4thly Midoriya when he’s with Todoroki is my fav Midoriya, he’s happy, he is cocooned and he’s badass af (and like when he told Endeavor to fuck off or yelled at Todoroki “the fuck are u doing?” xD are still the best), 5thly Midoriya forgets about Bakugou, when he’s with Todoroki a lot and it’s just funny to me, 6thly they healed each other so nicely, I can’t not be into that, 7thly when they’re together I have like 0 worries, idk I’m like “he will catch him” anyways haha, Bakudeku just don’t give me this vibe. It’s like yeah, they won’t let each other die, but it’s always this chaos of “out of my way”, “I don’t want your help” and “let me punch you before I punch the villain” that I’m just “oh for god’s sake, pls bring in Kirishima and Todoroki so we could just go home, it could’ve been solved in 2 minutes” lmao. Etc, etc.
Tododeku just have too many winning points over bakudeku for me, same with kiribaku over bakudeku, even tho I 100% get bakudeku as a ship ofc. Also idk whether things would be different if Todoroki wouldn’t exist in the equation, but the moment I saw that s2 scene where Bakugou started yelling and Todoroki just ignored him and was like “was Midoriya always this good?”, there was no going back to me XD. Like they both obviously see that Midoriya is wonderful, but only one reacted to that in a way that I wanted. And I’m a sucker for the ships who don’t give a fuck and like “yeah, I find him amazing and everyone should know that”. Todoroki is also one of those guys, who if you give them the much needed love, they’ll return it tenfold with a forever devotion. And all of my fav ships are like that: Yullen, Rinharu, Mikayuu, Wangxian, Akakuro, etc. They’re like “well, I ain’t an idiot to let someone this precious go”, you know lol
On the other hand, when it comes to Kirishima, Bakugou can do all kind of ridiculous thing I wouldn’t imagine he would do to keep him or make him happy, you know. Kirishima is also the only one, who can put his arm around Bakugou without it being cut off, so I don’t make the rules here lol.
So it’s not like I can’t stand bakudeku, more of like can’t imagine this work, to me it’s easier to imagine todobaku in a relationships, but not bakudeku lolz.
But when it comes to makoharu, I just have a huge problem with it and I will never get it. Bc they don’t bring anything good in each other like AT ALL, I don’t even understand what kind of relationships this is from their shipper point of view; they give each other nothing, and one of them is totally in love with someone else and wants a future with him. And that someone also head over heals with him and also wants a future with him. And I hate how 99,9 % of mh fans don’t give a fuck about Haru or Rin whatsoever and just ignore their character’s everything. Bc Makoto. I’m also like if you love him so much, the fuck would you want him to be with Haru anyways, dude doesn’t reciprocate, like at all. I’m at confusion, like name good points of this ship and what good can they do for each other characteristically. There is none, it’s like a damn swamp. Like usually I can give my notp some points, but this is like... they’re both no good for each other... like... why would anyone even want this idk. Don’t tell me “for the childhood friends” one-sided dynamic, like why won’t you also ship Shion with Safu then, like even he seemed more invested in that, than Haru in makoharu lol.
Even if you think of them from the point of view of “the two who are always walking together” ships, that are everywhere nowdays (even tho since Haru moved to Tokyo, he was always with Asahi instead), but even if... those kind of ships are usually at least make each happy and are enough for each other. Haru on the other hand, when he doesn’t have Rin, he is walking with Makoto like a ghost, not even caring if he’s talking next to him AND he’s getting ennoyed by him. Like explain, how someone’s shipping them romantically. It’s been showed like 20 times, that with Rin, but without Makoto, he can be perfectly happy, without Rin tho, he never is.
Also someone explain, what exactly is the point of splitting up two characters, who are happy together, make each other the best versions of themselves and want to be together whole-heartedly? Like I know many start shipping smth, bc the relationships are better in the other pairing, for example, but this is like... definitely not the case here. Like what exactly is missing in rinharu, that makoharu has? Lack of progression and mutual inspiration?
