#I’m not gonna tag them all but all the eggies are here - though no longer eggies
cosien · 4 months
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Goodbye little ones <3
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I typically don’t do asks (I've only ever gotten a few), but a recent one got my gears turning and I wanted to reply.
(This is a secondary blog, so I can’t answer asks in the usual way.)
Your post about the retcon is so fucking good, I wish every critter saw it and actually thought about how shitty it was done, but then their belief in the cast and show would probably start cracking.
Thank you for liking the retcon post. I’ve seen various people in the tags thank me for making that post and have said that it’s helped them ‘feel less insane’. None of us are insane. We are not delusional. We didn’t experience a mass hallucination. These things happened, and they’ve been thoroughly documented. Hundreds of hours of material over the course of three years.
The people who should read that post won’t ever see it because I have all those assholes blocked lol. If they did manage to find it somehow, I know they would just mock it, as they’re wont to do with any of our criticisms. They’re so far up CR’s ass, they’ve convinced themselves that a retcon didn’t happen. Even shoving the literal definition of the word in their faces wouldn’t wake them up.
It's just so fucking weird to see how the group is acting now, and I'm pretty sure we're never gonna get a Laura&Marisha episode picture and a TM episode with those 2 for the rest of the campaign. It feels like when a non-canon wlw ship gets big on a TV show and suddenly the actresses can't be seen or interact with each other anymore🙄 it's the same fucking pattern and like you, I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this on a d&d show.
I specifically want to address the “It feels like when a non-canon wlw ship gets big on a TV show and suddenly the actresses can't be seen or interact with each other anymore” because I’ve thought about that pattern too. (Not so much with Marisha/Laura ‘cause them being on TM together is already a rare combo. If they don’t appear much or at all going forward, I don’t think it’s because of this, though it really wouldn’t surprise me. But, I have been thinking about that specific pattern in regard to their characters.)
I can make a comparison between this situation and what happened with the show A/gent Carter and the way the ship Cart/inelli was handled.
I know that might sound weird, but stay with me here lol...
I want to make it clear that I’m not comparing the relationships at all. Cart/inelli did not have nearly the same amount of build-up and depth as Beaujester, (or quite frankly, their level of possibility.) What I am comparing is the creators over-the-top reactions to these characters being shipped so hard and the extreme measures they went to in order to ‘remedy’ that.
The ship included P/eggy Carter and A/ngie Martinelli. The show was set in New York. Angie was a waitress (who wanted to be an actress/be on Broadway) at the diner that Peggy frequented. They ended up talking quite a bit and became fairly close. That ended up kind of becoming the core relationship in the entire first season, and LOTS of people started shipping it.
At the time, no one was calling us crazy or delusional. At most it was, “This is ABC! They’re not gonna pair her with a woman!” and of course the obligatory “But Peggy’s not gay!”. But no one was calling us names or being generally cruel. And anyone who tried it was ignored because everyone else drowned them out. The ship became extremely popular on Tumblr and Twitter. Both actresses were very positive and supportive. They regularly liked/retweeted romantic Cart/inelli fanart on Twitter. Even one of the female writers on the show got behind it too. It was asked about frequently at conventions and no one booed or rolled their eyes. The questions were never dismissed or made into a joke. (Honestly, this was one of the better overall fandom experiences I’ve had on here.)
And all of us were super excited for S2. Not just because of all the support, but because they had ended S1 with Peggy and Angie moving in together. Peggy had purchased, either it was a really fancy apartment or house (my memory is fuzzy on this), and she literally asked Angie to stay with her. Needless to say, that fueled the flames even more.
But despite the actresses and at least one writer being on board, between S1 and S2, something shifted.
Clearly, the showrunner and/or the execs, took a look at all of this and deemed it a ‘problem’. When S2 finally came around, suddenly everything was different. Instead of both of them living together in New York, instead of it being an organic (I’m beginning to hate that word) continuation from where they left off, Peggy decided to move to Los Angeles to do work for some agency out there or something, and Angie stayed in New York. It’s never explained why. It’s never explained why a woman who so badly wanted to be an actress would NOT want to go to LA, where Hollywood is. LA was never mentioned in S1. There were no hints that Peggy might want to fly out to the West Coast at some point. She seemed perfectly happy in NY, basically setting up house with Angie.
And they didn’t even ease into the change. They just got rid of the character. The actress was bummed about it and Cart/inelli fans tried to put pressure on the showrunner/writers to bring Angie back, which the actress completely supported, but even that fell on deaf ears. So, Angie was simply no longer an entity on that show. Conveniently removed. All the excitement we had was crushed. And of course, the second that Peggy got out to LA, she suddenly had a very obvious male love interest. What a surprise.
The showrunner/writers were not subtle about what they thought about our ship and us. They made the most extreme, nonsensical writing decision in order to permanently separate these two characters. Because, hey, that’s the only way to get the shippers to STOP, right?
This was what I was reminded of when I started seeing the turn that post-hiatus CR was taking. It ended up being a weird combination of kneejerk erasure (BJ) and heavy-handed overcompensation (BY).
But of course, CR is not a TV show, it’s D&D. And they can’t force one of their PCs to just disappear, so what do they have to resort to? Not interacting.
We all know how severely neutered Beau and Jester’s general relationship has become. It’s clear to me that both Marisha and Laura felt they had to do that. They had to suddenly have their characters stay away from each other as much as possible so they could prioritize Fjord and Yasha, and speed-run into romances with them. They started acting as if either of them giving the other one ounce of affectionate attention (like they had been doing so often and so naturally before), would be breaking some sort of hidden ‘relationship code’. Almost like if they ever hugged again, the studio would go down in flames.
The very obvious fact that they went to these lengths, to me, proves two things...
One, it proves the retcon even more, because you can tell that the way they behaved with each other DID in fact change. The frequency of interactions and the way those interactions would play out. Whenever they interact now, it seems like they’re trying to keep it as short, thin, and almost comedic (to the point of goofiness, and not in a good way) as possible. Their engagement seems half-assed and dull. The sounds of their voices, their facial expressions... completely sanitized. Even all the physicality they had is gone; the touches, the hugs, the cuddling. Every single aspect is different and they absolutely did that intentionally. This had to happen because they needed to dupe the viewers into believing that despite overall interest waning, their threadbare connections to Fjord and Yasha are more important, and were always more important then their connection to each other, that we all watched them steadily build. (And watched them pick up steam from about ep70 onwards.)
