#I️ said what I️ said
justallihere · 5 months
I️ LOVE and ADORE Xaden going from “I️ don’t care about you or your feelings 🙄” to “Why wouldn’t I️ come for you and take you home? 🥺”
It really reminds me of this post where someone made the commentary about Xaden refusing to coddle and be nice to Violet, even downright being an asshole about it
To giving her his flight jacket because gods forbid Violet be cold for the 2-3 minutes they would’ve stood in formation!
Love love love that growth for him, like yes king! Tell us how much you love her through your actions! Give her that flight jacket and everything!
Chapter 35 was such a GIFT! I️ loved it so much! From Mira and Xaden shelving their dislike for each other for V’s sake and just mother henning her! Loved Xaden taking care of her and reaffirming that she can be upset at the threat against her hair and the autonomy she would have been robbed of, had Aetos actually cut it. I️ love how gentle he was, making sure she was okay, even arguing with Tairn about it on the flight home because their whole dynamic in canon is just over protective dragon meets over protective enemy to mutually assured destruction to lovers, and amari give us mercy that Violet gets injured around either one of them.
I️ was so shocked and legit almost cried at the confession because bby boy X was NOT letting her think that he didn’t love her! Really gives a whole “Aretia could burn and I️ wouldn’t care as long as I️ had you.” vibe to it and I️. Am. Not. Okay!!! I️ am not normal or sane about this love confession! V is getting some HONESTY out of this man without having to jump through 5 million hoops or questions about it. X really just said it with both tiddies and his full chest!!
I️ also really loved the display of Rhi and Xaden’s conversation. He knows how much Rhi means to Violet, and having her best friend with her is the best thing for her! I’m so nervous and excited to see if you include a convo with the rest of the squad about her torture sessions and just showing how much they all love her! Cam was right! Everyone who knows Violet Sorrengail is a little bit in love with her!!
I’m curious if Violet is gonna think about how she basically begged for her mom to come with them to Aretia, when she was freed and I️ wonder what Xaden would have done if Lilith had actually planned to go with her daughter… thoughts and theories I️ suppose!!
God Alli, there are so many little things about this chapter that I️ adored and so little time to write about it! I LOVE this fic so much that I️ always am ready to read the next chapter immediately! So ready!! I️ hope this doesn’t pressure you too much but I️ did want to say that I️ adore this fic so much!! 10/10 would highly recommend!!
Also I️ hope my sleep-deprived ramblings made sense lol! Thank you for such a wonderful story and I️ cant wait for the next chapter 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Xaden’s growth has been so fun to write. Just the little moments of his growing respect for Violet, realizing he actually likes her, falling in love—it’s been one of my favorite things about this fic
Thank you! I had a great time with the two contrasting sides of Xaden in this chapter: the version of him who loves Violet and will wipe her tears and do anything for her, and the version that is just an absolute asshole to anyone who isn’t her 😂 if your name isn’t Violet Sorrengail he really doesn’t give a fuck
There’s some squad bonding next chapter 🫶🏻
Violet will definitely be reckoning with that conversation with her mom at some point—Lilith said she’d come, but will she really? Xaden would let it happen for Violet, of course, but it wouldn’t be an easy adjustment lol
Thank you so much for reading and for this ask, I appreciate you 🩷🩷🩷
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mariacallous · 1 year
(JTA) — “We are immigrating to America.” It was 1989, and my parents had sat my sister and me down in our living room to break the news. In those years of economic and political instability, as well as the ethical injustice of apartheid, many Jewish South Africans had an exit plan. Our time had finally come, and I was devastated. I sobbed big ugly tears. 
In my mind, I was leaving more than the comfort of my family and friends. I was leaving the only way of life that I understood. South Africans as a group are traditionally Orthodox but not necessarily observant; Shabbat dinners followed by TV was how I grew up. Immigrating to a vast new world made me petrified that I would lose my Jewish identity.
When I arrived in Florida, I got involved with a local theater group for teens. But as much as I loved performing, I became a drama dropout, in the name of Shabbat. I traded rehearsals for the sound of the chazan singing “L’cha Dodi.” I️ chose tasting challah and grape juice with my family over eating McDonald’s French fries with fellow thespians. Eager to remain rooted in a world that was familiar, observing Shabbat became my way to recreate home.