So yes, if you’re into rinharu, totally finish Free! They’re like doing sooo incredible and holy shit they’re inspiring, I mean, look, they’re now the tokyo olympics ambassadors, like how many of yall gay ships reached that? you can’t miss out on them, and also they’re so hilariously romantic, they literally made a wish to swim with each other since they were 13 and did everything to get each other there, I’m.. you’re lying, if you didn’t cry watching them as chibies making wishes on a star and watching them now. One of the most wonderful development in my opinion. Like who would’ve thought back in s1, that we’ll get Haru yelling on top of Rin about how he made him want a future with him, def not me lmao and now all the olympics boyfriends fanfiction are true, I mean, idk what to say anymore. I miss them so much, I can’t wait for the movie :D
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bwicblog · 7 years
AA: spoilern alernt, flarnping in the rnain fucking S U C K S.
AA: got mud all the way up to my goddamn flaps.
AA: n, p surne I've got mud I N them, ugh.
ID: clearly you need me to show you how it's done. =:P
AA: lmao, y, mb when yrn off bedrnest, dude. >:}
AA: I'm playing forn bodies, but that doesn't mean I want Y R N S.
ID: psh not wanting my hot bod, i'm crushed. =:'(
ID: tho i get what you mean, the mud is the fucking worst.
AA: lmaoooo. soz, soz. am I supposed to say yrn hella hot now to soothe yrn poorn ego?
ID: obvs. =:P
ID: my ego has been brushed enough at this fair! =>:(
ID: ...bruised.
AA: too late.
ID: =>:I i'm working with one hand here, i demand a break.
AA: it's been brnushed and now you gotta polish it, orn shit'll just look fucking tacky.
AA: lmaoooo.
AA: I offerned you a wornm, dude.
AA: you C Ö U L D be, wtf did prni say AA: 8/10 hot A N D w two frnonds, but n, you gotta go and get squicked on me. >:P
ID: i think i lost enough blood without feeding it to a worm too.
AA: blood comes back, suck it uppp.
AA HAS ATTACHED lolheded.jpeg! It is a troll trying to wrench his leg out of a bog. AA: lmaoooo, evernyone sucks at this sO harnd. AA: wtf you up to?
AA: feeling bettern yet?
ID: i mean. define better. i'm not feeling like i'm about to die.
ID: i'm on my way to pheres' cart for some bandaging and a shirt. and pay.
AA: k, good. >:} AA: make him buy you food too!!
AA: when's the last time you ate??
ID: uhhh.
ID: the pizza night?
AA: soz forn ditching, btw, totes was like.. not thinking abt
AA: lmfao, what the fuuuuuck.
AA: congrnats, yrn a trnashcan firne, brnah.
AA: y, make him feed you.
ID: at least i'm not a fucking mud monster. =:P
ID: i mean i'm preparing myself for a whole lot of fussing, don't worry. he's already trying to talk me in to getting a room.
AA HAS ATTACHED godkingmudmonstertoyou.jpeg!
ID: did you fucking roll in the mud?
ID: you oinkbeast.
AA: he is a fussy fangs. >:P AA: and y! well, n. Ï HID in the mud and then jumped out.
AA: tactics, mothernfuckern.
ID: okay godking oinkbeast. =:P
SS: (Wtf, Hads, I thought you were food acquisition extraordinaire. (\ene/) You tellin me a temp -3 to CHA courtesy a lookin like you already been culled's enough to stop you??) SS: (Ain't you supposed to, like, work that ish for pity?)
ID: uh actually i think looking like i do makes peeps want to help me more.
AA: y, y, that's the joke, gj.
AA: >:P
ID: i was just feeling like garbage too much to take advantage.
ID: =>:P
ID: let a one-handed guy finish sips.
ID: you're just all too fast for me. =:P
AA: lmaoo. well, I can manage arnd stabbing folks, so I think you oughta manage just fine. >:P
ID: well if you finish up soonish, hit me up around pheres'. probably take him a while to patch me up. especially if i can get him to get the fucking stitches out.
