#I'm insecure about this ngl
maximumkillshot · 2 years
My Everything
Warnings: Everything in the A/N... ITS DIRTY I CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ELSE
Pairing:Sam x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Y/N
A/N:  Anonymous asked (and I mean a long fucking time ago!: Can you write a Sam/Reader where he catches the reader having a wet dream and for the next few days is even more awkward than usual. Then he has a wet dream. Sam and the reader hate each other, and the dreams lead to hate sex?
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Sam POV:
“If I look at this book anymore I swear my eyes are going to melt out of my skull” Dean droned for the fortieth time. It’s almost 4 am in a dingy hotel room with my brother and… her… Y/N. 
We were friends as kids but as we got older we grew apart, sometimes I wondered if I ever really liked her or just tolerated her for Bobby’s sake. She was always arrogant and cocky, kind of like my brother in that way. She is also very headstrong and dominating, which is partially why I think I can’t stand her so much. I like girls that like to take the seat next to me, but allow me to take the reins, not because I think I’m better or stronger than them. Believe me, nothing is sexier than a capable woman, but I want her to want to do that, to want to give me that kind of control. Y/N is not that kind of girl… which is why we clash so much.
She, also a lot like Dean, hates research, which is why as soon as she and Dean came back from the bar, she collapsed onto my bed, which only made me more angry. I hate sharing a bed with her, she always tosses and turns, I can never get sleep. Come to think of it…. 9 times out of 10 she picks me as the sleeping partner for the night. Maybe that’s why I’m so tense. 
All of this doesn’t mean that she’s not a great hunter, because she is. She’s one of the best Dean and I have seen in a while, she's deadly accurate with most weapons, light on her feet, and a straight up brawler when she needs to be, which makes her valuable in tough situations. Though, given, she is the one making those situations tough in the first place.
I heard Dean grunt again and I had enough, he barely made it through one article when I blew through fifteen already, “Look, Dean. Take a shower and head to bed. It's already 4am. I can’t deal with your whining anymore.”
“Someone’s cranky,” Dean quipped as I looked up from my file, “What’s gotten into you? Ever since we teamed up with Y/N you’ve been more angsty than a goth teen in highschool.”
I took a calming breath, “Nothing Dean, just a lot to go through, and it’s not like I’m getting sleep tonight with her in my bed…” I groaned as I looked to the bed that was now rustled sufficiently with Y/N layed out in an X position.
“How can someone so tiny take up that much space?” Dean asked absent mindedly as he went to grab his toiletries and pajamas, “and the woman sleeps like a rock. Sometimes I wanna poke her with a stick, see if she’s still breathing.” He chuckled. 
I let out a huff and said, “Yeah it’s funny for you but not for me. I get no sleep at all. She’s always kicking, tossing, turning, it never ends with her.”
“You two are cute, you know.” Dean said absentmindedly…
“I’m sorry?”
“That whole ‘angry sexual tension’ thing you two got going on… it’s cute.” He threw the comment behind his shoulder.
“Ew… Dean I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, she isn’t my type.” I scoffed and Dean turned around, halfway across the room.
“The type that takes control, the wreckless,mysterious, sarcastic type. Also known as the sexiest type of woman known to man? You know…” Dean turned back to his regular course, “You would see a confident woman and be threatened.”
“I am not threatened.” I said plainly.
“Oh really Sammy? Then why do you try to compete with her? Hmm?” Dean waited for an answer at the door of the bathroom and I had none so he just said, “that’s what I thought,” and closed the door behind him.
I didn’t think much of it until I heard a moan come from Y/N’s mouth. I looked over to see if she was okay and I noticed her cheeks were flushed.
One minute I’m running from a turnip that turned into a werewolf and the next I hear a stab, I turn around and Sam’s behind me with the werewolf dead on the ground.
“You do know werewolves run about three times as fast as you do.” He said with a smug look on his face as he took the blade out of the carcass.
“Yes, and you do know that I had that kill myself and you stole it?!” I seethed… I did not have that kill, I had no knife, no escape, Sammy just saved my ass and he can never know about it, “I was just playing with it before I finished it off.”
“Suuure you were, and you were going to stab it with what exactly, a well timed insult?” Sam sheathed the knife as he walked up to me.
“I…. I was working on it… Where’s Dean?” I asked as I looked around him. He had a look on his face, hungry and almost obscene, I have never seen him look at me like this.
“Dean’s getting food.” He said placidly.
“On a hunt?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” He asked. Then when I looked around the carcass was gone and we were alone in the bunker’s library.
“Huh” I sighed, “I could’ve swore we were-” I was interrupted by Sam.
“I could’ve swore you weren’t this sexy.” Sam looked at me up and down and my stomach twisted… in a flattered, excited way.
“What has gotten into you?” I asked as he approached me.
“Nothing, I always felt that way really, always wanted you.” He said as he gripped my hips and brought me closer to him, so close that I could smell his cologne, feel his breath on my face… it was so… arousing? No no something’s wrong. 
“Sam… I don’t”
“You don’t what?” He said as he pushed me against a table and lifted me onto it, “feel the same way?”
“Well..” I thought long and hard at this… It’s not that I hate him, I just hate that he is the way he is constantly criticizing me and challenging me. Not to mention the way he tries to take control like he is now… but why do I… why do I not mind it this time? “I don’t hate you…” I looked into his eyes..
“That’s a start,” He chuckled, “But do you feel the same way that I do?” He asked as he gently pulled me closer and let me feel him… His weight, his… fuck he is strong and big… in more ways than one. “What do you want right now?” He asked me…
“You,” I said. I couldn’t help the sentence from coming from my mouth. 
It was then that he kissed me slowly, I could feel every little touch every little movement, it set every part of me on fire, “Sam… Please…”
“Please fuck me, I need it.” I said as the next minute we were in my bed completely naked. He was on top of me and absolutely wrecking me in all the best ways. 
was …. Was that Sammy?
“Y/N! Wake up! Y/N/N! Get up!”
I looked into Sam’s eyes and then I woke up…
As things came into focus I realized that it was a dream, all of it was a dream… I could feel a wetness between my thighs and the cool breeze that said that it must've soaked through. Then I realized, the covers were ripped off and…. Sam was right over top of me… concerned…
Sam looked almost confused as he said, “What were you dreaming about?” It was then that he looked lower and saw what had happened…. A wet spot… right on my pants… If I could disappear that’d be great, or perhaps a random sinkhole to appear, that’d be delightful because the dawning of realization that hit him made me want to stop existing entirely.
“Oh.. oh God Ew Y/N!” Sam said as he threw the covers over my lower section, “About me?”
“What are you talking about?” I tried to act like I was still tired but we both knew… oh we both knew I was painfully aware of the situation. 
“You were moaning my name and ‘please’ and  something about fucking you… oah gahd Y/N/N, really?” Sam said awfully disgusted.
I decided to give up the act, it wasn’t going anywhere,“Believe me when I say I am more disgusted than you ever will be.” I spat.
“Oh please Ms. Independent, you wish you could bag someone like me.”
I laughed wholeheartedly, “You? The sweaty Moose of this trio? Really? Out of the suave bad boy and the nerdy sweaty lumberjack looking motherfucker you think I’d pick you? Hah you must be delusional.”
Sam laughed and said, “And you think I’d ever choose an entitled brat like you. The one that needs to cause trouble and needs to be in the middle of it all the time? Please I’m interested in ACTUAL WOMEN, not you, your similarities to other females start and stop at looks, on a good day.”
It felt like a knife went through me at that, “Fuck you Sam, like I can control what I dream about. Believe me if I did, you would be in my worst nightmares.”
