#I’ve said it before I’ll say it again what I used to draw was super cool and now I cry
thresholdbb · 11 months
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Doing speed character sketches and pretending I’m not home
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wayfayrr · 9 months
Hello! Congrats on 300 followers!! (your 300 follower event idea is so cute btw omg)
Could i request a soft mulled wine with candy canes to eat in please?
Here's your order - I hope everything is to your tastes <3
it's super fun to see how the same prompt can be done so differently for different characters!!! Wild especially is one of my favourites because he's just soooo - it's hard to put into words but I just love him so much
[Event masterlist]
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“I don't think I've seen those plants before, my slate isn't recognising them either…”
“Must be something unique to legends Hyrule then, they must've just vanished before your time.”
He’s still focused on whatever is growing above us, although I could've sworn we were just standing under pines. Ones that are common in his home, is there something I’m missing here? What is he focusing on so intently? Is there somethin- 
“You’re looking at the mistletoe? Does it really not exist in your hyrule… I guess that means the traditions doesn’t exist either then, does it?”
“So I’m right then? It doesn’t?”
Why does he seem a little ashamed by that, his ears have drooped and he doesn’t want to look at me. Is he that used to always knowing about plants or is it that he’s worried about having lost his memories about it. 
“to be fair wild, I'm not entirely sure it exists in hyrule anyway. might just be something from my world.”
“what kind of tradition is it, do you miss it at all?”
“hmm, well it's mostly just fun… depends on who you're with really. Want me to show you what it is?”
he's perking up a bit now, still a little down but that should change in a moment seeing as he's nodding. 
“You sure? you don't even know what it is and you wanna go through with it?”
“You’re not making it sound like a good thing… Twi isn’t going to lecture us for this is he?”
“No, no of course not. Not unless he’s got a secret crush on me anyway.”
Before he had a chance to respond, I already had a hand on his collar pulling him toward me. If he wants to learn about the mistletoe then what could possibly be better than experience. I’ve been wanting to kiss him for a while now too, so it’s a perfect excuse. His lips are so soft, incredible considering how he lives the shrine must’ve had some permanent effects after it all. Kissing him is awkward to say the least, the mixture of him being caught so off guard and the fact he’s frozen solid leads to a very quick attempt at a quick peck on the lips. 
Until it's over, and I've pulled away from him. It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't mildly disappointed by how little he reacted, maybe I was reading all the signs wrong and he simply didn't care for me like that. I should have given him more of a hint to what I was going to do, if he doesn't like me then it was simply cruel to force him to kiss me.
“I - sorry I didn't - I made you uncomfortable I should've told you what it was. I'm sorry link.”
“That’s the tradition then? Pressing your lips to someone elses?”
“Not quite - it’s to kiss whoever you’re standing under it with but I didn’t want to overwhelm you with...hu-!”
The disappointment must’ve shown on my face, or he just… did he just want to kiss me again? This time he’s the one taking the lead, holding my face so gently in his hands sliding his fingers slowly into my hair. The fact that he’s likely never kissed anyone makes it more clumsy, gently and softly he’s trying to find the best way to do it and I’m loving every second of it. Even despite it being the most uncertain kiss I’ve ever had… it’s taking my breath away simply how much care is going into it. Drawing a soft gasp from me too with how he’s biting faintly on my lips. 
Everything has to come to an end eventually though, as he pulls away with a smirk and the cutest blush I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’ll have to devote a lot more of my time to flustering him from now on, there’s no possible way that I could go without seeing that at least once more in my life. I would rather the shadow simply kill me than be condemned to that fate. 
“That was -”
“ - It was amazing link. Would you… if I asked would you do it again?” That seemed to be the final thing to fully overwhelm him, with his face going from being softly dusted with blush to being a scorching crimson while he’s trying to shy away in his own hair. If I didn’t think I could go without the one before, then I already know I’ll die if I don’t get to see it more often. It’s a shame he’s trying so hard to hide it, if only I could just…
“[Name]... What are you?”
“Oh! I um… I wasn’t thinking I just. I you look so cute and I just, you don’t need to hide yourself away from me link.”
Just a shaky breath and nuzzling his head on my hand in response. He can’t even look me in the eye. 
“Does this mean that you like the tradition though?”
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this is evolving into a proper taglist now, if you'd like to join feel free to ask! - @sketchyspook, @fanfic-fairy-fountain, @mushroomwoods, @glowyskull
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tikosblogg · 3 months
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Request for this anon. Hope you enjoy!
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Warning: dirty talk, fingering, possessive Noah. Jealous Noah.
“You guys wanna go eat?” Jolly asked walking into the living room, where me and the rest of the guys were sprawled out on the couch. We were all having a chill day, just hanging out together. Jolly’s my older brother, and he flew me out to LA for the month while they were on break. I was super close with all of them, they were all like my older brothers.
Except for Noah. Ever since the first time I’ve met him, I’ve had a huge crush on him. A crush that eventually turned into deep feelings. How could I not? He was so sweet, and very protective, sometimes he was almost…dare I say? Possessive. Which only made my attraction to him stronger.
Sadly in the end, it will never happen. A few months ago, we had a drunken moment at their album release party. He had confessed he had feelings as well, we even shared a heated a kiss. The next day, we talked and he said we couldn’t act on our feelings anymore. That a relationship wouldn’t work, and that he couldn’t do that to jolly.
As heartbroken as I was, I understood. Just getting to have Noah in my life at all is a blessing. Everyone looked at each other, eventually nodding in agreement. We all piled into the car, headed to some Italian restaurant. I sat in the back squeezed between nick, and Noah. Noah threw his arm behind my head, resting it on the back of the seat, our thighs pressed firmly against each other.
The urge to lean into his side, was torcher. I could smell his Cologne, which only made my struggle to not jump his bones in the back of this car unbearable. After about 10 more minutes of suffering, we finally arrived to the restaurant and climbed out of the car. We made our way inside, quickly being sat at one of the round tables.
Everyone grabbed a seat, the last one being between folio and Noah. We all sat down, the guys talking, and laughing about something I completely missed, as I looked over the menu. Our waiter eventually came, taking all of our drink orders. “And for you beautiful?” I looked up at him, a slight blush on my cheeks from the compliment.
He was cute, and looked around my age. “I’ll have a water with lemon please.” He smiled, sending me a wink. “Of course.” I heard a scoff to my right, as the waiter walked away. I looked over at Noah, who was no longer laughing with the guys. Sending a glare the waiters way. I bumped my shoulder against his, with a confused look. “What’s wrong?”
He looked at me, shaking his head rejoining the guys conversation. I let it go, going back to my menu. Five minutes later, the waiter came back to take our orders. Everyone gave theirs, me going last. The waiter turned towards, sending a charming smile my way. “And what can I get for you sweetheart?” I blushed again, relaying my order. “Can I just have the chicken Alf-.”
A hand landing high up on my thigh, made me choke on my words. Everyone looked at me with concern, even Noah the culprit himself. “You okay?” I sent him a look, before clearing my throat. “Yes sorry, can I just get the chicken Alfredo?” The waiter nodded, taking our menus back, leaving us again.
I looked down to my lap, at Noah’s hand still resting on my thigh, gripping it firmly. I looked around to make sure none of the guys noticed. Nick, folio, and jolly were mid deep in a conversation oblivious to anything going on around them. “What’s wrong angel.?” I turned my head towards Noah, leaned in closer to me talking low as to not draw attention to us.
His hand went up higher, his fingers grazing my now damp panties under my skirt. I cleared my throat again, to hide the moan desperately trying to leave my mouth. I heard Noah chuckling beside me, as he looked down at his phone. What on earth is he doing? And why is he doing it here? Why now??
My thoughts were interrupted at our waiter coming to refill our drinks. I thanked him, as he smiled at me. “No problem gorgeous. What’s your name? You look kind of familiar.” I felt my breath hitch, as Noah roughly shoved his two fingers into my panties straight into my core. “Uhhhhhhhh.” My mind went completely blank, as I tried to keep it together.
Noah looked at me with a soft teasing smile. “Tell him your name angel.” I looked at him, as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out. “Um y/- y/n. My name is y/n.” I finally stammered out, with an awkward smile. “We’re gonna go smoke before the food comes out.” Jolly, and both nicks stood up making their way out of the restaurant.
Noah nodded his head, pumping his fingers a little faster. I let out a deep sigh, trying so hard to keep moans at bay. “That’s a pretty name.” The waiter smiled, as I nodded a thank you his way. “Such a pretty name angel.” Noah spoke lowly, holding such intense eye contact with me. At some point the waiter had walked away.
Too lost in Noah, I didn’t notice. He crooked his fingers up, hitting that spot inside of me that made me see stars. I gasped, hanging my head low. Softly rutting my hips into his hand. “Noah…please.” I quietly begged. What for? I don’t even know. “You think he could do this better than me baby? Make you feel better than I do?”
I quickly shook my head, as his fingers pumped faster. I was struggling to breathe at this point. He’s jealous? Since when? A few waiters came back placing our food down, as the guys came back. Everyone dug into their food, as I sat struggling to keep it together. A few more pumps, and whispered encouragement from Noah, I came all over his fingers.
“Good girl angel.” I let out a soft whimper, trying to collect myself. “Dude this food tastes amazing.” Folio groaned, shoveling his food into his mouth. Noah slowly pulled his fingers out of me, sticking them into his mouth. I watched in awe, as he sucked my release off fingers with a groan “tastes so fucking amazing.” I blushed hard, looking down at my food. Suddenly not feeling hungry for the chicken Alfredo…
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aurumacadicus · 2 months
Pride Pocket 15--Saddle Me Up
Kink belongs at Pride. I will not be arguing a fact.
For background, Tony was almost kidnapped by Doom and they're all a little out of sorts of how close he came to succeeding. Just need a nice little scene to decompress probably. You can also find this fic on ao3 (here). It's 5K so look out for under the cut!
Bucky had brought out one of the Sybian saddles, the one with the thrusting attachments instead of the twisting ones. Tony stared at it from where he was standing at attention next to Steve. Normally he brought out both, gave them the controls, and whoever got the other to come first got the prize of Bucky fucking him. Tony hadn’t won very often, but even losing had been nice, left to shake and whimper on the saddle as he watched Steve bouncing in Bucky’s lap. But there was only one out now. Was it a reward? Punishment? A new game?
“One of you is going on the saddle,” Bucky said, and Tony’s eyes darted back to him. He smirked at them, filthy and mean. “The other goes on the rider’s dick.”
Tony couldn’t help a glance at Steve, hands gripping into fists behind his back. Steve would have to go on the saddle. As much as Tony tried to argue he was just as strong as either of the super soldiers, he knew that his knees couldn’t take even half of Steve’s weight for an extended period of time. He was built like a brick house and just as heavy. He took a moment to be disappointed about not being the one on the saddle, then straightened his shoulders again. Bucky obviously had plans, and he rarely ever missed his mark.
Bucky didn’t do them the disservice of pretending that Tony being on the Sybian was an option, instead reaching out to grab Tony’s chin and jaw and grip tight, just the way he knew Tony liked it. He forced Tony’s head back a little further to force eye contact. “You like squirmin’ on Stevie’s cock, don’t you, doll?”
“Yes,” Tony mewled, because he did. He’d never really considered himself a size queen before he’d fallen into bed with the super soldier duo, but Steve’s dick was so big that it took everything in him to remember to even breathe, he was so overwhelmed by the sheer size of him. He swallowed thickly against Bucky’s fingers, breath shuddering in his chest as he tried not to sag in Bucky’s grip.
“Think you can hold off coming on his cock, sweetheart?” Bucky drawled, using his grip around Tony’s neck to draw him in, close enough to feel his breath over his lips. “If you outlast Steve, I’ll let you come on mine while Steve sucks you off. What do you say, doll? You gonna be my good boy?”
Tony whimpered, hands coming up to grab Bucky’s wrist. “Yes,” he whispered, too afraid his voice would crack if he spoke louder.
Bucky’s smirk was absolutely filthy. “And maybe, if Steve does a good job, we can put you on the saddle after, so he can sketch you. Steve deserves a reward for being a good boy too, don’t you think?”
Tony nodded, hands tightening around Bucky’s wrist as he gulped again, knees going weak at the idea. “Yes.”
