#I'm mostly joking but if i have to listen to them talking nonstop about shows i can't stand they can listen to me rave about andor
jedi-bird · 2 years
Episode 6 of Andor went about how I expected it to and I'm not okay. Nor do I want to wait another week for the next episode.
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First web radio of the duo Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive is out. Daisuke Ono and Maaya Sakamoto are the first personalities to hold it.
Am urging you to listen to it.
When Ono D began to talk with his cool Sebastian M voice, Maaya suddenly joked that she didn’t know which way to reply. Both admitted that talking nonstop for 30 minutes with their character voices was difficult. Prior to this web radio, OnoD used to have a show called the Phantom Midnight Radio. They talked about mostly the early days of Kuroshitsuji recording where Maaya felt nervous and shy bc she was the only female cast member at that time. She was young and didn’t know anything (though she’s been so long in the business). I guess that was the reason she wasn’t a guest to many of their festival presentations. So now, that the two of them got reunited it was good that they were bonding, they said. They also discussed the new cast members where many of them professed that they watched the show when they were teenagers. OnoD particularly mentioned McMillan’s VA, Haruka Shiraishi, who was starstruck upon learning she was able to work with Maaya and OnoD on the anime she used to watch beforehand.
Other things I’ve learned: OnoD loves to wear black influenced partly by his role as S. Maaya is not only a singer and an actor, she also writes and has a column at NewType.
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Maaya Sakamoto and Daisuke Ono
Anyway, I saved the ending because it encapsulated that they are much closer than say, 10 years ago.
Daisuke Ono: We are creating works of quality that will definitely exceed expectations. If we are to live up to those expectations, we will definitely accomplish it and show it beyond expectations. What will we do if we can't do something like that? We are only one hell of butlers after all.
Maaya Sakamoto: Yo!
Daisuke: When Maaya-chan’s “Yo!” comes in things start to become a bit like traditional performing arts. So-so-so-so. (Tsk tsk tsk.. both are laughing) Anyway, I'm looking forward to the future. I'm looking forward to the anime, I’m looking forward to the radio show. The next program on this show will be Tachibana Tatsumaru, who plays the role of Gregory Violet, and Kikunosuke Toya, who plays Cheslock, as the next participants.
PS: If you are collecting points (so far I have earned 450 points!) then you need the code. This is where you can get it.
Also, Volume 1 of DVD/Blu-ray’s benefits will contain the anime soundtrack among others. Yay!
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cosmicanemoia · 1 year
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Ms. Nobody
Melissa schemmenti x reader
You show up at Abbott Elementary and stick your nose into everybody's business, and no one knows what you really do.
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You were walking down the hallway of Abbott Elementary looking for the principal's office, but you couldn't seem to find it. You were wearing a black and white, three piece pinstripe suit, looking like a stuck-up, but also, like a million bucks, you thought its suffocating.
A woman with a leather jacket paired with tight leather pants walks in your direction, as she gets closer from where you stand, you realise her hair is red, some of it tuck in a cat-eye-framed glasses.
You noticed she's fixated on her phone, so you block her way to make her notice you, she accidentally bumps into you, noticing you too late to stop on her tracks "Sorry, miss. Could you please point me in the direction of the principal's office?" She observed you with a stoic look on her face, you know she's trying to get a read on you "just follow me. I was going there anyway"
The walk to the Ava's office was filled with silence and when you got there, Ava checks you out and raises an eyebrow, she looks at the red haired woman "Damn! Schemmenti, thanks for bringing me a hot stripper. How'd you know I need to release some stress" miss Schemmenti made a dumbfounded face "wha--" she's trying to say something but you interrupted her "That's highly inappropriate" you said that left a silence in the room for a few seconds until you break it "That's highly inappropriate if I wasn't a stripper" both of the women's eyes widened by your revelation.
You started unbuttoning your blazer "but lucky for you I was" their jaw dropped at the sight "woah-- w-what the hell is going on?" Melissa earnestly asked looking around the room, confused by the act happening in the principal's office, you took your blazer off, throw it in a chair, and started unbuttoning your vest "I don't know-- but I'm liking every second of it" Ava replied, her eyes fixated on you. A smirk starts to form in your mouth, both women liking the scene more than they should, you took the vest off and throw it in with the blazer, you started to loosen your tie, you were holding back a laugh for quite some time but you couldn't hold it in anymore, so you burst out laughing, the two women bewildered "I'm just kidding!-- I'm not a stripper" you announce "what!?!" Ava and Melissa both shouted at the same time, their voice both frustrated and annoyed.
"Principal Coleman, I need to talk to you in private regarding classified topics" you took a seat in front of her. Ava gulped and clear her throat which Melissa mirrored "of course. Melissa, what do you need?" The principal asked the teacher "Uh- I forgot... I'll just come back later" Melissa walks out.
You've been there for a couple months now since that day. You've easily made friends with most of the teachers there. Janine always asks you questions but you rarely get to answer them because the topics sometimes change way too fast. Jacob jokes around you, talking nonstop, mostly dropping random facts about something not very well known but you already knew them so it fascinates him. Gregory asks you questions out of nowhere, he's quite and he listen but speaks his mind when he feel the need to do so, and you're just willing to listen. Barbara is always glad when you come to observe her class and is always kind to you. Ava unashamedly flirting with you everytime she can, you sometimes flirt back which makes her fluster and blush. Mr. Johnson telling you stories no one would bother to listen to or believe, but you always listen and you don't care if his stories are believable or not, they're still good stories nonetheless. Melissa scoffs at you when she sees you but it only lasted for a week, and she eventually warms up to you, but you know she still have some doubt and still don't fully trust you, you make her smile and you make her laugh everytime you can.
The teacher's are gathered in the teacher's lounge given that it's lunch time. They were chit chatting and catching up until the topic of their conversation became you.