I then heard Dean come out of the shower, “What’d I miss?”
Sam looked at Dean and said plainly, “Y/N was moaning while she was sleeping, I heard things and I saw things that I shouldn't have and now I want to burn out my eyes and sew my ears shut.” Sam spat as he sat down at the little table in the motel.
Dean looked confused for a second, formed a giant ‘O’ with his mouth then said, “Ohhh, someone had a dream?”
I nodded yes.
“You.. you had a dream that,” He motioned to Sam and then myself, “… and you...” Dean tried to get me to say it but I refused.
I nodded again…
“In your sleep?” Dean tried to reiterate, shocked…
“Can we please act like adults about this for 5 seconds!” I screamed in frustration, “My god you people act like I did this on purpose.”
Sam went to go off but Dean stopped him, “She’s right, Sammy. No more talking about it. No nothing…”
“But…” Sam looked shocked.
“Not a peep, Sam.” Dean then turned to me, “The shower’s open, plenty of hot water, go and shower, change, do whatever you need to… it happens, okay? Especially after high stress situations, Sammy knows that. He’s a bit on edge too.”
“I am not sleeping in that bed with her!” Sam said, almost accusatory and disgusted.
Dean looked to him and said, “Then take my bed yah Baby! Acting like she’s got cooties or something. Grow up.” He waved Sam off as he grabbed my bag and handed it off to me. 
Sam POV:
 As soon as the shower started so did I, “Dean it was disgusting.”
Dean rolled his eyes and said, “No you’re disgusting. I heard what you said to her and I thought you were raised better than that, ” he looked at me sternly.
“You don’t understand how much I hate this woman,” I huffed.
“And you don’t seem to understand basic psychology,” Dean spat. 
“What is that supposed to mean, Dean?” I asked.
“It means you’re really smart and really stupid at the same time,” Dean continued, “you were both fine with eachother until you were teenagers, Sam. You became hostile towards her for just being herself, and that made her hate what you do to her, but not you.. Sometimes you can be so dense it’s painful.” 
“Dean that’s not.” I tried to save face.
“Oh what Sammy? Not true? Really. Because y’all were inseparable when you were kids, I’d know, I was there. I had to pull you away from her every time Dad forced us back on the road. Or did you blissfully forget that? Or is it just convenient to forget? Ever since she became independent, you became a different person.”
“You know what Dean, just shut up. I need sleep.” I turned and went to bed.
After a few minutes of just lying in bed motionless I heard the bathroom door open and Y/N crawl into bed with Dean… I heard her whisper, “I didn’t mean to,” and sniffled. I pretended that I was asleep and turned slightly with my eyes cracked. 
I saw Dean holding her, “It’s okay, just surprised him is all, Princess. Go to sleep, it’s okay.” 
She looked so small sitting up in bed, when Dean laid back with her, she continued to quake as she held onto his sleep shirt.
It only made me seethe more. He didn’t understand what it’s like to have a friend who grew up with you one way then all of a sudden changes on you. He didn’t know what it’s like to have a partner in crime one day, and the next a… a person who wants to do their own shit, whether or not it included you.
I turned back around and everything went black for a second… then.
I was in a park, walking alone, it seemed. It had a huge lake in the middle with a little gazebo overlooking the water. I felt like I had to go there. I remember feeling nervous and almost out of place as I watched some kids run by with a dog. When I started to approach the gazebo I saw a woman looking out, she had the prettiest sky blue sundress, her hair out and flowing in the wind… She was facing the water so I couldn’t see who she was, but I knew I was there for her. 
The minute I walked into the gazebo she said, “I'd know you anywhere,” and turned around… It was Y/N? Why am I not angry? Why is she smiling at me?
“What’s going on?” I asked out loud.
“You tell me, Sammy.” She said as I looked confused. “You started pulling away first… so you tell me.” She looked inquisitive yet heart broken, my heart sank seeing her like that.
I sat at the gazebo with her and tried to come up with excuses, “Time changes people.”
“Only if they want to change,” She uttered.
“If you weren’t so stubborn…” I murmured.
“I have to be, to protect myself, you do the same thing,” She looked as tears began to well.
“We could’ve been,” the words caught in my throat before I could form them. I started looking into her eyes, “Why don’t you trust me?” 
“You never gave me a reason to trust you. Trust makes you vulnerable and I can’t trust you with my vulnerability, Sam.” She looked hurt, “I can trust you with many things, my friendship, my anger, my life… but never my vulnerability.” Her voice broke as she swallowed hard, “It would leave me exposed  if you had just decided one day to up and leave...” She huffed, “looks like I was right too.” 
“You knew I was always insecure about me being a tomboy and not being enough and yet you threw it in my face knowing I couldn’t control myself when I’m sleeping.” The tears started falling from her face, “you never gave me a reason, even though I wanted to give you everything.” 
“What?” I was confused.
“You hated me in high school because I was becoming myself and you just wanted to stay sheltered in your books, then you left to Stanford…” She said.
“I needed to get out,” I said plainly.
“Then you wound up with her… my opposite, then after all of that when you come back you still despise me and I don’t...”  She turned away, looking at the water. I watched her tears fall into the lake.
I rubbed her arms as I stood behind her, “I don’t despise you. I never despised you.”
“You don’t need to lie to me,” She spat as she went to walk away. By the time I turned around the gazebo was empty and walking out led me to a dark forest, where I heard a scream.
I ran in the direction of the yell and I found Y/N. Fear flared in me.
She was lying face down in a clearing, fang marks on her neck, pale as the moon, drained....
I ran to her and flipped her over. I heard her distantly say, “tell the truth.”
I cried and closed my eyes as I said, “I need you.” 
Her body disappeared and the forest was gone. I looked around myself and saw my room, Y/N sitting on my bed as I stood there in the center. 
She looked at me and said, “I need you too,” as she walked up to me and kissed me. I was so confused yet it all made sense. I felt a fire light in my chest as I kissed her back. The relief I felt made tears well up in my eyes as I held her close to me. I felt her heartbeat, heard her whimper, she was there and alive and with me.
She started taking off my clothes as I watched her, the smile she had plastered on her face so promising and daring. I blinked and we were together on the bed, her on top of me, riding me. It was a beautiful sight, the ways she moaned and gripped onto my chest for support… If I could I’d hold out forever, make this moment last but she is so tight and feels so good, “Y/N fuck I’m not gonna last, can I come inside you?”
“Do it… let go, Baby come inside me.” “Fucking hypocrite.”
I heard my brother, “Y/N? Calm down… just like you said he can’t control it.”
 This is bad.
“Stay with me.” She said as she bent down to kiss me.
It was then that I opened up my eyes to see a furious Y/N.
Dean had his hands up. “Y/N..”
She glared daggers into him and she barked, “LET ME GUESS,” she walked over to my bed and threw back the sheets… there it was, clear as day. A wet spot not only staining my pajamas but the sheets too.
“Well that’s one way to get up.” I groaned as I swung my legs over the bed.
“That’s all you have to say for yourself, really? I cried myself to sleep last night, having nightmares every two seconds yet you not only have a wet dream of me… BUT YOU…” She made a gagging noise, “YOU COME INSIDE DREAM ME?! As if I’d let you that close. I hate it when you nudge me in the Impala yet you think on some subconscious level that I’d let you come inside me?”
Dean intervened as I got up, “Look, I know this looks bad.”
“LOOKS BAD…” she huffed and paced, “No, Dean. A train wreck looks bad. A global catastrophe? Not a good look… THIS…”
Dean came in with, “I know I know… just let’s get you out of here before you kill him.” 