I think about this change every year at Rosh Hashanah, an opportunity to begin our lives anew. Our hearts are open, our books are open, the shofar cries out and we cry out with it. We reckon with ourselves and we reckon with God. Every year, the High Holy Days call upon us to pause, reflect and consider what changes we need to make to bring more justice to ourselves and the world around us. What part of our past must remain unchanged, and what do we have the power to change for the better? Yehuda Amichai, in his poem “My Parents’ Motel,” captures this very dichotomy as he describes his father’s dying words. After recalling his father’s softer and gentler version of the Ten Commandments, he says: 
I want to add two to the Ten Commandments:
The eleventh commandment, “You will not change,” and the twelfth commandment, “Change, you will change.”
Amichai’s two invented commandments have guided me from my earliest days, constantly exploring how to hold onto change without changing too much, and how to balance tradition with modernity in a world that does not always value religion. For me, that liminal space between changing and not changing — and the desired pace at which change can or should occur — remains a constant undercurrent in my life and leadership. 
In 2010, many people objected to Rabbi Avi Weiss for ordaining me as the first female Orthodox rabbi. The sudden media attention brought on an onslaught of criticism. Orthodox change is seen as an oxymoron at its worst and decidedly slow at best. My ordination and my taking the title “rabba” (the feminine form of “rabbi”) several months later was seen as too much too fast. This move, I was told, would destroy the Orthodox community. 
The two rabbis who railed against me published an article called “Orthodox Women Rabbis?” and used a metaphor of orthodontics in expressing his views. Change, they said, quoting one of their teachers, must happen slowly, like the process of braces that methodically and slowly straighten teeth over time. Too much pressure, they accused, would cause the teeth to break.
It’s not that I don’t believe in patience. My patience has helped me slowly traverse many obstacles. Some of my colleagues, understandably, have accused me of being too patient! The metaphor I like for patience and the process of change is not orthodontics, but rather exercise. My trainer, with whom I have been working religiously, once a week every Monday afternoon, introduced me to the phrase “time under tension.” When you hold one position, be it a squat, plank or bicep curl, for a long period of time, it is called time under tension. Whenever I hear this phrase, usually while sweating, I always think about the process of change. I may be gasping for breath (and in pain), but I can’t help but imagine my muscles first being called to wake up, and then slowly, with lots of effort and energy (and did I mention some pain?) eventually changing, becoming better and stronger. 
When we put in the work, with a healthy dose of righteous anger, change becomes inevitable. Yet many people, like the orthodontics rabbis, have a visceral fear of change and they end up imprisoned by their past, remaining exactly where they are.
When people ask why I continue to invest in women’s leadership in the Orthodox world after I experienced so much resistance and animosity, my answer is this: if we want the Jewish community to grow and thrive, we cannot ignore the wisdom, insights, moral courage and spiritual rigor that women contribute. Our community has always benefited from many voices, scholars and genders. When women are undermined in Orthodox communities — where we truly and deeply belong — everyone misses out.
Rabbeinu Yonah Gerondi, in his introduction to “Shaarei Teshuva,” or Gates of Repentance, a book that is often read on the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah, tells a story about a group of bandits that were imprisoned by the king. After a few days, the prisoners dug a tunnel, a route to escape. But there was one prisoner who was immobile. He could not crawl through the tunnel to freedom. He remained imprisoned, plagued by his past. 
We are often stuck behind the walls we create for ourselves. 
We have to know when to forge ahead and when to have the patience to wait. We have to know what to shift, what to transform and what to keep intact. We have to know which external fears inhibit our ability to change and what personal cages we erect for ourselves. I have come to realize that although the process of becoming ordained was slow and methodical for me, it opened up a pathway for hundreds of other women to actualize their dream of being halakhic and spiritual leaders. The accusations of “too fast” were just a front for some people’s resistance and discomfort to change. 
