#I'll fully edit this later I'm so sorry
writerjayne · 30 days
This is a little sterek college AU (are they human are they werewolves who knows) one shot that I wrote on my phone with no beta or editing So apologies for the errors! The premise is a little vauge on purpose in case I want to expand this into a full story later but basically its an "Everyone grew up together" kind of vibe. Made Derek only 3 years older to make him still being in college realistic. Enjoy!
The car slowing to a stop woke Stiles. Blinking around and not fully conscious he asked confused:
"Are we there already?"
Derek glanced over from the driver's seat and chuckled. 
"No we still have like three hours. It's just a traffic jam." 
"Oh," stiles sat up a little straighter and looked around, clearly still half asleep. "We'll still get there early right?" 
"Yeah, gps says we'll arrive at 1, so plenty of time for move in," Derek assured as the traffic began inching forward. 
"Good, I need to talk to the housing department," Stiles pulled out his phone, fingers moving rapidly as he typed. 
Derek smiled indulgently. It was Stiles freshman year of college and Derek had never seen him so excited. 
"To get your key?" Derek prompted when Stiles didn't elaborate. 
"No, I need to see if they have any empty rooms," Stiles tone was almost vague, his attention on his phone. "Or any double rooms with only one occupant. Here look there's an alternative route-" 
"I'm sorry what?" Derek cut Stiles off. "You have to ask about a room? Stiles it's move in day! The day you move in!" 
"Yeah so I have to get a room to move into," Stiles rolled his eyes. "So the earlier the better! Here, take the next exit so we can get around-" 
"Mieczyslaw Genim Stilinski!!" Derek didn't roar, they were in a closed car but it was a close thing. 
"Hey hey hey, why are you middle naming me?" Stiles demanded. "Forget that, why are you first naming me?!"
"Because your father isn't here to do it!" Derek growled. "You don't have a place to live?"
"Well I did! But then Scott decided to room with Allison instead and I told him not to worry about it but when I called the place we were going to rent from they said I couldn't rent a two bedroom as one person so yes I'm going to talk to housing when we get there!" Stiles waved his hands around as he spoke, getting more agitated. "What else was I supposed to do?"
"I don't know, stiles, ask the adults in your life for help?" Derek pointed out.
"Dad has enough on his plate and I had already told him scott and I were set," Stiles sounded embarrassed. 
"Your father is not the only adult in your life," Derek reminded, though not harshly. "What about my parents, hell Laura would have been happy to help or I don't know me??"
"Your parents were busy getting cora all set up," Stiles pointed out. "And I thought about calling Laura but her semester just started too..."
"And me?" Derek prompted. "I'm not exactly new at this!" 
"Honestly I forget you're an adult too," Stiles admitted sheepishly. 
"Stiles!" Derek groaned almost closing his eyes but the traffic began moving again and he focused back on the road. 
"I know I know!! That's why I want to get there early, so I can get this sorted out with the housing department!" Stiles desperately explained again before holding out his phone again. "So can we take the alternate route?" 
"What if you moved in with me?" 
Stiles jaw dropped and he half lowered the phone. Derek wasn't looking at him, the older man's eyes on the road but he was growing in thought. 
"Move in with me," Derek repeated. "It's small but you wouldn't have to worry about rent, you could save the money you make at your job. It's technically off campus but it's not far to walk. There's also a bus stop out front-" 
"But you hate having roommates!" Stiles interrupted. "And isn't it a one bedroom?" 
"Yeah it's a little place but we can make it work. And you're not a stranger so I think I'll be fine," Derek smiled slightly. "What do you say?" 
"Okay," Stiles was almost breathless. "If you're really sure..."
"I'm sure Stiles. Now we've still got like two and a half hours to go so go back to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." 
"Okay," Stiles said again, smiling this time. "Thanks Der." 
"You're welcome," Derek responded with a smile. 
"I'm sorry I have so many books," stiles frowned apologetic as they hauled the last two boxes up the stairs to the apartment. 
"It's fine, Stiles, I promise," Derek said for what felt like the hundredth time. 
They dropped the boxes by the half full bookshelves in the small living room before pausing to take a break. 
Heading to the kitchen Derek pulled a couple of bottles of water from the fridge, silently greatful he had come the week before to clean and stock the apartment. It hadn't been used in months and had been dusty. Derek had wanted move in day to have as minimal work as possible so he had come to prepare. 
"Are you sure about me not paying rent?" Stiles worried voice pulled Derek from his thoughts. 
"I told you it's fine. I don't pay rent, why would I make you pay rent?" Derek held out a water bottle to Stiles. "My parents own the building, specifically so family can use it without having to worry about paying for accommodations. There's always a few units empty. This one has been mine since I started school." 
"If you're sure," Stiles relented. "Do we need any groceries? I can make a run!" 
"Sure," Derek started but he was interrupted by a knock on the door and it swinging open. 
"Hey nerd, how's unpacking going?" 
Both men turned to see Erica kicking off her shoes by the door. 
"Hey Erica!" Stiles greeted brightly. "It's going pretty good! We got the sleeping arrangements sorted first then hauled everything in!" 
Erica froze for half a second at the sight of stiles before smiling. 
"What are you doing here?" She asked
"Oh I'm living here," stiles glanced between his two friends "did Derek not tell you?" 
"He did not," Erica gave Derek a pointed look and the older man rolled his eyes. 
"Cut me some slack, I didn't even know until like 3 hours ago!" Derek gave Stiles a face. "Someone thought they could show up on move in day and just find a place to stay!"
"Oh?" Erica grinned and Stiles blushed. 
"I'm going to go get some groceries now," he muttered avoiding Erica's eye and she laughed. 
"Whatever Batman," Erica plopped on the couch, pulling out her phone. "Bring me back some chocolate?" 
"Sure," Stiles agreed easily. "I won't be long!" 
"Ok be safe and call me if you get lost!" Derek said sternly. 
"This isn't the preserve Derek, GPS actually works here so I think I'll be fine!" With that stiles left, waving as he pulled the door closed. 
As soon as she hears the door latch Erica jumped up rouding on Derek. 
"This is a terrible idea!!" She exclaimed. "Why would you even suggest it?" 
"If you're gonna lecture at least help me unpack his books," Derek answered, dodging the question. 
"Seriously Derek, what were you thinking?" Erica grabbed a box and began opening it. 
"Well I wasn't gonna let him be homeless!" Derek hissed. "He's my best friend-"
"Who you've been in love with since you were what 8?" Erica crossed her arms. 
"If we're getting technical since I was 3," Derek admitted. 
Erica did the quick mental math before asking:
"God Derek, was he even born??" 
"Um not yet." 
"Derek!" Erica groaned. "What are you going to do if he brings someone home? You'll be in jail for murder!" 
"I'm not that jealous!" Derek said defensively.
"No but you are that protective!" Erica countered. 
"It won't be a problem anyway, Stiles isn't going to bring anyone home," Derek said dismissively. 
"Are we talking about the same stiles?" Erica raised an eyebrow. "Stiles stilinski? The boy who dated Lydia Martin! Stiles stilinski who dated your sister and your cousin not to mention half the lacrosse team! Say what you want but that boy can pull!" 
"Okay so we cross that bridge when we get there!" Derek continued putting books on the shelves, avoiding Erica's eye for a moment. 
"Yeah okay," Erica crossed her arms. "We'll see how that goes." 
"You want a tour or what?" Derek huffed, changing the subject. 
"Obviously," Erica grinned. "Why else do you think I came over?" 
Derek refrained from rolling his eyes and gestured for the young woman to follow him. He gave a quick tour of the living room and kitchen before opening the door to the bedroom. 
"There's only one bed?!" Erica rounded on Derek, her disbelief written across her face. 
"It's a king, we can share," Derek shrugged. "We have before."
"This is going to end so badly. This is a disaster," Erica stood dumbfounded. "Seriously what were you thinking?" 
"I was thinking 'hey one less thing to stress over' Scott I wasn't thinking about how in each other's space it would be!" Stiles nearly threw his hands up in exasperation. "I didn't exactly have another option!" 
"You should have told me! Allison and I could have got a bigger place or you an I could have done this first semester together and she and I could have moved in together next semester!" Scott's worried voice came over the phone and stiles could almost see Scott nervously pacing. 
"It's Derek Scott, it'll be fine!" Stiles tried to sound confident. 
"Who you've been in love with since you were old enough to walk!" Scott pointed out.
Stiles groaned. 
"I know, I know. But honestly, how bad can this be?" 
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kiarastromboli · 9 months
Teach me 2 (Chris Sturniolo x y/n)
Part.1 Part.3
Warning: Not my edit, Smut content, don’t like it = don’t read it :)
Summary: Y/N and Chris's relationship has evolved, but Y/N insists on keeping a low profile for fear that her parents will find out she has a boyfriend.
"Wake up, honey, your dad is dropping you off today," my mom said, gently stroking my hair to wake me up.
I just hummed in response, too lazy to open my mouth and speak.
After a few seconds of tossing in bed to stretch and rub my eyes, I reached for my phone.
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I smiled foolishly at my phone before getting out of bed to get ready.
My relationship with Chris had evolved since the night he climbed through my window two weeks ago. We decided to take our time; nothing was officially defined, and not many people knew about us.
Mainly because I was afraid my parents would find out I had a boyfriend. Chris didn't care; he wasn't the type to overthink, and that's precisely why I tried to keep this relationship discreet.
My parents had been quite clear in the past about boys—no boyfriends before the end of high school. According to them, it's a distraction, and they want me to focus fully on my studies, which I can understand.
On top of that, Chris is pretty much everything my parents would dislike, so it would be even worse if they found out I was dating him.
Anyway, I left my room to head to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, styled my hair, and applied a bit of makeup.
I wanted to look a bit nicer today for Chris; I knew this lacrosse match was important for him, and I wanted to please him.
"You look very beautiful. Do you have a special event today?" my father asked as he saw me coming into the kitchen.
"Um, no, I just felt like getting ready a bit," I nervously replied before sitting at the table for breakfast.
"By the way, I'll probably be home a bit later tonight. There's an important lacrosse match, and I plan to watch it with Julia," I added nervously.
"Hm," my father looked at me strangely before returning to his phone.
I had my breakfast peacefully, and then my father and I headed to school.
My morning went by normally—nothing extraordinary. I attended classes, worked, and chatted a bit with my best friend Julia. Then lunchtime arrived.
"See you at the match!" I told Julia as I left the class to go to my locker.
I opened my locker to put away my things, and when I closed it, I was taken by surprise by Chris standing right behind me.
"Oh my god, Chris!" I said, placing my hand on my heart, thinking I was having a heart attack.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, chuckling, and I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder before laughing myself.
"You look good," he said with a smirk, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I made an effort for you today," I told him, smiling and tilting my head to the side.
"Can't wait to take off that little skirt later," he whispered in my ear, making me blush.
"Chris!" I said, clearing my throat and looking around to make sure no one had heard.
He chuckled before leaning toward me for a kiss, and instinctively, I pulled back.
He gave me a confused look. "Not here. I don't want anyone to see us," I said timidly.
"Y/n, your parents aren't going to magically appear out of nowhere and catch us kissing. We're at school," he replied, rolling his eyes and sighing.
"I know, but I don't want to take the risk of someone telling them!" I replied.
"I couldn't care less if your parents don't like me, Y/n. It annoys me that I can't kiss you whenever I want!" he said, getting frustrated.
"Chris, I know. I'm sorry. Please, stop," I said, immediately feeling guilty. "Maybe you don't care, but it's important to me. I'm not ready for them to know. I need a little more time."
He sighed, throwing his head back. "Yeah, see you at the match after school," he said before turning around and leaving.
It really bothered me that things were so complicated. It was just the beginning of our relationship, and I was terrified of ruining everything because of my parents.
The rest of the day, I wasn't really focused on anything. I couldn't stop thinking about Chris. I didn't want to hurt him, and I could sense that this situation was bothering him. I wanted to find a way to make it up to him.
After school, Julia and I headed straight to the stadium to watch Chris's match. We had seats right at the front in the stands.
"Hold this for me. I'm going to see Chris quickly before the match starts," I told my best friend, handing her my bag.
Of course, she knew about Chris and me; she was the first person to find out.
She nodded, smiling at me, and I ran toward the locker rooms. I was lucky; Chris had just come out.
I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to a more discreet spot where no one could see us, then kissed him.
"I'm sorry for earlier," I replied, separating our lips. "I don't want our argument to distract you from your match. I'll find a solution."
"I'm not angry with you, Y/n," he said, placing his hand on my cheek. "It's just that I wish I could show everyone that you're mine."
"Shut up," I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt to kiss him. "How about you show me how much I'm yours after this match," I added, biting my lip.
"You won't have to ask me twice," he said, grabbing me by the waist, pulling me against him, and kissing me again. "Join me in the locker room after the match," he said, disconnecting our lips.
"Chris, I meant at your place or mine, not here dumbass," I said, chuckling.
"I won't wait until then. If it were up to me, I'd fuck you against this wall," he said, smiling.
"No, Chris, you're insane. We're not doing that in the locker room," I said, shaking my head.
"Okay, let's make a deal. If I score three times during this match, we do it in the locker room. Otherwise, it's up to you to decide," he said, extending his hand.
"Chris," I said, looking at him seriously, and he insisted, "Oh my god, okay fine, deal," I finally gave in, and he kissed me quickly before turning back to the others.
Even if Chris was doing pretty well in lacrosse, there was little chance he would score three times on his own. Given the level of his team, I knew this deal was already in my favor.
"Are you done making out with your secret boyfriend?" Julia said when I came back to sit next to her.
"Oh, shut up!" I said, laughing.
It was Chris's first match that I attended. I had seen him practice once or twice quickly, but I didn't expect to find it so attractive to watch him play.
I don't know if it was the brutality with which he entered the opposing team members sometimes or the moments of pause when he removed his helmet to run his hand through his hair.
Not to mention the countless times he threw me looks that, honestly, soaked my panties.
I already found Chris incredibly sexy in everyday life. Sometimes I even felt like a teenager in front of a boyband with him. This guy represented everything I found most attractive.
When he scored for the first time, I was the first to cheer and encourage him, proud to see my boyfriend contribute to his team's victory.
The second time, however, I quickly felt reality catching up with me. Had I just been fooled? I felt anxiety creeping in. If he scored one more time, it meant I was going to sleep with him in the locker room. Oh my god, what had I done?
The rest of the match, every time he approached to score, my heart skipped a beat. But when the last few minutes arrived, I started to feel reassured.
That was without counting on the fact that Chris scored one last time in the last 5 minutes of the match.
Everyone in the stands stood up to celebrate our team's victory, and I sat there for a moment when I realized what that meant. Damn.
After a few minutes of celebration, the team left the field to head to the locker room, and I received a message from Chris.
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I blushed at his message.
"Everything okay?" Julia asked, putting her hand on my shoulder, making me jump and immediately turning off my phone so she wouldn't see my messages.
"Um, yeah!" I said, clearing my throat and smiling to pretend nothing was wrong.
"Okay..." she said, looking at me strangely. "Anyways, my brother is dropping me home in 5 minutes. Do you want us to drop you off on the way to your place?" she offered.
"No, thanks, Ju. I'll wait for Chris to come out of the locker room. I have something to tell him quickly," I said timidly, running my hand over my neck.
