#I’m waiting on my wig cap to come in
celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
Would That I
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Pairings: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: You accidentally ran into someone at a frat party, and she quickly became your best friend. But you fell for her sister, who wouldn’t even give you the time of the day (this is a shitty description)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of weed, alcohol consumption, small joke of role playing sex, jokes about getting salmonella and dying, slight angst. Let me know if I missed any!
My Masterlist
AN: Came from this request here!
Word Count: 6.8K
You could smell the alcohol and weed in the air before approaching the house. It was Halloween night, and you were going to a frat party with your friends, even though you had zero intention of staying longer than ten minutes. You were just here to ‘shake babies and kiss hands,’ as your friend Miles would say.
He was the one hosting this frat party, so of course, you had to show your support for your friend, even though you hated parties and drinking. He was one of the biggest recruiters for his frat house and very well known across the campus for his promiscuous activities, but he wasn’t your typical frat guy. Yes, he loved to drink, party, and sleep around, but he was a nerd. He had been his high school’s team captain of Scholar Bowl his junior and senior year, and led them to a state championship win. And he was also extremely socially awkward; it pained you to watch him interact with people.
“What the actual fuck are you wearing?” Anika questioned as you walked up the stairs to the house. She and Mindy were patiently waiting outside for you, and they both laughed at your outfit. “What? This is a vintage Gucci,” you stated as you did a twirl for the girls.
You were dressed up as Alan Garner from the hangout, and Anika hated to admit it, but you pulled off the cheap fake beard and wig. You also had a fake baby strapped to your chest with cheap sunglasses covering your eyes.
“You are really asking me that, Mr. Worldwide?” You jabbed as you eyed Anika up and down. The girl wore a god-awful bald cap, a black suit, and a white shirt with a shitty penciled-on goatee. “Haters gonna hate,” Anika replied as she pulled a pair of sunglasses out from her jacket pocket and put them on.
You scoffed at the girl before looking at Mindy, “I don’t even know what to say to you.”
“I’m going to have a BF if you insult me,” Mindy scolded as she stared you down. She wore a jean skirt with white pantyhose topped off with a jean jacket and a pink shirt that said ‘Dude, where’s my couture’ in red letters.
“Was this your idea?” You asked with an eyebrow raised.
Mindy scoffed at your words, “Of course not! I wanted to go as Vector but Chad wanted to match,” she said as she rolled her eyes, “So now, I’m from White Chicks instead of Despicable Me.”
“I think you would have made a very sexy Vector,” you admitted with a smile.
“Thank you. At least someone,” Mindy sent Anika a glare, “thinks it would have been sexy.”
Anika rolled her eyes at Mindy, “I told you I’m not having sex with you while you are dressed up like Vector!”
“Okayyyy, this just got weird,” you interrupted as you walked past the fighting couple but stopped just before the door, “you two coming?”
The two quickly stood up and followed you into the house. The smell of alcohol and weed was enough to turn your stomach as you opened the door. You saw partygoers dressed in all different kinds of costumes as you pushed through the crowd and made your way into the kitchen. “I shall have a bottle of Smirnoff, and what will my lady have?” Mindy asked as she dug around the cooler full of alcohol. “I shall have the same, my lord,” Anika replied, and you almost gagged at their conversation.
You politely pushed past Mindy and fished around for a bottle of water, and you quietly rejoiced when you pulled up the last bottle. “Seriously? Water?” Mindy questioned as she glared at you. “Yes, seriously. This is a frat party, and I only know three people here!” You exclaimed while holding your water.
Mindy muttered a quiet ‘whatever,’ and you were going to retort when you felt someone throw their arm around you and pull you into a hug. “How’s my favorite homo doing?” Miles questioned while ruffling your hair. “I’m fine, Miles. Thanks for asking,” Mindy butted in with a slight smile.
Miles let out a small laugh as he left your hair alone and gave Mindy a fist-bump, “I’ve missed you too, Mindy, and you as well, Anika.” Anika smiled at the man as she also fist-bumped him. “Well, me and Y/N here are going to go hunt for some Latinas to hit on, you two gay-bo’s have fun,” Miles said while pulling you off into another room.
“Really? We are going to ‘hunt for some Latinas?’” You questioned as you followed Miles into the living room. People were elbow to elbow, and you had to shout over the loud music to converse with the man. “Obviously! I know your three main things you look for in women, and I bet we can find someone here who is all three,” Miles replied as she slung his arm over your shoulder while scanning the room for a potential hookup for you.
You scoffed at your best friend’s words, “I do not have three things I look for in a woman. I only care about her personality and her thoughts on Dr. Pepper.”
A sound of fake gagging caused you to send a death glare at Miles. “I forgot you're a Dr. Pepper whore,” your friend joked as he started listing your three interests on his fingers. “Number one: you love Latinas, same here. Number two: you love emo chicks; same here again. And finally, number three, you love a woman older than you, and guess what? Same here too!”
“I hate that we are basically the same person in different fonts,” you mumbled under your breath as you shoved yourself off Miles, causing you to bump into a stranger accidentally.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” you quickly apologized as you faced the woman. She was close to a foot shorter than you, but had a beautiful smile and seemed like she had a charming personality. “No, it’s okay,” the girl replied slurredly. You could tell this girl was hammered out of her mind, and you had seen the eyes of preying men on her.
Not knowing what to do, you asked her, “Hey, I know we just met, but would you want to go outside with me?” The question was an innocent one; you didn’t want to leave an intoxicated girl who was pushing five feet nothing to fend off men like Frankie. “Sure,” the girl replied with a smile as she grabbed your hand and pulled you outside. You sent Miles a scared smile as the man responded with a comical smile and a thumbs up.
You followed the girl out to a small wooden swing and sat down next to her. “So, what’s your name?” You quietly asked. You had no intentions on hitting on this girl even though she was your type; you were just in need of some new friends, and you thought she could be a good addition.
Not that Anika and Miles were bad friends, you just needed someone else to hang out occasionally.
The girl reached her hand over to you while saying, “I’m Tara; it’s nice to meet you.” You gently shook her hand and sent her a grin, “I’m Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
The further the night went along, the more you talked with Tara. You two quickly discovered that you both shared a love for art and elevated horror, and you even exchanged numbers with the girl.
“Oh shit,” Tara quietly mumbled as she stood up from the bench. You gave her a puzzled look before standing up as well, “is everything alright?”
“Yeah, it’s just my sister is freaking out about me right now,” Tara replied as she texted someone back, presumably the sister in question. “You aren’t in any trouble, are you? Because I can try and help to get you out,” you offered, causing Tara to chuckle at your words.
“Thank you, Y/N, but I think Sam would kill you if she ever met you,” Tara joked while looking up at you before returning to typing.
A minute passed before Tara sighed and closed her phone. “Well, I better get back home,” Tara said as she moved in to hug you, but your fake baby got in the way.
You gave Tara an awkward smile as you pulled the girl into a side hug and whispered in her ear, “Babies, am I right?”
“Why do you even have that thing?” Tara asked while flicking its head.
You quickly wrapped your arms around the baby’s head and shielded it from Tara. “Hey! Do not hurt my baby Carlos!” You exclaimed.
“Carlos? Are you serious?”
“Yes, I am serious. Do not hate on his name.”
“Why did you pick such an outlandish name?” Tara asked with a smile as she crossed her arms.
You scoffed at the girl’s words, “‘Carlos’ is not an outlandish name, Tara. And besides, it’s from the movie The Hangover.”
Tara chuckled at your words, “Oh my god, my sister loves that movie; she watches it all the time.”
“Is your sister single?” You asked with a playful smirk.
“Ha! Yeah, right. Good luck with that. Sam is pretty reserved,” Tara stated as she slowly started to walk toward the road.
“How come? If you don’t mind me asking,” you asked while following Tara and stopping on the sidewalk beside her.
The girl shrugged while pulling out her phone and texting someone. “Her last relationship ended badly. And ever since then, she’s just been closed off to everyone except me and always stalking me,” Tara admitted while putting her phone away, “but you’ll get a chance to meet her; she’s on her way to pick us up.”
“Yeah, only if you want to come over. I know we just met, but I feel like we could be friends,” Tara admitted with a smile as a black car pulled, parked, and the driver got out.
Tara continued talking to you, but as soon as you saw the driver, you couldn’t hear anything else. She was, to put it lightly, the most attractive woman you have ever seen. She had dark eyes that captivated you and a stern look as she approached you and Tara.
“Who’s this?” The alluring woman asked, and you could only think, ‘You’re future girlfriend’ with a giant smile.
The younger sister beamed at her sister’s question and placed a hand on your back, gently pushing you toward the woman. “Sam, this is Y/N. She’s my friend,” Tara stated.
“Hi,” you breathlessly replied with an awkward smile as you stuck out your hand toward Sam. The woman looked you up and down before scoffing and slapping your hand away. “How come you’ve never mentioned her before?” Sam questioned while crossing her arms.
“Because, Sam, we just met tonight.”
At that, Sam’s eyes instantly widened as she stared at her sister. “Are you serious?! You don’t even know this stranger, yet you came outside to be alone with her?” Sam exclaimed as she checked her sister over for any injuries.
“I’m fine, Sam. And besides, Y/N isn’t that bad,” Tara laughed as she felt Sam’s hands check out of her body.
Sam stopped her movements and looked Tara in the eyes, “And how do you know that?”
Tara huffed at Sam’s question and turned to face you, “You aren’t going to murder me, Y/N, are you?”
“Yes, I am,” you joked with a playful smile, but Sam didn’t find it funny.
“Well, at least I get a heads up this time,” Tara chuckled, completely ignoring Sam’s bewildering expression.
Sam took in her sister’s words before shaking her head, shocked, “No, absolutely not. Come on, Tara, we are leaving,” Sam said as she walked to the driver’s side.
“Can Y/N come over at least?” Tara asked with puppy dog eyes and a small frown. Sam hated it when Tara did this, and her younger sister knew it always worked. Of course, Sam knew that Tara was only doing this to get her way, and Sam never denied her sister.
With a quiet ‘goddamnit,’ Sam allowed you to come with them.
“Thank you,” you said once you got into the back of the car and buckled up. You only got a small grunt in response, but you took it as a win.
The car ride was filled with low music and the occasional conversation between the sisters as you admired Sam. You were sitting behind the passenger seat, allowing you the perfect side view to look at Sam. Unbeknownst to you, Sam had caught you staring at her in the rearview mirror but made no verbal comment. ‘Fucking weirdo,’ she thought to herself as she quickly glanced at your love-sick eyes in the mirror.
Arriving at the Carpenters' apartment, Tara gave you a quick tour of the place and introduced you to their roommate Quinn, who naturally took a liking to you.
While you were on the couch talking with Tara, Quinn walked into the kitchen and found Sam glaring at you.
“She’s certainly something, isn’t she?” Quinn questioned while twirling her hair around her finger. You had taken off the fake beard, wig, and sunglasses and left your baby and baby carrier next to the door, and Sam had to admit, now that she saw your entire face, you were undeniably attractive.
Sam side-eyes Quinn before looking back at you and then back to the redhead. “I thought you were strictly men?”
Quinn chuckled at Sam’s response, “How can I thoroughly enjoy sex if I’ve never been with a woman? They know the female body better than anyone else.”
Not being able to form an argument against Quinn’s words, Sam nodded her head in agreement.
“Wish me luck,” Quinn said as she gently slapped Sam’s back before entering the living room, sitting right next to you.
And for some unknown reason, Sam felt a tinge of jealousy shoot throughout her body, making her hate you all the more.
You and Tara stayed up watching movies while Quinn occasionally hit on you. And when it came time for people to start turning in, Quinn gave it one last shot.
“Well, I’m going to bed,” Quinn said as she rubbed her hands on her thighs before standing up, “you can always come sleep with me, Y/N,” she finished with a wink before walking into her room.
Once she was gone, Tara apologized, “I’m sorry about her. She’s like that with everyone.”
“Eh, I don’t mind the boost of confidence,” you replied with a smirk. Tara laughed at your words, and her eyes darted to Sam’s door as it opened.
Sam walked into the living room and glared at you before looking at Tara. “Alright, Tara, I think it’s time for Y/N to go home,” Sam stated as she crossed her arms.
Tara let out a small groan as she threw her head back before standing up. “Alright, Alan, let’s go,” Tara replied as she pulled you off the couch and walked toward the door with you.
“What are you doing?” Sam questioned while watching you, and Tara put on your shoes. “I’m taking Y/N home?” Tara replied with a puzzled look.
“Nuh-uh, nope,” Sam responded as she walked over to the door and stood before it, “you are not leaving here this late at night with her.”
With a scoff, Tara looked between you and her sister, “Well, what do you want her to do then? Walk home?”
“Yes,” Sam immediately replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“So it’s not safe enough for me to walk with her, but she can go alone?”
Sam took a few seconds to think about it before responding, “That is correct.”
Tara sighed; she knew there was no point in arguing with Sam, but she got a bright idea. “Well, since you won’t let me take her home, you can,” Tara suggested as she removed her shoes.
“No!” You and Sam exclaimed at the same time but for different reasons. Sam didn’t want to take you home because she did not like you at all. While you, on the other hand, didn’t want to be left alone with the woman because you knew for a fact you would be a blushing mess and wouldn’t be able to form a sentence.
“I’ll take her home,” a voice called from behind you, and you turned to see Quinn leaning against her door frame. The redhead wore a sheer white blouse, and you could see her red lingerie bra.
“I’m fine with that,” you replied too quickly with a smile on your face.
But Sam scoffed at your words before moving to grab her keys. “Absolutely not. Come on, Y/N. I’ll take you,” Sam stated as she pushed past you to open the door. You gave Quinn a small wave and told Tara you would text her as you gathered up Carlos, your fake beard and wig, along with your sunglasses, before following Sam out to her car.
“Thank you for taking me home. I appreciate it, Sam,” you commented as you buckled up. Sam huffed in response as she started her car.
“How do I get to your house?” Sam asked after a few moments of driving down a random street. You told the woman your address, and Sam wanted to scream when she realized it would take almost thirty minutes to get to your house due to traffic.
The car was filled with the heavenly voice of Lana Del Rey as you leaned your head back against the headrest and looked over at Sam. You couldn’t explain it, but Sam was exactly what you would imagine a Lana Del Rey song would look like.
“Stop staring at me; you’re creepy as shit,” Sam said once she felt your eyes on her.
You awkwardly cleared your throat as you uncomfortably shifted in your seat while staring at the floor. “So, Tara told me your favorite movie is The Hangover?” You questioned while fidgeting with your fingers.
A few seconds passed before dryly said, “Yes.” And even more, seconds passed before she added, “I hope Carlos had a fun night.”
You lightly chuckled at the woman’s words as you messed with Carlos’ plastic hands, “Yeah, he had a blast tonight.”
Sam responded with a small ‘mhm’ as she continued driving, enjoying the awkward silence that filled the air.
When Sam arrived at your apartment, she realized that you lived in the nicer part of New York, and she loathed you for it. Not only were you a nuisance, you were more than likely a spoiled rich brat, and Sam could not wait to get rid of you.
“This is me,” you quietly mumbled while getting out of the vehicle with your items in hand as Sam rolled down the window to talk to you, “Thank you for the ride, Sam. I appreciate it,” you said as you pulled out your wallet and handed the woman a ten dollar through the window.
She looked between you and the money before staring into your eyes, “I’m not having sex with you for money.”
You furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head. “What? No. No! That’s not what I was implying,” you quickly defended before looking at Sam, “Why would you think?”
The woman shrugged her shoulders before speaking, “Because all you’ve done tonight is stare at me, so you either want sex or want to kill me,” Sam suggested.
“Why would I want to kill you?”
“Because you’re being creepy as shit! And you told Tara you were going to murder her.”
“Okay, fair enough. But I was completely joking about the whole murder thing,” you replied with a small laugh that Sam clearly didn’t find funny. You didn’t know about the past traumas the sisters have gone through together, and Sam knew that you didn’t know, but it didn’t make her feel any better toward you.
“Whatever,” Sam replied as she took your money before driving off.
“Goodnight, Sam!” You exclaimed while the car pulled away, and you sighed before heading to your apartment. Sam might not be the biggest fan of you right now, but you vowed you would win over the woman’s heart, no matter what it took.
Winning over Sam was much more challenging than you initially thought it would be. Every time you visited Tara at her place, Sam wouldn’t even acknowledge you, and anytime you would try to talk to her, she would quickly dismiss you. But you were ever the persistent type, and you knew you would eventually wiggle your way into her heart.
It had been exactly four months since you met Tara, and the girl was planning a memorable evening for you two to celebrate the milestone in your friendship.
You approached her apartment door and knocked thrice. Within a few seconds, the door slowly opened and revealed a grumpy Sam. “What do you want?” The woman questioned while looking up and down, her eyes moving to your right hand, “Why do you have flowers?”
“These are for you, actually,” you replied with a smile as you handed Sam her flowers. Sam studied you before reaching out and accepting the flowers, “Thanks, I guess.”
Now, Sam would never admit this even if someone held a gun to her head, but the way she felt knowing that you had gotten her real flowers and not some cheap fake ones from the Dollar Store, it was different. No one had ever brought her flowers before, and especially not in a romantic way, if that’s the game you were playing at.
The Latina studied the flowers and couldn’t help but chuckle at them: lavenders and violets; how subtle you were.
“So,” you said with a cheesy smile, “I’m here to hang out with Tara.”
“Tara! Your weird friend is here!” Sam shouted into the apartment before walking into the living room, with you a few steps behind her.
‘Sweet, that’s exactly how I like to be announced,’ you thought while moving to sit on the couch. You silently watched as Sam walked into the kitchen and threw away the flowers, and it pained you to see the beautiful blooms go to waste.
A few seconds passed when an overly excited Tara came into the living room and jumped onto the couch right next to you.
“Alright, here’s the plan: we order pizza, watch a movie and make some cookies, and then drink wine and paint. Deal?” Tara asked with eagerness and a giant smile on her face. “Sounds like a deal,” you replied while matching her grin. “Good,” Tara exclaimed while jumping off the couch and hunting for her phone to call in the pizza.
When the pizza arrived, you and Tara ate at the kitchen table along with Sam and Quinn. Naturally, the dinner was a bit awkward, as Quinn kept on hitting on you, and Sam would glare at you. You weren’t going to lie; you enjoyed the redhead's attention and were more than eager to answer her questions about your hometown and what you were majoring in.
Once you four had finished the pizza off, Tara set up a movie in the living room while Quinn left to go meet up with one of her many gentlemen callers, leaving just you and Sam in the kitchen.
The Latina watched as you pulled out some cookie dough and began preparing. “You know, you could always help,” you said while turning on the oven and pulling out a baking pan, and cleaning it off.
“I’m good,” Sam dryly replied as she crossed her arms and continued watching you work. You felt uncomfortable with her eyes burning into the back of your skull, “Stop staring; you’re creepy as shit.”
Sam huffed at your words before letting out a sound that sounded like a slight chuckle. “You’re one to talk,” the woman retorted while watching you eat a raw cookie dough bite, “you know you can get salmonella and die from that, right?”
You lightly chuckled at Sam’s as you finished eating the cookie dough, “Then I will be the first person in the history of the world to die from salmonella.”
You ignored the quiet ‘thank god,’ Sam muttered under her breath as Tara entered the room. “How are the cookies coming?” The girl questioned while eating a raw piece of cookie dough as well. “There wouldn't be any if you two keep on eating them,” Sam stated as she pushed you away from the pan and set the pieces of cookie dough on it.
“Why did you do that? I am perfectly capable of setting them out myself,” you said while watching Sam finish placing the cookie dough on the pan. “Because you and Tara would just eat it all,” the older woman replied as she put the pan in the oven and closed the door.
“If you say so,” you retorted as you entered the living room with Tara. You sat on the couch first and allowed Tara to cuddle up next to you as she pressed play on the movie.
You two enjoyed the peaceful comfort that had fallen over you when Sam called out, “Cookies are done,” while walking into the living room. “Seriously, you two? Shrek?” Sam asked while she watched the screen. “Yes, Sam. Shrek is amazing,” Tara retorted as she pushed off you and practically flew into the kitchen.
You gave Sam a tight-lipped smile as you walked past her and ate some cookies with Tara. And soon enough, Sam joined you two in the kitchen.
The woman stared at you as you finished your cookie and walked toward you. “You have something on your lip,” Sam said as she reached out and gently wiped away a piece of chocolate from the corner of your lips. You felt your heart explode at the contact and your knees weaken; you thought you would surely die if Sam kept this up.
She let her thumb linger on your lips before gently swiping it across your bottom lip with a smirk on her own lips before walking off to her room. She didn’t know why she did it, but it stirred something in her as she watched your shocked expression and lustful eyes dance across her face.
“What the fuck was that?” Tara asked as she shoved you once Sam was out of earshot.
“Huh uh,” you replied with a love sock grin as you stared at the hallway Sam disappeared into. The more petite girl gave you a look of disgust before pulling you into the living room to drink and paint, but your mind kept on drifting back to the beautiful woman who hated you as you worked. And before you knew it, you had accidentally painted a picture of Sam. In the painting, she was leaning against a doorframe wearing a skin-tight gray long-sleeve shirt that highlighted her muscles with jeans. A casual outfit you had seen Sam wear numerous times, but she still looked breathtaking.
Her eyes amused you the most in the picture; even though it wasn’t a close-up painting, her dark eyes still seemed to pull you in, and you could faintly see the monster she hid behind them.
You fell head over heels for Sam Carpenter that night.
Once every month, you would go over to Tara’s apartment for wine and painting, and it was probably the one night you looked forward to every month.
Not because you got an excuse to drink and stare lustfully at Tara’s controversial hot sister, but because you enjoyed creating the most horrific art pieces with the girl that no one should ever see.
“What the hell is that?” Tara drunkenly laughed one night after a few too many glasses of wine.
“I don’t know!” You said while watching Tara’s tone. You had created what was supposed to be your version of Sully from Monsters Inc but had made a giant blurb of blue and purple with the slightest resemblance to Ed Sheeran.
“Will you two keep it down?” Sam asked as she walked into the living room, wearing nothing but a bra and shorts.
You choked on your spit when you saw the woman and nearly fainted when a single drop of water ran down her defined abs.
“Sorry about that, Sam,” Tara replied with a drunken smile before returning to her painting, entirely ignorant of your lustful state.
One moment you were sitting next to Tara, and the next, you were in the kitchen next to Sam.
“Hey,” you husked out with a flirtatious smile and a nod as you leaned against the doorframe, trying your best to act sober and calm simultaneously.
“Hi,” Sam suspiciously replied as her eyes racked over your body and took in your drunken state.
“How you doin’?” You asked, and Sam couldn’t help but laugh at your shitty attempt to flirt with her.
“What do you want, Y/N?” Sam asked while getting out a bottle of water and facing you. You shrugged your shoulders as you pushed off the doorframe, “Would you like to come paint with us?”
At the mention of her sister joining in on the activity, Tara yelled from the living room, “Sam! Sammy! You have to come and paint with us!”
Sam sighed at her sister’s words before walking into her room, throwing on a random shirt and grudgingly sauntering into the living room and picking up a blank canvas as she sat beside you.
You three worked in silence as the soft sounds of Hozier filled the air. Sam would occasionally sneak a peek at your work, but you would always hide it. And when she finally got a good look at it, she wished she hadn’t seen it.
“Y/N. Why the fuck did you paint a naked lady?” Sam demanded as she stared at your artwork.
It was a sloppy picture of a woman wearing a white dress with one boob hanging out, and Sam had to admit, those had to be the biggest boobs she’s ever seen. The lady in the painting wore a faint black hat, and somehow, she looked familiar to Sam.
“Do not hate on my lovely wife, Samantha Carpenter. I shall have you know that Lady Dimitrescu is one of the finest women I have ever seen!” You defended while looking over at Sam’s artwork, “And what did you come up with?”
When you leaned over and saw what Sam had made, you couldn’t hide your disappointment. A frown pulled at your lips as you looked at a shitty painting of Sam stabbing you with a knife.
“It was a joke,” Sam whispered as her heart broke at your saddened expression. When she first started it, she felt good about it, and it made her happy. But now that she looked at your hallowed eyes and frowning lips, she wished she hadn't made it.
“No, it’s okay,” you replied as you cleared your throat and stood up, “Well, this has been fun, but I’m going to bed,” you finished as you walked off to Tara’s room and shut the door. You ignored the feeling of Sam’s eyes burning into your back.
“Way to go, Sam,” Tara scoffed as she stood up from the couch and went to her room to check on you. She knew of your feelings for Sam, and Tara tried her best to get her sister to warm up to you, but no matter how hard she worked, Sam refused to bridge.
But Tara didn’t know that Sam went to bed that night with regret plaguing her heart and mind as she went to sleep with the thought of you.
After that awkward night, you stopped coming to the Carpenter’s apartment as much. At first, you would say that you would have homework to catch up on, which was true, but then after a while, you completely stopped coming over at all.
Of course, you would talk to Tara every day, but when she invited you over, you would miraculously have something else to do that prevented you from coming.
“It’s because of Sam, isn’t it?” Tara asked you. The two of you were back at another frat party for Miles, and you were enjoying a peaceful conversation outside when Tara finally asked the question that had been plaguing her mind for weeks. “Pshh, no,” you replied with a shrug.
“Y/N, stop lying to me; I know it’s because of that picture she made,” Tara stated as she stared up at you, “Sam didn’t mean it.”