Rosh Hashanah is the opportunity to ask ourselves, “Which changes are we seeking? What gets in the way of evolving in the ways we want?” Perhaps the shofar sounds are emblematic of the tensions, paces, and anxieties of change. On one hand, the fast, quick t’ruah — the tu-tu-tu-tu-tu — is like an alarm that awakens the soul to act. The slower drawn out sounds of the shevarim — tu, tu, tu — remind us of what should not change too fast, and of the deliberative slowness that sustains everlasting change.
Unlike my experience as an immigrant and as a rabbi, changes don’t always involve physically crossing an ocean or becoming more religious. But everyone has the capacity to traverse gulfs in their own lives — personally, communally and spiritually. We must embrace moments when we are called to change and when we are called to not change. We have to know when to hold onto the eleventh commandment, “You will not change,” and when to employ the twelfth commandment, “Change, you will change.”
May this year, 5784, bring deep cathartic awakenings, quick and necessary resolutions, and also the patience and fortitude to slowly and gradually relax ourselves into changes that can be everlasting.
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cherienymphe · 9 months
This Rafe fic is slightly reminding me of this guy I️ dated for literally five days who was showing his crazy and possessive side already.
STORY TIME! (This gets progressively worst)
The next couple of days he clingy, blowing up my phone, asking to see me. And I️ did see him, and he wanted me to stay over so bad but I️ live with my dad so if I️ ever stay out later than 11 he gets concerned so I️ told him I️ couldn’t and he got pissed and swore I️ wasn’t into him?
The third and last time I️ saw him was the worst. I️ was at a family friend’s quincenera and earlier that day I️ told him a friend from out of town was visiting and that we would be going out to the club and I️ invited him to come. He agreed. While at the quince, he asked if I️ could pick him up from bourbon street (during Mardi Gras mind you, like that’s crazy) and me being kind, agreed. So I️ was forced to leave the party early to get him. When I️ picked him up, he asked if I️ was staying over that night and I️ was confused and reminded him of our previously agreed upon plans and he had the nerve to flip out on me in MY CAR?? And said that he was tired and didn’t want to stay out till late like a teenager (I️ was freshly turned 23, he was 25 so like???) and then when I️ reached his house he sarcastically told me thank you for the ride and slammed my car doors. I’ve never been treated horribly like that before (I️ always demand princess treatment, my father would’ve killed him if I️ told him all this) so I️ broke down in my car wondering what the fuck just happened 😭?
And you would think this would be the party where I️ just go drink with my friends and forget abt him but NO. Just as I️ finished my 5 min crying session and calling my friends for support, he texts me that he’ll go with me but said he’s not gonna enjoy it 💀? And I️ was like okay…maybe we can just talk abt this? (You know, LIKE ADULTS!) but he got back into my car and was silent the whole time I️ drove to the club. I️ parked in the parking lot, told my friend I️ was on my way but my phone was dying so that was the last she heard from me for a while. I️ go to change in the backseat because I’m still in a gown from the party and change into a shorter dress and he follows trying to feel me and kiss me and I️ let him because truthfully, I️ am 4’11 and he’s like 6’3 and we were alone so I️ was kind scared for my life 😭 when he felt my hesitation, he went off on me again saying I️ wasn’t affectionate and in my head I’m like bro, we just met and you already showing your crazy like u scaring the hoes rn. At that point I️ was so tired of arguing, I️ was just like omg pls shut UP! We go into the club, I️ paid the $30 cover (10 for me, 20 for him) and we get inside and before we went in he told me to not leave him alone. I️ also need to mention that we are at a Latin club filed with mostly Hispanics because me and my friends are Hispanic (mainly Mexicans and Honduras). (Yes this is an important detail later). I️ head to the bathroom because get this, I️ asked him earlier if I️ could use the bathroom at his house and he straight up said NO because I️ don’t care abt him so why should he care abt me. 😐 After I️ came back we started a search for my friend, because I️ couldn’t ask her where she was at, my phone had died so my only option was to search the entire club. We searched the main areas like the bar and hookah lounge but the only place I️ haven’t searched was the dance floor. So I said let’s go look and he refused because it was full. I️ said okay let me go search and I’ll be right back and he flipped again and said “SERIOUSLY? I️ told you not to leave me and what do you go ahead and do?!” He then proceeds to walk off and get a drink at the bar. I️ follow him, feeling…idk what and that’s when he noticed he was the tallest guy there (because duh 6’3 white man). He then started to get paranoid that everyone was staring at him and I️ tried to play it off like yeah haha you’re the tallest one here. He was mad I️ had to order his drink for him because the bartenders only spoke Spanish and at some point I️ disassociated because I️ was like what is happeninggggggg. But as I️ stared into space, he took it as me looking at another man and he went off on me again “OH why don’t you go be with HIM then?!” And pulled his phone out to call an Uber.
