#I’m so glad to post this because now I can finally follow your blog!!! Get ready for a spree of notes from me liking and reblogging lol
karin848 · 8 months
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Here is my piece dedicated to @shymaker325 for the @starwars-arttrade-2023 !! You and I both love Ahsoka and Rebels so I thought I’d put these two in a cozy situation. Hera agreed to ONE basic lesson in the Force (only because Jacen begged for months)
Hope you like it!!
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
How would svt react to you skipping your meals because you're too engrossed in the thing you're doing? 🤔
svt reacts to you accidentally skipping meals
a/n: thank you thank you all for 900! so glad our community on this blog is gradually getting larger! paragraph format for this post bc some of these scenarios got a bit longer than i anticipated.
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oh he is not happy, but he’s far more concerned than he is mad. he sent you a text around noon asking what you were up to and you told him: just a paper. when he comes over you greet him quickly at your door, but your hug is far too short when you’re already hurrying back to your seat.
“i’ll make food or something after, let me just finish this one paragraph!” you tell him, voice already getting father and farther away from him. he follows you back to your room, plopping onto your bed as you type away at your laptop. he’s scrolling on his phone in the quiet room when your stomach grumbles loudly.
he looks over the first time, easing his head to see that you were still working. then, not even five minutes later it happens again.
“hey, when was the last time you ate today?”
you pause, “i don’t know? i had a bagel from breakfast?” then you return back to your paragraph
he’s focused on you now, propping himself up on his elbows. “wait, so you didn’t eat lunch?”
“i guess not…” you reply, half paying attention to him as you reread your words
he’s shifting from your bed and you see him leave your room from your peripheral. maybe thirty minutes later he’s coming back into your room to gently grab a hold of your wrist.
“cmon, you need to eat, i just ordered food so you don’t have to do anything.”
“wait but this part needs-”
“baby,” he says gently, his other hand turning your chin to look at him, “is this due tonight?”
“then can you please take a break? it’s not good for you to skip meals you know.”
he looks so concerned and he has brought to your attention that you actually are hungry. your stomach feels like it's shrinking into itself, making you feel quite empty.
“okay cheol, you’re hungry too, aren’t you?” you say, getting up to walk to your kitchen with him.
“i am, but you’re the priority right now, y/n.”
you can't escape his light scolding whines.
“ayy,” he says, eyebrows furrowed when he sees the remnants of your iced coffee, your supposed “breakfast”, which only consists of melted iced now, “this is all you’ve had today?”
“you know this isn’t good for you…” he trails on.
before you know it, he’s tapping away on his phone and browsing for where to order from immediately. he doesn’t need to ask you because he knows you so well already.
when the food comes in, he’s opening the containers and setting them in the table near you, allowing the smell of the hot food to finally make you notice the growl in your belly
to speed up the process he’ll literally grab the takeout menu that comes with the food and fan the smell towards you. or better yet, he’ll set up an actual fan to waft the smell of food at you at a higher velocity. “jeonghan turn that off! the food is gonna get cold!”
“so you’ll eat,” he determines proudly.
eyes got so wide at the realization that you haven’t eaten all day. he immediately tries to find the quickest snack to get something into your stomach.
i’m a believer in him cutting up fruits for you. then when he notices that you haven’t touched the fruits next to you, he’ll go so far as to feed you.
“c’mon, eat this, babe” he coaxes, gently prodding at your lips with the cubed melon on the fork. will tap your cheek with a finger to signal you to open your mouth if his voice isn’t enough to grab your attention
he’s still cheeky though so at some point he’ll give you your little tap only for you to open your mouth to nothing.
“hey! i thought you were feeding me” you pouted.
he rubs the top of your head, giving in immediately.
“looks like i’m spoiling someone here a little too much” (he can’t help it anyway).
it’s already 7pm and he returns to your apartment to see you in the same position he left you in. you were hunched over on your desk, still hyper focused on this little lego set you were building.
“junnie! look i’m almost done!” you exclaim, beckoning him to walk over to see your work.
“hey,” he says in his deep “extra manly voice”, “have you not eaten yet.” his arms are crossed but he softens when you proudly show him your bouquet of lego flowers.
“i only have one more flower left, but isn’t this so cute?” you gush, holding the vase up to him.
“they’re pretty,” he agrees, tucking your hair behind your ear, “i’ll be right back as you finish up.”
“okay” you hum, gathering the pieces for the last flower
he walks away and within 15 minutes, you can smell something cooking in the kitchen. he comes back to set a bowl of (quick but delicious) fried rice next to you.
“here, c’mon, eat up babe”
“there’s still some more..” you begin, but he pushes a spoonful of rice into your mouth (he blew on it first, don't worry).
“you can finish it after you eat though, right? you haven’t eaten all day.. you should eat while it’s warm” he encourages.
“true, you did make it really good today,”you decide. “i’m very lucky to have you.”
he smiles at your words but returns to his “ver stern man voice”, “you are. so to keep me you better make sure you don’t skip your meals again.” 😤
he pulls a very dramatic romeo and juliet move.
he facetimed you while he was getting driven home since he wouldn’t be able to see you in person that week.
“did you see the food we ordered for the staff today! we should go there when i’m finally free, i want you to try their noodles” he rambled.
“sure let’s do that,” you smiled, happy to see his excitement.
“did you eat dinner yet, baby?” he asked.
“dinner? oh wait, i didn’t have lunch” you thought out loud.
“you didn’t!” he exclaimed, head dropping back in his seat dramatically, “baby you shouldn’t do that!”
“i didn’t realize!” you laughed, rolling your eyes as his head was still tilted back, hand covering his face.
“how could my love forget to feed themselves?” he whined.
“soonyoung, i just got so invested in my paper!” you explained, “i wasn’t even hungry!”
“baby,” he says, now holding his phone very close to his face, “if you don’t eat i won’t eat.”
“what are you talking about!” you chuckled.
“it’s not fair to eat if you’re starving.”
“soonyoung, light of my life, my love, i didn’t purposefully skip lunch. please, you need to eat too, with all your dancing and horanghae-ing.” at the end of your sentence he can't help but give you his signature tiger paw hand gesture.
“promise you won’t forget again?”
“i will do my best,” you agree, lifting your own hand to horanghae back at him and he takes this promise very seriously.
let out a soft, but audible gasp when he texted you at 4pm asking what you ate only to find out that it was nothing.
:0 that's not good he sent
i didn't even realize that lunch passed wonu
he left you on read, and you wondered if this was actually going to be an argument between the two of you even if it wasn't that big of a deal. at least, not that big of a deal to you.
you wait to see if he's just taking a moment to text you back. then thirty minutes later, two of your co-workers are bringing in cups of coffee and a bag full of sandwiches.
your phone buzzes in your back pocket soon after. your heart warms when you see that it's a message from wonwoo.
they told me it arrived, did you get it yet?
you're about to type your reply when he continues.
i know your team is probably busy so you can't fully sit and eat a bento lunch box, right? so i ordered sandwiches so you guys could eat and work if you had to
your co-workers are setting the food on your shared table and you can see the slight confusion on everyone's faces. "oh it's from wonwoo," you explain, "he sent food because i told him we skipped lunch today." you get a chorus of excitement from everyone and various responses of "tell him we said thanks!"
this is very sweet of you wonwoo, thank you <3 you made me (and my team) very happy :) you sent
i'm just glad you get to eat :) but try not to skip meals from now on please
i will try, love u (i'm going to devour a sandwich now)
jihoon himself skips meals a little too regularly. he gets caught up in his studio and before he knows it, the sun has set and he hasn't eaten all day.
ohoho, but when he finds out that you haven't eaten all day he finds himself in a bit more of a panic than he ever would for himself. you called him after work, "do you want to get food when you get out? it was so busy at my job that i didn't even realize that i missed lunch."
"what? you didn't eat?" he asked, suddenly alert even though he was just starting to feel tired.
"yeah, i didn't even realize what time it was until all of our customers cleared out," you replied, "so do you wanna go out? i feel like i could eat a horse."
"yeah, let's go eat, you need to eat," he agreed, immediately getting ready to pick you up.
at the restaurant he encourages you to get whatever you want. even when you're just skimming the menu and you mutter, "huh, this looks interesting," he's telling you, "you want to get that? order it."
"i was just looking at it babe," you chuckle.
"you can get it if you want, you can get all of it if you want, i just want you to get full."
he's very attentive, further asking you what drink you want and if you want to get dessert after too.
you're in the kitchen reading a book one day and he asks you, "do you want some ramen too? i'm hungry and i think this is all we have."
"i think i'll eat a little later, my book is starting to get interesting so i might read a couple more chapters," you reply.
"you sure?" he checks, walking over to you, "because it'd be bad if i took care of myself and let you starve, i'd be a bad boyfriend then."
he ran a hand through your hair as you chuckled, "you could never be a bad boyfriend, not when you're so sweet." he hums in response before walking back to the stove to check his boiling water.
eventually he finishes making his ramen and he goes into the living room to watch something while he eats. (he'd eat in the kitchen but he doesn't want to be loud when you're reading). the warm soup makes him feel so cozy after and he really just passes out on the couch while his show keeps playing.
dokyeom wakes up about two hours later, much past lunch time. he wanders back into the kitchen a little groggy to see if you're still there. he notices that not much has changed since he fell asleep other than that fact that you're sitting cross-legged on the chair.
"did you eat yet, baby?" he asks.
you momentarily pause your reading, "hm? oh, i guess not."
"huh?" he gasps, glancing at the clock. "baby.."
"i'm in the middle of a really good chapter!" you explain.
"but baby you gotta eat," he pouts. "how 'bout this, if i run out to buy a couple things and i cook it, will you put your book down?"
"you don't have to go through all that," you tell him, "i could just have ramen-"
"no, no, you can't eat that when you're been starving all day," he disagrees, "i'm going to give you some nutrition." he's already walking out of the kitchen to get dressed to go out.
you fully put your book down by now, "i'll come with you to the store. i feel bad if i make you do that all by yourself."
"you can keep reading if you want," he tells you genuinely, "i don't mind, i just want you to eat something good." this is one of those moments where you realize how sweet your boyfriend really is.