You scoffed at your best friend’s words while rolling your eyes. “The fuck do you mean she didn’t mean it, Tara!” You exclaimed.
“I mean, she felt bad afterward.”
“Yeah, right. You’re just lying because you want me to come back over.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Tara replied with a smile.
You two continued your conversation while occasionally people-watching until it was time to leave. Sam had slowly started to loosen up with Tara, so she was letting her sister go out more as long as she was there to pick up the girl. “Alright, Sam is on her way,” Tara commented when she read a text. You nodded at the girl’s words and tried to hide that you didn’t want to see Sam.
You hadn’t talked to the woman since that night, and you didn’t want to. Even though you were hopelessly devoted to Sam, you were hurt by how she treated you. You had been nice to her, and she would reject all of it, and weirdly, it hurt you to see Sam push you away.
Tara picked up on your pondering thoughts and reached a hand out, and rubbed it up and down your bicep. “Y/N, Sam is a grumpy asshole who is overprotective; don’t take it personally,” Tara said while reaching up to pinch your cheek with a smile.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Sam said as she approached you two. You quickly slapped Tara’s hand away from your face before looking at Sam. You had missed the dark-eyed woman and were glad to see her again, but you were still upset with the woman.
“No, you’re good,” Tara replied as she started following Sam to her car with you beside her.
The walk back to the vehicle was peaceful and filled with small banter between you and Tara, while Sam kept quiet until you ran into a group of drunken girls.
You could tell that they meant trouble before you were anywhere near them. The group was small, only consisting of three girls, but you could tell they were trouble as they stared down Sam when they walked past.
Sam pulled Tara into her side as the group walked by, and the woman said nothing when one of the girls shoulder-checked her.
“Come on,” Sam whispered while pulling Tara closer to her. You sent the group of girls a glance while walking, and you noticed how they stopped and turned around, and began walking behind you and the sisters.
“Hey!” One of the girls called, and Sam didn’t have time to react when she turned to face the girl and had a red slushie thrown on her.
The girls called Sam anything from a murderer to a liar, even to a whore, but Sam continued walking with tears in her eyes. She could handle all of the conspiracy theorist nuts, but she couldn’t handle having Tara see how she was treated.
So, when one girl called Sam a murderer again, you turned around and threw a punch. The sound of bone crunching rang throughout the air when your fist made contact with the girl's nose and was followed up by the girl's cries.
“You need to get your psycho girlfriend in check, you fucking murderer,” another girl cried out as she checked on her friend. You chuckled at the girl’s words and were getting ready to retort when you received a punch from the third girl.
You stumbled backward into Sam, and to your surprise, she caught you and whispered a quiet “I got you,” while you steadied your feet. “Come on,” Tara said as she dragged you and Sam away from the group.
The three of you walked briskly to Sam’s car as blood poured from your nose. When you reached the car, Sam opened her glove box and handed you some tissues, which you graciously accepted. You sat in the back seat while Sam drove, and Tara tried to talk to you.
“Tara, I love you so much, but I am in so much pain right now,” you choked out as you pressed the tissues to your bloody nose. Tara didn’t want to be the one to tell you this, but your nose was definitely broken, and she was not going to be the one to put it back in place.
“How are you doing back there?” Sam asked while quickly glancing back at you. “My nose is in my brain!” You exaggerated while holding your nose, and Sam chuckled at your response as she continued driving.
When you got to the Carpenter apartment, the blood had stopped pouring out, and you were thanking the gods as it had completely covered the tissues in crimson blood along with your chin. “Sit on the couch; I’ll be right back,” Tara said as she pushed you and Sam onto the couch.
Tara disappeared into the bathroom and grabbed a first-aid kit before returning to the living room, and she laughed at the sight of you and her sister. The slushie on Sam’s shirt matched the blood that had dried on the tissues and stained your chin, and you both looked like you had gone through hell.
Tara moved the coffee table closer to you and started to work on cleaning it up when Sam stopped her. “I got her, Tara. Go to bed,” Sam softly spoke as she moved the first-aid kit closer to her. Tara gave her sister a questionable look before muttering, “Okay,” and walking off to her room.
You watched as Sam pulled out some alcohol wipes and gently cleaned up your nose, and you let out a slight hiss as the alcohol seeped into a cut on the bridge of your nose. “I’m sorry,” Sam apologized as she finished cleaning your nose, “It’s broken.”
“I know,” you groaned, and Sam lightly laughed at your response. “I can pop it back into place for you,” Sam offered.
“Hell no,” you replied, laughing, “I would need lidocaine with epinephrine injected into my nose and then lidocaine sprayed into my nose! Then you would need a device to basically reach my brain and put a shit ton of pressure on my nose with it and your fingers to fix it!”
“Well, I’ll take you to the ER tomorrow so we can get it fixed,” Sam asked as she got up from the couch and saw the backpack you had left over before you went to the frat party with Tara.
“Y/N, what’s this?” Sam asked as she moved your bag and pulled out a painting. You whipped your head around at the woman’s words and instantly stood up from the couch and moved to her side. “That’s nothing,” you quickly said as you tried to prevent Sam from looking at it, but it was too late.
When Sam picked up the painting, she felt her stomach do involuntary flips, and her breath hitched in her throat; it was a painting of her and not just a normal one. She noticed imperfections about her that you saw as perfect through the gentle brush strokes, and she felt herself fall for you.
“I’m not one of your French girls,” Sam joked as she set the painting back down, but you noticed the smile that threatened to appear and how her eyes bravely traveled to your lips before returning to your eyes. “Goodnight, Y/N,” Sam added as she gently placed a small kiss on your cheek before going to her room.
You had no idea how you did it, but you somehow managed to make Sam Carpenter fall for you and you could not wait to see where it would take you.
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dirtybitfic · 9 months
Chris sturniolo x Y/n
Smuttt,party, drinking, smoking
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Y/n pov-
I’m gonna be so honest I love partys, going out , meeting new people and ofc having a couple drinks maybe even getting crossed if I’m feeling it.
Tonight I’m going to some influencers New Year’s party with my best friend Athena.
The party has a theme. It’s decades/year so we’re supposed to dress like our favorite decade or just a specific year.
I was born in the early 2000’s and it just so happens to be my favorite style era. So I’m dressing in the best y2k outfit I can .
Athena is going with 90’s streetwear . We decided to keep our outfits a surprise from each other. It just adds some extra excitement.
She said that she knows for sure I’ll love it so I trust her on that.
I started doing my makeup trying to match the colors with my outfit the best I can. Luckily I bought a wig for my outfit so I don’t have to worry about doing much to my hair.
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(Imagine her hair as a wig )
As I started to put the wig on over the cap and secure it with some pins and shit Athena came barging into my room scared the absolute Fuck out of me.
“IM SORRYYYYY ! I’m so fucking exited for you to see my fucking outfit. Also YOU MAKUP LOOKS SO GOOD. AND THE WIG HELLOOOO. “ Athena says looking me up and down.
“Thanksss bitch . Your hair looks so good and also your makeup . I cant wait to see how it ties into your outfit” I say.
“Same bitch . Ima go down stairs real quick and make us some pregame drinks and then we can get dressed” Athena says walking back to the door after setting her stuff down.
“ okay ima finish getting this wig to stay on then I’ll be ready to put on our fits” I say .
She smile and walks downstairs.
I just finished with pinning in my wig and spraying some more setting spray on my face to really lock in the makeup since it’s gonna be a long night and probably sweaty .
Me and Athena turned on some music to start hyping ourselves up a bit as we downed our drinks.
We were dancing around singing along and shakin some ass.
“Okay but fr we need to get dressed out Uber is about 10 minutes away” I say to Athena .
“ yeah your right. Okay let’s face our backs to each other and once we’re dressed we’ll turn around okay” she say’s excitedly .
“Alright “ I say turning around and start getting my pants and top on then waiting for her to say she was done and ready to turn around.
“Okay bitch on the count of three turn around “
“Okay . 1…2..3” I say as we both turn around .
“ ME BITCH ! LOOK AT YOUUUU” I say looking her up and down moving my hand up and down gesturing to her.
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(Athena’s outfit).
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My outfit
Not gonna lie I think I nailed 2000’s fashion to the best of my abilities.
About 5 minutes after we were done getting dressed and had our shoes on the Uber was outside.
We chugged the rest of our second drinks and headed out of the door locking it then getting into the Uber.
“ so where you girls headed tonight “ the Uber driver asked.
He was honestly young which I didn’t expect but hey I ain’t complaining.
“Oh we’re just going to a party” I said honestly. Feeling the strong drinks we chugged setting in a bit.
“Oh nice. I’m guessing it’s a theme from your outfits “ he said .
“Oh yeah ! We’re supposed to dress as our favorite decade” I said smiling at him through the rear view mirror .
“ I’m guessing your … 2000’s “ he says to me, “and your 90’s he says to Athena.
“ wow you got that easily” I say laughing a little bit.
“Alright looks like we’re here lady’s” he says as the car comes to a stop.
“Thank you so much . Have a good night” I say as we got out.
“You too . Be safe” he says smiling and waving before pulling away.
Me and Athena walk hand and hand up the driveway and through the gates to the huge front door. We walked in immediately hit with the smell of weed and alcohol and loud music.
“Let’s go get some drinks” I yell into Athena’s ear.
“Lead the way” she says as I grab her hand and we weave through the crowd of people.
“Okay what you want” I say grabbing two cups to mix up our drinks in.
“Ummmm tequila and sprite” she says to me.
“God that’s nasty but okay” I say as I start pouring the tequila and sprite into her cup and swirling it around with my finger to mix it the best I can then I hand it to her.
I mix up some rum and coke in my cup .
They start playing
“BITCH THIS IS MY MF SONG “ I yell at Athena and grab her hand leading her to where everyone else is dancing around.
Me and Athena start dancing as I turn around facing my back to her front as she puts an arm around my shoulders as we sway and grind to the music.
“Girl look at that guy over by the right wall he is stariiiiing “ Athena whispers in my ear.
I look over to the wall slowly scanning it to find who’s she’s talking about. I meet eyes with the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Chris fucking sturniolo. Holy fuck why would HE be looking at me I thought.
I break I contact and turn to say something to Athena.
“That’s Chris sturniolo Athena omg” I say nervously .
I’ve had a crush on him for a while ever since I watched one of their videos when I was bored on YouTube one day then fell down a rabbit hole of their videos .
“Oh shit he’s one of the triplets you watch on YouTube “ Athena says and all I can do is nod.
As I turn to say something else I make eye contact with Chris again only now he’s at the dj booth saying something to the dj.
After a couple seconds a interesting song plays…
As the song starts playing I realize that must have been what Chris had asked the dj to play. I maintained eye contact with him as he slowly approached me all I could do was gulp nervously . It hit the line boots with the fur and Chris looked down smirking at my boots. AHHH SHIT IM WEARING BOOTS WITH FUR. Is all I thought to myself finally understanding the context of his song choice.
He finally stood right in-front of me . He leaned down to my ear causing my breathe to hitch.
“I guess all your missing is the apple bottom jeans huh?” He asks seductively. All I could do was giggle a little from him comment. “Okay funny guy” I say in his ear.
He retreats from my neck mere inches from my face now.
“Y/n right? “ he asks
“Y-yeah how do you kno—“ was all I got out before he answered me.
“Oh I’ve been watching your videos for a while you and your friend are funny as fuck” he says smiling widely at me.
“Th-thank you. You and your brothers are pretty funny too” I say smiling back at him.
“Oh you watch our videos “ he asks smirking at me.
“Yep but I do have to say … Nick is the funniest “ I say giving him a playful smirk.
“Cute” he says as he comes back to my ear.
“He may be the funniest but who’s the hottest” he asks deeply sending shivers down my back.
“Mmmmm idk maybeeee Matt” I say trying to hold in a laugh seeing if I could upset him a little bit.
“Oh you think your funny huh “ he asks as he hears a muffled giggle coming from me.
“Yeah I do think I’m a little funny” I say letting my laugh out .
“Wanna go outside ma” he asks me the Nick name sending shock waves through me.
“Y-yeah sure” I say kinda confused as to why he’d wanna go outside but hey I wasn’t complaining.
“Come on” he says grabbing my hand and leading me out the back door and to a secluded area outback where no one is around.
“Do you smoke “ Chris asks. “Yeah “ I answer honestly.
“Good cause I got a j right here just begging for us to smoke it” he says causing me to laugh a little.
“We’ll what are we waiting for then “ I say taking a sip of my drink.
He lights it up and takes a couple drags before handing it to me.
“So y/n , you talking to anybody “ he asks while watching me blow out smoke.
“Nope haven’t really found any guy out here worth my time” I say smiling at him.
“Yeah I get that. Honestly most of the girls I’ve met and been around are so insufferably annoying “ he says . I laugh cause honesty he’s right.
“Yeah I get that. that’s why I really only hang out with Athena and a couple other guys out here. Most of the girls are just cunts always judging every move I make and I just don’t have the energy for it” I say then taking a mother hit and handing it back to him.
“Oh yeah Larray said he started hanging out with you a couple weeks ago and that we’d really like you so “ he says looking at me and smiling.
“Aww I love larray he’s one of the most sweet and genuine people I’ve met since moving out here” I say as I look deeply into his piercing blue eyes .
“You look really hot high “ he says staring into my eyes deeply.
“Oh uhh t-thank you” I say as my cheeks flush a deep red. He’s so hot it’s making me nervous.
“ what do you say we get out of here maybe go back to yours or even mine ?” He asks after finishing off the last of the joint and dropping what little remains on the stone next to us.
“Yeah sure I’m honestly kinda over this party anyways” I answer honestly as we start walking back to the door .
“I just need to check on Athena real quick and let her know where I’m going and make sure she’ll be okay if I leave” I say looking up at him.
He grabs my hand and tells me to lead the way to her.
I spot her over in a group of people playing beer pong. I start to walk up to her .
“Hey Athena are you good if I head out with Chris. If not I can absolutely stay I will not leave you if you aren’t comfortable “ I say making it clear to her she can tell me no even though I’d be a little sad I would never leave my best friend alone for a guy.
“ No bitch go have fun I’ll be fine I actually was gonna tell you I’m staying the night at this guy chases house so I won’t be home at all tonight.” She says smiling at me and glancing back at Chris behind me.
“Okay bitch well I love you see you tomorrow “ I say as I give her a hug and Chris takes my hand again leading me to the front door and exit the house.
“Okay I ordered a Uber it should be a black jeep” he says looking up at the street looking for the Uber.
“Oh I see it over there “ I say pointing to a Jeep parked on the left side of the rode .
“Alright let’s go “ Chris says grabbing my hand.
I walk beside him as he throws his arm around my shoulder and once we get to the Uber he opens the door for me to hop in first then he gets in after me .
After about a 30 minute drive we reach the destination. His house.
I hop out thanking the Uber driver and then following Chris to the front door as he unlocks it then holds it open for me.
“Come on in ma” he motions me to enter and I follow direction easily entering.
“ do you mind if I take my shoes off my feet are fucking killing me” I ask him .
“Yeah ofc make your self at home . Get as comfortable as you need to be” he says as he looks me up and down.
I sit on the couch trying to get my boot off and failing since I’m a bit crossed and it’s making it harder than it should be. I wined out of annoyance of not being able to get the damn shoes off.
“ would you like some help ma” he asks smiling at me laughing a little from noticing my frustration.
“ yes please “ I say out of relief.
He knelt down infront of me as his hands moved to my boot to pull in off. I lifted my leg a little to help him pull it off easier. He gets the first one off then moved to the other leg to get my other boot off. As he was pulling it off he looked Down eyes widening a little . It took me a second to register what he was looking at . I had completely forgotten I went commando tonight since my skirt was so low waisted that all my thongs showed on the sides and I didn’t like that.
“ oh fuck … I’m so sorry I completely forgot I didn’t wear underwear. Got that’s so awkward. I’m really really sorry if I made you uncomfortable “ I say shyly as I snap my legs shut.
He looks up at me but his eyes have darkened and he has a smirk on his face that I just love.
“ no no you did not make me uncomfortable at all gorgeous . I was just thinking about how much I wanna bury my face in between your thighs.” Chris says looking into my eyes causing my breathe to hitch and rub my thighs together feeling my pussy pulsing from his words.
“ sorry I shouldn’t have said that “ he says chuckling a little .
“Oh no your good I just… well uh you know umm” I say stuttering my words not wanting to say his words turned me on but the blush creeping up my chest and face must have been a dead give away.
“ Awww look at you blushing . Did my words turn you on ma” he asks standing above me now .
“I.. “ was all I got out as he stared down at me with darkened eyes that made me feel like I was melting into the couch.
“Words ma… tell me what your feeling “ Chris says as he bends down and puts his arms on each side of the back of the couch locking me in.
“I feel… really ducking turned on right now “ I say as I part my legs slightly so he could see how wet I was.
“Oh ma look how wet you are I haven’t even touched you at all” he says as he starts kneeling infront of me moving his hands to rub my thighs.
The touch of his hands causing me to whimper.
“Want me to touch you ma. Make you feel good”he asks in a husky voice making me squirm a little bit.
All I could do was nod .
“Use your words ma I’m not gonna tell you again” he says sternly.
“Yes Chris please I need you so bad” I wimped out .
“Good girl now spread your legs wide for me “ he says and I do as I’m told I think he’s starting to catch on to how submissive I really am for him.
“Look at you being such a submissive little slut for me . Doing exactly what I tell you god you listen so well” he says before diving his head between my thighs and flicking his tongue on my throbbing clit causing me to moan out his name.
“F-Fuck Chris so fucking good” I moan as he starts sucking on my clit sending my head flying back and louder moans to escape my mouth.
“Feel good ma” he asks and the vibrations of his voice on my pussy causing me to shiver.
“Yes Fuck Chris keep going it feels so good” I moan out .
He goes right back to licking and sucking my clit making my legs start to shake. He inserts two fingers into me causing me to gasp and buck into his face from surprise.
He sucks on my clit as he curls his long slender fingers hitting the perfect spot but I know I need to warn him if he keeps finger fucking me I’ll squirt some guys have gotten angry with me over squirting on their face and I don’t want him to do the same .
“Fu-Fuck Chris if you keep doing that I’m gonna squirt “ I say half whimpering and sounding concerned trying to warn him .
“Fuck ma that’s so hot give it to me . Soak me like the little slut you are” he says as he thrust his fingers deeper and sucks my clit harder .
At this point my legs are shaking so hard that I can’t even try to stop them and I start to feel the build up in my stomach feeling my climax rushing in fast and hard.
“FUCK CHRIS IM GONNA …” was all I got out before I felt myself release all over him and I could feel my squirt dripping out of me .
I looked down to see Chris smirking with a pussy drunk expression on his soaked face .
“Fuckkk ma that was so hot … I always wandered if you’d be a squiter” he says honestly causing em to tilt my head and furrow my brows .
“You had sexual thoughts about me before” I ask a little shocked.
“Oh trust me ma I’ve had many thoughts … and dreams about you” he answered honestly with a smirk causing me to tilt my head back and whimper. That was so hot to me for some reason .
“Let’s go to my room we’ll have more space on the bed for what in about to do to you” he says as he pulls me up by my thighs holding me as I wrap my legs around his waist .
He starts walking down the stairs as we reach his room he enters and kicks the door closed behind him and walks to the bed throwing me down onto it before tearing his shirt and pants off then coming back to me.
“Let’s get this sexy little outfit of of you .yeah?” He says as he pulls my top off and moves to my skirt and yanks it off after undoing the button.
“Fuck your so beautiful y/n” he whispers causing my face to get hot as a blush washes over my face.
“Thank you “ I say as he looks over me .
“Turn around on all fours now I wanna see that ass” he says and I do as I’m told .
He slaps my ass hard causing me to moan .
“Yeah you like that don’t you “ he says as I cry out as he slaps it again a little harder .
“Answer me “ he says and he slaps my ass even harder .
“YES Fuck Chris I love it . “ I say as more of a moan .
“I’ll go slow at first ma so you can adjust. I’m not huge but it will hurt” he says as I feel him rubbing his tip on my entrance.
“Okay” I say as I feel him starting to enter me and Jesus Christ he’s thick I can feel how much he’s stretching me out and it ducking hurts.
“Ow Fuck chris” I say reaching back to push him away but he just grabs my arm and holds it behind my back.
“I know ma shhh you’ll be okay I got you “ he says making me feel a little calmer and less tense.
“I’m gonna slide all the way in okay ma” he says as he caressed my back with his other hand .
“Mmhm “ was all I could get out .
He thrusted into me bottoming out causing me to let out a scream.
“FUCK CHRIS “ I screamed as I felt a burning sensation flow through my pussy from the stretch of him.
“I know ma I’m sorry but it would have hurt more if I did it slowly “ he says sympathetically knowing I was probably in pain.
“Just tell me when to move okay gorgeous “ he says I tried to calm my breathing as I adjusted to his size.
“Okay yo-you can move “ I say as the burning sensation started to die down.
He starts thrusting slowly but deeply causing my breathe to hitch from the pleaser of his deep thrusts.
“Faster Chris please “ I wined to him.
He starts thrusting faster hitting my gspot perfectly.
“Fuck ma your so tight” he groaned as he felt me clenching around him already getting close to another orgasm which shocking me because I’ve never been with a man who can make me orgasm at all let alone this fast.
“FUCK CHRIS OMG IM SO CLOSE” I screamed out feeling my orgasm approaching.
“Suck a good girl for me ma give it to me . Cum all over my dick” he says and his words send me over the edge causing me to be a shaking whimpering mess under him.
“Fuckkk that’s it ma such a good girl “
“Ughhh Fuck Chris “ I loaned out as my orgasm died down but my legs shaking was becoming so much that my legs started to give out from holding my weight up.
“C-Chris my legs I -c-can’t hold my self up for much l-longer” I try to get out as he’s still thrusting deeply into me.
“That’s okay ma get on your back for me” he says as he pulls out letting me readjust my position.
He hovers over me and moves my legs onto his shoulders and repositions his dick back at my entrance before slamming back into me . Him having my legs on his shoulders has him hitting new spots even deeper in me I feel like he’s in my stomach right now.
“FU-FUCK CHRIS YOUR SO BIG AND DEEP OMG” I scream moan as he keeps thrusting hard into me.
“Yeah ma you feel how deep I am in you” he says as he moves one hand to my neck chocking me and his other to my lower stomach feeling himself deep inside me . The pressure of his hand causing more pleasure to run through me .
“Fuckkk ma I can feel you squeezing me you gonna squirt all over my dick like a good girl” he says as his hand around my neck squeezes a little harder .
“Yes FUCK YES CHRIS “ I scream out as I get the familiar feeling that I’m about to squirt and my legs start shaking uncontrollably.
“Fuck .give it to me slut show me how much you love the way I fuck you” he says as he applies a little more pressure of my stomach causing me to squirt all over him and the sheets . It’s so much I feel it soaking the sheets under my ass and a little at my lower back.
“Holy fuck that’s so hot ma “ he moans out into my ear causing me to shudder under him as my legs are still shaking on his shoulders .
“F-Fuck Chris I can’t t-take anymore it-s to mu-much” I try and get out and it come out in just a pathetic tone that has Chris smirking as he stares into my eyes.
“Awww ma you can take it I know you can . Your gonna quirt for me one more time “ he says into my ear deeply causing me to moan .
I’m moaning and whimpering as my nails start dragging down his back so deep it causes him to thrust harder into me making me scream as I feel my third climax approaching.
“JESU CHRIST CHRIS IM GONNA SQUIRT AGAIN” I scream as my head flies back and my legs start shaking harder .
“Yeah give it to me slut your taking me so well” he says and I squirt so hard that my hips lift off the bed and he has to pull out from the force .
“Jesus ma that’s a lot “ he says as he watches me squirm under him.
“F-Fuck Chris I don’t know if I can take anymore” I whimper out feeling so overstimulated at this point .
“ I know you can ma I promise I’m close “ he says as he slides back into me causing me to shake and whimper .
He starts thrusting fast and hard into me causing my hands to fly back to his back scratching deeply again I know those scratches are gonna hurt tomorrow but he doesn’t seem to mind he actually seems to like it a lot judging by the way he groans and his thrust speed up.
“Fuck you gonna let me cum in you ma” he asks me as I feel him start to twitch in me and his thrust to start getting more sloppy.
“Yes Chris Fuck please fill me up “ I moan out as I feel my final orgasm approaching quickly .
“Fuck I know your close mama cum with me okay” he says as my nails continue to scratch up his back.
“YES FUCK CHRIS P-PLEASE” I scream out as he hits my gspot over and over I start to cum as I feel his cum filling me up.
“Fuckkk such a good girl ma letting me fill you up” he groans in my ear as I moan and shake under him. His thrusts slow and he slowly pulls out of me causing me to whimper.
My legs are shaking and I can feel our mixed juices leaking out of me .
“Fuck you look so hot with my cum dripping out of you” he says as he just watching it drip out .
“Take a picture it’ll last longer “ I say as I laugh a little bit.
“Can I “ he asks seriously and a little excitedly .
“Sure why not “ I say to tired to fight him on it.
He rushes to grab his phone and takes a picture and video saving them to his my eyes only .
“I just wanna remember the first time a girl let me cum In her “ he says with a cute smile making me laugh.
“Can I tell you something” I ask Chris.
“Ofc ma you can tell me anything” he says as he lays down next to me bringing me into a hug.
