#I’ve been a swifties since 2011/2012
can you tell I’m freaking about a VIDEO showing taylor dressed with previous tour outfits I mean this is making very emotional and happy and I just wanna cry cause they all mean so much to me
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twopoppies · 1 year
MY TAGS - part 1
Let me start by saying that I’m not the most consistent tagger, so while some tags are chock full of information, don’t expect them all to be.
Also, while I’ve been in the fandom since 2013, I started this blog in 2016, so there are areas where I don’t have reactions in real time.
And last, there are times here and there where I avoided blogging about certain events (like babygate), so I may not have as much info as others.
Having said all of that… there’s a lot on this blog. Tumblr only allows 100 links per post, so here’s:
Part 5 (LOVE ON TOUR 2021/2022)
Part 6 (LOVE ON TOUR 2022/2023)
If you’re new here
They’re not straight
They’re closeted
Larry is real
THEY’RE STILL TOGETHER • TATTOO TIMELINE • LARRY TATTOOS • RBB AND SBB • PARALLELS • LYRIC PARALLELS • STILL THE ONE • I WILL SURVIVE • CODED CLOTHING • LARRY RECEIPTS 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 2021 / 2022 • LARRY MOMENTS 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 • LARRY OUTINGS • REAL ESTATE • WE LIVE TOGETHER DEAL WITH IT • WE KNOW TOO MUCH • HE GOT THE DAGGER • LARRY ON TOUR • 2 WEEK RULE
The Bears
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jewishbarbies · 4 months
I keep seeing Swifties talk about how people are always rooting for her downfall and honestly as someone who was a fan of Taylor for the better part of a decade, that’s just not true. 
2006-2009 there was absolutely no hate towards her. She was just a lil country singer that if you liked her great if not then you just didn’t listen to her. 
2009 is when she became more of a household name because of the Kanye drama. And yes Taylor is successful in her own right but that moment changed the trajectory of her career and ultimately helped her career in the long run. Now this probably lead to her receiving some hate but truly not A LOT. 
I do remember a shift around 2010/2011 towards her where people would actively speak about how they didn’t like her but again nothing truly horrendous. 
I think 2012 when she made her transition into pop music was when people really started to get hate from the media and the general public. 
I also think if I remember correctly it was around 2011-2013 where if you were a fan of Taylor you would be BULLIED for it. And I mean BULLIED. 
2014 was personally in my opinion the moment where most people started to get on the Taylor train and unfortunately this also means hate increases but again she was far more loved than hated. It wasn’t till the Kanye 2.0/Kim drama that made people turn on her. And they really turned on her. She went into hiding because of it. But in hindsight it was a snake emoji. I’m sure she disappeared for more of the embarrassment of the way Kanye spoke about her in his song and then his video. That was gross.
But she came back with Reputation and idk what happened here but it unlocked something in A LOT of her fans. This is where I started seeing a shift again with how the media and general public reacted to her. They were on her side. They were rooting for her. And that’s pretty much how it has been since. Plus the craziness of her fans has only escalated since 2016. 
The only minor shift in public perception I’ve seen is the last year or so. That is mostly due to over saturation or TS going against people’s personal morals. She’s had what two days or bad press and Swifties are saying she’s ones of the most hated celebrities. It’s just not true. Having genuine criticism over a public figure isn’t hate. Watching the way the media and her peers are talking about Taylor with constant praise (whether that’s genuine or fear of Swifties is another conversation) is so drastically different than what so many other stars have endured. 
Now I’m not saying that she hasn’t had hate and I’m not saying that she doesn’t deserve to be treated better because no one should have to go through bullying or hate of any kind. I’m more concerned and annoyed at the way Swifties treat her like a perpetual victim. When there are other stars that comparatively have it so much worse. 
Britney Spears. Miley Cyrus. Madonna. Michael Jackson. Justin Bieber. Basically any celebrity that was super famous in the 00s. Just to name a few that have endured genuinely some of the worst treatment a person in the industry could receive. 
