#I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers but if there's a painful falling out in the middle??
possiblynya · 2 years
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*hands you a picture of my new dnd PC* *hands you a picture of my new dnd PC* *hands you a picture of my new dnd PC* *hands you a picture of my new dnd PC* *hands you a pic-
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by Pup.
I am a sucker for childhood friends to lovers. Friendship is an amazing foundation for a relationship, My partner and I were actually best friends since middle school and now we're in our last year of high school. I love the idea of Lucy being childhood friends with someone in the guild and she falls in love with them.
I hope you enjoy!
Reunited at Last (Mira x Lucy ft. Elfman and Lisanna)
An eleven-year-old Lucy walked through a town that she and her father were visiting. Jude was pursuing a business venture and for some reason had decided to drag his daughter along with him. Although, Lucy wasn't quite sure why. Her father never paid any attention to her and kept her shut up in the mansion. When he had made her come with him, the small blonde was hopeful that she and her father would be able to form a proper father-daughter relationship, but during the entire trip, he never even looked her way.
Tired of being stuck in the large house that her father had bought just for this business trip, Lucy managed to sneak out and made her way into the town, looking around her at the houses and the townspeople.
As she neared the edge of the town, a young girl ran past, pushing her to the ground. Lucy groaned in slight pain as she pulled herself to her knees and looked down at her blue sundress, groaning once again at the sight of it having gotten dirty.
She was about to stand and head back to the house when a small voice spoke, "I'm so sorry!" A hand was then stretched out toward the blonde girl. Lucy looked to find a white-haired girl that was about her age. Her hair was incredibly short and she was wearing a dirty, yellow dress. She took the other girl's hand and allowed herself to be pulled to her feet.
Lucy then responded, "it's okay. You should be more careful though."
The white-haired girl giggled and rubbed the back of her neck as she said, "yeah, I agree. I was in a hurry. Sorry again."
Lucy raised her eyebrow, "why were you in a hurry?"
The other girl answered, "my big sister doesn't like when I'm in town for too long and I've already been gone for a couple of hours."
Lucy smiled at her, saying, "I'm Lucy. It's great to meet you."
The white-haired girl smiled back and introduced herself as well, "I'm Lisanna!" She then clamped her hands in front of her and asked, "would you like to come with me? We can hang out for a bit!"
Lucy knew that she probably should start heading back home, but she couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally make a friend. She nodded her head vigorously and allowed Lisanna to drag her along to a house that was noticeably rundown. The blonde girl felt a stab of sympathy in her heart at the sight.
They came to a stop at the closed door and Lisanna pushed it open, announcing, "I'm home!"
Lucy had taken only a few steps in when she froze in her tracks. She looked around, shocked to see that the house was practically bare and in terrible shape. She looked at Lisanna and asked, "where are your parents?"
She immediately regretted asking when the other girl's smile turned into a frown and her face fell as she murmured, her blue gaze cast down at the floor, "they're dead."
Lucy placed a hand on her shoulder and said in a soft tone, "I'm so sorry."
Lisanna looked back up at her with a small smile. She opened her mouth to say something when another girl yelled, "who are you?"
The two girls looked at the back of the house, in the direction of the voice, seeing a white-haired girl that was clothed in a black cloak. She appeared to be only a couple of years older than Lucy. She also appeared to be unhappy with the fact that Lucy was there. Standing close behind the older girl was a young boy, staring at her fearfully.
As the angry girl walked closer to her and Lucy became scared, preparing to run, Lisanna placed herself between the two, saying sternly, "don't hurt her, Mira! She's my friend!"
The girl, apparently named Mira, stopped marching toward them and stared down at her sister. After a long pause, she looked at Lucy and asked, "what do you know about us?"
Lucy gave her a confused look. What did she mean? Was she supposed to be aware of something? She answered hesitantly, "I-I don't know anything! I just arrived here a few days ago, and I managed to escape the house my father bought a few hours ago!"
Mira narrowed her gaze at the blonde, seeming to be studying her for any indication that she was lying. After what felt like hours of tense silence, the white-haired girl turned around and walked through a back door. As if taking that as approval, Lisanna turned around and exclaimed to her new friend, "come meet my brother!" She then grabbed the blonde's arm and dragged her over to the white-haired boy.