"i'll come with you," you confirm, "and let's cook together too, hm?"
he can never say no to you. plus, he loves your company. "i guess we do make a good team, yeah," he smiles.
immediately gets to cooking in the kitchen. he isn’t preparing just one dish either but a spread of food, from various side dishes of veggies to braised meat that goes so well with rice.
“you better eat all of this to make up for your lack of nutrients today” he huffed, sitting across from you after setting everything around you. he stands up again and he'll take the bookmark in your hand and put it into your book for you too.
“gyu you know i can’t eat all of this by myself,” you laughed, “but thank you for cooking, you know.”
"i know, just eat as much as you can, you shouldn't be on an empty stomach," he tells you, further pushing the dishes for you. when you try to offer him a bite, he won't open his mouth, pushing you spoon back towards you.
so you were painting and you got so deep into groove that you didn't realize that three hours have passed and that your stomach is currently running on a cup of coffee.
"hi baby, i'm home," he announced as he entered your door.
he finds his way to you first to place a kiss on top of your head. "hi, hao," you hummed back, careful to keep your hand steady as you dragged your brush across your canvas. for a moment, the two of you stayed in silence to avoid disrupting your movement.
though what actually ended up interrupting the quiet was your stomach letting out a very loud growl.
"are you hungry?" he asked.
"i guess i am," you murmured, rinsing your paintbrush in water. "wait, now that i think about it, i don't think i ate lunch?"
"you didn't?" immediately his eyebrows are furrowed and you realize he probably has an incoming lecture already forming in his head. "you know you shouldn't skip your meals..."
"i know!" you explained, "but i just got so into this, i mean, i think this is in the running to become my favorite painting yet." when you wiped your cheek, you accidentally left a stroke of blue paint.
minghao, as caring as he is, crouches down and wipes off that paint with one of hi thumbs. "you know i love your creativity, and this painting looks great so far, it really does, but we can't have you passing out before you finish it, right?"
you smile at his comments as he continues, "can you take a break? eat something? it doesn't even have to be big meal but you should have something."
he was appalled when he saw the breakfast he bought you still on the counter, untouched.
he walks into your room where you're working on a project for the nth hour. "what's this?" he asks, holding up the plastic bag of food.
"it's what you brought home this morning?" you replied, before immediately going back to you little diorama.
"and why is it not in your stomach?" he huffs, arms now crossed.
"uhh, i lost track of time?"
"unacceptable," is decides, but he walks over to you and breaks off bite-sized pieces of bread the bread he bought to personally feed you anyway.
"thankf-you" you mumbled back as he fed you.
"tsk, what you you do without me? starve?" he tutted (but the way he feeds you is still so gentle). he wipes off the crumbs from the corners of your mouth and asks you if you want anything else when you do finish the bread <3
vernon drops his jaw in the most cartoonish way when he finds out.
"you haven't eaten yet?"
his (perfect) eyebrows knit together as he contemplates what to do, as you don't usually skip your meals. this wasn't exactly on his boyfriend-responsibilities bingo card.
"this isn't something you do regularly, right? or have i been missing this for a long time because that would be bad," he thinks out loud.
"vern, it's just today. i didn't even realize how much time passed," you explain.
"mm good to know it wasn't on purpose but i'll order something for you now," he decides, head quirking to the side as he scans his phone for nearby restaurants.
precious boy ends up ordering from two very different restaurants because he doesn't know which you'd prefer but he was a little panicked and figured: better safe than sorry. it's very weird when one bag of food comes to your house with burgers and fries and the other arrives with noodles and soup.
dino jokingly picks a fight with you when he finds out. you both wind up being a little loud, but not actually fully yelling.
you're surprised by him sitting a little ominously on your kitchen table despite the bags of freshly delivered food on it.
"is everything alright?" you ask.
"you!" he points, "you always take a cute picture of your lunch, so why didn't you have lunch today!"
"wow someone here is a detective, huh?" you chuckle, "you figured out i missed lunch from that?"
"this is serious y/n," he says, tone proving otherwise and fist coming down on the table with no actual force. "it's bad for you to miss lunch."
"okay, okay, yessir i understand i won't do it again," you joked, even putting your hand over your heart as a promise.
"you're not taking this seriously!" he whined.
"i am," you assured.
"no you're not!"
"chan! i thought you knew i missed lunch! i'm hungry and this food is getting cold!" it was your turn to whine now. immediately, he gave in, getting up to open the bags of food. he got a little too invested in his "scolding" and momentarily forgot that you actually had to eat.
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 7 months
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— 1D Monthly Fic Roundup —
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for November 2023! Below you’ll find 1D fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​. You can find all our other posts here.
Happy reading!
* Ghosted by @haztobegood [NR, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
Harry had dragged his feet when his mate Liam invited him for drinks at Horan’s Pub. He’d wanted to spend his Friday night under fuzzy blankets with a good book and hot cocoa. Besides, he’d protested, they already planned to go out the following week for Halloween. While initially reluctant, Harry’s glad he came. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have met Louis.
* Crush by @allwaswell16 [T, 1k, Louis/Niall]
When Niall stops smiling around the office, his co-worker Louis sets out to lift his mood with the help of their office mates.
* if i'm being honest by @disgruntledkittenface [E, 22k, Niall/Harry]
Niall is perfectly happy in her dating life, always finding a reason to break things off before her relationships get serious. When she finally gets a chance with Harry, her dream girl, their friend Louis makes her promise to give her a real chance. The only problem is that Harry has a cat… and Niall is not a cat person. Instead of running like she usually does, Niall has to figure out how to live with an adorable menace. And when it starts to feel like love, Niall has to decide: Is she ready for the real thing?
Inspired by Must Be Love.
* Milk my mind and make me cream by LovelikeLou / @purrrhazza [NR, 6k, Harry/Louis]
Brooklyn Baby AU: Louis and Harry are both early 70s bohemians who live in Brooklyn, New York. Louis is a sweet and gentle beatnik who wears flamboyant clothes and reads his poetry at underground speakeasies. Harry sings and plays in a punk rock Sex Pistols-esque band, wears leather and hates authority figures. The two are hopelessly in love with each other.
* Tuca Tuca (ILikeYouILikeYouILikeYou) by @persephoneflouwers [E, 4k, Louis/Harry]
The San Francisco getaway AU, where Harry is needy and Louis has a flight to LA in a few hours.
* Words Weren't Enough by red_panda28 / @red-pandaaa [T, 2k, Harry/Louis]
Louis wandered into the living room, just watching Harry play for a bit.
It made Louis’ heart crack a little, seeing him like that; hunched over the keys, the muscles on his back tense. But it was a quiet sniffle that Louis finally jerked into action, carefully approaching the slumped figure on the piano bench.
“Hey, darling.”
OR Louis finds Harry practicing the piano piece for his last show late at night, and there are some tears, memories and playing the piano together involved
* Because Sparrows Mate For Life by magpielivingforglitter / @builtyouahousefromabrokenhome [E, 24k, Louis/Harry]
During his brief awkward small talk phase, the previous tattoo artist had asked about why Harry was getting “a bird tattoo”, too, though without specifying the species. And Harry had started to explain it, but then he’d felt like his reasons were too private and intimate to share with that guy, and most of it didn’t apply anymore, anyway, since the birds were going to be swallows now. So he’d just stammered something incoherent, and then tried to save it by adding that basically he thought they looked cool.
Now, Harry felt like Louis was genuinely interested, and wanted to know so that he’d be able to make the tattoo the way Harry liked it. And beyond that, Harry had a feeling that he could tell Louis anything, and Louis would take him seriously.
So he told Louis all about his reasons. Louis listened intently, and chuckled at the Dark Half references.
Harry even told him about the ‘mating for life’ part.
Louis smiled softly. “I respect that”, he said. “I’m a bit of a romantic, myself.”
For some reason, that made Harry blush.
(Harry’s tattoo gets done all wrong, and he needs someone to fix it.)
* must be love by @nouies [NR, 6k, Louis/Andrew Garfield]
AU where Louis doesn’t know how to approach his neighbour, and Andrew keeps receiving homegrown vegetables at his door.
* Feeling Feline by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [T, 4k, Niall/Louis]
“I’m telling you,” drifts through the cracked door, and Louis’ ears prick, twitching with interest. “There’s something wrong with that cat.”
“Have you talked to Liam?” asks another voice, worried. Louis thinks it’s the tall one with curly hair. Taller one. They’re all tall when you’re ten inches high.
“Not medically wrong,” the blond one says. “But I swear, and I know this sounds nuts, but I don’t think he’s a cat?”
* Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw]
Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make.
He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
* In The Dark by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 [T, 666 words, no pairing]
It’s the dreams.
He’d be fine without the dreams… suggesting things. If he could face all this - whatever this is - with a clear, rested mind.
* lonely in [paris] by f_ckromeoandjuliet / @louiesonlyangel [T, 5k, Awsten Knight]
Summer flings are complicated and healing comes from the strangest places. // Alternate version of Louis's tour where he's in a secret relationship with Awsten Knight from Waterparks. Based on Awsten tweeting at Louis.
* Got My Chaos Automatic by LetTheMusicMoveYou / @letthemusicmoveyou28 [E, 3k, Zayn/Louis/Liam]
Louis shrugs his shoulders as nonchalantly as he can manage in his aroused state. “Let you stay in my house didn’t I?” He narrows his eyes at the spliff still between Liam’s fingers. “Let you smoke my weed. Seems like a fair trade to me.”
Liam raises a brow challengingly. His expression is mostly unimpressed, but even from the other side of the room, Louis can still see the glint in Liam’s eyes.
He likes it when Louis makes him work for it too.
Zayn chuckles darkly. “Looks like someone came home with an attitude. What’s wrong Lou? No one on the road with you that could put you in your place hmm?”
(Or the one where Louis comes home from tour feeling exhausted, yet antsy. Luckily, Liam and Zayn are there to put him back together).
* part time soulmates (full time problem) by localopa / @voulezloux [M, 12k, Louis/Harry]
sworn enemies harry and louis are soulmates. everything is going smoothly until the pain hits.
* it's the summer of our love by localopa / @voulezloux [G, 3k, Louis/Ryan Ross]
ryan is in love with his best friend and gym bro, louis. the problem? ryan is straight.
* if it feels like love (then it must be love) by localopa / @voulezloux [G, 2k, Niall/Shawn Mendes]
niall and shawn are in love. if they could both realize this, that would be lovely.