I’m sorry this was so long. I really only came here to say that it’s infuriating that Swifties complain about the hate she gets when it’s not even that bad compared to some others and that most people are afraid to say anything bad against her because of how the Swifties act. 
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sometayrecords · 4 years
My Story as a Swiftie ♡
The first time I ever heard a Taylor Swift song was in June of 2009. Me, a friend from school, and our moms, had gone to the movies to watch “Hannah Montana: the movie” that had just been released, where Taylor makes a cameo appearance singing Crazier. I had just turned 10 years old. I didn’t become a fan immediately though. For 1,5 year since that time, I might just came across her in magazines or tv. Back then I was in a pop/pop rock kind of phase (Hannah Montana, Avril Lavigne, Paramore later on), and Taylor, at first, was a bit too “girly” for me. It was around late winter – early spring of 2011 when I actually started listening to her music, and soon enough wanting to learn things about her. For 2 years after that, I would want to discover more and more of her songs, as well as her personality and life. The thing about me in 2012 was that I didn’t want to have one “favorite” out of anything (like singers, songs, actors, movies, books, you name it). I could like lots of songs from many artists, just wouldn’t single one. However, the more I’d listen to Tay’s music, the more I would fall in love with the lyrics, melody, and general style of her songs, and the more things I’d learn about her, the more I’d admire the loving, inspiring, and amazing in all ways of a person that she is. I really saw parts of myself in her and I decided that she is the kind of person I want to look up to, the same way I’d look up to Barbie as a little kid. She became my favorite singer as well as my role model, and I consider myself a true, hardcore Swiftie since 2013, when I was 13 years old.
I’ve been a Swiftie in all my 14th to 21st birthdays. Her presence in my life shaped the person I am today. Looking up on her helped me make decisions I wouldn’t regret. I learned to be fearless, to speak my mind, to love with all my heart, to embrace change, to let things go, and to understand my feelings better. All along, she was there, through her music and her words. She would remind me to be the person I wanted to be, to always see the beauty that everything has, and to never let the world change me, but only grow for the better and become the best version of myself. She means so much more to me than I could ever put into simple words. I feel honored that I can call myself a Swiftie for all these years, and for the fact that I’ve witnessed her growing up too and becoming this wonderful woman she is today. I am so proud and grateful for her, and I’m really excited to see what the future holds for both of us – hopefully only the very best, because that’s what she deserves. I wish someday I’ll have the chance to let her know these things in person, so that I can thank her and give her the biggest hug.
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spoonie-swiftie · 4 years
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Tw: eating disorder and self harm
no specifics, no numbers.
I’ve been thinking about my “journey” with my eating disorder since I read the article through a steady flow of tears last night. I usually HATE using words like “journey” and “warrior” and it still doesn’t feel like it fits right or natural in this context even though its the truth. It’s been a very long, very wind-y, crappy and treacherous road that started and stopped many times over the past 28 years and while I wish I didn’t have to ride this very shitty, low budget, rickety ass roller coaster it’s mine and I’m proud to have made it as far as I have. I’ve wanted to talk about it and I have in bits and pieces for years. But between the article coming out last night and seeing so many of my swiftie friends talk about their struggles with body image and disordered eating and seeing a ton of my chronically ill friends coming forward and sharing that they, too, have struggled with the same issues as well (unfortunately most of us have since chronic illness takes a lot of body autonomy away and eating disorders give us a very false sense of control) I really wanted to open up and share, Just to get it out of my brain, even if it gets buried by algorithms or nobody cares reads it.