She looked to Dean then to me and said, “You are lucky there’s someone saving your ass… YET AGAIN!” and she stormed out.
Dean looked to me, “Sam, I don’t know how you’re gonna save this, but when I bring her back… you better have an idea, and a good one at that.”
I looked stunned, “Why does it have to be me?”
Dean’s face turned hard, “Because you started this you jackass! You made her feel like shit in an already embarrassing situation, she even had nightmares of you leaving her in a pit dying alone! YOU Sam, YOU made her hate you! And now, it’s time to man up and fix it!” He looked at his watch then back to me, “You have until tonight, 8pm, I think she’ll be cooled off by then. My bag is packed and I have another room. You two are gonna hash this out before we leave this town, no ifs, ands, or buts… got it?”
“Got it.” was all I could say as he stormed out…
This is just great. How in the hell am I going to go about this? 
Most of the day was spent nervously tidying up the room and doing some research, just waiting out the clock. Periodically Dean would text me, asking about my progress and all I said was that I was working on it. The truth is, I can’t make a plan if I don’t know her mood. Therefore, I’m gonna have to wing it. 
Finally 8pm hit and I was dressed in my regular clothes. I set out two beers at the small table in the room and waited. Pretty soon I heard the roar of the Impala and minutes later Y/N came in with Dean. 
Dean looked at both of us, “Whatever is happening here, it’s been here for years… You are my best friend, and you are my brother… figure this shit out. I’m going to my room,” with that Dean left the room.
As soon as the door closed Y/N stood there with her arms crossed, eyeing me cautiously.
“I have a beer for you, and a seat, if you want it that is,” I almost bit out.
Her nostrils flared and a fire started in her eyes, “I’m only tolerating you for Dean.”
“Sure whatever you say,” I spat.
She looked at me and said, “What is your problem with me? Huh? What have I ever done to you except support and deal with your fucked up self?!”
I felt anger boil as I looked at her, “I’m not the fucked up one here!” I got up and walked to her. She scoffed as I said, “I’m not the one that decided to shut down all those years ago and act like my shit doesn’t stink!”
She looked at me, “I grew into who I am today, Sam! I’m sorry that’s such a personal offense to you. That doesn’t give you a right to keep on challenging me and act like I am not only a stranger but a stranger you hate at that!”
I glared, “Oh please, as if you didn’t push me away!” I screamed.
“You were the one who left to Stanford… No goodbye,” she started listing on her hands, “no explanation, no ‘see you later’ or ‘see ya never’, no confirmation that you were alive or dead, no nothing, Sam. So tell me who pushed who away!?” Her eyes burned with hurt, hate, and something else. 
“Don’t,” I growled, “it wasn’t that simple.” The truth is the whole time I packed the only person I thought about was her. If I’d ever see her again, hold her, if I could convince her to come with me. In the end though, fear of not only Bobby but of Dad finding me to try to hash it out made me go on without her. I still have nightmares of that night but not of the fight, but of me not being able to get to her. 
She advanced on me, “Wasn’t that simple?” she breathed… “Who helped put you back together? Huh? All those breakups and all those times you were bullied in school, who did EVERYTHING to try to get through to you?” She scoffed, “Hell, you almost killed me when you were on demon blood just for shits and giggles and did I leave your sorry ass behind? NO... Dean had to PEEL me from you and drop me off somewhere saying it was for my own good but dammit Sammy I NEVER LEFT YOU. YOU…. LEFT… ME!” She screamed as tears were welling in her eyes as she looked at me…
“Why is it that every time I try to talk to you it turns into a Y/N pity party?” I screamed, frustrated, especially at her last statement. The whole time she was with me when I was on demon blood, I can’t even go into it. Tears stung my eyes as my hate not only for her, but for myself reached a boiling point. 
“I never asked for pity and I never wanted pity,” she spat out as I got closer to her, “I wanted you to see me and see that I gave a damn about you, you asshole!” She yelled as she tried to hit me. I caught her hands and pinned her against the wall.
The air was tense, heavy, angering, and frustrated. I could see her struggle against me as I looked at her, the fire in her now a full on inferno, searing into me, devouring me. She started to glare at me as she spat, “What now, Sam. I can’t move! Are you happy now?”
I gathered her hands into one of mine as I said, “I hate you.”
“Right back at you.”
“You’re stubborn, arrogant, wreckless, and you get on my nerves like no one else,” I growled, practically nose to nose with her.
“What are you going to do about it?” She glared at me. That was it, my restraint snapped as I crashed my lips into hers. Her whole body tensed and then relaxed as she wordlessly jumped and wrapped her legs around my hips. 
We were fighting for dominance as I pressed her against that wall, she was biting at my lips, trying to show who was in control but I wasn’t having it. I pulled away and looked at her. I watched her chest heave as I wrapped my hand around her tiny neck, just letting her know that I’m in control. “You look pretty like this,” I glared at her.
“Wait until you see me on top,” She spat.
“As if, I make the rules,” I pulled her towards me and threw her on the bed, she let out a devilish laugh as I pawed at her clothing, trying to get it off as quickly as possible.
“Rules are meant to be broken Sammy,” She quipped as she used my weight against me and pinned me to the bed, “Now be a good boy and stay still.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s the plan, Winchester.” She threw off her shirt and bra as she said that.
I immediately latched onto her chest as I started taking off my shirt. I could feel her grinding on top of me, when I heard her moan I pinned her again… “You don’t get to come until I let you.” I nipped her hard on the neck as she tried to grind into me.
She laughed, “You’re funny, thinking that you can even make me come.” 
I started unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, “we’ll see what you think about that in a second.” As soon as I was able to fit my hand into her pants I licked my fingers and started fingering her. I pushed and pulled slowly at first, feeling her clench, watching her trying to look unphased. I see those pupils, the way her lips are parted, she’s struggling.
She looked at me in defiance when I brushed that little bundle of nerves with my thumb and her hips jumped, I quirked an eyebrow, “oh I can make you come,” I said with confidence as I picked up the pace, watching her writhe and moan while I nipped and sucked at her breasts. The more I’m fucking her the more I wonder if I ever hated her in the first place. As soon as I felt her walls tighten slightly I pulled away.
“Damn it Sam!”
“You’re gonna come many times tonight… but the first…” I wrapped a hand around her neck, “The first time you’re coming is on my tongue.”
For the first time ever… I think she was speechless. I pulled her pants off and nestled myself between her legs, “Now don't come until I tell you to.” She was quiet and still as I began teasing her. She was so sweet and also something all her own, it just made me harder for her, I could hear her moaning despite herself, eventually grabbing my hair and directing me to where she wanted me. Not too long after I could hear her breath hitching, feel  her grip on my hair tighten, her legs starting to shake… oho she needed to come.
“I’m not done don’t you dare...” I growled into her as I continued my feast, I don’t really think I can get enough of this girl. Finally when I was done with her I looked into her eyes and nodded, giving permission.
With that she exploded on my tongue, sounding like a porn star as she did. She was so lost in it that I needed some relief. I found myself kicking off my jeans and underwear while I was getting her through the first of many orgasms tonight. By the time she was done I was hard enough to cut glass. 
I kissed up her body and whispered, “taste yourself”, as I kissed her with everything I had. She whined at her own flavor. Then I flipped her over, in any other position she can flip our positions, but not in this one. “I need to make sure you don’t surprise me.”
“Just fuck me Sam… please.” She bit out.
“So polite,” I mentioned to her as I slid in and caged her with my torso, after biting her shoulder at the feeling of her clench I said, “Keep being nice and maybe I’ll let you ride me.”
