#I’m not feel anything now just funny and feel like…wtf😂
natsadkid2 · 3 months
27 March 2022 for latest update from this blog and now I’m back!
Re-draw project: Teenage magazine ft. Irwin and Barry💅🏻
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This is original pic I drew ~3 years ago👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻, You can see some little details of their clothes that changed a little bit especially Irwin’s suspender belt for more fit to his jacket
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If you winder why I put too much watermarks on new one lol, actually it’s a little joke that I wanted to do something different from my previous work that the watermark has only one, in the bottom right of the image. I just hope it can protect me from someone who will steal or re-upload my FanArt (actually this way can’t solve this problem that much but “at least” many ppl gonna know where is this pic from/ who’s real art owner when my arts were re-uploaded by another ppl)
Actually I don’t think before that one day I must post about this point, bc I think my arts aren’t famous or good that much to touch someone’s heart(?) until use it as a stuff for sending to wrestlers. Plus, there have many many artist whose has more opportunity to take more risks than me because I think they’re all better artist than me. But at last it still happened to little blog like mine💀look at this👇🏻👇🏻
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I'm a wrestling fan from Thailand. Getting an autograph from each wrestler is very difficult and never happened to me(Whether it's a problem with currency units, banks, transportation costs that far away like on different side of the world, etc.) So, each wrestling Fanart I draw I don’t expect anything about money or even expect that they(wrestlers) will see my FanArt(bc they’re all old and not use any social media) . I’m drawing bc of self-relaxation/ make you enjoy my arts/ make you know that I like these wrestlers too. But there has someone expect money by using my art (that owner doesn’t expect anything) to be the way to earn little money, I just think it’s not fair Plus, if I got an autograph from my favorite wrestler on my Fanarts for real, I would definitely not sell it. Because it’s something that has sentimental value, cannot be measured in monetary terms. Meanwhile, some people can easily get a wrestler's autograph BUT didn't see its value, sold it for someone else , That’s horrible/ not cute/ not ✨FABULEUX✨ at all 🗣️🗣️
Until this day I still can’t describe my feeling about this, funny? Irritable? Or???😂. Bc at the same way, finally FanArt from Thai girl can reach the hands of uncle Mike and uncle Barry, they have seen my FanArt already. I can’t believe it happened to me
(⭐️Important point) You choose my ugly fanart lol I mean.. not many people understand that it’s WWF Highschool AU!!🤦🏻‍♀️can’t imagine how uncle Barry and uncle Mike gonna feel when reading wtf sentence on this art by don’t understand anything. They can’t access the imagination of young girl😂
And yes, this is my face when I scroll down the phone screen and see many old FanArt with weird lines and coloring lol. Too baddddd😵‍💫But I won’t delete them lol. Keep it as memories how far of my drawing development.
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vladdyissues · 5 months
Hi, it’s me, the asker who was so curious about Danny at school ✨
I got three things to say, silly thing first, 1. I’m so curious about what Danny’s diet is gonna be. I was rereading that chapter, and if Vlad has to eat meat to stoke the flames, does that mean Danny has to go vegetarian? That would be so fucking funny, I’m ngl 😂 but also sad, bc then he’d be thinking about Sam all the time 🥺 anyways, I’m just interested to see what you do with it 👀
2. You got me thinking about enemies to lovers, hardcore. And I realized, when I enjoy that kind of ship, I’m not here to see them become all lovey-dovey and domestic. I’m here to see the pain, and the toxicity, and the deep codependency of it all. The ‘I hate you, but I can’t leave you’, and the ‘you might kill me one day, and I embrace that.’ If you’ve watched Hannibal, you know exactly what I mean 😂 For Vlad and Danny, I don’t really give a fuck if it’s pompep or badgercereal, i just want angst and codependency 😈 I think that’s part of what I like about your story so much, is that it’s toeing the line between the two relationships. Halfway parental, and halfway toxic/romantic love.
3. You’ve fucking ruined me for other fanfiction rn 😭😂 I can’t read anything else for more than five minutes 🥲 Partially bc I’m so invested in the story, but also bc your writing style IS SO FUCKING GOOD. YOU SHOULD BE WRITING ACTUAL BOOKS, LIKE WTF. Anywayyysss, I’ll just curl up into a little ball of boredom on the floor till you update again 😂💕
Sending much looooove, 😘 I hope the brain to fanfic pipeline is working out for you 🤌
Hello and holy shit! What an ego-bloating kind and generous ask this is! Let me jump right in:
1. I don't want to spoil the plot too much, but Danny's diet is going to be key in unraveling a very important part of Vlad's enigma, and I cannot wait to get to that point. I've been sprinkling crumbs of information throughout the story thus far, laying down a foundation upon which to build this Big Thing, and the next chapter (14) will—or should, anyway—finally begin to deliver on it.
2. My friend, you've just given me an epiphany: it's not so much Enemies to Lovers that we adore, I suspect, as it is Enemies and Lovers. That's exactly the tag I'd use to describe Hannigram, and it's such a different and exciting dynamic. I've never quite—well, scratch that—okay, I've never written Enemies and Lovers in such depth as I am with Familiar. There's something darkly satisfying about letting lovers remain ugly; the notion that deep, abiding affection can exist in tandem with fear and disgust; that even monsters—in the very act of being monstrous, or perhaps because they are monstrous and not in spite of their monstrosity—are capable of loving and being loved.
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3. Frhgahrglahrglahg I'm going to print and frame this one and hang it on my wall for days when I feel utterly inept. I've been writing fanfiction for a while now, and I've written volumes of silly, embarrassing, poorly-executed tripe, so if I haven't at least gotten a little bit good at what I'm doing, I doubt I ever will 😆 That said, I'm putting a lot of effort into Familiar, I mean pulling out every stop and employing every nut and bolt in my mental toolbox to craft a good story (and reading. Always reading), partly as a challenge to myself and partly out of sheer love for this great ship and its fandom. Everyone here is so nice and welcoming and awesome. I only hope my tiny contribution continues to entertain.
Speaking of which, the wait for this next chapter shouldn't be long. The feedback I've been receiving is phenomenal, and it's definitely helped to fuel me along when my mania wavers. I'm incredibly grateful to you and everyone reading enjoying this story. Thank you thank you ♥
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timeofjuly · 4 months
Okay I’ve been scrolling down for a little while now? And?
And I’m starting to think the PTSD flashback Quinn had in chpt. 10 (? I think) is something to do with her dad *almost* drowning MC, at least once.
If I had to guess, he found out between Quinn and MC, and absolutely blew up. He was either going to, or already had hurt Quinn in some way, and MC either was called for help, or walked in on it, and somehow ended with them in a very bad way involving water, and Quinn’s dad with a busted nose. Maybe Quinn hit him with something when MC was getting attacked, MC got a hit in (I don’t think MC started it, since it’s on the record that MC doesn’t do random acts of violence), and took the blame for it ALL.
But I’m also so confused!! Because you also described MC in Quinn’s horror flashback as being wet and ice cold, and looking like they did before they were clean - I’m MISSING SOMETHING, AHHHHH. The gas station ice bags, you mentioned it twice, and I’m drawing a blank as to why that’s so important.
Drugs and ice, what’s the connection? Could it be some kind of memory? Where could Quinn have seen ice bags, and why would it be so important that ice was where it was? Camping? I can only think of organ harvesting, but that seems too far fetched 😪😵‍💫
Can I ask when did MC start using? (Was it related to Quinn’s dad/their trauma surrounding that mystery water incident?)