"Oh, okay. Well, see you tomorrow, Y/n," she said, smiling before leaving.
It had been about twenty minutes since I was waiting in the stands, feeling stressed and anxious.
Of course, it wasn't about sleeping with Chris; on the contrary, I wanted it. It's just that I found it quite risky, and what if someone caught us?
Anyway, I made a deal with him, and I can't back down now.
My moment of solitude was interrupted by a message from Chris, letting me know that the locker room was empty, and he was now waiting for me to join him.
I took a deep breath and stood up before starting to walk towards the locker rooms.
I passed a few people on the way and tried to act casual as I walked past them. Once in front of the locker room door, I scanned the surroundings to make sure no one saw me enter.
I opened the door and quickly entered. My heart immediately raced when the door closed behind me.
I surveyed the room to find my boyfriend, but no one was there. "Ch-Chris?" I said timidly, gradually moving forward in the room.
No response. Turning my head, I saw Chris's bag on the bench with his lacrosse jersey on it, indicating that he was indeed here. "Not funny, idiot, answer me!" I said, rolling my eyes and starting to walk towards the showers.
Suddenly, I felt hands grab my waist and press me against a wall before feeling his lips crashing onto mine, making me sigh in surprise. "Chris! Oh my god!"
"That's the second time I've scared you today," he said, smiling proudly.
"Yes, and you really need to stop doing it if you don't want me to have a heart attack!" I said, giving him a playful shove to his chest.
I took a moment to admire him; he was shirtless, his hair still damp from the shower he probably just had. "I missed you," he said, reconnecting our lips.
"I missed you too," I replied, running my hand through his hair. "I didn't think you'd manage to score three times," I said in a slightly more timid tone.
"With the right motivation, there are plenty of things I can do," he said, smiling against my lips before removing one of the straps of my top.
"Chris—" I started to say before being cut off by his lips on my neck. "I know we made a deal, but I don't think it's a good idea," I said, unable to hold back small moans escaping my mouth.
"Why?" he asked, sliding his hands over my hips. "You don't seem like you want me to stop, judging by the sounds you're making," I could feel his smile against my neck.
"I don't—" I said, interrupted by a moan when he began nibbling on my neck. "If someone catches us, Chris, I—" I said before being cut off by his hands grabbing the back of my thighs to lift me.
"Don't worry. If you stay quiet, there's no reason anyone will catch us," he said with a smirk before kissing me again, this time our kiss was deeper and more fiery.
I knew it wasn't responsible of me, but his lips on my body only led me astray from the right path. I placed one hand on his shoulder while the other tangled in his hair. "We'll have to do this quickly, though. I don't know how much time we have before the janitor comes to clean the locker rooms," he said with a hungry voice, and I simply nodded.
He led us to the bench to sit next to his bag. His hands gripped my hips, making me moan once again, and I started moving my hips against his, making him groan in return. "I fucking missed this pussy. I can't wait any longer," he said, licking his lips, and indeed, I could feel his rock-hard cock through his joggers rubbing against my panties.
He came to grasp my throat in his hand, kissing me more fiercely than before, making me moan in surprise. This time was different, less gentle than the first, but equally pleasing. I couldn't help but squirm and moan, craving to feel him inside me again. "Shhh," he said, separating our lips.
"I'm sorry, it's just that—" I began before feeling his grip on my ass strengthen.
"It's just that what?" he said with a smirk. "Don't be all shy with me ma; tell me, or I'll stop now," he added, removing his hands from my ass.
"No, don't!" I said in a heated sigh before guiding his hands back to where they were, and he smiled. "It's just that I really need you now," I said timidly, and he immediately kissed me again.
His hands left my ass to remove his joggers and boxers, lifting his hips slightly, pressing his erection even closer to me, causing another moan to escape my lips.
"Y/n, you really need to make less noise than that," he chuckled, readjusting himself.
"Sorry," I said, blushing and looking down at his sizeable member. Not to brag, but in my eyes, it was rather large, and I was afraid that without any foreplay, his entrance might be painful.
"I won't enter before stretching you a bit, baby, don't worry," he chuckled before bringing his hand between our bodies.
He slid my panties to the side before inserting a finger inside me while looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
I tried to stifle a moan when he immediately added a second finger, making me furrow my brows and cling to his shoulder. "You're so beautiful, y/n," he said, moving his fingers inside me.
And I couldn't help but move my hips back and forth, hoping to feel him even deeper inside me. "You're such a good girl; look at you riding my fingers like a needy slut," his words prompted another moan to escape my mouth.
His free hand came to surround his member as he started to stroke himself while watching me. "I want to do it," I said, wrapping my hand around him, and he smiled before starting to bend his fingers inside me.
I gradually quickened my hand movements around him, and he threw his head back. "N-no, Chris, look at me," I said, moaning and placing my free hand on his cheek.
"Fuck, I need to be inside of you right now," he said, removing his fingers from me to grab a condom from his bag.
In a few seconds, he opened the condom with his teeth, and I stopped stroking him so he could put it on.
He wasted no time in seizing me by the hips and aligning himself with my entrance. He took care to shift my panties to the side before applying pressure to my hips to enter in one swift motion. "Chris!" I almost screamed, burying my head in his neck.
"Sorry, I couldn't wait any longer, ma," he said, groaning and starting to guide my hips up and down.
"Oh my fuck," I said, moaning and throwing my head back.
He took advantage of the moment to bury his head in my neck and kiss me there. "Chris, I—" I said, moaning, and he quickened the movement, I gently pulled his hair. "This is so good; please don't stop."
"Y/n, someone might hear you; you need to stop moaning like that, shit-" he said, lifting his head towards me and grabbing my chin.
"I don't fucking care, Chris; it feels good. I need you to go faster, please," I said, driven solely by my desires at that moment, and he did what I asked, thrusting from below this time.
He grabbed my hips tightly and started giving me fast and deep thrusts. "Oh my god, yes, right there," I said, dropping my head forward.
"Fuck, y/n, shhh," he said, trying his best to hold back his own moans.
I felt like I had become completely dumb; the only thing I could think of at that moment was Chris inside me. The moans coming from me were out of control, so Chris pressed his hand against my mouth to prevent any sound from escaping.
"God, I wish I didn't have to cover your pretty little mouth right now," he whispered without stopping his thrusts.
My lower abdomen tightened as he began to massage my clit. My eyes rolled back, and my hand instinctively gripped Chris's throat, which seemed to shock him momentarily but didn't displease him, judging by the smile that appeared on his face.
I closed my eyes, feeling my orgasm approaching. With my other hand, I removed Chris's hand from my mouth to warn him, "Baby, I'm really close," I said, moaning.
"Me too, ma, let it go," he said through gritted teeth. I locked eyes with him, my mouth open, refraining from letting my moans escape. Chris's brows were furrowed, and he bit his lips to prevent any noise from escaping.
"Chris, oh my god!" I almost screamed, tightening my grip around his neck, letting my orgasm take over.
"Hold on a little longer; I'm almost there babe," he said, breathless, giving me animalistic thrusts before he, too, reached climax and stopped his movements completely.
I let my head fall against his chest with him still inside me, and we both began to chuckle. "I'm going to need a second shower," he said, laughing.
"Well, we don't have time. You'll take one at your place; I have to go home before my parents get worried." I told him, straightening up and placing my hands around his cheeks.
"Hmm," he simply hummed, caressing my ass and kissing me tenderly.
I stood up, readjusted my skirt and panties, while he disposed of the condom and got dressed on his end. "I'm good?" I asked, wanting him to tell me if I was disheveled or if my clothes were misplaced.
"Mhm," he said, nodding, and we both headed towards the exit.
He grabbed me by the arm to kiss me. "I love you, Chris," I said, breaking our kiss with a big smile.
"I love you, baby," he replied before I turned to open the door and stepped out.
I quickly descended from my little cloud when I opened the door and found myself face to face with Chris's coach, who crossed his arms.
"Y/f/n y/l/n! I wouldn't have expected to run into you here," he said, giving me a judgmental look before Chris came out right after. "Chris Sturniolo, what a surprise!"
I looked at Chris anxiously, hoping he could come up with a miracle solution. "Coach, it's not what you think—" he started before being interrupted.
"I don't want to hear anything. Both of you will explain yourselves to the principal tomorrow. Go home now," he responded.
Oh my god, this time I'm really in trouble...
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Anon request - "virgin!reader x Sam"
Warnings: soft SMUT18+, some strong language, mentions of wine, fingering, protected first time sex, hair pulling, sensual smut, fully smut
Word count: 4.2k | not edited
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"You don't have any plans tonight, do you?" Sam asks as he slips his big sweater over his head. You purse your lips as you think for a second before shaking your head, "Not unless they're with you."
You smile as he smiles and he walks back over to you, "Good. I made us dinner reservations, I'll be back at six to get you."
"Fancy or casual?" You turn around to rest your arms on the back of the couch, eyes watching him as he comes over and leans down, "Slightly fancy."
He peck your lips, "That okay?"
You nod, "more than okay, baby."
He brushes hair from your face, "Okay." He presses his lips to your forehead, "See you later."
You hold your hand up, watching as he walks towards the door, "Bye." As soon as the door closes, you pull your phone out, texting your best friend to call you.
A few minutes later, your phone rings and you answer, "Sam has a dinner planned tonight." You blurt out, "I think.. I think he wants to, you know."
"Have sex?" She asks with a slight laugh, "There's nothing wrong about that word, y/n."
"I know.." you say resting your cheek in your palm, "I just.. we've been dating for almost- we'll, it'll be three months tomorrow and I.." you let out a sigh, "I haven't told him yet."
"Told him wh- wait." She pauses for a moment, "You haven't told him that you've never had sex before?"
You loved your best friend because you can talk to her about anything, no shame at all.
She was your safe place.
No judgment at all.
"I haven't.. I just didn't know when, not like there's a right or wrong time or anything but mainly because I'm scared to tell him."
"Why are you scared, y/n?" She asks, pausing so you can answer, "What if he thinks I'm weird?"
She laughs, loudly, "I highly, and I mean high-ly doubt that he'll think you're weird. Someone who has never had sex before is hard to come by."
"I just.. I don't want to embarrass myself with him, you know, like I really want to with him, I just let my mind get the best of me, I guess."
"I want you to listen to me, y/n." She sighs, "The way Sam looks at you, is the way someone who knows they have a forever in their hands looks at someone, and that's even more rare than someone who still has their virginity."
You smile, "I know it's probably way too soon, but I honestly do think I love him."
"I wouldn't doubt it. You guys are tooth rottenly perfect for each other." She laughs slightly, "I'm sure he feels the same way about you."
You take a deep breath, "I'm going to tell him tonight, I mean it it all goes wrong and he does find me weird-"
She cuts you off, "He's not going to find you weird." She laughs, "I'm sure that will turn him on even more."
"Oh gosh, no. Stop it." You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I'm already nervous as is."
"Sorry, but no. I think it'll be okay." She pauses, "Just remember, that good things take time, and I'm sure that you being such a pure little angel will make it even better."
You smile, laughing slightly as you nod to yourself, "I'm sure you're right and I'm just overreacting."
"Isn't that what usually happens?" She laughs and you your eyes, "Mhm."
"Alright, well let me know how it goes. If you need, my door is always open for you."
You smile, "Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow or something."
"Sounds good. Now go pick out a pretty dress."
"I'll send you pictures. Thank you." You stand up and she sighs, "You got this. He isn't going to go anywhere."
"Okay." You nod, "Talk later."
"Talk later."
You hang up, letting out a long sigh as you make your way into your room to rummage through your closet.
After a while of holding up dresses to your body, you settle on a white knit dress with a cropped sweater attached to it.
You lay it on the bed, walking over to find a pair of shoes that go with it nicely. You pull out each pair of heel you have, nervous that nothing will go with it.
You set a pair of tan ankle boots next to it and tilt your head as you take a picture to send to your friend.
You smile at her reply, That is the cutest dress ever and the light tan color of those boots go so well. You'll look great, y/n!
You text her back and look at the time, it's almost four, which means you have two hours until Sam is back to pick you up.
You head for the shower, hoping to wash some of the anxiety you have, away.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You set the curling iron down after curling the last strand of your hair. You look into the mirror of your vanity and let out a sigh, "You got this."
Your phone vibrates and you pick it up, smiling when you see a text from Sam, On my way, sweetheart.
You text back, See you soon, baby.
You set your phone down, applying any last minute touches to your makeup before you stand up to smooth out your dress.
You grab your purse, hooking it onto your shoulder before snapping a picture to send to your friend.
She replies back as you walk out of your room, telling you that you look pretty and what not. She was your biggest support, besides Sam.
Sam has been there for you through everything that's happened these last two, almost three months. You guys clicked instantly and just like your friend said, you felt like you had forever in your hands when you looked at him, too.
There's a knock on your door and you stand up, walking over to open it. An instantly smile on your face when your eyes meet Sam's.
"Wow, you look gorgeous." He smiles as his eyes move down your body, "These are for you."
Your lips slightly part as your eyes move down to the bouquet of red roses in his hand, "Sam." You whisper looking back up at him as you take them, "They're so beautiful."
You open your arm, wrapping it around his neck. His hand lays on your hip and he turns his head to kiss your cheek, "Beautiful flowers, for a beautiful girl. You ready?”
You smile, "Yeah, let me just set these on the counter." You turn, walking back into your apartment to set them down on the counter, "Okay. Ready."
You walk over to him and link your arm with his. You pull your door shut before he leads you down to his car. He opens the passenger door for you, giving you a smile before he closes it.
He walks around, getting into the drivers seat, "That dress looks beautiful on you."
You run your hand over the fabric and look up at him, "Thank you. I got it a few weeks ago, figured now was the perfect time to wear it."
"Any time would have been the perfect time, babe." Sam smiles as he lays his hand on yours, interlocking your fingers together.
You bring your other hand over, tracing gentle circles on top of his hand. Your mind starts racing, but you quickly shut it down by reminding yourself of what your friend said.
You rest your head back, staring out the window at the lights of the city. Sam squeezes your hand, "You okay?"
You look over at him, "What, babe?"
"I asked if you're okay." He glances over at you, "You're quiet."
"Oh, I'm fine. Just enjoying the lights." You nod towards the window and he tilts his head, "You sure?"
You nod at him, "Yes, baby. I'm good." You smile, giving his hand a squeeze back. He smiles and pulls up to the doors.
You look over at him, "Valet?"
He smiles and nods, "Uh huh. Now wait here." He gets out, walking around to your side. He talks to the attendant before opening your door, "This way, sweetheart."
He holds his hand out and you take it as you exit the car, "Sam. This place is fancy."
He wraps an arm around your waist as you walk in, "You deserve it."
You smile as you walk with him to your table. He pulls your chair out for you and you sit down. He helps move your chair in before moving to sit beside you.
Your eyes scan down over the menu, "Everything sounds so good."
He nods, "I came here with Colby a few months ago, it was very good."
You set your menu down, looking from it to Sam, "I have to tell you something."
You can see it in his face that he doesn't like the sound of that but you quickly reassure, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad."
He lets out a sigh, "Oh god. Okay." He laughs slightly, "What's up, babe?"
Just as you're about to say it, the waiter comes over, "Good evening, my name is Frankie, I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?"
"Hello Frankie." Sam gives him a smile, "Actually, yes." He looks over at you, "How does a bottle of Sangria sound?"