The whole night went like that, small breaks, fucking, then more breaks… By the time it was daylight we went from hating each other to smiling like two idiots at one another. 
In between breaks we talked, found that we don’t hate each other, we actually kinda love each other and maybe, just maybe we should pursue this. By the next morning we were joking with each other, flirting, and well, just being together.
When the sun peaked out of the blinds and I watched her settle in for a nap, I said something so natural that it felt like breathing, “I love you. I always have, just wanted you to need me.”
Y/N looked at me and gently grabbed my face, “I always needed you, just promise, you won’t leave like before… because I love you too and I can’t take not having you around.”
I looked at her and said, “I would never dream of it.” as I kissed her.
I got a text from Dean asking if we were alive and I let him know we hashed it out and are actually seeing each other now. Dean called and well as he said “IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME!”
After he hung up I settled with Y/N on my chest, sleeping peacefully. As for me, I went to bed knowing… She’s everything. My everything. 
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1​ , @ilostmyshoe-79​ , @teamfreewillimagines-blog​ , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​ , @chelsea072498​ , @brickwall035​ , @maui137 , @mogaruke​ , @jayankles​ , @butiaintgonnaloveem​ , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth​ ,              
@cole-winchester , @nanie5 , @emoryhemsworth , @carribear31 , @death-unbecomes-you, @clarinette07, @curlyhairedblueeyedangel, @deansbabygirl01, @anathewierdo , @atc74 , @kickasscas67-blog, @mannls, @adoptdontshoppets, @meganywinchester, @xalgaliareptx , @healojane, @wolfiebucky, @rayvenrider, @screechingartisancashbailiff , @superlockedtimelord, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @beltzboys2015-blog, @animegirlgeeky​, @paintballkid711​, @dolphincliffs​, @hawaiianohana15, @flamencodiva​, @sea040561​, @goddessofmischiefs ,@gublergirls , @noneedtoknow789, @supraveng ,@paryl, @stephthepeach,@prettysourabbie, @lyarr244, @malindacath, @melannie77 , @440mxs-wife
Jared/Sam Peoples!:
Wanna join the tag army? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
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diazsdimples · 6 months
Fuck It Friday/ Inspiration Saturday
Tagged by @wikiangela @actuallyitsellie @jesuisici33 @hippolotamus @wildlife4life @exhuastedpigeon @neverevan @spotsandsocks @theotherbuckley @cal-daisies-and-briars for Friday, tagging you all back for Saturday (sorry if I missed anyone, I am SO behind on my notifications)
Okay it's Saturday here but I'm sure it's still Friday somewhere right?? HAPPY BI BUCK TO EVERYONE!!!! This fic is inspired entirely by That Kiss, and it sparked me to make a 7x06 spec fic. So, please enjoy what will hopefully be the only snippet (godwilling) of the Why Are Buck and Eddie So Dirty At Madney's Wedding fic. This snippet is from the very beginning and yes, it is Bucktommy (for now), no I will not apologise for it. Enjoy!
“You-you’ve never called me that before” he breathes. Tommy brushes the pad of his thumb over Buck’s bottom lip, releasing it from his teeth. He brushes his other hand through Buck’s hair, fingers threading through his yet-to-be-tamed curls. “What, baby?” he asks, grinning as Buck’s eyes flutter shut at the utterance of the name once again. “Is that okay?” ‘Y-yeah,” Buck nods, leaning forwards to brush their noses together again, angling his face up in an implicit request for a kiss. “I kinda liked it.” Tommy hums out a laugh and Buck feels it reverberate deep in his chest. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he says softly, and he hooks his finger under Buck’s chin, just like he did the first time they kissed, and captures Buck’s lips with his. Every time he’s kissed by Tommy, Buck is introduced to a whole other side of the word “soft”. He’s had the feminine “soft” plenty of times, with the way Abby would curl into him after a long shift, or how Ali would brush his hair from his forehead with her nimble fingers, and even on the rare occasion with Taylor, when she was sleepy and would crawl into his arms and fall asleep in seconds.  With Tommy, it’s different. Tommy holds Buck like he’s a fragile egg, smoothing his thumbs over the cracks and balancing him in his palm. He’s soft in the way he holds Buck to his chest, or the way he kisses Buck’s hair while they’re watching a movie, or how he knows when Buck’s had a bad shift and needs to get out of his head for a bit, and will come over with pizza and beer and promises of kisses.  He’s soft in the way he presses his palm to the small of Buck’s back when they’re out together, but not as if he’s pushing Buck in a certain direction. More like he’s grounding Buck, showing him that he’s allowed to be out, happy, with a man.
tagging @watchyourbuck @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @rainbow-nerdss @babybibuck @evanbegins @fortheloveofbuddie @spagheddiediaz @loserdiaz @giddyupbuck @aroeddiediaz @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @thekristen999 @smilingbuckley @epicbuddieficrecs @underwater-ninja-13 @shortsighted-owl @loveyouanyway (also sorry if I've missed anyone, so many have changed urls and I can't keep up sksksks)
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thenotsolittlelady · 4 months
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"Oh don't you look beautiful, darling~ It's quite a pleasure~"
Wanted to draw @airanke 's beautiful girl Abiteth meeting Syllian so... here they both are! It's actually so nice seeing them together! <3
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thatstonedwriter · 1 year
Loona's Long Nose Post
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A/N: This is a crack piece based on a prompt I've been talking with an anon about. If you want the context, check out the Loona's Long Nose Post tag. Hope y'all can tolerate my attempts at humor. I also decided to expand the prompt a bit and add some fluff. I know the anon originally asked for a fem reader but I ended up keeping it gender neutral.
Content; platonic crack, fluff, gender neutral, no pronouns
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
At first, you thought nothing of it. Some new structure in the distance; it looked almost like a telephone pole. At least.. You could've sworn it was. But why did it keep getting taller?
It wasn't long until you decided to investigate. Trying to find the source was like looking for the end of a rainbow. Whatever it was, it was getting tall enough to rival the buildings of Imp City.
After a while of navigating the city, you start getting closer, zeroing in on the source of this strange phenomena. You race through the sketchy alleyways and dank tunnels. Then you turn a corner to see..
"Agh- Fuck!!"
Loona's looking up- she has to, because she needs to balance her nose- wait, that's what you've been chasing after all day?!
"How and why-"
"It's been like this all fucking day! Some dumbass kids thought it would be funny to cast a spell or some shit- ugh," She stumbles, managing to catch herself. "I'm gonna fucking kill them!" Loona screams, attempting to kick a nearby trashcan.
Unfortunately, due to the sheer fucking length of her nose, Loona lost her balance. She'd expected to hit the ground. She would've preferred to hit the ground. Instead, she has to deal with the humiliation of doing that Michael Jackson lean because her nose is propped up on a nearby building. And that only made things worse..
"What do I do," Loona groans. She stumbles back, regaining her balance with your assistance, and decides to sit with her back against the wall. She leans her head back, wincing. "Fuck, its killing my neck too. Would you uh.. mind helping me out..?"
She's hesitant, not wanting to seem selfish. Loona hasn't been used to asking for favors or being vulnerable, but you've changed that. Not to say Loona doesn't appreciate her other friends, but it's not exactly the same. Millie's usually preoccupied with Moxxie or spending more time with Blitzø. Blitzø is.. A whole other thing entirely. You're the first friend who has put in this much time, effort, and care.
She understands if you're not comfortable with initiating physical contact. Your company was already enough to start making her feel more relaxed.
"Hey.. Seems like your nose is uh.. going back to normal," you say. And it's true! Slowly but surely, at least.