Most (if I’m remembering correctly,) of Quinn’s trauma has been catholic guilt, daddy issue related. Where was Quinn’s mother in this? Was she involved? Was she behind the scenes, encouraging her husbands violence? Or was she the keeper of peace? What’s her place in all this??
I’d say ‘WHO KNOWS’, but YOU knows. >:( I hope you’re amused, cause I feel deranged.
I hope this doesn’t come off as demanding you to answer my questions 😭 it’s really fun to talk (type?) out my thinking process, I hope it’s somehow beneficial to you too 😂
you don’t have to answer/respond to anything if it’s spoiler-y!
I just read your progress tracking update, and oh my god, the energy to lovers with underfell Grillby? Sounds SO GOOD!!
You wrote so much; and are going to write so much, I hope you’re also taking enough time to do nothing, and take breaks! Good job!! AHHHH!!
I am SCREAMING at ‘WHO KNOWS’, but YOU knows’!!! I was literally thinking the other day how funny it is that I’m the only one who knows wtf is going on lol. This is too much power and responsibility for me!!!
Okay okay so I'll answer things sorta vaguely, if you want anything clarified more and aren't afraid of broaching closer to the spoiler territory feel free to dm me and I will straight up tell you anything lol, I am terrible at keeping secrets and I will also pop the below under a cut cause it's kinda long -
Re: the flashback, I'll note that Quinn doesn't make any connection between the wet, frostbitten, fucked-up MC, except that they look like they did when they were still using. Quinn, just like the reader, also doesn't know why MC appeared to her like that. It is disturbing and confusing, but she doesn't relate it to any event or experience with MC. Same with the ice bags - she doesn't have anything to connect it with, so she doesn't. Because we're working through the lens of Quinn in that scene, there's a whollllllle lot of context missing.
As a hint, though: the Quinn's dad incident and whatever the fuck is going on with the frostbite and ice and water are completely separate things.
MC's drug use started when they were thirteen and doesn't relate to Quinn. I do like your line of thinking though! I also like your thinking about organ harvesting lol, that would've been a very different turn to what I'm planning!
Quinn's mother was complicit in a lot of Quinn's childhood. I've kinda gotten into it, but the Lawsons are deeply, deeply religious, super fundamentalist. Many fundamentalist Christian families follow a hierarchical structure of the family, where the husband is the spiritual leader, wives are expected to submit to their husband's authority and support his decisions, and then the kids submit to them both (dad first, though).
And oh my gosh not demanding at all!!! I love answering your questions and you always do help my process! I am so! excited! for the Undefell Grillby fic too, I think it'll be good for me to write something a little lighter and simpler too lol.
I really appreciate your kind words <3 <3 <3 Not to get mushy but I wrote more in 2023 (and only started in July!) than I have in my whole life. RTC came after a three year break from writing and was in a brand-new fandom with a kinda weird concept and I was so so so scared to post that first chapter. I'm so glad that I did, though! I feel like I've really found a little community here.
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airplanned · 2 years
I wonder about this gif every time I see it!  I have been too shy to ask about it.  😂
STAND BACK, EVERYONE!  I’m about to talk about my favorite literary character of all time.
There is a book called “Howl’s Moving Castle.”  It is one of my favorite books, and I recommend it.  Everyone should read it.  Everyone should live tweet it and be sure to tag me when you do.  Love this book.  There is also a movie.  You should watch it too, because the animation is excellent, but the story and everyone’s characterizations are very different.
The main character is a girl named Sophie, who is cursed towards the beginning of the book by the Witch of the Waste to be old.  Sophie takes to this curse disturbingly well and spends the whole book giving very few shits and complaining about her back. 
Anyway, she ends up wandering into the castle of the Wizard Howl.  The castle moves.  It’s Howl’s Moving Castle! 
Howl is known around Sophie’s little village and (it turns out) the rest of the country, for being a powerful wizard who goes around eating girls’ hearts (figuratively?  literally?  No one knows or cares), but he’s also a complete disaster, very vain, and should not be trusted with anything important, because he will wander off instead and play the guitar or get drunk or something. 
So, of course, Sophie decides she’s going to live in this moving castle and clean it. She is the cleaning lady now. She asks no one if they’re cool with this, and there’s no way to get rid of her.  But Howl doesn’t really seem to give a shit who lives in his castle, because he’s too busy wandering about stealing hearts or whatever, so it’s all good!
Turns out Sophie is terrible at cleaning.
Just God awful.
So she moves a bunch of magic shit around, and Howl complains about it, and she’s like, “Whatever!  I’m old!” and keeps doing a terrible job.
Then she gets to the bathroom.
Which is full of all of Howl’s hair and skin products.
Which Sophie rearranges and consolidates and pours out and whatever.
So Howl takes one of his overly-long baths.  And then comes running out!  Horrified!  Scandalized!  His life is fucking over, because LOOK AT HIS HAIR!  It is ORANGE!  WTF Sophie?! (bonus points because in the book, Sophie has red hair when she’s not old, so him being rude about being ginger is fucking typical.)
“Whatever,” Sophie says.  “It’s fine.”
“NoooooOOOOOOoooooOOOOO,” Howl says.  And he flops into a chair, thunks his head onto the side of the fireplace and starts oozing.  He is catatonic and green ooze just...seeps out of him until the ground is so covered in slime that they have to wade through it.
Things are terrible.
He’s just gonna lie there and ooze.
So that’s the .gif: him oozing.  The fire demon who lives in the fireplace is in danger of going out from the ooze.  Sophie eventually has to drag him away so he can have an ooze-y pout somewhere else and she can do a bad job cleaning up the slime.
And I feel it is a very good metaphor for my writing in a tounge-in-cheek kind of way.  Things are terrible!  Woe is me!  I shall lie on the floor and ooze!
(Other things I like about Howl:
he spends the whole climax drunk/hung over
He is completely full of shit at all times
He is from a “distant land,” which when you realize that makes a slew of other stuff really funny
Like the many fake names he’s given himself (because he is full of shit)
And like the “saucepan song” that he and the fire demon know and the fire demon teaches Sophie, so she’s just over here singing this song
Anyway, he’s great.  He’s an asshole, and I love him.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
For the Ask Game; can you do Katsuki, for
SFW; B and I
Please and thank you? :)
Female reader please :) 🖤🧡🖤
Anything for you, my dear. I’m sorry this took so long! I was stuck on the NSFW D for some reason? Please accept this as my contribution to your healing? 🤲🏼
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(sfw) Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Physical beauty is nice and all, but Katsuki looks for substance in a lover. He respects your inner strength and determination to smash your goals. I think he’s somewhat of a sapioromantic, if that’s even a word lol? Like you don’t have to be a genius but I think he would get easily bored with someone who can’t hold an intelligent conversation with him. He probs won’t admit it, but he also admires your compassionate, empathic nature. Every once in a while he might grumble something about how much better you are at nurturing and kindness than he is. But he always sees it as a strength as long as you’re not a doormat.