You smile and nod, "Please."
Sam looks back at Frankie, "Well do a bottle of Sangria, red." He nods at Sam and smiles, "I'll be right back with that."
"Thank you." You and Sam say as he walks away. Sam looks at you, taking your hand, "So you were saying?"
You laugh nervously, "Oh, yeah. That." You brush a curl from your face and sigh, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, and I think you need to know before anything happens-"
He cuts you off, "Anything, sweetheart. You can tell me anything." You catch the hint of worry in his voice so you lean in, "I'm.." you pause, laughing slightly as you build up the courage.
You look up at him, "I'm a.. virgin."
He lets out the breath he was holding, "I thought you were going to say you can't see me anymore or something."
You lay your other hand on top of the one that's in your hand, "No, baby." You shake your head, "I just thought I should tell you, I'm not trying to rush anything by saying that, I just.." you raise your brows, "I just don't have any personal experience and I figured that that would be embarrassing on my end."
He reaches his hand up, thumb brushing your cheek, "There's nothing embarrassing about that, sweetheart." He smiles, "I think.. that's kind of sexy."
Your friend was right, you think as you bite your bottom lip, "Really?"
"There's a first time for everything, darling.." Sam smiles, "And if you are willing, I'd be honored to show you the ropes." He winks, causing a slight blush to take to your cheeks.
"Considering we're celebrating our three month anniversary tonight.." you rest your elbows on the table and lean forward, "I think tonight would be the perfect night for you to do that."
He tilts his head, "It's been three months already?"
You laugh, "I know. Time flies when you're having a good time." He laughs, sighing as he looks up at Frankie, "Thank you."
He nods, "Are we ready to order yet?"
"I am." Sam nods and looks over at you, "You know whatcha want?"
You motion to him, "You go first." You look back down over menu as Sam orders. You look up, ordering what you want before Frankie walks away.
You feel Sam slip his hand under yours and you look over at him as you sit your wine. He stares at you for a few seconds, "Why were you nervous to tell me?"
You shrug, "I didn't want you to think I was weird."
He laughs slightly, "Oh baby, why would I think you're weird? I think that's a good thing, you know?"
"Well.." you sigh with a smile, "That's certainly a relief."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you leave the restaurant, your arm linked with Sam's, you can but feel a rush up nervous excitement.
You were more than ready to give yourself to Sam.
You wanted him to be the one to have you for the first time.
The more you thought about it, the more it felt like it was meant to happen this way.
You watch as the valet attendant brings his car around. Sam leads you down, opening the passenger door for you.
"Thank you, baby." You give him a kiss on the cheek before getting in. He smiles, "More than welcome, my love."
He shuts your door, waving to the attendant and yelling a quick 'thank you' before getting in, "Alright. So where to now?"
"We can go back to my place." You bite your lip as you look over at him. He smirks, "say no more." He starts to drive, his hand finding yours like it always does.
You can tell he wants to ask something, but chooses not to.
"You can ask me, babe." You laugh slightly, "I'll answer any question you have."
He glances over at you, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable by asking anything."
You shake your head, "You won't."
"Why haven't you.." he pauses, "i don't know how to word it." He laughs nervously and you rest your head back, "Why haven't I ever had sex with anyone before?"
He nods and you shrug, "I just.. I don't know, really. It just never felt right with anyone. I was thinking about it, after I told you, and I honestly feel like it was meant to be this way."
He smiles as he comes to a stop, looking over at you, "Really?"
You nod, "I haven't felt this way with anyone. I actually told my friend earlier today that-" you stop once you realize what you're about to say.
You look over at him and he nods, "Keep going."
You take a calming breath, "I was just telling her today that I think.." you smile slightly, "I'm falling in love with you."
A smile takes over his face and he shakes his head, "I actually had sorta the same conversation with Colby the other day."
"You did?" You can feel your cheeks heating and he nods. He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing them against the back of it, "I love you, y/n."
Your heart skips a beat and you nod, "I love you, Sam."
He presses a few kisses onto the back of your hand as he comes to a stop at a red light. He lets go of your hand and reaches up to pull you over as he leans over, and that's right when you knew that you definitely have the kissing at red lights kind of love.
"When we get back to my place.." you whisper as you lean back, "I want you to take me into my room and show me just how much you love me."
You were shocked that those words came from your lips.
But you weren't arguing about it.
"Anything for you, baby." Sam takes his hand back into yours as he continues driving.
Your stomach fills with, what feels like a thousand butterflies and he pulls into the parking space in front of your building.
He looks over at you, reaching up to cup your cheek with his hand, "I've never felt this much love for someone."
You lay your hand on his, "Me too, Sam."
He pulls you in, pressing his lips to yours before whispering a small, "Come on, sweetheart." He gets out, and like usual, comes and opens your door.
You cling to his arm, smiling as you walk up to your door. You unlock it, immediately pulling him in. He kicks the door shut as your hands go to the sides of his neck, lips meeting his.
His hands go to your waist, backing you up a few steps before he pulls your body into his.
"Are you sure?" He whispers, leaning his head back a little to look at you.
"I've never been more sure of anything before, Sam."
He smiles, brushing hair from your face, "Okay." He leans down, gripping the back of your thighs so he can lift you up.
Your legs circle his waist, arms wrapping around his neck as he walks you into your bedroom.
The most you’ve done with Sam is an old fashioned high school make out. Nothing more. He never pressured you into more, with him, it just feels so right.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, pressing little kisses onto your cheek as he lays you down on the bed. Your legs fall to his sides and he leans up to shrug off his jacket.
You watch was his hands move to undo each button on his white shirt as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
Your eyes move up to meet his as he slides it down his shoulders and drops it to the floor. He leans back down, body over yours as he presses his lips to yours again.
He grinds against you, earning a low moan from your lips, “That’s it, baby.” He kisses down your neck and back up, “If it feels good, tell me.”
You nod, tilting your head back as he attaches his lips to the skin of your neck, sucking to leave a mark.
You moan out quietly as your nails dig into his shoulders. His hand moves down to pull your dress up, letting it lay high on your thighs.
His hand dips in between them, gently dragging lines up and down your clothed, but soaked center.
“Please.” You whimper as you move your hips, “Please, touch me.”
He nods once, tilting his head slightly as he watches your face. He slips his fingers into the crutch of your panties, pushing them over before gently gliding a finger up and down, “This what you wanted, baby?”
You nod quickly, moving your hips up and down, “Y-yes.”
You thought him just grazing the outside of your pussy felt good, but it quickly heightened when he slowly plunged his finger into you.
You arched your back, letting out a whine as you squeezed around his finger.
“Feel good?” Sam asks rubbing your thigh with his free hand. You look up at him, lips parted as you moan to him slowly moving his finger out and back in, “Fuck, yes.”
Sam bites his lip, watching your body move from the pleasure he’s giving you.
He was in awe that you were his.
He slid his hand over, palming himself through his suit pants because the image of you was making him ache.
“Fuck, I know I keep saying it, but you look so beautiful.” He leans down, hand still between your legs, “So pretty.”
He gently presses his lips to yours and your hands move to his neck, sliding one hand up to tangle in his hair.
He lets out a groan as you tug, “So mine.”
You smile against his lips, arching your back as he curls his finger, “Fuck.” You slide your hands down his chest, “Please, Sam. I need you.”
He nods, “Alright.” He slowly pulls his finger out, “Take this off for me.” He tugs the hem of your dress before getting up to take off his pants.
His eyes are glued on you as you sit up to reveal your body to him. You let the dress drop to the floor before reaching behind you to unhook your bra.
He slips his fingers into the band of his boxers, pausing to just take a good look at you.
“What?” You ask, a shy tone consuming your words.
He shakes his head, “Nothing, I-“ he sighs and smiles, “You’re just.. ravishing.”
You give him a smile and look down, “Oh, thank you.” He strips away from his boxers, “Do you have a condom, by chance?”
“Actually.. I do.” You laugh, “my friend gave it to me a few weeks ago, long story but it pertains to you.”
He chuckles, “Oh jeeze, okay.” He walks over to the stand you pointed to, pulling out and putting it on before walking over to crawl up between your legs again, “You okay?”
You look up at him, laughing nervously, “Just.. kinda nervous.”
He brushes your cheek with his hand, “I got you, sweetheart.” He leans in, pressing his lips to your forehead, “If it hurts or gets to be too much, I’ll stop.”
You nod, lying back as he moves up to hover over you, “Tell me when.”
You take a deep breath, giving him a nod, “I’m ready.”
Sam gathers some spit onto his fingertips and reaches down to coat the tip of his cock, “Just try and relax, baby.”
You spread your legs, laying your hands on his biceps as he positions himself at the entrance. You close your eyes, the rollercoaster of emotions hitting you at once.
But, you were ready for him.
You close your eyes, squeezing his biceps as he slowly slides into you, “Fuck.” He breathes out, “You okay?”
You nod quickly, eyes still shut tight, “Yeah.”
He pauses for a moment, reaching up to tilt your head up, “You sure?” You give him a smile, “Yes.” You lay your hand on his cheek, “K-keep going.”
He brushes hair from your face before reaching for your hand, interlocking your fingers with his. He continues to push in, earning small moans from you.
You wrap your leg over his waist, squeezing his hand tight.
“Sam.” You moan out quietly, “That feels so good.”
He leans down, peppering your face with kisses, “That’s good, baby.” He pushes all the way in, resting for a moment, “You feel so good.”
You lay your free hand on his cheek, wiggling your hips ever so slightly, “Okay.”
He tilts his head, “Ready?”
You nod and gasp as he pulls out, gently thrusting back in, “Fuck, y/n. You feel incredible.”
His words send the anxiety and nervousness away. You feel so much closer to him already. You now know that this was the way it was supposed to be.
“I love you.” You whisper out, “I love you.”
Sam rests his forehead against yours, “I love you so much.” He lifts his head to plant a kiss, “So fucking much.”
You snake your arm under his, laying your hand in the center of his back as you moan out, louder than they’ve been.
“You sound so pretty.” Sam whispers in your ear before kissing down your neck. He groans lowly, “I want to get you off before I do, okay?”
“Okay.” You breathe out, “Fuck.”
He thrust a little bit faster, still holding your hand in his. He reaches down with his other hand, pulling your arm away from his and holding your other hand.
He pins it by your head, forehead on yours, “I can’t get over you.” He whispers lowly, a moan following his words.
You smile slightly, brows furrowing as you feel an intense pleasure building up in your stomach, “I-I think I’m close.”
He nods, “Whenever you want, sweetheart.” Sam kisses your lips and you moan into his mouth, “Shit. Shit.”
You tighten your leg around his waist, bringing the other one up to lock around him. Your eyes roll shut as your back lifts off the bed and you squeeze his cock.
You drag your moan out, “Fuuuck.”
“That’s it baby. Cum for me.” Sam encourages, “That’s my girl.” He lets go of your one hand to brush hair from your face, “So fucking beautiful.”
Your chest rises and falls quickly as you come down, Sam not too far behind you.
His throws slow down, almost to a completely stop and you feel him twitch inside of you. He presses kisses over your face, “You okay?”
You nod, laying your hands on his cheeks, “I’m wonderful, baby.”
He smiles, “Alright, I’m gonna..” he nods down and you brace yourself before he slowly pulls out. He gets up, walking over to your bathroom to discard the condom and to grab a towel for you to clean up with.
You toss the towel down and turn back slightly to move the covers of the bed down. You move up and slide your legs under them, “Are you staying the night?”
You look up at him with a smile and he smiles, “You know it.”
He walks over to you, sliding in beside you and pulling the blankets up around you both. You snuggle into his chest, letting out a content sigh, “I definitely believe now, that this is the way it was to happen for me.”
Sam rubs your back as he smiles, “You think?” He looks down at you and you look up at him, “I know.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I hope you enjoyed! I think this is one of my favorite Sam one shots that’s I’ve written so far.
As usual, let me know what you thought and thanks for reading! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🖤
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canadianno · 29 days
TCOLC AU Bishop refs!
They're done holy FUCK. The art here is kind of old, so some of the proportions are a little wrong, but I don't really mind all that much. 15 hours and 89 layers later, all 5 bishops are done. On one canvas because... I didn't wanna make new ones I'm ngl.
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Each bishop has an everyday outfit and a crusade outfit! If you're drawing them at any point (now or in the future) and you have questions about the designs, don't be scared to send an ask my way, I'm always happy to clarify stuff.
(Note: I would greatly appreciate it if people didn't make suggestive jokes surrounding any of the designs, I'm not comfortable with them! Love yall <3)
Ramblings below! Edited note: tumblr likes to completely break my posts when I add a cut sometimes, which happened here, so I'm not gonna put one in hopes that it doesn't kill my formatting again. Hopefully it automatically "read more"s this post. If it doesn't I'm very sorry 🙏
🌿 Leshy: It's to be noted that my Leshy is transmasc, literally just because I think he deserves it, it's cool as fuck. I really wanted to give him the classic top-surgery scars because, I'll be honest, they're fun to draw, but I had to find a reasonable explanation for it because he's not a mammal. Anyway that's how I ended up with an entire evolutionary explanation for why he would have those. I will never be given the chance to explain it in the fic ever, so it shall just be random information I have forever. I love him he's silly.
🍄 Heket: While I am a big supporter of tomboy Heket, I also think she deserves to be cool and wear pretty frills whenever the fuck she wants. She's awesome and her shirt is supposed to look like a mushroom. It's also worth noting that the crosses on the bishops heads are specific, with Heket having two crosses with double prongs. She has them like this in-game and there's probably a cooler explanation for it but. I have my own silly headcanons bc I do what I want! Also, since I can't decide for the fucking life of me if she's a toad or a frog, I've decided she's just. Both. Both of them. Her mom was a frog her dad was a toad. Is this possible irl? No but COTL is a fantasy world I do whatever the fuck I want.
🌑 Narinder: Main thing I note for Narinder is that he has distinct facial markings, you just have to look closely. Another note is that his clothes have a repeating cloud motif because of the fog in the gateway- which, trust, it was his own idea. Lamb doesn't know why he chose it but they're not gonna argue. Narinders' main robes are made of wool, but his crusade outfit is made of cotton so it's easier to repair if damaged. His crusade outfit has the Big Pants because he's mostly gotta fight with his feet now, since most of the time his hands don't function reliably enough to hold a weapon.
🪸 Kallamar: Kallamar is funny to me because he's the only one here who's plantigrade, meaning he's got human-esque legs. Another notable design aspect is that he has a tail, when squids do Not Normally Have Those. That's because my Kallamar isn't fully a squid, and you can kinda sorta blame my mutual for that. Not really it's me who gave him the tail. Anyway, no matter how you draw him or what outfit he's in those 3 dark red jewels on the golden chain thing gotta be on him somewhere- they're sentimental to him. He usually wears them as a crown, but in the crusade outfit they're around his neck to be safer. Also, on the crusade outfit, he has stolen a set of Shamuras gloves. Brat little brother <3
🔮 Shamura: Their main outfit really closely resembles their bishop robes and that is intentional! They made the robes themselves, and it would've been close to an exact match had the Lamb banned them from using golden colored cloth. This is only partially because Lamb doesn't like them, but also because they don't want the bishops trying to start a mutiny, and walking around in bishop robes is a pretty easy way to collect weaker followers like flies. Shamuras' crusade outfit is also pretty unique compared to the others, and one of two reasons is that it's meant to resemble their old crusade outfits when they were younger. The second reason is that they look really cool. The outfit is designed for mobility, mostly, and before you say anything, the hip windows are because Shamura usually holds close range weaponry in the second set of arms and hates the way they snag on fabric when its there.