"There's this mysterious woman who came from nowhere and people doesn't know what she really does here, where she came from, we only know she observes the school and do nothing else" Melissa stated making the other teachers question what are your true motives. They added and added so called facts and evidence of your actions trying to figure you out.
You made your way to the teacher's lounge with your hands in the pockets of your jacket, when you open the door and walk in, the room fell silent. You made your way to the vending machine "how is everybody?" You inquired but your met with silence still and you could feel the tension, you turn your back to check on them and when you do, all their eyes are shooting daggers at you. "What's going on?" You inquire once again, and once again your met with silence.
"You a cop?" Melissa ask you, breaking the silence. You slowly walk closer to her and you sigh "actually, I am." You pulled out a hand cuff out of your jacket, and everyone is stunned, "and Melissa Ann Schemmenti, you are under arrest for obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, and harboring a criminal in your home" you started to handcuff her, she scoffs "That's ridiculous! I don't know what you're talking about" everyone is in complete shock. A smirk that has formed in your face since you handcuff her begins to become a grin, you tug softly at her shoulder and starts to walk, but halfway through the door you halted and speak again "but mostly for stealing my heart" you burst out laughing and it clicked to everyone what you just did, everyone is holding back their laughter, afraid of the redhead's wrath that you might have unleashed. Your laugh fades when you realise you're the only one laughing, it turned into an awkward chuckle "oookaayyyy. Tough crowd"
Melissa rolled her eyes "ha- ha- satisfied? Now get this off of me" she commanded. You started to search your pockets and nothing "Uh- I might have lost the key" you look at her with puppy eyes, "if this is another one of your jokes, I swear--" her sentence, unfinished, as you tug her and interrupt her "come, I have a copy hidden somewhere" you said as you lead her out the door. When you both are out of sight everyone sighed loudly releasing the breath they didn't know they were holding back.
While walking down the hallway Melissa ask you "so, you just carry around a handcuff with you?" "Who doesn't?" You answered like it's a totally normal thing to carry handcuffs around. She rolled her eyes again, tired of your antics, now clearly irritated, "what kind of idiot carries a handcuff and not have the keys?" You raise your two thumbs and started pointing it to yourself "this idiot, obviously. --Is it idiotic? Or is it part of my grand master plan to get you alone in a private room, with me?" You whispered the last part of your sentence in her ear in a seductive tone.
She's quite for a long time until she ask another question "where'd you put this key anyway? I feel like we've been walking in circles" you smiled and stop in front of her "we actually are" she stopped on her track and looks at you, furious, evident in her eyes.
You started to walk again and this time with the intention of getting the key. You knock at Ava's door and she tells you to come in. You walk in and Ava lifted her gaze from whatever she was doing on her laptop to you "Hey hottie" you shake your head unimpressed with her flirting "where's the key to your handcuffs?" Melissa burst in "This is Ava's handcuffs?!" She lifts and wave her hands "Yes. She gave it to me earlier to hold onto. And you presented an opportunity for it to be used-- so, here we are..." you answered her and she scoff "you won't see another light of day, when I get out of this freaking situation" you smiled at her, daring her to follow through her threat "Nobody carries a handcuff around unless they're actually a cop" you explain "or a stripper" ava added to the end of your sentence.
"Dear god give me patience or I might actually commit murder" Melissa closed her eyes and prayed, as Ava toss the keys to you, and you catch it. You walk over to Melissa to uncuff her as she glares and growls at you. When you finally freed her she massage her wrist and she fake pouncing on you which made Ava flinch, but you stand there unfazed.
Melissa walks out the room first. You drop the cuffs on Ava's table and walk out the office without saying a word.
You had an eventful evening, but today's school is over. You made your way outside the school through the parking lot.
Someone suddenly pulled you, then pushed you against the wall, it was Melissa who is out for blood, your blood. She has you pinned against the wall, you're not complaining, in fact, you actually like it, that position, but really, you just like her.
"Don't think I'll pity you because you're young and pretty. You don't know who you're messing with" she said and you cant help but blush "you think I'm pretty?-- I think you're pretty too, pretty and HOT!" You said emphasising the last word. You were looking eye to eye, faces inches away from each other, you let your eyes wander on her lips, and before both of you knew it, you were kissing her, but you suddenly pulled away when you realise she's not kissing back. She let go of you "first you handcuff me, call me hot, and now kisses me--- what the hell is wrong with you kid?" You look down at your feet ashamed of yourself but you look back gazing in her eyes "I'm not a kid.-- And there's nothing wrong with me.--- I'm just... just-- completely and utterly head over heels for you" you felt something hit the side of your face, you caress it with your hand, she had slapped you, you bit on your lower lip, your chest starting to tighten "don't mess with me like that" she said plainly "I'm no--" "Shut up" she said before you could explain yourself.
You just stood there in the cold as you watch her drive away. 'I really fucked this, shit!' You thought to yourself. You let out a loud sigh thinking how you screwed out really big.
The next day you went to school early, hoping you'd catch her and apologise for being such an asshole, but she didn't get in until before the class starts leaving no time for chit chats, especially with you.
Lunch came and you announce your presence when you walk in the teacher's lounge. You scan the room and you saw everyone is there. "I know you have question. I'm going to answer them truthfully and seriously" you said confidently and you sit on the couch.
Janine raises her hand and you raises your eyebrow at her signaling her to go for it "I actually forgot what to ask- I'm just eager to learn more about you" you nodded and you lean in the couch resting your elbows in your thighs "I know none of you know my name. That's OK. Ms. Nobody sounds good to me, but my name is y/l/n, y/n y/l/n.
"I have a question" Melissa speaks up "What is it you actually do here?" You think for a second "good question. *sighs* I help school that are about to be shut down by the government because the number of students doesn't meet the minimum quota for a public school to be open and for the lack of teachers teaching at the said school or schools that are barely making do"
"We're about to be shut down?" Janine asked to no one, and the teachers starts to converse among themselves, everyone of them shocked by the revelation.
