#I’m sorry for the ooc post and being a downer
chronicparagon · 2 months
Irl update
[The storms are firing up and some super cells will move into my direction. There will be two waves with the first one now and the second wave through tonight.
As I said this morning, most of my state’s risk upgraded to moderate. I don’t think it upgraded to high again but a PDS watch has been issued. This is a rare kind of watch and aren’t issued unless an outbreak is possible.
I am watching it but if a tornado is approaching, I need to get animals move to safe rooms. I prepped as much as I could and slept as much as possible in case I need to keep watch all night. All I can do is watch, hope for the best, and act of the worst happens. I don’t have a cellar or basement but I have a few more interior rooms which are the safe rooms.
I’m sorry for so much ooc. I try very hard not to be despite the chaos going on my end as of late. I try to keep things supportive and positive. I’m not trying to scare anyone or cause worry. But I’ll be honest: I am scared. ]
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shotgunscn · 2 years
Hey there beans! It’s been a wacky few weeks for me and i FINALLY have time enough to spare to post something not mobile. You may have noticed an activity dip from me, both ooc and on tumblr ; this is for a small host of reasons. My boyfriend recently quit his job for a multitude of reasons the first being we weren’t able to see each other enough so with his opened schedule and my limited one alot of my time has gone to being with him. Outside of that i work a full time job so my free time is rather limited to begin with. On top of that my mother has been ... shall we say unsavory at best in the last few weeks causing massive anxiety spikes for me which of course rips any muse i might have right out of my hands. I’m hoping to have a little more time to write in the weeks coming but i unfortunately can’t guarantee anything. A week or two ago I commissioned icons for sam so waiting for those has been exciting and im hoping when they’re done i’ll have a burst of muse. i’m sorry for being so absent lately. I never want to be seen as any kind of burden or downer so i have a tendency to recoil into myself when things aren’t happy go lucky all the time <3 i hope you’re all well and rested, hydrated and happy! I miss you all and thank you for your continued support and love <3
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themaybewoman · 4 years
for the end of year writing asks— prime numbers from 0-20!
WOW that’s so many, you’re ambitious, mate! Okie doke, bro, buckle up
1. favourite fic you wrote this year
This year was probably my most successful in terms of content; I’m proud of so many fics! I have it narrowed down to two, can’t narrow any further: Forgive My Thoughts, Now and Misery Without Her. Both of them are fics for Psych (2006) and both deal with heavy themes of death. I’m soooo not a downer at parties! ;)
2. least favourite fic you wrote this year
I wrote a fic centring about Shawn Spencer being bi, buuuut i could have written it SO much better, especially since it felt a ooc in the beginning.
3. favourite line/scene you wrote this year
Written for “A Garden to Tend” – IM3 fix-it for that scene, you know the one:
“Don’t go breaking down on me, Potts,” Tony quipped, to which she hung her head and chuckled. “I still need you.”
“And I, you,” she said. In her periphery, she caught his gaze. Propelled by a sudden, red desire, she reached her neck towards him and pressed a kiss to his temple. She dropped her head to his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Tony."
And then in “50 Ways to Leave Your Father” – Psych pre-series:
If only someone told him right then and there to get used to it; ‘You’re starting the search for a better home, this ain't gonna be easy; you'll be searching in a million different places.’
Instead, he just felt lost.
And a little hungry.
5. most popular fic this year
At Two In The Afternoon, a post-Endgame fic where Peter is struggling through a panic attack at school and Tony breaks out the ol’ suit to help his spider-son back to comfort.
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year
In Every Life, an MCU fic that’s vaguely canon-divergent but the point at which canon diverges is left ambiguous because... who knows? I wrote this for a forum competition spanning the month of January, and the fic itself is great! I like to think! ...except the ending. I just had NO clue how to end it, so I just wrote the first thing that came to my mind and ughhhhhhhh I ruined everything.
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year
Psych and Iron Man were my top fandoms this year. Psych beat out the MCU for most enjoyable A) because I’m still mad about the recent course of the latter fandom, and B) I have this fantastic community supporting anything Psych-related I do. Give it up for the Psych discord, woot woot!
13. favourite writing song/artist/album of the year
According to Spotify, it’s specifically the song “Coffee” by beabadoobee.
However, the most played artist during my writing sprees is probably Alexi Murdoch (followed up swiftly by Cavetown).
17. fics you’ll continue next year
Kicking Myself, a Psych fic about my OC, Vivi Spencer-O’Hara (and inspired by Bad Things Happen Bingo).
David’s Disco, a Supernatural series about my OC, David Parsons (and inspired by his compiled playlist on Spotify; he loves disco).
50 Ways To Leave Your Father, a Psych fic about Shawn Spencer’s pre-series days, on the run and trying to figure himself the frick out.