“God, you’re so slutty, I’m so lucky to have you,” Bucky sighed fondly, other hand reaching back to palm his ass and squeeze. He leaned in to press a kiss to Tony’s gasping lips, then leaned back, raising an eyebrow at Steve. “You need help gettin’ on the saddle, doll?”
“I can do it myself. Should I get pillows for Tony’s knees?” Steve asked, eyeing the cupboard where he kept his art supplies wantonly. Clearly, he was looking forward to his possible reward as well.
“I’ll get them,” Bucky replied, finally releasing Tony’s neck and jaw to slide his other hand back to his ass as well.
Tony whimpered again as Bucky pulled him in, pressing them together chest to chest, hip to hip, hands kneading his ass and pulling his cheeks apart playfully. “Buck…”
“Yeah, I’ve got you, doll,” Bucky drawled, fingers sliding in further, spreading him almost to the point of discomfort. He let go of one cheek so that he could wrap his free hand around the flange of the plug keeping him spread open and tugged, not hard enough to pull it out in one go, but enough that Tony could tell he wanted to.
Tony let out a keen and jerked his head back, going up on his toes to try and escape his hand. “Oh!”
Bucky gave him a chiding slap on the ass. “Hold still.”
Tony leaned forward to bury his face in Bucky’s chest, mumbling a half-hearted apology as his feet went flat again. His toes curled as Bucky returned to pulling on the plug, a moan escaping his lips as Bucky rocked it back and forth to wiggle it out of him. He lifted his hands to clutch at Bucky’s shirt, fighting the urge to go up on his toes again, lest the next slap go from chiding to properly punishing him. He couldn’t help the guttural ‘ugh’ that escaped his lips as Bucky finally pulled the plug free, blush coming to his cheeks as Bucky pressed the tip to his hole again and pushed teasingly so he could feel how well he stretched around it.
Steve let out a groan behind him, and Tony turned, feeling another rush of jealousy as he saw that Steve had fully seated himself on the dildo attachment, the leather of the saddle beneath him dark between his pale thighs. It was gone as quickly as it came though, and he couldn’t help but swallow thickly when he saw that Steve’s cock was already half hard, and as he rocked himself back and forth on his knees to make sure he got into a comfortable position, it quickly firmed up to full hardness. He was starting to have doubts he’d make it all the way onto Steve’s dick before he came, let alone before Steve got there himself.
Bucky grabbed his chin to turn him back and draw him into a long, deep kiss that made his toes curl again. Tony melted into it, licking into his mouth, and whined when he finally pulled back, just far enough that he could no longer kiss him, breath fanning out onto his face hot and damp. “You’re so needy, it’s hard to remember I need to show restraint,” Bucky huffed, and Tony couldn’t swallow back the needy whimper that proved it true if he tried, because Bucky was also smiling, so. He probably wasn’t upset by it.
“You can go stand by Steve,” Bucky finally said, and there was steel to his voice now. It made Tony stand up a bit straighter, focus a bit more closely, forget the way Bucky had been kissing him just a moment ago. “But you don’t get to lower yourself onto his dick until I get there so we can both situate you.”
Tony’s lips parted, a petulant ‘I can do it myself’ on his tongue. But when he looked up at Bucky, it shriveled away, and all he could manage was an embarrassed, mumbled ‘yes, sir’ because Bucky’s eyes were cold, calculating, almost like he was waiting for Tony to do something that he could punish. This wasn’t one of the times he could be sassy, Tony realized, walking over to stand by Steve obediently. They were all still too keyed up from the… incident at the last battle with Doom.
Bucky needed control after feeling helpless. Steve needed to let go of control and be told what to do after feeling the weight of everyone’s needs on the field. Tony… wasn’t exactly sure what he needed. He still felt too messy inside. So much had happened in such a short amount of time—things usually did when battles went off the rails. But he trusted Bucky and Steve to know for him. They always seemed to know exactly what he needed. He’d just have to trust that they’d know this time, too.
Steve reached out toward him once he came close enough, and Tony allowed himself to be towed in, letting out a little chuff of air as Steve wrapped his arms around his thighs and held him close, mouthing at his hip because he knew he hadn’t been given permission to go for Tony’s dick. Apparently, he also wasn’t willing to cross Bucky right now, could sense how tightly wound he was. Tony dug his fingers into Steve’s hair, holding him in place. He was suddenly quite afraid that he’d simply fall over if he didn’t have Steve holding him up.
“There you go, sweetheart,” Bucky said, his flesh hand clasping the back of his neck, and Tony huffed at the warm, steady heat of his grip. “Just needed a moment to settle, hmm? Steve, stop manspreading on the fuckin’ saddle.”
Tony peeled his eyes open, blinking slowly, just in time to watch Steve’s knees jerk in toward the saddle. They settled against the leather with a dull knock. He couldn’t help a quiet, helpless giggle at how petulant Steve’s pout was. He really did like to spread out when he could. But then, Tony thought, eyes finally drawn to Steve’s hard cock, he had a reason for it.
“Hungry for it, aren’t you?” Bucky asked, and Tony was nodding before he even realized what he’d been asked, forcing his gaze back up so he could tip his head back and give Bucky a slow, syrupy blink. Bucky slid his arm around his waist and drew him back against him. "You’re falling a little further than I thought, doll.”
Tony blinked again. Was he? He thought he was fine. They were going to sit him on Steve’s cock, and he wasn’t going to come so they could both get rewarded for it, and it would be good. He would be good for them. He wanted to be good. “Please let me be good,” he whispered, just for good measure. He didn’t want them to think he was having second thoughts. He just wanted to please them. It didn’t matter how deep he went.
Bucky pressed the backs of his fingers to Tony’s chin, and Tony followed his gentle pushing, tipping his head back against Bucky’s shoulder. “You’re always good for me, sugar,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to his exposed throat. “So good for me an’ Steve. —Okay,” he added, the sharpness in his voice making Tony’s eyes shoot open again.
He hadn’t even realized they’d closed. Bucky’s arm had tightened around his waist, and Tony realized belatedly that Steve had reached out and clamped his hands around his hips, eyes wide and mouth dropped open in shock. His knees had given out, he realized belatedly. He’d almost collapsed where he stood, too focused on basking in Bucky’s approval, in Steve’s desire.
“I want to be good,” Tony blurted, hands coming up to grip Bucky’s arm, squeezing desperately. “Please let me be good. I’m sorry. I’ll be good. I can be—”
“You are good, doll,” Bucky cut in, and Tony bit his bottom lip against more babbled pleas. Bucky’s voice had gone back to that low drawl, so he couldn’t be mad. Could he? His hand slid up and down Tony’s stomach. “So good for us both. But I don’t think you’re in any condition for what we planned.”
Tony’s heart sank to his toes. “I can,” he tried desperately. “I can be good. I won’t come until you say and I’ll be able to sit on the saddle for Steve and—”
“What do you need, Tony?” Steve asked gently, cutting him off. His thumbs had started rubbing gentle circles over the jut of Tony’s hipbones. It was nice.
Not nice enough to make him think he was getting out of this, though. Tony sucked in a wet breath, ashamed of how weak he felt in front of them. They were never weak. Not in front of him. They were super soldiers. They always knew exactly what they needed. He was the one who had to figure out what he needed from them each time they stepped into the bedroom.
And he still didn’t know. He had nothing to tell them. Tony worked his jaw, but no words would come. He just felt… messy inside. Like he’d been broken apart and put back together wrong, but he was the only one who could see it. All he knew was what he wanted, and what he wanted was to be good, but how could he be good if he dropped and they had to take extra care of him? He might not know what he needed, but he knew what he didn’t need, and that was being a burden that Steve and Bucky had to deal with when they were both already keyed up.
“Okay,” Bucky said again, gentler this time, and carefully turned Tony in his arms so he was facing him. “I think I know exactly what you need, doll.”
Tony felt the words ‘you do?’ desperately pressing against his lips, but he kept them bitten back. He didn’t want to seem like he was questioning him. Bucky had never been wrong before, anyway. Of course Bucky knew what he needed.
Bucky tipped his head, pressing his lips to the corner of Tony’s mouth, his cheek, his ear. “I think you just need to be held.”
Tony couldn’t help the way his breath hitched in his throat. That sounded… really nice. Both Bucky and Steve had joked about becoming his personal weighted blankets at one point or another, although he personally thought that they were way better, a steady weight and heat just spread out on top of him, gentle fingers carding through his hair and soft lips pressing against his skin. Maybe that was what he needed, to be wrapped in their arms, feeling them solid and alive around him. “Will you still think I’m good?” he asked, just to make sure, and he wished his voice hadn’t come out sounding small and hesitant, because he wasn’t a small and hesitant man. But he still didn’t want to be wrong. He didn’t think he could handle upsetting them.
“You’re always good for us, doll,” Bucky assured him, hand coming around to clamp the back of his neck again, just the way he liked it. “You still wanna sit on Stevie’s dick?”
Tony unlocked his knees in answer, sagging in Bucky’s grip again, but he didn’t fall far this time with Bucky’s arm around his waist, Steve’s hands carefully but firmly tightening around his hips. Maybe to be held really was all he needed, he mused, only vaguely aware that Bucky was swearing and rocking on his heels to make sure he didn’t just topple over on top of Steve.
“You’re gonna drive me to drinking,” Bucky huffed, but there was no heat to it. Maybe humor, if Tony allowed himself to think about his tone rather than making a grabby hand in the direction of Steve’s still-hard cock. “Incorrigible. That shouldn’t be cute. You’re so annoying.”
“Can I put him on my cock now please,” Steve cut in before Bucky could say anything else, and Tony watched the way Steve’s dick twitched where it stood between his thighs at just the thought.
“Fine,” Bucky groused, and Steve’s mouth spread into a wide, guileless smile as he took Tony’s weight through the grip he still had on his hips. “Slow, though, so I can wedge these pillows under his knees just right.”
Steve nodded obediently, and Tony moaned quietly as Steve carefully turned him so he was facing away. It took him a moment to remember to let his knees relax and bend with the motion, allow himself to be eased down instead of just falling and hoping he landed properly. He couldn’t help but marvel at Steve’s casual use of his strength as he felt the head of his cock against his hole—his arms weren’t shaking even a little, even as Steve teased his wet, open hole by lowering him just enough to feel the pressure of his cock and then lifting him off again. If Tony didn’t know that he was doing it to distract him from Bucky trying to get the pillows just right, he would have screamed.
“Okay, I think that’s good,” Bucky finally said, rocking back on his heels. “Stop teasing him, Stevie, or I’m gonna let him stab you.”
“I wouldn’t be injured for long,” Steve grumbled, but when Tony dropped his hands to wrap around Steve’s wrists, he could feel fine tremors of desire running through his arms.
Tony whimpered as Steve finally lowered him further, pressing in, his own knees jerking in to smack against the leather of the saddle as his body opened up around his cock. The plug had kept him open as Bucky had prepared the room for them, and he’d been well-lubed when it had been inserted, but Steve was always a special sort of ache—longer than any of the toys he chose to use these days, and thick enough that Tony always found himself biting into his bottom lip as his body opened up around it, until he felt he was wholly shaped for Steve’s cock.
“There you go, sweet thing,” Bucky purred, and Tony peeled his eyes open. He hadn’t even realized he’d closed them. He was smiling down at him, pleased, just edging on smug, and it made his toes curl with pleasure. He liked when he pleased Bucky. “You ready for me to turn the saddle on?”
Tony squirmed as Steve’s arms slid around his waist and pulled his back flush with his chest, testing. Steve was a heavy weight inside him, and as he experimentally rocked his hips, he couldn’t help another whimper escaping his lips as Steve jerked his own forward in response, sending a zing of pleasure up his spine. Steve was one long line of heat down his back, around his waist, and Tony found himself sinking back against him with a sigh.
“You are,” Bucky murmured, flesh hand coming up to cup Tony’s cheek, thumb stroking back and forth tenderly. “You and Steve are so good for me, so sweet. Brace yourself, sweetheart.”
Tony barely had time to think ‘for what’ before he was suddenly reminded that he wasn’t just sat on Steve’s cock—he and Steve were also resting their weight on the saddle. Bucky started it at a minor thrum, and the vibrations shook through his thighs, against his balls. Steve’s hips jerked up as the vibrations went through him as well, and Tony howled as his cock rammed deeper inside him. His hands flew up to grab Steve’s arms around his waist, but all he could really do was hold on as Steve’s grip tightened around him, ride each of his stuttered thrusts as Bucky slowly cranked up the vibration speed.
