#soo I should finish it and post tomorrow
sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Okay so since I’m going to my parents to watch their dog while they’re away tomorrow night I’m gonna bring my macbook there and get some writing done, somehow I always write more there???
…that also means I can self indulge and play sims tonight eheh
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annymation · 3 months
Hi Anny!! Got a writing prompt for ya!
So I’ve been seeing your little snippets of the KOW! Swapped AU between Star!Asha and Human!Aster, and they’re all soo cute X33
But now I’m wondering, what would the “At All Costs” scene look like? Or whatever song you swapped for AAC.
Would it be Aster who goes somewhere else private to practice his music? Would it be Asha who’s encouraged by their friends to confess to Aster? How does Aster react? How does Asha handle confessing?
Imagine the 7 (or 6 in this scenario) teens in the background being like: “JUST KISS THAT BOY ALREADY-!!”
Like I said in my original post about the AUs here:
Asha would sing "You Chose Me" from the musical "Breathe" as I think it fits her bubbly and happy personality very well. Now as for how a scene of them would play out, let's see...
After a lot of encouragement from the seven teens, Asha finally makes her way through the woods, following the sound of Aster's music. She finds him standing near a river, with his mandolin strapped on his shoulder, as he practices the magic she has given him.
(As I write this I realize that whole scene in KOW when Asha and Aster are hiding and Asha draws clones of themselves would have to change... Cause drawing is relatively silent, but playing music ain't lol so I guess Human!Aster's approach would be different, in this moment that is about him showing his growth... Maybe something more about him not being afraid to be loud and clear...)
Aster is trying to sing and hit a high note as loud as he can, by doing so he creates sound waves that make the water of the river tremble, but it's not enough, it wouldn't be strong enough to, let's say, knock someone out of balance for example, he gotta try harder.
Aster was so focused on his high note he didn't notice the light coming from behind him, till he feels a finger tap on his shoulder. He stops playing and turns around quickly
"AH- Oh hey Asha" the human didn't quite notice how nervous Asha seemed, like she was anxious to tell him something "Did Simon finish his dinner? We're good to go?"
"Umm yeah, everyone's ready, but- well... I wanted to ask you something first..." Asha can practically feel the 7 teens staring at them behind some bushes, waiting to see her confess... But instead Asha blurted out "Whatcha doing?" she asked awkwardly
"Just trying something different. I wondered if I could cause a sound wave strong and loud enough to be more destructive ya know... But no matter what I feel like my voice is like, stuck in my throat, ya know? Like it should be louder, but I'm holding back, even though I want to let it all out..." He explained with a pondering gaze on the mandolin
"... It takes time to find your voice, but I think the power you already have inside is more than enough to defeat them" The star smiled warmly as she spoke from her heart
"Let's hope. But yeah, what I can do is already pretty great, like, check this out" Aster plays a fast paced melody, and suddenly, the strings of his mandolin start to burn and he creates a fireball "I can make fire! That oughta be useful, right?" They try holding the fireball... It is- "HOT!" He exclaims as he throws the spell in the river "... Ya know, on second thought, maybe I'm not ready to go to the castle yet, maybe we should leave the plan for tomorrow or-"
"I know we'll win." Asha reassures him "You got a lot more power than you think, and that goes way beyond my magic"
Aster smiles and feels his cheeks getting warmer "Heheh thanks. I guess I'm just nervous cause'... Well, everything HAS to go according to plan"
"And what if it doesn't?" Asha tilts her head with a knowing smile
"Then Queen Amable kills us, I guess, or throws us in the dungeon to be her hubby's little lab rats" He shrugs, finding the outcome quite obvious
"... I don't know if things will go according to plan, but..." Asha holds both his hands, looking at him in the eyes with a radiant and optimistic smile that could make any shred of doubt fade away "As long as you follow your heart, you'll find a way... That's what made you wish upon me in the first place, right?" Asha giggled
Aster looks at her fondly, she's like the embodiment of hope...
"OH MY GOD- JUST KISS THE B-" Hal yelled from the bushes, to which Asha used her magic to make a wall of trees in front of the 7 hidden teens to hide them
"What was tha-"
"NOTHING!" Asha blurted out nervously
"Maybe the others are calling us, we should go" Aster begins to walk towards the trail that leads to their camp. But then, he feels her warm hand holding his wrist
"A-Aster wait!" Her voice shakes as she holds him, he looks back at her confused, so she tries her best to explain "I just... I think I discovered something new about how I feel about you... Well your friends did, but that's not the point" She mumbled the last part to herself "And I have so much I wanna tell you, but I don't know how to even start..." Then, Asha glances at Aster's mandolin for a moment, and that gives her idea "... Maybe I could try speaking your language... Can you give me a tune?" She asks with a soft smile
Aster is not quite sure where this is going, he raises an eyebrow at the request but complies "Uuuh sure ok" He starts to play a simple melody
And we get the song "You Chose Me"
I SPENT THE WHOLE AFTERNOON WRITING THIS LMAO @flicklikesstuff YOU BETTER APPRECIATE IT- just kidding, I had fun, but man, everytime these two are cute together I just covered my face blushing and giggling, kicking my feet, theyre so precious I cant hhidhefheljehbgfhhe
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vollereix · 1 year
Getting hurt in front of them
characters: Amber, Childe, Nahida
warnings: blood, getting hurt, treating wounds.
soo… it’s been a good few days weeks since i last posted any genshin related posts here. I’m working on the others, i’ve just been busy with school work.
