#I'd rather not add more fuel to the fire
chaotic-guinea-pig · 5 months
Curious to hear what you hate about style fanon
Sorry anon, but I'm not interested in fanon debate anymore. 😭 I do have my preferences for Style in fanon, yes, but I don't see it worth my energy to vent about it in public.
I'm also not a fan of talking about fanon tropes like this. I'd rather discuss them as if I were entertaining a hypothetical scenario (so in other words, I'd rather think instead how that trope could possibly play out, and maybe, if I wanted to inject my personal opinions, mention whether or not it's my cup of tea.)
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
I'm in the mood for something angsty... would you write something where Jake's partner is hospitalized for some reason? Feel free to explore it any way you want, I'm sure it'll be great!
this gave me the perfect opportunity to rework something I'd set aside for Jake and Cobra if any of you are readers of real friends :) (this was orig going to be how they confessed their feelings hehe)
add yourself to my taglist
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“Break right, Phoenix, break right!” You yelled in your cockpit as you and members of your squad were engaged in a training mission… one rooted in showing a new class of Top Gun recruits what teamwork sounds like in the air but you were all having an off day. She broke right but a second too late, almost clipping into Jake who whizzed past her.
“Phoenix, what the fuck?” He shouted, temporarily wavering in the air before recovering,
“Sorry, sorry.” She mumbled and you sighed.
“Everyone on the ground, now.” You ordered. You weren't sure you had the authority to do that, but everyone was off their game and you figured it was the best thing to do to avoid disaster. As you began to descend a flock of birds came out of nowhere and you cursed as you tried to fly around them.
“Birdstrike,” you said, “right engine on fire, climbing, throttling back. Shutting off fuel to right engine, extinguishing fire,” you said, narrating everything you were doing to keep ATC informed.
“What’s going on?” you heard Bob in your ear and you ignored it as you focused on the task at hand.
“Fuck,” you said as alarms rang throughout the cockpit, “left engine is out, trying to restart.” Your chest felt tight as you furiously pressed buttons, “throttling up.”
“You’re on fire!” Phoenix shouted in your ears.
“Extinguishing left engine,” you said and you felt a sinking feeling as more warning lights popped up. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you muttered.
“Punch out.” You heard Jake in your ears and you shook your head though no one could see you. In his own jet he was hovering idly, watching as yours spun wildly out of control and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest.
“God damn it, just- give me a minute,” you yelled, but all of your hail mary’s were coming up short, “hydraulic failure,” you said as you pulled up.
“Damn it, you can’t save it, punch out,” you heard him again, not even attempting to hide the panic in his voice that mirrored your own that was radiating throughout your body. Your jet started to veer off, starting a spiral directly for the bluffs ahead of you as everything became unresponsive. 
“Lost all controls, trying-”
“Eject now,” Phoenix yelled and you exhaled sharply, looking at the rapidly approaching hillside.
“Fuck, ejecting, ejecting!” you shouted, pulling up on the loops between your feet and gasping as the wind was knocked out of you. You desperately tried to get in a breath of air as you pulled your parachute cord but it was futile with a rather ungraceful collision with the ground below. You heard the sounds of a rescue chopper before you could even finish detangling yourself from all of your gear and once you were free you took a deep breath and counted to ten, naming things you could see out loud to ground you, needing to come down from the adrenaline high to properly assess if you’d been hurt or not.
“Trees, rocks, smoke from my damn jet, clouds in the sky…” you breathed, feeling the adrenaline coursing through your veins begin to subside. As you began to calm down you stretched out your muscles, bouncing your weight between each foot and decided you were unharmed, spare a gash on your forehead that was oozing blood faster than you would have liked. You dug around in your pack, grabbing a pack of gauze and tearing it open to press against the wound as you waited. As your body came down from the high of a near death experience you felt yourself slipping out of consciousness no matter how hard you tried to hold on.
“I don’t understand what the hell she was doing,” Jake said as he paced outside of your hospital room with Rooster and Phoenix standing by and trying to figure out how to help.
“She thought she could save it, any one of us would have waited until the last second too,” Phoenix tried but Jake wasn’t having it.
“She could have died,” his voice cracked just as a nurse came out of your room to let him know you were asking for him.
“Hey, sweetheart…” he said, softly sitting on the edge of your bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Like a battered highway cone,” you groaned, trying to sit up but every bone in your body protested. “How long was I out?”
“Just a few hours… what the hell was that?”
“Birdstrike, thought I could save the engine,” you answered and you saw the disappointment in his face.
“You should have ejected as soon as it went out,” he replied.
“You know that’s not protocol, I had to at least try.”
“I don’t care about protocol! We can replace your jet, we can’t replace you,” he said, voice thick with emotion and you just smiled softly at him.
“I’m okay, Jake, really… just a few bumps and bruises.”
“And a concussion,” he pointed out and you grimaced… that’s why your head hurt so badly.
“It’ll heal,” you tried but he just shook his head. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“Yeah well, you almost weren’t so stop saying you’re fine,” he shot back and your eyes widened. “Because I’m not, and you shouldn’t be. I mean, what the fuck, sweetheart? Was I just supposed to be okay with watching you burn in?” you could tell he was trying his hardest not to yell, to still be gentle with you. “You don’t get to be reckless like that anymore.”
“Okay, honey,” you nodded, reaching up to cup his face.
“I’m serious, no more of that. I can’t- I can’t do that again, just watch you spin out of control. I can’t-”
“It’s okay, come here,” you said, pulling him down and wrapping your arms around him. “I understand, it’s okay.” 
“I’m supposed to be comforting you,” he mumbled against your chest and you laughed despite how much it hurt.
“That’s okay… through thick and thin, right?” you asked and he nodded as he sat up. 
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” he said looking into your eyes and you nodded.
“I promise,” you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. “I love you, you big softie.”
“I love you, too.”
