#I'll take a potato chip and eat it
c-schroed · 1 year
Anthy watching TV in episode 16 of RGU (yes, that's the cowbell one)...
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...very fucking much reminds me of someone else, from an anime produced six years later.
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Which is just lovely.
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merakiui · 1 year
I love bargaining with the gacha odds with fics (said as someone who more or less did the same thing by making an Azul fic myself lmao)
T_T by any means necessary... maybe bargaining with a fic was not enough. Perhaps the trick lies in using reverse psychology or subliminal messaging. Or maybe I just need to look at who was in front of me all this time rather than at the unobtainable tako. Maybe this is a sign to embrace Rollo forever. And since Riddle's card is given, I am happy and at peace. <3
But also:
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Azul,,,,,,, please....... orz
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Credits to tiktok user: Anvaoo
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chimerabytes · 1 year
if you dont like potato chips, don't vote unless you want to see the results please!
also i know that there are thousands of different chip flavors, maybe retired ones, or ones exclusive to certain parts of the world. i apologize for not being able to cover all my bases, but with only 10 total answers being available on a poll it's really tough.
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tj-crochets · 13 days
So in a good news/less good news thing, I might have found out the cause of the Unexpected Floor Time! I got my blood test results back and my sodium was on the very very low end of normal. Still technically in the normal range, but very not normal for me, so my issue may have been that this week I am more sodium Georg than usual???? I mean I do have salt wasting syndrome but also I eat so much salt every day and I am on medication to help me retain salt better (fludrocortisone! it's great!) So anyway that's why I have not got much crafting done this week. I've been extremely tired and unsalted lol Oh wait the good/less good format! Okay so good news is might have an answer and it's not any of the worse options, less good news is that I need more damn salt lol
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genius cosplay idea guys HEARRRR ME OUT
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decideroffate · 2 years
I can't tell if I'm bummed that the Simpsons Death Note parody didn't reference the potato chip scene, or if I appreciate that they didn't go for the obvious joke.
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ms-demeanor · 29 days
Okay THANK YOU for saying “your body craves what it needs” is bs because that felt like bs this whole time.
Like you don’t need more sugar if you crave sweets that is NOT what that means. Sugar is a food that people crave because it tastes good/sugar I think is an addictive food??
Idk it just felt like people making excuses when they’re supposed to be trying to eat a little healthier (healthier, not low cal, not low fat or keto or whatever. Diets are bs but craving sweets does not mean sugar is healthy thing for your body rn)
People crave sugar because it tastes good, which is not a bad thing, and there is an evolutionary reason that sugar and fat taste good to us. Carbs are your body's favorite thing because it is SUPER easy for your body to break them down into useful molecules.
I'm not a fan of the idea that any foods are addictive and I'm skeptical of models that suggest "refined food addiction" is a thing with a measurable, real-world impact; there's a lot of debate in that area of nutrition science and to me it kind of seems like the tools people use to track food addiction aren't really examining the addictiveness of specific foods, but are decent screening tools for people who have compulsive behaviors around food (for instance, one group of people who the Yale Food Addiction Scale has repeatedly been demonstrated to be REALLY good at identifying is people with anorexia).
But your body needs sugar all the time, whether that's in the form of complex carbohydrates that get broken down into simple sugars by your body, or simple sugars that you stir into your tea that then gets sent to your cells as energy. If your diet doesn't have enough sugar in it, your body has a processes to turn non-sugars into sugar so that it can use the sugar (gluconeogenesis!). Sugar is unambiguously good for you in the way that fat is unambiguously good for you. You need sugar to survive and it's not a bad thing if you want to have a cookie or a soda or some candy, and again - your craving probably isn't telling you that you're deficient in a specific micro or macronutrient, but I still think that you should listen to your craving.
Like, I don't know how much you know about psychotherapy but the attitude that a lot of diet-focused discussion takes toward cravings reminds me of cognitive behavioral therapy. "When you crave chocolate, no you don't! Don't think about the chocolate, you actually probably need starch or sugar or something, let's redirect that into having a banana, or some frozen berries, or some spinach. Point away from the unhealthy craving and into the healthy replacement, or, better yet, ignore the craving. Mind over matter. You choose how you act."
(I actually think "X craving means that I want Y food so I shall replace it with Z, which is similar" "craving salt means that I am dehydrated and need electrolytes so instead of potato chips I'll have some soup" is how this goes most of the time. I think this is a diet culture thing, not a food positivity thing.)
And you know what I think that's a garbage way to look at both food and emotions.
