#I’m not to sure on Eliwood
rubywolf0201 · 2 years
Raise your hands if you think that the Engage Expansion Pass should’ve included Alm, Eliwood, Azura, Ryoma and/Or Xander in one of the 3rd-4th Wave DLC ✋🏻
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Obviously FEH isn’t canonizing any pairings, but I feel confident saying that it pretty consistently backs up Eliwood and Ninian.
So. What I’m saying is. Dragon Roy alt.
Have a banner event where the theme is ‘characters who are dragons or half-dragons but who we never see transform.’ And give it a Forging Bonds event that’s all about Roy going through dragon puberty. Sure the lore would be screwy, but since when has the crossover gacha game cared about that?
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
I know I’m jumping the gun here, but I also know that at least a couple of people are looking to try out FE7 once it’s released on the Switch so I thought I’d make a guide to
How Supports work on the GBA Fire Emblem Games
First, the simplest question. How do you build support points?
Support points in the GBA games are gained by having the two units adjacent to each other when you end your turn. Whether they did any fighting/dancing/etc. that turn is irrelevant. They just have to be standing next to each other when Enemy Phase flashes across the screen.
How fast do supports build?
That depends! Every pair of characters who have a support chain (available list in-game) have both a starting amount of support points, and a growth rate of 1 to 5 per turn. For example Eliwood and Ninian start at 0 points (they just met) but they have a support gain of 5 per turn, making their supports easier to get. Eliwood’s supports with his best friend Hector however, start at 72 and grow by 3 each turn. Supports are unlocked at 80, 160 and 240 points. So it would take a lot more effort to unlock say, Merlinus and Vaida’s supports, who start at 0 and grow by 1 per turn.
One notable exception in FE7 are Pent and Louise, who are married and already at max support points when you get them. It’s simply up to you to decide if you want to unlock them. Speaking of.
How many supports can I unlock in a playthrough?
Here’s a pretty big difference from the newer games. You can unlock 5 supports per character in a playthrough. Not 5 support chains, 5 supports. If you want to get two characters to A you had better make sure you haven’t unlocked three other C supports with one character.
Are there paired endings?
Yes! Some are romantic, others are not. Paired endings are decided by two characters having an A support. However, not every A support leads to a paired ending. Vaida and Merlinus again, for example, have supports but no paired ending. All supports go to A. If you want to know which supports have paired endings (or how fast certain supports grow) there are guides available online.
Do supports still grant combat bonuses?
And there you have it! More or less everything you need to know about supports in the GBA Fire Emblem games! Now you know how to get the ones you want before watching the rest on YouTube. Have fun!
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idk6123 · 9 months
The Morph (Hector X Male Reader)
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At the water, Eliwood’s and Hector’s army are fighting the Black Fang once again. This time, they’re fighting against the morph, Sonia. During the battle, both sides are clashing their fullest against each other. Nino does the same but stops when she recognizes one of the morphs.
In front of her, a man with black hair and golden eyes looks at the little girl with an emotionless face. He’s on the other side, however, it doesn’t seem he intends to fight her.
“Stand aside. I have zero intention killing you, even if Sonia orders me to do so.”
“You don’t have to kill anyone.” Nino tries her best to safe one of the people she loves dearly. “Me and Jaffar are on the other side. They treat us nice. Please, can’t you join us?”
“I can’t. I’m still a puppet of Lord Nergal. I can’t disobey him. Besides, I’m not human anymore. All I am is the remains of my former life.” Y/N argues.
“So what? You’re still Y/N. You’re a kind guy that is always up to help me. When I’m having trouble casting a spell, you were there to help me. And I know you don’t want to hurt me. Please, can’t you switch sides? Or at least stop fighting.”
Y/N thinks about it. He got nothing to live for. To him, fighting for both sides grant him no benefit. Still, deep down, he cares for the mage. “Very well. I stop fighting.”
Nino gives him a grateful smile. “Really? Thank you!”
And so, the battles continue. Although dangerous, nobody manages to get killed. And with the death of Sonia, the army are taking a break for their next battle at their camp. As everyone dispersed, the lord trio catch up with their units, making sure everyone is alright. When they get to Nino, Jaffar and Y/N tent, they’re surprised to see a morph.
“What the-!?” Hector quickly grabs the nearest weapon and point it towards the morph.
“Don’t!” Nino quickly jumps between them, making Jaffer quickly jumps in front of the girl with his dagger out. “He’s good! He won’t hurt anyone.”
Hector stops and takes a closer at the morph, recognizing him. Eliwood too recognizes the man, while Lyn is focused on the fact a morph is at their base.
“Nino, who is he?” She asks calmly, wanting an explanation.
“This is Y/N. He’s one of my friends. He usually was with my mo- Uhm… Sonia. But unlike her, he’s good.” Nino explains.
“I understand the wary attitude. I don’t expect you to trust me. So if you’re willing to kill me, I understand.”
“Y/N…” Hector mutters. He drops down his weapon. Everyone is curious why he’s acting odd. “It’s really you?”
Y/N raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe we never met, nor should you heard my name.”
Hector’s face saddens. “You don’t remember us, Y/N?”
Still, the morph doesn’t get what he’s talking about. “Remember what?”
Hector frowns further. After looking at him for a second, he turns around and leaves the tent.
“Hector?” Lyn is surprised by his sudden behavior. “What’s up with him?”
Like the brash general, Eliwood also frowns, but a lot less. He looks back at Y/N. “He’s upset to his dead friend back alive.”
“Huh? He knew him before?” Lyn asks.
Eliwood nods. Y/N is curious what their history is. “Lord Eliwood, you know who I am was before, do you?”
“Yes. We three used to be childhood friends. You were a noble of House Nightfall. There was an incident almost two years ago, where the entire house got died by a fire. Looking back, the Black Fang were definitely involved. …We never discovered your body. We definitely thought you were murdered, but we didn’t had any leads. We merely needed to accept what happened and move on, but… I don’t ever think Hector ever did.”
This is the first time Y/N heard this. It’s hard to belief, however he knows it’s true. He remembers his first memory almost two years ago. The timeline makes sense. His family got murdered, he got captured and then he got turned into a morph.
“Thank you for telling me.” The morph now wonders how this is all going to get down.
Back at Ostia, the group recovers after the loss of Ninian. With the castle heavily guarded, they got plenty of time to regroup before the next battle. During which, Hector continues to stare at Y/N, who is reading his times. He doesn’t know what to think or feel. Sadness, anger, irritation, he’s feeling it all.
It only took a couple of seconds until Y/N senses Hector staring at him. The man looks back at the general and closes the tome. “Good day, Lord Hector. Is there something you need?”
“That tome… I saw you use it at the last battle. It’s dark magic.” Hector points out.
“It is. What about it?”
“Dark magic was always you’re specialty back when you were… you.” Hector let out a sadden frown. “Is there is any chance you don’t remember me?”
“I don’t. My apologies.” Hector let out a huff. He remains quiet, merely looking at him. “Is everything alright, sir?”
“You look like him. You sound like him. You even have the same skills. But you besides that, you’re nothing like Y/N.” Hector clutches his hands, becoming annoyed. He remains quiet for another few seconds, until he grabs an axe. He wonders if he finishes the morph off, if it makes the real Y/N happy in the afterlife.
As he gets closer to Y/N to strike him down, he stops to look at Y/N’s face. His face is without any emotion, but his eyes look alive. There is definitely some kind of life in front of him, yet he can’t help but view the morph nothing more than a walking corpse. He hesitates, wondering if he should do it, before giving up.
“Don’t say my name… please.”
Hector leaves, feeling more conflicted then he did before. Y/N wonders if there is anything he can do to make him better.
It’s near the end of the journey. The army is at the dread isle, ready to end it the entire conflict. They head to the Dragon’s Gate, guarded by the final, upper morph, Limstella. Though first they have to get through the opposing army. As they get to the other side of the battlefield, Y/N spots Hector as they’re no enemies nearby.
“Everything going well, Lord Hector?”
Hector turns back, somewhat surprised to see the morph. “Oh, it’s you… Everything is alright. What about you?”
“The same can said to me.”
Hector hums. “You don’t feel conflicted about fighting your former allies?”
“I guess I don’t. Besides Nino and the Reed Family, I never had much pleasant times with the Black Fang. Even the short time with your army brought me more joy then spending time with Lord Nergal and his men.” Y/N explains.
“Were you lonely?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how life is with people I care about, so I never experience feeling loneliness.” Y/N answers. “But enough about me. I’m curious about you. Our last conversation left me wonder what is going on with you.”
Hector’s eyes sadden again. “I’m sorry if you felt scared.”
“I didn’t.” Y/N responds coldly, while sounding casually. “If you were to strike me down, I would be alright with it. Death doesn’t scare me.”
“Don’t say that!” Hector raises his voice. “Don’t say that again.” His shakenly says. “Whatever you are. Whatever parts of Y/N remains in you. I don’t want it gone. You deserve better than that.”
“Do I deserve that, or the Y/N you knew?” Hector remains quiet, refusing to answer. Y/N wonders what his answer is. “Lord Hector-”
“Hector. Drop the lord part.”
The dark mage accepts his request. “Hector, if you don’t mind, after this is all over, can I visit my former self’s house? I’m curious about my past.”
Hector shows a sad smile. “Sure thing. Maybe then you remember something…”
And so, after the final battle against the resurrected Black Fang, Nergal and the fire dragons, Lycia is saved once more. And so, the army got disbanded. Some quitted the life of fighting. Some start a family. Others are continuing their ambition. For Y/N, however, is visiting his heritage, alongside with the Marquess of Ostia.
They get to the former house land. Although recently destroyed, the castle looks to be rebuild. As the two looks at the building, Hector wonders if there is any bell ringing back at Y/N.
“We buried your folks in the garden. You want to visit them?”