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“Hey! Watch out!”
A strong tug pulled you down, the arrowhead grazing past your shoulder.
Quickly covering the gash with your hand, Amber had finished off the hillichurls and was digging through some medical supplies she had brought.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing i can’t fix!” She gives you a warm smile, reassuring you and bandaging your wound.
After reporting the situation to Jean back at HQ, Amber went to your house letting you know that you had the day off tomorrow.
She also treats you to a meal at Good Hunters.
The two of you were sparring with each other as per usual when you accidentally slipped, letting childe’s hydro blade a little too close to your skin.
You saw his eyes widen before doubling over in pain, hand pressing onto the fresh wound on your hips.
He cursed to himself, rushing over to you accessing the wound.
Helping you back indoors, he rushed to find the first aid kit while you lay on the sofa.
“I’m sorry, I should have been more careful.” his eyes overflowing with guilt as his hand gently disinfected your wound.
You gave him a reassuring smile, wincing at the pain.
“It’s alright, I was the one who got careless.”
Lesser lord Kusanali had specifically invited you to accompany her to investigate some anomalies within a few withering zones.
The sky was turning dark but alas, the two of you still had two more zones to cleanse. You weren’t expecting to face two ruin drakes when all the other enemies were simply fungi and slimes.
Thinking fast, you quickly grabbed hold of Nahida’s hand and pulled her aside.
“Stay back, i’ll handle this one!” Nahida jumped in front of you, shielding your body.
You were ever so grateful for her assistance as you really didn’t know how you’d have defeated the enemies with a huge gash on your leg.
“ah! don’t move, let me help you.” Kneeling down next to you, Nahida gently covered your wound with her small hands.
A faint green glow emitted around her, “I can’t fully heal it but I did my best.”
The two of you slowly made your way back to the city, deciding to continue once you’ve healed.
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cidthesquid · 15 days
Style Savvy Trendsetter #11 - The Curtain Closes!
[Previous Post]            [First Post]            [Styling Star #1]
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... I know I know! I said, I was done with this game in Post #10, and in post 10.5, I uploaded my remaining screenshots/outfits. But after my injury, the number of games I can play has been limited, and my mood was a bit low, so I went back and finally unlock and completed the 'Elite Contest', and thus completed the game!
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There's still more to do in the game, such as the 'International Contest', more hairstyles, photo backgrounds, etc,
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and the special brand, 'Purple Moon' is unlocked:
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I've heard others refer to it as the 'cosplay brand', But I generally tend to think of it's image simply as 'Fantasy', but either way they have a very distinct style. Once some time passes in game (Day->Night) I also trigger the shop event that unlocks the final contest:
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...But this requires me to win the 'Elite Contest' in each of the 10 themes, ...Again, with no way to track what themes you've done. And it's random, So for now, I'll consider the game complete. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
Overall, I'm super glad I went back and finished up this game. I ended up spending a lot of time making new outfits, and I think Style Savvy: Trendsetters is a TON of fun. It's a HUGE improvement over the DS original, it terms of not just graphics, but quality of life changes:
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It's SOO much easier to navigate, everything is snappier, the outfit uil is much better, and the music's nicer too! ...But I will miss the more cartooney character models of the DS game:
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The newer 3d models are more realistic, but loose a bit of the 'flair'. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
Anyway tomorrow (or Monday) I plan to start the 3rd and final style savvy game! As I mentioned in in post 10.5, I may be changing up how I play a bit, to move away from the (cute/cool) outfit 'neuron activation' style designs, in an attempt to see if I'll also enjoy working with more complex designs. Or what will bring me the most enjoyment. I'm sure that very idea may be confusing to some, so I'll just simplify it by saying that pretty much any kind of expression, even something as simple as designing outfits, functions a bit differently for me, (my brain is a little silly) One of the main reason I started this blog was, so I could talk about these games and fashion in my own weird way, even if it mainly benefits just me, getting the thoughts out. So I'll be doing the same thing with dealing with how I should approach these games. Try new stuff, and even if it seems weird or unconventional, find what form I enjoy most, as I proceed on my digital fashion journey! -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
But anyway, thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun making this, so I hope you had fun reading it as well. (Click here for my blog on Style Savvy: Styling Star)
As always, all comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome!
You literally can't bother me, (unless you go out of your way to be a jerk), so post whatever you need to say!