AA: mm, mb, mb!! will drnop by, at least. >:} AA: laaal. you wanna come with??
ID: well now you gotta, or else my pumper will get all crushed. =:P
AA: yrn pushern is so frnagile, omggg. >:}
ID: it's been through a lot okay. =:'(
AA: y, y, will come. AA: you taking a whale back orn staying up herne, btw??
ID: haven't decided yet. still got time. depends how much i've healed too.
ID: rather not be in this huge-ass city all busted up.
AA: y, well, come rnide W me and lal. it'll be fuuuuuun.
AA: and i totes will just keep my phone on voice2text. >:} since he whined abt it so much last time.
ID: got my lusus to worry about remember. =:P
AA: oh, lame. laaaaame. AA: .. I can drnive supern fucking slow. >:P
ID: sorry we can't all have easily portable lusii. =:P maybe! i don't want to slow you and lal down if you both need to be back or whatever.
AA: naaah. mb?? AA: .. eh, if you can't rnide w us, you should totes rnide w prni. trnavelling is, like, waaaaay morne fun w ppl. AA: also, you'll, like, look less like cullbait, js. >:}
ID: fucking rude. =:P
ID: pri is a ways away in the wrong direction i think. idk. we'll see!
SS: (Wait, where am I gettin wigglernapped to?)
SS: (Soz, missed some ish through Sipa's unique and charmin quirk accent. (\ eue/) )
SS: (Aka dropped my palm husk in a hay pile.)
AA: dude, when they say a quick rnoll in the hay, it's not supposed to be lits. js. >:} AA:and we'rne gonna go watch hads get bits rnipped out by phern.
AA: it'll be fuuuuuun.
ID: if he doesn't do it you will, right sips? =:P
ID: stitches don't agree with my fragile lil bod.
SS: (Define 'bits,' omfg - I'm delicate, my constitution can't handle straight up guro ish and the bleatbeast!) SS: (Guro or furry ish, pls limit to one.)
AA: n, dude, half the fun is seeing you go grneen when you find out.
ID: just no barfing on me lal.
AA: bc spoilern alernt, yrn totes going grneen.
SS: (No reverse vore, got it.) (\unu/) )
SA: laledy, I believe in you. You were okay for the fight weren't you?
SS: (And shit, pal, here I thought I was gonna go violet!)
SS: (Give or take a stab wound!)
SS: (Nah, I totes swooned! Didn't you see 'em valiantly carry the greenblood away? That was totes me.)
AA: n, n, that only happens when you stay in the trnap forn morne than fourn hourns, soz.
SA: wasn't Hadean in the bathtub for several hours over four when we first met.
SA: I don't remember.
ID: was that when we first met? i did spend a lot of time in a tub.
SA: swooned... laledy, you should get a costume. Maybe you will have fun with Sipara and the others acting
SS: (N, def me! Like we totes said, I'm going violet!)
ID: no gills. =:'(
SA: it's a scientific fact that non seadwellers are softer to the touch anyways
SA: so it's for the best
SA: no scales
AA: oh my god, y. AA: pls get a costume. frnom phern.
SA: 😄
AA: it'll be grn8. >:}
AA: and eyy, you and hads can M A T C H.
SA: please don't put laledy in a stripper outfit. I think they at least deserve better than that.
SS: (Shit, pal, I'm down to be a booth babe.)
SS: (Y, SA's got it right! Gimme the hooker outfit like I deserve. (\unu/) )
ID: i will forever be the booth babe master, let's be real.
SA: I-- oh, well, if that's what you really want. 😮
AA: hads, my dude, you can't just say that.
AA: you gotta C'O M P E T E.
ID: fite me lal.
AA: lmao. >:} y, exactly.
SA: what if others want to compete
SA: a booth babe tournament
SA: Sipara, go
SS: (I nominate Sipa to be my champion.)
AA: n, no one else is prnetty enough, soz. AA: and fuck off, it'd be totes unfairn forn M E to compete, dude.
SS: (For fightin, not for babe-ness.)