The two get to the back of the castle to enter the garden. It looks tranquil, with many water features like fountains placed around with trees sprouting everywhere. In front of the two is a massive shrine. Flowers are placed everywhere. The names of the victims are carved on the stone, even Y/N’s.
“So, here are my real parents…” Y/N looks to his right to talk to his friend. “Can you tell me something about them?”
“They were real bookworms, always hungers for knowledge. Somewhat distant, but you were always positive about them.” Hector shares what he can remembers, making him smile. “Everything you know about them is thanks to him.”
“That so?” The morph looks back at the shrine. There is no emotion on his face, merely looking out with a bleak stare.
Hector wishes he could read Y/N better. Although there are resemblances, the Y/N before and now are completely different. “We used to play in this garden, y’know? Tag, hide and seek, the list goes on. I miss those days.”
“I wish I could remember it.” Y/N confessed. He turns back to his friend. “Not because of me, but because it makes you happy.” Hector gives a genuine smile, happy to hear it. “What about later in our life? Were we also good friends?”
“…The best.” Hector hesitates for a bit before answering, which Y/N notices.
Hector, who was forcing a smile, drops it. “We weren’t friends. …We were more than that.”
“Oh?” That explains his behavior a lot more. Compared to Eliwood’s behavior, Hector looked distraught, and it appears this is why. “My apology.”
“It’s alright.” Hector reassures. “I’m not mad at you. I’m just… lost. I thought god was playing some cruel joke on me when I saw you like this. I lost the man I loved, and then I got him back, stripped away from his memories and identity. And as I continue looking at you, I can only hope there is some way Y/N can come back at me.”
“I wish I could help, but…”
“You don’t remember.” Hector could’ve guessed that. “I guess I just have to accept the fact the Y/N I knew is gone.” There is an awkward silence between them. The two look back at the shrine, looking at it for a couple of second before the general speaks up. “I stop trying to make you remember the past. You’re not the same Y/N I knew. I probably shouldn’t treat you like the same person. If there is anything you want, ask.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can provide a house if you want to live a normal life. If you have any other desires, I’m sure I can provide it. Whatever life you want to live, all you need to do is say it.” Hector explains. “What do you want to do?”
Y/N thinks about it for a minute. He doesn’t have a place to call home. The only people he properly knows is Nino and Jaffar, but he doesn’t want to interrupt their peace with his presence. He doesn’t have any ambition to live for. There is only one thing he can think of.
“I want to be by your side.”
“Huh!?” Hector gets caught off guard. “Why?”
“I don’t have any other place to go. You’re the closest thing I got. You treated me with kindness.”
“But I tried to kill you.” Hector objects.
“But you didn’t, nor did you want to.” Y/N corrects him. “I know you still mourn my former self, and if really don’t want to see his face anymore, then I’m fine with it. But… I would appreciate holding part of my past, even if I don’t remember it.”
Hector looks at him for some seconds, before he shows a warming smile. “Maybe you aren’t too different from him. You were always considered towards others. Maybe even without you’re memories, parts of the old Y/N remain. I don’t expect you to remember, but maybe we should look at differently. You can make new memories. Happy ones, like we had.”
“Is that a yes?”
Hector smiles wider. “Yes. On this day, you will be by my side. I make sure nothing, or anyone is going to hurt you again.”
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imustbenuts · 1 year
FEH crackfic: Maximum Uptime
(not gonna post this on AO3 this fic dies with my tumblr lmao)
Summary: Kiran Protection Squad is always recruiting. Kiran is always suffering.
Being the summoner came with a lot of perks. If Kiran so much as sneezed, some hero would immediately swoop by and drape a cloak or a shawl or a roll of goddamned bloodstained fur over their form.
“It wouldn’t do for the summoner to catch a cold!” Chrom would cheerily say, as he visibly shuddered in the winter cold. Then the exalt himself would come down with a fever the very next day and be nursed and fussed over by a multitude of Robins. …And Grimas.
(They swore Chrom might’ve mumbled something about being in heaven, but frankly that was none of Kiran’s business to what qualified as heaven in that man’s half cooked mind.)
“Mark, you must take better care of yourself!” Lyn would chide, wrapping them up like a human burrito and depositing them in a warm room, trapping them there for the better part of the day. 
(Also, Lyndis, for the love of all things holy, their name wasn’t Mark… Her delusion or denial was stronger than a vice grip that Eliwood and Hector were about to stage an intervention, and Kiran prayed it worked. (It didn’t. The human burrito saga continued and Kiran finally learned the proper form to running.))
“I wrestled a bear to death. So what of it?” The towering Lif would say flatly, and Kiran stared at Alfonse whose frame was significantly smaller in the distance. They had to remember to be careful around Lif, for a simple backhand from his handsomely chiseled muscled arms would knock them straight out into Lfjosalfheimr.
He was pleased to have beaten the bear to death at least for this gloriously thick and warm cape he was wrapping Kiran up in.
And then Kiran broke out in hives, causing Lif to nearly commit Hoshidan seppuku on the spot. Turns out, they were allergic to bears(‘ furs). 
Oh, perks? Hang on. Hold the phone. Yeah, wait, there were no phones in this universe.
Debuffs would have been a better word. (Sorry, sorry, apologies. Something went wrong in Kiran’s mind.) Yes, being the summoner afforded Kiran debuffs, they recognized. Massive immobilizing debuffs.
Granted, it was certainly embarrassing and even soothing in a sense, to be watched and coddled over like this. Last time they checked, they were but the tender age of 6 before being dumped into the schooling system and having all free time filled with school, school, activities, and school.
Heaving cough? Go to school. Chicken pox outbreak? Why, school – they were vaccinated for maximum uptime anyway. Bedridden in the hospital? Remote learning, baby!
Here though? Have a cough, a hero comes along with soothing sweets and cooling tea. Sneeze, and they’re sure to be buried under comforters. Go on a patrol, and inevitably there was a shadow force trailing behind them.
Just like now. 
At some point, they sat down in a corner, next to Grima. 
“Why what?” The fell dragon grumbled and inched away, as if he was going to explode from their mere presence. (The Grimas had always been lowkey fearful of Kiran, they learnt.)
Kiran made a motion towards the corner of the room where at least 2 heroes were hanging out, both sworn into the Summoner Protection Squad, pretending to be part of the wall.
“Because you’re weaker than an insect, you insignificant speck. A newborn fawn would sooner topple you.”
“No, I’m normal. Everyone here is just superhuman – I mean, leaping off platforms vertically into the skies? Fuck me, that’s crazy. They won’t listen when I tell them to back off either…”
“How is that my problem? Why are you here? Misfortune follows me whenever you appear, so go away!”
“But you find the best quiet spots.”
And so Grima manifested his true form and blocked out the nice sunlight.
Kiran sighed as Grima ranted and raved above them and brought the Kiran Protection Squad (henceforth KPS) pouring out from the woodworks. Fuck. Nevermind. Grima was as much a goddamn megalomaniac who liked speaking in all caps all of the sudden, and the quiet spot wasn’t so quiet anymore.
“Alright, who taught Grima the word ‘fuck’?!” yelled some random hero from the KPS. Probably Chrom, whatever.
Also Grima's voice was now at least seven times more pissed off.
Kiran raised their hand, then got into position to run for it. One, two – and predictably, a force tossed them into the ground. 
A wild Lyndis appeared. She was fast. Faster than the wind sword gun by their side – nevermind, wrong person. Her shawl of binding wrapped around them quicker than they had any right to protest, and they wiggled.
“It’s dangerous, Mark! You must get out of here!”
She handled them like football. Then Kiran sneezed as they passed by Lif, and someone from the Damned Protection Squad (henceforth DPS) threw another layer of sheet over them, elevating them into the position of Great Bagworm Hero.
The human burrito saga. It’s happening again.
“Halt. Let us barter peace, Grima.” spoke the leader of DPS, her heavenly voice emanating from the skies above. “Pledge your allegiance to us, and you shall have your quiet spot back.”
The great divine dragon Naga descended from the heavens like she was being lowered with a forklift. 
“We have cookies.”
The gigantic serpent dispelled and peace returned once again to Askr.
“Okay deal.”
And thus the power of DPS grew stronger that day.
Kiran wanted to cry. It never ends.
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plagues02 · 3 months
Ridley and Hector Supports
C Support
Hector: Ah, Ridley.
Ridley: Hector.
Hector: … 
Ridley: Is there something you need?
Hector: Oswin mentioned you had sent a letter not to long ago. Was it to my brother?
Ridley: Straightforward,, just like always,, yes, it was Uther. Oh, don’t give me that look.
Hector: ,,, Why?
Ridley: Hm?
Hector: Why are you writing Uther?
Ridley: He worries for you, Hector. I was merely trying to ease his worry.
Hector: ,,,
Ridley: Is that all? We are in battle.
Hector: ,,,
B Support
Hector: You wrote to Uther again.
Ridley: It is not a crime for a friend to write a friend, Hector.
Hector: What was it about?
Ridley: You again. At least parts. Others were about the Black Fang and where we are in our battle.
Hector: I don’t understand you,,, or Oswin. Oswin joined because Uther asked him. You did too, didn’t you?
Ridley: To start, sure, but I stay because of Eliwood. His passion, his goals. I believe in him.
Hector: And you write to Uther because,,,?
Ridley: Heh, he’s a friend, Hector. A friend I care about. I’m just giving updates. Besides, writing down what I’m feeling helps,, well, figure out how I’m feeling. Maybe you could try one day.
Hector: ,,, Heh, not happening.
A Support
Ridley: Hector! Did I see you writing earlier?
Hector: Yeah,, didn’t you want me to?
Ridley: I mean, yeah, but I was still shocked to see it. After all, you never seemed very interested in it.
Hector: I’m not, but,, I was thinking about my brother.