A few minutes later "all teachers please proceed to the library after class we're having an unplanned meeting" Ava said to the intercom.
Someone is about to ask you question but the bell rang and they all dispersed, saddened by the news you told them. You rest your back on the sofa sighing with relief that you don't have to carry that secret anymore.
They went on to their classes pushing the news to the back of of their minds and went teaching like they always do.
The class are over and after the teachers tidy up and finish some things before they head to the library. There are a lot of them when you got there so you didn't bother to sit, you just stood and lean against the bookshelf trusting that if it can hold that many books, it can hold you as well.
Everyone is settled in the library. "I know y/n, has break the news to you. But we are not going to be shut down" Everyone simultaneously lets out a sigh of relief.
Melissa turns her head to look at you "you think everything is a joke, don't you? K--" "No. Of course not." You interrupted her before she finish.
"Everyone listen up. Let me rephrase my beautiful self. We are not going to be shut down because of y/n, and as long as she's here, we'll be okay" Ava collects her things and starts to walk away "Is that all? Are we finished?" Janine ask the principal "Janine, why'd you always gotta be so needy?" She scoffs and continues on her way.
You walk over to where Melissa and Barbara are sitting. "Hi Barbs" you greeted her with a pleasant smile and she replied "thanks for helping the school dear" you smile at her more before you turn your attention to Melissa "Hey, hot stuff. Can I talk to you?" "What'd you wanna talk about?" She ask and Barbara excuse herself so you sat next to her.
You are now alone together in the library. "I just wanted to say sorry for the handcuffs thing, and for stealing a kiss from you" she's just sat there quietly "also, I really mean what I said that night" "what? That I'm hot?" She ask still not looking at you, you look down on your knees and smile to yourself "yeah. That too" You grabbed her hand that is resting on her thighs and rest it on yours instead while you held it "I know you think I'm just messing with you. And I can see why you think that. But, I'm not. I'm being serious and I really mean it.-- please, look at me" you requested and she obliged "I'm in love with you" she just stares at you for a moment and then look away, her hand still held by yours.
You close your eyes and smile but you feel defeated. You let go of her hands and stand up. "I'm sorry" she said right before you walk away so you turn on your back to face her "what?" she's quite for a minute contemplating something "I'm sorry for slapping you" she said and you smiled to her "it's okay. I deserved it.-- and I kinda like it" you said and you wink at her "of course you do" she smiles more wide than usual, she's amused.
She stands up and walks up to you closing the space you made when you walk out, she reach on your fore arms and rub it gently, trying to warm you up. "You're getting cold" she said to you but you know you're hot on the inside caused by the woman's touch "And, no. You didn't deserve it" she said and she starts to let go of you but you pulled her into a hug "it's okay. I know you didn't mean it" you said as you hug her tighter.
You let yourself loosen the embrace but you feel hers tighten, not yet ready to let go, so you tighten your arms around her once more, waiting for her to be ready to let go.
You hugged for more than a couple of minutes until she finally let go, you smiled at each other, saying goodbye with your eyes knowing that you'll meet again soon.
After you've taken a few step away from her she shouted "come over for dinner at my house, let me apologise properly" you look at her with a grin "if you wanted to ask me out for a date, you could've just said so" "and there it is" she gesture with her hands showcasing you and you curtsied at her before you went on your merry way.
You knock and rang on Melissa's door and she opens them right away, inviting you in. Your eyes fixated on her, she looks so comfortable and it warms you, secretly hoping she would be comfortable with you too.
You watch her as you sit on the kitchen counter while she cooks making light conversations.
Her homecooked meal taste so good, you're saying "mmmhh" and nod your head at the same time every time you take a bite. She looks contented and proud of herself.
You were quite for a moment so she ask you "What are you thinking?" You look at her with a wide grin "you don't wanna know" you tease "just tell me" she commanded and you quickly abide "I'm just thinking that my grand master plan actually works. Even better than I'd imagine. Now, I'm eating delicious home cooked meal at your house with a beautiful view right in front of me"
She pulls you in for a kiss, a passionate kiss, which you return with the same desperation she had. You both pulled away at the same time, gasping for air, and catching your breath "I'm just taking back the kiss you stole from me" she said trying to defend her action, you smiled at her "How long have you been wanting to do that?" "Way too long, apparently" she replied and you both burst out laughing.
The night is going great and maybe it will get greater. You don't know where this night might lead you, but you don't care, as long as she's with you, every step of the way.
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orionsstory · 4 days
that kind of devotion | anarcia (7)
yayy chapter seven is here :) as always, don't forget to check it out on ao3 !! and leave a comment if you liked it teehee
For the next two weeks, Marcia found herself texting Lotus every waking moment. During breaks, during dinner, any free time she had was spent laughing at her jokes or smiling at a picture she sent. She got to find out she loved ducks (through the several pictures she sent of the ones at the nearby park- Marcia didn't mind though) to her favorite song (Boss Bitch by Doja Cat, a song Marcia had found herself listening to nonstop lately). If she was lucky, Lotus would even call her after her patrol, and the two would talk for hours. They mostly talked about their day and the investigation, but sometimes Marcia would slip in a story about her growing up, or Lotus would tell her a story about Sasha. The two had grown much closer in the past two weeks, getting along like a house on fire.
Even now, she was sitting on the couch texting Lotus. She giggled at a text the other girl had sent before she was drawn out of her thoughts by someone nudging her leg. "I need to sit down too, you know." Luxx rolled her eyes as she sat down, handing Marcia her food. "Put your phone down and eat, you've been glued to that thing lately. It's your one day off and you've ignored me the whole morning!"
Marcia takes the food from her, "I'm sorry! It's just so...exciting! We've pretty much gone from talking a few times a month to every day, it's hard not to be so engrossed."
