7-oh-ta1 · 2 years
"Thanks a million..." 🙊
"You're welcome a million!" 😊
I don't think you're paying attention besties I don't think you're paying attention to how much Gabe's praise means to Javi I don't think anyone is paying enough attention to how accurate their familial relationship is......
#lindsay speaks#twdg#gabe just wanted to share his sincere thanks for raising him ;; and javi is so awkward bec he doesn't want to be an uncool uncle#plus based on the dialogue javi doesn't think he deserves gabe's praise which;; you do king...#gabe: *pours his heart put* | javi: wow... buddy... 🧍 I. well.#thanks to david it's hard for javi to articulate his love in a non-joking manner -- not just for gabe but everyone n everything#it's just. the perfect depiction of javier still harboring the scars of his childhood with david while doing his best to make sure#gabe is as safe from those injuries as he can.... but gabe already has some scars from david of his own that javi couldn't prevent...#that he feels guilty he couldn't prevent... even though gabe isn't his son... he kind of is now.#and for gabe to open up and gush about how amazing he thinks javi is -- that he would be honored to be a man like him...#javi's soft ''thanks a million''.... gabe's enthusiastic ''you're welcome a million!''#I'm just... IS ANYONE ELSE JUST PEELING THROUGH THE LAYERS AND LAYERS EMOTIONAL REPRESSION IN THIS INTERACTION#WE'RE SEEING IN REAL TIME THAT GABE CAN ARTICULATE HIS GENUINE FEELINGS. WITHOUT FEELING INMASCULINE.#SOMETHING BOTH DAVID AND JAVI STRUGGLE WITH IN DIFFERENT WAYS.#WE GET TO SEE IN REAL TIME HOW JAVI WAS ABLE TO PUT A HUGE DENT THE CYCLE OF TRAUMA. WHILE STILL STRUGGLING WITH HIS OWN.#''You may not... be my father Javi but you were a great dad.''#BRB SOBBING FUCKING SCREAMING RN
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What an amazing quote to start this week.
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"But if you bury your sadness under your skin instead of letting it out; what else can it do but grow in your veins, to your heart." -Nikita Gill
It gets me thinking about how healing, for me, went into high gear when I quit resisting emotions as they came to me; rather I let them flow to me, then from me. Knowing that the darker feelings will still come along but they'll also go away helps to me work through them; as I know after the darkness comes more light. This too shall pass is the kind of approach I found worked best because it will pass. Feelings are meant to be felt and awareness of them can help you in knowing yourself and what makes you tick. Awareness of our feelings brings about healing by way of self-love, mindfulness, personal growth and emotional maturity.
Healing is crucial for you if you want healthier relationships in the future including those with family, friends and partners.
Starve the Ego; Smother Your Distractions
Today I'm discussing starving the ego, our personal or false self; starving distractions in our relationships, dating, co-parenting, families and friendships. Feeding the soul is more beneficial to your true self; soul work is simply aiming to align with your authentic self, who you are at your core. So here we go, here come some tips that are working for me regarding how and where to begin your own feelings to healing process.
"But if you bury your sadness under your skin instead of letting it out; what else can it do but grow in your veins, to your heart." -Nikita Gill
You cannot pour from an empty cup.
Feelings Bring Healing
Hurt people hurt people! -Russ
Loving yourself enough to give yourself time to heal can help you foster healthier relationships in the future. You really can't love anyone else properly if you are not complete yourself.
Ego is your false self. It is who we want others to perceive us to be. It is the people pleaser in us; the mask we wear for fear that someone will see who we really are. Also known as the shadow or our dark side. We all have one and we all choose whether it gets fed or not. Often, subconsciously, we allow ourselves and others to feed it and if we aren't careful it can take over our authentic self and get out of control if we aren't paying attention.
The quote by Nikita Gill "But if you bury your sadness under your skin instead of letting it out; what else can it do but grow in your veins, to your heart." -Nikita Gill
In life, we all experience these events that bring up emotions that are difficult and painful for us to feel. Then, we do what?
Add another layer of ego to cover it like a band aid?
....put another mask on?
Move on? Suck it up? Get over it? Hold grudges?
Forgive but don't forget? Get angry? Get even? Keep them a secret?
Healing is hard work!
Healing is profound in terms of starving the ego! Not many realize that pain, sadness, sorrow, grief, guilt, abandonment and other low vibration emotions can be hidden behind that mask we wear! It isn't just instant gratification via sex pride ,flirting, compliments, likes on Instagram, Twitter followers, accolades and honors that feed the ego. There are other feelings we all face that we either decide to deal with or we try to hide them away. Maybe because it just plain hurts to feel them or maybe we think they'll fade away or lay dormant never to haunt us again.
I just mentioned SOME of the unhealthy ways we can respond to pain and sadness that feed the ego and not the soul my friends; things that cover them up rather than things that shed light on our issues. While working to truly know oneself we must allow ourself to feel every emotion we have; good and bad. This is what feeds the soul; knowing what makes you tick, what gets under your skin and why ; also recognizing whether your reacting or responding to people out of ego, in authentically or from your soul, out of love.
