#I’m making this the summer of audiobooks and Jesus Christ
I think Diana Wynne Jones’ graphic designers hate her.
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skinks · 4 years
hi!!! what are your favourite movies? like actually good ones but also any trashy comfort movies? is IT (2017) one of them?
Hello!! IT (2017) IS ABSOLUTELY ONE OF THEM oh man, thank you for this, I love talking about movies!!!! This is possibly the most difficult question you could have asked me. Apologies for how absolutely off the rails this got, I just... love movies so much lmao
I’ve said this before, but opening night of IT ch1 was the best cinema experience I’ve ever had, I’m so glad I got to see it with a fully packed audience who were all laughing and screaming together the whole way through. I’m a huge fan of... everything ch1 was doing, the 80s nostalgia, the summer-coming-of-age themes, the solid ghost train funhouse JOY of the Pennywise performance and scares, the washed-out cinematography, the tiny background details to make everything that much more eerie, the kids’ ACTING?!
Like, a lot of the time I find child actors can be really awkward and stilted to watch, but I remember leaving the cinema really impressed by JDG and Sophia Lillis in particular. I liked that they were all allowed to be little shitheads with potty mouths, it felt like a callback to 80s movies like The Lost Boys or Stand By Me. The whole thing worked to make me really care about what happened to the kids (even if I do still have issues with how they handled Mike. I understand even ch1 had limitations with juggling so many characters, but still). I saw it another 2 times in the cinema and have rewatched it at least, I dunno, 7-10 more times since then?
Add to all of that the retroactive CANON R+E baby pining subplot? I just love it, as if that wasn’t obvious by now given my Whole Blog. It’s a really special movie to me!
Anyway!! Ok, the main handful of movies I rewatch all the fucking time are:
Back to the Future, The Lost Boys, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Jaws, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Ocean’s 11, POTC 1, The Dark Knight, Inception, Die Hard, LOTR trilogy, Snatch, The Nice Guys, Logan Lucky, Mad Max Fury Road, Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, Billy Elliot, Dirty Dancing, Tomb Raider (2018)...
Those are the easily consumable ones that I’ve seen so many times I don’t really have to concentrate or think about them, but I really love them and unfortunately often KEEP rewatching them instead of new stuff. It would take too long to go into why I love all these movies so much because I could write the same amount as I already did for ITCH1, and everyone already knows why those movies are good, so, lol.
I think I’m gonna have to subdivide and categorise this whole post because there are too many separate criteria for... goOD MOVIES, AUUHH 😩
Okay so first off, HORROR MOVIES? I’m especially in love with Re-Animator (1985) and its sequel Bride of Re-Animator, they’re such good examples of camp and batshit 80s practical effects, and also EXTREMELY funny. I’m actually just gonna post my list of my fave horror movies that I do actually keep on my phone at all times lmao. These are in no particular order:
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Wholeheartedly recommend every one of these. I’ve never been so scared in my life as I was watching Hereditary in the cinema, hoo boy. Mother! by Aronofsky is one of the strangest experiences I’ve ever had (and I actually saw it on the same day I saw IT ch1 for the first time!! That was a fun day)
Psycho (1960) and The Fly from 1986 should also be on there but I couldn’t fit them in the screenshot.
I’m a HUGE fan of a ton of martial arts movies too, like Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, Ip Man, The Raid movies, John Wick 3 is my fave of the trilogy, Drive from 1997 with Mark Dacascos is incredible, SPL 2, Ong-Bak, Operation Condor, Project A, Iron Monkey, and Zatoichi (2003) are some favourites.
My favourite Tarantino is Reservoir Dogs, fave Coen brothers are Raising Arizona, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and O Brother Where Art Thou. Love some old-timey colour correction and weird offbeat dialogue. I also love Goodfellas!!! And Donnie Brasco! And The Firm, I’m so easy for any good crime/law/gangster/heist procedural like that, especially if they’re from the 80s or 90s in a super dated way.
Fave Disney movie is Tarzan, favourite Ghibli movies are Spirited Away and Lupin III. I remember watching Spirited Away during a thunderstorm one time and it being.... god! Transcendent! Favourite Pixar movie is The Incredibles (the first one. ALSO the documentary “The Pixar Story” is great and well worth a watch, it’s very comforting for some reason) and my favourite Dreamworks movies are HTTYD1 and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron.
I tend to watch more anime movies than tv shows, so stuff like Akira, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, Journey to Agartha, and my ultimate fave anime is Sword of the Stranger (2008). The climactic fight in that movie is fucking stunning and should be counted in “bests fights” lists right alongside anything live action
Also if we’re talking animated movies another hearty favourite is Rango, and a Belgian stop-motion (which at one time I considered my favourite movie ever) called Panique Au Village (2009) which is one of the funniest movies ever made imo.
As for TRASHY movies, I’m not sure if that’s the right word for how I feel about these ones but.. dumb/silly/slightly guilty pleasure movies? Ones that I feel need some kind of justification lmfao
Troy - something u must know about me is that I’m a giant slut for the Assassin’s Creed franchise, so if a movie smashes historical and mythological nonsense together with fun costumes and sword fights, I’m gonna enjoy myself. Even if they should have made Achilles and Patroclus gay. Other movies in this vein are King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, and Immortals (2011)
Gods of Egypt - I know all the reasons this movie is whitewashed bullshit. But it was already bullshit with giant Anubis mecha and giant snakes and bad acting and ridiculous CGI and frankly I had a blast at the cinema (my friend who I forced to come with me did not have a blast. Sorry H***)
Avatar - yes, the one with the big blue people. This movie gets a lot of flack nowadays but I really do enjoy it just for the spectacle. The full CGI world technology was so new at the time and I love to wallow in the visuals and daydream about riding a cool dragon around in the jungle
George of the Jungle - I’ll defend this movie to the death ok this movie shaped me as a person, it is fucking hilarious and Brendan Fraser is the himbo to end all himbos. It’s perfect. The song Dela is perfect. I still want to write a reddie AU about it. It’s one of the best movies ever made and I’m not being ironic
Set It Up - I KNOW this is a dumb Netflix original romcom but consider this; it was funny and the leads had great chemistry. I got butterflies. I once watched it and then literally immediately set it back to the start so I could watch it again
The Brady Bunch Movie - when people talk about great satires or parodies you will see them bring up the same movies over and over again, Blazing Saddles, This Is Spinal Tap etc, but they never talk about The Brady Bunch Movie from 1995 for some reason, which they should. It is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen and every time i watch it somehow it gets funnier
Some more general favourites that I do still love but don’t rewatch as often, and don’t wanna go into more detail about are:
Moon (2009), Crna Mačka Beli Mačor, The Sixth Sense, Parasite, The Handmaiden, Tremors, Wet Hot American Summer, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, What We Do In The Shadows, Hunt For the Wilderpeople, The Secret of My Success (I love kitschy 80s movies, is that obvious by now), The Green Mile, When Harry Met Sally, Rear Window, The Odd Couple, Breaking Away, Pan’s Labyrinth, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Eagle, Gladiator, The Artist, The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec, Call Me By Your Name, Master and Commander, Pacific Rim, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Legend (1985), Emma. (2020), Flash Gordon, Trolljegeren, Hross í Oss, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, WarGames, District 9, Ajeossi (2010), Tracks (2013), Sightseers, Mud (2012), Pitch Black, Four Lions, Shaun of the Dead, Starship Troopers, The Truman Show, Withnail & I....... Jesus Christ ok I need to stop
NOTABLE EXTREME FAVOURITES that I didn’t include in the regular rewatch list because they’re too heavy/not as well known/require more attention.:
Thin Red Line (1998), Badlands (1973) both dir. Terrence Malick
Malick’s brand of dreamy impressionistic filmmaking is something I find really appealing, both of these movies are gorgeous and unusual and poignant and, in the case of Thin Red Line at least, have a lot of things to say about a lot of rough subjects. I don’t totally understand all those things sometimes, but a theme with a lot of my favourite movies is that I’ll be more likely to love something long-term if it raises unanswered questions, or is surreal/esoteric etc. Plus the cinematography is incredible, and I wish there was a way to get Jim Caviezel’s narration from The Thin Red Line as an audiobook because it’s very poetic and soothing.