I read this article written by Variety on a snippet of @taylorswift new documentary Miss Americana as soon as it came out. In it she explains how the unsolicited comments and opinions of people in and out of the media about her appearance ended up putting thoughts in her mind of what her body “should” look like and subsequently what she should or shouldn’t eat. Thankfully it sounds like she’s doing better but as I know all too well it’s extremely difficult to kick those self critical thoughts out of our brains once and for all. The thing that I think hurts my heart most is that after her helping me through years and years of my eating disorder and listening to Tied Together With A Smile on repeat so many nights and hating everything about my body, or lyrics like “and it’s a sad picture, the final blow hits you, somebody else gets what you wanted again. You know it’s all the same, another time and place. Repeating history and you're getting sick of it But I believe in whatever you do, And I'll do anything to see it through. Because these things will change” or “Wish I could make it better, Someday you won't remember, This pain you thought would last forever and ever” or “Ten months sober I must admit just because you’re clean don’t mean you didn’t miss it. Ten months older I won’t give in, now that I’m clean I’m never gonna risk it” i sang these lyrics like they were prayers I was sending to God and they were some of the few things getting me through and making me feel better. It felt like she opened me up like a well loved novel and took excerpts of my life and made them poignant and purposeful. I just hate that she has had to deal with the same feelings and it makes me wanna drop kick all the people who put their two cents in on her appearance. Repeatedly. With spikey steel toed boots.
If you’re unfamiliar with my story, here’s a tiny snippet of my life and my experience with the crappy brain monster that is disordered eating and it’s best pal body dysmorphia. I went from being tiny (thanks to growth hormone deficiency) and twig like my first 14 years, being a cheerleader and never even thinking about how I looked and then I got injured, (which kicked my genetic condition Ehlers Danlos Syndrome unbeknownst to us at the time into high gear) went from being active every day to being homebound and spending most of my time on the couch. My muscles that I worked so hard on left and everything got soft and squishy and between years of different doctors looking me up and down, deciding I must not have anything physically wrong and telling me and my mom that I was just making it up for attention I got angrier and angrier at my body for ruining my life and taking most of my friends away and started taking it out on my body. I struggled with self harm in silence for many years before I ever dealt with food issues but as I’ve learned it self hatred is damaging no matter what actions you partake in. My mental health got better after I went back to school, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia (EDS was still hiding) and joined band but after I had to drop out of community college & went back to spending most of my life in bed that’s when I developed my eating disorder. I didn’t even realize that I had an eating disorder until after I had gone through multiple rounds of treatment. I thought I couldn’t have an eating disorder if I wasn’t underweight (spoiler alert: eating disorders have very little to do with your weight or size and more to do with your thoughts and actions just so you know 🥰) When I was my sickest and was admitted to a residential treatment facility I wasn’t underweight (I was actually “obese” according to my BMI which is the biggest crock of shit but that’s a whole other story) and I had to be constantly reminded that I deserved to be there because even if I couldn’t see it my brain was just as sick as the girls who were underweight. When I finally started accepting it (5 ish days in) my insurance decided that even though all my providers said I needed to be there, had completed multiple outpatient treatment programs, and I was pre approved before I even stepped foot on property I wasn’t “sick enough to warrant such intensive treatment”. Literally told my mom and I that they wouldn’t pay because I wasn’t thin enough. I’ll never forget hearing my mom sobbing on the phone and promising them that if I died they were to blame. Thankfully, even though I didn’t get the treatment that I deserved and needed, something clicked during my third program and I recovered and while I still consider myself to be mostly recovered, having my weight yo yo-ing from Gastroparesis (literally my stomach is paralyzed and food doesn’t digest normally which is why I have a feeding tube) and other symptoms of GP screws w/ my head every once in a while. But I’m so thankful that most of that is behind us, for me and Taylor, and I hope to God it stays there. And while it’s definitely not something I would have chosen for myself (they’re really not fun, 0/10 wouldn’t recommend) I’m thankful for the people I’ve met along the way because they are some of the strongest people on this earth (even if they’re rolling their eyes while reading this, you know who you are ♥️) and I’m so proud of us and the things we’ve learned along the way. And I hope one day I can hug Taylor and thank her for all the strength and courage SHES passed on to me through her music over the last 13 years.
