#I'm literally chilling
heartbeetz · 2 months
I love my selfship bubble actually. One, I have low spoons 95% of the time, so I simply don't have it in me to be more active in reaching out. Two, I'm overall a very introverted person. Interacting (both doing and receiving) can be really draining and it's not something I care that much about. Even irl there's like one friend I keep up with, and we literally live together now and Still don't interact daily! Don't need much else to be content. I created this blog back in late 2019 as more of a journal than something meant for a community. And I'm fine leaving it that way. Yeah, sometimes I'd like to reach out more than I do (and of course it's nice when people reach out to me), but I don't think it's "selfish" of me to wanna do my own thing lol
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twistcmyk · 2 years
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mascxdaddy · 9 days
i'm so feral for having my hair grabbed at the root and pulled just a little bit it's a problem
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devastatinglygreen · 28 days
colin being an unhinged chaotic mess about penelope to the point of being jealous before he kissed her was them writing this season for me specifically
you're welcome
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hilacopter · 1 month
So I'm assuming a lot of us have seen the "Creators for Palestine" thing plastered on our YouTube homepage. I'd be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if A. it wasn't giving to PCRF, which isn't a reputable charity and donations to it go into Hamas's pockets B. the literal first person on the list wasn't antisemitic tankie piece of shit Hasan Piker. I'm so heartbroken over so many of my favorite YouTubers on the list.
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podraje · 1 year
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like yes yes eddie needs to choose and buck needs to be chosen but also 
Eddie needs to get over the very big trauma of losing his wife. Last time he dated someone he had literal panic attacks at the thought of her being mistaken for Chris’s mother and as much as we saw him work through in therapy we never?? really?? talked?? about?? that?? So, yeah, Eddie needs to realize that he’s at a point where he’s ready to risk his heart and give love a second chance 
(and maybe realize he already did becase there already is a partner in his life who gets consistently confused for Chris’s guardian and it feels natural to him?? but he still needs to realize he’s ready for love)
And Buck needs to be ready to be in a relationship where he’s loved for who he is, where he doesn’t bend and twist to fit someone else’s expectations. And for that Buck needed to die, and needed to come back, and now he needs to process that trauma and steady himself. 
(and Buck loves so quickly, so openly, so loudly, and he gives so much of himself and he wants to be loved that way, and maybe he’ll realize that he already?? is?? loved?? but he needs to let himself accept it)
so basically, it’s not only a matter of choice... eddie needs to be ready to love and buck needs to accept that he is loved if they are ever going to find each other properly together
and that, my funny little friends, is the point of their arcs were we are at right now
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cupophrogs · 3 months
I'm running backwards up a halfpipe/pos
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Welcome to the game, Daneilla (Danny)Darling! I’m still working on her main-world design, so her Space Riders fit is all I have for now. I’m almost done though! I think y’all will like her!
Anyways, Danny is a young Aerospace Welder and Engineer, and lives on the Intergalactic Emergency Sub-Station: a company, and space station dedicated to preserving life and safe travel through the cosmos. When she’s not traveling with other crews as an on-call engineer for dangerous voyages, Danny is dispatched across worlds to complete maintenance checkups on passing ships and other space stations.
Personally, Danny is a flexible, relaxed young woman with a steady hand and a quick mind. She loves her job, and she’s not working or napping, she enjoys dancing and debating silly questions like weather there are more wheels or doors in the world (she will always say wheels). She isn’t put on the front lines often, considering her lack of supernatural abilities, but her cunning and resourcefulness always keeps her opponents guessing. Her favorite drink is Horchata!
(Space Riders au belongs to @onyxonline)
Alt ref and close ups!
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teaboot · 1 year
I just want you to know that I love reading your life stories and from the context clues on your posts this is what I imagine you look like because you're a 5'3" security guard.
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lamasia-creations · 24 days
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A Hua Cheng sketch I'll finish someday
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libartz · 5 months
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world's most awkward submarine trip
"so, uh, what are you in for?"