* I See You by @neondiamond [NR, 666 words, Harry/Louis]
An unfamiliar voice disturbs Harry during his bath.
* Lucky (In Love) by @neondiamond [G, 3k, Louis/Harry]
When Louis first volunteered to drop off his nephew Lucky at nursery to help out his nervous sister, he was not expecting the owner to be the most gorgeous man in all of London. He makes sure he’ll get to see him again.
* softer than satin by cinnamons / @sunbellylou [E, 4k, Louis/Joel (The Last of Us)]
“Wanna go back to bed,” Louis whispered languidly, voice partly muffled by his boyfriend’s lips on his. “Mm, but we just got up, baby,” Joel murmured. Lips touching softly with each syllable. Hands groping the soft flesh around Louis’ hips, kneading at the skin there and feeling his curves.
* in the hope of open hands (series) by @justanothershadeofblue [T, 21k, OT5]
Five times the pack is protective of omega Harry, and one time Harry protects them. Featuring Louis and Liam as alphas, Zayn and Niall as betas, and Harry’s as the band's lone omega. A year and some change in which they’re all falling for each other and not quite getting their shit together (until they do, of course).
* Simmer Down and Pucker Up by @silverstuff50 [E, 9k, Louis/Harry]
When Louis' sister invites his ex to her wedding Louis is not a happy bunny. But his friends are wankers and their meddling causes the sort of drama that Louis would usually beat the crap out of them for.
* Just Hold On by @silverstuff50 [M, 3k, Harry/Louis]
“Harry, I’m fine.” Louis says soothingly. “I know I’m safe because you and Joni are there. As long as I can feel you holding me I know I’ll be ok.”
Harry flushes again and can’t stop himself thinking about his hands on Louis' warm skin. He shakes his head stubbornly, half to protest and half to clear his head of the thought.
“It’s just not safe. You’re surrounded by people grabbing and pulling at you.” He looks Louis up and down appraisingly. “And you’re so-“ he stops himself when Joni shoots him a warning look.
“If the next word you say is “small” I will fire you.” Louis says with narrowed eyes. Harry's shoulders slump.
“I wasn’t going to say small.” He was going to say small. “I was going to say, um, reckless.”
* she bit someone by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus [M, 666 words, Louis/Harry]
Having a little vampire for a daughter is hard enough, but on that one night a year where the air feels darker and human children are trying to ring the bell for candy, it becomes even more difficult.
* Hit me baby one more time by @louisthiccsexyglitteryass [E, 12k, Harry/Louis]
Louis is a boxer, and hates one of the members of his club, Harry Styles. Life has a funny way of showing Louis that maybe he doesn't hate Harry as much as he thought, or that Louis maybe finds Harry hot.
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lady-phasma · 29 days
It’s me again 💝
I’ve been in the Hotd fandom since the show first aired but got really into it once adult Aemond showed up . I’ve dabbled in a bunch of what I call creator content, fics , imagines even editing videos … I just don’t seem to find my people or I have people and they talk for awhile but then ghost . I try not to stress cause I get it we have lives and that shit comes first but it’s just idk sad when I try so hard and I’m lost in the crowd if you will. I’ve reached out to people via dm and I usually try to comment and give my opinion to get some interaction . Perhaps I’m making a bigger deal than I should . I would love to come off anon and dm but I just don’t wanna be judged and I say this even though I know people reading this will think pathetic . It is what it is
Hi 💝! Thank you for writing again! First, no negative self-talk on my blog. 😊 It's not a rule exactly, but I don't support it. Maybe you follow me, that's irrelevant, but I doubt that the demographic of my followers will think anything about this is pathetic. Outside of them, if they think that, they can block me and then we don't have to worry about their opinions, do we?
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Now that's out of the way, don't worry about coming off anon. You don't have to or you can decide later. I answered another ask and said this and it bears repeating:
Feelings are valid, but they are not always truth.
Maybe it is a big deal to you at this point in your life. It has been to me at other times (not on Tumblr because I was on a near-10 year break from it). I don't like to give advice because I'm not in your shoes. I can only offer an ear to listen and my honest opinions.
Keep creating!! Whether it's in a fandom setting or not. I only write what I want to write. I only make gifs of what I want (or need for a fic). Make things when you feel inspiration or even if you don't. Drop your imagines in here if you want. Especially (but not limited to) excitement you have during the second season! There is going to be so much lovely chaos during the second season. We are all going to have thoughts!
As for your experience on your blog, follow more people, reblog with comments/discourse (if it's kind and not hurtful). And try not to compare yourself to others. I know it's difficult when notes on a post feel so damn good, but they aren't always immediate. And be yourself. I don't mean any of this as advice - it's just how I behave on here. Try not to try, just be.
I am so glad you've been in the fandom since the start! I stared my HotD experience on AO3 because I had been on there for years. Then a conversation in the comments in October 2022 got me on Tumblr for the first time since 2013/14. I'm so glad it did! There has been drama (I took a hiatus from Jan 2023 until March 2024) but there has been more joy and fun than that for me. I do that on purpose.
As I've said before, there were about 9 million viewers for the season 1 finale. That's a lot of people. More than I can imagine. So, if I were to offer advice it would be this: this time around for me I have been looking at the tags I follow more often than I used to. I look at posts that are like-minded: kind posts, funny posts that don't make fun of any part of the fandom, and posts about niche characters/elements. Then I look at that blog further, check out older posts to see if they have my same values (or close), and if so, I give them a follow. People don't always follow back, that's okay. But I get to see their positivity or inclusivity and that enriches my experience. The Nettles community is one of the best out here and I am so glad I get to be a part of it. We don't always agree but it's so fun to find a part of another aspect of the fandom. I throw my net wide because there are so many of us.
Lastly, like I said in a recent answer: what do you do to make others feel heard? Do you comment on posts when people express that they are lonely in a fandom? Do you give them a hug emoji or a "hey, I see you" kind of reaction? I do these things when I see those posts because what we put out comes back to us. Treat others how you want to be treated. That's not to say you haven't been doing this but if you haven't, maybe think about why - are you shy, judgmental, unsure how it will be received, or other motivations to keep scrolling?
I want everyone to have a great time in this or any fandom. This fandom in particular needs more positivity and inclusivity. I didn't get the nickname auntie for nothing. 💕 But it's never forced or fake. Come back to my inbox any time and as often as you like. We don't have to keep discussing this unless you want to! Is Aemond your favorite? Which episode do you dislike the most? Are you excited about something in particular for season 2? But there is no expectation or obligation.
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sjhhemmings · 7 months
Found this prompt list when I was scrolling btw LOVE YOUR BLOG LOVE THAT YOU LOVE YURIY SARDAROV/Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek ❤️‍🔥🥰
𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. From nightprompts
• ❛ you think i’m jealous? ❜
Otis x fem
Various Question Sentence Starters
brian zvonecek x fem!reader
a/n: hi anon, i’m so glad you like my page it means the world to me 🥰🥰. sorry if this is short, and sorry it took a little bit for me to post! i honestly didn’t really know what direction to take this in so i hope you like it! sorry if it’s not what you were wanting :(
warnings: mentions of alcohol, swearing, fluff, Idk if this counts as angst, anything i missed
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“You think i’m jealous?!” You half shout half whine at your boyfriend who just walked you inside your shared apartment.
“Well, a little yeah.” He says chuckling a little and unzipping your coat for you, helping you take it off.
“Well I’m not!” You say growing irritated.
“Y/N, you’re drunk. We can talk about this in the morning all i’m saying is you have nothing to be jealous about.” Brian says cupping your pouting face in his hands.
“No, I don’t want to talk about it in the morning I want to talk now!” You say mad. You’re not jealous, you trust your boyfriend. You have no reason to be jealous, you’re hot. Hot as fuck, and so is your boyfriend and you’re perfect together.
But, when there is another very attractive woman rubbing circles on his bicep with her index finger in the way you do at the bar he owns, it’s annoying. And you may or may not be worried he likes it when she does it more than he likes it when you do it. And the way she bats her eyes at him, he might like it more when she does it rather than when you do it, so he’s just going to kick you out without telling you moving all of your stuff out and all of her stuff in. And he’s going to keep both of your dogs, and he’s going to marry that girl instead of marry you, and they’re going to have a bunch of babies that should be your babies.
Okay, maybe you are jealous. But he doesn’t need to know.
“Fine. If you want to talk about it, at least get ready for bed first.” He says walking into your bedroom leaving you in the kitchen alone.
See he’s already leaving you.
Rolling your eyes you begin making some relaxing tea so it’ll be cooled off once you’re ready to drink it.
Finally following him into the bedroom you see he’s already shirtless in bed reading. Your first thought is, ‘God he’s so hot.’ but then the irritation in you says that he just doesn’t care enough to brush his teeth or wash his face with you and you’re left to do it alone. He’s preparing you for when he kicks you out and keeps the dogs, and has babies with another women.
Rolling your eyes and stomping into the bathroom connected to your bedroom you slightly slam the bathroom door a lot harder than you intended too. “Fuck.” You mutter to yourself and sighing. Too late now.
Once you’ve finished brushing your teeth and washing your face you open the bathroom door to Brian leaning against the door frame.
“What’s wrong?” He asks knowing it’ll get you talking, because he knows what’s wrong, he just wants to hear it from your perspective.
“Nothing,” You mutter changing out of your jeans and putting on pajama pants, then changing your shirt and putting on one of his CFD shirts that’s probably two sizes too big for you.
So what you’re mad at him, you’re still gonna wear his shirts.
“Y/N, tell me what’s wrong.” He says grabbing your hands and gently pulling you into him resting them on his shirtless chest.
You don’t make eye contact with him as you start to blush. The wall you’ve been trying to build for the last 15 minutes has just crumbled underneath two sentences.
Sighing and blinking away the tears you feel starting to rise you look up at the ceiling just past his face and decide to talk.
“You think i’m jealous of what happened at the bar, when i’m not! I’m just preparing for when you’re gonna kick me out and move her in and keep the dogs and get married to her and have babies with her! Those should be my babies!” You finally break down and he pulls you into a hug as you’re now sobbing.