~love love love~
Photo timeline:
1-this was taken at the ComeBacks retreat this November. I can honestly say I feel the most at peace with my body image now than I have in 13+ years (2019)
2-when I was physically my healthiest. I was an All Star competitive cheerleader and was very physically fit, but at the same time I didn’t think about how I looked hardly ever (2003)
3-after I got injured and was homebound from school. This was when my feelings about my body started to plummet and I was super depressed (2005)
4-during my very short time in college, just before my disordered eating started (2010)
5&6-after I had to drop out of school because my health dropped off a cliff. This is when my mental health started to turn and my disordered eating took off but I was hardcore in denial (2011-2012)
7-during one of my intensive outpatient treatment programs that actually ended up making me a hell of a lot worse (2012)
8-right after I finished my last treatment program and it finally stuck. I was in recovery but not considered Recovered yet (2013)
9-one year behavior free! (2014)
10-definitely the heaviest I’ve ever been and the sickest physically but also some of the happiest times as well (2016)
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I’ve been seeing a lot of those “there’s a real person behind the screen you’re sending hate to” posts circulating around the Swiftie community and it’s made me reconsider my place, or more lack of, in the community both past and presently and how online hate from this fandom has influenced that.
I guess in short, and to poke a little fun before getting into the serious part of this post, for a good 90% of my time in this fandom, I’ve felt like that Squidward window meme where I’m inside alone watching from afar as seemingly the rest of the fandom is out having fun together.
Now for the more serious stuff. To start this story, I want to take you back to a time that feels like lifetimes ago now; the beginning of 2015. 1989 had only been out a few months, I had successfully rebuilt my life and finished high school at the end of 2014 after having my world crash down over the span of 2011 - 2012, had amazing friends and what I thought was a ride or die family given how many major fights we had had yet still had each other’s backs. I was on a gap year and my then boyfriend of about two years and I were talking about leaving town and starting our lives together. Things seemed pretty amazing. But easy they come, easy they go as I soon realised.
Within the year of 2015, almost every part of my life was taken away from me. Even with volunteering and my usual day to day life, being on a gap year while not doing paid work messed with my mental health and sense of self worth within months. Not long after, I lost a friend without warning/explanation that I genuinely thought would be at my hypothetical future wedding. The rest of my friends were all at university and/or working everyday and it became real that I wasn’t as close to some of them as I thought and that school was the thing keeping us together. Around the same time, my family fell apart for the last time. My sister was removed by the police over her behavioural issues and I haven’t spoken to her since. Not long after, it was uncovered gotten us in thousands of dollars worth of debt and, despite their marriage breaking down, expected my mother to fix the damage. He moved out at the end of 2015 and despite everyone heralding how I was his favourite child for my whole life, went running back to my sister who mistreated him and would spend months at a time not talking to me only to call me when his parents were in town right up until I cut him off in late 2017. My extended family on both sides sided with him and my sister despite, again, them spending 20 years acting like I was the golden child. Again, I have not spoken to them for the last five years. The destruction of the family left my mother suicidal and bitter to the point she still says she cannot love anything, my brother and I included. It also pushed my brother to work up to 48 hours a week, meaning he wasn’t around. Given all of this, I stuck with my mother and decided to put off moving away, attended university here and ultimately based every decision around her not killing herself; a choice that put strain on my romantic relationship until it broke in late 2016. Once my father moved out, Centrelink refused to give my mother money, and so, despite my brother working full time and me part time, my mother, brother and I were only eating an average of once a day for about 8 months due to financial reasons and the debt my father left us in. It also meant that I wasn’t medicated for my bipolar/ptsd or going to see my psychiatrist like I should because we just could not afford it.
During this time, there felt like there was exactly one unchanging thing in my life; being part of the Taylor Swift fandom. And I’m well aware that some of you see that as unhealthy and stupid; god knows I see just how unhealthy it was now, but that’s how it felt. 