The boy introduced himself with a shy wave, "I'm Elfman." Lucy smiled at him, finding the shy bot to be adorable.
As the siblings spoke to her about something that she wasn't listening to, but Lucy was more focused on the other girl. She looked over at the closed backdoor. What was up with her? Why was she so hostile? Was something wrong with the trio of siblings? Deciding to try and be kind to Mira, she said, "I'll be right back."
She then walked toward the door, ignoring the sounds of Lisanna and Elfman calling after her. The blonde girl pushed open the door and walked outside to find Mira sitting on the ground, her knees pulled up to her chest.
Lucy walked toward her and sat down by her side. After a few moments of silence, the blonde asked, "are you alright?"
Mira quickly sneered, "why would I tell you?"
The girl's harsh tone caused Lucy to flinch slightly before she answered with a soft tone, "I want to befriend you too."
The white-haired girl turned her head to give her a scathing glare. Lucy felt the urge to retreat, but she managed to make herself remain. She watched as Mira shifted to open her cloak and reveal something that made Lucy gasp, shocked at what she was seeing.
The older girl's entire arm was monstrous. Its color was one that she couldn't identify and purple markings were embedded into her arm. Mira then asked, sounding both angry and dispaired as tears pricked the corners of her blue eyes, "do you still want to be my friend? Do you really want to be friends with a monster?"
Lucy stared at her with widened eyes. What happened to cause this? She could tell that Mira was emotionally damaged by whatever had happened. Though she was a bit scared by the other girl's arm, Lucy still felt a want to befriend her. She reached toward the arm and took it into her hands, noticing that Mira had given a quiet gasp at the contact. Ignoring the unpleasant feeling of the coarse, discolored skin, Lucy responded, "I don't think you're a monster. Yes, I still want to be your friend."
She smiled sweetly as Mira's facial expression changed to one of surprise and disbelief. A faint blush quickly spread over her cheeks and the older girl turned her head to look down at the ground. She muttered, "maybe we can be friends."
Several years later, a seventeen-year-old Lucy walked through Magnolia Town, making her way to Fairy Tail. In her hands was a Sorcerer Weekly magazine. She looked at the marked page again, smiling at the picture of a beautiful, white-haired woman who was wearing a baby pink sundress and a white sun hat, sitting on a rock at a beach in a cute way that revealed her guild mark.
Lucy knew that this woman was Mirajane Strauss. She remembered when she met the older woman. Mira was distant at first, but as Lucy visited more, they got closer, and the blonde eventually fell in love with her. However, before she could do anything about this newfound crush besides confide in Lisanna about it, the Strauss siblings left, leaving no indication as to where they went.
She spent several years wondering where her three friends had gone and longing for the girl that she had yet to fall out of love with. She eventually learned about Fairy Tail and decided that she would join the guild. Not long after, she found out that Mira was a part of the guild. That cemented Lucy's decision to join Fairy Tail.
She looked forward again, her smile growing as she watched the Fairy Tail guildhall coming into her sight. Her speed increased and she was soon running toward her destination, excited to be reunited with her three friends.
Within minutes, she reached the doors of the guild, leaning against it for a few moments to catch her breath. Once getting her breathing under control, she pushed open the doors and walked inside. She gasped at what she saw. All of the mages were fighting. Lucy was frozen in place, staring at the fighting.
Why were they fighting? Wasn't Fairy Tail all about friendship and being a family? What was happening? The celestial wizard was broken out of her stupor when a hand rested on her shoulder. She turned to look at the person next to her, gasping when she saw the white-haired woman that she had been looking forward to seeing.
Mira stared at her with wide eyes, her pretty face twisted into a questioning look. She analyzed the blonde, clearly trying to figure out if she recognized the slightly younger woman. Lucy smiled at her and said in a soft tone, "hey, Mira. I'm Lucy."
The white-haired woman then gasped, hand flying up to cover her mouth, as realization dawned on her. Tears welled up in her eyes and she stepped forward, throwing her arms around the blonde and pulling her into a tight hug, which Lucy happily returned.
They hugged for several tearful moments before pulling away. Mira then asked, "what are you doing here?"