"Aww, she's down bad." Luxx teased her.
"No, I'm not down bad. I'm a lover."
"Marsh, that's the same thing."
"It's totally not! Well...maybe a little. Whatever..." She flushed in embarrassment, rolling her eyes. Luxx chuckled at her,  "Isn't that sweet, you know I haven't seen you this excited over a girl since that one in college...what was her name again?" Marcia cringed at the memory, she had to admit she may have the tendency to fall for people quite easily, but Lotus wasn't the same.
"That's not the same thing. Lotus is different."
Luxx raised her eyebrow, so she continued, "She shows genuine interest in me. She cares about my theatre stuff and how my day is. She texts me pictures of cute dogs she sees because she knows I'll love them. She's...thoughtful. Also, she didn't forget my name after one date, so she's already leagues ahead of Caitlin."
Luxx laughed, "Oh my god, I forgot about that! What did she call you again? Maria?"
"Miriam. She said she knew it was some old lady's name."
"Oh my god, she was awful. I'm so glad that lasted like, two weeks."
"You and me both. Anyways, what were you thinking of doing?"
"Well, since we're all getting together after your show tomorrow, I figured we could just lie low today. We could go to that coffee shop you like and people-watch."
Marcia was sold. "You know me so well, Luxx."
"Of course I do. We've been friends for like 10 years, it'd be sad if I didn't. Now let's go, I want to get a good spot before it gets busy."
They arrived at the small shop, setting their items down on the counter facing the biggest window. Marcia took a seat, taking out her drawing supplies as Luxx went to grab their drinks. It had been a while since they had been able to do this- they used to do it all the time in college, watching the people pass by and wonder about their lives while they worked on essays or assignments. They would wonder about their own lives, and what the future would be like. Marcia likes to think her younger self would be proud of where she is now. It makes her smile.
"One tea with honey for you...and an espresso for me!" Luxx hums as she sits the drinks down, sliding onto the seat beside Marcia. She brings out her own drawing materials, peering out the window.
"I missed this. Feels like it's been forever since we've done this."
"I know, it feels like we barely have time anymore. I guess that's what it means to be an adult."
Luxx nodded, her pencil sketching across the page. "Such is capitalism. Ugh, I'm so antsy to get this collection done. We're almost ready to go into production, so my stress is mostly over."
"Oh, I'm excited to see the collection! You're taking me to see the show, right?"
"Who else is going to be my plus one?" She laughs, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh yeah, that's good. Fuck, I've missed good coffee. The office coffee is so shitty, Marsh. Oh my god, it's horrible."
Marcia smiled, opening her own sketchbook as she began sketching some of the people outside. "For a luxury brand, you would think they could afford a better coffee machine." She laughed, scribbling in a woman's dark coat. "Maybe they'll get you a new one for Christmas."
Luxx rolled her eyes, "Please, don't give me hope. Irene keeps saying she's going to fix it and improve it herself but we've been so swamped she hasn't had time yet." She looked up for her next target before selecting a man with a dog. "Look at that dog- isn't it cute? Ugh, I wish I was better at animals. It looks like a rat."
Marcia leaned over to look at the sketch, rolling her eyes. "It looks great, you're being dramatic. That is a cute dog though, what a baby." She cooed, snapping a picture of it before she sent it to Lotus. "How is the collection going anyway? Weren't you guys almost done like, a month ago?"
"Well, we were going through final revisions, but they decided to scrap some of the looks so we had to come up with some new ones. I'm hoping this will be the final round though. I've got some of the early concepts for designs in here though." She answers, flipping through her sketchbook to show Marcia some of the designs. 
She always admired the other girls' aesthetic, Luxx's usual grungy and dark designs had seemed to translate perfectly to spring fashion. Desaturated colors and skirts with purposeful rips and tears turned a skirt into the shape of a flower, an impressive feat. Marcia had seen Luxx make gorgeous designs that weren't her aesthetic, but these ones were special. She always loved it when Luxx could show her passion through her designs.
"Dark forest...what a theme, right?" She softly chuckles, flipping back to the sketch she was working on. "I like it though. I think it'll be our best collection yet."
Marcia proudly smiles, returning to her own sketch of some scenery. They sketched in comfortable silence for some time, Marcia having stopped sketching the people outside and started sketching Lotus. She didn't mean to, it was just sort of a habit at this point.
"That's really good, is that Lotus?" Luxx asks, leaning over. Marcia nods, her face tinged red. "Is she coming to your performance tomorrow?"
"No, but she's coming for my first night as Elle. I'm really excited, I hope she'll like my performance- I've been working so hard on it. God, I hope it goes well, what if I choke?"
"You won't choke. You were like, born for this. You're gonna kill it."
Marcia smiles at her, "Thanks, Luxx."
Luxx volunteered for dinner duty that night, allowing Marcia a moment to herself. To debrief, to prepare herself for tomorrow. She felt the nerves creeping up, like they did for every show she had done. She had to remind herself that it was going to go well, that she was going to do well. She focused on the warm water of the shower that was beginning to turn cold- maybe she had been in there longer than she thought.
She stepped out of the shower, wrapping her hair in a soft pink towel before beginning to dry herself off. It was nice, and for a moment she felt calm as she blow-dried her hair, the muffled music of Ariana Grande playing in the background. 7 rings was interrupted by the ringing of her phone, Marcia clicked off the hair dryer as she answered the call.
"Hey, doll." Lotus' voice came from the other end. "Are you able to talk?"
Marcia hummed, "For a little bit- Luxx will kill me if I miss dinner." She wrapped her soft pink robe around her as she left the bathroom and entered her bedroom across the hall. "I thought you're usually on patrol around this time of day?"
"I am, but it's always a slow start. Thought I'd talk to you until I get a call."
She softly smiled, "Well, I won't complain about that. How's your day been?"