“Your the first guy who’s ever made me cum and the first guy I’ve ever leg cum in me” I say looking into his eyes smiling .
“Wow I feel very special right now” he says smiling at me.
“Yeah yeah whatever “ I say feeling a little shy now.
“ you wanna shower and stay the night” he asks me .
“Yeah ofc but your probably gonna have to help me walk to the bathroom my legs are like hello right now “ I say laughing a little.
“Alright ma come on” he says as he helps lift me up and carry me to the shower . He sets me down on the little seat in to shower and turns it on letting it get hot. He steps in and his dick is right in my face causing me to giggle a little as I grab it and give his head a little kiss.
“Fu-Fuck ma “ he says in shock of what I just did I just smiled up at him as I let go of his dick and he helped me get up so he can wash my body and then his as we both are clean he turns off the water helps me dry off and throw one of his sweatshirts on since it’s so damn cold in there house and then get into bed.
“Hey do you think I could take you out on a date sometime “ he asks as I cuddle into his chest.
“Ofc Chris I’d love that “ I say as I give his chest a little his.
“Yayy” he says all giddy making me smile .
“Hey can you turn over for a second “ I ask him . He looks at me confused .
“I wanna see the damage I did” I say sweetly .
“Okayyy” he says smiling as he flips over and I gasp . I knew I scratches a lot but fucking hell I feel kinda bad now.
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“ god damn Chris I’m sorry I didn’t think I scratched that hard” I say as he flips over.
“ ma it’s okay I loved that shit” he says as he moved some of my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead .
“I’m gonna turn on the fan and then we can go to sleep” he says as he gets up and runs the fan in and turns off the lamp on his bedside table pulling me into him so I’m the little spoon.
“Good night my beautiful girl “ he says softly I. My ear.
“Good night Chris “ I say rubbing soft circles in the back of his hand as we drift off to sleep.
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77 notes · View notes
history repeats itself ~ gwilym lee
word count: 2836
request?: yes!
“hey, i saw you wrote for Ben Hardy so I was wondering if you would write for Gwilym Lee? If not ignore this lol. I was thinking something like he meets the reader on set and they immediately hit it off, and the resemblance of her to Brian May’s wife is uncanny (let’s pretend he’s had just the one) and it’s kinda like a history repeats itself thing? idk if that made since. maybe Brian and Roger noticing and just being so amazed seeing that happening in front of them? thank you, and obviously since i have no explanation skills take complete control!”
description: when she gets cast to play the wife of a rock legend, everyone realizes how similar she and her on screen husband look to the originals
pairing: gwilym lee x female!reader
warnings: swearing, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was such a small role, one that didn’t even have any lines. But to me, it was huge. It was a small role in a massive blockbuster movie: the Freddie Mercury biopic. It would be the biggest job of my career. Up until that point, I had only been an extra in a few sitcoms. Having a small, silent role as Brian May’s wife in a Freddie Mercury biopic may seem like a small step up from what I’m used to, but the scale of the movie made it a massive deal for me.
I wasn’t sure if I’d get the role. There were hundreds of other actresses just like me - desperate for even the smallest roles in such a big film - were lined up to meet the director and casting director. It was such a small chance of getting it I thought. Until I walked into the room and both of their eyes widened when they landed on me.
“Holy shit,” the casting director breathed. “She looks just like her.”
I was cast on the spot. I nearly sobbed in happiness. I managed to keep the tears in until I got to my car and could call my parents to give them the news.
A few months later, I was preparing for my day on set. It was a party scene that was taking place at Freddie’s mansion at the height of their career. The other band members - Brian, Roger, and John - were there with their wives/girlfriends. The scene mostly required us to sit by our assigned on-screen husbands while they conversed. It was an easy day, and it was only going to take one day of filming, but I was still nervous. I had already met up with the director and some of the cast involved in the scene, but today I was going to be meeting the main four actors and two members of Queen.
I was just finished with wardrobe and was on my way to hair and makeup when I came across one of the main actors, Gwilym. I had been told about him after being cast, since he was the one playing Brian May, but I hadn’t met him yet. I suddenly felt nervous as I approached the hair and makeup trailer, where Gwilym was stood outside the door also waiting. He looked up as he heard me approach and smiled.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” I said back. “I’m (Y/N).”
“Gwilym. Nice to meet you.” He reached out and shook my hand. I hoped he couldn’t feel how my hands were shaking. “You’re playing Brian’s wife, right? Well, my wife I guess.”
I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m getting all dolled up for my one day on set to film my one, dialogue-less scene.”
“Hey, there’s no such thing as small parts remember.”
I made a face at him. “You sound like my old theater teachers.”
Gwilym cringed. “That’s the last thing I’d ever want.”
I laughed. The door to the hair and makeup trailer opened and two other extras came out. The stylist greeted us and told us to come in. I sat in one chair while Gwilym sat in the one next to me. I watched the stylist grab a long, brunette wig and place it next to Gwilym.
“I’m gonna have to do Gwilym’s wig firs since that’ll take the longest,” she told me. “So, sit tight, and try not to mess up your wardrobe too much.”
I nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
I watched the process of applying Gwilym’s wig. It really did take a long time. First, a bald cap had to be applied to Gwilym’s head. Then, the wig was placed on his head in a few different ways to figure out the best placement. Once that was figured out, the wig had to be pinned down in a way that made it look natural on his head, and not like a wig.
“So,” Gwilym said, trying his best not to move his head. “Since we’re going to be here a while, and since we’re playing a married couple, I suppose we should get to know one another.”
“Sure,” I said with a laugh. “What do you want to know?”
“Is this your first movie?”
“It is. Until now I was just an extra in a few sitcoms. I had one line once, that’s the extent of my career.”
“Well, extras are important. Without them, a scene would look so stupid if it was just the main characters.”
I shrugged. “I know that, and I know every actor has to start somewhere, but I’ve been doing this for roughly five years. Performing Arts schools are expensive and I sometimes worry I made a mistake persuing acting.”
I saw Gwilym’s eyes quickly look over at me before looking back at the mirror in front of him. “It’s never a mistake to chase your dreams. It just takes time. You have to play the small parts in order to get experience for the big ones.”
“You’re right. It’s just taking so long. But I’m here now, so that’s a step up.” I shook my head. “Anyways, away from my career insecurities. Tell me a bit about you.”
We talked throughout his wig applying process. We exchanged embarrassing childhood stories, talked about how we got into acting, general details about one another. I had forgotten about the fact that I was waiting to have my own hair and makeup done by the time Gwilym stood from his chair.
He looked at himself in the mirror before turning to me. “How do I look?”
I tilted my head as I looked up at him. “Scarily like Brian May.”
He chuckled. “That’s good, then. They won’t fire me anytime soon. I’ll see you on set?”
I nodded and watched him go. I felt a little disappointed by the fact that he was leaving. I had really enjoyed talking to him. The next time I’d see him would be on set for the scene, where we wouldn’t be able to talk, and then once that ended I’d never see him again.
The stylist started going my hair and makeup. She showed me a picture of Brian and his wife in the early 80s, which was when the scene was set, as the inspiration for my look in the scene. It was subtle, but it was clearly 80s. It didn’t take as long as Gwilym’s had, and soon enough, I was on my way again.
I stepped out of the trailer just as Gwilym was walking up again. He was now in his costume, looking so much like a young Brian May that it was scary.
“Right on time,” he said. “I was coming back to walk you to set.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” I said, but I was touched by the offer.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to, so I am.” He offered an arm to me, like a gentleman. I took it and we started walking to set. “Besides, it’s a big scene with a lot of people. It might be nerve wracking to walk on set by yourself with all those people.”
“It is. Especially with meeting the rest of the main cast at the same time.”
“Oh, they’re all a bunch of wankers, you don’t have to worry about meeting them.”
I giggled. “You can’t say that about Brian May and Roger Taylor, though. And they’re going to be on set, too.”
“No, you’re right. But they are very kind. You don’t have to worry about meeting them. I’m sure everyone will like you. Even if they didn’t, who cares? You won’t have to see them again after today.”
He had a point, but it was still sad to hear out loud. I had been preparing for this day for so long, excited for my first big project. And now, within a matter of hours, it would all be over. I’d be sent back home, waiting for the next role to come up, hoping that maybe this movie could help with that role being a bigger one than just an extra. Back to my normal, boring life.
Saying goodbye to Gwilym.
I had managed to shock myself with that thought. I had only known Gwilym for maybe an hour and a half, but the thought of only having this day with him brought on a bit of sadness. He was so kind, and he seemed so genuine. I had never been on a set where the main actors even acknowledged that the extras existed, let alone be nice enough to walk one to set after talking to her for some time.
Not to mention he was extremely handsome. Especially when he smiled, like he was smiling at me now.
God, don’t develop a crush on the guy you’ll never see again after today.
My heart rate jumped the second we walked on to set. Gwilym wasn’t lying when he said there was going to be a lot of people in the scene. The mansion set was packed with people, so full that there was just barely enough room to move around. I was hoping this was the only amount of extras that were set to be in the scene, or else I think my nerves would go into over drive.
The director spotted Gwilym and I almost immediately and led us over to where we were set to be for the scene. Rami, Joseph, and Ben were already sat around having a laugh as we walked up. They happily greeted Gwilym, and he then introduced me to the lot of them. They were very nice and welcomed me in almost immediately, but it was still pretty surreal to be there with them. Especially Joseph, who I had seen in Jurassic Park when I was just a kid. I almost felt out of place there, but I could tell I wasn’t alone. I introduced myself to the other girls who were playing Ben and Joseph’s on screen love interests, who also looked just as out of place as I felt.
We were all sat around together when the buzz in the room suddenly turned into a hush. It wasn’t hard to know what had just happened: they had arrived.
Brian May and Roger Taylor themselves.
Rock and roll royalty.
I looked over and my heart leapt into my throat at the sight of them. It was hard to believe that they were actually real. I had been listening to Queen’s music all my life, but it wasn’t until this moment that I truly realized that these legends were actual real people.
Actual real people who were walking towards us.
I jumped when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over to see that it was Gwilym’s hand. When I looked at him, he smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back, the nervousness in my stomach being replaced with butterflies. His hand moved down my arm and squeezed my own. I squeezed his hand back.
“My God.”
I looked up to see Brian and Roger stood over us. I tried to put on my best smile, hoping it wasn’t as obvious as I felt it was that I was shaking. Brian was looking between Gwilym and I, a look in his eye that I couldn’t quite place. Reminiscent, maybe?
“They did a spot on job casting for this movie,” Brian commented. “It feels like I’m looking into a mirror with you two.”
“If there mirror were about 50 years younger,” Roger teased.
“You speak from experience, don’t you old man?” Brian retorted. I couldn’t help but chuckle at their banter. Years of friendship and knowing one another, and they were still cracking jokes and poking fun. I hoped to be like them with my friends when I got older. “What’s your name, love?”
It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. In fact, there was nothing going on in my head at all. It was like I had completely forgotten every little thing I had ever learned in my life. How does one continue to function after Brian May calls them “love”?
“This is (Y/N),” Gwilym said, saving me from my colossal choke.
“Yes,” I finally managed. “Sorry, my name is (Y/N). I’m a little nervous.”
“Nothing to be nervous about, darling,” Brian said. “You already have the look of my wife down. And it seems you and young Gwilym here have already gotten quite acquainted.”
I didn’t realize that Gwilym and I were still holding hands. I expected him to let go at that moment, as if he were just realizing as well, but he didn’t. Instead, he kept hold of my hand, giving it another reassuring squeeze. I wondered if the blush on my face was noticeable under the makeup.
The director called for places, so Brian and Roger took their places off set. I let out a sigh of relief after they were gone and moved into place with Gwilym.
“See?” he whispered to me as we were passed glasses of fake champagne. “They’re not that bad.”
“Their presence alone is a little terrifying,” I whispered back.
“But you got through it. Seems Brian’s taken a liking to you. Although, that’s not surprisingly considering how lovely you are.”
I was convinced this was all some sort of very long, very detailed dream. I was going to wake up at any given moment.
The scene went by very smoothly. It wasn’t hard to just look between the boys as they spoke, smiling when I was supposed to smile, offering a sour look when Rami arrived, acting as a rather rude Freddie. It felt like Gwilym was moving closer to me with each take that we did. First we started off sitting in separate chairs, until the director asked if we would switch and sit in the couch that Joseph and his lady friend had been sat in. Gwilym had moved towards me at the start of that take, and by the final take of the day our bodies were touching and his arm was around me. I was glad I didn’t have any lines, or else I would’ve likely forgotten every single one of them.
When the director called cut and said it was a wrap on the scene, I tried not to let my sadness show. The extras started to file out of the room, going to get read for a different scene that they were filling for. Not me, though. I was going to wardrobe to get my outfit taken back, and then I was going home. If I was lucky, I would be invited to the premiere, otherwise I would never see any of these people again.
I wouldn’t see Gwilym again.
Ben, Joseph, and Rami were kind enough to give me a hug and tell me they were happy to have met me. I told them likewise and started my way back to the wardrobe trailer.
“(Y/N)! Wait!”
I turned to see Gwilym rushing up towards me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your next scene?” I asked him.
“Yes, but I wanted to talk to you before you left,” he said. “Look, I know this is a bit presumptive to ask because we only really spoke to one another for that time in hair and makeup, and I have no idea if you’re even single so maybe I’m about to make an ass out of myself, but I wanted to ask you if you’d like to go out this evening once I’ve finished on set.”
Everything in my brain? Gone.
Every last bit of it.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. It had to be a dream, right? There was no way it was real. I would’ve pinched myself if it wouldn’t have made me look like a total idiot in front of Gwilym.
“Yes,” I said. “ I mean, yeah, sure, I - I would love that.”
His face lit up. “Yeah? Okay. Here, let me give you my number.”
We both realized we didn’t have our phones, so we had to do it the old fashioned way - Gwilym found a pen and paper, and wrote down his number for me. I took the paper and shoved it into my pocket.
“I’ll text you once I’m no longer part of the 80s,” I said, gesturing towards my outfit.
He chuckled. “And I’ll do the same.”
We both stood, just looking at each other for a moment. It wasn’t until Gwilym was called back to set that we finally, reluctantly, broke away to go out separate ways. I put my hand in my pocket and closed it around the piece of paper containing Gwilym’s number. I smiled to myself, having to restrain myself from skipping happily towards wardrobe.
I guess history really does repeat itself, I thought with a laugh.
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lunarsun12 · 4 months
The Gold Thief - Part 2
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After the two brothers kicked Jungwon house door down. Jungwon screamed as he was half dressed as he didn’t expect his Hyungs to really do it. In the moment of panic Jungwon blurted out that the gold was his and ran upstairs in embarrassment. Leaving his dumbfounded brothers standing in their spot.
How will Jungwon react to his brothers almost ransacking his place?
Back At Enhypen Chat
Today 22:00
Heesung🦌: How can Sunghoon? Got it all so wrong!!
Jay💰: We almost robbed our own brother money!!
Sunghoon❄️: I got mixed up with gold with bald!
Sunoo☀️: You three fought over, who gets to inherits Grandpa wig company…
Jay💰: Sunghoon! Get glasses for real! I feel bad for ransacking Jungwon place
Let’s have the rewind of what really happend….
Back At Niki and Jungwon Private Chat
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Is his werid antique stuff? Appa used to love collect those
Niki🕺: NO I FOUND GOLD! Like real gold!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Did Niki found my secret stash of gold? Since when did Appa has a gold vault?
Niki🕺: Eomma! We finally get to be rich and stop your family members bullying us!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Niki! That not your Appa gold…
Niki🕺: Then who? It can’t be yours! You gave it all to charity!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: It is mine! I store it in Appa’s vault. To prevent my hyungs from stealing it! I forgot about it until now!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: It used to be his wig caps store room and installed a lock to prevent someone coming in!!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Niki bring the gold here… I see what I can do with it…
Niki🕺: Won’t your brothers looks for it? When they noticed it was missing
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Nah! No one ever goes there except me!
End of flashback…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: You two owe me a new door!! Was kicking the door necessary!
Heesung🦌: That was Jay idea, I just followed!
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Sunghoon should learn how to read!!
Sunghoon❄️: I know how to read!! It’s Appa who twisted everything!!
Jay💰: Sunghoon! Young man! Don’t sass me. I am your Appa!!
Sunghoon❄️: I sass whoever I want! Old man!!
Heesung🦌: In this moment, I question do those two really love Jay..
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: HYUNGS! I am upset! You almost robbed me!! I’m telling Appa!!
Jay💰: Hang on! Hang on! Let’s not bring old man into this! We are sorry honestly!!
Heesung🦌: You should have said it was yours! Please don’t tell Appa! He will kill us
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: No one asked…you two and strangely Sunghoon all got greedy!!
Jake🐶: Oh? You guys didn’t know it was Uncle Jungwon gold? I thought he took it out due to Appa house being sold
Heesung🦌: Jake! Why didn’t you tell us…
Jake🐶: No one asked…I thought you all knew
Sunghoon❄️: 👁️👄👁️
Sunoo☀️: Wait? What? It’s Uncle Jungwon? I thought it was niki’s?
Jay💰: You said! You didn’t care!!
Sunoo☀️: It’s called acting! If Sunghoon is making a fuss about the thief. I might as well play dumb, let him do all the work…
Sunghoon❄️: Sunoo give the gold back to uncle Jungwon! I think he is crying…
Heesung🦌: Oh no no! Sunoo give the gold back! You are older than him! You can’t bully him!!
Sunoo☀️: Uncle Jungwon crying…I feel horrible he treats me so well…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Please give the gold back!! Pleaseeee *sad kitty eyes*
Jay💰: Don’t worry Jungwonie! I will make sure to make him give it back!
Niki🕺: Eomma isn’t crying…he is on angry kitty mode
Sunoo☀️: Sunghoon you deliver the gold….you started it
Jake🐶: I’m gonna tell Lyla, money is bad and make people do werid stuff…
Heesung🦌: Who said we all got greedy…just excited…due to Jay and Sunghoon poor reading skills
Niki🕺: This is why, I tolerate Jake. He literally has a heart of gold 💛
Sunghoon❄️: I’m dragging Appa with me, at least I can use him as a shield
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cas-skz · 2 years
Behind Closed Doors (Part 3.2)
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Pairing: Choi San x Reader
Word Count: 1,057
Summary: Meeting again so soon doesn't give you much time to think about your new realization
Warnings/Tags: 18+, MDNI, Language, Alcohol, Mature Content, Fluff
Written by: @littleforeignaffairs
Writers note: Hi all, Thank you for reading and showing your interest! The story is not over, but this will be the last part posted for a short time. This is my last completed part. So please, stay tuned ❤️
Part 1.1 Part 1.2 Part 2.1 Part 2.2 Part 3.1
Walking from the office to your place felt like you had been set on auto pilot. Your mind empty from every though except why Mr Choi would be so upset. Other than the obvious: He's your boss. You probably put him in a really bad situation.
"Wait" You stop dead in your tracks. "He started it!"
You scoff to yourself, slamming your door shut after entering your place. You undress from your office clothing, dropping your panties down your legs. You stare down at them, stained with a mix of both yours and his cum. The thought of it was exciting still. But the thoughts of lust turned to guilt once again.
“No, stop it” You scold yourself. You’re both equally at fault. You nod once, reassuring yourself and get into the shower.
* *
You walk into the club, heading straight for the back. You catch Tiff’s eyes at the bar and lift your hand to wave. She raises her brows, motioning at the bar with her chin.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
Of all nights, why did he have to come now. You sigh heavily, sneaking to the back room to change.
“He was asking for you” Tiffs voice cut the silence.
“Doesn’t he always” You retort. Tiff looks at you taken a back.
“Sorry” You say quickly. You tuck your stray hairs under your wig cap, resting your wig on top. Tiff lays a hand on your shoulder
“What the hell happened to you”
You groan and turn to face Tiff
“Well lets see, about 2 hours ago his dick was inside me and I rode the shit out of him”
"What!?" Tiff bursts into laughter “This is gold”
“Tiffany!” You scowl.
You rarely use her name in full, so she knew the frustration you felt. You turn away from her, pointing at your back for her to tie you up.
“Listen” She started “He comes looking for you here a couple times a week. Why don’t you just confront him. It’s clear he likes you”
You look at yourself in the mirror as Tiff tightens your corset top. You straighten your masquerade type accessory on your face and sigh, looking yourself over.
“Because” You sigh “Here, he is a client. I’m another girl here to serve drinks and entertainment. At the office..” You pause a moment thinking of how black and white your two jobs were. Yet they were the same. “I guess I serve his every need at the office too”
You breathe in deeply, preparing yourself and walk out front. You greet a few customers the same way you usually do: a couple smiles, some hands teasingly touching their chests or shoulders. It felt as normal as it usually does. But once you get to the bar and see San sitting there, the feeling of bricks lay on your chest. You swallow hard and resume your act. You touch your hand onto his shoulder, grazing your fingers from one to the other
“Papi, you came to see me” You smile sweetly at him.
He turns his head slightly to look at you. His face tinted with a rosy colour, eyes slightly heavy. He’s been drinking, clearly already had a buzz on. You kept your smile, though you felt a tinge of disappointment.
"Is he drunk because of what happened"
His arm slips around your waist, tugging you into him. His lips pull into a goofy smile,
“Always, for my number one girl”
You press your lips together tightly, sighing a little laugh.
"Even though an hour ago you were fucking your assistant"
You watch him as he picks up his glass, the ice clinking around. He takes another sip. You feel awkward, almost like you’re with a married man. But the longer you think about it, you feel like an idiot.
"I’m jealous… of MYSELF."
You sigh, slinging your arms around his neck.
“What can I do for Papi tonight?”
The smile on his face slowly disappears. He raises a hand at the bar tender, signaling for another drink.
“Sit with me” He murmurs, looking back to you. You purse your lips slightly and nod. You start to sit on the stool next to him, but he grabs your hand.
You look at your hands then to his face
“Can we use a back room” You stay silent for a moment.
You glance around the club, looking for Tiff. You see her across the way, you cock a brow and motion towards the back with your head. She nods. You smile softly at Mr Choi and start guiding him out back.
You allow him to sit in the solo seat, he keeps hold of your hand. You keep your eyes on him, watching him carefully. He doesn’t appear to be that drunk. He looks up to you and smiles gently. He pats his lap lightly and gives a tug on your hand to sit.
You sit on his lap, placing your held hands on your lap. The two of you sat in silence for a while. The room feels heavy. Though you're curious, you don’t want to push Mr Choi to speak. Your job is to do ask he requests, which right now is to sit with him.
Mr Choi leans back a little in the chair, keeping his hands with yours. He intertwines his fingers with yours and runs his thumb on the back of your hand. Every once in a while, you had a night like this with him. One where you just sat together quietly. You always assumed that it was just because of stressful days from work and life in general.
It made you feel sad for him. That he didn't have anyone to talk to, or just spend time alone with. It feels different knowing you may be the cause of his hindrance tonight. It hurt your heart more.
You separate one of your hands from his and rest it on the nape of his neck. You gently smooth the back of his hair. He closes his eyes as a small smile pulls his lips. The sight makes you smile as well, knowing that you’re able to be a comfort to him. Your mind thinks back to Tiffs words
“Do you like him. Like, you know LIKE like”
You chew on your bottom lip
I do…
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Hair Loss
Summary: Sweet Pea/Reader; Sweet Pea struggles with hair loss
With every game of sins and secrets Cheryl makes everyone play you know it’s only a matter of time until Sweet Pea is forced to spill. He was a horrible liar; and you were even thinking about faking a pregnancy scare just to give him something to lie about so he didn’t have to admit his biggest, darkest secret to everyone else.
Sweet Pea was losing his hair.
At first he thought it was because of stress from the jobs. Or maybe because of how shitty he’d been eating; half a burger when he could grab it from a roadside truck stop or maybe some diner food at three in the morning after a fight. Either way it had started small; but it seemed to be that there were now clumps threatening to fall out. 
Sweet Pea glares at the tiny bottle you’ve gotten him. You know he wouldn’t have gotten it himself; but he hated even going near the hair product aisle. You knew it wasn’t something to be ashamed of but Sweet Pea still avoided even talking to you about it. You were at least glad he managed to stop wearing the beanie hat he’d started wearing during meetings and out on jobs to hide it from the other Serpents.
None of the Serpent’s noticed; you knew because everyone had commented more about why Sweet Pea was wearing the beanie than anything involving potential hair loss or the bald spot he was convinced was getting bigger and bigger every minute he didn’t look at it.
-“Dude your dad is totally bald; it means you’re next; it’s like a genetic thing. How did you not know that??”
“I don’t like thinking about it.”
“Awww is it because you’ve been trying everything to stop it from happening?”
“Shut up.” He snaps and you scowl at Fangs. You’re not going to say anything; no one else actually knows how insecure Sweet Pea is about his hair loss.
“You know that’s not how hair loss actually works right? You can’t just put some special growth liquid on it and magically become rapunzel with long flowing hair.”
“Sweet Pea; hey are you.. Hey it’s alright; come on…” You nod towards your room; already planning on cuddling him. He slumps on your bed almost right away and you wait for a second before he opens his arms so you can pull him into yours.
“Hey it’s alright; how about we take a shower together? Or we can just cuddle and watch movies?” You offer out the two suggestions and he just nods; you laugh a little bit but are relieved that he’s not just staying on your bed and ignoring the world like he did a few times before when you couldn’t figure out what was actually going on.