(sfw) Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
Both. It makes sense that he would help you become more confident in your abilities and talents. He doesn’t tolerate negative self talk so don’t even go there. Say you’re moping around talking about how your art isn’t as good as other artists', now here he comes. “Oi! The fuck did you just say? Talk shit about my girl like that again and I’ll kick your ass!” “But Katsu, I AM your girl?” “I don’t give a shit who you are! Like hell I’m gonna let anyone talk shit about you, not even you! Your art is fucking beautiful, dumbass! God!” Then he’ll stomp out of the room and probably slam the nearest door. Just for effect. 😅 On the other hand, I think you’ve taught him how to process and express his feelings in a healthy way. He gets a lot better about it, but there are times it’s still gonna look like anger. Oh AND! It confused him at first that you use humor to help cope with shit sometimes? Like he’d be looking for a fight and you’d just completely disarm him with something funny. And he just 🧍🏼‍♂️like wtf? And you laughed and he just “tch!” and turned his back to you bc he didn’t wanna give you the satisfaction of seeing him smile.
nsfw beyond this point...minors/ageless blogs dni...
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(⚠️nsfw) D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Idk why it was so hard to think of something for this one? At first it seemed like it would be really easy. His bad boy persona is very convincing, but it’s just a front. The more I think about it, it makes sense that Katsuki wouldn’t have many (if any) dirty secrets. Like, in the manga, when his little crew of juvenile delinquents in middle school were smoking a cigarette. Then Katsuki walked up and yelled at them saying if they got caught it would go on his record. But I digress…
I think Katsuki’s dirty little secret would be something sweet. Because gods forbid anyone knew that he did something adorable and romantic, right? So maybe the first time he told you he loves you was during a particularly intense orgasm. Poor mans just came so damn hard that he lost control and whimpered “I fucking love you!” And his voice cracked too. And he just froze and looked at you, his scarlet eyes as big as you’d ever seen them hoping beyond all hope that maybe - just maybe - you didn’t hear him even though he was being loud (bc he always is). But you did. And you threw your hands over your mouth to stifle your laugh (at his facial expression bc he looked more terrified than he ever had in his life 😂). And he huffed and puffed and grumbled something like “just forget it”. And you were all “Katsu, you just told me you love meeee! I’m never gonna forget that! It was so sweet!” “Exactly, which is why you are to never speak of this!” “Wait, the love confession, the whimper, or the voice crack?” “NONE OF IT! EVER!” His usual snarl was back. “S’fuckin embarrassing,” he mumbled with a dramatic pout. “But baby, it was so cute!” He pulled out and rolled over, growling. “Shut the fuck up, you asshole! Tch!” He got out of bed and stomped off into the bathroom and slammed the door (expect a lot of stomping and door slamming with him around). Worth it, you thought with tears of joy and laughter in your eyes.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Chapter 6 and 7!!! Let's go!!!
Max all freaked out bc his baby is not crying 😭
“What are you doing?” Max whispered when David started to put the blankets on the floor.
“Can’t sleep without you,” he said in response and laid down on the floor.
“It’s cold on the floor,” Max shook his head.
“I have blankets,” David replied. “And you.”
What happened to them?? They were so soft and in love!!!
Though I don't like Jaden and David together, David did act like an asshole smh
He didn’t say anything or do anything.
He simply sat down on the floor by the edge of the boy’s bed. He watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed.
“He is okay,” Max exhaled in relief.
“Is he?” David asked.
Me: No mom, you don't understand. This story is destroying me!!!
My mom: you don't have to read it...
Me: no, I'm gonna. I just like being fucking miserable:)
"These things are easier said than done. But I’m going to try harder.”
“Okay,” the little boy patted him on the shoulder. “Good luck.”
Arthur and Lance are so cute and I will protect them with everything in me🔪😎
No, but David as parent saying all this wise stuff is making me feel things!!!!
David with his nails painted>>>>
I am willing to give everything I own for the sake of knowing the complete story of their divorce 😭😭
But they were at Coney Island for fuck’s sake.
“No ground rules,” Max replied. “Go nuts.”
Arthur squealed in joy and ran away.
Max picked up Lance and ran after the other boy.
Lance yelped and then giggled. “Quick! He is fast!”
Omg😂 he is a little chaotic thing huh? Honestly Max, you are to blame...
“Wow,” the little boy gasped. “Dad. Have you been to France?”
Max closed his eyes.
“Did you like it?”
“Why not?”
Because when I came back home, I lost everything.
“No shooting ones,” Max shook his head. “We’ll find something else.”
It was a safer bet to leave Lance alone than to let AJ unleash chaos inside.
“No,” Max shook his head. “I’ll come with you. Lance, you need to stay exactly where I leave you. No wondering around. Okay?”
Lance was gone.
Max leaped off the car and grabbed Arthur with one arm and started running, dodging the bumper cars all around him.
Max being a parent is something that can actually be so personal 🥺🥺 love when some characters become parents and they immediately change a lot of the things they thought about bc THEIR CHILDREN COME FIRST!!!
That stupid boy definitely deserved it. Be glad David wasn't there, asshole
Old malec in a club is everything I needed😂
“How old?”
His father sighed. “Don’t leave a bruise or a black eye.
I don't condone violence, but this was so funny for some reason lmaooo
“Will you promise me you’ll never read it?” 🥺🥺I am emotionally damaged
“Because I love you,” his son replied. “And I don’t want to love bad guys."
Max was quiet for a long moment. “I don’t know how to answer that.”
Arthur wasn’t very pleased.
“When you grow up, I’ll let you decide if I am good or bad,” Max promised. “But until then, will you love me anyway?”
“Fine,” Arthur conceded. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, AJ,” Max kissed his head.
WHEN YOU GROW UP I'LL LET YOU DECIDE😭 Don't mind me, I'm just going to cry in my class while reading this over and over again :)
Sliding some cookies I baked to you: ...what if you...tell us what's in the cover...idk...think about it....
“To Max,” it said. “I will never forget.” idk whether this is sweet or angsty and honestly I'm too afraid to ask at this point...
Some memes bc god gave me a memes app and no one can take it away from me now :)
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Bribery is wrong 😋😋😋
But here is a tiktok of a kid who gives big Arthur energy 🥺
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elliebartlets · 22 days
veronica mars rewatch 2x08: ahoy mateys!
• well this is weird, watching this in the middle of the day. I normally watch tv at night but I’m not feeling well so I’m trying to pass the time/entertain myself
• Kristen looks so hot in that mesh top with her bra showing through in that weird fever dream Duncan’s having
• forgot Duncan stole that letter from Meg’s. Who is Chris Talley?
• Lucas Grabeel?! Ryan Evans?!?
• do the PCHers even sell drugs?? Now that I think about it, I don’t think they do. But I’m thinking the Felix guy or the guy who actually killed Felix was selling drugs without Weevil’s knowledge or permission.
• ah the Fitzpatricks. Yes I remember them
• what the hell why is that high schooler hanging out in that bar anyway?? and to be like “uh yeah she’s actually veronica mars” like girl are you trying to get her killed
• do the Fitzpatrick’s really not have guns on them?? I guess they’re more “fight with their fists” people but still. Maybe it’s cause they were in their own bar on their own property.
• dude if Keith found out what just happened to Veronica he would go absolutely ballistic. Like he’d probably put one of Logan’s ankle monitors on her.
• I thought maybe these parents were doing the harassment to themselves and trying to blame it on the school district but that mp3 player under the mom’s car was paid for by the school district so now idk
• Clemmons is only the vice principal??? Why did I think he was the principal??
• this principal looks like Matthew Perry’s dad ???
• wtf it is him!
• I’m sorry it’s so funny this kid had his own show shitting on the kids at Neptune yet no one knew who he was
• yeah if I remember correctly it was this PCHer guy (literally don’t know his name) who just told Weevil he didn’t see anything that actually killed Felix
• of course it’s Clemmon’s son who’s the other host of the show
• omg rocky horror reference! 😂
• the way Veronica threw Mac underrated the bus like that
• oh the kid was gay and they sent him to a conversion camp. wonderful.