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poppinspops · 23 days
Hey I was just wondering if you could do a descendants 4 Hades x Maleficent x reader were the reader is the kid of the big bad wolf (or the younger version of the big bad wolf) so shes a werewolf and its close the full moon and she feels psychically sick and achy and shes been unintentionally avoiding them the past few days and they get worried. If you do this thank you so much.
Werewolf season
Paring: Hades x Big bad wolf reader x Maleficent
Genre: hurt/comfort, happy ending ofc & werewolf changing described kinda like growing pains..
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, descriptions of pain, cursing, and Grammer/possible spelling errors that I'll fix later
A/N: I was watching an ever after high edit whilst writing this, so if she reminds you of a certain wolf girl.. anyways I'm so sorry this took a hot minute, schools coming up but I hope u like this still!!!
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God, was it torture to be in class right now
I mean, how could you stay focused in class when the full moon was coming in two days.
You started your werewolf changing process, which was rather slow this year, taking a full week to start, and of course, the changing process was causing you to be more paranoid, mainly more paranoid of hurting others around you because some werewolfs couldn't control themselves when in their werewolf forms, you being one of the unlucky people.
An incident of this being when you fully changed and attacked a student in freshman year, almost getting yourself expelled if it wasn't for your parents arguing with merlin about how horrible and a 'punch to how werewolves are already treated as monsters' so he'd be setting back all werewolves by years back and adding that you couldn't control yourself in that state making it not your fault
And clearly, your parents won that argument as you're still attending merlin Academy.
And so here you where practically laying on your desk in this boring history class with clenched teeth, wanting nothing more than for it to end.
You forget every year how painful the changing process really was as you felt sick, not a cold sick. Your whole body felt like it was growing and stretching from under your skin, and it was.
Bouncing your leg under the table, trying to distract yourself from the pain you were in as you spaced out or tried to space out, it wasn't really working all too well.
Your eyes kept flickering towards the clock, 10 more minutes until this class ended, you rolled your eyes, they now had a weird itchy feeling so did your hands balling them up and closing your eyes waiting out the minutes till you could run to your dorm room away from the prying eyes of your classmates
Honestly, this class wasn’t all that bad. The teacher was lenient to you being as she did, she'd research on werewolves and could hold your attention for long enough.
But a certain fae, your girlfriend that you just so happened to be avoiding, was currently staring holes into your skull with a slight worried expression on her usually blank face
You had almost forgotten you shared this class together and where seatmates... well, you two didn't actually sit together, but the kid she stole the seat from was too scared to get it back, so it was her seat now.
You felt her hand on your shoulder as she stared down at you. "You've been ignoring me and hades." She said, not caring for the teachers annoyed expression. When she interrupted the teachers rant, she was more focused on her girlfriend, who had been ignoring her and their boyfriend almost all week.
She didn't understand or know why
"I dont know what you're talking about. " You mumbled out a blatant lie through your clenched teeth, eyes avoiding hers.
Maleficents eyebrows furrowed at the lie, her mouth opening to say something but was interrupted by the teacher. "maleficent, i will send you to the principles office if you interrupt me again, im teaching you can talk to your girlfriend later." Maleficent rolled her eyes at the teacher but stayed silent, returning to staring at you
The teacher looked at you, shaking her head but continued on with her boring rant about some old witch called 'glinda' and all her good deeds she'd done for some girl from a place called Kansas. Who would name their kid glinda?
The bell rung signaling classes was over everyone had stared to get up gathering up their stuff to leave but being stopped by your teacher as she spoke loudly "class i will be assigning homework for you to do tomorrow."
Your whole class could be heard groaning and complaining from down the hall as they all packed up their things to leave the classroom. She was the only teacher to assign homework when Castel coming was happening in a week
You had already been out the door the second the teacher finished, heading straight for your dorm
If you had looked back, you would have seen a confused and almost hurt look on your girlfriends face as you practically ran away from her
You'd been lucky enough to get a dorm with a girl that had a boyfriend, so that meant she was never really there, so you had the whole dorm to yourself most of the time
As you rounded the corner, you collided with someone, stumbling back as growling at the person looking up to start yelling at whoever almost made you fall only to see hades your other partner you were avoiding.
Hades looked almost caught off guard by you growling at him. He'd seen you growl at others before, but never him. But that wasn't the only reason for his concerned look
You looked bad. Your hair was messier than normal, your nails looked sharper, almost claw like, and your eyes were blown wide and seemed to have this glow to them, making the normally cocky God concerned
"Are you alright?" He asked, almost uncertain of his words as he stared at his girlfriend who was looking anywhere but at him "I'm fine, I really have to go so..!" You said almost too quickly as you ran past him and towards your dorm you could hear him call out your name but you didn't turn back
Once you got to your dorm, your roommate not being here per usual you flopped onto your bed backpack thrown somewhere across the room as you immediately curled into yourself tail wrapping itself around your front as you just wanted to stay in bed and rot.
Your body ached in places it normally wouldn't it normally shouldnt. your body was growing, changing and it hurt is bad your nails digging into your arms as you held yourself tears brimming in your eyes as you wanted someone to stop it, wanted someone to hug you close without you accidentally hurting them in the process..
As you laid there you heard a knock, not a gentle one, one that makes you jump at how hard it was but it abruptly stops another person is seemingly yelling at someone and soon comes more gentle knocking oh.. you knew both of those knocks maleficent and hades where knocking at your door.
You slowly sat up staring at the door, contemplating if you wanted to open the door knowing your partners that you've been avoiding like the plague the best you could where standing on the other side of the door waiting for you
Begrudgingly, you sit up, sitting on the edge of the bed for a minute or two and getting up your bare feet touching the cold wood floor making you wanna crawl back into bed but you couldn't, not now... sadly.
You slowly walked closer to the door as you hearing the two bicker through the door, making you sigh out loud before twisting the door handle, looking down at your hand and noticing just how long your nails are and how they look a bit dirty before looking away and pulling the door open
The twk stopped arguing when they noticed you standing there, still holding the door handle, turning towards you. maleficent was the first to speak as always
"Why are you ignoring us, and don't say you aren't because you are blatantly." She said, crossing her arms as she spoke, her voice flat like she didn't care but her slightly raised eyebrow, and the way her eye twitched told you otherwise..
hades preferred to stick to snide comments, but he still nodded at what maleficent said, furrowed eyebrows and a frown
You took a breath already regreating your choice of opening the door as now you're being greeted with the consequences of ur actions, actions being not telling your clearly worried partners about being a full werewolf not just the whole werewolf traits and such.
You looked at them a frown of your own now on your face. You stayed quiet for a bit, trying to think of what to say, but your head was empty. There wasn't anything you could say that would be a good excuse, so you kinda shrugged, standing there before you quickly tried to close the door and end this rather tense and awkward silence
But you where stopped by hades boot that was now in between the door keeping you from closing the door, before his hand pushed it back open you looked at the door than him, then maleficent before sighing as you knew they wouldn't leave you alone till they knew why you where ignoring them
"Don't just close the door. We're just worried about you, and we deserve an explanation." Hades said as he looked at you. "You've been avoiding us. Why?" He said as you stayed silent looking away as you realized you couldn't hide this anymore even if you wanted too.
It's not like it was that big if a deal it was just.. you were a bit ashamed for no apparent reason but still
You put a hand on your side that felt a bit like it was streaching, which it was, and it hurt a bit. "I just... I'm sorry, yeah, I've been purposely avoiding you guys it's just.. im a werewolf, and I didn't want you two to think differently about me, so I hide it. " You took a deep breath before speaking awkwardly laughing a bit before continuing."I know it's really not that big of a deal, but it is to me! Being a werewolf is frowned upon, and i was afraid that if you knew, then you wouldn't want to be with me anymore, I guess.."
You took a shaky breath before looking at the two who stayed silent in the doorway. They both had strange looks on their faces that made your heart twist in your chest as the longer they stayed silent, the more you were sure they didn't want to be with you anymore nkt that you'd blame them you did lie to them..
You were one of the monsters people would tell stories to their children about to scare them from going too deep into the woods
Maleficent rolled her eyes as she spoke, "That was the reason you were ignoring us?" Making your eyes snap over to her before shaking your head, yes. "I mean, yeah, it was -"
Maleficent interrupted you as she spoke as if you had said the stupidest thing ever. "Well, that was a stupid reason. We've been together for two years, and I truly couldn't care less what you are. you're our girlfriend either way, beast or not." She stated, shaking her head as hades let out a laugh, making maleficent hit him in the side with her elbow
Now, it was your turn to feel slightly stunned. You felt silly for worrying about what they'd think now that they were here. You really were worrying all for nothing, eyes stinging, and the fatigue finally hitting you
Hades rough hand came to your shoulder lightly pushing you aside so that they could come in instead of standing outside of your room
A softer hand grabbed yours, being careful of the claws that now replaced your nails, leading you over to your bed sitting on the large bed, placing your head on her lap as you almost curled up immediately in her lap, bottom lip wobbling a bit
Hades moved your legs so that they were now resting on top of his lap as the two stayed silent, just listening to your slightly incoherent mumbles, and every now and then groans of pain
Maleficent already figured out that you must be shifting still. That may be why you've been more flightly than normal and more... emotional as the tears in your eyes just from your head in her lap only proved her point
Hades drew patterns on your leg that calmed you down a bit. You'd say it was the hand motions when asked, but truly, it was just his touch
Maleficent silently and skillfully undid your cape strings that were tied securely under your chin, slipping the soft meterial off of your form tossing it onto your floor. You'd complain about that later
With the cape gone now, there could be seen two small ears and a long tail that would most likely get bigger in the next two days when you actually shifted fully.
But no comment was made about it, just a comforting silence from your partners as you drifted off, succumbing to sleep in your lovers embraces.
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smoshyourheadin · 6 months
Sunshine and Soda Cans
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Part 2 - Bubbles
"hey, spencer!" angela jogs up to spencer as you walk into the office. you wander to the kitchen to grab a soda, and put your stuff down.
"(y/n) said shes struggling with editing the new try not to laugh episode, and i don't think she's going to ask for help because she's too stubborn, so can you just check on her and give her a hand?". spencer looks over at you, and back to angela
"yeah sure! i'll catch up with her later" angela gives him a big grin, and then walks over to you, striking up a conversation.
later on, you're sat at your desk, editing away. you've been stuck re-trimming the same clip for like twenty minutes, and you're becoming increasingly frustrated.
"hey, (y/n)!"
his voice catches your attention, making you look up, but not away from the screen.
"hi spence, uh- what's up?" you say, eyes still glued to your screen.
"oh nothing, just checking how you're getting on with the try not to laugh edit. everything going good?"
"no actually' you, look up at him and you chuckle "ive, i've been trying to edit the same clip for like ever, and it won't save properly. im losing my mind!"
he smiles at you honesty, and pulls up a chair to help you out. after about an hour, you two get a bit bored and decide to go live on the games channel, streaming some sims
"alrighty then guys, hello! welcome to the games channel, today me and spencer are going to be playing some sims 4!" you smile into the camera, adjusting your hair, and you relax into your chair.
"guys, can we hate on (y/n) in chat for drowning my sims last time" spencer says sarcastically, glaring at you sassily.
"hey!" you elbow him, playfully "you made fun of my sims' fashion choices!"
he laughs at your anger, and you talk with the chat for a little while as the game loads
"okay, my plan is to make a love triangle in my mansion. i want to see if they can handle the drama.." you say, tapping your fingertips together
"woah, okay dr. evil!" he says, laughing with you
you guys start making some characters that, suspiciously, resemble each other. as you begin to play, your sims keep chatting to eachother
"hey, (y/n), why does your sim keep flirting with mine? got a crush or something?" spencer says with a smirk
"oh, please! my sim is just being friendly! unlike yours, who keeps stealing my sim's food!!! didn't realise your name was tina.." you giggle at your own joke, napoleon dynamite is one of the first things you two bonded over, so you both have a good laugh.
you guys play for about two hours, and then decide to wrap up, finishing the stream
before getting up to leave, you guys share a lingering gaze, and you see the colours in his eyes. you give him a ride back to his apartment, and you turn of your radiohead "in rainbows' cd. weird fishes/arpeggi comes on, as you pull up infront of his apartment. you look over at him with a sweet smile.
"well, see you tomorrow spence"
"yeah. looking forward to it"
you two lock eyes, and then he gently pulls you into a sweet kiss, his hand lingering on your jaw as you melt into his touch. he tastes like mt dew, and you smile against his lips. as you break away, you already miss his lips on yours.
"see ya, (y/n)" he says with a smile and a new twinkle in his eye, exiting the car and walking into his apartment block.
you sit in your car for at least another five minutes; eyes glassy, chest heavy, and palms sweating. you pick up your phone, and open up the phone app, ringing the only person you can think of to call.
"hey jelly, do we have any icecream? i need to tell you what's just happened"
you hear angela open the freezer over the phone, and she says
"yeah, we have some vanilla and i think there's some strawberries in the fridge. everything okay?"
"yeah," you breathing staggers, fully realising what just happened "me and spencer kissed"
you hang up, and start driving back to your apartment.
a/n— hey!! thank you all so much for the love on part one omg love y’all for that ahhh 😚 my requests are open btw!! so feel free to request anything, not just smosh stuff!! i’ll write for anything (even if im not in the fandom 😚)! okay yeah hope you all enjoy pt2!! love y'all 💛
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Got a Light?
Summary: You and Louis meet at the bar, well over a lighter outside, but the party continues inside before it ends back at his house.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of alcohol, cigarette smoking, oral (both), hair pulling, praising, unprotected sex, creampie, just absolutely filthy
Not a request / not edited
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Your lights clicks and gives spark, but no flame, "Fucking hell." You sigh and drop your lighter into your purse.
You look around, on the hunt for a lighter, and your eyes land on him.
You keep your cigarette between your pointer and middle finger and walk up to him. He does a double take before turning to you fully, "Hello."
You smile and tilt your head, "Hi." You hold up your hand, "You don't happen to have a lighter do you? Mine died and I really need this."
You hold up your hand that's holding the cigarette and he chuckles with a nod and reaches into the chest pocket of his jean jacket, "Here ya go." He reaches his arm out and flicks the lighter on.
He watches as you put the cigarette between your lipstick-faded lips and lean in to take a drag.
You lean back and take the cigarette from your lips, smiling at him as you exhale the smoke, "Thank you so much."
He nods, "Anytime." He holds out the lighter and you give him a confused look as you take another drag.
"Keep it. I've got plenty." He winks and you smile as you take it, "Thank you. Again"
He stares at you for a few seconds, "I'm Louis."
"Y/N." You bring the cigarette to your lips and Louis steps closer, "So, y/n. Are you coming or going?"
You shrug, "I was coming, but then my friends ditched me so now I'm kinda stuck on what to do.
He rolls his eyes, "Fuckin idiots. I'm sorry, love. Do you need a lift home?"
You look at him and smile, "Are you coming or going?"
He smirks and tilts his head as he shrugs, "I'm doing whatever you're doing." He flicks his cigarette into the street and exhales the smoke before turning towards you, "That is, if you're okay with that."
