#maybe he can be Emblem of Humanity
rubywolf0201 · 2 years
Raise your hands if you think that the Engage Expansion Pass should’ve included Alm, Eliwood, Azura, Ryoma and/Or Xander in one of the 3rd-4th Wave DLC ✋🏻
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runawayfuture · 12 days
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concept art for my AU where the church lets House Gautier hold on to the dragon sign in case they didn't have a kid with a Crest and so Miklan doesn't get kicked out and he loves his little brother and everything is Fine Actually
#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#fire emblem 3 houses#fe3h#miklan anschutz gautier#miklan#miklan gautier#my art#pencil sketch#he doesn't use the dragon sign usually because it gives him headaches and nightmares#(nabatean stuff is Weird and not really compatible with humans!!)#but if he needs to pick it up for like a border skirmish/invasion or a formal event where they want to show off‚ it's safe for him to use#when sylvain is home miklan hands the lance off to him asap bc it's less weird if you have the actual crest rather than just the dragon sign#he prefers to use an axe (i'm thinking fortress knight for his class given that he has pretty heavy armor in game + bulky physique)#also he doesn't have the scar here bc i figured that happened either when he got kicked out or in a bad fight while he was a bandit#though i might put it back and say he got it while defending the border#not sure yet. the au is still in the early stages of development lol#anyway he and sylvain are SIGNIFICANTLY less fucked up and traumatized here bc their parents didn't treat miklan like trash#so he had no reason to get jealous of sylvain so he didn't abuse him and try to kill him multiple times when they were kids 😅#sylvain still has some crest baby issues but not nearly as much bc less crest-related trauma + emotional support from miklan#their parents still suck ass but having an older sibling who's on your side is way different from one who abuses you and then disappears#i also think miklan and glenn were friends in this au#... i wonder if ingrid's parents would have betrothed her to miklan instead after glenn died#haha ingrid. you are engaged to my brother#though idk if they would want to introduce a different crest to the family given that the lance is specifically for the crest of gautier#maybe they'd figure that having one parent with crest blood increases the chance of a different crest kid#because we know crests can skip generations so maybe miklan has latent crest blood that could manifest in his children#that would be an au to think about... if miklan found a wife and had a kid b4 conand tower and the baby had the crest of gautier?#and he came back like FUCKING ACKNOWLEDGE ME BITCHES UR GRANDSON HAS A FUCKING CREST!!#beep
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luveline · 4 months
hi love! i absolutely adore ur writing and u should be so so proud of it. anyway i was just thinking about coworker james when readers car wont start in the parking lot and he like takes a look at it and is under the hood and reader is just like "oh...😍" cause the muscles are OUT and shes down bad
ty lovely 💌 fem
“Oh,” you say, “of course.” 
You drop your face into your steering wheel and sigh. An annoyed burst of sound, not cute or feminine or fun, a grunt of defeat. This sucks. Work sucks, life sucks, your car not starting is the least of your worries and yet somehow the most prevalent. 
How am I gonna get home? you think to yourself, defeated.
“Hey!” someone calls. Jogging, the last person you want to see in the world right now stopping at your door. James frowns at you. “It’s not starting?” 
You pop your door, careful not to pop him at the same time. “How’d you know?” 
“I heard the engine turn over.”
“It’s making a clicking sound,” you say, twisting the key so he can hear it. 
“It’s dead, probably. Your battery.”
James has an odd way of talking occasionally, as though you’ve started a conversation and he’s adding onto it. Remus says it's ADHD. You like it no matter what it is and despite yourself —it’s getting harder to pretend you don’t like him. Like, you hate him, he’s annoying beyond explanation, but your more positive feelings for him are heavy and ever present. So, so heavy.
“I’ll pull my car up and we can give it a jumpstart,” he says. “Easy fix.” 
“You don’t have to go?” 
“You have rugby today.” 
“Oh, no, it's the off season now.” He smiles and you don’t get why. “Let me go get the car.” 
James jogs back to his car and brings it next to yours. Everybody who isn’t Human Resources or security has left already, leaving the car park practically empty, ample room for him to park beside you. He gets back out. 
“I don’t have, uh, cables,” you say.
James gives you a smile that is as patronising as it is attractive. “Don’t worry about it, beautiful. I have everything you need.” 
He feels along the edge of your hood, pops the seal, pushes it up into the air, and hooks the prop rod into place. He’s clearly done it before, and the whole while you’re watching his arm. His rolled sleeves draw attention to the tightness at his bicep, and the moving ligament and muscle of his tricep as he leans into the engine to look things over. “I’m no mechanic, but I do know everything, and I thought maybe things were a bit hot but your engine’s stone cold.” 
“So it’s definitely the battery?” 
“Probably.” He scratches his jaw, peering curiously into the guts of it all. “When was the last time somebody looked in here?” he asks, squinting at you, unaware that he’s the finest thing you’ve ever seen. 
Your breath gets caught. 
“Have you ever had it looked at?” he asks, concerned. 
“I… maybe I did. I think so.” 
“You’re supposed to have it looked at every year? For MOT?” 
“I know, I thought you meant before that.” He’s distracting.
James looks you over. “It’s fine,” he says emphatically, “even if I can’t fix your battery, I can still drive you home. You’re panicking for no reason.” 
“Right.” Panicking! Yes, this is panic.
“Listen, can you get the jump leads from my boot? I have to open the hood.” He gestures for you to go. You do as he’s asked, wobbly, and struggle when you get there to actually open it. You slides your fingers under his car's emblem and flinch as it flies up past your face. 
His boot is surprisingly well organised. There’s a duffel bag to one side half-zipped that showcases a flash of red and white uniform, a pair of formal shoes, a dark jacket folded and hidden behind the bag. You want to be nosey and you don’t want him to think you’re stupid. You rush to grab the cables and almost clip yourself on the boot as you duck from under the boot and round the car. 
James smiles when he sees you. No indication that you’re an imposition, it’s sort of like you’re two friends. 
He pushes his sleeves farther up and digs in. It’s awful, what business does he have looking so sharply put together? You hadn’t thought you were preferential to muscle until right this moment watching James move around your engine like an expert. 
“What are your plans tonight?” 
Your palms are hot behind your back. “I was thinking I’d watch a new movie.” 
“That sounds fun.” He ducks away from the engine. “I don’t watch many movies.”
“What do you do with all your time?” 
“Argue with Sirius about who’s turn it is to wash the dishes.” 
You startle. “You and Sirius live together?” 
James laughs and pulls the leads to his own engine. “You didn’t know that?” 
“You come in different cars.” 
“I come in much earlier than he does. And after work he and Remus always have things to do. It’s weird, isn’t it, how couples are always busy? I feel like I never do anything.” James grins at you. “This is interesting, at least. My Friday night isn’t a total waste.” 
James gets into his car and you into yours. With some fiddling, pleading, and a strange noise, he manages to push life back into your car. His smile when it works is his worst one to date, elated and shockingly handsome. 
That Monday, against your better judgement, you bring him a little carrot cake in a tin. A thank you card felt like too much. 
To his credit, he doesn’t brag to anyone that he saved you. He says thank you for the cake with another real smile, and for some reason, despite the mild weather, he rolls his sleeves up at his desk. Almost like he noticed you…
Well, he couldn’t have. Right?
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kiame-sama · 8 days
Fun fact, Peacocks are very aggressive and territorial, especially during mating season (I watched a few videos of males fighting each other for Peahens and not only are they fast but their movements are very graceful when fighting)
Harpy!Vil gives me the idea that he wouldn’t show off his feathers for just ANY female, she has to be very special to catch his eye (And he would never share, except maybe with Rook, everyone else is fair game for pecking and scratches)
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(Harpy Vil actually displaying his tail feathers, crest, and wings to that special someone. Changed the typical crown he wears in his dorm uniform to be peacock feathers, as the Fairest Queen was a Peacock Harpy as well.
Side note: I hate drawing feathers and wings and this took me longer than the others have. Used Vil's SSR card for reference on the pose and the Pomefiore emblem/dorm uniform, but the hands gave me so much trouble I cropped them out. This is 50% of what the original was going to be just because I struggle with hands and feathers so much.)