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carlando · 1 year
Obviously don't feel you have to post this if you'd rather not as it could add more fuel to the fire but those two girls (there were 2 of them) that Carlos was in the club with and was pictured leaving with in that video where he's clearly pretty wasted are well known in certain circles in London - they are 'models' who are better known for being 'circuit-girls' - basically means working as high-end escorts for wealthy men, usually but not always sexually, but sometimes just as beards or to just be arm candy for someone who wants a supposedly steady relationship for public image reasons, so yeah. One of them (the one in the white dress) used to have an 'arrangement' with Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardshian's ex, it got exposed for what it was after they supposedly broke up & his people had to hush it up. That group of models/influencers are also sometimes referred to as 'yacht girls' as they usually operate between places like Dubai, Miami, Monaco, Dubrovnik, St Barts, basically anywhere billionaires haunt with their yachts, hence the yacht girls name. There are some larger name models who have also worked this circuit (and some still do) as well, including one who is a supermodel. The men hire them through their agencies. It's all a pretty seedy world. Not saying Carlos hired them or anything, I'd like to think he's not that stupid (and Caco definitely isn't, he'd put a stop to anything like that quickly I think) but for sure the girls were haunting clubs in Monaco on race weekend for one reason.
i will add nothing to this but say i don’t know if he’s okay mentally right now and if he directly hired them it’s for image or service and i don’t know which but if he split with isa recently, this is interesting
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sungbeam · 1 year
unpopular opinion(?): but low-key prefer that people comfort me rather than continue to agree that something ik is bad and is stressing me out *is* bad/stressing me out, if that makes sense. it just makes me so much more anxious when u add fuel to the fire and i'd rather u tell me it'll be okay than remind me of my stress
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martianclown · 2 years
Ima just say this, I'd rather get no Billy than more negative things about him that add fuel to the haterade fire, u know what I'm sayin'?
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rawwkfingers · 6 months
Terror of the Zygons
The first appearance of one of my favorite aliens in all of Who! It was a really fun one too, though I do wish they'd played more into the whole "you can never be sure if you're speaking to a Zygon or not" stuff
I loved the inclusion of Nessie, though I was hoping it was going to be more involved in the plot than it turned out to be. If/when we ever get a Bigfoot episode I'm sure they'll remedy it by making it the focus
Sarah Jane was an absolute delight, as always. I especially loved the scene where she sticks her tongue out at the Zygon but overall she was everything I'd want from a companion in this serial. Harry is also finally leaving, which I was a little sadder than I thought I'd be tbh. His near brush with death did a good job at raising the stakes enough for me to care that he chose to leave (also adds even more fuel to the "Chibnall has no new ideas" fire)
I was even sadder to realize this was the Brigadier's last episode for nearly 8 years, and even those future appearances are one-offs. He was such a core element to the show, adding excellent humor as well as a sense of disbelief that I feel like the show needs sometimes. He kinda reminds me of Jackie Tyler in a way, someone to tell the Doctor that what they're talking about is nonsense to remind the viewer that yes, this is all nonsense
The actual plot of the story was fairly good. Not my favorite serial by far, more important for its role in the show's history rather than its own merits, but I enjoyed it well enough!
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glamourstories · 9 months
JD Space
I saw the ping across my dash, someone was trying to contact me. I pinged back to get a look at them, know what I'm dealing with. A low res image of the ship popped up on screen, a small black ship, single person, probably a fighter. No colour meant they liked to hide in space and no livery meant they were independent. Could be a pirate, more likely a bounty hunter given how they hadn't fired yet.
I answered the call, a voice crackled through my headset. "What's your JD?" She said, blunt and to the point.
"Pinging you now." I replied in comms, tapping my console to give her access to my Jurisditial Designation code. I didn't make small talk, Bounty Hunters weren't the patient sort and itchy on the trigger if you didn’t give them what they wanted. I was also just happy to get moving anyway, I had a delivery to make.
I saw my console light up while her system connected to mine and we waited a minute as she pinged the local jurisdiction for decryption and verification.
"D&Vs clear, on your way." She said cutting comms, clearly not looking to chat. I saw her ship light up, thrusters glowing blue against the blackness of space as she flew over my cockpit. She didn’t need to fly that close, she had the whole sky she could’ve used. No, she was making a point; ‘Don’t mess with me’ she was saying. Now all bounty hunters had an ego, but this felt different, piracy and smuggling wasn’t uncommon this far away from the hypergate network, but I had a feeling she was looking for someone specific and was pissed I wasn’t it.
Except I had a feeling I actually was.
My JD code was actually a legal one. Just that it didn't belong to me or this ship. JDs are near impossible to forge so it was easiest to just duplicate one. Lucky for me Bounty Hunters aren't the patient sort, she just cared that it was real and didn't stick around till the JD ping got back to its home jurisdiction. If she had waited then she would have found out the JD I used didn't match my ship, she also didn't stop to wonder why a trader was halfway across the galaxy from their jurisdiction.
But I figured she'd get a notification in the next hour after the ping had made its way around the galaxy, so best I got out of there. I had a delivery to make after all. I made a silent prayer that someone at Corridian XIV would be able to get me a new JD and a paintjob, but I still had to get there first. My truck was a bit old at this point, a banged up mid-class freighter, so even if I did already have a head start on the bounty hunter, her ship was newer and sleeker so would easily be able to catch up if the ping came back sooner rather than later.
I burned excess to get there faster, I could have coasted and still got there with time to spare and I wasn't going to be happy with the extra fuel costs later, but better that than no payday and a year in prison. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to get pinged so soon, I'd barely been out in this cluster a week, just having enough time to score a decent smuggling job (recommendations go a long way, even in black markets), so either this cargo was tainted or someone had set me up.
I'd have to add it to the list of worries along with my now compromised JD, but a job is a job and I'm sure the people of Corridian XIV needed whatever was in those crates and with any luck someone there could get me a fresh JD and a new paint job.
This far from the hypergates supplies weren’t regular and the law was mostly left for people for people to sort out amongst themselves. So here we were; a bunch of pirates and bounty hunters stuck in a loop.
Tentatively calling this JD Space, just because it sounds fun and rolls off the tongue. Don't know if I could make it into a full story but I wanted to try my hand at worldbuilding, or galaxy-building I guess and I started with a small concept and wanted to include slang, I just like the phrase "What's your JD?" Others include "Off-Map" I.E. Having no JD Code so you aren't on the JD Map.