• random but is Keith still seeing Alicia? I know he knows about Wallace because she told him, but you’d think she would want Keith to try and find him and bring him back. So are they just on a hiatus or something,
• Logan how did you not know that was a trap
• I swear rich people don’t know how to watch their backs or be alert about their surrounds
• damn that was intense I don’t remember that scene at all!
• literally I don’t think there’s a single teenager in Neptune who does not have trauma but Logan really takes the cake on that
• oop logan stole that guys phone and knows it was weevil
• “He talked about chicks all the time. He was all about girls, all the time.”
well I mean, gay people can over compensate and talk about girls alll the time
• so uh the dad planted the school bus and the number in the trashcan? why?
• mmmmm it was the brother Marcos was into!! not the girl of the jealous boyfriend!
• so is Veronica gonna tell Keith who was actually tormenting Marcos’ parents?
• I’m guessing that letter is Meg telling that guy she’s pregnant??
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 10 months
Stars is wild honestly, aiaktsu is the type of show that was never really on a break from being made, at least during their airing, so they kept jerking around how serious the tone was
They made things feel too drastic with Yume nearly being expelled and some sad moments in the beginning, so they tried to change direction because a lot of little kids were finding it boring/too serious/kind of scary compared to the og series... but they didn't re-write all these episodes that weree like that, so it kept going back and forth for a bit
ITS SO FUNNY they wanted to make yume more responsible for choosing to use her random power as like, a cheat, and then decided not to make it that serious, so there are now instagram hate accounts for yume calling her a narcissist and a horrible friend and afaik THESE ACCOUNTS STILL POST ABOUT IT LOL like let the kids show idol have a happy life wtf 😂
Akari and Aine are tied for my fav protagonists but then I feel bad for leaving Ichigo out so, Ichigo too, but I love everyone so much!!
Okay sorry for so much rambling it's insane I never posted or anything during it's airing so, by the time I got to say things about it, I'd seen the active fandom for years, but it died right before I could've been a part of it </3
Yeah stars is very odd but I also kind of love it for that! The songs absolutely slap I think they’re some of the best. But from what I’ve gathered with Yume’s plot line, it really seemed like they did not know what to do with her power. Like if the power was random how exactly was it a cheat? Shouldn’t she have learned to control it rather than learning how to turn it off? I feel that her learning to accept her power after shoving it aside for so long and genuinely using it to win in big situations could have been cool to see. Those Instagram accounts are fucking nuts though. I did adore the Star Wings however, that was just cool shit and I’m desperately trying not to mention my annoyance with Hime for breaking that whole thing….hhhhh
Because I’ve watched the least of it I need to know: how is Friends, genuinely? It seems like a return to form after Stars, but it’s never drawn me in as much as the first two series have. Plus, it also has one of the only coords I actively dislike in it (which is a shame because I love Identity but if I want to watch a performance of it I have to look at Milky Joker’s mistakes). But I know for a fact the music is good so maybe I should watch it more!
Who’s your favorite character in terms of singing voice? I think mine might be Aoi, I have no clue why it just sounds super nice!
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slaytimesover · 2 years
Getting the C**NTS back together
made up text chat between the euphoria gals, set after the finale & minus (SPOILER) fez getting in the shootout
content: wholesome, tryna be realistic w how they text
March 1st, 2021
Maddy: hey anyone
add cass back i still have the bitch unadded
Kat: bro don’t u know her username
Maddy: no this is my new phone rmb
literally showed u in class today:/ rude mf
Kat: shit sry babe
Maddy: </3
*Kat has changed the chat name to cassies hot tub vomit💯💯*
BB: 🤣🤣🤣Funny ash Nahhhh Kat
Jules: uMM bro how come idk anything abt this…
story time ???
*Kat has added Cassie*
Cassie: Um what the fuck guys….
BB: Can still Smell that shit on me ICL🤣🤣😂
Maddy: 💀💀fucking helpppp
Cassie: Can I ask what the hell is going on
Is this new or smth? Also the names not funny
Jules: new as in … like 3 months old then ye
Cassie: WTF
Not a single one of yall has talked on the other chat for ages is it bc u guys were fucking here?
BB: Ya we have
Jus like u banged Nate for Ages n Shi 💀💀
Kat: out of POCKET
Jules: PFF
no hard feelings tho cass :)
we all wanna meet up soonish
Maddy: yup friday at 8, my place
sorry this fkn introduction was brutal but babe we wanna properly get together again
all 7 of u cunts
Kat: 7? there’s 5 in the gc🤨🤨
Jules: wait wait wait can we like BACJTRACK to the cassie hot tub thing??
Cassie: No Jules we really can’t
Also Maddy are you sure?
Maddy: girl puked her guts out at my party after drinking herself half to death <3
sent me into fkn cardiac arrest ill tell u that
love u though babe
and yes ofc. we outta put this past us
Cassie: MADDY!!! Girl!!!!
no shame in it weve all been there ❤️
Cassie: Shut upppp
Tell me if I’m ever gonna hear the end of that story…
Maddy: @Kat forgot to add em but i want rue rue & lex there too
going full out bitches
Kat: cass keep dreaming lolll
BB: Jule boutta see her Ex Yooooo😫😫
Kat: fuck fuck oh yeah
are yall cool now? i saw u two tgt after the play
BB: Play was Fire Though Lexi Ate🔥🔥🔥
Cassie: …
Jules: uh
that’s the question 😃
Maddy: jules b what happened?
Kat: yeah ive been meaning to properly check in holy crapp
Jules: we aren’t seeing each other anymore in that way, & maybe its for the best but im still processing it yk?
it was… weirdly calm even after the intervention bullshit went down
ig we had an unspoken agreement that we shouldnt be together
even if theres still love between us
its hard to tell where we stand is all im sayin
Kat: shit dude i hope ur okay
Maddy: yeah…
so much respect for u
itll get better n itll be worth it <3 i promise
wish i coulda realised that on my own, ur fuckin fearless
Cassie: I hear you Maddy
I’m happy for u Jules
BB: Go Jule 🙏
Cassie: I mean, if ur all okay then I’ll come
I really want to make amends I don’t know what had gotten into me
I feel terrible
Maddy: a friend told me that in her experience, it was just the right amount of attention at the wrong time, yh? anyways girl i kno u deserve amother chance even if u fucked up
& jules
same goes for u n rue, how abt we all hang out like old times and see where it goes on from there hm? pretty pls
Jules: i cant promise that itll nott be awkward but im down mads!
Maddy: bettt
*Maddy added Rue and Lexi*
Lexi: uh hello
what is this gc name 😭 don’t remind me omg
Kat: 😹😹
Maddy: okay listen up girls, my house 8pm friday, not optional so clear ur shit. no excuses.
& im talking to u lex with that fez mf
Lexi: noo stop💀
BB: She Blushin through the screen on Godd LOL
Rue: wait hey what’s going on
Maddy: rue rue
we wanna come together like the olden days & properly have a girls night
think we deserve a celebration after the shit weve been thru this year
Lexi: really?
thats sounds so nice I like that !!
Kat: ur play def sealed the deal for us dude<3
we fr just need a big catch up & some actual fun
Jules: literallyy
Maddy: everyone in fr?
Lexi: yess
Cassie: Yes
Jules: yep!
Kat: ofc
BB: Yass
Cassie: Rue?