And two, that whole intentional decision to cut themselves off from each other, proves to me that their interactions pre-hiatus were indeed tinged with ‘something extra’, that was more than just friendship. They both recognized it and that’s why they pulled back so hard. That’s why soft touches and hugs and cuddling are no longer ‘allowed’. That’s why quiet, heartfelt conversations are no longer ‘allowed’. Because if there was absolutely nothing there, if they didn’t see/feel any romantic chemistry simmering underneath, and it was all just platonic BFF stuff, why would they suppress their behavior so drastically?
I think that all of this really does cement what I said in my retcon post: That there are disingenuous patterns being used here that I’ve seen far too often in media. In A/gent Carter, it was a character separation, in CR it was a character dynamic separation. Both done on purpose, to make the shippers shut up, and to push a different plot.
One is scripted, the other is unscripted, but the situations feel disgustingly similar, don’t they?
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Can’t Go On, Thinking Nothing’s Wrong
Summary:  Rus’s sparkle is becoming a firecracker, the Fell Brothers still aren’t talking, and Red is a Grand High Poobah. Just another day in Rus’s life since he got knocked up.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Brotherly Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pregnancy
Notes: Why does this happen to me? Guess it’s a series now, here we go. 
Just quick, thank you SO much for all your comments everyone. I’m going to reply to them eventually, but I’m having some pain issues right now. I can reply to comments or I can write, and I went with write. So, I SUPER appreciate them and I love them, and I will reply when I can. ^_^
Warning: There is what could possibly be a discussion about miscarriage but nothing like that actually happens.
What Will Be, Will Be
Something To Say, But Nothing Comes
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Not that long ago, Rus would’ve said he knew what tired felt like. Tired was always dogging after him, dragging him down into impromptu naps and through exhausted days while his piddling HP soaked up any rest it could, keeping him afloat.
But the past few weeks had taught him a new definition of the word and the only good thing about it was that this time, no one was griping at him to get his lazy butt out of bed.
Oh, yeah, and there was gonna be a baby eventually, that was nice, too.
Rus had a sneaking suspicion that the tired wasn’t gonna end with the skitten putting in an appearance. Probably learn a new definition of it, though.
Anyway, there was also the added perk that his brother no longer came in to wake him up in the morning for sentry duty. Alphys was a tough chickie, but she had a soft, gooey center for baby Monsters, skitten or otherwise. She immediately put him off work until the baby decided to show up before putting in a demand for some babysitting time. The way things were going, Rus was gonna have to come up with a duty log or something if he ever wanted a chance to hold his own kid.
Behind Rus, the mattress creaked as the bed shifted and, oh, right. That was another change, wasn’t it. For starters, his mattress had been upgraded to a bed frame scavenged from the dump. Not so much for the skitten, but because Edge refused to keep sleeping on the floor, like a no-account vagabond, was how he put it.
Rus sort of thought he should be offended by that, but, eh, the new bed came with perks. Namely, it usually came with an Edge included in the nighttime hours, big and cozy warm, and a helluva lot more cuddly than their previous visits led Rus to believe.
It was just a damn shame that morning came so early when Edge stayed over,
The bed creaked again. “I need to go.”
“mm hmm,” Rus mumbled. He wasn’t ready to commit to actually being awake, but he had enough going for him to be sleepily waiting for what came next. He was not disappointed.
First, a kiss on top of his skull. Very soft, a butterfly’s breath of a touch. Hesitant, not really sure of its welcome, but every morning that it wasn’t rejected upped the odds that tomorrow might bring another one.
Next came the one right over his sternum and this one was more confident, sure. Today Edge added a new layer, murmuring softly, “Be good, baby.”
Yeah, okay, Monsters didn’t exactly get hormones when they were knocked up, but Rus was just about to weep at how precious that was. Better to pretend he somehow didn’t notice. Edge got all flustered and blushy when Rus teased him and as cute as that was, Rus also didn’t want him to stop.
He didn’t want to say that upcoming parenthood was softening Edge up in seriously unexpected ways, but damn if it wasn’t. Hell, he’d pretty much accepted that Edge was giving all he could before with the occasional one-night stand, and that was okay, you know? Rus didn’t take it personal, was what it was. He’d gotten a few glimpses of Underhell...er...Fell, he saw where Edge and Red were coming from and if part of him desperately craved more, then that was his problem because Edge never promised him anything but orgasms.
Turned out that beneath that hard, boney shell Edge had a gooey center of his own and with a little spark to smooth the way, Edge was becoming the best sort of cuddle Monster.
Yeah, Rus could get used to this. He kinda hoped he’d have the chance and it wouldn’t dry up once the kid was here.
The sound of the bedroom door quietly closing was a sign that it was time to go back to sleep and when Rus woke up again, he could see the bright, artificial light coming around the curtains.
His phone buzzed again; that was what woke him up the first time, and Rus groaned loudly, not bothering to look at the text. He already knew who it was from and he also knew they were turning him into a crazy person because they were from a crazy person who was probably already inside the house.
In the end, he looked at it anyway because he couldn’t not look at it. It said exactly the same thing as yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.
need to get down here and eat
Yeah, Captain Obvious, it was about the time his hunger started warring with the whole tired thing, he didn’t really need a wakeup call. But since he had one, Rus went ahead and gave in, kicking the blankets to the end of the bed and hauling himself upright.
He yanked on his bathrobe over his pajamas, leaving it hanging open as he wandered downstairs. The gargoyle currently slouched on his sofa was getting to be a common sight, too.
“morning,” Red didn’t look up from his phone. “your bro left breakfast for you on the table.”
Even Red’s grouchy mug wasn’t enough to dim his appetite and Rus’s shuffle got a bit of a lift as he headed over to the covered plate. Toast soaked in butter, richly browned sausages, glistening eggs. Even a bowl of oatmeal swimming with a generous amount of honey, with a tall glass of orange juice to wash it down. Twice and then some what he would’ve eaten before and Rus dug in as if it might make a break for it if he looked away.
He piled most of it on a toast slice in a messy sort of sandwich and took a happy bite. Around a mouthful of eggy toast, Rus mumbled, “you know, you don’t need to come over every day.”
Blue and Edge woulda had some words to say about his manners, some more profane than others. Red was his sort of guy and spoke ‘full mouth’ fluently. His pissiness, on the other hand, was more a character flaw than anything Rus did to earn wrath.
“yeah, and you don’t need to tell me what to do but here we are,” Red grumbled. “boss’s gotta patrol. your bro has training. i’m the only one who can hang around.”
“uh huh.” Telling him that Rus didn’t need anyone hanging around probably wasn’t gonna go over well, or it least it wasn’t gonna do much good. Red had assigned himself as the Grand Poobah of Overprotectiveness and Rus was gonna have to roll with it.
