#I’m sorry about the dust!
kipkiphoorayy · 6 months
i think showing loser, baby or that one bar scene from the finale to a pilot era huskerdust shipper would be like showing a victorian child bluetooth or something
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God Strahd you’ve had 500 years to become a wizard and you couldn’t have fixed your windows? Mending is a cantrip you dolt.
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yourlocalabomination · 9 months
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust.
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percyposting · 5 months
I think a lot about the Ministry and how it works as such a psychological horror. To me at least. When I think about it through Percy’s eyes during the war, it’s definitely horror. With murderers running the departments, people going missing everyday, thousands of arrests being made in such a short amount of time. The fear of it hanging over his head, that one misstep might land him in Azkaban. Maybe people he worked closely with would go missing and he’d just have to move on.
I also think about what it’s like for him to be so close to the Ministers, specifically Scrimgeour and Thicknesse. I find those two very interesting as characters. Scrimgeour is a hypocrite, and he’s not even a very good Minister, but he does die for the good of the people, for Harry and for Dumbledore’s cause. I like to imagine what it was like for Percy to work for him. To know him, then one day he “disappears” and then the next day there’s a new man at the head, Pius, who Percy is just suddenly working for as well. I’ve always found it interesting that each Minister kept Percy on. I know both Fudge and Scrimgeour did it to spy on the Weasleys and possibly Dumbledore and Harry by connection, which was always so futile and silly and showed how desperate they both were because Percy wouldn’t even speak a word of for to his family. But they kept him for that purpose. But then he’s kept with Thicknesse as well. Is this to keep spying? Or is it not to raise suspicion about their silent coup? I don’t think it’s either of these because I firstly, the Death Eaters had different means of spying on the Weasleys. They would track their every move. They didn’t need him. So this is an obvious no to me. And in regard to keeping suspicions low, I feel there’s nothing suspicious about changing staff for a new head of government. It’s normal, even for wizards, I’m sure.
So then why was he kept on? I honestly don’t know. Maybe I’m bad at analyzing this, but some reasons I can think of would be a way to trap him without imprisoning him. They keep him stuck under an imperiused Minister and keep an eye on him. Maybe they’re waiting for him to slip up.
I don’t believe for a second the idea they keep him on because they see any actual value in him. Even if Percy denounced his family on every level, they would still see him as a blood traitor and a Weasley. I don’t think that he’d be the exception when it comes to their suspicion about the Weasleys. One of the biggest flaws the Death Eaters/blood purists have is that they assign a label to those they deem lesser then never view them as anything other than that label. Percy is a Weasley, and to be a Weasley is to be a blood traitor. No amount of personal denouncing will change that, in my opinion! So I don’t think they keep him on because they feel he’s chill, or something. I think it’s more of a, we keep you here, we keep an eye on you, kind of thing. They put him in the perfect position to be tracked and studied and they wait for him to slip up so they can imprison him as a traitor.
That leads me back to the whole psychological horror element. All of this feels like horror to me. Percy talks about trying to avoid imprisonment at the end of Deathly Hallows but I feel the truth is he was imprisoned. In the Ministry. I can’t imagine what it was like to serve under a Minister you must know is being controlled — I always liked and subscribed to the idea that Percy knew Thicknesse wasn’t himself. Does this make sense in terms of how he acts towards him at the end of Deathly Hallows? No! But I believe it anyway.
After all this thinking, it makes sense for one to come to the conclusion that Percy would never return to the Ministry again. There will always be something haunted about it to him. After Scrimgeour, especially. All it would be is a graveyard.
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grelleswife · 1 year
*grasping my fellow like-minded Kuro fans by the shoulders* Listen to me, comrades…we are NOT going to tolerate attempts to make The Cursed Ship popular and widely-accepted on this platform again, or misgendering of our lady Grelle Sutcliff, or sliding backwards into the mire of fandom toxicity, in the wake of this new anime announcement. We 🔥 are 🔥 not. 🔥
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ohdorothea · 4 months
this is so petty but it’s the era’s shows in Edinburgh next weekend and I am going to be sooooooooooo bitter about it
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mrbigpepperoninipples · 6 months
Just another painful night
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He’s had a bad day maybe tomorrow will be better
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fumifooms · 6 months
What do you think of Lamari (Laios and Namari)? Both as a ship and the relationship between the two.
