#I'm just talking to myself
la-pheacienne · 2 months
it is extremely funny to me that Jon is the character that inspires the most insane asoiaf ship wars, of all characters. Jon. Jon!! Think about it. The boy is just in pure suffering throughout the entire story. He's just trying to cope, he's minding his own business, he's fed up and he's also dead last time we saw him. The burden on his shoulders is so so heavy and he's just a boy ffs. Like I'm mainly concerned by how on earth is he going to survive this and when is he ever gonna get a break and just, live basically. But because he's the only, singular, male character with an iota of decency and integrity, he suddenly becomes this golden boi archetype that everyone wants to claim as the ultimate prize for their fav gal. Leave the poor guy alone, even in the meta world the furies don't stop pursuing him somehow
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whitedarkmoonflower · 3 months
15 reports done 🤩
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17 remaining 🥴
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Sometimes I really hate my job 😤
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just-1-scorpio · 7 months
Reverse 1999 seems intresting. And from the triller it looks fun.
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wattemeer · 2 years
I just noticed, that scene where ryan tells the group about the podcast and the hagahackaquora and jacob is like 'cool story, bro' i love how miles leans into defending ryan, he said 'that's my scringle, don't fucking... that's my scrunkle, step off.' i love him and i need to die immediately
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elvenbeard · 1 year
The problem with my graphics tablet pressure not translating into PS for some reason continues to persist :< nothing works, kinda running out of ideas of what to do, and getting increasingly frustrated bc I just wanna finish this drawing >:[
I started refining one of my comic ideas instead (Procreate is amazing for sketching, but I don't like it for precise illustrating), but it's gonna be a while til that's finished, and it's not solving the PS problem either. URGH.
I did want a new tablet for a while, cause I keep running into issues with this one, it's had a deep and annoying scratch at the center for years (that I still don't know how it happened), the pen is kinda iffy in general with whether or not it wants to work... Just didn't plan for that kinda expense really. But also, maybe it's time.
Bleh, this year just doesn't seem to be my year when it comes to drawing without technical difficulties (and it's twice as shitty bc I'm so inspired to draw actually).
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kroissantkats · 10 months
I really wanna know the sick fuck who made socializing impossible. I'm gonna beat their ass.
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threebea · 11 months
Star Wars Fanfiction is so interesting because a good chunk of it is Fanfiction of Fanfiction of old material. Some of it intentionally and some of it unintentionally. Because of the wide scope of Legends and Canon material, some of which used to be Canon and some of which that was never Canon but had a big story involved (Jedi Apprentice for example) you have so much material to work with. So you have a lot of people writing about half remembered books or books they do remember really well, but are writing and changing for the sake of their fic.
And then people reading their fic love their interpretation and take some of their details as canon of a book that they haven't read, but emulate it in their own work, taking the fanfiction for fact.
And it all morphs into like... star wars story tropes?
For instance: Obi-Wan on Melida-Daan for months-a year, Jango Fett as the once and future Mand'alor,
Both are very common in fics right now. Many of the writers have never interacted with the material these stories come from, but a lot of people know the backstory because of how often they come up in fic now which further distorts the source material.
I am not by any means saying this is bad, I just find it so interesting and I can't think of another fandom that has enough source material that it has gone through a kind of telephone of fanfiction making it something that is its own thing (although I feel like Star Trek probably has similar fanfiction of fanfiction of old material, I'm not a trekkie so I couldn't say). And it's not the fact that someone made a popular fic that people are emulating their fic's material. It's the fact that it's fanfiction of fanfiction of a memory of a story.
Fanfiction is sort of modern folk lore. It's easy to see how there are so many versions of one story that looks completely different with the characters, settings, or objects in it changed. A story gets passed down so many times and people make tweaks to make it more dramatic or angsty or funny. So the newest story might not look like anything that the old story did.
All fanfiction is like this in the end of course taking a story and making it into another version of that story. But I think the thing about the Star Wars Folklore Fiction(?) is that you can see so clearly the path a story from one source takes to another.
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vinjaryou · 1 year
still poking at the ‘good night’ miniseries, and for one of the pieces, i have a solid idea that i like? but i’ve been so hesitant on tackling it because it’s for something i feel like i’m obligated to write rather than something i’d LIKE to write, but i might have figured out a different angle for it. a way to work it in that would (hopefully) make everyone happy.
if not... fuck it. i’m still going to write it and post it, and if people don’t like it, they can scroll right by.
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
Look, I’ve never lied to anyone about what kind of person I really am. Not my fault that some people mistook me for someone they wanted me to be. I've never made it a secret that I’m a rather lame and boring person. Why blame me now for lying? I have every right to be petty, weak, tired, and boring. I have every right to not want to become rich and successful. I have every right to not want to change. It doesn’t make me a bad person, does it? I don’t want to dye my hair or dress in a certain way to make people love me more. I have always thought that being loved for who I am is my basic right. Now I see it’s an unaffordable luxury. If someone has been thinking I’m cool, strong, and self-confident, they’re thoroughly mistaken. And not that I’ve worsened over the years. I’ve always been this way.
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notdapskie · 2 years
I told myself I wasn’t going to draw over my old art because it would take forever but I really wanted to decorate some armor. Now I think I will be redrawing a lot more things because maybe posting doodles that are only comprehensible to me is a little boring. 
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This was on Phoenix’s backstory.
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Hancock has major self esteem and body image issues but little to no dysphoria. Like he can't give a rat's ass for his AA tits or pussy, but if he looks at his masculine, long face that has ever-growing stubble on it for too long he feels like he's going to throw up. He just doesn't fucking care. He wears feminine clothes for fun, he wears masculine clothes for fun, he wears ambiguous clothes for fun, he just has fun with it. He likes having long hair and being the shortest person in your group, if not at least a nice quarter of Goodneighbor. He goes by He/they cause he just DOESN'T GIVE EVEN ONE OF THOSE LITTLE SHITS THAT YOU'VE BEEN SHITTING FOR HALF AN HOUR JUST TO FIND IT WAS SMALLER THAN YOUR FINGERNAIL. THE ONLY THING HE GIVES IS CUNT.
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"Kenny isn't an edgy cool guy, he's a huge silly dork!" This, "Kenny isn't a perv, he's a good brother" That personally I don't think Kenny being a dorky perv, an edgelord, and a good brother need to be mutually exclusive character traits honestly when I see stuff talking about canon vs fanon Kenny, the only thing I tend to agree with is that people make him talk too much.
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reallytinylaura · 1 year
I played Life Is Strange the whole way through for the first time in almost five years and didn't have a panic attack. My ex hated when I played that game and when I wrote fanfic for it so much it gave me panic attacks and sent me to the hospital.
Will I ever actually finish Flashing Lights? Probably no but now I at least know I'm in a place where I can and I won't end up under my kitchen table hyperventilating like I did last time...
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peachypoops · 1 year
skimming through my old posts
and holy shit i was so much more cringe before i'm too lazy to go delete all my old content but let's dust off this blog and hurry up and add new content so i dont have to look at my old shit
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darkredmage · 22 days
i keep feeling more and more like a ghost than a human in a negative way haugh
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artkaninchenbau · 2 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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