Probably wouldn’t be too much longer, anyway. The little spark was growing quickly. Already it had gone from a twinkling to a firecracker, much faster than expected. He’d always had an overabundance of magic and according to Undyne, the souling was happily gorging on it. That was why he was so damned sleepy and right now he’d nod off about anywhere. Which, okay, he did that before but these days Blue only shook his head indulgently and sometimes tucked a blanket around him.
For some reason he was feeling a little more energized today, so after he dumped his plate in the sink, then went back to rinse it off so he didn’t get ‘The Lecture, Now In Stereo’, Rus went upstairs and put on actual clothes instead of standing by his previous declaration that pajamas were good for all occasions.
That was enough of a program change to get Red to look up from his Candy Crush or whatever the hell he was engrossed in. “what are you doing?”
“going for a walk.” Rus told him as he stepped into his untied shoes. Then, more grudgingly, “you coming?”
The answer was obviously some version of yes, but the expected bitching and moaning didn't come. Red only hopped up and put on his shoes, double-knotting the laces before he went over and did the same to Rus’s sneakers, ignoring his exasperated sigh.
Red didn’t ask before practically leaping in front of Rus to make sure he was first out the door. He looked around like he was expecting a sneak attack from the garage or maybe an ambush from the Librarby, books lunging out with nefarious deeds already written on their pages.
When neither of those scenarios manifested, Red seemed to decide it was safe enough for a stroll. Rus pushed past him impatiently and headed for Waterfall.
“your bro is out in the woods,” Red puffed out, jogging to catch up with Rus’s long legs.
“yep. which is why i’m taking a walk in waterfall. got a problem with that?” Because if he did, Rus’s easygoing attitude was about to bypass the lighthouse and crash into the rocks.
Red only shrugged. “nah. some exercise is good for the kidlet.”
“Kidlet?” Rus made a face, “i was gonna stick with skitten.”
Red stopped in his tracks, horror flitting over his expression, “skitten?”
“yeah, you know. skeleton kitten. a skitten.”
Red scrubbed a hand over his face and shook his head as he started trudging after Rus again. “i tried to tell the boss something was wrong with you.”
“i bet you did.” Rus said agreeably. “i mean, there are, so many things. probably hard to pick one.” It was true. He had a list.
But if Red was gonna drag that out of the shadows and into the light of day, Rus would like to point out that whatever was wrong with him wasn’t as bad as what was currently wrong with the Fell brothers. Didn’t take a genius to notice that as soon as Edge came back to Underswap from patrol or training, Red took off, usually with a grunt for Rus or Blue, but always without a word to Edge. It was like as soon as Red passed the little souling torch over to his brother, Red was out.
Rus was starting to feel like the ball in the Underground’s most boring game of ping pong.
Of course, it was really their business, not Rus’s at all. Like he was up to giving any advice about relationships, considering he and Edge hadn’t even gotten around to slapping a label on theirs? Right. He should stay out of it and let them work it out.
Except, Rus didn’t give two hurty squirty shits about that because it was really starting to get on his nerves. Edge was supposed to show up here and spend his time looking all adorable about upcoming parenthood, possibly (hopefully) tossing a promising look at Rus from time to time. He was not supposed to be moping around soulbruised because his brother was a dick. Which, okay, Red was always a dick, but he could be less of one.
Around the path, the snowdrifts began to trail away, the air around them slowly warming as it shifted to a gentle trickle of constant rain. A change of scenery called for a change of conversation, and fuck it, Rus was up for a challenge. “so, you ever gonna stop being pissy with edge?”
Well, at least Red wasn’t going to pretend everything was a-ho k-ho. “it’s because of the kid, isn’t it.”
Okay, yeah, he probably deserved that particular derisive snort.
The damp was starting to creep in through his shoes, making them squeak against his bony feet. “you aren’t pissy with me,” Rus pointed out. “why? takes two to jitterbug, yeah?”
“yeah, but he’s not supposed to be the stupid one.”
It took a second for that to click. “…hey!”
Rus reached out and gave Red a shove, cause he might as well enjoy it while Red wouldn’t push him back. “seriously, though, he’s really upset about it, i can tell, you should--”
“stay in your lane, honey bun.” The words were gently said, but the warning in it was clear.
Welp, he’d tried. Mark that notch on the board and maybe tomorrow would be a better day.
“kinda hard right now, feel like i’m swerving all over the place.” Up ahead was one of the larger pools of water and Rus stopped at the edge and sat on the damp ground. After a fierce struggle with Red’s knots, he pulled off his shoes and rolled up his pant legs, scooting up to dip his feet into the cool water.
Next to him, Red did the same thing, tucking his socks deeply into his sneakers before sitting next to Rus. Their height difference wasn’t quite as obvious sitting down since Rus lost the advantage of his gangly legs.
Rus gave Red’s foot a nudge under the water with his toes and asked slyly, “how are you gonna protect me from the cave ninjas in your bare feet?”
Because he was a shit, Red scowled deeply and started to stand. Rus grabbed his arm to keep him still.
“stay put, you pine cone. we both know you could probably murder someone while you were bareass. Not that you’re gonna need to, thanks.”
“be a hell of a last sight before ya dusted, though.”
“thanks, i was looking for a good excuse to bleach my mind.”
The cool water felt good, soothing. His joints were a little achy lately, especially in his feet. From the magic drain, according to Undyne. Thinking of...“i’m supposed to see undyne tomorrow for another checkup. she wants to measure the souling, see if she can give me a guess-tament on when it’ll descend.”
Red grunted, noncommittal. Rude. Rus was trying to give him a heads up on the agenda for tomorrow. Chances were Edge would want to tag along, but if he couldn’t, he didn’t want Red grumbling about having to take a trip to hotland. Though he probably wouldn’t anyway, Red was being weird about all of this, everything, and Rus didn’t much want to guess at why.
But the silence was drawing out and at last, Rus went ahead and asked the question that'd been bugging him most. “do you want to see it?”
“see what?”
“my tits,” Rus said exasperatedly. “the souling, what else?”
Because for all his protectiveness, Red was the only person who knew that hadn’t asked for a quick peek. Not that Rus minded; he was perfectly happy to show off his little spark and now that it was bigger, it was starting to look like an actual soul, not a little blob of light. Edge was practically trying to commune with it on a daily basis, cuddling up close so he could stare through Rus’s rib cage or pressing his skull against Rus’s sternum and listening to its quick-quick little throb, barely audible over the pulse of his own soul.
