#I'm impressed with the positive impact it's had on my focus
healthproduct95 · 1 month
NeuroActiv6 Supplements - Health
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#Focus and a Natural Energy Boost: My Experience with NeuroActiv6 SupplementsSharper#I've always been interested in natural ways to support my brain health and cognitive function. That's why I decided to try NeuroActiv6 supp#a natural berry-flavoured drink mix. After using it for a few months now#I'm impressed with the positive impact it's had on my focus#energy levels#and overall well-being.#Natural Ingredients for Brainpower#One of the things that drew me to NeuroActiv6 was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula includes a blend of powerful extracts like#Citicoline#and Coffee Fruit Extract. These ingredients are known for their potential benefits in improving memory#enhancing focus#and supporting brain health.#For example#Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Citicoli#on the other hand#contains natural antioxidants and may support cognitive function without the jitters associated with caffeine.#A Convenient and Delicious Way to Boost Brainpower#NeuroActiv6 comes in a powdered form that easily mixes into water or your favourite juice. The berry flavour is refreshing and pleasant#making it a joy to consume every day. The single-serving packets are also incredibly convenient#allowing me to easily take them with me on the go#whether I'm at work#the gym#or travelling.#Improved Focus and Mental Clarity#Since incorporating NeuroActiv6 into my daily routine#I've noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. I find it easier to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without#where I need to be able to process information quickly and efficiently.#Increased Energy Levels and Reduced Stress#Beyond the cognitive benefits#I've also experienced a boost in my energy levels. The natural ingredients in NeuroActiv6 seem to give me a sustained energy lift througho
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acapelladitty · 10 months
Scriddler Fic: Gratitude
Summary: Concerned about his health, Edward tries to alleviate some of Jonathan's pains by purchasing him some mobility aids.
This fic was a commission from the utterly delightful @glorified-monster and it was a real pleasure to fill for them. Thank you once again for the opportunity xx
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Edward surveyed the opened package with an uncharacteristic hesitancy that irritated him with its sudden appearance. The construction of the individual componets within were all beautiful; each bearing a final painted coat in deep hickory which appeared almost glossy in the poor lighting of the basement.
The joint braces were composed of comfortable foam, stiff enough to ensure support but with the necessary flexibility to allow rapid movement. A skeleton of rigid metal structured the brace into a custom fit, one which Edward had painstakingly calculated using his brilliance where a conventional tape measure proved impossible due to secrecy of the intention.
In an identical shade, the finger splints which lay alongside the braces were constructed from a fine aluminium that held an intricate series of hinges and plating which allowed for as much mobility as possible without compromising their intended purpose.
Winter had not been kind to Jonathan.
The chill had brought sickness with it and Jonathan, as susceptible as he was due to his willow frame and immune system which seemed to run on little more than fumes, had spent days bedridden. Not that it impacted his work, rather, he merely shifted focus to more theory-based experiments as yellowed notebooks soon grew fat with scribbles and chemical formulas that Edward found almost incomprehensible in their complexity.
Edward, his frame much more plump and able to withstand the cold snap, had no such difficulties. His own skin played host to thick thermals which trapped his natural warmth as he popped vitamins as freely as mints to prevent any illness from sinking its claws too deep.
But still, an unfamiliar concern feathered his senses and so he put another brilliant plan into play to ensure that Jonthan would allow at least a little alleviation of his pains.
Shifting the mobility aids within the box so that each were clearly visible, Edward dropped to his haunches as he snatched the box from the floor and strode across the basement. Reaching Jonathan's seated position, he dropped the box atop the wide worktable and waited for the response.
Jonathan Crane accepted charity with less grace than illness but Edward Nygma was more than capable of manipulation when necessary.
"The hell's this?" Jonathan grunted, his voice sliding hoarsely over the syllables as his rich Southern twang broke the stillness.
"Are you so dense as to not recognise such simple items?" Edward countered with a haughty sniff. "They are braces and splints, for your knees and fingers respectively."
Jonathan remained silent for a moment as his thin, willowy hands trembled within the box to wrap around one of the splints. A deep frown marred his forehead as he brought the small item to his face and it quickly dissolved into a snarl as he dropped the splint back into the box and pushed it away with a dismissive hand.
"I'm not an invalid and I do not require your pity."
"I never said you were. An ungrateful bastard, perhaps, but not an invalid."
Standing to his impressive height, Jonathan used the extra inches he had to fill the small space.
"I do not need these to work. My recent illness had passed and I am no longer feeling its effects."
Edward bit back his cruel reply, restraining the desire to immediately drag Jonathan down to size, and instead he crossed his arms defensively.
"You are not working to full efficiency. I see the tremble in your fingers when the winter chill sets into them and, since we work together more often than not, I will not allow for my plans to be delayed due to an easily corrected roadblock."
It was an out. An easy escape for Jonathan to accept the help without sacrificing any dignity. It was the closest thing to kindness which Edward could offer him.
A deep hum emitted from Jonathan's chest as he considered the words. His intelligent gaze, robins egg blue eyes hidden behind wire-rimmed spectacles, flashed for a moment as something between acceptance and amusement settled in his features.
"I see your mind is not to be changed." He growled. "Very well. I will consider their use."