It was hard to tell where the saddle ended and Steve began as the vibrations dialed up, pleasure fuzzing his awareness around the edges. Steve was buried inside him, each desperate hunch of hips driving his cock right over Tony’s prostate. But that almost seemed secondary to the saddle vibrating along Tony’s taint until they seemed to center directly in his balls where they were resting nearly at the edge of the vibrating plate. He was suddenly relieved that it was Steve sitting on the dildo and not him—he probably would have fallen apart as soon as Bucky turned it on and started thrusting, never mind slowly cranking up the vibrations. Having Steve panting in his ear though, that was nice, feeling held and surrounded and safe, as if Steve was the one holding him together. Bucky was right. It was exactly what he needed. He always knew exactly what he’d needed.
“Can I come,” Steve moaned into Tony’s shoulder, and he shivered, mouth dropping open to moan as Steve’s dick rocked back and forth with sharp, minute force. “Buck, can I come, please, he’s so hot inside, please, can I please, can I come—”
“Can Steve come in you, baby?” Bucky drawled, grabbing Tony’s chin to tip his head forward to make eye contact with him.
Tony blinked tears from his eyes, breath shuddering in his chest as Bucky turned the dial one more click. He felt as if the vibrations from the saddle were shaking him apart. It was so good it almost hurt, and it finally made him aware of his own hard cock, curved up against his stomach. He didn’t care if he came, he realized, head tipping back further, over Steve’s shoulder. He just needed to sit here, held, filled, watched, wanted. They could do whatever they wanted to him, as long as he felt like they were taking care of him while they were doing it.
“Tony,” Bucky said, voice just edging on sharp. Warning. He used the grip on his chin to jerk his head forward again, not as gently as the first time. “Focus.”
“I am,” Tony lied, blinking again. He worked his jaw, wondering what the right answer was. He feared ‘you can do whatever you want to me’ might make them stop, but he also wondered if he’d just accept a simple ‘yes,’ worrying that he was slipping under too far. He swallowed back a wounded noise as Steve used the arms around his waist to force his body down harder, cock driving deeper inside him as his balls were pressed harder into the vibrating saddle. “Mmh!”
Steve tipped his head to drag his lips from Tony’s shoulder to his neck, pressing them to his fluttering pulse as he murmured a desperate, “Please let me come in you, Tony.”
“I,” Tony started, more gasp than word. He gulped in air as Steve’s teeth bit into his skin, and the only reason he didn’t tip his head back again was because Bucky’s fingers were still wrapped around his chin. “I want… yes,” he finally managed, hoping it wasn’t too much or too little. Just enough. Just what he needed. “Yes, please.”
“Did you hear that, Stevie?” Bucky crooned, and Steve whimpered into Tony’s throat. “Tony says you can come in him.”
“Can I,” Steve panted into Tony’s skin. “Please, Buck, can I?”
Bucky tipped Tony’s head back a little, and Tony whimpered as he stared back at him through wet lashes. “Look at my boys,” he said, and his lips curved into a sly smile. “You’re both so good for me, both know exactly who’s in charge.”
“Please let him come in me, Bucky,” Tony mewled, more plaintively than he would have liked. His hands shook where they were wrapped around Steve’s arms. “Please. Please.”
Bucky’s grip on his chin tightened for a moment, then loosened, fingers trailing along his jaw. “Well,” he mused, fingertips drawing down his neck until he was pressing his fingers to Steve’s trembling lips on his throat. He waited for Steve’s mouth to still before he added, “Since you both asked so nicely, it would be cruel of me to say no.” He finally slid his piercing gaze to Steve, and Tony shuddered as if the threads holding him up had been suddenly cut. “You heard what Tony said, sweet thing. He wants you to come in him. Who am I to say otherwise.”
“I can come?” Steve asked, as if he didn’t quite believe it, but whatever he saw in Bucky’s face had him clenching his arms tighter around Tony’s waist. Then he moaned, pressing his face back into Tony’s throat. “Fuck, yes. Feel so nice on my cock, Tony—”
Tony’s mouth opened, perhaps to scream, but all that came out was a short, airy sort of sound as Steve’s arms clenched him tight enough to bruise. Tony finally managed a shocked little yelp as he was bounced on Steve’s cock, hard, ass meeting Steve’s thighs with a clap. He couldn’t tell what was better—Steve fucking him so deep that he could have sworn he felt him in his throat, or the vibrations of the saddle still reverberating through his thighs and balls.
Then Bucky’s flesh hand was wrapping around his cock, and the noise Tony let out was pathetic even to his own ears. “Buck,” he gasped, finally uncurling one hand to instead dig his nails into Bucky’s.
“You get t’ come too, sugar,” Bucky drawled, just the right edge of Brooklyn to it. “Because ya trust me t’ take care o’ you, don’tcha?”
“Bucky,” Tony tried again, unsure which way to rock—forward into Bucky’s hand, backward into Steve’s thrusts, or down onto the vibrating saddle. “Bucky-!”
“C’mon, sweet thing,” Bucky urged, grip tightening at the same time Steve bit down on his shoulder to try and muffle a whimper.
Tony choked on a sharp intake of air, too stunned to make more noise than that as Steve grunted and groaned into his skin, as if he’d been waiting years to be able to come instead of just a few minutes. Steve’s hips stuttered up against him as he tried to milk his orgasm as long as possible, trying to extend his pleasure. His arms were a solid weight around him, like hot steel bars, and Tony couldn’t help but finally whimper again. He was held. He was safe. He was exactly where he needed to be, protected between both super soldiers.
Tony’s body trembled in Steve’s grip as he came, hips rutting forward into the friction of Bucky’s hand of their own accord. His hand was warm. Not too tight. Over the pounding of his heart in his ears, he could hear Bucky murmuring something, but for the life of him, he couldn’t make himself focus to hear what it was.
Steve’s arms loosened around him, and he found himself tipping forward, into Bucky. His breath hitched in his chest as Bucky carefully wrapped his free arm around his shoulders, the coolness of the metal a shock against the warmth that Steve’s back had been. He heard a soft, mournful little noise, and it took him a moment to realize it was coming from him, an overwhelmed keen coming from deep in his chest. Too much. It was all too much.
“Look at you,” Bucky cooed into his ear, and Tony shivered, swallowing around the lump in his throat. “You took Steve so well, sweetheart, were so good for me. Do you need off the saddle?”
Tony’s hands gripped Steve’s arms tighter. “No,” he said, desperation clear in his voice, even as he wondered if he really did need off. ‘Too much’ could swiftly tip over to ‘over his head.’ He didn’t want to ruin this for either of them. But he still didn’t know what he needed beyond their arms around him. He felt Bucky’s arm moving behind his back and whimpered when he felt a hand threading through his hair, gripping just tight enough that it sent a thrum of heat through him, even as he whimpered at his head being tugged back.
Bucky tightened his grip until he met his eyes again as Tony ground his teeth nervously. “…Steve is staying on the saddle,” he decided, voice slow and thoughtful. “But you’re done. The vibrations are gonna be too much for you.”
Relief and despair immediately warred through him, and Tony couldn’t quite swallow back a whimper of shame. “I can be good.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t good,” Bucky answered, his eyebrows momentarily twitching down before he forcibly relaxed again. “You were very good, sweet thing,” he tried again, syrupy sweet, and Tony found his anxiety easing. “Just because you’re comin’ off the saddle doesn’t mean that you’re not warmin’ cock. You want it in your mouth, babydoll? Or your ass?”
Tony whimpered again, but as he lifted his head to meet Bucky’s eyes again, he found the shame had quelled. “Yes,” he answered helplessly, because both options sounded very good. “Please.”
Bucky let out a bark of laughter, shaking his head. “You do know how to please, doncha? C’mere.”
Steve whined loudly as Bucky hooked his hands under Tony’s arms in an attempt to lift him. He tightened his own grip around Tony’s waist in response, keeping Tony right where he was, speared on his cock. “No, you said—”
“I know what I said,” Bucky began, slanting him a sharp look.
“I wanna come in him again,” Steve cut in plaintively. “He feels so nice on my cock, Bucky, please, I can keep holding ‘im, won’t even let ‘im touch the saddle, lemme just—One more time, please—”
Bucky sighed, rolling his eyes, but he eased Tony’s weight back onto the pillows. He lifted his flesh hand to Tony’s face, thumb running under his eye carefully. “Do you think you can take another orgasm on the saddle if Steve holds you up, doll?”
“Yes,” Tony agreed readily. Whatever they needed. Steve could hold him up for hours. He’d done it before.
“Such an accommodating little thing,” Bucky sighed, voice teasing. “You’d say yes to anything, wouldn’t you?”
“‘m not little,” Tony huffed, but he couldn’t tell if he was just saying it to be contrary or not. He knew he wasn’t nearly as broad or as tall as either of them, and it was especially clear there, pressed close between their bodies. But they were the outliers here, not him.
Before he could tell them so, though, Steve finally unclamped his arms from around his waist to instead scoop under his thighs. Tony yelped as Steve hugged him to his chest again, legs kicking out uselessly as he was folded in half against him.
Bucky caught his ankles so he didn’t accidentally hurt himself, waiting until he stilled to release them. He shook his head at Steve with another sigh. “You’re such a brat.”
“He’s not touching the saddle,” Steve huffed, but he didn’t lift his head to meet Bucky’s eyes, either.
Bucky stared at him a little longer, just for good measure. Once he was sure that Steve was properly cowed, he lifted his hand to Tony’s face again, gently cupping his chin. “This comfortable for you, sweetheart?”
Tony nodded, but Bucky just raised an eyebrow at him. He squirmed, biting his bottom lip under Bucky’s stare, before he finally murmured, “Maybe just long enough for one more.”
“That’s what I thought.” Bucky slid his gaze to Steve. “You get to come one more time, then he’s off the saddle for the night.”
“Okay,” Steve mumbled into Tony’s skin, and he couldn’t help but whimper and tip his head to give Steve more room for his mouth.
“Such a good boy,” Bucky said, voice full of warmth, and his thumb pressed to Tony’s bottom lip. “For Stevie and for me.”
“Yes,” Tony agreed again, then mewled, pleased, as Bucky pressed his thumb into his mouth to suck on.
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taduki · 6 months
Nadia’s Mehndi
A fluffy little drabble of my apprentice doing Nadia’s henna. I wanted it to come off naturally, but I’m not in the mood to edit it right now 😭😭, so I’ll just hope and pray it comes off nicely and there are no errors. 💕🙏
The Countess spared no expense treating her lover with the loveliest of delicacies as gifts. Alas, her lover was a simple woman who distinctly cherished the one thing money could not buy — her time.
Nadia was a symbol of grace and resilience. She often reminded Taduki of gorgeous sculptures of women, the epitome of beauty. Though she found that, regardless of what she looked like, she would love her all the same, which is why she wanted to decorate her with a special treatment.
She presented her love with a modest, cone-shaped tube of Henna in the palace gardens.
“Oh, my! I haven’t seen this for quite some time.” Nadia smiled. She sighed and rubbed her temple, “My sisters used to draw on themselves for hours. It was at its worst when they insisted on collaborating on my body… But I do have fonder memories of this, my dear.”
Taduki cut off the end of the tube with a pocket knife and placed the tip of the henna on her love’s arm. She hummed and asked, “Would you tell me?”
Nadia watched her fluffed up curly mess of hair move around while she worked. She let out a giggle and said, “Sure.” She had it done during her wedding with Count Lucio. Yes, it was customary in Prakra, but she also saw it as a testament to the first step in her new life.
She stopped herself. “Darling?”
“Where did you learn to do Mehndi? During your travels?”
“Yeah”, Taduki replied. “We did performances and stuff, but not everyone was looking for a show. It actually started because I saw this super bored kid and I offered to draw something on him. It spiraled into a service after that.” She laughed.
Nadia planted a sneaky kiss on her forehead. Taduki looked up and grinned, then asked suddenly, “Say, Nadi? Why do you call it Mehndi?”
Nadia subconsciously played with her lover’s coily black hair in thought. After a moment, she raised an eyebrow. “Is that not what it’s called?”