Red seemed to be giving the question a lot more consideration than Rus thought should be necessary for a quick glimpse at a souling. The legs of his shorts were too close to the water and they were getting soaked, made worse when he kicked his feet and sent a little wave to splash back at them.
At last, Red gave a little shrug and said, “nah.”
Hm. Rus didn’t press, lifting a foot out of the water and watched the trickles fall from his boney metatarsals. Not far away were a few echo flowers, their words unintelligible, but their glow lighting the walls with an almost eerie blue.
Rus was about to suggest they head back to see if lunch miraculously appeared while they were gone when Red asked, low, “can you feel it yet?”
“feel it?” Rus asked dubiously. He rubbed his fingertips over his sternum, right above where his soul hovered with his own little echo circling around it. “maybe? sometimes it does feel warmer in there--”
“no,” Red shook his head and his words were tight, grated out, “when it gets close to descending, you should kinda feel it. it’s a full soul right next to your own, ain’t it? but not like soul joining, there’s no real thoughts or anything. just emotions. like...like getting touched with happiness.”
“not yet,” Rus said softly. His voice reverberated faintly, and he wondered if the echo flowers would claim it. “must be too small still.”
Red nodded jerkily and fell silent.
There was a fuckton of questions springing up around that, but Rus didn’t ask any of them. They sat there a while longer together, and if the silence wasn't exactly comfortable, it wasn’t bad, either. Eventually, Rus flopped back to lay in the cool grass, still paddling softly with his feet. The water dripping down into his sockets was weird but not unpleasant. He didn’t remember falling asleep, didn’t know how he got back home to be lying on their sofa, and he definitely didn’t want to know how he ended up in fresh, dry clothes.
What he did know was that Edge was in the living room with him, still pulling off his boots, and Red was nowhere to be seen.
“you look tired,” Rus said. Which, was the truth, but he winced a little belatedly at having said it like that. He was always a little off his game when he woke up and lately, that seemed like always.
Edge replied, curtly. “Today was...difficult.”
He didn’t elaborate and Rus didn’t ask.
“well, hey, come lay down until dinner is ready.” The sounds coming from the kitchen were a pretty good sign that Blue was already in there, whipping up something delicious. And when it looked like Edge was going to argue, because of course he would think he needed to toss on a chef’s hat after an already long day, Rus said lightly. “undyne was just telling me that frequent proximity of the other soulsharer is good for the little firecracker.”
Sure, that was a blatant lie, but Rus thought it was for a good cause. Edge faltered, his eye lights straying to the kitchen, but in the end, it was too much of a good thing to resist. Edge settled down next to him, moving immediately and unashamedly into Rus’s personal space, already prepared to start trying to commune with their little spark. Talking to it, humming little songs, even summoning his own soul so that he could offer a taste of the emotions bubbling in him and yeah, that overflowing love wasn’t for Rus, but feeling it so close to his soul brought tears to his sockets, maybe someday...maybe…?
Almost, Rus thought he might have felt something, a tiny, sweet little echo of emotion, but he couldn’t be sure.
Soon, it’d be soon. He hoped. Rus was really looking forward to getting touched with a little happiness.
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Apocalypse After (Part 5)
Pairing: Michael Langdon x fem!reader
Summary: There was never any hope of saving Michael Langdon, never a chance to stop the apocalypse. The Antichrist was already too intertwined with his destiny when the reader met him all those years ago. But Mallory can go back and make things right and when the reader travels with her, an opportunity sparks to try and make things right after all.
Words: 4.2K
Warning: Swearing! Violence! Fluff! Character Death!
Tag List: @queenie435 @elimineetje @i-alyssa @clairvoyant-hs @trelaney @a-l-l-e-x-a-n-d-r-r-a @ahsloverrf @sodanova@strawberriewithchocolate-blog @langdonsfallen @queencocoakimmie @petersfern-fics @langdonsoceaneyes  @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sassylangdon @confettucini @Langdonalien @alexcornerblog @sevenwondr @sammythankyou @wroteclassicaly @Sloppy-Wrist  @sojournmichael  @langdonslove @whoviancumberbunny @the–queen-of-hell​ @gremlinkween @langdonsinferno​  @readsalot73 @astir-bread @amytakesmanhattan @i-will-die-for-jim-mason @mega-combusken @hanhanxx @kahhlo @tickled--pinkmoodpoisoning @americanhorrorstudies @luxuryglitterhoe @ccodyfern @ladynuwanda @infernal-langdon @theharvestgirloffire
A/N: Here is the long awaited Part 5! The four months are nearly up, but what has Michael been up to? Has he behaved? It’s about to go down as Michael and the reader return to Murder House once more. We have some lovely fluff in this Chapter as love begins to form between our babies and some hella drama too. Enjoy! 
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The pan sizzles the moment I place down the eggy bread. While one side is cooking I watch Michael busy dressing up his own stack of French Toast. He’s gone to town as usual, dousing it in maple syrup, whipped cream and strawberries. The entire thing looks more dessert than breakfast. He catches my eye and holds out the can of whipped cream, ‘You know it’s customary.’
I slip the bread, happy with the golden side and dart over. Michael squeezes cream into my mouth and I push him away when he doesn’t stop. I splutter as it drips out of my mouth, ‘Damn snake.’
He’s laughing his ass off, ‘You fall for it every time.’
‘Cause I think maybe this time you’re not gonna be a dick.’ I wipe the rest off on a tea towel and slap it in his direction, Michael’s body vanishes only to re-appear right behind me. I’m ready for him though, scooping cream onto my fingertips and smearing it down his shirt. 
‘Serves you right.’ I grin triumphantly, admiring the stain I’ve left. ‘And you’re gonna wash it yourself.’ I add, ‘I’m not doing your laundry again, I know you’re sneaking your stuff in with mine.’
Michael rolls his eyes, but then a smirk appears on his face, ‘You’ve burned the beautiful French Toast.’
My eyes dart to the pan which has begun to sizzle horrible. I turn back to Michael and offer him my nicest smile, ‘No breakfast for you then.’ I seize his perfect plate and run towards the dining table. 
I can hear Michael taking the pan off the heat, he’s soon at my side armed with the whipped cream again, ‘Release my food or I will show you no mercy.’ A thrill licks up my spine at his words and I shove it back down. Michael stands before me in his red pyjamas, the bottoms hanging low on his hips. I can see his tummy peeking out from where his shirt has risen up, the V that extends down below. I pull my eyes back to his face and Michael’s eyes darken, ‘That’s the second time I’ve seen you do that.’
