#I'm double boosted and I still think it's probably more likely this is just severe travel crud
xoxoemynn · 2 years
I somehow just managed to sneeze and cough at the same time while blowing my nose and my ears simultaneously exploded and now my entire head just feels very Weird.
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richmond-rex · 10 months
Hi there! Just recently found your blog and I love it 🩷 you've probably answered this before but I was wondering if you had any insight on why Elizabeth of Yorks cornation was delayed almost two years. People who are anti Henry VII say it's becasue he didn't want to share power with Elizabeth or that he was jealous of her popularity etc. But from what I read there were good reasons for the delay. First Elizabeth became pregnant near instantly after getting married and couldn't go through the ceremony until after the birth and recovery period. Then the Simnel rebellion happened. After the battle of stokes she was crowned 5 months later which doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Anyways just wondering if you had any further insights or details.
Hi, anon! First of all, I'm so very sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask. Thank you for letting me know you love this blog 🤍 I've discussed Elizabeth's delayed coronation before but I don't think I've ever organised my thoughts in a single post. I'm going to discuss the circumstances of the first two years of Henry's reign so we can look at them together. All in all, the delay in Elizabeth's coronation seems a logical outcome of the political circumstances of Henry VII's early years and not spite-motivated as Francis Bacon claimed in his work and what the scholarship based on Bacon usually repeats.
Regarding Henry's jealousy/insecurity, one of the theories is that Henry wanted to avoid a joint rule by avoiding a joint coronation. It's not that simple because such a coronation was simply not feasible at that time. For a joint coronation in October 1485, Henry and Elizabeth had to have been already married by that time, and that couldn't happen before he had re-legitimised her in parliament—for that to happen in turn, Henry had to sit in parliament as a crowned ruler. It was paramount to acquire the spiritual legitimacy only a coronation could give to boost his own authority. Edward IV had done the same (had crowned himself before sitting in his first parliament), and we can tell how much of a rushed affair Henry's coronation was by the simple fact that they used the same device for his predecessor's coronation: they literally simply crossed out Richard's name and wrote Henry's instead. A platform inside the church collapsed and several spectators were hurt during the occasion.
That's not to say Henry couldn't shake his shoulders at all those impediments and marry and crown Elizabeth immediately after Bosworth despite the legitimacy and dispensation issues hanging over them: although unorthodox, it could (theoretically) be done, but it's clear Henry had to tread carefully to establish his own legitimacy independent from the house of York if he wanted to be seen as an indisposable ruler in his own name. Whether it was the technical difficulties or Henry's wish to be seen as more than Elizabeth's husband—someone who could be booted off the throne in the case of her death—or both the technical difficulties and Henry's need for self-assertion, it seems unreasonable to expect a double coronation at that time and attribute this fact to Henry's malice and/or jealousy.
A coronation could have happened right after Henry and Elizabeth's marriage as it customarily happened. There are clear signs that indicate that this is what Henry had originally intended: in December 1485, he ordered horses for Elizabeth's coronation, and the plan was still in motion in January 1486 when he ordered 'tawnings of ermyns', 'canapye stavez', 'cherez of estate', 'skarlate rede clothe' as well as the 'furryng of dyvers of ye quenes robe' and diverse other items 'agenst the coronation of our soverayne lady ye queen'. It seems clear they weren't prepared for a coronation straight after their wedding (which seems to have been a rather more diminished affair comparatively)—Henry being short of cash and entagled in debts from his own previous coronation seems like a possibility, and even Edward IV, who married for love and had no reason to want to obfuscate his consort, took almost a whole year to be able to crown his own wife. What's unclear is why the coronation plans didn't advance through 1486.
Anna Duch has speculated Elizabeth's possible difficult pregnancy halted the plans for her coronation. A couple of queens were indeed crowned whilst pregnant: Anne Boleyn, who had a secret wedding and was in urgent need of legitimacy (so that her child could be seen as legitimate in turn), and Philippa of Hainault, who was married amidst the chaos of the power struggle between her in-laws and had held little visibility up to that point. It seems it was the news of Philippa's pregnancy that led to her coronation, and I don't see why the same wouldn't have happened to Elizabeth of York if what they claim to have been Henry's intention—to reduce Elizabeth to be simply the bearer of his heirs and hold no power whatsoever—was true.
Henry didn't rush to crown her at that point, although we don't know if Elizabeth's medical condition would have allowed her to go through a coronation. Not only Elizabeth's pregnancy might have prevented her from going through a coronation, but she also didn't follow the king in his northern progress despite arrangements for her appearance by his side at York where Henry's device of the red and white rose would come together for the first time. Maybe Elizabeth's mobility in the first trimester was hindered by morning sickness or the like, and soon Henry had other problems to worry about. As pointed out by Retha Warnicke, 'it is possible that Henry did not wish to expose his queen in a public ceremony that would draw great, sometimes unruly, crowds during a time of so many disturbances'.
By mid-1486 Henry had to deal with various rebellions in the north and even an assassination attempt at York. His northern progress, besides being conventional for a newly crowned king, was also motivated by Henry's need to show himself and impose his royal will onto his rebellious and disaffected subjects. A month before Henry set out north, contemporary correspondence circulated that 'the king purposyse northward hastyly after the Parlement, & it is sayd he purposses to doe execution quickly ther on such as hath offended agynst him'. The same letter, dated from February 1486, suggested that he intended to lead north a great company of men 'in harnesse' (in armour) together with some 200 lords and knights. Correspondence dated from December 1485 shows that Henry and his advisors feared a major outbreak of violence around that time, and back in October, Henry had written of his 'knowledge that certeyne our rebelles and traitours being of litell honour or substance conferred with our auncient ennemyes the Scottes… made insurreccion and assemblies in the north portions of our realme'.
By the time Henry approached York, he was reportedly surrounded by 'great noblesse, as above saide, and merveolous great nombre of so short a warnyng of esquires, gentlemen and yeomen in defensible array'. Lovell's rebellion was already underway, and frankly, it sounds like quite an unsafe atmosphere for Henry's pregnant queen to make an appearance. At the same time, Henry had to spend money on ordering materials and clothes for his public appearances in the cities he visited in his northern progress, and considering the royal treasury was still suffering from the expenses of the previous years I wonder if Elizabeth's coronation plans were also put on hold because of that royal progress in spring 1486. By the time Henry and his lords returned to London, Elizabeth's pregnancy was already advanced and his top priority seems to have been to get her to Winchester safely before her delivery.
After Arthur's birth and christening, Elizabeth's subsequent illness and churching, etc, the court could barely go back to a normal schedule as talks of Edward of Warwick's escape were circulating in London already by November 1486. Correspondence from January 1487 makes it clear that Henry had known of certain developments of the new rebellion since the beginning of that year. There were disturbances in Devon and Cornwall in early February and in Ireland in March. Henry had to call for a general council to discuss the security of his kingdom in February because of the boy pretender they already knew to be in Dublin at that time. By mid-March, Henry was already on the road to make arrangements for a foreign invasion, and it wouldn't be until after the Battle of Stoke in June that Henry would be able to devote his attention to his wife's coronation.
Henry's situation in 1486-1487 was, as described by Emma Cavell, 'ominously reminiscent of his own challenge to Richard III only two years earlier: a challenge in which the pretender had defeated the king'. All through this period we can identify the influence of unforeseen circumstances on Henry's actions and plans for his public appearances, especially where rebellion and challenges to his rule were concerned. It's clear too that Elizabeth's coronation was a grand affair, very likely bigger than Henry's own coronation, and an occasion where the yorkist symbols of the white rose and sun in splendour were displayed in great pomp for all to see. It sounds illogical to think Henry had been up to that point consumed with fear for Elizabeth's rights but after exactly what had been a yorkist rebellion and invasion, he would simply forget about his fear/jealousy and proceed with legitimising the yorkist inheritance in the public imagination.
What we have evidence of—and what I think we should focus on—are Henry's own words regarding 'ye quenes coronacyon' that he was planning as early as December 1485, and the various items that he bought for the occasion. Why the coronation didn't go ahead until 1487 is a matter of speculation but what is certain is that Henry didn't wait for Elizabeth to become pregnant to 'reward' her with a coronation (and thus reduce her to a human oven), as has been so often claimed. What do you all think? 🌹x
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ghostofafruit · 1 month
you know your idea is stupidly funny when you feel the need to preface with you're not drunk. That being said, I am not drunk. I've just been watching a lot of mattshorehere and had the best crack fic idea. Let's call this a moonchaser week fic for Alt 1: Muggle AU, and it's a tumblr exclusive. It's also crack, it's pure crack, I'm not convinced I haven't somehow gotten drunk on water it's that ridiculous. If you haven't seen the video I'm referencing and that inspired this, here it is
mentions of nudes, again major crackfic, @ghostsfanficevents
Remus had a habit of making terrible jokes. Jokes so awful they circled back to funny and then back to bad. Subpar at best James would say. They still always pull a chuckle from him, and he refuses to leave Remus on seen when they're texting and he sends a dumb joke.
Autocorrect was a massive bitch.
James had only meant to send haha. That was it. It was a barely passable joke, a true Remus Lupin special. It wasn't really worthy of anything more than that. A HAHA would be too much, a hahaha even worse. He stared at his phone-screen in horror. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Eight, all caps, ha's.