When I'm craving ice cream it's not because I've been mostly vegetarian for a week and am low on dietary cholesterol (AN IMPORTANT NUTRIENT. Don't be scared of consuming some cholesterol), I'm craving ice cream because sugar and fat taste good. So instead of trying to pretend that I'm getting "what I need" from a piece of salmon the size of a deck of cards with no salt and some lemon squeezed on top, I'm going to scoop out a moderate portion of ice cream and eat it while focusing on how much I enjoy it. And I'm going to do that instead of sitting down with a pint and a spoon while I'm stressed at work and eating something that tastes good to distract from the fact that work is stressful. (And sometimes it's fine to sit down with a pint and a spoon but I will say that's generally best not to do while you're in the middle of something stressful)
And if you want to relate that back to therapy I see this as more of the DBT approach. I've accepted that I want ice cream so I'm going to eat it in an intentional way and enjoy it instead of eating so much that I don't want dinner, or that it makes me feel sick, or that I eat it without noticing it because I'm using it as a distraction instead of a snack.
I'm not trying to shut down the negative emotion or shun the "bad" food, I'm accepting that I have that emotion and I'm working this neutral food into my day so that I'll feel good tomorrow and won't get heartburn overnight.
So I see that you're trying to be kind of anti diet culture here, but I don't think people need excuses to eat sugar, and I actually think that making excuses to eat it is significantly less healthy than just eating the sugar (which, again, is unambiguously healthy to eat as part of a varied, filling, nutritious diet). It seems like you may have internalized some ideas about sugar that are not great even if you are trying to separate from diet culture.
Nobody is ever going to eat a diet so healthy and nutritionally complete that they don't want candy or cake or cookies sometimes. Food is not only fuel, it is entertainment and culture and comfort and distraction and celebration and a million other things, but it is not bad. I don't think there's a single universally bad food out there, or any food that never belongs as part of someone's diet (unless it's something you're allergic to - I don't care if you're craving peanuts, do not eat peanuts if you have a peanut allergy).
So it's okay to make sugar, you don't need to make excuses. It's okay to eat sugar if you're craving sugar, even if that's not what your body "needs". But also sometimes a craving is your body saying "I'm hungry and this sounds good, please feed me" even if you're not a finely-tuned spectrometer that's craving blueberries pie because you actually need antioxidants from the blueberries (you're not a finely tuned spectrometer, you don't need the antioxidants from the blueberries, it's perfectly fine to just eat a slice of pie).
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asanjou · 13 days
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i'll take a potato chip... and eat it
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Thought of this while eating the potato chips my dad had bought for himself😋
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"This is what you're buying?"
Your boyfriend hands a chocolate ice cream and other snacks to the cashier, and nods.
"But you said it was an emergency and you really needed to buy some important stuff"
"I still mean it. Snacks can count as emergency too, on some occasions"
You watch him hand the cashier his credit card and raise a brow at his words. "But I have all the same stuff at home—"
The look in his eyes finally clears everything up.
"Oh my god you ate them all again you little shit, didn't you?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about, pretty" He flashes you a somewhat dumbfounded look and shrugs his shoulder.
"I'm gonna take a look at the cabinet when we get home. If I don't find my snacks you're dead meat"
"Just remember that food can be replaced easily, but a kind and loving boyfriend is very hard to find these days"
You give him a threatening glare. "I'll come to this very shop and pick out ten different brands"
"You wound me so deeply sometimes, sweetheart"
DAZAI, RANPO (He'll make you pay for them tho, actually Dazai might do that too), Nikolai, Kaji, TECCHO, Tachihara, GOJO, Geto, BACHIRA, Rin, REO, Chigiri, NAGI, Tsukishima, NISHINOYA, Daichi, SUGAWARA, KUROO, Lev, BOKUTO, TENDOU, Osamu, ATSUMU, SUNA, OIKAWA, Vanitas, ROLAND, LIGHT, Mello, L
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Imagine Shanks spoiling you while you're on your period
I'm on mine, and my cramps are the most annoying thing in the world.
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Shanks: has anyone seen (y/n) yet?
The crew: *look around and shake their heads*
Benn: it's almost noon, they should be out of bed they have chores to do.
Shanks: hmm, I'll go check their bunk.
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In your "private" room
Shanks: *knocks before he enters* (y/n)? Are you there?
You: *grumbles at him from the best of blankets and pillows on your bed*
Shanks: are you going to get out of bed anytime soon?
You: absolutely not.
Shanks: are you feeling okay?