- Vil is very selective for who he displays for, as he is still a model and an actor even in my monster AU. Naturally, he is stunned by his human's natural beauty and unique nature when he first laid eyes upon them. He endeavors to win over his Human by any means, as no one else in all of Twisted Wonderland looks like his Human. Since no one can match his Human's looks, surely that means they are so fair none could reach that same level and their demure uniqueness is so akin to peahens he can't help but feel the need to give his feathers a good shake for them.
- Sometimes Vil will stand in front of a large mirror and practice displaying his feathers, working on making them shake out and flair out so he can be perfect when displaying for someone who actually manages to catch his eye. Nothing more embarrassing to Vil than the idea of messing up his own mating display by not practicing enough.
- Vil is far too proud to share with anyone other than his boon companion Rook. As Rook has proven himself to be a good companion and an even better friend, Vil would only be willing to share with the Huntsman Drider when it comes to his precious lover. His beloved belongs first and foremost to him, but Rook can technically lay with Vil's love as well given the fact that Rook has been better to Vil than anyone else in his life. He trusts Rook enough to help with pin feathers and even see him when he is ugliest molting so there is no one else Vil could possibly consider sharing with.
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insanityclause · 4 months
Over the past 13 years, Tom Hiddleston has died more times than he can recall. “Let me think about this,” the actor tells us, pausing to count in his head. “I think, officially, there were two big ones.” 
He’s referring to his many exits from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the blockbuster franchise in which he’s played shape-shifting Norse god Loki Laufeyson since Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 film “Thor”—the son of Asgardians Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and Frigga (Rene Russo), and the half-sibling of Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the god of thunder. 
The character has since bounced between villain and reluctant antihero across five films, a handful of post-credits scenes, and Michael Waldron’s Disney+ spinoff series “Loki,” which Hiddleston also executive produces. The show wrapped its second—and supposedly final—season last November. The finale presents an end for the character, but not one of the aforementioned “big ones.” 
Hiddleston’s first “official” farewell came in Alan Taylor’s 2013 sequel “Thor: The Dark World,” which saw the god of mischief take a sword to the chest to save his beefy brother. “As written in the first script, it was a true sacrifice,” Hiddleston says. Unfortunately for Marvel’s long-term plans, the actor had done too good a job playing the trickster.
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“When Marvel [executives] were testing the movie, they’d given [viewers] questionnaires that said, ‘Is there anything you didn’t understand?’ ” he remembers. “Literally every single audience member said, ‘Well, obviously, Loki’s not really dead.’ ” 
In classic comic-book fashion, the character did return, gallivanting alongside his brother in Taika Waititi’s 2017 follow-up “Thor: Ragnarok.” He died again one year later (“big one” number two) in the Russo brothers’  “Avengers: Infinity War.” There were no smokescreens or questionnaires this time; audiences watched as Loki’s neck was crushed by the purple fist of intergalactic warlord Thanos (Josh Brolin). 
Hiddleston remembers arriving in Atlanta to shoot his final scene and immediately bumping into Brolin. “He came up to me, gave me this huge hug, and said, ‘I’m so sorry, man.’ ” 
He meant it, too; everyone meant it. The sun, it seemed, had actually set on Hiddleston’s MCU journey. “At the end of that scene, I got a big round of applause, and everybody was so sweet and kind and gracious,” he says. “I got notes and emails saying, ‘Tom, you’ve done so much for us—what a journey. Come and see us anytime.’ I really thought that was the end.” 
And it was, for real, right up until it wasn’t—when the time-traveling shenanigans of 2019’s “Avengers: Endgame” blasted a younger version of Loki out of the established canon and into his own series. Over two seasons, the multiversal storyline envisions the title character as a figure who exists outside time and space. Across all there is, was, and may come to pass, there will always be a Loki, in some form, wreaking havoc. 
Hiddleston has long since accepted what this means for him as an actor. Maybe “Loki” Season 2 really was his last time in the role; or maybe he’ll play him until the sun burns out. “I’ve realized that, in human consciousness, that’s who Loki is,” he says. “Loki is this ancient, mythic character, who, in our collective mythology, represents the trickster, the transgressor, the boundary-crosser, the shape-shifter—somebody who’s mercurial and spontaneous and unpredictable who will always confound your expectations and wriggle out from underneath your certainties and convictions. Someone who we need and [who] is necessary.”
Hiddleston pauses, getting emotional. “Maybe Loki escaping death a couple of times is sort of an emblem of who he is in our culture,” he says, grinning at his own gusto. The actor has a habit of being self-deprecating about the depth of the character’s lore. “I spend a lot of time thinking about Loki. You can probably tell.”
You can tell, and it’s incredibly endearing. Talking to Hiddleston about Loki feels like discussing Shakespeare’s Richard III with Laurence Olivier or Tennessee Williams’ Blanche DuBois with Jessica Lange. They were actors who put their definitive stamps on those roles by returning to the well and constantly digging deeper. 
In conversation, Hiddleston is equally as likely to reference comic-book arcs as he is the ancient, anonymous Old Norse scribes of the “Poetic Edda” or Richard Wagner’s epic four-cycle opera “Der Ring des Nibelungen.” He speaks reverently of actors who embodied the trickster god before him, like Jim Carrey in Chuck Russell’s 1994 comedy “The Mask” and Alan Cumming in Lawrence Guterman’s 2005 sequel, “Son of the Mask.” He also heaps praise on those who played the part after him, such as his “Loki” costars Sophia Di Martino, Richard E. Grant, Deobia Oparei, and—in one very surreal Season 1 moment—“some alligator they found somewhere.” He cites legendary Marvel creators Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Walter Simonson alongside the likes of English essayist Walter Pater and Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, who once wrote of life as a “splendid torch” to keep burning for those who follow.
“Loki is ‘a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment,’ ” Hiddleston quotes, “and I want to make it burn as brightly as I can before passing it on to future generations.” 
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This level of study started before he even landed the role. He recalls the 24 hours leading up to his “Thor” audition, when he was 28 years old. After graduating from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in 2005, he quickly earned small-screen and stage acclaim—but he hadn’t yet achieved a major breakthrough. When he received the script for “Thor,” it felt familiar. “I remember thinking, This is almost Shakespearean, this language,” Hiddleston says. “What’s the best example I can [look to] of an actor who managed to humanize and make real this elevated world of myth?” 
He found the answer in Christopher Reeve, who played the title role in Richard Donner’s 1978 blockbuster “Superman.” “He’s masterful in that film,” Hiddleston says. “In a way, it’s a similar premise: He’s a god or he’s a being from a different realm, and it’s not naturalistic in the way that we might expect. He does it so truthfully, and it’s so clear and clean and open and honest. I thought, If I can even approximate or get close to the kind of clarity that Christopher Reeve had in those films, I’ll be lucky.” 
And then, the morning of his “Thor” audition, Hiddleston went for a run, “which is my habit before doing anything unusual,” he explains. 
Running has remained a constant throughout the actor’s MCU tenure. At any given moment over the last decade, the god of mischief was likely doing laps around Marvel’s go-to shooting location, Pinewood Studios (now Trilith Studios) in Atlanta. “Life is movement; I really believe that,” Hiddleston says. 
“I find when I’m running or walking, the repetitive nature of it relaxes the mind and allows ideas and inspiration to come from a deeper place. I see my work as an actor—especially in preparation for a project or a scene—as almost preparing myself to be open and ready to receive ideas, to receive energy from other actors, to receive energy from my imagination.”
Hiddleston found the technique particularly helpful when he was filming a scene for the “Loki” series premiere that he calls “one of the most thrilling challenges I’ve ever had as an actor.” In it, Loki has been poached from the flow of time itself by the temporality-policing Time Variance Authority and forced to watch what is, essentially, a highlight reel of his entire MCU arc. It’s one of the most deeply existential moments you’ll ever find streaming alongside the likes of “Bluey” and the “Cars” movies. Here is a man watching the sum total of his life—his hopes, his dreams, his failures, his own death—play out in a 30-second clip that ends with the cold, clinical words: “End of file.”
“I just kept imagining: If you were afforded the opportunity or forced to watch your own death as a bystander, it would bring about an existential shock and crisis unlike any other,” Hiddleston explains. “It was a scene where I thought, I don’t have a reference for how to play this. I just have to allow shock, disgust, disgrace, shame, disbelief, acceptance, incredulity, and sorrow to exist in the center of me.” 