"Pretty standard. I'm hanging out with my coworker soon, but other than that nothing of note. But enough about me- you're gonna be on Broadway tomorrow! How are you feeling?"
"Nervous. Excited. I can't tell- I think it's both." She chuckled, "I know I'll probably do well, but it's just those pre-show nerves, you know?"
"Nah, I know you're gonna crush it."
"But how do you know? What if I...I don't know, trip and break my arm or something."
"I think you'd still perform, even if you had to be in a cast. Don't worry. Besides, isn't the saying break a leg?"
Marcia softly sighed, a smile creeping onto her face as she rummaged through her dresser for her pajamas. "Yeah, it is...and you're probably right. I'm way too excited about this. I just can't believe it's finally happening!"
She heard a faint buzzing on the other line, vaguely recognizing it as the sound of a call.
"Do you have to go?"
Lotus sighed, "Yeah. I do. I'm sorry. Hey- break a leg tomorrow. You're gonna kill it."
Marcia smiled. "Thanks, I will."
She heard Lotus laugh, she could practically see the other girls smile in her head.
"Atta girl."
The next morning was a blur. She remembered waking up to a 'break a leg ;)' text from Lotus and eating breakfast with Luxx, but time seemed to fly by after that. Her usual subway ride seemed to take five minutes, and their rehearsal that morning felt like it had happened in a second.
Now, she was in the dressing room with her castmates, all giddy and excited for the show. She applied the last of her blush and made sure her costume was perfect, waiting in the wings with the rest of the ensemble for the first number to start. Many were excitedly whispering to each other, the air in the theatre felt electric.
"Who's here for you tonight, Marcia?" One of her castmates and friends, Plasma, asked her.
"My friends and one of my cousins- we're going out afterward. What about you?"
"Some of my friends- and my mom, she flew in from Texas to be here. I can't believe it's opening night!" She excitedly shook Marcia's arm, causing her to smile.
"I know. Oh! There's the house lights, we're going!" She excitedly whispered, taking her place in preparation. She felt the anxiety returning to her chest, taking a deep breath as the curtains drew open.
They began their first number, which went as perfectly as it could. Marcia hit all the right steps, all the right notes, and stayed in character the entire time. She felt the anxiety in her chest dissipate after the first number, it turning into a feeling of joy. She felt good going into the second number, which turned into feeling great for the entire first act. During intermission, she and Plasma celebrated their success, which meant excitedly talking about the show while they made costume and makeup adjustments for the second act.
The second act also went spectacularly. She could tell the entire cast was bringing their all, and the audience could too. Every time the audience laughed or cheered her drive became stronger, causing her to perform even better. By the time curtain call came, she was exhausted- but proud. As she bowed with the rest of the ensemble, she could hear Luxx's cheers above the rest. She couldn't see her group because of the house lights, but that was enough to put a smile on her face. 
She's able to get out of her costume and makeup fairly quickly, only delayed by her and Plasma geeking out about the show- releasing the remainder of the energy they had for the night. Eventually, she gathered her things and left, signing some things for a few fans at the stage door before spotting her friends.
"MARSHALL!" Luxx squealed, tightly hugging the other girl. Marcia giggled as her friends swarmed her, excitement filling the air. Jan raved on and on about her vocals and dance moves, her cousin was a fellow theatre nerd and they often spent their childhood watching different musicals (and poorly reenacting them). Robin, although less experienced in the theatre world, complimented her performance and gave her a bouquet- which Amethyst almost crushed as she pulled the group in to take a photo.
Marcia feels elated as the group returns to her apartment, giving her time to change into a sparkly mini-dress. She quickly shot a text to Lotus before coming back out, rejoining the girls who had also changed. They took a quick shot of some tequila they had lying around the house before heading to the nearest gay bar.
"My girlfriend said she and her friend are a few minutes away," Robin yelled above the noise, trying to keep Amethyst from getting swallowed up by the crowd. "I'm making them get us drinks- what does everyone want?"
The girls shouted out their various drink orders to Robin, drowned out by the club's music. The lights strobed and Marcia could feel her body vibrating from the bass. She danced with Luxx and Amethyst, letting herself go and focusing on having fun- she deserved it, after all. She felt her legs growing sore, but it didn't bother her. She would regret it in the morning, however it wasn't anything she couldn't deal with.
They only stopped dancing when Robin squealed, throwing herself into the arms of a girl who had just walked up. "That's Aura," Amethyst shouted so they could hear, the other girls nodding along. "Who's that beside her?" Marcia asked, referring to the girl who had appeared beside Aura.
She was wearing a short red dress and a leather jacket, and her long light-colored hair was straight and worn down, with some bobby pins to keep her bangs back. She looked like she had some darker streaks in her hair, but she couldn't be too sure with the blaring club lights. From what Marcia could see, she had a pretty athletic build and a scar over her left eye. She felt like she knew the girl, but she couldn't place her finger on why.
"I guess her friend," Amethyst whispered in her ear, "She's hot, right? Is she glaring at us though?" Marcia turned her attention back to the other woman, Amethyst was right- she did seem to be glaring, but she couldn't even clearly see the girl because of the flashing lights.
"Can't tell."
Aura and Robin finally broke apart, allowing Aura to shift her attention to the other girl.
"Oh! This is one of my friends, Anetra!" The other girl nodded her head in greeting. "She doesn't bite, she just has chronic RBF." Aura laughed, Anetra rolled her eyes and playfully elbowed her. Amethyst introduced herself first before Marcia did- she noticed the girl's eyes widen a bit before returning to normal. That was strange, did she recognize her too?
She was going to talk to her more when Aura pulled her away to go get the group's drinks, putting a pin in her plan. That was fine, she'd just talk to her when she returned. However, Anetra didn't return. Aura came back alone, balancing the drinks in her arms.
"Where'd Anetra go?" Luxx asked, taking her drink from Aura.