“You know I’m going to love you no matter what, right? Even if every single one of your eyelashes falls off. I’ll always love you and support you.”
“I know babe; you don’t need to remind me.”
“Well clearly I do if the other Serpents are making you feel like shit about anything; let alone something you have no control over like your hair.”
“Mhm..” He huffs a little and you smile at him.
“We could always just shave our heads and wear matching wigs forever? I think you’d look great with bright purple, or maybe one of those neon pink mohawk ones? Oh! What if we got you a bald cap?”He laughs and you grin back at him; happy to make him smile for now; you can deal with all the issues later.
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Hello BJD community
Is your doll in need of hair?? Do you have a brain that demands instant results and will not wait until tomorrow let alone days for a glue wigcap to dry or however long for a premade wig to arrive in the post? Then boy do I have a post for you !
Following the traditional rules of science, I have fucked around and I have found out. And it works! Here is your ~1 hour [less probably, I didnt time it] making time wigcap tutorial from yours truly, the likes of which I have certainly never seen before, ft Clement who has a neon purple mohawk [a look impossible to find anywhere even if I did have the patience to order it and wait]. ...also bad photography and spelling errors which I do not have the braincell to fix at 10pm
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And here’s a video [gif] showing your new wig cap/wierd hat
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You do Not need to be an expert with a needle to do this- or if you are an expert, you dont need to use effort. I usually sew by hand reasonably neatly, and. here it is very clear I did not. Remeber- you’re going to be covering this with hair!! You dont even need the same fabric colour as your doll’s skin, depending on the style you want. I used hot glue to add said hair directly to the head with little to no processing, and I now have something temporary until the whim of buying the right colour fibre occurs! Just make sure the fabric is fairly thick and not stretchy. I would suggest shaping the front and around the ears into a hairline too- this is more a proof of concept so didnt warrant it. Just draw on the fabric and cut out there I’d presume. Fyi no I did not seal seams or even make seams, the fabric I had wasn’t fraying enough to warrant the bulk. Depending on what you use, you might need to do that.
I did this tonight so ofc I dont know about durability, but I figure no harm- it fits very snugly so I think the biggest issue is it stretching over time, but that could be fixed with blutack or velcro pieces as you usually do with oversized wigs.
An added benefit of this? You get motivation to get the right colour hair ordered!! I am rather excited now, my boy is working out well
And thus we reach the end of the post. What do you think- have you seen something like this before? Is it useful to you? I love figuring things like this out and I have the time to do so- if you have any points of frustration, ask and I’ll see what I come up with. The worst that happens is I get confused too. I’m moderately new actually posting my doll stuff and I’d like to interact more, so if you want to chat then throw an ask at me
Fare thee well and goodnight
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yaasalaholing · 1 year
this cap gave me confidence 
by Pippa Akofa UGWUMADU 
because I’m black.
years of empowerment.
i live this lonely life 
sad and low eyes 
who’s going to hold 
“I’m a woman”
not a girl 
a part of me won’t wake up
would I be so low to shoot you in the back 
like u wasn’t looking 
you’d see my gut explode from the tension of holding back       tears 
time has it’s way of forgetting 
holding back inaudible words,
language, lyric and harm 
as prickled eyes hold in 
would you be the first to break my heart 
Thursday 20th April 2023 
Left the care home unprepared.
Firstly, socks, bare foot @ my mother’s house. 
An Afro wig, thinking of my braids. 
Glass cup, green tea. 
Should i be ditzy
Should i be mellow 
Should i be chill 
Should I admit that I’m hollow 
Waiting to be filled with love 
I be, I be, I believed in to tomorrow 
I never saw the sun come up 
I can’t be myself 
I don’t like myself 
Should I accept 
Should I give up 
I have to be myself 
I have to think for myself 
Do I appreciate her? 
Do I treat her with respect? 
Hip hop 
I was the cat 
Sitting in the back of an Escalade 
Watching two friends 
Pass the joint
After robbing a merchandise store 
je deteste ca parfois 
I’m a know it all 
I know it all 
But I’m not all knowing 
you know this empty space 
is meant to be filled with thoughts of a man 
don’t want u to say anything 
Don’t want to hear what you think 
A bungalow 
Room for self care and singing bowls 
Before shower 
books. Poems to start off. 
Always go outside when you feel bad energy occur. 
or mastrubate. 
CASH always on hand. 
We broke up 
And I’m still not free.
no new words 
just sweet plantain chips 
I smoked too much 
I made static in the air 
Swivel, Yankee hat symbol approached me, 
Ooo what did he say? 
Sun rays peep the bus window 
never had the spotlight on me, 
not in those days 
moon kingdom 
I’m rising, I’m rising 
I’m rising 
Im torn at night 
Faint in day 
and I’m rising 
See nothing but black 
A rug over eyes 
Im all hours of the seconds away 
And awake 
blue jungle 
u gotta little patch on your light 
anatomy shedding pieces 
not quite as gone as 
A sane world 
Of me 
I don’t smile,
It’s been a long time since genuine
but it’s ‘m light 
jungle rain 
maybe bedhead mess and wisps of fake bountiful hair all over the floor, my blue jungle paint placed in the second I woke up
without a man
a woman, not a girl. 
4 you 
Our days are over 
Left on hold 
Knowingly covered 
The whispers. I heard 
Old rasp voice love
My heart sank into a tumour 
As land fit the river 
So I rang 
Lemon haze 
Why not chalk all over the floor?
Why does graffiti have to be on brick walls?
Why can we not walk on the sky?
Why can’t I walk on water
If Jesus walked on water then why can’t I? 
Why is the window not the front door?
Why can’t I lie on my ceiling? 
Why can’t I grow wings 
and fly Paris free of charge in the evenings? 
These questions I want to ask 
Good, most powerful, most high God.
the butterfly 
I want to be a bird
I can’t see 
The butterfly can’t see 
Hong Kong’s busy streets 
Amidst the noise of the city
Beauty was sweet 
When all I have to do is eat 
I can’t see 
But feel the energy 
Of Hong Kong’s busy streets 
when the argument started 
Fire crackled 
When the argument started 
Fire sprung 
Sparks made up for this argument 
The ash and light, soft and spark 
Joined air’s tone 
whistling together “home” 
Taking nudes 
The smallest bathroom 
With a broken mirror 
In a screen 
That seemed clearer 
Never seen, me from this angle 
Never captured who it was for 
Never seen me naked, 
Small chest, big eyed whore, 
Skinny legs 
A body no one ever sought, 
Behind the internet,
Could he even see it was me 
I hid my face 
Wrapped my arms around my breasts
Like a haiku, or a Shakespearean soliloquy 
Spoke to me 
Goodbye lady 
Hello dumb and free 
I wake up tomorrow morning 
Belly flat 
Belly finally flat 
Fat ass 
And a straight back 
from a hunchback 
Ain’t no mystery 
But I’m foreign to his tongue 
The way he wears his slang 
When he approached my realm
I should’ve ran 
When he became my four walls 
With no door
On my back 
There was only the floor 
Lips bruised 
From kissing wild 
Breath broke 
Legs shake 
Hands taunt 
Moan, moan
Run, run 
Run away and don’t come back. 
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
A Beauty Beyond Compare | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: She performs under the name Jolene. He became infatuated with Jolene. Is he interested in the alter ego or the woman behind it? (Y/N) finds this out the hard way.
Warnings: language, smoking, drinking, mentions of drugs, implications of sexual situations (PG-13 rated)
Word Count: 4156
A/N: I’m not gonna lie, I had no clue to start with this one. It’s based off of the song ‘Jolene’ by Dolly Parton, which is one that I love and I think totally fits, but I couldn’t think of a believable scenario that wouldn’t have been corny. I am so very thankful that @look-at-the-soul agreed to helping me with the plot of this because I think it’s one of my favs that I’ve written so far. I hope you enjoy! :)
Let me know if you want to be tagged in future stories like this one!
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Taking one last look in the mirror to make sure she was ready, (Y/N) took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She thought this would get easier the more she did it, but the lead up to the start of the show always got her anxious. The second she'd step on the stage though, it became a totally different story.
"We need you for the stage now, Jolene," a man working behind the scenes announced as he entered her dressing room. (Y/N) nodded and took another breath, making sure the auburn-colored wig was situated correctly on her head. She'd hate for any of the people in the audience to see her true hair color.
She then turned to the stagehand and nodded her head, a smile gracing her face as she walked to the door of her dressing room. In the short walk through the hallway to the stage, she finished the final parts of her transformation.
"Please welcome to the stage, Jolene!" the announcer's voice came through the speakers as she stepped past the curtains to the roar of applause.
She had to admit that she was surprised by the reaction. The Eden Club was a place that she'd never performed at before. So to hear this much applause overwhelmed her slightly. She couldn't show it though. She wasn't (Y/N) at the moment. She was Jolene. And Jolene never got overwhelmed.
"Good evening. Thanks so much for coming tonight. I hope you're ready for a night of great entertainment," she greeted the crowd, smiling as she looked out at the many faces that were eagerly waiting for her set to start. She then sent a smile and a nod to the pianist that was accompanying her, signaling for the first song to begin. Tonight was going to be a good show. She could already feel it.
Tommy Shelby walked into the Eden Club with the intent of finding his brother. He barely acknowledged the bouncer as he cut past the line, removing the peaked cap from atop his head as he strode over to the bar. He figured he'd get a whiskey in hopes that it would calm him down a bit. He didn't want to go into his conversation with Arthur heated, although he thought that his older brother should have his head knocked around a little.
He nodded to the barman and threw some coins on the counter before he tipped back his glass, drinking half of the liquor in one go. He then fished his cigarettes out of his pocket and struck a match to light one, blowing out the smoke before he went to grab his glass again. He finished the rest of his whiskey and waved off the barman when he tried to pour another, feeling ready now to talk business with the man who was supposed to be making a profit for the Shelby Company Ltd. here in London. Instead, he was blowing a big portion of the club's earnings on snow amongst other vices. Tommy wasn't too happy about that.
The sweetest voice stopped him in his tracks before he was able to leave the bar. He took another drag of his cigarette before he turned to look towards the stage. His eyes immediately fell on the voice's owner, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't look away. She was beautiful. Her auburn hair flowed naturally, her outfit complimented her figure perfectly, and her voice had to be that of an angel. If he was any other man, he swore he'd 've died and went to heaven. Tommy stood in a sort of a trance as he listened to her sing. She looked so confident up on stage. No amount of whistles and yelled praises fazed her. She just kept singing. And the more she sang, the more Tommy became enamored with her.
It wasn't until her song finished to the sound of the crowd applauding that he snapped out of the dream-like state that he was in. He blinked a few times before looking down at the bar, the forgotten cigarette nearly burning out between his fingers. So he snuffed it in the ashtray nearby before he stepped away from the bar with the intent to go back to where the club's offices were. But he couldn't leave the main area without taking one last look at the woman on stage. And when he did so, she was looking right in his direction. It was only for a brief second, but he could have sworn that their eyes locked. And in that second, he knew that he needed to know more about this woman.
Breaking his gaze, he turned back to the mission he was on and headed off to find Arthur's office. Upon opening the door, he found Arthur slouched in the chair behind his desk with a half-drank bottle of booze in front of him. "For fuck's sake, Arthur!" he called to his brother, who jumped at the sound of his name being shouted out.
"Fuck, Tom...what'd ya want?" he groaned as he stretched his limbs before rubbing a hand over his face. This was not the way he preferred to be woken up.
"What do I want?..." Tommy trailed off with a scoff, shaking his head as he looked around, "I want to know where all of our fuckin' earnings from this club are going, Arthur. What the fuck is going on?" he asked, his eyes wide and expression serious.
"I'm putting the money back into the business. That's what you told me to do, isn't it?" the sitting man responded, his eyebrows raised as he tried to get on his brother's level. Talk about going from zero to one hundred without any warning.
"Back into the business, eh? Since when has this business had any fucking need for snow? Huh?!" Tommy couldn't help but raise his voice now. It really frustrated him when he didn't get straightforward answers, especially when those answers were coming from his brothers.
"'S the only thing that clears me head out, Tom," Arthur mumbled, looking at his lap like a guilty child.
"I told you grand openings and race days only. How am I supposed to trust you here in London if you can't go a day clean from it?" Tommy asked, his eyes wide and eyebrows raised. Arthur only shook his head as he kept his gaze low. He had no response for his brother. "You get your fucking act together, or it will be John's turn here, you hear me?"
"Yes, Tom," Arthur's defeated response came the second after Tommy finished speaking.
"Good," Tommy sighed, running a hand over his face before he pursed his lips and looked off at the far wall. "You have a singer performing here tonight. What's her name?" he decided to inquire about the woman he'd just seen on stage.
"Her name's Jolene. Buddy of mine told me about her. She's bloody good, isn't she?" the oldest of the two responded, his eyes finally leaving the floorboards as a hint of a grin played on his lips.
"She's not bad," Tommy, being Tommy, didn't give his full review, instead only uttering a few words of approval.
"She's a good look too, ain't she?" the grin was full on the other man's face now. Tommy couldn't help but scoff at his brother's words, though he couldn't stop the grin from forming on his face. He certainly wasn't going to disagree with his brother...not after what he'd just seen out on that stage. "Don't go gettin' any ideas now, Tom...I need her here because she seems to be bringing in a decent crowd," Arthur warned before anything else could be said.
"Yeah, and you need the decent crowd to get the money of ours that you've pissed away back," the business talk was back as Tommy sent the man sitting behind the desk a look. Arthur only held his hands up in defense before he assured him that he'd get what was lost back in a short amount of time.
"You wanna stay? Still got some whiskey left," Arthur suggested then, holding the bottle up before he took a drink from it.
Tommy shook his head before responding verbally, "no. I've got some other business to attend to," he declined the offer.
"Alright, brother," Arthur nodded, taking his word.
"Work on getting that money back," Tommy stated, pointing in Arthur’s direction to emphasize his words.
"I will," Arthur said in a firm tone before he nodded his head once. Tommy nodded back, their silent way of ending the conversation before he left the office and continued on down the hall.
From the sounds of it, the woman he now knew was named Jolene was still on stage, so he moved to its side and continued to watch her set. Again, he got caught in a trance that was created by her beauty and enthralling voice. He couldn't take his eyes from her as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned up against one of the support beams to get comfortable. He wasn't going to be leaving until her set was finished.
After performing a few more songs, (Y/N) was done for the night. Her voice was just about spent, but it still didn't stop her from giving the crowd the encore that they were cheering for. Hearing her name...well, Jolene...being cheered back at her never got old, no matter how much it happened. The pianist finished up the final song and she took a bow, smiling at the crowd before she exited through the curtains.
She accepted the kind words from those working behind the scenes as she made her way back to her dressing room. She was more than ready to take her wig and makeup off and get back into her more comfortable clothes for the night.
What she wasn't expecting was to see a man standing next to the door of her dressing room. She slowed her step as she approached him cautiously. As she got closer she saw his nicely tailored suit and strong facial features. He had a rather severe haircut, but was pulling it off nicely. What struck her most, though, was his deep, blue eyes.
"Wonderful performance tonight," he spoke, his voice low as she noticed a slight smile on his features.
"Thank you," she sent him a genuine smile in response, "you are?" she asked then.
"The owner of this club," he gave a vague response.
"Arthur Shelby, is it?" she tried to remember the name that her manager had told her.
"Me brother. Name's Thomas Shelby," he formally introduced himself, his hand extended towards her. "My company owns the club. He's just in charge of it," he gave more of an explanation as they shook hands.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Shelby. This is a lovely place you've got here," she complimented him with a smile.
"Thank you, and please, call me Tommy," he told her and she nodded, making a mental note of it. "You've a lovely voice," he gave her a compliment of his own.
(Y/N)'s cheeks heated up at his statement, but she tried to hide it. "Thank you," was all she was able to say as she was ultimately unable to stop the giddiness from rising within her.
Much to her luck, Tommy was able to keep the conversation going. "You have a last name, Jolene?" he asked, his eyebrows raised slightly in intrigue.
"Oh, my name's not actually Jolene at all,” she confessed to him, “it’s actually (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is my name.”
“Oh, well it’s nice to meet you, (Y/N),” he was a bit taken back by her confession, but it didn’t deter him from her. Loads of people had stage names, right?
“It’s nice meeting you too, Tommy,” she smiled up at him, “I should probably get changed out of this outfit for the night,” she said then as she started inching towards the dressing room door.
“Of course,” Tommy nodded as he turned slightly to still be facing her, “will you be performing here any more in the near future?” he asked before she entered her room.
“You’re the owner of this club. You should know that better than me,” she responded with a slight laugh and a smile.
Tommy chuckled at her response. “Yeah, I guess I should,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck before he let her slip into her dressing room and out of his sight for the night.
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(Y/N), or Jolene as she was referred to on stage, quickly became a regular at the Eden Club. She brought in a great crowd, and people couldn’t seem to get enough of her music.
Tommy made sure that he was in attendance every night that she was on stage. Sometimes he’d manage to find her on her way back to her dressing room and chat with her, but most times, he’d sit in the back of the room and listen to her sing. He couldn’t believe how fast he’d become besotted with this woman. The grip that she and her beautiful voice held on him was one like no other woman was capable of. It was truly what brought him back each night. He also enjoyed getting to talk to her the few times that he did. He found her smile to be infectious and her beauty to be even more evident up close.
Tonight, however, (Y/N) was stressed. Her manager had to leave just before she was due to go on, which meant she wouldn’t have a ride home after the show was finished. Sure, she lived within walking distance, but who ever likes to walk?
Soon enough, the show came to a close, and (Y/N) stepped off the stage and into a pit of dread. It was almost like she didn’t want to leave the venue. A bit of light got thrown into her situation when she noticed Tommy standing by her door.
“Wonderful show, (Y/N),” he started with his usual greeting, a smile on his face as she stopped in front of her.
“Thanks, Tommy,” she tried to muster up a smile, but her stresses were overtaking her.
Tommy noticed this right away. “Something wrong?” he asked.
“My manager had to leave, which means I’ll be walking home tonight,” she explained her predicament. Tommy pursed his lips at her statement. The thought of her walking, alone, in the city of London at night didn’t sit well with him. “I mean, it’s not the end of the world...I just really hate walking.”
“What if I walk you home?” he offered then, “you’d still be walking, but at least you’ll have someone with you.”
“You don’t have to do that, Tommy,” she brushed his suggestion off at first.
“I wouldn’t mind, (Y/N), really,” he pushed for her to accept, “you walking alone doesn’t sit well with me.”
(Y/N) thought about it for a moment. “If you insist...” she trailed off then, a smile forming on her lips.
“I insist,” he nodded.
“Let me just grab some things and we can head out,” she told him, going into the dressing room to quickly grab her bags and make sure that things were tidy. She was thankful that the dress she chose to wear on stage that night was one of the more breathable ones. One that she didn’t mind walking home in. “I’m ready,” she informed him and he nodded before leading the way back down the hall and to the club’s main doors.
They talked as they walked. Tommy seemed to be really intrigued by how she got started with music, so she told him the story of how she’d got chosen for a school production by chance and it just kind of stuck from there. (Y/N) thought it was a rather boring story, but he couldn’t seem to pull his eyes away from her. She wondered if it was because of her appearance.
“This is mine,” she said as they got to the main entrance of the apartment building that she resided in. She figured that she’d stop him here because she didn’t want to trouble him with climbing the three flights of stairs up to her actual apartment.
“It was lovely getting to know more about you tonight,” Tommy said as he turned so that he was facing her. She immediately noticed how close he was to her. But she didn’t shy away from him. Maybe her still being dressed as Jolene gave her more confidence in the moment.
“Next time you’ll have to tell me more about yourself,” she responded with a smile. She most certainly had more confidence than she usually would. She even dared to take a step closer to him.
“There’ll be a next time?” Tommy asked her, his eyebrows raised in intrigue.
“I’d like there to be,” she smiled up at him, but this smile wasn’t just a friendly one.
Tommy caught this subtle hint, and it made that same type of smile form on his face as well. “I’d like there to be, too,” he agreed with her as he filled in the gap, dropping his hands to rest against her hips as he pressed his lips to hers.
(Y/N) was certainly shocked by the sudden kiss, but she didn’t hesitate in returning it. From the moment she met Tommy Shelby, she’d been attracted to him. Her hands came up to hook behind his neck as their kiss deepened, their tongues meshing as they danced seamlessly with each other. She was the first to pull away and take a few deep breaths to steady herself.
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” he asked her after a few seconds that were filled solely with panted breaths.
“Yeah,” she answered, gazing up at him through her eyelashes as she ran her hands from behind his neck to caress his cheeks. He squeezed her hips as she pulled his mouth down to match hers again. Their kiss was shorter this time, but it still had the same dizzying effect on (Y/N) as the first did.
“Goodnight, (Y/N),” Tommy said as they finally released their holds on each other.
“Goodnight, Tommy,” she repeated the farewell before they went their separate ways.
(Y/N) was finally able to remove the auburn colored wig from her head once she got into her apartment. She breathed a sigh of relief as she let her natural (y/h/c) locks fall. But she noticed something as she sat at her vanity and started to take her stage makeup off. Thomas Shelby had only seen Jolene. Each time that spoke, every time she performed, and even now when they kissed, (Y/N) wasn’t showing him her true self. And as she continued with taking off her makeup, she started to wonder whether or not Tommy was solely with her because of the way that she looked. If he was with her because she was Jolene.
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Like before, Tommy attended every performance that (Y/N) held at the Eden Club. Unlike before, however, he made sure to meet her after every show. The first time, they managed to make it back to her apartment before the clothes came off and the passions rose, but every time after that, they didn’t even make it out of her dressing room.
(Y/N) couldn’t complain though. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. That was very painfully obvious. They would always meet each other right after the show though, which meant that (Y/N) was still dressed as Jolene. And as they got deeper and deeper into this relationship, (Y/N) started to become rather nervous. She had no clue how she’d managed to keep up the act this long, but she knew that it had to fall off the rails sooner or later. She was hoping, even praying at this point, that Tommy didn’t lose interest in her completely the second he saw who she really was. She was hoping that Jolene wouldn’t take her man, and that her true self would stand a chance.
She had another show tonight at the Eden Club. The usual excitement was coursing through her body as she moved around her dressing room in the comfortable robe that she wore before every performance. She wasn’t quite sure if she was excited more for the show itself or for what was to come after. Either way, she was buzzing as she sat at the vanity in the room and started to get her makeup sorted out.
She wasn’t thinking anything of it when she heard a knock on the door. She called for whoever it was to come in before she continued her makeup. Her heart just about jumped into her throat as she saw who entered the room through the mirror. “Fuck, Tommy...no. You’re not supposed to be here,” she scrambled with what she was doing, reaching over desperately for the auburn wig that was sitting just out of her reach as panic set in.
“Woah, woah, (Y/N)...what’s the matter?” Tommy confusedly set the roses he had with him down on the table by the door before he cautiously approached her while she continued to frantically move around.
“You’re not supposed to see me like this,,” she gasped, almost flinching as he got close to her before she let him spin her to face him when his hand settled on her arm.
“Like what, love?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows. He didn’t understand what she was getting at.
“Like this, Tommy,” she sighed in defeat as she motioned to her rather drab robe, (y/h/c) hair, and makeup-less face.
“There’s something different?” he somehow still seemed confused as his eyes stayed locked with hers. (Y/N) almost wanted to scoff at him. Was he playing some sort of sick joke?
“I’m not Jolene, Tommy. I’m not dressed up in my stage outfit, I don’t have any makeup on, and this is my normal hair,” she pointed out the differences that she thought were so obvious.
“And yet your beauty is still beyond compare,” he responded. This time she did outwardly react to his words. A gasp left her lips as she lightly smacked his chest before leaving her hand resting against his suit jacket. It wasn’t the best response to what he’d just said, but it was all that she could think of doing.
“Please don’t just say that to spare my feelings. I know that you were only intrigued by me because of Jolene. Everyone loves her personality and the way she looks,” she tried to get him to drop the act, but he only shook his head at her words.
“I noticed the difference, (Y/N). Between how you acted on stage and how you acted when we talked...when we were alone together. Yeah, you’re beautiful with the wig on and all of that shit on your face, but I think I’m in fucking love with the woman that I get to be with after the curtain falls. I know you, and I want to be with you,” he admitted to her, a slight chuckle escaping his lips because this all felt surreal to him. Was he really telling her that he loved her?
“Tommy...” she breathed, not knowing what else to say. “Tommy, really?” she asked then as she looked into his eyes.
“Yes, really,” he affirmed while nodding his head. Within seconds, (Y/N) was standing slightly on her toes so that she could press her lips to his. She gripped onto his suit jacket as his hands came up to cup her cheeks. All of the words she didn’t know how to say were so clearly conveyed in her actions.
They pulled away short after and (Y/N) searched his eyes for a second before a smile formed on her face, “I think I’m in love with you, too, Tommy,” she breathed, an immense feeling of giddiness bubbling up inside of her.
“That’s good to hear, because you’re too fucking special to me for me to let you go now,” he told her, kissing her once more then.
Tommy stayed in (Y/N)’s dressing room as she turned herself into Jolene, but not after he showed her exactly what he meant when he said that he wanted to be with her.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but giggle into the crook of his neck as the sound of someone banging on the door and telling her that she needed to go on stage shortly persisted outside. She paid no attention, and instead she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist and basked in the love that he was showing her.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @the-anxious-youth @magicalxdaydream @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing
Listen to the song here:
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x actress!reader
Synopsis: any chance he gets, Anthony teases you and Tom about your relationship
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Anthony Mackie was onto you.