Misery Without Her, yet another Psych fic. I touched upon it above. It’s about Shawn Spencer coping after the sudden, tragic death of his wife and how he manages the duties of a single father. I’m most excited about furthering this one. Huh... is that bad? XD
19. any new fics to start next year
I just conceptualised my “Juliet is Superwoman and Shawn is the photographer that’s in love with both sides of her” fic, so I hope I can post that starting January next year. I’d probably be doing a bi-monthly update schedule for all my fics.
I’d also love to start writing my Pepperony AU based off the album “A Hard Day’s Night” by The Beatles.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
My Pepperony Mafia AU D: I got SO excited for it and then just... never did anything beyond drafting the entire plan. In this one, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark are teenagers. Tony’s father is the most notorious mob boss of the city, and Pepper’s father is a police detective).
29. shortest fic you read this year
Hmm, I read a lot of fics this year (not as much as I feel like I should have, but whatcha gonna do when you don’t have the time?). Shortest was probablyyyy those Psych whumptober drabbles my friend wrote and psoted on her blog @tinseltrixie​. Honestly, if you love Psych (and Call the Midwife) materials, go check her out and give her a lot of love!
Thank you for the ask, friend!
fanfic end of the year asks (can be found here)
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Anyway, now that that's cleaned up. Honestly I'm gonna be real.
If you've ever liked badass Erina who can fend for herself or have wondered why I did it. Congrats. You can find out now: Someone triggered me once and I spitefully made her the biggest fighter of a muse to push back. Dio is redeemed bcuz it was my original idea and also since I was continuously told he's evil when he was always intended to be neutral. And I personally feel I give Jonathan more fucking justice than being depressed isolation starving himself and not taking care of himself and not working on that ever and it being seen as the "best scenario" instead of you know. Gaining actual coping mechanisms. Or all the fucking Dio descended JoJos being blandly "evil" with no actual motivations.
Aka this is why I hate remembering early Fateswap. That and being treated like I don't understand characters solely bcuz I make jokes and enjoy Dio as a character. There's more to my creative process than haha funny, and I'm so SICK of people continuing to think that how I make AUs is apparently how I perceive canon Dio or smth and that I'm a Stan and thus don't know how to actually examine characters. Especially when I put sooooo much thought into this shit. This au is probably my most developed AU since my middle school Sonic AU and that is Saying Something.
Anyway sorry for the probably a downer of an ooc post, but I'm tired of being quiet. I'm tired of people enjoying the work and company of someone who hurt me so much and I hate feeling like ppl are ignoring me reclaiming something that was used against me for an older, hollower take on the concept. I swear I'll get back to silly shit shortly but I NEED to speak up Abt this I think.
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varae-ver-you-are · 4 years
@ooc-tau replied to your post “I’m sorry I’m not that great at editing screenshots. I really wish I...”
I love your edits too, I just personally very rarely speak up anywhere about anything. And anxiety screams at me that I'd be being selfish if I ever took you up on one of your free edit offers. I've been following you y e a r s, since before you swapped from wow to final, and you've gotten a lot better over time and I've loved being able to watch you progress too.
Thank you Tau. ♥ Thank you everyone who has given me kind words of inspiration. I was just having a small downer last night. I told myself I need to stop comparing myself to others and I guess I forgot that. 
I’ll come back with something incredible. ♥
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0ccuria · 5 years
What're your thoughts on how Maya and Zer0 were handled in BL3? Both in the sense of theur individual plots and the whole 'despite being best friends they never talk to each other directly' thing. I've really wanted to hear how you felt on that in specific!
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whew boy this is such a loaded ask ngl lol. so I’ll give a loaded answer. sorry if I forget some details etc.. I can’t possibly remember everything
fair warning, SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. like big huge spoilers. 
I’m so torn because these two are obviously my fave BL2 VH’s. Or just overall, really. Maya and Zer0 are held so dear and near to my heart whether they’re together or by themselves. So I was really nervous, but excited how they’d be handled.
One one hand, I really do love what they did for Zer0. It’s exactly how I’ve always imagined them, give or take a few things. There is so much positive character growth. They aren’t such a loner anymore. Being around people isn’t just tolerated.. “part of the job” etc, but it is welcomed now. They chose to be around such dorkwads that they proudly refer to as friends. This was kind of shown in TFTBL as well. They were serious about “doing things again” after Ep 5.
They are just as much of a dork as the others. They like watching sitcoms when no one is watching, they tell stupid jokes and puns, we even hear them mess up their haiku because they, too, get flustered in front of beautiful people. They just have this playful aura about them underneath all that edge that really got to shine through in 3 because now they are their own person. Not just a playable character with some funny dialogue.