"You gave me a lighter, of course I'm okay with that."
He smirks, "Alright then."
You take the last drag before flicking it into the street with his, "Ready?"
You make your way back into the club with Louis by your side. You make your way back to the bar, "What are ya havin, love?" Louis leans in and yells over the music.
"I'll have whatever you're having." You say back, "Surprise me."
"Two vodka Red Bulls, please." Louis orders his drinks and looks over at you, "That okay?" You nod with a smile, "That's actually my drink of choice, too."
His mouth drops slightly and his eyes widen, "Shut the fuck up. No way."
You nod again and laugh, "Yes way."
He taps his fist against the bar, "Look at that. We're meant to be."
Five vodka Red Bulls later and it sure seems that way.
You and Louis are perfect together.
"You're so fucking sexy." He says into your ear, "Your dress is fucking.. fuck." He pulls your hips closer to him, "Where the fuck have you been all my life?"
You turn around to face him and he puts his leg between yours. You grind to the beat of the song as you stare up at him, "Asking myself that too."
He smiles and shakes his head, "Come here." He grabs the back of your neck and pulls you into kiss him. Your hands grip his shirt, whimpering against his lips.
You needed him.
He leans back and chuckles, "Mm. Eager little one, ain't cha.." he leans in, "I like you."
You bite your lip, "I think.." you press your fingers to his lips, "we need a cigarette."
He laughs and keeps his eyes on you as you grab his hand and pull him out. He grabs his jacket off of the back of the chair and out the door you guys go.
"Mm. Nope." Louis grabs your hand and pulls you to him, "Here." He puts the unlit cigarette between his lips and lays his jacket over your shoulders.
You smile and lose your balance as you look at him, tripping backwards. Louis catches you, "Whoa. Fuck. Hey now." He wraps his arm around your waste and looks down at you, "Ya alright there, darlin'?"
You giggle and bring the cigarette up to your lips, "Mhm." He smiles after taking his own from his lips, "Now hold still."
He raises his eyebrows as he flicks the lighter on. Your eyes focus on the flame as he gives you a light.
You take a drag and remove it from your lips, exhaling the smoke with a sigh, "You have really pretty eyes, Louis." You tilt your head and look into them, "You know that?"
He smiles and you can tell he's getting shy, "Thank you, y/n." He takes another drag and smirks when he realizes you're still staring at him.
"Fuck." He smiles with a cute laugh.
"You're so pretty." You run your fingers up his neck and he tilts his head, chuckling, "You're very pretty to look at too.. but you know what?"
You take the last drag of your cigarette before flicking it and tilt your head, "Hmm?" You blow out the smoke and Louis leans in, "I bet you look even better with your clothes off."
You grip his shirt and pull yourself closer to him, "Don't say things you don't mean."
His head snaps towards you and he grips your waist, "Who fuckin' said I didn't mean it? Because I do." He backs you up against the wall, "You are the most.." he tilts his head, "You know.."
You slip your hand under his shirt and rest your head against the brick, "Tell me."
His eyes move from your lips back up to your eyes a few times fast before he leans in and presses his lips to yours, mumbling against your lips, "I used to never believe in that love at first sight bullshit.."
He leans back and brushes hair from your face, " But now I think I do."
You smile big and pull him in, "Let's go."
You and Louis stumble through the door of his close by apartment, hands roaming each other's newly found territory.
"You're such a fuckin' beauty." He grabs your face with his hands, examining just how much a beauty you actually are.
"I want..." you lick your lips and rest your cheek into his hand, "You to use me in anyway you want."
He's slightly taken aback for a moment, but doesn't deny, "If I hurt you, tell me, yeah?"
You nod, "Got it."
He lifts you up, pulling your dress up over your ass as he walks you to the couch, "Got me achin', babe." He sits down and you instantly lean in and kiss him, knocking his hat off his head as you run your hands up his hair.
He tilts his head to the side as you kiss down his neck. A throaty moan quietly escapes his lips as you leave a mark, "Shit."
His hand slides up your back, tangling around your hair. He gives your head a gently yank and tilts your head to look at him.
"Can I suck your cock?" You ask innocently, and that drives Louis wild. He smirks and nods, "You read my mind, babe."
You shuffle off of him, getting onto your knees in front of him. You slide your hands up the top of his thighs to the top of his pants. His eyes stay on your face as you shrug them down.
"So big." You whisper as you pull his cock from his boxers. You hum slightly as your eyes move up to his and you lean forward to lick up the underside of his cock.
His gasps slightly and tilts his head back as his hand goes to your head, "Fuck."
He look down at you, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock, "Even more gorgeous than I imagined."
You smile and spit before slowly taking half of him in. You hallow out your cheeks and Louis groans, "Fu-" he gasps as you take him in fully, surprising both of you.
You gag around him slightly as he holds your head down. He rubs his thumb against your head a few times before pulling your head up by your hair.
"I want to see your makeup running down your face."
You nod and take a deep breath as you prepare to have him in your throat again, "You're so fuckin good at this."
He enters your throat again, moaning as he slowly thrusts upward while holding your head, "doing so good.." he sighs, "So fucking good."
Squelching fills your ears as he thrusts his hips upward. You feel the tears well up in your eyes, burning once it mixes with your mascara.
"Shit." He pulls you off and cups your cheeks, "So vulnerable, I love it."
You smile, still breathing heavy and he nods, "Come on." He helps you to your feet and throws you over his shoulder.
You press your hands to his back, pushing yourself up so you're not hanging down. He slides you down the front of him and gently tosses you down onto his bed.
"Take your dress off, babe. Need to see all of you." Louis smirks and steps back, to take his shirt off.
You move to get your dress off, quickly but elegantly and Louis is on you before your dress hits the floor.
His face is pressed in the valley between your boobs, leaving little kisses as he moves down. You start breathing faster as he kisses down your stomach.
Louis grips the think straps on your panties and pulls them down your legs. You lift them so he can pull them off your feet.
Louis kisses from your ankles and up the inside of your legs, and just as he's about to reach where you need him most, his eyes move up to yours, "You've got a beautiful pussy."
Your heart skips a beat and you say without any hesitation, "Probably tastes better, too."
He raises his eyebrows and tilts his head, "Mm." He spreads your folds apart with his pointer and middle fingers, using his other hand to hold up your leg.
He examines just how wet you are before dipping his head in and slipping his tongue inside.
You lay your hand on the back of his head and gasp as the same time, "Louis." You breathe out as you squeeze your eyes shut, "Fuck."
His hands slip under your thighs, hooking his arms them. He allows you to push his head into you as you move your hips up and down, moaning.
"Fffuck." You drag out, "Yes, yes." You tilt your head back and dig your heels into his back.
You've never came this fast with anyone before.
Your back arches off the bed and you tangle his hair around your fingers, pulling as you clench around his tongue.
He drops a hand down and presses his fingers to your clit, giving a slight back and forth motion which is exactly what you needed because he has you like putty in the palm of his hand.
You whine out, "fuck, yes yes." You look down at him, face scrunched up as you cum on his tongue, "Louis."
You whimper as you ease your grip on his hair and he brings his head up, "You cum already?" He sounds surprised, "Such a good fuckin girl."
He crawls up, bringing his lips to yours. You lay your hands on the side of his head and moan as soon as his tongue delivers the taste of yourself.
"You like tasting yourself, baby? Hmm?" He nudges his nose against your cheek, "You're such a dirty fucking girl."
You smile up at him, laying a finger on his lips, "I've never came that fast with anyone, Louis."
He raises his eyebrows quick and smirks, "Guess we really are meant to be." He winks and reaches down to push your leg up while his other holds up his weight.
He grabs his cock, rubbing it against your soaked cunt before eagerly slipping in. His hand slaps onto your thigh, digging his finger tips in as he groans, "Fuck, baby girl."
Your eyes roll back and you moan at the feeling of him stretching you, and his choice of words.
You loved him, even if it was just the alcohol talking.
"So good." You pant out with a whimper, "fuck me please."
He leans down, resting his forehead on yours as he pulls out slowly and re-enters you, "I wanna just feel you first." He lets his cock rest inside of you, "You feel so good."
His voice is low, raspy and very, very sexy.
"You make me feel so good." You drag you nails down his chest, "wanna ride you." You move your hips and look up at him.
He looks like he wants to say something but doesn't, he just leans down and kisses you before moving to sit against the wall on the bed.
He holds his hands out and you smile and move to straddle him. Nothing else is said until his cock his back inside of you.
You both gasp in unison, pulling each other as close as you can, "I don't know.." he starts out saying in between kissing you, "If it's the alcohol.. or.. what.. but.."
"I love you." You cut him off and he freezes.
Oh fuck. Was that the wrong thing to say?
He starts to chuckle while nodding slightly, "Yeah, yeah.. that."
You lay your hands on his shoulders and drag them down his biceps, gently tracing over his scar as you do, "I think.. we go with the flow.." you lean in close to him, "And see if we still feel like this when we wake up."
He wraps his arms around your waist and shrugs, "Fair enough." He smirks and tilts his head,  "Now where were we?"
You lean in, finding a rhythm with his lips as you start to bounce on his cock. Another orgasm slowly creeping up on you, "Close." You mumble out, "So close."
Louis kisses down the front of your neck and moans as he rests his head on you, "Taking my cock so well, babe. Keep going."
You whimper in response, focusing on keeping your rhythm steady.
"L-Louis." You moan and tilt your head down, his lips finding yours instantly.
His fingertips dig into your skin as you clench around him, "Where.. where do you want me to cum?" He moans into your neck and slides a hand down to your ass, squeezing it hard.
"In me."
"In you? Fuck. Alright." He leans forward with a smile and lays you back on the bed. He starts to thrust, hard and fast while he holds onto your left leg.
You arch your back and squeeze his cock, moaning as you finally come undone.
You feel his cock twitch inside of you, emptying himself completely.
"Oh fuck." He runs a hand through his hair and sighs as he looks down at you, "You're incredible."
You bite your lip and gasp quietly as he pulls his now semi-soft cock out of your leaking cunt. You smile up at him, "No.. you're incredible."
He tosses you a clean towel and laughs, "I really do like you, y/n."
You clean up and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, "I like you, Louis. A lot."
He smiles and leans into kiss you, and it's this moment you remembered that you have mascara smudged all over, "Oh no." You lean back and try and wipe it off but he stops you.
"You look beautiful like this, a mess.. for me.."
You bite your lips and interlock your fingers with his, "you may as well just come in here with me."
Just a quick oneshot  Hope you enjoyed!
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Missing you
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Aizawa x Male reader
(Y/n just returned from an out-of-the-country mission. And well how can you blame him for immediately looking for his precious boyfriend?) unedited
+Fluff (✿◠‿◠) +
Height: 6'2
Gender: Male
Age: 32
personality: Impulsive, bubbly, kinda forgetful
Hair color: Hazelnut brown
Eye color: honey brown
body type: Lean but muscular, not bulky, soft
Quirk: ????
Y/n has never run so fast in his life.
Y/n didn't really think through exactly what he was currently doing. That is breaking into his boyfriend of 4 years, workplace. Well sort of breaking, he had a copy of his mans' teacher id..... did that count?
How was he supposed to know they added extra security!? Hell why was all might chasing after him, they knew each other dammit!! Y/n conveniently forgot just how different he looked now, being both taller and muscular than when he last saw the prized hero.
Thinking quickly Y/n scrambles to the nearest door and dove inside without (once again) thinking it through.
Panting and wheezing a little, Y/n blink seeing a bunch of eyes now on him.
"Y-yo..." he stutters out to apparently a bunch of kids mid-training.
"Y/n? You idiot how did you get in here?" a familiar tired voice call out not far from y/n. Immediately forgetting where he was Y/n tackles the man with a delighted laugh.
Said man was previously sitting on the floor next to his students' belongings, leaning back on his rolled-up sleeping bag. Both him and y/n now a sprawl on the bag and floor.
"I'm so happy to see you, as soon as I got off the plane-"
Aizawa groans as y/n finally stop talking looking at him with his full attention. (Y/n: ≧◉◡◉≦??) "Maybe here isn't the place for this? my students..." he grumbles. Y/n blinks finally catching on and looks from their little bubble to see the students all gathered and watching with interest.
"a-ah, um sorry about interrupting kiddos." y/n coughs out realizing he did it again. Getting up and helping Aizawa he bows deeply before straightening and rubbing the back of his next. " Couldn't help rushing to see my sweetheart."
the burst of surprised outcries filled the gym and Aizawa winced as he sees Mina and Denki grab onto Y/n demanding answers. glancing over at the door he waves off a thoroughly confused all might wondering if he should end the class early. He could sneak off while they were distracted with Y/n.....
"So Mr. L/n what's Mr. Aizawa like outside of school?"
"hm? well I guess it depends! usually he's cuddly and - mftt?"
Y/n blinks looking down to see aizawa's scarf covering his mouth. looking back y/n chuckles nervously seeing aizawa glare at them. "That is none of their business, also you still have yet to answer my question. How did you get in?"
Y/n fully turns and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Come on sweetheart, I wasn't going to say anything embarrassing..." Y/n inwardly let's out a breathe when that seems to calm the man down.
"I do have a copy of your old id card, it still works apparently." Y/n shrugs.
sighing and rubbing his temple, Aizawa waves at his students. "Class dismissed, I have to get the situation this idiot no doubt caused cleared up."
:One awkward mini teacher meeting later:
Y/n pouts from where he is sitting on the couch. He wasn't exactly in trouble but he was told off once things were cleared. Now here he was in aizawa's dorm apartment, which was confusing they had a place already, waiting for his sweetheart to finish showering.
"oh peaches, It's not a crime to love someone too much right?" y/n dramatically coos to a black cat that comes to him sniffing his leg curiously. their collar pendant engraved with 'peachs <3'.
"In your case, no."
Smiling softly y/n looks back to see Aizawa drying his hair wearing black sweatpants and a long sleeve grey shirt. "Mmh good, I don't think I could stop." y/n teases. Aizawa rolls his eyes and comes around to sit next to him.
Laying back on the couch arms, Y/n tugs him to lay on top. "I've missed you."
Aizawa chuckles softly and gives him a kiss.
"I've missed you too."
short but felt like this would be a fun start to this book. I should say that the UA whenever I write about it or our beloved characters are in a college setting (U.A being the college). As well as characters being OOC canon-wise because of this.
anyway, Thanks cupcakekiller for the request!!
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nuclear-equinox · 8 months
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EDIT: Well , E*sy has decided to suspend my account for good. Because of this all 0rders made are being completed sooner than later, expect pre-0rders closer to early March. E*sy requires me to complete any orders I made with no means of canceling. Today my E*sy account was shut down with little to no communication between me and the support team, i can't express enough how frustrating it is to try and fight to keep my account with no means of knowing what I did wrong. E*sy doubled down, leaving me feeling helpless. It breaks my heart to have my store shut down after working so hard to finally put my work out there, I plan on finding a new means to sell my work, likely moving sites. I don't want this to be the end of my work as a seller. Regardless expect a break in sh0p updates. Once again, i'm so sorry things had to end up this way. I never thought going into this project that I would experience a suspension like this. Especially after putting so much time into the project, and having been a seller on the site for a while. I'm sad that it had to end up this way, but i genuinely want to thank everyone for giving me a chance. This was supposed to be my first big project as a seller and seeing people like the content I put out really made me happy. Edit/Update (3/1/24): Heyo! For those who have been waiting on the pre-0rders of the TTCC pins I just wanted to update ya'll and let you know the pins have left the production phase! This means soon I'll be able to get my hands on them and start distributing them! Despite the suspension of my *tsy account as many recall I have been working on moving to another site and hopefully soon will be able to have that fully up and running. (Uni classes have absorbed my free time oof) Also if you were looking to get your hands on pins before the pre-0rders closed prematurely, I will have bonus stock, so be on the look out for that! Regardless thank you to everyone for being patient and understanding <3
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king-paimon · 11 months
Houseki no Kuni Chapter 105 Thoughts:
Hello everyone. I hope you have all been well, considering the hectic and honestly devastating month this has been for many people across the world. It's sad how awful real life can be. I'm so sorry to everyone who is affected directly and indirectly. Though words can only do so much, I sincerely hope things get better for you all.