It all started when he realized you and Tom weren’t actually dating, like he thought you were.
“Which Avenger would you sleep with if given the chance?” The journalist asked you, Brie, and Scarlett during a junket.
“Tom Holland.” You answered immediately. “Oh, did you mean the character?”
The girls laughed at your answer as you shrunk down in your seat. Everyone else answered with Thor, making your answer stick out even more.
“Wait, did they ask the guys this?” You wondered. “And follow up, did Tom say me?”
“I can ask.” The journalist chuckled and pulled out her phone. “My friend Jack is interviewing them in the other room.”
“Oh My God.” Brie groaned. “Now I want to know.”
You held your breath in anticipation as you waited for Jack to text back. Finally, the journalist felt a buzz and checked her phone.
“Tom did in fact say your character.” She laughed as she showed you the text.
“He did?” Your eyes widened. “Oh my God. That’s it. We’re having sex tonight. I’m telling him right now.”
The cast laughed at your antics as you sent Tom and quick text and shut off your phone to pay attention to the rest of the interview. You knew it was a joke, but you forgot that Tom didn’t know the context of your text. So when he checked in phone in the room where the boys were being interviewed, he was quite confused.
“I just got a text from Y/n saying “we’re having sex tonight” in all caps.” He laughed in shock. “What is going on?”
“Damn.” Anthony stated. “She texts you in advance?”
“No.” Tom blushed. “We’re not even together.”
“What are you talking about?” Anthony asked. “I thought you were?”
“We’re not.” Tom insisted. He always hated when he was reminded of the fact that you and him were just friends and he didn’t want to stay on the topic.
Anthony, on the other hand, wasn’t as inclined to let it go. He leaned back in his chair and stared at Tom, always looking for new ways to bother his younger cast mate.
“Hm.” Anthony drawled. “Interesting.”
A few months later, Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian were invited to a comic con in Chicago. They were known as one of the more chaotic pairings of cast members, so the interview consisted of constant digs at one another. And of course, Anthony took any chance he got to tease you and Tom.
“You must spend a lot of time together when filming these movies.” The journalist said to the couch. “Do you guys hang out off set too? Are there any Avenger pool parties we don’t know about?”
“Look, Toms a little asshole.” Anthony began. “Him and his little girlfriend are absolute children on set. We can’t take them anywhere.”
“His girlfriend?” The journalist asked.
“I mean Y/n.” He corrected, making the audience cheer. “They say they’re not dating but we all know.”
“We’re not.” Tom whined into his mic. “Stop saying that. People are gonna start believing you.”
“Because it’s true!” Anthony insisted. “You should see the two of them on set. They’re always touching and hugging. And I’m pretty sure I caught them in the dressing room one time. I won’t say what they were doing, but I could hear the bed creaking.”
Tom turned bright red and covered his face. He knew Anthony was just teasing, but it still embarrassed him. He collected himself and held his microphone up again, ready to dish it back to Anthony.
“You’re just mad because she likes me more.” Tom said, eliciting cheers from the audience.
“Uh uh.” Anthony shook his head. “Shes loves me. All the ladies love me.”
“Not Y/n.” Tom shook his head. “She loves me.”
���I think we can all agree Y/n loves me the best.” Sebastian cut in smugly. “It’s fairly obvious.”
“Did someone say my name?” Your voice sounded from a microphone, making everyone scream. Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian looked at each other in confusion upon hearing your voice.
“Wait, what?” Anthony laughed into his microphone as he looked around. Suddenly, your characters theme song came on the speakers as you came out from backstage.
“Hi!” You came out onto the stage waving. The crowd stood up upon your arrival and became deafening. Tom turned around, caught sight of you, and bolted out of his seat.
“Y/n?” He asked as he ran towards you. He immediately scooped you up in a hug, lifting you off the ground to spin you around.
“Hi Tommy.” You mumbled in his ear as you squeezed him back. Tom set you down but continued hugging you, kissing the side of your face multiple times. The audience went wild at this display of affection, prompting you to kiss his cheek back. You walked back to the couch hand in hand, taking a seat next to each other.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Tom said into his mic as he picked it back up.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” You laughed, earning more cheers. “I’m filming something in Toronto but I wouldn’t miss a convention for the world. And I wanted to see you.”
Tom pouted and pulled you into another long hug. It had been a few weeks since you’d seen him, so you pressed a long kiss to his cheek.
“Do we all get kisses or just Tom?” Anthony asked, interrupting the moment.
“I was thinking the same thing.” Sebastian spoke up.
“Seb can have one but I’m not coming near you.” You teased as you walked over to Sebastian. You bent down to kiss his cheek before sticking your tongue out at Anthony.
“You look so pretty, darling.” Tom said once you sat back down.
“Please.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m so jet lagged.”
“I don’t look nearly this beautiful when I’m jet lagged.” Tom complimented you.
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You complimented back.
“Kiss kiss kiss kiss.” Anthony chanted into his mic while pumping his fist. The crowd roared as you and Tom rolled your eyes.
“Don’t start, Anthony.” You told him. “He does this all the time.”
“So I’ve heard.” The journalist laughed. “How was your flight, Y/n?”
You settled into Tom’s side as you talked about your flight and other random things. When the attention was off you, Tom slipped his arm around you and let it rest on the back of the couch. He felt you shiver at one point and realized you were sitting right under the air conditioning.
“Are you cold?” He asked you, making the audience laugh.
“A little.” You said sheepishly. He immediately took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, making the crowd go wild.
“Thanks, Tommy.” You chuckled as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. They were warm from his body heat and his cologne was lingering on the collar.
“Wow.” Anthony started up again. “You guys look like a couple.”
“A couple of besties.” You said quickly, making Tom shake his head.
“Uh huh.” Anthony said sarcastically. “If you guys aren’t dating, then why are you two always touching?”
“Because we love each other.” Tom snapped playfully. “You just don’t understand because girls don’t want to touch you.”
“Damn.” Anthony laughed. “Y/n, are you gonna let your boyfriend talk to me like that?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You replied. “We would make a terrible couple. I still haven’t forgiven him for the stamp act and I don’t see us getting past that.”
“Baby, it wasn’t me.” Tom played along. “It was my ancestors. I’d never tax your stamps.”
“Uh Uh.” You rolled your eyes. “That’s what they all say.”
“I’m gonna move on before I break you guys up.” The journalist teased, making you and Tom roll your eyes. “You guys have been playing these characters for a while so you must know them pretty well. What is something you have in common with your character?”
“That’s easy.” Anthony answered. “We’re both a cool black dude.”
“That’s exactly what I was going to say.” Tom joked, earning some laughs.
“Easy there, wonder bread.” Anthony laughed. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“What about you, Y/n?” The journalist asked. “What do you have in common with your character?”
“Something my character and I have in common is that we both fuck this man.” You smiled as you clapped Tom on the back. Everyone on the couch’s jaw dropped as the crowd became deafening. Tom looked at you incredulously as you laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” You laughed into your microphone. “Um, I don’t know. We’re both pretty passionate about what we believe in. And we both wear a lot of black.”
“What?” Sebastian laughed. “You can’t just say that. That was a total 180.”
“I’m sorry.” You whined playfully. “It was a perfect opportunity and I had to take it.”
“I am literally speechless.” Tom said into his mic before breaking down into laughter. You leaned into each other as you laughed, not caring if no one else found it funny.
“I’m sorry.” You giggled. “Can we move on? Next question, please.”
“All right. Let’s talk about this kiss between your character and Loki.” The journalist began.
“Uh oh.” Anthony stirred the pot again. “Toms not gonna like this.”
“I don’t care.” Tom shrugged, but it was obvious that he was lying. You rested your hand on his shoulder to reassure him as you turned to answer the question.
“I actually had a lot of qualms before filming that scene.” You replied.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m good friends with Taylor Swift so the first time I met Hiddleston, it was as her boyfriend. So the whole thing gave me serious qualms. I felt like I was breaking girl code.”
“That’s surprising since you improvised one of the kisses.” Sebastian, also looking for drama, cut in. “I remember you were only supposed to kiss once and you went in for second.”
“Well that was after a few takes and my qualms had dispersed.” You shot back.
“You hear that?” Anthony smirked. “She had no qualms.”
“I still felt so bad but those thoughts were soon replaced by “oh my God, I’m kissing Tom Hiddleston.” My qualms didn’t stand a chance to him in that wig.” You chuckled. You felt Tom tense up under your hand so you squeezed his shoulder.
“I know.” The journalist agreed. “He’s very dreamy.”
“Exactly. We were three takes in and my pussy starts screaming, “get help! Get help!”” ,You mimicked Thor’s voice, “so I knew my qualms were gone.”
You once again had all the jaws dropped with your words. Tom buried his face in your neck as he laughed, his whole body shaking.
“That’s one way to put it.” The journalist said as he wiped tears. “I have to ask. Which Tom did you like kissing more?”
“I liked kissing Tom H the best.” You said cheekily.
“Ooo.” Anthony started again. “Are we about to witness a couples quarrel?”
“I think so.” Tom played along. He pretended to look annoyed with you so you cupped his face.
“I’m kidding.” You assured him. “It was so you.”
“It better be.” He insisted. “Remember you kissed me after we shot the swinging scene and we weren’t even filming?”
“Yeah.” You chuckled. “I was in love with you that day.”
“What happened?” The journalist wondered.
“Well, I grew up loving Spiderman.” You explained. “So spending the day swinging around in Toms arms while he was in the suit meant so much to me. The second Tom took his mask off, I just kissed him.”
“Is that when you started dating?” Sebastian asked.
“No. It is not.” Tom shoved him playfully.
The rest of the convention went by in a similar fashion, with Anthony taking every opportunity to tease you. Once you said your goodbyes to the crowd, you and Tom walked back to your dressing room with your arms around each other.
“I can’t believe Mackie still thinks we’re dating.” Tom sighed as he shut the door behind him.
“I know.” You chuckled before an idea came to you. “Wouldn’t it be funny if we actually started dating and didn’t tell him? Like, as a joke?”
“That would be hilarious.” Tom nodded too many times. “Like, I could ask you out right now and he’d have no idea. We could go on dates and make out and stuff and just not tell him. That’ll show him.”
“We should totally do that. As a joke.” You quickly followed.
“We should.” Tom nodded. “Imagine his face when he finds out we started dating and didn’t tell him? It’ll be priceless.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait.” You sighed happily. “He would lose his mind if he found out we finally started dating.”
“Did you say finally?” Tom asked with a coy smile. Your face fell when you realized you had said a little too much.
“I did.” You said softly. “Because it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”
“So have I. In that case,” Tom smiled shyly, “Y/n would you like to go on a d-“
“Yes.” You cut him off before he could even finish. “I would.”
2 years later
On a rare day off, you and Tom attended a barbecue in Anthony’s backyard with a few of the other cast members. You were sat on Tom’s lap, full off food and contently listening to the ongoing conversation.
“These burgers are great.” Chris said as he patted Anthony’s back. “Thanks for barbecuing.”
“I got you, man.” Anthony nodded. “I actually got the recipe for the blend from one of the caterers on set. Remember that place that catered lunch with the really good cornbread and burgers?”
“I do remember.” Scarlett smiled to herself. “The filming schedule worked out so all got to eat together that day. That was so nice.”
“It was nice.” Anthony agreed. “Just sitting in the sun in our costumes and bibs. We had some fun conversations going on. I’m pretty sure that was the day Tom and Y/n started dating.”
“No.” Tom rolled his eyes. “We started dating after that one convention. Remember the one where Y/n surprised us on stage? We started dating that night.”
“Wait, you guys are actually dating?” Anthony sat up in his seat. “I was just playing with you.”
“We know. So we played with you right back.” You shrugged smugly. “We started dating to get back at you for all the jokes.”
The rest of the cast exchanged confused looks as you and Tom relished in your victory.
“But....” Anthony blinked in confusion, “you didn’t tell me until two years later.”
“Yeah. Because we were committed to the joke.” Tom said like it was obvious.
“Duh.” You added.
“Let me get this straight.” Antony rubbed his temples. “You started dating as a way to get back at me for teasing you?”
“But you didn’t tell him you started dating.” Scarlett continued.
“So you’ve been dating in secret for two years without him knowing.” Don went on.
“But....you see this as revenge on me?” Anthony asked with a tilted head.
“Yep.” You laughed. “In your face.”
“In my face?” Anthony raised his eyebrows. “How so?”
“Because we totally got you.” You bragged. “Look at your face right now. You had no idea we were actually together.”
“What an idiot.” Tom shook his head. “This guy, am I right?”
The cast exchanged another look as you and Tom continued not to understand why dating in private didn’t exactly count as revenge against Anthony.
“Okay.” Anthony said skeptically. “So let me ask you this. Now that I know about the joke, will you stop dating?”
You and Tom quieted down as Anthony brought up something you hadn’t thought of.
“Well, no.” Tom began as he looked at you. “We like dating each other.”
“So essentially, this had nothing to do with me.” Anthony concluded. “You two just wanted to date each other but used me as an excuse.”
You and Tom opened your mouths to defend yourselves, but shut them when you realized he was right. You looked at each other sheepishly before shrinking down in your seats from embarrassment.
Anthony Mackie may have gotten the better of you.
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4K notes · View notes
little situation | part 23.
Summary: For years, HYDRA had been trying to use the samples of Steve’s DNA to make another super-soldier. They finally succeed and when S.H.I.E.L.D. breaks her out, Cap is forced to come face to face with his kid and figure out parenting on an Avengers’ lifestyle.
Warnings: maybe potential childhood trauma but nothing really
Pairing: Steve Rogers x blackdaughter!reader, avengers x child!reader, peter parker x black!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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“Wait, so, Uncle Tony got pissed at you?” You asked, walking with Ned and Peter to the bodega before heading to Peter’s.
“Mainly that I almost drowned. He says I should stay the friendly neighborhood spider but the problems are coming into the neighborhood,” Peter said frustrated as he looked at the drinks in the fridge.
“I think he’s just worried. Sometimes he doesn’t even like when I go on missions alone, you’ve just got to prove that you can be an Avenger.”
“If they ever let me.”
“Don’t say that, of course they will. You said you found Chitauri weapons, don’t let a setback like Uncle Tony’s temper tantrum throw you from your job. Was the party fun at least?”
Peter shrugged. “It was fine.”
“He actually talked to Liz,” Ned offered.
Peter shook his head when you gave him an excited yet questioning face. “She’s cool.”
“Cool? That’s it, I thought this was the girl you had been crushing on since freshman year?”
“Crushing was a strong word.”
“You know what else was strong, your staring.”
“It was cause we hadn’t seen her since last summer. I talked to her, she’s cool. I guess I still like her, just think I’ve started to notice someone else.”
You guys made your way to the checkout. You and Ned both questioned Peter but he didn’t say anything. He grabbed the snacks out of your hand and paid for them before you got the chance to take out your wallet like usual. Peter blinked in surprise when you suddenly were right in his face.
“I’ll find out who this mystery girl is. You can’t hide her from me forever… damn, can’t come over anymore,” you read a message off of your phone. “I just made Prima in company.”
“When did you join a real ballet studio?”
“Well I didn’t. Aleisha Dupont, from France did… now if you boys excuse me, I have a wig to change into, some prosthetics to put on and a headmaster whose face is about to meet the end of my pointe shoe. Bye, Ned, Peter Parker.”
You gave both boys a peck on the cheek and darted out the bodega where Happy’s car was pulled up. Happy drove carefully so you could apply your makeup and secure the black straight wig with bangs. It was a small mission technically but you loved any mission that let you do solo work. Not because you didn’t love the team but team missions were usually always smash a few things and lots of fighting, solo missions for you tended to be spy work and if someone has to die it’s discreet without much of a fight.
You ran to your friends and hugged them.
“We heard about Prima, the whole company is talking.”
“It’s too bad I can’t enjoy it.”
“Can’t enjoy it.”
“Mon pere, we’re moving back to France. Today’s my last day.”
“No, really? Well, we should celebrate our 24 hour prima. Let’s go, I want a good spot at the barre.”
You stayed behind when everyone else had cleared out to talk to the headmaster. Well, there wasn’t any talking. You hit him upside the temple with the pointe shoe when he was in the hallway and dragged him back into his office to prop him up in his chair. Humming the Dance of the Little Swans, you turned on the electric kettle and poured him a cup— making it the exact way you’ve observed him do it for the past few months.
The headmaster started to wake up so you hit him with your shoe again. While the tea cooled, you took off the wig and makeup. You sat on the desk and waited until S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had come in to take him away. You sipped on the tea as Sharon and Maria entered to help look through files.
“You know, he might be evil but this cup of tea is nothing but heavenly. I’m definitely stealing this recipe.”
The two women looked at you and you stretched out the cup towards them.
“You want me to make you one?”
Sharon laughed. “I think we’re good. Your dads are outside with the car.”
You put on your other pointe shoe and hopped down from the desk. The agents tried not to laugh as you danced out of the office and towards the front door. Steve and Sam were waiting in the car so you guys could drive to the airport for vacation. Principal Morita had signed off on your document that stated you’d be out of school for Thursday and Friday. They shook their heads as you danced all the way to the car, stopping on the steps for the ending of your performance. Both men clapped, unenthusiastically, when you finished. You connected your phone to the car’s Bluetooth system. Sam and Steve looked at each other when your music came on.
“And this would be?” Steve asked.
“Britney Spears… All eyes on me in the center of a ring just like a circus!”
Sam and Steve were subjected to the whims of their teenage daughter all the way to the airport, a ride made unnecessarily longer due to traffic. Your music taste was diverse and often along the lines of Steve and Sam but that particular car ride you only wanted to listen to your pop divas. So Beyonce, Britney Spears, Ariana Grande, and Diana Ross were a few of the artists they had to listen to.
You pulled up to the airport, Steve paying for the days the car would be parked there, and found a nice spot currently away from all the other cars. You asked Sam to record a video for you to send to Ned, MJ, and Peter. You turned the volume all the way up in the car as “I’m Coming Out” started to play. Sam filmed as you stepped out the car dramatically in time to the words and did a goofy strut until you approached the camera.
“Hope you guys win decathlon! I’ll be sending you nothing but good vibes from sunny California!”
Steve felt your head practically slam against his shoulder as you fell asleep halfway through the flight. You were thinking maybe you guys shouldn’t have tried to be normal citizens and should’ve taken the quinjet instead because you were not prepared for the flight time to still be so long. When you guys landed you turned off airplane mode on your phone to see a couple texts had come in. You opened the one from Peter that was a video.
“Have fun in Cali, wish we were there with you.”
“Liz asked Peter to the dance!” Ned popped up behind Peter. “Right in front of everyone on the team.”
“Ned, I’m sure Sarah doesn’t care… it’s not that big a deal. Gotta go, we’re still practicing. See you soon.”
The video cut off rather abruptly. The other messages were from Ned and MJ that were just texts thanking you for the good luck and hoping you enjoy your vacation.
The Big Thunder Suite at the Disneyland Hotel wasn’t as bad as you thought. You wanted to stay in the FairyTale Suite— Steve and Sam did not. But the copper tub in the suite was a good enough consolation prize for you. You flopped onto the bed with excitement before changing into sweats and joining your fathers downstairs for dinner.
“I’ve got the whole park planned so we can see everything!” you said excitedly, barely chewing your food before swallowing.
Steve gave Sam an amused smile. “She’s got the whole thing planned.”
“Whole thing?”
“Whole thing.”
“I hate you both.” You rolled your eyes while both men laughed at your expense.
The first day did not go as planned. You, Steve, and Sam had the uncanny ability to forget that you were well-known Avengers resulting in lots of kids coming up to you three— especially Sam and Steve. You guys had sat down to get lunch when one child recognized Steve first. You and Sam had ducked your heads down but the kid took one glance and recognized you too.
Before Sam and Steve could process what was happening, you left the area, forcing them to deal with the growing line of kids wanting pictures with Captain America and Falcon and the apologies of their parents who tried to tell them that the two men just wanted to enjoy the park. Sam and Steve were glad to take pictures and sign autographs. You thought you were in the clear until you stumbled into the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.
Both men looked around once the line had gotten smaller and tried to find you. Sam grabbed his phone to text you when he got a message sent from the PR team, it was a link to Twitter. Someone had posted a photo of you at the boutique and a line of children now wanting makeovers from America’s Darling. They scrolled through Twitter, your name now trending, and saw various photos and videos:
You gasped when you saw the little girl with (f/c) hearing aids approach the station that the employees let you have. She gave you a little wave. You pointed to your own hearing aids and she nodded excitedly.
We match!
You looked up to see her parents.
She begged for your color, it’s not even her favorite, her dad signed.
You’ve given her so much confidence that she can do anything, her mom signed.
You looked back at the little girl. I think one large Avenger sized makeover is what we want.
Another video popped of you getting asked questions as you left the salon, not getting farther than the bench right outside.
“Is all the glitter because of pixie dust?”
“Your skin!”
You laughed when you realized they were talking about the diamond. Whenever you got hit with something, you see the sparkle of the diamond briefly upon impact as the area became super tough to stop the damage. The kids looked at you patiently, expecting an answer and you weren’t about to spoil magic for them in the middle of Disneyland. Their fifth grade history class can do that for you.
“Yes. My mom was a fairy.”
The kids gasped in amazement.
“Was your mom a tinker fairy? Is that why you’re so good at making things?”
When you nodded the children started chanting ‘TinkerDarling’. Steve laughed when he heard on the video one kid say in wonder that Captain America was once married to a fairy.
“Should we go save her?”
They got to the area where you were but saw you already had another savior approaching.
“Peter!” The kids yelled, making you turn your head to see Peter Pan.
“Hey, kids. Tink and I are needed in Neverland, Captain Hook is back to his evil ways.” He made a face causing the kids to gasp. “We’re sorry to leave you but remember to always have faith, trust, say it with me… and pixie dust! Come on, TinkerDarling.”
Peter Pan stuck out a hand that you gladly grabbed and he whisked you towards the stand labelled Maurice’s Treats where Steve and Sam were. He dropped you off.
“Thank you.”
“Any time, TinkerDarling,” Peter Pan broke character for a moment. “You know that’s staying.”
“It’s already trending,” Sam said as he held up the phone.
Your phone rang and you answered it while waving a goodbye to Peter Pan. Tony’s voice came through the phone.
“For the record, I got the Tinkerbell nickname I wanted.”
“Bye Uncle Tony.”
“Bye, TinkerDar—”
You shoved the phone back in your shorts’ pocket. The park saved you guys as it came on through the speakers that the Avengers were in the park for a mission to stop HYDRA agents hiding in Disney and that if any children see through their disguise to pretend they don’t know you— as well as report any HYDRA looking activity to another Disney character and they’ll find the Avengers right away. You were able to move through the rest of the park relatively seamlessly, children pointing and shushing each other or giving you all winks excited that they were assisting on such an important “mission”.
You made Sam and Steve take lots of pictures, complaining that you’d have nowhere to post them— instead of buying into your guilt trip, Steve simply sent the pictures to the PR team and said now they’d be posted. Rolling your eyes, you followed the two of them to the next ride, Sam’s pick. The park had you absolutely worn out by the time you guys left on the night of Day 2. You flopped onto the bed of the hotel room.
Peter smiled looking at the text from his phone. It was a video from you once you had gotten back home from the park.
“Hey Peter Parker, guess what happened. I’m officially a Disney fairy. Well, not really but for about two hours I was the fairy leader of a small army under the age of ten that wouldn’t leave me alone. And you’ll never guess who my savior was? Peter Pan! Don’t worry, you’re still the cuter Peter. Have fun at decathlon, do your best! I hope you guys win. I know you’re smart so it shouldn’t be a problem. Knock ‘em dead, Spider-man. I’ll send a little pixie dust your way, just for luck.”
You laughed as you wiggled your fingers.
“This is your TinkerDarling, signing off.”
He needed something to boost his morale as he watched the rest of the decathlon team have fun at the pool. He had a job to do. Yeah, being with other students was fun but he had a job to do, to prove to the other Avengers especially Tony. Peter pulled on his mask. Knock ‘em dead, Spider-man ringing through his head.
“What if you had a Disney wedding?” You asked while you guys waited for the Animation Academy drawing class to start.
“Babydoll, I think you’re the only one who is that obsessed with Disney here.”
“Yeah, I like Disney but I don’t think I want Mickey officiating our ceremony. How about the beach?” Sam asked Steve.
“Beach is fine or maybe a barnyard venue.”
“We could ask Clint, doesn’t seem like a bad idea.”
They continued to talk about ideas quietly, you offering input at certain ideas, while the animator taught everyone how to draw Pooh Bear.
You hit Peter in the chest when you saw him with Ned in the hallway as everyone cleared out to head to their last class of the day.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“Washington? What the hell, Peter?! Why did I find out from the news instead of you that the Washington Monument almost collapsed?”
“How’d you know it was me? I cleared the area before anyone showed up.”
“How long have I been an Avenger… Ned told me.”
“Well you were on vacation and I didn’t want you to be distracted.”
“Next time, distract me, I don’t care. And how am I supposed to cover for you if I don’t know what to cover for?”
“Well it wasn’t exactly planned.”
“I’m serious.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll text you after.”
“Thank you. Oh, I got these for you two.”
You handed Ned a pair of Mickey ears and presented Peter with the Peter Pan hat, making him laugh. You adjusted the hat on his head.