I think there's a fun story in this concept somewhere but it's weird; I usually start off with a short story then build the world around that as it makes sense, so this is backwards for me. But also interesting that I've basically come up with a universe based around bureacracy and I'd be curious if I could turn that into something interesting.
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victoriams · 1 year
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"If it isn't my star tribute," After her conversation with Finch, Soleil had sought out Ampere immediately. Star tribute, was, unfortunately, not much of an exaggeration. Despite Amp's comments, Finch's interview had been exponentially worse. Maybe it was a little selfish of Soleil to expect that Ampere would have the presence of mind that both she and Finch clearly lacked – the ability to perform damage control for their district, rather than add fuel to the proverbial fire. But they couldn't find it in themself to be angry at them – were the roles reversed, Soleil probably would have decked Caesar. Now that would have made good television.
They find Ampere in one of the backstage prep areas ( it isn't difficult – they've always known how to shine in a crowd, and their entire team had been dressed in matching hues ). "I'd say that the crowd loved you, but I honestly don't know." A pause, they lower their voice, "Can we, like... can we go somewhere more private? I don't like talking with all these Capitol clowns floating around."
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noxtivagus · 2 years
Lune I just talked abt milgram to my friend and now she's off to her tutor SO PLEASE DON'T MIND ME RAMBLING ABT THEM TO YOU!?2)3)2)4)2 anyways on your post one of your tags “you cant really vote based solely on moral and values” AND THAT HITS A LOT the best example is yuno on her second trail!!! spoilers if you havent listened/read abt it but yuno says there that she thinks that our (viewers) sense of rigthousness is pathwtic and that she doesnt want us to vote her innocwnt based on our morality and values. she thinks we are only giving her half-baked justice and that we are only looking at their thru rose-tinted glasses. she's very much self-aware of her actions.
I CANT REALLT SAY ANYTHING BUT KOTOKO but mu.. for mu i actually relate to her on a personal level But i wont be talking abt her since you dont agree with her! but if you want to hear what i have to say abt mu, feel free to give me the go sign!!! ANYWYAS FUUTA SO FUUTA YEAH FUUTA OH MY GOD SO ABT HIM!!! he has a heavily misguided ego and has huge hero complex and has this tough guy act so yeah! maybe a facade of looking like the hero!! pair it up with his strong sense of justice, fuuta thinks everything he did is right or like maybe and it makes it worse bcs social media adds more fuel to the fire which makes fuuta blinded by his own heroic sense. he was voted guilty in his first trial bcs if people haven't then he would be blinded by his ego and thinks that what he did was right. milgram was a place where he could taste his own medicine and that he could know that his actions cannot or may not be justified. out of all, he has the chance of redeeming himself but he needs to let go of his ego first and learn to hold his temper. he doesnt feel guilt for his victim bcs he thinks he did nothing wrong and that he is not guitly.
HI YORI IT'S SO NICE SEEING YOU HEHE DWDW RAMBLE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!!!?!?! >:3 my reply got rather long oh dear i'll put it all under cut SORRY FOR RAMBLING HDFKASDJLF I'M A MESS RN BUT🫶🏼
"you cant really vote based solely on moral and values",, YEAH WITH YUNO AA oh my hehe i really. really like how self-aware it is it's really interesting to see ahhh all the characters in milgram r so interesting!!!!!! hdfjalksdf thinking about what you said n yeah personally n. you mentioned you too & apollo thinks the same n majority does as well that yuno's innocent w abortion n all but it's just. so interesting thinking of what wld happen to her?? after this trial ><
ON KOTOKO AA IIRC. THEY'RE V SPECIAL TO YOU RIGHT I'M SORRY HDKJAFLKSD ngl for as critical as i may be at times i genuinely find all the characters in milgram interesting n. KOTOKO IS STILL COOL /gen n she's so interesting honestly but.. the violence 😭😭 i'd love to hear you ramble about her too if ever you want !???! genuinely i wldn't mind at all hehe (just. saying in case you wna ramble bcs genuinely i wldn't mind at all i'd love to hear actually what any of the charas mean to you or wtvr ><)
MU 🥺 i don't know how to say this so honestly i'm just gna be blunt n straight-forward about it rn SORRY IF EVER HDFLKSJDAFL but i understand you! i saw your twitter & :( WAIT GENUINELY I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GO ABOUT SAYING THIS but i really do understand /gen n honestly i'm probably critical n conflicted on mu's character bcs i relate to her as well to a certain extent.. & oh my god i'm rambling but i myself know well the. "villain" thing & feeling like a monster,, no one ever deserves that t_t ngl i'm worried about like. the direction she took in those previews n all after the first trial. honestly aside from like yuno who i personally think with abortion and all really is innocent and i don't think that counts as murder, the rest of the prisoners are all guilty in some way with some sort of "murder" yeah and they're also victims too. i THINK at least.. i'm not the most knowledgeable yet >.> so with mu it's really sad honestly; i think her "high pride" as mentioned though iirc is just something that hmmm stands out to me especially personally. as well as. i'm not updated with stuff like the voice dramas and all but.. personally i think it just makes me rather sad w the uhh preview for her trial 2 songs bcs i doubt she hasn't made her own mistakes as well but the 'i didnt do anything wrong' things :< we all have our faults & we all can move past them but the certain sort of lack of self-awareness that i feel from her development into trial 2 personally makes me a bit sad but i find her character interesting on a personal level >.>
i really just rambled w that aaaa with that said though hehe feel free to go on! i genuinely would really love to hear what you'd say on her character hehe bcs my mind is a mess oh my god n your insights help make it clearer N GENERALLY I AGREE V MUCH!!!! so go ahead <3
FUUTA! FUUTA! HDJFLASKJDFD iirc i remember seeing you mention once i think to apollo that he's also one of your favs!?!?! ON TWT.... ON THAT BTW SORRY FOR THE SPAM I LIKE MY FRIENDS' POSTS A LOT 😭😭 THAT SAID THOUGH! YOU'RE SO RIGHT. ty hehe hearing that cleared my head on it, i very much agree! fr he definitely has a good chance of redeeming himself. guilty first trial definitely i do think that was for the best, i hope this trial by being forgiven, maybe he can forgive himself,, ? (rambling a bit again but sometimes when i see people's reasoning for voting fuuta & by extent kotoko n honestly other characters it just rubs me off the wrong way when they really only look at the surface 😔 i find it really interesting though thinking of how it really reflects on the audience) next though on milgram! yeah! milgram for him is like. fuuta used to judge others n now he's the one being judged (something like that) n it's really. interesting yeah really just milgram is so intriguing oh my god. this has gotten really long >.>
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Pairing: volleyball player!Juyeon × volleyball player! fem reader
Genre: Smut, enemies with benefits
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, rough/hate (?) sex, usage of the word slut, mentions of choking and spanking, lowkey public sex, brief fingering
a/n: i know juyeon is not holding a volleyball but let's just pretend. i got this idea from listening to lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by panic! at the disco 🤠 i'm not sure if i like the ending but,,, (@annyeongffs enjoy bb)
masterlist ♡
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“Okay guys, let’s wrap up for today. Both teams did great!” The coach called and everyone got out of their positions, stretching out the tense muscles and walking out of court. “Nuh uh, minus you two Juyeon and Y/N.” He called again making you stop in your tracks. “You’re gonna take the volleyballs and net to the equipment room and pump up the basketballs. That’s what you get for arguing and swearing at each other every five minutes even during practice.”