“Y/N. Look at me.” He says pulling you from his chest and looking at how worked up you’ve gotten from another woman hitting on him. He’s flattered really, he just doesn’t know how you’re so blind to see that you’re the only woman he ever intends on having babies with.
You wipe away a few more tears and make eye contact with him.
“I don’t want to make you worked up, but i’m pretty sure everything you just said was the jealousy talking. I’m not saying that’s it a bad thing, I’m just saying that I honestly appreciate you caring right now. Because if you didn’t care, you would’ve watched that woman scratch my arm trying to be flirty, shrugged, and turned a blind eye to it. But I want you to know, you’re the only girl I want to draw circles on my arm. Her nails were too sharp for my liking. Any woman who isn’t you would have nails too sharp for my liking, okay?” He says reassuring you completely.
Taking a deep breath and giving a small smile you nod your head.
“Okay,” You say giving him another hug and giggling at how stupid alcohol makes you sound.
“I also want you to know, you’re the only woman I ever intend on having babies with.” He finally says making your heart flutter.
credit tagging: @nightprompts
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
i’m not entirely sure how ticket time works so let me know if i’ve done this wrong. could i please request a fic where reader (preferably male or gn) is having a sleepover with Near (Death Note)? perhaps with some blanket forts, snacks, cuddles, plushies, etc. thank you sm!!
Hi friend! Yeah this is how it works, you just send in a request and if it follows my blog rules which are in my pinned post, I’ll write it! I’m gonna make this one gn so more people can read it any enjoy, thank you so much for the ask! <33
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“Are you sure this is something you want to do?”
“Near,” You laughed airily, “You said we could have one night to do anything I wanted to do. I want a sleepover, what could go wrong?
“Do I have to wear this though?” He cocked an eyebrow and gestured towards his outfit.
Okay so maybe making him wear an arctic fox onesie was a little much but it was seriously adorable and besides, he needed to match you. Your brown bear onesie needed company.
“Absolutely!” You declared, “These are traditional sleepover outfits. Now, what to do first…”
You produced the sleepover list Near had made you write. He wanted you to write down all the things you were going to do tonight.
1. Onesies prolly
2. Pillow fight
3. Snacks/desserts deserts
4. Blancket fort
“Uh, so… blanket fort next?” You asked.
Near leaned over to look at the list. “Why did you put a C in blanket?”
You groaned, “I’m bad at spelling, don’t bring it up.”
“You spelled Monopoly with an I and a E… and you spelled dessert instead of desert.”
“Oh my god, shut up please.” You stood up and left the room only to return with a plethora of pillows, stuffed animals and blankets.
“Okay, have you ever built a pillow fort before?” You asked and chucked a pillow out him, he dodged but got hit square in the face with a panda PillowPet.
“No, never,” He adorably glared at the panda, “How do we do it?”
“I think it’s best if you just watch and follow along.” He nodded and you began stacking pillows, finding chairs and throwing blankets on top of them. Eventually the center of the room was a mountain of colorful cloth and chairs that you and Near admired.
You smiled and grabbed his hand, lifting up one part of blanket and crawling inside. You dropped his hand halfway in and made it entirely inside as he tried to follow you. He bumped a chair and suddenly the entire fort collapsed on top of you.
Laughing and pushing through the blankets in an attempt to move them out of the way, Near’s face appeared in front of you holding a pillow sheepishly.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” You chuckled and shoved a Squish-mallow off your lap. “ What do you want to do next?”
Very quickly you had moved on to the pillow fight. It only lasted a little while because poor skinny Near was not good with exercise and he kept getting pummeled in the face and falling over.
Next you played Monopoly and of course Near was going to win. He was fantastic at the game. Then you convinced him to turn around because there was something he had to see. Near couldn’t figure out how suddenly you had triple the amount of money you used to. He didn’t realize cheating was an option.
Finally you moved onto the snack portion. One failed, burnt cake and a quick Target trip later and you had enough Sour Patch Kids to kill an elephant.
Lazing on the pillow and candy covered floor, you watched an old movie together and munched on Oreos.
“That was worth it, I suppose.” Near said.
“You’re glad you gave me a night of your life instead of working like you always do? I’m honored.” You said sarcastically.
“Yeah… It was nice…” He gave you a small smile and you gave him one back.
“Good. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. We could do it again sometime.”
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gold-rhine · 1 year
Morax & Guizhong, first meeting.
He would always remember how they met in the fields of glaze lilies, where she made a PowerPoint presentation on why they should work together and insinuated that he’s kind of dumb.
Warnings: none, safe for view, can be read as platonic or a bit shippy.
A\N: Repost bc my previous blog got shadowbanned. I wrote this as a part of another fic, but in the end it didn’t fit the structure, so I’m posting this as standalone bc I like how it turned out. I hate that “Memory of Dust” is described as “dumbbell” in English when it’s obviously a puzzle, but I had to roll with it. Guizhong basically has nano-particles powers bc I think it’s fun.
Wordcount: 2,5k
Guizhong clasped her hands together, hiding them in her long sleeves. She tended to get jittery when nervous and it was no time for that.
“Lord Morax,” she said solemnly, watching him from across the field. He looked both as she imagined him and the complete opposite at once. He radiated power and confidence, but wasn’t huge or bulky as she expected. Of course, a god didn’t need muscles to fight, but from his reputation as a reckless, brutal fighter she thought he’d want to take a form boasting of warrior prowess. After all, the god of rock just kind of implied a mountain of a man. But he was very tall and sort of narrow, without any warrior regalia, intense gold eyes with red paint under them and long black hair, turning to burnt amber at the ends. She remembered that he was a dragon and perhaps this slim and sharp build made sense for someone used to a snake-like body. “I offer you my greetings. You probably don’t know who I am, so allow me to introduce myself, I’m…”
“I’ve heard of you,” he had a deep, calm voice and watched her with polite indifference. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Lady Guizhong?”
Okay, but how should she start? She had a list of arguments in defense of her offer that she thoroughly prepared, but she hasn’t thought of the openings. To be honest, she expected a loud warlord, not someone this taciturn and serious.
“I would like to propose an alliance,” no sense in dragging this out.
He looked at her for a moment, then nodded slowly.
“You are known as a wise and kind-hearted goddess. I would welcome you in my court.”
His expression barely changed. As she expected, with his reputation as a conqueror who never knew defeat and a fair ruler, he was used to people pledging their allegiance and accepted it as a given.
She took a deep breath and tried to sound calm and confident, though her palms were sweating inside of her sleeves.
“No. I will not join you as a follower, only as an equal.”
That finally got his attention. He blinked in surprise, then folded his arms, gold eyes focusing on her.
“And why would I want to share my power with you?” he raised an eyebrow, but his voice stayed calm, with just barely noticeable undercurrent of irony.
“I’m glad you asked,” she smiled and dragged the basket full of scrolls out of the lilies at her feet. Both of his eyebrows disappeared under the disheveled black bangs. “I’ve prepared a list of arguments. Though, I imagine, as a priority you’d like to know why you should take me seriously on the battlefield. Well, let’s get this unpleasant topic out of the way first,” she sighed and waved her hand at him. “Please make one of your stone spears.”
He watched her with taciturn amusement, head cocked to the side, then smirked sharply and made a brisk motion with his hand. A rock spear twice her height smashed into the ground precisely at her feet, not touching, but close enough that the basket next to her shuddered. Guizhong flinched, but stopped herself from stepping back and threw him a glare.
He wasn’t taking her seriously yet, but was willing to indulge her just to see where this is going, which was good enough for now. She had some aces up her sleeve.
She took a deep breath and focused on the spear in front of her. Rocks crumble into dust because they were always made of it, every stone is actually a collection of dust particles, densely packed together. And so, she knew how to call the dust within the rock to her will. It was the easiest with natural mountains, which already were weathered by time and ready to turn to dust without much resistance.
Stones created by Morax were different. They were unusually solid, called into existence by the power of a deity and so appeared wholesale, without internal fractures or inconsistencies, unlike stones that formed naturally. But she thought of it, visited the battlefields to study his spears and learned to call the dust in them too.  
It wasn’t working now though. Spears on the battlefields were weeks, sometimes months old, they had time to be corrupted by wind and rains. This one was just created, and so was flawless, without any cracks for her to exploit.
Guizhong gritted her teeth, her fists clenching hard enough that her nails left the marks on her palms. She couldn’t fail right now, couldn’t show herself as a fool when so much was riding on this. She searched frantically for the smallest flaw to get in and unravel it, until the picture snapped into view, like an optical illusion finally coming into focus. It was a perfectly structured grid with no points of failure, but it was still a grid of dust. She didn’t need a fracture to claim it and had never needed it.
She smiled and extended her hand, meeting his gold eyes.
“Every rock turns to dust,” she snapped her fingers and the top of the spear started softly crumbling. “And I can always take what is mine.”
Morax visibly tensed up, now actually taken aback, then turned back to her, no longer looking amused. She smiled wider in triumph, while the spear was still turning to dust from the top down.
“I don’t have delusions of grandeur, I realize that I don’t have the firepower to take you on by myself. I mean, I do have a knack for war machines, so maybe with an ambush and the right strategy… No, but realistically, I’d make an alliance with someone else, who could strike hard enough when I crumble your defenses.”
“That’s a very convincing point,” his voice was flat, but eyes much colder than before. “Now explain to me why I should let you leave alive.”
“I don’t actually want to bring you down, I just thought as a warrior, you won’t take me seriously unless you believe I can be a threat. I’m not trying to blackmail you into an alliance.”
“Thrilled to hear,” he said dryly, still eyeing her incredulously. “What are you trying to do, then?”
Perhaps she miscalculated. She proceeded on the assumption that he would value combat strength above all and didn’t adjust her plans even though nothing in his actual appearance and conduct supported it. Now she had to tread lightly.
“I have much resourcefulness to offer,” she clasped her hands again and forced herself to speak slowly and choose her words carefully, keeping her tone neutral. ”You see, humans are as small and fragile as dust. Because they are so small, they know not when they will lose their lives to disaster or strife, and so they are afraid. Because they are afraid, they try so hard to become more intelligent. This I understand. So I thought that since there is such a gulf between us in strength, I should use technique and wisdom instead. With your brawn and my brains, this city would surely become a great one."