He could picture Remus grinning at his screen, thinking his jokes had finally been good. It was a lameass joke, and now he was probably going to reuse it. He rushed to correct it. He could have sworn he'd typed out 'sorry didn't mean that' instead what sent was 'dude please hold me'. James continued looking at his phone in horror.
Remus had read it almost instantly, like he was staring at the messages waiting for James to say something. He hurried to correct it, some form of apology or excuse, but instead a row of roses sent. James decided to switch off his phone before things got worse.
Autocorrect was very much still a massive bitch. Several weeks had past since the incident as James had taken to calling it and they hadn't talked about it. It was for the best, James wasn't sure how he could explain his way out of that one.
A message from Remus popped up and James grinned to himself. The joke itself was utterly idiotic, it was more Remus himself that prompted the reaction in James. He rolled his eyes at the attempted joke and typed out a haha.
Except it did the thing again. Where James had written haha, and pressed send on haha, it send instead HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Once again eight all caps ha's. He rushed to fix the mistaked.
'I did not meant that' he sent. Instead 'Bro, please hug me' appeared in their chat. James tried to correct again, but a row of bouquet emojis replaced it.
"Fuck," James mumbled to himself. He opened his images, he had a lot of stupid things saved maybe something would work. He spotted the perfect one and selected it. He double checked that he'd only selected that and pressed send.
James watched the image load in their chat. Once it finished loading James cursed again. That was not the stupid meme befitting the situation. That was a hehhum, tastefully nude, photo of himself. A silk blanket draped across his lap, leaving very little to the imagination, but just enough to intrigue. He'd only taken it to boost his self confidence.
He went to delete it but Remus had already seen it. He'd seen it the second it had sent, he'd been lurking in their chat again.
"Fuck me," James said aloud. Instead of leaving autocorrect to it, he tried to call Remus. He did not answer. He switched to instagram instead and shot of a dm apologising for the weird situation. James didn't wait for a reply instead he tossed his phone to the side and got up to head to his art studio, he needed a distraction.
Autocorrect was a certified complete and utter bitchfuck. James wasn't even sure what that meant, but he liked it. It felt fitting. It had been another few weeks and Remus had accepted James' story and they'd laughed about it. Past that they hadn't talked about it, and James had never actually unsent the photo, Remus hadn't seemed too bothered anyway.
The familiar ping of a message rang out from his, and James grinned. He'd set a specific tone for Remus. He wiped his hand off on the rag next to him and grabbed his phone. It was yet another stupid joke. He snorted slightly and shook his head. Only Remus would find that funny, but it was it's own sort of charm James supposed.
'haha' he typed out. He noticed immediately that it had changed as soon as he'd hit send. Something was seriously up with his phone, his bet was Peter or Marlene both of them were creepily tech savey. If anyone could make him flirt with Remus through autocorrect it was them. In place of his two all lowercase ha's were once more eight all caps ha's. He sighed and typed out an excuse he knew wouldn't send.
'Mate please hold me' appeared in the chat. James sighed again. Maybe a meme would work this time. James scrolled past the photos he'd taken recently, careful not to click them, and found the same one he'd tried to send before. He clicked it, double checked it was the only thing selected, and then triple checked. For safe measure he took a screenshot of it selected and then sent it over.
James held his breath as it loaded. He waited for it to show the meme, but instead one of the new photos he'd taken appeared.
"FUCK!" James shouted. This one was even worse than the nude he'd sent before. The previous one had been artistic, taken on his camera, edited to look perfect. This one had been a similarly artistic photo, sure. He could just about claim that. The same silk blanket was draped in his, but instead on taken on the floor with a brilliant pose picked to show off his abs, it had been a mirror selfie. Even less was left to the imagination, the silk was more scrunched up and slightly higher too. It was damn good one of his hands was in his lap or he was something something would actually be exposed. The other hand had been held loosely around his phone, angling it perfectly so his slight smirk could be seen in the mirror.
James stared in horror as Remus saw it instantly. He watched as Remus went to type, then stopped, then started again.
"Shit," James said. He typed as much. He hit send without considering the current problem he was having with texting Remus.
'Mate I'm lonely' it read. James cursed again. He considered trying to fix it, but he wasn't sure how. Instead he threw his phone across the room and screamed into his desk.
Autocorrect was a brillaint wingman James reflected. He wrote as much in the vows he was drafting out. Without the weird situation his phone had started he wasn't sure he'd have ever gotten the courage to even face his feelings for Remus yet along act on them. Remus rather felt the same.
He wasn't sure exactly why his phone had started doing that and specifically with Remus, Marlene and Peter were pretty convinced it was entirely impossible until they'd both witnessed it actually happen in real time. Still, he thanked it for happening, even if it was embarrassing.
Who knew a bit of unfunctionally autocorrect would lead to James marrying his best mate?
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miasiegert · 4 months
Suncoast Broadway CATS update 2/17
There was a great comment by @lie-in-a-bureau-drawer , so I hope it's okay that I post it here since I've got some info and comments! (I still don't get tumblr and I keep forgetting how it works/etiquette but I'm trying!)
Tumblr media
I never would want anyone to ever strain to put themselves in a financial situation ever for any project I do, or anything in general, but especially me. This is something very personal as in 2016, I was about to live in my car until two amazing friends took me into their home. What was meant to be two weeks turned into six months, which I can never financially repay but I promised to repay it forward however I can. Since we don't have money to pay it forward, that's where on other social media platforms I signal boost, and also where I'm absolutely happy to share info and help when I can. I totally can understand the disappointment of wanting to go somewhere, and it's incredibly touching and means a ton to me (you have no idea) for that sort of support. So thank you, from the bottom of my (supposed to be) frigid heart.
For anyone thinking of or planning to attend, David and I will be there for the shows on Feb 1st and both shows on the 2nd--our flight home is the 3rd (missing that show and the rest of the run). This is pretty standard for costume designers, sometimes we don't get to go at all (aka Wichita with their full department already!). I'd feel bad if someone only came to try to meet us and we weren't there so I wanted to give those dates but the show will run until, I believe, April 7th. There is accessible seating and accommodation.
I'd call the theatre to double-check (as a courtesy) but already in many production meetings I brought up superfans in costume and said there's a good chance that'll happen. They seemed really excited by the idea. So if you like going to shows in costume, this one should be very friendly to it and there will be more interaction than usual due to dinner theatre. I can't say much more than that but there was a very specific reason why we were hired (well, several... but something really stood out).
Let's be honest, this is the one y'all care about: YES, there WILL be pictures and (hopefully) video! And I'm pretty sure people who come to the show will be able to take pics/vid on their phones and probably with performers but I'm not 100% positive there--I will get confirmation. Once opening happens, I will share at least one special costume design I made. There will be one special performer who will greet every table in a very special costume as the host/ess. Who will it be? Who... will it be..? (Spoiler: It's not Macavity. WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN HE JUST WANTS TO DO SOMETHING AND IS SUFFERING THE WORST MIDDLE CHILD SYNDROME EVER?)
Additional fun info: On Tuesday (maybe Wed) we'll be teaching the make up classes. We had to improvise with some different products, still Mehron base but also some snazzaroo for detailing and some powder and eyeshadow. I don't believe I'll be allowed to share video of these classes (there will be video) because make up classes usually are emotional the first two days, then by day three everything's fine. It's a very emotional process and I'd love to share how I teach but I also need to respect the privacy of the cast in case there are tears.
Kind Suggestion: If you do go to the show, please tip kindly. As this is nonequity, the actors are responsible for providing their own shoes (they will need to be replaced during the run), undergarments, make up (first initial batch on the theatre), other things. We did everything we could to help them, but I know with undergarments and shoes, especially shoes, some actors are really struggling, and if they dance but also tap, and it seems like one actor will cover three tracks... it's very hard. Just a very kind thing to do/consider. We had to talk with a few about whether they could do just one dancebelt and basically the, "well, yes, you CAN... but for twodoshays, you probably don't want to. If not an option, these are things you can do to help keep yourself dry, prevent bacterial infection and odor, and prevent chafing." Also added like a 4-page skincare routine that I stressed was optional but what I personally do/like in case anyone wants to take care of their skin--if anyone wants the routine, I can share it here but it's seriously excessive.
I'm irrationally terrified of flying, so here's hoping that Monday is very smooth with no sudden squalls or anything. I'm really going to miss my floofs but my mom and her BF will take excellent care of them! Currently I'm resting although I should be packing because my immune system gave out and I'm taking as much stuff as I can to knock whatever this is out of my system.
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Okay I cut the earlier Monster AU poll short. Partly because I'm impatient, and partly because I kinda rambled on this in the discord.
So most of y'all said 'give a bitch a break' and I am for the most part. Oddly enough I also realized that a lot of the 'this plot focuses heavily on the existence of Heroes and Quirks' things can be summed up in this AU as 'it happened but not as severe'. The Todoroki nonsense, the Izuku/Katsuki fallout(and Izuku getting bullied in general), so on and so forth.
Anyway! Todoroki Nonsense:
So as there isn't any Heroes, much less the Hero Ranking system, Enji just..... doesn't go off the deep end? However he is still very ambitious. Working his way up through the Realm of Magic. Gaining power, status, and a good reputation(for a Demon, at least).