"Yeah, not fast enough," Loona rolls her eyes- and sees her nose start to grow again. "Oh come on!!" 
"Wait wait wait! I think.. Maybe the spell is activated when you're upset, and deactivated when you relax.. "
"Seriously, you're just guessing that?"
"Yeah, so? We're working with limited information, here."
Loona rolls her eyes, huffing and combing her hands through her hair. "Well how do you suppose I relax with.. This," she gestures to her nose, giving you a (dare I say) bombastic side eye.
"I dunno. Let's just distract you.. Do you have music or anything? Or want to talk?"
Whatever it was, your methods worked. While Loona still had some.. Flare ups.. She's been managing to keep her nose from getting too long.
It's definitely not easy, but that's why she's glad she has you.
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mechahero · 4 months
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//Let's also not forget the discourse that would be "hurr durr trans character existing bad".
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oifaaa · 2 years
Tim watches ben Shapiro
Now hang on there Tim used to watch Ben shapiro we gotta recognise the little growth Tim has had as a character it reinforces good behaviour
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daz4i · 7 months
anxiety attacking me as usual. this time looking at the other events in the con and going "oh god oh fuck these sound so interesting oh my god some of these are actual professionals talking about their expertise oh- OH NO THEY THINK I'M A PROFESSIONAL TOO I'M GONNA BE SO DISAPPOINTING" etc etc. spiraling even tho this one is completely illogical. like yeah some of them are professionals but most are just random ppl who signed up. i know a few of them who are significantly younger than me too and are just doing this to have fun. i'm good i'm good (<- shaking in panic rn)
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angelcasendgame · 1 year
13, 26, 33 !
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Smut scenes are so so so incredibly difficult to write for me and I have lot of respect for people who can do it!! It's easy for me to write about hope, both with finding and losing it (don't psychoanalyze me 🙏🏽🙏🏽)
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I have a few collections of poems and writings that I associate with deancas, both individually and together that I read. Going into Dean's head can be A Lot sometimes bc of how much I relate to a lot of his issues and then I get Emotional and Angsty dfjkshfkdjdkd, so yes sometimes I do regret it. I don't really have a way out? I kinda just let it pass
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
I do but I don't feel like any of it really ties into my writing. Maybe one day I can write something that features it like a deancas learn embroidery fic dhfdhflfhksjs
weird writer asks
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35253319 · 1 year
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lord-rain-master · 1 year
wait so the eunuch serving the emperor is luo zishang's spy??
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aquasoftware · 25 days
FIVE STAR MEAL…★ ★ ★ ★ ★!!
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Synopsis: Married to the world's most judgmental chef also meant you feared him going anywhere near your not-so-shaved pussy.
CW: Not proofread ngl 😬, Chef! Geto, c*nnilingus, fingering, spit, praise, hair pulling, thigh hickeys, kissing, dirty talk, degrading (once), squirting, tatted!Reader, insecure! Reader, established relationship, hotel setting, you have a hairy cooter in this! Lmk if I missed sum!!
FT: Drabble.
WC: 1k || Paring : Geto x F!Reader || M.L
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When your husband is globally known for having a nasty attitude as a Michelin chef, of course, you were gut-wrenchingly nervous to let him eat you out.
Every "What if?" Always scurried across your scattered brain whenever Suguru pleaded to give you oral, which you brushed aside for another day until the two of you were on vacation for your 1-year anniversary, somewhat far away from the girls, while they were at your parent's house.
Praying he wouldn't treat you like he did to other chefs that he worked with, spitting out their dishes and telling them that gobbling their food was like eating shitty toxic waste, eventually you at last mustered up the courage to let him know what you really desired.
"You sure you're not gonna mind it being hairy, or.. what if I taste bad..?" You gulped, slightly grinding teeth as fidgety eyes bounced from side to side, spouting questions at Suguru left and right.
Oh? That's what this is about; this only made him abhorrently offended; you’d think he’d judge his sweet wife and her semi-unexplored jungle. You've let him finger you a couple of times, but each time was bare since being hairy made you profoundly self-conscious. Besides that, Suguru definitely snuck a taste on his fingers, although remembering it tasting like nothing, he still was prepared to eat your pussy as if it were an addictive drug.
"Trust me, baby, I'm going to take care of you real good; you're gonna wish you let me give you head sooner." Suguru smugly reassured, folding his arms as a devious grin marched in on his face.
And whew! He wasn't lying whatsoever, going slow at first, pressing tender sensual kisses at the dime-sized tattoos in between your thighs, while you rested on your elbows vigilant as to what he was doing exactly, breath hitching whenever Suguru's smooth lips trickled closer to your core.
Your husband began to harshly suck at the sensitive skin, creating dark marks on each thigh, causing you to quietly yelp, achieving a light snicker from out of him running his soft hands all over your body as he exhaled hot, steamy breath upon your aching pussy.
"Sugu..." Whining at the way his breath grazed your lower region, subtly asking for more, too impatient for anymore foreplay, soon satisfied enough, he finally licked a thin stripe across your clit, forcing your eyes to instantly shut.
His tongue lapped at your pussy as if it were nectar, eating it like he was on death row. Feeling his wet muscle slithering above your bundle of nerves in circles passionately sucking it every now and then; body uncontrollably writhing underneath Suguru’s face.
“Oh fffuck.. keep going, mhmm..” Your lips murmured words traveling straight to your husband’s ear, providing the extra motivation Suguru needed to devour that cunt whole.
He didn’t care the next person would call him disgusting for having lots of pube hair tickle his pale nose; either way, he was still going to swish his head side to side rapidly, enjoying the way your hands found solace in his raven tresses half near yanking it out of his skull developing pathetic whimpers against your throbbing pussy.
Sort of becoming embarrassed how even little vibrations from his moans led to your back arching, not at all bothered by the cruel chilly hotel air conditioning slapping close to your fiercely warm body way too in the moment of Suguru’s lewd sounds slurping down a five-star meal.
Hoping the two of you weren’t too loud during quiet hours in the lavish hotel, there was a huge attempt to keep your poor cries reduced, but you struggled, especially when Suguru covertly added fingers without warning.
Opening droopy eyes, you stared at the way this man had two fingers inserted inside, pushing them back and forth in a come here motion.“Haah haahh, shittt, u—use your fingers like that.” Mewling as loud as a siren, his slender fingers wriggling inward your mushy tightened walls felt like heaven, such in a daze that your brain persuaded you to believe that angels were singing to you.
You swore nobody could pull him away from your cunt, but he lifted his head up, panting as if he ran laps around the world. “Dirty girl, you like when I curl my fingers like this?” Suguru serenely spoke betwixt breaths, mildly biting his lip while his almond eyes traced your frame, in love with how the cream on his fingers oozed onto strands of hair from your lower lips.
Throwing your head back towards the mattress, unfortunately too engulfed in pleasure to even answer an inquiry like that right now, his fingers continuously targeted your g-spot, resulting in a deafening sing song squeal that echoed all around the spacey hotel room.
“Hmm, I think I’ve found your sweet spot, baby…” Your man cooed as freckled, sprawled-out goosebumps formed on your arms, the tone of his voice turning you on even more while he proceeded to plunge his fingertips at the notorious spongy spot, unable to help but slam your legs around his head.
He’d be lying if he said it didn’t hurt like hell, yet his drive to please his lady was stronger than the pain pounding as of now. “Aht, aht, aht, spread those pretty legs, love.” He sternly ordered, looking prideful when you immediately listened, snapping your legs back wide like a can opener.