Let the Bullets Fly (2010) dir. Jiang Wen
This movie is WILD, it’s so much fun. It’s sprawling and intricate and epic and smart and really fucking funny, it! Has! Everything! A gang of very tolerant outlaws!! Jiang Wen’s beautiful broad chest!!! Chow Yun Fat absolutely DECIMATING the scenery, and the two of them outsmarting each other in order to gain control of a small Chinese town!!! Plus it’s long, but it packs so much nonsense and intrigue that it goes by really fast. Wow what a flick
A Field in England (2013) dir. Ben Wheatley
I know I included this in my horror list but aaaaahhh ahhhh Wheatley is one of my favourite directors (he also made Sightseers, and is directing the Tomb Raider sequel which makes me absolutely rabid.) This is a surreal black-and-white psychological horror black comedy set in the English Civil War about some deserters who may or may not meet the Devil in a field. People eat mushrooms. It’s bonkers. I love being blasted in the face with imagery that I don’t understand
Mandy (2018) dir. Panos Cosmatos
Speaking of being blasted in the face!!!!! This movie... I saw it in the cinema and I can’t even begin to explain the experience, but I’ll try. My favourite review site described it like this:
“...somewhere between a prog album cover come to life and a metal album cover come to life, and subscribes to both genre's artistic tendency towards maximalism: what it ends up being is basically naught else but two glorious hours of being pounded by bold colors...”
So, prog and metal are my two favourite genres of music. This movie opens with the quote “When I die, bury me deep, lay two speakers at my feet, put some headphones on my head and rock and roll me when I'm dead.” and then a King Crimson song, it is SURREAL to the nth degree, it’s violent and bizarre and Nic Cage forges a giant silver axe to destroy demonic bikers and there is a CHAINSAW DUEL. A galaxy swirls above a quarry. Multiple animated horror nightmare sequences. At one point a man says “you exude a cosmic darkness” and releases a live tiger. At another point Cage says, in a digitally deepened voice, “The psychotic drowns where the mystic swims. You’re drowning. I’m swimming.” and I haven’t stopped thinking about it for two years
Paper Moon (1973) dir. Peter Bogdanovich
Really fantastic movie set in the Great Depression (and also in black & white) about a conman and a little kid who may or may not be his daughter, running cons across the Midwest. It’s beautifully shot, so sharp and sweet and the progression of their dynamic is really well done because they’re played by an IRL father and daughter. Tatum O’Neal was NINE YEARS OLD and she’s so amazing in this movie she’s actually the youngest person to win a competitive category Oscar. I keep trying to get people to watch this fbdjfjdbf it’s wonderful
Alpha (2018) dir. Albert Hughes
THIS MOVIE IS A VICTIM OF BAD MARKETING ok, the trailers made it look like some twee crappy sentimental Boy And His Dog Adventure, plus it had voiceovers in American-accented english? That’s a total disservice to one of the coolest things about this film; the fact that they got a linguist to construct an entirely original Neolithic language that all the characters speak for the entire runtime. And yes, it is eventually a Boy And His Wolf adventure, but it’s COOL and fairly brutal, and it has some really incredible cinematography. The landscapes are so strange and barren and alien, you really get the sense that this is an ancient world we no longer have any connection to. And it’s also about like, the birth of dog & human companionship sooo it’s perfect.
Free Solo (2018) dir. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Jimmy Chin
The Free Climbing Documentary. I loved climbing as a kid, I love outdoor sports, and I love movies that elicit a physical reaction in me, whether that’s horny, scared, real laughter, overwhelming shivers, or in the case of Free Solo - HORRIBLE SWEATING TENSION. Like, I knew about Alex Honnold beforehand because of this adventure film festival I go to every year and I followed him on IG so obviously I knew he lived, but the actual climb itself was torture. My hands sweat every time I see it!! It’s incredible, such a cool look into generally what the human body can do, and more specifically, why Honnold’s psychology and life means he’s so well suited to free soloing. It’s such an exercise in getting to know an individual and get invested in them, before they attempt something very potentially fatal.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) dir. Ang Lee
I can’t even talk about this. When I was around 13 I snuck downstairs to watch this on TV at 11pm in secret, and my life was forever changed. I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t seen Brokeback at the age I did. I seriously can’t talk about this or I’ll write an even longer essay than this already is
God’s Own Country (2017) dir. Francis Lee
The antidote to Brokeback Mountain, I’m so glad I managed to see this one in the cinema too. It makes me cry every time, as someone who’s spent years working on a cold British farm with sheep it was very realistic, which is expected since Lee grew up on a farm in Yorkshire. I love that this movie isn’t really about being closeted, but about being so emotionally repressed and self-loathing that the main character finds it so hard to accept love. Or that he deserves to be loved. The cinnamontographies.... lordt... but also the intimacy and sex scenes are fucking searing wow who hasn’t seen this movie by now. 10 stars. 20 stars!!!
Tomboy (2011) dir. Céline Sciamma
I saw this years ago but I’ve never forgotten it, it cut so deep. It’s from the director of Portrait of a Lady on Fire and it’s about a gnc kid struggling with gender and misogyny and homophobia in a really raw, scrappy way, it reminded me very much of my own... childhood... ahh the central performance is amazing for such a young age. I haven’t seen Portrait yet but I feel like if you went nuts for that, you should definitely check this out, it’s lovely.
Donnie Darko (2001) dir. Richard Kelly
EVERY TIME I WATCH THIS MOVIE I UNDERSTAND LESS AND LESS and that’s what I love so much about it. I love surreal movies, I love time-fuckery and stuff about altered perception etc etc and Donnie Darko scratches all my itches. I wish I could find a way to figure out an IT AU for it, because I know it would work! Somehow! Plus it’s got the subdued 80s nostalgia and I found it at an age when I was really starting to explore movies and music and the soundtrack FUCKS.
Offside (2006) dir. Jafar Panahi
I wish more people knew about this!!! It’s an Iranian film about a disparate group of women and girls who are football fans and want to watch Iran’s qualifying match for the World Cup, but women aren’t allowed into the stadium, so they all get thrown into the Stadium Jail together? They don’t know each other beforehand, but it’s about their changing relationships with each other and the guards and just, their defiance alongside hearing the match from the outside and WOW it’s so lively. Great dialogue and very funny, and such a different kind of story from anything you usually see from Hollywood.
The Fall (2006) dir. Tarsem Singh
This movie... I guess it’s the ideal. This is the platonic ideal of a film for me, it has fantasy, magical realism, glorious visuals, amazing score and costumes and production design and a really interesting, heartbreaking relationship at the core of it. I don’t know why so many of my favourite films feature incredibly raw performances by child actors but this is another one, Catinca Untaru barely knew any English and improvised so much because of that, and it’s fascinating to watch! Also the dynamic with Lee Pace is one of my favourites, where a kid forms a friendship with a guardian figure who isn’t their parent, but the guardian grows to really care for them by the end. It’s like Paper Moon in that sense. What is there to even say about this movie, it’s pure magic joy tempered and countered by genuine gutwrenching emotional conflict in the real world, it’s also ABOUT old moviemaking, in a way, and it’s stunning to look at!
