#I’m very excited to the happy todofam one!!
sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Okay so since I’m going to my parents to watch their dog while they’re away tomorrow night I’m gonna bring my macbook there and get some writing done, somehow I always write more there???
…that also means I can self indulge and play sims tonight eheh
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
What are your thoughts on how Fuyumi and Touya's relationship is going to be when he reunites with them? I've seen several takes where people don't believe she wants to forgive him or how people want the todofam situation to be complicated and not have every sibling forgive Touya and accept him some people want that to be Fuyumi, but I don't really get it. They have already gone through so much I don't really want more issues for them.
Seeing as how Fuyumi is the most forgiving in the family, the one trying to hold everyone together despite their circumstances, the one so desperate for a family that it results in small moments of selfishness on her part—I’d say it’s really OOC for her to suddenly draw the line at Touya???
Idk who is saying they want that, idc though. Things are already complicated? There isn’t any reason to make it harder. Realistically—Touya would have a very very hard time adjusting and probably have a lot of rejection and abandonment issues and be too afraid to go back home at first. Realistically he wouldn’t even go home he’d go to an inpatient hospital of some sort for sure. However I’m personally not interested in going that direction and I hope it doesn’t (it might though since it was introduced with Rei, we’ll see). For the purposes of this fictional story, I’m pretty convinced he’s gonna go back home easy peasy though.
The hardest thing I foresee them dealing with is what to do about their father.
Fuyumi and Shouto don’t seem to want to exile their dad from their lives. Natsuo currently seems to want the situation handled before he even begins to consider the future. Rei I feel is in the same boat as Natsuo. Just, fix what’s happening now, future talk later.
Maybe it’s my impatience specifically with the Todofam plot being resolved, but I’m not really interested in it becoming more drawn out and dramatic than necessary? That’s just me though. Yes I want it to be compelling and challenging—but it literally ALREADY IS. It’s already one of the most challenging arcs in the story.
I’m also not interested in seeing the family suddenly turn on Touya and start blaming him. They haven’t done that yet, even now, so why would they suddenly do it once they have him back? That’s OOC for all of them, and that’s not the mindset we’ve been led to believe they have.
I’m a little tired of a lot of people’s todofam takes where they want it to be this thing that just overtakes everything else in the story by adding all these little unnecessary issues to it—like Fuyumi suddenly dropping her “forgiveness” M.O. when it comes to her abused older brother. Yeah….no. I’m not for it lol. That sounds kind of dumb. It’s a sub plot, a good one, an important one, but a sub plot. It can’t just take over the entire narrative for the sake of nitty gritty details, in my opinion at least. There’s more going on than just them.
All that to say I’d really just prefer we go to a happy ending. Yes, show that Touya is going to take time to adjust, as with all of the LOV. But don’t make the progress of the kids take a million steps back just for drama’s sake. Imo I wanna get to that happy ending asap.
As for their relationship, we didn’t see much. But it took at least 3-4 years before Touya and Natsuo started getting close after he was born (because baby no talk). So I assume Touya and Fuyumi WERE close in just a normal sibling way, and I just wanna see them immediately relax when they get the familiarity of having each other back. Like they hug and you just immediately see Touya relax.
Idk how it’ll look but I’m excited.
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haleigh-sloth · 4 years
What’s (hopefully) next for class 1A?
Alright. Needless to say I am very pleased with this chapter (two weeks in a row I am happy!!). 
So I honestly thought we had more stuff to do before we got to a point where we could call it “the beginning of the end”, but apparently Hori doesn’t wanna waste any time. He must be ready to retire....lol
I’ve seen a lot of posts about how people are shocked Midoriya could leave his classmates behind, and how they’re upset about how it’s not “My Hero ACADEMIA” anymore. Look, I know the high school stuff was cute and fun, but it was never that important. People are freaking out over whether Shinso will take Midoriya’s spot in class 1a. I’m sorry to say but I really don’t think any of that is going to be important again, at least until the VERY end when AFO is gone and life can go on. Idk, maybe I don’t give a shit about the high school stuff because I’m old and have been out of high school for several years...lol
I’ve seen theories that the series ISN’T actually gonna conclude soon, Hori is just gonna change the name to something that doesn’t have to do with school...? Look, I know it’s sad when stories end, but all good stories HAVE to end. If a really good story is drawn out for too long it becomes boring, and it becomes easy to lose interest in. This is a major turning point in the story, and it is the “beginning of the end”, which to me, I think is exciting. I’m ready for it to be over. Being a villain stan is a stressful gig. Lol. But don’t reject that the story is coming to an end! Celebrate! THE DISCOURSE CAN DIE FINALLY.
Moving on.