"She got a call while we were waiting at the bar- came back and said there was an emergency and dashed out. She seemed stressed about it."
"I hope she's okay..." Marcia worried, "Poor girl just got here."
"I'll check up on her later, she's a tough cookie so I'm sure she'll be fine."
That was the last they talked about it, the rest of the night was a blur as they danced and drank until their feet hurt. Marcia tried to tone it down so she wouldn't feel as miserable tomorrow, which worked to some degree. She and Luxx left around 1 am, both deciding to be somewhat responsible. She quickly changed into her pajamas, almost passing out the instant she hit the bed. She shot off a goodnight text to Lotus, who still hadn't answered her last message, which was odd. She worried something may have happened, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind- she was just paranoid.
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: since the first one got lots of notes, i'm here to deliver more ~(^v^)~ this will be a bit different than the first one. ahh how i miss having our usual scimmage every night 😪 here's a few moments on how my teammates and i usually play our game, happy reading!
game; call of duty: mobile
bf!yuta x gn!reader, bf!junpei x gn!reader, bf!mahito x gn!reader
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-okkotsu yuta
he's that teammate who always gets the dog tags
if ever he's the only one remaining and all of you are watching his gameplay, he gets all shaky
"stop, i'm shaking so much" he muttered on his mic while his character slides and jumps trying to find a good spot
but gets cheered up by the team, specially you
if it's the other way around, you're the last member. he will praise you nonstop;
your breath hitched as you see all your teammates get taken down one after another, good thing you manage to get into revival flight before your last teammate died. your teammates immediately reassuring you, lots of 'you got this' and 'you can do it' echoing your ears.
your character went down in front of the airdrop, you cursed seeing it has nothing in it, not even a rifle with a single bullet. you had no choice but to pick up the rocket launcher, you gotta use what's available. "enemy, enemy" your teammate alerted, you turn around and made some distance between the two of you as the enemy rains down bullets at you.
you used the rocket launcher doing some damage to the enemy, sadly you got taken out first. all of you groan as your screen shows big number 3, indicating your place. you felt yuta come closer to your side hugging you, "you did great, that was badass" he showers you with kisses causing you to giggle.
he loves playing with you
the way you're so focused with the game mesmerizes him
he can't help but get distracted all the time, causing him to die in-game
the boy is so whipped for you
the team always tease him for that
you will catch him staring at you and he will immediately avert his eyes back to his screen, blushing like crazy
he's acting like he's not your boyfriend, you can't help but shake your head smile evident on your lips
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-yoshino junpei
i don't know if it's just me but he gives the gamer vibe, like a good one at that
his aim? top-notch, hands down
i feel like he's gonna be a shotgun user
his movements you ask? he flows like the wind he really said can't catch this ass
you can't believe your eyes sometimes, seeing how his fingers moves around his screen effortlessly fast
he assists you whenever, wherever you need him
will help you learn how to snipe!
well mostly because the team have lots of shotgun users
a lil side story; pls our clan master taught me how to use sniper and do hip-fire but my dumbass can never adapt (ಥ﹏ಥ) but one thing i did learn was use shotgun, it all worked out in the end ig ┐(´~`)┌
he's the strategist of the team
will instruct you all what to do and not to do
an enemy squad approaching? he's already spurting out tactics as all of you took position listening to him
you are not that good with games like this compare to him but with all the one on one lessons he gave you, you can say that you're pretty decent with it. plus it was also another way of spending time with him.
you kept a look-out for the team as they take their needed loots, the team just did a flawless squad wipe thanks to junpei's strategies. your eyes caught something moving in the corner, just as you were about to say something bullets starts pouring at junpei's direction.
luckily, the enemy is within your range and you easily took them out without breaking a single sweat. junpei let out a whistle, pulling away from his phone for a moment to give you a quick peck on the lips, smiling down on his screen, "good job, love" you can't help but smile, this is definitely the best way to spend time with him.
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fuckin loud
like doesn't stop talking the whole game
yes, it was entertaining at first, all his jokes and funny stories
but as the game progressed, he just became annoying
you're the vice master, so if ever you can kick him out anytime :D
you never miss a beat threatening him, using your vice master card
the only thing holding you back from kicking him? he's really good!
like his sniping skills? spot on, sheesh he has no chill
loves poking fun of you
he will never say this but he really looks up to you and respects you as a player
there's this one time, he was waiting for the revival flight he saw your gameplay;
you scope in and move it to at least get a hit on the enemy. once you were confident on your aim, you pushed the fire button but it didn't even land a hit on the enemy. you heard a snort beside you as you groan, "that was so bad" he commented.
you glare at him, giving a reasonable excuse "the enemy was moving!" you were not wrong though, the enemy was indeed moving. smh mahito, you cocky bastard.
there's also this moment, where there's only two squads left. your team and an enemy squad;
you saw a lone enemy that had no clue with their surrounding, so you took this opportunity for a perfect ambush. you opted for a shotgun wanting to get closer to the enemy, once you were in range you began spamming the fire button as you circle around them.
at the same time you also took damage, you were reloading your shotgun but before you can finish doing so, your character dropped dead and a dog tag was displayed on your screen. you made a confused noise, mahito running towards your dog tag while laughing loudly. you look at him, a little upset "you really used a whole mag for one person?" he taunted.
his character scanning your dog tag, you cross your arms now more upset. "if i knew there was another one, i would've used two!" you complained, he reaches out to you pinching your cheeks "sure sure" you huff "plus i was reloading" he chuckles pulling you closer to his side, leaving a kiss on your temple.
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
tagging; @lumpiang-toge bcs yuta is adorable here usto q lang din umatake
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lastarabesque · 5 years
Best Friend Surprise (1/4)
Morning. Excruciating morning.