Ridley: Oh, Uther? Where you writing to him?
Hector: ,,, Yes, I wanted to tell him about what’s been going on through my eyes, and,, I wanted to ask him about what’s happening in Ostia.
Ridley: Heh, I see. I hope you get written back soon. He’s wrote to me and Oswin a few times; I’m sure he’ll be happy to you writing him.
Hector: I’m sure he was happy with yours and Oswin’s letters too. Not just mine.
Ridley: Haha, well, he’ll be suprised at least. I’m glad you decided to write him.
Hector: ,,, why?
Ridley: Sorry, I have to go. Good luck in the fight. [He leaves the screen]
Hector: ,,, sigh I hope he’s still around to receive the letter.
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wolf-beils · 5 months
The Man He Became: An In Depth Character Analysis of Hector's Adult Iterations
Hector’s adult iterations are a pretty overlooked facet of him. When people see him as an adult, he’s typically brushed off as “just Lilina’s father” and/ or a raging shotgun dad. Boiling down a character to one thing or a gag doesn’t necessarily mean people don’t know what more there is to one. It does somewhat make that “something more” a little more obscured though. The noise of a simplistic fanbase portrayal, no matter how out of character, will often drown out a character's true self.
That’s why I want to provide this in depth analysis and theorisation on Hector as his adult self, and why it’s actually a really great part of him as a character. He has more to him than what the community and IS push him as which goes very unsung. So I guess this is my shot at trying to spread the good word if you will. I do hope people can take away at least something from this.
And yes, I said “theorisation” because he doesn’t have much content as an adult to go off compared to his younger self. He is ultimately just a backdrop character as this version of himself. So you really have to look deep into Hector and contextualise a lot to get substance. That isn’t to say he's got nothing going for him though. I do firmly believe what I’m going to provide is logical.
I'm just getting that out of the way in case you end up like disagreeing with anything. This is fuelled by my own personal take on this character in the end. So like— please respect that.
A Recap On Part Of Hector’s FE7 Development
Firstly, I want to bring up some things regarding Hector's youth. His exact age during events is not entirely clear. However, what we do know for absolute sure is that he’s 17 for probably some time in FE7 and 37 during FE6 per an artbook. Also he’s around 32 in FE7’s extended epilogue because the event is described to have taken part 15 years after FE7 events.
Now he could be 18 going into Eliwood/ Hector Mode and 17 regards his age during his brief cameo in Lyn Mode. Another possibility is that he’s 16 in Lyn Mode and is 17 for Eliwood/ Hector Mode. In the case of what I’m going to say, it could be either really.
Anyhow, the reason I bring up Hector’s younger iteration first is because I want to make something clear about his character and development. Regardless of the specifics of his age, neither possibility changes that he’s only young. This is a point FE7 strives to drive home, often describing Hector and the other two lords as “young”. It helps us realise that while they are good, strong people, they’re still only young and have yet to fully grow and mature. Keeping this youth in mind is pretty important for understanding them. 
None of them are fully matured even if it seems like such, especially Hector. Growing out of that lack of maturity is a point Hector makes about himself at the end of his mode. This quote from the epilogue of Hector Mode pretty much says it all:
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Before this, before FE7 even, he was more or less a free spirit. He did as he pleased, whether it was befitting of his status or not (mostly not). As implied in his Eliwood and Oswin supports, he was kind of rebellious about it. It's a trait he mostly retains during FE7, though to a less rebellious extent given the situation he's in.
Point is— what I want you to bear in mind about Hector as a youth, before I analyse his adult self, is that he is not a grown man here. He is not grown up, nor developed, nor matured. He's never had the chance to really grow up. This is more than likely due to his trauma and the mess he ends up in for the duration of FE7 then doesn't quite allow that chance either.
With that refresher on his younger self, we can start actually going into Hector as an adult.
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The absolute main thing I see adult Hector as is a statement that he becomes that better version of himself he vowed to become. It’s honestly quite the inspiring thing to see— someone wanting to change, making that change happen, and making it last. That is, above all else, the biggest yet most criminally unsung thing about him as an adult in my eyes. It's among the most unsung things about Hector as a whole really.
While he is almost only given spotlight if Lilina is involved, be it from IS or the fanbase, I don’t think fatherhood is truly the biggest thing about him as a character. As a person, a human being in the world of Elibe? Yes, he’s a father first given how much he does care about Lilina. Any parent should be a parent first and Hector is no exception to that.
But his adult self just adds such a good extra layer to Hector as a standalone character. It’s like if you ordered 20 chicken nuggets from McDonald’s and got a couple extra. Hector as his younger self is already a nice box of 20 McNuggets. His adult self is those couple of generous extra nuggets that you didn’t need, but god damn are they appreciated anyway. And I personally value that much more than him being a decent dad. That extra layer is yet another part of why I love this character so much.
Through the little screentime his adult self has and the nods to him in FE6, it can be deduced that he’s a much better man. Foremost, he's clearly more mature— the very thing he wanted to improve on when he became Marquess Ostia. It can be said that he’s more respected, which is quite contrary to how he was viewed by others in his youth.
And as much as I don’t like considering FEH writing (especially given how dirty FEH has done Hector's younger self in the past), his Halloween alt also shows his adult self off really well through what dialogue he has. I do have a personal rule of not considering FEH’s writing for a character that isn’t from the game itself but I do make exceptions when the writing is genuinely good. In this case, they did good for him so I’m considering it.
Flaws, Insecurity, & Fear
Just because he’s a better version of himself, it doesn’t mean that he’s suddenly flawless. He’s probably far from it in fact. We all are. So I want to start the nitty gritty off with his less bright aspect that he’s retained, as well as some new stuff he deals with.
First, I want to present this line of dialogue from FEH:
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He is likely still quite protective to some degree. Although he’s a better man who’s managed to iron himself out, he’s still a traumatised man. Unfortunately, trauma is something that will stick for life whether we like it or not. All we can do is not let it dictate our thoughts and actions too much. In the past, Hector let this happen and it cost him his very fate when he didn't have to do what he did.
Before I go on, I want to bring up a very similar character for a minute: Gustav from FEH. He too is a deeply traumatised man. His stone cold attitude is fueled by traumatic experiences in his own youth— losing his father to Hel, the man dying right in front of his eyes. That was punishment for Gustav's once excessive willingness to dive into action. That’s why he’s so critical of Alfonse being similar. He may not admit it, but he’s still very deeply hurt by the loss of his father and the attitude he shows towards Alfonse is an expression of that pain. He desperately doesn’t want either of his children to go through that same pain.
At the point we see Gustav in FEH, he’s either a similar age to Hector or slightly older. So that said, Hector is still likely a protective person. He always has been, and always will be. That fear of losing those he cares about most will always be present with how he’s lost so much in his youth. His parents, Leila, Uther— those three losses will stick with him for life whether he likes it or not. On top of that, he witnessed Elbert dying and Athos died in his arms so that’s probably caused some extra damage.
Something to be said about his relationship with Lilina is that she's the only close family he has left (though that could be somewhat debatable since we have next to no clue about his relationship with Orun). As just stated, he's lost more family young than anyone should. Those losses have made him wary, and desperately not wanting to lose anyone else. This little girl of his is all he has left. In his eyes, he must protect her from everything. At anything that could possibly lead to him losing her, he feels great fear.
This facet of his trauma is actually something subtly established in his B support with Eliwood in FE7. While he's young here, it's safe to say that the fear he shows in that conversation applies to his adulthood for the most part. It's also shown in one of Bride Lilina's text quotes in FEH:
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But that isn’t to say Hector is some overbearing shotgun dad with a violent, lightning quick temper— far from it. He’s evidently pretty lax, shown by how he doesn’t seem to force Lilina to do anything. That even includes her study of statecraft to be his successor. Lilina does that willingly and Hector does nothing but support that in a genuine fashion rather than just a “because Ostia needs an heir” type manner per the Halloween duo unit conversation. That should be enough indicator that Hector will support whatever his girl does, so long as it’s safe.
This extends to marriage, and moving away. Sure, Hector may well have doubts and fears. But as long as Lilina chooses the right person, he’ll be fine. For example, if she married Roy and had to move away to Pherae for whatever reason (not that it'd happen due to the circumstances of their ending), he’d probably be more than glad to let that happen. Without a doubt, he’d trust in Roy’s goodness seeing as he is Eliwood’s son and all. There’s zero reason he wouldn’t trust him.
Hector can’t really be the untrusting person he once was given his position and certainly wouldn't cast aside rationality when a boy he likely knows is nothing but good is involved. This line of thinking applies for pretty much any character Lilina could reasonably marry in the future. (Not that she has any other marriage options but that’s why shipping exists. This message was brought to you by the Lilina/ Ogier gang.)
Would marriage and Lilina moving away still make him uncomfortable? Probably, yes. But he’d ultimately be fine. Every parent must let go of their child some day, and Hector would be capable of doing that— even if he’d feel disconcerted at first. But he’s likely grown past standing by irrational conclusions and refusing to think any different. He wouldn't have got as far as he has as a leader if he wasn't at least a bit open-minded. That need for trust and open-mindedness would surely aid in his deep down struggle with trauma.
Additionally, I’d like to show an excerpt that more or less proves he trusts Lilina to fend for herself. Here’s a bit from volume 4 of a storybook series related to Cipher (rest in peace):
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Before continuing, I just want to link the post that contains the full passage. It’s a detailed PoV from Hector when he’s bleeding out in Araphen. Full credit and big thanks goes to starfirexuchiha for providing the translation, as well as ZoraTwilight for scanning the volume for this to be a thing. I highly recommend you check it out because it’s genuinely one of the coolest pieces of official written Hector content out there and the rest of the stuff is awesome too.
Fire Emblem Cipher Album Book Volume 4 Translation
Back to business though.