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powerfultenderness · 8 months
soo, for my halloween fic, i only managed to get half done :( and I was struggling with trying to decide whether i should post it in parts, that way i can at least have something up, or wait to post until i finish, even though that means it won't be up for a week or two into november.
but! i have decided to do both!!
I'll finish up the edits for the first two chapters (of four) today (the 30th) and post them on AO3 either later tonight or tomorrow.
then I'll take my time with the second half and post it on tumblr as one long fic (tho still late lol).
so if you want some obsessive stalker serial killer könig, check ao3 later.
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kiwichaeng · 4 months
hello!! i hope you’re doing okay, and i hope your busyness isn’t too bad. as always, no pressure to answer this ask, but i am here as the hs tarlos fairy (i think i gave that a catchier name before) about to sprinkle a load of rambling into your inbox.
firstly, we have a single line from november which ive started editing. i’m finding it difficult to get lines that aren’t too spoilery but i mean..
In his defense, he really needed to spend an hour or so, longer, cuddling his boyfriend.
look, tk always needs to cuddle carlos. that’s a fact.
beyond november, i’m about to start writing february and have i raved about it yet because i’m super excited for it!? not to be annoying with these teases, but it’s a big month for parallels (so in term, sappiness). also, i should be posting the next chapter with carlos’ birthday tomorrow, and im excited for you to read that!!
one last thing: i said this before but ive been thinking again about their long-term future and i have a vague idea for the first 6ish months post-high school and UGH i could tell you everything 😭 (/pos). i love acting like these fictional boys exist it’s great.
wow this is super long. thank you for your time, sending you lots of love and positive vibes!! 💫
The notification for this was the first thing I saw when I woke up today and it was a really nice way to wake up! I read over this in the car but now I can actually like answer it lmao. I love the hs tarlos fairy title, it's very fitting 🩷
TK is soo correct! The cuddles are not a want but a NEED! Let this boy cuddle his boyfriend! They both deserve all the cuddles ever 🥺😭! I love them so much???? It's actually crazy how invested I am in this. All the cuddles for those two!!
OH MY GOD PARALLELS??? Listen I am feral for stuff like this! I am absolutely gonna go CRAZY when I read the parallels! (Although if I'm counting correctly then Feb will fall right in the middle of my finals 😞). I love love love stuff like this!!! Maybe I just love connecting random dots and crying over them. Delighted to hear you're thinking about their future! They deserve all the goodness and oh my god they're spending the rest of their life together dhjfhdjdhksjfhf 😭😭. Also gonna be honest I too think about them as real and existing sometimes to get through a day 😔
Since you sent this while I was asleep, I'm guessing the chapter comes out tonight for me which is AMAZING! Cannot wait! Hopefully, I'll be able to finish with everything by midnight so I can settle in and read 🩷. Thank you for this, I loved everything 🩷🩷
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Hii soo like I was wondering if we could get a sneak peak of chapter 5 until you post hehe no pressure hope you’re doing good :) take your time🫶🏽
im so sorry ive been really busy it’s really annoying bc i don’t have much to write left it’s just finding time to sit down to do it it’s pissing ME off that i haven’t posted it yet like FR 😭😭 but here, have this 🥺🤍
“Come on,” You opened the car door, stepping out and shutting it as you walked around the vehicle to stand in front of the entrance to the lobby. “Let's go up.”
He smiled at you, a warm and genuine smile, handing his keys to the valet as you both made your way up to his apartment. The ride in the elevator was silent, it wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t wasn’t awkward. You were glad to finally make it to his apartment.
“What time are the nominees released?” You asked kicking your shoes off at the door.
You pulled your phone out and checked the time, settling on his sofa. You’d only been here once since you moved to Paris, very briefly with Mia and Elliot; the four of you tended to hang out at Elliot’s place most of the time.
“Okay so five minutes.”
“You want a glass of wine?” Kylian appeared at the entrance to the lounge, a dark green bottle in his hand.
“Red? You hate red wine.”
“I know, but you like it.”
“So you just have red wine lying around? For me?”
He shrugged as if it was a completely normal thing to do, have things in your house that you’re always in, but you don’t like for someone else who has only been here once.
“I also have those frozen kimchi gyozas you like if you’re hungry.”
“You said they taste like rubber.”
“They do, I much prefer them fresh. But you seem to like them so much.”
“Do you also have-“
“Milky bars and Oreo’s in the pantry even though both things are completely disgusting. And Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla Pecan Blondie in my freezer, though I still can’t understand why you want to mix nuts and ice-cream.”
You were at a loss of words, wondering why he had kept all these things in his apartment when you had only been there once.
“Kylian…” You started, but didn’t know how to finish your sentence. You weren’t sure what words should follow, what you should say to him, how to say it to him. He scratched the back of his neck, as he set the bottle on the coffee table in front of you, coming to sit down on the other end of the couch.
“It’s not that deep Y/N, don’t make a big deal of it.” He mumbled, and you suddenly felt a bit stupid for thinking it had a deeper meaning. Friends do stuff like this for each other all the time, clearly.