As an executive producer on the series, Hiddleston had a say as to which of Loki’s many misdeeds would play in the sequence. He chose clips like Frigga’s death in “Thor: The Dark World” and his father’s final words in “Thor: Ragnarok”—moments Hiddleston knew would most fill the character with regret. As production was preparing to shoot the scene, he asked first assistant director Richard Graves for a 20-minute warning.
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 “I decided to jog around the stage and internalize as many of those memories of those people, those characters, those actors [as possible]—to try and find the center of my own vulnerability,” Hiddleston says. “Part of the joy of it was just going back to basics, trying to simplify this very complex thing…. Go for a jog, get into your body, allow yourself to be open, and just be there; just feel it.”
One “Loki”-like time jump later, Hiddleston found himself in a similar situation as he was preparing to shoot his final moment of Season 2—a scene that effectively caps Loki’s 13-year arc. Across 12 episodes, the show guided its title character toward a truly heroic end: With all of existence on the verge of collapse, he steps out of time to tie the strands of every reality together. As the credits roll, Loki sits at the center of time, holding in place all that is—alone. 
It’s a lot for any actor to internalize, especially one who’s performing solo in front of a blue screen. With 45 minutes to cameras rolling, episode co-director Aaron Moorhead made a suggestion. “He said to me, ‘Why don’t you go back, if you can bear it, and watch some of your work [over] the last 15 years?’ ” Hiddleston remembers. “ ‘Take it in, see what it means to you, and then carry it when you step out onto the stage.’ ” 
The actor took Moorhead’s advice to heart. And suddenly, without meaning to, he was mirroring the moment that started the series: absorbing the sum total of Loki’s MCU run. But this time, his regret had been replaced with gratitude. Hiddleston watched clips from “Thor,” remembering a time when he and Hemsworth had yet to ascend to the A-list. He recalled working with powerhouses like Hopkins and Russo, and the bonds he forged with the “original six Avengers” in 2011. He thought about how fun it was to film “Thor: Ragnarok” with Tessa Thompson and Jeff Goldblum, and of the more recent friendships he found with his “Loki” castmates Di Martino and Owen Wilson. 
“I thought, What Loki is doing, he is doing for his friends. And so, Tom, why don’t you do it for your friends?” Hiddleston says. “That’s where the two of us met in that moment. And then I was so grateful I had this most amazing crew, and we did it together.”
The actor is, of course, noncommittal as to whether this is actually the end of his MCU run. The franchise is scheduled out until at least 2027, and Hemsworth has mentioned his desire to make another “Thor” film. And if Loki’s past has proven anything, even the most official endings can be undone. 
Either way, it seems to Hiddleston that something significant has ended, even if it’s just Loki’s full-circle arc. “I hope it feels redemptive because his broken soul is partially healed; and you see that this character, who is capable of love, has made a decision from and for love,” he says. The actor cites the “beautiful prologue” of the first “Thor” film, in which Hopkins’ Odin tells his two sons: “Only one of you can ascend to the throne, but both of you were born to be kings.”
“At the end of Season 2, Loki is sitting on a kind of throne; but it’s not arrived in the shape he expected, and there’s no glory in it,” Hiddleston explains. “There’s a kind of burden, and he’s alone. He’s doing it for his friends, but he has to stay there without them. There’s a poetic melancholy there which I found very moving.”
For now, Hiddleston “can’t even conceive” of his life without Loki. He only hopes that he’s lived up to his guiding ethos as an actor, which he sums up with a plea from E.M. Forster’s 1910 novel “Howards End”: “Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height.”
“The feedback loop for actors is that we get to inhabit a fiction,” Hiddleston says. “But hopefully, that fiction bears the shape of a truth that we recognize about life—that what we do reflects the ups and downs, the peaks and troughs, and the breadth and profundity of all of our lives.”
Hiddleston exists in that space between fiction and reality, the work and the resulting art, the prose and the passion. Long after we’ve moved on from our interview and started casually discussing the cherry blossoms blooming in New York, his eyes light up. He’s made another connection, remembered one more thing—just one last thing he’d like to impart about Loki. 
He spends a lot of time thinking about Loki. You can probably tell.
“I’m so aware that the reason I’ve been able to play him for so long is because of the audience’s curiosity and passion,” Hiddleston says. “I’ve been delighted to find that for a character of such stature, he’s remarkably human. Many of the characteristics that people connect to in Loki are deeply human feelings. That’s been the pleasure, is infusing this elevated character with humanity.”
Even then, honestly, it feels as if Hiddleston, like Loki, could go on forever. Unfortunately, outside of the MCU, time moves in only one direction. Once again, he has to run.
This story originally appeared in the June 6 issue of Backstage Magazine. Subscribe to In the Envelope: The Actor's Podcast to hear our full conversation with Hiddleston (out 6/6). 
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caineinthecorner · 10 months
Hi. I binged like 80 chats in a row and I have opinions(tm) about physical strength and general power stuff of the brothers. Mostly just strength related things, but I tried to cover most of their battle stuff.
Yes I know, yes I know, "they're ranked as siblings by power blabla", but that's LAME. So here are my personal takes mostly for fun. Canon is dead and I ate it.
Also I finished the dividers and general aesthetics of this blog woo
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★ Lucifer.
Generally the strongest, period, can and WILL kill almost anyone without much issue or even second thought
Physical strength, however? He’s not the best, as he doesn’t rely on it at all for battle / conflict
He didn't need it in heaven, after all
(Beel was his brawns and he was already a powerful angel so it never was a requirement)
I don't see him actively working out (anymore, at least), so most of his strength is merely his baseline
His main tactic conflict wise is intimidation.
Cough giving MC death threats cough
Very prideful of himself in battle, obviously
Rarely would ever use any sort of dirty tricks
Would probably prefer to go down the "honorable way"
Target his brothers though and he WILL play every trick in the book with little regard to his pride or his own life
This fuck looks like he knows swordsmanship and is probably the only of the brothers who does so
(except maybe Satan who is learning just to copy / be better than him)
Either that or he knows fancy sword dances for angel rituals he cannot partake in anymore (and doesn't do them anymore)
Diavolo has photos of him doing said dances but his lips are triple sealed since it is a heavily touchy subject
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★ Mammon.
Canonically this man is physically weak (or at least has a weak complexion / scrawny arms)
Probably the most disappointing in terms of strength because he is literally the second born
His saving grace is his unholy speed and dirty tricks, using it to cover his weaknesses / lack of physical strength.
A LOT of dirty tricks and bs magic stuff. So so many. Never ends
He’s the living embodiment of the “random bullshit go!!!” meme
You know Looney tunes? Yeah this man has the Bugs bunny's levels of bullshit
But he has the best stamina out of his brothers (so he can run away from his debts)
Doesn't train because he's already perfect as it is (<- that's his ego talking he can barely pick up the weights at Beel's gym)
Honor is for the dead type of person. Nothing is out of the table in battle
(^ that makes him terrifying to fight against btw)
He either tries to intimidate (imitating Lucifer) or sweet-talk his way out of conflict
It usually just pisses off his adversary more which actually leads to the fights starting, but hey, he tried 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
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★ Leviathan.
Physical strength is shit.
he will get his shit kicked if he tries to brawl with almost anyone
Except maybe the lowest hanging fruit (humans)
Magical or general strength is decent, but he's definitely not the greatest in battle out of the brothers
^ he's kinda insecure about this and he wishes he were stronger (he sulks about it)
Wishes that actual irl battles were like Fire Emblem or strategy games bcs he's actually good in those
Update: I didn't make it clear (mb lol) but I see him as the best strategist of the brothers by far, he just isn't good at front-line action
^ Being away from the front lines keeps the pressure away from him for the most part, and it avoids him getting riled up and acting rash
He once tried to workout with Beel but quickly got overwhelmed because Beel shoved 200kg weights onto him thinking it was an reasonable starting point
So he kinda has trauma(tm) about it
Despite his garbage physical prowess, he WILL start fights and get riled up easily
He goes onto his demon form immediately when he wants to fight
^ bcs his strength isn't great, and he needs any boost he can get
Plus, awful anger management
My man will get onto a fist fight with the demon equivalent of a redditor over anime waifus and he will lose
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★ Satan.