They honestly had me in the first half when Zer0 went missing, and Katagawa taunting that they had joined him. I was scared that it was true mostly because…. I knew that wasn’t Zer0. They wouldn’t do that, even if they missed assassinations etc. I was scared the writers were going totally OOC. But I was extremely relieved when we were proven wrong.
Witnessing Zer0 in action had me fucking dead tho. It was sort of an out of body experience because I’ve mained Zer0 for soooo long. Seeing them slice open them doors was just… 👌👌
I’m veeeery curious to see if that line they ask about how Katagawa obtaining a copy of their suit is answered in the future because uhhhh… wtf do they mean by that?
Now.. Maya….. 😤 firstly, I also love her development. She chose to go back to the place that initially used her because of her powers. She saw that they needed help and took it upon her self to carry that responsibility, as well as Ava later on. She only wants the best for her people and Ava, even if it means being a bit of a “debbie-downer” about it sometimes. She eventually kinda became the thing she rebelled against, but she still knew how to have fun. Of course she’d ride on the back of a tactical and take down another vault monster, she is ALL about that hype. She never lost that edge.
But man… I am… SO.. fucking disappointed. Angry. Disgusted at they way she was treated. I had written a post about it a little while ago but I’ll kinda reiterate here. I really don’t know what the writers were thinking. How any of what happened was approved. It makes… NO sense at all.
Maya, the one siren that actually studied, read, and eventually taught ancient techniques, the one siren who even remotely called “Nyriad” by name, even if not aware of who that was, the siren who had the power to literally hold anyone or thing in the air and flail them around…
..is the one that gets the most embarrassing, degrading death.
She’s not given any ounce of dignity. She’s just thrown out like used tissue paper, while Lilith and Tannis both get some heavy plot armor and are allowed to be rescued and have a heroic death(so we think as of now)
And then, to make it even worse, the twins are just CONSTANTLY reminding us about it. Troy’s stupid meme video of her dying playing in various spots, and then he somehow gets to use all of these powers that Maya apparently had but we never really got to see??? How convenient for him that he JUST THEN discovered that he TOO can suck the powers out of others???? It just so happened to be Maya so that his plot could develop.
It was honestly heartbreaking to see her powers used against us in such a way. I don’t think I’ve ever felt what I did in BL3 with any other game.
I would have been okay with her dying if she had gotten a heroic death, or just one that made sense. I was expecting it ever since the trailers. I was hoping she’d get to use her powers to their full potential in order to help take down the twins, along with Lilith and Tannis. But nah.. she’s shafted like a quarter into the game.
No (real, meaningful) memorial.
No statue.
Not even a grave or mention of her on Athenas.
And this is where I get disappointed about her interactions with Zer0, or visa versa. I’m not speaking of them as a “ship” here, either. Only in a general sense.
They don’t even stand near each other. They are never in the same room together. They don’t throw back witty one liners or reminisce Pandora to each other on the Echo. It’s like they were never even friends or worked together to begin with.
Here they are on the same planet after 7 or so years.. and they never bother to meet up even once???
Sure, Zer0 mentions to say hello to her and they will mention how they were the “deadliest team” and that “she deserved better” after her death, but that’s really it. That’s all we get.
You would think that BL2 being one of the most popular and played games ever, people would want to see the characters they’ve become so attached to interact with each other. Just like the BL1 crew got to.
It’s just bad my dude. Really bad. Everyone in general just feels SO… so disconnected.
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eddheadsfanblog · 7 years
A messy post of fixing up my OOC AU a bit for Edd, Tom, Matt and Tord. Yea I still care about my AU. For those who do too, underneath the ‘read all’ is just me changing up some things for all these guys, and hope to see what some of you think of the new changes I guess. ^^’
Original idea
OOCTord: Really gotta change this up a bit, honestly. He doesn’t have much of a character (which is why I have a MUCH harder time fitting him into this AU and thinking ideas for him), but that doesn’t mean that I can’t give him a good OOC trait. From what I got in the fandom and canon, is that Tord is reckless, cunning, careless, playful, mischievous, sly and ALL that. He can easily lie to his friends and get away with a lot things which makes Tord rather clever, and very untrusting.
Alright.. let’s see.. my old idea of OOCTord was that he’s a big crybaby scaredycat, but that doesn’t match very well to his original trait at all.. soo instead..
Mischievous opposite: Obedient, well behaved
Cunning opposite: innocent, ignorent, dull, kind,
Reckless opposite: cautious, timid, careful
Sly opposite: honest, unclever,
So what i’ve got so far is that I got Tord’s OOC all wrong soo.. I’m thinking he is a timid, clueless, slow type of guy in the AU. He’s obedient and stays out of trouble cause well he’s too cautious and scared to get into danger anyways. OOCTord probably isn’t the most clever and lies pretty badly, but that’s fine cause since he’s very careful of what he says and does, he’s honest, and dare I say.. trustworthy? That is all I got so far, and i’m a little satisfied and happy to finally make his OOC trait a little bit better than the original idea I was going for. But my only problem is.. what about the Red army, and the Red leader himself?… Is OOCTord even capable of leading an army? I don’t have an idea for that at all.. and what about his two partners Paul and Patryk?.. hmm..
