#I'm not exaggerating when I say I adore ya'll
lowkeyremi · 3 months
LITTLE THINGS HE DOES atsumu x fem!reader
note: my tsumu fever is coming back jeez
content: fluff, established relationship, hcs + drabbles (divider)
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Boyfriend!Atsumu who feels like he's coming on too strong in the beginning of your relationship.
"Shit, 'Samu. I don't know what to do, I wanna ask her to stay the night but that might be too much, right?" Osamu, who has heard his brother complain a million times just sighs, "Just ask her ya bonehead. Ya'll never know unless ya ask." Atsumu groans, throwing a tantrum in his apartment because he's unsure of what to do.
Boyfriend!Atsumu would pretend he didn't know you in public to save himself from being teased by others. (it's what he did in his last couple of relationships)
"Hey, 'Tsumu. We still on for dinner at your brother's?" You'd ask, looking super pretty in that hoodie he bought for you. "What..? Do I er- know ya?" His friends all start laughing, which was embarrassing to say the least. When he called you to apologize you blew him off with, "Do I know you?" (Dw! he never did that again. It might've been alright with his past gfs but not with you.)
Boyfriend!Atsumu who absolutely LOVES buying you stuff. There doesn't have to be a reason, he just likes spending his money on you.
Your legs were in his lap while he unconsciously massaged your feet. You're working on a paper that's due in a few days and Atsumu out of boredom watches you type whatever you're talking about in your paper. He thinks it's cute, everything you do is cute.
"How long have you had that thing for?" It takes you a second to realize he's talking about the laptop you saved up to buy for yourself, senior year of high school.
"Hmm, I've had it since senior year of high school so maybe 3 or 4 years?" He hums in delight at your response, "Let me buy ya a new one baby, it'll be better than that old thing."
"A four year computer is fairly young and I worked hard to buy this one! Don't shame my baby." It's adorable how offended you get unintentionally. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee."
Two days later your friend is commenting on your new laptop during a lecture.
Boyfriend!Atsumu steals kisses ALL the time. He loves you so so so much! If you say no to kisses he'll get one anyway.
Atsumu's hands are wrapped around your waist, his front meets your back. "Atsu, I already told you when I finish cooking you can kiss me all you want. I don't want either of us to get hurt." Did I mention you're cutting up veggies?
A guttural whine leaves his throat. You can feel the vibrations of it on your back. "Atsumu."
Before you can even process what happens, Atsumu quickly pecks your cheek. It's not your lips like he wanted but it will do for now.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who loves talking about how big and strong he is (to make you swoon of course).
"Hey babe, just got back from the gym, notice anything different?" Nothing particularly looks different about him, but you risk him pouting if you say the wrong thing.
"I don't know, Tsum Tsum. Tell me." His frown is almost immediate. He looks like a kicked puppy and honestly you don't feel too bad. He's likely exaggerating as per usual.
"I worked on my legs today for ya. Know you love my thighs." His thighs look the exact same as they had when he left for the gym but you don't tell him that because he'd get whiny.
"Look at you, gosh you're built." Hopefully it doesn't sound too fake and he buys it.
"Ya think so?" He says with a chuckle. Checkmate.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who steals your t-shirts and underwear because "ya steal my stuff why can't i steal yers?" and "it's for me to smell when i miss ya."
"Atsumu.. where is my favorite t-shirt!?" Your favorite (singer/band) is doing a meet and greet today and you wanted to show your love by wearing their merch, which you can't seem to find.
"I dunno baby, s'probably at my place. S'the one ya wear all the time so it smells like ya the most." He shrugs as if this were not that big of a deal.
"Tsumu! Go get it!!! I'm going to that meet and greet I was telling you about today!"
Husband!Atsumu who LOVES to tell people how you two got married.
"Yeah, and I got down on one knee for her and she was like 'Tsumu is this a prank?' she was leanin' back too far into the fountain she was sittin' on and fell in!" Bokuto absolutely looses his shit. He doubled over laughing, alongside Hinata.