“Right. Yeah.” You tried not to sound too deflated, leaning across onto the table to grab your phone instead, to remind you of why you’re really in his apartment.
“It’s 8:30. Let’s just get through this huh?”
I think I might be free tonight to finish and post tomorrow hopefully but don’t count it you’ll just get a notif when u do akabajajjaan ily all tho and thank u sm for still being engaged despite my terrible scheduling 😭🤍
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milascenta · 10 months
August 9th 22:32
I apologise for not posting in a while, I've been dealing with massive migraines for a bout a month or so. But I have found the culprit and have fixed the problem, I'm feeling much better now. I should be able to get back to streaming soon too, with better equipment/quality. I realised too late that my second monitor had been going on 10 years now so it was giving out this high pitched signal, I just thought it was my mild tinnitus. My tinnitus was being compounded on, giving me massive headaches and making me feel just crap all the time, turning off the monitor would even help too, I would have to completely disconnect all the cables for it to stop, which is just inconvenient. I thought I was going crazy for a while just hearing this tone constantly in my room, but thinking it was just my tinnitus. But my tinnitus isn't that bad, just the usual you'd get from listen to live music constantly and working with audio in general. So its calmed down a lot recently too. So I realised it was my second monitor and got rid of it, got a new one (pretty much the same as my main one just smaller, same refresh rate same brand and even same product line, only difference is panel, main is IPS and 2nd is now VA, idk really know the difference lol) so it looks a lot better and I'm really happy with it. It feels just like having one massive monitor, I don't think I would get a wide screen monitor I like having two separate ones, but they feel so similar neither is better, obviously main is a few inches bigger though. During this time though I hadn't felt like doing anything, not going on tumblr just kinda rotting away with my head exploding. I have been doing my Dr appointments though and only have a couple left, I need blood tests and then hear back from the Lung specialist about my echocardiogram (just to make sure my heart is ok after everything) and then its back to the surgeon for talks of surgery to finish everything. Its finally getting there and I can move on with my life. My arm still keeps me up at night and hurts constantly but after surgery it should be good, also I am going to ask if I can keep the piece of my rib they cut out haha, surely they can't say no, its literally me and mine hahaha. I'm going for blood tests tomorrow, hopefully, or at least to be able to get an appointment for it, then off to hematologist then surgeon.
I'm sorry I was gone, I've still been here reading your posts though. The service looked lovely, the bikers showing up was really touching and exactly what I thought would happen, they stick together. The flowers looked beautiful and also your nails. I understand it was hard, It would be weird if it wasn't you know, I understand that it sits heavy with you too, you will get stronger with it. I know there is much else to do now other than process and sometimes that feels worse than having to deal with things because at least there's something to do, but this is finally time for you to process and feel and become you. But I know thats not easy, and thats ok. It reminds me of something someone told me a lil bit ago, "A cut in a tree doesn't prevent it from growing, a cut in a tree doesn't grow larger or shrink, the tree becomes larger though. The tree continues to grow regardless. The tree grows until and you realise that the cut looks smaller in comparison, it isn't smaller, but the tree is larger" and I try and think about that sometimes because its easy to let things consume you, let things grow larger than you and before you realise it. But everyday you're growing, everyday that tree is getting larger and stronger, and in comparison the cut gets smaller and smaller. Don't let bad days turn you off that, and don't forget the good times.
I really hope you have fun in London next week, thats soo awesome you're seeing Joji, I would love to see him one day. Been a fan of him since his FilthyFrank days and legit thought he was so talented as a musician and that he was hiding it under so many layers of irony haha. Now he's like one of the biggest muscians in the world which is crazy.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well, I hope you get better soon, take time to relax and hydrate properly. I look forward to you streaming, even if its just once it will be so fun! Don't put too much pressure on not being able to right now, getting better is more important.
"Now the dark begins to rise, Save your breath its far from over"
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Chapter 3: Inmate Run.
I’m doing my third set of sit ups only to be interrupted by the same guard from before who just hasn’t left me alone since the airship barging in my cell shouting “ON YOUR FEET RUNT!” I like last several times desperately pleaded “P-Please just leave me alone, please ..don’t hurt me!” He only smirks indicating that my efforts were futile then he waterbends a water whip out of his water skin.