So I spent so much of the 1989 era trying to do all I could to interact with people in the fandom, get Taylor’s attention, become a “big blog” and everything else the fandom was doing at the time to no avail. But, alongside this when I held opinions that are now seen as popular surrounding the era feeling like it was made for outsiders, 1989 as an album feeling less personal and not liking Tayvin, I expressed them here. In return, I received dozens of hate anons a day for over a year ranging from “Fuck you you fucking whore” to “Nobody, especially Taylor, will ever love or notice you so you may as well kill yourself now”.
Likewise, in the Reputation era, after I felt I had found my connection again with Taylor and honestly, loved her more than ever, I mentioned that I loved how much of a recovery album Reputation was as well as saying that I thought the Delicate music video was the perfect representation of not only the song, but Reputation as a whole. Despite Taylor talking about her mental struggles, I still receive anons along the lines of “Taylor’s not fucked up like you, you crazy bitch”.
In the seven or so years I’ve been in this fandom, I received ONE apology for anon hate. In early 2017, I was privileged enough to go away to a spot without wifi for a week and returned to a bunch of hate messages alongside one simply saying “Please do not have actually killed yourself. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please just answer this”.
Thankfully, somewhere in between the 1989 era and the Reputation era, I reached a point where I was healthy enough to just block anon hate and moved on with my day. Additionally, thankfully I learned that my value does not come from the opinion of others the first time my life fell apart. Honestly though? I fear for the day I hear about someone like me who hasn’t come to that realisation being targeted like I was because I know in my heart that things could have gone very differently for me and that anon hate could have been the thing that pushed me over the edge.
Despite being able to block it however, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel like it had an impact on me. And some of that is on me. When I decided I wasn’t going to be an active member of the fandom anymore in the middle of the 1989 era and in the years since, I went from following over 1000 blogs to 50. I no longer try to reach out to people to be friends. At best, I go through relevant tags once every few weeks when I’m bored instead of daily like I used to. But they’re choices I wouldn’t have made if I hadn’t felt unwelcome in the fandom.
I’d also be lying if I said it didn’t make me sad to think about the what ifs of if I didn’t make those choices. Like sometimes it feels like I should have just “played the game” and followed the fandom trends, but it upsets me to feel like I had to be someone I’m not years ago just to participate properly in the fandom now. I mean I know this sounds up myself, but I honestly feel like I could add so much to this fandom. There’s so many ideas I have for cool interaction nights and so on, but honestly it just does not feel like it’s worth doing because I’m not a big enough blog to pull it off on my own and I’m not close to any of the people who hold these kind of things to try run it through them. And again, that just makes me sad.
Anyway, I’ve written a novel here, but I just want to reestablish that yes, every person that has received hate messages on this site is a real person with real feelings and real circumstances happening behind the screen and this is just one case of that.
I also want to end it off on a positive note, so to anyone who has ever messaged me non hateful messages anon or otherwise, been my friend or even just reblogged my posts with tags or liked them, I see you, I love you and it means more to me than you will ever know.
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senatortedcruz · 4 years
I was tagged by @apparentlyeverything and @frankenshane to write my favorite albums of the decade and it was real hard but I’ve come up with a list. I’ve divvied them up by year and write a short novel about each. I tag @harryisadogperson  @uncahier @crazydaisydreambaby @davidwriight @quantum-dragon @tchotchkesandwhatnot and anyone else that hasn’t done it!
2010-My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy-Kanye West
I know, I know, but think about how iconic this album was, how many legendary lyrics, verses, productions, and memes came out of this album. It’s daring and epic and no one else could have made it. Shame Kanye stopped making music after this one though and hasn’t been heard from since. 
I mean, what’s to say about this record that hasn’t already been said? Every song cuts deep, with her voice elevating every lyric. So raw and emotional, so beautiful, so honest. I think we all forgot how good it was when the singles were overplayed a bit on the radio. But it deserves every accolade. 