“I call it henna”, Taduki returned to her work. “I’ve heard people call it Mehndi before, but I have no idea why! It’s just so different.” She squinted.
Nadia sat back on the edge of the fountain, careful not to move her arm. She looked at the sky in thought and inquired, “Henna comes from the henna plant” — she stopped herself. “Wait, no. It’s the other way around! Henna is the plant itself.”
“Yeah, and then Mehndi is the brown stuff.”
“Oh, goodness. Well, when you put it like that—.” Nadia hid a disgraceful snort behind her hand.
Taduki shoved her and laughed. “Do you remember—.” She interrupted herself with a cackle and a wheeze. Nadia gently held her arm, a big grin still stretched over her face, and laughed, “Stop that! You’ll hurt yourself!” Taduki held her stomach and hiccuped. She wearily fanned herself and continued, “The dinner at Vlastomil’s…”
Nadia let out a raucous laugh and clasped her hands together. “Yes! Yes, I do!” She nodded.
“Ewww!”, Taduki recalled herself saying out loud. She wheezed and rolled onto the grass, still shaking with laughter. Nadia followed her and fanned herself off before holding her. She waited for her lover to calm down and catch her breath, but by the time she did, she must have been half-conscious. She took a deep breath in and out. “Never let me tell a joke ever again, please”, she groaned.
Nadia smiled and pat her stomach. She hummed, “I’d miss you.”
Taduki wearily looked into her eyes and hummed back, “Me too.”
Nadia’s shoulders shook and she mouthed, “What?”, before shaking her head and leaving it be. She sighed dreamily and stared into her eyes.
The grass made for a soft cushion and their eyes were starting to droop. Their bed was neatly made in the palace, but they drifted further and further into their sleep, for it did not matter where they were or that one’s mehndi was smeared. They were safe, and they were together.
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magolandandfriends · 1 year
Hello Magolor and friends, I have been watching your tale play out for a while and its interesting to me. I also brought a gift *place four bags of popeye's chicken in front of them* Its four chicken tender family meals making it 64 pieces of chicken twenty biscuits 20 sauces and 8 sides. I didn't know what you may want so I got 4 sides of fries, 2 sides of mashed potatoes and 2 sides of mac and cheese. Oh right and before I forget I had two questions. First, Magolor are you feeling any side effects from your little heatstroke incident. Second, I saw that Zan Partizanne and Susie are a couple so I was wondering if anyone else among the four of you (sans susie given my earlier point) or other people you know are in relationships. - The Wanderer, Guardian of Omndell
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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[ They’re all happy. Very happy. Certified :D moment. ]
Magolor: No I haven’t been feeling any kind of side effects! It’s been a month since I fainted I’m doing perfectly fine! No need to worry!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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Susie: That’s oddly specific-
Taranza: Trust me if I knew why I would tell you but- also don’t tell Marx I told you this I’ll never hear the end of it
Susie: oh don’t worry I won’t. I’ll just use this information to mess with him
Wanderer belongs to: @the-omndell-chronicles !!
(…. It’s been. Almost a month. Since I answered an ask. And it’s been. Almost 3 months. Since I’ve gotten this ask. Um. So how y’all doing)
(Anyways HOLY FUCJING SHIT ITS BEEN ALMOST A MONTH SINCE I FED YOU GUYS WITH MY ASKS IM SO DAMN SORRY- like I said before- college started, i had to wait for my new iPad to arrive, I have to do actual assignments now and I’ve been B U S Y, and this ask wAS SUPER LONG- I had to restart it twice because I wasn’t happy with how it was turning out)
(AND DAILY REMINDER ESPECIALLY WITH LIFE STARTINF TO GET MORE BUSY FOR ME. YOURE ASKS ARENT BEING IGNORED. NOT ONLY AM I LETTING A WHEEL PICK FOR ME BUT IM SUPER BUSY NOW. This time I’m going to focus on the asks from July before I go back to the wheel BUT hopefully now that this big one is finished they’ll come out quickly- I’ll try to get 1-2 out by the weekends but if not then please forgive me)
(And to those that read my tags on posts that were marx and Magolor focused- where I get extra silly. Yes this is technically a part where it starts to pick up but it’s more of a prologue if anything so do with that what you will)
(Ok anything else I wanna say- oh yes- Magolor isn’t lying he hasn’t been experiencing any side effects that were linked to the fainting incident. But his friends are keeping and extra close eye on him when the weather is hotter than usual. Man I hope something like that doesn’t happen again that would be cra-)
(OKOK ONE LAST BIT IF IMPORTANT INFO- I normally draw characters from the magoverse for silly and fun but this time I tried to draw this askers OC wanderer for fun- I tried goikg based off the text post that was on their profile but if I messed anything up then I DEEPLY apologize- I’ll try to make fixes if I don’t forget-)
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
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here’s some wholesome Dew art because he deserves to be happy :3 (also his sweater is supposed to look like colorful firework explosions)
now here i go getting all sentimental under the read more…
first off, thanks @mottinthemainpot and @toyybox for requesting New Years art because i wouldn’t have drawn this otherwise!! it was fun and i love how colorful it turned out :D
also here’s the version without the background
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anyway, i have to say that making this blog was one of the biggest highlights of my year. i did so many things that i thought i’d never do! like show my writing to people, post oc stuff… make actual friends. seriously, just creating something that makes other people happy is what i’ve always wanted to do, and i did it! writing and drawing are my favorite hobbies and i’m so so happy that i’m making other people happy by doing what i love more than anything.
i know TLLR may not matter all that much to other people, but it had a huge impact on my life. it caused me to start sharing my stories instead of keeping them in my head, it caused me to come out of my shell and actually talk to people online, and make so many amazing friends that i never would have met otherwise. it made it easier for me to be myself and interact with people, instead of hiding or being too shy like i’ve been doing my whole life. i used to be soo scared of talking to people online, because i thought nobody would like me or i’d be too awkward. but all of your amazing support made me able to do that, made me able to express myself and find a friend group that i can relate to and who likes me for me. that’s something i’ve always wanted, so thank you all!!
ever since i was 12, it was my dream to make something- a series and characters- that inspired others and made people happy (aka the same impact that Gravity Falls had on me). i know TLLR isn’t much, and it’s not super popular or anything, but i’m so unbelievably happy that i created something that makes people excited to read and think about and make art for. i’m so happy i created something that inspires people and makes people happy (even just a little bit). that is honestly all i’ve ever wanted and it makes me excited for all the amazing things i’ll do in the future.
to all of you invested in my silly little story, THANK YOU!!!! without any of your support or kind messages or reactions or art, i literally wouldn’t have made it this far. i remember the first ask i ever got (you know who you are :)) and i just wanna talk about how that affected me. because holy shit, back then, that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about something i made. i can’t even describe how happy i was when i first read it, like it literally made my entire month. it made me realize that i’m capable of making something that makes people happy. and to everyone who has ever left nice messages about my series, thank you so much again!! because wow, it’s just so surreal that people like my creations. thank you
this is super rambly and completely unplanned, but yeah i just wanted to say thanks for the amazing past few months. i’m so happy i joined this community, everyone here is so nice and it’s led me to make amazing things. even if you don’t read TLLR (i recommend it ehehehe /nf), thanks for following me and supporting me with my art. drawing all those tllr drawings definitely made me improve a lot (this year was also a huge year for my art in general. i’m so proud of myself for how much i’ve improved with my art).
ALSO WRITING!!! my writing has definitely improved thanks to tllr. before this, i just wrote for fun about my other ocs and never showed ANYONE. it wasn’t in chronological order and i didn’t care much for mistakes or perfect grammar or anything. don’t get me wrong, i love the other stuff i wrote for myself, but tllr is by far the best in my opinion. it challenged me to write something not only for myself, but something other people would read. it put me out of my comfort zone at first, when i posted the first chapter. my writing has improved so much because of that and i’m so fucking excited for what i’ll be able to accomplish in the future.
oh yeah! thanks to the whump community for inspiring me to post my stuff in the first place! tllr specifically is something very important and personal to me, but something that i’m able to share with other people so easily. tllr isn’t just mine anymore, it’s everyone’s who’s ever read it (don’t take that too literally)
anyway, i know i’m forgetting something but yeah i just wanted to say thanks!! you are all so amazing! i’m not gonna tag all of the friends i made but you all know who you are, thank you!!! 2023 was amazing for me and i’m so excited for what 2024 will bring (besides me literally graduating high school this year)! big things are coming up with tllr too, new characters, twists and turns, crazy stuff. i’m so fucking excited
OH YEAH! i usually don’t make new year’s resolutions but this year i definitely want to draw more of my friends/mutuals’ characters. all of you are so creative and drawing art for other people is something i realized i love to do!!
i don’t know how to end this, it got longer than i planned loll. thank you all for the amazing year!! thanks for all the support!! :DDD
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fulgurbugs · 9 months
It’s time for another doll review!
today, i’m unboxing venus mcflytrap, the newest in the series of core students for monster high g3. she’s been showing up in targets sporadically, though my targets tend to be late on the pickup so i ended up ordering her for delivery as soon as she was up on the website.
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she was delivered a few days early and i sent her to my moms house, so i was dying to go back there to open her up for those few days. here’s her in box! she’s quite tall, though without an abbey to compare im not sure if she’s about the same size as her?
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freed from the box! once again the star jar is my prop-up instead of a proper stand, though venus is actually sturdy enough to stand on her own without too much trouble.
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of course we’ll take a look at the shoes. g3 loves a gradient boot, and i’m a fan here. the look like concrete planters before they fade to pink, and the teeth are just hilarious.
the vines are rubbery and removable. the bottoms of them have a peg that secures them to the boots.
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another detail i wanted a close up on is venus’s molded vine details. i love that g3 is going more in with the monsterey details, and these are awesome. they peek out just above her mismatched legging pieces
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the face: venus’s mold and makeup are both great. instead of the shaved side of her g1 version, she has molded braids, which still give her that asymmetrical look. her ear mold also has a leaf look to it as well. her hair is some kind of yarn, i believe. i’m not sure how durable the ends are, though, so i may see if there’s a need to seal them to preserve them. (in addition, one minor defect i have seen people have with their venus rooting is that the larger yarn plugs seem to sometimes tear her scalp slightly, so it may be something to check for if you’re buying her in person.) i’m a very big fan of the black features they’ve added to venus this generation, which i think has been the general consensus on her design that i’ve seen online. her reception has been overwhelmingly positive, and she is the doll that has many people warming up to g3. and id have to agree! i’m a little picky with what dolls i want (unless they’re draculaura dolls, lol) and she was an instant note on my wantlist as soon as those stock photos were out.
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accessories! venus comes with a clear open backpack, icoffin, energy bar, water bottle, a hair product bottle (if someone knows specifically what product it is please let me know, im not sure off the top of my head), sunglasses shaped like venus flytraps (of course) and her pet, chewlian.
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chewlian is well… definitely a pet! he does come out of the pot, though. i said this in a previous review, i think core lagoonas, but i’m continually baffled and amused at the ability of g3 to turn every pet into a dog or cat version of it. while the pets have never been a draw for me, this is just comical. i think i’ll stick by a previous joke i made that chewlian just ate someone’s dog, and that’s why he looks like that.
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the backpack can hold one (1) chewlian or all of her other accessories. something about the way this backpack sits on her or the silhouette or something is awesome to me, i love it a lot. it’s super cute, and i want to display her with the bag instead of storing the backpacks like i usually do.
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one last little thing, while i don’t have abbey, my draculauras, or even twyla to compare her too, i think venus is about abbey height, though i think she’s got a slimmer body and hips. here’s her next to frankie. venus also uses the clawed hand mold.
of course, we have to have the obligatory .5 shot
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and that’s venus! one last note i want to make is there’s been a lot of fomo around her, but i want to remind people she is going to be widely available as abbey and clawd are. she is going to stick around for a long time compared to other lines, so there’s no need to pay scalper prices for her (i know i say this as someone who bought her as soon as i could, but that was as soon as i could for strictly retail price. i’m just saying i get it, lol.)
i also recognize that that’s a bit america-centric, but she also did start showing up in person in the UK before the US, so hopefully her international release isn’t as frustrating as other lines and characters.
thanks for reading! big g3 venus fan now and forever, and i’m excited to see her eventually show up in other lines, too!