Rick The White Lotus Prison Guard’s POV:
I’m patrolling the Temple halls as I see Gary an elderly water bending Prison Guard torturing that poor kid prisoner again I approached him & demand “STAND DOWN!” Gary doesn’t listen then proceeds to water whip the prisoner again I warn him again “I SAID STAND DOWN SOLDIER!..” he finally stops & angrily storms off I check on the prisoner & see the fruits of Gary’s labour. Poor kid is bruised up to next week, I checked on him to see if he’s okay poor kid was on verge of tears but he’s trying his hardest not to. I give him some of my water & tell him “Drink, you need to regain your strength to recover from your injuries.” He reluctantly accepts & drinks my whole supply as i remarked “I guess you were thirsty.” He finishes drinking “You should be good now, try not to get into any trouble from now on kid, you hear me?..” he nods I take back my water satchel & walk out the Cell. As I’m shutting the door the kid quietly says with a raspy voice “T-thank you.” “You can thank me by staying out of trouble kid.” Then I shut & locked the cell door & went off to break room for a quick bite to eat before clocking off for the day. As I entered the break room there’s a couple of other Lotus Guards in here talking about to each other about Old Gary’s unusually aggressive behaviour when they see the look on my face & ask “Old Gary’s been at it again?” I sigh & reluctantly nod “that man hasn’t left that kid alone since he arrived, i caught him harassing water whipping the poor kid last week.” Then the other guard says “You think that’s bad, i caught him waterboarding the kid just a couple of weeks ago.” I raised an eyebrow & ask “What was Old Gary’s post before this one?” The guard answered “White Lotus Interrogation, back towards the end of the Hundred Year War the White Lotus’s founding members recruited rescued Northern Water tribe Waterbender POW’s to interrogate Fire Bender POW’s once the Fire lord tightened up his security after the eclipse. Word is that Old Gary it’s leader & once Zaheer was finally apprehended the White Lotus finally shut down Old Gary’s Interrogation Unit realising that it was no longer needed..” then I retort “Not to mention that Torturing is unethical.” “Exactly..” the first guard replied. I ask “Why did Old Gary get assigned to this post?” “No clue, it was oddly all kept very hush hush.” The second guard replied “That’s very suspicious.” I say as I take a bite out of an apple, I then get up, clock off & head out. As I leave outside of the prison entrance waiting for my Airship transport to arrive I quickly noticed Old Gary skulking about walking down Zaheer’s cell but just before I go to investigate the Airship transport arrives with a crowd of White Lotus guards kept bumping into me breaking my concentration long enough for me to lose sight of him, i sigh & board the transport bound for home “I guess we’ll see what tomorrow may bring..”
End of chapter.
Author: If you’re enjoying this soo far let me know what you think everyone, I honestly wasn’t expecting to enjoy writing these chapters soo much I’ve got soo many ideas for what comes next..
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entropyfriend · 1 year
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hello everypony i haven't seen u since last year he he eh ee.h.e .e... i can't believe it's already 2012.. i am posting these photos that me andmy friends took because i think they are cool and or funny and they could be album covers and i want to ok? idk i like them a lot we have no faces.. (like me irl
hi kaiz thak u soo muchfor the birth day wishes.. i got a pony cake for my birthday thats so awesome. i love your yuri and you drawing i LOVE THAT GUY he's so awesome i think he's my favorite of your ocs.. its SO Cute... and one mor thing I LOVE YOURS ONG TODAY IT SOUDNS SO COOL you have very nice singing its so smooth.. maybe i should make a sotw remix because how did u make those noises i want to do that..
btdubs i am working on a really stupid short song i'm gonna finish tomorrow maybe once i can properly do vocals it kinda sux but its oky.. i wanna post it but it sounds so DUMB (also i learned my voice pairs very well with electric guitar when i sing right) soon maybe i'm gonna get a thingy to connect my piano keyboard to my computer aWESOME i don't know if my parents will do that but it'd be pretty awesome if they did.. side tangent kiind of this whole thign is a tnagent but i got a new sketchbook from gf the other day im so excited to continue drawing in it it looks so COOL so far i can't wait to crash so hard from being compelled to make it so neat and cool but it is ok.. i love it.. i lOVE DECORATING
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2022 Drama Year in Review
I enjoyed doing a year in review last year and wanted to do it again. I watched significantly fewer Asian dramas this year with 29 completed and 24 dropped compared to 75 total dramas (completed and dropped) in 2021. Some of these started in 2021 and finished in 2022 so they are on both lists.
You can find my full watch list on MDL here. Recap below the cut.
This was a busy year. I've been going to night school for my MBA on top of having a full time job and family. I've also been trying to balance what I do enjoy so I've been watching non-Asian series (The Wheel of Time, Warrior Nun, Willow, etc.), reading (I just finished The Lost Dreamer and currently am reading the Locked Tomb Trilogy), and gaming (I finally finished Horizon Zero Dawn and replayed the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series) this year to balance the time spent on watching dramas. Come on over to see me at @snkrfnd if you want to talk about any of those things!
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I'm terrible at lists, but here are prob my favorite dramas that I watched this year (some were released in previous years). Strangely, there are no dramas from Vietnam or the Philippines this year.
Love Between Fairy and Devil - now one of my favorite cdramas of all time. Too many reasons why this is at the top of my list
The King's Affection (I had to put it on pause last year because I was losing my mind whenever Park Eun Bin was on screen and finally finished it this year. Phenomenal. How did Kim Rowoon and Nam Yoon Soo hold it together when acting with her?)
Bad Buddy (Started in 2021, finished in 2022. Just excellent! I think this changes the game for Thai dramas.)