Mad Max Fury Road (2015) dir. George Miller
I know I included this in my “most rewatched” section but it deserves its own thing. We all know why this movie is fucking incredible. I remember clutching my armrests in the cinema and feeling like my skeleton was being blasted back into the seat behind me and tbh that is the high I’m constantly chasing when I go to see any movie. What a fucking gift this film is
Théo et Hugo dans le Même Bateau (2016) dir. Olivier Ducastel, Jacques Martineau
I only found this movie last year and it became an instant favourite. Initially I was just curious because I’d never seen a movie with unsimulated sex before, but it’s so much more than the 18 minute gay sex club orgy it opens with. No, not more than, AS WELL AS. The orgy is important because this movie is so candid and frank about sex and HIV treatment in the modern day, it was eye-opening. Another thing that really got me is that I’d never seen a real-time film before. It’s literally an hour and a half in the lives of these two men, their intense connection and conversation and conflict in the middle of the night in Paris, with some really nice night photography and just!!! Wow!!! AMAZING CHEMISTRY between the actors. This is such a gem if you’re comfortable with explicit sexual content.
Ok. This is already over 3k but film is obviously one of my ridiculous passions and I can and do talk about it for hours. I’ve been reading magazines about it for years, listening to podcasts and reading review blogs and recently, watching video essays on YouTube because the whole process is so interesting to me and I want to learn more!!
Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of valuing form over narrative. The idea that story can often come second to the deeper physical experience and emotional reaction that’s created by using ALL the elements of filmmaking and not just The Story, y’know? Whether that’s editing, shot composition, colour, the sound mix, the actors, how it should all be used to heighten the emotional state the script wants you to feel. And so, I think for a few years now this approach has been influencing the types of films I really, really love.
I think I love surreality and mind-bending magical realism in films specifically because the filmmakers have to use all those different tools to convey things that can be way too metaphysical for just... a script? I’m always chasing that physical response; if a movie can make me stop thinking “I wonder what it was like to set up that shot” and instead overwhelm that suspension of disbelief, if I can be terrified or woozy or crying for whatever reason, that’s what I’m looking for. That’s why I watch so many fuckin movies, and why I’ll always remember nights like seeing IT (2017) for giving me another favourite.
Thank you again for this question, I didn’t mean to go so overboard. Also there’s no way to do a readmore on tumblr mobile so apologies to anyone’s dashboard 😬
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gods-and-pawns · 4 years
All flower asks for Cimmerian.
O-oh jeez, that’s...a lot of questions, huh? Well, better let’s get to it then.
Alisons: Sexuality?
I’m polysexual.
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Trans man. He/him pronouns, please.
Amaryllis: Birthday?
December 1st. I’m a winter baby.
Anemone: Favorite flower?
Uhm, sunflowers, probably.
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
If I have to be honest, I don’t really...watch TV all that often. But uh, anything they air on Animal Planet, to be honest. Do you remember that old TV show about the life of meerkats? Fucking loved that shit.
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
That...really depends. I wouldn’t go too far, after all, I don’t know this person, but basic respect and kindness are always a given. I’m not a hero either, I wouldn’t risk my life for them. So, I’d say most of the time, just small favours.
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
Literally fucking anything that leaves Vincent’s mouth once he gets a little tipsy, this man lacks filter when drunk and it’s fucking great. I know you probably expected some quote with deep meaning, since I have a major in English, but I am very sorry to disappoint.
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Pain drink is going to be Whiskey, but anything a little bit fancier then it’s Pina Colada. I like sweet things.
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yes, absolutely, zero hesitation.
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Baneberries: Favorite song?
........Two Trucks by Lemon demon. Don’t judge me, it’s a fucking great song.
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
Hm, well, they were great, really. Very caring and loving...Yeah, this question is making me feel sad.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Uhhh...I’m gonna say it’s either North, Tiff, Han or Bright. I’d say Foster too, but...I don’t know, we kind of had a falling out because of our work. It’s hard to meet up.
Begonia: Favorite color?
...I’ll give you one guess.
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Toads, love these fat boys.
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Definitely morning. Not that I like waking up early, but I definitely function better in the mornings.
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
A hognose snake, they have very cute noses.
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher, of all things. Mostly because I thought teachers got free summer too. Then I went to high school, saw what little shits my peers were, and immediately changed my decision.
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
I love kids! I always wanted to be a father. Unfortunately, with being nearly 40 now and swarmed with work...I don’t think that’ll ever happen.
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
Cars, because of trauma that I’d rather not get into. And, uh...I have apeirophobia. It’s...stupid, I know, many people would probably like to live on for forever. But for me, it’s just...it’s horrible. I don’t even know why. I guess it has something to do with existential dread.
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I had a lot of adoptive siblings and cousins, we were always close, and would always get into trouble together. I was raised on a farm with woods nearby, you can imagine I had a lot of opportunities and places where I could get hurt at, and I did. I was a stupid and reckless kid.
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
Oh man, that’s a loaded question...Honestly? I’d like to reach out to my family, spend my last day with them.
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Taken~ By two wonderful, cute men.
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Oh, there’s a lot of places I’d like to explore, probably too many to list. As long as it’s as far away from civilisation as possible, I’m good.
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
I like to be held, I love hugs, they make me feel safe and loved. Preferably under a warm blanket with my partner or partners, late in the evening, the rain falling outside and the room is nearly completely dark as we cuddle...
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
I used to want to, as a teen, but unfortunately no...I did see some people tattoo over their burn scars, and I’ve been thinking about it, but considering how large my scars are it’d cost a lot, be very time consuming and most likely painful. So I don’t know, but I’m considering it.
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
Used to have a few as a teenager, now I only have one in my right ear.
California Poppy: Height?  
I’m 5′9′’.
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
In ghosts? No, not really.
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
I’ll let you guess.
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
Sure did, I still sometimes do when my nightmares get the best of me.
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
Northy, obviously~
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
My heart tells me Comic Sans, but my brain’s telling me to shut the fuck up and pick a normal font.
Columbine: Are you tired?
Always, 24/7.
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Autumn, we’re close to Summer and god damn it didn’t even start but I’m already over it.
Coneflower: Dream job?
I’m pretty content with my current one, but uh...maybe something less stressful? Probably a book author.
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert, definitely.
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
 Honestly? I’d probably give my life to them. It mostly depends on the person though, and how much I care about them.
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had a ragdoll elephant named Mr Trunk. Still do, actually, he’s one of the few things I took with me when I started working here. He’s now sitting on my bookcase at my apartment.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
I don’t think so, no.
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Well...I guess overcoming my trauma counts as an accomplishment?
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
Well, first of all, my biological parents are dead and my adoptive ones think I’m dead. But, if that weren’t the case, I don’t think Ma and Pa are the kind fo people who’d try to get between me and my partners. I feel like if they were legitimately concerned for me or had deep worries about my partner, they’d talk to me about it. So, nothing too dramatic.
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
...I’d rather not talk about them.
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Does writing shitty slashfics count?
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
Do you want a list or something?
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Well...I started dating Jackie.
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Tiring, so the usual.
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
...It could be worse, honestly.
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
...Uh...if my relationship with Karlos and Jack lasts...well...uhm...God, don’t tell them I said that, alright? But...getting married seems...nice...
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
My friends. They’re great, I don’t know where I’d be without them. Especially Tiff, they do so much for me...don’t tell them I said that, they don’t need any more of an ego boost.
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
A good book, audiobook or ASMR and a scented candle in an otherwise quiet room usually does the trick.
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Usually through words, I didn’t get that damn doctorate for nothing.
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
My work, I guess? My writing? Wait, no, I just remembered my longest work of fiction is a crackfic about mythological characters- I take that back.
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Just having an entire day to myself, no need to do any work, no stress, no deadlines. 
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
I take care of my pets and plants, read books, write.
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Oh man, it’s been a few years now. Uhm, my longest friend in the Foundation is Foster, we met in high school, but like I said we’ve had a bit of a falling out. Then it’s Tiff, I met them when I first joined the Ethics Committee. I met Karlos and Bright a few years later, and I’ve known Han for the least amount of time, but it’s still been years.
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Uhm...Hm...Probably Tiff or Karlos. Han too, he’s a good listener.
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
A few. On top of the previously mentioned ones I’m also quite close to Clef, Kondraki and Light.