Now then... regarding this chapter.
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This was definitely a spectacle. So much happened and though we had an idea of where the chapter was going to go because of the last pages from the previous chapter, it still managed to catch me off guard. I don't think anyone saw a literal "deus ex machina" ship to appear, but at the same time... of course that would happen. Ms. Ichikawa loves pulling stunts like this. Whether it's good or not is up for debate. More on this later.
But the one thought that came to mind after reading this chapter was: "Finally." We are truly now in the final stretch of Phos's story, and I couldn't be more happier for them... BUT that feeling got muddied when I saw the bottom of the final page.
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Another hiatus.
Sigh. I'll also touch on this in this post. But for now, I'll share my thoughts on this chapter with you. These posts always end up being longer than first intended so sorry in advance! As always, please feel free to share what you think on here too!
(Just so you know, I was extremely tired when I wrote this so it may be convoluted in some areas. I'll likely tidy it up later after I get some proper rest. Hope you enjoy it regardless!)
The Deus Ex Machina Ship: Why??
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Was anyone else surprised that the object Brother Eyeball was carrying was a piece of Lunarian technology, that seems to only activate under the extreme heat of a sun that's about to consume the planet? I certainly didn't see it coming at all and I don't know how to feel about it at the moment.
Based on everything up until this point and Phos's comments here, it's evidently clear that Aechmea planted it there for this specific occasion. My question is why? Why did Aechmea bother in leaving this for Phos?
Perhaps Aechmea hoped Phos would take the new remnants of humanity and create a new society once again on a new planet, sort of like what Adamant did for the Lustrous. Maybe this was some twisted/backhanded way of thanking Phos and giving them another second chance of surviving? I don't know, but if it's the Lunarians' weird way of trying to save Phos, it's kind of pointless. Like Phos said, running to another planet would only be a temporary solution since everything was going to be consumed by the dying stars eventually. Even though the little rocks and Eyeball still take the ship in the end just to survive a little longer, I don't really see the point of it either.
(Edit: Made small change here and included the page that I forgot to add.)
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The only reason I can come up with for this ship to being there is that Aechmea knew of another place in space that wouldn't be affected by the dying suns and he wanted Phos and their new remnants of humanity to go there. But I honestly I believe that theory fully, so I don't know.
What do you guys think? Is there a reason why the lotus flower ship was intentionally left behind, other than Ms. Haruko just wanting a reason for Phos to be along again? To me, the only thing that was clear was that this ship was left for Phos and whoever else was with them that would only activate when the planet was going to be destroyed.
But this leads me to my next questions and segment...
Burning the Bridge: Phos's Final Actions
Unlike the lotus ship, Phos's actions in this chapter did not come as a surprise to me. Phos had long accepted that they were ready to finally disappear. And before the ship, it looked like the other beings were fine with it as well.
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It was only when the ship appeared that the others expressed their desire to exist just a little longer, which completely understandable and I don't fault them for feeling this way.
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It's touching and sad how Phos made sure that all those beings, including the final pebble that was introduced in this chapter, made it onto the ship so they could escape while Phos choose to stay behind. More on that in the next segment.
But back to Phos and their final decision to stay behind. So, we know that the ship was intentionally left for Phos by Aechmea and the Lunarians. And though it was used in the end, Phos chose to stay. Now my question is... was Phos's final decision to stay on the planet still part of Aechmea's plan, or was it part of the Professor's plan?
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I've hypothesized in an older post that I thought that while Aechmea was a frightfully powerful being who was able to predict Phos's actions and successfully manipulate them, he wasn't truly omnipresent nor omnipotent since he couldn't predict everything and there were individuals that were not totally under his control.
I want to believe that Phos's final actions fall into that category. Part of me really wants to believe that Phos not getting on the ship was a final middle finger from the Professor through Adamant to Aechmea and everything he stood for.
But then again... this could have been an outcome Aechmea expected, too. It's honestly hard to say how much of everything that had happened was still going according to Aechmea's grand plan since it wasn't made clear if Aechmea knew of this memory of the professor that Adamant held onto.
Sorry for the ramble. I'll just say that unless I'm told otherwise, I'll believe that Phos's final actions was their final act of defiance towards Aechmea, in the name of the Professor.
I can only hope that Phos will finally be at piece once that bridge is burnt to the ground.
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So, now that it seems like Phos's story is going to end, albeit in several months... there are still some elements in this story that have not yet been resolved. But after re-reading this chapter, I have a theory for one of them.
The Identity of The Last Passenger of the Lotus Ship (my silly theory)
This is a silly theory I came up with to try to explain one of the last mysteries of this story. It's been proven untrue, but I still want to keep it here because I still like it and had fun coming up with it!
One plot point that many others have brought up before, that I've admittedly forgotten over and over again, are the Ice Floes. These mysterious creatures played a unique role in the beginning but had quickly lost their relevancy in the story.
Now that the planet is about to be destroyed, it seems the Ice Floes will forever lose their significance in this story, though they hadn't been relevant in a long while. Well... I have a theory and it relates to the last member of Phos's little pebble family.
In this chapter, Ms. Ichikawa made it a point to have Phos collect this one last pebble and put on the ship. Though all of the pebble beings are unique to one another, this one is the most different from all of them. For one, it's significantly smaller than the other pebbles, almost the size of a grain of rice. And unlike the others, it hasn't spoken once, though Phos could sense its very faint presence, so it is sentient to a degree.
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With all of this in mind, I couldn't help but wonder why Ms. Ichikawa included this in the story now? Why did she make pages dedicated to Phos collecting this pebble right when the planet is about to die? She had to have done it for a reason, but why? Why is this teeny pebble important?
Well, here's my theory: This teeny tiny pebble is what's left of the Ice Floes.
I came up with this theory based on a few things.
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My first clue is the location where it was found. Judging from the details in these pages, this tiny pebble was in the middle of a dried up ocean.
The second is the type of rock I think it is. Ms. Ichikawa incorporated a lot of rock and mineral information in this story for her characters. I'm not sure if that's the case in this instance, but please allow me to indulge in my rock nerd side for a bit. I strongly believe it is a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are formed when bits of pre-existing rocks, inorganic material, and/or bits of once organic life forms accumulate and gradually get compacted and cemented together. This type of rock is found everywhere, but especially in the ocean.
The third and most supportive piece of evidence was Phos's comments on page 16.
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Phos recognizes that this pebble is similar to the other rock life forms AND it's consciousness had been there since the beginning of the earth, meaning it's much older than nearly everything on this planet, including Phos and Eyeball. To me, this cemented my theory.
Of course, this is just me guessing. And I'll admit, when I went to look up the Ice Floes again, the HnK wiki states that Eyeball and the Ice Floes are connected, so I could very much be wrong. It was still fun to theorize haha
Please tell me what you think!
Edit: Well, it looks like that theory was incorrect. Oh well! I still had fun coming up with it. Thank you @laloyoungblood for letting me know.
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The End Is Near and Yet So Far...
I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: I can't wait to see how this story ends. And if the story is going to end at 108 chapters, I'd be so happy, and the ending of this chapter had me excited for the final climax of the story...
Until I saw the excerpt at the bottom of the page.
Houseki no Kuni won't be returning until the spring of 2024... And we just barely came back from the other hiatus...
Now don't get me wrong, waiting through hiatuses is nothing new for me and I'm glad more mangaka are trying to prioritize their health and happiness than trying to rush their stories because of a deadline.
But these hiatuses are a bit annoying, I'm not going to lie. If there's one thing I know I won't miss with this series, it's the many, many hiatuses Ms. Ichikawa had done.
I know it'll be okay in the end. There are more important things going on in my life now, so I know I won't dwell on it for much longer. But at the same time, I just want this story to finally cross the finish line. We're so close to the end, and yet the goal post is moved again.
I just want to see this story end soon. And I hope it'll be worth it.
Okay! That's all for now. Thank you to everyone who reads and responds to my posts. I love all your responses. I don't know how many of you will stick around when I stop doing these posts, but I'm honestly really grateful to you.
Hope the rest of the month goes well for you all! Stay safe out there.
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pumpkin-spice-whump · 6 months
Okay I'm super nervous to post this. This is a snippet of my novel I'm going to be publishing later this year (!!!!) And i want to share a bit here. It is an apocalyptic thriller heavy on captivity whump. This is a flashback to our main character being kidnapped and sold. He just got out of the back of a semi where he suffered heat exhaustion. This is one of the pieces I'm happy with so far, so sorry it's throwing you in in the middle!! But hopefully I'll post a bit more as I get further along editing!!
Looking back, Jack realized how close he was to death those first few days. He should’ve been in a hospital on an IV, but you know traffickers. They don’t care all that much about human lives.
Every so often the driver of the truck would wake him up and make him drink water, pee in a bucket. He’d blink behind the stupid duct tape blindfold, fumbling for a sense of direction. Sometimes he could hear people talking and walking beyond the walls and windows of the truck and he knew they were at a truck stop.
Faintly, he remembered seeing posters on the inside of stall doors from a trip he took for basketball last year. About the sign for help. Again, he wished he cared enough about kidnapping to remember any of that.
“Can… can I go to the bathroom?” he asked, hoping for a miracle.
Something thudded. “Bucket’s there kid. I’m not looking.”
Jack had no way to know that was true. It was in the back of his mind every time. “No. I gotta like… go.”
It thudded again. “Yeah. I know. Bucket’s here.”
“I’m not… Not in front of you.”
“That’s up to you. But if you shit your pants then you are definitely riding in the back, so keep that in mind.”
He probably would’ve followed Jack into the stall anyway.
Every time Jack was done, the man would give him pills to knock him out, and then wake him up again.
This time, he shook Jack awake and made him sit up. Jack’s head lolled back for a
moment before he could fully wake up. He was so weak and tired, there was no way he would’ve been able to walk to the bathroom anyway. The duct tape was ripped off and he inhaled a deep breath before the water bottle was pushed to his mouth.
“You gotta piss?” Jack shook his head when the bottle left. “Good.”
Then his hands started to tear away the tape over his eyes.
“What’s going on?” Jack asked, tongue heavy in his mouth. He blinked hard against the bright light and was suddenly filled with hope at the idea that he was being let go. Maybe the man felt guilty and wanted to fix the error of his ways! However, after his eyes adjusted he realized that it wasn’t the afternoon sun in his eyes, but the overhead light in the cab.
“My leg of the trip is over. Keep quiet or I’ll put the tape back on got it?”
Jack nodded, too scared to do anything but follow along as the man led him - half carried him really - out of the truck and on the dark pavement.
They were at a rest stop, an abandoned one by the looks of it. The streetlight was off, the bathroom doors boarded closed. There was a broken swing on the overgrown playground.
There was only one other car in the parking lot. A man leaned against the hood. Tall, with a long face set with lines telling his age. Couldn’t be less than forty, maybe fifty. He was wearing a dirty jacket and jeans, like he’d been working outside all day. A baseball cap covered what looked to be graying hair.
The driver let go of Jack and he fell to his knees without the support. A hiss of pain escaped him as loose gravel dug into his knees.
“Will it do?” the driver asked.
The new man looked Jack over, never moving from his spot leaned against his car. “He will.” He reached into his rolled down window and pulled out a manilla folder, tossing it to the driver.
Jack felt like his skull had been cracked open and ice cold water was poured over his skeleton as he realized what was going on. It was a trade. A deal. A traffik. Is that what it’s called? He was being sold like an animal.
The driver took a peak in the envelope, nodding satisfactorily. “Will you be needing anything else from me?”
“Not at all.”
“Pleasure doing business then.” The driver turned to leave but Jack threw himself at his feet suddenly, wrapping his arms around his legs.
“No!” he cried, desperate to not be taken even further from home.
Even though he’d already been passed through two people and driven who the hell knows where, as soon as he got in that man’s car it was final. No more traveling. He was going home with this guy. How would he call for help then? How would he get away? He was taken and now being sold to -- to who?! Maybe he really will be raped. Or experimented on or cut up and sold for parts or--
“No please!” he begged. “Don’t, please I wanna go home! I wanna go home!”
Hands gripped his waist and he tried like hell to kick out, to fight back. He even tried to bite at him, but only got open air. Jack was just too frail at the moment. There was no way he stood a chance against this strong stranger.
The trunk opened and Jack threw his feet up, attempting to stop himself from getting in, panic enveloping him once again. “No! Don’t make me get in there! I won’t be able to breathe!”
His knees were kicked in and he fell right in, arms bound uselessly.
“Feel free to scream as much as you like,” the new man said as he slammed the door shut.
Jack did. He screamed and kicked so much that he did run out of air and passed out. When he woke, the trunk was open again, cool night air filling his lungs and making him cough.
The man threw a bag over his head before roughly taking him by the arm and dragging him out of the trunk. He ignored all of Jack’s tearfilled demands to be let go immediately.
“Some stairs now. I recommend you tread lightly if you don’t want to be thrown down.”
He did, taking shallow breaths like he would be able to hear the stairs better if he did. The bag was taken off of him after another short walk at the bottom, once he was pushed to his knees.
“You can call me Mr. Reeder,” the man said, smiling down at him. “And this is your new home.”
That first night was one of the hardest. Jack had to try to go to sleep himself for the first time, with no drugs or panic to aid him. The only thing he knew to compare what he was feeling to was when he went to summer camp when he was 10. First time away from his mom, like really away. He couldn’t call her when he wanted to leave, couldn’t hear her voice. It’s all encompassing, realizing that you are isolated. That you are alone in a way you never have been before.
But even at summer camp Jack knew that he was going to go home in a week. This? There’s no end to this. Jack might… die here. Alone in the basement without seeing his mom ever again…
He buried his face in his pillow and screamed and screamed. When he was too exhausted to keep going, he curled on his side and imagined he was in his mom’s bed with her by his side.
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~Lost and Found~ (Larissa Weems x Student!reader)
The reader is 19 in this fic!!! The show makes it clear they have students well above the age of consent.
Please don't murder me for this being so late!!! I wasn't doing great mentally after mocks so took a break from writing so this was written in small chunks over the course of nearly two weeks so I'm very sorry if it's super disjointed!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (1.7k words)
There isn't a lot of larissa in this chapter because I wanted to focus on some world building and finally properly introduce you guys to the readers friends/my OCs.
Thank you as always to @thefangedman for editing this and with such a quick turn around so you guys didn't have to wait any longer for an update!
The room was large but not overwhelming. It had an almost comfortable aura despite this being my first time inside, as well as despite my reason for being trapped inside.