You cursed under your breath sending a death glare towards Juyeon, who just looked at you expressionless. ‘Stupid son of a bitch.’
The coach left the court with the remaining of your team mates that waved at you from afar. You waved back and went to collect the scattered balls letting the boy get the net, since he was taller.
“If you weren’t so annoying, I could be going to my dorm right now.” He said when you walked past him on your way to the equipment room. You thought in giving a rude reply but bit your tongue not to curse back at him, already feeling your blood boil. “I'm talking to you.” You turned on your heel to face him.
“What do you mean? It’s your fault! You were throwing the ball too far for me to catch it in time!” You snarled.
“Isn’t it the whole point? Make the ball touch the floor on your adversary's side? I think you're just complaining because you're not that good of a player." Juyeon had just finished getting the net out of the first pole and glared at you with a raised brow. He really was getting under your skin.
"For your information, I'm the second best in the female team. I just can't deal with bullshit coming from a jerk like you."
Fuming, you turned your back again, walking away to fight back the temptation of throwing one of the balls in your arms directly at his annoying handsome face. Juyeon knew exactly how to get on your nerves and you couldn't stand having to be in the same room with him for too long without getting annoyed or bickering.
You were looking into the lockers searching for a second air pump, since there wasn't any other way and you had to pump up the balls, the best option was to you two do it separately so you could go home as soon as possible. While you were at it Juyeon entered the equipment room bringing the net and you quickly thought of a way to get yourself out of that situation.
"Here, the air pump." You handed him the object, to which he accepted but kept looking at you puzzled. "I didn't find another one, so, you do it."
"And what you're gonna do?"
"Go home!? What else do you expect me to do? Blow out the balls like they're balloons?" Your eyes rolled at how he scoffed at you, arms crossing in front of your body.
"I mean, I know something else you'd like to blow." A cheeky grin grew on his lips and past scenes of his dick on your mouth flashed through your mind.
“Shut the fuck up, will you? You’re so fucking annoying.” You raised your voice taking the boy aback for a moment, your jaw clenched and brows furrowed. “I can’t even stand looking at y-"
The words died at your throat as Juyeon dropped the air pump to grab your jaw firmly, pushing you up against the nearest wall. He was close, his tall figure towering over yours as he looked down at you with dark eyes.
“If you want to yell at me so bad, then I'll give you a reason to do so.” He muttered through gritted teeth and you could feel he was getting mad as well.
“Fuck you.” You scoffed trying to masquerade the fact that your heart was beating fast.
“Oh, you just did on semi-finals night, darling.” Juyeon let go of your face to brush his knuckles against the skin of your cheek, trailing south till it reached the side of your neck. You wished you didn’t shiver at the light touch, making it obvious to him that you enjoyed it. “Speaking of which, where have you been these past weeks? Were you too busy with that asshole from the basketball team?”
You didn’t even notice when you started to hold your breath but you were already feeling intoxicated by the low tone of his voice, knowing exactly what he was implying. His longs fingers wrapping around your throat not helping at all, and you thanked the sound of your racing heart wasn’t audible.  
“Why? Jealous much?” It took everything in you to let that out in a disinterested voice, sticking to an attitude not to let him win in any circumstance.
“C'mon, doll, you know I'd never date you; this is just for the fun. You’re just someone to hook up with.” He took a step closer, few inches away to press his body against yours. His skin was still glistening from the after practice sweat and you could almost say he looked hot, even though your mouth told otherwise.  
“And that’s all you can get after all. You’re good in bed but you’re as charming as a rock. No surprise you’re single.” Juyeon quirked a brow, his eyes dark as ever.
“Aw, you’re not attracted to me? Yeah, keep lying to yourself, darling. This is the most fun you can have besides taking your clothes off, isn’t it?” His breath fanned at your lips as the grip on your throat tightened, making him chuckle when a small moan dared to scape you. “Gosh, I really missed your pretty little pussy swallowing my dick and you screaming my name.”
You hated Juyeon to the moon and back with your whole being. He was arrogant, full of himself and egocentric, but what you hated the most was the fact that he knew how to touch you and make you feel things in a way you’d never experienced before, and you’d never admit that out loud. You'd never admit to his face how you also missed him pounding into you while you hooked up with other guys.
It was hard to recall when or even how you two started having this type of relationship, an 'enemies with benefits' kind you could say, because you clearly weren’t friends at all. You would pay not to have to spend the practice time looking at his face, and Juyeon would rather die than bumping into you in the hallways.  
But both couldn’t deny the sexual tension, and maybe that’s what led you to it, or maybe that was only a tactic to release stress, and you just happened to be there for each other. What’s a better way to calm your nerves than fucking your enemy? The sex was great after all and you couldn’t name any other boy who has ever made you cum so hard. Perhaps the hate towards each other really did add fuel to the fire and made things more interesting, competing who could make the other orgasm the fastest.