And you think this is where it would end but NOPE 😭 my dumbass ain’t learned my lesson. I️ was likening I’m sorry damn! Let’s go since you wanna leave so bad! We was in the club for abt 15/20 minutes like…..
So we get back to my car and he’s like laughing all sarcastically like “guess Louisiana girls aren’t for me” (he’s from North Carolina), and then asked him why I️ would bring him to a bar with Mexicans who wanted to JUMP HIM??? I️ was like WOAH?! Bro was delusional as fuck, ain’t nobody wanted to jump him, what the hell 😭? And he talking bad abt my people like that did not sit well with me all ALL! I️ wanted to tell him to gtf out my car so bad but I’m a nice person so I️ wanted to bring him home and just be done with this shitty night. Like it was so bright at that quince and when so downhill. So I️ start crying, AGAIN! This time in front of him, and he started getting softer and semi apologized but basically said it was my fault for not being more affectionate? So we get Burger King (as if I️ wasn’t already suffering enough) and he asks if I️ could stay the night and since he was like being a bit nicer than earlier I️ agreed. But when we got to his home, first of all, I️ just cannot sleep in a bed that ain’t mines, and second that whole night wore me down and I️ was building resentment so bad 😂 so when he passed out, I️ tried to sneak out the door but he woke up and got MAD. I️ was like nope, it’s like 3 am at this point, I’m TIRED. I️ just said I’m leaving and that’s it.
Girl he started blowing up my phone, telling lies like I️ was trying to use him for his money (he never bought me a single thing that entire time except the Burger King), that I️ was trying to get him jumped by Mexicans, I️ brought him to the club just to sleep with other guys. I️ was really taken aback by his delusions! And then he demanded I️ come back because he lost his vape and crystal given by his mom and his cashapp card, and you would’ve thought I️ would’ve just left but nope, I️ was like ugh fine let me see if I️ got his stuff. Pulled over to a McDonald’s, searched my car, nothing. I️ told him that too and he claimed I️ was a liar and demanded I️ come back. I️ turned around, let him look, he demanded I️ help him, I️ refused at that point, and then he slams my car doors AGAIN and calls me a useless fucking bitch and stuck his middle finger out at me and yes besties that was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back for me!
If I️ could show yall screenshots I️ WOULD. Once I️ drove off he then continued to insult me on text abt how I️ stole his things and demanded I️ pay him back and me being a Capricorn, that’s where I️ decided to draw the line. You can play with me but my money??? No ma’am 😭! I️ finally blew up on him and told him he was the worst person I️’ve ever met (and I’ve been r worded and I️ think my r pist is more polite than this omg) and that he was a fucked up, paranoid and delusional mf and that I’m glad the bitches he met before me robbed him because he deserved it. And that’s when he started calling my phone. I️ almost risked an accident trying to block his number because he kept blowing it up the entire 30 minutes I️ was trying to get home, he was PISSED.
So he never physically abused me by that mental and emotional torture was crazyyyyy. And I️ just wanna say that the reason I️ put up with him for so long was because 1. I️ actually did think he was cute and I️ thought we had a connection so I️ naturally wanted to work things out. I️, like TD reader, was caught off guard by the way he acted because this was the first time a man has ever been MEAN as fuck towards me, like in my FACE. And I️ just didn’t know…like I️ was really thrown and caught off guard. 2. Like I️ said before, our height and weight difference had me intimidated, he could’ve really thrown me like against my car or choked me out so I️ was trying hard to placate and calm him down because he was physically bigger than me. I’m glad he didn’t get physical because it really would’ve been over for me. This why I️ never say never because it really can happen to you out of NOWHERE.