Nothing could ever compare to the pain that you are feeling right now. It pierces through your entire womanhood and lacerates the muscles in your body. Like a sharp edged knife, it tears every single tissue inside you.
You are all prepped for school but you are still rolling around your bed in your uniform. If only the pain would stop in an instant. You pick up your phone, left with no choice, as you dial a number.
"What? I'm eating." He nearly ended the call when your voice echoed in his ear.
"Ya!" You raise your voice at him. At the very least, he should listen to what you are about to say.
"What's your problem?" He returned your exasperation before finally recalling the reasons why you get real irritated. Either you fought with your boyfriend or no way— "Red day?"
"How do you know me so well? I love you." Now when you're sweet talking like this, he knows you need something.
"You should atleast say that with sincerity." His voice is low when he responded.
"I said why don't you ask your lovely boyfriend to buy those pads? It's embarrassing for me."
"If you're embarrassed then what more will he be? And, I'm not asking for pads. I only need a pain reliever so buy one along your way."
"Whatever. Hang up, I'm eating."
"Would you eat faster? I don't want to run late aga—" He ended the call because if not, you'll begin with your nonstop talking again. "That punk."
Seungcheol finished his food at once to get to you quick despite being grumpy about it. He may not show it but he cares for you a lot in his own ways not just as a bestfriend, but mostly like an older brother. He looks after you all the time and you're more than grateful.
"Good morning." The pharmacist greets him. He smiled back.
"Do you have any medicine for stomachache? Wait, technically not the stomach but the part where it hurts when ladies get their, um, well, period." Seungcheol looks like he's having a fight with himself. The pharmacist understood him anyway, she chuckled shortly before nodding.
"Dysmenorrhea, you mean. Here." The day just started, he hasn't even settled a foot at school but he already had his allowance deducted because of you. He doesn't really care much about it though. "For your mom or for your sister?"
"Not for them."
"So for your girlfriend? I knew it." She carefully handed him the small plastic bag.
"Yeah, girl friend."
"I suggest you also buy this.", pertaining to the chocolate bar displayed at the counter. "Chocolates release happy hormones. It can help remove her grumpiness."
"Give me two then. I think I need it more." He just knows that this is gonna be a stressful day for him.
He marched to your house, which is not really that far from his, just about two blocks away from the pharmacy right across their street. He didn't know that he'll need the chocolate as soon as he arrives at your residence because your boyfriend is waiting right in front of your gate.
"Dude." He nods at Seungcheol.
"Hey." Seungcheol awkwardly greeted back. He's not really close with your guy and they're uncomfortable together but he tries to put up with him for you. "Why don't you get in instead of waiting here?"
"Uh, actually I didn't tell her that I'm coming to pick her up today."
"Element of surprise?" He's definitely putting himself in danger. Surprise is the last thing you want anyone to do for you. You hate everything that is unplanned and Seungcheol knows better than your boyfriend.
"Surprise? Oh," Seungcheol ran out of words. Just thinking of how you would react to this is enough to make him speechless. "I'll get her."
Seungcheol opened your complicatedly designed gate easily as if he lives there, clearly shows how often he's been to your house. As he opened the door, your mom just knew it was him.
"Have you eaten breakfast?" She called out from the kitchen. He went to greet her first.
"Yes, mom. And guess what?" He rested his elbows at the mini bar while watching your mom prepare your lunch. "Her guy is waiting outside."
"Then let him in."
"He won't get in. He said it's a surprise." He has his voice real low as if sharing a very crucial information.
"Oh my god." Your mom remains calm. "He's trying to get himself killed."
"Well." Seungcheol shrugs. "I'll inform her before this gets worse."
"That's best. Go then, I'll pack lunch for you."
Sometimes when he's really clingy to your mom you think like she seems to like him more than you, her own daughter. It's fine though. Anyway, Seungcheol is like a brother already.
"Thank you." Seungcheol hugged your mom from behind before getting you.
"Are you serious?" You panic as soon as Seungcheol told you the unwanted information. Good thing you already ate the pill you asked him to buy.
"Why would I even joke about it?" He retorted as he opens a pack of chocolate. "But I bought this to calm you down. Here." He shove a piece in your mouth, you almost choke if the thought of the surprise doesn't dominate your mind.
Super annoying.
Surprises are not really a big deal but you just entirely hate the thought of having to react to it. It burdens you and pressures you a lot. Having things planned and laid accordingly is better than taking anything out of the blue. It's not a good attitude and you are trying to work on it but you can't be ready for it as soon as today. Especially because you have your period.
"I'm not supposed to tell you about it so act surprised, okay?" You glared at him shortly.
"Ugh, I hate this!"
"Aigoo," He clicked his tongue. "This is why you shouldn't date guys you don't know well and guys who don't know you well."
"You're the only guy who knows me too well, Cheol. Don't even suggest." You slung your bag and flew out of the room, almost banging your door. Your mom heard the heavy footsteps as you come to the kitchen to get your food.
"Calm down, honey."
"You didn't have to bother, mom. I can just eat cafeteria food but thanks." You kiss her cheek goodbye as she sends signals to Seungcheol. Seungcheol gave her a thumbs up before following you out of the door.
Just as said, your boyfriend is waiting outside when you walked out. You tried to act surprised despite the fact that you already knew about it and hated it before it happened. Seungcheol wants to laugh on your face for your awkward reaction but he couldn't do so after seeing your boyfriend buying the act. He can only shake his head.
Now, next to all this is Seungcheol's unbearable thirdwheeling. It's somewhat a usual thing now but he still can't get used to being silent whenever your guy is around. There's no other option but to zip his mouth and listen to your sweet talks and nonstop giggling. He gave out a heavy sigh for the nth time as you walk. He actually spent the weekend in his hometown and there are events that happened which he wants to tell you. He has stories about the breathtaking sceneries he saw, the great food he ate, the warm people he met and the unforgettable experiences he had but he can't cut through the conversation to even say a word. He just silently trailed behind the two of you as you go on with the lovey dovey moments, breathing a sigh once more.