“Thank you, TinkerDarling.”
“I’m gonna let that slide only because I’m about to say the dumbest thing ever.”
“Does it involve you telling me you’re actually made of pixie dust… you’re joking.”
“Not quite pixie dust, but twirl me.”
Peter grabbed your hand and spun you. He and Ned wowed as you made your skin glitter.
“The kids got me thinking about if I could harden the diamond on command, without having to get hit, you know.”
“Oh now I’m really not letting it go, Tink.”
“Then you and Ned are my Lost Boys.”
“Of course.” Peter twirled you one more time.                
“Alright. I have a free period so I’m going back to Neverland, would ask if you wanna come but heard you got detention?” You smirked while Peter rolled his eyes at you.
You gave Ned a peck on the cheek and the Peter.
“See you tomorrow, Ned, Peter Parker.”
(Part 24)...
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casuallivi · 2 years
Flower and Shadow (spy au) 
Chapter 3
Summary: When you’re stuck in a men’s world, being strong is your greatest weapon.
Word Count: 2386
Chapter 2
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The Invitation
Tuesday. Somewhere in Hewn’s underground.
“Chose.” She said with confidence.
“Left eye.” He answered amused.
The sound of fake conversation, child laughter and mechanical wireline mingled together. A fluorescent light blinking on the far corner of the left wall. Fifteen mannequins, dressed as regular civilians, were swinging from left to right, back and forth. A wave of nausea rolled down her bones, her vision wobbling. She closed one eye taking a deep breath, waiting for the ringing in her ears to cease, her brown orb following the fake plumber zigzagging between the other targets, his blue overall coming in and out of focus. She pulled the trigger.
Shadow sucked his teeth when a nun-mannequin passed right in front of the plumber, the sound of a bullet hitting the metal chap echoing from the 75 yards down. The glowing timer on the wall chimed, indicating their hour was up. “Well, you tried.”
Elain took her cap off, quirking her brown at him. “Tried?”
Elain preferred sharp and silent weapons rather than loud guns. She liked knifes that sliced through skin soft as butter, rings with pop-up blades for quick multiple stabs in the jugular, honshu push daggers to be hidden in her boots, allowing her to throw knifes and hit targets at a distance. When she was independent, Elain couldn't use her blades regularly or someone could learn her pattern, so she switched between knifes, gun, rope, hands. Now that she was a full plagued agent, she didn't have to worry about sending a message, for sending a message was part of her job.
She delighted in the subtle way his eyes changed when the mannequin was in front of them. A perfect hole through the left eye. Shadow whistled.  
“Nice shoot.”
“I know.” The smile didn’t reach her eyes, even though she was pleased with the compliment. “Everything good for tomorrow?”
“He’s expecting us in his vacation home. Insisted we stayed in his family villa.”
Azriel perched his hip against the table, watching Flower disassemble the gun with mastery, gloves coming off next. He gestured for her to come closer and she stepped in front of him, spreading her arms to expose the lateral straps of the bulletproof vest – one she could easily take off by herself. Not that she would. After that his hands found their way to her waist, turning her around, undoing the messy ponytail in attempt to relieve the pain her head. Sighing against his ridiculously good attention, Elain rested her back on his front undoing the first two buttons of her blouse seeking to ease the suffocating feeling. He held her forearm, two fingers landing on her pulse point, eyes focused on the watch on his wrist. “How did you know?”
Elain had popped four pills before entering here, hoping the double dosage would help the medicine to kick in quicker.
“The trigger trembled,” he answered once he was done counting. “Fitty-seven.” He commented worried about her weak pulse, then, “you’re blond,” more casually. He picked her up, her legs instantly closing around his middle as he marched to the elevator.
“My wig almost fell off last time. I’m going full ginger before we get back.”
For the past two months, Mr. and Mrs. Auburn have been making their names known, the elusive European couple emergence causing quite a stir amongst New York finest. For them, Jurian Auburn was a notorious entrepreneur and investor, who was finally back in society after mourning the loss of his father, the ex-CEO of Autumm Inc., God bless his soul. Prior to his father death, Jurian had married Vassa Auburn, a sociality born with a golden spoon.
The couple was supposedly creating connections in America by attending the most exclusives parties, charity events and auctions, always make sure to keep their noses high and their bids even higher. While the husband kept the finances smooth, the wife was a true fashionista with 105 million followers on Instagram, who abandoned Il Fiore, a prestigious fashion school in Millan, and refused to be on the cover of British Vogue twice, claiming “divergence of creative style” in both occasions.
Their conjoined effort for recognition had finally attracted the attention of the right people in their last social.
As Vassa socialized with high society wives and their spawns, she made sure to nurture a rival who was twenty years her junior –not one of her best moments if she could be honest, but a job was a job. Annoying Alexander Vanserra, who happened to be Beron Vanserra’s favorite grandchild, resulted in a brat pushing a graceful lady into a decorative pond. His mother, who came from an unprivileged background, went white as ghost watching everyone whispering and pointing fingers, his grandfather turning purple from anger as photographers snapped photos that would never be published. Vassa made a show out of getting out of the pond, falling again, having to be rescued by her furious husband, who did a slow recognition of everyone present before draping a towel around her. The gossip stopped at once, Beron pulling her husband to a particular conversation, apologizing to him (and not her!) inviting them to a lowkey social gathering at one of his vacation homes.
“When will you return to your hair?”
“Which one?”
“Golden brown. Wavy. Beautiful. The one you had when I met you.”
“Who said that was my hair?”
“Wasn’t it?” inside the elevator, he pushed the “P” for parking lot before return the hand to sustain her, searching for her eyes. “I’ll take whatever color or size you choose, but I have to confess. That one suits you the best. A perfect golden halo crowning the pretty angel that you are.”
Elain rolled her eyes, hiding between his neck and shoulder to prevent him from seeing her smile.
“Whatever you say ewok.”
He groaned. “Enough with the ewok thing, it wasn’t funny in the first time, it isn’t now.”
“Shave that fur of and I might consider calling you something else.”
“Fur? Fur?” he repeated offended, making sure to rub his beard-covered-cheek to her soft one, smirking when she held his face away from her. “I’ll have you know the chicks dig it.”
“The chicks are lying. No one digs that.” Elain sneaked one hand inside his jacket, searching for the chocolate she knew he was prone to keep within reach, taking a bite and offering him the other half.
“A beard can add to the fun you know.”
“Sure, if you are into skin rash. Which I’m not.”
She cleaned the smear of chocolate on the corner of his mouth, licking her thumb afterwards.
Azriel watched she work her little tongue around her finger. He held her firmer, unable to stop the lust from bleeding in his eyes, yet his gut kept screeching like a crazy bat, worried about her health. He knew she hadn’t slept well this week, going as far as sneaking under his covers last night, claiming her room was too cold. “I think my heater is broken,” she shivered furrowing closer to him. In truth, she was the one burning up.
He cleared his throat. “We don’t have to go tomorrow.”
Her relaxed expression disappeared in an instant
“His interest can grow if we play a little hard to get. You know Vanserra, he buys that crap better than most.”
Her face soured. She jumped on the floor.
“Listen to me because I’m only going to say this once. I do enjoy your company, but that doesn’t mean I’ll drag this mission on.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about. You’re sick–”
She clamped his mouth shut. “But not dead. You’ll drive us back, I’ll take a nice nap and tomorrow we will be in his Villa.” If eyes could throw daggers, Shadow would be stabbed. “Just like we planned.”
Azriel gave her a dirty look.
Elain matched him.
They didn’t talk on the ride back.
The fire alarm ringed incessantly, dense black smoke clogging the air in the bedroom, high flames licking the wall, quickly reaching the curtain. The maids screamed from the doorway as she stood in the middle, arms crossed and a pout in her face.
"Mrs. Auburn, please!" Violet, the older maid, begged with tear falling down. "Please madam, come to this side I beg you."
“You have ruined my breakfast!” Elain shot back at her with a thick Italian accent, stomping her foot like a petulant child.
"I'll make you another ma'am, please come out, it's not safe."
"You served me a cold meal! Are all servants in this house this stupid?" She scoffed sporting her best bitch face.
Elain covered her face when the fire roared higher, painting the ridiculously expensive French ceiling in a shade of smoky black. Woops. Elain made a mental note to tip them well after this hell, maybe find them new jobs if they turned out to be fired from this household. The maids cried with the arrivew of the butler caring a fire extinguisher, his face a mask of pure horror. By the time he managed to put out the fire, the poor man was breathless.
"Madam Auburn," he panted cleaning the sweat on his forehead, trying to recompose. "What happened, madam?"
"What happened?" She repeated incredulous, pushing her bright ginger hair away from her face, "the lousy maids you sent me happened! I had to heat my own meal!” Elain pointed to a discharged hair blower on the corner, the cable raw and sizzling. “Do you have any idea how humiliated I was?"
The single word had enough charge to quiet everyone present, the maids squeaking at the sudden presence of the muscular man behind them. They made a courtesy and stepped aside, allowing him inside the room.
"Darling, you're here!" she clapped her hands excited and went to him. "You had no idea how much I suffered! These incompetent lot-"
"Enough Vassa." He didn't scream, didn't raised his voice, yet all of them flinched under the utter command.
Elain watched him turn to the employees who had formed a single line, opening his wallet and slipped a couple of hundreds into their hands. “I apologize for my wife, she’s still young and immature. I would appreciate if you could keep what happen today between us,” of course they wouldn’t. By nightfall her brattiness would be a hot topic, just like she planned. “I will pay for the damage myself. Now, excuse us please.” He pointed to the door.
"No!" Elain stomped her foot again, making the employees unsure of who to follow. "I want them all them fired! I want those maids on the street!”
“Quiet!” Azriel snarled, loosing his temper. He loosened his tie, not wasting a second glance at them. "Out. Now."
The servants scurried away as fast as they could, closing the double doors to press their ears against it, vaguely listen to the discussion between the couple who appear to be so prim in the magazines.
They heard a slap.
"You had no right!” Vassa Auburn screamed.
"I have no right?” The husband stroke back. “You had no right! You are embarrassing me! Do you know how hard I worked to get here?”
Inside the room, Flower and Shadow worked in synchrony to keep the fight going while checking the place for bugs or cameras.
"Oooh, I'm embarrassing you? You embarrass me! Who do you think you are? I'm an Auburn, I'll not be treated like this!" Elain screamed catching the drive he tossed her. She opened her bag searching for the adapter to plug it in her phone.
"I made you an Auburn honey, don't forget that." He mocked, going to the door. “I’m not letting a spoiled bitch ruining my chances of investing!"
“What did you call me?” Elain pointed to the vase beside the entrance and he pushed it down, the expensive ceramic cracking all over the floor. "I regret the day we married, you were nothing but a lowly investor who married me for my money!"
"What money? You don't even work!"
"I don't have to work, I am a heir, an influencer. Do you have any idea of how many followers I have? People worship me!"
Outside, the butter clicked his tongue, gesturing for the maids to follow him, leaving the couple to argue alone. Rich people were the worst.
"They’re gone."
Elain massaged her throat, scanning the files on the screen. "Gosh, my throat is sore."
Shadow sat beside her with a glass of water. "You set fire to the room?"
"A mild one. You said you wanted a distraction.”
He laughed. "I meant for you to fake a headache or something."
Elain shrugged.
"Did you get it?"
"Yeah." Azriel asked for her phone, selecting the right file and adjusting the screen for the both of them. "This is the original outline for the mansion from the archives of the City Hall. Vanserra had dozen modifications approved after, but the secret lies in the original structure."
Elain studied the architectural plant from Beron’s main house, conjuring a 3D model in her head.
"Any room can be a vault."
"Yes. Except you wouldn't want to announce to the world you keep your treasures near your family, would ya? Now compare this plant with the photos from the last renovation." He opened another file, showing her pictures from inside the house, taken three years ago. He pointed at the columns situated between the 13th and 14th bedroom on the third floor, "You see this? The walls here are not aligned as the rest, that leaves an extra space between these rooms. Is not much once you convert the scale, but it’s good enough for a tunnel.”
“You thing he biuld and underground room?”
"Where's the security room?"
"Here." He pointed at a room in the first floor, near the kitchen.
“His wife is having a Gala on the weekend, is a good cover to roam around, do some research.”
“Can you get us an invite?” she nodded. Azriel hummed appreciatively, closing the open tabs. “Let’s fuck this asshole.”
Elain chuckled, getting up. Shadow held her wrist, tentatively.
“About yesterday,”
“No,” she shook her head. “No. We have work to do husband. Let’s focus on that for now.”
She patted his chest and left.
I don’t really know how to do a tag list, i hope this find you anyway :D
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tripleaxeldiaz · 3 years
when you come home, i’d lift you up
read on ao3
It’s dark. Eddie never really wanted to end up in the dark like this again.
It reminds him of the other times — the damp darkness of the well, the weightless black of the in-between he was stuck in after getting shot. But it’s also worse, because it’s compounded on top of those times to make it suffocating. Before, he knew there were ways out. Before, he wanted to fight, like he always did, like he promised he always would. But now, he can’t remember what’s waiting for him in the light. Faint images of glasses and curly brown hair and birthmarks and crooked smiles, but none of it enough to pull him out this time. All he knows is nothingness. It feels like all he’s ever known.
There’s a jolt, and he’s briefly brought back to his body, enough to remember the power going out, the hospital, and that he decided to take the elevator because the stairs were on the other side of the floor. It’s worse now, somehow, because the darkness is still suffocating, but now it has physical confines. Four walls, a floor, and a ceiling that can’t be pushed through with his hands or force of will. He’s not stuck, he’s trapped, and he’s sweating and his hands are shaking and he swears he hears his heartbeat echoing around him. 
But his heartbeat gets louder and louder, and he realizes it’s not a heartbeat at all — it’s footsteps. Quick, heavy footsteps heading his way. They skid to a stop outside the elevator door, and a voice he’d recognize anywhere — in the blackest dark or the brightest white — carries through and lights him up, just a bit.
“Eddie? Eddie, are you in there? Are you okay?”
He swallows his panic enough to let “Buck?” fall from his lips, soft and shattered.
“I’m right here, Eds.” He shouts something else but it’s muffled, far away, like he’s projecting away from the door. “Are you hurt?”
Deep breath, focus. Take stock of yourself. He quickly scans from head to toe, flexing muscles and wigging limbs. “I’m fine. Think I twisted my ankle, but nothing’s broken.”
“Good, great, okay.” More shouting and far away footsteps. “We— we need jaws and some extra hands to get you out but they’re on their way, okay? I promise we’ll get to you soon.”
Ice crashes through him again. “Are you— can— please don’t—” The air suddenly feels too thin, too close to his skin and not enough in his lungs.
“Please don’t leave me.”
He’d feel pathetic asking any other time, but they’d been in each other’s orbits more than ever the past few months, and not having Buck in his line of sight for this long is making him itchy, jittery nerves mixing with unwavering panic in an unpleasant cocktail. It had felt selfish, at first, always taking up Buck’s offers to stay over and cook and help with Chris, but the one time — the only time — he’d tried to say no, to give Buck a break, he’d looked so wrecked that it just confirmed for him that all the volunteering was as much for Buck’s sake as it was for Eddie’s. 
Call it weird, call it codependent, but this is the longest they’ve been apart in months, and on top of everything else happening at the moment, Eddie’s not sure how much longer he can handle it.
Luckily, he hears the squeak of fabric against the door as, he assumes, Buck slides down to sit. “I’m not going anywhere,” Buck says, softly as he can to still be heard through the door. “I promise, I’m not gonna leave you.”
The nerves subside a fraction, only to remind Eddie that it’s still dark and he’s still trapped. He swallows and nods even though Buck can’t see him. “Thank you.”
Buck’s radio crackles to life, probably Bobby checking in, but Eddie can’t quite make out what he’s saying. Buck's response is quiet, muffled a bit too, like he turned away from the door again so Eddie couldn’t hear. “Cap, I’d really rather stay here, if that’s okay. He needs me.” 
A tangle of relief and guilt crashes through him, because he does need Buck, but he hates that needing Buck means keeping him from the job.
He must have gotten an affirmative, though,  because his voice comes back to it’s normal, still muffled volume. “Okay, everyone’s on their way, just a little bit longer. How you holding up?”
“Fine,” Eddie says, cursing the tremble in his voice.
Buck definitely clocks it, too. “Eddie, come on.”
Eddie takes a breath that catches all the way in and out. “It’s dark,” he says quietly, weighed down in his throat by shame. “The emergency lights don’t work in here.”
Buck whispers something under his breath, probably a curse. There’s tapping and scraping along the door for a minute. “I can’t— there’s really nowhere for me to get light in.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie says, taking another, smoother breath. “I’ll be alright.”
“You will be. I’m making sure of that.” His radio crackles again, another quick, murmured conversation Eddie can’t hear. “Hey,” he says once the radio clicks off, “we’re having a day Saturday, right? Tell me the plan, what does Chris want to do?”
He’s stalling, Eddie can tell. There’s been a delay, Eddie’s going to be in this box for God knows how long, and Buck is trying to get Eddie to talk about Chris to keep him calm. He sees right through it, but he’s also immensely grateful, because really no one but Buck would try something so obvious with him and actually have it work.
“That traveling food exhibit at the science center,” he says. “Apparently they have samples of very smelly cheese he’s going to dare you to try.”
“He knows I’m always up for a challenge,” Buck says, and Eddie knows for a fact he’s smiling. “What else? Dinner?”
“That taco place off 41st, if you think you’ll be up for it.”
“No amount of bad cheese can keep me from tacos.” Buck says it so seriously it actually startles a laugh out of Eddie. Clearly, the panic hadn’t weighed everything down. Or Buck being here really was lightening the load.
“And then what? Game night? Movie night?”
“Probably both,” Eddie says, because he knows his son, and he knows he’ll figure out how to squeeze everything in. “He’s gotten really good at Clue, though, so prepare to lose.”
“As long as I get to be Professor Plum, I don’t mind.”
“And you’ll stay?” He already knows the answer — it hasn’t changed in almost six months — but he’s currently still shrouded in darkness and fear, and he just wants to know for sure.
“I’ll stay, Eds. Of course I will,” Buck says with a solemnity that might be too much for something so trivial, but it loosens the vice on Eddie’s ribs enough to breathe properly. He’s pretty sure Buck isn’t talking about just staying the night.
Before he can finish fully processing that, or the way it warms him from head to toe like he’s been injected with sunshine, there’s unfamiliar loud voices and thumps outside the door. “Okay, Eds, cavalry’s here,” Buck says. “Can you back up from the door for me? It’s gonna get loud.”
Eddie’s already sitting against the back wall, but he makes himself as flat as possible as the team starts to work. There’s sparks and screeching metal and the whole elevator box rattles so hard Eddie’s teeth knock together. The dark shifts around him, like it’s trying to swallow him whole while it still has the chance.
Finally, salvation: Eddie’s blinded momentarily by the bop-and-weave streaks from various headlights, but when his eyes adjust, Buck is there, lit from behind and reaching down to him like a literal guardian angel, his smile brighter than any man made light could even attempt to manage. Eddie returns it, and he knows it’s tired and probably a little dopey with relief, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Getting up is hard — his ankle hurts a little more than he originally thought — but he hobbles to the elevator door and takes Buck’s hand, lets himself be pulled out to safety, to light, the weight of panic finally dissolving around him. He lands on his knees and falls into Buck’s chest and doesn’t try to move, lets himself melt into Buck, his familiar warmth and scent and life. Buck melts too, arms wrapping around Eddie’s shoulders, forehead resting on the crown of his head. They stay like that, and Eddie breathes enough of Buck in that the darkness quickly feels like a distant memory, even though they’re still technically in a blackout.
“Thank you,” he whispers, arms wrapping around Buck’s waist, refusing to let go. “Not— not just for this, for everything with me and Chris and—”
“Hey, hey,” Buck breathes into Eddie’s hair, “I told you, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here, as long as you need me.”
Forever. I think I need you forever. 
Eddie just pulls him closer and holds on tight as the last of the dark fades from his mind.
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theficplug · 3 years
Taking Erik To The Beauty Supply Store 2 / Barber Shop With Erik
Erik Killmonger x Black Reader
Warnings : mature/sexual conversations?
it's a regular day in the stevens household. going to the beauty supply store again & the barber shop but hey it's fun cause it's you and your man.
First taking Erik to the beauty supply store fic:
“I could beat the brake off her lying ass. First of all, I should’ve known something was up cause she asked me if I’m natural. I said yes. She said well I normally do relaxed hair.. Then said you got to have your hair washed and blow dried already… Talking about she was going to have me serving 90s Nia Long. This bitch got me looking like big momma when she came home for that motherfucking party.” You continue your rant as Erik moves around the room looking for your body butter and your fluffy shoes to put on for the day.
You wanted a cute 90s pixie cut to go along with the theme of the maternity shoot which was like the cheesy 90s mall style set with the faded backdrop.
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180 dollars and a lopsided , almost a golden bob later and you are still thinking about snatching her out of that salon.
“I’m gonna try and trim it up myself and dye it before the maternity photos tomorrow. But I’mma get two wigs just in case I mess up.” You explain to Erik as he begins to spread the body butter up your legs leaving a golden glow on your skin.
“Not you down there cackling after getting some hang time on the locs you been growing since high school... It’s quiet, ain't no back talk.” You banter with him and he stops massaging your legs to give you a look and laughs softly before giving you a retort of his own.
“You got a lot to say for somebody that can’t even lotion they ashy lil knees.”
“Your daughter been pushing against my organs for 8 and a half months. I don’t wanna hear nothing unless its about my push present. You know that I like rings… My engagement ring looking reeeealll lonely.” you say to him as you dangle your hand in front of his face.
“You look so fucking good today baby… Say, Big Fine, lemme get your number… I’mma eat the f-” he trails off kissing your legs and letting his tongue trail up it and you grab his chin softly.
“Boy if you don’t come on before you be late for your appointment… Can I stop and get a blue raspberry slushie first though?” you ask him and he sighs softly before giving you a small smile and nodding.
“Yeah, hold on let me grab your shoes and purse and then we can go.”
“And obviously yes when we come back before I install that lace front you can beat, duh.” you reply to him before giving him a peck to his lips.
After he grabs everything and helps you down the stairs. And with his help of putting you into his big ass truck you two are on your way.
“We’re going to get my hair cut first cause I already know you’re going to want to go to 2 different stores and it’s only gon’ take him about 15 minutes at the most to line me up.”
He wasn’t lying with the way that you liked to scan every section of the store before you left because to be honest where else were you going to get a pair of skittle shorts, bomb ass lip glosses, and a cute little panda hand sanitizer holder all in one place?
“Okay, sounds like a plan.. The way that I was supposed to have a hot girl summer this year and ended up with a damn its too hot for me to even put my clothes on mom summer. You really were not playing about trying to start a family on your birthday.” you joke as you crunch on your goldfish and look over at Erik.
“I think you just got finer through this whole thing. Watching my baby grow my baby is something surreal. In the beginning watching you go through all of the morning sickness and the body aches and stuff. I felt so bad you know not being able to physically take on all that was going on with you. I aint gon’ never not be appreciative and awe of you.” Erik replies with a serious comment that you were not expecting and you’d be damned if the hormones aren’t doing their thing.
“I really did not expect you to say that. Baabbbee, come on. You know I cry about everything right now. Love you.” you lean over to wrap your arms around him gently and kiss the side of his face while he’s focusing on the road.
“I love you too…. I think I’mma get my locs cut off soon. I don’t know why I’m ready to get a fade and just call it a day.” he questions before looking over at you briefly
“Either way you still gonna look good. I knew you before you even got your locs so you’re gonna look even better now because you grew into your head. Dee be cutting the fuck outta your hair even though he been bald for a good 40 years.” you say and it causes Erik to let out a loud laugh and shake his head.
You eventually ended up ordering a blue raspberry lemonade slushie, a hotdog and fries because Sonic basically took all of Erik's money at this point in your pregnancy.
The rest of your ride was chill as you both swayed to the music or turned it down for a little chat every now and then.
In public was always very protective of you but especially since becoming pregnant he has been hovering over you like a lion waiting for someone to even look at you for too long.
He hops out of the sleek matte black truck first to help you out and sling his arm around your waist with a hand resting on your belly.
You feel some eyes on you as you walk through the door. Your multi-coloured sundress that showcased your back, flowing with you.
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Some of the men, new to the shop you assumed, were eyeing you down before Erik looked over their way and nods at them and they pretended to check their phones.
“What's up E? Damn lil sis look like she’s about to pop! How you feeling baby girl?” Dee greets you and Erik as you both walk in and some of the regulars in there say hey to the both of you.
“I’m alright Dee. Baby is just really ready to see the world. She has been kicking up a storm at times. I think we might have a little athlete here.” you reply and you watch as the greyed man with freckles across his cheeks and bridge of his nose eyes crinkle as he finishes cutting the man's hair sitting in the chair.
“I remember when I became a father for the first time. Shits wild because you think that you know everything there is to know and then when you actually see your baby take that first breath. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.” He continues as he shows you a photo of his 4 children and you give him a small smile.
“Ooh, they’re beautiful.” you compliment him as you settle into your seat and scroll on your phone on your phone waiting for Erik to be next.
Some time went by and the men seemed like they were trying to keep their conversation in a hush and you can see some eyes on you as they talked back and forth.