Midoriya leaving was surprising to me, but it’s a twist I like. Throughout the story there’s one thing that has HAD to happen, each and every time the class 1a kids seriously saved someone: 
the kids had to break the law/rules:
Saving Iida
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Saving Bakugo
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Saving Kota
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The only time Midoriya didn’t break the law saving someone, was when he saved Eri.
Why is this important to note? Well, I smell something illegal brewing in the story right now. First Midoriya leaves. He’s a child who just fought in a WAR, and has a huge target on his back. I’m sure authorities don’t want him running around Willy nilly. Not to mention it’s illegal to use your quirk unsupervised. So Midoriya is once again swimming against the current, I’d expect nothing less. Now I really really think that Bakugo, Shoto, and Uraraka are going to decide to go after Midoriya and join him on his journey. And I think it’s going to cause unrest and arguments within the class. Kinda how it did back then....
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What’s funny about this scene is that, Midoriya is now breaking the law to go save a villain, lol.
I 100% expect a repeat of this situation among the class. I doubt that Shoto, Bakugo, and Ochaco know Midoriya’s reasons, and I HIGHLY doubt they are aware of his new resolve to save Shigaraki, but I think they’ll go after him whether they understand his reasons or not. And after they catch up with him, that’s when the rest of them can catch on with saving their villainous counterparts.
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There is no going back, but this time it’s a good thing. There shouldn’t be any going back (because society needs to change).
I expect the rest of the students to try to convince them to stay behind, argue about it, etc., but in the end we know what they’re gonna do.
The only difficult part I see in this is Shoto’s role with his family. They have decided to stop Touya, and put that responsibility on E and Shoto. But with Hox and BJ on the scene, I think it’ll be easy for Shoto to dip out. I wouldn’t wanna be around that poisonous trio either. Shoto separating from E for the final arc creates an opportunity for conflict in the Todofam plot, which it needs to have if Shoto is going to save his brother, and E is going to make a sacrifice of some sort. 
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Shoto has a heroic heart, and I expect him to get back to those roots here soon.
It could definitely play out differently, I was super surprised by Midoriya’s choice to leave UA, although it makes perfect sense. But I really expect our four main class 1a students to rally together and go save the world.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Do you have any soft headcanons or things you hope to see once the main villian trio are saved? I really hope we get some soft bonding moments with the main hero students and their villains that they're going to save.
I'm not very creative with headcanons but things I hope to see once they're saved, I've thought of a few.
For one, with each Hero/Villain duo I'd really like to see some heart to heart happen.
Like for instance, the talk Shigaraki and Midoriya had in the mall--I'd like to see that recreated where they actually try to understand each other instead--rather than completely misread each other like they did that first time in the mall. I also want to see them like, be really good friends. I want to see them act like brothers almost. Mostly because Shigaraki doesn't have any family waiting for him and I think it would be really sweet and heart warming to see him form a strong relationship with the least expected person in the story. I'm super invested in this happening, if you can't tell by over half of my drawings lol.
This next part isn't a head canon either but more of something I just wanna see. Shigaraki feels for other people so I feel like he's generally just really considerate of others. Idk how I want this shown, maybe just in little behaviors. And even though on the surface it seems like he doesn't like being around other people, I think it's the opposite. I think he actually prefers to be in the company of others and idk how he's gonna act when he isn't constantly stressed and angry, but I'm excited to see how Horikoshi decides to write him.
Touya and Shouto--well the whole Todofam, I want all the sibings to live together and, in true adult-child fashion, drive Rei nuts lol. I want to see sibling behavior from all of them. Arguing, fighting, wreaking havoc, being each other's best friends. All of that.
But for Touya and Shouto specifically, I'd really like to see them be inseparable brothers. They NEVER got to know each other and I think once they do they'll be each other's best friend 🥺. Fuyumi has her job and Natsuo has school and a girlfriend and just the life of a 19 year old, so they'll kinda just have each other for the most part.
I’m curious to see how Touya will be once he’s not swallowed by his trauma too. Based on how he was as a little kid before his life went downhill he seemed pretty funny (the I’m getting old comment about his hair was hilarious), so I feel like he would have a sense of humor as an adult and I definitely wanna see it lol.
For Toga, I really don’t have anything beyond I want her, Tsuyu, and Ochacko to be bffs. Lol. Idk why but I think she deserves a little girl-friend group.
That’s all I have, I’m sorry I’m not more creative. There are definitely more creative people on here who could probably give you much better head canons than I can 😭 I only know the gist of what I hope to see in the end. Which is everybody happy.
Oh I guess my last think I hope to see is that after everything is said and done, the LOV, the four UA kids, and the Todofam are all friends and hang out and I wanna see them all go to the beach lol
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