OOCEdd: Alrighty, some people got a wrong assumption that OOCEdd is very mean and hurtful towards his friends. That isn’t true! Sure, he’s a got a “Fff you” face on him 24/7 but he doesn’t hurt his friends cause well he would be too lazy to. You see in this AU I think OOCEdd would originally be lazy, pessimistic, not caring for others and too laidback. But like I said, I’m gonna change OOCEdd a little bit. Here we go.
In the show, Edd is optimistic, carefree, playful, has a big sense of humour, can’t take things seriously, a bIG CUTE DORK, laidback, lazy, a leader, and of course he’s pretty kind to his friends. He has more of a personality and character than the others, and I think he deserves to have a good opposite character to him.
Optimistic opposite: pessimistic, gloomy, hopeless,
Carefree opposite: unhappy, worried, anxious
Lazy opposite: Caring, concerned,
Humor opposite: Seriousness, oppose
Alrighty okay well this is much more different (and also very depressing ehh) then how I originally had OOCEdd as.. soo of course we keep the pessimistic, but I feel if I change OOCEdd up, he’s gonna be a very sad guy. I don’t know if I should do that, but this IS OOC. He doesn’t have a good sense of humour, and takes things too seriously. Instead of his carefree self, OOCEdd is worried about things. He doesn’t have much excitement in him and shrugs everything off. He’s pessimistic, and an introvert and kind of a downer? Edd is kind of that person where people would say to him “Woww you must be the life of the party…” very sarcastically. Edd isn’t reliable and not a very good leader and is not always very sure of himself, which is why everyone depends on OOCMatt instead. 
Wowww that’s is much more different than my original idea, but for some reason I think it fits more? Hmm..
OOCMatt: Okay I made OOCMatt a little too depressed in this AU, and everyone’s got an assumption that Matt just really HATES himself and all that and is very sad and down all the time, and well I don’t wanna make this AU so darn depressing, all I wanna do is make a grey world of people with their opposite traits, and I kinda overdid Matt soo.. gonna change this up a little.
Soo in the show, Matt is unintelligent, vain, obviously narcissistic, selfish, only caring for himself, and all that. He shouldn’t be so hard to make him work in this AU, honestly, but I made OOCMatt too depressed soo.. here we go.
Unintelligent opposite: Clever, smart
Selfish opposite: Selfless, concerning for others, caring
Vain opposite: Reliable, useful, humble
Narcissist opposite: empathy, self-hate,
Alrighty that makes OOCMatt less depressing. So he can be that type of leader original Edd is in this AU instead. Watching out for others, being concerning and caring for his friends, and he’s very reliable, smart, and intelligent. Poor OOCMatt’s only problem is that he doesn’t care for himself more than others, he wouldn’t care if ANYTHINg happened to him at all. Aslong as he knows his friends are okay, everything is fine. Ohh boy, still somewhat depressing, but not as much as before I guess. And also since Matt is a messy type due to his collection messing up his room, OOCMatt can maybe be a neatfreak?…. maybe.
OOCTom: OKAYyy I can’t wait to see how different OOCTom will be different from my original idea ahah i’m having fun with this. Alright so my original idea was that OOCTom is a happy go lucky smiling carefree guy in this AU, very optimistic and all that. But let’s see what happens if I change it up a bit ohh boy.
Soo Tom in the show is pretty cold towards people, uncaring, unfazed about things happening around him cause well he don’t care about anything. Tom can only have fun when he causes destruction. But Tom is as goofy as his friends and can have fun with them of course. Tom usually makes others suffer just so he can reward himself and humiliate them and all that. Tom is rude to others, and is childish at times, and cares about nothing unless it benefits him. Alright let’s do this.
Destructive opposite: Gentle, harmless, good
Rude opposite: Kind, polite, peaceful
Careless opposite: Careful, responsible, caring
So I still want OOCTom to be friendly cause I think it just makes sense. Still somewhat the same as my original idea. OOCTom is caring, kind, gentle, and very helpful to his friends. That feels weird to see Tom that way, but that’s what makes it good I guess. So he’s responsible and helps his friends out in need when they need it, and unlike original Tom, OOCTom is always there for his friends alot. A friendly helpful carefree polite harmless guy.. EeEEhh..
And that’s all I got, sorry if this post is messy but this is a start of making this AU a little more better I hope. I still love making stuff this for this AU alot and I will make more for the other characters (already got Jon, Mark and Eduardo soo..)
Thanks for reading this messy post. I had loads of fun writing it all down.
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