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daddyhoothoot · 2 months
Just had an interesting experience as someone new to demonology, thinking it’s a good sign? I’ll take anyone’s insight on this that knows more but…
Besides being a huge Helluva Boss fan and obsessed with Stolas in the show, I really wanted to actually learn about the ars goetia and Stolas historically so I’ve been doing a LOT of research. I think part of what drew me to Stolas in the first place is that I’ve always loved owls and I never really knew why. I’ve had owl stuff my whole life and always been drawn to them. Then when I learned that Stolas’ interests were astronomy, plants and stones I KNEW I had a connection to him in some way. I’ve been a huge astronomy nerd my whole life, I’m always watching the skies and as a cancer, I’m also very drawn to the moon as well. I used to have a telescope as well. I’ve also been into mycology and have grown my own mushrooms, used to have a ton of plants (when I didn’t live in a desert) and have been collecting rocks since I was a kid. I literally went rock hounding with my dad not long ago.
All this to say, I felt an instant connection to Stolas. I’ve been working on meditating and grounding so I decided to throw caution to the wind and see if I could get in contact with Stolas. I was super nervous because again, I’m new to this stuff and I didn’t want to provoke a demon either…
So I laid out some offerings. Lit some incense (I think it was jasmine? Figured he’d like it because plants lol), set out the only exciting rock I had on hand which was quartz I found in the desert. I read that he likes blue so I added in some blue items and also this owl necklace I’ve had forever as well as this woven crescent moon that I have. I didn’t draw out his sigil because I have a tattoo of it (is that crazy? Idk?) and I used my tarot deck to communicate with him.
This is coming from a huge skeptic but this was beyond my wildest dreams. I asked for a sign that he was there with me and willing to work with me and that we would have a positive relationship and the FIRST card I pulled was an OWL!!! There is only one owl in my entire deck and I was floored! Obviously that’s a yes? That he’s willing to work with me?
I was so excited and couldn’t believe it. Even though I’m still relatively new to tarot, it always works out for me so I was super confident in every card I pulled after I asked him a few more questions. I asked how I should strengthen our bond, what I need to work on to make it a positive experience. The answer to that was meditation which I found ironic because I literally just started back on that the other day. I asked a few other questions to make sure we could work together and that it would be a positive experience and everything was an astounding yes.
I said okay, since you’re willing to work with me I have a question and then I’ll let you go. I’ve been writing a book recently and it’ll be my first and I’ve been told writing is my calling but I’ve been so scared/hesitant about it and I just needed confirmation that it was the right path and low and behold Stolas says it is and that it’ll bring happiness, peace and love for me.
I’m still reeling from this experience. I also asked at one point if he was ok with the tattoo and he seemed cool with it so that’s a relief lmao I was a little concerned about putting his sigil permanently on my body but I really do feel like we’ve had a strong connection before I even knew of him.
I’m sure to some this may sound crazy but as a fellow skeptic, that blew my mind and changed my beliefs. I’m sure some will be like “don’t work with demons it’s dangerous” but not all of them are these evil spirits and I believe if you respect them and are willing to work with them, you’ll be okay.
Anyway, just wanted to share for anyone interested in getting into demonology and curious about connecting with them. I’ll add more about what he teaches me in the future if you’re interested!
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asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Seasonal Event - Anniversary Game: Epilogue - Support, and be supported
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Azami: …
Izumi: What’s wrong, Azami-kun? Are you not hungry?
Azami: Nah, I’m starving, but… Why did we come to a ramen shop?
Izumi: Kumon-kun said this place had limited time curry ramen the other day.
Izumi: I was really curious about it, and since everyone said they’re hungry, I thought it was the perfect chance!
Azami: (So that’s what Kumon was talking about…)
Azuma: I’ve been meaning to come here ever since Azami uploaded an Inste story showing off the beauty ramen. 
Tsuzuru: The ramen here does have high-quality collagen. 
Chikage: So, which one do you recommend, Azami? 
Azami: ... The chicken salt lemon ramen. 
Chikage: That so? Then, I’ll have a limited time curry ramen, make it extra spicy. 
Azami: You had that set from the beginning, didn’t you! 
Azuma: Then, Azami, you'll have the chicken salt lemon ramen? 
Azami: No, I’ll have... 
Kumon: Tonkotsu chashu! 
Azami: You guessed that right. 
Kumon: It’s also what I want to eat when I’m super hungry. I’ll have the same!
Izumi: Have you all decided on your orders, then? 
Tsuzuru: Uh, Mikage-san's slumped over the table, lookin’ like he’ll fall asleep any time now... 
Hisoka: *mumble, mumble*... 
Izumi: You’re right. I already gave him all the marshmallows Homare-san gave me, so I don’t know how to wake him up...  
Hisoka: Marshmallow...? 
Azuma: Looks like that woke him right up. 
Kumon: Hisoka-san, we’re not having marshmallows today, we’re having ramen! 
Hisoka: Marshmallow ramen... I’d eat that... 
Kumon: Thanks for the meal! 
Izumi: Now then, I should pay the bill... 
Azami: Wait a moment. 
Izumi: What’s wrong, Azami-kun? Are you still hungry? 
Azami: It’s not that. 
Azami: ... Um. Thanks for indulging my impossible requests during this event. 
Azami: I can’t do much to thank you, so I’ll pay... 
Hisoka: What was the impossible request again? 
Kumon: Ah, maybe taking care of our skin before bed? Or keeping our sleeping schedules right? 
Tsuzuru: But he always talks about those, doesn’t he? 
Chikage: And his lectures always increase when a performance is drawing near. 
Hisoka: He tells me to take care of my skin before sleeping, even when I don’t have a performance any time soon. 
Azami: And no matter how many times I tell you, you still sleep without doing anything. 
Azuma: Fufu. I don’t think this is what Azami is talking about. 
Izumi: You’re talking about all the suggestions you made and the announcement of the event, aren’t you, Azami-kun? 
Tsuzuru: I was able to do lots of things for that, and I had fun with it. 
Hisoka: Yeah. And I think the customers’ response to the event announcement was good. 
Chikage: We were able to make an impact, and showcasing the difference between red and blue felt good.
Azami: That so... Okay, then... 
Kumon: Hehe, just like I told you! Everyone did it ‘cause they wanted to, and no one felt like they were being forced to do it. 
Azami: ... Right. 
Azami: (In the end, I’m still just relying on everyone...) 
Izumi: By the way, one of the staff at Chess Garden, Iwakami-kun, is Azami-kun and Kumon-kun's junior at school, right? 
Azami: Yeah, he’s a first year. 
Chikage: Heeh, what a coincidence. 
Hisoka: That’s why you seemed to get along so well. 
Kumon: Yuppers! Azami’s a great senior! 
Azuma: That he is. Even those of us who didn’t know the entire situation could see how much that boy admires Azami. 
Azami: I wouldn’t say we know each other that well, though. 
Chikage: Well then, I think we should start getting ready to leave. 
Azami: Ah, I haven’t paid yet... 
Azuma: Don’t worry. We did that already. 
Azami: Huh, when did you... Wait, why are you treating me? 
Tsuzuru: So slick… Just what I’d expect of you two.
[Page turning] 
Azami: ... 
Sakyo: You’re still reading the book even though the event’s over. 
Azami: Shut up. I can do whatever I want. 
Sakyo: It ain’t like I’m telling you to not read it. 
Sakyo: But you’re probably tired today, shouldn’t you go to bed early? 
Azami: I don’t need you to tell me that... 
Sakyo: I heard from the Director that the event was a big success this time around. 
Azami: ... Guess so. I think I learned lots from it. 
Azami: And... I think I’m startin’ to get how fun chess is as I read this book... 
Azami: I kinda... wanna start playin’ chess... properly... 
Sakyo: How about I teach you the basics next time, then? I ain’t gonna hold back, though. 
Azami: Mmm... 
Sakyo: Bon? 
Azami: Zzz... Zzz... 
Sakyo: ... Did you fall asleep? 
Sakyo: Sheesh, I hear you’ve been doing well at events, but you’re still a brat through and through. 
Sakyo: Ah well, I’ll just carry you to bed. 
previous episode | masterpost
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ovaruling · 1 year
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hey girl! happy to—the buccal fat removal was pretty simple compared to the other surgeries, but it was still very painful. as i understand it, the surgeon made incisions on the inside of both of my cheeks, and entered that way, and sucked out the “buccal fat yolk,” as he called it. he explained to me that there’s a pouch of fat there that is yolk-like, and does not usually disappear, even with dramatic weight loss, except in cases of extreme malnutrition where there is no reserve left. that’s how he put it, anyway.
so, he essentially stabbed inside my cheeks through up where the “cheek fat” was, just under my cheekbones, and sucked the fat through those incisions and stitched them from the inside. it was, as i said, extremely painful, and eating and drinking was very difficult for a long time. the scars are inside my cheeks and i can still feel them if i run my tongue over them.
the entire cheek area on both sides, inside and out, is mostly numb. sort of like… when Novocain has started to wear off at the dentist.
but i get sudden, electrifying wallops of pain where the buccal fat used to be at completely random times. i get at least one or two a day. it is pretty agonizing, ngl. it feels like instantaneous nerve pain, if you’ve ever had a dentist nick a nerve on a sensitive tooth. it runs through the cheek into my sinuses and down into my gums and it takes my breath away. when these episodes first started happening i genuinely thought i was having a stroke.
i get a lot of migraines now (brow and temple) and my jaw sits really uncomfortably—i’m always having to bite my inner cheeks or suck my cheeks in manually, or else they become fatigued.
a good experiment is—try to hold your mouth open as long as you can. just—open like a crocodile. as wide as you can go, until your cheeks reach the utmost point of fatigue. that’s what it feels like all the time if i try to relax my face—unless i am constantly drawing in my cheeks or making a “duck face,” my cheeks feel fatigued. i don’t know why—maybe they’re strained without the fat there to support them. collapsing, i guess.
it’s really uncomfortable tbh. i’ve gotten used to it, but it sucks.
and it just looks weird as hell too. all it did was age me and make me look dehydrated and starved.
ykw, i guess it really has affected how i do everything with my mouth and facial expressions. they all had to change in some way to accommodate the new “dimensions.” i wish i could show a before and after pic, bc i had a ton of nice healthy buccal fat and now i just look soooo hollowed out and honestly i look so bad lol. i smile differently, i make all my expressions differently. what feels “natural” is kind of weird—cheeks sucked in manually, or lips sucked into my mouth manually. biting of upper and lower lips into the mouth. just… a constant need to draw the face inward to relieve the cheek fatigue.
which leads me to say that once again there does not seem to be a resting position for my face anymore. it’s a neverending strain on the cheek muscles. maybe that’ll change over time—or maybe i’ll strengthen the cheek muscles with facial yoga, idk. but for now it’s a constant nagging need to keep my cheeks sucked in or my lips drawn into my mouth, like this…
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…so that they’re supported in some way from the fatigue. idk, it’s really weird. hate it.
the sudden pains are pretty bad too esp bc i never know when they’ll happen. there’s no trigger, really, but i have noticed that cold or hot drinks/foods mean they’ll happen within the half hour. the worst is when they happen WHILE i’m drinking hot coffee or am mid-chew in food. i’ve almost choked a few times that way, lol. super annoying.
that’s all i can think of for now! hopefully that helps a bit. please feel free to ask any specific questions i didn’t answer!
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i-eat-worlds · 6 months
Wow Birthday Whump Day 5: Alt. Bridal Carry and “No!”
This is a fun one :) Teri whump!
Content: discussions and fear of death, brief hospital setting, severe illness, medic caretaker,
Teri smiled as Avia shuffled the cards, ignoring the pain pulsing in her head. The calm noise of the rec room buzzed around them, heroes playing thrilling games of air hockey and Mario Kart behind them. Avia had complained about a “post mission high,” and Teri wasn’t feeling super great, so they had opted for something calmer.
“Cut the cards.” They offered her the deck, narrowing their eyes. “Are you okay?”
She scrubbed her face. “Nothing. Probably caffeine.”
Avia took the deck back, dealt five cards to her, then five cards to herself, and placed it in the center of the table. Teri flipped the first card over, revealing a six of hearts. “You should probably lay off that stuff.”
“Yeah. But it tastes good.” She discarded a six of spades.
They snickered. “Fair enough.”