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Literally, any kind of compliment either of the O5-1′s or O5-11 gave me. Do you have any god damn idea how fucking hard it is to impress the Ones? And Ten...well, he’s just really nice and I appreciate him.
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Anyway, next question!
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
I have great fucking puns and if anybody says otherwise, they’re fucking wrong.
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
Do you want a list?
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Exploring, I guess it never really changed, I like spending time in nature, I just never have the time to.
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
........Probably one of my siblings.
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
A lot, but let’s not talk about that.
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
Jesus Christ, what’s with these questions?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
I had to look it up, and apparently, Jeremiah means “Yahweh will exalt”. I had no idea my name actually had a religious meaning. When I was born I was named after my grandma, and when I was changing my name I decided to kind of keep with the theme and named myself after my grandpa. He doesn’t know, actually, I never came out to them, but I like to think he’d be happy that I named myself after him
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Like I said before, in a small rural town on a small farm. Not much to talk about, really, I was a typical kid that grew up on the farm. Always got in trouble and always hurt myself doing stupid shit.
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
I was quite a tomboy and I loved cows, so just imagine a room with walls painted to resemble a pasture with cows on it and cow-themed furniture. Handmade too, by my grandpa and Pa, of course.
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
I uh...I’d rather not talk about it.
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Ma was a great woman, she always cared for me and my siblings, she treated me like her own kid straight away. Didn’t even batted an eye. Never made me feel weird or wrong for liking “boy things” like other adults outside of our family. She was quite fiercely protective of me too, quite a mama bear, I must say. A strong woman, could probably suplex a bear.
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
Pa was...well, Pa was just wonderful. He didn’t even hesitate for a second to take me in when his sis and my biological mother died. He was the first person I saw when I woke up at the hospital. He always made sure I was happy and taken care of. He taught me how to hunt and fight and play soccer and football. He was always very loudly supportive of me. I cannot express enough just how much I’m grateful to him and Ma.
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
They were very kind, your traditional old couple. I loved granny, but I was always closer to my grandpa. He taught me how to fish, I could always confide in him. He’s a great guy. Granny was wonderful too, I remember I always helped her out in her garden, she’d always scare me with potato bastards- I mean potato beetles, sorry, old habit- I fucking hate these motherfuckers. I love all animals, except for these ones. Potato bastards can suck a dick.
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
[Heavy sigh] My 4th birthday, my older brothers decided it’d be a fun idea to pick every potato beetle they could find from granny’s garden and throw them at me as a “birthday present”...........You know, I think I just realised why I hate these beetles so much.
Peony: What was your first job?
My first official job was in the Foundation, they hired me right when I finished college to help contain one anomaly, then I just stuck around and worked in Human Resources. I don’t think working small chores in our neighbours’ farms for some pocket change counted as a job.
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
I met North when he started working as a junior researcher in the same Site as me. Bright, I knew for longer for uh...obvious reasons, but I first met him in person during a disciplinary meeting. I also worked as an Ethics Committee Liaison in Site-19. You can imagine our relationship wasn’t the best at first.
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
Pink: Where is home?
Well, that sure is a deep fucking question. At this point...I don’t know, honestly.
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
...It’s...let’s not talk about that.
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
No way in hell I’m telling you, he could read this blog.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Living in a cottage in the forest or mountains as a fairly famous writer, with a spouse and a few kids.
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
Soulmates. Then I grew a brain.
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
...So anyways.
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Uh, so you know how I listen to ASMR? Probably tapping.
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Any kind of holiday with my family, we’d always get together and celebrate.
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Let’s not talk about that!
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
...Hm...Well, I am kind of hungry, I guess after this I should go eat something.
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
I think I’m kind of...intermediate on that scale. Generally, it’s easy for me unless it’s something very personal.
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
...yeah, another question I’m skipping.
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
Not a lot, I’m quite tired today.
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Work, I guess? Mostly just routine.
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Fucking stressful and exhausting, but it could be worse. That’s talking about my chairman position. But my work on Project X? I like it, one of the more pleasant jobs I had at the Foundation.
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
...Yeah, just take a guess.
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
Cozy, dark and gold.
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
...That’s a bit personal, actually.
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
The sheer amount of these questions, Jesus fucking Christ.
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
Unfortunately, I don’t have time for books lately, I did listen to a few audiobooks though. Also, I’m planning to revisit the Warrior Cats books because nostalgia and I need to know what the fuck is happening with these cats lately.
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Hopefully not dead.
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
Uhhh...hm...I’m petty, but you probably knew that already.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
08/19/2020 DAB Transcript
Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalms 36:1-12, Proverbs 21:21-22
Today is the 19th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is a joy to be here with you today as we move through the center of the week together glad we can be on this journey and reach the middle of the week together. So, let's dive in. We’re reading from the Expanded Bible this week and we’re working our way through the book of Esther today. Esther chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Okay. A couple of…a couple of things to just take note of as we continue our journey through the Bible. So, first in the book of Esther, obviously this is a very dramatic story and this evil Haman who had plotted to annihilate, like exterminate the Jews…well…he comes to his own end, an end similar to the kind of and he was planning for the Jews and the Jews are spared and we’ll conclude the story tomorrow. One kind of interesting biblical thing about Esther is that when this…when the Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Scriptures, written in Hebrew were translated into Greek because the Greek Empire or Hellenization had come to the land of the Bible and Greek became the common tongue then the Scriptures were translated into Greek and that is called the Septuagint. And, I mean its ancient. It would've been, say for example, the…the Old Testament or Tora the apostle Paul would've studied and read in his scholarship. It was found there were…there were six additional chapters to the book of Esther, and we don't find them now in most of our Bibles. Those words, those chapters are called the additions to Esther. Because although they’re very, very ancient their origin is uncertain. So, it's like a scholarly debate. And this material that we’re talking about is…is…is mostly…is mostly centered around one thing. So, when Mordechai puts on sackcloth and ashes and he’s morning because of the decree that was issued by Xerxes or Ahasuerus to destroy the Jews he gets word the Queen, Queen Esther, who asks then and sends words back to Mordechai saying, “gather the Jews that are in Susa here in the Citadel and fast and pray for me and me and my attendants we’re gonna do the same thing and fast and pray for three days before I go before the king. And if I live, I live and if I die, I die.” And, so, these additions to Esther are largely the prayers of Mordechai interceding about the situation. So, if that's interesting to you, you can certainly read the additions to Esther in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. I've read the entire book of Esther with the additions to Esther and you can find that in the books and audiobooks section of the Daily Audio Bible Shop if you’re…if you’re curious because that's the portion of the story that…that we read today.