As the literal embodiment of Wrath, he does pack quite a punch and will maul you to death with only his fists. No problems at all
But that's merely his baseline strength (which is a lot) since he doesn’t really train physically
Probably focuses on other areas (read: intelligence) instead of physical strength.
Which is ironic because he could kick Lucifer's ass in a fist fight if he actually trained more
But oh well. Books do be booking
Surprisingly strategic while in fights, although not above Going Apeshit
Funnily enough the least likely of the brothers to enter a fight
Has read The Art Of War and will quote it just to be a smartass
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★ Asmodeus.
Physically? Weak.
Probably the weakest of the brothers, having more or less the strength of a human (and on the weaker side of that).
He doesn’t train whatsoever; Likes his slender figure and muscles “ruin” that.
However, he makes up for it on the "trickster" scale.
As the Avatar of Lust, he will probably go the charm route instead of wanting to directly fight his enemies, or he make someone else do the dirty work for him.
Think of Mammon but make it a bit less scummy, tricks wise.
His go-to is sweet talk.
Something something the Avatar of Lust being physically weak since sex is considered an act of vulnerability and therefore the lowering of one’s guard something something
Something something the poetic narrative of the Avatar of Lust having only power through Communication something something
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★ Beelzebub.
Contrary to Asmo; he does lift for days and can pack quite the punch, being one of the stronger brothers physically despite being one of the youngest.
I don't see him caring much for magic or other types of strength, he is content in packing the punch and has the capabilities to back him up.
Fight wise he will probably punch the problems away
Maybe use one or two tricks he’s learned
Mostly relies on his intuition and gut and it surprisingly works out
Nothing fancy; Dictionary definition of all muscle no brain battle wise
Literally one of the scariest brothers to ever fight he will actually beat you to a bloody pulp
And make a smoothie out of it
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★ Belphegor.
This fucker doesn't lift at all you can't tell me shit
At MOST he'll accompany Beel to the gym and would sleep at the benches
The strength he has is the strength he was born with
Which isn't a lot, but still above human average by quite a lot
More or less demon standard of strength. Maybe a slightly below it
But he's still above most demons by a mile in other regards, mostly magic prowess
He's stronger than Levi because I think it would be hilarious that the dude who sleeps all day is stronger than him
(or you can make him really physically strong just because it'd be funny to see the sleepy dude kick ass)
(either way is funny as shit go ham)
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★ Physical strength chart
Behemoth type strength :
Beel (only barely)
High / Low above human average :
Belphie (low diff w/ mammon)
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★General strength chart
Can kill hundreds no effort :
Satan (If apeshit)
Are not as strong but still terrifying :
Levi, Asmo (Tie)
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Nothing is more heartbreaking then reading kons pov and he gets to the “maybe if I earn it, I can have basic decency? I’ll work hard and earn it, I may even deserve it if I work hard enough and am good enough”
An "I only get affection and basic human rights if it's transactional" mindset in a kid who only never had a childhood and only even got to have an out-of-lab life at all because of the hollow celebrity attention that wasn't about who he was as a person, just the fact that he was wearing a specific superhero emblem while looking like a teen heartthrob version of said emblem's original owner, who said kid is constantly being compared to and expected to live up to the example and exaggerated ideal of while not being allowed ANYWHERE near as much grace as said grown-ass adult would be whenever he makes a normal teenage mistake as someone with significantly less life experience and guidance THAN a normal teenager??
Oh, surely NOT.
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valeriefauxnom · 6 months
Unintentional Comedy - Dragalia and Feh Artwork Edition
So, remember Alfonse, from FEH?
Y'know, this dude?
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For an okay crutch for those without Gala Euden or Albert or other handy light swords they didn't want to invest in, he was rather popular, only partly owed to any pre-established fondness FEH players had since they already knew him. People liked the more expanded personality we got than FEH's bare-bones story, additionally before they started trying to spice Alfonse up in more recent books.
In his story, however, one of the events that happening is Euden falling off a cliff, shortly followed by Alfonse.
Miraculously, cliff-falling isn't quite as dangerous in Dragalia Lost as in real life (also demonstrated by Leonidas in Stranded Scions, etc...), and the two survive. Alfonse has some sort of injury to his foot, however, conveniently hampering his ability to move but not much else.
Euden, being Euden and unwilling to throw anyone to the wolves, comes up with this idea:
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Nothing atypical here, right?
...Well, as it was revealed in a book published two years later than his debut in Dragalia, Fire Emblem Heroes Character Illustrations, Volume 1...
Alfonse is 180cm tall, AKA 5'11.
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...Is it any surprise coming from 195cm/6'5 and 180cm/5'11 parents? Someone check the Askran royal food for steroids that Sharena has apparently not been consuming, presumably because she's instead dining with heroes in the barracks.
I digress.
Now, as I've gone over before here, here's where it gets hilarious in retrospect.
In short, Ranzal, the resident big buff burly dude of Dragalia...is stated to be 6'1/185 in the joke comics.
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...And while literally nobody else got an even vaguely-official number to their height, Dragalia instead opting for a 'comparison heights' to keep track of who's shorter and who's taller in a pair... Euden often seems to wind up in the 150-155cm/5'0-5'1 range or even shorter when in illustrations with Ranzal:
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At most, I've seen him crack about 5'9/175cm in the comics, which aren't exactly a stable source of art, as demonstrated by these two panels, in which both seem to be on flat ground and standing pretty straight:
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I need to stop before I mindlessly repeat the other post, but my point remains:
Euden, by most depictions, is tiny. A literal short prince/king.
And yet, no matter what way you slice it, he's trying to carry a dude that seems to be quite a bit taller, let's say. How much, we'll never know, but the fact remains he'd likely need to pull out a dragon phone to search 'how to carry people much taller than you?' just in case and hurriedly read a wikihow 10-step article explaining some strats, were it not for the fact that dragons would have destroyed smartphones in Dragalia a long time ago (good move, dragons....?).
I will admit that there are a few arts that frame them as the 'same height' but I would more point to the fact Euden, when drawn with crossover characters for promotional art, is usually portrayed on an 'equal footing', so as not to have one take up more space/attention. Also, the Feh team might not have even decided on a height for Alfy boy before!
Even then, he's still portrayed as shorter than 5'9/175cm Joker in some art:
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So yeah. Crossover art is not exactly consistent, and all I can do is look to the general trend in the 'canon game' of him being absolutely dwarfed by Ranzal.
Now, it's one thing for Euden to be lugging about Alfonse for a while.
The idea he might have done so with such a potential height disparity is pure comedy.
No wonder he's so tired after a while, lugging about another human who is both taller, heavier, and also wearing armor!
Not only that, he later tries and partly succeeds in fighting heavily armored soldiers (who are admittedly aiming to capture him and kill Alfonse) with Alfonse 'draped across his back like a sack of potatoes'. Talk about determination, adrenaline, and/or the simple principle of 'small but mighty'!
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Maybe that's why Alfonse was saying "I don't think that's wise" at the start there before he quickly found other rationale besides 'you sure you can give a piggyback without my feet dragging along the ground the whole way?'
My case rests, Your Honor: they unintentionally made part four of Alfonse's personal story a lot funnier to envision by publishing an art book 2 years after he first existed in Dragalia Lost!
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
What are your ideas on Yutu’s Unique Magic?
Maybe Riddle!Yutu having a countering UM to his father, or Cater!Yutu having one that allows him to see the true in people, etc, etc…
Also, what if Yutu has a sister/brother back in his OG timeline? Did he bring them with or they just got left behind?
for context, check these posts (1) (2) or look at the Fyuuture kid section under series on my masterlist.
oof I have a lot. Unique magic strikes me as something that is supposed to be reflective of who the mage is as a person as well as the Disney character/concept the boy is based on.  Since Yutu is not based on anyone really, we are more free with inspiration for his unique magic, with two exceptions. Idia and Kalim both have lines suggesting that their unique magics are passed down in their family's, though I imagine the incantation is different to each person; it makes sense for their Yutu's to have Gate to the Underworld and Oasis Maker respectively.