Teri sighed, drawing three more cards until they got one they could play. A moment of silence passed. “That was one hell of a job though.”
“Yeah. How many new baddies were there?” They grumbled something under their breath, realizing they couldn’t play.
“Seven or eight? To many.” She slapped down another card. Her stomach twisted, but she kept the discomfort off her face.
“Fuck,” they muttered, drawing another four cards. “I think they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel on the name front too.”
“Oh absolutely.” She smirked, ridding herself of a three of spades. “What was that one guy called- “The vaposquasher” or something?”
“I don’t know. There's too many of them to keep track of.” Her hand was starting to get stretched thin, keeping a hold of all of the cards.
“Yeah.” They lapsed into silence. The full day had lapped up their energy quite a bit, and they were both tired.
Her heart fluttered a little, discomfort flaring in her chest, and she made a face. Definitely too much caffeine then.
“You sure you’re alright?” Avia said, filling her hand with two more cards.
She nodded, using two fingers to flip over the last card in her hand, a queen of spades. “I know I’m alright.” She brought it down triumphantly. “I believe that makes me the winner.”
Avia gave her a look. “Pride comes before the fall, Teri.” They started to reshue their cards back into the deck, preparing for another round. “I’ll get you next time.”
The vibrating in her chest flared again, and she could feel her heart pounding double time. Her vision lurched, the room whirling around her for a moment. “Um, I think I’m going to go to bed.” She looked down at her watch. “Maybe the telekinesis did more than I thought today.”
“I’ll come with then. We all know I should be getting more sleep anyway.” They slid the cards back into their packaging. Teri stood up, trying not to wobble too much. Though they didn’t say anything, she could feel Avia behind her, ready to catch her just in case.
They made it to the elevator without issue, but halfway up, Teri found herself swaying again. The bright, reflective box was spinning, and the railing was unhelpful in that regard. She could feel it closing in on her, the walls narrowing, and she turned to Avia, frantically trying to get her to understand that something was wrong. Black dots filled her vision and she went limp, collapsing into Avia’s chest.
Eventually, she came too with her head pressed against Avia’s chest, arms positioned under her knees and upper back. The world felt like molasses, still gooey and unstable as she lifted her head up. “Hi ‘via.”
Avia looked relieved. “You’re awake.”
She nodded a little. “I need ‘oseph…” Her heart was still thundering in her chest. “Something’s wrong..”
“I’m getting you to him.” She turned the corner, trying not to jostle Teri too much.
“Oh..thank you….” Teri’s head bounced against Avia’s chest.
“I’ve got cha’.” They arrived outside of the door, and Avia pushed it open with her foot.
She charged straight through the foyer, laying Teri out on the couch. “Joseph?” Her voice carried through the apartment as he looked around for him.
“What do you need, Avia?” He walked down the hallway, steps quickening when he saw Teri laying on the couch. Judging from the basketball shorts and slippers, he had been about five minutes from going to bed. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. She passed out in the elevator.” Avai looked at him frantically.
“I’ll look her over, yeah.” He knelt down in front of the couch. “Can you get me my stuff from under the sink?” Her eyes lingered on Teri for a moment before she turned and shot down the hallway.
Joseph leaned forward. “Teri, are you with me?”
Her eyes flickered towards him. “Yeah.”
“Good,” he smiled at her, two fingers pressing into the thumb side of her wrist. “Do you know where you are?”
She nodded. “Apartment. With Avia. We were playing cards.”
Her skin was cool and sweaty underneath his touch. “How do you feel right now?”
“Tired. And dizzy. And my head hurts.” She was quiet for a moment. “It’s…It’s hard to breathe and my chest feels fluttery.”
Avia reappeared, setting the bag down next to him. “Can you call the response team?” He asked her.
Teri’s eyes went wide. “You think it’s that bad?”
He pulled on a pair of gloves as he spoke. “I think it's worth getting you some more help. They have equipment that I don’t, yeah.” She nodded, a little tearfully. “When did this start?”
“After we got back?” She shifted. The fact that breathing was difficult was obvious. “It wasn’t like this, just a headache, and some dizziness.”
“Have you taken anything at all? Even like an ibuprofen?” He unzipped the bag, pulling out the AED to get to what he needed.
“No.” She shook her head, then slowly pushed herself up with her elbow. “Not even caffeine.”
The movement caught his eye. “Is it better when you’re sitting up?”
“Yeah.” She pushed herself up more, and he let her.
“Alright.” Now that she was sitting, he no longer had to kneel. “When did you last eat or drink?”
The position change seemed to bring her some relief. “After we got back. A couple hours ago.”
“I’m going to get your vitals, and then we’ll go from there, yeah?” She nodded, and he started by clipping the pulse oximeter to her arm. After that came blood pressure, and that was where the real party started.
He kept his face neutral as he deflated the cuff. Hypertensive crisis. Wonderful. Her temperature and pupils were fine, but she was breathing too fast and he could feel the irregularity of her heartbeat in her wrist.
An even worse look spread across her face. “Joseph, somethings really wrong.” She pawed at her chest. “I don’t know…but it's not right.”
“The response team is on their way.” He squeezed her hand. “We’ll figure it out, yeah. You’re in good hands.”
“I just…” Her mouth made a million shapes but no words. “I don’t wanna die, Joseph.”
His eyes flew to her as soon as the words left her mouth. “Hey, hey, hey, no. I’m going to take care of you, yeah.” She was crying messily, and she might not have even heard him.
“It’s bad, Joseph, it’s really bad.” She reached out towards him, clinging onto the shiny material of his shorts.
His eyebrows furrowed. “How about you get on the ground?”
Teri listened, shakily lowering herself down onto the floor. The carpet was grating on her skin. “Joseph…Joseph I need…” She sobbed. “I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die.”
The world shimmered for a moment, before everything gathered into a pinpoint and disappeared. She was sure Joseph was saying something, but the only words that got to her before oblivion was Avia’s terrified, shrieked “Teri no!”
Joseph hunched over in the uncomfortable, too-hard chair at Teri’s bedside. Avia was snoring softly behind him, asleep in the much more comfortable seat, but he didn’t really care. Comfort would’ve been foreign to him anyway.
The normally background hum of the ward was extra jarring, and even though he knew what all of them did, seeing Teri surrounded by so many machines wasn’t exactly comforting. She’d arrested, right on the floor of Turquoise’s common room. It made sense then, but now that everything had calmed down, it felt worse. Random and targeted, at the same time.
He reached for her hand, careful of the cannula burrowed inside it. They’d said she was likely to recover, said that whatever crazy ass thing the supervillain had done was wearing off, said that she was responding to treatment and that her prognosis looked good, but it still didn’t erase the sinking feeling in his gut.
He’d promised her, he’d promised Pat, that he wouldn’t lose another. And this had cut far too close for comfort.
The words ghosted the back of his mind, amongst the chaos and the panic and the blood.
“Always kid, Always.”
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps@rainydaywhump@painful-pooch@rainbowsandwhumperflies@snaillamp @whumperofworlds
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talenlee · 2 months
Know Your ABD's
I’m not going to try and parody Glengarry Glenross here, I’ve never seen it and all I know about it is a matter of cultural osmosis. I assume it’s about how people driven to succeed in sales are in fact good at sales and the results are always good, and you’re meant to walk away from the story going ‘what good salesboys those salesboys were, I am inspired to emulate them.’ Given how many times I’ve seen that speech echoed in actual business environments, it’s got to be a good thing.
Anyway, in that there’s this point where someone iterates something like ‘know your ABCs – always be closing,’ and that idea has sunk into the common world. And that’s why this thought: ABD, Always Be Designing, sticks in my head.
Here’s the short summary before you read the rest: You are always thinking about your projects, so talk to people about them and create a record you can search about those thoughts.
What I’m going to talk about here is centering my experiences. It’s possible your mind doesn’t work this way. It’s equally possible your mind works so differently to mine that this isn’t only not useful but it’s totally alien to you. I can’t promise that it’s going to help you any but I want to lay this out as useful tools for achieving a desired outcome, and that outcome is making things.
I am not someone who can retire to a writer’s garrett to work on my projects. The computer I use to write this blog is also the computer in which I write my PhD and also the desk space I use to draw and also the place I watch TV. I am not given to a very large space that I can subdivide for particular experiences, living as I do in what amounts to a large pod. When I am on the bus, I think about a dozen things, a podcast I’m listening to, a videogame that I’ve been playing, a story I’m working on, and bubbling in amongst this chaotic stream of thinking is game design. I keep documents open for when ideas occur to me, and yes, this is a sign of a pretty disordered mind, but it’s also about capturing the mind’s inspirations as it goes.
If I’m watching a TV show on my second monitor and sorting numbers on the first monitor as part of say, marking student work, then that TV show may give me an idea for a game lore idea, or a mechanical structure, or even just an old or archaic game that I can look at for mechanics. Is this time spent working on a game? I’m watching a TV show, after all.
To this end, I think that I am always designing games, more or less, and the question is not about when I do it or how I do it but much more importantly, how do I capture those data?
I just said ‘those data’, this is going to annoy Fox so much.
Anyway, the trick I’ve learned is to talk to people, and to keep continuity on a searchable chat medium as long as I can. I use discord currently, but back in the day I used to save all my chat logs when I was using AOL Instant Messenger. I could search all those with DOS commands (yeah, I hung onto DOS for a long time) and that meant any time I brought up a fact about a character or a story I was ‘working on’ back in those days, it wasn’t very hard to find it again. If we all pivot to something cool and super lightweight like mIRC, I bet that system will be amazing for big piles of logs, since the client can just dump .txt files all over again.
If I have an idea for a game, I just tell someone about it. If I’m listening to something interesting in a podcast, I find a friend who has some common interest with it, and I talk to them about it. I’ll often do this with, at some point, saying the word: “Concept:” or “Idea:” and that means when I go back to search for it, I can find it more readily.
Now, this means sharing your ideas, and that means you’re going to find people who aren’t immediately supportive of your creative endeavours. That indicates they’re bad friends to talk to about your creative endeavours and you know, I don’t know why else you’d talk to them, but hey, your friend group, your vibes. Me, I like to make things and I think all my friends are pretty used to me doing that.
What I think this push is to do is to lead to making out loud. See, there’s this way of thinking of making things that is at times, I think, a little precious of talking about the things you’re doing rather than actually doing them. I know for me, I felt that talking about One Stone as I wrote it was both very inappropriate and potentially, like I was releasing a genie from a pop can, going to dispel things. If anyone knew how the story would end, maybe my enthusiasm would melt and I would never write the end of the book.
This idea, this playful threat to our own creativity, is something I see a lot on tumblr. ‘Ah, but what if instead of writing, I instead lay on the floor and was sad about not doing it?’ well, that probably indicates a mental illness or an unwillingness to write, neither of which are a problem but also neither of which are a bad reason to write and neither of which are a good reason to beat yourself up. For myself, one of the things that gets me creating is when people around me can react to what I’m doing. Showing people things that they get interested in, that they get enthusiastic about is a big part of the process, especially because your friends can tell you if you’re doing something unhinged.
Make out loud.
Share drops.
And the rain will fall.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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yukidragon · 2 years
First off, hello from the void. Second, do you have any wholesome headcanons for Alice and Jack? I crave some fluff and wholesomeness at the moment.
Hello, hello to you too friendo~! 💖
Hohoho, wholesome headcanons of my OTP you say? Why, you just said the magic words~! I think I can scrounge up a nice little warm and fuzzy headcanon or two... dozen.
Really, the only problem will be trying to stop me when I get rolling, if I’m being honest here. Then again, y’all are here to listen to me ramble, so who am I to hold back all the thoughts rattling around in my head? ;3
Ahem, before I begin, I want to say that there may or may not be spoilers for Sunshine in Hell in this post. While I will be keeping some plot points a secret until they’re revealed in writing, I’ve already given a lot of spoilers in past headcanon ramblings, including that I intend to give Jack and Alice a happy ending together. So this is a warning for those who really don’t like spoilers and might be a little chuffed that I already gave away the basic ending to my fic.
Also, I’m going to probably go into NSFW territory in this post. This game is for Adults Only after all and while I’ll be sticking to wholesome and fluffy headcanons, I just can’t help but throw in a bit of spice into this sweet vanilla goodness.