Anyways yall don’t worry abt me, he’s blocked forever and im now dating a super sweet lawyer 🥹
Even after all this the one thing standing out in my mind is you pretending Burger King isn't good
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Anyways in all seriousness wtf 😭 I'm glad he's blocked bc ain't no way. He would've had one time to slam my doors and asking to be picked up off bourbon street during Mardi Gras? He would've been SOL I'm sorry
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blueblunted-blog · 8 months
Idk who needs to hear this but extreme r3striction >>>> multiple day f@sts
I️ literally used to just go 5 days w/o eating because I️ was scared that one little bit of food would turn into a b!ng3, but that just made the cycle worse and before I️ knew it I️ was stuck in it. I️ was also only eating lean protein when I️ would break said fasts. The results = I️ turned into a man basically. Now I’m on this r3stricting wave and I️ feel better than ever. Your stomach shrinks, so you’re full and anxious after like 3 bites. I️ only have an appetite for fruit, black coffee, water, and the occasional small steamed sweet potato. Life is good man what can I️ say
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
ooohhhhhhh I️ just remembered you said there was a 4th wall break in this chapter but I️ didn’t catch it I️ guess 🥺🥺🥺🥺 what part was it during so I️ can go back and read it again?? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
This part! In the parentheses! Idk if it should technically be considered a 4th wall break- but I do think I wrote myself speaking to you into it? Like that could have easily just been a note bullet point in my notes that I usually release but there wherent any notes for this chapter so I just kept it in!
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noncanonfan · 4 years
Your ships never being endgame is just the price of having taste.
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not-a-mcyt-blog · 4 years
the way Ranboo just pauses whenever Tubbo just says random things
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littlefirefox · 4 years
bruh pink floyd really just hits lately. like its exactly the vibes id imagine a hippie vibing to in the 70’s. iykyk kinda thing
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thechanelmuse · 3 years
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André 3000′s short-lived fashion line, Benjamin Bixby, that launched in 2008. 
From The New York Times (2008):
At a party at Barneys New York during Fashion Week, André Benjamin, his hands thrust into the pockets of his suspender pants, really did look as if he would rather curl up at home with his Singer than be known as another singer who can sew. He was there to introduce a line of men’s wear called Benjamin Bixby, which includes tweed plus fours and club sweaters with leather elbow patches. The collection was inspired by Ivy League athletics of the 1930s. It looked like Ralph Lauren having a Steampunk moment.
The name Benjamin Bixby derives from an episode of MTV’s “Punk’d” on which Mr. Benjamin was the victim of an elaborate joke: At the fabricated scene of a car accident, a Maybach salesman demanded his name, implying that Mr. Benjamin was responsible for the damages. Unaware of the setup, he blurted out “Bixby,” the last name of the actor who starred in the television series “The Incredible Hulk.”
Later, to create a persona for his fashion line, Mr. Benjamin, 33, combined his surname with that of Bill Bixby. The character is a world traveler whose wardrobe includes things like a $995 cotton corduroy blazer, a $350 felted waistcoat and a $95 newsboy cap. At Barneys, those clothes now hang next to lines like Double RL and Engineered Garments, which have a similar bent of Depression Chic.
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The reaction from young men has been strong, said Tom Kalenderian, the men’s wear fashion director at Barneys. “Though you are looking at plus fours and collegiate sweaters that remind you of the past, it is very current with today.”
Mr. Benjamin’s point of view was shaped as a teenager in Atlanta, where, to stand out, he often customized his clothes and dyed his jeans turquoise or orange. He was into fashion back then, he said, noting that his favorite brands were “Alexander Julian Colours, Ralph Lauren, Generra, early Guess, Bugle Boy, Tretorn, Lacoste, Levi’s, Britches, Helly Hansen, Eddie Bauer, L. L. Bean, Bass, early Timberland and early Banana Republic, when they were still doing adventure wear.”