Before I really get into the weeds, I do like the idea of Yutu having (a) sibling(s) in the OG timeline, again because that can happen in Fire Emblem Awakening but also because it adds to the angst somewhat. As for whether or not he would bring them back in time, the answer to that is yes. Yutu has a few friends he traveled back in time with that are scattered around Twisted Wonderland with no way to contact each other, and if he had a sibling (with the exception of Malleus! Yutu whose sister is a bit... special) then they would be among that group. If you want some extra angst we can steal even more from FE: Awakening and make it so Yutu's sibling died before he arrived, maybe they turned into a blot monster that follows Grim's overblotted form as a replacement for his hench human.
We could even make it so Yutu's sibling doesn't have any magic, just like Yuu. You know. For the parallels ψ(`∇´)ψ
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Riddle! Yutu
Riddle! Yutu having a magic that counters his dad is such a good concept, especially for someone who initially hates him. There are two types of magic that we have seen counter Off With Your Head: Trey's Doodle Suit and a strong shielding spell used by Leona.  I can think of a few directions to take this line of thinking, so let's start with the most grounded.
A strong shielding spell, one that can be applied to multiple people, sounds like a spell that thematically fits Yutu.  We don't know a lot about how these spells function, but they're important for combat magic and shielding multiple people seems to be implied to be difficult.  Let's say in this case it's natural for Yutu and essentially the same for him as shielding himself.  This sort of spell feels like it should have a card themed name, Big Blind maybe?  It's a term that refers to the minimum bet required to continue a poker game if I understand what I read correctly. The only card game I know how to play is yugioh
The less grounded approach could be a sort of spell that creates an anti magic field… it's a concept I did toy around with mostly because I was thinking about more Alice in Wonderland themed names for a unique magic, and thought up “Everything is Nonsense” or something along those lines.  My one sort of caveat to this concept is that I think a spell like this would be heavily stigmatized, probably cause a lot of blot build up for a caster, and I'm uncertain of how it would work mechanically. Well that and I have an idea for a different Yutu who this spell would fit a bit better... but that would require me to cook with a different type of fire.
I did mention in my post about Riddle! Yutu that I liked the idea of his unique magic allowing him to shrink or grow because of Rule 42 in Alice Adventure's in Wonderland saying all people more than a mile high must be rejected from court. If Riddle is the Queen of Hearts, well then any time they argue all Yutu has to do is grow and then he won't be allowed to yell at him any more so there. As a side note do you think this logic could apply to the Chimera in the Prologue? Because I could see that being darkly funny if it comes up in game in that context.
Cater! Yutu
I had a really well thought out idea about Cater being able to see a limited amount into the future before I realized that I was describing the sharingan from Naruto so fuck me I guess.
So just hear me out, you know in twst battles you can see at least one of spells the enemy is going to use? That's sort of what I thought Yuu's unique magic would be if they had it, but I also like the idea of it being Cater! Yutu's. It would function more like an instinct than an actual vision (*clenches fist* just like naruto) but he can use his magic to tell what a person intends to do before they fully think it. Cater is skilled at divination so a unique magic that lets his kid see a little bit of the future feels like it could work for him.
Speaking of divination, I sort of also like the idea of Cater! Yutu having a magic that has something to do with stars and starlight. Maybe he can turn into a void like being made of cosmic energy, similar to how Cater's Split Card is symbolic of his many faces, Yutu's void form could be symbolic of how he feels displaced in the world.
Ace! Yutu
We don't know what Ace's unique magic is (yet) but there are a lot of theories. Time travel, something that steals another person's spell, something related to optical illusions?
I think it would be fun if Ace! Yutu could do something with reflections/mirrors. As in he can reach through mirror and attack, similar to how Hanged Man works in JoJo. The further the distance the more magic it takes, it can also work with things like water but that takes a lot more magic too.
Either that or he's able to travel between mirrors on his own without the dark mirror. That might be a much more difficult thing to do though...
Jade! Yutu
I have a very clear idea for what I wanted to do with Jade! Yutu's magic, but it's a bit complicated to explain because I'm not a physicist.
The basic idea was that Yutu is able to exert magical force on an object, so long as he knows it's exact dimensions and what it is made of. I called it "Crush the Heart" because I wanted both his and Floyd's Yutus to have magic to follow their dad's naming theme. To activate it he has to be looking at where the object should be and picture it in his mind, the more precise the crush the more concentration, control, and magic it takes.
The name could in theory be quite literal, but Yutu isn't quite there yet in his knowledge of biology or magical control.
Floyd! Yutu
Like I said, I want the twin's Yutu's to have a name that is similar to their dad's. Floyd's Bind the Heart uses Kanji that literally translates to "coiling tail"... which I guess is more similar to the magic I gave Jade! Yutu than the "gnawing teeth" that Shock the Heart does, but that magic is supposed to be something that requires calm collected control, which Floyd and his son simply do not have. Still, lets play off that and give Floyd! Yutu a magic that has something to do with shocks and teeth.
I think Floyd! Yutu should have a taunt. Floyd already loves the idea of a good fight, his son is really good at combat magic, and they both talk so much shit that the idea of that literally being his unique magic just sort of works.
Functionally the spell would work similarly to Jamil's, where the person has to look him in the eyes for it to work. The name of the spell could be something like "Reveal the Heart" but that does sound sort of stupid to me so I'm not sold on it. The spell makes a person unable to focus on anyone other than Yutu and wares off after a certain amount of time, it can fail in fashion similar to Riddle's if the enemy mage has a protection spell up.
Azul! Yutu
Another Yutu who I know exactly what I wanted to do with, I got the idea while playing Darkest Dungeon of all things. I feel like it's a bit lame though.
Azul! Yutu can create phantom limbs out of cosmic magic. When he is in octopus form those limbs take the form of human arms, and when in human form they take the form of tentacles. He says when asked that what he is doing is manipulating shadows because he likes to keep people on their toes (or fins take your pick) and he finds it very funny to watch people squirm when they realize there really is no escaping his grasp.
It is a very difficult magic to use, he needs physical strength to use those limbs because they are only as strong as his real ones, so he works out and a lot to make sure he doesn't hurt himself while using it.
Ruggie! Yutu
Laugh With Me is a perfect magic for a hyena to have, and it suits Ruggie's personality really well. Actually... I did write that his Yutu shares his laugh and I think it would be so painfully cute if that extended to his Unique Magic too. Ruggie makes a big deal about how he's kind of a crappy mage, how he has to do a lot of extra work to make up for his low mana pool and poor upbringing. Can you imagine how embarrassed, proud, and awed he would be if his son inherited his spell? That's something only great mages are supposed to have, not little guys like him. Good thing neither Yuu or Yutu care about that huh?
Vil! Yutu
I haven't done a post about Vil! Yutu really beyond this bit about him bonding with Vil, but I did mention what I think his unique magic would be.
I can't find it but I read a myth once about a painter who drew animals with a magic paintbrush that would bring them to life if he gave them two eyes, so he only ever gave them one. I thought it would be neat to have a spell like that and it feels like something that would fit Yutu Schoenheit very well. His magic allows him to create temporary familiars similar to Lilia's bats, bigger creatures take more magic and focus.
I wrote the name for this spell as "Technicolor Dream" since I thought it would be nice for the name of Yutu's magic to nod towards his father's job and his dreams about having his family back.
I have a lot more Yutu's chilling in my inbox, so I'll revisit this topic (lilia! yutu has a whole ask about his um that I really like) once we are done with round 2 of Yutu posting.
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lost-technology · 3 months
A thought: When the Big Fall was happening and Rem was getting Vash and Knives to the emergency shuttles - did she, on some level, know or suspect that Knives was behind the code-error? We do not know if she thought it was a random computing error, but there is a part of me reading between the lines that makes me think she might have had suspicions. It happened very soon after the discovery of Tesla (manga, and presumably along the same timeline in Stampede). In the manga, Rem has a talk with Knives about bottling up his emotions - she wants to make sure he's going to get through this and he hugs her and acts like he's coping (he is not). And maybe she knows this - that he is not releasing it. She can only hope that they can work things through in time... And then there are sirens and explosions and everything's going to shit. There's an error in the piloting program and as Rem is getting her kids to the last-ditch of an escape pod perhaps she has, in the back of her mind "Knives... he did this out of fear...oh, Knives, what have you done?" And this is why she tells Vash not to leave Knives alone. He needs the emotional support of a brother in general, but also, she knows that he is dangerous. She is not going to "take care of" that danger herself. She has no heart to harm her son in any way, nor any time to take care of his emotional state. The only thing she can do now is to try to mitigate the damage caused and to ensure that some humans survive. It's a lot to put on Vash. It's a bit like that quote of Chrom to future Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening "You deserved more from me than a sword and a world of troubles." This goes for the '98 anime, too. Tesla didn't exist there, but there were clear crew-tensions and I am sure that Rem noticed Knives acting erratically toward the end. My personal headcanon was that she did not know what was going on in the back rooms with Steve - he was open in his rants, they seemed to try to avoid him. I think that little Independent Plants healed of bruises quickly... I just don't think she knew. And when murder plots started happening, maybe there was some suspicion, right at the end, when it was far too late. (The Tesla plotline of Maximum just makes a whole lot more sense to me overall, not gonna lie).