Alchemy of Souls Part 1 -everything I love about fusion sageuks
Tomorrow - everything I love about urban fantasy dramas plus it was so incredibly pro-woman I was really astounded it came out when there's politically such a backlash against feminism in S. Korea right now. Everyone in the drama gets 2 gold stars from me just for being involved in the project
Secret Crush on You - It has hands down the best friend group to ever appear on screen. It reminds me of my own friend group in highschool 20+ years ago! Loved the drama from the POV of the characters that are normally used for punching-down humor. Nerds need love too!
Semantic Error - Everything a KBL should be. It was still authentically a kdrama with the usual tropes. It didn't have to sacrifice what makes a kdrama great to make it BL. I find it so hilarious that DKZ exploded their album sales as a result. Maybe if the industry sees the profits, we'll get more quality lgbtq dramas. (On a side note, I watched the movie and swore they did something in post-production because the coloring was different and it was just because I'd seen too many high quality gifsets with talented content creators that are good at coloring and lighting. HAHAHAHA the movie suffered in comparison to the great production value of the gifsets I've been seeing this year.)
Glitch - the gayest thing I watched all year (affectionate). Aliens, cults, and government conspiracies are for the sapphics now, I'm sorry.
Girlfriend Project Day 1 (they announced a 2nd season!!) I don't know how they pulled off such great, sweet chemistry from such a short webdrama. I'm subscribed to their YT channel now in the hopes of more great GL content.
Roommates of Poongduck 304 - imagine what they could do with a full budget and network support!!!! Amazing they could pull off this enemies-to-lovers, forced proximity/and-they-were-roommates, office romcom (and I HATE boss/employee relationships).
Honorable Mentions in no particular order:
All of Us are Dead - the women needed more to do, otherwise this would be higher in my list. Yoon Chan Young blew me away with his acting. You can always tell who started out as a child star.
Ms. Cupid in Love - a good all-rounder cdrama where the writing for the women didn't make me want to pull my hair out
Gaus Electronics - love Kwak Dong Yeon being pathetic and Aziz stole the show. This was the funniest drama I watched all year. I really should have put it in my top 10, but now I'm too lazy to cut and paste.
Alchemy of Souls Part 2 still in progress and loving it for the same reasons I loved part 1 (the idol actors are still weak tho)
GAP the Series - ongoing, but I'm loving it. I hope this ranks high on my 2023 list. I am not used to seeing writers and directors letting women act like they want to bone. I'm so used to the entertainment industry sanitizing wlw relationships. Thank you Saint Suppapong and IdolFactory!!
My School President - unrequited love that's actually mutual pining? The misunderstanding is that the person you thought hated you actually supports you? Sign me tf up! Good acting to boot. Please don't let me down!
Never Let Me Go - Did you see Ms Thanya standing next to the evil uncle???? The way she towered over him? Whew! Time to look up her back catalog. I love an intimidating woman.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 4 months
Triangulum plans for the next few weeks:
Finish the art I have planned for chapter 1 (I'd like to post it BEFORE chapter 1; you'll understand why when it's posted)
POTENTIALLY post the prologue on Ao3. I'm bouncing back and forth on if I should or if I should wait until I have a decent backlog, I'll decide by Monday. If I do, I'll slap the link on the chapter index.
Get started further on both the Soos font and the poster for chapter 2, which I have NOT started yet. Lmao. This is why I've given myself two weeks between chapters; I've got stuff to do.
Work on editing the back chunk of chapters in the party arc; I haven't done a lot over the past week due to a number of reasons but I should be able to get back to it tomorrow and Sunday.
Bother (kidding) you all with more reblogs of the prologue/chapter index. I did warn all of you that I would not be shutting up about it once I finally dropped it.
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poltergeist-coffee · 6 months
I am officially dead
But here I am again:D
Not much to say because my mind is kinda fried
I mean, I'm not really surprised, it's Roier, this is exactly the type of random thing you should expect from him, but how did it happen???
Roier is one of the funniest people ever, I can't with that voice changer
My cubito/streamer is back:D
Look, I'm not saying Pac is my favorite character/streamer but... I mean, if he was, Mike would be too because it's Pac and Mike
I would draw him if it wasn't almost midnight and I was less dead and I didn't have to wake up early in the morning and hadn't I started at lesst 4 four drawings I didn't finish, but yeah, I will do it eventually:D
Cellbit and Baguera went full kill mode a few days ago, apparently
Good for them:D
We almost got a hideduo date, but of course, Pac had to be kidnapped:D
I love how those cyclopes workers kidnapped Tubbo and Pac, and then there was Etoiles. Who was bullying them
Etoiles is simply amazing
And then they went to Forever, saying, " we got you in an ultimatum" and he put one of them in jail
That's my president:D
Also, I want to say that Pepito is my child now, Pepito is literally a baby, and I love Pepito very much
And I've seen some posts of Chayanne and Forever interacting recently and... I love them, Chayanne beloved
We don't have guapoduo, nor hideduo, or pacmanduo, or frubbo, or teaduo
But apparently, we got sugarduo, so I guess it is the price to pay
Anyway, I hope everything is okay with you and that you have a happy holiday:D
If have anything to say about your aus or any other thoughts, please tell me, I'll be happy to hear
Hope you have a good day/night!