To distract him I send the whipped cream whizzing away from him, it changes direction in the air and flies right back at me. Michael and I face down, the battle of wills more a game than anything else. This is how best to teach him, to let Michael show off and learn what he and cannot do mainly by having fun. He doesn’t take anything in sitting at a desk and copying facts, he’s a practical dynamic person. But he’s not quite as accomplished as me, not yet. Michael’s hand reaches out at the last minute and catches the can, his hand is shaking against the magic I’m using but he places it down on the table and for extra measure I force him to take a seat. 
‘I was so close.’ He mumbles, crossing his arms. 
‘You’re doing much better.’ I praise, ‘I almost broke a sweat that time.’
He scowls at me, ‘Enjoy it while it lasts, Y/N.’ I start on his breakfast, Michael watching me the entire time. ‘Y/N,’ He whines. ‘Save me some.’
I eat half and then push the plate over to him. I can’t resist Michael’s pout or the way his large eyes watch me greedily, he devours it the second the plate is in front of him and I grab some orange juice for us both. I stifle a yawn, filling up two glasses as Michael puts my fork down, ‘So is today the day?’
Michael is apprehensive, his hands clutching onto his chair. He’s nearly bobbing up and down in excitement but for what I’m not exactly sure. Michael gives me time to figure it out, but I’ve got nothing. He can wait no longer, the words blurting out of his mouth ‘It’s been four months.’
I bite my lip, ‘Michael-’
‘You said four months was the benchmark-’
‘Of when we would see how far you’ve come yes.’ I agree, ‘Do you want me to test you?’
Michael cocks his head to the side, ‘I kinda thought that since we’ve seen each other everyday for the past four months you’d be able to tell.’ 
‘I see your point.’ I’m hedging and Michael knows it. He shoves himself away from the table, ‘I’ve done everything you’ve asked.’ He says, ‘I’ve learned magic, I haven’t been near the house, I do the grocery shopping, and the accounts, I went all the way to Pottery Barn to pick up our new sofa by myself.’ 
‘Yes you’ve come a long way.’ I stop his pacing, capturing Michael by his shoulders. He stops the moment I make contact, his breathing accelerated from how worked up Michael is. My hands glide down his arms till I take his hands, ‘I think you’re ready.’ 
Michael lights up, his eyes sparkling in the way I’ve always loved. He squeezes my hands, ‘I can go see them? I can come with you this time?’
‘I suppose.’ 
‘Today, Michael?’ I shouldn’t be so taken aback by his eagerness, but I am every time. Michael is like a lit fuse, fixating on one idea. He’s relentless and jumpy until he finally burns himself out and either completely abandons the idea, or lights an even deadlier spark. First it was Michael pushing his magical ability, zapping round the house and levitating everything within reach till his adventures had ended in a horrible accident involving next door’s cat. The poor thing didn’t want to be Transmutated, and I hadn’t even know it was possible to do it to other objects, let alone living creatures. 
It took me three days to convince Michael to leave his bedroom. He’d been terrified this would go against all the good progress he’d put in, but seeing the remorse in those tear-filled eyes I’d turned a blind eye. 
This time.
Michael’s next fixation was me. He’d been dormant since my rejection in the hotel room, but as the ex-Antichrist settled into a routine, Michael became bolder. Michael likes to put his hands on me, never in a violent manner. He likes to keep me close by at all times and I like it. He boarders on being possessive and I know passersby including Mrs Greendale thinks we’re just a young couple living together. She waves at us the moment we step outside, as if poised to greet us. 
Michael offers her his customary wave, ‘Good Morning, Mrs Greendale.’
‘Michael,’ She gushes, ‘Where are you off to so early?’
‘We’re visiting my parents.’ He beams, sliding his hand into mine. 
Mrs Greendale’s eyes follow Michael’s actions and then she offers me a tight smile, ‘Accompanying him, Y/N?’
‘Yes. I offer, unlocking the car and dropping myself into the driver’s seat. Michael entertains Mrs Greendale for another minute before he slides in beside me, fighting back his mirth, ‘What?’
‘You could try and disguise your derision a little more.’
‘Well when she does something other than casting her judgement on my clothes then I’ll speak to her.’
Michael smirks, ‘It isn’t what you wear that gets under her skin.’ My head snaps round to look at him, but Michael just clicks his seatbelt in place and reveals nothing more. I wait for him, lifting an eyebrow. ‘I think you look great.’
You suck in a breath, ‘Thanks, Michael.’ 
She doesn’t like me, but I think that’s because a perverted part of her wants Michael for herself. Mrs Greendale’s husband divorced her a year ago. He left her the house but took the kids with him and so the aging divorcee fills her days with gardening and inviting Michael over for cream tea and oreos. Michael love the attention. He breezes in the door with the rest of the biscuit packet and crumbs round his mouth most times, full of insightful tidbits about the rest of our street. That’s one thing they have in common, both are horrific gossips and Michael can extract any truth from her botoxed lips. 
‘She did let me know that the Montgomerys are looking for someone to do their books.’ 
I keep my eyes on the road, ‘The Montgomerys.’
‘The ones in the huge house.’ Michael adds, ‘They’re looking for someone local, someone they can trust and Mrs Greendale said she’d suggested me. It’s cute, I suppose.’
‘Yeah.’ The name is circling round in my mind. 
There are plenty of families with the surname Montgomery. 
‘Apparently their daughter died a couple of years ago.’
‘Madison?’ The name escapes like a whisper.
‘Yeah, apparently she was in the movies and then went off to some elite boarding school.’ Michael peers at me, ‘You’re interested in this? You hate gossip.’
‘Well it’s not everyday a movie star dies. Especially so young.’
Michael’s smarter than that, ‘You already know.’
‘Do not look into my mind.’
‘I don’t need to.’ Michael’s eyes widen, delighting in once again being able to unravel me. His hand slides onto my thigh and I seriously debate pulling over, ‘Tell me.’
Can I?
‘I knew her.’ 
‘You went to that boarding school.’ Michael guess, ‘That’s where you learned magic. It’s Hogwarts-‘
‘No it isn’t.’ I correct, pushing Michael’s hand off me. ‘I came after she died, so we didn’t speak-’
‘You just said you knew her.’
‘Knew of her.’ 
Michael looks out the window. The Murder House is coming up ahead of us, but Michael’s lost his earlier excitement. ‘I thought we weren’t lying to each other?’
I stop at a red light, ‘If you want to go and fix their books you can. I won’t stop you.’