2012-RED-Taylor Swift
Do you know how hard it was for me to not give Ms Swift half the spots on this list? This is truly her Magnum Opus. Her writing skills shine, reminding everyone how talented she really is. I love so much how she makes such specific experiences feel universal. Forever on team Red deserved AOTY. This is Taylor at her best. 
I love a complete album in the era of streaming. This had no filler or skips and nothing designed to be for radio or streaming only. Every song had a purpose, something of value to say. It’s fun and confident and thought provoking, really the work of someone that’s at the complete top of their game. 
2014-Taylor Swift-1989
Ms Swift’s second appearance on this list! I remember dreading her first pop record because her country pop was so perfect. It’s not the most complete album, there are some skips here and there but the stand outs are so perfect, I could listen for hours and not get bored.  It never loses the attention to detail that I love so much, but entwines them in a really great pop record. 
2015-To Pimp a Butterfly-Kendrick Lamar
Objectively speaking, this is the best album of the decade. The lyricism, the production, the creativity, the artistry, the duality of bops and songs making a powerful social statement almost like literature. It’s just perfect. And friends, Romans, fellow Swifties, if Red deserved AOTY, so did TPAB.
2016  I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It-The 1975
This is such a great pop record, a lot of fun, with witty lyrics. It takes so many different directions, there’s something for everyone. I appreciate how no matter how badly Matty tries to portray fame or women, he either intentionally or unintentionally comes off worse, which I really appreciate. 
This album got me through some shit, friends. Like Beyonce, there are no skips or filler, this album tells a complete story. Bittersweet, sharp, and smart, she captures young womanhood so perfectly. 
2018-Mitski-Be the Cowboy
A classic case of tumblr made me listen, this album really resonated with me, to an uncomfortable degree. Hearing artists like Mitski discuss loneliness, isolation, and yearning speaks to me so hard. It’s such a human record. 
2019-Caligula-Lingua Ignota
I went back and forth on this one (Yall know I love Lover, Igor, and Cuz I Love You) but I went with this one because I have never felt such raw emotions listening to a record. It’s not an easy listen, centering around domestic violence and the trauma, rage, and grief that comes with it, but if you’re looking for something that will hit you deep, this is the album. It’s much more grimdark than any film or book because it’s so raw and real. I want to shoutout what a badass this artist is, her thesis was about misogyny in music as well as her own life that was 10,000 pages because it matched her approximate body weight. A woman after my own heart. 
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So I’ve been poking around the internet (cause I’m a journalist and facts are my life) and as far as I can tell @taylorswift has only performed in Mexico and Brazil in Latin America.  Mexico was back in 2011 before she started the Speak Now Tour and it was for  Royal Caribbean’s largest cruise ship, the Allure of the Seas. It took place on the boat that was in Cozumel. Brazil had a small show that featured Paula Fernandes (with whom she sang Long Live). She played in Rio de Janeiro before the Red era started in 2012. I think she also performed two songs on TV for a children’s show. There are strong rumors that she will include South America in her next tour and if she does I will defintley save up and travel to see the show wherever it is. Since I live in Colombia and there aren’t many venues that would fit her shows it’s more likely she will perform in Brazil, Argentina or Mexico, which have huge stadiums. I hope this is true, if not I think my only chance of ever seeing her play live will be the private “Lover” concert in Paris. I understand that planning a tour is hard and not every location is possible. Destiny would have that I arrive in Paris september 7th for a short holiday. I’ll be staying with a friend who also loves her music. And in a twist of fate it also happens that Taylor will be performing two days later. I bought those plane tickets last year and last week the concert was announced. I could not believe it. I’ve entered the contests for tiquets but because my home country is Colombia and I live there I don’t think that I apply for the terms and conditions that have been chosen (most radio contests or companies ask that the person is from the country they are settled at i.e. Australia, UK, USA, etc). Besides I don’t need the plane tiquets or the hotel because I was already traveling for vacation (someone else deserves and needs them more than me), I just need the concert tiquets to see her perform at least once in my life. Swifties do you think you could help me boost this so maybe @taylornation sees this and I might get a chance to sing my heart out in Paris? Pretty please? I would buy the tickets if they were on sale but you can only go by invitation! I’m just shooting my shot, hoping the fates fortune the brave <3 Fearless, A colombian swiftie
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manchestereyes · 7 years
because i was really bored today and listening to taylor swift and literally never stop thinking about phan....here, have a phan timeline through taylor swift songs!! (with links to all the songs and lyrics that i feel best describe these two disgustingly in love dorks because i’m just that Extra!!) list is under the cut if you’d like to see!