I’m going to  go ahead and plug the Snaccpop Studios patreon ahead of time, since I have a feeling I’m going to use some of Sauce’s lovely art in this post as I ramble on. Remember, don’t repost anything privately posted on patreon, folks. Let’s give Sauce and the Snaccpop Studios crew our support and credit whenever it’s due!
I also feel that I should remind everyone that these are my personal headcanons that I’m applying to my version of the story, so it may or may not totally align with what we’ve seen in either demo so far. I’m dumping extra vanilla sweetness into this horror yandere game and no one can stop me!
So, with all that out of the way, let’s dive into pure OTP indulgence.
Where to begin... I’m probably going to be bouncing all over the place here to wherever my impulses take me. Hmm... Well, let’s start with some warm and fuzzy tidbits from before Alice and Jack officially become a couple, shall we?
Alice has issues being touched by people she doesn’t trust, but she absolutely loves to cuddle those she is comfortable with. Although it does trouble her at first how comfortable she is with Jack right at the start, and she tries to keep her distance out of general common sense and stranger danger... it doesn’t take her long to crave (platonic) physical intimacy with Jack. You can see hints of it in the fic in fact when she reaches out for him first a number of times, holding his hands and even hugging him.
Alice’s love language is physical touch, so hugging, hand holding, and the like is her go-to way of showing affection and comfort to others, as well as receiving the same in return. Much like how Jack craves warmth and love from his sunshine, she has a similar craving. Thanks to the connection between them, she can feel how much he loves her, even if subconsciously, and it draws her to him.
Jack is honestly surprised at how readily Alice is about touching him and showing concern for him even on the first day. Of course he’s super happy about it! How could he not be? It just proves their bond is special, and, well, it really is.
Alice was drawn to Jack because they both have similar wounds. They long to be loved and accepted, not used and taken advantage of. It’s this resonance between them and Alice’s empathetic nature that compelled her to find the tape, and it’s how Jack’s soul could be freed in the first place.
In a way, you could say that these two are soulmates, and it was something they chose to be, even if romance wasn’t the first thing either of them were thinking when they made that connection.
The first time Jack saw Alice clearly was after they made the deal, and it was love at first sight. Because of the connection he could feel so much all at once when she set him free. It was overwhelming and so beautiful. He had never felt anything so wonderful before. How could he not fall in love with the person who made him feel that way?
While Alice does take longer to fall in love with Jack, she does care for him right away. He feels safe, even if she can’t understand why. She has a pretty good sense of whether or not to lower her guard around someone for the most part, but due to past experiences, including with Ian, she’s going to be cautious even when her instincts tell her that he’s not going to hurt her.
Fortunately, Jack is patient. He’s respectful of Alice’s boundaries. He’s fully aware that she’s not in love with him yet, which isn’t exactly pleasant, but he’s willing to wait for her. After all, he agreed to be literally unable to do anything she doesn’t want because he doesn’t want to do anything she doesn’t want him to do.
Yes, that limitation was something they both agreed to during their first encounter. Spoiler, but a huge part of their relationship strongly emphasizes consent, even if Jack is suffering from a lot of yandere impulses and trauma due to everything he’s been through.
This is also a two-way street. Alice can’t do anything Jack doesn’t want her to do. If he didn’t want her to touch him, she couldn’t even if she wanted it.
Fortunately they both want it. It won’t be long before the two of them are having cuddle time on the sofa watching TV. While making out isn’t going to happen for quite a while, there is going to be plenty of physical affection. Jack craves Alice’s touch, and Alice is reassured by touch, so she reaches out to him unthinkingly despite being overall a pretty shy person.
Of course, if someone else touches Alice and they’re not someone she has that sort of trust/familiarity/comfort with... that’s a whole lot of do not want. It’s a good thing Jack is very aware of anyone who gets close to her, and he’s going to help her escape such uncomfortable situations. Such methods range from warning her that someone is getting too close, gently nudging her away from them, or even using his supernatural nature when his power gets a bit stronger, and he can make these sort of people go away for her. With her consent of course~
So even before Alice and Jack get together, expect hand holding, hugs, and nose boops.
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I mean, come on. How can Alice not boop this cute little button nose of his? Especially when Sauce draws it so adorably boopable like this. It’s painted like a target and everything. Sooner or later, Jack is getting booped.
Also, Alice is going to play with that magnificent mullet of his. His hair is way too fluffy and inviting not to, and his hair is as soft as it looks. Don’t worry, she’ll let Jack play with her hair too. Fair is fair after all~ He quite enjoys playing with her hair too. He thinks it’s like a cotton candy cloud.
Jack, being considerate, is doing his best to let Alice take the lead when it comes to how fast the relationship goes. Sure, he’s going to be pining for quite a while, and he’s going to need to work off that unwanted horny energy with some late night alone time, but it’s worth it to make sure that they’re both comfortable and happy.
This means Alice is going to be making the first moves for the most part in their relationship. Naturally, Jack is going to do his best to encourage her to make those steps, but gently. Of course there will be moments where he missteps due to fear and a bit of impatience, but for the most part Alice isn’t going to give Jack reasons to feel afraid that he’s losing her.
A bit of a spoiler, but their first kiss is going to be a little different than it plays out in the demo. It’s also going to have a very unconventional wingman... or wing-bunny should I say?
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I really need to color this picture of Honey Bunny sometime. I also need to draw her again. And Alice. And Jack. And maybe the three of them in this scene I really need to write out...
Ahem, getting back on track...
Alice isn’t the type of person who kisses someone without it meaning something, so this really is when her relationship with Jack changes from friends to partners. I won’t spoil how Nick factors into things with their relationship upgrade, but I will say that I’m tweaking the timeline of events a bit to go with the slow burn.
Sex isn’t going to come immediately after they get together. As much as Jack would love that, and despite how things progress quickly in the vampire AU, Alice needs to take it slow. Their physical intimacy is going to be a gradual increase before they go all the way (well, gradual except for one moment that I won’t spoil). Sadly, she has some issues and trauma when it comes to sex.
Fortunately, Jack is okay with taking things slowly on that front, even if his libido is really high. While sex would be a huge source of reassurance for him, and a strong physical connection between them, Alice makes up for it by reassuring him in other ways. It’s how he was able to hold back and let her take the lead in the relationship for so long. She’s considerate and affectionate, and cuddling her feels so warm that he can just be satisfied with that, even if his thoughts and feelings get overly excited sometimes.
It is going to make things a bit more of a challenge for Jack. One minute he and Alice are kissing, getting hot and heavy, then that excitement makes things hard to for him to hold himself down. It’s going to be quite embarrassing for both of them~
Not that Jack didn’t get awkward boners before they got together, but he was able to hide it better when Alice wasn’t splayed on top of him with their bodies grinding together hot and heavy.
Jack leans towards dominant, and Alice leans towards submissive. That doesn’t mean that she’s going to just let him take all control. While a dom takes charge, it’s the sub that outlines the hard limits to things. A good partner checks in with the other, and Alice really appreciates that Jack makes sure she’s okay with things.
More than that, Jack makes sure Alice isn’t just doing things to please him or because she’s scared that she’s going to lose him and pressure herself to go too far past her comfort zone. It would be so easy for him to give in to his yandere urges and lust to just go further than she’s ready to satisfy his own desires, but he won’t do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly want. He loves her too much to risk hurting her.
Likewise, Alice won’t push Jack into crossing lines that are too much for him. His past is going to cause trauma triggers. While she wants to learn more and knows it’s probably important that they do, much like how Jack is patient when it comes to Alice opening her heart to love and physical intimacy, she’s going to be patient with him opening up about the parts of him that he’s tried to bury even from himself.
Alice is going to help Jack come to terms with his past and broaden his world. It won’t be just her he can interact with. She helps him make friends with Shaun. She’s going to introduce him to her family, even if indirectly. She’s going to help him feel more human despite everything that’s happened to him.
Of course, their relationship isn’t going to exactly be normal due to Jack being a ghost(?) That doesn’t mean Alice won’t go out of her way to help her boyfriend feel special, like dressing up for date nights, even if they’re not going to leave the apartment.
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Yet another picture I need to color and/or redraw. Really, I need to draw Jack’s reaction to Alice all dolled up like this. From hoodies to fishnet stockings - Jack is in for a treat.
Oh, and speaking of treats, Alice is the type of girl to give her partner flowers, no matter their orientation. Sadly, Jack isn’t going to make it easy for her to surprise him with his favorite flowers since he likes all sorts of flowers and doesn’t have a favorite. Still, that doesn’t mean she can’t give him her favorites - blue roses are very meaningful to her, and she finds them to be very fitting to give to her blue beaux.
Needless to say, Jack is quite stunned the first time Alice surprises him with a bouquet of flowers. It was the first time anyone ever gave him flowers (that he’s aware of. He wasn’t exactly in any state to see the funeral flowers gifted in his memory, sadly.)
It’s quite the shock for a guy like him to be given flowers. Jack is from the 80s, when things were a lot less progressive than they are now. Even in the modern era it’s rare for guys to get flowers, and even rarer for a girl to gift a guy flowers instead of expecting the other way around.
Overall, Jack is pretty floored by how much effort Alice puts into their first date. It really makes things feel real between them. He feels more real as a result. It touches him deeply that she wants him to feel just as special as he makes her feel all the time.
Of course, Jack puts effort into making their dates special as well. It’s only fair that he dresses up too. Gifts are a bit trickier, but something tells me that he’ll figure out a way to surprise her with a thoughtful gift or two.
The pair have a tendency to want to spoil each other. Jack helps encourage Alice to care about herself more, and she does the same for him. They both easily get caught up in feeling like they need to do more, give more, and focus on themselves less. Because of this, they soon learn how to catch the other when they’re giving too much. It’s all about healthy moderation after all.
Jack encourages Alice to leave the house more and do more things. While crowded places make things a bit more difficult to be affectionate like normal couples, after a while they learn how to work around Jack’s situation. It’s a lot easier for him to snuggle up with Alice when he’s free to initiate the touches while she just has to pretend nothing is happening.
Of course, this does lead to a plethora of spicy possibilities. Alice doesn’t want to have to worry about other people when getting intimate, while Jack is quite the shameless exhibitionist at times. Again, it’s all about balance... and making sure that no one catches them doing some questionable things in public spaces.
While it might take a bit to get there, Alice and Jack are going to eventually make love. Once that happens, hoooo... Jack is going to have a lot of fun encouraging his sunshine to make it a daily occurrence. With his high libido and how attentive he is to her needs, Alice soon finds herself craving sex with him far more than she could have ever expected.
Jack isn’t satisfied with making Alice cum only once every time they make love. He’s addicted to seeing her pleasured expressions, watching her writhe under his touch, and screaming his name. He wants to make her just as addicted to him as he is to her.
Of course, Alice wants to make sure to return the favor. It’s only fair after all~
While Jack is more verbal with his praise, Alice struggles with her words a lot. She shows her affection through touch and action more often. Sometimes this comes in the form of drawing hearts on his body, including while she’s showing her love for him in other ways, as shown in this writing blurb I posted not too long ago.
Speaking of drawing, Alice is an artist. She’s going to draw Jack. She’s also going to draw on him with more than just her finger. Body paints can be quite fun to play with, especially if they’re edible. Once she’s more comfortable with their sexual intimacy, she might get creative enough to, say, draw some stripes in creative places~
Here’s a spicy example of what sort of fun Alice could have painting on Jack. This lovely NSFW picture was drawn by my friend @okamiliqueur, and the idea of those primary colored stripes on Jack’s excitement was inspired by my other friend @lazybearzlol2.
Of course, Alice is sure to draw other things in other places. She’s quite the creative artist and Jack provides her with a beautiful canvas to paint on. He is also quite the muse. His praise for her work certainly encourages her to draw on him even more.
Oh, but don’t worry, Jack is going to make sure to make sure to return the favor by paying extra close attention to her body as well.
Sadly, Alice doesn’t believe that she’s attractive, but Jack just can’t let her keep believing that lie, can he? What kind of friend and partner would he be if he didn’t show her just how beautiful and special she is in his eyes? This leads to a lot of moments where he reassures her and shows her just how beautiful she is, both inside and out.
