#carlos spec
carlando · 1 year
Reyes also liked that tweet that asked if Carlos and Lando were getting married too.
Yeah, I can’t explain that one. Reyes does three things in her life; a) loves and support her kids, b) loves and takes care of Ollie, c) stirs the Carlos and Lando pot ? Maybe she finds it funny, maybe she likes Lando a whole lot?
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treestomeetyou · 1 year
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trkstrnd · 1 year
there’s no way y’all actually think that carlos could ever be capable of a secret relationship/marriage
his parents would know, for one.
two, he is so very infatuated with tk
three, he would not have said yes to tk if he had another man
i know i sounded like this in breakup era but the evidence we have to back up it being anything other than another man is quite literally stacks of manila folders that y’all wanna toss into the dumpster fire that you’re trying to turn the lone star fandom into.
chill out y’all please.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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ah sorry what??? did you say signed?? did I miss something?
source: this article
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marjansmarwani · 1 year
what’s the theory? my mind has been spiralling over one theory in particular which i don’t really believe is happening but i haven’t been able to think of anything else and i’m curious 👀
This comes completely 100% from @moviegeek03, I’m just sharing it with her blessing after she assaulted me with it this afternoon.
The two of us have been fixated on their choice to use the word “tragedy” to describe whatever is going to happen in the finale. It makes me very nervous because that’s a deliberate choice. All along I’ve thought it would be something to do with Robert — and I’m still hoping it might be — but after the article that was released today Brit made a connection that makes too much sense for my liking.
I think by now most of us have probably seen this post by @strandnreyes, but if you haven’t it includes two pictures side by side:
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Carlos is clearly wearing Gabriel’s ring with his tux, and while the original consensus seemed to be that it was a family heirloom that Gabriel gave to his son on his wedding day, given the new information and general vibe we’re getting it’s seeming like a strong possibility that something happens to Gabriel, and Carlos inherits the ring and wears it as a momento/reminder. Which, while I hate it (so, so much), it does make a good amount of sense: it would be an event big enough to have the effect Tim seems to be describing and given how Gabriel is always involved in the action I would not be surprised if something happened to him during an accident or other call.
And I’m trying not to dwell on that idea too much because the idea of Carlos watching his father die when he is presumably at the same emergency is absolutely too much.
So yeah, that’s the theory. And yes, we both hate it.
But that brings me to the good news: if you hate the idea of Gabriel dying as much as I do, I think there is some decent evidence to them not doing that. For one, killing two parents within that amount of time seems a bit excessive (but no I would not fully put it past them). The other, and more likely, reason I think it may not be that is that if they kill Gabriel Reyes off they lose their Texas Ranger connection, which they like to use fairly often. So in that regard it’s not that likely.
So yeah, there you go Anon. The theory is Gabriel does in the finale, and given the fact that we know the wedding will be towards the end of the two hours he would be dying shortly before his son’s wedding and not getting to see it. And that’s just so incredibly rude.
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jesuisici33 · 27 days
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my dream s5 scenario is carlos looking for the people responsible for killing his dad and when he does he encounters a kid (maybe the son of someone involved) and steps into a mentor/fatherly type role for him and it culminates with carlos in a position where he has to choose between staying with the kid or chasing after the person who killed gabriel (and he chooses the kid because of course)
OMG I LOVE THAT!!!!! carlos is SO good with kids (I mean hello, tommy's twins LOVE uncle carlos and he looked like he loved hanging out with baby jonah in the little time we've seen him). and I think that would be a really good arc for him and a chance to also heal from trauma his dad gave him. I mean, not necessarily BAD trauma, but carlos still has some unresolved issues that gabriel gave him, and perhaps that could be a reason to come back in flashbacks like in that one video carlos saw and for him to reflect on his childhood through that child (if this arc would become a thing). and ofc tk would be a ride or die with carlos and this through and through because it's tk.