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sleepsucks · 1 year
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burst-of-iridescent · 4 months
not to beat the "sokka's misogyny" disk horse even further into the ground, but while i agree with the take that sokka being sexist logically doesn't make sense, i would go further to say that the water tribes themselves being sexist is both illogical and thematically contradictory.
the flaws of each nation in atla have always been linked to their element, and specifically what those elements represent. fire is the element of power; power, left unchecked, leads to imperialism and authoritarianism. earth is the element of substance and stability; stability, prioritized too highly, creates and justifies the rigid class system and rampant corruption of ba sing se. air is the element of freedom; freedom, taken too far, becomes irresponsibility and abandonment.
meanwhile, water is the element of change... therefore the water tribes cling to antiquated ideas about gender roles instead of adapting with the times (especially when the times involve a fucking war going on).
not only is this unrealistic, it also breaks the thematic pattern of the nations' flaws being virtues taken to extremes, and how this dovetails into the show's overall message about the importance of balance. if we're keeping with the pattern of virtue and vice being two sides of the same coin, then the flaw of the water tribes has to be related to change. and here is where some of the (badly executed) ideas in the comics and legend of korra could have come into play: change, left uncontrolled, can lead to progress... but at the cost of tradition and spirituality.
(imagine a nwt cut off from the world and forced to rely solely on itself, ingenuity and creativity flourishing out of sheer, desperate need. imagine a nwt where waterbending is nothing more than a tool, used to build and defend and maintain a fortress always at risk, its spiritual origins slowly lost to time. imagine a nwt more military than community, whose architecture and technology far exceed anything the world has ever seen, who look down upon their less advanced sister tribe, and see no need for the avatar - after all, where was he when they had no one but themselves for the last 100 years?
when warned that the fire nation is coming, they show no fear; they have held strong on their own for the last century, bolstered by their weapons and wits, and will continue to do so. you need the spirits, aang implores, and is met with derision, for there is no place for spirits in a society always chasing more, greater, better. the spirits have not helped us before, avatar. why would they now? we are all we need.
when the moon spirit falls, unprotected and forgotten in an abandoned, rundown spirit oasis - so do they.)
not only would this fit better thematically, it would also ensure that the nwt's flaw plays a role in its own downfall. where the fire nation's warmongering resulted in the poverty and suffering of its own people, and the earth kingdom's corruption led - at least in part - to the fall of ba sing se, the misogyny of the water tribes is never shown to negatively impact them in any way. the north isn't defeated by the fire nation because they relegated half the population to healing. the south doesn't suffer raids or lose their waterbenders because they (supposedly) didn't let women fight. this lack of narrative punishment means that - outside of a few girlboss moments for katara - the sexism of the nwt isn't significant to the overall story whatsoever.
furthermore, while the ba sing se arc last almosts half a season, and the fire nation's actions drive the entire show, this supposed systemic oppression of women shows up for one episode in the first season before disappearing entirely. pakku is reminded of his lost love, magically turns into a feminist, and somehow the entire tribe follows suit? no one else protests, not even the other students or the chief?
and yet, though there are still no female waterbenders other than katara, or agency for kanna in her relationship, or any indication that women stopped being forcibly betrothed - the entire issue is simply swept under the rug and never brought up ever again in the show. i understand this was a children's cartoon made in 2005, and that even having female characters openly speak about and challenge misogyny was a radical feat for the time and genre, but the reality of patriarchy is that it's structural, sustained and immensely difficult to resist - if the show was going to depict that resistance, it should have done so with greater depth and nuance, as it did for many of the other difficult topics it tackled.
ultimately, handwaving misogyny away like it never existed is far more disrespectful to katara's character, her fight against injustice, and the girls who saw themselves in her, than simply toning it down or removing it could ever be.
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celluloidbroomcloset · 3 months
Baby boy won! He defeated the chair!
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But it's not over yet, because his legs cannot be contained...
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Truly one of the more epic battles in the Taika v. Chairs saga.
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s0up1ta · 29 days
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piece 5/9 of my AP 2D Art & Design portfolio 🧌
theme: visually representing my internal thoughts, emotions, and experiences
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buttercupshands · 2 months
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just some LoV sitting in the long lost bar in Ultra Impact in clothes that they didn't wear yet
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