Lexi: um I think fez just took her phone hold up
Kat: man said bathbutt😭😭
Rue: TUB*
Sorry55555555555555 that was fe££&&
FEZ TOOK My phone sry guys
Maddy: sadly were not inviting fez </3 shame we can’t meet the bf lexi but rue come join us brooo
Rue: i mean…
we can try
lotsa shit went down between us tho are u all good?
Cassie: Yeah, & we can just take it step by step anyways
Jules: yepp, i wanna see u all
no matter what
Rue: well
ill try n be there
so sure guys:)
BB: YOOOO It Worked
Maddy: ahhhhhh! cant fucking wait
god i missed this bs<3
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
The whiteness thing:
I’ve had the same thought before, I’m white obviously. With US whiteness they really don’t have anything else culturally, and many some have decided they’ll take it to the extreme bad shit
I myself have often felt kind of hollow from only having the insanity of US American culture. Even with my family being relatively new to the US. My mother’s grandfather brought them over and then refused to speak Italian unless it was with his mother. So the language was lost entirely. The ‘Italian things’ that were passed to me was just “you can never have enough garlic” “PASTA” and cringing when people break pasta (how dare) and funny enough, the hand gesture that was a meme for a hot minute (the meme made me realize how much I use it). My dad’s side is Russian-German and he at least knew some Russian growing up and even owned lederhosen when he was younger. But we have no traditions. Granted both my parents came from abusive and or neglectful environments. So given that I don’t even know/want to know our family history. All I can really tell is that both sides came fleeing here around WW2.
Bottom line is I have nothing to really tie myself to other than American culturally. I go to christkindlemarkt in my state every year that I can, I love it, I feel close to at least one side during that-but it’s rather superficial isn’t it? It’s very hollowing when I think about it
This was kind of depressing, have a funny thing that happened to me when Snapchat first came out:
My friend: hey look it this
My freckled self: hm? *looks at the app she’s got pulled up that looks like a camera thing*
Snapchat: *removes all of my freckles*
Me: AA WTF??? MY FACE!! it’s naked now why have you done this to me??
It is sad but I'm very glad you decided to share it with me.
And I can relate to having only traces and clues to link you to your culture and how hollow it can feel to participate without having a True sense of belonging and self within that culture, too.
But also yeah. Aside from Whiteness, USAmerican culture is really just like... Football, stocks, hot dogs, and the flag. Definitely nothing I'm super eager to participate in. I agree. It sucks there isn't a culture you can be happy about belonging too.
Also LMAOO that reminds me of a tiktok I saw where a girl used a filter to get rid of her bf's beard and he Freaked out and had to touch his face and make sure it was still there 😂
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bukunmiakintola20 · 3 years
ー(  ̄▽ )_皿Pub Night 🍻 (D)(G)
Hey cuties~
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On Tuesday my med class organized a pub night, and it was awesome ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ My roommate and I arrived around 10 minutes late, not because we intended to or anything but the pub was so difficult to find. Even when we got there, not many people had arrived yet so we sat at a table and waited. Most people didn’t get there until around 40-60 mins after the initial time agreed upon. Honestly, I wanted to arrive later too, but my roommate wanted to get there on time so that’s what we did¯_(ツ)_/¯
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I won’t lie, I was pretty f’n bored initially 눈_눈 since there was no one to talk to or the convo was just sorta stale for the first hour or so. I ordered a beer and finished it within like a hour which got me slightly buzzed but the convo was awkward and stale which weirdly sobered me back up almost completely. After that I wanted to go to the bathroom and I met a bunch of girls in there lmao 😂 . I then was going back to my table when more girls from a different table started talking to me lol. And then I went with those girls back to the bathroom and met even more people. On my way back I saw my roomie talking with a group of people so I went to talk to them and while we were standing about, the staff came around and told us that we had to go sit at a table. I then went back to the table I was originally at and we all sat there for a bit until the staff kicked us out 👀 Which was not surprising because I heard glasses breaking like every minute.
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As we left the pub, this weird dude came up to me and was like “Can I touch your hair.” I paused and looked at my roommate like wtf am I supposed to say to that. I answered kinda without really thinking “Yes” and then he touched my hair ☠️ That has to be a hate crime. At the bus stop a girl walked by me and I thought it was one of the girls that I had met at the pub but it wasn’t ☠️ ☠️Probably why she said hi as if she didn’t know who I was. Funny thing is that about 20 mins later, that girl and a couple more people from that pub came to that stop lol. I think I got back at 11ish? But I didn’t take photos of my hair and makeup so I spent like 30mins doing that. The next day I woke up late for my 8 am lecture and had to run to the building to get there in time. Anyways, you’re probably curious what I wore right? Alright, I geuss I could show you ¬‿¬
Pub Night Code
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Full Make + Accessories
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I was pretty content content with my makeup and outfit today(~‾⌣‾)~ If you couldn’t tell, I went with and old school gyaru vibe for my outfit and kuro gyaru type makeup which together would give a 90s gal cool vibe. Which I totally nailed. I’m still improving on doing this sort of makeup but it srsly looks good here.
Anyways that’s it for this post. I might do a life update about how I missed the med walk that was organized for today (no code, or make pics sry) if I feel motivated later. I’ll probably do a study stream later on YT as well, so if you gotta study too, we can do it together. Omg, like study buddies ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ That’s all for now.
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smol-and-grumpy · 2 years
It’s true that both of them are just idiots 😂😭 I swear they better kiss when Dean comes back!
Honestly I don’t really hate Sam. He’s definitely just clueless 😂 and that’s a way for you to throw in some tension for that couple and stretch it for as long as possible (yes I see you Nat and what you’re doing 😂😂😂). How can he not see that every time he comes in, they are about to kiss? 🤦‍♀️😂
Also, I hope you’re okay with my endless and frequent messages 😅😅😅 like I hope it’s bothering you or anything 😅 I was thinking of sending a big message at the end but there’s just so much and I have too many feelings as I’m reading the chapters 😅😅😅
Oh no… after Carmen’s message, here comes Adam. Why are you doing this Nat? 😭😭 also, wtf is Dean doing? No, you don’t want to go grab drinks with Carmen… you really don’t…
Poor reader… I also want to wrap her in blankets and hug her
That homecoming greeting was so cute 🥰🥰 how are they not a couple already? 😩 they really are stubborn idiots. Pushing each other for the other to have a significant other when clearly, they are perfect for each other…
Oh no, is Cas going to become Sam 2.0? 😂 something was about to happen between the two of them!
Dean was so focused on the game and the reader that she forgot that Carmen was coming. Am I a bit happy? Yes 😂 but I don’t like where it’s going. I do feel bad for Dean though and maybe Carmen a bit because he’s clearly not interested in her. Okay nope, not feeling bad for her anymore. She just planted herself right onto Dean’s lap? Like what??!! Omg please don’t tell me the reader invited Adam over? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Nat, you are currently breaking my heart. More like you ripped it out of my chest and stomped on it. And it’s not even close to being done 😭😭😭 (still love you and your writing though 😘)
Wait what? Wtf happened. Dean’s comment was a bit out of place 😅😂 why is he being so stupid 🤬🤦‍♀️ so funny that he literally forgot Carmen in the appartement though 😂😂😂 how does that happen? 😂 no no no no they kissed. NO! Omg Dean is so stubborn and an idiot and ugh. Just go back!