But he still needs some sort of boost, which is where Rei's family comes in. The family is already wealthy and of high status(canon). And hey, could always use more of a status boost right?
They come to an agreement. A union with typically opposing species(Demon/Angel) is quite rare, and even rarer is the fact that they're capable of making hybrid children(which could be quite powerful if they get a proper 50/50 split). This will get both parties the attention they want.
The kids get pretty much the same combos of the Demon/Angel as they did Fire/Ice in Canon. So
Toya - Appearance is mostly Demon, with a few Angel traits if you look. Has Demon powers, but no resistance to Fire and a weakness to Hellfire in specific. Immune to Holy Magic but can't use it.
Fuyumi - Appearance is mostly Angel, with a few Demon traits if you look. Only Holy Magic, no Demon Magic.
Natsuo - Appearance is mostly Angel, a few Demon traits but pretty minor. Only Holy Magic. Has a little resistance to fire/Hellfire, but far from immune.
Shoto - pretty much 50/50 split. Still going with the Chimera thing for him, but I don't want the horns to be lopsided so we're fucking with that a little lmao
With the kids being made with less specific purpose past 'existing',, they're not pushed as much with training. Like obviously they have to be taught to use their powers, and Enji would push a bit to make sure they're not just capable but efficient. But there's less intense drive behind it.
Not to say it's all sunshine and rainbows. Because like. Do any of y'all think that Enji and Rei had good childhoods? Because I sure as shit don't. So it's much more down to earth 'these two are a bit fucked up, and they inadvertently fuck up their kids'. So there is some abuse happening.
There is more of a build to it. Because things spiral more slowly. So I think the height of it is going to be Shoto his scar, but I'm going to move that further down the timeline so he's a bit older. Just things go sideways and neither parent's mental health is doing 'well' and it's not the first time the kids got hurt, but it's the first time it was something severe and accidental instead of 'discipline'(hitting your kids to discipline them is still abuse ofc, but people who do that shit see it different'.) It was double accidental because instead of the kettle it's an outburst of Magic from Rei that does the damage.
In this AU, this incident is kind of the wakeup call to both parents of 'hey, things are fucked, maybe we should re-examine our behavior and maybe see a therapist'.
And.... some parts work, some don't. Enji and Rei do get better, but there's a lot to unpack with the kids. Because they're all old enough to understand that yeah hey their childhood was fucked up. I'm bumping the scar incident to when Shoto's closer to 10, which would make Toya and Fuyumi nearly legal adults and Natsuo is probably entering High School. So yeah they understand that they're all a bit fucked up from childhood trauma(and there is minor resentment that 'oh really? Hurting the baby brother is what smacks sense into y'all finally?')
It doesn't help that I'm keeping Toya's 'death', though I need to figure out exactly what happens there. And I'm keeping the Timeline from CC so he's 19-ish when that goes down.
Which. Does cause guilt for Enji and Rei and resentment from the remaining three kids. Because hey if they hadn't fucked up, that might not have happened.
It doesn't keep them from working on things, and it's a lot better by the time we get to the present. But it's far from perfect and, again, the resentment still exists. It's just less active anger and more trying to fix things.
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uboat53 · 9 months
All right, is it really so much to ask that someone, somewhere publish some genuinely sophisticated political analysis? (Warning, this is mostly a complaining SHORT RANT (TM))
Many of you may be aware that I read a ton of news and I tend to prefer sources that do more long-form and long-term analysis, that's why I read sources like NPR, Slate, and Vox. More and more, though, I find that even those sources aren't stepping up and providing the kind of political analysis that I feel like any sophisticated professional who spends their life enmeshed in politics should be able to provide.
Let me give an example.
A couple of days ago, AP-NORC came out with a poll that showed that voters were concerned about Biden mainly for his age and Trump mainly for his character and criminality. This isn't the first such poll and it probably won't be the last and they tend to be fairly consistent in this regard. Several different news sources covered this poll and what did they write? They wrote that voters are concerned that Biden is too old and that Trump is too corrupt to be president.
Seriously, that's it. That's all I've been able to find in the last several weeks that this topic has been widely discussed. That's not sophisticated analysis, that's just regurgitating the poll findings! What would sophisticated political analysis look like? I'm so glad you asked.
Let's start with examining coverage. At this point we can safely say that news coverage is driving both of those impressions. The constant drumbeat of Trump's indictments and court appearances is certainly driving the impression of his corruption and criminality while many news sources, particularly right-wing news sources, are deeply invested in covering any verbal and physical slip-ups Biden may make and presenting them as age-related.
But that's just the start. After that, we look at the response by the candidates, their campaigns, and their allies. At this point, the Trump response has generally been to angrily refute all of the charges leveled against him. There has, in fact, been a full court press on the part of Trump, his campaign, and allies in government in the media to present all of the charges against him as a conspiracy to prevent him from running for office.
The Biden camp, meanwhile, has responded to concerns about his age… well, they haven't really responded to them. I mean, sure the White House and his campaign occasionally put out anodyne statements about how he's doing fine and it's all overblown, but I would doubt most people are even aware of this because they don't get much attention.
So wait a second, one camp has furiously responded to the negative perceptions about their candidate and the other one has barely responded at all? Why would that be? Again, glad you asked, it's strategy time.
Let's talk about timing. Trump has to win a contested primary election in the spring and then the general election in the fall. The spring primary will be in the middle of several of his trials which will limit the amount of time he can devote to campaigning in person. His best hope is to use the publicity of the trials to try to boost his profile during the primary and drown out coverage of the in-person campaigning his opponents will be doing.
This is a double-edged strategy for him. On the one hand, Republican primary voters are primed to buy his argument that it's all a witch-hunt, but the rest of the voting public doesn't seem to be buying it at all. There's a risk that, even if Republicans think he's being unfairly targeted, they may vote for someone else regardless in hopes of having a better chance of beating Biden. Still, the field remains divided and, given the rules of a Republican primary, unless those who vote against him coalesce on a single candidate, he's likely to win the majority of delegates as long as he keeps a fervent core of supporters.
All of this does hurt him in the general election, but at this point there doesn't seem to be a way around that. The trials are going to happen no matter what he says and, even if he gets off, lots of unsavory information is probably going to come out. In any case, he needs to win the primary before he even worries about the general election, so his current strategy is probably the best one to take.
But what about Biden? Biden isn't being seriously challenged in the primaries. Sure, some no-name candidate might challenge him and get 20%-30% in a state or two and get some news coverage for a week or so, but there's no realistic chance at this point that he's going to lose the primaries. His only real concern electorally is the general election in the late fall.
If Biden were to knock down the age attack right now, likely by sitting for long discursive interviews and doing athletic type photo-ops, he still has over a year for his enemies to think of another attack against him, one that likely involves his son's legal troubles. Better to let his enemies continue the age attack which he can easily knock down sometime later, probably next summer, than to give them time to find a more effective line of attack.
Is there a risk that the attack solidifies that impression in the minds of some voters? Sure, but no worse than the risk of any other line of attack. At least the age-related one is fairly easy to knock down as long as the candidate is fit enough to do so.
If you paid attention to all of this, I think you'd agree there's a reasonable case to be made that Biden is in a better position than Trump is. Voter's negative perceptions about Trump are based on coverage that is largely out of his control and his best line of response to help him win a crowded primary is one that will continue to damage him in the general election.
Meanwhile, voter's negative perceptions about Biden are largely driven by coverage that he has the capacity to refute but has largely chosen not to. It's also something that he can refute later by, you know, just showing himself being fit and hearty and, in the meantime, the narrative crowds out other, possibly more effective, lines of attack.
As you can see, I did this in just a few paragraphs, probably not even a full page of actual text. Am I wrong? Maybe, but it's not obvious that I am, is it? And even if I am wrong, I guarantee that I am at least looking at the right things.
So where's the sophisticated political analysis? Gone, I think. Is anyone reading anything these days that's actually doing stuff like this or it all just a wasteland now?
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anthemxix · 3 years
Fierce deity wars aftermath? :o (I'm sorry if this comes across as demanding or rude, was just excited to see the fic and was curious how what happened after might go, it was really good!)
this isn't rude at all, my friend! i'm flattered you enjoyed my fic enough to ask for a follow-up! thank you ;w;
this picks up right where the previous one left off (here's the first part)
"Nothing major."
Voices drift through the dreamless void, which clings to Warriors like cobwebs: wispy, malleable, adhesive.
"Is he awake?"
"Maybe. Not aware, at any rate."
The words seem insubstantial, impossible to grasp, like specks of light.
"Captain? Can you hear me?"
"Time to wake up, Pretty Boy."
Like a borealis, the voices shimmer above him. Though tangible, they shy from his reach.
Warriors concentrates on forcing his eyes open, and his lashes scrape against red cotton.
"Hey, Captain? You with us?"
The stench of death saturates the air, so he must still be on the battlefield. He tries to lift his head, to see his surroundings, but all he glimpses is red.
"Hey. Pretty Boy. You awake?"
Still, he pieces it together by feel. His side is pressed against someone. His head is lolling on their shoulder. Their arm is around his back, fiercely gripping his sleeve.