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reyesstrand · 1 year
so i do think they’re going to have a tense conversation after this detective leaves, and obviously carlos kind of leaves in a rush while tk stays home, but i don’t think carlos is going to outwardly blame tk—i think they’re going to blame themselves. tk’s already in his head about how carlos sees him, so in his head, he’s thinking: what if i did upset her by insisting and now she ran off? carlos’ whole thing is caring for people and he hasn’t been there for years for iris, so he’s thinking: what if i pushed too hard? what if she isn’t actually fine because how would i know, i abandoned her? i think they’ll talk long enough for carlos to work out she was taken, and he’ll go off to try and find her because he’s the only one who suspects something bad did happen to her, and he and tk won’t leave on the best terms, but by the end of the episode they will have found iris and the two of them will have reconciled a bit (or at least started to) before carlos goes missing trying to investigate further.
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
I feel like the marriage won't happen in the dream venue. After the divorce, Carlos's recovery and hopefully a much-needed conversation about their expressing their emotions and communication issues they'll decide to just get married so no need to mess with messy timeline.
This is such a valid suggestion and as a Reyes Ranch Wedding truther… I am hoping this will be the case. The venue falls through, they almost lose each other, realize the place doesn’t really matter just the people involved. “Hey doesn’t your family have a ranch?”
BOOM! 💍💍
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notwithout-mymuse · 1 year
Ok so how’s this for a ‘secret’ theory:
I’m probably utterly insane but still, humour me.
So… season 4 opens probably a few weeks after season 3 left off, with soft, domestic just-engaged, deliriously happy Tarlos. Insert this scene here:
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I’m thinking a soft morning just-woke-up-together scene, but honestly it could be anything.
Later in the episode we see Carlos meeting Andrea for lunch mid-shift pre-frog apocalypse.
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Only, what’s so important that she had to meet him while he’s in the middle of a shift? Maybe because she wanted to talk to him alone? (cause we all know off-duty Tarlos are joined at the hip).
Here, we get our first hint at the big secret. We realise that whatever it is, Andrea knows and is trying to convince Carlos that he needs to let TK in on the secret now that they’re engaged. Insert this line here:
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Then, the conversation gets interrupted by the disaster of the week, and the audience is left wondering.
Sometime later we get excited TK in wedding planning mode, probably featuring a lot of this smug playful face:
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Only this time, the audience senses that Carlos is hesitating, maybe thinking about his mother’s warning, but it’s not the time or place to have that conversation (and maybe disaster of the week part 2 is kicking off), so again the audience is left wondering.
Very much this scene from S2 kinda vibes, where Carlos (bless his cotton socks) thinks he’s being smooth and subtle in his deflections, but he’s really, REALLY not and TK starts to realise that something is up:
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Then we skip ahead to this angsty-looking scene:
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I mean, think about this from TK’s perspective, with his past and previous traumas. The show literally opened with him getting his heart broken over a marriage proposal. If this poor little poppet starts suspecting that Carlos is hesitating when it comes to them getting married, that’s gotta reopen a whole lot of old emotional scars.
I still can’t work out which order I think the two photos from this scene will fall, but either way I think it becomes - if not an argument - then at least a very emotionally charged conversation (in which we will charge Ronen and Rafa for our therapy bills after) where TK says something along the lines of ‘if you don’t want to marry me then just say so’.
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And Carlos, unable to bear the thought that TK thinks he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life with him blurts out the truth:
He can’t marry TK. Not because he doesn’t want that with all his heart..
But because he’s already married.
BOOM. MIC DROP. RIP lone star fandom 2020-2023. Of course the ep ends on a cliffhanger so that we all have to suffer for a whole week without answers. Hence the “gasp-inducing revelation”.
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HOWEVER (stay with me here) I don’t think it will be quite as straight-forward as like ‘oh here’s an ex boyfriend I never mentioned before and oops we got married’. For one thing, there doesn’t seem to have been anyone cast who would fit that role, and that would be the obvious route for the story to go, for TK to meet this ex - accidentally or otherwise because DRAMA. Also, how would Andrea know if TK is the first of Carlos’ partners that she has met?
But also, you know who has a role in all of this that we haven’t really been able to figure out yet?
Again, stay with me here…
Given that we know that Carlos came out as gay at 17 and has never been suggested to be anything else, I’m pretty sure he would not have married Iris out of love.
However, Carlos has been presented as someone who cares deeply about the people around him, who will do anything to help someone in need, and who struggles with not being able to make things better for people.