"I hate you so much." You said trying not to moan again when Juyeon pressed his torso against yours, sneaking his knee between your thighs, to which you rolled your hips grinding down on it.
"It's reciprocal, I just like to fuck you dumb." His hands went to your waist, grabbing hard and pulling you more into him. You were already melting at the tip of his fingers and didn't think twice before crashing your lips together and tugged at his hair with force as he moved his leg to cause more friction on your core. His big hands roaming all over your body roughly and squeezing your ass. A hiss came out of Juyeon's lips when you scratched his back underneath the shirt, sure to leave red marks. "Don't start a game you know you're gonna lose."
Juyeon pulled you by the wrist to the old desk to careless bend you over it. You couldn't lie saying you didn't like how everything was rough with him, it made a shiver run down your spine every time he kissed you hard and pulled your hair as you cursed at him digging your nails into his skin. He never cared about whether or not he was leaving bruises on your hips, neck and inner thighs, but neither did you. You secretly enjoyed admiring them later in the mirror.
“Here? Really?”
“It’s not like we haven’t done this before. Plus, everyone left, you can scream all you want.” A hand came down hard on your right ass cheek making you yelp. Another smack on the left side and you winced in pain arching your back. “You look good in the team's uniform, but look even better when I'm filling you up.”
He massaged your ass before harshly pulling your tight shorts down to your ankles and you stepped out of them, feeling his hands travel up your legs and holding your hips to press his hard on on your clothed core. You sighed grinding against him, your mind already getting hazy.
The boy brought you up to leave hungry kisses down your neck and bit on the curvature. Your breath hitched when his short nails raked the skin of your belly and you let your head rest on his shoulder, closing your eyes lost in the sensations. “Now tell me, is it still me that makes you sweat? Did you think of me when you were in bed with them?” He growled in your ear biting your lobe, making you grind harder.
“Not even for a second, didn’t even cross my mind.” Lucky you your mouth worked faster than your body so you didn’t dumbly nod agreeing with him. “You’re good but not the best.” You weren’t even ashamed in lying.
Juyeon let out a dark chuckle and grabbed your throat while the other hand squeezed one of your breasts. “We both know I've got a hotter touch, a better fuck than any guy you’ll ever meet. Or else you wouldn’t be coming back begging for my cock whenever you feel horny.”
“You wish.”
“Then why are you still here?” He teased licking your neck and smirked when you shuddered.
“Didn’t you say you missed my pussy? Then fuck me already.” You huffed impatient to which his only answer was to rub circles in your clit over your damp underwear. Juyeon pushed you back to bend over the desk, quickly and roughly pulling your panties down that you’d had stumbled if you were standing straight. “You’re gonna rip my panties, you asshole.”
He scoffed, slapping you once again. “You didn’t complain the other times I did.” His hand palmed himself through the shorts while the other went to your core, fingers playing with your wet folds. You whimpered when he slid one digit inside and added a second right after already moving, making your back arch. “Think I need to remind you that you’re just a fuck toy, not some porcelain doll. They must’ve treated you so nicely, but you like it rough, don’t you?”
Juyeon removed his fingers from you and pulled his own shorts down just enough to free his member and teased your slit with the tip, making you bite your lip in anticipation. Your breath got cut short when he gripped your waist and pushed in in one quick thrust, his cock disappearing into your warmth and your pussy clenched at the feeling of every inch of him stretching you open.
He didn't give you time to even take a deep breath and started moving in a fast pace, grabbing your hips with force. You could feel your whole body getting hot, sweat starting to form on your temples, skin prickling. "How someone so annoying like you have a pussy so good?" He groaned giving a hard, sharp thrust making you gasp and lifted your right leg to put over the desk. You were there so open for him; bent over that he could do anything. And you enjoyed every part of it.
Breathy moans were leaving your lips mixing with obscene wet sounds from your dripping cunt and his hips slamming yours recklessly now, going deeper and deeper inside you. Juyeon was holding you so strong and digging his nails in your skin that you were sure it'd leave bruises. "F-fuck, Juyeon!" You screamed out when he pulled almost all of his length out just to pushed it back in with a quick motion. He smirked to himself and kept repeating it, just to see you writhe and lose your mind.
His hand pulled your ponytail to which you winced but couldn't contain a moan. Your knuckles were turning white holding onto the desk for dear life as Juyeon completely rammed into you. "Not so talkative right now, huh?" He grabbed both your arms, pinning them behind your back with his own hands. "Look at you clenching so desperately. Gonna cum on my cock like a good slut?" His voice was low, watching your whole body shake as you approached your high, loud and breathy sounds escaping your lips.
You came crying out his name, shaking violently and trying to roll your hips back to get more of him. Juyeon pulled out slowly, feeling your walls fluttering and you whimpered at the emptiness. Even though you were sensitive, Juyeon's dick was so good that it never failed to make you want more and more.
A last sigh left you before you got pushed to your knees facing his cock. "Now be the good little slut and you are and put this mouth to a better use."
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astrojoy · 3 years
Red Flags in the Juno Persona Chart #2
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Asteroid Mentions
Nemesis - 128
Aphrodite - 1388
Lust - 4386
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Not a long post 😭
🚩 Moon opposite Mars - can show emotional arguments. Not all the time! It's just wherever mars is at, it's passionate about! Moon is emotionally touched and hit. So lets say if your spouse ever did, idk, make your mars upset, then moon is afflicted in this aspect and becomes emotional! Arguments arise etc. This aspect can also make passionate sex cough
🚩 Nemesis conjunct Juno - The spouse has the power to end the marriage if they wanted to. They may be the dominating one in some way. If one day they said "I'll end it" and snap their fingers then it will be done. This could actually happen, however this can sometimes be seen as cheating in the marriage. Sometimes this aspect actually doesn't do anything but there have been other times it's been activated
🚩 Jupiter conjunct Mars - a very sexually active placement. Very passionate, however when you have this, arguments with the spouse can be quite loud and sometimes explosive if it's more negative
🚩 Chiron in the 10th - could switch jobs with their spouse on and off. Maybe career doesn't go well or something, there will be some sort of challenge in it
🚩 Nemesis conjunct DC - A possibility of the spouse cheating/love affair during marriage
🚩 Nemesis conjunct AC - Can betray you in some way, but it will be seen easily. Also can put up a mask and show you a good side of them until it's too late :/
🚩 Jupiter conjunct Neptune - in some cases can show having on fogged glasses. Is there illusions your spouse puts up? Are they lieing to you? Is this marriage really benefiting both parties?