"It's not that funny." You grumble, sitting next to Atsumu's best friend teammate, Sakusa.
"He tells that story to those two anytime he gets the chance too. I'm surprised they still find it funny after the 1 millionth time hearing it." Sakusa agrees, his arms folded up and his eyebrows furrowed. You're sure he's scowling under the mask.
"Yeah, welp. That's my husband I suppose."
"He sure is." Sakusa implies the way Atsumu is always talking about you.
"Well my wife.."
"Let me see if my wife wants to come."
"I'm heading home! Gotta go see my wife!"
"Now if it were me and my wife.."
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note: just a little something to feed y'all until i finish my gojo project. love you guys XOXO (XO until we OD)
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alicegokugirl · 1 month
Idiot (one shot drable)
pairing - pah-chin x AFAB!reader
warnings - nsfw // minors dni // fatphobic insults //squirting // mentions of milfs // mentions of stepcest in pornography
author's note - my beautiful, underrated pah-chin loves you so much he can't help talking about you all the time. ♡
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Everyone knows that Pah doesn't shut the fuck up about his girlfriend.
No, because it should actually be scientifically studied the way he can turn every single topic of conversation into something about you.
"Man, these pancakes are the best!"
- "My baby's taste way better."
"Fuck, I just know today is going to rain."
- "Better not, girlfriend's got a hair appointment at 2."
"Your bike needs some work, dude."
- "Whatever man, just make the handle pink so it matches m'lady's nails."
The girls love it, thinking it's adorable the way Pah is head over heels with you and wishing their own boyfriends talked about them like that when they weren't around.
On the other hand, the boys had already started developing eye problems from how many times they rolled them.
It might seem contradictory, but no one, not even the dumb ones, ever entertained the thought of telling Pah to shut up for one second.
Because between the ridiculous amount of useless information shared by the loose-lipped blond about your food allergies, your haircare routine and your favourite brand of toothpaste there were some precious gems.
Pah is not dumb at all... but he's definitely stupid.
And it only took someone slightly smarter than him to get him spilling out all the dirty details about your sex life (usually Kazutora).
So when there's nothing else to steal, destroy or graffiti, when the boys are bored out of their minds, Mikey signals to Kazutora to bring out the porn mag they stole from Shinichiro sometime ago.
And with a loud, exaggerated sigh and a purposeful slam of the magazine against a nearby low table, story time begins and the all the young men gather around.
"Shit- This one is hot." Kazutora points at the wrinkled page that illustrated an older woman getting pounded from behind by a younger man.
"Stop with the fucking milfs nobody likes them except you." Smiley slapped Kazutora's hand away and turned the page. "Nah. This shit is way hotter."
"Hell no, man! Stepcest again? You're so fucking weird." Draken shoves the two men aside and opens the magazine on a random page.
"Fuuuuuuuck yeah..."
"Finally, some good fucking food."
"Shit! I'm getting horny."
Groans of approval were heard throughout the hideout as the boys contemplated the picture of a blond woman, laying down on a white bed with white, fluffy sheets, legs open and hand between them, shoving two fingers inside what had to be the wettest pussy they have ever seen.
"Bet it squirts." Mitsuya says looking above Draken's shoulder.
"Big brain Mitsuya." Baji commented.
"Bet it leaves the whole bed soaking after you feed her a bit of this!" Mikey gets up and grabs his crotch.
"Gross dude."
"My babe does it better."
And just like that, the ruckus was happily quieted down by Pah-chin's comment.
"Really, Pah? We don't believe it..." Sanzu teases, a shit eating grin on his face.
"Yo- Pah might be a jackass but he ain't no liar." Peh-yan jumps to defend his friend.
"Damn right. If I tell ya'll my girl can squirt buckets, you better believe my dick gets fucking wet everytime we fuck." He says, punching the table hard.
"Jesus, calm down bro. We believe you." Mitsuya awnsers.
"Yeah, it's just hard to believe you can make your girl squirt." Kazutora intervenes, hoping to get Pah to share a bit more about his hot girlfriend.