- 🍽
roier gave us the most liek 5 minutes heartbreaking acting and serious lore and then turned into a fucking rat so he could be silly and crazy asdkjnvsajnakj
me too king TT i keep starting drawings and then forget to finish them TT the amount of unfinished drawings i have is unreal but i want to do them all TT currently im drawing a lot of qpac and qetoiles hehe :3c its for a racing/formula 1 au ^-^
im worried about qforever ;-;; he tweeted something not too long ago about his cubito and a stream tomorrow like im so worried ;-;
YAA IM SO HAPPY RMAON AND SUMMY ARE FRIENDS :')) sunny has had such a hard time making friends and feels like none of the otehr islanders or eggs (besides pepito and empanada) like them so im so glad ramon likes her TT its so cute seeing her hang out with ramon and fit like aaah theyre so cute
yaaa i hope everything is going well for you too king :")) its lovely to see a little message from you ^-^ happy holidays!!! i hope you get some rest and everything <33
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fainthedcherry · 1 year
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Tumblr's editor crashed when I was writing entire novels over here in the desc about this drawing. Sucks as I wasss pouring my heart and process out here annd it's all gone but my fault for tryna split up 2 posts ig LOL.
So I'll keep it short, out of frustration, in order to not upset myself. xD
This is the lineup of my main storyline. I plan to upload that on my upcoming spam for TH too, very important ref!! If I get around to it between working between comms and OTA's, I'll create the 2nd one, where more background characters and stuff are on it, that didn't make it to the 1st sheet due to canvas size limitations.
This drawing took me collectively 3 days to finish, past-sketches. The sketches were done half a year ago, which might explain, why some stuff looks wonk and where I forgor to fix some old anatomy mistakes. xD
For now, enjoy the lineup and until another soon-to-be post, after I'm done perusing the con for interns tomorrow. xD Hopefully keeping you a bit more up to date now between my posts, since I know I have a bad tendency to just leave the internet for mental health reasons and then come back, as if I didn't just leave or didn't say a peep for weeks, when not art related,,,
Until again!! Have a great rest of your morning/eveninggg~
I finished this sheet inbetween taking resume and OTA/comm breaks (yea I picked my motivation back up again to work on owed stuff sdkflsdlkg)
I remember typing out my favs so: Chloe, Leo, Finn, Marco, Zack, Arachne. Just the expressions and poses are priceless to me so. xD
Going to an intern mini-con tmrrw so hopefully I'll build up some connections to a few businesses that might want my help so? Yeah, gunna try my best guys. dxfvmfdggkdf
Myyy patience is running thin with typing this soo, yea. xD If you want the height-sheet for yourself, that one's completely F2U, I'll post it next in a sec, if I can edit descs, I'll add a link down here to it, if you were searching for a height sheet, instead of art LOL.
Gunna also mention manually who made who:
-Diego was made by Adoptiverse
-Bryan was made by MarbleDimension / SALEMGRIM
-Finn & Marco were made by HeavenlyHellfire (Hollowed-Hartlocke made Finn's colors)
-Ménos's most design was made by Hollowed-Hartlocke
-Aimee originally belonged to SeveredRose
-Arachne was made by SeveredRose
The rest are all made by myself, lol. You can probably tell which ones I made, since I for some reason fear neon colors and unlogical colors on mammals, I guess. xD
That should be all. Check those guys out, they make rlly solid art/designs IMHO. : )
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smoosnoom · 1 year
hi moon!
hope u slept well <3 or at least… enough.
i got a notification right after i finished my final so it’s a little gift i guess? (i did great btw. probably bc it was english and i’ve been practicing when i was writing u this daily compliments).
“Mike Wheeler knows he’s a bad person.” he’s not. i know it’s a projection. that’s why im sure he’s not.
“He doesn’t regret it, though” as he should. i would probably do the same. but it would’ve ended even worse for me bc i cannot fight And my knuckles aren’t bony.
“Will doesn’t think too much about it” oooh, mike is so wrong.
““Stop smiling,” he chides, although that makes Mike’s mouth tilt up again, and Will is biting down a smile, too” they r so 🥺🥺🥺
“He wouldn’t be able to say anything about Mike punching anyone, with his own history of getting arrested” he would probably like mike a little more
““Alright, paladin,”” omg im DEAD bc mike is his defender, his savior, his knight in shining armor 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
“Still, he can’t hide his flinch” okay at least one of them can’t fully control his body. good.
“Mike isn’t brave” maybe he isn’t brave but he’s not coward (i know that im talking about). a bit impulsive. even hot-tempered. not a coward.
““You’re my best friend,”” i always eat it and leave no crumbs. i love when they say best friend thing before trying to do something Not platonic. u can write it every time and i’ll be kicking my feet every time.