"Captain, can you look at me?"
He's being held. Huh. That's a nice feeling, being held. Safe. His eyes begin to slip closed again.
"No, Captain. Stay awake. Look at me."
Always one to obey orders, he drags his head around a fraction, searching for the source of the voice. His vision is blurry, but he can see a green tunic, brown hair. The Traveler.
Something cool brushes against his hand. Glass. A bottle. His fingers automatically hook around it. Something warm wraps around his hand, affixes it in place.
"Drink this for me, okay?"
Warriors' bones are infused with lead. He watches the Traveler guide the potion to his mouth, but his body won't cooperate. His throat muscles seize, and he coughs out the liquid. It speckles across the red tunic he's cuddled up against.
"Don't make him choke!" someone outside his line of vision squawks. That's the Sailor. He knows the little Sailor's voice.
"Sorry," Hyrule laments, and cups a hand under Warriors' chin, tilts his head back. Tries again with the bottle.
This time, Warriors downs two gulps before his throat locks up and he coughs out the rest of it.
"You're getting my tunic wet." A gripe, but the grip on his arm tightens, protective. The Vet. That's the Vet, holding him. Red tunic. Right.
A thought emerges from his mental haze. Twilight. Hadn't he been with Twilight? Warriors wishes he could ask, but he's so tired. He closes his eyes again, sinks back into the void where his friends' voices echo around him. It reminds him of being trapped in the Great Fairy's bottle, the way everything is muffled and obscured and looming.
Warriors lets their voices wash over him, idly picking out words when he can and examining them like puzzles in need of solving.
"There's caves that way, half a mile or so."
"He can't walk."
"I can carry him."
"No. Traveler's magic may have stitched your wounds up, but your body still needs time to recover."
"Here, I can do it."
There are hands on him, and he's getting shifted around, and he wishes he could move. Instead, he completely retreats to the empty dark space in his head.
Then the concept of time becomes as ephemeral and elusive as his friends' voices around him.
Sometimes when Warriors opens his eyes, there's sunlight, and sometimes there's only the hazy glow of embers or the flicker of a lantern. He can't shrug off the mental mire that pins him down, can't ever keep his eyes open long enough to fully process where he is or what's going on.
That would feel more disconcerting if not for the constant, comforting presence of his friends. One of them is always right at his side when he wakes. The little Sailor, snuggled against him. Sky, carving wooden figurines. Four, polishing weapons. Even as he slides back into the dreamless dark, he feels safe.
That is, until the dark stops being dreamless.
Memories begin to unravel before him, unspooling into formless shapes and colors. At first, all he can see is blood-drenched chaos; he hears dying screams and clanking weapons, smells copper and iron. Slowly, the memories come into focus, draw together into distinct scenes. He can distinguish certain moments: a lizalfos sliced in half at the waist; a darknut's chopped-off head thunking to the dirt; a bulbin slipping on spilled moblin guts as it tries to run, then shrieking as it gets skewered.
These memories aren't his, per se; they belong to his body. His body, which he can see morph into someone else's. His hands, which are someone else's hands, brandishing a double-helix sword that cuts through monsters with no resistance.
Although Warriors has witnessed much more gruesome atrocities, these memories steep him with burgeoning unease. The violent images burrow under his skin like termites, boring tunnels into him from the inside out, as he watches them play in a loop, over and over. They continuously reignite in the dark like poe lanterns, haunting and undead.
Oblivion shifts from a refuge to a prison. Warriors starts to jolt awake with startled gasps, his terror wrenching him back into consciousness. In these moments, he often finds Time next to him, stroking his hair, murmuring soothing platitudes that Warriors can't hear over his pounding heart.
Once, he lurches awake with a shout, wide-eyed and shuddering as detailed visions of massacre still float through his head. Time gently shushes him, tucks him back into his bedroll, and pulls out the banged-up wooden ocarina he used to play as a child.
Warriors curls up on his side, hearing the distant whispers of rainfall beneath the unfamiliar melody that Time plays. The tune is wistful and haunted, layered with tragedy, like its player. But it massages away the tension rigidifying Warriors' muscles, calms the frantic adrenaline buzzing through his system. When he falls asleep, he doesn't dream anymore.
- - -
Sighing with relief, Warriors slumps back against the door. The past few days, he's managed to stay awake for longer and longer stretches, but constant fatigue still holds him hostage. Finding a town with an inn feels like a miracle, and even though he could easily collapse right here on the floor, he is eager to finally sleep in a real bed.
With effort, he straightens and shrugs off his shield, sword, and bags, depositing them by the nearest bed. The weight of his equipment has never felt so burdensome before; he's concerned that this debilitating exhaustion is atrophying his muscles and permanently docking his stamina.
But like every thought lately, he can't keep hold of his concerns for too long. They slip away from him, and he gladly lets them go, concentrating instead on the unnecessarily arduous task of shucking all his armor.
As he loosens the leather bracers on his arms, Warriors absently scans the compact rented room, which only contains two twin beds and a shabby dresser. He blinks at the dresser mirror, freezing as he registers his reflection.
Armor temporarily forgotten, Warriors strides across the tacky rug and splays his hands on the dresser. Most mornings, he spends what the others consider an unreasonable amount of time fawning over his hair in his hand mirror—personally, he thinks none of them spend enough time on making themselves presentable—but lately, he's forgone that ritual, only casting cursory glances at his reflection to ensure he's not overwhelmingly unkempt.
He hasn't gotten a proper look at himself in days, which is why the sight of the mask's red and blue brands give him such a shock.
Though their colors have already begun to fade, the sharply angled lines remain prominent. No wonder the other heroes, who have been treating him delicately, like he's liable to break, can't look at him without staring at those marks. What do they think, when they see them?
Warriors find them abhorrent. Finds that looking at them triggers unease and discomfort and nausea.
He turns away from the mirror and resumes removing his armor, gracelessly dumping it on the floor and topping the pile with his sloppily folded scarf. As he flops onto the bed, he sighs again, the relief of getting off his feet immediate and encompassing. The mattress is thin and there's a rogue spring jutting into his lower back, but goddesses, does it feel good to lie down.
Lazily, he drapes an arm over his eyes to block out the afternoon sunshine filtering in through the flimsy curtains. He doesn't feel sleepy, exactly, doesn't feel like he'll get dragged into unconscious oblivion like he was for several days right after donning the mask, but he truly is exhausted.
Physical exertion, sparse as it's been, contributes to Warriors’ fatigue. Progress across this Hyrule has been slow; the distance the heroes have covered over the past few days could be crossed, under normal circumstances, in half the time.
Warriors didn’t even walk for much of that distance. He couldn’t. Along with his sluggishness, his legs wobbled like a newborn deer’s and his sense of balance was skewed. Wind continually remained next to him, catching him when he stumbled and preventing him from toppling over.
When walking became too infeasible (and he was too tired to care about pride and dignity), he'd ride Epona. By that point, he'd usually feel so weak and shaky that he would require a boost from Twilight just to mount the horse, and from there it was a perpetual struggle to stay upright.
Fortunately, he's steadier now, able to walk without feeling constantly on the verge of collapse, but the fact that he is not okay is tremendously self-evident.
He hears the door to his room open and close, but he doesn't bother uncovering his eyes. He's certain it's just whoever decided to room with him this time—probably Wind or Legend—dropping their belongings off before venturing into town.
A lengthy moment passes before he recognizes the sound of heavy plate armor clinking. Moving his arm a fraction, he peeks out to see Time shedding his armor, setting it aside with more care than Warriors had mustered.
Warriors blinks in surprise. Time is the last person he expected to see here.
The other heroes' behavior around the Captain is subdued, and they speak to him quietly, like he's an animal prone to startle. They act so sad, he thinks now. Like they're grieving. Like they've lost something.
But Time... He was there for those horrid days when Warriors was drifting in and out of consciousness, trapped in nightmares, but ever since then, he's kept a distance. He won't even look at Warriors most of the time.
It would be unfair for Warriors to be bothered by that, though. Like a coward, he's been reciprocating the cold shoulder treatment, because he can't bear it.
He can't bear thinking about his little Sprite using that cursed mask. How old was the kid when he first used it? And what was the aftermath like for him? Was he alone? Did he have someone to comfort him through the nightmares? To help him walk or tend his wounds?
How many times has Time used this mask for those marks to permanently smirch his face?Is the aftermath of using the mask always this dreadful? What if it's not, because Time has gotten used to the effects of the damn thing?
And if Warriors feels so strange after what must have been mere minutes with the mask on—if he feels like his very essence has been ripped apart and reassembled—if he feels like some of his pieces are missing, or that now there is something new inside him, something he can't quite identify or describe—then how must Time feel, having used the mask for decades?
How does it feel to sacrifice yourself over and over, to let an inconceivable power destroy and rebuild you however it pleases, and then carry that weight alone?
With his armor off, Time turns around and catches Warriors' gaze. His neutral expression doesn't change. "I thought you'd be asleep by now."
Warriors breaks eye contact, repositioning his arm over his eyes. Coward. "I thought you'd be making sure the kids don't set the town ablaze."
"I'm sure the Rancher can handle it."
For some reason, this statement pricks at Warriors' heart. "I know he's your favorite, Old Man, but don't misplace your faith. He can be as much of a troublemaker as the rest of them."