My goodness, sometimes it isn't pretty when we start shedding old layers ego. Sometimes it's like having nightmares only your awake and living in them. Often, it can be more painful to feel the feeling​s than experiencing the actual pain and hurt the event caused in the first place. However, covering up those feelings for the sole purpose of not feeling them isn't going to do your spirit one bit of good. In fact, it will further crush your spirit crippling you from fulfilling your purpose, knowing who you are and becoming who who are meant to be.
We're Conditioned to Lack Empathy...
Hear these as a child?
✋🛑stop your crying.....
🙏get over it.....
😪Big girls don't cry ......
😎boys don't have feelings...
🙄Suck it up......
✔️Be a big girl/boy
🤔I'll give you something to cry about.
These are the traditional societal norms we've been conditioned to live by; this is just the false self, hiding behind our emotions and trying not to ever catch feelings.
Fine, don't catch feelings. None of them stay forever anyway. Simply focus on recognizing them, feeling them come to you and then letting them flow past you. While you are having an emotion visit you try to be mindful about why you feel that way, what is the root cause, is it positive or negative? Did it feel comfortable or were you ready for it to pass? How long did it stay? Did you do something that made you feel another emotion instead?
After this pattern of behavior begins, the fed ego and its to toxicity begin to starve your soul, taking you away from your purpose and spirit early on. Often, negative self-talk begins here because though your following society's norm, hiding your feelings, your still feeling them. Therefore, as young children we feel guilt, shame and humiliation because we've been made to feel inferior, weak or sensitive for having emotions.
We further feed our ego and not the soul when we focus only on those events, activities and people that just make us feel good emotions. However, I want the long term benefits of emotional intelligence, don't you?
Instant gratification is what the ego seeks so we must be careful and ask ourselves when deciding, responding or reacting...
These statements so many of us heard growing up about crying being a weakness and hiding our feelings are pivotal moments in our lives. Moments in which many of us were conditioned to avoid feeling pain, sadness, grief or anxiety as opposed to being presented with a handling a life-event lesson or a discussion about what emotions are and how we can use them to evolve into a better version of ourselves.
The results of raising generation after generation in this inauthentic mindset is emotionally unavailable men and emotionally immature women; neither of which know how to communicate in a healthy way. In turn, we see marriages dissolve, friendships fade, family ties get broken. We also fail to forgive, empathize and show compassion to ourselves and others when we choose to hide behind our false self. When we hold emotions in they stay within us and soon become toxicity in our veins but bubbling and ready to erupt.
If so, let's ask ourselves if we are passing this habit of hiding the sadness on to our children?
Would it not be healthier to allow our children to be sad when they are sad and even empathize with them when they are?
We need to reverse that behavior, that choice! We need to choose US, our heart, our soul, our dreams and our healing.
So have the life events, feel all the feelings that come along, process them, get help if needed. Begin to heal from your hurts, don't just bandage them up. For things to change you have to change. Show yourself some love and let others notice the positive changes in you as you gradually heal and grow more emotionally mature.
....is this feeding my soul or my ego?
Also, what will the future or residual benefits of this choice be? If there aren't any, then you can be fairly certain that your just feeding your ego. Your soul may be malnourished and in need of some TLC.
When we choose to cover up pain or sadness, refuse to feel it and then not seek to heal or face the emotions we have..... they remain within us. They fester, they flow through us even while being ignored and they contaminate our actual authentic self and pull is further from our purpose. They remain there, feeding the ego, remember; the ego is who we want to be perceived as, our fake self. If you are a parent, please pause and take a moment to ask yourself if your are suppressing sadness from your own childhood that you need to process ; through the soul this time so you can actually heal.
That's how we can begin to raise kids that aren't ashamed to tell their parents how they feel. Lastly, parents don't hide behind your mask with your kiddos. If you have repressed feelings you need to process be real about it. Be the example. Be the parent you needed when you were that age.
Feelings are just that, feelings. You are going to have them, this is undeniable. When we hide them and feed them to our ever-starving ego , the ego grows; our fake self then grows more confident and the dark side of us, our shadow, gets stronger. Ego will consistently be pulling you further from your divine purpose as long as your feeding it. If you feed the ego , you starve your soul. You can't feed both, it's a choice.
We can all be out here starving the ego more, feeding our souls more nourishing content, living with more zest and having a powerful purpose if we'd be simply commit to peeling that mask off. We gotta stop hiding out inside ourselves; letting that let sadness and pain contaminate our soul.
What will you choose the next time you catch a feeling?? Ego or soul? Will you feel it or will you resist it?
Then, let that soul of yours shine. That's the good stuff!! That's where your purpose is, waiting for you to get Aligned with it!
Personal growth requires growing pains. However, nothing is more painful than remaining in a place you don't truly belong.
Karyn Dee
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Love you bunches
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