And then in the book of first Corinthians Paul is answering some questions about spiritual gifts but kind of ultimately Paul is answering questions about unity. Like he's calling the church higher and we’ve looked at that a number of times as we’ve gone through this book, how he's like…you can have one party on this side and one party on this side of…of an issue and he’s trying to elevate everybody, like lift…like raise the bar…everybody raise the bar here and see what's really going on. And we find most of the things that we…that are divisive among us are things that are non-essential things. Let's see where were going together. Let's lift our vision. And, so, we see that today in the area of spiritual gifts because it's really easy to get enamored by somebody's gifting, right? And, so, certain gifts are really visible, are like supernatural or whatever. You start paying attention to that person as if somehow that person is closer to God or how that person is elevated, something very easy, you could start almost worshiping the person or following the person when the person has only been given a gift that is being used by God. This is God's power and it has been gifted. And, so, there are different kinds gifts like the gift of wisdom or the gift of…like a word of knowledge or faith or the ability to heal or the ability to prophesy or to have the…the gift of discernment or glossolalia, which is like speaking in an unknown language, speaking in tongues or the gift of being able to interpret that. Different people have different gifts and it's not the person or the gift that needs to cause divisiveness or needs to rally people to them so that they have undue attention paid to them. The gift is from God. The gift is to serve the whole community, the whole body. And then Paul breaks it down by talking about something we understand. We all have a body. It is one body. It's our body but it's made up of different parts. The different parts make up the one body. So, the five fingers make up the hand. So, for Paul to kind of like raise the bar here, he’s saying like, “we’re all part of one body, the body of Christ. Like we’re all in this together - seen or unseen. Every part of the body is necessary. Every part of the body makes up the whole. If there's a part missing, then the body isn't whole. If one part of the body is damaged or injured in some way and it's painful than the whole body hurts.” Or just to be more concise with what Paul is saying he's like, “there's not…basically, there's no one part of the body that can say to any other part, “I don't need you” because that's not true. The body needs all the parts to be a whole body and it's beyond visibility or notoriety”, right” So, Paul’s like, “some of the most hidden parts are the most important parts.” So, what he’s fundamentally saying is like, “you can’t just run around worshiping gifting. That…that's…that's not how this works. All of the gifts of the Spirit that are bestowed upon humankind in community are there to serve the community and to serve the body and edify the body and to build up the body. Like everything is necessary - seen or unseen. It's all necessary to create a whole”, which would've given them perspective, but should also give us perspective. We don't have to compare who we are to somebody else or their life. Who we are, what our gifting's are in the body are irreplaceable, like everybody else. And, so, you can't be over here going like, “well…I’m just…I'm just a lowly ear, but what I really, really wish I was was the bellybutton and I just look at the bellybutton over there and think, ‘awe…look, if I could just be a bellybutton like that instead of this year over here.” It's all necessary. In fact, it's required that we be who we are and that we walk in the gifting that we have. It’s necessary because it helps make up the whole body. When we’re only trying to be a different part than we are then division and brokenness is the result. We’re supposed to be ourselves. We’re supposed to be who we were created to be. And, so, let's go into this day with that in mind instead of just looking at how everybody else seems to be killing it at life and how we’re not. Maybe that's because we’re spending so much time trying to be something that we’re not instead of living into the fact that we are irreplaceable in this body. We matter as much as anybody else in this body. We all make up the whole.
And, so, Father, we invite You into that. It's definitely a struggle and we see because we are reading an ancient letter that this has been a struggle all along for a very very long time. And, so, here we are often dealing with the same kinds of things on a daily basis. So, often we’re focused on our own flaws and just kind of buying into that somebody else is more perfect than we are when every gift has its own set of struggles, every story has its own plot. We all come to this body broken and become whole because we are grafted in. None of us deserve to be here. None of us are better than anybody else. We’re here because You loved us first. While we were still Your enemies You loved us and came for us and rescued us and gave us a place in this body. And, so, may we be grateful today and may we learn to not only be grateful for who we are, but to be able to celebrate everyone else knowing that together…together we make up a whole, together what is broken can be mended. So, come Jesus we pray. In ytour mighty name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it's where you find out what's going on around here. So, like I say most every day, stay connected in any way that you can.
Check out the resources that are available in the Shop, some fantastic…well…comprehensive tools for the journey that we’re on together. So…so, check that out.
Check out the Community section of the website which is where the Prayer Wall is and is something we should all be connected to, always able to reach out with…for prayer or with prayer any time of day or night no matter where we are in the world. So, that is a resource to know about.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible as we continue to navigate the summer months, thank you. Thank you, thank you humbly and in awe like I often say because who would've…who would've known…would've known we would've grown up in a time that this could even happen at all. And here we are, day by day in community all over the world working our way through the Bible together. So, if that brings life into your life than thank you for your partnership. So, there's a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner of the app or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top or there are numbers you can dial depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253. In the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 or if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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davidjjohnston3 · 3 years
1. Others' innocence can make us feel more alive and cleanly but we have sooner or later to 'cleanse the inside of your own cup' (Jesus).
2. I miss 'sis.'  That's all. I'm not married at 36.5 but someone did say, 'as a sister.'
3. I listened to Sowon's cover of 'Happy' and wrote a letter to Taeyeon on Instagram that she said something nice to.
4. I have several wishes pace Pope Francis' 'Come Let Us Dream' in the Covid era.  One of these is to move to Korea of course again, another to move to LA, and another to publish under the imprint of (Mrs.) Catherine Cho's literary imprint as 'Inferno' was terrifying to me in a good way and I too encountered both racism, antagonism towards introverts and quiet people, warehousing by TV, and other forms of evil and crime in the mental healthcare system from people who just want money or, worse in a way, fun and PRIDE.  I also think now that the mental healthcare system in Milwaukee Conuty was designed to give nursing school graduates either an 'easy money' job or exposure to a new Nazi-like system pace abortion-culture under the Democratic Party (including at least one Asian sadly; Andrew Yang), in which the mentally abnormal are considered second-class citizens if not Hitlerian 'life unworthy of life.' My parents are Democrats incidentally and fully support this.
5. I am pro-life 100%; I was going to be aborted and my biological 'father in law' still wants to post-partum-abort me; I could describe the spiritual realization but it's anatomical as well as literally electric.  I hope and pray the pro-life movement will be able to present a living paradigm whereby the value of orphan life can be demonstrated and God glorifide in a literal 'spirit of adoption' or at least a very good orphanage.  This has been part of my dream or 'ghost' since at least 2010.
6. I was driving to see Bethlehem Baptist Church + Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and felt a crucifying energy from the church; I also thought about Monica and the 'white garments' of righteousness and covered sin ('white as snow' - Isaiah).  
7. I don't want to 'nuke the Johnston clan' but as I was brutally attacked by both my parents in a campaign involving widespread exaggeration lying to both biomedical professionals / sci-tech establishment as well as civil authority (police) I have written some notes and passages of a 'purple and gold' project, 'Johnston Family Promises; or How Easter Became April Fools,' which could be characterized as a parody of self-destruction, specifically self-post-partum-abortion by reversing the fact that medical doctor brain trust thought I'd be born on April Fool's but was actually born on Easter Sunday in Los Angeles, CA.  
8. I just want a future at this point however as my biological 'family' turned violently against me and I am in the position of 'gathering in the summer' (Proverbs).
9. I thought, 'an authentic love'... I love Changrae Lee also but it took me a long time to understand the spiritual 'Requiem' sense of his best book, by far, 'The Surrendered.'  Koreans I sometimes think are the one race or rather _ _ now taking the past seriously without throwing away the future.  With Secretary Pompeo I feel America could fall in on itself or at least on people like me, including many vulnerable loved ones of all of yours, my Facebook friends.
10. On a lighter note I like (Ms. / Artist) Kim Taeyeon's 'Cover Up' - 'I can't cover up my heart.'  
11. I still like Baskin Robbins Pineapple Coconut thoguh for some reason it makes me think of being a billionaire world-saving commerce-warrior in financial triller Michael Kim's 'Offerings.''
12. I gave the wrong things to the wrong people and made them worse; I expect to be judged by Moses as well as my former teacher-trainers and mentors for being 's/Sensei' who failed his students in both senses of fail (gave them F's and failed to teach them things that made them 'better').  It was a traumatic experience that made me feel demoted from EdAdmin that I had just been offered to wanting to assist-teach K4 or Spec/ExcepEd.  That's what you get for 'adult education' / being honest with Boomers about your thoughts, feelings, and decades of study.  I think Confuciu would say you can't teach constructively who have no sense of shame (old American whites), and moreover participate in a rape-culture including both literal rape, sex-traficking, university campus-culture, porneia,
13. I haven't yet had an EKG but could have experienced acute idiopathic cardiac distress from the Pfizer vaccine since too many beautiful women ages 11-80 all love me.  I thought a while back at 36, 'How to use my last half of my life.'  Then suddenly with pericardial effusion on my mind I thought, 'What to do with 3 months to 2.8 years.'  I wanted to go to Korea; I saw a Servants of Christ video where she was in Korea walking by a river to 'I Need Thee Every Hour' a Christian hymn to Jesus about absolute dependency, 'most precious Lord.'  I remembered Psalm 23 and a time I just wanted to be buried in a certain cemetery in Incheon.  Some other things happened involving my marital future, 'Skinship,' but now I am hoping for at least 5-10 years as the acute issues have mostly settled down and I am a clever self-dietician.  Honestly though with the state of healthcare in Wisconsin I thought about purchasing a needle myself for a pericardocentesis to drain the H2O.  