“O-oh my godddd aaah S—suguru,” Your lips wailed out; his spit stabbing your pussy running down your plump labia, getting more and more sloppy. Suguru decided to chase after your clit once more, not knowing all these sensations attacking you at once sent you over the edge earlier than expected.
“I can’t ‘m gonna…” You slurred as Suguru’s concentrated palm rubbed against your entrance, driving your eyes to roll back, legs frantically shaking as if they’d been electrocuted. So much was going on at once; you knew he encouraged an orgasm, but you couldn’t understand what he was saying due to his fading out voice, entirely overwhelmed with arousal. The fiery pool in your stomach snapped, bucking up into his face not noticing juices bursted all over your husband.
Boosting Suguru’s confidence causing you to realize he most certainly wasn’t going to let up unless you squirted again on the white damp sheets.
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9/1/24 12:46 pm
dividers by cafe kitsune + @/rookthornesartistry
may or may not be inspired by Gordon Ramsay ☹️ leave me alone okay…
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ldh0000 · 3 months
perv!dreamies x 8th member f!reader headcanons !
notes ☆ since i'm obsessed with @luvyeni perv!dreamies headcanons, i had to write my own :( ngl im a bit insecure with this one lol
perv!dreamies who always look forward to have you flustered. their words or touches, all of them get bold when it comes to you.
perv!dreamies who throw some dirty jokes that only you and the members will understand, mostly when you guys are doing a live.
perv!mark who sends you a video of him jerking off moaning your name. he almost sent it on bubble though, clicking on it accidently while choosing some pictures to send.
perv!mark who insists to do a live with you so he can tease you. he keeps his hand on your thigh, wandering dangerously near to your crotch and 100% fingers you when the live is close to its end.
perv!mark who loves to keep your company on the studio, so he can ger some inspiration from you. well, naked you, giving him a head. and most likely to use your moans of his name on a song, but will never release it (or maybe...)
perv!renjun who, in front of your fans, looks the most adorable member, just like a brother for you, when in reality he's the meanest.
perv!renjun who fucks you in the sofa, so the members can catch your teary and vulnerable form being fucked by him.
perv!renjun who needs to have his hands on your ass, even if you're in public. he just can't help himself.
perv!jeno who loves to have you on his lap in live so you can grind him in front of your fans, even if they don't get what you're doing.
perv!jeno who rests his hands innocently behind your back, when in fact, he's fingering you from behind.
perv!jeno who walks around the streets with your panties stuffed on his pocket while having you tied up on his bed waiting for him to do what he needs to.
perv!haechan who is known as the most affectionate member and gets advantage of it, kissing you in public or touching any part of your body. he can go ever further by fingering you on events.
perv!haechan who is always hugging you from behind in between your performances on show, because he gets easily turned on and needs to relieve by humping your ass.
perv!haechan who posted a picture of you on bubble while sleeping on your stomach. little do people know he had his cock buried deep inside you.
perv!jaemin who records your fucking and shows the guys later. when it happens, you have two possibilities: you'll be fucked by all of them or they'll just jerk off watching how much of a good girl you are and will spare your poor body.
perv!jaemin who wakes you up by eating you out while talking about your schedule.
perv!jaemin who fucked you in tds3 backstage because he just couldn't stand the fact that you had to sing the part he was supposed to do with renjun in “better than gold” and might've just kissed you right there. nctzens didn't miss the way he looked like a lovesick pup.
perv!chenle who fucks you in front of a window just to tease you about someone seeing the nct dream's most innocent member being a needy whore.
perv!chenle who can't help himself and just make you suck him off in between the performances.
perv!chenle who buys you the prettiest lingeries so you can put on a show for the guys later. it always ends up with you covered in 7 different cums and sore legs.
perv!jisung who loves to be alone in the practice room so he can take his time with you. always fucking your throat and making a mess, covering your face in his cum.
perv!jisung who always has a hard on when watching your fancams. is not about the clothes, is about you and all of the things you've done before or after the performance. how you've sucked him off before the performance, or how you let him eat you out after it.
perv!jisung who zooms in your chest if your shirt has a low cut or in your ass if your shorts or skirts are too short while watching your fancams. he always ends up like a horny teenager, with a huge boner, humping his bed or fucking his fist.
perv!dreamies who'd love to let their fans know how much of a slut you are for them and only them. if only your fans knew how much of a horny girly the “angel” of nct is...
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wolfertinger666 · 6 months
I'm insecure about my own sometimes but ngl stretchmarks are hot....
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simp4konig · 4 months
Okay okay I have to ask, what’s your fav head canons of Nikto then? I love hearing other people’s ideas and head canons of cod characters ^^ 💕
Ngl, i get inspired by other people's headcanons, and i make headcanons off THEIR headcanons 🥲👍… I'm unoriginal 😔💔
SOOOO, im “” Tagging”” (by that i mean putting // after the @ so the original creators dont get the notifcation for this LMAO=) blogs whose own works inspired me to create my own headcanons 🥰❤️
General Nikto Headcanons ❤️
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Word Count: 1,584.
Tag List: ♡ @simpforkonig ♡ @rustic-guitar-notes ♡ @best-soup ☆ @lotionlamp ♡ @trepaika ☆ @luci4theminorannoyance ☆ @happy-mushrooms ♡ @nightlyvoids ♡ @skeletalgoats ♡ @aethelwyneleigh27 ☆ @arrozyfrijoles23 ♡ @dobaddo ☆ @the-second-sage ☆ @wil-xyz ☆ @revnatheshadow ☆ @feelya
Allusions to NSFW beneath the cut! Readers are warned.
Blunt and straight to the point. Sees no rhyme nor reason in beating around the bush and sugarcoating his words. As a result, he can be viewed as insensitive and lacking in empathy.
Impatient, and has a short fuse, so blows up often. Only you are able to be the calm after his storm, subduing him with soft reassurances and whispered words.
To say that he is possessive would be an understatement — he is extremely territorial.
After his torture, he is wary of the few things that he posesses and can actually call his own (you). His biggest phobia is losing you, and his irrational fear is someone stealing you away. Any prick unlucky enough to not catch on to you two dating will be lucky enough to survive the beating that he is given.
On that note, he is simultaneously self-assured, and insecure.
His mask is a part of him, and personal. It will take him months for him to shed said part of him.
Constantly fears that you will leave him once he reveals his face to you, so puts it off for as long as he possibly can. The day that he takes off his mask, only for you to be so casual about it and passing it off as your day-to-day, is the day that became cemented in his hard, stony heart.
Has conflicting views towards marriage. On the one hand, is an official document declaring your relationship really so necessary? Isn't an expensive wedding superfluous, and too sensational? To him, all of that is redundant — he's yours, and you're his…
…On the other hand, a glistening ring on your finger invokes a primal desire to make you more his than you are already. It would be a declaration of a love which even death wouldn't do part. Maybe he should pay more attention to the rings on display at the jewellery stores you pass by when shopping occasionally together.
An introverted man, who finds solace in solitude; excluding you, his partner, he has no companions, and rarely associates with anyone else. The voices in his head are bothersome enough, so why does he need additional voices bothering him? With that said, you would think that your presence would be a bother — especially with your mindless chatter when Nikto doesn't grunt at the idle small talk at times, wholly unresponsive for the majority of the time — but the moment you give any indication of leaving, he seizes your wrist, his cold, icy eyes silently pleading for you to stay. And you do. You always do.
Bringing me onto my next point: he is a good listener. Your ramblings are all that to you; ramblings. To Nikto, however, it's his chance to unpick all the information about you, down to the littlest of details. You wrongly assume that your words fall on deaf ears, but he listens, and he memorises every opinion you have, every statement you make, and even the small anecdotes that you share, which becoming engraved in his brain. He goes over every sentence religiously, as if it was the Bible.