"Excellent." Truly pleased, Edward allowed a wry smile to tug at the edges of his lips. "And if you find any discomfort with them then I can refit them for a more appropriate shape."
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altschmerzes · 3 months
5 and 19 for the writer asks!!
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
yes, i absolutely positively have. every time a project gets Too Big And Involved it ends up with a playlist. like you knowwwww it's a whole Thing when it gets a playlist. i don't have links to drop but i can compile some of them if anyone is interested and promises not to clown on me for my cringe music taste 😂
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
tamsyn muir's locked tomb has had a huge influence on my style. this is obviously like, especially super the case when i'm writing locked tomb fic lmao but it holds over generally, also. there's a kind of, like... specificity and sharpness to it that i have tried to incorporate versions of into my own work, reflecting on what worked about it so well and why. she has such a grasp of like. really long-sticking phrases, she described something as looking like chopped-up jewelry once, and i think about that a lot. also, the greenwing and dart books by victoria goddard have impacted me too, i think, in the way they convey characterization particularly through what a person passively thinks about or comments on and the things they think are normal and what they think are weird. one of the things i like the most about her books is the way she conveys what's important to a character, as well as characterization and character dynamics more broadly.
i think historically, terry pratchett and patricia c wrede massively impacted me when i was younger.
pratchett particularly in the way he phrased things and constructed like... his writing has a very strong knack for evoking a powerful and lasting emotion. there are a few feelings that i've been gripped by for a long time from his tiffany aching books specifically. like, there's the unfairness of the bit about the woman that everyone thought was a witch and mistreated her, and the construction of The Witch as a whole. there's a bit i can't remember exactly but it was something like "it was enough that she was all alone, it was enough that she looked strange because she had no teeth" and the sense of just. intense 'it's not fair' has stuck with me forever. and the melancholy and regret of the... prayers left for granny aching after her death - granny aching mind my sheep, granny aching find my lamb. please find our girl becky what ran away i'm sorry. and then the righteous indignation and determination of - all witches are selfish, so turn selfishness into a weapon. make all things yours. make all hopes and wishes yours. walk the gale for them. mind the sheepfold. my land, my dreams, my brother, how dare you try to take these things because they are mine. i have a duty. etc. the way he struck such a powerfully lasting impression with those scenes, and with such small points of focus sometimes, man. that left an imprint on me and i have been striving to hit that same kind of like. leaving an impression with the powerful conveyance of a feeling.
and then wrede just. man her writing is fun. it is so, so fun to me, and the way she built the worlds she wrote in were just... wildly entertaining and fun and sincere at the same time, and that's something i think i've been chasing in my own work ever since. i'm not very good at fun sometimes, and so i think about that a lot.
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A Stream of Improvement: My Experience with Primal Flow (French Version) Supplements
Having struggled with prostate health issues for a while, I embarked on a journey to find a natural solution. After considerable research, I came across Primal Flow (French Version) Supplements, and I'm thrilled to share my positive experience.
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Natural Ingredients, Targeted Action
The first aspect that drew me to Primal Flow was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula boasts a blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals known to support prostate health. Saw palmetto extract, a cornerstone of the supplement, has shown promise in research for reducing urinary frequency and nighttime bathroom trips [mention a reliable source for this information]. Additionally, ingredients like beta-sitosterol and pygeum africanum work synergistically to promote healthy prostate function.
Noticeable Improvements in Urinary Flow
Within a few weeks of consistent use, I began to notice a significant improvement in my urinary flow. The urgency and frequency of urination, which had been a constant source of discomfort, gradually subsided. This newfound control translated into a better night's sleep, free from frequent trips to the bathroom.
Enhanced Overall Well-being
Beyond the specific benefits for prostate health, I also experienced a general boost in well-being. The supplement includes ingredients like vitamin D3 and zinc, which contribute to overall health and immunity. I felt more energized throughout the day, and the peace of mind gained from improved urinary control was invaluable.
Easy to Take, No Harsh Side Effects
The capsules are easy to swallow and haven't caused any unwanted side effects. I typically take them with breakfast, and they haven't interfered with any other medications I'm on. It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, but in my case, Primal Flow integrated seamlessly into my daily routine.
A Valuable Addition to My Health Regimen
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with the positive impact Primal Flow (French Version) Supplements have had on my prostate health and well-being. The natural formula, noticeable improvements, and ease of use make it a valuable addition to my health regimen. If you're looking for a natural solution to support prostate health, I highly recommend giving Primal Flow a try. Remember, as with any supplement, individual results may vary, but for me, it's been a game-changer.
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
Hello Mia! I'm loving your headcanons so far, and I'd love to request one of my own if you're not too busy!
Can I request something fluffy where we play with Saeyoung's hair? I just want to spoil him 😭
Thank you!! <3
One domestic Saeyoung coming right up! :D
You were never good at videogames.
Of course, that's not to say that you did not have any videogames on your laptop for you to enjoy every once in a while, but competitive games were never quite your forte. The pressure of always working to get better and stronger at the stragedy than other players was just not something that excited you that much. Though, when it came to watching someone play, rather than participating yourself... Well, that's a different story all together.
An impressed hum escaped past your lips as yet another enemy player, that was unfortunate enough not to end up on Saeyoung's squad, was practically ripped to shreds in an instant they tried to initiate their stealth attack. You'd like to say that you were feeling bad for them...