Btw, I absolutely love your chapter warnings. They just make me smile every time 😂
I like Adam now 😂😂 he basically just told her what we’ve been trying to make her see in 18 chapters 😂 omg he’s so blunt I love it 😂 go Adam! And thank you for making the reader think a bit! 👏👏👏
Okay this message is long enough and I do need to sleep 😅😅 as you can see, I am very much involved in this story. Sorry I’m being so invested 😅 you’ll probably get another message tomorrow, I won’t put my phone down until I finish this series - unless the booster shot knocks me down completely and I can’t look at a screen xx Mel
I woke up this morning, and read this. I couldn't contain my big smile.
Exactly, you definitely know me and how my brain works ;) God, Mel, don't apologize for those messages. I love it!
I can't wait for you to pick up at 19. Dun dun duuuuuun. lol
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Home To You
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blazewatergem · 4 years
I’ve literally never done this before but I feel confident sooooo HERE WE GO!
Name: JoAnna. Not giving a last name, sorry.
Nicknames: JoJo is my most common one, but I’ve been called; Jo, Blaze, and “Weirdo” in a affectionate tone before. Please, please do not call me JoAnn. Don’t. Don’t. No go. Cease and desist. I would literally rather be cussed out.
Why do I have two capitals in my name?: It’s not a typo, fun fact! My name is literally spelt that way because I am the actual ship name of my parents, Joe and Ann. :D even more nerdy history, I was originally going to be named after Seven of Nine. Mum won out though 😂
Location: Michigan, USA. Where not even the Heavens themselves know WTF our weather is going to be like.
Birthday: April 19th. I’m an Aries officially, but I REALLY don’t act like one.
Romantic Life: I identify as bisexual. I am also polyamorous, it fits better for me. However, I have only burned roads in the legit dating field. As in, I had exactly one(1) boyfriend and he proceeded to cheat on me before moving away. Then I got asked out as a joke, multiple times, by multiple people.
Health: I can’t really talk much about it in real life, but I’m more than certain I have Anxiety. I can’t get it properly diagnosed(parents are old fashioned. Still love them, and doing my best to try and get them caught up with the Now but...yknow...). I’m certain I have this through extensive research, and the fact that I’m literally training to be a therapist so...Psych classes. Yeah. I also have PCOS, which SUCKS SO BAD. 😭 The comments I’ve gotten on my body type...bruh, I’m just trying to love myself. (PS: If you’re the type to make unwanted comments on people’s bodies the exit is right there. Bye)
Appearence: Look me up on Instagram if you want. I got some decent selfies. Trust me, you already know the user name.
Occupation: College Student. Currently planning on majoring in Psychology to become a therapist, as I’ve been told I’m a good listener and I’d like to help people.
Least Favorite Subject: Algebra. Math. I just can’t do it. My body rejects thee.
Favorite Season: Fall. I love the colder months. Which makes my birthday ironic. At least the weather gods of Michigan occasionally gives me snow.
Fun Facts About Me:
I hate bugs in real life, but bugs in media I ADORE. Like I will SPRINT from a bee but I’ll study bugs in horror movies like they’re works of art.
I get scared and paranoid so easily but I love horror so much. Monsters are so much fun!
High School was, funny enough, better to me than my younger years in school. In Elementary, I dealt with people making fun of me about EVERYTHING(My dog, the fact that I’m a bigger girl, my love of fantasy) but in high school, everyone was super supportive! I made real friends there, and we’re all still close!
I have had one dog in my life. His name was Buddy, middle name Mojo, and he passed away roughly a year ago. I still miss him, and we have a tree planted out back in memorial.
In Middle School I had one friend who actively called me Shoelaces because of that old Tumblr post.
My final year of High School, because of how much I love Halloween, I bought two huge bags of candy and just...gave out pieces to whoever wanted some. My art class hailed me as a Queen, the teacher thought it was hilarious, and my favorite moment was how they told me to keep the Whoopers because I love those. I agreed, then proceeded to open up the second bag they didn’t know about. When they saw second bag, I think the laughter reached the second floor. 😂
I have trouble staying focused, so sometimes I vanish from fics unexpectedly. I promise, I’m never going to abandon anything I write. It’s just...really hard to focus on things. That’s why I start so many projects. That way I always have something to work on. At least that’s the idea. Questionable on whether that’s working 😂
Another funny High School story is that I was in a mock trail because I wanted to try out Law for a potential career. Found out the hard way arguments are...NOT something I can handle. Not even in a professional setting with no shouting. We won though! :D
I can’t eat cucumbers. They legit make me sick.
And I think that’s all I got! I got other funny stories, and I’m sure I’ll remember other stuff later. Normally, I hate talking about myself. On here though...I feel like I can really be myself.
😊 Y’all are awesome!!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hej!  Igen😂 håber du hviler efter dette lange kapitel og får noget arbejde gjort!
Jnshsiaka I- I cant!! Istg I read "David" and literally went: Nop, not happening. Bye. And got tf out of ao3 and tumblr. I have to thank you tho. I finally did my ethics homework I had been procastinating for two days lmaoo
But ok ok *takes a deep breath* lets go!!
I'm confusion...
“It’s alright, love,” he had told the demon. “I’ve lived with worse demons. You’re okay. I won’t hurt you.” (JDIVDUIS I CANT😭😭)
NOT LIKING DAVID=🚩🚩🚩 (you are on thin fucking ice Asmodeus!!!)
"He wasn’t going to ruin the book by assaulting someone with it. Especially not a first edition!" Honey they might kill you... Still relatable tho
"Because the boy had always felt like a thunderstorm too. Strong, dangerous, and scary – but utterly beautiful and completely breathtaking if you managed to catch a look at the right time." MAVID!!!!!
I mean I understand Max....
"David dragged his fingers through Max’s back and dug his nails into the dimple at the base of his spine. Max let out a strangled moan against his mouth." OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUUUCK🥺
You beautiful simp!!!  THE KISS!!!
I knew Elyaas was telling the truth!!!
“Look. It’s beating.” So is mine!!! (kinda)
“Max,” David said hoarsely. “Max. We are in hell.” “Not a problem,” Max said, moving to his throat. (of course they dont have a problem. Herondale, Fairchild, Bane and Lightwood people never seem to have it. And all four in the same room!! Like father, like son... )
“Max, you mustn’t do anything reckless,” David said carefully – which was asking for a lot, to be honest. “I’m in Edom,” Max pointed out. “That ship has sailed.” (yeah... A little late warning...)
“How hot is this shadowhunter?" REALLY hot, but worry not babe...
“Don’t…Don’t justify what I did so I won’t feel bad about my actions.” Max always surprise me...
Oh shit, he doesn't remember!!
“I love you,”  KSJHDIDBDISB 💙💙
"Mon ange, we both know that’s not true.” >>>> anything
"I saved his life" WHAT WHAT??
“You came after the wrong prince.” wtf?? WTF???
“It’s always the bloody Herondales.” HOLY SHIT. NO. WHAT? I. WHAT?? OMG WE ARE ALL CLOWNS HERE!! SHIT GOT REAL. Omg. Plot twist. Wow.
Lexi!! Now this makes sense!!! I'm so worried for her... AND THATS NOT DAVID!!
"If you can make something gay, you should. Those were the rules." Sounds logic :)
YES ALEC CALL HER OUT!! Also, he is right about the fighting thing...
Ok, but she makes a great point at the Herondale thing!!
"Are you satisfied, my Consul?” JDISBSKNS LOVE IT💙 Sounds badass ngl... Also, Lexi scared of Magnus 😂
OMG Olivia!! What?? She is really possesed?!?!?