Yes, this is obviously how Hector is thinking when he’s about to die. But I think this pretty much shows he trusts Lilina wholly, and knows deep down that he doesn’t have to worry so much over her. Of course, he can’t not worry since he’s a natural worrier. It’s the thought that counts though. Deep down, he knows and appreciates just how great his little girl is.
One last thing I want to talk about regarding this topic is the Armads curse. A curse he contracted through taking up the legendary axe in his mode. Something which is lowkey a writing mess that conflicts with how FE6 handles the axe but that’s not what we’re discussing. I want to discuss how it may have affected him long term, and how he feels about it into adulthood.
First off, I think the curse affected him quite a lot emotionally, and he regrets his decision to take up Armads. He didn’t need to pick up the axe because things would’ve been totally fine without it anyway. The decision was one made out of fear of losing anyone else, and a deep insecurity about his own strength. It probably wouldn’t be long after FE7’s events that he starts to regret it. Perhaps during the year period between the final chapter and the epilogue.
Into adulthood, I feel he’d still regret it. He can’t not when such a curse will lead him to die a horrible death, the chance of leaving his loved ones too soon painfully real. No less is there many possibilities for what could happen. Would he die alone? Would he die in front of others? Worse, would he die in front of a loved one? The outcomes are many, and incredibly unsettling no matter what.
And whenever he lets someone new into his life, there’s always that feeling of knowing that’s someone else that’ll be crushed when he does die. Another heart that will break when he passes. He’d be well aware of this fact— most definitely when Lilina comes into the picture.
However, I do think that as he grows older, and as Lilina becomes a part of his life, he tries to be optimistic. He tries to stay hopeful, so as to not feel down about it all, nor get others down. It’s why he fills Lilina’s head with promises that he won’t leave her in the FEH Halloween alt conversation. He has hope that he’ll live to become a grandfather, and proudly watch Lilina take the throne (given what ends up happening— yeah, it’s a bit of a bittersweet moment).
All in all, his deep-rooted insecurities won’t change. Everything he’s been through will stick with him for life. He can very much still get hurt. But his way of managing it all has potentially changed for the better.
Worries & Stress
While Hector is a better version of himself, his life still isn’t without stress— especially come FE6 time. From personal struggles such as the Armads curse I already mentioned, to simply the stress of being one of Lycia’s highest powers.
A big one is that there’s a particular someone he could potentially be on the brink of losing around FE6 time. That ‘someone’ being Eliwood, who is of course deathly ill by this point. It goes without saying that he’s definitely hurting about that to a degree.
In fact, this is actually alluded to in the storybook volume I brought up earlier:
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I think that excerpt more or less shows Hector’s fear of losing him. It’s a no-brainer really, with Eliwood being his first and one of the only friends for his entire childhood as well as his teenage years. It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine just how scared he is to lose him— especially given he’s lost three other close people to illness, all before he even became an adult.
With that in mind, there’s no doubt it plays on his brain to some extent. We know from FE7 that while he is capable of putting up a tough face, he is rather sensitive on the inside. I don’t doubt that sensitivity has changed much. Even if he wasn’t rather sensitive, it’s his best friend. Eliwood is someone he respects above pretty much anyone, and as shown in FE7, he’s willing to do a hell of a lot for him. It’s going to upset him knowing Eliwood is suffering, and possibly on his last legs.
On top of that, it’s implied in FE7’s extended epilogue that Bern starts becoming suspicious as early as that time:
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Given Athos’ prediction, it’s within reason for both to think something might happen from this. And it’s probable things slowly escalated throughout the 4-5 years leading up to FE6 events. As the military leader of Lycia, and Ostia’s highest power, Hector’s surely going to be a bit stressed.
And that'd certainly be the case when he eventually has to go out to Araphen. He’ll meet it all with his head held high, but he can’t not be a little stressed when there’s the real possibility he may not come back. It’s known he did tell Lilina about Durandal’s location before leaving too. So he went into that battle knowing full well it could be his last— which as well known, it was his last.
He did ultimately vow that he would do anything to stop anything from going out of hand. Even if it meant sacrificing his life. Which… let me go on about that idea for a minute.
I think that bit of dialogue is such a neat little nod to how aware he may well be of the Armads curse. It shows that he knows well that if anyone is going to sacrifice their life for the greater good, he’s the best for it. He’s going to die in battle anyway and he knows that. The words Durban spoke to him stick to him like a tumour, a reminder that his end won’t be peaceful.
The Real Hector Is Out
Now, I’ll really get into how he’s bettered himself. Why else is it that he’s a much better man than he was when he was younger? I’ve already made it somewhat clear that Hector has attained the inherent maturity and sensibility that can come with adulthood. So what else is there?
The biggest thing is that he’s learnt that he shouldn’t hide parts of himself. When younger, this was one of his biggest struggles. He always felt the need to be someone that he wasn’t exactly— a run of the mill tough guy. You learn through his supports and a story scene or two that he’s actually a wonderfully kind and even somewhat gentle soul who just wants the best for people. That is the real Hector beneath the tough front he puts up the vast majority of the time.
When he grows up, this is something he has potentially improved on. One such implication of this is the Halloween alt’s friend greeting:
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This single line of dialogue honestly tells quite a bit for no reason. He’s showing that kindhearted man he is out in the open. No longer is he afraid to hide that softer side— which honestly can be said about this alt’s entire existence really. He’s happily dressing up alongside his daughter, genuinely celebrating the festival. He’s happy, relaxed, lovingly keeping Lilina in his clutches (who’s around 10 here by the way so she doesn’t really need to be held).
Additionally, and on the topic of his Halloween alt, he is very well-mannered towards others in the paralogue and the Tempest Trials dialogue. That’s more or less another way to show he’s more openly kind and sociable too. It’s a bit of a step ahead of how his younger self is (not that he’s that much of a little shit as a youth but there’s no denying he’s slightly too forward and slightly less inclined to gentleness).
And there is one particular part of the Tempest Trials dialogue that shows him at his best. A heartfelt exchange he has with L’Arachel:
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There’s not many words, but this exchange speaks so much about both characters. It’s to this day my favourite bit of writing to come out of FEH. There’s just so much meaning tucked into this little exchange. It’s truly a heartfelt moment where two characters relate to each other on a deep level for a moment.
L’Arachel sees a little girl and a wonderful father she sees her own in. It calls back to the hurt little girl inside of her. She wouldn’t wish the pain she experienced on anyone. No less that little girl with the man before her. That’s the place her words come from.
And Hector knows that very acutely. He knows the pain she carries with her all too well. So he hops right to it— metaphorically extends his hand out to the girl in front of him. He offers the most comforting words a girl could hear from a father. Perhaps he offers something more than comfort. I’ll be honest, I am of the genuine belief that he maybe even offers fatherhood to L’Arachel.
However it is, there’s no denying just how sweet he was here. And not to mention how readily he comforted L’Arachel, despite her being someone he’s not known for long. Really, before this, we’ve never really seen Hector so quick to support anyone with words— not even Eliwood. Often times, he was very much a doer, and never much of a sayer. Definitely shows he’s shaped up in terms of speaking to people there.
Another example of his willingness to be more openly soft comes from FEH yet again, and from the same alt. This time in an interaction with Ivy in her Forging Bonds chain:
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I just want to say that Hector and Ivy’s interactions in FEH are kind of funny when you take into account how they interact in Engage. I’m just really amused by the juxtaposition between how the younger Hector and the older Hector interact with her. In Engage, he just laughs in her face when she brings up her fear of ghosts. In FEH, as his older self, he doesn’t care and pretty quickly offers some support for her.
And funny enough, I think that does showcase the change in Hector between his youth and adulthood pretty well. He’s being way more readily kind, let alone sociable than his younger self would be. No less coming up with a good remedy to Ivy’s trouble socialising. That in and of itself is why I’m really glad they chose to include Hector here, seeing as Lilina was shown to be quite shy in FE7’s extended epilogue. It’s probable enough that he’s got an affinity for cracking shells.
That knack seems to yield results too. Lilina is quite sociable in FE6, becoming quite trusting (even if to a slight fault) and good with conversation. For Ivy, that little party gives her the drive to interact with others more.
To me, those bits are enough indication to show he’s past making his best bits more exclusive. There’s no reason for him to do so and he knows that. He’s got a brilliant heart in his chest and a whole lot of decency. What good is there in hiding that when such goodness can uplift many? There is something in relation to this I’ll bring up later too.
What Got Him There?
Of course, Hector couldn’t have become this man overnight. Self development isn’t easy at all. 
A logical theory for this is that he begins to learn this being with whoever he marries. But the change really comes when Lilina is in the picture. What better thing to change a needlessly rigid, stoic man than an adorable bundle of joy to call his child? Typically, such a thing can soften someone up quite a bit. In the case of Hector, given some tidbits here and there (including interactions with the child in question), I think this would be the case.
Have a listen to the Halloween alt’s conversation with Lilina, and then picture something. Picture Hector who’s been a father for like six months, holding a little baby Lilina. He looks her in the eyes, about as beaming as he can be, making small funny noises to entertain her. When you hear the tone that Patrick Seitz uses, it’s not too hard to envision that, is it? (Awesome work as always by Patrick by the way. I really love his take on Hector despite the criticism it sometimes gets.)
I think Lilina is the thing that really changed him for the better for good. That little girl is the key that indefinitely unlocks what his consciousness locks away more than it should be because of how much he conditioned himself to be what he thought was strong. Of course, because he’d be spending plenty of time with his bundle of joy, that side of him will be quite active. And with regularity comes establishment.
This doesn’t mean he’s become some soft, jovial dad though. Soft and jovial he can be around Lilina, that’s for sure. But in the grand scheme of things, she enables his best side more. A side of him that not just those close to him deserve to have the pleasure of seeing. An openly kind, golden-hearted man that the world around him deserves.