“For an African-American guy to be a prep, that’s a dichotomy,” he said. “Prep style comes from mostly affluent families who just wear these cool clothes. But when you come from a background that has more struggle, your take on it will be different. There’s a certain kind of rebel to it.”
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From W Magazine (2017):
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“I️ knew the next time I️ got into fashion or design [after OutKast’s clothing line] it’d be something I️ really love,” he told the audience. “The reason I️ took that route was because hip-hop had this image of ‘we don’t wear these types of things’ and I️ knew we wore different clothes. So Benjamin Bixby was my personal way of trying to say, ‘This is how we do it.’ The clothes I was trying to make were all my sketches and designs. I was like, ‘Let me take this. Let me not get an investor.’ So all of it was me. My own money. Unfortunately, I️ lost millions, to be honest. It was an expensive lesson. But I can tell you, it was the best times, the best lessons in my life about my self and creating things.”
One of the lessons Benjamin learned is that it’s much harder to create and fund a line as an individual than with financial backing, a point that Kanye West has made repeatedly over the years — especially throughout his Yeezy tour — which André 3000 can empathize with. 
“Because I️ was so against how people looked in hip-hop looked, I went really hard trying to prove that we didn’t,” he said. ‘So in doing that, I kind of shunned — I️ didn’t do parties we didn’t have a website. I just wanted to prove to everyone that this was for real. I was going to Paris to fabric showrooms. I️ remember we were in Hong Kong, and I was there working for a month, and I️ saw a flyer for a performance that was N.E.R.D. and Kanye West. So I went to the show and I saw Kanye and Pharrell backstage. They were like, ‘What you doing here?’ And I️ was like, ‘I’m trying to make this clothing thing happen.’ Now when I️ see Kanye and Pharrell killing it, they’ve both opened doors. It’s a beautiful thing.
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aricss · 2 years
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After so many episodes of Girlfriends that she lost count and her new ailment of insomnia, it wasn’t long before 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 found herself opening up her Instagram app and going lives in hopes of entertaining herself until she eventually grew tired. The time on her phone read 2:17AM, so she was more than surprised to see that tens of thousands of people were entering her live and the number continued to steadily grow. “Why are some of y’all up right now?” She asked with a suspicious eyebrow raised. “I know it’s past some of y’all bedtimes, but since we’re all here — I️ know y’all nosy asses having been dying to ask me some questions, so I’ma let y’all have at it. Just don’t get outta line.” She warned, pointing her manicured index finger at the camera as she awaited the comments to flood with questions.
@𝐦𝐞𝐜𝐜𝐚𝐱𝐨𝐱_: i don’t believe that story about you and j.austin getting drunk and randomly deciding to get married. give us the real tea.
— ❛ now baby, you know that wasn’t a question. y’all already starting off bad... but, it isn’t my job to convince anyone of the truth. i’m not a fan of being dishonest for clout. anyone who knows me, knows that anything that comes out of my mouth is one hundred percent true. much to my fuckin’ detriment, to be honest. my personal life woulda definitely been much calmer if i lied about it. trust. ❜
@𝐲𝐞𝟒𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭: are u and ye still together??? i would’ve been dropped u if i was him. 
— ❛ good thing you wasn’t fucking me then, huh? there’s a reason why i choose to keep my relationships private and out of the limelight. soon as you post a picture, every person on this app thinks they’re entitled to every detail about your relationship. as a podcast host, i tell y’all more about my life than i probably should. if i tell y’all anything else, you might as well be living my damn life as me. allow me to keep some shit to myself, please and thank you. ❜
@𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐡: j.austin or ye?
— ❛ aries marie taylor. y’all ain’t tired of asking me the same questions over and over. get creative! ❜
@𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚.𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞: this isn’t a question, but i love what you and your best friends stand for. i know people are gonna try to clown you over this situation, but i’ma always support a women who puts herself first!