I don’t like it sorry broski 😔 Seeing them interacting in ep 9 again made me see the appeal more, it’s cute how they interact, how they trust each other’s abilities and judgement! But ship wise…… I can’t. I’ve been seeing cute fanart of them around though, and I know a few people on discord that like them too. Like hmmm I guess I can see the appeal in the dynamic even if it doesn’t grab me but I can’t form a narrative for them… Usually I need both to truly get into a ship, a dynamic I find fun or interesting + some sort of progression and impact it’d leave on the characters, I don’t really see the character/relationship arc that’d happen, or at least not one eventful enough for me. When it comes to how I think their relationship is during canon, I see it as being professional and hinting at maybe friends, a neutral rather than negative thing mind you.
With Laios, well I’ve spoken about his character and arc before a bunch, but with Namari the part that interests me most is the whole exile thing, how she works hard to fit in both with keeping a good work reputation and shaving, for example, and how she’s not all that good with it because of presumably her bold personality... Because of this and more, and spoilers but I’ve planning on making a rarepair post about it for a while, I like shipping her with Toshiro mainly. I think that she balances out his doormat tendency but his cool attitude would be soothing and grounding and- Well gdbdgdg you see how it is. And to a certain extent I can see why people would want to apply the same logic to lamari, but… I don’t even think Namari and Laios would be able to bond over both being foreigners much tbh, I feel like Laios would sort of remain an odd mystery to her and though they could connect in a weird roundabout way I don’t think they’d exactly understand each other— and see this is the part of lamari appeal I get, the sort of tentative tension of "oh you actually respect me. That feels… Rare. And nice." Thouuugh like I was saying to be fair, it’s true Laios also tries and fails to fit in so that could be an interesting angle to go at it with. I think Namari wants stability and I just don’t really think it complements Laios well. I think trust’s the most important thing with Laios so on his side him liking her enough to be interested or open to a relationship I could see, though in a kinda mild and dry way imo… Like with Laios especially when defining how he and someone fall in love, there are sort of two modes right, and of course these coexist to some degree, but there’s Laios being his partner’s silly goober, and there’s Laios being very mature, more of his subdued stoic but composed self, all king-like, the more like connecting through meaningful conversations side. And idk how to put it into words but with lamari, I feel like Namari being paired with him doesn’t give a fresh spin on the former, and with the latter I feel like they’d always keep missing each other halfway communication wise, I don’t see them ever getting to that level where they deeply intuitively know and understand each other and how they work, maybe Laios -> Namari yes but Namari -> Laios I don’t see it, like I said I think it’d remain like, a mystery that nags at her and she might feel attracted if anything, but I can’t see them as more than casually dating idkk idk.
Namari has that fun ‘gets fired up about what odd things Laios is doing and reigns him back in’ dynamic but it’s something that literally so many other characters have too. I’m not knee deep into Namari yet so who knows maybe I have a wrong angle, but I did start giving her some thoughts bc I have a fic I have in mind for toshimari I wanna do. But yes it’s cute how protective she can get even if it’s shouty or tough love, like how she looks out for Laios’ equipment and for him not to get scammed, or brings in Toshiro here in the convo because she doesn’t want Toshiro to do his conflict avoidance thing and not stand up for himself & stay in the party even if it sucks hah. That bold borderline rude protective personality of hers with that awkwardness with intimacy/non-professional relationships is what’s unique to her I think, but yeah the laios & namari duo strikes me as strangely distant yet strangely interested coworkers who exhange glances over the cashier desk but personally I can’t see myself doing anything with that.
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I’m not here to say it’s a bad ship or anything obviously! It just really doesn’t call to me personally and I don’t see stuff with them that I’d find interesting to analyze, if anything it’d involve the wider party a lot. I do want to make a masterpost on Laios’ career history and the old members of his party so I might analyze how Namari and he interact in those pre-canon comics idk. But yeahh like I find nothing to dig deeper at personally, you could make cute fics of them hinting at interest between the two, if Laios went to get drinks with her at a tavern etc etc, but all I see with them is just what canon straightforwardly showed us and I don’t get the urge to explore the possibility of them at all.
Sorry to disappoint, but yeah I won’t be a good source of lamari content or thoughts. I have wayy too many drafts I actually want to get out so I’ll be storing further Laios & Namari analysis for a big maybe, one day. I feel so bad I really hate to be negative at all and as a fellow rareshipper I send u my best wishes truly, good luck y’all deserve fellow stans and content. Feel free to leave pro-lamari arguments in the comments or reblogs if you want idm but preferably not asks (and just don’t be aggressive & don’t expect me to respond/react 🫶) like truly this post isn’t meant as a diss but anon asked me about my personal thoughts so… I love youuu lamaris hope y’all thrive 🙇🙇
Trying to think of crumbs and it’s true she blushed when she saw him in his cape at the end so y’all got that W. Namari having a thing for tallmen is so real
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Edit: oh she went with him for equipment shopping… Ok that’s cute
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lunarlivs · 8 months
beauty and the beast au with harry as belle and draco as the beast….<333
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saintxgerard · 2 years
“Gee has been up there and he has really been able to be himself”
It’s the fact that Gerard has been in the position to freely express himself that’s so beautiful. They have been able to do as they like, be his truest self in front of us all.