After a long stretch of quiet, Warriors feels the thin mattress sink. He peers under his elbow to see Time sitting at the foot of his bed, leaning forward, elbows on knees. Hands folded, he's looking at the opposite wall, expression still deliberately blank. "Is that what you think?"
"Yeah, I do. Didn't you hear his arson story?"
Time huffs a soft, startled laugh. "No, I meant...you believe he's my favorite?"
Warriors shifts, pulls his arm away from his face. "Well, yeah? It's not up for debate, is it? It's obvious."
"Hmm." Time looks down at his hands, and his mouth flickers between a slight smile and slight frown before settling on the latter. When he speaks again, it's stilted, like a formal recitation. "Captain, I owe you an apology. I've left you to deal with the mask's effects by yourself."
Dragging himself to a sitting position, Warriors says, "That's not true..."
He's suddenly struck by a vague memory of a recent night where he fell asleep as soon as the heroes found a campsite. Tired beyond caring, Warriors had promptly slid off Epona and settled in the dirt a few paces from the horse. Prone on his stomach, he pillowed his head with his arms, despite his bracers digging into his cheeks.
Later, Time roused him, herding him upright. He was still half-asleep, struggling to keep his eyes open, as Time worked on taking off his protective gear piece by piece. Warriors' chainmail had pressed grooves into his torso; it was a relief to have someone else guide the heavy armor over his head and set it aside.
"Come to your bedroll," Time had said softly, and he ushered Warriors into his sleeping mat, which lie ready and waiting. Exponentially more comfortable now, Warriors had dropped off to sleep almost instantly, but still, he registered Time gently tucking the blankets around him.
Weary, Time sighs and rakes a hand through his hair. "It is true. I've been selfish. I shouldn't have left you to figure this out on your own. I know how it feels. How...confusing it is. How strange it is, like your body isn't quite right anymore, or like you're not quite the same. How..."
He flexes his fingers, searching for his words, and a mournful look breaks through his stony facade. "How...broken it makes you feel."
After a silent, somber moment, Warriors shifts to sit next to Time, dropping his bare feet to the warped hardwood. The mattress creaks. He feels another damaged spring jabbing into him.
"I'm sorry that you've always had to handle this alone," Warriors says. A lump hardens in his throat, and he swallows. "I'm so sorry, Sprite."
Time looks at him then, really looks at him. Slowly scans the red and blue lines before re-locking eyes. He smiles, sad and small but genuine, and sets a hand on Warriors' shoulder. "I'm proud of you, you know. I've always been proud of you."
Warmth blossoms in his chest at the unexpected words, and Warriors has to turn away.
"Perhaps you should get some rest." The smile lingers in Time's voice. "We can talk when you wake up."
With Time's hand still on his shoulder, Warriors says, "I can stay up a little longer. I think we have a lot to talk about."
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: Feelings! PTSD! Anxiety! Clint! Team bonding! Reader is a badass 😍 And comic book medical accuracy .
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"It smells like a liquor factory in here," Bucky's voice came from the kitchenside, followed by noises of the team's arrival. Via portal, because the elevator made zero noise.
"I suggest you avoid the area around me and Clint. It might be contaminated." My voice sounded sharp to my own ears. I sat in silence for several hours, waiting for the team's return, while Clint restlessly dozed next to me.
My words caused the team to freeze in their tracks, owlishly blinking at me and at Clint laying sprawled on the floor, surrounded by plastic bags and biological hazard containment units. Tony's helmet swiftly covered his face - I heard muffled sounds coming from within, probably Friday's explanations. In seconds, the helmet retracted, showing an extremely worried Tony.
"How do you feel, Princess? Any weakness, any pain?"
"No symptoms, Tony. Just a fuckton of anxiety," I admitted, avoiding the concerned looks of Tony's teammates. "I almost drowned the room in alcohol but warned you just to be safe. Also, your alien pathogen protocol sucks."
"We made it so unauthorized personnel wouldn't get their hands on Thor's or Loki's blood samples," Bruce supplied meekly from where he was leaning against Steve, wearing a tattered hoodie and his hulk-out pants. "Off to decon we go," The scientist sighed. "Friday, code seven-zero-three-five-five. Pull up the data you gathered. In the shower." The man was exhausted, yet the call of science seemed to give Bruce a tiny energy boost. With newfound determination, he waddled to the communal showers, the rest of the team in tow.
Natasha's stare was truly unnerving. I was fully aware she and Barton had long history; the fact that I had to respond to one of the deadliest assassins if I had made even the slightest mistake - anxiety mixed with blind terror in me. I fought the nausea and the headache, focusing on Clint's hair between my fingers. His steady breathing.
He'd be okay. He had to be okay.
"You did great, Princess," The time passed in a blink. Bruce's warm hands were encompassing mine - gently pulling me away from Clint. I looked at Banner's face with unseeing eyes.
"I heard what Friday said and I can only applaud your quick thinking. You saved his life," Strange, sounding uncharacteristically quiet and bashful, parroted Bruce, hovering behind the scientist. His angular face was contorted in sorrow. "I believe I should apologize for dropping Barton onto you like that. I underestimated the extent of his injuries." The man sounded so, so guilty.
"I saved his life," I repeated in disbelief. Surely they were exaggerating.
"You did, malysh. For that, I am grateful," Natasha's hand found my own, squeezing briefly, before following Steve that had picked up a still-sleeping Clint, to, presumably, carry him to medical. "Come on, Banner, we need you."
Banner gave me a brief squeeze of his own, taking his leave, scurrying after Romanoff. I was left awkwardly standing in front of Strange, both of us disheveled and dazed.
"I ordered pizza," I said, just to fill the grim silence.
"Okay," Just like that, he snapped out of his trance, sitting down on the couch and picking up his food.
The others trickled in, Bucky, Pete, Thor, Loki, Sam, Wanda, Pietro. I saw it all like it was tinted by a thick fog. Their words made a jumbled cacophony when they reached my ears. Tony's arm around me - that woke me up, slightly. I focused on my favourite thing in the world - the faint smell of him, a mix of soap, machine oil and expensive cologne.
"She's shellshocked," Bucky suddenly said, pointing at me.
"No," I frowned. "No. I may be a fumbling idiot but I don't have PTSD."
Tony's breath stuttered in his chest. Promptly, I was turned around, a pair of intelligent brown orbs sharply gazing into my eyes. "Princess?"
"I'm so glad y'all are alright," I choked out, fisting the cotton of his shirt in my palm. "Even Stephen the asshole. Team bonding wouldn't be the same without his sarcasm," Hurrying to hide the fact that I was scared shitless, I did what I do best. I joked.
"Gods, you two are really a match made in heaven," Wanda's tired voice had 110% eye-roll in it. "So much self-deprication, almost as much as brilliance." The witch usually refrained from commenting on people's private thoughts. Usually, but not that day.
"I am relieved to know you hold me in high regards," Stephen's sarcastic remark made it's way around a mouthful of pizza.
Bucky's phone beeped. "They're saying Clint will be out in a few hours. No permanent damage, the gash on his leg won't scar and he's demanding Tony buy his saviour a cake," With a smile, the soldier read the text's contents out loud. "Also, the resident doc wants to hire you." Bucky pointed at me with a teasing grin.
"I, umm, I," Stammering, way to go. "I just - uh, I googled and I improvised? I'm not a doctor or a scientist, I'm a high school student," I replied, voice raising half an octave higher.
"Told you Tony, she's a friggin' genius," Peter sounded way too smug for someone who had a bruise half the size of his head.
"That she is," Tony's voice... Was different. It was honeyed and warm, blanketing me, surrounding me with safety. His arms tightened around me - not uncomfortably so, just enough to ground his presence in my personal space. I snuggled into him happily - he didn't mind at all. The cold glow and faint humming of his arc reactor calmed me. "Friday, cake. Princess cake from the bakery on Seventeenth."
Wow, Tony knew my favourite kind of cake. That was amazing.
"On it, boss." The AI immediately replied. "Well done, Miss." Friday addressed me with the same tone I heard in the lab. Gentle and understanding. It was so very strange.
We mulled around the living room until the pizza was gone and half the occupants were snoring away, dead where they sat. It was an unanimous decision to pull out the unfolding couch and form a cuddle pile of sorts - after such a long and grueling mission with one of their own facing the brink of death, all the superheroes were more than a little unsettled. I didn't exactly know where I fit in that. Obviously, all of them were close in one way or another. Even Loki and Stephen, seeing them get cussed out by Thor for attempting to leave was kind of amusing.
But it got me wondering. Maybe they felt like imposters, too? After all, I wasn't special. Loki wasn't considered a good guy. And Stephen was too much of a lone wolf. All three of us were comfortable alone, used to dealing on our own.
One look from Tony, Stark-patented puppy eyes, and I was making space for myself and for Stephen. Even if Loki insisted on grumbling all the way through, his exhaustion showed in the way he leaned on Thor's arm, using a weakly glimmering spell to summon himself a book and then closing his eyes for a moment.
Muted cheering broke out the moment elevator doors opened, showcasing a pale but smiling Clint held up on both sides by Natasha and Steve, Bruce half asleep on the blonde's other side.