— ❛ aw, thank you babe! that was so sweet, i truly appreciate it. i know me and my girls will yell ‘fuck these niggas, do you’ until the wheels fall off, but it’s easier said than done. as women, we’re trained to be naturally submissive, to bite our tongue, and automatically fall in line and take certain shit from people because it’s not our place to have a reaction... i’m not saying that every decision i make is the right one or is even all the way justified, but every time i act, it’s because i wanted to do it. i’d rather embarrass myself publicly than let society dictate what i can and can’t do just because i have a clit. ❜
After answering a few more questions, 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 lets out a yawn directly into the camera before laughing lightly. “Y’all just saw all up in my mouth and for free, at that. Next time, I’m charging on OnlyFans.” She shook her head, semi-seriously. “No, but for real. This gonna be the last time I’m answering questions regarding what went down in Vegas and my relationships. Y’all kinda driving me up a wall; I️’m checking The Shaderoom everyday for the next scandal. I️ hope y’all got the tea y’all so desperately wanted, but I️’m going to bed. I️ gotta get up in four hours. Good night!”
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justallihere · 7 months
According to the books, Kaori’s dragon is seldom described. His name is Smachd as we learn from Violet’s first flight lesson. RY never said what color his dragon was :/ I️ would imagine his dragon is either a green or a brown clubtail or swordtail. Those seem to be the most common dragons in FW/IF
I did manage to find the name on one of the guides but since I couldn’t find even a hint of color/tail I was assuming we didn’t know. He’s giving me green clubtail energy tbh, that’s what I’m about to go with
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noncanonimagines · 4 years
Someone Else
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Liam Dunbar x Female reader
Warnings: N/A
Requested: @a-j-stuffs​
Prompt: N/A
Summary: You’re Scott’s sister and Liam’s girlfriend. Things seem to be going well between you and Liam until Hayden shows up and seems to take away a lot of your boyfriend’s attention.
A/N: I’m so sorry that this took so long. I️ haven’t been super inspired lately and also college is a thing that exists unfortunately. I’m not entirely sure how I️ feel about how this turned out, but I️ really hope you like it.
Liam Dunbar made you feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He was an amazing boyfriend, and things were great between you two. 
That was until Hayden came into the picture. You trusted Liam and knew he would never cheat on you, but there was no denying that he and Hayden had bonded pretty much instantly, and the two of them started spending more and more time together. 
You were totally fine with it. At least, that was what you kept telling yourself and everyone else.  
Liam had been completely oblivious to your jealousy. Part of you couldn't blame him, since you were in denial yourself. So, the first person to notice was your brother, Scott. 
“Are things okay between you and Liam?” he asked you in a soft tone, brows furrowed in concern. 
You nodded tightly. 
“Of course, things are great! Why wouldn’t they be?” you dismissed. 
“You seemed really upset when he said he was hanging out with Hayden,” he pointed out. 
You took a deep breath, extra careful too maintain your composure. 
“Me? Upset? Why would I️ be upset?” you asked, feigning obliviousness. 
Scott’s concerned expression didn’t disappear. In fact, it only intensified. 
“Scott, I’m fine, really. Look, I️ have like a ton of work to do and really don’t want to talk about this right now,” you dismissed. 
It was clear as day that your brother was unconvinced. Still, he simply nodded and backed off. 
As much as you tried to keep convincing yourself that everything was fine, it grew far more difficult as Hayden grew more and more intrusive. It seemed like she was constantly calling or texting Liam, even late at night.  
As a result, the two of you hadn’t been spending nearly as much time together, despite it not being too long ago that you were inseparable.  
Eventually, the two of you finally got some alone time and you were ecstatic to have Liam all to yourself once again. You felt his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer as you pressed your lips against his. That was when you two were abruptly interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. It was Hayden. Of course. 
“Is it okay if I️ take this?” he asked. 
At his words, you put on the biggest fake smile you could muster. 
“Of course,” you said. 
“Thanks, you’re the best,” he replied. 
You nodded, swallowing tightly. 
“Uh huh. I’m actually kinda tired and I️ think I️’m gonna head home anyway,” you said before making a swift exit. Part of you wanted him to go after you. He didn’t. 
It wasn’t until the next Pack meeting that you'd officially had enough. You thought you were fine -- that you’d be able to keep yourself together. That was when Liam’s stupid phone rang. 
“That’s probably your girlfriend calling,” you grumbled. It was quiet, but more than loud enough for the werewolves present to hear you loud and clear. 