He let her speak with the same guarded expression, then looked away for a moment, and when he met her gaze again there was tension around his eyes she wasn’t sure how to interpret.
“My brawn? Is that why you sought after me, for military strength?”
To keep her people safe, she often had to deal with gods stronger than herself and in all of her experience, conquerors loved to hear their accomplishments on the battlefield being praised. But somehow he seemed so unlike anyone she’s ever had to deal with. It was clear, the neutral tone wasn’t going to work, she had to commit to either sticking to her initial plan of talking with a warrior or to instead treat him as… as what? She had no clue, aside from that it’s someone very different.
She bit her lip and took the risk of talking sincerely instead of diplomatically.
“I’m… No, not at all. I wouldn’t want to join just any warlord, no matter how strong. I heard that you are merciful and let even lost souls join you, and so your followers are loyal to you out of love and not fear. I heard that you spent many days borrowing the mountains in search of a blind dragon just because it was crying for help, and then granted it eyes and freedom. That once your people were plagued by the aquatic pests and you went door to door to every home and caught them all by yourself. This all tells me you are kind and fight to protect, not for glory or power. That you are building an empire to serve it, and not for it to serve you. And so from all this I thought no matter how different, we share the same dream.”
He kept silent, and as always when panicking, she slipped into overexplaining.
“By brawn, I didn’t mean just prowess in a fight, I meant your general strength. I think you’re used to choosing the most direct, straightforward solutions because you know you have power to back it up, so you don’t even start to consider other options. I’m, on the opposite, used to having little resources, so I’m very good at calculating cost-effectiveness. I think I could use more material basis and you could benefit greatly from my ability to optimize. Frankly, I decided to join you when I heard of the story of how you've dealt with parasites. I mean, personally going door to door? That’s so well-intended and yet so wasteful! How no one told you “Stop, no, what are you doing to yourself, there are so many other options”? I immediately thought, “I have to save this man”.
She forced herself to shut up, because that was probably too much sincerity and his eyebrows were disappearing under the bangs yet again. Under the desperate strike of inspiration, she raised her hand, and the rest of the stone spear crumbled down, leaving the small, intricately carved puzzle lock in the form of a dumbbell floating in the air.
“I think that by combining your solid foundation and my inventive precision, we can create something bigger than both of us.”
He eyed it, still looking impassive, and walked up to Guizhong, stopping a couple of steps ahead. Then he met her eyes and suddenly smirked.
“So you’re implying that I’m stupid?”
She blushed and smiled apologetically.
“I never said that. I only meant that when you have a hammer, and by hammer I mean giant rock spears, everything looks like a nail, and you could use some new perspectives.”
He actually smiled at that, a wide grin that showed inhumanly long fangs.
“But I do in fact think that I’m smarter with the currently present evidence,” she added cheekily. “But! The dumbbell I gave you is actually a puzzle lock. This is the mark of our pledge, and it is also my challenge to you. All my wisdom is hidden within this stone dumbbell. If you manage to solve it, I will admit that you’re at least as wise as I am."
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, chuckling, a deep rumbling sound, and she noticed that his gravelly voice could turn almost velvety when he was friendly. She could understand why he was so loved by his followers despite his initial stand-offishness. “So, are you going to finally show me these scrolls or are you planning to just keep insulting me?”
She fluttered her eyelashes with feigned innocence.
“I can do both. I’m very good at multitasking.”
Joking like that with the most fearsome conqueror in the land was objectively a dumb idea, but the difference between sharp, gilded intensity in his eyes to the interested, warm golden glow was almost dizzying. She’s never met anyone like him, but at the same time she felt like she knew him for a lifetime, knew that he was proud, but not arrogant, that his ego was not fragile enough to be hurt by friendly jabs.
“Okay, let’s start with agriculture, it’s honestly a basis for any great settlement,” she dropped to her knees and started rummaging through the scrolls. “Ugh, where is it?.. No, that’s the ballista schematics… the mining equipment…”
He sat down in the grass next to her and threw her a somewhat bashful glance.
“To be honest, in retrospect I do wish there was someone who stopped me from dealing with the pests like that. I now cannot stand even the smell of seafood.”
She clasped her hand over the mouth to stifle a horrified laugh, dropping the scrolls.
“Oh no! Oh, sorry, I’m not laughing at you, it’s just the situation itself is so… You took preventative measures to make sure it’s not happening again, right?”
His smirk froze and his eyes widened, letting her know that he never thought of it and now was horrified by the idea. There was no monster or god powerful enough to brag about seeing the lord of stone scared, except for the goddess of dust who was now trying to stop wheezing.
“Oh no, you poor thing… Don’t worry, we’ll get to that, I won’t let it happen again on my watch. Now, where was I…Aha, here’s the agriculture scroll!”
She hesitated, because flowers were not the most comfortable surface to roll your scrolls over, but then he snapped his fingers and a small stone table rose up in front of them.
“Thank you! Oh, this is so convenient. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve thought “Ugh, I’d kill to have a block of stone right there.” I mean, I can create things by pressing dust, but it usually only works on small objects and if they are not supposed to be put under a lot of pressure. Which, in most projects I have, they are!... Sorry, I often get my thoughts derailed from the subject.”
“I’ve noticed,” he said with a dry grin and she blushed.
“You can interrupt me to get me back to the topic.”
“I don’t mind,” he shrugged, eyes still sparkling from laughter. “I think it’s interesting to hear you ramble.”
“Well, I’m glad you think so, because I tend to do that a lot… Anyway, agriculture! In my opinion, a well-planned and organized irrigation system is a key to…”
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Tumblr has become my sanctuary quite honestly so I'm glad you decided to stop by! Here's some stuff about me and my blog:
I've been in burnout for a very long time and am working on it when I have the energy to make progress. I am officially ADHD diagnosed but self-diagnosed for Autism. I believe in self-diagnosis because sometimes that's the only way you know how to advocate for yourself (definitely not speaking from experience haha..ha...haha..).
Special Interests galore!
I've lived on this space rock for quite while now so I have a good handful of these including (but not limited too): Star Trek, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sailor Moon, as well as a deep love for music that's been rooted into me since birth (everyone in my family is a musician of some kind, including me!). But what you'll see here is mainly my top special interest:
Dragon Age!
I've had a tumblr since damn near close to its birth but I didn't start using it until in the midst of a failing marriage as a stay at home mom, I decided to pick up the controller to our PS4 and play Dragon Age: Inquisition. I had watched my now ex husband play these games for years and always loved them and I was stuck at home with a toddler and very pregnant with no car to escape. (Ok that sounds really bad, it was NOT an abusive relationship lol just the circumstances at the time!) I fell in love with the world of Thedas and the characters and have been chewing up anything DA I can get my hand on since.
I do have a pretty heavy list of DA OCs that I had a Masterpost planned for as I create content for them but it was on my last account that got accidentally deleted. I'm hoping to revive that soon!
Edit: With DA:VG poking it's head up to start Dragon Age Summer 2024, I really want to focus on this in anticipation for this Fall! I'm hoping to get my masterpost back up this week!
Writing (or something like it)!
I do have an AO3 for my DA fanfiction and continue to write when I have the spoons. I am currently working on a Modern!Thedas story with my main OC, Maxiana. I'm always quick to post chapters but I'm hoping to have this one completed before I start posting for continuity reasons. I lose track quickly if I post during the writing process. My long-term goal is to write my own novels. I did start one and then life said nope. not right now.
Edit: with DA:VG being announced, we'll see if this ever gets finished now. I'm really wanting to though!
I am very much on the queer and gender spectrum of the alphabet mafia. I'm still figuring it out myself. I firmly believe that people should be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin, whatever that means to each individual, as long as it doesn't actively harm others.
Digital art!
I decided this year I was going to learn more digital art as a hobby and have really enjoyed it. I will eventually have an Etsy shop for the things I create.
Edit 4/11/24: I’m nearly ready to get things going! Stay tuned!
Edit 6/9/24: After leaving a job and moving at the same time, this is still a bit on the back burner. I'm hoping soon though! I did start a tumblr account for this reason if you want to follow along once I get everything together! Sleepy Rabbit's Oddities
I am a mom of two kids, two dogs, and two cats. I talk about all of them from time to time and don't mind sharing pictures of the fur babies. The human ones will remain a secret until they can give their own consent and understand fully what that means.
My asks are always open!
I don't always have the energy to reply but I do love to meet new people and will reply when I can.
I hope you have an amazing day today!
Some quick rules under the cut:
I am not responsible for your online experience. If I post things that you feel are inappropriate for you, please unfollow/block as you deem necessary. This blog is for me and while I am happy to share with others, I will not change it for others.
I don't consider my blogs 18+ usually. Fandom can be shared among those of any age. If you feel the content I post isn’t appropriate for you, please utilize the unfollow and block buttons.
Please be respectful when sending an ask. If you find it necessary to be mean, you will get blocked.
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breezy-cheezy · 7 months
I just want to say it's been delightful watching you get into One Piece. It's been one of my main fandoms for years, but most of the people I was following who posted about it moved on to other things and I didn't have the energy to try to find new ones, so my dash has been pretty empty of it and I mostly just kept up with the anime/manga and not much else. Your enthusiasm for it, and all the art you've been posting and reblogging, has been a highlight of my days. I have a One Piece fanfic I've been trying to finish for years, and I've felt more like writing it in the past week or so than I have in a very long time (haven't actually managed it yet, but maybe soon, I hope). I'm glad you're having fun, and I can't wait to see you get farther in the series. <3
And *I* just wanna say how touching this message is!! 🥺 Thank you for sending this, I’ve been putting off responding because I was hoarding it like a dragon HAHA
I’m glad you’re enjoying the sudden OP onslaught! Part of me always worries, but it IS my blog and I enjoy slapping a bunch of funny pirates on my metaphorical fridge, glad you’re getting a kick out of it too! Perks of a media about as old as me too is that there’s sooooo much content to dig through, it’s very fun! Even if I suck at avoiding spoilers LOL (I will at least try to shield my buddy from spoilers as she also works her way through the manga at her own pace XD)
I hear ya on struggling to finish a fic for so long…for me, with new fandom comes new ideas and we’ll see if I can actually finish these, lmao. I’m glad to hear you’re inspired again! What’s the fic about, out of curiosity? 👀 If you feel like sharing that is!