So what if Iris didn’t need someone to marry her out of love. What if she needed someone to marry her because she was desperate?
Remember - the last time we saw Iris she was homeless, penniless, traumatised and extremely mentally unwell. But in the new stills she looks in much better health. So who has been making sure that Iris is taken care of financially - her unemployed sister? Her retirement-age mother? And we have no evidence that either of them are even still alive or around to help - if they killed Gwyn off why not Michelle - especially if Liv Tyler is definitely not coming back which looks likely.
So who has been paying what are presumably exorbitant medical fees? It’s not likely that she had medical insurance after living on the streets with no job. But what if she had a ‘husband’ - one with a stable job, decent income, and presumably good health insurance benefits?
Only it would have to be a secret, wouldn’t it?Because the marriage is fraudulent, and Carlos is literally an officer of the law.
Of course this makes me wonder about time frame (always a risky thing with shows like this), but I’m wondering if it happened during the Tarlos break-up era. If Carlos thought there was no chance of reuniting with TK - and lord knows the poor boy wasn’t moving on no matter what he said - then what would be the harm in pretend marrying a friend for a little while so that she could get help?
Nothing. Until TK comes back, and proposes of course!
And understandably TK would have grounds to be upset about Carlos not letting him know what was going on (which is what I think Carlos’ real ‘slip-up’ is, rather than the marriage itself) but given everything that happened after the reunion - with Gwyn dying, TK nearly relapsing, the Sadie drugging, Owen’s cancer scare and a building nearly crushing him - I can see why it might have been difficult to casually slip a sham marriage into the conversation!
Ultimately though, the solution is simple. If Iris is doing as well as she seems, then explain the situation, get the marriage annulled - problem solved!
Which is what I think this scene is about, given that everyone seems happy. (Side note: I think that the image of them in the same clothes where TK looks worried, and Carlos seems to be comforting him could be from before Iris arrives and TK is nervous about how she might respond).
But it’s all fine, she’s happy for them and they make arrangements.
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Only, DUN DUN DUN plot twist! Something happens to Iris (probably linking back to some other plot that has been bubbling away in the background) and she goes missing/needs rescuing first:
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Anddddd, that’s all I got.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
I Know I Love You
TK sat in the rig on the morning after the disaster that had been finding an officiant working down the inventory checklist, trying to distract himself from the thoughts roaring through his mind. He was able to get through a quarter of the list before Nancy arrived for their shift.
“Uh, in a hurry to count, Strand?” Nancy asked as she stepped up to the back of the rig.
TK looked over at her, fixing his happy TK smile in place on the way, telling her “Just getting a head start on the list.” He wasn’t in the mood for small talk, but he also didn’t want to involve their friends in this particular struggle, his struggle.
Last night, the conversation had ended with no more real conversation, leaving TK feeling that gaping chasm growing. He also knew that he was the only one that could close it. He just had to figure out if it was something that he truly thought he could, and live with. If he could see a new picture of his future, one that was very different than he always envisioned, dreamed of.
He was the only one that could make that call. Could he let go of the idea of being a father, for the reality of being married to Carlos? Could he see himself as a father to a child without Carlos in his life?
Read more on Ao3
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carlando · 1 year
hello i am asking about the situation pls yell
the confusion of ALL HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY like his parents and sisters are still liking her posts and his cousin, rup, lando all said shit about them getting married soon, hinting at a wedding? did he propose and she said no? was it isa’s idea? it had to be, cause can you imagine carlos The Avoider initiating a split with his gf of SIX VERY LONG years?? no, me either!
happy for her and happy for him but also sad for him cause he is a) having the queer awakening of his life or b) he’s super confused cause the girl thought he’d marry just left him or c) he did a bad thing and she got the fuck out (i prefer a and b over c but c is probable)
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treestomeetyou · 1 year
Here's how this goes:
Carlos spends episode 3 trying to find Iris and doesn't succeed. He finds a lead, but for whatever reason there isn't enough evidence to chase it down officially. Carlos decides to check it out on his own and he's right (bc,,, duh). That's the scene from the trailer, where he gets hit from behind while out of uniform. Cliffhanger.