14. I have one writing-project I might not complete but I feel a solid start that could / should be published about abortion-culture and based on 'Love in Color,' a popular song by a no-longer-pop-idol.  
15. I still think about expositing American literature but suddenly 'The Old New World' means more to me; the old Midwestern novel, 'Winterlight,' 'My Soul at Night.'  And, 'The Magnificent Ambersons,' destined love.  I had a student in Korea who would be the card-carrying image of Lucy Morgan if they adapted it in addition to Mark Helprin's 'In Sunlight and in Shadow.'  
16. I am (too?) afraid of the Cross of Gold.  America getting rich.  China's 'moderately prosperous nation' i.e. Get Middle Class or Die (and Take World w/ Us) Tryinng.'  I want to be poor and poor-in-spirit except that I love some people who could use the money.  That is part of why I think about Michael B. Kim.
17. I like green peas, peanut butter, and blueberries.
18. The best audiobook I read lately is almost holy to me, 'Inferno' by Catherine Cho but 'Forgotten God' by Francis Chan is also incredible.  I listen to it while sleeping on audio and it always seems to wake me up at the perfect moment.  
19. I finally figured out an 'audience' as well.  If I could finally write a couple novels with a 'professional' utterance in addition to 'Love in Color' my 'caritas et amor' homage to a beautiful song and also something on the Covid era and old and young.  Like Pastor John MacArthur, or with him / following him I just feel like the whole point of Covid was to give people a chance to do better by / with kids.  'We plant the trees; our children enjoy the shade' - a Chinese proverb that the orthodox preacher / shepherd John MacArthur cites nonetheless. The American Families Plan.  Also even more (AUTHENTIC, non-guru-guff, non-fetishistic, non-trends-based) professionalization and humane policing and children's rights within the South Korean public and private schooling sectors.
20. I had one grand project as well called 'The Distant Lights of Seoul' that is kind of my take on 'In Sunlight and in Shadow' but it evolved in to something more personal that that's all... a trip I thought of taking, in the days when I was unsure whether to be the new or old.
21. I remember the most anguished summer of my life till now was 2003.  'Deep Inside of You' by 3EB.  'I would change myself if I could / I would walk with my people if I could find them / and I'd say I'm sorry to you.'  Coincidentally I went on an 'icy-hot' date with a hyper-beautiful woman at the cafe-bar where Jenkins wrote 'Motorcycle Driveby.'
22. I made a 'partial audiobook' of the early Psalms - particularly 5, about God defending - and had a beautiful experience like reading to children.
23. I don't want to broaden myself out too much physically or experientially; I'm afraid of becoming mentally American.  'Leaving Babylon, Leaving America, Leaving Milwaukee, Leaving.'  My homage to Madison Kwon Eunbi as well, theme-music 'Eraser.'  But I have to be a better man to approach my new _.
24. My original 'Korea project' was called 'Transferring to Line Zero' and like many Millennial writers in 2010 I tried to sound like a Haruki Murakami narrator but my experience turned out to be more like Kazuo Ishiguro, Marcel Proust.  I aimed for whisky but got wine.  I wish I could write this as I know for whom.  IDK if anyone cares though as Millennials almost all had 'these.'  I just wish I could make something of it instead of seeming like 'Acute Fangirl's No. 1 Fanboy.'  There wasn't a 'zero.'  
25. I had a crush on Dreamcatcher JiU 'Lily Kim' I saw once in Chicago - 'prettier in real life' is a good way to zonk people out into falling in love with a picture - but I saw a picture of her in traditional Joseon garment and just thought, 'cordial neighbor.'  That's all.
26. I used to write 'nuke Harvard' self-hyper-fanfiction about me v. the more customary winners and my ideal project is 'The Chinaman (or Chinese Poet) at American-Korean Thanksgiving.'
27. remembering my 2003 self / poet persona
akaka soru no
I thought about snow falling on velvet.  I got in trouble in the neighborhood. I liked Red Velvet's 'Wish Tree.'  I liked Wendy Son and Kim Yerim. A noble name, Son Seungwan, I'll say it once.
Maoists.  I read 'Wild Swans.'   I wanted to join you in your sadness and your beauty but I wasn't being Kawabata Yasunari. I don't want to generalize about my love for you but I don't believe in things either; Time disappears; mathematics inspires my disbelief; I think it can change.
'I love other people.'
What is it when parents grow old Do they go in to a new world They go to Heaven before us They know about being young
Wine, Elizabeth Strout novel 'Protestant endurance' in the old Midwest 'We are different from everybody'
The only question a bomb-threat at the school after 9.11 'Sospiro' fioritura In those days they were innocent 'I would take you seriously' (if I were a teacher) Now they try to be like New Yorkers I am not home
The poem that belonged to everyone flower a flower Can the passive-aggressive therapist Chinese girlfriend tea in the morning 'If I had to live with you'
the children of tomorrow where understanding ends require a world
a walk by the river i was old then carrying something i knew how to cook i knew how to live you sang 'dream' i said something like someone once said to me my old love contacted me via e-mail she said she had become materialistic and Republican she looked really good / happy married with kid after Covid-19 anaesthesiologist
28. Dov Danilov had abjected himself; he was known; on one cared.  The only decisive or critical factor... There was that armored 'girlfriend of steel' or perhaps better-than-girlfriend, the trial by ordeal, the one-look judgmentality, but it was all the past.  There was 'When You Are Old' and there had always been the presence of the Other like in 'The New World' with Pocahontas and John Smith; 'Who are you that haunts my dreams?'  That was a gooood movie.  He watched 'The Last Samurai' back in the day and didn't take it seriously but believed it contained good 'advices.'  There was Manheim Wagner's 'Korea: How You Feel' that had a great photo that seemed to mean something about the author's feelings but the book was all about illegal narcotics and sex-trafficking.  There was 'Brother One Fell' but it was all about masturbation and poor diet and illegal narcotics and what the Native Amerrian Indian shepherd-scholar hda called 'Mental Europeanness.'   The shepherd-scholar called himself a 'sheep-rancher.'  It was RU, 2005 autumn. 'Being known and ont cared for,' like HAndong from Dreamcatcher.  Maybe, it was the beginning of the end of the nightmare. - I could eat again a little if I got another love-letter from a female student... or even another bouquet from a gay male student... Maybe I'll mrary a North Korean woman after reunification... Remember 'Honey and Clover?' - Good song. - It's an anime-drama.  Originally it was a dorama.  Pramodh liked it before BLM stole his soul and he death-threated me with Cannibal COrpse and hate.  'Moon River' on pianoforte.  
- 'The Remains of DJ.'  'LA Dream.'  'Red Mansion Dream.'  'Pandemic of Honesty.'  'At the End of the Winter-Light; the Last of the Good Old Wisconsin Blue.'  'John Updike R
and I am not ashamed while my love is near me and I know it will be so till it's time to go So count the storms of winter and then the birds in spring again
'doctrine of unconditional evil'
29. My father acted in a really scary obsessive fashion toward me lately and now suddenly he is just eating and drinking.  
30. Jesus Himself said in the Gospel not to curse your parents.
31. I thought something about 'Sentimental Education' lately.
32. A while ago I wanted to write or read 'stories about families.'
33. I want to return to my '2003' project that predicted bioweapons and stuff but not really.
If I were redoing it I might just make it about 'Honesty' and instead of magic assassins it would be the medical doctor charged with mitigating bioweapon magic damage and the FBI agent investigating the bad guys.  Psalm 5.