Thank you, it’s been a VERY fun read, and I hope to watch some parts in the anime later! For now tho manga is easiest for me to consume, and the art is just really nice?? 1000+ chapters used to be so intimidating but now I find it’s hard to put the thing down X’’’’D One Piece good, found family got me good! I’ll be a bit more detailed under the cut real fast (I’ve been yelling at another friend on discord with regular manga updates but I will say this)
Isa don’t open the read more :> :
I just finished Thriller Bark arc and ooooooh boy that was a Time. Zoro you are insane *sobbing* HOW IS HE EVEN ALIVE
Usopp getting to use his anxiety/depression/negative thoughts as a strength against Perona was. SO funny yet SO vindicating, I love himmmmm-
Also the stuff with Brook is one of the things I feel I need to watch the anime on because!!! Music!!! That’s difficult to translate through manga, as pretty as the art is. Same for Chopper’s send off from Drum Island, I wanna see the pretty pink Sakura Blossoms!!!! But yea Brook made me cry. I remember really hoping Laboon would pop up again and BOY HOWDY let the skeleton see his baby whale again I beg….
I just hit the Sabody arc too and spotted Law for the first time! I already know his backstory (oops I’m nosey) and WOW HE’S A LITTLE SH*T HAHAHA funny greasy lookin man good to see ya X’’’D I also love Camie!! Kinda refreshing to see a female character getting to finally make the same (if not even MORE) whacky faces like the boys do hhdfhgjkdf you’re doing great sweetieeeee 😂 (also good to see Hachi again!!)
Also the intro to Celestial Dragons and slave trade is so. Man. This is VILE. The extent of horrors the Government will look away from because they’re Celestial Dragons doing the horrors. AUGH. Gross. The situation is revealed in a really neat way too, very engaging. Sooooo satisfying watching Luffy full on punch one CD in the face tho, BLESS. Love that funky lil dude. He really doesn’t care who you are, he can and WILL punch you if friends are threatened.
ALSO I do see Ace’s execution being set up in the bg. I know in a general sense what….happens to him. I don’t like it, let him out 😭
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sailxdia · 3 months
AHHHHH You're playing ace attorney, I'm so excited! You already have some great takes and observations! I won't reblog anything you've posted yet because I don't want anyone in the notes to spoil you, I'm having fun seeing you guess!
you'll get the Edgeworth backstory in this game
Some of the dystopian elements are built out of a satire of the japanese justice system which uuuh, is a lot more like this than we'd all like
Dick Gumshoe is best boy.
Don't be afraid to look at a guide/walkthrough some of the "logic" the game wants out of the player, especially in the early games is really obtuse.
The pun names only get worse XD
I did say that one post post made me decide to go for it. Always nice to have an excuse to try out new games, and this one doesn’t require grinding so I mean a good boon there 😆
I’m really glad you’re enjoying my live blogging. Writing whatever thing comes out of my head while I play is kind of nice.
*) On that I’m SO excited I’ll get that backstory this soon. I am beyond 👀 for it. Just to have so much hints of how juicie it must be so early I have all my eyes and ears waiting for the reveal.
*) Yeeaaah though Japan has a bad justice system. I’ve been watching a lot of live action shows from Showa and just seeing how they treat the police even back then it’s like … all I wish is your country could finally fix that but in general I wish the police everywhere weren’t giant shits.
*) Dick is like a poor dog or something! Like he looks like he looks up to Edgeworth so much. totally idolises the man and wants nothing more than to do good by him. The guy is a lost puppy and is trying his best. He seems just as raised by the culture as Edgeworth is and they are both just doing their part in being in a bad mess of a system while wanting nothing but the best it’s so sad D : he trying so hard. He’s obviously comic relief but also he genuinely seems like that cop that’d try his best to help a crying kid who lost their balloon or help out a lost kitten just, innocent man in a bad world.
I know I’m overly cutieing him but it’s just he has such a giant soft heart it feels like and I don’t have good words. he’s a puppy for Edgeworth and also his attack dog against crime. He’s got a soft heart but a heavy hand. I want to see him grow since he seems to be a new-ish detective. I want to see him get more into his detective feet. Like he’s 30, but I can’t think of him having been head of the department for that long and suddenly being head is so much different than following your superiors’ orders all the time.
*) AND NO I’m glad you told me to, because a guide just told me I was right in what I wanted to do. I just have to press everything before I can do what I wanted to??? Which I would never have naturally tried especially when the game is actively having Write say there’s ’nothing to press on’. I feel freed now that I can continue again : D
*) THE PUNS ARE AMAZING I’m so glad to hear they went all in because IT SO WIMSEY in the MURDER game Give me some more WIMSEY MURDEr
I obviously just want excuses to ramble anything my brain tells me while i play this 🤣 I’m so new to these characters but they are written with such complexity it’s like a real living world. I swear it’s like a lot of modern games barely have half this level of writing.
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miercolaes · 6 months
okay. so i have been thinking about you in general for a while now, but the fact that it’s nye (well, nyd for me! i’m living in the future!!) prompted me to finally message you. you are one of my favourite people on this silly little site, and i really, really mean that. your writing is spectacular, your posts about wednesday are always so passionate and detailed, and i just really really adore everything you’re doing with her. and that you’ve kept it up even after the wednesday rpc died. i am so glad you didn’t die with it!! i’ll never forget the day you messaged me about being affiliates, because when the message popped up on my phone, i was literally watching jenna ortega in a show on television. in that. exact moment. and seeing her made me think of you, and i remember thinking to myself ‘when this is over, i’m going to pluck up the courage and ask veronica if she’d like to be affiliates.’ but you beat me to it! i know we don’t get to write or chat heaps these days, (and that’s purely on me bc i have been so slack lately), but i hope you know that i treasure every single conversation, every single thread we’ve ever written. you’re such a special person, and i’m so so lucky to know you. you’re so talented, thoughtful and kind, and i!!! i hope that 2024 is everything you hope it will be, and more!
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as always, i'm going to put a uno reverse on you and i'm afraid i might have to use the read more function.
frankie my beloved! words can't even begin to describe how grateful i am for you being part of my silly life. believe it or not, it's been almost a year since we've became mutuals on this hellsite (it was 20th january, according to my previous blog) and honestly? i have no idea when the time has passed. but i want you to know that i treasure you and any of our interactions so much, be it ic or ooc.
now i gotta admit it's lowkey hilarious how that specific conversation went down. and i'm here to say : GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE. otherwise, i can't phantom how we both thought of the same thing at the same time. i can assure you i am not some kind of mind reader, the only tricks i can pull (and poorly, at best, may i add) are ones with cards. therefore, the only valid explanation is that we have great minds that maybe share one brain cell.
joke's aside, this is now my time to tell you something i've been meaning to for a while now. i've admired you and everything you do for that matter ever since i found your janessa blog. and btw, in my mind your janessa is an oc. like, i know i follow many other wonderful people writing eleven / jane, but i swear my brain can't comprehend that it's the same character. and particularly your version of janessa is something else. you got me to the point i actually think stranger things' el birth name is janessa. still baffled that it isn't. but i only know of janessa, written by the one and only frankie. i am so glad i gathered the courage to ask you to be affiliates because, first and foremost, you helped me a lot when it came to understanding how my own version of wednesday works. but wait, there's more!!! i hope you won't take this the wrong way, and hopefully i'll phrase it accordingly, but i was and still kind of am intimidated by you and what you do writing - wise. not in a im afraid of interacting with you, but moreso i am in awe at everything you do. i can see you put a lot of thought in janessa and what comes out is just too beautiful to be true (and it is true??). you're a bloody brilliant writer and tbh you inspire me to delve deeper into my own characters. i adore everything you do, but even if you weren't, who you are seals the deal. you're an amazing friend and icb this hellsite made it possible that i got to meet you.
it doesn't matter when you respond to me. it doesn't matter what you do with your blogs. because no matter what, as long as you'll have me, your local cryptid, i will follow you into the infernal pit and back. while it's true that i love wednesday and janessa interacting, i treasure the vero and frankie ones more. no matter how frequent it is. i'm glad i've met you. and you won't be getting rid of me easily (this is a direct and immediate threat btw). whether we'll pull a mind reading again or just chill, i'm looking forward to it all. i love you and your brand and i'm glad you too survived the stranger things purge that keeps on coming and going lmao
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joelsgreys · 1 year
As someone who was very recently having the same feelings about writing and fitting in on here as you are, I very much understand how you feel. It's extremely painful and makes you question everything, but you really, truly, genuinely are a wonderful writer. I'm glad to hear you don't plan to stop writing, but I hope you don’t leave because you bring value to this fandom and to readers. You could write for any character and someone could emotionally connect to it and that's a very powerful gift. I got a message today from someone telling me my fics got them through really hard times, and hon, I'm gonna tell you the same, because it's true. I felt like I should quit writing because there was a lull in my popularity for a couple fics and it damaged my self confidence, but reading your fics reminded me of why I love to write, which is to connect with people. I read "to do the right thing" and was blown away (though you might not have noticed this name. I have separated blogs for everything). So much so that I was like, oh right, this is why I love to write--to feel things like this and hope others feel the same when reading my work. It's hard to remember on here, where we live by notes and comments and reblogs, that sometimes making an impact on one person is a big deal and it matters. You happen to positively impact a large group of people with every story you post.
I feel like I can confidently say that people here support whatever choices you will make moving forward, but I also feel I can confidently say that we would miss you and your writing.
Sorry this is so long. But I get it, hon. Just keep on keeping on. 🩵 I hope you feel better soon.
I legitimately…am crying. Like I always say “oh I’m crying” no but actual tears are coming down right now and I’m so glad because I think for one, I just need a good cry and get out all these feelings I’ve been harboring and two, I have gotten kind words over the last couple of days that have all had such an impact on me and I think this was the last one, in addition to the others that finally felt like a good slap in the face wake up call to snap me out of whatever emotional dumpsterfire state I’ve been in.