You: my uterus is trying to kill me.
Shanks: ... Oh, it's that time, huh? Are you menstruating?
You: *glares at him*
Shanks: okay, okay, you can have a few days off... Is there anything I can get you?
You: a hot water bottle, chocolate, and potato chips... Oh, and a soda with ice!
Shanks: *chuckles* alright I'll be right back.
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Out on deck
Benn: you find them?
Shanks: yeah, they're gonna be out of commission for a few days. They've requested a hot water bottle, chocolate, chips, and a soda.
Yassop: ... Wait a minute, are you really gonna let them skip work because they're on their period.
Shanks: well yeah
Yassop: if my wife worked on hers so can (y/n).
Shanks: why don't you go try to tell them that?
Yassop: fine I will.
Shanks: in the meantime, Hongo can you prep the hot water bottle?
Hongo: on it
Lucky Roux: I'll make the potato chips and some other snacks for them
Shanks: then I'll get them some chocolate and the soda.
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A few minutes later
Shanks: *steps over Yassop's unconscious body to knock on your door* I have the stuff you asked for.
You: *opens the door for him*
Shanks: *puts the tray of goodies down and tucks you into bed* now about your chores
You: Yassop volunteered
Shanks: *eyes his friend and notices he has a black eye* very well, I have my own chores to attend to, but don't hesitate to call for anyone if you need something. I'll take Yassop with me when I go. Also, if you like once I'm done I can come back and we can cuddle.
You: *tears start to well up in your eyes* I'd like that
Shanks: shh shh shh, *presses a square of chocolate to your mouth for you to eat* I'll hurry up, so I can be done sooner. Okay?
You: *nods, sniffling as you munch on the chocolate*
Shanks: * leaves and drags Yassop behind him by his ankle*
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Yassop: *holding a bag of frozen peas over his eye* you're gonna spoil them.
Shanks: and I'd do the same for you if you had blood and parts of one of your internal organs coming out of a major orifice. Now hush up and finish your chores, you still have (y/n)'s to do.
Yassop: what, why me!
Shanks: they said you volunteered, I'm guessing for having the gall to suggest they get up and work when they don't feel well. Hongo even said that menstrual pain is worse than having a heart attack. Shaky once described it as worse than being stabbed.
Yassop: oh shit really? I should apologize to my wife then.
Shanks: we both know you're not gonna write her, get back to work.
Yassop: where are you going?
Shanks: I have a cuddle appointment with (y/n), but I gotta go get more snacks and a few books first.
Benn: *makes a whipping noise with this mouth*
Shanks: ha, jokes on you, I get to spend my evening snuggled up with our cute little friend, and being at their disposal is totally worth it.
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The official potato chip scene promo
I'm surprised no one in tumblr has posted this yet.
This is the more official version of the Potato Chip scene <3
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ckret2 · 2 months
uaaaaughghhh the latest chapter really bowled me over. Christ, having it all summed up how inhumanely bill has been treated the entire fic without anyone seeing him as enough of a real person to notice really hit me, made me feel kinda sick even. I love it. It's true I mean, the guy's horrifying and he's been more powerful than anyone ever should be, older than anything on the planet (give or take all that time spent meditating), but he's also just a guy. A mean, horrifically traumatized, super immature guy with control issues who's done some really terrible stuff. But still just a guy.
Fun fact! If Bill's a trillion years old, that means he's 72 times older than our entire universe—never mind our planet, never mind anything on our planet.
Abusing that triangle is all fun and games until we stop, look at the camera, and point out that we're Abusing That Triangle. And not noticing it is something that even a lot of readers fall into. I'll occasionally get comments about how Bill oughta take better care of himself and I have to go—you realize he can't, right? He's not eating potato chips and jerky because he's a child who doesn't know how to feed himself. He's not pissing in the sink because he doesn't know what a toilet is. He's not running up and down mountain tunnels on zero rest and zero food because he doesn't know that's horrible to do to himself—he's doing it because another person is literally forcing him to.
There's been a small but very steady trend of readers infantilizing Bill for not taking care of himself, because of the ways he's actively prevented from taking care of himself. Or things like people assuming he's the grossest most unclean beast ever when he's the only character they've seen take more than one shower.
But it's easy for all that to slip by when it's a little bit at a time. It's a lot clearer when you see all of it at once—after it's all had time to build up.