And it’s not only that, but that fact has been one of Frank’s favourite things about the tour. Like the sheer joy of seeing more or less your best friend be at his absolute best and being totally himself!!! We can only imagine what level of feelings that causes.
We don’t know what’s ever really going on with them, because we’re not them and we’ll never fully know probably. But this little insight really drives home the significance of everything we’ve seen so far and is another beautiful reminder of how much they all mean to one another.
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petrichorium · 1 year
stocking ripper…..SO TRUE i knew i forgot one hhhjsjskks
Jing Yuan and Diluc r for sure stocking rippers to me. Diluc has some dress zipper ripping in him (he gets impatient!!!) and Jing Yuan has def ruined a blouse or two (likes seeing ur tits spill out and likes getting a lil rough……) but…… smthn abt the way that stocking run goes up ur thigh and under ur skirt……… he is running a fingernail up that thin little line and making it Worse not even on purpose (okay yes on purpose in Jing Yuan’s case) but they’re just so easy to tear!
Also just……. Trying to be gentlemanly and help u out of them but oops there’s a hole now and well he just can’t help himself. Also also feet and worship and I’m sorry I won’t. Get into that it’s niche ik JDBCKSBDJ
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poorslaindoll · 8 months
Okay I was holding back on posting any hazbin theories but there’s an idea that’s been nagging at me a little and it involves Angel.
So like obviously it’s probably gonna just be a case of he’s not ascending to heaven bc of like… heaven being all "nuh uh" and the shitty hypocritical rules or whatever. But I think this other thing would be interesting.
What if Angel was a bad first choice to start off with for the whole redemption thing to begin with? I’m not saying that in like a derogatory way towards him bc obviously by episode 6 he’s shown how much he’s grown in the mystery 3-4 month timeskip or however long it was from episode 4 to episodes 5 and 6. Because think about it. He doesn’t actually own his soul. He can completely change and become a goddamn saint, but what if his soul can’t ascend because it’s trapped via the contract he’s under?
Like I said that’s probably not gonna be the case and it’ll be essentially just be "no he’s not good enough and he failed so he gets no second chance bluh bluh religious hypocrisy plot line bluh bluh" bc that’s the angle they’re going with in the show rn. But it would be interesting if that’s the final hurdle he has to overcome to prove that Charlie was right all along.
All of this to say they should totally go kill Valentino please I need them to do it I hate him so much he makes my skin crawl.
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I think lots of new artists make the mistake of thinking good art is down to the materials. Lord knows i thought the same when i was younger, but in actuality some of the best art i’ve seen was made with dollar store acrylics and paint brushes.
Don’t get me wrong, having access to high quality materials definitely helps elevate your craft, but it’s really not as important as a lot of people think. If you’re good at what you do, it’ll translate no matter what materials you’re using. Don’t stress so much about having the best or most expensive gear, focus on building skill, technique and conceptual knowledge.
Because if you can make good stuff with $2 paints, when you finally *can* upgrade to more expensive brands you’ll already be miles ahead of everyone else.
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snzluv3r · 10 months
this is fucked up but is it cockroaches
i post a lot of unserious things on here but this has to be the most ridiculous like it’s so fucked up
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cosmo-clown · 1 year
my friend actually came up with awesome phantom designs for a dust variant of sans called cinder!
I also can come up with some of my own...
either way I love your idea!
I have a lot of ideas for how i’d write my own phantoms i like to think the main hallucinations are papyrus, tori, and grillby to have a roundabout vibe of “brother, best friend, partner” since it doesnt make sense why people like undyne would hold the same emotional weight as say like, the inn shopkeeper in snowdin
toriel is an auditory hallucination with no tangible form that lurks behind doors and represents a fear of moving on (since canon dust doesnt even leave him timeline unless you literally imprison him without escape) he literally can’t move out of the room whenever she is “present” and she knocks on it and guilts him in a similar fashion to papyrus except its her tone of voice and she just wants him to “Come back, Sans,, You must protect us from my child,, You promised me,,,”
Grillby being a “comfort” to him as a partner i went on about this in another post but grillby turning on him and being an amplifier for the other hallucinations after denying him the comfort dust physically needs after being isolated in his timeline for so long.
i think he hallucinates intangible things too like the original post said, like he feels the snowdin snow and wind and the “level up” sound effects actually are sounds he hears when he’s committing the murders
i’m normal i havent been thinking about this for months what no never
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rolling around on the floor (literally)
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