‘Good because you wouldn’t be able to.’
He’s got me there. I may have leashed Michael but he isn’t above running to Mrs Greendale or anyone else if he really wants to. He could still blow everything we’ve worked to build these past months. ‘Fucking Mrs Greendale.’
Michael grins, ‘If it wasn’t for her we wouldn’t have an income.’
‘The dividends?’ 
‘Apart from them.’ Michael corrects himself, ‘The mystery money.’ He lets it go for now, but I know it’s only a matter of time before Michael builds up a case about where we’re getting the bulk of our funds from.
‘I work too.’
‘Yeah, at Urban Outfitters.’ I roll my eyes, but Michael isn’t done. ‘I get paid fifty bucks per hour-’
‘Yes, Michael thank you for rubbing it in.’
‘And I have lots of clients now.’
Thankfully we’ve arrived so I can put some distance between the two of us. I undo my seatbelt, ‘Wait in the car.’
’So I gave can give them some warning.’
Michael scowls, folding his long arms. ‘I’m their son. They shouldn’t need warning.’
‘Well they don’t know you’re coming and I think we should avoid another fight.’
He has no choice but to agree with me. I look over Michael but he avoids my eye. I can’t see his face, but that doesn’t stop me appreciating the growth he’s made in such a short time. His golden curls are styled into place, combined with a dark-red turtleneck and grey coat. Michael blows onto his hands and rubs them together. Without thinking I crank on the car heater for him. The air has started to chill as we sink further into November. I take his hand in mine and lean over, right as Michael turns his face back towards me. Our lips touch and then I’m pulling away, ‘I won’t be long.’
Michael watches me get out. I don’t look back. I don’t think about what just happened. I don’t want to face the consequences of such a move. 
It had been a mistake, just catching each other off-guard. 
Do not look back, Y/N. 
The gate has been left open, they know I’m coming. I head straight into Ben’s office where we always agree to meet. Tate is there, along with Vivian. ‘It’s been-’
‘Four months,’ Vivian finishes.
‘You said you would evaluate him.’ It feels wrong to be talking about Michael like this, but I’ve found it easier to handle Vivian like this. The mother cannot see Michael as hers and there is a voice at the back of my head that worries she never will. 
Vivian and Ben exchange looks. Tate stands up from his seat opposite Ben, ‘And there’s been nothing?’
Our kiss flashes bright in my head, but I just smile. ‘Nothing, he’s rather into his accounting if you’ll believe it. All the women in our suburb adore Michael and he just loves the attention.’ 
Ben’s pride is evident, ‘He’s got his mother’s brain then.’
Vivian doesn’t rise to her husband’s praise, ‘I suppose there’s nothing preventing you from bringing him with you next time.’
‘Unless there is something.’ Tate’s searching me carefully, looking for any little tell I may give him. 
I meet him dead on, ‘Nothing. Michael’s behaviour has been exemplary.’ I look around the room, ‘Where’s Violet?’ 
Tate slides past me, ‘I’ll get her.’
I watch Tate leave, his eagerness showing in the strides he takes. I wait till he’s gone, ‘Everything all okay here?’
‘Violet’s still obsessing over you moving her on.’ Ben reveals, ‘Ever since you said about her body she wants to see if it can be done.’
‘I suppose we can try.’ I’m not too keen on the idea, but I really like Violet, ‘She knows it means not seeing you all?’
‘We’ve told her that we would always prefer he to be somewhere better.’ Vivian says, ‘Even if it can’t be with us.’
These are the parents Michael needs. Ben and Vivian, united together. Ben moves to hold Vivian’s hand and she flinches away. Their in the early days of re-forming their relationship, Vivian still learning to trust her husband again. I hope they can move past their indifference, if not for Michael then for their own happiness.
Tate reappears with Violet, hand in hand. Those two only needed the smallest of pushes, Violet avoiding my eyes at how openly affectionate they are being. ‘Who’s in your car?’
All the eyes in the room slide to me, ‘He wouldn’t take no for an answer.’
‘Michael’s here?’ Vivian has the disappointed parent tone down. 
‘He’s just eager.’ 
‘Oh shit is gonna go down,’ Violet grins.
‘Not helping, Vi.’ Ben scolds, getting up and heading to the front door. He peers out the window, no doubt spying on Michael would I hope to the heavens is still being patient. If he’s got out…well then I think we may go back to Square One. 
Tate joins Ben and we can hear their voices, ‘He’s in the car.’ But then there’s some scuffling and a yelp and the sound of a door opening. I wheel about, ready for Michael but Tate’s voice rings loud and clear, ‘Mom?’
My mouth drops open and before I can do anything Constance Langdon is before me. She looks down her nose, pointing a manicured finger at me, ‘So you are the one who is visiting these people.’
‘Constance.’ Vivian tries, but Constance silences her with a look.
‘I’ve seen you, Little Miss.’ Constance advances upon me, ‘You have been visiting this house for the past four months. I’ve seen you waltzing in and out of here without so much of a scratch on you.’
‘I guess I’m just really fortunate.’
‘You should be dead.’ Constance spits, ‘Chewed up and all ghostly by now.’
Tate is back with Ben just behind him, ‘You need to leave, Mom.’
Constance looks from each member of the Harmon family and then to her son, ‘So you’re all defending her?’ She places a hand to her chest, ‘Even my own son doesn’t want me here.’
‘Well you aren’t dead, Mom.’ Tate says, earning a grin from Violet.
I need to fake something before this gets any worse, ‘Can I not visit the place I’m interested in buying?’
‘And why would you want this hellhole?’ Constance fires back, ‘Some two-bit rat like you, probably with an obsession for death and destruction, no?’
‘What is your problem?’ Violet asks. She’s moved to stand over beside her parents and is giving Constance the nastiest expression I have yet to see on her face, ‘Can’t you go ruin other lives?’
It isn’t worth it, not today.
‘It’s fine.’ I say, ‘I’ll leave.’ 
I head straight for the exit, my heels clicking on the wooden floorboards. I have to get to Michael and take us home. He can’t see Constance or who knows what he might do. A second set of heels follow just behind me and I transmute myself quickly back upstairs into Violet’s room. I sit down on the bed quietly, hoping I’ve lost her. If I’d gone outside Michael would be in jeopardy. 
‘Well hello again.’
I know that voice, ‘Hayden.’ 
The brunette looks so smug. She inclines a thumb towards the door, ‘Got yourself in some trouble?’
‘Do not do anything.’ 
Hayden’s tongue wets her lips, ‘There are a lot more spirits in this house than just the Harmons.’ She says, ‘Do you really think the rest of us all delight in your visits? Some of us want peaceful lives.’