"Well, yeah it's not hard when you have a canon like mine and a pretty pussy like hers."
"Really? Who would have thought?" Kazutora faked innocence.
"Yeah, you virgin fucks have no idea what's like having a pair of fat tits bouncing on your face while a girl like my babe is making a mess on your cock." Pah crosses his arms and leans back, a proud smile adorned his face.
"Fuck yeah, we don't. Tell us more." Mikey provokes.
"Imagine this, virgins. My good girl, her tight pussy, and the biggest fucking mess. Nah, cause when I tell ya'll there's not one time when I fuck her that she doesn't squirt you better believe me. Last time- and hear me out- I was tongue deep in her. The thickest fucking thighs almost suffocating me. Can you imagine? A hot girl like my darling riding your face?"
"Not really, something more detailed might help." Kisaki said, pushing his glasses up his nose in a way that hid the blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Then listen to me, four-eyes. She is so fucking thick my hands could barely take hold of her ass. Not like I really could anyways. My baby is a freak and everytime she sits down she rides. And call me a fucking fatass but when I have a meal, I feast. Man, I had been eating her out for an hour when her legs just started shaking. She started telling me she had to pee or something but I had the best earmuffs and could hear jack shit. Next thing I know, I had my pretty pussy squirting all over my face."
"Damn..." Mikey whispers.
"Hell yeah. If my girl doesn't end up passing out on me after we fuck than I don't want it. Damn... just thinking about her cute clit swollen and lips all puffy is making me hungry again. Nothin' beats that view, virgins."
"Doubt. You could show us." Hanma says, optimistically.
"Damn, fatty. Just askin'."
"Whatever, bean pole. I'm outta of here. Gonna let my Queen sit on her throne today." He says, getting up and walking out the hide out, closing the door with a loud bang.
Immediately everyone looked at Hanma.
"Stupid fuck."
"You had to ruin it, dumbass."
"Kill yourself, bro."
"You sleep outside today, idiot."
"Whatever. I'm one free popsicle coupon away from getting those videos and I'm not going to share."
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i take requests from multiple fandoms. ♡
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sdktrs12 · 3 years
Seeing you tag "Off the Record" sent me off to read it again and oh my, I love it so. Are you still working on it/plan to finish? And if not, do you think you'd ever share the outline of how you meant to end it (the suspense!!)? Love your writing, as always, it's just so good.
First of all, thank you so much for being so sweet and patient, I truly appreciate you sticking with my fic even though I haven't updated in an absolutely ridiculous amount of time (profuse apologies, as always for that!).
I 1000% plan on finishing all of my wips posted to AO3, including 'Off The Record'!
I have been working on bits and pieces of that particular fic when I have the time, which is admittedly not very often these days.
If you ever want to chat spoilers, please feel free to drop into my DMs though! I'm pretty open about my fic these days.
I'll post a teeny snippet below the cut, if you haven't seen it posted previously (the next chapter features Rio's first showing and there's dressing up and sneaky touching and lots of playful animosity haha).
Thanks so much for stopping by to chat! 💕💕💕
“I know what you're trying to do.” She grits out, jaw aching from the way she’s been clenching it for the last hour. From having to bite back her words at his every jab. From the tight smile she’s been wearing while struggling to remain professional.
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” He asks, eyebrows raised as he cocks his head to the side, and Beth’s fingers twitch against her champagne flute.
“You’re trying to annoy me.” She accuses, barely able to keep the actual annoyance that’s been simmering beneath the surface in check.
He grins, something sharp and mean, perfect teeth on full display and Beth can’t stop the image that flashes through her mind of those same teeth sinking into the soft skin of her inner thigh. His grins widens when he notes how her eyes linger, the flush that creeps across her chest, and Beth clears her throat as she quickly averts her gaze.
She hears his quiet chuckle just before he inquires, “It working?”
“Yes!” She snaps before she can stop herself, eyes darting back over to glare at him.