Lucy answered, wiping tears away from her eyes, "I ran away to join Fairy Tail. I also wanted to see you again." She held up the opened magazine that was still in her hand, continuing, "I saw this in Rose Town a few months after I ran away."
Mira smiled at her, bringing her hands up to cup the blonde's face. This caused Lucy to blush heavily as her heartbeat picked up speed. The white-haired woman whispered, "I'm so happy to see you again, Lucy." She then surprised Lucy by pulling her forward and pressing her lips against hers. The celestial wizard's eyes widened, processing what was happening. Once her brain caught up, she returned the caste kiss.
They then pulled away and stared at each other, eyes wide and faces blushing, as Mira continued to hold Lucy's face in her hands and Lucy continued to have her arms wrapped around Mira's waist. The white-haired woman then said, "Elfman will be ecstatic to see you again." She grabbed Lucy's hands and pulled her into the middle of the fighting mages.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
hello, i hope you're doing good. can i please request a drabble where levi and his childhood friend eventually get together? maybe she lived in the same brothel as him and kuchel with her mum. i'm just a sucker for friends to lovers and levi in general, and i know you'd make this great. good luck with everything and thank you if you do this.
I- this sounds adorable!! Ans oh gosh thank you anon :,), it makes me happy you think so highly of me
Please enjoy~🍰
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Levi’s silver orbs were lost in the fire as it sparked and danced. His arm wrapped protectively around your frame as you slept. His lips place a lingering kiss to your crown as he reminisces back on how far you’ve come.
You had met in the underground when you were very young. Your mother had also been part of the brothel Kuchel was. He was 3 years older than you were and the only other kid he knew.
Unlike his mother yours could have cared less about you. Kuchel was more of a mother than you had ever had. When his mother passed you were there to help him in the ways you knew how. Kenny had found you both and took you in. 
You were never the fighting type, so you learned to heal and patch people up. Living as kids in the underground was never ideal and in some cases rare. You and Levi just happened to be the lucky ones. 
After Kenny had left, you only had each other, he was the protector and you were the healer. After some time you met Farlan and he joined your group and along came. Pretty soon Isabella came into the mix and you were a small gang of four.
You and Levi had always been close but were oblivious to each others feelings. He was overprotective of you especially going outside of the home you all shared. 
“Damn she’s sexy, how much do you think she charges for a night?“ a man had asked Levi having no idea who he was. The man went home with 10 broken fingers and a dislocated shoulder
When it came to him getting into fights you became a bit emotional.
“Do you know what could have happened?! What if I wasn’t here, you could have died o-or gotten sick o-or...“ he thought it was cute when you worried for him
“Should we tell them?“
“nah, let them figure it out“ 
Isabella and Farlan may have been having fun. All those lingering stares and touches, it was so obvious. Yet, you were both a bit clumsy in romance. 
“Levi...“ you said lowly in your sleep like state. He pulled the blanket over your body and kissed your forehead 
“Go back to sleep, I’m right here“
He would never forget that day, when he lost everything, but gained just a bit of it back. It was after he had lost Farlan and Issabell, he came back to your shared room with a grim look.
No words had to be said to understand what had happened. You go to him and caress his face in your hands. He turned his face into the palm and let everything out. 
“I-I couldn’t....i was too late and they were..“ he couldn’t bring himself to finish telling you. You bring him into your embrace and he held you tighter.
 “You’re all I have...I swear to you, on my life...I will never fail, never falter to protect you”
he pulled back to rest his forehead on yours “You’re my entire world...you always have been. If I lose you...I...I...“ he couldn’t find the words and instead crashed his lips on to yours. 
Anger, frustration, sadness, love, everything had been spilled into that kiss. That night he made love to you, over and over again, filled with passion and energy. He needed you, to feel you close, and you wanted to dull the pain in his heart.
For those few moments, the pain did dull a bit but basking in the after glow made him wonder. He would look down at you and made a decision. 
Every night, he’d fall asleep with you close to him, it could have been the best day, or the shittiest. You would always hold each other, just as he was now and on that faithful day. When he promised himself to make choices with no regrets, he meant it
and you, would never be a regret. Ever.
I hope this was okay!❤️
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