‘I understand that.’ I head over to the window to check on the car. As far as I can tell, Michael hasn’t moved. Hayden has followed me and I nearly walk into her, ‘Just do this one thing for me.’
She considers me, ‘I’ll want payment.’
‘What do you want?’
My mouth drops open, ‘You have to be kidding me.’
Hayden looks completely non-plussed, ‘He wants to be with his family and I want him. He’s a snack and there’s so little to do around here.’ She smirks at me, ‘Hand over the boy-toy and I’ll keep shut.’
‘Forget it.’
I shove Hayden out of my way but lucky is not on my side. Constance was already on the stairs and all it took was Hayden’s shout to tip her off. The ghost slips away from the impending fight and out into the hallway, passing Constance as she goes. Hayden points a finger towards me and Constance barrels inside, bearing down on me. Her eyes gleam with victory, ‘A witch.’ She declares, ‘Now that is something new.’
She’s blocking the door, I have nowhere to run. ‘What do you want?’
She eyes me, ‘Where is my Grandson?’ My lack of a reply only infuriate her more, ‘Where is Michael Langdon?’ 
Footsteps thud upstairs, Tate and Violet joining us in the crowded bedroom. ‘What are you doing, Mom?’ Tate asks, ‘So Y/N’s been visiting. Why do you care?’
‘Be quiet, Tate.’ Constance says, ‘This doesn’t involve you.’ 
‘You were screaming about Michael.’ Violet points out, ‘If you want to hurt him, it involves us.’
Constance looks between the two teenagers, ‘You are making a big mistake.’
’Then we’ll deal with the consequences.’ Tate says, his arms squeezing Violet’s waist. 
Could it be, Tate Langdon has accepted his son? 
The picture before me is rather amusing. Constance’s mouth hangs open, loose at the jaw like a bullfrog. Her red lipstick stretches and needs another coat and a strand of hair has escaped her nest of hairspray and pins. Tate faces down his mother, still wearing that god awful green striped jumper.  
Finally, Constance recovers herself and rounds on me again. ‘Now I don’t know how you managed to save a dead boy, but I trust my own eyes and they saw you and Michael leave this house a couple’a months ago. I didn’t say anything then, thinking I was still in shock from everything. From losing the boy I’d raised all these years. But you kept on coming back and the only tie you have with this house is him.’
‘You don’t know that.’ Violet interjects, but her words fall on deaf ears. 
I look around for another exit. The window, maybe? Is it worth transmuting after all and driving off. 
No, Constance wouldn’t rest till she found us. Till she found Michael. 
She’s got me and she knows it. 
‘You left him to die.’ I speak slowly, ‘I couldn’t do that. Not when I had the chance to step in and save a life.’
Constance rests her hands on her hips, victorious from my admission. ‘You stupid girl. Do you realise what you have done?’
‘I do.’ I tell her, ‘More than you could ever know.’
‘That boy doesn’t deserve to breathe another whiff of air.’
My temper is starting to flair, my hands closing into fists. ’Don’t you dare talk about him like that.’
But I’ve never come across an opponent like Constance Langdon. She pauses, taking me in from the top of my head right down to my leather boots. A sick satisfaction spreads all over her face, her tongue pushing to the side and swiping at her top lip. The action is so familiar, so Michael it topples me over. A mean trill of laughter escapes from her, ‘You’ve fallen for him.’
Tate and Violet look to each other and then to me.
I swallow, ’You know nothing.’
Constance isn’t backing down. ‘I know the glow of love.’ She says, stepping closer to me, closing the distance between us. ‘I know what it’s like to love so fiercely you would do anything to protect someone. That’s how I feel about my children.’ She pushes a strand of hair out of my eyes, ‘You’re a witch, for Christ’s sake. You should be doing great things, curing Cancer and the like. You’re too good for my Grandson.’ Her smile is cruel, ‘Not that he knows what love is.’ 
‘He does.’ I say, ‘I’ve seen him love. Michael loved you, Constance.’
‘Enough.’ She snaps, lift a hand up as if she can waft me away. ‘He broke my heart.’ Constance is a good actress, her eyes fill with tears on cue, her hands dabbing at them. ‘All I wanted was for him to be my perfect little boy. I forgave the animals, I forgave the Goddamn Nanny. But it was too much. That child is nothing but a monster.’ 
Tate takes a step forward, ‘You need to leave, Mom.’ 
We’re locked in a battle of eye-contact. ’You don’t mean that,’ I whisper.
Constance’s hand slides into her dress pocket. The revolver gleams, metallic black, aimed right at me. ‘I will not let you unleash Michael on this world.’ 
Tate jumps in front of me, before I can react. ‘Put the gun down.’ 
His Mom remains firm, ’Move, Tate.’
‘What are you gonna do, shoot him anyway?’ Violet asks, ‘He’s already dead.’
‘Good point.’
A shot rings out and hits Tate in the stomach. He jolts back from the close-range shot, the bullet ripping out of his back. Violet screams and I dive under the bed for cover. There’s a thud and then Tate’s unseeing eyes are all I can see from my new position. There’s more footsteps now and Violet’s screams continue to punctuate the air. Someone is fighting, maybe Violet and then my ankle is being yanked, my body being dragged out from my hiding spot.
Another shot is fired and then Violet’s screaming stops. I summon my magic to push Constance as far way from me as I can, but she already has the gun to my head. Tate’s regaining consciousness, but he can’t help me now. I don’t know where Violet is, or who is coming to help. I stop struggling, staring down the barrel of a gun.
I’ve come so far. 
I’ve lost so much.
Constance lifts her head high, ‘He should be burning down in the depths of hell.’ She proclaims, ‘Right where he belongs.’ She clicks the safety off again, ‘But you have to go first, so I can get to him.’ 
Her body jolts and at first I don’t know what’s going on. I’m too busy, rolling away from the gun whose third bullet grazes my shoulder. I cry out, my hand flying to cling onto my wound, blood spilling over my fingers. Tate crawls to my side, but his eyes are on his Mom. 
Then I notice the knife sticking out of her abdomen. Constance takes in a gasp of air, her hands parting from her sides as the hilt slides out of her. She remains standing for a couple seconds longer and then crumples to the floor. 
Ben and Vivian have joined us, along with Hayden, Moira and Chad. Vivian runs straight to Violet who is just picking herself off the floor. 
So the second bullet went to Violet. 