But that would be a huge lie, as you were pretty biased when it came to your partner, and you were not at all ashamed to admit it.
And, as Saeyoung let out yet another celebratory whoop, gesturing wildly into the air like an excited parent cheering for their kid in their first football game, you clapped in agreement, nuzzling into his shoulder with a satisfied sigh. "Wow. You and Yoosung are merciless together. I know I wouldn't want to go against you in a match."
You giggled as he bumped you into your side with his elbow, quickly glancing your way, a huge wicked grin adorning his face, much to your amusement. Oh, he was absolutely loving this, and you were just as thrilled to see him having fun in his element. "Hehe, then it's a good thing you're my favorite kitty! Well, you and Saeran. Oh, and Elly. And Longcat. And Grumpy cat. And Keyboard cat. And Nyan-"
"Okay, okay, I get it, you love cats!" You playfully smacked him on the chest, bursting out laughing in the process. While an hour long lecture about the impact cats have had on the human culture and how cats are way better than humans certainly would be interesting to listen to, now's definitely not the time for that. Later tonight, though? You were all for it. "You've still got one last match to beat. Victory now, kitties later."
"And that's why your my favourite kitty of them all." He proclaimed proudly, puffing out his chest with false bravado, as if he was a king announcing you as his new royal guard or something.
...Okay, maybe you've just watched too much historical fiction recently with this one.
As the last battle continued raging on, you felt his hair softly brush against your face from where you were sitting, pressed up against his side. Initially, you merely scrunched up your nose at the ticklish sensation, continuing to focus most of your attention on the game unfolding itself in front of you. But, to your dismay, with your redheaded boyfriend constantly shifting and squirming in his place, his hair just continued to brush against you time and time again, which did get a bit annoying after a while.
It's like it has a mind of its own or something!
Your desire to stay nestled up next to him was stronger than your annoyance, though. So, you merely raised one of your hands in an attempt to brush away some of the unruly red locks out of the way, so that they would stay in their position and stop bothering you. But, as you turned your gaze to his hair, you couldn't help but notice just how messy and fluffy it was, making you blink in total bewilderment. Due to his room being completely dark, aside from the pale light coming from his desktop, you didn't really pay any mind to it before.
Did he not brush his hair today or something? It looked like a messy red ball of fluff, and that comparison alone was slowly making you crack up from the total hilarity of it.
"Pfft-" You snickered as you played with a few loose strands, watching it bounce back without any care in the world. While his hair was way softer when it looked, that still did not take away the messy tangles peeking out from practically every side of his head. "Hey, can I brush your hair real quick? Not to sound like a prude, but you look like a red hairball right now. Granted, a very cute red hairball, but that's not really the point."
He merely shrugged, obviously unbothered by the chaotic state his hair was in. "Sure, do whatever you want! I'm sure you want shave it all off, like Mary Vanderwood the 3rd would."
"That I won't, I assure you."
Getting his approval, you quickly retrieved a small hairbrush he kept in one of his bedside tables, checking whether it was clean or not before you got to any proper brushing. Thankfully, it was in decent condition, which is why you immediately returned to your comfy place on the bed, this time, nestling yourself behind him so that you could focus on his hair entirely.
Surprisingly, his curly locks were way more cooperative that you initially expected, easily untangling themselves under your careful strokes. You couldn't help but admire the rich red colour of his hair, watching it twist and turn under your every move, like small flames flickering inside a fireplace.
It was beautiful.
You did always find his hair pretty. Maybe it's just fate that you finally got a chance to play around with it properly. At this point, you weren't even looking at the game, too mesmerized by Saeyoung's unruly hair and how it slowly returned to its normal condition under your care.
You could hear your partner humming in approval, leaning into your touch like an affectionate cat finally getting himself brushed. He really was just like a huge spoiled kitty sometimes.
Once you were feeling satisfied with your result, you put the brush aside, giving his hair one last thorough ruffle with your fingers, watching it become a new type of charming mess all together. It just didn't feel natural to leave him with a neatly brushed out hair. His red locks always were a bit messy, and that's how you liked it!
Though, before you could move away from him completely, Saeyoung grabbed you by the arm, not letting you pull away.
"Well, don't stop there! Master, I demand to be petted... Or else I'll loose this match, and then I'll never be able to talk to my bestest friend Yoosung ever again! My pride and our friendship depends on you and your pets, Y/N!" He whined, practically nuzzling against you even with his back still turned to you. Jeez, did it really feel that good...?
Well, regardless, not like you could refuse a request like that. "You're such a drama queen sometimes... Didn't know that my fingers are that good at their job, but okay."
He snickered. "I can think of some other things your pretty little fingers are exceptional in, player number two. Just so you know."
"Oh my God, Saeyoung!"
This time, you ruffled his hair with way more force on purpose, making you both tumble onto the bed in a fit of joyous laughter, game long forgotten.
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Castaway Diva - Wrap Up Review
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I'm not quite sure what it was, but something about Castaway Diva felt like something of a throw back to the K-drama golden age of the early 2010s. Perhaps it was the plot(s - there were a lot of them), perhaps it was the characters (who were both deeply traumatised and wonderfully carefree), perhaps it was the way it was a simply just very fun watch (as long as you didn't think about it too hard, once you started asking questions things got a little holey).