SuperStar (and i knew when i saw your face i’d be counting down the ways to see you)
Jump Then Fall (we’re on the phone and without a warning/i realize your laugh is the best sound i have ever heard)
Sparks Fly (i’m captivated by you baby like a firework show)
Enchanted (all i know is i was enchanted to meet you)
You Are In Love (really 2009 & onwards, but especially 2016-2017,,, also i could only find covers for this bc of copyright rip) ((pauses then says/“you’re my best friend”/and you knew what it was/he is in love))
Come Back... Be Here (also spills over into 2010 a bit) ((and this is when the feeling sinks in/i don’t wanna miss you like this))
Fearless (’cause i don’t know how it gets better than this/you take my hand and drag me headfirst/fearless)
The Other Side of the Door (i said “leave” but all i really want is you/to stand outside my window throwing pebbles/screaming, “i’m in love with you”)
Forever & Always (where is this going? thought i knew for a minute but i don’t anymore)
Come In With the Rain (just know i’m right here hopin’/that you’ll come in with the rain)
Breathe (you’re the only thing i know like the back of my hand//and i can’t breathe without you/but i have to)
I Know Places (really 2012 & onwards,,, again, could only find covers but vance joy’s is really good!!) ((let them say what they want, we won’t hear it/loose lips sink ships all the damn time/not this time))
Change (these walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down/this revolution/the time will come for us to finally win)
Mine (and every time i look at you it’s like the first time)
Stay Stay Stay (you took the time to memorize me/my fears, my hopes, and dreams/i just like hanging out with you all the time/all those times that you didn’t leave/it’s been occurring to me i’d like to hang out with you for my whole life)
Long Live (really 2015 & onwards) ((also i wrote a songfic based on this song that i’m really proud of which you can check out here #shamelessselfpromo)) (((long live all the walls we crashed through/how the kingdom lights shined just for me and you/...we will be remembered)))
 Ours (don’t you worry your pretty little mind/people throw rocks at things that shine/but they can’t take what’s ours//...the stakes are high, the water’s rough/but this love is ours)
You Are In Love (yes again, but i feel like it’s especially perfect for 2016-2017 as they are literally so disgustingly in love it’s not even funny)  ((you can hear it in the silence/you can feel it on the way home/you could see it with the lights out/you are in love, true love))
Never Grow Up (parent!phan!!!) ((to you, everything’s funny/you’ve got nothing to regret/i’d give all i have, honey/if you could stay like that))
ta da!!! that literally took me 2 hours but it was well worth it. i’ve been a huge swiftie since 2008, so this was a fun little project for me! and if anyone wants to talk about phan or t-swizzle with me, i’d be absolutely more than happy to! also this just gave me fuel for like 20 songfics hehehehehe 
let me know what you think of this, if there are any songs i should add or some that just don’t fit, but i think this is a pretty comprehensive list! and thanks for reading it all if you made it down to here!!! you are better than toast :)
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talkurtalk · 7 years
I wish you a good day. Full of Reputation’s songs. I want to know how long have you been a swiftie?
Aw thank you so much!! You too anon : ) 
I’ve been a full-blown swiftie since 2011-2012 during the Red and Speak Now eras, and I was sold for sure after 1989, but I still absolutely LOVE the stuff off her older albums just as much as the new stuff
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