“it hurts, sometimes, how bad he wants to be Will’s” my little queer disaster mike wheeler 🥺
““You think so?” Mike forgoes any ounce of dignity. “Please.”” i looove them. both so desperate and ready to love each other 🥺
“pressing a kiss on the corner of Mike’s lip, right where there is no wound.” smooch as a reward for protection and recklessness. here’s my smooch as a reward for productivity and talent 😚 but here’s also my frown as a punishment for self-deprecating thoughts 😠
““Later,” he says, concern still etched in his face when he looks at Mike’s cut, and the bruise he knows is slowly making its appearance on his nose. “I promise.”” u’ll get as many kisses as u want.
“before he turns into it and presses a kiss into his palm.” such a gentleman. first he saved his lover and now he’s kissing his hand.
even if everyone else in the world would hate u i would still love u. and it wouldn’t be fair. not even a little.
k love u, see u tomorrow 🤍
alya i will have u know i got around . three hours of sleep when u sent this . which is probably concerning but im Alive 🫡
YAYYYY I CHEERED 🥳🥳🥳 so happy u did well omg i knew u would !!!!!! the fic was posted Just for U now ive deemed it so . a gift just for u
KQHFOWJFLDJOF OK have we considered . ignoring the projection
u know if it helps me neither 😭 ive fought only one person and u know . it is not how they sell it to be
HELRNFPRK mike moving up on jonathan's list bc of this 😭 god
I AM SUCHHHH A SUCKER for will calling mike paladin and mike calling him cleric like . it Gets To Me .
SRORPPPP WHEN WILL U LET ME LIVE ok every time i write the word "shiver" i think of u now . this is a curse
maybe he is not a coward . Perhaps . ill listen to u
ALDNCK YAYAY its just bc . i think it's so nice to establish they are best friends before anything else like that is what makes them soo unique . they have that before any romantic relationship
NOOO im sorry i won't do it again (i lie, like a liar) but omg illtake the smooch 😚 feeling great !!!!
☹️ if no one got me i know alya got me My knight in shining armor 🫶 love u always !!!!!!! 🤍🤍
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fnf-writingz · 3 years
Okay I really wanted to request this soo tomorrow (8 June) is my birthday and I was wondering what Garcello and if u could add ruv too I'd love that, would do when its their S/O birthday
casually queues to post on your birthday- happy birthday!! take these two lovely lads as a gift! my birthday is coming up in a few days, so this was fun to write!
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~ Garcello and Ruv (Sarv makes a big appearance-) Celebrating Their S/O's Birthday ~
He would probably panic for a bit because he wouldn't know what to do-
He's never had to celebrate someone else's birthday, and he rarely celebrates his own birthday
He probably asks around on what he should do, poor man works himself up
He actually tries baking for once! Granted it ends up a bit burnt, but it works
He doesn't know how to decorate your apartment so he literally just tosses blankets around hoping it looks nice
He probably pulls out the arts and crafts and makes you a nice little cup or something along those lines
He also draws you something! (Tis a personal HC of mine that he likes art-)
Forgot to mention that he preps for this celebration while you're out of the house, probably working
So, you come home from work to all the lights off
All of a sudden, different colored clouds of smoke appear, making a pretty smoke show
He's standing in the middle, and he grins at you, mumbling, "Happy birthday, sweetheart." before walking up to you, pulling you into a hug
"I told you to not smoke in the apartment-" "It looked pretty sick though, right?"
You just shake your head and smile at him
He starts showing you everything he made, making you sit down and relax while he brings the cake out
He cuddles you close, singing to you before you blow the candles out
He also gives you the gifts, hoping that you liked them
You just give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him that you love it
Rest of the day is probably spent watching movies together
The drawing he made definitely ends up on the fridge
He would also panic a bit-
He usually just hangs out with Sarv during her birthday, so he doesn't know what other people do for their birthday
Sarv basically becomes a co-party planner
She helps him decorate around the church, they fill it up with tons of balloons and streamers
He also tries his best to bake for you, but it turns out really charred and gross so Sarv just takes over food duties
Meanwhile, he's sneaking around and stealing stuff from stores that he thinks you'd like
Like straight up just snatches stuff and leaves
I feel like he'd try to make you something in the church, like a little plaque to put up
Sarv helps him wrap the gifts up because they look like a disaster otherwise
You end up coming home to the two of them still finishing up the decorations-
They both look at you before Sarv just tosses confetti in the air
Ruv will just walk up to you and pick you up, spinning you in a circle before wishing you a happy birthday
He takes you to the dining room while Sarv gets the food ready
They both sing happy birthday to you before you blow put the candles
They let you pick which gifts to open, Ruv being kinda nervous on how you'll react
If you ask how they were able to get it for you, he'll just shoot you a look like "Don't question it."
Of course you'd probably scold him for stealing stuff for you, but he just pats your head
For the rest of the day, Ruv just lets you do whatever you want to do
As long as he gets to see you happy and smiling, he'll be happy too
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