AA: do you see these abs?? shit's unrneal.
SA: I think im pretty enough 😠
ID: i'll beat all of you any night. anyways, pris! pheres is at the greenblood circle now. so go there and not the maroon circle or where ever he was before. i'm gonna get walking. and i want my eyes free to watch anyone who wants to mess with me.
SA: Sipara wins on abs alone
SS: (Shit, wait, can we have Pheres judge? He's, like, got a thing for green, right?)
SA: I will.
AA: soz, prni, you totes ain't. yrn, like, qt.
SS: (Sipa wins on accounta I'm p sure she can, like, pick me up with one frond and I'm p sure I'm too intimidated to fight that ish.)
AA: like a barnkbeast.
SA: but I wanted to be handsome
AA: totes diff genrne.
SA: but will you fight her in a contest of looks laledy
SA: that's the most important part
AA: ... idk abt one frnond, but now we'rne totes gonna have to see. >:}
SA: oh. Now you've done it 🙃
SS: (Omfg.)
SS: (I demand a one-fronded Sipa carriage to tote me around.)
SS: (And, SA, think of it this way: if you're up an competin with someone on, like, any front.)
SS: (And they can up and do that.)
SS: (D'you really wanna challenge 'em?)
SA: perhaps at a safe distance, with a required boundary line.
SS: (Zactly!)
SA: but I also weigh little enough anyone could pick me up. I am sure Sipara could lift you and I together
SS: (You hear that, Sipa??)
AA: boundarny lines arne forn cheaters and cowa
SS: (He's totes sure!!)
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS: (Are you gonna let him down??)
AA: now we gotta fucking do it. way2babully, prni, jfc.
SA: what is... babully..
AA: ugghhh
AA: I've got some chucklehead trnying to fucking get back up. brnb, brnb. lal, you explain!!SA: be careful Sipara
SS: (Well, you see.)
SS: (When a troll and her ability to talk proper-like love each other v v much, they hook up!)
SS: (But trolls ain't made for datin abstract concepts, so it inevitably goes real sideways-like, and results in ish like trolls decidin they ain't never gonna have ish to do with talkin proper-like again.)
SS: (And that's why Sipara doesn't know how to talk right.)SA: but... what does babully mean
SA: I understand Sipara may have a strange quirk and not speak with perfect grammar or syntax
SA: so is your relationship with the abstract concept of language doing alright?AA: is that also why i'm gonna say you should go pail yrn lusus?? yrn the wornst, omfg. and stfu, prni, you know my quirnk is  G RN8. >:P
SA: :thinking:
SA: :laughing:
AA: it's a bb bully, duuuh.
SA: oh
SA: I'm a good person, I'm not a bully
SA: :lying_face:
AA: that's a box 2 me, brnah, dd.
SA: oh...
SA: I tried
AA: omggg, don't go all glum.
AA: yrn so a bully. bc you darned me and ppl gotta take darnes.  >:}
SA: it was an emoji that was saying j was lying
SA: you could also say no and tell me to hush
SA: another option
AA: omfg, yrn trneachernous. >:'{
SA: :hugging:
SA: now let me hug you with my traitorous hands
SA: I promise nothing bad will happen
SA: this is a joke
SS: (That's, like, the least ominous ish I've heard tonigh twixt the bleatbeast ish and the stitch-pulling, negl.)
AA: oh my god, yrn nevern getting a hug again, jsyk.
SA: I will ask Hadean for one
SA: :cry:
SA: since you won't share hugs
SS: (Sipa, quick, go hide Hads. (\qnq/) )
SA: does that mean I win, laledy?
SS: (Depends, pal, if you win does that mean you ain't gonna go all Bewear on me??)
SS: (Cos I ain't a man of pride, pal, I'm down to forfeit for, like, my life. (\unu/) )
SA: oh I wouldn't do that anyways.