Overall I did have a good time watching this; I liked the characters, I enjoyed their different dynamics, I even liked some of the songs, which is not normally the case for me with musical dramas but Dream Us is now on a playlist and I've looked up a few of the other songs too. The story itself was a relatively fun ride too, although it did suffer from being, for lack of a better phrase, very over stuffed. Domestic abuse, identity theft, the politics of the Korean entertainment industry, a social re-intergration plotline, a love triangle, and more all jostled for screen time and dominance and there were definitely times when it felt like were two completely different dramas going on at once, ones which just happened to be sharing sets and a cast. That feeling only grew as the drama progressed, unfortunately, along with the suspicion that, because Castaway Diva couldn't decide on what it wanted to be, both major plotlines suffered as a result.
One thing I did really enjoy the whole way through was the cast. Park Eun Bin was as stunning as always (although for the first 2 episodes it did sometimes feel like she was trying to shake off the last vestiges of Extraordinary Attorney Woo); it was great to see Chae Jong Hyeop in a lead role again; and Hakyeon impressed a lot as the second male lead with an actual heart of gold. I also really enjoyed Kim Hyo Jin as Kim Ran Joo, it was my first time seeing her in any role and she definitely left a very positive impression, so positive that I'm planning to keep an eye on what she does next.
Equally impressive as the adults were Lee Re as young Mok Ha and Moon Woo Jin as young Ki Ho, both of whom put on such compelling performances that I almost wished we could have had a drama solely dedicated to their lives on the island. Their performances and plotline were some of the highlights of the entire show for me and perhaps therein lies the main problem: the first episode was so impactful but so different from everything that came after it that my mind kept drifting back to those first 60 minutes and wanting more, wanting it so much that the fact that there wasn't more felt like a genuine loss, the loss of a very different, much darker, much more serious drama-that-could-have-been.
TLDR Stats
🎧 Music: 7.5/10 - Dream Us is on repeat and the other songs weren't skipped.
🎭 Acting: 8.5/10 - They carried the many plots and they carried them well.
📑 Story: 7.0/10 - The writers should have picked one story to focus on instead of trying to shoehorn two very different it's into one drama. The bits we got of each drama were pretty good and would only have got better if the focus was solely on them.
👩‍⚖️ Overall: 7.5/10 - I enjoyed it while I was watching it but I doubt I'll be watching it again.
🙆‍♀️ Rec for: People who are looking for a relatively light, uncomplicated watch with highly enjoyable chemistry between characters although be warned the first episode is anything but light.
🙅‍♀️ Wreck for: People who like to ask the question "why?" when watching dramas.
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Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the Bedroom
For years, I'd been struggling with intimacy issues. Let's just say it was putting a strain on my relationship. I tried eve...
Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the Bedroom
For years, I'd been struggling with intimacy issues. Let's just say it was putting a strain on my relationship. I tried everything – exercise, a healthier diet, even those weird contraptions you see advertised late at night. Nothing seemed to work, and my confidence was at an all-time low.
Finding Aizen Power Supplements
Then, I stumbled upon Aizen Power Supplements while browsing online. The claims seemed too good to be true: natural ingredients, improved performance, and increased stamina. But after reading numerous positive reviews, I decided to give it a shot. Let me tell you, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Improved Performance
Within a couple of weeks of taking Aizen Power Supplements daily, I noticed a significant difference. My stamina increased dramatically, allowing me to last much longer during intimacy. This newfound endurance made everything more enjoyable for both me and my partner. The results were undeniable, and my confidence started to soar.
Natural Ingredients
What really impressed me was the fact that Aizen Power Supplements are made with natural ingredients. I was hesitant to try anything synthetic or chemical-laden, but Aizen's focus on natural extracts put my mind at ease. After doing some research, I learned that the formula includes powerful ingredients like Tongkat Ali and Maca root, both known for their potential benefits in male health.
Enhanced Stamina
The increased stamina I experienced wasn't just limited to the bedroom. I noticed I had more energy throughout the day, allowing me to tackle my workouts and daily tasks with renewed vigor. This newfound stamina was a welcome change, and it had a positive impact on all aspects of my life.
Discreet Packaging and Fast Delivery
Aizen Power Supplements also impressed me with their discreet packaging and fast delivery. The product arrived within a few days of ordering, and the packaging was nondescript, which was important to me. I didn't want anyone else knowing what I was taking.
Overall Satisfaction
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Overall, I'm incredibly satisfied with Aizen Power Supplements. They've helped me overcome intimacy issues, boosted my confidence, and given me a much-needed energy boost. If you're looking for a natural solution to improve your performance and stamina, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power Supplements a try. They've been a game changer for me, and I believe they can be for you too.
Disclaimer: It's important to note that I'm not a medical professional, and this review is based on my personal experience. It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 months
Regarding ESDM
If there is anything I have to take about my first two weeks working in a clinic that does ESDM and has a strong and loud focus on trauma-informed care and strong and firm rules against basically any form of punishment, it's that I am honestly really impressed and honestly amazed at how genuinely comfortable, enthusiastic, and okay all the kids I've seen across two different clinic locations are to interacting with new people.