"Looking pretty good for a dead bitch," Clint grinned in my direction.
I couldn't resist the bait. The boomer knew his memes, after all. "She's alive!"
He patted my leg, making his way to a free spot on the ginormous sofa bed. "Aw, pizza," He groused, spying the empty boxes.
"Should arrive in ten minutes," Bucky quipped, waving his phone. Then, the brunette super-soldier looked at me pointedly. "We usually order double after long missions."
"Duly noted, y'all hungry peoples." I said, filing it away for later. Thinking about more missions, more near-death experiences wasn't something I wanted to handle that very moment.
"So, uh, what exactly happened? My memory is pretty spotty," Clint demanded once he got his hands on some food.
"I also need to know. You're going to have to sign a statement and a mission report," Natasha stated apologetically.
I looked at her, confused. "Like... How many details do you need?"
Tony shifted beside me uncomfortably. I put a steadying hand on his leg - my palm was immediately dwarfed by his own. Natasha gave him a Look. "Fury's eyes only, but SHIELD needs to know how you figured out to neutralise a potential alien threat. Bruce ran some tests and this pathogen is... Pretty nasty, to say the least. It has the survivability to be classified as a potential weapon." Natasha's voice was apologetic, once more.
What have I gotten myself into? I was just trying to save a friend. "First of all, I'm not working for Men in Black, like, ever," I made the point to look her in the eyes. A brief moment later, she nodded. Tony relaxed, exhaling soundly. "Okay, get your reading glasses on. It went like this..." I retold the story, taking careful note to voice my thought processes as much as I remembered them. Save for a few surprised gasps and Tony haphazardly kissing the top of my head, the team gave me no interruptions.
Bruce was the first one to react once I was done. "But... How did you think of bloodletting? It's such an unusual solution," He mumbled more to himself.
"I've watched enough horror movies to know better than to introduce a foreign bacteria, such as antibiotics, to a person with an alien infection," I deadpanned, spying a satisfied smile on Stephen's face. "Worst case scenario, the substitution of infected blood with healthy would have diluted the amount of parasites or deflected their attention from eating away Clint's nerve endings. Him going bazinga from pain was my main concern," I admitted, the archer's pained cries once again filling my ears. The memory was still fresh.
"That makes sense," Bruce nodded.
"And what would you have done?" I asked, unable to withhold my curiosity.
"Sedated Clint while I examine the specimens," Banner replied with the obvious. "Then figure out how to cure the infection."
I nodded along slowly. "I considered that option but ultimately, I was too chicken to entertain the possibility of the parasites interacting with heavy sedatives. Fentanyl affects some of the blood components the parasites eat so only God knows how it might have ended."
Banner was impressed, that much was obvious. Tony's lips once again landed on the crown of my head, gentle and warm. More and more people in the room were giving me impressed, happy, grateful looks. It was strange and I squirmed in my spot, putting the half-eaten pizza slice back in the box, Steve immediately eyeing it in contemplation.
"Have at it, you human garbage disposal," I muttered, laying down comfortably. I was still shivering from the adrenaline rush and the soft blanket cocoon I shared with Tony and Stephen - their combined body heat under it - called to me like a siren.
"Are you well?" Loki noticed my state, casting a dark look over the edge of his book.
"Yeah, just cold. Us humans shiver when coming off an adrenaline rush," I remarked absently, pressing myself closer to Tony.
The engineer laid down, spooning me, tangling our legs together. We slept like that, all over each other, every time I stayed in his bed. It felt comfortable, like home, and nobody seemed to mind. Peter and Wanda, already snoozing away, were in a similarly indisposed state, octopus-ing their nearest teammates. Friends. Family.
My eyes drooped. My chest was about to burst with an odd sort of content - quiet, steady and welcoming. Tony's beard tickled my neck, breaths coming in soft puffs against my nape, spreading warmth all over me.
And there was something - someone warm in front of me, too, I could smell the sandalwood and spices of his cologne. Abandoning all reservations, I shamelessly wrapped both of my arms around a larger, more muscular one, taking note to avoid Stephen's scarred, sensitive hands. The flat of his tummy under my palm was rising and falling steadily, his breathing almost in sync with Tony's and mine.
All of us were safe and alive. It mattered to me, perhaps, more than I'd ever cared to admit out loud. As much as I refused to let them all in, for real and beyond silly gimmicks, they still wormed their way inside my heart, inside my brain. Not with long discussions and talking feelings - hell no, that's the hard and the boring shit, but with simply their presence.
Hugs. Mario Kart tournaments. Cake after I'd done good at something. Sunday morning pancakes for all. Homework. Sciencing together. Catching up on memes and just watching funny YouTube videos together. Playing Twister and Monopoly.
For the first time in my life, I had a stable presence. I belonged somwhere. It felt too good to deny, so once again, I allowed myself to be selfish.
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✨ Taglist of my lovelies ✨ still open.
@another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading
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artpharos · 3 years
so about that bedehop fairy tale inspired au i had
i've been holding on to this for super long because
a) It's long
b) other people have had similar ideas for bedehop Fairy Tale AUs for years and like I am paranoid what if I had the same ideas as they did?????
c) I'm still working on like 2 bedehop multichapters don't look at me
BUT because of those reasons I'm definitely never ever going to write it so I'm just gonna throw it out here so I don't have to keep being haunted by it
The basic gist of it is that I wanted Bede and Hop to be Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty respectively and also lean in to the kind of mythology elements that I sorta know from Arthurian legends and Celtic myths/legends AAAAND it was more of a fantasy AU than an actual fairy tale AU but y'know what screw it.
The whole long spam is under the cut and just to be warned it is LONG like it's 4.7k words long
So the story starts off with Bede, a half-fairy boy locked up in a tower by King Rose. Bede's mom was a fairy who fell in love with a human man and had him, only to be cast aside by the man she loved once she got pregnant. In this world there are a few rules governing the fairies: 1) they lose their magic specifically if they kiss a human and 2) they can literally die of a broken heart. So Bede's mom, just before she passed, asked a passerby who happened to be Rose to take care of him.
Rose is the King of Galar, and obsessed with protecting his country/legacy. For a while now, he's been travelling around Galar trying to find out how to do so. There are commonplace legends of a mythical hero king of old that sealed away Eternatus, an ancient dragon that threatened Galar ages ago. Rose believes he's found magic now to bind Eternatus to be Galar's protector, but he needs to undo the seals that keep Eternatus asleep. There are like several seals that are hidden all across Galar, and the last seal is Zacian's sword, which can only be pulled out by someone the sword deems pure of heart and a worthy hero.
So when Rose comes across Bede's mom, he recognizes her as a fairy. Thus, Bede himself is probably capable of like really powerful magic when he grows up if he's trained well, and because of his bloodline, he might be able to unseal Eternatus when the time comes. So Rose happily takes him in and locks him up in a tower so that Bede won't form any human attachments to anyone other than him (and Oleana, his personal wizard), so that he won't accidentally die of a broken heart or get tainted by anything but his dedication to Rose's cause.
So Bede grows up isolated for like 15 years and he has super powerful magic, which he trains on a daily basis while living off the small moments of praise he gets from Rose and Oleana. Meanwhile, Rose has found someone who he thinks might be able to pull out Zacian's sword- his Champion, Leon, who goes around doing heroic stuff etc, and Rose puts into motion his plan to undo the rest of the seals (they need to be done in order, though none are as specific and choosy as Zacian. Most are like tests of strength and wit or whatever and Leon happily goes forth to undo them because Rose has kept his crazy plan secret from everyone but Oleana, and Leon is blinded by glory enough that he doesn't question shit).
Meanwhile, Hop, Leon's younger brother, decides to leave home and be as amazing a knight as his brother. He also has a magical sheep because as a child, he befriended a fairy ram who he called Dubwool because of the double colours of its coat. Nobody has figured out it's actually a fairy sheep, and they don't really feel the need to pursue it when Dubwool is as tame and docile as can be (and also brings good fortune for Hop and his village). So Hop goes off with his best friend Gloria and his magical ram to the big city of Hammerlocke so that they can present themselves to the King.
Rose decides that it's about time he brought Bede out of his tower as the seals are undone, because like... he wants to boost up his arsenal to face Eternatus, but because of the seals being broken, magic around the land has gotten pretty unstable around the region where Bede's tower is. He's fretting about it since he can't get Oleana to teleport Bede back when Hop appears before him and introduces himself and asks for a quest to prove himself. Rose sends Hop off to collect his fairy mage.
So Dubwool helps Hop make it to Bede's tower, and Hop manages to climb it and is the first human that Bede meets that isn't Rose or Oleana. And Bede hates him immediately because Hop is dumb and foolish and optimistic and hopeful with no understanding of the scale of Bede's power etc. And he's a dumb human who thinks Bede's weird because he's part-fairy. But when he learns Hop's sent by Rose to summon him to the King's side, he goes along with it.