Of course, Jack helps Alice with her self-esteem before they get together, and even before they get intimate. However, once she’s given him permission to touch her body as much as he likes, that gives him more opportunities to help her see how wonderful every inch of her is. It’s a bit of a teaching moment, where he encourages her to look in the mirror and say something she likes about herself. It’s a lot of fun for both of them when he uses his hands to focus her attention on certain parts of her body in particular, like in this very smutty picture I drew a while back.
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Sadly, tumblr won’t allow for the full thing here, but you can hop on over to my twitter to check it out if you haven’t already.
It’s hard for Alice not to appreciate a part of any part of her body that Jack can make feel so good with his touches and kisses. Her weight is no problem for him; he can easily lift her and support her without worries that she’s going to accidentally hurt him. His strength and resilience helps her feel a little more confident with her size, and it’s impossible not to feel beautiful when he goes out of his way to make sure she can feel just how much he loves every inch of her.
You know, I’ve realized I’m focusing less on the wholesome part of the fluff and spent more time in the spicy part of fluff. Oops? Well, let’s jump to a couple more safe for work headcanons before we wrap things up.
Alice likes to bake desserts. It’s going to be a fun activity she and Jack do together sometimes. Sometimes they divide the cooking for meals - he takes care of the main course and she makes them dessert. Often times Jack wants to add Alice’s flavor to any dish she’s made though and not just with yogurt.
...I’m getting back into spice again. It’s hard not to when Jack is a horny, horny man, and he is going to encourage Alice to enjoy sex more.
Okay, okay... let’s try to rattle off a few more SFW and wholesome fluffy headcanons rapid fire.
Alice loves good puns, especially if they’re cleverly delivered. She also knows that a good pun is made even funnier when someone acts like they are the worst thing in the world imaginable and a betrayal of language. This leads to the two of them having playful banter at times that eventually leaves them both in a fitful heap of giggles.
Jack does wonders in helping Alice relax more and be more playful. He helps her act silly hamming it up as a yogurt god, starting a pillow fight, or even playing a “childish” game or two. Jack certainly would enjoy a good game of tag or hide-ahd-seek, especially if they put a bit of spice to it...
...No, nope, stick to SFW. Stick to SFW.
Though I will say that Jack’s fantasy from chapter 6 of chasing Alice around is going to happen eventually. Don’t worry, it’s going to be just as much fun as he imagined~
Anyway, back to SFW stuff they do together... Movie nights. They both love films and TV shows, and Jack has a lot of stuff to catch up on. Alice finds it so much fun watching him react to some of her favorite movies. There’s so much stuff that’s new to him, and it’s so much fun to show him new things. It makes her feel almost like she’s experiencing it again for the first time as well. Even before they get together, a lot of evenings are spent with the two of them cuddled up on the couch watching TV and sometimes making commentary. Even bad movies are fun when they crack jokes together.
Even watching movies in theaters can be pretty fun together. The best part is they only have to buy one ticket. If they sit in the back, no one will even notice Jack taking advantage of the dark room to indulge in his exhibitionist kink.
Aaaaaand we’re back to NSFW headcanons. I blame Jack for that. He really is going to take every opportunity he can to make love to Alice, and she certainly isn’t going to complain. He makes her feel so desirable, precious, and irreplaceable in a way that she never felt before with anyone.
Perhaps it might be safe to say that Jack’s primary love language isn’t acts of service or words of affirmation, but physical touch as well. Either that or it’s just because he’s incredibly pent up after 40 years of being trapped in hell, and it’s going to take him a while to level out, if he ever does. Either way, he’ll certainly show Alice a lot of love~!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur  
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mistchievous · 6 months
Not the same anon as before, but it's been very disturbing to see a group of white people in fandom dogpile on an artist of Korean descent who lives in Korea, especially when that artist does not speak English and is obviously struggling with expressing their views in a way that might make sense to *us*. The style the artist used, even if they didn't explain it, is a very obvious East Asian style which is very popular in Koren and Japanese cultures. I looked at the artist's blog, and even if they didn't explain it in the DMs—for whatever reason—they *have*, in a subsequent post yesterday, explained their perspective as a Korean person while making this art, and I think it's extremely unfair to exclude that part of the context while talking about this. Like...idk it just feels like you guys didn't like the answer they gave or the way they answered (again! they're not a native speaker and you need to give them more grace!) so everyone has just come to this conclusion that they're a terrible person automatically. And while you personally might not have done this, I have seen other blogs—all white people—act like a bunch of bullies about it and it's super frustrating.
This fandom does have a problem with whitewashing—gifmakers do it all the time while coloring their sets! Or they make the characters of color look super unnatural because they refuse to adjust their PSDs for their skin tones! And yet I have never seen anyone call out any of the gifmakers who've done this in the past, let alone dogpile on them to such an extreme—like y'all are doing on this Korean artist. Idk. I'm Asian too, and it's super disturbing to watch.
Hey, anon. I saw this ask last night in the jungle that is my inbox, but I wanted to wait until I was awake and aware enough to answer it (and didn’t really need to go back to sleep because of work).
The only thing I would push back on here is that it’s just a group of white people dogpiling. It was not all white people speaking. They’re just the voices that ended up on that artist’s blog and got the most attention – that includes my own. Because of that, I can see why it might be perceived that way though. And I pushed people not to interact with them or the art, because that’s how you make a difference. You don’t give something attention. The lack of engagement is a stance in and of itself. The goal was certainly never for this person to be attacked, so if that’s what you’re implying has happened, that’s a problem. And that’s on me for not being more careful.
I’ve had people who appreciated the fact that I spoke up, but there have been others, like yourself, who don’t like what’s happening, and an even wider group who thought that while there was something to be said, they’re not sure I should have said it. The response has been very multi-sided. And I do believe that you and everyone else who thinks I veered too far out of my own lane are very valid in thinking that way. I spent all of yesterday debating about whether or not I made the right decision, and I had friends both white and non-white who weren’t sure either.
It also seems there have been some gross communication failures. I’ll start off by saying that I did not see the culture post. I’m blocked by the artist (fairly), so I had a friend send me screenshots this morning. I wasn’t purposely disregarding that, and you’re right that it’s important to take into consideration.
I do think there’s never going to be agreement with this person regarding Jee’s skin tone. They have the perceptions that they have because of their experience as Korean artist living in Korea, and they see Jee as being lighter than even JLH visually and because of their cultural experiences. I do not believe that's likely to change.
I’m not saying Asian people can’t be light-skinned, but this artist is drawing a character played by two very real little girls, who are not universally perceived as light-skinned, and from our general understanding, are not Korean. Their mother is Chinese, and their father has a traditional Chinese surname which leads us to believe that he is likely Chinese as well. If this is incorrect, please correct me. And when you’re making art of real people, you can’t just use your previous perceptions of a fictional character’s identity to justify coloring them differently. And they’re using gifs to defend those perceptions. Gifs are something that you and I both know aren’t trusted references. They’re colored and altered in a variety of ways.
You’re right that gifmakers whitewash regularly. I will say that people have tried to call this out in the past, but they’ve been general posts from what I remember. Nothing about individual gifmakers. It’s been a huge problem with Eddie and with turning Athena and Karen orange. However, these general callouts don’t really get a lot of traction. And that’s extremely unfair.
I’ll be blunt and say that part of that is the fact that people tend to turn a blind eye to keep the peace, and the people in this fandom who noticed this artist’s work are the ones least likely to do so.
Another issue were the DMs, and it’s been brought to my attention by @karenandhenwillson (who I will respond to after this) and in a post by the artist, that I may have misinterpreted those completely, which is unfair of me (and anyone else who has seen the messages and come to the same conclusion). There wasn’t enough patience with someone who was a non-native English speaker, and that led to some confusion that I’m going to address when I respond to the blog I just mentioned.
The fact of the matter though is that I'm white, and I'm wading into murky waters by continuing to engage on this subject. I've turned off reblogs on my original post, and after my next response about the communication meltdown, I'm going to edit it and make another clarifying that people should read the artist's posts and my previous posts to understand their position and everything that's happened.
I don't think it's fair for me to continue to place myself in a discussion I might not have had the right to be in at all, but I'm not going to leave without publicly acknowledging the communication issue because it matters and telling people not to attack this artist. That's cowardly and not really my style.
Thank you again for this message. I really do welcome people coming to talk to me.
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theredcapeofk · 11 months
20 Questions
Thank you @silv3reyedstranger  for tagging me! Sorry for the delay, I needed to finish my Halloween fic first
How many works do you have on AO3?
22 with 4 still ongoing. This also includes 9 artworks (aside from the 6 in my illustrated fic)
2. What’s you total AO3 count?
177,544 words. Wow! I didn’t expect this much. Cool 🙂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My Eyes are up Here
Change my Direction
Gifts (My first posted Supergirl fic <3 )
It’s a Super Life
The Five Senses of Affection (I plan to update this one soon ;) )
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Always. Sometimes it’s hard to not spoil the rest of the fic when I answer questions, but I love it when you guys ask questions. I respond to comments because I like to exchange thoughts with people who comment, or simply thank people who took the time to write something.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
@silv3reyedstranger I don’t like to copy but your answer is exactly what I think, so I’m mostly gonna keep what you said.
I'm really not the biggest fan of angsty endings (because it makes me sad), so I don't write them. I'd much prefer piling on the angst throughout and giving them a happy ending. There's too much sadness and grief in the world already, I feel like everyone should get a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don’t know, they all end well, but since I need to choose one I'd say Don’t Leave Me because of what happens in the fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I did, on Change my Direction a few chapters ago (which is basically a year and a half ago.). People(who had never commented before on this fic) had a lot to say about how I handled a specific chapter.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes I do (I think most of my stuff is rated E on Ao3 lol). I’d say mostly fluff. And…what would you call Kara and Lena have been longing for each other for years and finally decide to…? 
I wrote more kinky stuff I haven’t posted yet. There’s angry sex in a fic I’m working on
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I did. Harry Potter and Charmed, City Hunter and Cat’s eyes (1980s and early 1990s mangas by the same author). I used to draw crossovers a lot which was a lot easier than trying to figure out how some characters could meet. I don’t think any of my written crossovers were too far-fetched, but my art on the other hand…I had the Golden trio from Harry Potter meet Naruto characters, and Outfit exchanges(with Naruto and other mangas) a few times in my art.
“Recently” I had Kate Kane and her step-sister visit Kara and Lena in Suddenly I’m in too deep. And I will write crossovers again with other characters from the Arrowverse
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No one’s ever asked, so not that I know of. I’ve tried translating my own fics once upon a time, but what a hassle lol. Although that was back when I was writing in French so translating to English was harder (and my English was not what it is today), maybe it would be easier to translate my current fics in French, but I don’t really see the point lol
13. have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes 2 with @lenaralanvers. One is Let’s let go of our Broken Hearts (she did the actual writing but we took decisions together) and the second we haven’t posted yet.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
My OTP? I don’t know. I’ve loved all my ships with passion, still do. I think RonMione, Linzin, Korrasami and of course Supercorp will always hold a very special place in my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hope I’ll be able to finish all of my Supercorp ones in any shape or form. Sometimes I just write down a short idea and it turns into a multi chapter fic. Or sometimes I write something I think could be huge, but it turns out to be a few paragraphs and it’s just as finished as the fics I post online. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’m not good at knowing what I’m good at lol. I think I’m good with fluff scenes and how people react with their senses (sight, touch etc)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. Which is all the more frustrating because I usually get a very precise picture in my head but I can rarely show it with words.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don’t write entire dialogues in another language, just a few foreign sentences or words here and there. I like to keep it organic for the reader and this method is easier when it comes to including translation
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I was desperately waiting for Book 5, and after theorizing for a while about serious plot points, one day I sat down to write goofy interviews given by the Golden trio to the Daily Prophet. The funny thing is, fanfiction came naturally to me, and I’m not sure I even knew the name of what I was writing then.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh that’s a tough one, because favorites tend to change. I can list a few that I love in chronological order (each one of these marked a milestone of some kind in my writing journey): 
Il était une fois à Shinjuku (the City Hunter and Cat’s eye crossover), 
A post Book 1 Korrasami and Borra fic (that I never posted anywhere so I never bothered to properly name it XD), 
My eyes are up Here 
The Five Senses of Affection 
and Don’t Leave me
tagging a couple of people if ya’ll wanna take part! @spaceman-earthgirl @lenaralanvers @chaotic-super @inkedroplets @guessimreallyhere
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