His smile softens, gaze steady on her as he leans in close, and her breath catches in her throat. She feels his mouth brush, the barest touch, against her cheek. The low and raspy “Good.” that rolls out between his lips, coated in venom and honey, caresses her skin before he turns and walks away.
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the-dreadful-canine · 3 years
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Oh my cookies, Wednesday is upon us once again! 😱 Time to share the meager words I managed to type this week, right?
Thanks for tagging me @noire-pandora @oxygenforthewicked @emerald-amidst-gold @dungeons-and-dragon-age and @little-lightning-lavellan ya'll a bunch of angels 💖
Today I offer you: somft. Continuation of this previous WIP. They are not in a relationship (yet). They are just very good friends. The best of pals. BFF. Sibs from another crib.
Under the cut for reasons of: long
With a quick glance around, the panic of invading someone's house fades away only to give place to pure confusion as I take note of my home situation.
Someone had been quite busy in my absence: my research notes, tomes, and books that usually laid in orderly disarray were not only neatly stacked, but also surprisingly free of the dust and humidity expected to gather after the wards I put in place wore off two weeks ago.
Suspicion rises further in my chest when I come across a tub full of water waiting for me. Heating runes etched on the dark wood cast a hazy orange glow against the billowing steam saturating the air, the accumulated fog seeming to seep into my muscles and relax them further with each breath I take.
Suddenly feeling too travel weary and exhausted to question my strange blessings, I get rid of my remaining pieces of clothing to happily sink on the water with a long groan, only too happy to finally be able to wash off the grime accumulated from days on the road and any residue that could remind me of my stay in that unholy bog of a place, scrubbing until my skin is glowing in a proper shade of almost-skinned-myself-off-pink.
Feeling delightfully boneless, I dry off with a towel I don't remember owning and walk to my bedroom, only to hastily wrap it around my hips when I finally find the culprit of the whole homecoming:
Elizabeth. Curled like a lazy house cat over the furs that cover my bed. Cuddling with a piece of fabric that looks suspiciously like one of my 'stay at home' tunics. My heart lurches in my chest as I watch her, and I have to pull on all my reserves of good sense to not give in to the urge of stepping forward and pull the woman in my arms.
It would be ill-advised for more reasons than getting bitten by her, after all.
Not willing to wake her up but still needing to be clad in some clothes in case she wakes up soon, I stalk as silently as I can around the floor, picking up the first pieces of clothing I see, but she doesn't wake up until I'm tucking away the last loose ends of my wrappings.
She's sitting on the bed, frozen on the spot and staring up at me, hazel eyes unblinking. I try, but fail to bite back a laugh as the spitfire woman I've seen break the Herald's nose, and who I've grown to adore now looks at me not unlike the terrified halla does when noticing itself surrounded by the wolves.
The sound snaps her out of the trance and, with a theatrically exaggerated gasp, she assumes a startled expression before whisper-yelling in mock scandal:
"Harhren! Void swallow and spit you twice! I'd never thought of you as a man taken on doing daring things such as barging into a lady's chambers at night, unannounced!" lifting the back of her hand to the forehead she sighs dramatically, falling back on the mattress" The scandal! Oh!"
"Da'len," I start, barely keeping the laughter off my voice "you are in my bed, inside my house. I do believe these are my chambers, no?" this makes her sit on the bed again, expression morphing into something eerily Vivienne.
"My dear Solas, how naive of you to think something of the sorts! There is a lady inside your bedroom therefore, as it is backed by the ancient laws of the sun, this room is a lady's chambers.
"Of course ma'am," I say solemnly "how uncultured of me. I shall immediately remove my offending presence from your sights, lest your honor be tainted by this uncouth apostate."
"Much appreciated, darling." unable to keep the act going, she breaks down into a fit of giggles, before jumping out of my bed and wrapping her arms around my chest in a tight hug.
Okay aaaaa I don't know how to write proper fluff but I swear I'll get there :'D
I know it's late but I'm tagging @varric-tethras-editor for a WIP Whenever uwu
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