Aside from Lilina, he definitely shaped himself up for the sake of his leadership roles as is because well… he kind of had to. There’s no way he was getting around as a leader if he didn’t work on his manners or his trust issues. So it’s safe to say he must’ve done a lot of soul searching before the first epilogue.
His CYL alt in FEH does entertain the idea of him picking up reading. He probably used that as a method to improve his patience, and actually study (something he didn’t do too much of in his youth). Aside from that, there’s plenty of ways he could’ve started to shape himself up mentally. There’s many ways one can go about healing and self improvement.
He’s Still Hector
I sometimes joke that his adult self is like a different character but really, he’s not entirely. Despite all the change he’s been through, he’s still the same person who those around him know and love. As has been established throughout this analysis, he has changed. In some aspects, he is a different person in that he doesn’t seem to hide who he really is any longer and he’s overall matured. Still, he’s not a completely far cry from who he was in his youth.
Of course, as I said in that last section, he’s still boundlessly good-hearted, loyal, and well meaning. Out of everything, that hasn’t changed a single bit outside of how much better he expresses that. It’s a core fundamental of who he is in the end. Without that wonderful side of him, he just wouldn’t be Hector. It’s a part of what draws those he loves to him, and can more or less be what draws players/ readers to him.
And another thing I’ve already said he’s retained is his protectiveness. That is something he is by nature. He cares for those he loves and will protect them as he sees fit. And like the trait in the previous paragraph, he goes about it better. I probably don’t have to repeat any further on this since I did go on about it earlier in this. So we’ll leave this topic at that.
One small thing I haven't alluded to is how he doesn't completely care for his status. This is pretty much set right in stone in his conversation with Eliwood during FE7's extended epilogue:
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It's a very neat tidbit in the conversation. It does show that he cares about his station but also that he isn't consumed by it. He just wants to talk with Eliwood friend to friend, not leader to leader. Just because they're of high stations (Hector in an even higher station than Eliwood ironically), that doesn't mean they can't speak like familiars. Hector doesn't believe in there being this set way nobles have to act. He never has believed in it, despite how much noble conduct is likely pushed, and no matter the judgement that was thrown his way in youth. 
That last bit actually kind of segways into this next big thing that Hector has retained. It's a trait that he's admired for— that being his preference for doing things his way, and penchant for making it work. This is something that Oswin spells out very nicely in two separate supports:
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Hector isn’t someone bound by convention. He’s about getting things done and doing whatever he can for that to be so, no matter how improper it may be. Like I said, he doesn’t care so much for his status and won’t bend his behaviour to adhere to what’s considered ‘proper’. That especially goes for when he’s doing something for anyone he cares about. When that’s the case, he definitely does whatever it takes, everything regarding convention and conduct thrown out of the window.
Again, Oswin pretty much puts it all perfectly. He strives to stay true to himself, and he does that better than anyone. Where one doesn’t see a way forward, he makes one himself. It all very much attests to him having a will made of iron. But more than that, he’s just being himself.
So how does this trait fare into adulthood? Well, it’s certainly there and he’s still just about as unconventional. Despite his leading positions needing him to be at least a bit poised and proper, he still does what he wants and it works out. Where this shows is Lilina and Astolfo’s support conversation in FE6:
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Yeah, he kind of guilt tripped a thief into working for him.
Honestly though, prepare for something of a tangent because this whole support speaks volumes about Hector and I love it so much. So this won’t entirely pertain to the topic of this section.
More than anything, this support portrays Hector exhibiting those traits I’ve just gone over. Your typical leader/ noble would sooner apprehend a common thief stealing castle riches. But Hector isn’t quite typical. He’s not like the other nobles at all. No one else but Hector would recruit a seemingly random thief who once looked for the castle riches. To an average noble, that sounds utterly ridiculous.
But why did he do it in the first place? Like— yeah, Hector is kind of bizarre but he knows what he’s doing and has a whole lot of sense to boot. There’s always a reason for what he does. There's a method to what a lot of cut and dry nobles would consider madness.
His castle is nowhere near easy to get into. From what we know of Ostia, let alone the support, no common thief makes it as far as the treasury. Here comes Astolfo, a common thief who bypassed the guards and made it as far as the treasure room. Thus what Hector sees is not a common thief, but a man of great potential to be something more than that.
He’s rather pragmatic— albeit a bit of a wacky kind of pragmatic, but pragmatic nonetheless. Definitely the wacky kind given he just laughs in Astolfo’s face at first. Then he compliments the man, and offers him a job. If that doesn’t show how one of a kind he is, I don’t know what does.
Even so, there’s a reason he’s so flippant. Remember, this is the same guy who doesn’t care so much for his noble status. That’s all shown in his attitude and the way he tells Astolfo that he can keep what he’s stolen. He doesn’t talk to Astolfo noble to commoner. He talks to him man to man.
The reason I go over this support so thoroughly is because honestly, it alone lays out just who Hector is as an adult. It showcases both how much he’s changed and hasn’t changed. For the former, it goes back to him getting over his trust issues. He’s clearly much better at seeing good in others and not going straight into his prickly shell. In terms of the latter, he still couldn’t give a rat’s ass about his station and is all for being a little unconventional. He very much lives up to what Oswin says about him in his Matthew support.
The Astolfo and Lilina support chain may not seem like much at surface level. But think about all this stuff I’ve gone over. Think about how the Hector you see in FE7 would approach the situation. Think about the minute details pointed out throughout this analysis. When you consider all that, this support is the hard proof that he achieved the goal he set out to do. And he still stayed true to himself in the end.
Well, I’ve pretty much covered every base that matters. So we reach the tail end of this analysis.
I will admit firsthand that Hector’s adult self definitely isn’t the most deep thing out there on surface level. Hell, a chunk of this whole thing has been theoreticals (which I did say that’d be the case at the start). Theoreticals based on the heaps of characterisation he has, but still theoreticals. What I will say though is that through him not having much in plain sight, there lies room for all this speculation and the chance to suss things out yourself.
There’s a reason he doesn’t end up completely better off by the conclusion of FE7. He’s been hurt since before the game’s events. He was always a hurt boy in a world that never entirely accepted him. It only got a bit worse throughout FE7, with him going through the horrors of real battle and going through some painful losses— especially Uther. So after it all, of course he’s not going to be better in a flash.
That’s why I really love the detail that he doesn’t seem that way until he’s portrayed as a grown man. It makes his proclamation towards Mark in his mode’s epilogue that much more meaningful. He does get better, and evidently fits himself into his new life eventually. Even in spite of him being unsure about leading that life, he’s determined to live it and does it all because that’s what he’s all about. He’s all about achieving anything he puts his mind to.
He becomes kinder, wiser, more respectable, and evidently a damn great father. Sure, he’s a great person in his youth, but he had some glaring problems. Growing up, he remedied those problems as best he could while still remaining himself. He’s not without vices, as that is with anyone, though he’s done a good job at toning it all down. 
And of course, it would take until he’s a grown man for that change to be in full force. He’s mentally scarred in more than one aspect. Such things can take a long time to heal. Change can take equally long to truly come into fruition. It’s yet another layer of realism to an already very human, realistic character.
So what do Hector’s adult iterations mean for him?
Well, they serve as a conclusion to his tale. Hector’s tale, his true tale, is one of overcoming trauma and realising his best self. It’s a tale of inner struggle, loss, and a testament to what true strength is. It’s a tale of a boy becoming a man.
Closing Words
That about wraps everything up. If you did read this entire thing— first of all thank you from the bottom of my heart. Second, I sincerely hope you enjoyed and took interest in my perspective.
I’ve worked on this analysis on and off for almost two years, pouring in all the love and passion for this character. I’d be lying if I said that time hasn’t been pretty transitional for me. I’ve changed a bit as a person on my own road towards self improvement. This character, and especially this facet of him, is a massive comfort and inspiration for me. Writing this whole thing has definitely reaffirmed that to a degree.
But yeah, I’m not going to hang around too long. Seriously, I appreciate it colossally if you managed to read all of this. If you have any questions and such, then you’re welcome to ask. I will say, I am more active on Twitter (@/WolfBeils on there), so you may have a better shot at reaching me there.
Otherwise, yeah, that’s all I got.
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braveryinblue · 6 months
"They got you too, did they?"
Eliwood holds out an ice pack towards his best friend, a little smile on his face. There's still determination there, despite his recent loss. He's surprised to have made it to the end of the tournament even if he was eliminated before he could see the outcome of his match.
"How did yours go, then? I didn't get a chance to see. Surely you got a few good hits in?"
“Haaaa… That they sure did.”
There you are.
“Took your sweet time, huh? Hope you had fun, at least.”
Hector’s experience out there had been much too short-lived, but them’s were the breaks - win some, lose some. He reached for the ice pack, though he received it not without a light (?) bop to Eliwood’s shoulder in return. “I guess that’s plus one to your record, eh?”
The ice is cool. Feels nice. Healing magic is swell and all, but not a resource to be haplessly wasted even here in Fodlan where tomes are mysteriously unnecessary. For whatever they don’t get to, there’s the old tried and true: time, and rest.
“It went a’ight, I guess. Nasty piece of work on the other side with her bow and sword and uh, temper. I gave a different axe a whirl this time, felt good but… not perfect. Still can’t wrap my head round magic, really.”
He’d tried the hexlock shield again this year, too, but… It didn’t really feel like him, in the end. Magic stung, sure, and the shield compensated nicely for some of his resistance against it, but in the end,
Hector would much simply rather not get hit by the stuff at all.
“Anyway, ‘course I got some good hits in! Ha!” There’s a glint in his eyes that warns of an impending noogie if Eliwood isn’t careful not to provoke further, but Hector bides his time for the now. “And you? I heard strange rumours - that you were out there spewing ice??”