I’ve lost quite a few followers between yesterday and today (I get it, emotional pity party Vee who does nothing but bitch and complain is not a fun person to follow so no hard feelings) but it DID make me wonder if I’m truly being nuts about it all and whether my mental health is just so far down the garbage chute that I don’t see how ridiculous I’m being over nothing? But with people reaching out to tell me they know how it feels…I feel a little less crazy, that’s for sure. I feel disappointed in myself for letting myself fall into that damn trap of caring so much about notes. Especially because when I first started out, I didn’t care about it. I was just having fun and sharing my ideas. The human part of me adores the validation and it makes me feel good and that’s okay, but to let it get to the point where I am letting a number determine whether my stuff is good it or not? That’s not okay. I wouldn’t want anyone, especially fellow writers who I think are so talented, to do this.
I feel ashamed tbh. Because you’re right, touching someone with your writing and connecting to people, that’s what is important. I loved getting replies and messages about someone telling me they can put themselves right in my story, that they felt like they were there. I loved that people told me they could feel my character’s emotions. I hold my characters so close to me and I should not stop loving them. They’re mine, and there are people out there who love them too. It shouldn’t matter if it’s 1 or 1000. If one person adores my sweet lil Peach from ASH, than I appreciate that one person for loving a fictional character I created.
I have a few people who have been so supportive of me and reminding me how much they love my writing and they’re more important to me than all the fucking notes and popularity on this site. And to any of these few people, I’m so sorry for being such a sad train wreck of a person. I hope you know how much I appreciate you sticking around and being so encouraging while I have been in my feels. I didn’t mean to be so ungrateful to you. I’m going to keep on writing and posting for myself, but for YOU as well. Because you’ve been here for me and you support me and that means more to me than anything.
Thank you so much for this message. It truly was the last one that snapped me out of it.
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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Happily Ever After
This family has my entire heart. Thomas and Alex have been such a source of comfort and joy for me over the past few years. Writing them means the world to me. I adore them more than I can say. Then came Bogart, who is the cutest, most fun pup to write for. And finally, my precious twins, Felicity and Vincent, whom I share my birthday with. I love them so much!!! 🥺😭😍💛
I can't thank the beautiful and amazing @/artbyainna on Instagram enough for this stunning family portrait.
Birthday Art #6 of 6 for my self-care birthday week + "birthday" for @choicesmonthlychallenge
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Baby Hunt]
49 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Three years ago today, I decided to join this fandom and I am so glad I did!
I had reblogged things randomly from a non-choices blog and liked things on my personal account but I had never really interacted with anyone or participated in the fandom. When I was in elementary school, I definitely was writing fan fiction, but then as I got older people made me feel less because of it and I stopped writing. Then I found this fandom community and decided to take a risk and pick it back up again. I never expected anyone to read it!
I'm truly grateful to everyone who has ever read or supported my writing here or on any of my blogs. You will never know how much it means to me! Thank you!
So how does one celebrate? With more fan art, obviously! 😍😍😍
One thing I've loved to do is see how different artist bring Thomas and Alex to life and I couldn't be more excited with how this latest art came out!
This adorable chibi portrait is by arssel_land on Instagram 💛
Thank you again for all your love and support. You (and HAlex) have helped me survive the last 3 years on this crazy planet and for that I am eternally grateful! 💖💖💖
50 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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The Best Kind of Distraction 💋
This gorgeous portrait of my forever OTP Thomas and Alex is by the always wonderful and talented @rosefuckinggenius!
I had a short drabble planned to go with it, but seeing as @choicesrcd2022 ends now-ish, I decided I should at least share the art. I'm hoping I can get time to write out the drabble tomorrow. 🤞
Prompts: @choicesdecember2022 kiss, @choicesrcd2022 distraction, @choicesholidays I’m so glad we found each other (always & forever)
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
50 notes - Posted December 10, 2022
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Thomas and Alex Hunt 💖💙
by @/hrhschreave on Instagram 
A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to win a commission from Amara in @/austie_romance 's 1,000 Follower giveaway. I am absolutely blown away by the talent and generosity of both of these lovely ladies. I can't thank them enough for making this portrait possible!
Prompts: one more (kiss) @choicesmonthlychallenge
[Masterlists: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer]
52 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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"Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches...I have stayed these years in my hovel because of you. I have taught myself languages because of you. I have made my body strong because I thought you might be pleased by a strong body. I have lived my life with only the prayer that some sudden dawn you might glance in my direction. I have not known a moment in years when the sight of you did not send my heart careening against my rib cage. I have not known a night when your visage did not accompany me to sleep. There has not been a morning when you did not flutter behind my waking eyelids." ~The Princess Bride, William Goldman
Thomas and Alex enjoying a quiet afternoon rereading one of their favorite stories.
I can't even explain how much I am in love with them and this art. Ainna (@/artbyainna IG) is literally the most beautiful genius and never fails to impress . I will be here crying over this for a while. It is everything I hoped and more. Thomas and Alex's love is infinite, they spend everyday choosing each other no matter how good or bad things are and I will always chose them. They are my comfort pairing and my happy place. I will never get enough of them or their love.
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Halex Commission tag]
62 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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firsttarotreader · 11 months
I just wanted to drop you a quick message to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I only recently discovered it and I spent the last days reading a lot (I didn’t get that far because there’s so much content but it was a delight)! I used to avoid any gossip about his private life like the plaque because so many people keep pushing *that one* narrative and it really irked me because I kept reading and listening to Pedros interviews and always thought he said completely different things than what they were spreading about him. I ended up blocking so many accounts that my follow list is tiny now. I’m so glad I found your blog and I totally agree with everything you post. Finally some sanity around here and some healthy analysis. I learned a lot about Pedro through your blog and it all makes so much more sense. It’s such a shame those gossipers are so loud and everywhere on the internet. They keep pushing their narrative like it’s the only true thing and they have all the facts. Now that I know who they all are (and learning that they actually just are a handful of people with multiple accounts) I will even more actively avoid them or call them out. Thank you for all the work you put into this blog. I guess I’ll be a frequent visitor from now on! 💕
😭😭😭😭 Thank you SO MUCH for reaching out, for the love and support! Welcome and I hope this blog can continue to feel like a pleasant and comfortable place for you to come back to! 🥹🥹💖💖💖💖🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 My heart is warm with joy!!
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hargrove · 2 years
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I’m finally back in the States after an AMAZING time with the volunteer program with the great white sharks of South Africa. I have many drafts to get through, but weirder than that, I have to sift through which of those replies are with people who still want to interact and who doesn’t. it was a crazy two weeks in the rpc, y’all! Honestly, I’m kinda glad I was only able to half pay attention.
under the cut, I’m going to give my final statement on things and the current state of this blog going forward. this is not a reaction to anything new happening, but rather because I’m finally home and can assess, and now I’m a bit fired up again. but for everyone who’s (understandably over it), you can scroll past the cut.
the bottom line is, I’m not changing a thing here. I literally did nothing wrong, and since a vast majority of those who interact with me know that, I don’t feel the need to switch up things now. I completely understand why many felt the need to leave their single muse blogs or tumblr completely, and it’s a completely valid response. I, however, love this muse and this account too much to give in to the whims of a handful of crazies.
I heard some people mention making the line in their rules about not tolerating racism or homophobia bold so as to stand out, but honestly, I don’t feel the need. it’s in my rules, it’s on my blog, and it’s even in my freaking pinned post. if people want to just assume I’m down with those things without even talking to me, then that’s on their illiterate ass, not mine.
I will also not be blocking or softblocking anyone. I am aware that multiple people who have liked or reblogged the call out still follow me (and some even still interact) but that’s for them to decide what’s up. even the person who posted that callout follows me (which honestly, I find hilariously ironic, but that’s a whole different story), and I think that’s perfectly fine. why? I have nothing to hide!
that call out post was comprised of random screenshots that were taken wildly out of context. there was no actual research that went into it at all, and many of those conversations were over a month old. I don’t know why someone decided to post them to talk shit now, and without anything to back them up, but that’s on them.
so yeah, once I acclimate to the time change again and get back in the swing of things, your regularly scheduled programming for this asshole will continue! 」
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Oli White's Secret
Everyone on tumblr knows that certain celebrities make anonymous tumblr accounts for personal use and to occasionally stalk their fans...and if you didn't know that already, you were about to find out.
You - Could my customers be any ruder?!?
You had finally finished your shift and gotten home from work and tumblr messaged the one person you were always looking forward to talking to. Working as a Barista in a coffee shop should be a job where you get to make people's days better, but you usually just ended up getting yelled at by uncaffeinated grumpy people.
Them (Oli) - Aww, I wish I was there to make your day better.
You - Don't worry, you always make my day better. Even though we live like 8 time zones apart.
Them (Oli) - Glad to hear it. I'd ask you about your day, but I'm assuming that wouldn't help your mood, lol.
You - Haha, you'd be correct. Though, it is Monday so I get to YouTube binge for a bit. I think Jack's new video has Oli and James in it and Oli has a video with Jack and Conor in it!! Double Oli videos today!
Them (Oli) -Go ahead, attend to your fangirling. I'm going to hop in the shower. I should be back by the time you're finished stalking British youtubers.
You - I feel so attacked. It's not like I'm you and actually live in the same city as them! Haha, I have to get my fix from afar!
Them (Oli) -Don't worry. I'm not judging your for your addiction. Enjoy your videos.
Oli didn't start his personal tumblr to stalk fans. The opposite, actually. He liked having a personal page where he followed blogs about writing and blogs about his favorite movies and bands. He wanted a space where he could be himself without actually being himself. He had found your tumblr because you often answered anon's asking for advice. It was more than half of what you posted. Oli had read through over 200 of the asks/replies on your page and had kind of instantly fallen in love with you. You were kind and smart and encouraging and so he messaged you telling you that he loved your page. You guys actually hit it off and now you talk almost every day.
You - I know I say this every time they're in a video together, but Oli and James have the cutest relationship. You - Like, he's going to make a great dad. You - I just know it. You - OMG hurry up! I'm out of videos!
Them (Oli)- You're obsessed.
You - Finally! You - And no I'm not! Youtube is my escape from my normal boring life.
Them (Oli) - I'm pretty sure you're obsessed.Them (Oli) - Plus, you aren't boring. Talking to you is the highlight of my day.
You - Actually, you are too. You - I'm so used to having people come to me for advice that I didn't really have anyone to go to before I met you.
Them (Oli) - Well I'm honored. I can only hope that my advice is half as good as yours.