“I’m just saying if you want a threesome with your girl and you expect her to be okay with letting another woman into her bed. You need to match her energy. Could you imagine your girl asking you to bring a whole nother man into your room if that’s not what you’re into? Instead of asking for it. Maybe try bringing toys into the situation. Could spice it up a notch and be in both of your comfort zones. Personally, couples vibrators seem to do the trick just fine.” You advise as you look up from scrolling on your Pinterest feed.
The little huddle of them in front of you stopped talking and immediately looked up at you in silence before Dee’s laugh broke it.
“I don’t know about bringing another man in. That ain't my thing but I get what you're saying. Which ones would you recommend?” The one named Leron asked and you notice Erik is now paying attention , looking from you to them to make sure they stay respectful.
“You better let them know , baby girl! That’s how that baby popped into fruition. She got you with the tantric breathing, huh E?” he jokes and Erik cracks into a smile, his golds gleaming as he looks at you.
“She not wrong. Engage in what your woman like too. Yoga, talking during sex, giving as much as you receive from her, all that. ” He says casually and shrugging and you give him a small smile cause this man done come so far from when you met him.
After he finishes lining up his beard, Erik pays and you’re on your way to one of your favourite places.
“You look so sexy. Your beard is all lined up crisp and stuff. I told you that beard oil was gonna even it out.” you say to him and kiss him below his ear . His hand gripped your thigh gently and you repeated it again.
It didn’t take long before you were at one of your favourite places.
You turned to Erik and asked him to buy a stocking cap for you to try on the wigs that you liked and wanted to see before you purchased it.
You slid on the stocking cap over your hair before grabbing a cute little 27 piece pixie cut wig just to try it on and see what it was giving . You finger combed it and turned to Erik to ask him how it looks.
“Like you finna start singing “Truth is i’m tired. Take me to the king. Here’s my offering-” .” You hold in your laugh as you push Erik’s chest and he grabs your hands.
“I can’t stand your ass !” You say cracking up and Erik grabs the stocking cap from his pocket that he brought himself and slides it over his locs.
You watch as he grabs one of the bobs from the mannequin and sits it half cocked on his head before shaking it side to side.
“What’s cooler than being cool? Ice cold. You know what to do doooo. You know what to doooo.... This is your grand daddy. This is your grand daddy.” Erik starts acting like Andre 3000 and Mr. Brown. You swear this man was gonna make you push out this baby with how hard you were laughing at him.
“Why are you moving your lips like thaaat? What’s your name? B.O.B, so they calling you Bob? Stop playing nigga you know that I’m known for the bob.” you sing the nicki minaj lyrics to him and both of y’all get a good laugh before he takes off the wig and places it carefully back on the mannequin.
He looks over at the one that looked the most like your hair before you got it cut and slides it on.
His expressions changed and he narrowed his eyes at you before putting his hand on his stomach.
“Whew, my god E. You did this to me and for what? My ankles looking like cornbread huh? Look at this shit bae! If my nose swells for real in these next months, we fighting. Damn, I’m getting thick. I look like I'm pregnant in the front and the back. Can you get me two shrimp po’boys and some fries on the way home? ERIK, wake up- You our baby look like Stitch in this ultrasound? Stop playing , im for real.” he sounds exactly like you and mimicked your expressions to a t.
You giggled softly and snatched his wig off leaving him standing there looking crazy in the cap.
“You wanna fight?” You ask him before walking up on him like you’re on bad girls club and swinging the wig at him.
He helped you put the wig back on the mannequin and kissed both of your hands before continuing through the aisle with you.
You both ignored how many times the employee passed by or watched you as you grabbed some of the products from the shelf and put it into your little cart that you wanted to try.
“You wish this was you, huh? You wanted to be Future from 8 Mile so bad, huh? ” you ask Erik , laughing as you point to the full lace faux locs wig that’s in front of you and he shakes his head.
“She got you down bad. This you?” he asks you as he points to the lil gold church wig that’s sitting on the top shelf and you suck your teeth at him .
“You wanna dip dye your hair for tomorrow? A pretty auburn colour would look so good on you or even a baby blue?” You ask him as you move away from the wigs after deciding to put a off black lace front straight wig in your cart and another in sandy blonde with deep waves.
You scan the shelf of dye as Erik wraps his arm around your waist and takes a look.
“This one looks good right here.” He adds as he hands you a colour called Electric Blue.
“This is gonna look so good on you bae.” You compliment him and he leans down to kiss you softly.
“You only tryna compliment me cause you want me to help you install that wig. You think you slick bae.” he calls as he walks off towards the hair care products for his locs.
“Well, if I’m finna use the little energy I have to retwist your hair you could at least extend the helping hand!” You call after him.
“I haven’t tried peppermint oil yet but it should be good to add to my mix? Look, I found this small ass bonnet. She’s gonna be able to match us.” He says walking back to you and showing you the lilac bonnet in his hand and you swear you were about to tear up again cause all 3 of you were gonna have matching bonnets and durag.
“If she takes after both of us she’s gonna have a head full of hair. To cover that melon from your side.” You tease him
“Come on and grab your butterfly wings for your eyes so we can go home and finish our show. I’mma cook them snow crabs for you too.” he says to you and you can see him watching you like you hung the moon in the sky yourself as you venture off.
You grabbed the edge control, lashes, a new lipstick, earrings, glosses, Got2b spray, and some accessories for Erik’s hair before meeting him at the counter.
It took him all of two seconds to pay for your beauty supply store addiction and you were off on your way back to the crib to love on him.
Erik was currently standing behind you while you sat in the chair in his old large tshirt and held down the wig to the Ghost Bond glue.
You were talking him through helping you finish the install because you just didn't have the energy to do it.
“Okay you gon’ take a lil piece and wrap it around the wand. But please be careful baby. This one goes from like 0 to a 400 degrees so fast.” you warn and watch in the mirror as he takes the first piece and follows your instructions.
You watch him for a while focusing on your head and asking if you liked the way that it’s turning out. You smile softly at him and nod.
“I'm so grateful , you know. “ you say to him with a pout
“Damn, I was just about to send you a do you like me back yes or no text after this too.” he jokes and you shake your head.
“I’m tryna be serious and appreciate you-” you are cut off by him leaning down and pushing his plump lips out for a kiss from you
“I love you too. 2 more weeks and I get to have my two babies in my arms. What more could I want? ”
Tag list: @doublesidedscoobysnacks
(Long post. Sorry I'm still learning how to do the read more thing! Sorry for being gone from here for so long. This one really helped me ease back into writing especially after how much love the first one received!)
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y3ager · 4 years
- oh my goddd he’s literally in love with u babe
- if ur one to use protective styles (box braids/locs/frontals etc etc) he tries his hardest to learn them all and b able to differentiate
 - “when r u getting those faux locs again?”
- “ur braids look so pretty, _____” (braid types r hard for him)
- u once told him how long it took to get your box braids done and his jaw dropped
- how neat the parts are and how sleek the braids are amazes him 
- loves when u add those gold clasp things or gold string
- he’s amazed at how much care is put into it. we’re characterized as strong and independent and all that other stuff when our hair is so delicate.... he notices how you heat up oil and rub it in your scalp, avoid too much heat, have to literally wrap it in silk and give it special treatments..... you’re like a doll... 
- how gold looks against ur skin makes him swoon (gold hoops..... whew....)
- loves how bright/loud colors look against ur skin!!! if ur darker skinned he OBSESSES over how blonde looks on you (and i’m talking 613!) and always inches toward the blonde bundles in the beauty supply store or tries to gear u towards the blonde lace fronts on online stores 
- “just 14 inches is already $200, eren...”
- “okay i’ll buy it for you then”
- loves long hair on you- but wait bobs are cute too 
- when u get a bob the same length at his hair..... it’s twinemmmm aaaaa 
- his favorite wave is body wave
- he’s just obsessed with ur hair man lmao he’s just so in love with how versatile it is.. boom! twist out! boom! puff! boom! honey blonde body wave sew in! boom! black water wave frontal! boom! swoop ponytail!!!!!!!!
- oooooo and the brown liner + beauty supply store lip gloss combo???????? lord have mercy he’s about to bust 
- it makes your mouth look so hot and he doesn’t care if he’s covered in lip gloss by the time he’s done 
- loves your natural hair no matter how kinky or short. ur puff is so cute to him 
- if ur like me and u just jump from protective style to protective style he loves when he sees peeks of your real hair 
- butttt if ur not like me and u can actually do something with ur natural hair he’s so enthralled by how some twists or braids or whatever just turns your hair into this beautiful mass 
- understands that washing ur hair has a whole day dedicated to it & he helps as much as he can/as much as u allow him to
- ughhhhhhhh u always smell so good and ur skin is always so smooth from ur lotion 
- once froze stock still when he said no to something and u went “it’s bc im black right 😔”
- please leave ur white boy alone he’s getting nervous 
- “n-no! of course not! ____ you know i’m not like that , oh my god i’m sorry”
- you:  “ just kidding 😁”
- ur tone/code switching is hot as hell
- picks up on your little mannerisms... your “mmcht”  your various “aye’s”, etc, etc
- ur facial expressions.... hilarious to him. it comes to you so easy
- educates himself when he has to bc he understands that ur not his walking google search bar when it comes to.. yk.. stuff. if u don’t mind talking about it he listens attentively 
- is very consoling during the First Night of Having Box Braids 
- “hey babe r u ready i’m omw” he texts u one night 
- u with your stocking cap on ready to slap on ur wig: “👩🏾‍🦲”. not a hairline plucked nor a lace even bleached. (if u wear wigs ofc)
- protective protective protective
412 notes · View notes
littlewinter1917 · 3 years
ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴅᴀʏꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ
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𝔸 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℤ𝕠𝕠
My blog is 18+ only. Minors DNI. 🔞 Don’t repost my work anywhere.
Series Masterlist
Words: 8.7k
Pairing: Steve Roger x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Steve make the most out of the last days of summer and decide to visit the local zoo. But as fun and romantic as the activity is, you also have to face the fact that dating a well-known Super Soldier isn't always easy.
Warnings: It's pretty much just pure fluff, with the tiniest sparks of angst. Pet names (mostly Sweetheart & Angel) and some teasing. Maybe an undetected swearword or two.
If there are any warnings, that you think are missing, please don‘t hesitate to reach out and tell me, so I can add them accordingly.
A/N: This is my first time writing and sharing a story, so if you're reading this, I hope you enjoy!
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“Sweetheart, are you ready yet?”
Steve calls out from the bedroom, hoping you’ll hear him while you’re getting ready a few doors down in the bathroom.
“Yes! I’m almost done!” you shout back, straightening your t-shirt and taking one last look in the mirror.
The excitement you feel is clearly written on your face, and you can’t help but let out a small squeal at the thought of all the animals you’ll be going to see and pet.
You are so caught up in your little daydream, that you don’t notice Steve’s approaching footsteps or the soft opening of the bathroom door.
With your mind still occupied, you turn around to leave the bathroom, only to be met with the sudden and unsuspected sight of Steve leaning casually against the door frame, smiling down at you lovingly.
“Good God, Steve!” you exclaim startled, clutching your hand to your chest, trying to calm down your now rapid heartbeat. Steve’s adoring gaze quickly turns into a more apologetic one, once he realizes that he accidentally scared you.
“Sorry Angel, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” he concedes, while gently pulling you closer and placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Hm,‘s not your fault.” you whisper against them whilst playing with the soft strands of hair at the back of his neck. Steve just hums at that, before tightening his arms around you and gently kissing your shoulder.
“So, you’re ready to go?” he murmurs against your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
You only manage to nod in approval, not wanting to disturb the little moment of tenderness that engulfs the two of you. But once Steve starts to draw soft patterns on your back, you can’t help but let out a small sigh of content, snuggling closer to his chest and basking in the feeling of his gentle embrace.
The moment is short-lived though, as Steve decides to break the otherwise comfortable silence. “We should get going soon,” he mumbles, voice low, as he gently untangles himself from you.
Even though you try not to, you let out a soft whine, voicing your displeasure at the loss of his touch, making Steve coo.
“You can get all the cuddles you want Sweetheart, when we’re back from our little trip.” A small huff escapes your lips before you demonstratively hold out your pinky finger to him.
The sight of your stubborn determination makes Steve laugh, and the warmth of its sound fills both the room and your heart, making you smile.
“I pinky promise that you can get all the cuddles you want, Sweetheart.” Steve adoringly whispers, intertwining your little fingers, before pulling you into him again, gently kissing your forehead.
Your hands instinctively grab and hold on to him, trying to get him closer, and your honest display of affection and longing for him makes his heart flutter.
“Oh, Sweetheart,” he coos, “I thought you were excited about going to the zoo, hm?”
Oh god, the zoo!
You almost forgot about that completely, and by your wide-eyed reaction, Steve can clearly tell.
“So, you want to keep the penguins waiting, or… ?” he teases, and you playfully slap his side before reluctantly letting go and trying to move past him.
“You know, if you’d rather stay in today and have the zoo-date another time, we can always reschedule.” He says, his eyes searching yours, trying to communicate the same reassurance that his voice transports.
“No.” you chirp. The excitement from earlier is already back in your eyes, and you shake your head to emphasize your stand. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to keep the penguins waiting.” you add.
“Alright, then let’s get our things and get going. There is only so little time, and so many animals to see.”
“And plants!” you add enthusiastically, being almost equally excited about the small botanical garden that’s incorporated in the more tropical segment of the zoo.
“And the plants.” Steve agrees, while following you down the hallway, smiling.
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While you were getting ready earlier, Steve had packed everything you two could possibly need into a big, sturdy backpack.
“I think we have everything.” Steve mumbles, more to himself than to you, while briefly going through its content again. “We have some sunscreen, sunglasses, water bottles and those sandwiches you helped me make, some snacks and fruits, money for the tickets, keys …”
He trails off, looking over the room once more, trying to think of anything he might have forgotten.
When he spots his baseball cap near the entrance, he speaks up again.
“Sweetheart, do you want to take a hat with you? The weather is supposed to get even hotter, and I don’t want you to get a heatstroke or something.”
“I think I’ll be fine, Stevie.” your voice is a little bit mumbled, since you’re currently kneeling on the ground, preoccupied with trying to tie up your sneakers.
“Alright! Well, I’ll be wearing mine, at least at the beginning …”
Steve doesn’t finish his sentence; he doesn’t need to – you already know what he is trying to say.
He’ll be wearing the cap not as a prevention for a possible heatstroke, but for the simple sake of at least some sense of anonymity, trying to lessen the chances of him being recognized.
It’s not like Steve hates the attention he often gets from the public. There are times when he is more than happy to stop for a quick photo or a handshake, but when he is out and about with you by his side, he does desire a certain sense of privacy, and so do you.
When you two first started dating, that was the hardest thing to get used to, and truth be told, you still struggle with it.
Obviously, you’d been aware of Steve’s public persona as Captain America, and the responsibility that the title entailed, long before you even started dating, but the visibility and public scrutiny that came with his occupation, was rather new to you.
Especially once the word got out, that the two of you were dating. Suddenly parts of the public interest that were initially focused on him also shifted on to you.
You used to joke, that if you’d get a dollar every time Steve and you get approached by people in public, you’d easily be able to compete with Tony’s net worth. And while you were obliviously exaggerating and making fun of the situation, Steve could also tell that it was taking somewhat of a toll on you.
To be fair, it wasn’t like you hated those encounters across the board. There were, and still are, a lot of times where Steve’s interactions with the public are nice to watch and take part of.
The number of times, for example, that random children would approach him, starstruck and starry-eyed, are as countless as they are endearing, which is to say, very - and, subsequently, many.
It always makes your heart gleam with a mixture of pride and joy when you get to witness those interactions.
You’re not quite sure if it is because Steve is naturally good with kids, or kids are naturally good with Steve, but each encounter is filled with a warmth and a gentleness, that makes your heart both melt and pop.
And so, you tend to stand there with your heart in a puddle, while Steve talks and engages with the children in such a carefree yet gentle way.
But there are also some encounters, that don’t spark as much joy.
Or none at all, if you’re being honest.
Those are usually the ones whose timing couldn’t be worse. Like getting approached while the two of you are having small romantic dates out in the park or in cozy coffee shops. Even your cute little trips to museums and art galleries once in a while aren’t spared from the casual interference of others.
There’s almost always someone, somewhere, shouting in both a mixture of disbelief and joy:“Is this Captain America?”
And then the heads start to turn, and the murmur starts, and your previous little date idea gets turned into a live meet-and-greet Captain America event.
And it sucks.
It’s not like you want to keep Steve all to yourself; it’s just that you don’t want to share him every single time you two go out in public together. Especially when it’s supposed to be a fun and romantic activity just between the two of you.
And so, because of that, Steve often tries to keep his recognizability somewhat more subtle and limited by wearing his baseball cap and some sunglasses, but there’s only so much that that supposed ‘transformation’ can do.
Tony once kindly offered that the department responsible for the Avengers suits and apparel could probably help, and come up with a more cohesive incognito look, but that didn’t work out too well either. Not for a lack of trying on their part, though.
You two had taken them up on that offer once, and they managed to turn Steve into someone so completely unrecognizable, that you almost walked past him when you’d come to pick him up.
Apart from his clothing, plaid trousers and a simple button-down shirt that emitted more the vibe of a hip history professor, the thing that threw you off the most was the 16 inches-long wig he was wearing. It made him look like Thor’s long-lost twin brother, and you could hardly take his appearance seriously.
When you finally managed to stop laughing, you pulled him into the living quarters of the compound, where the laughing continued, once everybody realized who they were looking at.
The Date to the planetarium that followed went great; not a single person recognized and approached the two of you. The only downside was that the date with Steve didn’t really feel like a date with Steve.
Apart from the reason that Steve’s long-haired wig made you feel like you were out and about with a beefier version of Jesus, rather than your treasured Super Soldier, the wig was also highly unpractical in a more tangible sense. Every time you turned to him and leaned in for a kiss, your hands and jewelry would easily get tangled up in his long strands of synthetic hair.
Neither of you were used to the hairy mess the Avenger’s apparel department provided you with – and it showed.
It did make for a fun date tough.
Steve was highly amused about the amount of double takes you had to do when you were looking for him.
You, on the other hand, had the time off your life once the two of you exited the planetarium, only to be greeted with a pleasant afternoon breeze, that took Steve – and his hair – by surprise. It looked like an unsuspected hair commercial in the making, and you almost tripped down the stairs laughing while trying to take a photo of Steve’s glorious mane in the wind.
All in all, it was a good time, but at the end of it, you both decided that it was neither worth the trouble nor a sustainable solution to your problem. And so, Steve traded his wig for his beloved baseball cap again, even if it heightened the possibility of him being recognized.
You knew that Steve was trying his best to give you some sense of normality in your experience of dating a super-famous Super Soldier, and you appreciated his efforts, even when they didn’t always work out.
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Once you and Steve step outside of the Avenger’s Tower, you’re hit with both: The sudden brightness of the sun, and the common busyness and noise of New York City’s bustling streets.
One single ray of sunshine manages to find its way between the tall skyscrapers in front of you, making you squint. Instinctively you raise one hand in an attempt to shield your eyes from its blazing gaze.
Steve, who is already wearing his sunglasses, quickly gets out your pair for you and you gratefully take them. His attentiveness is something you’ll never get tired of; even when he sometimes has the tendency to dote over you, it’s rather endearing.
You make your way down the street. Hand in hand, because the craze of the city can otherwise easily separate the two of you.
Even without the frantic mass of people, that hastily bustles about the avenues, in a city that big, you will always seek out the shelter of your beloved Super Soldier, who still knows this place in a way you probably never will.
So, in an attempt to not get lost, or trampled, or abducted, your hand reaches out for his, and his hand does the same.
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Steve navigates himself and you through the city like he’s done it a million times before, and it never fails to amaze you how good his sense of direction is. It’s something you’re obviously lacking, and Steve can’t help but teasingly bring it up every now and then.
This time around though, he doesn’t. Instead, he keeps talking about the little, newly opened Italian restaurant that you two just passed by.
“It looked really cozy and busy – that’s always a good sign, right? Maybe we can check it out this weekend.” Steve offers, while gently swinging your joined hands back and forth.
You hum in agreement, more focused on not getting jostled by the oncoming businessmen and -women.
Gripping his hand tighter, you curl up more into Steve’s side, seeking out the protection and safety of his tall statue.
Once Steve realizes what’s going on, he immediately pulls you close to him, wrapping his arm protectively around your smaller frame and making sure you’re okay.
“I can always give you a piggyback ride.” he offers, and you shake your head, laughing.
As inviting as that proposal sounds, the fear of the potential attention it might garner makes you decline his offer. You’d rather be subjected to the ongoing pushing and shoving of some careless pedestrians, than the unwanted attention and possibility of recognition.
“We’re nearly there, Sweetheart.” Steve gently encourages you, while keeping you as close to him as possible, leading you down the busy streets of New York.
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You must have picked a good time to visit the zoo, because the line in front of the ticket booth is almost non-existent.
It doesn’t take long for it to be your turn, and Steve immediately takes charge, getting the tickets. The woman at the counter also hands him some pamphlets with certain attractions, and a small map, which he gratefully takes.
You softly tug on his arm, trying to get his attention, before pointing at the small bags with dry food, that are arranged on a shelf behind the vendor.
“Can we buy some of that food for the animals in the petting zoo?” you ask, eyes bright.
Steve instantly agrees, and the small squeal of joy that escapes your lips is like music to his ears. “There you go, Sweetheart.” he says, as he hands you your ticket and the small paper cone, filled with little pellets of dry food.
“Thanks, Stevie!” The way you beam up at him has his heart doing flips.
God, you’re adorable.
“So, where do you want to go first?” he asks, while looking down at the open map in his hands.
“The petting zoo!” you chime while clapping your hands in delight. You have to suppress the urge to just grab Steve's hand and drag him to the enclosure, so instead you softly bounce on the spot.
Looking up from his map, Steve’s eyes soften once he sees how you’re barely able to contain your excitement. It radiates off of you in a way that’s contagious.
Well, contagious to him anyway.
“Alright.” he approves, and that’s all the agreement you need, before sprinting into action, grabbing Steve’s hand, and tugging him along.
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You only come to a brief halt at the doors of the enclosure, while you read the small signs that introduce some of the animals inside of it.
The petting zoo contains mostly goats, bunnies, guinea pigs and some piglets, but there are also two donkeys and one of them is called …
“Steve!” you joyfully exclaim.
“The donkey is named after you!”
The man in question furrows his brow, and you point him to the part on the metal sign, where the donkeys get introduced.
“See, Steve and Sally. Aww, he even looks a little bit like you!” you coo, looking at the small picture they provide next to the profile.
“I don’t quite see it.” Steve says dryly, and you huff.
“He even has similar interests to yours. It says here that he likes sunshine, early morning runs, pets behind his ears and bananas!
Biting your lip to keep yourself from laughing, you innocently look up at Steve, who regards you with a fake scowl.
“You’re being awfully bratty today, Angel.” he chides, yet his words don’t have any bite to them.
“Me? Never!” your fake indignation is riddled with the giggles you’re desperately trying to hold in. That mission fails completely though, once you read the Interesting Fact they provide next to each introduced animal.
“Oh my god, Steve!” you croak out between laughter. “He even tried to eat an American flag once. God, I love him already!”
Before Steve has the chance to reply, you’re dragging him into the enclosure. “Come on, let’s meet my newfound hero!”
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The donkey is just as cute as in the picture, and even friendlier than you imagined. After you introduced yourself and Steve - you couldn’t help yourself from saying “Steve, meet Steve,” while pointing between the tall Super Soldier and the rather small pony-sized creature – you slowly started petting the animal.
The happy brays he lets out make you laugh softly, and your smile only widens once your eyes find Steve’s.
“Don’t you dare say he sounds like me too!” Steve exclaims, and that comment only fuels your giggles.
“I wouldn’t dream of it!” you say, while stroking the fur behind the donkey’s ears. “But you have to admit, he’s adorable!” you coo, before quickly adding: “Not as cute as you, of course, but it’s a close second.”
“Well, that’s certainly comforting to hear.” Steve retorts. “So, you’re not gonna leave me for one of those gray-haired fellas?”
“I already have my gray-haired fella at home, old man,” you counter, before whispering a small “almost.”
Steve still picks it up, and his reaction is instant. His strong hands reach out to you, playfully poking your sides.
“You take that back! You take that back right now!” he urges, laughing, as you try to squirm away from his grasp, the sweet sound of your giggles filling the air. Your antics only come to a halt once you’re breathlessly begging for mercy, and Steve pulls you in for a hug.
“You still have a lot of energy for a 103-year-old.” you whisper.
“Oh Sweetheart, you know, I can be relentless.” he counters, and you hum in agreement.
“You don’t actually look like a donkey.” you try to clarify. “It’s just that the donkey somehow looks like you.”
Before Steve can rekindle his attacks, you’re already apologizing again. “I’m joking! I’m joking!” you exclaim, as soon as you feel the tiniest brush of his fingertips poking your sides.
Hugging him closer once more, you whisper: “I’m sorry. I’m being mean. You’re still the prettiest man on the planet, and you always will be.”
Brushing your hands softly through his hair and gently cupping his cheek, you notice the small red tint that adorns them.
“Aww you’re blushing!” you quietly tease. “I guess I don’t call you pretty enough. I need to tell you that more, I think.” you observe.
His blush only deepens, and you coo again.
He really is the prettiest man alive. And the sweetest, and kindest, and bravest.
As you softly tell him all about your thoughts, his grip around you tightens, and he burrows his face in your neck.