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thepersonperson · 2 months
Oooh I'm really interested in your opinions on the flaming trainwreck that is gojo's relationship with women!
I wanted to respond to this topic in this ask, but then I realized it would be better as a part of something else. So I will link you to my yapfest that happens to delve into what I think are Gojo's woman issues.
So thanks for sending me into a mini crisis within a crisis! It gave me that nice little missing piece to pull apart Gojo even more.
I'm also shoehorning your tags on this post into this ask since they contributed to that analysis.
#fjddjdjs hiiii I apologize right back for subjecting you to my yelling in your tags almost all the time fjdjfjd #but WHAT a time for you to post this bc I literally just typed out a whole rant on gojo's sexuality that I bravely chose to not post djdjfjf hj
Post the rant anyways. Or whenever you feel brave enough. The perspective unique to you is valuable even if the topic has already been discussed.
#but you absolutely hit the nail on the head on why satosugu was and is n will always be doomed bc of COURSE gojo would never act on anything #like his whole thing in this story is witnessing human rights violations and only acting when the consequences are fatal
#hes absolutely my favorite jjk character but hes so very full of his own prejudices that I think the fandom doesnt acknowledge bc hes fruity #like we see him let a LOT of shit slip by bc to him (one of the most privileged cogs in the machine) they aren't real problems #which reminds me of cis white gays whose complections and even the random bouts of misogyny and mild racism he matches up with #he has a lil bit of that 'I can't be shitty to women I'm literally gay kinda' vibes and we see how he talks to utahime #and how he doesn't stand up for maki like you mentioned
That's usually my biggest complaint with fan culture in general. They shave off the yucky parts to make characters more palatable. Gojo's racist reveal post-mortem made me love him even more. He's my favorite character in JJK too and he has also unseated my most favorite fictional racist: Oliver Fire Emblem. (Yes, I have a fictional racists tier list. I'm giving myself a pass to have one as a person with a unique skeletal structure and muscles as Mr. Gojo Satoru would say.)
I think the reason people try to ignore these things is because of how subtle/realistic it is. Gojo's unsavory behaviors are the kinds people are most likely to have themselves. He kind of forces you to look at those flaws and that can be a deeply uncomfortable experience.
Also I think Gojo would be more like "I can't be a misogynist, I'm not a Zenin."
(Cough more on my racists tier list. It's more of "Were they written well? Was the racism properly condemned by the narrative? Is the racism relevant to themes? If they try to get better, is the racism properly addressed? Is it funny in the pathetic loser way?")
#but I also have this different vibe that he. despite how much he says so and maybe wants to. does NOT care about 'the weak' beyond his job #we see him literally step on people in shibuya to get to where he needs to quicker #he doesn't even bother remembering the names of the kyoto kids besides maybe todo and mechamaru (strong)
Well the thing is teen Gojo definitely didn't care about the weak. Post-Geto break up and after he started mimicking all of Geto's moral teachings? No idea. Gojo treats people he loves poorly so it's hard to tell when he really hates or doesn't care about someone. And he does posture about those things like with Megumi's body being used by Sukuna.
During the Shibuya incident, he does step on all those people's heads and let them be thrown against his Infinity like objects. But he doesn't hurt them. This is a guy who stepped on ants and made sure his Infinity prevented them from being crushed.
Kenjaku's group uses his love for other people against him here. Gojo tries to posture during it, but his composure breaks a few times when they start killing a lot of them. He also checked in on their survival after he UV'd them.
That being said, he probably cares more about them as living things than as equals. He has a very clear bias for the strong when it comes to putting in time and effort. ...But also Ijichi is so weak and Gojo trusts him the most. Gojo went out of his way to care for him when he was suffering. ...And he also relentlessly bullies him. (As you can see Gojo's true feelings on the topic are iffy as fudge.)
#imo the only reason he cares enough to correct nanamis language when talking abt yuuji is that he simply has a lot of potential to be strong #he took maki in hoping to make another toji out of her but bc he doesn't know how a toji is made he basically gives up #which is why I think he didn't even think to call suguru out for the way he talks to her
That would be really fudged up if he was trying to make another Toji and I wouldn't put it past him. He does put his students in really questionable predicaments in the name of growth. That might also explain why he corrected Nanami with Yuji. Someone with his power experiencing immense discrimination could churn out another Geto.
#like gojo has really lofty goals but his day to day consists of ignoring it all until there's a problem or he needs to talk about his goals #he's very much running around aimlessly like a headless chicken mostly bc of the higher ups so it's understandable that he doesn't have time #to even think about let alone try to unlearn all that internalized shit stopping him from achieving his goals #also everything about your tags YES TO ALL OF IT YOU'RE SO RIGHT AND BIG BRAINED
So true! Gojo is stretched so thin that I think he defaults to "cold logic" as Mahito puts it. If he's going to change things for the better, he has to invest in strong people, so they get all his attention and time. All the little systemic issues can be ignored because he was raised to only care about the big things.
It's such a frustrating predicament because I want to be mad at him for this, but it's also [Joker Voice] Society. I've settled on calling it out as a character flaw that can be explained (not excused) by circumstances.
#also uwu thank you 4 talking about kirara shes my everything and gojos an idiot for losing that entire years worth of students (2 whole ppl) #anyway I am sorry for clogging your tags yet again your posts make the gears in my brain turn very fast
Thank you as well. Clogging my tags makes me reexamine things more. I think after reading this response you'll be able to see the parts of your tags that influenced certain parts of the Ok Dad Gojo Analysis.
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faorism · 2 years
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trying to determine everything on the crew's lovingly made santa hats and omg they are just so goddamn adorable. [img desc: above and at the bottom of this post are screenshots of sophie, harry, eliot, and bre at several angles receiving their custom santa hats from parker, showing details to try and determine what decorations are on it. ilist what i think is on it below]
SOPHIE: covered in costume jewelry gems (but you know parker switches out at least one to be a real one every year, to keep things fresh). there's a queen's crown in a black emblem, another sparkly crown near the top, many pearls, a couple peppermints, several small snowman beads, a union jack pin, a pair of blue barbie boots (one of them is on top of a blue gem, so it can be easily missed), several curly embellishments with white dots/mini pearls, and of course a big ass old fashion doll head of the queen. there is definitely things on the back as well, maybe a tassel and/or a christmas tree?
HARRY: the new guy has an emptier hat because his is fresh, but he's got one this year which shows he's officially part of the family. he's got lawyer-y stuff right now: a gavel, one set of law books, a set of law books with a man and a girl (presumably harry and becky), something on top i couldnt see, and the cutest fucking scroll that says VERDICT in black and then NAUGHTY in red like a stamp. there's a lot of room for new things!
PARKER: she is not wearing hers because she has one to match her outfit, but she has chosen for herself just lots of money and also a creepy ass elf on a shelf.
BRE: several game controls of various colors, a few ball ornaments, a laptop pin, yellow barbie skates/sneakers, a pair of big headphones, several spirits ruse cards, a dragon, a laptop with a :) face, an action figure of some kind, and i think a gem or two.
ELIOT: easily the most personalized, with very little christmas stuff so its just a lot of him. so. front - guitar, a fucked up santa pin (if human, but maybe it is actually a lion santa??), a foot soldier, with a rolled up flag, a green toy soldier, horse in armor, number seven (font like a jersey), whisk, egg in a bowl, butcher knife, football, black boots, and beer stein. on the right side - a knight with a sword, knight with a mace, knight with a flag, horse in armor, black buttons?, dog tags, football, and binoculars. on the left side - sheriff badge that says HERO, two more green toy soldiers, and a toy tabasco sauce bottle. on the back - a big solider in camo ornament, a boxing bag, boxing gloves, a small pair of binoculars, a small ketchup bottle, maybe a can, maybe a small bottle with a label, another football, and a big wolf. there's a few things i really cannot make out. like the big grey thing on the back, and the white cirles with red and blue dots on the back.