They have many adventures on the way back, including bumping into Gloria and Marnie (who Gloria found out in the woods on one of her many many quests from the king- they have a slight rivalry over who is better at slaying monsters and saving people and stuff). Through it all, Bede starts to mellow and learn that humanity isn't as bad as he always assumed it was and Hop (through realizing that the things he always took for granted- friendship, family, happiness, Bede never had) starts learning to be a better knight to take care of the people and understanding how to make their lives better rather than just chasing glory. Their journey is long and takes them through a lot of monsters and villages and slowly, as they fall into pace with one another, Bede and Hop feel an attraction towards one another and a kinship- being ignored, just wanting to be loved and acknowledged and feeling the other person is the only one who can understand them that way- even though they would never admit it.
Anyway so eventually they make it back to Hammerlock! Yay! Leon's there! And also the rest of the seals are undone and all that's left is Zacian's sword stuck at the top of the castle. Bede's reunited with Rose and Oleana, and he realizes how cold Rose and Oleana treat him compared to his newfound friends- he reasons it's because Rose and Oleana are nobility unlike Hop etc, but they do love him and care for him and raised him since he was a babe...
So Rose announces his grand plan to harness Eternatus's power and have Galar protected by the mythical Dread Dragon. There's some protest, but Rose quickly soothes it over by telling everyone that he has Bede (who's super powerful), and Oleana (who knows the amazing mind control spell), and Leon, who is a Great Champion and will tame Eternatus and everything will be fine. He reminds them that Galar needs to secure its future in order for there to be prosperity throughout the land and bring happiness to everyone.
Hop, Gloria and Marnie are a bit iffy about it, but Bede quickly shuts them down because of course he's on Rose's side.
That night, Hop wanders around the castle uneasily, when he overhears Leon arguing with his companion, Sonia, who is an archivist that went to Hammerlocke to talk to Rose about how disasters are happening all around Galar. Sonia insists that Rose's plan is insane and that his actions have actually harmed the country more than protected it. Leon assures Sonia that he'll talk to Rose about it, but he's sure the king knows what he's doing. Sonia probably throws in something about how Leon's so blinded by his pride/ego that he can't see what's really happening to the people he's sworn to protect. Leon storms off, but then Hop questions Sonia about what she means and learns that undoing the seals have brought disasters and unleashed more evil monsters from the Otherworld back to their country and the Dread Dragon is far more powerful than she believes Rose understands.
So Hop assures Sonia he'll talk sense to his brother AND Rose and chases after Leon- only to encounter Bede. Hop immediately tells Bede everything he's learned, only to realize Bede's acting a bit strange. He doesn't even get to react when Bede straight up knocks him out with magic.
See, Bede had a private chat with Rose when Rose realized Bede was faltering and called him out on his friendships with Hop/Gloria/Marnie. So to prove his loyalty to Rose, Bede swore he'd do anything and Rose told him to kidnap Hop for him.
Hop wakes up on the top of the castle, near Zacian's pedestal, bound by Bede's magic. He's betrayed and hurt, but before he can do anything, he realizes Rose, Oleana, and Leon are there too. Turns out, Leon DID listen to Sonia and tried to talk to Rose about it, only for Rose to reveal he had already planned to kidnap Hop and use him as a guarantee that Leon would follow his plan.
So Hop can only watch as his older brother tries to fulfill Rose's wish- and then Zacian's sword turns on him and like idk lightning strikes Leon. Hop struggles and breaks free from Bede, grabbing hold of Zacian's sword and stopping Oleana from approaching Leon. Zacian's sword doesn't strike him- acknowledging him as the hero it was waiting for.
Oleana hesitates, and Hop is about to pick Leon and get out of the castle, when suddenly Rose presses a dagger against Bede's neck and tells Hop to play the part of the hero that Leon was scripted for.
Now it's Bede's turn to feel betrayed, to feel his heart crushed underfoot as he realizes he's always only ever been a tool to Rose, that Rose would kill him without hesitation. And then he sees the agony in Hop's eyes, hears the strangled way Hop says his name-
And then the next thing he knows, Hop's eyes glaze over and he's spelled by Oleana's mind control magic! Rose then tells Bede he was never really ever going to hurt him, but he knew Hop cared about him and that he was pure-hearted enough to fall for that. In that instant, Bede's heart breaks, but he swallows the pain and follows Rose's orders to stand by Hop's side and fight Eternatus.
Eternatus rises from the broken seal and unfortunately things do not go according to plan. It resists Oleana's magic, and with Hop enchanted, he's not fighting well and getting hurt and Bede tries his best to use his magic to end the madness, only for Eternatus to land a mortal blow on Hop when he breaks free briefly to protect Bede. Hop collapses.
Bede thinks this is the end, but Eternatus decides to woosh awayyyyyy. And then when he looks for Rose or Oleana, he sees that they too are like 'bye' and skipping out. He tries to tend to Hop, who's now comatose, but nothing he does helps. Then Leon wakes up and almost attacks Bede when he finds him over his brother's body, until Bede begs him to save Hop.
Bede passes out from the battle and the strain and when he finally comes to, he's being cared for by Gloria and Marnie. When he's well enough, they sneak into Leon's strategy meeting. Rose and Oleana have disappeared, and Eternatus is like... out somewhere and probably going to bring about bad things to Galar. And then Hop is literally dying slowly from Eternatus's poison (it would have killed him outright but Zacian's sword is slowing the poison) and he's the chosen hero so nobody knows if there's anyone else that can use Zacian's sword. Marnie then pipes up about how her hometown might have legends of Zacian so she and Gloria volunteer to head back with Sonia to figure out the Lore and shit. Sonia then suggests to bring Hop to the fairy forest- Zacian is a fairy sword, and the fairies are Eternatus's mortal enemies, so maybe they would know how to cure him.
None of the other people gathered (them gym leaders, minus Piers) are willing to go, and Leon's about to volunteer when Bede steps in and says he'll bring Hop. Says that it's the least he can do since Hop saved his life. Leon doesn't trust him, but when the others remind Leon he has to delegate and take care of Galar, he relents.
Bede sets off with Dubwool and Hop to the fairy forest. On the way there, he realizes that since his heart broke from Rose and Oleana's treatment of him, he's dying. And torn with guilt for even putting Hop in this position to begin with, he swears that he'll hold on until Hop is safe, so that Hop can right his mistakes.
However, the fairy forest is super unwelcoming. It's easy to get lost, and they wander around for days and Hop's condition gets steadily worse. Hop sometimes whispers Bede's name and Bede can remember that horrible moment when he realized Hop hesitated because of him. Yet Hop seems more comforted when Bede holds him and soothes his sleep. More and more, Bede feels guilt for what he's done. The further they go, the more Bede feels his magic weaken. He suspects this is due to him dying, or the forest rejecting his humanity.
When they finally find the fairies (Pokemon led by Hatterene lmao) the fairies present another solution to Bede- kill Hop and eat his heart, so that he can replace his broken one and be the hero that Galar requires. Bede refuses, even though it's all he used to think he wanted- and then the fairies berate him for being foolish even as he's about to die. Laughing at his inaction, they decide THEY will eat Hop instead. Bede fends them off, but Hop gets injured even worse and even though they get away, he falls deathly quiet now, and it's all that Bede can do to beg him to hold on. Bede is at a loss as to what to do, and he almost runs his magic empty trying to break the enchantment on Hop to no avail.
But then they are saved by Opal, a cryptic old witch, who tells Bede of the way to cure Hop. She's a comforting mentor, and teaches him how to brew a potion, and tells him to administer it when the full moon is at its zenith. She also tells him that there needs to be an act born of love for the magic to work.
Bede is at a loss- all the people that love Hop aren't with him, and he's the only one. Slowly, as he reflects on his feelings, he comes dangerously close to admitting that he loves Hop- not that it would do him any good any further, since he's barely holding on with a broken heart. Still, he draws on all his good feelings towards Hop and kisses him, losing his magic.
To his surprise, it works and Hop wakes up. Bede expects Hop to be angry or hate him, but Hop seems so happy to be around him it freaks Bede out. Also with the whole 'losing his magic' thing, and discovering he's in love with Hop, he just can't take it. He pushes Hop away and ends up establishing a distance between them when he brings Hop back to Opal.
Opal then tells Hop about how Zacian's sword wasn't the only thing that defeated Eternatus- it was the cooperation of two great heroes that sealed it away. In order to face Eternatus, they also need to find Zamazenta's shield. And both weapons need to be blessed by the fairies in order to regain their true power etc.
Naturally Bede doesn't care about any of this because he realizes that he's not going to last long enough to make it out of the forest. He ends up talking to Dubwool about how he just wants Hop to be safe and he hopes everything he's done will be enough to redeem himself. Dubwool shows him affection and cuddles and Bede wishes he appreciated all of this more before now.
They then begin making their journey out of the forest. Hop is increasingly more saddened by how distant Bede is being. Every time he tries to approach Bede, he's rebuffed. He starts to think it's because he has Zacian's sword, an honour unearned, and Bede resents him for being the chosen hero.
But just as they're about to make it out of the forest, they're attacked by the fairies. Bede ends up getting cornered, and the fairies say they'll kill and eat him for the lulz. Hop swoops in at the last minute and after he saves a gravely injured Bede, he's all "why didn't you fight back" and Bede tries to get him to leave him, but Hop refuses. It's then Bede summons up his strength to tell him that he's a lost cause because he's going to die anyway.