I slowly made my way to my feet, drifting throughout the room; searching. For what? I don't know. It is drawing me closer. An overwhelming feeling hits me in progressively stronger waves as I make my way towards what I can only assume is the en suite. I slowly push the door open, uneasiness slipping into the atmosphere.
Something isn't right.
I can't tell what is wrong. My eyes quickly dart to all corners of the room, seeing nothing out of place. That's when I see it. A small cigarette case, tucked beside the rather nice clawed bathtub. So that's where the funding goes, Weems is living in luxury while I can barely get a hot shower most days, for fuck’s sake. I'll be bringing this up with her later.
I approach slowly, bending down to collect the case and look inside, to figure out what the source of this strange aura is. I turn as I hear sharp knocking, followed by a very angry - yet almost concerned voice?
"Y/N M/N L/N! Come out right this instance! I will break this door down if I have to, don't snoop through my drawers. I know you've been thinking about it. I just wanted to talk."
I turn back around, moving towards the sink to lift a metal nail file, before making my way to the window, attempting to unlock it. I try to as quickly as possible make my way through it. Weems’ bangs get louder, until I hear one exceptionally loud one and the clicking of heels.
I am just about free when my sleeve snags on a rogue nail, pinning me like a frog in a biology lesson, ready for my dissection at the hands of Weems. As I am struggling with my sleeve she bursts into the bathroom.
I manage to get free just before she can snatch me, darting away; lungs burning as I do more exercise than I've done all week.
I look around: I was at the back of the school in a place I’d never been before, however, my worry of being followed meant that I didn't want to stop and get my bearing - at least until I wasn't so out in the open.
Eventually, after much running and much pain, I find my way into - an abandoned section of the school? I've never seen this place before, which is strange, considering I've searched high and low for the best hide outs on campus to go while... not fully present, let's put it like that.
The corridor I have taken refuge in is dilapidated, walls crumblings with a thick layer of dust clinging to everything. I wonder what happened that they left this place in such disrepair, especially since Weems is always complaining how we don't have enough space, and the board wants to let in more students so they can make more money.
Fine, sometimes I do eavesdrop on Weems... I get bored sitting in her office most days, and she doesn't let me read or draw because it's a punishment so I'm apparently "not meant to be enjoying it".
I crouch down in an alcove close by, reaching into my jacket pocket. Silently I curse myself, realising I've left my book in Weems’ office. Knowing I'll have to go and ask for it back if I ever want to finish it makes me cringe. I can already hear the lecture I'll get from Weems.
Eh, it'll be fine, I'll just sneak in after curfew so I can avoid seeing her again. Resting my head against the wall behind me, I take out my box of cigarettes and my lighter. Weems thankfully didn't find it in my pockets and take it for the 10th time this week. I'm old enough to smoke, I don't get why she's so annoying about it.
It's not even like I'm smoking anything serious in front of her - it's just nicotine, so I don't get what the issue is, especially since I've seen the ash tray hidden the the bottom drawer of her desk. She's definitely a stress smoker.
I shake off the thoughts of her, quickly lighting my cigarette and taking a drag, wondering why I still feel so on edge even though I have reached safety away from her gaze. As I take another drag, I remember the cigarette case. No wonder I'm so on edge, that thing has some of the worst energy I've felt in weeks.
I take it out, slowly examining the gold casing. It wasn't fancy but it was well made and loved. The roses engraved on the front and a small inscription on the back were worn down and the casing itself had seen better days, small scratches and dents littering it. I did my best to make out what the message said.
"My dear___ ______a, I will never forget the ____ we shared together. I will re____ to you soo_, _ith love M_______."
It was pretty easy to fill in the gaps, but the names left me at a loss. I careful open the case and inside there is a single half smoked cigarette with a distinctive dark berry lipstick stain. I pick it up and my veins go black, the loss flooding my body as a specture of the past appears before me.
They are clearly crying, sitting on a set of steps holding the cigarette between their fingers, rain beating down from the sky soaking them - but they don't seem to care. It takes me a few minutes before I recognise the person as my very own principal, but before I can question her I am dragged back to the land of the living. My own cigarette is long abandoned on the floor as my hands shake, my body trembling at the sudden rush of emotions.
Once I return to normal - veins blue and not black - I take a deep breath and return the cigarette to its case, pocketing as I get to my feet. I slowly make my way back to the in-use section of the school building.
I make it back to my dorm, Wilde Hall, without any staff spotting me. Thankfully, they don't typically patrol the older students' dorms, as they are more concerned with the younger students drinking underage and such. Also, unless repeating, we attend by choice, so typically the students behave better than the younger ones, who's parents force them to be here.
I push the door open, only to be met with my two best friends destroying my room.
"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" They both turn to me with guilty smiles. Noah is the first to speak.
"Hey N/N, we didn't think you'd be back so soon... we were just... um, looking for that book you borrowed from me?"
I roll my eyes at his ill attempt at lying. "The book that is clearly sitting on my desk, and for no reason would be in my wardrobe?" I stand with my arms folded glaring at them both, waiting for one of them to reveal the truth behind their chaos.
Kat is the first to break. "Noah was looking for your leather jacket because he wants Ajax to think he's cool so that he'll ask him on a date!"
They are so fucking annoying I swear, but deep down I love them for it. "You could have just asked, you know I would have lent it to you, so I don't get why you needed to destroy my room looking for it. Also, you should ask him out yourself, instead of waiting for him to make the first move - I've been telling you for months he's into you."
Noah rolled his eyes before arguing back, "Firstly, you nearly murdered me when I took your tweed trousers, and secondly, you say that about everyone! You think that everyone is into everyone, just cause you can't keep in your pants."
Kat chimed in, doubling down on the attack. "You're a total slut! I swear you've been with half the school at this point!"
I grab Noah's book from my desk and fling it at them, causing the pair to throw curses at me. "Both of you are just jealous because I can actually pull unlike you both. Plus I only got mad because I had planned the outfit I was wearing that night around those tweed trousers - I had to completely redo the outfit at the last minute, you're lucky I had a back up outfit!"
Before they can reply, the door swings open and a disheveled Miss Thornhill enters. She is out of breath and has bags under her eyes, likely researching new plants late again, remembering that time I found her passed out in the greenhouse at 4 in the morning, her coffee and notes both left half finished.
"Y/N... I hear you've been getting on Principal Weems’ bad side again. Can you not even go one week without annoying her? She's already stressed as it is with the new student who is due to arrive today, which is likely why she's requested you to be assisting her the rest of the week instead of attending your regular classes. She would like you to start immediately after the disappearing act you pulled this morning."
I groan audibly, before trying to bargain with Miss Thornhill.
"Please, Miss, can I not work in the greenhouse with you, I'm so much better with plants than paperwork."
She gives me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Y/N, I tried to get you out of it, but you've really managed to annoy her this time. What did you even say to her? You know what. I don't think I even want to know.”
She turns her eyes away from me, addressing Kat and Noah. “And as for my two favourite students, class starts in 5 minutes - hurry up and grab your books or I'll feed you to my carnivorous plants!"
A mock offended expression makes its way onto my features as I dramatically slam my hand over my heart. "Am I no longer your number one student? After all I've done for those plants, I'm now I'm being replaced? I see how it is, Thornhill. You're no longer my favourite teacher anymore - and to think I didn't skip a single botany class because of how much I cared for you!"
She shakes her head at me, exasperated by my antics, and I slowly trudge my way down to Weems' office, dreading the coming week. I knock on the large wooden door to her office, a chill running down my spin as I hear her almost cruel tone.
-Tag list-
@the-bagel24 @suckerforcate @zerolovestpn513 @multifandomlesbianic @littledollll @freshmoneyalmondathlete @jinxscatbomb @khajiit-trading-caravan
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I really hoped I wouldn't have to make one, but here is my introductory post after all.
greetings, my name is Víctor, (although Val is fine as a nickname), I'm 17. I'm awful at replying DMs, is it ok to use the ask box if you want to chat? thank you in advance. (I use askboxes as freely and casually as one might ding dong ditch their obnoxious neighbours, so please know that I deeply appreciate asks)
my pronouns can be he/him or, if necessary, they/them. I'm mexican.
the tags at the bottom are my usual markers, the "val ramblings" one is older and the "victory losertalking" is the one I'll be using for when I fully indulge in the sheer loserness of my personality (i'll try to edit the tags in older posts)
I do wizardblr roleplays sometimes as a bard who is pretending to be a wizard.
I like writing but never do so. my sort-of (shitty) poetry are under the tags "#my poetry #sort of"
My interests, in order of current priority are: The Magnus Archives, Will Wood, Wolf359, Hadestown, Good Omens, Zelda, Stardew Valley, A:TLA, TOH, PJO, Narnia, His Dark Materials, Eragon, Be More Chill (i'm, wholeheartedly, so very sorry), + many others i can't quite remember at the moment.
dni: you know the drill, usual assholes, I'll finish the list later. all i believe needs to be repeated right now is that my support is with Palestine, this is a genocide and no one should argue about the "right to defend itself" of an apartheid state.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
summary: elvis loves his guns. you think he loves you. question is are those mutually exclusive. fandom: elvis presley | elvis 2022 pairing: elvis presley x female reader rating: m word count: 3328 not even remotely talking about it. it happened alright? warnings: gun kink. elvis's sexual issues. minor implied food kink maybe? use of a gun in penetrative ways. masturbation ( m and f ). implied future oral ( f ). older/later elvis described/implied. ( i'm not meaning that in a warning re: weight, it's more i do know that some would prefer to not interact with elvis as he was toward the end of his life in ways that are sexual ). minor daddy kink, as in reader calls elvis daddy and he refers himself as daddy. it's not super in your face. minor mommy kink on elvis's part. also unhealthy bdsm practices because you know, no one in this is necessarily fully sober/in good states of mind. just really y'all, this is a...ride. also thigh riding and squirting. author's note: okay. so let me explain myself. this gif is not indicative of the exact time frame for elvis i chose for this though have at it, pick austin elvis and 73ish as ya man here if you want. i definitely did not. so. i read a set of fics that had kinks i don't have in the slightest because i was curious ( because i've been in fandom/the internet too long and i look at dead dove don't eat on some fics and think it's a challenge ) and i faintly regret my choices with it. but it made me basically be like jimmie where i say things like "i don't know what i'm thinking". said fic set has wormed its way into my brain where it lives and tosses me like two pennies and a bit of lint for rent. this is the bit of lint. i am sorry for this. if y'all actually want another gun kink fic from me, i'll probably write it come november but i wanted to do something different with this. i don't know what this is. when i said unhinged, i didn't necessarily mean sexy. watch this be accidentally sexy. also hi, yeah this is day 13 of kinktober, gun kink with elvis. and yes i have had to edit this three times.
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Elvis- You love Elvis. God help you and saints preserve you, but you love him. You love him enough that you forget how he can be, how you forget how he slowly is becoming a version of him that you're not sure you want to be with. He's possessive and mercurial on his best days, possessive and terrifying on his worst. Priscilla had warned you, Linda had warned you, they had both told you that Elvis takes and takes and takes and while he gives and gives and gives it's complicated. It's maybe never what you need.
You're giving though, you're the type of girl Elvis needs right now. Someone to keep him in check, to try and slide him into something inching toward health even as his body wants to rebel against him.
But Elvis takes, Elvis has desires that he'd keep unspoken for some girls. But Priscilla took it, Linda took it- his true girls- his girls he wanted to keep would take it. Would take what he wanted to give them. Elvis likes to combine the things he loves into something he figures is better than the two things apart. It's with his food, his music and truthfully his needs and wants in the bedroom. You're his girl and they're his girls and the values them more anything in the world other than little Lisa. They even outrank you and you know it. Girls may come and go but Elvis's guns? Oh those girls are forever, his personal harem to pick and choose from and keep close.
Elvis doesn't sleep well after shows, everyone has told you that from the second you said hello and he said ain't you the prettiest thing this side of the Mississippi. You are always riled up after shows, always a squirming mess he carts off to the bedroom the second he gets to the hotel. Some nights- like this particular night he's not up to the task of fucking you. A sign of his age, maybe a sign of how his body wants to betray him at the one thing he enjoys as much as- well as much he knows things are twisted in his head. He is hungry after the shows though and after this particular show he's got you in his lap, on one of his thighs, your body bouncing and grinding as you use its substantial size to provide pressure to your clit, to your cunt to every part of your body in between your legs. You're facing him and occasionally your hands drift down to his stomach, wanting to feel it, wanting to feel his chest and every part of him. He always gives you a look over his glasses before moving your hand back up to his arm. He can see your face starting to twist like he knows it does when you're heading toward your release, he's impressed tonight. Normally you require his fingers on your clit or pinching at your nipples. Maybe these big thighs were good for something, tonight.
"Make a mess of your Daddy, darlin'. Stain the jumpsuit, hm?" He murmurs into your ear before feeling you shudder against him, your body taking his words to be a command. He places a light kiss against your neck. You find that it feels sticky.
"Are you-" You start and pause, eyeing Elvis, watching him stare at you with those eyes that if nothing else- if all else fails him- would draw in even the strongest of individuals. "Do I need to help you?"
He hums before exhaling, shifting his body to get a little more comfortable on the chair he's sitting in. "Depends on your answer to my question."
"What is it?" You're genuinely curious, Elvis's eyes seem a little brighter today and you have hope tonight might be a good night for both of you.
His hands move to cup your face, pulling you in for a soft kiss. You have to climb up onto him a little from your position but you find you don't mind. From his pleased hum you can feel vibrate against your body you figure he doesn't mind either.
"I wanna see you play with my guns. One of my favorites. I'll take the ammo and everything out just for tonight." He can already picture it, picture you on the bed, him in this chair, his cock in his hand and you- and you on your shared hotel bed writhing as you brushed your clit against the metal. "'m not feeling up to fuckin' ya tonight, but I wanna come watching ya."
You force a smile on your face, it's not that you don't want to do it- it's a strange request, but not unwelcome- it's just you had hoped it would not be a take take take night and instead be a give give give night. "Which one, daddy?" You added daddy to see him smile.
It works.
He chose one with a long barrel, whispering as your ground your ass against him that it was to give you the length he knew you craved. Sure, you enjoyed his girth in more ways than one but sometimes it was just the length you needed. His pajama pants are down by his ankles as he settles into the chair and you allow your fingers to play with yourself, slowly getting yourself prepared for what you're going to do. You're always a little more wet than normal when you have Elvis watching you and tonight is surprisingly no exception. You never used to be like this, never used to be turned on at the thought of someone watching you but Elvis has a way of turning things you thought you knew about yourself on its head. His eyes are zeroed in on your cunt, watching your fingers disappear in and out, glistening ever so slightly with your juices and he can't help the low groan he lets out at it, his hand moving to lazily stroke his cock. Yes, he'd like to get off watching you on his gun, watching you come all over it like you did his thigh not even an hour before, like you have on his cock but he's not in a rush. Next show isn't even for another few days, so if he wants he could lay you out on this bed like the buffet you are and take his time savoring every last morsel and drop of you.
"What are you looking at?" You whisper a little breathlessly, two of your fingers teasing your clit like Elvis had many times before.
"You." He answers simply, his thumb brushing over his tip. "Watchin' how you're preppin' yourself. Thinkin' I oughta help, but there's somethin' about watching ya."