“I love you so much.” you mumble against his shoulder, and even though you can’t see him right now, you know that he’s smiling.
“I love you too.” he whispers back, voice low, before gently kissing your forehead.
His lips lingers there for a moment before he speaks up again.
“I think we need to stop; there’s an older lady, who’s already giving us the stink-eye.”
“Oh, let her stare. If they look at you funny, you just look right back at them funny, that normally does the trick for me.”
“I’m not going to glare down a grandma!” Steve whispers exasperated.
“Well, you might not, but I certainly will, if she's making you uncomfortable.” you announce, and Steve just shakes his head, laughing.
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After moving on from the donkeys, you spend some time with the goats. Even Steve has to admit that they are rather endearing.
“Maybe we should bring Bucky with us next time. You know how he still gushes about the goats he had in Wakanda. I’m sure he’d enjoy some time here.” you suggest, while feeding a small brown doeling.
She softly munches the food right out of the palm of your hand, and the feeling of her rough tongue on your skin makes you giggle.
“If we would bring Buck, that’s going to be your liability, because I’m pretty sure he would never leave the goat enclosure again.” Steve observes.
“Can’t really blame him. I might have my donkey at home, but those goats certainly have character.” you tease.
Instead of answering, Steve decides to just throw some pellets your way.
“Hey!” you whine playfully, before making a counter strike. When you don’t hit your target, Steve just grins at you cheekily.
It’s that boyish smile you love so much, and it fills your heart with a joy that’s carefree and content. It feels just like the soft sunrays that are currently caressing your skin: Warm, light, and golden.
Your thoughts are only interrupted once another pellet flies your way, barely missing your face.
“Hey!” you exclaim once more, laughing, yet Steve’s eyes turn instantly apologetic when he realizes he almost struck your pretty face. You quickly reassure him that it’s alright, before walking over to the rabbits and guinea pigs, patiently sitting down next to them.
Rather than just grabbing one, you wait for one of the timid rodents to approach you instead. A small – and presumably younger – bunny seems curious enough, as he hops your way, and you manage to coax him with some food and a very gentle voice. His fluffy fur is in an off-white color with gray specks and his floppy ears twitch every now and then.
“Hey little friend.” you whisper once his wiggly nose brushes your open palm. It takes some more coaxing before he starts eating out of it, and you beam at that development.
Steve watches the interaction with a soft, adoring gaze.
God, Wanda was right. He really is head over heels for you.
But then again, how could he not be.
There’s a gentleness and kindness in the way you approach the world, and the fact that you’ve chosen him out of all people to trust the most, fills his heart with an endless amount of pride and happiness, that’s hard to put into words.
You’ve come into his life like a whirlwind, turning everything upside down and taking over his heart by storm.
Without your knowing, you made all of his previous priorities flip, until you were the only and most important thing on his mind. You still are, of course, and Steve is sure that this is something that will never change.
You’re the one.
The one who’s voice and laughter he’ll never grow tired of hearing.
The one who he comes home to after a rough mission, taking up the biggest space in his bed and in his heart – and he wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
You’re the most precious thing on the planet, and he’d burn it all down if he had to, just to keep you safe.
“Steve!” you softly call out to him, and his focus shifts back on you.
The small bunny is now sitting contently in your lap, while you’re sporting the proudest look.
“His fur is so soft!” you quietly mouth to him, and he smiles before making his way to you, gently kneeling down by your side. “Here! Feel!” you chirp, as you carefully guide his hands towards the small bunny.
“Do you think we could get some of those?” you carefully ask.
“Of course.” Steve agrees without really thinking - he doesn’t need to. If you want it, you’ll get it; no questions asked. He’ll even fight Tony on it if he has to, or anyone else for that matter.
“Really?” you beam.
“I pinky promise, Sweetheart.” he whispers before kissing the top of your head and standing back up. You follow suit, after carefully moving the bunny from your lap.
“Let’s just visit the piglets, and then we can move on to the bigger animals!” you proclaim, while reaching for Steve’s hand again, gently tugging him towards the small, baby pink piggies.
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Once you’ve finished cooing over the small piglets while simultaneously feeding and petting them, you and Steve make your way back towards the regular path of the zoo.
Steve had just gotten out his map again, trying to visualize the vicinity, when you spot the panda enclosure.
“Steve, do we have to consider the map? Can’t we just walk around and go wherever our curiosity takes us?” you ask.
“You mean, wherever your curiosity takes you.” Steve teases and you let out a small huff while folding your arms over your chest, defensively.
“Not true.” you whine, before adding: “I can’t help it if I’m younger and pick up more things, you know.”
“Uh-huh” Steve hums. “And patience is a virtue that …”
“I’ve never met once in my life.” you finish the sentence for him.
“That is not the quote I was going for, but it certainly rings true too.” Steve agrees, before folding his map up again. “Alright, so where’s your curiosity leading you to, this time.” he concedes with a warm smile and your eyes light up at that.
“Easy, this way!” you say, before grabbing his hand, dragging him along once more.
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“Steve, look!” you exclaim, while excitedly pointing at the wild cat enclosure. There’s a tiger that’s currently taking a bath, and it completely seizes your attention.
At the risk of sounding like a total lovesick fool, Steve has to admit that he’s way more encaptured by your endearing reactions to everything, than the actual attractions and animals themselves.
You two already visited the panda and bear enclosure, looked at some monkeys, zebras, hippos, and foxes, and now you’re leading him towards the area with the wildcats.
Lynx, lions, pumas, cheetahs, and some tigers are what’s initially advertised; still, he’s barely able to focus on that.
With your hands closely intertwined, and your soft voice that calls out to him, his attention has a hard time staying away from you.
You’re especially excited by the cheetahs, and you enthusiastically tell him all the facts you know about them.
How they’re incredibly fast and powerful, yet often also anxious and shy. You tell him how some of the cheetahs living in captivity often need emotional support dogs, to help them cope with their high levels of stress.
They’re the true scaredy cat-cats.
After your ramblings about the wildcats, you start gushing over their emotional support dogs. “They must be so proud!” you tell him. “Imagine being a dog, who ends up working with those cheetahs. How badass it that? Like a mouse who’s a therapist for a housecat, or a sparrow that takes care of an alligator…”
Steve smiles at your excitement, while listening attentively to everything you’re saying.
How did he ever get this lucky?
But as your speech slowly comes to an end, another sound appears. It’s faint, but Steve’s Super Soldier hearing still picks it up. He’s heard it enough times to be able to identify it – It’s the sound of your tummy rumbling.
“Sweetheart, are you hungry?” he questions, and you look up at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Dammit, I had hoped you didn’t catch that.” you mumble embarrassed, and Steve laughs.
“How about we look for a more quiet space, where we can eat some of our sandwiches and snacks.” he proposes, and you agree.
This time, Steve takes your hand, leading the way.
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After some searching, the two of you managed to find a little bench, shaded by a rather sturdy oak. The tree doesn’t just shield you from the blazing sun, but also from the curious gaze of others.
It’s a romantic little space, as you look out onto a small park area, not too far off from the peacock enclosure. You’d stopped there briefly, fascinated by their colorful display of shimmering feathers, before moving on.
And now, you're sitting here, next to Steve, eating your little sandwich and sharing some small snacks. It's calm and peacefully quiet, apart from some faint bird-chirping and the remote sound of children’s laughter, carried over to you by a soft summer breeze.
“This was such a lovely idea, Steve.” you comment quietly once you’ve finished your sandwich.
The man in question smiles at that. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Angel.”
You hum in agreement, before popping some fresh berries into your mouth.
The satisfied sigh you let out is making Steve laugh. “Are those berries that good?” he questions playfully.
“No, but the view right now is to die for.” you say, while locking eyes with him.
“Hm, I guess you’re right. This little park area certainly has some flair.” Steve agrees, and if it wasn’t for the blueberries in your hand, you’d face-palm right now.
“I’m not taking about the park, Steve.” you clarify, while giving him a pointed look, and he blushes.
“Oh, I see … “ he mumbles, red-tinted embarrassment tainting his cheeks and migrating up to his ears. Who knew a Super Soldier could get that flustered – and look so endearing while doing it.
You weren’t lying though – even with Steve just sitting there, wearing a light gray t-shirt and some washed-out jeans, he looks like a god; Completely out of this world.
And it’s not just his sturdy arms and muscles.
It’s in the way his kind eyes light up, framed by those rich eyelashes.
It’s in the way he looks at you; looks at the world with such benevolence, such compassion, even after everything he’s been through.
Maybe it’s also in the way that those small rays of sunlight, currently shining through the tree crown, illuminate his skin, giving him a golden glow.
But whatever the reason may be, he certainly looks good. Especially, when he’s blushing like that, you think, smiling.
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Once you two finished your small lunch, you’re eager to get back to the animals.
The giraffes and elephants are next, followed by the penguins and some wombats.
You and Steve have also established a small game by now.
One of you steps up to the informational sign of the enclosure first and reads it, before letting the other person guess what the Interesting Fact about the animal is.
It’s currently Steve’s turn at guessing, as you two are standing in front of the flamingo area.
“Okay!” you chime, as you turn away from the metal sign, focusing back on Steve. Your eyes are sparkling with excitement, letting Steve know that this fact is going to be good.
“So, flamingos are known for their pink color and dorky looks, but there is something else that makes this animal quite badass. What could that possibly be?” you challenge Steve gleefully.
He ponders your question for a moment, looking over at the pink birds. “Hm, maybe they can stand on one leg for over 24 hours.” he contemplates.
“Is that your final answer?” you question, and the playful glimmer in your eyes lets him already know that he’s wrong.
Still, he stays with his entry and nods.
“Well, that is incorrect!” you announce. “Or at least, that’s not the fact they have written down.” you clarify.
“Okay, I’ll give you three options instead, and only one of them is the correct one.” you offer.
“So, once more, what makes the flamingo so badass? Is it a) they all have pink belts in karate; b) they can drink boiling water; or is it c) they can hold their breath for half an hour when diving for food.” you question, expectantly looking at Steve, who’s scratching his head, laughing.
“Well, it’s either b or c, but they both sound so unbelievable, I might as well go with answer a.” He jokes.
“Sir, I need an answer from you now, the time is running up.” you playfully chide and it’s making him laugh even more.
“Alright, show host, you can log in answer b for me.”
“B? Are you sure?” Steve just nods, and it makes your smile grow wider.
“Well, contestant, you won’t believe me when I say this, but your answer is …. ding, ding, ding – correct!” you exclaim excited, while wrapping your arms around his neck
“Wait, really?” Steve looks at you, dumbfounded. “Uh-huh. Flamingos can apparently drink boiling water.” you reiterate, before pulling him closer.
“Congratulations, soldier, you’ve won the main price!” you whisper against his lips before softly kissing him, and the sweet action makes Steve smile into the kiss, as his heart melts in the blazing sun.
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Moving from enclosure to enclosure, your little game continues. There are wolves, deer, beavers, and burrowing owls, and each stop at the gates is filled with your playful antics and shared laughter.
You only come to a short pause, once you notice a small ice cream parlor in the distance, and it doesn’t take much convincing to get Steve to go there with you.
Actually, it doesn’t take any convincing at all.
The shop is small and features only a select number of ice cream flavors. You order 3 scoops each, before happily making your way over to the American bison enclosure.
The area is less crowded and actually quite peaceful. The scenery of the meadow with the occasional grazing bull emitting a sense of tranquility.
While sharing your ice cream, you two watch these seemingly serene creatures, who are just standing there, munching on grass, and lazily gazing at the landscape around them.
There’s a timelessness to them, you think. The way they just stand there, unbothered, like they’ve seen it all.
And maybe they have.
Steve gently pulls you out of your thoughts, when he offers you his last bit of cherry ice cream, holding out his cone to you. You gratefully take him up on his offer, while simultaneously holding your cone out for him.
Sharing is caring after all.
Once your ice cream is done, you and Steve continue sitting there, just talking until Steve suddenly leans closer.
He gently brushes some lingering ice-cream stains from the corner of your mouth with his thumb before licking it off. He keeps his eyes locked on you, and the action leaves your cheeks feeling heated, and your heartrate in a frenzy.
“Two can play this game, Angel.” Steve whispers, giving you a knowing smile.
You let out a small whine, before burrowing your face in his chest, trying to hide your embarrassment.
Steve just coos at your flustered state.
“Steve, stop. You’re giving me heart palpitations,” you mumble into his chest.
“No can do, Sweetheart. It’s only fair that you get a taste of your own medicine.”
You bite back your reply to that; otherwise, you two might end up doing something entirely different.
Unaware of the questionable thoughts in your head; Steve changes the topic, reminding you of the activities you still have planned.
“Do you want to go to the meerkat and prairie dog enclosure, now? Their feeding should start soon.”
You’re still curled up into his chest, basking in the feeling of his strong embrace, and the gentle smell of his cologne. “Can we just stay here a little longer.” you request, voice mumbled, and soft.
Steve lets out a small laugh, that makes his chest rumble and vibrate. “Of course, if that’s what you prefer. You just sounded so excited earlier when you heard about the public feeding.” Steve tries to clarify, making sure that’s what you really want.
Steve’s right. When he told you about the attraction earlier, you could barely contain your excitement at the idea of watching the small animals nibble on some food. But in that very moment, you didn’t really think things through.
It was only sometime later, when your excitement had cooled down a bit, that you realized that this endeavor might not be the best idea.
There’s obviously going to be a crowd watching the spectacle, and those are something to avoid when you’re with your beloved Super Soldier. The chances of getting recognized there, are just a bit too high, yet you’re hesitant to tell those thoughts to Steve.
You don’t want him to feel bad, and you know that he’ll try to convince you that it’s no big deal. You already feel selfish for feeling so protective of your relationship, and the fear that he might think you’re overreacting lingers in your mind, even though he has never given you a reason to do so.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on? You’re being awfully quiet right now.” Steve pries. He can tell something is wrong; he just knows you too damn well.
“Nothing!” you chirp, but the sound is off. It’s too high and anxious.
“Angel.” his tone is stern.
Steve doesn’t often use his Captain America voice with you, but when he does, it works every time.
Just like now.
Playing with the fabric of his gray t-shirt and looking anywhere but his eyes, you quietly mumble: “There’s going to be lots of people, Steve. Lots of people to recognize you…”
“Oh, Sweetheart,” he knows what you’re getting at, and it makes his heart twist in guilt.
“You know, we can still …”
“No, Steve,” you interrupt him. “We can’t, and I don’t want to. This day has been nothing, but a dream come true. We haven’t been approached once, and I’d like to keep it that way. If I have to sacrifice a meerkat feeding for that, I’ll happily do it.” You state, and Steve sighs.
“I’m sorry, Angel.” he whispers, voice low and tainted with regret. “Maybe you could go there by yourself, while I stay somewhere in the background?” he offers, but you just shake your head.
“Steve, it’s okay. I’d rather see all the other animals with you, then one meerkat feeding without you.”
He smiles at that, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I’m still sorry about this.” he mutters, guilt clear in his voice. You sigh. That’s exactly what you were trying to avoid.
“Steve,” you whisper, gently cupping his cheek, making him look at you. “This isn’t your fault. Stop feeling sorry about something that you have no control over, whatsoever. If anything, I’m sorry for being so sensitive about this.” you state.
“No, you have every right to be!” Steve defends, and the conviction in his eyes makes some of your worry ease away.
“Well, if I’m not allowed to feel guilty about that, neither are you.” you assert matter-of-factly, and this time the smile that adorns Steve’s face reaches his bright blue eyes.
“Alright, deal.” he affirms, before taking your hand, sweeping you up from your seat. “Let’s continue. There’s still a lot to explore.”
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You’re about to walk into the reptile house when you spot one more open enclosure.
“Oh my God Steve, look!” you call out, while pointing at one of the llamas. “Aww, he looks just like Kuzco!” you observe, and it makes Steve frown in confusion.
“Sweetheart, that’s a rude thing to say about someone.” he softly chides, and you give him a puzzled look.
“What? Are you telling me you don’t know who Kuzco is?” you ask, dumbfounded, and Steve just shakes his head.
“Is he a work friend of yours? I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned someone with that name?" he questions, brows still furrowed in confusion.
“Steve!” you laugh, “have you not seen The Emperor’s New Groove?”
“No, I don’t think I have.” he confesses, and you look at him in disbelief.
“Oh my God! I thought Tony introduced you to the best works of this century’s cinema.”
“Yes, but I don’t remember a movie named like that.”
“This is outrageous. I can’t believe you’ve never seen this masterpiece! We’ll have to change that once we’re home!” you proclaim playfully, before taking his hand and walking towards the reptile house.
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Stepping into the building, you’re immediately greeted by a sudden temperature drop.
The rooms are a lot darker and cooler then the outside premise, and you can’t help but shiver as goosebumps form on your skin.
Instinctively, you pull Steve closer, grabbing his hand tighter.
The animals that follow vary from adorable to absolutely frightening. The small turtles and geckos make you coo, but the bigger lizards and snakes already sport a more intimidating look.
There are boas, pythons, and mambas, and you have to remind yourself that you’re protected by both the Plexiglas as well as your trusted Super Soldier.
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Once you’ve finished exploring every room, you make your way to the small botanical garden. Its atmosphere stands in stark contrast to that of the dark reptile house.
There are colorful flowers and bright green plants and palm trees.
There’s light coming through the ceiling, illuminating the stone path before you, and the temperature is warmer and a little bit more humid.
After walking through the vicinity, hand in hand, the two of you spot a small, secluded bench. It’s placed next to a little pond, and a small bush of plumerias.
Sitting down, you sigh in content as you breathe in the sweet smell of the little white and yellow flowers. Steve gets out some left-over fruits, and you share a second, small meal. You can hear the soft splatter of water in the background, and it’s as relaxing as can be.
Looking at the man in front of you adoringly, your expression falters when you see the small furrow etched between his brows. He’s thinking about something, and it’s not a pleasant thought.
“What’s wrong?” you whisper, having learned the small signs of worry that sometimes cloud the face of your beautiful man.
Steve just sighs, before pulling you closer. So close, you might as well just sit in his lap.
“Was just thinking.” he mumbles, voice low, and still preoccupied with whatever’s going through his mind right now. “About?” you inquire, and the silence that follows makes you sigh in return.
“Steve, we talked about this. Don’t shut me out.” you whisper, knowing that your beloved soldier still has a tendency to keep his worries hidden from your view, trying not to burden you with it.
“I was thinking about the meerkat-thing.” he says, and you groan.
“No, hear me out, Sweetheart,” he continues. “You deserve the world, you truly do, and it pains me to know that everywhere we go, you have to sacrifice something, just because you’re with me. The meerkat-thing is just one of the many examples that reiterate that.”
“Okay,” you assess slowly, “what are you trying to say?” you carefully ask.
“I don’t know.” he whispers.
“I just keep thinking that you have to sacrifice so much, just in order to be with me. I wish I could give you more than that. I wish I could take you out on dates without us having to worry about being recognized, approached and disturbed.”
He looks at you with such turmoil and pain in his eyes, it makes your heart clench and curl up into a ball and cry.
“Oh, Stevie.” you murmur, before gently cupping his face and straddling his lap.
“Steve honey, listen. This whole getting-approached-by-strangers-thing sucks; I’m not gonna lie about that, but do you know what would suck a million times more? Not having you in my life! I could live without going out on anymore dates for the rest of my days, but do you know what I cannot live without? You!” you declare passionately, while looking into Steve’s eyes, which are somewhat glossy.
“Sweetheart.” he mumbles, voice thick with emotions, and you just pull him closer, nuzzling your face into the side of his neck.
“I love you, Steve. I love you even when we’re surrounded by what feels like hundreds of people, who all want a piece of you, and take over our dates.”
You feel a light wetness at the nape of your neck, and you gently brush your hand through Steve’s hair. Blinking away your own tears, you make a soft shushing sound, trying to calm him down.
“I love you. Don’t ever doubt me on that!” you whisper softly, and you feel Steve nod against your skin before whispering a small, timid “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I love you, and as long as you love me back, that’s all I need. That’s enough for me.” you try to clarify, before gently adding: “I know you feel a close kinship and obligation towards people, and you’re too polite to call them out when they approach us at the worst possible timing, but you’re allowed to tell some people off. The shield might be public property, Steve, but you aren’t. You’re allowed to have boundaries too.”
Your kind words fill Steve with a warm, fuzzy feeling, and it spreads on his face in the form of a soft smile. The love he feels for you keeps blooming and expanding, like the fragrant flowers growing all around you.
He’s not sure if he’ll ever be able to put it into words just how much you mean to him exactly, but he knows that he’ll try his damn best to show you every single day.
He hopes that that’s enough, hopes that it’s good enough for you. Losing you would be worse than dying, he’s sure of that. But all he manages to mumble out is a soft: “I love you so much.”
His words and voice are filled with such honesty, such devotion and conviction, you fear your heart might pound straight out of your chest, and into his lap.
“I know,” you whisper. “I love you just as much!”
He hums in content, and the silence that follows is the most comfortable silence you’ve ever experienced.
The two of you stay there, curled up in each other’s embrace, basking in one of the best feelings ever. Loving and feeling loved.
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You’re not sure how much time has passed, when Steve speaks up again, but the sun is slowly starting to set, and it fills the garden with a golden glow.
“You’re ready to go home, Sweetheart?” he questions softly, voice full of affection.
No. You just want to stay in his loving embrace forever, but instead of articulating that, you let out a small whine, while shaking your head demonstratively.
The laugh that rumbles out of Steve’s chest is warm and hearty, and he softly smiles down at you.
“Come on.” he coaxes.
There’s something he’s sure he can beckon you with.
“I think they have a small souvenir shop near the exit with lots of stuffed animals.” he offers, and it makes you look up at him, wide-eyed and excited.
Gotcha. Steve thinks, a satisfied smile on his lips. The promise of stuffed animals works every time.
You slowly untangle yourself from him, before standing up and taking his hand.
“What are you waiting for, old man.” You playfully provoke him while he’s adjusting his backpack.
“Careful Sweetheart, or I might accidentally lose you in the middle of New York.” he says, yet you know it’s an empty threat. He would never even dream of doing something like that, not in a million years.
“Don’t underestimate the grasp I have on you.” you joke, referring to the way you’d normally cling to his arm and hand, but Steve thinks about how true those words are in a broader sense.
How you have the strongest possible grasp on his heart, in the gentlest way.
Unaware of his adoring thoughts, you drag him to the exit of the botanical garden, and he watches you with the warmest smile.
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Once you step out of the garden your eyes instantly find, and fixate on the small souvenir shop, walking straight towards it.
The place is spacious and there are a couple of kids running around, shoving stuffed animals in their parents faces. The selection of stuffies is broad, but you already know what you want.
Steve thinks you’ll be going over to the cheetahs, yet he finds himself surprised, when he watches you walk towards… the donkeys?
He observes you carefully picking up a medium-sized stuffie and clutching it tightly to your chest, a satisfied smile on your lips.
“Stevie! Look!” you exclaim, as you turn your attention to him, holding the stuffie up proudly.
Little did you know, he was already looking at you the whole time.
Eyes soft and smile warm.
“Sweetheart, are you sure? Don’t you want something more… exciting?” he questions, as he points to the array of wild cats and panda bears.
“Nope!” you chirp, the look of content on your face clear as day.
He always wants to see you like this - happy, content, satisfied.
“Wait, Stevie! You should get one too!” you exclaim when you see him slowly make his way toward the checkout.
“The donkey will remind me of you when you’re gone on missions, but you need a stuffie that reminds you of me, too!”
“Sweetheart, you’re in the back of my mind 24/7. I don’t need a …”
“Not the point.” you interrupt him.
“You occupy my mind almost all the time as well, but it’s nice to have something tangible to remind you and to keep close sometimes.”
“Alright.” Steve concedes, before looking at the countless shelves of stuffed animals.
Which one should he even pick?
He thinks back to your interactions earlier, thinks about how soft you looked, with that small bunny comfortably sitting in your lap.
He thinks about how excited you were, when you told him everything you knew about cheetahs, eyes sparkling bright.
He thinks about how softly you’d kissed him at the flamingo enclosure, and how serene you looked while you were watching the American bisons - a dreamy look on your face, and ice cream in hand.
God, is picking your own stuffie always that hard?
His eyes continue to wander along the shelves when he spots it.
There’s a medium-sized cheetah stuffie wearing sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt with little plumerias printed on it.
That’s you.
Cool, adorable, and with a questionable fashion sense.
Thinking back at how you were holding him close in the botanical garden, the sight of the small flowers instantly fills him with the memories of your comforting words and touch.
That’s the one.
Steve makes his way over to the stuffed animal, and it’s even softer than he’d imagined.
“Oh! It’s adorable!” you coo when you see his choice, and Steve smiles.
That’s the one.
He thinks, as he watches you.
The one, who has complete reign over his heart.
You made yourself quite at home in there, filled it with your sweet laughter and your little smiles, the softness of your touch and the kindness in your eyes.
He keeps all these memories of you safely tugged away, underneath his rib cage, in that little treasure chest he calls his heart.
You’re both, his most prized possession, and the strong protector that watches over it all.
The guardian angel of his heart.
“Steve!” you call out to him, from the checkout.
“They say they have a 10 % senior discount for people over 60! Come over here, and figure this out, please!”
It makes him laugh, and there’s only one thought in his mind:
God, how he adores you.
Ahhh, that's it! Thanks you so much for reading!
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