We then get desperate TK trying to find his fiancé (LITERALLY HIS WHOLE HEART) which is when the team up between Gabriel and TK happens. Leading to the very special Tarlos moment in the episode that airs on Valentine's Day that Ronen teased.
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trkstrnd · 1 year
I love how Carlos tries his best to gives TK his dream venue and already worrying about TK being sad on the wedding itself if they couldn’t get that dream venue
And here we have TK who doesn’t mind marrying at Judd’s uncle ranch without even knowing how it looks like or if there’s hog running around lols (if he’s really that concerned about a pretty venue I think he would have looked into other fancy second options but nope hes just like hey does ur uncle rent out the ranch 😂)
i also kinda love this because it shows how well tk has assimilated into the texas culture
like i, personally, am from austin, and i see my fair share of cheugy ranch house weddings but at the same time, they’re a texas staple, and tk being able to even joke about settling for his friend’s ranch brings my heart so much joy okay
he’s such a dweeb. i love my boys so much u have no idea
love this anon!! tysm for asking!
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welcometololaland · 1 year
Are you a tarlos elopement truther or wedding? I can’t decide🫣 can I have both? Why not ? I’ll have both.
Hello Anon! I think we're getting a wedding, but I'm also very into the elopement idea.
I think the concept of their commitment to each other being so private, just for each other by each other without anyone else is so precious and so meaningful and would perfectly mirror the 3 x 18 proposal.
That being said, I also think having a wedding is a beautiful opportunity to show how beloved TK and Carlos are. It also gives us more opportunity for family content (which - see my previous post - I am thirsty for). I know a lot of people (including me) would love to see Jewish traditions/customs written into the wedding and I know Rafa has, in the past, also spoken about tying in elements of Mexican-American culture. I think a wedding is a really beautiful opportunity for those things. I went searching for Rafa's quote in particular, because he says it so much better than I can:
“I think it’s going to be special either way. I want Carlos to be the most Texan. I want him to wear a cowboy hat — like, all Tejano gear — to his wedding. I want to show the Mexican American culture … because America is beautiful and has many shades, and we need to show that on national television.” - Rafael Silva
Thanks for the ask!
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marjansmarwani · 1 year
So it seems Carlos gets hurt at night so does that mean TK will be going out of his mind wondering where Carlos is because he hasn’t come home? Which I’m assuming is very unlike Carlos? I’m also wondering if TK is even aware Carlos went out or if Carlos goes/sneaks out at night when TK is either at work or asleep? I love angst but TK potentially coming home to an empty apartment with no word from Carlos or waking up to no Carlos is just angst level 1000000 🫠
You are right that from everything we have seen it looks like it’ll happen at night in which case, yes. Very much yes. There’s something about the idea of TK waking up and reaching across the bed to find that Carlos is not there that is very tasty.
I’d like to submit for your consideration though the possibility of TK being on shift and the 126 being called to a scene where TK sees Carlos’s car (will the Camaro make a second appearance??) and realizes what happened before anyone can tell him. The process of putting that together and the ensuing realization? Finding this out on a scene covered in emergency personnel and flashing lights, possibly right after someone reports that they found blood??
Fox, please give us all the good angst. If you’re going to do this, do it right.
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thebumblecee · 1 year
✨Send me an ask with one of the following lines + a pairing and I’ll write you a smutty short in response ✨
1. “I’m doing nothing unless you beg for it.”
2. “Tell me what you want?”
3. “Aren’t you a pretty sight?”
4. “You have two options, baby.”
5. “Those noises you make are sinful.”
6. “You look absolutely wrecked.”
7. “Show me how desperate you are for it.”
8. “What are you looking at?”
9. “I want to taste you.”
10. “Will you let me?”
11. “Pick which one you want me to use on you.”
12. “Does that feel good?”
13. “You like it when I’m mean, don’t you?”
14. “Pathetic, you can do it better than that.”
15. “Aw, it’s cute when you try so hard to do it right.”
16. “I love it when you cry.”
17. “It gets you off when they watch, doesn’t it?”
18. “I don’t even care if you come.”
19. “Let me please you.”
20. “You can come whenever you want, but we’re not done until I’m done.”
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