🚩 Nessus conjunct Chiron - can show maybe something negative fueling Chiron. This could mean the spouse could be the nessus person who makes chiron hurt more :( the house shows where at
🚩 A planet in bad aspects from the 2nd to the 8th house - (this is just an example without other aspects or conjunctions) can make issues with gambling/overspending money. Sometimes also shows an overlust. If someone doesn't get married and has this placement then they might spend money on love affairs and one night stands etc.
🚩 Retrograde Aphrodite conjunct AC - A spouse that thinks they are beautiful, the "goddess of beauty" might be an attention seeker or manipulative in some way. I've seen this cause someone to be materialistic and if they don't have much money then they will put on a mask and act like they do
🚩 Pluto in the 4th - Not ALWAYS bad however I've seen it twice before and just thought I'd add it in here because it makes sense. I've seen this planet live up to its stereotype and cause changes regarding home life, residence, etc. It's caused sometimes just a upheavals of emotions/arguments, people change homes often and stuff like that
🚩 Venus in the 5th - this is actually a good placement however it can sometimes, depending on the theme of the chart, show an overindulgence in this house. The degree might help as well (EX - 10 degree = over-indulging in earned money and using it for fun or wants rather than needs, overworking, hanging out with people/friends from work etc)
🚩 Lust conjunct/harshly aspecting Nemesis - indicating a resentment or fighting with ones own urges to want/long for. Whatever the houses are can indicate what it is
🚩 Mars/Mercury harsh aspects/conjunction - can make arguments more loud and fired up. However sometimes this can make make-up passionate moments too. On the other spectrum this can actually just mean passionate conversations believe it or not
🚩 Moon in 12th - not really bad but I have seen this cause communication of the emotions to be locked up a bit. It's hard to tell the other something etc. This one is just a minor occurrence I've seen tho
🚩 Mars conjunct Nemesis - Impulse is a enemy to ones self. You or the spouse needs to be careful not to say or do really bad things in the heat of a moment. Also this can sometimes mean love affairs. In vedic astrology scorpio is ruled by Mars, scorpio rules 8th which can also mean sex
🚩 Neptune conjunct DC - illusions in the partnership. Spouse or you could be distant. This can range from on purpose or just being busy often. Since Neptune is very flowy and such, it could or could not be noticed, it depends
🚩 Lust conjunct Sun/Pluto - an obsession based placement. Other aspects need to be taken into account though
🚩 Lust conjunct Neptune/in 12th - can possibly indicate someone doing drugs. Definitely not always, this is just the negative outcome of this placement
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catsnuggler · 2 years
hi! i saw ur tags on the radical inclusionism post and i remembered about these two terms that miiight fit if bisexual doesnt :0 search up finsexual and gynosexual ^^ also remember that u dont Need to have labels , just live ur life n love who u love
Hey anon! Thanks for sending the ask. After taking a glance at the terms, I can see how they're both pretty close, though I still have doubts about them.
I'm assuming, benefit of the doubt, that you are an ally of transgender people, or are transgender, rather than a TERF. That being said, while I understand "gynesexual" doesn't directly mean, like, "vagina-sexual", it's used by a lot of TERFs of the "political lesbian (as in the TERF sub-branch known as political lesbianism)" persuasion, in that way. I don't want to add any fuel to TERF fires, so frankly, I avoid that word like the plague, usually.
On the other hand, finsexual is a little too broadly defined - or undefined, rather. Putting aside the transphobic definition of gynesexual, I'd say I fall somewhere between those. I'd probably just cut to the chase and say "I'm attracted to women and nonbinary people who generally/usually lean feminine." Avoids the confusion of saying I'm bi but not into dudes, as well as that of using terms that people may be unfamiliar with. Might also just say "queer" tbh, except around those who don't want to be described with that word. I don't oppose anybody's right to use the word, though, except homo/bi/trans/etc.phobes using it in a _____phobic way.
Hey, anon, if you'd like to continue this conversation in DMs, I promise to keep it private. I'd like to talk about this more in-depth with you.
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darknoiserecords · 3 years
When it comes to mental health issues, let your friend, who actually has the diagnosis, tell people what's up. Don't do it yourself, you're doing more harm than good. I take antipsychotics for my schizoaffective disorder, and I KNOW the second someone hears someone else is on them they automatically assume the worst. Please just let your friend talk about it. It's them who has the diagnosis, NOT you. I'd rather be there when someone finds out so I can judge their reaction and call them out if it's bad, rather than them finding out through someone else and spreading it like wildfire, and then that's how someone's whole ass family knows you got it and treats you like you're a bomb waiting to go off. I'll be the first to admit I'm crazy but I'm not dangerous in the fucking slightest. And I don't like people treating me differently just because I have schizophrenia. So please guys, just let your friend, whose diagnosis is their medical thing, do the talking. If they say you can tell someone you can, but don't go telling everyone who will hear about it without asking your friend first with each and every person you tell. Don't go on and on about their symptoms, only tell what your friend gives you permission to tell and nothing else. Any mental health issue is already hard enough without the stigma attached to it, please don't add fuel to the fire because you just HAD to tell your other friend that someone has it. That ain't cool dude, that's a dick fucking move, I can get royally fucked over if the wrong person finds out. Don't be that person. Sit down, and shut the fuck up. You don't like people spreading your medical history without you knowing, why is it any different if it's not you?