No one speaks, everyone remains completely silent, watching the pool of blood appear from underneath Constance’s body. Hayden is the first to speak, ‘Well bitch is gonna be here forever now. Just what we need.’ 
‘Pity,’ Chad remarks. 
Yes, Constance will forever be a resident of the Murder House. Her body stills and her spirit is released into the house, but she isn’t going to show herself for a while. She wouldn’t dare to now. Tate helps me stand and then heads over to check on Violet, ‘My Mom shot me.’ He wheels round, ‘Fucking shot me.’
I tune him out. Nothing else matters but the knife, still scarlet with Constance’s blood and the golden-haired boy holding it tight in his hand. 
(Source: michael-lives-on) 
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creativeskull95 · 3 years
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I added 30 tags in 2021
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#the fact superman and batman are both on the ground like that is hilarious - 1 posts
#like they just knocked eachother out after a fight - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#and when i heard it the laugh it elicited sounded like something pulled from motherfuckin goofy himself
My Top Posts in 2021
Alrighty I’m back online and gotten through my feed. Hopefully the log off will have some effect on the whole post plus thing.
4 notes • Posted 2021-08-07 04:36:31 GMT
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Why this.
I'm not into drag. Or men. Or whatever is going on with that costume.
Honestly looks more like an ad for a bdsm game than a drag queen game, imo.
(note I have seen other ads that do have actual drag, not this furry bdsm bullshit. I'm not even sure that is drag tbh)
5 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 16:34:48 GMT
Stream time everybody! Come watch me play some Gravitas, and maybe some other stuff too.
7 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 20:20:55 GMT
Prediction: Sonic’s gonna roll up to Tom and Maddie at the end of the movie like “Look! I found a younger brother(Tails) and an older brother(Knuckles)!
Robotnik now has the Egg Stache, but how did he lose all that weight so fast?
Did Eggman trick Knuckles, or are they just working towards the same goal(catch Sonic) for the moment, and Knuckles is gonna turn on him the second Eggman’s no longer needed. Only to face whatever big bad robot Eggy designed because come on, this version’s prepared for just about anything.
Also, Knuckles slapping the shit out of Sonic was great. I don’t know why, but it was. He’s gonna get the shit kicked out of him in return though, I can tell.
Second ALSO, just noticed this, but when Knuckles hit’s his fists together they form the same sort of energy sparks Sonic gets while going fast only in red.
9 notes • Posted 2021-12-10 02:06:06 GMT
Powerpuff Girls gritty sequel, but it’s actually good
So this might be a bit late, but here’s how I would do a gritty and dark sequel to the Powerpuff Girls, but it would actually be good.
Way back when they were children, the girls gave up their powers in order to trap Him, who had snapped and was trying to bring about the end of the world. The Utoniums moved away(one of the few people left in Townsville able to do so), and the girls lived normal human lives up until their thirties, when their dad has finally died. That’s when the Rowdyruffs show up, with a way to return the girls’ powers. While Bubbles and Buttercup refuse initially, Blossom jumps at the chance to become a hero again, and they are eventually forced to follow suit as old and new enemies return. However almost 20 years without powers have left them kinda rusty, and the Rowdyruffs have to train them back up if they want to beat Him again, once and for all.
Powerpuffs as a whole
All live in the same house with their late father. Still have a good relationship with each other after all these years, and even still hold weekly family game and movie nights. As this is a continuation, they would be played by white actresses, though I’d personally like Buttercup to be played by an Asian one to match Utonium(who I always saw as Asian, tbh).
Started strong, but over time became depressed. Started college, but never finished, and currently works part time in retail. Spent the most time taking care of Utonium, and when not doing that could often be found playing video-games in her spare time. Jumps at the chance to be a hero again, though as time goes on she doesn’t find it as fulfilling as she thought she would. Her arc would deal with finding fulfillment and her place in the world, and not clinging to the past.
Works as a stripper, and finds it incredibly fun. She often incorporates animal motifs into her outfits, favoring squirrels and never using bunnies if she can help it. Is way too generous and forgiving, but has the worst temper out of all the girls. Her arc would be tied up in Boomer’s, and allowing herself to fall in love.
Owns an auto shop, and is scary good at what she does. Has a league of boys and men who work under her that see her as a scary godmother. Also has a habit of giving candy to kids whose parents come into the shop. Her arc... idk actually she’s the most well adjusted out of all the girls. Maybe she doesn’t get an arc, or it’s something about being the youngest child. Smokes weed to curb her more violent tendencies, and shares with Butch.
Gets resurrected by Him to act as his lackey/spy on the PPG for him. Has a normal form, where she looks like a regular teenager, but when her powers activate turns into a Hulk-like brute of a monster that, while looking neater than her original form, is still monstrous and scary. Her subplot involves being incredibly unstable, and the PPG and RRB trying to figure out how to stabilize her before she explodes again.
Rowdyruffs as a whole
Stayed with Mojo Jojo in the Ruins of Townsville to keep an eye on Him’s “grave”. The time was spent training and preparing in case he ever returned. When he did, and the RRB were defeated, Jojo sent them off to restore the girls’ powers and prepare them to fight Him.
Mojo Jojo
Helped the PPG take down Him, and the stayed behind of his own free will to keep an eye on things when they left. When the Boys showed up he did his best to be a good father, and turn them to the side of good. He had mixed results, but at least they stayed with him. When Him tried to break out he made a last ditch effort to contain Him, sacrificing himself but letting the RRB flee with the girls’ powers.
A stern and powerful leader, he just barely keeps his brothers under control. Gets exasperated easily. Is insanely jealous that the girls got to have normal lives while he never got a chance at that, and thus gets pissed at Blossom for taking it for granted. Gets better later on.
Incredibly promiscuous, which just gets worse when he gets around people. One of his first actions is to grope Bubles, and then immediately get knocked out in response(before she gets her powers back). Makes it his goal to win her heart, becoming a genuinely better person in the process.
Completely fucking wild, but surprisingly becomes normal when he smokes weed. Gets “tamed” by Buttercup, in a sense, by which I mean he realizes he’s a complete ass and tries to do better. Also loves kids, once he figures out they’re tiny chaos machines.
Princess still exists, and is kinda like evil Batman. She still gets her ass beat every time, though. Also she tries to flirt with Brick to piss Blossom off, but neither of them care.
Professor Utonium might have been hiding something about the PPGs creation.
Blossom starts out being very unkempt and then gets better, and then goes right back to being unkempt again as her arc goes.
Would 100% like this to be animated, but also live action is good if needed.
See the full post
15 notes • Posted 2021-06-12 02:29:32 GMT
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