SA: :smiley:
SA: you are all safe with me
SS: (I totes believe you. (\qnq/) )
SA: I'm glad
SA: I must rest now. I will see you later laledy
SS: (See ya laters! (\eue/) )
0 notes
Today's been cool yo. I was about 3 minutes late for class but it was okay 'cause DV was a bit late too. We sat for most of the class just editing and talking abt our project and then EM went out w me while I smoked. We talked a bit abt this tiny ladybug that was there and then we went inside again. I started writing on a script-thing for our project in cultural studies and even before that outside I called JR to ask him if we could interview him since our thing is abt punk and he's into that. I also called my dad to see if he knows ppl who are into punk and he mentioned someone right away and... yeah. That felt pretty great since I got super hyped abt the thing and it was great listening to JR talk abt punk bc he gets so passionate. Lunch was nice, I sat and talked to AN, AS, DV and this dude in AN's boyfriend's class. ''Twas cool, except I got a bit confused at times bc the dude said some weird stuff. But it was fun, and AS was fine w me info-dumping abt the zodiac killer. We had our ~study day~ today and I sat w A, EM, DV and AN and we ended up spending a lot of time planning this trip we all wanna go on to another country in third year. We discussed what we could do and where we could go and then we continued editing our video since we didn't have much else to do. Or well, I had lots of things to do but I figure I can do that at home this weekend. After school I went out w AN and her bf (just outside school bc I saw them as I was leaving and yes) and! AH like reached his fist out so I could fistbump him and his friend did too. I called his friend smallhands when they left and his friend got mad but AH just laughed. Outside I said goodbye to AN and her bf and then I met up w E, JR and E's crush/boyfriend bc we decided to hang out. I saw the third year dude who's super nice and an INFP and he gave me two cigarettes! And I asked him if he wanted to be in our class' movie and he said yes! And we just mainly talked a bit abt horror movies. He's so nice, yo. Anyway, after leaving him we went to the nearby museum a bit and then to subway bc JR was hungry and thEn we went to the store. Then the park. There we started to discuss things bc JR and I fought yesterday and I also talked to M. E and M had a big fight quite some time ago and just now started being friends again but E's kinda unsure. I tried to help there by talking to E but she got kinda mad and JR came in and started Discussing with me abt some random thing I said but I was just trying to tell E something?? Anyway we talked a lot abt that bit before we left to go to E's bf (he left and went to the teenage place) but by the time we left the general atmosphere was better and we joked a bit and talked as usual. JR stopped to get some weird sausage roll w mashed potatoes (I D O N T even know) and I got a taste of it and then we went to the teenage place. We played table tennis and at first it was me and E versus JR, but then E's bf joined in and somehow we all ended up sucking ass at playing. It went okay a bit later when me and JR played alone tho. He asked me if I wanted to play a match but then he was like okay let's not bc I was super bad. I've improved, though. We yelled a lot and laughed a lot and after leaving we sat down on a bench (JR, E's bf and me) and we just continued laughing even more bc we just ?? Talked gibberish. And JR told me to not talk to his friend/maybe crush from France?? Like I followed her on Instagram 'cause she seemed cool af but he was like "don't talk to hEr" and I don't even know why cuz he just said the reason was that he didn't want me to. What the shit. But that seriousness there disappeared quickly bc we talked about the French girl's mom (who's bad apparently) and we joked a lot abt things involving the French girl and it was fuckin' good. Then, after I told JR we gotta get our hands on grass sometime, he legit just stood up and went up to some dude who's apparently his dealer??? They spoke for a while and then he came back and was like "yeah we can just call whenever". That was so fucking weird. We ended up sharing three dang cigarettes before we went separate ways to go home. T h r e e cigarettes, yo. I'm glad we're okay again though. Our fight was kinda bad but JR apologized this morning and since we laughed and had so much fun today I really do believe it's okay. Now I'm home and I'm just gonna chill bc it's Friday tomorrow. At my mom's place so I guess it's not really home home but it's okay bc she's not home atm. I miss my dad though. I mean, he's one of my favorite people so it's kinda rough not being around him for several days in a row. I'll see him tomorrow tho.
0 notes