34. Wanting to be the spiritual-intellectual successor to Bruce Cumings (hyper-meta historiography of the Korean War and, by extension, Covid, the world, Christ / CHristology, and the problems with non-Asia-based E. Asian Studies academicians or anyone who lacks Confucian scholar-gentleman / 'sunbi' / Scholar in Kingdom of Heaven sincerity).  China buries corrrput intellectuals alive.
35. 'Final Offer' in Time (on Pres. Moon Jaein).  'Peace in Our Time?'  Blessed are the peacemakers; blessed are the pure in heart.  
36. IDK if it's worth saying but - dept. of Anti-Christology or study of Antichrist - the 'first world' as it used to be called by and large seemed to be trending towards Imperium.  I honestly feel as if Barack Obama could be pulling the strings from within the CIA building and David Cameron adn Angela Merkel are in charge of all of Europe, while POpe Francis holds suzerainty of influence if not command-authority over the Spanish-speaking world.  IDK if there is meaningful dissent outside of a few republic-nations such as Poland and South Korea, who paradoxically take on a posture of what Park Chunghee callde 'itnernational responsiblity' despite a history of atrocious suffering and monoethnic somewhat xenophobic traditional social makeup.
37. Flaubert's notes to his supreme masterpiece 'Sentimental Education'... I'll just say... How he taught Frederic Moureau to fall in love with Marie Arnoux; taught himself how to LOVE Marie both before the beginning and after the end of being 'in love' with this mother-paramour.  
That said, I still remember the days when I had 'optimism' and someone said, '[woman] is happy because of you.'
38. I can't write more but do have specific goals, chiefly, master Korean and learn all the basic facts.  Professionals and experts believe in facts; as my Russian Yale MBA friend used to say, 'I am a scientist.'
I wish I had a profession... 'literary criticism of life?'  I am interested in 'the condition of fiction' and 'the logic of pulverization' but I just track John MacArthur.  I need to reconstitute my body and mind then maybe...
Dreams of [doctoral degrees].
39. 2 Timothy, Acts 2, Thessalonians, Revelation, in the Covid era.
40. Dreaming of Bethlehem College and Seminary.
41. Dov Danilov had abjected himself; he was known; on one cared.  The only decisive or critical factor... There was that armored 'girlfriend of steel' or perhaps better-than-girlfriend, the trial by ordeal, the one-look judgmentality, but it was all the past.  There was 'When You Are Old' and there had always been the presence of the Other like in 'The New World' with Pocahontas and John Smith; 'Who are you that haunts my dreams?'  That was a gooood movie.  He watched 'The Last Samurai' back in the day and didn't take it seriously but believed it contained good 'advices.'  There was Manheim Wagner's 'Korea: How You Feel' that had a great photo that seemed to mean something about the author's feelings but the book was all about illegal narcotics and sex-trafficking.  There was 'Brother One Fell' but it was all about masturbation and poor diet and illegal narcotics and what the Native Amerrian Indian shepherd-scholar hda called 'Mental Europeanness.'   The shepherd-scholar called himself a 'sheep-rancher.'  It was RU, 2005 autumn. 'Being known and ont cared for,' like HAndong from Dreamcatcher.  Maybe, it was the beginning of the end of the nightmare. - I could eat again a little if I got another love-letter from a female student... or even another bouquet from a gay male student... Maybe I'll mrary a North Korean woman after reunification... Remember 'Honey and Clover?' - Good song. - It's an anime-drama.  Originally it was a dorama.  Pramodh liked it before BLM stole his soul and he death-threated me with Cannibal COrpse and hate.  'Moon River' on pianoforte.  
- 'The Remains of DJ.'  'LA Dream.'  'Red Mansion Dream.'  'Pandemic of Honesty.'  'At the End of the Winter-Light; the Last of the Good Old Wisconsin Blue.'  'John Updike R
and I am not ashamed while my love is near me and I know it will be so till it's time to go So count the storms of winter and then the birds in spring again
'doctrine of unconditional evil' - humans mistaking themselves for God the Father - abortion-culture - Pope Saint John Paul II 'Humana Vitae'
42. Ideas of Christianity versus praxis and parataxis of Christianity
43. I was fond of Becca on Xanga but not as much as 'Clover' People open so much they can't but close off like a French novel 'humanity-rule' though their psychology of women is 'unconvincing' Glenn Gould ate a lot of eggs he was a hypochrondriac I want to drink 'Delta Covid Winter Summer Wine' and think of Mary HK Choi 'Yolk,' Lear's Cordelia and the real one, caritas / a'ga'pe I hope I don't get kilt with a _ _ _
44. Side- / mini-project 'My Brother's Type' about anti-Asian racism.
45. Ideal YA novel / counter to all corrupt YAL books, 'Clover' from the Promise / Fromis song.  It's beautiful, beauteous, 'fragrance from life to life.'  'I kept wishing for luck until I realized that which I wanted was happiness, yes?'
46. They were bored psychopathic Boomers; retirement had made them cannibal sociopaths.  His mom was like Volumnia in Coriolanus.  He didn't want to think about it.  He remembered Shan by the Han River, 'Fair Love.'  It was ten years ago; he weighed 25 pounds less but his mentality was the same. People were different.  Children were different.  In Wisconsin they evinced a... He was tired of being a bridge between West and East.  No one was curious.
47. I approached something really intense and pure and holy - and absolutely specific - and can't back off or back down without harm to myself.  This might be my last FBI.
48. I was 'boring guy.'
49. Summer rain.
50. That holiness... but also... CVA ('Charity edifieth')...
51. I want to read Korean poetry again as well.  Better poetry than ever, I imagine, better people.  'Perfect Children.'
52. 'And When We Are Older' - A Poem for Someone about My Age
And when we are old it won't necessarily get easier or fall into place or smooth into bonhomie or grow delicate as papery exquisite autumn leaves like the face of Jennifer Aniston and sometimes at the gym my smaller shoulder-muscles push harder but they remind me in this cute, precious way of some kind knowing amid Cross and sword that ever valor is a risk and God has got his hour writ. I thought that by now I would know what it's like to be one flesh with a wife, to watch a daughter practicing pianoforte, play catch with a son in the yard of a house by New Jersey reedy ponds.  That dream began in 1994 and there it stays, between the 'cello-clabbered music-room and gildered auditorium and still, in these institutions, nowhere to confess my love, nowhere to begin, just papers to plan on or wise. I used to love book-reviews, the language of dictionaries that could seem to get life so right, "Validity in Interpretation," the days when newspapers seemed to love me more than my own teachers, Colossians 4:6, editing sprinkled with salt, giving reason for hope, appropriate, apt, jeongdokhada. They get old and old and much is made of the things we can experience; sometimes I think that my dear friend quit Samsung too soon to know how to build his own team and I quit at least three jobs too soon and didn't stay in hot pursuit and now feel almost as if only my thoughts are as brightly alive with a love-light as your face once was. I get so lost at shopping malls, drowning; I don't get what anyone is up to. There was a Monsignor who composed or redacted this immense ethnography of all Korea but it must have broken his heart too, man who never took a wife, knitting red, his memory, the kind of person who arrives as I, watching Pompeo et al, in the hope of a benevolent ruler both forever and for the time being too... My friend used to say I could lead but I couldn't even shut down the snark-machine and Reddit had a field day with me and honestly maybe I've never loved anyone adequately. Let's be young a while more and though I didn't like this as a kid we can talk to the TV like at my grandparents' house long ago and again born on the new day, maybe we'll spend some time married.
53. 'Happy Days'
54. I miss the good K-dramas from Dramafever days though I don't watch television anymore... I wish I did just to rest my eyes... I miss 'Please Come Back Ahjusshi'... He's on the flying aerospace train to Heaven with his tears of contrition but decidees to return to Earth to delete his porn-collection for his wife and daughter surviving him... I deleted my biological father's literary porn collection ('daddy'-stepdaughter coercive / rape; adulterous housewife)... but he tried to send me to death and Hell.
55. It was like autumn in Korea this morning with the lamps and air-moisture; it was like Korean summer this early evening with August rain.