Hop freaks out and begs Bede not to say that, but Bede is bitter and stubborn and even dying, he lashes out at Hop- how Hop resents him, how deep down Hop must hate him for betraying him and putting him in danger-
And Hop straight out confesses that he loves Bede. Hop goes on to explain that he knows Bede didn't intend to hurt him, and that while he was asleep he could still hear Bede begging for him to hold on. Hop says that if Bede hates him, he understands, because of all the reasons why he thinks he took away everything from Bede, but he doesn't want Bede to die.
And Bede knows Hop is being absolutely honest because there's no way he knows about Bede's feelings towards him. He finally tells Hop everything- about how he's dying regardless, about how he gave up his magic for him- and Hop demands that they go back to Opal and get Bede's magic back. Bede laughs, explains that the reason why his magic is gone is because it was an act of love- a kiss of true love to wake Hop up.
The declaration ends up with Hop kissing Bede, and holding him close. Bede's consciousness starts to fade and the last thing he remembers is how wonderful it is to be held in Hop's arms. How wonderful it is to be loved.
And then he wakes up the next day! Because love healed him! And Hop is happy and Bede is happy and Dubwool is the one that has to interrupt their giddy happy 'we're in love' mood to remind them that they have to beat Eternatus and save Galar. That sobers everyone up, but Hop says since he has Zacian's sword, it falls to him to do whatever it takes to stop Eternatus. Bede is nervous, hating how he's not much help now without his magic, but resolving not to leave Hop alone and wanting to help Hop however he can.
They make it out of the forest and make their way to Spikemuth, where Gloria, Marnie and Sonia have met up with Piers. Unfortunately Spikemuth is now overrun with wild Otherworldly monsters (more mons, probably Obstagoon for the shits and giggles) and they have trouble fending them off. Luckily Hop is around to chase everyone away with Zacian's sword!
Piers reveals that a looong time ago there was also Zamazenta's shield, which one of his ancestors stole from a Hammerlocke king because they didn't like how uppity the royalty were, hiding behind the mythical arms of the heroes. But Zamazenta's shield has never revealed its true power to anyone, being massively heavy and unwieldy as a shield, although it didn't go around striking people down. After telling the group what Opal had told them, Hop, Gloria, Marnie and Bede resolve to take the shield and try to find Zamazenta's hero. So they go adventuring in a long-lost castle to find the shield and Gloria wonders if Bede, being half-fairy, would be able to use it. Bede hopes so- he doesn't want to be useless and protected by Hop all the time.
Except it turns out that Gloria is Zamazenta's chosen hero, and her desire to protect people is what triggers Zama's choice. Everyone rejoices that they have the two heroes! Hop feels a bit uncertain about whether he actually truly is worthy, and whether Zacian made a mistake. Bede, who feels more and more out of place in the middle of everyone, despite his love for Hop. Marnie tries to pump Hop up, telling him he's a real hero now so he has to act the part. She also catches wind Bede's insecurities and tells him that he may not be some all powerful mage anymore, but that doesn't mean he can't choose to fight and help the people he loves.
So the last step is to find a fairy that is willing to bless Zacian's sword and Zamazenta's shield and unlock their true power! Sonia mentions that the myths and legends talk about how the sword and shield and their heroes originated from the Slumbering Weald- coincidentally fitting both Hop and Gloria as well. So maybe the fairy of legend is still there! Marnie and Sonia decide to head back to Hammerlocke to help Leon, while Bede remembers Marnie's words and decides to accompany Gloria and Hop to the Slumbering Weald.
When they reach Postwick, Hop and Gloria are overtaken by how much has not changed at home, compared to how much they have. However, here, people start comparing Hop to Leon- suggesting that it's Hop's inadequacies that led to Eternatus's revival. Hop takes it all in his stride, but he can feel the old doubts stirring. Bede finally understands why Hop turned out the way he did, and sits with him. Bede reassures him, keeps reminding him of all the good he's done- how he's far more than Leon's little brother now. But he's not the only one that needs reassurance! Hop tells Bede that no matter what, he loves and trusts Bede and wants Bede to know that he's grateful to have him by his side. Hop introduces Bede to his family, and for the first time in his life Bede experiences unconditional acceptance and what a family must feel like.
They set out for the Slumbering Weald the next day, and Bede gets separated from Hop, Dubwool and Gloria. He ends up at a lake, with Opal popping up again. Turns out Opal was the original fairy that blessed Zacian and Zamazenta's arms! But she's been sloooowly fading away after centuries, so she wants to pass her role on to Bede and will instruct him on how to bless Zacian/Zamazenta's arms. Bede protests by saying he doesn't have his magic anymore, in which Opal reveals that actually no he always has had his magic (probably more foreshadowing needed), but for fairies, their magic is always tied to their sense of self-worth. Most fairies think they have to demean themselves to love a human, hence why they lose their magic. But if Bede can truly believe in his own worth, he can use his magic again.
So Bede accepts her tutelage. Opal instructs him on the ritual, and then decides to vamoose. The fog around them lifts and Bede finds himself in an abandoned shrine near a lake, where Hop and Gloria finds him. He tells them what happened and says he's willing to try to unlock the true power of Zacian's sword and Zamazenta's shield. He falters a bit, but when Hop encourages him, telling him that he's amazing, Bede finally finds what clicks and is able to bring his magic to bear. Sword and shield are blessed, and about time because Eternatus's monsters attack! But in between Gloria, Hop, Dubwool and Bede, they are more than a match and finally everything seems to have Hope.
BUT THEN on their way back to Hammerlocke, fighting off Eternatus's monsters and saving villages along the way, they end up running into... Rose and Oleana! Well actually no Rose and Oleana have been stalking them since Spikemuth, and now they want to take the Sword and Shield and Bede to still pull off Rose's mad plan of enslaving Eternatus and redeeming the fallen king!
Rose turns out to be not bad in a fight, holding his own against Hop and managing to knock out Gloria, and Rose keeps telling Hop that he could be the greatest knight ever if he joined Rose, if he helped Rose save Galar. He tries to tell Hop that his is the only foolproof plan to save the world, and he needs Hop's power. Hop realizes how easily Rose dismisses Leon, and understands that he owes no loyalty to Rose, nor does he care or want the fame and glory that Rose promises any longer.
Oleana turns her poisonous words towards Bede, reminding him of his original loyalties, taunting him that maybe he never really loved Rose after all, that Rose's plan failed because of him. Bede rejects all of that, tells her that he finally found people who love him and magic that he has made his own. That Rose and Oleana's failings are their own, and not Bede's.
Rose and Oleana then take a knocked out Gloria hostage, but Hop and Bede manage to Teamwork and defeat them, saving Gloria. There's a moment where Bede is consumed by the desire to enact vengeance on the two people who ruined his life, but Hop is a steadying presence and tells him that he's not their puppet any longer. Bede relents, and they decide to take the deposed king and his wizard back to Hammerlocke to face justice.
Back in Hammerlocke, Leon has become the default leader, and aided by Sonia and everyone else, they've been keeping Eternatus's forces at bay, but the tide has slowly been turning against them as Eternatus gets more power. When Hop and Gloria return, they're called in to plan an attack on the Dread Dragon.
Leon is hesitant to let Hop fight Eternatus again, but Gloria and Bede swear that they'll protect him. Hop too, tells Leon that he has to do this to save Galar, so that everyone can have a future. Leon's proud of his brother, tells Hop that he inspires Leon to be a better person, and that he hopes that one day, he will be able to live up to Hop's example. Hop is extremely touched by this, and confidence secured they set a plan and decide to attack Eternatus as soon as everyone's ready.
Bede and Hop share a quiet moment together, and Bede finally apologizes for betraying Hop the last time they were in Hammerlocke. Hop reminds him that he saved Hop too, and if it wasn't for Bede, Hop wouldn't have become the person he is now. Bede feels the same. They share a kiss by the moonlight.
They set out to fight Eternatus for the final battle! And Eternatus is even more powerful than when it first woke up! But team Hop, Gloria, Marnie and Bede (hush I want the 4 of them to team up together so badly okay) manage to break through the hordes of evil monsters Eternatus has summoned and confront the Dread Dragon itself. Working together, they hatch a risky plan to defeat it! Marnie plays interference, Gloria deflects its most dangerous blows, Bede uses magic to mitigate its magic, and Hop should go in for the final blow. The plan almost goes off without a hitch- until Eternatus spots Bede and attacks him. Hop jumps in to save Bede, and there is a moment between the two of them when they remember the last time this happened, where they almost lost the other. This time, Hop uses Zacian's blade and knocks Eternatus's maw away as Bede shields him- and then Bede blasts Eternatus away for Marnie and Gloria to jump in. Hop finally lands the killing blow. Together, they manage to save one another, and all of Galar.
Ultimately, in the aftermath, Leon becomes the new king of Galar, with Gloria as his Champion. Marnie becomes the leader of her people, and order is restored and a new semblance of peace washes over the land.
Hop decides to be a wandering swordsman, out to help the people of Galar anyway he can. Bede decides to join him, although he admits it's also because if Hop goes wandering, maybe he'll bump into fairies and Bede can learn more about himself and his magic that way too. They tease each other that they might not be able to stand the other, but they kiss- secure and happy in their love. So, with Dubwool bearing them on a new adventure, they set out into the unknown.
The End
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