IN ANY CASE. these are fucking adorable and i want parker to make one for me.
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boldlyexplorational · 17 days
Episode 24 "This side of paradise"
I guess I've been putting this one off. Let's talk about it. And I mean please let's have a discussion about it, because maybe I'm missing something and you can help me out.
It's not even a bad episode, honestly. It's disconcerting, but it's not bad. And I've seen the "sex pollen" and the "straight Spock" and you're right, it's all that. And you've got that little speech Spock makes at the end ... "that man on the bridge"... That's its own thing I don't want to even mention it.
It reminded me of "Shore leave" in a way. Don't ask me why, I can't explain it honestly. But do you see it?
Anyway, let's talk about meaning, let's talk about signs and symbols and what they signify because I'm very confused by the whole situation. I've seen people talk about the flowers as a euphemism for drugs, which I can't really make sense of. And the people living in harmony and peace could be a reference to the hippie/pacifist movement (see the idea of removal of strong emotions too).
But what does all of that have to do with Spock being capable of loving a woman he didn't love before?
I think there is something to the fact that the loss of individual personality makes for an unacceptable living condition for humans. But then again Spock is, in the Star Trek context, the emblem of the different, the strange, quite literally the alien. So he's being removed of his uniqueness and that makes him "straight" in the bad-but-peaceful society ??? That's not clicking for me.
And once again we find this idea that strong negative emotions are fundamental for making a human actually human. It's a recurring theme and it's still a pretty strange concept translated to the current time. But I guess after "A taste of Armageddon" I understand it a little better and I can see a good point to it.
Look, from what I understand the episode is saying: These flowers are removing negative emotions and conflict from these people, but also their unique personality, so it's bad because people should have a full spectrum of emotion and the possibility to express themselves. In this peaceful but wrong society Spock, who is usually considered an outsider for his "lifestyle" and opinions, can finally fit in and be in love, and feel things and that's... Bad! Because he has the right to choose who to be or rather simply be different and strange. He has the right to be whoever he wants to be in fact, even if some might think it's strange or bad.
Did I get it wrong? Because if this is it, it somehow looped around to be the most progressive take I've ever seen in old media. But I think I'm missing out on some very specific context here. Help me out.
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sadhornydemons · 5 months
Rapid-Spoiler-Season-Speculation: Mastermind/Sinmas
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After a bout of angst filled episodes, I'm theorizing that this one might be the nice change of pace: fun, filler episode/calm before the storm.
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Not to mention, a nice mixup of two villain groups.
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The Cherubs mention they are waiting for I.M.P. to return to Earth, but the D.H.O.R.K.S. seem to have a portal to get to them faster?
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Robot? Robot with a skull chest emblem? Well, if they already have a Loona Fursuit, I guess they could just be into making freaky shit now. Could they send it through the portal? In which case,
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There's a massive battle going on in the Lust ring.
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Blitz is missing from these scenes until this one where he appears to be at the Pride ring.
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Where the crystal portal is finally shown, see previous example:
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D.H.O.R.K.S. appear defeated (but still alive? Well, it's not like IMP kills humans for a living..oh, wait) and Blitz is grabbing the card off their desk.
End of screen captures/speculation for this one, but I feel like events have to be running gradually in the background of the last few episodes for the doo doo to really hit the fan in the last:
First, let's talk voice actors. Harvey Guillén came in fairly recently, but has been confirmed to voice Vassago. Now, they can always work around voice work to be added later, but I'm really leaning towards his character not appearing until this last episode.
Jason LaShea voices Andrealphus, assuming this shot is from the finale:
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I think it's likely that Andrealphus, being a minor character, only appears in one or two episodes. With that in mind, let's assume the following scenes, which share the same background images, also take place in Sinmas:
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We see at least one Sin, confirmed members of the Ars Goetia, and several sporting crowns. Aka the higher ups & royalty of Hell. And Stolas is missing. Oh, but Andrealphus states he will summon him.
(Off topic, but does anyone in hell know/care that Stolas's ex wife tried to have him killed? Paparazzi mobbed his hospital when he was hurt, but no one followed up on that news story?)
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Likely the same scene, "You are a disgrace." Unknown character states. Whom? Ozzie? Stolas? The demon who took the last blueberry muffin from the snack table?
"Where is Stolas, anyway?" Well, this is the only image of him that appears to be from the finale:
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1) Is that a blessed weapon sword?) 2) Is that a Gabriella hair stripe or an 'I was frozen today!' Anna-inspired white stripe?)
Which matches up with this:
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And either Stolas left the refrigerator open for 4 solid episodes resulting in his mansion freezing over or his in-laws are relatives of Elsa's and favor home renovations.
Okay, buckle up sluts, MASSIVE SPECULATION TIME:
What would cause Stolas to move out?
Or rather, what would force Stolas to move out?
Andrealphus wants his money and property, Stella just wants him dead, but she has to follow her brother's wishes. Andrealphus tells her, "I say we bid our time. And wait for the chance to gain the upper hand."
And they might had had it all along.
You know, I wanted to say that Blitz fully and unprompted, spelled out, in detailed terms, how he was using Stolas's item to gain access to the mortal world immediately upon meeting Striker, but in watching it again:
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Striker seemed to already know? So, either, Stella knew and told him or he did his research (if the IMP commercial from the pilot is still canon, they basically broadcasted it). But Blitz does go a step further and literally job interviews the guy, likely giving him even more info in the process.
Stolas even states, more than once, that they're not suppose to be using the book and that it's 'less than legal' even in hell.
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So far, Stella has only been attacking Stolas. Striker knows Octavia is Stolas's main weakness, but hearing all the 'Blitzy' mentions during torturing, maybe he'll relay that there's another way they can exploit him. After all, Stella just thinks of him as any interchangeable Imp.
Stolas stated before that he would not leave Octavia, so maybe this was the reason he returns to the palace? But not soon enough, considering...*
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The voice over does not match the scene, but it is as follows:
"You never loved mother and you don't love me, you love HIM!"*
Back to the image, is Via a fast learner or does she have the Grimoire? During the Loo Loo Land flashback, Stolas, having studied the book for a decade at that point, still needed it to travel to other planets.
And IMP seemed to be using the crystal in the last episode..
And if that's not complicated enough, let's get back to the Hell High Council meeting,
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It sounds like they're discussing Stolas, before Vassago asks, "Where is Stolas, anyway?" Before demanding that they summon him, "at once!" Fortunately, this parrot's suppose to be a good guy, since unfortunately it seems like Stolas is in real more trouble.
Is it the illegal spellbook loaning? The (still alive?) D.H.O.R.K.S. having him on film? Satan help him if someone also managed to record him twerking on stage at the Verosika Mayday show.
We'll have to wait and see, but Stolas appears to return to the mansion with Blitz afterwards.
Well, that's what I came up with. We've got 6 more months to go, and as the episodes do FINALLY get aired things might become more clear.
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shrimplymoray · 7 months
request by @consumeroflemoans
I was gonna write a full one-shot for this but then... My Tumblr gave up on me and I lost everything. I'll try my best to recreate the beauty that was there, I swear!
Azul Ashengrotto x MC - Beach Trip
"Pleeeeeease Azul? Pretty please with a Cherry on top?" Yuu looked up at Azul, a puppy eyes and a little pout of the lips. How did he end up in this dilemma? On one side, He had the perfect excuse to see the prefect in something that was not a droopy uniform too big for them, but on the other hand... Just the idea of this made him curl up on himself, the thought of having the prefect of all people possibly reacting like kids used to at him made him more uneasy than ever. "What would I gain as compensation for this, hm? You know, my touring services are not for free, dear prefect" "Is my company not enough?" "Do you prefer a sincere or a nice answer?" "Got it, Got it. I just thought it would be good for your health to take a break from work for the holiday a bit..." Pulling on the health strings... They are good. Azul sighed feeling defeated. "There is no talking you out of this idea, truly. You can count on my presence, then." "Great, it's a date then!" Azul choked on his drink "Meet me in the campus gates at 5!" Great. Just great. What did he agree to?! Why did he even agree, he had all the right to say no actually! That prefect, always making his mind foggy and a deep feeling in his chest whenever they are around... He might as well just try getting stuff in place for when he leaves, he needed to talk to Jade anyway.