“Livvy. Baby. Look at me,” he begged, his voice hoarse and torn. “Olivia. Please. I’m here.” (Not cool Dani!! Not cool!!)
I'm scared of Julian...
Every "No." takes years of my life!!
Gabriel??? Anjali??  I NEED ANSWERS!!
SELENA!! She knows how to handle all the shit!! My wise girl🥺🥺
Yeah, you got this!!!
I- okey, maybe they don't...
“Selena. I’m so sorry,” Lexi cried. “Selena. What did I do to you?” (FUCK FUCK FUCK!!)
“Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.” I CANT ANYMORE😭😭
He is obsess with Magnus...creepy
Oh shit it all makes sense now!!! The coffee, the arrow!!! THE SWORD!!!
David still blushing here is so cute and funny 😂
Oh boy you are lucky Jace wasnt there!!!
“Oh my god. You are such a drama queen,” LMAOO😂
Thats it. He doesnt like David. Lets kill him🔪
“But the shadowhunter stays right here.” OH SHIT.
He reached out to David and kissed his hand. “You’re gonna be okay. I got you.” (They are going to make me cry 😭😭)
“Babe,” he told the blonde boy. “Take that off. I’ll get you something prettier." 💙💙
“David-” “Max-” “Children,” Asmodeus interrupted with a tired sigh. (why is this so funny tho??? 😂)
Magnus soul?? MAX???
“Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. A beautiful story. But I am afraid, it doesn’t have a happy ending. (did you HAVE to remind me of that??)
“I need you to shut the fuck up,” Max said with infinite patience. (SAMEEE)
I dont like this giving up inmortality thing... Its getting a bad habit 🙂
“And you will find someone else to love,” David smiled. How was he smiling right now? “It was supposed to go like this anyway, wasn’t it?” (No. No. No. Please no!!)
“If anyone is obsessed with your father, it’s your other father.” Yeah, that acurrate..
Asmodeus is just bdjsksnlsnsks >:(
“I don’t care about the world,” Max said. “I care about you.” Im sorry but THE PARALLEL!!!!
That fucking vision send chills all over my body. Seriously it was so dark and cruel and???
“You will be the one who ends it all.”
“You are not Alec Lightwood, and you never will be,” “You are not a protector. You are a destroyer.”
“You keep your immortality and be the one who ends the Lightwood name.”
Jace!! I just want him to be ok since chapter 1😭
“I miss him,” Clary whispered. “I miss him too,” (Noo, he is not dead. Please!!)
"Alec was holding Rafael’s hand. Magnus was singing softly in Indonesian." I mean...shooting me would have hurt less but ok...
"Jace didn’t know what kind of cursed world they lived in where they had to keep saying goodbye to their children" Yeah, thats the cruelest thing of all I think
"Magnus shielded Rafael and Alec shielded Magnus." THIS is just pain in the most pure way and honestly I don't know how I'm still alive
“Is he possessed?” Alec asked dryly. (NO,  BUT SOMEONE IS!!)
“He is trying to tell us something,” Jace observed. “Yeah. No shit,” Magnus said. “He wants you to follow him.” “You speak dog?” Jace raised an eyebrow. “I speak commonsense,” (Sorry, this is sad and all but them!!! 😂)
"Clary had looked breathtaking. He had told her that when she was in labor and she had asked him to go fuck himself." I HAVE TO COVER MY MOUTH CAUSE THIS IS JSVSISJSJSJ😂
“My babies,” Jace whispered. “Please. No. Not my babies.” (NO NO NO PLEASE NO!!)
“Somebody check on her parabatai!” YESS!! Thank you Jem. Somebody do something!!!
"A part of Jace knew Magnus was a downworlder. A warlock. But Jace had never seen anything more angelic in his life" I swear I'm trying not to scream 😭😭)
Jeg undskylder igen for denne lange reaktion, pas på dig selv!!! (sender mine bedste vibes, så du også kan skrive den rapport💙)
YES I GOT IT RIGHT IT'S DANISH (I'm just guessing Scandinavian countries at this point lol)
Your love for David >>>>>>>
I LOOOOOOOOOVE when you quote fave lines.
Wishing you a productive weekend bebe 💙
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I’m kinda scared of this chapter. Idk, I feel like the angst is coming…
“When are you going to let me dream about hot blonde girls? This is very homophobic!”😂😂
No!!! WHAT?? Jace cant get sick😭
“What the hell is wrong with you?” “You want a list?” (😂😂why is this so funny?)
“Lex,” he whispered back. “I…I am scared.” (NO JACE YOU ARE GOING TO BE FINE!! I LOVE YOU)
Jace and Lexi. That's it. That's the comment
“Well, Olivia can join the fam-” “Imma stop you right there,” Lexi held up a hand. (Jace you savage😂😂)
Raziel! Get your shit together! (yeah dude, just let them be happy!!)
"It would be a lie. But she would rather live a lie with Olivia than do anything with anyone else." ksdhdidb I can't with them💙💙
“Call me if you need me,” Olivia whispered. “And I will find my way back to you.” (can you please stop pretending you are pretending and just kiss each other already???)
I love Liv💙💙
“You’re gonna pull this off so good that Max is gonna pull it off of you,” RESPECT SELENA. RESPECT 👌🏻
“It can’t be the seelies.” “Oh?” “It’s too obvious,” Selena pointed out. “Poison? Elf bolt? Someone is trying to throw us off their scent.” (THANK YOU SELENA!! Thats what I said!!! Love you queen💙)
"He would have that beautiful realization and go ‘oh wait. You are not just my friend. You are my family." 🥺🥺 I am once again saying we don't deserve him💙💙
OMG they want to give him the institute!!! YESSS
"It would be time for the next generation to take over.” Idk why, but this line feels so badass...
"While Alec Lightwood was practically perfect, his Clave wasn’t the same. The cohort members had created so much trouble for the poor man." THIS. EVERY WORD HERE IS ACCURATE😌
JACE!! *sobs* I just want him to be ok...
Clace really gave a piece of them to each child💙💙
David is so beautiful 😭😭 Whenever you are ready love💙💙
"David knew that smile. It was a smile Mr Herondale reserved only for his wife." You are giving me too much Clace feelings and now I want to reread the books...
Camila is amazing!! Like...The way she accepted the whole shadow world...Where is Camila supremacy I ask??
“The energy in this room is intense,” Love her💙
“Ohhh,” Camilla sounded intrigued. “Is this the hot one with the beard or the hot one who looks like a model?” Rafael rolled his eyes. “It was an accidental cult.” 😂😂I can't-
Ngl in Love Begins After Forever I was a little worried we would have a love-triangle, but Anjali, Rafael and Camila are a power trio!!
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I will only use “Shadow police” from now on. Shadow police are weird Camila. You better get used to it!!
“His beautiful Anjali.” 🥺🥺This is to much!!
Wow, the way I love them… They are simply amazing💙
“Jace had been so excited that he had literally come over to Alec’s apartment to show the pictures. Alec also suspected that Jace missed him.” Jjwdwjwi I can't with parabatai!!
“Our family motto is ‘conceal don’t feel’.”
Magnus 's photo!!! Jjwnjdjwn i love them so much!!!
Yeah Alec! Call Jace out!!
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Max you lil shit!!😂
“Alec didn’t know where he had gone wrong” Please. I’m begging you!!Don’t blame yourself!!