Strange, if so, but then again…
… Well, whatever. “Regardless, you did House Pherae proud, I’m sure.”
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saiyef · 2 years
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I’m not too sure who Hector might be referencing here. I’m thinking it’s either Florina, Eliwood or Ninian.
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
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can i get a cosplay vibe check on isle 6
 I’d like to start a new project pronto lest i fall victim to the project purgatory insanities, and these are some of my current ideas, Soot sprite, zhongli, valentines eliwood, or an OC. wherever I end up doing I want to make as nice as possible with the hopes of entering them in contests this year and making a tutorial for as well! 
finances-wise theyre shockingly comparable, I have some idea of who I want to make (I think soot sprite would be really fun but i want to make sure this isnt just a manic impulse) but i’m always curious to hear what others think. Soot sprite would be cute and involve lots of sturdy fabrics and weathering which I really enjoyed on fushi, Zhongli would be coming back to flowy, fancy costume styles which I am always looking to improve. Eliwood would be great for the valentines and I want to get more comfortable with costumes that use a lot of colors, and an OC (most likely Sulu) has been on my bucket list for eons. 
any and all commentary and thoughts appreciated, especially if theres anything in particular you’d want to see in a future tutorial! 
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carmennivis · 9 months
Nils in Fodlan!
Personal Info:
Name: Nils Gender: Male (transmasc) Birthday: 7th Day of the Guardian Moon (January 7th) Age: 1200+ Apparent Age: 16 Height: 152 cm (5’0”) Weight: 44 KG (97 lbs) Crest/Holy Blood: He’s an ice dragon, so maybe he could have a crest of his own..? Class: Golden Deer Affiliation: Lyndis Legion, Traveling Performers
Personal History:
(Note:B.W. Refers to before the ending winter. Most years are rough estimates.)
Elibe 300 B.W. - Nils was born to Ice Dragon Aenir and her human husband Nergal.
Elibe 100 B.W. - The Scouring Begins. The family is forced into hiding.
Elibe 0 - The Ending Winter happens. With the air changing, Aenir, Ninian and Nils are forced into human forms.
Elibe 20 - Aenir is captured by humans and presumably killed. Nergal goes after her, and tells his children to enter the Dragon’s gate. They do, losing a large part of their memories.
Elibe 978 - Hearing a voice call out to them, Nils and Ninian pass through the dragon’s gate once more. They lost most of their power when in Elibe and lose their dragon stones, but manage to avoid capture and start a life as traveling performers.
Elibe 979 - The duo was rescued by Lyn and joined her for a time to take back Caelin.
Elibe 980 - The battle against Nergal and the Black Fang happens, where Nils joins Eliwood and Hector after they rescue him and Ninian from the dread isle.
Elibe 981 - With the battle over, Nils enters the Dragon Gate to seal it back up from the other side. An unknown time later, he is whisked away by the gate to Fodlan.
Interests: Performing, Diving, Nature Likes: Music, Dancing, Cold days, Frigid waters, bloody meats, nature walks, a nice breeze, the moon and stars, sweets Dislikes: Selfish Humans, Loneliness, hot days, spicy food, wyvern riders, hot soups and stews Status: Scion of the Elibean Ice Dragon tribe and a traveling bard Close Allies: Ninian, Lyn, Mark
Dining Hall Preferences
Likes: Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce, Peach Sorbet, Beast Meat Teppanyaki, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Gronder Meat Skewers, Derdriu-Style Fried Pheasant, Grilled Herring, Fruit and Herring Tart, Fisherman’s Bounty, Fish Sandwich, Two-fish Saute, Bourgeois Pike Dislikes:  Sauteed Jerky, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Saute, Super-Spicy Fish Dango, Sauteed Pheasant with Eggs, Daphnel Stew, Onion Gratin Soup, Cheesy Verona Stew
Dining Hall Quotes
Favorite Dish
“Wow, this is so delicious..! If only I could share some with Ninian…”
Least favorite dish
“Ack, this is- well, um.. Quite a unique flavor… do humans really like this…?”
Tea Time Guide
Favorite Tea: Mint Leaves
Favored Topics
A place you’d like to visit / Books you’ve read recently / Children at the market / Monastery security / I’m counting on you / Our first meeting / Past Laughs / Reliable allies / Someone you look up to / Thanks for everything / The library’s collection / The view from the bridge / Working together / You seem well / You’re doing great work / Favorite sweets / Shareable snacks / Books you’ve reach recently / Heart-racing memories / Hopes for your future 
Tea Time Quotes
“Thank you for inviting me..! Would you perhaps like a tune to accompany the tea?”
Favorite Tea
“Oh, this is..! My sister and I enjoy drinking this together often..!”
5 star tea
“Are you really brewing such an expensive tea for just a humble bard? You truly are too kind..!”
Being Observed
“I’m.. Not used to being looked at so tenderly, haha.” “I-I have unusual eyes..?! No, they’re as normal as can be!” “Do I seem cold? Don’t worry, I actually quite enjoy the breeze!” “Is it normal for people to get this close..?”
Introducing Own Topic
“I’m waiting for my tea to cool off.. I can’t really handle hot drinks, you see.” “The air here is so nice.. It’s like a gentle embrace, don’t you think?” “I can perform just fine, but being close to so many people daily? It's a lot, sometimes.” “Have you ever been to my performance? I’ll make sure to rouse your spirits!” “You’re a bit of an odd one.. But I can tell you’re a kind person.” “It’s been so nice to settle down here.. I wonder if I should stay here longer..” “No matter how far apart we may be.. My bond with Ninian is unbreakable.” “I’m looking forward to winter..! The blanket of snow will be so beautiful..!” “I always take good care of my flute, it’s my greatest tool, after all..!”
“Hm?” “Oh!” “I see..”
“I had fun..! Thank you very much for inviting me!”
Misc. Dialogue
Gift Guide
Favorite Gifts: Any flower, Smoked Meat, Book of Sheet Music Disliked Gifts: Exotic Spices, Coffee Beans, Blue Cheese
Gift Quotes
Disliked gift
“Um.. Thank you? …Are you sure you intended to give this to me?“
Liked gift
“Thank you so much…!”
Favorite gift
“Wow, I love this..! I’ll make sure to cherish it!”
Lost Items
Flute Cleaning Kit - Various tools meant to be used to clean a wind instrument and for its general upkeep. It likely belongs to someone who plays the flute and values it deeply. Location Found: Dormitories Piece of Arctic Coral - A piece of blue coral that only grows in the depths of frigid waters. It likely belongs to someone who can handle such temperatures and enjoys diving. Location Found: Classrooms Bag of Peppermint Candies - A small bag of minty fresh sweet treats that are a bit of an acquired taste. It likely belongs to someone who enjoys sweets with a cool taste. Location Found: Dining Hall
Lost Item Quotes
“Yes, this belongs to me! Thank you so much for finding it..!”
Not owner
“I can’t say this looks familiar.. I hope you can find the owner soon!”
Battle Quotes
Mock Battle Retreat
“Ah..! I knew it, I was never cut out for battle…”
First Kill
“If.. If it means I can protect her, then I’ll do whatever it takes.”
Monastery Lines
Choir Practice
“I prefer instruments over singing, but this is still quite fun! Hmmhmmhmm~”
“I can handle chopping the ingredients! I’ll just.. Leave the fire to you, then.”
“Maybe there’s something in the air..?” Console: “That’s alright. Sometimes you have to fail in order to grow!” Critique: “You’re right.. But I have to keep going!”
“Maybe I do have what it takes!”
“With this new strength, I’ll keep us safe!”
Praise: “Please, teach me more..! I have to grow stronger!”
Stable Duty
“Hmm, You’re quite the sweetheart, aren’t you? Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Weeding / Clearing Rubble
“These hands are so small.. But I’ll keep trying!”
Sky Watch
“Ah… The air is even fresher up here, how lovely!”
Certification Exams
“I’m sorry, It seems like I haven't tried hard enough...”
“I passed? Wonderful! No doubt thanks to your help!”
Lecture Questions
“Excuse me, Professor?”
“I get so scared at the thought of going to the front lines.. But I have to get stronger to keep those I love safe. How do you cope with it? To put yourself in danger like that?” OK: “Try not to think too much about it. Focus on nothing but the battle.” Bad: “If that’s how you feel, you should stay in the back.” Good: “Keep in mind what you want to protect. Let it be your strength.”
Bad Answer
“Sorry, that’s.. Not what I meant.”
Good Answer
“Yes, I see it now. Thank you!”
Update Goals
“For some reason, the idea of bards using bows has become quite famous as of late.. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to try, would it? Attacking from a distance might be better for me, too.. So please help me train in bows!”
“I know as a foreigner, my faith should be different. Yet, something about the teachings of Seiros feel so.. Comforting to me. Please, allow me to train in Faith, so I can explore this power further.”
“Being a bard means being able to charm people. Naturally, someone like that should be able to lead and inspire others too. Please let me study in Authority for this reason!”
Level Up
0 to 2 stats up
“This body of mine is too weak to protect anyone…”
3 to 4 stats up
“Whew! What a refreshing development!”
5 stats up
“With this new power, I’ll put on a performance of a lifetime!”
6 stats up
“I’ll keep everyone safe and energized, I promise this to you!”
Upon reaching level 99
“It’s almost as if I have my original strength back, despite this weaker body…
Budding Talent
“I didn’t realize I had this in me..! Thank you for inspiring me!”
New Skill
“I’ll use this for a new performance!
“What an interesting costume! It’ll liven up my performances, too!”
Battle Quotes
When selected
Full/High HP
“Rouse your spirits!”
Medium HP
“My song hasn’t ended yet!”
Low HP
“I can.. Keep going..”
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
“Is that it?” “So close!”
Critical Attack
“I won’t run away anymore!” “Graaaargh!” “Let’s change the course of fate!” “This is your swan song!” “Freeze to the core!”