Like most nights, you talked for about an hour. It was getting quite late in London, but Oli usually stayed up to talk. It had been almost a year since you guys became such close friends, but it had been almost 4 months since you had told him about your obsession with British youtuber Oli White and he had figured out that he now had a huge secret.
Them (Oli) - I think I'm going to fall asleep soon, love. I have to get up early tomorrow.
You - Of course, sorry I kept you up so late. You - OMG I almost forgot! I won tickets to Summer in The City and I think I have enough miles built up to buy a flight! You - Are you going??
Oli sat on his bed completely speechless. What was he going to do? He would have to lie and say he couldn't go or fess up and tell you that he was, in fact, the person you were hoping to meet.
Them (Oli) - I'm pretty sure I'm going.
You - You mean we might actually get to meet!?
Deciding he couldn't lie, he vowed to find a way to tell you soon.
Them (Oli) - Yes! I can't wait, actually. I hope I don't disappoint you. It's always weird meeting people you've never actually seen in person.
You - There's no way I'll be disappointed. I can't wait. Now get some sleep, buddy. <3 Talk to you tomorrow!
Them (Oli) - <3 Later, love.
It was worth the money, even if your miles didn't cover your plane ticket. You decided to book your flight and hotel room tonight. Confirming that both were good to go, you clicked back over to tumblr.
*Tumblr post* SUMMER IN THE CITY
Hey people, Y/n here! I have good news! *insert drum roll* I won tickets to Summer in The City! I cannot wait to visit London and meet a few youtubers. I know a few of you guys are going too, so make sure to message me so we can meet up! In case you guys are going to be there and want to find me, I'm adding a picture to the bottom of this post :) Don't judge me for my lack of make-up, I got home from work and got as comfy as possible. *post end*
Oli woke up the next morning and like most people, immediately checked social media. Nothing caught his attention until he opened tumblr and saw that you had actually posted a picture of yourself. Something you had never done before. And he couldn't believe the completely anonymous person he had fallen in love with was so beautiful. He was both excited and terrified at the same time. How was he going to tell you who he actually was?
He decided to send you an anonymous ask, asking for advice. You were who he went to for advice, so why not?
He waited all day for your response, checking his phone whenever he could get a second.
Anon : Hello, lovely. I am in a bit of a predicament. I am in love. I know the person I love at least likes me because she's told me that she does. I know, I know...what a problem to have. Here's the thing...She doesn't know I'm actually me. We met online, but I'm afraid that if she finds out that I've hidden this from her...Well I'm afraid she'll be mad and that she won't forgive me. I don't know what to do. Being able to actually be with her is worth the risk that she'll be mad, but thinking about losing her friendship because I messed up is killing me. This probably didn't make any sense. Hope you can help.
You had read this over and over. Words of encouragement usually came to you with no effort, but this one had you stuck.
You : Dear anon, This one is quite a doozy, isnt it?I always respond from the heart, so this will be no different. If I were you, I would prepare for them to be upset. Trust is a big deal and I think it would be totally understandable for them to be upset. On the other hand, if you already know they like you, then take the risk. Love is worth the risk. I'm sorry I haven't been much help. I wish you all the best. <3
Oli sat there reading your response over and over again. He was out to lunch with Joe and it was obvious he was distracted.
"Mate, what has you so upset?" Joe asked, concerned for his friend.
"It's nothing. " Oli replied, putting his phone down. "Gotta love girl problems."
"Oi, you've got girl problems? Share, buddy." Joe teased Oli.
Oli hesitated. "No, it's fine." He tried to act normal hoping Joe would stop asking, but when he looked up he was met with Joe's stare and raised eyebrows. "Fine. Dammit. I've been talking to a girl online but she doesn't know she's talking to me. We've been friends on tumblr for a year and I know that she likes Oli, she just doesnt know Oli is me. I'm pathetic and I messed up and now she's coming to SITC and she wants to meet me, but she also wants to meet Oli and I don't know what to do. I'm going to lose a great friend and miss out on love all in one fell swoop." Oli let his head fall.
"Damn." was all Joe said.
"Really? That's all you have to offer?" Oli asked, annoyed. "I bloody spill my guts and I get a 'damn.'"
"Hold on, you Randy. I'm just taking it all in. Don't lose your trousers." Joe reassured Oli. "What do you plan on doing?"
"I have to tell her. I just don't know if I do it online or when she's here." He replied.
"Mate, if you spring this on her when she's here she's going to flip. You have to tell her Asap. Give her time to process." Joe urged.
"I know, I know. I'll catch you later, buddy. I've got to try to fix this." Oli started walking back to his flat.
He sat there for over an hour trying to perfect his message.
Them (Oli) - I'm going to start this message with the words I love you and I'm sorry. I feel like I've broken your trust and I will do anything to make it right. My name is Oli White, I have a little brother named James, I have a few youtube channels, and I started this tumblr account to get away from being Oli White. I met you here on tumblr and I couldn't have been happier. It wasn't until a few months ago that I even knew you knew who Oli White was. I should have fessed up right then and there, but I was afraid I'd lose you as a friend and I didn't want to risk it. I don't even know how to start making this up to you. I want you to come to Summer in The City and I want to meet you because you've become one of my best friends and I'm pretty sure I've fallen completely in love with you. Please, please believe that I never meant to deceive you. I really hope you still come.
You sat staring at your computer screen, not knowing what to believe. If your friend was pranking you and actually thought this was funny, they weren't who you thought they were. If this really was Oli White and he let you fangirl to him about himself, you didn't know if you could ever face him. You didn't know if you were more angry or embarrassed.
You were leaving for SITC in two days and decided not to reply to the message at all. He knew what you looked like and he knew your name. If Oli or whoever you had become friends with wanted to talk to you, they could do it in person.
Oli was over at Joe's house helping him prepare for SITC and Joe could tell that he was still moping around. "Mate, she still hasn't replied?" He asked in a sympathetic voice.
"Nope. Not a single message. The only posts on her page are her responses to anons. She even deleted the one I sent. I really hope she's still coming. I have to be able to make it up to her." Oli replied.
"If she doesn't show up at your meet and greet, you should maybe plan a little speech or something for your panel. I've read some of the messages. She's either embarrassed or she doesn't believe you." Joe said.
"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I had told her right away." Oli sounded defeated.
You had stayed off of tumblr, for the most part, but you had noticed that Oli had tweeted multiple tweets sounding bummed out.*Why does your heart make you do stupid things?**Hey guys, no new video today. I'll make sure to post something soon.**Does anyone really want me to vlog SITC?* He just sounded very....not Oli. You wondered if it really was him that you had been talking to. Were you the reason Oli was in a funk?
Having just checked into your hotel, you pulled up your tumblr posting an update to your followers.
Hey guys, I MADE IT!!!
I'm heading straight out to mingle with everyone, so if anyone wants to meet up I'll be wearing the below outfit. Don't be shy! I can't wait to make friends. *END POST*
Oli saw your post and cheered, scaring everyone in the room with him. "YES! SHE CAME!"
"That's what she said." Jack joked, giving Oli a weird look.
"Wait, her? Like, HER her?" Joe asked.
"Indeed. Maybe I can win her back. " Oli replied, smiling for the first time in a few days.
You didn't go to Oli White's meet and greet. You couldn't get over being embarrassed every time you thought about everything you had messaged your online friend. You decided you could still hide in the audience for his panel, though.
"Everybody welcome Oli White to the stage!" the host announced.
"Hey guys! It's nice to see you all." Oli grabbed a mic and spoke, sitting down on the couch on stage.
"And we're glad to see you, Oli. How are you?" The host kept the interview going, occasionally bringing other youtubers on stage for games and challenges.
His interview was coming to an end and you felt really dumb. Oli seemed fine. Whoever you had been talking to online must have pranked you. It obviously wasn't Oli. You were even more upset that you had skipped his meet and greet.
"Anything else you want to add before we say goodbye?" The host asked Oli.
Oli's whole demeanor changed. He all of a sudden looked very nervous. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Actually, yes. I, umm. I have a confession."
"Oooh, spill." the host encouraged.
Oli stood and adjusted his clothes nervously. "Last year I met a wonderful person online. They were smart and witty and funny and kind and, um...Oh, god. I'm shaking. They basically became one of my best friends. I never told them who I was until about a week ago and I know that she's upset that I kind of lied. I didn't mean to be dishonest, I just didn't know how to tell her. I know that she's here this weekend and I hope that she's here in this room. Y/n, are you here?" the audience audibly gasped and started looking around for someone to stand up or reply.
You were shocked. You couldn't process what was happening. With eyes wide and your hand over your mouth, you slowly rose to your feet. Everyone's eyes were on you, when you heard the host speak.
"Is that your girl?" The host asked Oli.
Oli had a huge grin on his face. "That's her. Can you come up here?" Oli asked. "Please?"
Dropping your bag in your seat, you made your way to the stage. Oli speaking as you walked.
"This beautiful girl has let me vent and complain and obsess and never once did she make me feel bad about it. She always encouraged me and was patient with me." You finally reached the stage and he grabbed your hand and faced you. "She is perfect and I pray to God she forgives me." Oli put the mic back in the mic stand so you two could speak without the audience hearing you.
"Please tell me I can make it up to you?" Oli begged.
"You silly boy. Why didn't you just tell me it was you?" you had tears trying to escape your eyes, but you also had a big smile on your face.
"I don't know, love. I was scared and I messed up. Do I get another chance?" he asked, wiping away a few tears that had made their way down your cheek.
"I think I could give you another chance." you laughed, remembering you were on stage in front of a few thousand people.
"Don't pay them any mind, love. One more question?" Oli asked, looking straight into your eyes.
"Only one, and then we can stop being awkward in front of strangers." you teased. "Can I kiss you?" he placed his hand on your cheek, his cheeks turning bright red.
"I think that would be okay." you replied.
The whole audience stayed silent, gasping as Oli leaned in and captured your lips. That is, until Joe Sugg and the boys cheered from the back of the room "Yeah, Oli! Woooo!" and then the entire room joined in cheering.
"I've never had a panel end quite like that." The host added, joining in on the cheering.
You and Oli made your way back stage. "I'm so glad you showed up." Oli told you.
"Me too." you replied, leaning up to kiss Oli again.
You couldn't wait to log back into your tumblr and tell the story of your SITC adventure.
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