56. I want to regain my purity of literary style but hopefully God willing write something profitable / fruitful.   I might just teach again for pay..
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
07/19/2017 DAB Transcript
1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30 ~ Romans 5:6-21 ~ Psalm 15:1-5 ~ Proverbs 19:18-19
Today is the 19th of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Man, didn't it, wasn't it just July 1st? Some days I sit down in front of this mic and say the date and it's like, really, were did the last week go? So it's going to be here with you on the 19th of July as we take the next step forward in the adventure through the bible this year. And this week or reading from the Holman Christian Standard Bible, working our way through 1st Chronicles, and will actually complete the book of 1st Chronicles today before diving deeper and drinking from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans. But first, first Chronicles chapter 28 verse 1 through 29:30 today.
Okay, so, obviously, we’re continuing in the book of Romans. And so, yesterday, we were talking about circumcision and the apostle Paul showing that it was Abraham's belief, it was his faith in God, that was counted towards him as righteousness, not anything he did. So, Paul’s unpacking that further today by simply saying, look, the law shows us what sin is. Every one of us knows that we haven't been able to achieve perfection in the law. None of us can actually live up to it a hundred percent of the time all the time. If we could do that then we could claim, in our own strength, we have been made righteous, we are righteous within ourselves by our own action. But no one's been able to do that except for Jesus, who said he didn't come abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. Right? So, He did that but nobody else has been able to do that and so we should acknowledge that we're helpless. We can't achieve it on our own. We can't get there. So even while we're in the state of helplessness, that we cannot achieve it. God came through Jesus and died for the ungodly and that's rare because rarely will a person die for any other person. But God, even while we were estranged, even while we were helpless, even while we were hopeless, God did come. Even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It is God's way of showing Mercy to the world, extending grace to the world. In the thick of our inhumane behavior and helplessness, he is merciful to us, rescuing us.
Father, that rescue of us has altered the world, has certainly changed our lives, and you have extended that grace and mercy to everyone. And you've invited us to be a part of that story by living into it, by the very weight of our lives, being an example of what that restoration looks like, and in inviting us to bring light and good news into this world just like the Savior did. So, we invite Your Holy Spirit into that. Come Holy Spirit and show us what that continues to look like, as it is an ever evolving process within us. We are continually being changed from within and You have continually invited us to change the world from within. So come, in every thought that we have today, in very word that we speak today, in every interaction that we have today, may we represent You and do it well, as an ambassador for Your kingdom in this world. Come Holy Spirit, we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the web site. It's home base. It’s where you find out what's going on around here.
So, the announcements for this week are that the Sneezing Jesus audiobook is available. So, you can get it at Audible, iTunes, or wherever else you get your downloadable audio books. Which means that all of the formats, whether that be physical book or like a digital book or audiobook, they're all released and everywhere that you can get books.
The Sneezing Jesus discussion group is lively and good and amazing and encouraging and I just love seeing what everybody is saying. I’m going to do a little bit of a Facebook live discussion tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. Central Standard Time. So, I guess you'll have to Google…like…we're all over the place…we’re in a lot of different time zones…so…you’ll just kind of, like, have to Google the difference. I know here the United States that would be like 8 p.m. on the east coast and 5 p.m. on the West Coast. And I'll just share for a little bit and we’ll be able to discuss. So, make plans for that. You need to be in the Sneezing Jesus discussion group to be able to see that. So, jump over to facebook.com/groups/sneezingjesus and dive into the conversation.
The other thing is that we'll be taking this message out on the road on a limited basis and if you would like to see that come near your area, there's a form at sneezingjesus.com. If you just scroll all the way down to the bottom, there’s this little form. If you fill that out and send it in you'll be responded to. We’ll see if that can happen.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link, it’s on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. Thank you. Thank you for your partnership here in the thick of the summer. I appreciate it more than I can say. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner or if you prefer the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I'm Brian. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayers and Praise Reports:
Hey family, it’s Rich from Little Rock and I wanted say I thank you so much for your prayers. I love you Blind Tony and I love you Brian and it's great to friend up with you on Facebook. Things have been kind of up and down but, you know, I’ve decided…I’ve decided that I wasn’t going to let this be my lord, you know.  I mean it’s not totally gone but I reprioritized things and I love my Lord Jesus. I remember, Brian, that my mom, the month before she died, she went through this exhaustive search in the Book of Ezekiel, especially. I can hardly handle chapter 1. It was wild. The way the bible describes the angels going up and down and around but I wanted to know things like that before I go. You know that Jesus is closer than any brother. And you guys…and now I’m going to get emotional…I love guys you very much. I'm back in Exodus still. Let’s roll man. I love you guys for loving me. Keep those prayers coming. I appreciate it.
Hello Daily Audio Bible. My name is Marco. I'm from California. I'm a first-time caller. I’m just calling to… I’m going through a rough time. I never do this. Just trying to have a prayer request. I lost my job and bills are piling up. I'm the provider for me and my wife and I don't want her to start stressing.  I'm on my hands and knees and am reading my Bible and I'm praying every day. And Brian, you, you are amazing - what you do, how you do it. You brought me closer to Jesus. I know that all things are possible with God and I know that I'm going through this adversity to test my will. It’s really hard but I’m trying and I’m standing and I’m praying every day, more and more, and I’m listening. I’m listening every day to the Daily Audio Bible. And I love all the prayers that get sent in and all the prayer requests and I really want to be a part of this community. And I really want God to be a part of my life and remain to be a part of my life. I just want to pray for financial stability. If any of you can just pray for me, I’d appreciate it. I know that things are going to get better. It's just, I'm at the point right now where it's hard to see that but again I'm praying and I'm staying strong and I know that all things are possible with God. And once again thank you Daily Audio Bible family, friends, brothers and sisters. And Brian thank you for what you're doing. You're an amazing human being. God bless. Thank you.
Hi everyone this is Karen in Saint Louis. Hey, first off, I just want to say, Blind Tony, I just love your poems and I wish that you would put them all in a book. That would be, like, so awesome to have. Anyway, that was just a thought that I had. Another thing that has been on my heart and especially, through this week, something that God's been putting on my heart, the whole idea of us and how we go through seasons. There is also a friend of mine that's in Ministry that spoke about this on the praise show on TBN. And, so, I have friends that are going through tragedy, that are going through loss, that are going through struggles. I do the same. And the thing is is that, just like in Ecclesiastes 3, we go through these seasons - the low, the rocky, the rough spots. They're just as important and good as the high tops – the mountaintop experiences that we go through. And in our humanness, it’s so easy for us to focus on the sadness, the pain, the hurt of the low spots. But may we turn our eyes upon Jesus during that time because Romans 8:28 is true and God is going to make it good, no matter how bad it seems, and it seems like there’s so many things that…we’re just…it’s hard…it's hard. Nobody said it was going to be easy. But I think about how a diamond…how it is...it goes through so much to sparkle and shine. And, so, I just want to encourage us that go through these low valleys, sometimes for a very long time, that God loves us so, so much. He is for us. He is with us walking through it. And just like Brian had shown that tear bottle…
Hi Daily Audio Bible family, it’s James here from the UK. I haven’t called in for a while but been listening to the community prayer, 15th of July. Candice from Oregon, I just was so touched by your prayer and I just wanted you to know that you’ve been a real inspiration to me. I haven’t called in to mention this before but what you talked about and the love you have for your husband, your late husband. Candice, it is an absolute inspiration. And you need to know that you are inspiring many people that are listening to this podcast and sharing your grief and just sharing your openness to the Holy Spirit to take you to the next level, to transform you, to continue to be at work in your life without your life partner is something that has inspired me so much. So, thank you for reaching out Candice. I will continue to pray for you and…you know…please pray for me…that as a community it’s a beautiful thing that we can do this for each other. And Candice, I know that lots of people are thinking of you. Continue to inspire us and thank you for your heart for Jesus. Amen.
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