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boosaot · 28 days
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I'll take a potato chip and EAT IT! /ref
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moongoopy · 3 months
The Fingernail Issue
c: gojo wasn't told of toji having a sibling leading him to wonder what kind of brother toji fushiguro was
c/w: Reader is adopted here, modern au, fluff, Toji's family are not a bunch of assholes, Reader is Toji's adoptive sibling, platonic and crack and humour ig
a/n: thought about this while making potato chips
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"You have a sibling!? Why haven't you told us?"
"There was no need."
Toji slurped his noodles, ignoring the groan that he got from Gojo Satoru. Being in the same club with Gojo Satoru and a few other extras proved to be quite fun. He thought joining the basketball club with egocentric people would be infuriating but in this little group he managed to make friends suprisingly. He let Sukuna take his shrimp while he shrugs, right now; Gojo was quite adamant on getting to know his kid sibling that was in the same school as him, just two grades lower than him.
Geto slips in a joke if he wanted to court them or something since the white haired male next to him who was currently miming a camera with his two hands. Just the thought of another Fushiguro gave him the heebie jeebies, he was already offputting with how crass his personality was, his sibling would probably be the same. He gagged to Geto's comment, his hand on his chin when he thought about it.
"Unless, your sibling isn't a carbon copy of you and is way more better than you.."
Sukuna waved his hand to deny that sentence with a smirk and it received a nudge from Toji, they had this whispering thing they had going on to keep secrets away from Gojo and they giggle like two middle schoolers finding out about a dirty secret.
"Oh so you've met them, Ryoumen?" Nanami sipped his coffee, he had his notebook infront of him, consistently taking notes since he'd miss a day of school and its already biting him in the ass. The pink haired male shrugged, copying the same move as his friend that made Gojo click his tongue to.
"If you don't like them, why are you even curious?"
Gojo defended himself, "Its not that I dont like them, I barely met them. Its just that.."
Without noticing he painted an image of you even before seeing you in the flesh so maybe you weren't that bad. Gojo just cant imagine Toji having a sibling, would he be a doting brother? A strict one? Geto had stated stuff about dating and he barely batted an eye so it looked like to Gojo that Toji didnt really care about you but the next words that Toji said irked him.
"You look like you have a lot on your mind, Gojo. Mind sharing?"
Toji finished his noodles but thought of leaving some of the soup at the bottom, thats where all the seasonings sink to. Knocking his chopsticks into the bowl, he leaned forward to hear what Gojo had say. Gojo was the type to walk past the obvious and it was funny. Seeing THE Gojo Satoru struggle was entertaining.
"Nah, I'm good, I'll just see them myself." He bit on his lollipop, crunching up the last bits down his throat.
"Good luck finding them then," The black haired man got up from his seat with his tray and Gojo gasped. He hasn't even finished asking questions but knowing him, he loved avoiding questions like some personal torture he lets people go through.
"I'm bringing my mom to the clinic so I gotta run," Toji gruffly said, grabbing his jacket and he was so fast to slip away.
"Hey! Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse again? Me and Suguru legit saw Mrs. Fushiguro doing laps the other day!"
"Even did some cardio too.." Geto chuckled, remembering how Toji's mom proudly confessed how she had done a lot of stuff in one day. It made him smile while Gojo was sulking like a poodle beside him. Sukuna cleared his throat from eating and cleaned his plates up. He glanced at Gojo mischeviously.
"Well.. if you want to know one thing.." Sukuna dragged the silence a little longer before chuckling. "They're a bit of the same."
Sukuna too walks away, waving slyly to meet up for practise soon and Gojo scoffed. That sleazy bastard thought that information on you was new.
"That was sooo lame."
Toji had his hands on the wheel, listening to his mother talk about what should they have for dinner. In between talking about your favourites and if his dad was gonna come home, she recalled the days where you first came home.
Mama Fushiguro liked recalling this a lot and when many people were bored by this tale by now, Toji showed interest. He didn't admit though when he finally had a kid sibling in his house, he was actually pretty elated. The house was quiet on its own with himself but with you, it was like he had a friend.
When you are adopted, his peace wasn't disrupted at all but it was like yours was. You were in a completely new environment but not unfamiliar. You had been fostered before but he didn't pry into your past, there was no need to he thinks. It was normal for you to be distant even if his parents try to pry you out your shell like a cat with its nails stuck on the walls. You claw back to your comfort and wasn't all that talkative.
He didn't force you to talk or advise you on anything because it was clear you could handle yourself, you just like to keep to yourself more than his parents. But knowing this doesn't make the bond between you and him all the more stumped. He did attempted to eventhough his mother would nag about how it was barely anything; calling you down for dinner wasn't talking and hell, task dividing either!