Like, coming from the perspective as someone who knows a lot about trauma, developmental psychology, developmental trauma, attachment theory, and just general autism, I think more than ANYTHING else, that that singular sign gives me a lot of security that this is something that is actually being helpful and having a good impact on the kids.
I don't really have the energy to go into it, but its such a clear sign of understanding that adults are supposed to be there to support, care, respond to needs, and create a positive and fun environment for children and with how LITTLE stress almost every kid I've seen goes through when they meet a new technician or an observer is just...
I don't even see this in neurotypical school settings and I'm honestly really just... surprised to see this not only in a setting where every kid has autism and where most kids with autism are adverse to some level change and transitions and new stimuli.
Like I've been a completely new face to the clinic, but introduced by familiar faces as a new friend. And I just?? Really think its really nice to see a bunch of kids readily trusting the world to be their friend if someone they know and trust says that they are a friend.
My traumatized ass has a small part in my brain that goes "no but if they trust people so easily, they are being set up to be abused and [redacted trauma]" but honestly... 1) the practicality of that thinking is not good as it would imply that we SHOULD make them distrust the world and think of the world as hostile for their safety which I disagree with and 2) distrusting the world really didn't save me any abuse and very directly put me at higher risk for it; so as much as a little part of my brain whispers that its dangerous for a kid to feel safe in the world, overall I'm just... so in awe.
It's also really kind of amazing how readily we see staff just teaching co-regulation and comforting the kiddos and meeting them where they're at and honoring even the most unclear attempts at communication???
Like... honestly? I'm feeling very good about working here albeit my general burn out that lowkey got MURDERED by one really cute client that reminds me way too much of me as a kid that I get to close my work day with like three times a week.
I still don't know how much of this is the model and how much of this is the clinic so I can't generalize and say that ESDM is never a problem, but I'd honestly enthusiastically send my younger self here, if I had them - I'd send my kids here, and I'd recommend this clinic at the very least to any of my peers.
I don't think I can publicly name the clinic I work at both for anonymity sake and also because I'm not sure if its allowed but.... man. I really haven't ever seen so many kids having responsive care and showing that they spend a lot of time in a highly responsive "daycare" center that explicitly helps teach emotional regulation and care with an assumed trauma background.
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blueboyluca · 11 months
(Just found your blog, you have some great posts about everything dog, definitely going through stuff!) I'm in a similar boat with a Third Dog potential, and needing neighbour approval, do you have any tips on making a lil proposal document? Did taking cookies help? I don't really know my neighbours, so I want to make the best impression possible >v< Thanks so much <3
Hello! Just noting that I don't have third dog yet, which means I don't have 100% approval yet as the dog needs to actually be here for that, but I don't expect anything to go awry now.
This got long, sorry. But hopefully it's helpful as it outlines everything I did.
To start with, I am friendly with my neighbours. When I first moved in I introduced myself to 6 of the other units as they were home at the time. Since then, I am cordial and wave when we pass by, and sometimes I chat to three of them if we are outside at the same time. The others keep to themselves, which is fine with me. Other relevant information is that I've never had any complaints about my current dogs and five other units have or have had dogs or cats (never more than two).
For my proposal letter, I kind of treated it like a job proposal and a cover letter. I put my personal details at the top. I titled it "Proposal for third dog at Unit X" and I added the date. I broke the document into sections with headings – Background, Council approval, Appropriate care, Impact and Conclusion.
In Background I talked about my history at the property, information about my current dogs and information about the proposed dog. I purposely downplayed some of the details, e.g. highlighted the dog would be under 10kg fully grown, called it a "papillon mix" instead of a "border collie mix" and focused heavily on the sporting dog angle. I also talked about my dog credentials, leaning on my current role as president of a dog club. If you don't have something like that to mention, I'd just focus on your commitment to training, accomplishments of your current dogs and a clear and concise explanation of why you want to add another dog, focusing on the positives and absolutely not adding anything that could be taken poorly.
In my area you need to register dogs to legally be allowed to keep them and a third dog requires a special registration. In Council approval, I briefly talked about how I would seek some kind of pre-approval registration and I also got to mention that I personally made five animal education videos for the council (I'm a professional video editor). For someone who doesn't conveniently have that on their resume, I would just talk briefly about the process you intend to undertake if registration or similar is required in your area.
In Appropriate care, I talked about how I'm a responsible dog owner, i.e. my dogs are registered, microchipped and up to date on vaccinations. I pointed out how often my neighbours ought to see me exercising my dogs, how I attend a dog club, that I utilise local parks (as my yard is small) and maintain an exercise schedule. I also have the benefit of a partner that stays home during the day. Basically this section is just to talk about how I'm good at owning dogs.
For Impact, I stated that I didn't think a third dog would make a major impact on the property due to the aforementioned appropriate care, and that my workplace is dog friendly and my yard is secure. This is where you could say something similar about what you intend to do to limit the impact on neighbours.
The Conclusion was just basically me reiterating that I'm a great dog owner, saying thanks for considering this, and please contact me if you wish to discuss further.