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campcampfanfan · 3 years
Was scrolling down your blog and realized you basically have an expanded universe of Max's life, yet no one's actually fleshed out his birth parents other then they are poor, his mom got Gwen to watch out for max at camp and the dad works over seas so I'mma jump in as well
The mom, was born in India grew up there and believed in Hinduism, so a very kind but religious women had a natural talent and love for cooking, expecially spicy foods, tried to go into culinary school but all were too expensive or didn't accept her because of some mediocre grades and most likely her older siblings and parents didn't really like the idea and would of rather her been married the second she got out of school but tries there hardest to be supportive anyway, the woman would look like max (obviously) but with some bold brown eyes pitch black hair and some beauty marks, and over all just a nice looking women, she'd be pretty sassy and a bit rude but not to the extent of Max, more of a rude as in a “my god if your boyfriend hits you that means he doesn't fucking love you, get it through your head before he beats it into you” way, like a very weird lovingly but overly bitchy way, you know? She'd also be rather responsible unlike her troublemaker son, she'd also have a very traditional Indian women name, (possibly a Hinduism or beauty related name) and of course she'd love her son and husband to death, and instead of her moving to join her husband she fights the government tooth and nail every day to get her son back because she's not fucking backing down that easily, (she's probably also how max started to develop his no bullshit attitude that evolved poorly when he was taken away and into the care of the white rich family)
The dad is a foster son to a big family of writers, traveler's and adventures that raised him to basically cause trouble and to look for a rush of adrenaline while being very creative with his scheming plans, he'd be very, very close with his family that traveled and would see the world in so many different way and in so many different places while looking into culture of each places and trying to learn a bunch of different languages which is how he met the mom on a trip to India, he wouldn't necessarily be Indian himself but most likely mixed, (for example look at the white characters in the show and the black characters in the show, max seems to be tan or orange but is called Indian or 'hinducultured' so by Max's tan orange skin and less light brown like gwen for example it seems to be that he's supposed to be more mixed racial) so perhaps some Spanish or Portuguese mixed in with Indian and native American with some white thrown in like maybe, idk British or Danish, so he'd have a mixed look, he'd have Max's eyes and something close to Max's skin tone unlike the mom, but he wouldn't have the same hair color, I imagine light brown but since people can have more coloured hair in this universe I think I'd be cool if he'd have something like a dark blue or a dark purple hair color, he'd be a very easily excited person who was most likely home school because he liked to travel, he works over seas doing a bunch of odd jobs that most people wouldn't accept because they are weird or dumb or just plan out dangerous and he does them with a big smile on his face, he wouldn't make him and his wife rich or anything but definitely enough to keep them well fed and cared for at the least, he'd probably have some kind of attention disorder and would be over all a very loud obnoxious easily distracted person but would still be very intelligent like his son (he's the one that definitely taught max a bunt of street smarts while they are shopping in a city or something which is why max likes the city because he associates it with his biological caring father making time out of his adventurous but odd Life just for him to feel special before he had to leave again for work
Hope this adds fuel to the fire that is this chain of explaining the max family universe on your blog lol
What the fuck kind of genius is this
Why didn't I make this I am so jealous of the pure talent
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I'm lurking in people's ask boxes today, making them horny. Marvel Boomer fandom mass insanity? More likely than you think.
Bonus gif in the comments once you reply to this. Tumblr doesn't let me add 😡🤬
"Come on, try and make me angry," Banner grits out, an arm thrown around your neck. You can feel the bulging of his muscles, the tension of his veins. He's barely holding back the force of the Hulk. "See how you like that!"
You want to laugh. You want to laugh in his face, and in Tony's, because they are just mortal men. Intelligent, capable, but at the very core of it, very simple human men.
"I'd listen to the Mean Green if I were you," Tony, of course, throws in a mocking remark. You've never experienced the joys of a quiet Stark.
"Well, mark me down as scared and horny," The look you give Tony and his suit is pornographic. That's your final decision: they will reap what they sow. You'd been minding your business, not hurting anyone - in fact, you've been having nothing but positive reviews, but for some reason, humans just couldn't comprehenda peaceful co-existing with a different species. "I've been alive longer than you, your fathers and your grandfathers combined. Why is it that human men always seem to think they deserve to have the veto power?"
Banner briefly stills behind you; you knew they'd assigned him to the task because his self-control is impeccable, almost good enough for him to be unable to be seduced. Tony's there for the opposite reason: someone had believed a good lover may make you inclined to surrender peacefully. Both of them, of course, were wrong. Neither satisfaction nor submission is in your nature.
"Well, we can't have demons just running around and sucking the souls out of civilians," Tony supplies conversationally.
You groan and then palm your face, not really struggling against Banner's iron grip. "I'm not a demon," For the millionth time in your long life, you spit out the acidic words. "I am a succubus. We do not kill or harm humans," You explain, feeling Banner's apprehension morph into stunned confusion. "That lie was invented by the Catholic church because it was easier to blame repeated infidelity on us rather than hold unfaithful men accountable," You spit out louder than you intend to; being a succubus, things like gender and sex didn't really concern you, but seeing how much it impacted the humanity, it had made sense to spend most of the time in your male form. Only the few past decades you've reacquainted yourself with the female form and the joys of being a woman still were few and in-between. Except the actual physical act of...
That's how you end up in Stark's and Banner's shared lab, wearing one of the former's oversized shirts with an IV and a neat little device that seems to be scanning all your vitals simultaneously. The technological babble is lost in you; instead, you focus on holding back the hunger that grows within you minute by minute.
"Are those numbers looking normal for your species?" Banner asks you, thrusting a tablet in your lap, eyes focused on a whole different set of screens. He is, by far, the kindest man of science you have ever met. Perhaps that's why you agreed to invasive testing.
"No," You can't help but sound grouchy. "I'm hungry," Predictably, the man blushes crimson. You'd explained, in uncomfortable detail, how exactly the feeding process goes down. Dr. Banner was nothing but polite and professional during the small interrogation; now, after the extended time spent in your presence, he seems to grow more and more susceptible to your natural charms.
Or, perhaps, your growing hunger is making the reigns to your self-control to be slippery. Banner accidentally catches your eyes and you see it instantly: the beast, the hunger of his own is doing the same thing. It's pushing against the rails, demanding to be released.
"I can't," He breathes, standing statue-still. "I'll hurt you," With every passing second, you feel the air in the cool room heat up and thicken.
"No, you won't," You're sure. "You can trust me," Neither of you notice how close your bodies are; one moment and his face is inches away from yours, his green-rimmed browns boring into your eyes that undoubtedly have adopted the deep crimson color of hunger by now.