And here were them. At the beach. Yuu had this full-body swimsuit, clearly, one that Vil gave to them, considering the big pomefiore emblem in the middle. Azul felt rather uncomfortable in such small clothes, but Yuu's voice made him feel an odd feeling of serenity. Maybe this wasn't so bad if... "Look, the waves are calm today. Wanna take a swim with me?" Oh no. "I would rather stay in the sand for the moment." Azuls stroked his business smile "We don't want our stuff to fly away or even be caught by some little thief, right?" "Oh come on Azul! There is literally no one else in here! And there is no wind coming, I'm sure if we put stuff in the corners of the bathing towel nothing will fly off" "That is not very sanitary at all" "We are not at the Lounge, no need for sanitary measures when we are toes deep in sand" Both paused, looking intensely at each other as if trying to prove their point in sheer stubbornness "If you are afraid of not swimming well with legs, I can help you, y'know? I'm a pretty good swimmer." "Are you implying I have not prepared for swimming in my human form if it was needed?" "Not at all, just that if you need some help I'm here." Another pause, this one, instead of filled with stubbornness, was filled with an uncomfortable air. "Fine. You can stay in the sand, then." Yuu looked downwards, and Azul assumed they tried making him pity them. Oh how dirty, pulling on his benevolence. But he didn't falter and sat down while watching Yuu play in the water.
It stayed like this until he looked away and... there was no one in the water now. Of course, he assumed Yuu was pranking him, they did walk a lot with the twins for his liking. But also... What if it wasn't? What if something caught on their feet, and they are slowly drowning right this instance? The chances are low, of course, but not zero. Also, the beachside seemed to be rather filled with rocks, they could've gotten themself stuck in there and didn't call for help since they were submerged. Azul's brain told him the obvious, this was a trick to get him in the water, but another side of his... not a benevolent side but a caring one, insisted that checking wouldn't hurt him. He didn't particularly need to transform either... Azul ran and swam to where he last saw Yuu. "Prefect? Are you alright?" Azul sharply looked around the water. It was quite deep for the prefect, considering their height difference and the level of the water on him. "Prefect? Hello?" More silence, except he felt something touch his calf. Oh, of course... Knowing them as much as he knew Floyd, he counted mentally on his head: 3... 2... 1... And... "RAHH!!" A wild Yuu jumped from the water and hugged their arms behind Azul's neck "Hahahaha! you looked so worried, it was hilarious!" "Oh, a wild attack from a predator on a poor mermen, who was simply trying to help with his incredible and sincere sense of benevolence... How cruel this world really is..." Azul faked a tear, mostly to hide the intense blush he felt on his cheeks from the closeness he and Yuu had at the moment. "But I do need to pinpoint that Floyd has done things similar to this all since we were mere young teens, so it was not that impressive." "Then why did you come?" "I! I uhm... This is not the matter of the talk right now, is it Prefect?" "It could be..." "I... I uh... I-I..." Come on Azul... this is the perfect time to confess. You could just say it, what is the worst that could happen? but.. "Oh! You wanted to show me your ability with sand castles during our walk here, why don't you show them now?" Azul tried his best to put on his not-so-sweet and innocent smile and push Yuu to the seashore. It is not the time yet... He needs just a bit more time... Maybe then he can say all he really wants to
Hope you enjoy this! It was really fun and I did change from how I did the last one, but I enjoyed this version better tbh! Azul being a coward my beloved
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chronozen · 6 months
Dissecting Tales of the Empire (Barriss stuff)
So let's break down all the Barriss stuff in the trailer:
There's an Inquisitor Shuttle approaching Our - likely after she is freed from prison
When Barriss is freed from her cell
This little bit is actually quite interesting. First of all Barriss is wearing a prison symbol with the emblem of the Jedi Order on the shoulder.
The clone troopers are Republic Shock Troopers, The Coruscant guard.
Fourth Sister is actually wearing Jedi robes not an Inquisitor uniform, she's already fallen to the Dark side as evidenced by the eyes.
This is suggesting that Barriss is freed from somewhat close to the end of Revenge of Sith
Also the framing of Barriss in prison is very similar to Luminara's hologram in Rebels.
Barriss's eyes are really blue in this scene. Like more so than other ones.
Barriss walking down a hallway
Pretty self explanatory. She's walking down a hallway. She's wearing Robes that a likely Inquisitorius initiate robes. (Or maybe it wasn't Laundry day and Barriss's uniform wasn't ready)
The Clones are just Regs in Phase 2 armour. It looks like Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur.
Speculation: Barriss is giving a little side glance, she's either taking her environment or she's plotting something.
The Grand Inquisitor scene
When then see the Grand Inquisitor leading Barriss into a room with several lightsabers
None of the Lightsabers are Luminara's (Trust me i double checked Weapon's Factory.) They are most likely reused models and generic sabres - because animation and props design is hard and short cuts should be taken whenever you can.
.....but two of those lightsabers are very close to Barriss's lightsaber.
The one in the middle doesn't seem to hold a significance (The bottom of the hilt slightly resembles Ahsoka's Padawan lightsaber, and you could go Green symbolic of Luminara.)
....wouldn't it be just awful if its Tutso Mara's lightsaber?
Inquisitor and Barriss have a sparring session, he tries to get her to use Anger and slams her into the roof, she's noticeably angry.
"Mercy only breeds defeat, i will help you overcome this weakness."
This line is interesting because it's not the usual only your Hatred can strike me down line, the Grand Inquisitor is actually being polite and offering a twisted form of assistance.
Which brings me to a thought - The Grand Inquisitor was right beside Barriss during her big confession at Ahsoka's trial, he's probably going to see her as someone that they don't have to break or torture.
Fourth Sister using Spinning Lightsaber
So this is a very short sequence. The Fourth Sister is in an area with a Rock wall, jumps down, glances around nervously, spins her blade and looks up.
Speculation: Something hasn't gone to plan, maybe the Jedi later in trailer is tougher, or maybe someone else has swapped sides...
The Jedi Fight
This shot opens with Barriss in a proper Inquisitor Uniform and her own useless spinning lightsaber running towards Fourth Sister and an unknown Jedi with a blue Saber
During the fight we can see ITS NOT LUMINARA, this Jedi has a different facial structure, skin tone and likely human.
We can also see who i assume is Barriss looking like she is hesitating on what to do.
We then cut to a different seen of a hooded figure using the force to blow away B2 Super Battle Droids. This implies its during the clone wars and the hooded figure is very likely Barriss cause that silhouette is very similar.
The figure is illuminated by a white glow and it's probably a part of sequence meant to show Barriss before she went nuts - cause its been 11 years so new viewers might not know this character who only appeared in technically 7 eps at most is...
Fight to death between Barriss and an unknown initiate.
Grand Inquisitor throws a lightsaber between the two - no its not Barriss's lightsaber
Ray shields go up. Initiate who i'm calling Glup, goes for the Saber. The crystal has been bled so it's red.
Glup and Barriss fight and Barriss goes for the sky high kick or possibly punch to the head.
'it is time to meet your new Master."
This implies the initiates don't meet Vader until they're full members.
We see Barriss lined up with the other Inquisitors - she's in full uniform. Really hard to tell if her eyes are dark side yellow or not. (They still look Blue compared to Fourth's)
Also it's really funny to me that she's lined up with Bird face Inquisitor, Marrok and Fourth Sister, cause everyone said all of those Inquisitors was Barriss Offee.
They all kneel, Barriss goes down first.
Vader walks past and Barriss looks up slightly and watches him...and she immediately frowns and furrows her eyebrows.
She's plotting something....
Interesting note: Since bird face is alive and has his head perfectly attached to his neck still, This places Barriss's eps of Tales of the Empire prior to Ahsoka's last ep of Tales of the Jedi
Look i can hope for Barriss to escape and then we seen the back of Ahsoka walk into frame....
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