Your lips curl into a lazy smile. "You're always- You know I love it when you do. Maybe tomorrow morning you can play with me like this? Spread my pretty lips open and taste me. Maybe there will be a hint of the metal."
If a growl leaves his throat, if a growl leaves his throat and has him sounding like his Harley revving up, you and him don't comment on it. "Don't be a tease, baby. Think you might be prepped enough. It's thinner than me, 'member that."
You hum before letting out a heavy and mildly overexaggerated sigh. "I guess you're right." Your hand encircles the grip of gun, noting how cold it is with a shiver. Your eyes look up at Elvis before you tilt your head and drag the barrel across your skin, starting from your neck and moving down to your chest, letting the cool metal brush against your overheated skin. "It's cold."
He gulps as he pumps his cock, watching how your npples pebble after the barrel swipes by them. If he could, if he wanted to get up from this chair, he's walk over to you and warm them up, take your nipples in his mouth and suck on them, bite at them, watch you keen and writhe against him. He won't though, because he just wants to watch you.
When you finally reach your cunt, you practically jump at the first brush of the metal against your cunt. You think maybe you should have sucked on it first, given it some warmth before you had it touch you, but it was too late for that. You take a deep breath and look at Elvis unblinking as you slowly shove the barrel of the gun into your cunt. If you were closer to him you'd likely see how the blue of his eyes is completely taken over by the black of his pupil, you'd see how his mouth has dried out from the small pants he can't stop himself from taking and you'd notice how he looks- he looks like he does onstage. He looks completely full of life and ready to strike at the one person he has in his gaze. You.
His breath is shallow the longer he looks, the longer he looks and pumps himself, the precum covering his cock, his jar of lube unused for him. "Goddamn, little one, you should see- drive a man wild, fucking yourself on his gun. Gonna smell like you, won't be able to be at the range without remembering you- won't be able to shoot it without remembering this. Gonna have to explain to the boys why I popped a boner like a fuckin' teenager."
You huff out a laugh, your body letting out a shiver as it tries to adjust to the intrusion of something you're not used to. "Don't wear such tight pants and they won't know. Is this going to be your new favorite?"
He nods. "Gonna have it tucked in somewhere every damn show. Maybe it'll be a good luck charm."
A good luck charm for you and him, a sign that you two will last like him and 'Cilla didn't, like him and Linda didn't. You did this for him, they didn't, they had- your limits are always far more malleable than theirs were. Not a bad thing but it give him some hope.
You pull the barrel out of your cunt and press it against your swollen clit, hissing as you do. "Christ, Daddy, I didn't realize I'd be so sensitive. I'm- how close are you?"
You want to come, but he hasn't and you refuse to be that greedy, not for him right now. Not for him when he's having a good night, not a great night, but a good one and you want to savor it. If you're trying not to move the gun, letting the barrel stay pressed against your clit in order to stave off your impeding orgasm he doesn't say anything.
His hand moves faster, knowing that he is pretty close, he wants to come for you, wants to show you what you've done to him, how you've made him feel. "Talk me through it, Mama."
Your eyes had slipped closed as you lost yourself in the sensations of the metal, the smell of your arousal and sex in the room, the taste of what Elvis had been eating earlier lingering on your tongue. Your eyes had been closed but they shoot open at the word Mama. He was- oh, he was in that sort of mood. Oh, you could oblige.
"Talk you through it, sweetheart? Talk you through how Mama wants to see you come? I worked hard, I took your gun for you. Would have taken it all night for you but your thigh- You let Mama come on your thigh earlier, she doesn't have that many in her tonight." Your voice is practically a murmur but you know Elvis can hear you, can hear how you sound how your voice has an edge of neediness. "I need you to come so I can, sweetheart. You don't need to wait. The sooner you do it, the sooner we can clean up and we can go to sleep. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Us taking care of each other like that tonight. You did good tonight, just like I did. Come for Mama, Elvis, show me how much you appreciate me."
That does it, you asking him to show how much he appreciates you doing this, how much he appreciates you in his life. He comes with a groan, coating his hand and the towel he had put underneath him with his come. He doesn't say anything, doesn't have the energy to, his head lulling to the side a little as he watches you finally move the gun, finally allow it to press against your clit- rub against your clit in a way that has you shivering. You're close and you know that you could likely come without the penetration, you should come without it, but you decide at the last second to slide the gun barrel back inside you as you flutter around it, coming with a hiss because everything is so overwhelming that your throat can't even manage anything else. When you pull the gun out it's covered in your fluids, glistening in the light of the room. You look at the sheets and realize you might have squirted. A bit of shame twists in your gut at that, because this what what made you squirt? Fucking yourself on your boyfriend's gun? What kind of woman were you? Elvis still hasn't gotten up from the chair, his eyes lazily moving between you, the gun and the wet spot. His lips curl into a smirk.
"Ruined the sheets and my jumpsuit. Ain't you a menace to fabrics." He whispers as you stand up and move towards him. You stop and hold out your hand to pull him up from the chair. He eyes it and shakes his head. You keep it there until he takes it with a huff, stepping completely out of his pants as he does.
"I'm your menace, Elvis. Shower?" You hold his hand, linking your fingers together as you lead him to the bathroom.
"Then bed. Gonna let me lay on ya chest tonight?" He asks, pulling you closer to him, his arms wrapping around you like he's that teddy bear he sang about almost two decades ago.
"If it helps you sleep tonight, yeah." A pause. "Love you."
A low hum and a kiss to your temple is the only answer you get back. You'll take it for now.
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urdrowning · 1 year
Okay so Ona piano idea:
Edit: OH MY GOD I apologise, I honestly started this thinking I would just quickly put down some ideas and then I ended up writing this whole thing... Well I hope you like it. (also I recommend listening to the pieces whilst reading it, really adds to the story. I put the youtube links in there)
Whenever you're playing piano Ona gets completely distracted and just stops doing whatever she was doing before to stare at your hands, completely mesmerised by the movements of your fingers tickling the ivories. 
The first time this happens is when you've just become roommates. You'd finally gotten a piano in your shared apartment and you decide to try it out, whilst Ona is doing the dishes. You start playing Maybe by Yiruma (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wg_JpVHkio), because you've played it so many times that it was etched into your muscle memory. At first you're too lost in the music to notice your roommate staring at you, but after about 4 phrases, you are suddenly startled by the sound of cutlery crashing to the floor. When you look up you find Ona looking at you with wide eyes, bright red cheeks and a flustered expression. "Sorry, it just slipped away from me. Please continue." She says as she picks everything up and proceeds to continue washing the dishes. You giggle as you start playing again from the top. Only this time, you notice the sound of the dishes being washed disappearing as soon as you start playing. You turn your head ever so slightly towards the kitchen and you notice Ona has indeed stopped what she was doing, but as soon as your eyes meet hers (which had been focussed on your fingers before you turned around), she suddenly averts her gaze back to the sink and pretends to focus on a particularly stubborn stain on one of the plates in there.
The second time it happens is when later that week, some of your United teammates come over to your place and someone asks you to play something. You decide to try and impress them with your piano cover of Fly me to the moon (that goes a little something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5X0ln7lP-w). Some of the girls gather around the piano to watch, but Ona is still sitting on the couch with some otters, chatting about something. When she hears the sound of the piano however, she completely forgets what she was talking about. She stops speaking mid sentence and without even realising it moves her head to look past the other girls and get a better view of the girl behind the piano: you. "Ona what where you-" "shhhhhh" she rudely shushes Millie. When you approach the second chorus, Ella opens her mouth to start singing along: "FLYYY ME TO TH- ouch!" She stops as she feels an elbow collide harshly with her shoulder and she finds Ona sending her a stern glare.
The third time is when you have just arrived back home after an intense match. You sit down on the piano stool whilst the two of you are still discussing everything that happened on the field today, and you start absentmindedly tickling the ivories. "But be honest, were you on time with that slide tackle or should it have been a foul?" You ask whilst your fingers roam the clavier, fiddling around on auto pilot in the key of G-minor. You turn your around when you don't get an answer but your hands don't leave the piano. Ona doesn't look you in the eyes, instead her gaze is glued onto your hands, following their every movement. "Ona?" You ask as you now fully turn around, forcing you to stop playing. Ona blinks as she lightly shakes head left and right. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
By the forth time you have noticed the pattern and you decide to inquire her about it. "Ona, you know you don't have to be polite and drop everything you're doing whenever I am playing piano to listen right?" You ask, her eyes widening at your observation. "Yeah I know, I just- It's... distracting." she says hesitantly. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just play when you're out then." you say, immediately feeling guilty because she probably finds your practicing annoying. "No, no, please, no, that's not what I meant. I like it, I really do. So much I can't stop watching you play. You really look b- sound beautiful.. I mean it- It sounds beautiful when you play." she stammers shyly. "Oh. Thanks."
The fifth time Ona decides to get ahead of the distraction as soon as she sees you sitting down behind the piano. "Can you show me?" she asks with a shy smile on her face. "Sure, come here." you say as you scoot over a bit and pat the now empty spot next to you. The chair is far too small for the both of you and you almost fall off your side, only being stopped by Ona's arm quickly wrapping around you. You feel your cheeks flushing so you quickly start playing a piece you've just learned called The Dream of You by Tim Neumark (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-Cm7QHjB8U). You immediately regret playing the relatively new piece, because Ona's arm still being wrapped around you sends butterflies to your stomach and this time, you're the distracted one. It only gets worse when halfway during the piece, she softly lays her head on your shoulder. You sloppily make your way trough the piece, hoping Ona didn't notice all of the mistakes you made. You can feel her body moving up and down as her breathing relaxes, and when you glance to the side, you notice she has closed her eyes this time. When you play your last notes, you keep your foot on the pedal, letting the sound die out naturally, and you suddenly feel your heart rate starting to rise. Surely Ona must notice this as her head is still on your shoulder and your heart is basically pounding out of your chest at this point. She slowly starts lifting your head but she doesn't move backwards, leaving only about five centimeters between your faces. "Y/N?" she almost whispers, "Can I-" "Yes." You interrupt her. A smile forms on her lips before she closes the small gap between you.
piano anon this is my official request for you to start writing, i am in-love with your mind. this is absolutely incredible i would give ANYTHING for this to be a full fic 🫶
the last part where she rests her head on your shoulder while cuddling into your side.. i’m actually gonna melt 🫠 like it actually made me giggly and all. i’d like to imagine on some nights when ona feels homesick or has had a bad day training she asks you to play for her to make her feel better, and while you play she ends up falling asleep cuddled into your side :,)
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4-as-in-a-trenchcoat · 9 months
Here's a list of all my aus + tiny explanations about them! Might make separate posts for all of them someday idk
1. Dad!Rex au
-Of course, the only au I've been public about so far. If you've seen my other posts about it, you already know what this is about, but if not, it's basically just a child (Theodore) crashing in Undar while Emmet/Rex's still there. Theo helps with trauma, Rex realizes he doesn't want anyone to go through what he went through and as a result, Rex adopts more children. Basically just wholesomeness yesyes
2. Dualistic Sides au (idk)
-In an alternate timeline, Emmet gets saved a year before he becomes Rex. He's still traumatized though, so he's basically just Emmet with PTSD and trust issues. After like, maybe a few months, this version of Emmet, who let's call.. Evan, starts to get really depressed and misses being his past self, so he decided the only logical thing to do is to travel back in time to before he crashed in Undar. But of course, our Rex also still has that idea, so now it's basically just an 'angel and devil on your shoulder' situation as both Rex and Evan try to guide Emmet in their own plans respectively. Evan genuinely wants to help, but Rex just wants to manipulate Emmet. (Edit: I just realized that this au is REALLY similar to @thinknamewhat 's Time Rivals au so credits to them! shddhhsh I did not mean to practically copy paste it with just a few tweaks sorry 😭)
3. Undar Explorer au
-Instead of being paralyzed, Emmet can still move in Undar. But with his ship still destroyed, he's forced to survive in Undar all on his own. And instead of Undar being a barren planet, there are just enough life forces that it becomes a challenge. Oh also, his friends eventually crash in Undar as well a few years later, for drama✨ (this au is basically just a copy paste of Della's situation in DuckTales and. yeah 🙂)
4. Switched Situations au (Idk either 😭)
-Instead of Emmet crashing in Undar, this time it's Mayhem, Lucy, Unikitty, Benny, Metalbeard and Batman who crashes. Emmet's the one who manages to get through the Stairgate, but when he doesn't find his friends in the Systar System, he accuses Watevra of kidnapping them, and in turn, Watevra accuses Emmet and the other Apocalypseburgers of kidnapping Mayhem. Angry and devastated, they end up starting a deadly war against each other. And the ones who got stuck in Undar time travel to the past to: stop themselves from crashing, stop Emmet from confronting Watevra, and most importantly, stop the war.
5. Criminal au
-Self explanatory, instead of being masterbuilders who fight for a righteous cause, the masterbuilders are actual criminals who do crime and end up accidentally dragging Emmet into everything (happens during the first movie).
6. Ghost!Emmet au
-After Emmet sacrifices himself in TLM, he doesn't come back to life. He does come back as a ghost though. ..Yeah that's all there is to it, really.
7. The Worst Timeline/Replacement au
-Basically another dead!Emmet but so much worse! So here, Lucy doesn't arrive on time and Rex ends up killing Emmet. Everybody (as in, even the citizens of Apocalypseburg and the Systar System) eventually arrives to see Emmet dead and Lucy in complete despair. Rex explains everything and then just.. fades away because. Emmet's fucking dead. And now everyone's in even more despair. A year passes, and nobody has fully moved on yet, until eventually, it all becomes too much and Lucy and her friends all agree to time travel to the past to kidnap past Emmet, from wayyyyy back before the Duplos invaded, but still after TLM. They essentially gaslight and manipulate Emmet into thinking this was his original timeline. And.. yeah.
8. Lost Memories au
-Emmet just loses his memories after crashing in Undar. ..Actually I'm pretty sure someone already made an au about this, but I'm not sure?? If someone knows if anyone made this au yet, please tell me and I'll remove it here.
9. Mother Knows Best au
-Doris, Emmet's mom, got worried over Emmet's lack of contact, since he always contacts her, even after moving away. She decides to visit Apocalypseburg, only to find Syspocalypstar, and a memorial statue of Emmet, much to her surprise. After she finds Lucy and the others and gets them to explain, she begs them to help her find him. So feeling guilty, they all agree. And.. they do end up finding Emmet. Doris gets angry at Emmet's friends, thinking that if they've just searched more and put more effort in trying to find him, then he wouldn't have to have been so traumatized. She prevents Emmet from seeing them and becomes really overprotective. E.
10. Kids au
-Again, self-explanatory, it's basically just a prequel to TLM and it's the main cast (except Watevra and Mayhem of course) as children. It's literally just an excuse to write fluffy and angsty backstories about them, actually :b
11. Keeper Of The Timelines au
-After Rex back-to-the-future's in the 2nd movie, he becomes some sort of keeper of timelines, having access to the past, present, and future, he kinda subtly tries to keep everything going smoothly. From Emmet meeting Lucy, to him becoming the Special, to him meeting Rex, etc. And even though he knows not to interfere with already existing timelines, he still ensures that no more Emmets get stuck in Undar, or have to go through the same fate as him. Not if he can help it.
Yeah, that's all of them so far! Feel free to ask me questions if you're curious about any of them :)
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