Then I printed out copies and put them in envelopes and bought a couple bags of cookies which I divided up into little party bags. Then I worked up my courage and knocked on their doors to chat. I started by apologising for interrupting, then briefly explained the situation (I want a third dog, this is why), gave them the letter (explaining it had more detail), handed over the cookies and thanked them for listening. My goal was to kind of get it all out before they could really say anything and then leave. This generally worked as most of them just took the letter and the cookies and said thanks. A couple of them said right away they didn't mind at all. One expressed doubts about barking. I asked if he had issues with my current dogs and he said no, so I just thanked him for his time and left it there.
A couple days later I went back to find out what they had decided (the ones who hadn't already told me) and they were all yes votes. I didn't approach one of the units because they're renting and I was socially exhausted by then and was happy with the majority I had.
I hope this helps! It can be really intimidating to do social things like talking to people about something you really want, but I like to rip the bandaid off and I wanted to know if it was going to happen or not so I just forced myself to do it and then it was over and now I get what I want!
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healthinfo369 · 1 month
## A Lifesaver for Energy Levels: My Experience with Vitamin World's Ultra 360 Multivitamin
For years, I struggled with constant fatigue. No matter how much sleep I got, I always felt sluggish and drained. This impacted my work, my social life, and overall well-being. I tried various things to boost my energy, from changing my diet to exercising more, but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference.
**Seeking a Natural Solution**
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That's when I decided to explore natural supplements. I did some research and came across Vitamin World's Ultra 360 Multivitamin. What initially drew me to this product was its focus on whole-food sourced vitamins and minerals. Many multivitamins use synthetic ingredients, which my body often struggles to absorb. Ultra 360 promised a blend of essential nutrients derived from natural sources, making it easier for the body to utilize.
**Tailored for My Needs**
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Another aspect that impressed me was the variety within the Ultra 360 line. It offered options for both men and women, with each formula catering to specific needs. I opted for the Women's 50+ version, as it contained additional ingredients to support bone health and immune function, both of which become more important with age.
**Improved Energy and Overall Wellness**
After incorporating Ultra 360 into my daily routine, I noticed a significant change within a few weeks. The fatigue that had become a constant companion began to dissipate. I started waking up feeling more refreshed and energized throughout the day. This newfound energy not only improved my work performance but also allowed me to be more active and engaged in my personal life.
**Beyond Energy: Additional Benefits**
The positive effects of Ultra 360 went beyond just increased energy. My overall well-being improved as well. I noticed a significant boost in my immune system. I used to catch colds quite frequently, but since taking the multivitamin, the frequency has considerably reduced. Additionally, my nails seemed stronger and my hair felt thicker and healthier.
**A Reliable Source of Essential Nutrients**
I truly appreciate the peace of mind that comes with taking Ultra 360. It ensures that I'm getting a comprehensive range of essential vitamins and minerals, even if my diet isn't always perfect. This is especially important as we age, when our bodies become less efficient at absorbing nutrients from food.
**Highly Recommend for Anyone Seeking a Natural Wellness Boost**
Overall, I'm incredibly satisfied with Vitamin World's Ultra 360 Multivitamin. It has become a staple in my daily routine and has genuinely improved my energy levels, overall health, and well-being. If you're looking for a natural way to boost your energy and overall health, I highly recommend giving Ultra 360 a try. Remember, it's always best to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements, but for me, Ultra 360 has been a real game-changer.
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healthy-world5 · 1 month
Pineal Gland & Manifestation Supplement: A Positive Experience
I recently decided to try the Pineal Gland & Manifestation Supplement, intrigued by the potential to enhance my overall well-being and potentially unlock the power of manifestation. While I approached it with a healthy dose of skepticism, I'm happy to report that my experience has been overwhelmingly positive.
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Improved Mental Clarity and Focus
One of the most noticeable changes I've observed since taking the supplement is a significant improvement in my mental clarity and focus. My thoughts feel sharper, and I find myself able to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without getting easily distracted. This has been particularly beneficial in my work, allowing me to tackle complex projects with renewed efficiency and creativity.
Enhanced Energy Levels
Another welcome change has been a noticeable boost in my energy levels. Prior to starting the supplement, I often felt drained and sluggish throughout the day. However, since incorporating it into my routine, I've experienced a sustained increase in energy that allows me to be more active and productive. This has been particularly impactful in my daily life, allowing me to engage in activities I previously found tiring without feeling depleted.
Deeper Sleep and Relaxation
Perhaps the most surprising benefit I've experienced is a significant improvement in my sleep quality. I fall asleep faster and experience deeper, more restful sleep throughout the night. This has led to a feeling of being more refreshed and energized upon waking, further contributing to the overall improvement in my energy levels.
Manifestation Potential
While the supplement primarily focuses on supporting the pineal gland's health and function, I have also noticed a subtle shift in my approach to manifestation. I find myself setting intentions with greater clarity and conviction, and I've experienced a few instances where seemingly coincidental events have aligned with my desired outcomes. While it's impossible to definitively attribute these occurrences to the supplement, I believe it has played a role in enhancing my receptivity and openness to the power of manifestation.
Overall Impression
Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the positive impact the Pineal Gland & Manifestation Supplement has had on my well-being. The improvements in my mental clarity, energy levels, and sleep quality have been significant and noticeable. While the potential for enhanced manifestation remains an intriguing aspect, the tangible benefits to my overall health and focus have been the most impactful outcomes. If you're looking for a natural supplement to support your overall well-being and potentially unlock the power within, I highly recommend giving this product a try.