Going to the same college didn't made you two any closer. He thought asking you about school was corny and didn't bother, he didn't really think much of it. By the tired look in your face, it was more than enough to know what you've been through but he was sure you stayed out of trouble because he made sure of that.
He took his usual route back to the car but realise you were a bit late. You weren't usually tardy, he was and even so you would still wait for him out of courtesy. He spun back around and thought of fetching you in an instant. Maybe now was the time he would open his mouth and talk to you.
There was a bit of a ruckus in one of the classrooms. If he didn't had sharp ears then he would've walked right past but that was one of the subject classes you attend and peeped in.
It was horrid.
He saw a bunch of hooligans messing up your notebooks and scraping it against the ground with their shoes. He recognized some of them as they squat at your level and taunt you.
It was some people in his fan club or whatever and he heard bits of how someone this puny couldn't be his sibling. You were clutching onto a bag and it wasn't just your bag that you were concerned of, the laptop that his parents gave were in it and the bag slides clean off and you were only protecting the laptop with your life. You didn't mind your keychains being ripped off and tossed about but amongst the stomping, the laptop was clutched tightly in your arms.
His shout boomed across the room, shocking even you. You looked up to see your brother and he looked about ready to rip into the bullies with his bare hands. The group turned pale when they saw that their idol had caught them in the act of tormenting his little sibling and bit their tongue as their knees wobble.
The details of the lecture/threat of Toji wasn't heard as your ears buzz with fear. His touch made you snap back to reality, his rough hands helping you up gently and you wobble in your place.
"Holy shit.." You exclaimed in a huff to which he looked at you in an instant.
"You're really fucking loud when you're mad."
Silence settled to which the both of you laughed at in few seconds. This was the first time you didn't feel akward and commented so honestly. He patted your back and pick up your stuff, though soiled; atleast you were only shaken but unharmed.
The walk back to the car came naturally albeit a bit of limping in your step, you had twisted your ankle while running to catch the laptop before the others did and it sparked hellfire in Toji. His main priority now is atleast offering a crumb of comfort and heard out your reasoning for portecting a device rather than your skull.
"We could always buy you a new laptop,"
"I like the one now."
"Its not worth it breaking your skull in to protect it though."
To be honest, it wasn't about liking it. Just the big smiles on your adoptive parents' faces when they urged you to open the gift they bought you, it made your eyes all teary.
You weren't adopted before but you had to go through mean foster parents that had too much on their hands and that led to negliance to your needs. That led to several arguments and got you sent to the adoption center and it broke you, just the thought of connecting with another family made you numb.
But this family was so gentle with you. Even when you showed that there was no need for such kindness yet it wasn't that they coaxed you out of your shell but that they were so tender through their actions.
Toji notices the tears and scratches the back of his neck, he didn't read this in the big brother dummy book to know what to do if his little sibling cries. You had a distant look in your eyes before you realised you had reached the car with him.
Thankfully, both parents didn't notice the missing schoolbag or the agitated state that you're in. They were all smiles and Mamaguro was powdering on her face so it meant a family outing tonight.
You couldn't help but panic when you try to think of an explanation of your missing bag but Toji butted in on his parents conversations.
"Hey, Y/N wanted some ice cream before dinner, is that okay?"
Toji blurted out all of a sudden and you so badly wanted to deny it but he dug a deeper hole for you when the two agreed so quickly. They were excited that you finally requested something in a while and the car swerved to the nearest convenience store. Your brother adjusted himself in his seat, taking out his earphones and leaned a bit closer so the two infront won't hear.
"No worries, there's a store that sells bags beside the convenience store."
You huffed out a breath, your mouth feeling so dry and nodded to his words. He was a life saver.
Toji remembered how jittery you were when he suddenly made up some shit about you wanting ice cream that he couldn't help but chuckle outloud. The light from your eyes almost dimmed when you thought he would snitch on you. He parked close to the clinic, turning his back to grab an umbrella incase it rained. His mom pouted to his sudden chuckle and sighed.
"What are you laughing for? You're not ditching practise, yknow? You're going after you send me off at the clinic."
"Huh?" His mom showed a text conversation between her and Geto and scoffed. The lengths that man bun would go to have him show up at practise. That damn milf hunter-
"Hands up if your name is Y/N Fushiguro!!!" The class erupted in some noise upon seeing the popular duo stand near the doors of their class. When you heard your name being called, you reluctantly raised your hand; recognising who these two were.