He has an exceptionally good memory, tending to remember things that you had forgotten. Mention something that you craved in passing? He would surprise you with it the next time you bring it up. Alluded to someone who insulted you and ruined your day? Well, it would be no surprise that that person would never ruin your day ever again.
He is like a cat in the sense that he is an unwanted stray. However, when you came to want him, it dawned on you that he was no cat, but a panther. A predator — savage, vicious.
He would kill for you, no questions asked (He has already done it, but you don't know about that. After all, you hadn't asked him that question yet, only in jest. Truth be told, he has made so many death threats that you have become desensitised to them, dismissing them as nothing more than that: threats).
He would have died for you (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE @//charliemwrites’s DEPICTIONNOF NIKTO IN THIS SCENE??????? HAD ME ON MY KNEES 🛐💍🧎🏼‍♀️ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VI NEED HIM SOVBAD); however, when you were hyperventilating as you sobbed and were close to reaching hysterics, that's when he realised that he should value his life more.
Incredibly stealthy. You've seen his execution animations… 🤒 Uses that stealth to sneak up on you whenever your guard is down to smack your ass. 🤭
Insomnia troubles him at night, the relief of sleep rarely coming to him; therefore, he tends to be nocturnal, buying groceries and going about the usual errands you would have otherwise done during the day. When you wake up, that empty fridge is magically stocked with your favourite food, your bear snoozing sometimes — most of the time he stares at you like a creep. 💀 /aff
When he does sleep, it tends to be during the day, and it's almost as if he is a bear entering hibernation
He sleeps like a plank — on his back, his arms by his sides, and his legs straight. You'll curl onto his side, your head on his chest, his legs between your core, and a strong arm wrapped around your waist.
Snores. REALLY loud. 😬 ONLY when you are in his arms 🙄 — when he sleeps alone, he is eerily silent.
Subsequently finding him laying in bed, still and silent, you were sobbing, thinking that he died in his sleep. Finally, after minutes of shaking him awake, he opened one eye, and grumbled groggily: “Дорогая, shut up. I am not dead. Not when I have you to live for. Now, come.”
Once he is asleep, good luck getting him to wake up again; unless you somehow manage to disentangle yourself from his arms — only then, when his myshka is missing, does he begrudgingly get up from bed, stand outside the bathroom door, and whisk you back to bed, willfully ignoring your complaints.
Proud of being your protector. Always has his hand[s] on you in some way or other, protectively keeping you by his side.
Has 20/20 vision, and perfect hearing.
Don't mistake his opening of pickle jars and water bottles for you as chivalry — he is taking advantage of it to show off his muscles for you. Doesn't want you to ask if you want to cup a squeeze of his bicep — when he sees you staring, he will forcibly take your hand and put it on his arm, positively smirking beneath that mask of his.
Has a staring problem and is unashamed of it. From his point of view, there is no problem in staring at you all day and every day.
Eye contact with him is intense. Whenever you avert your gaze, he instantly grabs your chin to angle it so it's facing him. Eye contact during sex is a given.
Despite not wanting to be a father, he has an insatiable breeding kink (does not care whether you are a female, a male, an infertile female, or other — he is delusional in that sense).
Although he isn't against children per se — mainly indifferent to them, if I'm honest — wouldn't want to pass on the generational trauma onto his brood. He would prefer his bloodline ending with him.
His dirty talk is so filthy that you get wet from just his voice and innuendo. (Thank you @//xoxunhinged for your headcanon 😫💦)
His animalistic instincts are so prominent that you've become convinced that he purrs whenever you stroke that sensitive spot on his scalp, and growls in between grunts as he thrusts into you.
Is rough, leaving dark hickeys and bruises, but he would never, ever hurt you. He's rougher than most, but has sufficient self-restraint to be realise ahead of time if he is making you uncomfortable.
You are his deity, and he worships you — if he was to ever hurt you, he would enter a state of loathing. Since you were a merciful God, he would take the liberty of punishing himself — retribution suited to his crime.
One time you two were play wrestling and he almost dislocated your hip on accident. He didn't touch you again for at least two weeks, until he finally considered himself worthy of your touch.
Is dominant in bed, for two major reasons: because he prefers exerting the control which was forced upon him, relishing in having you submit to him; manhandling you to showcase his strength
A third reason is because if you were to ever top him, he'd cum embarrassingly quickly.
Probably gets off to being stronger than you. Deliberately puts you in positions which render you powerless, only able to take what he gives you.
Whenever you enter his room, he always sits in the darkness. Insists: “I do not need lights. Lights are wasted when I can see in the dark.”
Which is true... but it is also a pretence to hide the concerningly detailed shrine taking up an entire wall, dedicated to you. You'll come to find all of your lost trivial belongings when you mistakenly flick on the light switch.
His loyalty and devotion is unparalleled to any other's. He is utterly and unashamedly down bad for you, and he is willing to do anything and everything to keep it that way.
Thankfully, he doesn't have to do much, because you, too, love him. A lot.
Yeaah i thought comparing him to a panther would be cool 🐈‍⬛
“Guard dog” and just anything to do with a “dog” is an overused trope to me at this point 😐. Dont get me wrong!!!! , it doesnt mean that i dont LIKE the trope!!!! , but my own interpretation of Nikto is a little different, abd i think it suits him better,, Esp bc panthers technically 🤓☝️ do *not* exist, which links to how the definition of his name in Russian is “Nobody” :)
An unconventional animal for a very unconventionally attractive man😽,,
Anyways, it is time for a cigarette 🚬🤏😪. I will return in approximately 56 business days (trust me guys 😋✌️).
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phoenixcatch7 · 11 days
Something that always bugs me is that the way fanfic authors have it, there's absolutely nothing between 'beloved son treated and raised precisely the same as the two blood siblings in the blood based ruling lineage' and 'despised and excluded indentured servant psychologically manipulated into having no self worth cut off from any emotional support'. This is, historically, a very, VERY recent binary, as the fostering system outgrows things like orphanages and the idea of the nuclear family is cemented.
There is a whole range of different statuses that exist between those two extremes just in Western society, and more than that outside of what I already know. Wardship, for example. Fostering without adoption. Room and board apprenticeship.
Wwx is older than jc. Him being adopted and legitimised, despite not being jiang, would cause a succession crisis. By rights, as the eldest male (and prodigious and well liked besides) he would be first to inherit in some people's eyes. Being adopted formally in this way would cause those rumours of bastardry madame yu was always banging on about (though I'm never convinced those rumours were as prevalent as she believed). Jfm would lose reputation and status, yzy would take a tremendous hit to her reputation, jc's place as heir would suddenly be cast into uncertainty, coming under intense scrutiny as people suddenly feel as though they had a choice in who to support, and wwx would be forced into a role and potential future he has absolutely no desire for. And by putting him in a position where he could become head of jiang, there's the risk that he might assassinate jc to become the undisputed heir, something impossible if he isn't brought into the family officially. Would wwx ever dream of doing so? No! Not even slightly! But it is a valid fear of the time and culture, jgy just proves that worst case scenario.
Instead of being the child prodigy coming out of nowhere, the son of respected rogue cultivators so generously taken in the jiang and well trained, suddenly he'd be 'proof' of infidelity, both families involved would become scandals, even post-humeously. As jgy and mxy prove, being a bastard is a lower social status than the right hand man of the sect heir, head disciple of a major sect. Now wrapped in gossip and scandal, they would no longer be called the prides of yunmeng.