“Follow my lead, everyone!”
Gambit Boost
“I’ve got your back!”
Defeated Enemy
“Anything to keep us safe.” “I had no choice, forgive me.” “I took no pleasure in this.” “This was your finale.”
Ally Defeats Enemy
“What a performance!” “Such strength!” “You make me feel safe..!”
Ally Heals/Rallies
“How inspiring!” “Dearly appreciated!” “Thank you for the boost!”
Death/Retreat Quote
“This is too much for me.. I have to survive, for Ninian.. Sorry, but I must retreat.”
“Ni..nian… Please be happy.. Get home safely, and.. Please forgive your.. Stupid bro..ther..”
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allyphase · 9 months
( og source link ) (thank you N for the inspiration!)   
NAME. Mark
GENDER. Female
AGE. 21
HEIGHT. 5’4” 
BIRTHDATE. 1st of the Pegasus Moon
CLASS. Golden Deer Student
AFFILIATION. A wanderer of Elibe. 
BIOGRAPHY. A girl born to nothing, destined to walk history unnamed. Began her life in Bern, but abandoned one army for another when she followed Lyndis’s radiant light. Fought alongside Lyndis, Eliwood, and Hector for a new dawn. Enrolled in the Officer’s Academy to finish her tactics education formally. 
INTERESTS. Chess, birdwatching, ballroom dancing LIKES. Old books, Sacean striped warblers, strawberries, rescue strategies DISLIKES. Pranks, too many people talking at once, the sicilian defense, ambush reinforcements STATUS. Former tactician to Houses Ostia and Pherae  CLOSE ALLIES: Sain, Kent, Lady Lyndis
LIKES. Beast meat teppanyaki, grilled herring, saghert and cream, sweet and salty whitefish saute, sweet bun trio, fish sandwich, daphnel stew 
DISLIKES. Small fish skewers, sauteed jerky, cheesy verona stew, country-style red turnip plate, cabbage and herring stew, fried crayfish
“Oh, this smells delicious! Thank you for offering me a place at your table.” 
“Food is food, I suppose...” 
FAVORITE TEAS. Rose-Petal Blend - A faintly floral, sweet and elegant drink with the bitter bite of black tea behind it. Perfect for academics with a bit of a soft side. / Honeyed Fruit Blend - This tea is almost overwhelmingly sweet, more a dessert than anything. The lack of caffeine makes it a perfect evening treat. 
CONVERSATION TOPICS.  A new gambit... Evaluating allies... Someone you look up to... Equipment upkeep... Plans for the future... Shareable snacks... The last battle... Strange fish in the pond... Mighty weapons... Our first meeting... Books you read recently... The ideal professor... Your ambitions... Things that bother you... Close calls... Capable comrades... You’re doing great work... Exploring the monastery... Thanks for everything... A word of advice. 
“Thank you for inviting me here.” 
“This is my favorite! How did you know?” 
“What a nice blend... Are you sure you want to drink this now?” 
1. “...hmhmhm...”  Answer: Sip tea
2. “Sometimes I think the theory of chess is more interesting than playing the game.”  Answer: Nod, chat
3. “Do you believe I’m doing well, professor?”  Answer: Commend, nod
4. “Do you believe in love, professor?”  Answer: Laugh, agree, disagree
5. “I think there is value in keeping your ideas close.”  Answer: Sip tea
“I’ve always thought my face was very forgettable.”  “My uniform looks like my tactician’s clothes, doesn’t it?” 
“Thank you for the gracious invitation. I hope I can return the favor sometime soon.” 
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty baked treat, stylish hair clip, lavender, board game.
DISLIKED GIFTS. Hunting dagger, dapper handkerchief, training weight, ceremonial sword.
“Thank you.” 
“You’re sure you have no need for this? Thank you!” 
“This is for me? How did you know...? Thank you, so much!” 
FIELD GUIDE. A guide to birds from a faraway plain. Each profile has a small watercolor drawing of the bird as well as a pencil sketch of its silhouette. It probably belongs to someone with an interest in birdwatching. 
FOLDING CHESS SET. A small chess set, suitable for travel. The pieces are mismatched from being replaced or lost. It probably belongs to someone who studies tactics. 
LAVENDER CANDLE. A candle burned down halfway, scented faintly of lavender. It probably belongs to someone who has trouble relaxing. 
“Oh, you found it! I’ve been retracing my steps all day trying to find where I left that...” 
“Sorry, that’s not mine.” 
“Ah... I must have missed something... I must fall back now. I’m sorry.”  ( Byleth specific  ) “You are truly a wonderful tactician...! I must ask you... later...” 
“...so this is how it feels...” 
(1)  “I’m not a singer, but I will do my best.”  (2)  “I- don’t know if I can be louder...” 
(1)  “I can do my part, but nothing fancy.”  (2)  “Are you sure this is the role you want me to fill?” (3)  “I’m much more used to cooking over a fire than a stove.” 
BAD.  ✧
“Oh... An embarrassing mistake.”  Critique:  “I see. Thank you.”  (AFFECTION UP) Console:  “I don’t need your pity. Show me what I did wrong.”  (AFFECTION DOWN )
“As expected.” 
“That’s it! It must be!” 
PRAISE.  “Thank you, professor. It’s all thanks to your guidance.” 
“With how many cavaliers I’ve known, you think I’d be better at this...”  (With Kent or Sain)  “Will you show me what your horses like?” 
“...oh! Sorry, lost in thought...”  “Do you know this plant? I haven’t seen it before.” 
“...I don’t think I’ll be very helpful here...” 
“Oh... I was so close, I’m sure...” 
“More knowledge is always a blessing.” 
“I would like to do more than stand at the back and watch. I’ve always been afraid of another arrow being shot my way, and I’d like the chance to fire back. Would you teach me to defend myself and my friends?” 
“Perhaps a better strategy to protect myself on the battlefield is to not be hit in the first place. Lord Hector’s resilience is truly something to behold, and I would like to try to emulate him somehow. Will you help me learn how to move in that armor?” 
“Lady Lyndis and Lord Eliwood are both more than proficient with the sword. I admire them, and would like to learn something like them. Will you teach me the sword?” 
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
“I need to do more.” 
5 STATS UP .  ✧
“Perfectly average.” 
6 STATS UP .  ✧
“I have reached the summit, but I cannot pause here. Onward!” 
“I could never see myself mastering this!” 
“This new talent will serve me well.” 
“A new role for me to play? I will do my best.” 
“Guide me as I guide you.” 
“Watch my back.” 
LOW HP .  ✧
“Pull me back!” 
“Not now!” 
“Checkmate!” “You are known!” “Textbook example!”  “Fade away!” 
“With me!” 
“Like this!” 
“I’m sorry.”  “You were in my way.”  “...it shouldn’t be me.” 
“Excellent work.”  “Just as I predicted.”  “Let’s keep working together.” 
“Thank you.”  “Appreciated.”  “I can keep going.” 
“I must- retreat... tend my... wounds...” 
“Sometimes... a piece must be sacrificed...” 
“I fear that I am purposeless. My former position no longer exists, and I fear that without it, I’ll lose sight of what I want to pursue. Is there any way to keep myself going on this path without it being set for me?” 
> Self motivation is key!  > You can be more than one thing at a time. (affection up!)  > Try to get your former position back. 
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vulpiximisa · 2 years
going through tsurune again and rolling my eyes at the seiya/minato only to find out that it’s the most popular ship in the fandom and so here’s my essay about why I don’t care for childhood friend ships
I think the appeal is for the characters to have “someone who knows you inside and out and can understand you as a person and is always by your side” and for me it makes me super uncomfortable because that person for me is my sister. And it’s not like I’m going to say “ew childhood friends ships are literal incest” because I’m not a fcking idiot who doesn’t know how to interpret relationships between charas and real people.
It’s also a matter of the characters themselves. If both characters are equally Whole Characters who do things individually and when they are together they can become a duo, that’s fine. But most ships I have seen that people enjoy are not like this. Always one character will make the other character their entire personality.
I’m going to use Mako////Haru and the Sei////Mina as examples. Both Makoto and Seiya literally eat sleep breathe and think about Haru and Minato. “Aw but it’s so sweet they’re so devoted to them.” Not to me it’s not, I want a whole ass character, not just MC’s DLC. (SouRin too.) They literally ruined Makoto’s character arc when he realized he didn’t have to swim to be with Haru and decided to coach kids but then made him want to coach Haru in S3 and it’s like hhhhRRRRRRR WHY. Seiyas literally only doing archery to be with Minato. Sousuke is a fcking idiot that ruined his body for Rin.
Perhaps it’s KyoAni realizing that this kind of relationship sells so I’m going to mention another ship.
Tsukki///Yama from Haikyuu. “Yamaguchi has major character growth!!” And he does, good job Guch. But initially he was literally Tsuki’s lackey. He starts to move away from that when he practices his serves and even though the “what more do you need than your pride” scene was a big step for him, I find that every time Yamaguchi steps into the court, there’s always a focus on Tsuki, framed in the way that it’s like “I’m here to back up tsukki, to help tsukki” and not like The Team as a whole.
I think Kuro////Ken are a great example of how childhood friends could be. Aside from them being a year apart, they’re very much their own characters but they do know each other very well and have their own thing going on. (I don’t care much for seijou so I’m not gonna talk about Iwa////Oi)
Back to tsurune, Nanao and Kaito are what they could be but they’re cousins so nobody is gonna ship them. But the fact that they are family reiterates my reason, that you don’t have to fall in love with the person you spent most of your life with.
“But what about the long time pining!!!” Iunno man, I guess I don’t have an argument for that. If they fell in love as a kid and continue the feelings until they’ve matured, makes me wonder if they’ll reevaluate that and not just “stick with it because that’s all they’ve ever known”. It’s worse for me if they never considered them until Suddenly something changed. I mean sure whatever.