Liam looked at you, confused. 
“What? You’re right here,” he said, puzzled. 
You sighed. 
“No, not me. Your other girlfriend. Or at least the girl you wish was your girlfriend!” you snapped. 
He shook his head. 
“[Y/N]...what are you talking about?” he asked, concerned. 
“Admit it, Liam: you’d rather be with Hayden than me!” you exclaimed as everyone else watched you uncomfortably. 
“No, that’s not true,” he argued. 
You rose to your feet, having had enough.  
“Whatever. Don’t wanna keep her waiting,” you bit before storming outside. 
When you were alone, you took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. It wasn’t like you to make a scene like that, but you were just so mad. 
Suddenly, you jumped, feeling a hand touching your shoulder. You whirled around to see Liam. 
“What? Hayden didn’t want to talk after all?” you asked sarcastically. 
Liam sighed and rolled his eyes. 
“Okay, I️ got the hint. I’m terrible boyfriend,” he said. “Now can we please just talk about this?” 
You shrugged. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you lied. 
“Yes, there is. Why didn’t you tell me that me spending time with Hayden bothered you?” he asked sincerely. 
You sighed. 
“Because I’m your girlfriend. Of course you spending literally all of your time with another girl would bother me. I️ shouldn’t’ve had to say anything,” you asserted. 
Liam nodded, his expression ridden with guilt. 
“You’re right. And I’m sorry. I️ never meant to hurt you. I️ promise Hayden is just a friend. I️ love you, [Y/N],” he said. 
“I️ love you, too,” you replied sheepishly. 
Gently, he took your hand in his, stroking it with his thumb.  
“Can I make it up to you?” he asked. 
You smiled playfully before kissing him. 
“Oh, you better.”
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I️ think about that moment when Iroh said “who are you, and what do you want?” to Zuko way more than I️ probably should
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
still buying you coffee but i’m gonna re-read and leave comments and love 💗💗💗💗
I️ am so amazed at your writing and world building bc I️ don’t have a clue what’s coming next and I️ CRAVE that kind of incredible writing that keeps me guessing!!
I️ love her with every single group for different reasons but my fave is for sure yoongi AND I️ was just warming up to seokjin (taking “knife in the back” to a more substantial level I️ see lmao) but then TAE CAME TO PLAY.
ot7 in the end is what I️ always hope for but we’ve definitely got some complicated relationships going on rn, i’m so excited to see how they all play out!!
also the smut is *chefs kiss* 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
anywho you’re literally amazing 💗💗💗💗
😈😈😈😈 hehehe, I love that yall love Tae EVEN AFTER JOON SAID NOT TO TRUST HIM 😭😭 tho I don’t blame you cause
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and this is exactly how I picture him in BV:ITS too 😭😭😭
lmao is it bad that I was crying laughing writing that part with Seokjin? Did he deserve all that? Mmmaybe 😌 Tae sure approved of it!
I root for Yoongi too 😭, there will be more of him and Hobi next chapter, a battle of the tsunderes if you will (before the real battle begins 😭)
🥺🥺 thank you for the kind words, you make me feel better about my writing 💕💕
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dreamgrlarchive · 3 years
This dusty guy was trying to ask me out but...he was doing it all wrong, I’m not gonna horrify you with the details but anyways we were talking and he was basically trying to “what do you bring to the table” me (and we literally just met....that day...like yeah this ain’t going nowhere) I️ said I️ was studying to be an esthi and he was like “oh yeah I️ see it. You like being pretty and doing your nails? I️ knew that abt you” like omg i’m never gonna talk to you again but you can really see that?? It was the only part of the convo that didn’t piss me 💓 I️ was glad my changes to being a more prissy girl were noticeable. Blogs like yours are really helping me!
I wish men would stop asking this. Really. I’m a female. You go out and hunt and bring the food home. Literally. That’s how it’s supposed to be. But I’m glad you stuck to what you wanted. However I’m glad you’re working on your appearance and are happy with the results. Love that so much!!
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noncanonfan · 4 years
When you ask for a coke 
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and they say, “is Pepsi okay?” 
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