“If you so badly want to third wheel during my date, then be my guest!” Sorry, I know this is going to hurt, but this was funny😂😂
Jjidwie I'm internally screaming!! This is too much i can't!!i
“Max, bud,” Jace shook his head in disapproval. “We don’t snitch on our bros!” Yeah, not cool!!
But it was fine. Alec could take all the anger. He would take anything as long as his family was safe.” THIS MAN IS THE DEATH OF ME!!
Oh no!! Rafael is not answering!!!
What?? A body??? I’m scared!! I… WTF??? I… I’m literally crying and I want to scream and I just cant right now. I need a moment. DAVID?? REALLY? WHAT?? I will just lay down for a minute and cry and just suffer… I refuse to believe he will stay dead!! I just can’t take that!!! Wow, this... I have no words but that I am a masochistic for loving this fic :)💙
Me writing this fic and yall reading it like:
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elliebartlets · 4 years
7.19 Transition
• lol Josh having to fly commercial now
• oh god this is when Sam returns!
• oh yeah he’s engaged!
• “You’re “me” to my “Leo.””
• lol Josh is just getting shit on for his looks. First by a random driver, and now his friend.
• so if Sam’s in this episode, that means this is when Josh blows up at Otto. And Sam basically gives Josh an ultimatum saying “go on vacation or I won’t work for you.”
• I like that they show Debbie having allergies. Good continuation.
• lol Helen’s face at being called ma’am.
“Did you just ma’am me?”
• ok I have had to pause this 3 times to look up words I don’t know. West Wing I like when you’re smart but c’mon.
• oh yeah they’re monitoring Santos’s calls to Russia and China. Doesn’t he mess up and call someone about the invasion and it becomes a problem or something?
• lmao we finally saw Josh relax...for 3 seconds
• “Who said anything about talking?” 👀 Donna
• I love how she kicks the door closed with her foot
• I honestly wonder if Josh even heard a word Donna said cause the way he’s looking at her is 😍💓💕😍🥰💖
• “Bye!” Lol
• I’ve pointed this out before but it’s funny that both Abbey and Helen find “commander in chief” such a turn on lol
• huh they want Babish as AG
• “If one of the 389 horses should keel over, there’ll be a team of veterinarians and a forklift standing by. Which should be a lovey sight for the children in the crowd.”
• ah yeah CJ doesn’t want a job
• “Is he seeing anyone?”
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• So did CJ already know about the phone conversation Santos had with the Chinese president when she told Josh that Santos can’t express his disapproval?
• watching Josh continuously eat antacids and drink alca seltzer makes me feel ill
• and then he chugs a Red Bull!! how is this man not dead honestly
• ok I guess CJ didn’t know
• I love the confusion and then the realization that washes over Donna when she realizes Helen wants her as Chief of Staff
• also Donna!! as Chief of Staff!! to the First Lady!!
• “There’s no way I’m gonna get a handle of what’s going on between the two of us in the time frame you laid out.” Joshhhhhh
• ahh poor Otto. He has tears in his eyes!!
• Josh is such an asshole
• “My sister thinks you’re very attractive.”
“She doesn’t have a sister.”
• wait...Bartlet was in on Santos calling the Chinese president?? I feel like I kinda remember this but at the same time I don’t cause I’m shocked wtf
• “I have no life. And I don’t know if that’s really how I want it or if it’s just some borderline or not so borderline pathetic, pathologic avoidance thing.”
• ahh Josh did the hand over his heart thing to Santos. It was really quick but still
• live with Bradley Whitford
• they opened with a cellist playing Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 which was beautiful
• Watching this episode took Brad back to where he was emotionally when they shot it. They had lost John Spencer and knew the show was ending.
• “By the way, I wanna say something.”
“Yeah. We flew you here first...you’d better start saying something!”
“It would’ve been so great to get flown here and remain mute.”
Lmaosjns that made me laugh so hard
• lmao a random audience member just yelled “Why did you eat the toothpaste?”
“Ok, that’s the only question we’re going to take because it happens to be a very good one, but this is going to be chaos if everybody calls out questions.”
“Out of an abundance of courtesy...After I make love to a woman...I simply swallow the paste.”
Brad 😂
• Josh visiting Sam was a parallel of In the Shadow of Two Gunmen that didn’t need to be pointed out to the audience, but was pointed out anyway by Sam. Another parallel is Josh trying to get Sam to join the administration, just like Toby was trying to get CJ to join.
• “By the way, Rob’s refusal to age really helped set up my look of exhaustion.”
• “Amazing thing what you did.”
“Well, that’s the easy part, it’s what you do with it that counts.”
This exchange between Sam and Josh reminded Hrishi of Hamilton when Washington says “Winning was easy young man, governing’s harder.”
• You can see Sam’s face change when Josh says “Deputy Chief of Staff”. Hrishi thinks he changed his mind because it’s not a speechwriting job. He referenced back to what Sam said in 20 Hours in America when he has to fill in for Josh:
“I’ve worked here 3 years and 8 months and until you sit in the room all day, you can’t comprehend the chaos of the Oval Office. I had one good moment talking about the global ripple effect of a budget deficit, but that’s it. The rest of the day was just keeping up, and this is a pretty light day.
“One good moment is good...”
“Oh, I’m not complaining. One good moment is great! It’s a golf shot! I gotta get back in there, that’s where it’s happening.”
• Bartlet was left leaning and while Santos is also left leaning, he seems to be to the right of Bartlet.
• Josh increasingly became the main character on the show, with his personal and professional life front and center.
• Bradley was conflicted as to whether he wanted the show to continue or not. He wanted to get out before “the banana turned brown” but he also looks back and realizes the show could’ve gone on.
• John Wells said the plan before John Spencer passed away was to go ahead and move into a Santos administration.
• Josh’s outburst at Otto reminded them of his outburst at Bartlet in Noël (which is why they wanted to play Bach’s Cello Suite No.1 at the beginning of the podcast)
• Another parallel to Noël is both times Josh has his outbursts, Sam is the first one to speak to him. In Noël he just says “Josh” but in this episode he gives him the speech/ultimatum.
• Hrishi thinks Josh not only hired Sam because he thinks Sam will do a good job and be great for the Santos Administration, but also because Josh really needs him there.
“There’s some part of Josh’s subconscious that knows that he is at this point, and the only person who’s ever been with him in that kind of moment and can bring him back is Sam.”
• “Let’s not gloss over the fact that Donna herself gets an important job offer this episode.”
“That’s right, she gets offered the job of Chief of Staff for the First Lady, so it’s yet one more thing that she’ll be coming to after Amy Gardner.”
Oh my god
• CJ and Josh talk to each other like colleagues and not like old friends.
• They think it’s weird Josh and CJ weren’t let in on Bartlet and Santos’s idea about the calls to the Chinese president.
“I’m just saying, maybe you want to let them in on your secret plan to fight an invasion?”
Ha. I see what he did there.
• Hrishi is concerned for Donna because she doesn’t have a sweater on the plane when it’s November in DC.
• There’s concern by Bartlet that there will be pranks played on the new administration during the transition.
The Clinton administration did damage, theft, and vandalism during the transition to the George W. Bush administration. They damaged furniture, stole TV remotes and doorknobs, put Vaseline or something sticky on desks, wrote on walls, took cellphones, stole Presidential medallions, glued telephones (hello Charlie) and damaged keyboards, many of which were missing the W key. (I’m sorry but that one’s kinda funny.) There was a 2 year investigation by the General Accounting Office and the agency put the cost of damages at somewhere between $13-14,000.
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