I’m okay with the ones where they might have known each other when they were young but they separated and didn’t see each other until they’re both older. It’s about learning that the person is not the same person and having to get to know them again.
Oh that’s why I don’t like childhood friend ships. I don’t like when I’m given information that “oh yeah, they are friends, trust me on this.” (The entire reason I don’t ship Aso////Ryu from GAA.) I like seeing the development, how did they meet, how would they grow to know each other, when do they start thinking different? (On a related note, it’s why GoPri is better than Fresh in the dynamic with the first 3 cures, because GoPri didn’t take the lazy way out of writing 3 girls with very different backgrounds suddenly becoming friends.)
The only two childhood friends ship thats I like that I can think of is Sasu//////Naru and Hector/Eliwood from FE7.
Sasu/////naru has a whole package of other things going on for them that they don’t even count as that. Yes they knew each other as kids but they don’t start to Really get to know each other until they’re teammates and then etc the rest of their story.
HecEli, I don’t remember how old they were but I don’t think they were that young? That’s not the point. Hector might have seemed Eliwood centric if you just played Eli’s route but in Hector mode he has a whole bunch of things going on. (RoyLili, is very much the thing tho, where Lilina is Roy centric most of the time. I love her but I don’t deny it.) Also rekkas shoving Eli////nini and hec/////lyn in my face so of course I’m taking an alternate route.
Edit: i just thought about games after I posted thing. Hen////do from pl miracle mask. *points at henry* it was you. Like maybe there’s nothing wrong with orbital charas but I feel like the feelings will never be balanced. The other character will never feel like they can give back anywhere as much as the orbital one. (Sorry azu////iru even though it’s not a childhood friend ship)
Anyway, you’re not gonna make me like childhood friend ships if you make one of them an orbital chara and shove it into my face. *puts kyoani in a choke hold*
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sacaeblade · 1 year
@pheraefire asked: 
Sparkling Water: Fresh spring water that has been magically carbonated. Served with a squeeze of lime or a dash of one of the many fruit syrups available at the bartender’s disposal.
"lyndis," a call of her name and some swift foot work to squeeze past the other participants is enough to have her attention. "an odd situation, wouldn't you say? i suppose we should be thankful that we aren't in any immediate danger, though..." he took a moment to contemplate his new 12 inch stature before reminding himself of why he'd called to her. "oh, right-  i'm sure it's probably hard to relax as things are now, so i brought you some refreshments to ease your mind!" eliwood offered her the shining glass filled with a carbonated substance, a smile on his face. "i wasn't sure what kind of flavor you'd want, but i hope this one is to your liking."
The appearance of the redheaded lord is enough to ease the tension off Lyn’s face. The crease between her brows is replaced by a smile and she greets her old friend, “Eliwood!”
He picks his way through the crowd with grace and poise she could only dream of matching, all while carrying a drink in hand. Not a single drop spills, even as he sidesteps people. That’s what years of practice navigating banquets will do, she supposes.
“I’ll say! This is the first time I’ve seen people at eye level in weeks. I was beginning to fear that my only friends from now on would be mice.”
She accepts the proffered drink gratefully, drink passing from one hand to another, and takes a sip. It bubbles like champagne, but without the bite of alcohol, and the subtlest taste of fruit without being too sweet.
“Thank you, I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was.” Relief and cool water wetting her parched throat allows a heavy sigh to escape Lyn’s lips. “Ahhh... I just don’t know how you manage these things, Eliwood. I think I may just not be cut out for these kinds of things, after all. I haven’t even been here that long and I’m already ready to leave.”
Not that leaving seems to be possible, at the moment.
“How about you? Are you faring alright?”
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Eliwood and Hector’s friendship is so fucking funny because it’s like, two nine year olds get left in a room with a bunch of other kids and one goes:
and the other goes
“Sure. I’m not a coward.”
But then they actually stay ride or die for life and one of them takes on a death curse to protect the other.
It’s great.
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crapmagak · 2 years
Engage Drip Marketing: Alfred
Tumblr media
Oh boy, we finally get to learn about one of the cover characters, Alfred. 
They struck gold with Xander, and they struck god damn platinum with Dimitri, so it seems they’re going for round three. Perhaps in terms of the franchise's future, Dimitri has spawned a whole new character archetype, kind of like how Tharja has made the sexy goth woman a staple in this series with Camilla, Shamir, and now purple haired woman in the trailer.
As for Alfred himself, we get these tweets
Alfred (VA: Ryōhei Kimura) is the first prince of the Firenese Kingdom, a brisk young man who battles alongside the Divine Dragon. He’s a kind, disciplined and flower-loving pursuer of happiness.
Then the cutscene tweet
It seems Alfred had visited the sleeping Alear many times. He's surprised that Alear woke up.
Alear: "Alfred... of the Kingdom of Firene?"
Alfred: "You... Could it be?
The Divine Dragon Alear? You woke up?"
Alear: "Y-yes."
Alfred: "I see... This is great! You've no idea how long I've waited for this!"
So, first off, we finally have a name for the Verdant kingdom; Firene! Seems I was right on the mark about which country Firene referred to. I’m also excited to see more characters representative of this region. Though a west european base is the literal standard for fantasy, adding a flower and plant motif definitely helps. Reminds me a bit of the Tyrells from A Song of Ice and Fire. 
As for Alfred himself, despite my Dimitri jokes, he actually gives me a different set of vibes. Specifically, I have a theory about the four other box art characters, the one we saw in that sequence were they fight a bunch of corrupted. They each adhere to a sort of classic Fire Emblem Archetype, especially those relating to royalty. So, while Alear is our Avatar lord, I think Alfred is meant to be more of our classical lord. Think Marth, Eliwood, or Eirika, the more gentlemanly, peace loving lord, as opposed to the more warrior esc lords like Hector, Ephraim, or Ike, who I think will be the red haired swordsman. I think the dancer will be that innocuous traveler who turns out to be royalty, like Lewyn, Joshua, or Virion. As for the goth woman… I have a strong prediction but it’s based on the leaks. And unfortunately, I can't black out text for easy spoiler warnings on tumblr. I'll just have to say it once we get her posts. I’m also certain that for the Firene arc of this game, Alfred will serve as the Deuteragonist/ focus character. Hell, there's a strong chance he’ll get a legendary weapon as well.
One thing that did surprise me is that Alfred is the first prince. Considering Celine wears a crown but he doesn’t, I assumed Alfred wasn’t even royalty. Makes sense though. Seems like we’re getting a classic Fire Emblem story of a Prince trying to defend/ reconquer his homeland. If he’s a prince, I also assume that makes Celine his younger sister.
Another big thing is that we get a good look at Etie and the fighter character early. The first thing that struck me was just how tiny Etie was. I kind of assumed she’d look older, like Chloe, but she looks younger than Framme. The fighter was also a shock, considering how small his head is compared to his body. Now, a lot of that bulk’s probably do to his clothes and armor, but it still looks off a bit. I’m fairly sure the two are Alfreds retainers, which makes me wonder if Chloe and Louis are Celine’s retainers as well, and all the major characters get a pair like in Fates. That's not the only thing that reminds me of past games, though. Etie and the fighter have pretty similar hair and eye colors, along with overall aesthetics. I kind of wonder if they’re siblings too. If they are, then that’d make them the third pair, considering the dragon guardian twins, and the Firene royals. We also see Citrinne in a map with a blond cavalier too… I wonder if we’re getting a predominantly sibling cast, like in the second half of Genealogy. Then again, the hair and eye colors are exactly the same, so perhaps I’m over thinking things. Overall, they give me Lethe and Mordecai vibes; tiny mean girl and big nice guy.
We also see this cutscene at the night bridge map, meaning you probably meet the three during or after the it. I’m guessing the attack happened on one of his visits. Perhaps after the attack, our heroes flee to Firene after the Holy Land is captured.
Next, we get another juicy, juicy crit clip…
Alfred's starting class is Noble/ Cavalry. With blood of noble royalty running through their veins, they ride a horse, and elegantly wield a lance.
So, it seems like Alfred gets a fancy flourish on his crit. Perhaps it’s exclusive to him, or just major Firene characters in general. We also get to hear more of that sweet, sweet Firene map theme. This is a new map too, taking place in a village with bushes and small forests. Alfred is level seven, so it appears to take place after the Firene castle chapter. Perhaps that wasn’t a castle, but a simple fort.
Green units are confirmed. There are six on the map, but we can only see five. We have three civilians, one presumed cleric, and a monk in the back. Seems like we’ll need to rush to their aid before it’s too late.
What really caught my eye, though, was that someone else is engaged to Sigurd. This completely obliterated my assumption that only certain pairings of characters could engage. As for the character in question, it’s hard to tell cause they face away from the camera, and because of their glowing hair. Considering who else we see, and that they’re on foot, my guess is Clan or Louis. I lean more towards Louis for one reason. Each of the engaged characters have a sort of glowing halo thing along their backs. Alear has dragon-like wings, Celine a halo, for a brief second we see wing-like ornaments of Alfred’s form on the map, and the red haired swordsman has a bunch of glowing weapons on his back. This figure has either large wings around their shoulders, or a kind of shell like pauldrons. My new theory is that the ornament is based on class categories, and armored units get the shell. If this is true, I wonder if there are limits to who can engage with who based on weapon type (as an example, SIgurd can only engage with characters who use swords or lances, and Lyn would be locked to characters who use swords or bows.)
Finally, we get a quick look at Alfreds inventory. He can use an iron lance, or a javelin. However, he can’t wield the poleaxe, meaning he really is lance locked (probably until he promotes).
As for who we see next, my bets on either Etie or Celine. If we do get Celine next, I’m curious if we’ll see her crit with a sword or magic.
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