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A Reinvigorated Spirit: My Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
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A Spot of Vigour Returned: My Positive Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
A Lifelong Athlete's Lament
As a man who has always prized himself on an active lifestyle, entering my late forties came with a certain trepidation. The subtle niggles and strains that had never before impeded my exercise routine began to manifest more frequently. Recovery times lengthened, and that ever-present spring in my step seemed to be slowly diminishing. I tried various common remedies – a change in diet, increased sleep, even a stint with yoga – but nothing seemed to truly address the underlying issue. It was at this point that I stumbled upon Emperor's Vigor Tonic.
Seeking a Natural Solution
While I'm not one to shy away from modern medicine, I've always preferred a more natural approach to health whenever possible. Emperor's Vigor Tonic, with its blend of Ayurvedic herbs, appealed to this preference. The ingredient list boasted Ashwagandha, known as a natural energizer, and Safed Musli, reputed to improve vitality. These, alongside other beneficial herbs, promised a holistic approach to regaining my lost vigour.
A Pleasant Surprise
I began taking Emperor's Vigor Tonic twice a day, as directed. Within a couple of weeks, I noticed a positive shift. My mornings were greeted with a renewed sense of energy, that initial lethargy replaced by a welcome eagerness to start the day. Workouts, once a chore, became enjoyable again. I pushed myself further, yet recovered significantly faster. The aches and stiffness that had become a constant companion began to subside.
Beyond Physical Benefits
The benefits extended beyond the physical realm as well. The improved sleep quality I experienced can likely be attributed to the tonic's calming properties. This, in turn, had a positive impact on my mental clarity and focus throughout the day. I felt sharper, more decisive, and able to tackle tasks with renewed enthusiasm.
A Reliable Stamina Booster
Emperor's Vigor Tonic quickly became an indispensable part of my daily routine. It wasn't a magic potion, but a reliable and natural way to enhance my overall well-being. Whether it was a weekend hike with friends or a long day at the office, the tonic ensured I had the stamina and focus to power through.
A Word on Sustainability
I'm particularly impressed with the sustainable practices the company behind Emperor's Vigor Tonic adheres to. Their commitment to ethically sourced, organic ingredients resonates with my values. It's a comfort knowing that the product I'm using is not only good for me but also kind to the environment.
A Recommendation for the Active Man
If you're a man over forty experiencing a decline in energy or a loss of vigour, I wholeheartedly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It's a natural, safe, and effective way to reclaim your zest for life. It has certainly given me back the spring in my step, and for that, I'm incredibly grateful. Remember, consult your physician before starting any new supplement, but for me, Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been a game-changer.
A Reinvigorated Spirit: My Experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic
For years, I felt a nagging lack of energy. The fire I once possessed seemed to dampen, leaving me sluggish and unenthusiastic. I struggled to keep up with my daily tasks, and even simple activities felt like a chore. It wasn't until I discovered Emperor's Vigor Tonic that I began to reclaim my zest for life.
A Natural Solution
Having grown wary of chemical-laden medications, I sought a natural approach to regaining my vitality. After much research, I came across Emperor's Vigor Tonic, an herbal blend specifically formulated to combat fatigue and promote overall well-being. The tonic's reliance on natural ingredients like Ashwagandha, Ginseng, and Maca Root resonated with me, offering a safe and effective alternative to conventional remedies.
Improved Energy Levels
Within a couple of weeks of incorporating Emperor's Vigor Tonic into my daily routine, I noticed a significant shift in my energy levels. The morning fogginess that had plagued me for so long began to dissipate. I found myself waking up feeling more alert and refreshed, ready to tackle the day with renewed enthusiasm. Throughout the day, I experienced a sustained sense of energy, allowing me to power through my workload without feeling drained.
Enhanced Stamina and Focus
The benefits of Emperor's Vigor Tonic extended beyond just increased energy levels. I noticed a remarkable improvement in my stamina as well. Tasks that once left me feeling depleted no longer seemed daunting. I could push myself further, both physically and mentally, without experiencing the usual fatigue. Additionally, the tonic seemed to sharpen my focus and concentration. I found myself getting lost in work for extended periods without succumbing to mental fatigue. This newfound clarity significantly enhanced my productivity.
A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing
Emperor's Vigor Tonic's impact wasn't solely limited to physical invigoration. I also observed a positive change in my overall mood and well-being. The tonic appeared to have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety that often contributed to my sluggishness. I felt more optimistic and motivated, approaching challenges with a newfound sense of determination. This holistic approach to wellness was a welcome change, addressing the root causes of my fatigue rather than simply masking the symptoms.
Safe and Easy to Use
One of the aspects I particularly appreciate about Emperor's Vigor Tonic is its ease of use. The daily dosage is convenient, and the tonic itself has a pleasant, earthy taste that blends well with water or juice. I haven't experienced any unwanted side effects, and the natural ingredients give me peace of mind knowing I'm not putting any harsh chemicals into my body.