The rest is a rush; his hands, holding you by the shoulders as he gives into his lust, his lips - surprisingly soft - and the noise of the buttons of his shirt hitting the cold tiled floors. There's no finesse, no time for proper foreplay as your hunger bleeds into him, fuels the fire to his all-consuming need.
It's been ages since you've felt someone resist you so strongly, so stubbornly, and it's delicious.
"M'not gonna last," He mumbles, unbuttoning his pants with one clumsy hand while the other noses at your soaking core. You look down on his thick fingers and gasp in surprise: they're big and tinted a fluorescent green, two of them enough to give a delicious stretch once they enter you.
Your face shoots up, finding the previously reserved man smirking in self-satisfaction. "Fuck, that's not... I need more," Is it the casual display of power or the rapid flip of attitude, you don't know, but it's doing it for you. The hunger pangs dull.
Banner's lips and teeth attach themselves to the crook of your neck as the unusually tinted arms drag you almost completely off the table and onto his cock; it's thick, veined and hard as a rock. You let out a squeak - something you considered previously to be above you - as he bottoms out in one single, sharp push of his hips.
"That good enough for you?" His voice had dropped a whole couple of octaves too. Green is steadily crawling up his neck. Your combined sweat stains his friend's t-shirt.
"I hope I'm not interrupting your experiment," Said friend, does, in fact, interrupt, but Dr. Banner only growls. You feel the smile he hides in your skin; you know the boys are just getting started.
After all, as a succubus, you're used to getting what you want.
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What even... this is the first thing I’m reading in the morning. Well fuck 🥵
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motherstone · 4 years
Emily's start of Cynicism...
Okay, er, I just gotta point this one out. One of my biggest complaints about Emily is when as the series progresses, she seems to be lacking a reaction to... Well, anything. Always serious, and self-assured in her actions. Perhaps, a bit too much which caused her to lose the Voice in book 7, because she prioritized her negative feelings instead of properly paying attention to the very obvious trap (which Trellis already told her at hand!!). It is also the book where she showed this strong emotion after a long while. This is in no way an attack on the characters, but some introspection on the people who contributed to her issues:
You could say that her cynicism started when her father died. And never really got over it, even 2 (then 4) years later.
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Emily may seem a bit too harsh here, but she's a kid, she's trying to show she's hurting but Karen, as well-intentioned parent she is, is also hurting. But instead of communicating about it a bit more properly, Emily sets aside her feelings and prioritizes her mother's.
She supresses herself for the sake of her family. Emily has to step up to support her mother emotionally despite being emotionally compromised herself. It's a distressing situation, because as much as relieving to have that sort of reassurance, a child shouldn't have to do that. She has a good heart, but she doesn't have the emotional maturity to handle her mother's problems as well.
Navin... Honestly, I don't know what to think of Navin. He's probably the most emotionally well-adjusted of all of them, despite losing a father himself. But that doesn't mean Navin isn't affected either (book 5. Sorry, photos are limited here).
Leon and Silas:
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It's already very obvious at the dialogue in this scene that Silas is not a good person. It's very likely he chose Emily because she is very much like him and is aware that she's in a situation where she can't afford to refuse, even if she wanted to. He doesn't even instruct her to help the Resistance or defeat the Elves, in fact, he gives no mention about the war at all despite being part of the Resistance; he wants her to attain power in his stead, and made sure to use a carrot and stick method (probably planned by the Voice). The carrot being the power to travel through time, and the stick being losing her family.
Leon is a disciplined soldier who does want to help Alledia... But is not a very good mentor, when it comes to being emotionally supportive to Emily. I guess you can say this is a case of poor communication and Leon having a hasty presumption that Emily is here to help. He is, admittedly, the one who burdened Emily further by redirecting her focus from solving her own issues (albeit very unintentionally, but it still happened) into a grander scale: winning the war. Which is appalling to see Leon trust a prophecy so much that he doesn't seem to mind that he'd use a child to win it for the Resistance. That sort of responsibility, is heavy, and needs immense emotional strength (which Emily isn't because she's not okay!)
Miskit and Cogsley:
They didn't do anything. Not really. Although Miskit is way too incompetent, it's not like he burdens Emily with anything and actively tries to help her. Same with Cogsley except he is competent. No, it's the thing that happens to them is what contributed to it.
Emily has been blaming herself for her failures since book 1, but book 3 adds fuel to this fire even further when they got abducted. It was a failure that was the result of her lack of action (which is not her fault :(, but she thinks it is) and unlike when her mother is poisoned, she can't do anything to resolve it.
Even though it is obvious they're coming back (this is a kid series despite its themes), Emily doesn't know that. She's helpless in this situation. Unlike back then where she has thw hope to cure her mother, Emily can't do anything to get them back. She gets a heavy, bitter dose of an actual failure this time. Arguably, this is where she got more serious and more determined to push herself.
This is probably the heaviest dose of it. Emily's failure in stopping Max is probably what sealed her in. Because unlike the others, this was the result of her own actions. She was actively helping Max. She allowed herself be played like the cheap kazoo she is (as much as I'd love to defend her... But, seriously gurl isn't it obvious?? That guy has been waving several red flags since you've seen him!!). It has the stakes of countless innocent people, and despite having doubts about Max, ended up being too late. It drove home on how irreversible and devastating the effects of one's actions are, and the despair and self-loathing to lump with it. It also doesn't help that Max mocks her for it, using her family as hostages, and makes sure to rub it in her face. Here, I think, is the main start of her ruthless mentality.
One of the many things the villains have in common, is that mentality. The sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Or rather, be downright determined at all costs. Which Emily is. She stopped hesitating, which is good, but it also kept her from contemplating whether her actions are the right ones or not. Which leads her turning against Trellis in book 7.
The Voice:
Do I really have to say it? My thumbs hurt.
Either way, it's honestly unsurprising that she is bound to fall in Firelight, but atrociously stupid that all of that deep-rooted issues of self-hatred and self-blame be easily resolved with what? A pep talk with her future son?
Anyways, I hope you at least understood what I was trying to say because ngl, I am straight up rambling. Toodles!
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