And then of course that kind of divisive succession would backfire horrendously when lotus pier is burned and jc tries to rebuild the clan while wwx goes demonic cultivator! It would be DISASTROUS for the jiang, jc having lost a lot of his legitimacy and political support, wwx's now filthy reputation being tied even tighter to the clan, reflecting on them so much more. Worst case gossip would be that the jiang as a whole are turning to demonic cultivation. People who wanted wwx for heir would be in a very dangerous position! People who disliked jc as heir would make it even harder for him! Not that the jiangs would/could have predicted the war and the burning of the sect but fr it would have made an already nigh impossible situation even harder and more volatile.
And it's not like wwx is treated purely like a servant! He isn't going round fetching tea and carrying jcs sword and keeping one step behind. He eats every meal with them, he gets pocket money from them, he is openly and pretty universally considered siblings with the other two, and nobody except yzy acts like it's weird, or he's acting above his station for it (though people like the wens and jin aren't above trying to use that 'son of a servant' thing when they're targeting him to get their own way).
Yes, yzy is deeply insecure and blames him, yes during their goodbyes jc gets hugs and wwx gets orders. They're far from perfect. That's the most affection jc ever got from either of them. Jyl got nothing, she wasn't there. Which is pretty representative of her treatment from her parents, ngl. But wwx had support from jc, had sorta paternal support and a safe authority figure in jfm, had maternal support and care from jyl (though she shouldn't have had to, but that's a different conversation). There are actual family servants (yzy's twins) who grew up with her and were trained for it and they act very differently to wwx. For all yzy throws her weight around and jfm is a bit of a doormat, wwx grew up well cared for and well loved.
The fact that the family as a whole was pretty messed up and his part in it made it worse? That's on the family members themselves. His never arriving would not have fixed that family. For wwx, genuinely, there really wasn't anywhere else he could really go once he was orphaned. If he hadn't died on the streets perhaps he could have made it as a civilian working for someone else, dabbling in cultivation because we know him.
The wen and jin would have eaten him alive. The lans? Don't make me laugh. I love a good 'wwx gets betrothed to lwj as teens and he moves to gusu and Fixes Everything' as much as the next person but let's not kid ourselves, canon wwx would have ended up whipped to death or expelled with the way he is. As a visiting disciple he got so many punishments and kicked out not even halfway through the year! Him living there with lwj as adults is due to him 'redeeming' himself through mystery solving and lwj being fully, openly ready to ditch the sect for him. Even then they're constantly on the road night hunting and lwj being the lightning rod of all of wwx's trouble making tendencies (and being 100% down to breaking the rules with him without enacting punishment). They might accept him now but it would not have happened without lwj doing it first (and the juniors all loving him lol).
The nie? Maybe, but that would have left NHS in pretty much the exact same position as jc: inferior second fiddle, unskilled, constantly compared to him. Wwx would be in the exact same position of being pressured to tone himself down and keep his dangerous ideas to himself, and NHS would have double the fear of inevitably losing both his brothers. And of course, the nie aren't exactly as patient and laid back as the jiang sect as a whole, with their hyper aggressive murder resentment swords. The first sign of wwx acting 'outside' of the clans best interests and getting risky and he's going straight down those stairs the same way as jgy.
Tldr: there's more options to raise a kid than full adoption or abused servitude, even today, and though officially adopting wwx would have made everything SO much worse, his other options would not have survived him. He deserved better with the jiangs but frankly so did the blood kids (and the mother and the father). All three were emotionally neglected and adoption would not have fixed that.
This is why I believe that if wwx had been even a day younger than jc everyone would have been so much happier.
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luveline · 1 year
Ok Derek angst what about a non-bau gf getting jealous of his flirting with Garcia? Bc ngl if my bf did that with a girl who I hadn’t met I would be super upset and then May be his gf meets Garcia and realizes she’s a girls girl and super sweet? Idk u can take it any direction
ty for your request ♡ fem!reader
You don't want anything to do with Penelope Garcia. Honestly, you wouldn't ever meet her if you had your way, but you're level-headed enough to know that she's important to Derek. Integral to his life. It's a miracle you put off meeting her as long as you had. 
At first, you genuinely thought she was Derek's mom. He always ended calls with, "Love you, mama." It was only a few weeks ago when he shook things up to say, "I love you, babygirl," did you look up from the book on your thigh to ask who it was.
"Penelope," he'd said, like he was confused. "Who'd you think?" 
You shrugged noncommittal, earning yourself a hair pet and a kiss. You lay awake that night wondering if you got it wrong. You'd heard a hundred stories about her and felt reluctantly fond, but now? Your boyfriend calls other girls pet names, what do you do about that? What can you? 
You ignored it. And now you have to meet her. 
She doesn't seem as nefarious as you've imagined her, springing from her seat at the cafe table to hug you. "Hi! Oh my god hi! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you, I've never been this happy in my life! You're so pretty!" 
You wince at her arms thrown over your shoulders but reciprocate. You aren't a total bitch.
"Thank you," you say. She smells like coffee creamer and hairspray. She pulls away to beam at you, her lips painted a shiny, pretty red. "It's nice to meet you. Derek has nothing but good things to say about you."
It sounds awfully formal, like you're opening a bank account with a teller who has a shared acquaintance. Derek gives you a look. You give him a look back, mutual confusion. She may be his best friend, but you don't know her (and what you do know you're jealous of, so). 
Derek takes your hand despite your off behaviour to show you off with pride, his teeth peeking from behind his lips milky white. "My two favourite girls had to meet eventually."
"I thought I'd be more jealous about coming second," Penelope says, eyes twinkling, "but I've never seen Derek so happy." Her voice turns scratchy like stretched linen. "He deserves the best, you know? And it's clear you're it. He's smitten."
"Maybe don't give up all my secrets, sweetheart," he says. 
Seeing them together chills your raging envy. There's a lot of love there, clearly, but the sexual tension you pictured is fictional. "Girl code, my love,'' Penelope says with a shrug. She winks at you. 
Insecurity nags at your skin like condensation on a cold window, "You've known Derek for nearly six years? Have you guys always been this close?" 
"Well, mister muscles here didn't bother remembering my name for the first couple of weeks that we worked together, so he deferred to pet names. And, you know, he's him," —Penelope gestures to him as if to say, behold, drawing a startled laugh from you— "and I'm me, so. I didn't want him to stop." 
"Hey, now." 
Penelope shakes her head at you. "He always does this." 
"If 'this' is stopping you from talking bad on yourself, babygirl, then yeah. I'll always do it." 
You feel clarity break, the sweet taste of relief and the muggier lick of shame. Derek and Penelope have a special friendship. That you knew before meeting her. She's made a huge, irreplaceable impact on his life, and Derek has clearly done the same. They aren't playing work husband and wife —there are reasons for their affections that go well beyond the surface flirtation. 
"I get it. Nobody ever called me anything so nice as Derek calls me," you confide. Derek's eyebrows leap up. You've never told him this; you're telling Penelope as a sort of apology, though she can't know that. "I never got asked out growing up. When he asked me on a date I thought he was trying to win a bet." 
Penelope's expression flickers with relief. There and gone, quickly replaced by sympathy. "Are you kidding? You're so pretty, Derek's lucky he got to you before someone else did." 
Derek kisses your cheek. His lips linger against the apple of it, your joined hands pulled instinctively to his firm torso. You might be imagining it, but Derek seems to know everything, so he probably knows the hill you've just climbed in your head. "Damn straight I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by beautiful, genius women. This is paradise for the modern man." 
You flush at his touch and praise. Penelope makes a pleased squeak. "Ooh, you guys are cute! You need to let me take a photo. This'll make a great printout for your wedding."
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