A Life Regained
Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been a game-changer for me. It has helped me reclaim the energy and vitality I thought were lost forever. I now approach each day with a sense of purpose and enthusiasm, tackling challenges with renewed confidence. If you're seeking a natural solution to combat fatigue and promote overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a more invigorated and fulfilling life.
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Seeking a Natural Solution
After consulting with a healthcare professional, I embarked on a quest to find a natural solution to combat my fatigue. I was wary of resorting to chemical-laden medications, and I preferred a more holistic approach. Through my research, I stumbled upon Emperor's Vigor Tonic, an all-natural herbal supplement that promised to enhance energy levels and promote overall vitality. The ingredients list, boasting of well-known invigorating herbs like Ashwagandha and Ginseng, piqued my curiosity. Intrigued by the prospect of a natural remedy, I decided to give Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try.
A Noteworthy Shift in Energy Levels
Within a couple of weeks of incorporating Emperor's Vigor Tonic into my daily routine, I began to notice a significant shift in my energy levels. The fatigue that had become a constant companion started to subside. I woke up feeling more refreshed, and the sluggishness that had plagued me throughout the day seemed to dissipate. A renewed sense of vigour coursed through me, allowing me to tackle my tasks with newfound enthusiasm. I found myself getting more done in a shorter amount of time, and I was even able to squeeze in some extra activities that I had previously neglected due to exhaustion.
Enhanced Focus and Concentration
But the benefits of Emperor's Vigor Tonic extended beyond just increased energy. I also noticed a remarkable improvement in my focus and concentration. The brain fog that used to cloud my thinking seemed to lift, replaced by a clarity that I hadn't experienced in years. I was able to concentrate better on my work, absorb information more efficiently, and think more creatively. This newfound mental sharpness significantly improved my productivity and allowed me to approach my work with a renewed sense of purpose.
A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing
Emperor's Vigor Tonic did more than just energise my body and mind; it also seemed to have a positive impact on my overall well-being. I felt more optimistic and resilient, better equipped to handle daily challenges. The nagging sense of fatigue that had been weighing me down for so long had finally lifted, replaced by a newfound zest for life. I found myself sleeping better at night, waking up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. This holistic approach to wellness was exactly what I needed to get back on track and live life to the fullest.
A Remarkable Transformation
In conclusion, my experience with Emperor's Vigor Tonic has been nothing short of remarkable. This natural supplement has helped me reclaim my energy, sharpen my focus, and improve my overall well-being. It has empowered me to live a more active and fulfilling life. If you're looking for a natural solution to combat fatigue and enhance your vitality, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a more energetic and fulfilling you.refresh Regenerate drafts volume_up
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A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing
Emperor's Vigor Tonic's impact wasn't solely limited to physical invigoration. I also observed a positive change in my overall mood and well-being. The tonic appeared to have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety that often contributed to my sluggishness. I felt more optimistic and motivated, approaching challenges with a newfound sense of determination. This holistic approach to wellness was a welcome change, addressing the root causes of my fatigue rather than simply masking the symptoms.
Safe and Easy to Use
One of the aspects I particularly appreciate about Emperor's Vigor Tonic is its ease of use. The daily dosage is convenient, and the tonic itself has a pleasant, earthy taste that blends well with water or juice. I haven't experienced any unwanted side effects, and the natural ingredients give me peace of mind knowing I'm not putting any harsh chemicals into my body.
If you're seeking a natural solution to combat fatigue and promote overall well-being, I highly recommend giving Emperor's Vigor Tonic a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a more invigorated and fulfilling life.
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medicalpoint · 1 month
Aizen Power Supplements: A Powerful Ally for Men's Wellbeing
I've been using Aizen Power Supplements for the past few months, and I'm truly impressed witht the positive impact they've had on my overall well-being. As a man, maintaining peak physical performance and a healthy libido is important. Aizen Power has become a valuable ally in achieving these goals. Enhanced Energy and Stamina:
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Since incorporating Aizen Power into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant boost in my energy levels. Whether it's hitting the gym, tackling a busy workday, or keeping up with an active lifestyle, I feel energized and ready to take on any challenge. This newfound stamina allows me to push myself further and achieve more throughout the day. Improved Performance: The increased energy translates directly into my athletic performance. My workouts have become more intense and productive. I can lift heavier weights, push myself for longer durations, and recover faster between sets. This newfound strength and endurance have contributed significantly to my overall fitness goals. Heightened Focus and Clarity: Aizen Power has also positively impacted my mental clarity and focus. Throughout the day, I feel sharper and more alert. This allows me to concentrate better on tasks, improve my productivity, and approach challenges with a clear mind. This mental edge is invaluable in both my professional and personal life. Natural and Safe Ingredients: One of the things I appreciate most about Aizen Power is its focus on natural ingredients. The supplement is free from harsh chemicals or artificial additives, giving me peace of mind about what I'm putting into my body. A Discreet and Effective Solution: Aizen Power comes in a convenient and discreet package, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. The capsules are easy to swallow and have no unpleasant taste. Overall, Aizen Power offers a safe, effective, and convenient way to enhance your well-being. In conclusion, I highly recommend Aizen Power Supplements to any man seeking to improve his energy levels, physical performance, mental focus, and overall well-being. The natural formula, combined with its effectiveness, makes Aizen Power a powerful ally for men's health.
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