The duo's faces fell for a moment, choking. Oh, you were adopted? Not in an offensive way obviously but Gojo might've heaved a sigh of relief. Atleast you weren't a splitting reflection of your brother, that would give him nightmares! Geto on the other hand realised why Toji would hide such a fact, an element of suprise if you will. He thought the two of them wouldn't find you out in an instant, did Toji thought so low of them? You raised a brow, wondering what they wanted.
They watched you walk out the classroom and Gojo adjusted his glasses. The graphic t-shirt and the style you had was a sublte influence from your brother.
"Well, well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"
You had the exact relaxed expression like your brother except you slowly turn weirded out, why were they ogling you like this?
You took time to observe them head to toe subtly while Gojo yapped about the tale of how Toji didn't reveal that he had a younger sibling, they were lean and muscular and they had this obvious good cop bad cop duo energy. The white haired man sounded visibly upset that you were kept as a secret from the rest, was this some kind of facade to get to know you better? You shifted to one foot to another, stopping the music playing in your earpods and cleared your throat.
"Do you want to get with my brother or something orrr...?" Gojo didn't get to the point so you went straight in but due to their reactions, you might've miscalculated. Tilting your head, you pointed at Geto's painted nails and the earrings he had.
"And you.. are you two like gay or something?" You put your hands in defense, talking quickly before they get the wrong idea, "Hey, I don't discriminate. I just barely had any fans of my brother be male sooo..."
For once in their lives, Gojo was speechless and Geto had his eyes wide open like crazy.
One thing was for sure, anyting that was the apart of the Fushiguro family was a complete nightmare.
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Some of my favorite easy and fast foods/snacks for $5 or less that aren't ramen and spaghetti:
Couscous. You can get boxed couscous for like $3 and it's enough for 2-3 side dishes at least and takes literally 5 minutes and no extra ingredients. You can get large containers of it for like $5 at Walmart too so you can season however you want. A nice grain that's easy to digest and pairs well with almost anything.
Popcorn. Everyone's favorite healthy junk food that can satisfy most cravings. You can usually get a box for like $4 or a jar of kernels for like $6.
Oats. Whole oats. Extremely versatile. Put them in smoothies, make cookies, granola, snack bars/balls, brownies, oatmeal, etc. Truly the best bland fiber and filler out there. You can even easily make your own oatmilk for super cheap by blending them with water and straining!
Frozen veggies. Last for months in the freezer and usually under $2 a bag. Not great if you prefer raw veggies, but if you are fond of sautéed or roasted ones, save some money and just get them frozen.
Chocolate chips. Cheaper than chocolate bars and you get a lot more chocolate. Perfect for those cravings!
Powdered potatoes. I know I know but if you ignore the package directions and put some butter and milk and seasonings in it, you can't tell. Ready in like 2 minutes and you get a shit ton of mashed potatoes for like $2.
Vegan Mac and cheese. I'm lactose intolerant and so I will forever be thankful for the vegan movement of the early 2010s for making nondairy products easier to find and more affordable. Vegan Mac and cheese literally tastes the exact same and bakes so well. Annie's so far has been my favorite brand and they have other pastas with sauces too like squash which is so good.
Crepes. You can make your own batter for cheap but who likes all them dishes? You can find pre-made crepes for like $3 for 10.
Apples. You can find 2lb bags of these for $3 at a lot of places. I never knew they were so cheap and I go through phases where I'll eat like 4 a day.
Lunch meat. Packs of turkey cost like $4. I use turkey on so much. Bagels, omelets, salads, sandwiches, wraps, croissants, etc.
Ready to bake pastries. I'm not a big bread person but croissants ready to bake have my whole heart and cinnamon rolls can really help make a bad day a little better.
Pretzels. I'm an absolute whore for Pretzels and eat so many of these things. They're so easy to pack for snacks for class or anything really. I can't go two weeks without them.
Rice crisps. Rice cakes are great but they're big and crumbly and get stale if you don't close the bag JUST right. But little Rice crisps??? Elite. They come in so many flavors and are super crunchy and they're just super cute too and they're bogo a lot at publix.
Frozen potstickers. You can get them for so cheap and I have a giant bag of them in my freezer right now that I got for like $7. I usually get smaller portions for $4 or so though but decided to splurge and get 3lbs of them cus why not.
Frozen shrimp. A bag of extra small Frozen shrimp is about $5 at Walmart. Eat them thawed and cold or put them in pastas or rice or Soups. They're a staple in my house.
These are just a few I could think of off the top of my head. Please add to the list!
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