It hasn't been a month yet since you started dating the guy but Seungcheol still remembers the day you told him about it, freshly, as if it was just yesterday.
"Then do so." He forced himself to say. "Just don't come crying."
"O-okay..." You are surprised of how cool and uninterested he was. "I'll try."
It may be the idea of having your first boyfriend or the thrill and flutter which got you there but whatever it is, Seungcheol just dislikes the thought of you having a boyfriend.
Simply because it was not him.
He saw him intertwined his fingers with yours, it killed him inside. He wants to beat him up for touching you, for even laying a finger on you but he's not in the place to do that. He doesn't have any right too. You glance at him from your shoulder as he press a faint smile. He has to be ready for all of this. Especially because not just a simple skinship may happen next.
He knows that he can do better and he's more fit for the role but he still let you do what you want because he doesn't want to tell you yet. Neither of you is ready for it plus he thought you'll get over that guy after a while and break up but seeing your smile as you walk together scared him. Because what if you eventually fall deeper and never leave the moment?
"Cheol," You kick his chair right across yours but he didn't look back. There's no teacher around but he's acting so serious over a book with his chin on his knuckles.
"Um,.. I just forgot to thank you yesterday. Thank you." Not that it's a very urgent matter but it has been your habit to always make sure he knows that he is appreciated. Well, partly is because you want to initiate a conversation. He's just acting indifferent these past few days, honestly not just recently but way before. You can't exactly recall but it started around the time you had a boyfriend. He just suddenly became so distant and difficult like he purposely doesn't want let you in.
"Whatever. Next time ask your lovely boyfriend to do that for you." His voice is so soft it's almost inaudible. His seatmate then stood up to leave his seat and the room so you took the chance to sit next to him. Only to find him sleeping.
"Wow, I really thought you're reading this stupid book." You pull his head to rest on your shoulder because he's struggling in his position. "Did you stay up late for computer games again? Why are you this sleepy?"
You stare at him from your shoulder, scanning his features for good seconds and realizing again that damn, your bestfriend got really beautiful eyes. You always envied him for it. Those pair of orbs that you always look into whenever you converse with him. You can willingly get lost in it and he doesn't even know.
"I'm having a girlfriend soon." He suddenly cut your thoughts with his announcement. His voice is weak and his eyes remains shut.
"You're what?" Oh, how you hate surprises.
"I said I think I'm having a girlfriend soon."
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skymoonandstardust · 7 years
Are you still doing ships? If so can I have spn&marvel (I'm bi so anyone?) I'm relatively shy until I get to know you and I am considered smart. I love to read write swim (not that much like not athletic but i still love it) and I live for singing it is my dream. I am a nerd I love Sci fi and books and movies and TV shows and I make stupid jokes and I am super clingy and annoying if I let myself go and I keep my friends and loved ones very close to heart. I also love food and sleep extremely.
Yep, I’m still doing them :) it’s slow going so sorry thistook a while…
Anyway, on to the ships!
Ok,  gotta admit, itpains me a little to say this since I love this cinnamon roll of a boy with allmy heart—but I ship you with Peter Parker. He’d love your shyness (it’s totally cute and endearing) and Peter woulddo everything he could to overcome it—he’d have to overcome his own first so Itwould take a while. You’re both so smart and complete nerds! The two of youcould talk for hours about all things nerdy. The books your both reading, theshows and movies you liked (spending a lot of time on star wars of course) andfind out you all the same things. Peter would talk almost nonstop about science(since he’s a nervous sweet boy and it’s what he knows best and it’scomfortable and familiar to him) but you don’t mind—you could listen to himtalk for hours. THIS DORK WOULD LOVE YOUR WRITING AND DO ANYTHING TO READ IT—hewould literally resort to sneaking your notebook away or hacking into yourcomputer just to read what you wrote. Then he’d leave these sweet anonymousnotes praising it (ut of course you knew exactly who it was) and eventually youjust let him read it cause this young genius would just find a way no matterwhat you tired and then he’d come and give his critic to your face instead ofwriting the notes  He’d absolutely adoreyour singing and take every opportunity to hear your voice. THE PUNS THE TWO OFYOU MAKE—they’re the sweetest cutest dorkiest funniest things ever and the towof you are throwing them back and forth all day. Sure they’re kinda lame butthey make both of you smile and that’s all that really matters, the two fo youfind them funny anyway.  Peter wouldn’tmind your clinginess cause honestly, HE WOULD BE SO CLINGY—CAUSE HE LOVES YOUand so it’s a plus cause while most people would find it annoying you wouldn’tsince you’d feel the same way.  Peteralso treasures everyone he loves fiercely so he would understand that and lovethat about you.
I ship you with Charlie Bradbury. Your shyness would be NOproblem with her cause she’s so outgoing and she’d  love how smart you are (especially causeshe’s smart in her own way.) She’d love to read with you—sitting in silence totaking it in turns to read aloud to each other. Charlie would sing no end ofpraises about your writing after she accidentally stumbled on it—she was justlooking for a notebook to use  so shecould scribble a note down and then she saw what it was and sat down to read itall right away, forgetting whatever it was she was going to write. She’d blastmusic all the time just so she could hear you sing and would always end uproping you into dancing along.  She wouldabsolutely LOVE your nerdiness, I mean—a girl who loves scifi and isn’t afraidto geek out *swoon* (al least that’s what she thinks)  and the tow of you talk all the time about the books, movies and tvs shows youlove. Charlie would find your jokes and puns funny and would throw a few ofher  own back (mostly having to do withfandom things)  she wouldn’t mind yourclinginess, thinking it was more endearing and sweet than anything else. It’s afact that Charlie lost her family when she was young, and so she holds on tightto the friends and family she’s made since- which includes you.
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